Review Article Moving beyond Karnofsky and ECOG Performance Status Assessments with New Technologies Ciara M. Kelly 1 and Armin Shahrokni 1,2 1 Gastrointestinal Oncology Service, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10065, USA 2 Geriatrics Service, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10065, USA Correspondence should be addressed to Ciara M. Kelly; [email protected] Received 14 December 2015; Revised 14 February 2016; Accepted 17 February 2016 Academic Editor: Jorg Kleeff Copyright © 2016 C. M. Kelly and A. Shahrokni. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Progress in cancer research is coupled with increased treatment complexity reliant upon accurate patient selection. Oncologists rely upon measurement instruments of functional performance such as the Karnofsky or Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status scales that were developed over fiſty years ago to determine a patient’s suitability for systemic treatment. ese standard assessment tools have been shown to correlate with response to chemotherapy, chemotherapy tolerability, survival, and quality of life of cancer patients. However, these scales are subjective, subject to bias and high interobserver variability. Despite these limitations important clinical decisions are based on PS including eligibility for clinical trials, the “optimal” therapeutic approach in routine practice, and the allocation of healthcare resources. is paper reviews the past, present, and potential future of functional performance status assessment in an oncology setting. e potential ability of electronic activity monitoring systems to provide an objective, accurate measurement of patient functional performance is explored. Electronic activity monitoring devices have the potential to offer positive health-related opportunities to patients; however their introduction to the healthcare setting is not without difficulty. e potential role of this technology in healthcare and the challenges that these new innovations pose to the healthcare industry are also examined. 1. Introduction We have witnessed significant advances in the fields of molecular oncology, cancer genomics, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy. e armamentarium of systemic anticancer therapies is expanding. is success is oſten coupled with increased treatment complexity reliant upon appropriate patient selection. For example, triplet chemotherapy is now a standard first-line option for advanced pancreas cancer reserved only for the “fit” individual [1]. “Personalized cancer care” is the phrase commonly used to describe the modern day treatment approach towards cancer. is model of care focuses primarily on identifying the molecular profile of the tumor and using this information to guide therapeutic decisions. However, despite the sugges- tion in its name, this model too oſten takes the individual out of the equation. Optimal “personalized cancer care” encompasses two key elements: (i) the molecular and genetic composition of the tumor and/or the individual and (ii) the patient’s general biopsychosocial make-up, inclusive of his or her overall physical and emotional fitness and frailty. However, research and development in these two areas have been unequal. Substantial progress has been made from a molecular oncology and translational research perspective. Research focusing on patient-related, biopsychosocial factors and their influence on cancer outcomes has been limited, however. For example, oncologists still rely upon measure- ment tools of functional performance such as the Karnofsky or Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status scales that were developed over fiſty years ago to determine a patient’s suitability for systemic treatment. Patients with a poor performance status (PS) are asso- ciated with increased risk for chemotherapy toxicity and poor outcomes compared to patients with better performance status [2]. Accurate scoring of performance status is of critical importance because many clinical decisions are based on Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Oncology Volume 2016, Article ID 6186543, 13 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/6186543

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Review ArticleMoving beyond Karnofsky and ECOG PerformanceStatus Assessments with New Technologies

Ciara M. Kelly1 and Armin Shahrokni1,2

1Gastrointestinal Oncology Service, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10065, USA2Geriatrics Service, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10065, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Ciara M. Kelly; [email protected]

Received 14 December 2015; Revised 14 February 2016; Accepted 17 February 2016

Academic Editor: Jorg Kleeff

Copyright © 2016 C. M. Kelly and A. Shahrokni.This is an open access article distributed under theCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in anymedium, provided the originalwork is properly cited.

Progress in cancer research is coupled with increased treatment complexity reliant upon accurate patient selection. Oncologistsrely upon measurement instruments of functional performance such as the Karnofsky or Eastern Cooperative Oncology GroupPerformance Status scales that were developed over fifty years ago to determine a patient’s suitability for systemic treatment. Thesestandard assessment tools have been shown to correlate with response to chemotherapy, chemotherapy tolerability, survival, andquality of life of cancer patients. However, these scales are subjective, subject to bias and high interobserver variability. Despite theselimitations important clinical decisions are based on PS including eligibility for clinical trials, the “optimal” therapeutic approach inroutine practice, and the allocation of healthcare resources. This paper reviews the past, present, and potential future of functionalperformance status assessment in an oncology setting. The potential ability of electronic activity monitoring systems to providean objective, accurate measurement of patient functional performance is explored. Electronic activity monitoring devices havethe potential to offer positive health-related opportunities to patients; however their introduction to the healthcare setting is notwithout difficulty. The potential role of this technology in healthcare and the challenges that these new innovations pose to thehealthcare industry are also examined.

1. Introduction

We have witnessed significant advances in the fields ofmolecular oncology, cancer genomics, chemotherapy, andimmunotherapy.The armamentarium of systemic anticancertherapies is expanding. This success is often coupled withincreased treatment complexity reliant upon appropriatepatient selection. For example, triplet chemotherapy is nowa standard first-line option for advanced pancreas cancerreserved only for the “fit” individual [1].

“Personalized cancer care” is the phrase commonly usedto describe the modern day treatment approach towardscancer. This model of care focuses primarily on identifyingthemolecular profile of the tumor and using this informationto guide therapeutic decisions. However, despite the sugges-tion in its name, this model too often takes the individualout of the equation. Optimal “personalized cancer care”encompasses two key elements: (i) the molecular and genetic

composition of the tumor and/or the individual and (ii)the patient’s general biopsychosocial make-up, inclusive ofhis or her overall physical and emotional fitness and frailty.However, research and development in these two areas havebeen unequal. Substantial progress has been made from amolecular oncology and translational research perspective.Research focusing on patient-related, biopsychosocial factorsand their influence on cancer outcomes has been limited,however. For example, oncologists still rely upon measure-ment tools of functional performance such as the Karnofskyor Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Statusscales that were developed over fifty years ago to determine apatient’s suitability for systemic treatment.

Patients with a poor performance status (PS) are asso-ciated with increased risk for chemotherapy toxicity andpoor outcomes compared to patients with better performancestatus [2]. Accurate scoring of performance status is of criticalimportance because many clinical decisions are based on

Hindawi Publishing CorporationJournal of OncologyVolume 2016, Article ID 6186543, 13 pageshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/6186543

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2 Journal of Oncology

PS including the planning, randomization, eligibility forand evaluation of clinical trials, the “optimal” therapeuticapproach in routine clinical practice, and the allocation ofhealthcare resources such as those of palliative home careagencies. Improving our ability to objectively and accuratelyassess patient fitness for cancer treatments may lead tobetter selection of therapeutic approaches for patients, reducetoxicity, and improve quality of life during cancer treatment.Optimal selection of therapeutic strategies for patients shouldhelp reduce the burden on healthcare resources with aresultant positive impact on the cancer care budget. In thispaper we will review the past, present, and potential futureof functional performance status assessment in an oncologysetting.

2. Standard Measurement Instruments ofPerformance Status Used in Oncology

In general, physicians incorporate the findings of the patienthistory and physical examination to create a picture of apatient’s health and functional status. The oncology commu-nity also uses additional tools to assess performance status orfitness for cancer treatments. The two most commonly usedmeasurement instruments include (i) the Eastern Coopera-tive Oncology Group Performance Status (ECOGPS) and (ii)Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) scales.

KPS was the first performance status scale described in1949 [3]. Using this scale each patient is allocated a scoreon a linear scale between 0 (dead) and 100 (normally active,without evidence of disease), summarizing their ability toperformdaily activities and the level of assistance they requirein order to do so [4]. In 1960, ECOG introduced the ECOGPS scale with only six points, ranging from 0 (fully active)to 5 (dead) [5]. The two scales have been shown to beinterchangeable, although the ECOG scale is often preferredfor its simplicity and intraobserver reproducibility [6].

3. Correlation of Performance Status (PS)with Outcome Measures in Cancer

PS assessment has been shown to correlate with survivalin many cancer forms [7, 8]. For example, in a study of3825 patients with metastatic colorectal cancer receiving 5-fluorouracil, ECOG PS of 0 and 1 was associated with alonger duration of survival compared to ECOG PS >1 [9]. Inthe setting of non-small-cell lung cancer patients receivingfirst-line, doublet, platinum-based chemotherapy regimenspatients with an ECOG PS of 2 had a significantly worsesurvival outcome than patients with an ECOG PS of 0 or 1. Infact the survival rate at one year for a patient with an ECOGPS of 0 was twice that of an individual with an ECOG PS of 2(40 versus 19%, 𝑝 < 0.001) [10].

PS was also shown to be predictive of both overall andcomplete response to cisplatin-based chemotherapy in thesetting of metastatic urothelial cancer [11]. Clinical trialstypically enroll less than 10% of patients with PS of 2. Pooledefficacy and safety data from nine clinical trials of patientswith metastatic colorectal cancer examined the effect of PS

on outcome measures including chemotherapy toxicity and60-day all-cause mortality. Patients with PS 2 experiencedsignificantly higher rates of grade ≥3 nausea and vomitingand 60-day all-cause mortality compared to patients withPS 0 or 1 [2]. An association has also been found betweenperformance status and quality of life. Decreases in quality oflife among stage IV lung cancer patients as assessed by thefunctional living index-cancer scale correlated with both adecline in PS and poor PS [12].

4. Limitations of the StandardMeasurement Instruments of PerformanceStatus Routinely Used by Oncologists

Although standard measurement instruments of PS aresimple and useful, they are subject to bias and limitations.Reliability relates to the degree of confidence that we have inthe individual measurements and the concordance betweenobservers and is often described as intra- or interobservervariability.The literature reports conflicting data with respectto the reliability of PS measurements with variable levelsof interobserver agreement [13, 14]. One study examinedinterobserver agreement when patients’ PS was rated, usingboth KPS and ECOG PS scales, independently by a clini-cal oncologist, a ward resident medical officer, a principaltraining nurse, and the patient themselves [6]. The level ofagreement was higher for the ECOG PS scale than the KPSscale. This result can be simply explained by the fact thatthe ECOG PS scale has a smaller number of choices thanthe KPS scale [6]. Moderate to high concordance rates wereobserved for KPS (63–75%) and ECOG PS (90–92%) inthis study which included patients with better-functioningscores overall [6]. Agreement among observers is often higherwhen the overall patient population has a good performancestatus compared to when the group is more heterogeneouswith respect to functional performance [13]. Due to theirsubjective nature, both ECOG PS and KPS scales have beencriticized for poor sensitivity at the lower end of each scale.This highlights the potential for inaccurate determination ofPS level for patients that fall into the lower performance statusrange where a wide spread is observed [15]. Another studyevaluated interobserver reliability for PS measurement usingfour different scales (ECOG PS, KPS, and two palliative carespecific scales), among three different healthcare profession-als in the palliative care setting. A total of 135 patients wereaccrued following their referral for palliative care services.The majority (93%) had malignant disease of which 78% hadmetastatic or locally advanced disease. This study found lowabsolute interobserver agreement rates between raters usingboth ECOG PS and KPS scales (ECOG PS = 53–61%; KPS =38–50%) [16].

Performance status is usually assessed by clinicians ratherthanpatients themselves. Studies have shownonly amoderatelevel of agreement between physician and patient recordedPS. A study looking at 206 patients with advanced lung cancercompared PS recorded by the patient, their oncologist, andnurses.Therewas a significant difference in PS levels recordedby all of the three groups (𝑝 < 0.001). Oncologists and

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nurses were more likely to record healthier PS levels thanpatients themselves [17]. Interobserver agreement of only50% between patient and oncologist assessed PS scores wasreported in another study of 98 outpatients with primary lungcancer [8].

In relation to clinical trial eligibility significant weightis often placed on PS assessment despite the high levels ofinterrater variability. The inability to retrospectively verify orconfirm the accuracy of PS assessment represents anotherlimitation of the standard measurement tools of PS. Thislimitation has been highlighted by two PS 2 focused trials inpatients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)where a difference in median overall survival (OS) wasobserved depending on the patient’s geographic location[18]. In the Selected Targeted Efficacy in Lung Cancer toLower Adverse Reactions 3 (STELLAR 3) trial comparingcarboplatin with conventional paclitaxel versus paclitaxelpoliglumex in patients with PS 2, patients enrolled fromthe United States, Western Europe, or Canada demon-strated a median OS of 6.5 months, while those enrolledfrom Eastern Europe had a median OS of approximately 9months [19]. Eastern European advanced lung cancer patientsenrolled on another trial exploring paclitaxel poliglumexversus monotherapy with gemcitabine or vinorelbine alsoexperienced a conspicuously higher median OS than thatobserved in patients enrolled from theUnited States, Canada,and Western Europe [20]. The Eastern European patientsdemonstrated an unprecedented survival for PS 2 patients,more in line with the outcomes expected for fit patientswith advanced NSCLC. Though unexplained by the obviousdemographic difference, the systematic difference in medianOS among patients sharing the same eligibility featureshighlights that interpretation of PS represents an obviousopportunity for subjectivity and the introduction of selectionbias that cannot be confirmed in retrospect as the cause fordisparities in trial outcomes.

5. Alternative Instruments MeasuringFunctional Performance and Fitness forTreatment in Cancer Patients

In the area of geriatric oncology dedicated research wasconducted with the aim to develop additional tools to assistthe oncologist in making chemotherapy recommendationsfor the older person with cancer.

Older patients have the potential to derive benefit fromchemotherapy similar to that derived by younger adults[41]. However, increasing age is inversely associated withrecommendation and receipt of chemotherapy due to con-cern regarding treatment tolerability [42, 43]. For manyolder patients with competing causes of death the goal oftreatment needs to extend beyond survival to include gainsin quality of life (QoL), symptom control, and preservationof function. Therefore reducing the potential for toxicity iscrucial.The existing oncology PS assessment tools previouslydescribed were validated in younger patients and do notadequately address the heterogeneity in the aging process[44]. A comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is an

evaluation of an older patient examining multiple domainsincluding functional status, comorbid medical issues, nutri-tional status, cognition, psychological state, social support,and review of medications [45]. The variables of the CGA,particularly the domains that assess instrumental activitiesof daily living and comorbidities, can predict morbidity andmortality in older patients with cancer [46]. CGA has beenshown to provide substantially more information regardingfunctional impairment of an older oncology patient than PSmeasurement alone [47]. Serial CGAduring cancer treatmentmay also provide information regarding the short- andlong-term effects of cancer therapy on physical function orother geriatric domains. CGA has been found to impactcancer treatment decision-making in up to 50% of cases[48]. Geriatric screening tools have been developed thatincrease the feasibility and speed of integration of CGA in theoncology setting [49].

Acknowledging the limitations of PS measurement alonein determining the functional status of an older cancerpatient being considered for chemotherapy and the substan-tial additional information that CGA provides, two differentrisk stratification schemas were devised, the CARG andCRASH risk scores. These schemas incorporate geriatric andoncologic correlates of vulnerability to chemotherapy toxicityand help oncologists determine older patient’s suitabilityfor chemotherapy by calculating their risk of chemotherapytoxicity.

The CARG score was developed and published in 2011 bythe Cancer and Aging Research Group. This study prospec-tively monitored 500 patients, aged ≥65 years, with stage Ito IV cancer of various types through their chemotherapycourse for treatment toxicity. A predictive model for grade3 to 5 toxicity identified 11 risk factors including age, tumortype, treatment, laboratory values, and geriatric assessmentvariables. A scoring system based on these risk factors wasdevised that has the ability to categorize patients into low,intermediate, and high risk of chemotherapy toxicity. Thepredictive capability for chemotherapy toxicity of physician-rated KPS was inferior to the CARG score (ROC of themodelwith KPS was 0.53 versus 0.72 for the CARG score). Nosignificant difference in incidence of toxicity was observedacross the KPS-based risk groups (𝑝 = 0.19) [44].

The chemotherapy assessment scale for high age patients(CRASH) score is another predictive tool for chemotherapytoxicity in patients ≥70 years. Similarly this score was devel-oped from a prospective study of >500 older cancer patientsstarting chemotherapy. Severe toxicity (defined as grade 4hematologic or grade 3/4 nonhematologic toxicity accordingto version 3.0 of the Common Terminology Criteria forAdverse Events) occurred in 64%of the study population.TheCRASH score consists of two subscores, one that predicts forhematologic toxicity and another for nonhematologic toxi-city, each comprised of a number of clinical and laboratoryvariables. Similar to the CARG study a scoring system basedon these variables was created that stratifies patients intolow, medium low, medium high, and high risk groups forchemotherapy toxicity [50].

Other assessments of functional performance status inmedicine exist. These measurement tools include the Timed

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Get Up and Go Test [21], the Frailty Index [22], and theShort Physical Performance Battery [23] (Table 1). They haveprimarily been investigated in older adult populations inwhom they predict for adverse outcomes. These tools haveoccasionally been examined in elderly-specific cancer pop-ulations [51, 52]. For example, the ability of SPPB to predictmortality among cancer survivors was recently reported [24].However, the use of these tools and the significance of theirfindings in a general oncology population are unknown.

The 6-minute walk test (6MWT) has been shown in awide range of clinical settings to be a robust predictor ofmortality [53, 54]. However, in cancer it does not appearto be a marker of prognosis. In the setting of patients withrecurrent primary malignant gliomas the 6MWT was shownto provide an objective measure of physical functioning andsignificantly correlatedwith KPS andQoL [55]. Its prognosticvalue was later explored in the same clinical setting andfunctional capacity was not an independent predictor ofprognosis. Exercise behavior (metabolic equivalent (MET),hours/week) assessed by a self-administered questionnairewas found to be a strong independent predictor of survivalthat provided incremental prognostic value to KPS [56]. Inthe preallogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation settingfor hematological malignancy the 6MWT was significantlyassociated with overall survival but again it did not provideprognostic information beyond that of traditional prognosticmarkers including KPS [57].

6. Instruments That Objectively MeasureFunctional Performance

6.1. Accelerometers. The first accelerometer was developed inthe 1980s [58]. During the early years of research and devel-opment accelerometer-based devices were associated withlimitations including high cost, reliability, calibration, andvalidity concerns [59]. Technical improvements in the moni-tor hardware have enabled themanufacture of accelerometerswith larger memory and battery capacities, wider accelera-tion range, better linearity, smaller size, waterproof exterior,and lower cost [60]. These devices capture large volumesof acceleration signal data that provide opportunities toimprove functional activity characterization but also presentlogistical and analytic challenges. These challenges are beingovercome by a shift in analytic approaches from count-based approaches and linear regressions for predicting energyexpenditure (EE) to functional activity characterization andEE estimation based on raw-data based analytic models [60].Improvement in accelerometer technology has resulted inincreased feasibility and compliance with accelerometer useas demonstrated by research studies such as the nationalhealth and nutrition examination survey (NHANES) [61].

6.2. Electronic Activity Monitoring Systems. New consumer-based activity monitors designed for use by individuals withan interest in health, fitness, and weight control are now com-mercially available. This technology development was drivenby a number of factors including (i) increased availabilityof low-cost accelerometer technology in the marketplace,

(ii) refinement of other technologies (e.g., Bluetooth), and(iii) the increased sophistication of personalized social mediaapplications [62]. Electronic activity monitoring (EAM) sys-tems are defined as wearable devices that objectively measurefunctional activity and can provide feedback, beyond thedisplay of basic activity count information, via the monitordisplay or through a partnering application to elicit self-monitoring of activity behavior [25]. They measure thenumber of steps taken and/or the amount of time spentperforming activities at different intensities. Activity mon-itors can convert basic functional activity measurementsusing algorithms into distance covered or number of calo-ries burned. EAM systems improve upon the traditionalaccelerometer by having the ability to provide visual feedbackon activity progression, verbal encouragement, and socialcomparison via a mobile application or a website. EAMsystems are currently commonly used as “fitness trackers” tomeasure fitness and promote weight loss. The potential ofwearable EAM devices to promote health behavior changeand engage less motivated individuals has been recognizedby some healthcare organizations, employers, insurers, andclinicians. Commercially available EAM systems are growingin popularity. An estimated 3.3 million fitness trackers weresold in the USA in 2014 generating over $200 million insales [25]. Annual sales are projected to increase to morethan $50 billion by 2018 [63]. This has ignited interestamong researchers and practitioners to explore the feasibility,efficacy, and potential of EAM systems in the healthcarearena.

In order for this new technology to expand into thehealthcare industry, EAM systemswill need to innovate alongthe following three axes: (i) functionality, (ii) reliability, and(iii) convenience.The healthcare market and the field of clin-ical research demand accurate performance and valid data toinform clinical decisions. Studies exploring the accuracy ofavailable EAM devices exist and are reviewed in Table 2 [28–32].

These studies overall confirm the reliability of some com-mercially available EAM systems. However, the majority ofstudies evaluating the reliability and validity of these systemswere conducted on healthy volunteers. The algorithms usedto analyze the sensor data and identify step count in EAMsystems are often developed from healthy individuals withfaster gait speed than frail cancer patients. This highlightsthe importance of exploring the accuracy of these devices incancer patient populations.

Participant acceptability and the feasibility of EAMdeviceuse to measure physical activity have also been exploredin healthy volunteers. For example, a 12-week pilot studywas conducted to evaluate the feasibility of using mobilewristband activity trackers in 34, community dwelling, olderadults with amedian age of 73.5±9.4 years.The study reportsthat patients found the devices easy to use with minimalstudy withdrawals noted [64]. Another study evaluated thefeasibility of integrating a FitBit tracker and website into aphysical activity intervention in 51 inactive postmenopausalwomen in the setting of a randomized controlled trial.Compliance with wearing the FitBit device was 95%. Theentire population (100%) reported that they liked the tracker

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Table 1: Alternative measurement instruments of functional performance.

Assessmenttool Description Nature of

assessment Feasibility Limitations Correlation withoutcomes

KPS [3]

Linear scale from 0(dead) to 100 (normallyactive, without evidenceof disease) summarizingability to perform dailyactivities, and level ofassistance required


Time to completion:minutesEasy to performNo equipmentrequired

Poor reliability, variable levelsof interobserver agreementSubjective, poor concordancebetween patient recorded andphysician recorded KPSPoor predictor of prognosiswhen PS is goodPoor sensitivity at the lowerend of the scaleValidated in a younger patientcohort and less applicable toan older heterogeneouspatient groupUnable to verify accuracy ofassessment

SurvivalPrognosisResponse tochemotherapyChemotherapytoxicityQuality of life


6-point scale rangingfrom 0 (fully active) to 5(dead), assessing level offunction, ambulation,and capability ofself-care


Time to completion:minutesEasy to performNo equipmentrequired

Poor reliability, variable levelsof interobserver agreementSubjective, poor concordancebetween patient recorded andphysician recorded KPSPoor sensitivity at the lowerend of the scalePoor predictor of prognosiswhen PS is goodUnable to verify accuracy ofassessment

SurvivalPrognosisResponse tochemotherapyChemotherapytoxicityQuality of life

TUG [21]

Assessment of mobilityand functional balance;functional mobility isquantified by the time ittakes a patient to get upfrom a seated position,walk 3 meters, turnaround, and return to aseated position


Time to completion:secondsEasy to performMinimal equipmentRequired

Focused on one domain,mobility

Risk of fallingGait speedResidential statusAbility to go outsidealone safelyBerg Balance ScaleBarthel Index ofActivity of DailyLiving

Frailty Index(FI) [22]

FI is the ratio of thedeficits present in aperson to the totalnumber of potentialdeficits evaluated

Subjective andobjectivecomponents


MortalityPredicts risk ofadverse healthoutcomes

SPPB [23, 24]

SPPB measures physicaland functional healthand consists of threesubtests: 4-meter walk,repeated chair stands,and standing balance


Time to completion:5–10 minutesMore complexassessment, 3 testsMinimal equipmentrequired


Mortality (dataavailable for oldercancer patients andsurvivors)

EAM [25–27]

Wearable devices thatobjectively measurephysical activity and canprovide feedback


Time to completion:continuousassessment, durationdictated by patientRequires expensiveequipmentFeasibility and patientacceptability havebeen demonstrated

CostReduced accessibilityIncreased demand onhealthcare computerinformation systems

Physical intervention,weight reductionCorrelation withECOG PS

KPS: Karnofsky Performance Status, ECOGPS: Eastern CooperativeOncologyGroup, TUG: TimedGetUp andGo, SPPB: Short Physical Performance Battery,EAM: electronic activity monitoring, and PS: performance status.

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Table 2: Accuracy of objective activity monitoring devices.

Reference Population # Age (yr) Device under study Activity monitored Method ofconfirmation Outcome

[28] Healthyvolunteers 14 Mean (SD) =

28.1 (6.2)

Pedometer,Digi-Walker SW-200(Yamax)Accelerometer, Zipand One (Fitbit)Wearable devices,Flex (Fitbit), UP24(Jawbone), FuelBand(Nike)Mobile apps:3iOS, Fitbit, HealthMate (Withings),Moves (ProtoGeo Oy)Android app: Moves(ProtoGeo Oy)

Walking500 and 1500 steps@ 3MPH

Observer countedsteps using tallycounter

High accuracyconfirmed for alldevices

[29] Healthyvolunteers 15 Range 21–33

Wearable device,Fitbits (One, Zip, andFlex)

6 activities for a5-minute period @1.5, 3, and 4 MPH

Video analysis 90% accuracy for alldevices at all speeds

[30] Healthyvolunteers 89 Mean (SD) =

39 (±13.1)

Lumoback, FitbitFlex, Jawbone Up,Nike+ FuelBand SE,Misfit Shine,Withings Pulse, FitbitZip, OmronHJ-203, YamaxDigi-Walker SW-200,and Moves mobileapplication versusOptogait system forlaboratory andActivPAL for freeliving conditions

(A) Laboratorysetting: walkedtwice on atreadmill(4.8 km/h) for30min(B) Free livingconditions,physical activityover a 24 hr period

(A) Laboratorysetting, Optogaitsystem(B) Free livingconditions,ActivPAL

Good reliability forstep count,Lumoback,Jawbone Up, MisfitShine, WithingsPulse,Fitbit Zip and Flex,and Digi-WalkerFree living conditions,Fitbit Zip highestvalidity, Nike+FuelBand, lowestvalidity

[31] Healthyvolunteers 21

Fitbit One, Fitbit Zip,Jawbone Up, MisfitShine,Nike FuelBand, StriivSmart Pedometer, andWithings Pulse

48 hr of PA in freeliving conditions

Research gradeaccelerometers:BodyMediaSenseWear andActiGraph GT3X+

Strong validitybetween researchgrade accelerometersand all activitymonitors for stepcount and sleepduration Moderatevalidity for MVPAand TDEEStrongest performers,Fitbit One, Fitbit Zip,and Withings Pulse


Patients withstroke andtraumaticbrain injury

50 Mean (SD) =52.9 (±15.1)

Fitbit Ultra and Nike+FuelBand

Two-minute walktest (2MWT)

Video analysisandresearch gradeactivity monitors:StepWatch ActivityMonitor (SAM)and YamaxDigi-WalkerSW-701pedometer(YDWP)

In order of decreasingaccuracy,SAM, Fitbit Ultra,YDWP, and Nike+FuelBand

yr: year, MPH: miles per hour, hr: hour, PA: physical activity, MVPA: moderate to vigorous physical activity, and TDEE: total daily energy expenditure.

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device [65]. Studies examining patient acceptability withEAM device use are required in patient populations toconfirm feasibility of incorporating these technologies intothe healthcare setting.

The potential of EAM devices as measurement toolsof patient physical activity has been explored in variousdisease settings to date including gynecology patients withpolycystic ovarian syndrome [66], obese patients with pre-bariatric surgery [67], patients with chronic diseases suchas chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [68] and chronickidney disease [69], and psychiatry patients with depression[70].Much of the literature available on EAM systems focuseson their efficacy and feasibility as amodality within a physicalactivity intervention for adults. Although these studies areheterogeneous in their design and outcome measurements,they have demonstrated the ability of EAM systems toincrease physical activity [71–73] and reduce weight whenused as a physical activity intervention [73–76].

The limited data available on use of EAM systems inan oncology population supports the feasibility and patientacceptability of incorporating EAM devices into clinicalstudies [26, 27, 77]. Patient acceptability was almost 100%in a study that examined functional activity for one weekusing an EAM device in sixty patients with lung or uppergastrointestinal cancer. The mean compliance in this studywas 98% (94–100%) [27]. Although accuracy of EAM deviceshas been confirmed in other patient populations there is apaucity of studies examining the reliability and validity ofEAM captured data in a cancer population [35]. One studydid raise concern regarding the ability of accelerometers tomeasure step count accurately in frail patients with advancedcancer and reduced PS. This study evaluating the validityof the accelerometer-based monitoring system reported thatthe device was accurate in providing estimates of bodypositions and transfers but not step count particularly in non-self-caring patients (KPS 40–60) compared with self-caringpatients (KPS 70–100) (33% versus 24%, 𝑝 = 0.06) [36].

Table 3 conveys cancer-specific studies incorporatingEAMmeasured physical activity data. Descriptive studies [33,34], correlative studies [26, 37, 38], and randomized trials [39,40] have explored the role of EAM captured physical activitydata in cancer patients and survivors. In the interventionalrandomized trials the EAM devices were primarily usedto motivate physical activity adherence and determine theeffectiveness of functional activity interventions on EAMmeasured physical activity levels. Interestingly one correlativestudy has shown in advanced lung cancer patients that asignificant association exists between EAM measured phys-ical activity level and ECOG PS. EAM recorded step countdiffered significantly between ECOG PS categories and stepcount decreased with decline in PS level [26].

7. EAM Systems: Potential Role in Healthcareand Oncology Care

These emerging technologies have the potential to be appliedin various oncology settings. (1) Primary prevention: studieshave shown that an active lifestyle reduces cancer risk [78].

These devices could be used to promote health behav-ior change and weight reduction, by encouraging exercise,healthy diet, and sleeping patterns. These devices may alsohelp to develop patient self-care and management skills.(2) Cancer treatment decision-making: EAM devices mayprovide the means to reliably record patient physical activitylevels. This method has the advantage of prolonged measure-ment that can be repeated at various stages throughout thepatient’s course of management. EAM devices may be able toprovide an objective assessment of functional performancethat can be retrospectively confirmed. Independently orin combination with standard measurements of PS it mayprovide a more accurate assessment of functional status,which could lead to better decision-making at the timeof cancer diagnosis and throughout the course of cancermanagement. In the surgical oncology setting, EAM may beable to strengthen the accuracy of preoperative evaluation.In the immediate postoperative time, it may be able to helpidentify those at risk for hospital readmission or short-termmortality. In the long postoperative follow-up, EAM devicesmay be able to assist the timing of full functional recoveryof cancer patients. In the medical oncology setting, EAMdata along with other standard measurements may be ableto help oncologists decide between single and multiple agentchemotherapy regimens for each patient. The continuousdata may provide insight into real fluctuation in the activitylevel of cancer patients during the course of treatment andits relationship with chemotherapy toxicity and/or healthcareutilization. In the cancer survivorship, the EAM can be usefulin promoting healthy behavior and active lifestyle. In all ofthese contexts, EAM has the potential to provide an objectiveassessment of patients’ functional activity that may be moreaccurate than clinician-rated performance status of patientsand even patient-reported data. Finally, EAM captured datamay be useful in assuring that performance status of patientsenrolled in clinical trials is recorded accurately. In order forthe potential role of EAM devices in healthcare and oncologycare settings to be realized substantiallymore clinical researchincorporating this technology is required.

8. EAM Systems: Potential Challenges forHealthcare and Oncology Care

EAM devices have the potential to offer positive health-related opportunities to patients; however their introductioninto the healthcare arena is not without difficulty. The poten-tial challenges that these new innovations pose to the health-care industry include the following. (1) Increased demandon resources: this new technology provides an abundanceof data that requires processing and may strain alreadylimited computer information systems that currently operatein healthcare settings. (2) Method of data visualization: howto present the information captured by EAM systems in ameaningful way that can be easily communicated to andinterpreted by all interested parties including patients, physi-cians, allied health professionals, and researchers representsa challenge. (3) Cost and accessibility: the routine use ofEAMdevices in patientmanagement represents an additional

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Table 3: Clinical studies incorporating EAM systems in cancer populations.

ReferenceSample,𝑁 =number ofparticipants

Device Study design Study objective Results relevant to EAMmeasured PA data

Descriptive and feasibility studies


Breast cancersurvivor𝑁 = 398,noncancer controls𝑁 = 1120

ActiGraphAccelerometer:survivors, ModelGT1M,controls, ModelAM-7164

Case control study

Compare levelof PA andsedentarybehaviorbetweensurvivors andcontrols

Breast cancer survivorsare more sedentary thannoncancer controls


Cancer survivor,𝑁= 7,285,825,noncancercontrols,𝑁 =162,502,859

ActiGraphAM-7164 Case control study

Compare PAlevels amongcancer survivorsand controls

Neither group met theCDC guidelines forphysical activity,survivors, 95.5%controls, 87.3%


Lung and uppergastrointestinalcancer patients(ECOG PS 0–2)𝑁 = 60


Assessment ofpatientacceptabilityusingcompliancebased onanalysis ofmovement data

EAM device fulfilled thedefinition ofacceptability; 98% worethe EAM ≥80% of thetime

Reliability/accuracy of EAM devices


HematologicmalignancyPatients,𝑁 = 23,healthy controls,𝑁 = 30

Step Accelerometer3 (SAM3)

Prospective, casecontrol study

Comparereliability of theassessment ofPA and comparePA levelsbetweenpatients andcontrols

Device, good reliabilityCancer patients,significantly less activethan healthy subjects(5355 versus 6364 steps,𝑝 ≤ 0.05)


Advanced cancerpatients (KPS40–100),𝑁 = 56,healthy volunteers,𝑁 = 9


EAMmeasuredPA data wasvalidated againstvideo-recordedobservationsand EEmeasured byDLW protocol

Step count error higherin patients with KPS40–60% versus KPS70–100% (33 versus 24%,𝑝 = 0.006)

Correlative studies


Breast cancerpatients,𝑁 = 32,noncancer control,𝑁 = 30

ActiGraph ModelGT3X

Prospective, casecontrol study

Examine theeffect of PA levelon workingmemory

Greater PA level waspositively andsignificantly associatedwith better workingmemory performanceacross both arms(𝑝 = 0.014)

[38]Colon cancersurvivors𝑁 = 180

ActiGraph ModelGT3X


Determine theassociation ofEAMmeasuredMVPA withQoL andphysicalfunctioning

MVPA was significantlyassociated with betterQoL (𝑝 = 0.038) andphysical function(𝑝 = 0.009)


Incurable thoraciccancer patients(ECOG PS 0–2)𝑁 = 84

ActivPAL Retrospectivestudy

Determine thecorrelationbetween EAMmeasured PAand ECOG PS

Decline in ECOG PS wassignificantly associatedwith decline in EAMmeasured step count(𝑝 < 0.05)

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Table 3: Continued.

ReferenceSample,𝑁 =number ofparticipants

Device Study design Study objective Results relevant to EAMmeasured PA data

Interventional studies


Breast cancersurvivors (stagesI–IIIA)𝑁 = 377

PedometerDigi-WalkerSW-200(home-based; 12weeks; 30 minutes,5 days a week,≥moderateintensity)

RCTArm 1: standardpublic healthrecommendationArm 2: breastcancer specificprint materialsArm 3: pedometerArm 4:combination ofprint materials andpedometer

Determine theeffects of breastcancer-specificPA printmaterials,pedometer, ortheircombination, onself-reported PAand QoL inbreast cancersurvivors

Significant interventioneffect on self-reportedphysical activity andwalking but nointervention effect ondaily steps. Effect seen inall interventional arms.Combination arm,significantly improvedQoL (𝑝 = 0.003)


Breast and prostatecancer patientsreceiving radiationtherapy𝑁 = 38

Pedometer, detailsnot reportedHome-based; 4weeks; moderateintensity walking(10,000 steps/day);resistance bandsdaily

RCTArm 1: exerciseinterventionArm 2: no exerciseintervention

Examine thefeasibility andinitial efficacy ofa home-basedaerobic andprogressiveresistanceexerciseintervention foraerobic capacity,strength, musclemass, CRF, andQoL

Significantly greaterincrease in daily steps,higher QoL, and lowerCRF in interventiongroup after interventionand at 3-monthfollow-up.

EE: energy expenditure, DLW: doubly labeled water, EAM: electronic activity monitor, MVPA: moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity, QoL: qualityof life, PA: physical activity, RCT: randomized controlled trial, and CRF: cancer-related fatigue.

healthcare expenditure that may result in inequitable patientaccess. (4) Formal food and drug administration approvalor licensing for use in a healthcare setting: if EAM systemsare incorporated into routine patient care and used to guideclinical decisions they will need regulatory approval to obtaina license for use in a healthcare setting outside of the realm ofclinical research. (5) Privacy and data security: valid concernsabout patient privacy and data security exist in relation touse of EAM systems in the healthcare setting. It is possiblethat patient data and communications could be tracked. Ifthe intention of use of these devices is to improve healthcareoutcomes patients may be willing to use them despite theprivacy concerns; however full disclosure to consumersregarding what is being monitored and for what purposeis important. Ultimately regulation of these devices will berequired to protect patient privacy. (6) Determination of theclinical significance of EAM captured data: the potential ofthis innovative technology is promising; however the actualclinical significance of the information captured by EAMdevices remains to be determined. Healthcare professionalsare cautious about using these devices without hard evidencethat the benefits justify the time and expense it takes touse them. We rely upon clinical research to investigate theirclinical significance.

9. Recommendations for EAM Device-BasedClinical Research in an Oncology Setting

As previously highlighted limited robust clinical data existsregarding the role of EAM systems in an oncology setting.The literature available does support the feasibility of EAMdevice use tomeasure physical activity in a cancer population.However, further clinical studies assessing the feasibilityand patient acceptability of this technology in an oncologypopulation would be valuable. Further research exploring theaccuracy of EAM captured functional activity data in cancerpatients would also be helpful. This information would helpto clarify the ability of EAM systems to provide an objectivemeasurement of patient physical activity levels.

The next research endeavor focusing on EAM use in anoncology setting is to determine the clinical value of thesedevices by exploring their predictive and prognostic capabil-ities with regard to cancer outcomes.The objective should beto determine if EAMmeasured physical activity data providesclinically meaningful information that outweighs the cost ofincorporating this technology into routine cancer care. Inorder to determine if EAM measured physical activity datacan be used as a measurement of functional PS in cancerpatients the next step is to determine if an association existsbetween EAM captured physical activity data and functional

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PS assessed using standard measurement tools includingKPS and ECOG PS scales. If a positive correlation existsthen the correlation between EAM captured physical activitydata and other cancer-related outcomes such as treatmenttolerability and survival should be explored. Finally, a studythat examines whether an intervention introduced on thebasis of information provided by an EAM system positivelyor negatively affects patient outcome should be considered.Identifying whether EAM captured physical activity dataprovides additional prognostic and predictive informationbeyond that provided by standard measurements of PS willdetermine whether EAM measured physical activity datashould be incorporated into routine cancer care and clinicaltrial designs. Studies incorporating cost benefit analyses willalso help to determine whether using EAM systems in anoncology setting is worthwhile.

10. Conclusion

Significant emphasis is appropriately placed on the mea-surement of functional PS of a cancer patient. However,the standard tools used by the oncology community tomeasure PS are associated with limitations that stem fromthe subjective nature of these assessments. Development of anobjectivemeasurement instrument would improve the abilityto accurately and reliably determine patient PS. Ultimatelythis would lead to better patient outcomes.

An EAM system is a new technology that has becomeincreasingly popular among consumers as a fitness trackerthat aims to promote behavioral and lifestyle changes. Thesedevices may be able to provide accurate and objective mea-surements of functional activity. EAM devices have signifi-cant potential for use in the healthcare setting most notablyas an objective assessment of functional PS in cancer patients.Well-designed clinical research incorporating this technol-ogy is imperative. Clinical trials are required to determine ifEAM measured physical activity represents an accurate andobjective assessment of functional performance that providespredictive and prognostic information incremental to thatalready provided by the standard measurement instrumentsof PS. The clinical significance of the information capturedby EAM systems relevant to the cancer patient is currentlyunknown and must be determined through completion ofhigh quality clinical research. Accurate measurement ofpatient fitness for treatment would help oncologists select themost appropriate treatment options for patients that would inturn reduce toxicity and improve patient outcomes.

Competing Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


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