wo IIId !rs, of of ie, W. ,. i t t t t .1 ' '-''i . Family Reunited A joyful reunion took place this last weekend, as three immigrants from Vietnam arrived at Lubbock Internati onal Airport to be met by the John Kveton family. Arriving fr om Saigon were Qui, the mnther, and two of he r children . a boy. Long. age 12 ; and a girl, Houng. age 16. Qui was reunited with her four children that had come to Ameri ca in May of 1975. They wi ll be living in Monahans with the eld es t daught er and son-in- law. ) 1975 . Thanh. 12; Ninh. 14: Hoa. 17; and Hu e 18. Since that time , efforts ha ve been made to reun ite the famil y. where they must remain to be . acclimated to English and the American culture. John Kveton is presently trying to cut "red tape" to get the girls brought here. Otherwise, they must remain in the Phillipines from 4·6 months . The Kveton family is not new to the game of adding children to their family. They just naturally see m to open their hearts and homes to others , and their family has grown by leaps and bounds over the years. Beside the children they have taken in as foster parents, they also add to the group with foreign exchange stu dent s -- one from France. one from Australia and one from Germany. Farm Bill Meeting Monday The Grain Sorghum Produ cers Association is s ponsoring a program to attempt to clear up confusion sur- rounding the 1986 Farm Bill , at 8 p.m. Monday , Jan , 20, in the Gold Auditorium at the school. Elbert Harp, Executive Director of the GSPA, will be present to answer qu estions and to lead the discussion. Harp was not present for an interview. but a s pokesperson in his office said the major discussion will be the 1986 farm program and its pr ov isio ns and how it applie s to farmers, especially covering cotton, corn and sorghum. JOYFUL IEUNlON, •• Everyone was smiles at the airport late Friday night as a family separated for II years wa s reunited . (Review Photo) The re un ion was not as joyful as it could have bee n. however, since two girls. ages 20 and 22 , were kept be hind in th e Phillipines , To that group they have added friends of their college-age children who need a " home away from home." All farmers, lender s. and land - owne rs are encouraged to att e nd the me e ting, since question s will be answered that will help farmers select their options and plan for the next planting season. Cheese and BuUer Dls.rlbution Friday The cheese and bu tt er distribution wi ll be held this Friday in Abernathy from 11 a.m. at the Seniur Cit izens Cen ter . All persons requesting co mmodities should bring a sack or box for the goo.:h . Iden tification is also req uired . CJtfEMtu· .. 1 Dale High Low 1·8 JS 1J 1·9 II 1· 10 11 58 IJ I 12 69 N 1.1 0) 21 14 bS 2b Just Bettvf.»eJl Us b, Unda SaJU .... A SEA Of BLl t: BONNETS Ihal" "hal Ihe Chamber of C"mme,, 'e ,,,,uld iIke 10 ,ee 11\ th .. Spnnl!. The bluebonnet" Ihe 'late Oo"er . and ,I " ould be 100e'" to ,(,,' the." 00 ... er> blooming in around to>" II Stop by the Rc\,iew . Stru\ c',. r .he offi e<> for \our pal' h·t •. It recommenlled th.t the , eed, be pl3l't'd III a freeler for on,' "cd and tl.ell ."a ked merlllght bdl)re plant,ng for n .. WE HA \'E A NEW pol,,' ., offi""r III Abt ·r n.t h\ named Shern Marttn. I had the plc:3)urc of me,,'tin)( hcr Ihc ,' ther She ,s a delightful and I kn o\o\ "ill go out of thclr "a, tl) make ht"r feci at III)m«: . OUR OWN Phoebe Dunn ha> bl'en iI,t('d 3n"lOg High School Leade r. ,n ba.kctball. She is 8th in scoring with 19 !loa" for )27 point. and all a\'crage of I ' .2. She ,s also listetl Qth in rebounding" ith 1 02 for an average of 8 .5 . HARD TO BELIEVE! Thcn don't bel icy,' II ' How man\' t ime, have you rcad an ad a n' it em at " hard tu belie", ' pri ce,"? cons um er reports coml' across this desk, and th ev alway. warn of "rip -off s" . cspecia ll y from mail-order firms. So, if it's that hard to be li eve. save yo ur money . Remember what your grandpa always told yo u. " Never buy a pig in a poke ... ["[,[1000[-:0 I BOIL when I hea r from the readers that they wish I would print a larger So do II Right now printing <"os ts are up. posta l ratc s are up and getti ng ready to be raised higher. How do I pay the ros t of producing the paper? .. through advertising . No, .the subscription rates do not pay for the cosl of the paper . If I raised yo ur rates to cover the cost of producing the paper. you would gagl So. whal is the solution to the problem. You are the problem and you ca n be Ihe solution. Local businesses are feeJing the financial crunch, and Ihe first item they cut is advertising (I know iI's folly) , A town is as good as Ihe people in it . The businesses in a town are as good as the people make it. Every time you hop in your car 10 shop oJit of lawn . when you could find the same item here . you hurt the local businesses, you hurt the town, you hurt yourself. - It is sort of • domino effect. After advertilinll, the next item bUlinesses will CuI is donations. If your kid', Little Lcallue leam has a rou.h time findln, a pontlOl" this summer, you are to blame . If the c:heerIeaclen Of FF A are turned down when they uk for help, you are to blame. Abemathy Is a areal town. Let' don't I4!t It die, Lopes Beat Springlake The Lopes met Springlak e-Earth Friday night for . their second district game, winning by a score of 58-42. REVIE'/V 25¢ -, .. , .. , Of .Nt "A'NS" VOL. 64, NO. 10 THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1986 [SERVING HALE, LUBBOCK COUNTIES) U.S.P.S. NO. 003-340 Billy Cooper came out on top in the scoring division making seven out of 13 attempts at the basket. for 14 points. He added another t hree at the free throw lin e . New Officer Joins Foree The ne" cst addition to the Aberna· Ih, Po li ce Departmen t is Sher,, ' Mart"" 34. "ho mmed here Ja nuary 6 from Colorado C!I\'. The lubbock nati, c is a gradua te of thl' SPAG Acade n1\' . She " orked as a d,spatc h"r for 10 ' months an d as a reserve offke r for lubbock COunl \ for 18 months. She was then a Police offiC'Cr in Colorado Ci t., for 14 mont hs. Shern'" husband is' Donald Martin , a for Revnolds and Rel'nold "' I.ubbock. She the mot her two lx" • . K. C. age b and Bill age 4. Groce Running For JP Justl ee of the PeaL 'C. Shrill'v Grot'c, has announ<ed her plans 10 ' run for re ·electlOn for Justice of the Peace. PreC II, ct -3, in Hale Count\'. She has held thi. o ffice since January I, 1983 . During this time she ha s <'Ompktcd 100 hours of required "' houllng spo n, o red by South .... es t 1 ("13, Stat,· Univcrsitv at San Marros . The J . P. oftke at Aberna thy se r.·es Ihe p, 'opie in the south half of Ha le (""unty , The 10\\ II> uf Abernathy , Hale C, ' nter. Culton Ccntl'r and Petersbu rg arc in th is Icrri torv . It is staffed bv M" . Gro• ."e, one chief clerk and Sl' l' retary . Ap pr oximately 500 a ses pt'r nh)IIth arc filed in this offi ce . Mrs. Gnx 'e said during the past three \C3" she ha. tried. to the best f her' ability. " to prese rve. protect, and defend Ihe Cons t it ution and La .... s of thl" Uniled Stales and of the State of Tcxas. I promised to do when taking the oath of my offi ce . If yo u .... ill honor me with ),o ur vo te, and I am re·elected. I promise to continue thi s pra, 'tit'c ... McEachern Announces For BAs Office Terry McEac he rn . District Attorney for Hal e and Swi sher Co unties , announced Friday that he .... ill seek the offi ce _ McE achern will run as a Democrat in the May Primar); and in the November General Eleclion . McEachern is a life-long resident of this area and lives near Edmonson , He was appoinled as the S .... isher County Attorney in 1983 and then was elected to that office for a 4-year term in November 1984 . In March of 1985, Governor Mark White appointed McEachern as District Attorney of Hale and Swisher Counties to fiJI the unexpired term of Ron Felty. McEachern said, "In May 1985, I promised the people of Hale and Swisher Counties that I would seek Ionae.r prison - terms for people who commit crimes in Hale and Swisher Counties." McE4chern lUted that thl$ policy il in effect and "we are pi", to continue to sed!; stiff sentences." , McEachern further commented that "JuYenIle Law il of areat conc:em. We mull "t the attention .of our juvenile otrenden, before they reach the adult jut\ce Iyttem," McEa<"hern is maried to Diann McEachern and they have two children .. Deatra 8 years old and Memory 6 years . FIII_.8e •• II.e Candidates s-Ina office In April election, may ftIe beaiMina JanlW)' 20, 1916 with the City s-tary. The ftllna deadI .... 1$ Fetmaary 19, 1916 at 5' . ... Auditors Find City Accounts In Good Shape Th o mp son was int o the half before he gained his usual making six of nine attempts at the basket for 12 points , He added three points at the free throw line for 100 percent completion . Rob Givens' game was off some- what. but he did make four out of five free throw attempts , and he made three good steals. The cit\' were at the Cit\' (ou 'll ' ,1 night to d" cu" th e fi nancial , latus of Aberna· " t l" Thl" a udit or sa iel from an accounting 'Iandpoint, the city is in gl'Oci ' ha pe. It ,s financially strong. bil " l rt ' paid on time and there a re fund, for emerge ncies. He went on to ,3' the Council sho uld be ' ''Olme nded for tht' way the city is """ ndell Tool C) reque sted the coun- - ", 10 appl v rllr gO\crnment assistance fin '\l'nior r ilill'n... in (he area of h",J\1I1g . He \\ a, ad, ised to nwre infor mation On the matt er. No ac ti lill W;l') taken nil' J)"tricl "" \J rney requested a ft':'1lliutHnl for .tll lid agrce ment bct\\ ccn the <"ount)' and citv officers. H l' ,.lId It i ... '[ 0 cove r liabli!f\ f'" ci tv offi,'crs th;1I are called to ",,;,t ,'oun' t\, offi ('c rs . The council appnl\ed J rc,, ;lutH'n allowing the city 10 " dgll : 111 ag reement with the C\l unl\ . Onl\ bid" a, received for the Sl '\\ L' r farm lca'l' . HI thl -' amount of S I SO , It was rejec t ed a nd the co un ci l authori zed the cit y mana ge r to ca ll for more bids, Th e coun cil cons idered the South· " estern Public Service request fo r rate adjustment. The , first reading of an oralllance gr anting this request was r cad. The second readin g will be Friday. Jan . 17. at 5 p.m. in the City Hall mee ting room. The <"it)' mana ger re minded the coullcil that the employee hospitaliza- tion insurance coverage .... ill expire in Ma y. The coun cil approved a reques t for bids. Bids will also be tak en on a ('Onlputer to be purcha sed for the City Hall offi ces. Tax coll ecti ons are up slightly from 1984 with S128.507 coll ected as of Dece mber 31. 1985. Engine e r' s cons ultin g fees wer e examined. Thev are up approximately 50 cents pcr hour over last yea r. The co ullcil reviewed airport expen>e" The cOLlncil went int o exec utiv e \t.', ... illl1 . No \\ taken. The end of the first period saw the Lopes tied 7-7 with Springlake. They got fired up toward the end of the second period and went into the locker room with a half-time lead of 24-19. The Lopes continued with a strong mome ntum throughout the second half to take the game . Givens , 8 pts.; Thompson, 15 pts .; Cooper , 17 pts. ; Bigham , 2 pt s.; Carver , 4 pts .; Royal, 4 pts. ; Powell. 2 pts. Abernathy 7 17 22 12 58 Springlake 7 12 . 9 14 42 Lady Lopes Top 100 The Lady Lopes won their second district game for · a period record, defeating Springlake-Earth 104-23 . Mary Cooper was the leader in the game Friday night shooting 64 percent for overall points of 19 with one at the free throw line. Thompson Makes ASU Squad Anita Hood contributed 16 points with two at the free throw line. Kristy Thompson. a freshma n at An gelo State Unive rsitv. ha s been se lected to the 1986 C'heerleading Squad at the universit\,. Kristy had 10 agai nst approximately IS ot her girls for the honor. Competilion included perform- ing three stun t, with a male partner . a cheer. the fight so ng and a personal interview. . One of the s t u nt s performed by Kristy was ca ll ed the Liberty, which has neve r before bee n done on the ASU ca mpus . Other stu nt s include the spli t catch flip and torch flip. AT fIR 1OP ... ltrllty Tho.,... demo' nllrate the Llber,y, a stunt which helped .. In her a licit 011 the dutetleadln. .quad, (Photo altIItesy of Kriaty n-peon) Judges were made up of former ASU cheerleaders . Kri sty will begin her duties as cheerleader on January 20 , when ASU meets Howard Payne University in a basketball game. She will continue as cheerleader through the fall football season, Other dulies include judging high school cheerleading tryouts , She will also have the opportunity to teach a NCA or UCA camp this summer . Kristy. a 1985 AHS graduate, is the daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Harold Gene Thompson of Abernathy . Liz Lopez started out sluggish, but picked up in the second half for total game points of 17. Phoebe Dunn made 18 points in the game. with a 53 percent average. Milli Webb was down from her usual game hitting only 43 percent of the baskets , but her free throw average was 71 percent, for a total of 17 points . Sandy Garcia appears to a loyal following, since everytime she got the ball, Ihe fans would cheer her toward two more 'points. She completed six out of seven baskets for an average of 86 percent . Others scoring in th'e game were Missy Johnson . 4 pts; and Helen Kester. 2 pts, Abematby 2S 24 27 28 1M Springlake 6 7 8 2 23 Community Calendar THURSDAY, JANUARY 16 Junior High Tournament begins in Sudan with 7th and 8th grade boys and girls playing. FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 Abernathy cheese and butter dis- tribution from 9- 12 a.m. at the Senior Citizens Center . Varsity basketball agaillst , Hart, here; Girls play at 6:30 p.m.; Boys play at 8 p.m. MONDAY, JANUAaY 21 Junior High basketball against Hale Center· boys here; airls play there. TUESDAY, JANUARY 21 Social Security Representative will be at the qty Hall from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Bible study group meets In the City Hall meeting room at 9:30 a.m. Lions Club lunch and program at noon in the City Han meeting room. Varsity basketball against Bovina here- girls play at 6:30 p.m.; boys play at 8 p. m. WEDNESDAY, JANUAaY n Senior Citizen, luncheon and program begins at 11 a.m. at the Depot. Pa,.de Floats Doe. ,our organization ha ............. ... _ read, for . .... " 'Mil i .... "

REVIE'/V - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1986/1986-01-16.pdf · Ih, Poli ce Department is Sher,,' Mart"" 34. "ho mmed here January 6 from Colorado C!I\'. The

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Page 1: REVIE'/V - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1986/1986-01-16.pdf · Ih, Poli ce Department is Sher,,' Mart"" 34. "ho mmed here January 6 from Colorado C!I\'. The

wo IIId !rs, of of

ie, W .

,. i t t t· t t


~t~l ''-''i .

Family Reunited A joyful reunion took place this

last weekend, as three immigrants from Vietnam arrived at Lubbock Intern ational Airport to be met by the J ohn Kveton famil y.

Arriving from Saigon were Qui , the mnther, and two of her children . a boy. Long. age 12 ; and a girl , Houng. age 16. Qui was reunited with her four children that had come to Ameri ca in May of 1975. They wi ll be living in Monahans with the e ld es t daught e r and son-in- law.

) fo::l~i~~~~n~hi~~~::~n P~~~~~b:~ 1975 . Thanh . 12; Ninh . 14: Hoa. 17; and Hue 18. Since that time , efforts ha ve been made to reun ite th e famil y.

where they must remain to be . acclimated to English and the American culture. John Kveton is presently trying to cut "red tape" to get the girls brought here. Otherwise, they must remain in the Phillipines from 4·6 months.

The Kveton family is not new to the game of adding children to their family . They just naturally seem to open their hearts and homes to others , and their family has grown by leaps and bounds over the years.

Beside the ch ildren they have taken in as foster parents, they also add to the group with foreign exchange stu dent s -- one from France. one from Australia and one from Germany.

Farm Bill

Meeting Monday

The Grain Sorghum Produ cers Association is sponsoring a program to attempt to clear up confusion sur­rou nd ing the 1986 Farm Bill , at 8 p.m. Monday , Jan , 20, in the Gold Auditorium at the school.

Elbert Harp, Executive Director of the GSPA, will be present to answer questions and to lead the discussion.

Harp was not present for an interview. but a spokesperson in his office said the major discussion will be the 1986 farm program and its prov is ions and how it applies to farmers , especially covering cotton, corn and sorghum.

JOYFUL IEUNlON, •• Everyone was smiles at the airport late Friday night as a family separated for II years was reunited . (Review Photo)

The re un ion was not as joyful as it cou ld have been. howeve r, since two g irl s . ages 20 and 22 , were kept be hind in th e Phillipines ,

To that group they have added friends of their college-age children who need a " home away from home. "

All farmers, lenders. and land­owners are encouraged to atte nd the me e ting, since question s will be answered that will help farm ers select their options and plan for the next planting season .

Cheese and BuUer

Dls.rlbution Friday The cheese and bu tt er distribution

wi ll be held thi s Friday in Abernathy from 9· 11 a.m. at the Sen iur Cit izens Cen ter .

All persons requesting commodities should bring a sack or box for the goo.:h . Iden tifica tion is also req uired .

CJtfEMtu· .. 1 Dale High Low 1·8 JS 1J 1·9 ~b II 1· 10 5~ I~

1· 11 58 IJ I 12 69 N 1· 1.1 0) 21 1· 14 bS 2b

Just Bettvf.»eJl Us b, Unda SaJU ....

A SEA Of BLl t: BONNETS Ihal" "hal Ihe Chamber of C"mme,,'e ,,,,uld iIke 10 ,ee 11\ Ab<.· rnath~ th .. Spnnl! .

The bluebonnet" Ihe 'late Oo"er . and ,I " ould be 100e'" to ,(,,' the." 00 ... er> blooming in e\~ry y~rd around to>" II Stop by the Rc\,iew. Stru\ c ' , . r .he p<>~ t offi e<> for \ our ~ecd pal'h·t • .

It , ~ recom menlled th.t the , eed, be pl3l't'd III a freeler for on,' "cd and tl.ell ."aked merlllght bdl)re plant,ng for hl· ~t n .. · ~ull~

WE HA \ 'E A NEW pol,,' ., offi""r III

Abt·rn.t h \ named Shern Martt n. I had the plc:3)urc of me,,'tin)( hcr Ihc ,'ther da~ . She ,s ce rtall1l~ a delightful pcr~on and I kn o\o\ t'\cr~une Ab,' rnath~ "ill go out of thclr "a, tl) make ht"r fec i at III)m«: .

OUR OWN Phoebe Dunn ha> bl' en iI, t('d 3n"lOg High School Leader. ,n ba.kctball. She is 8th in scoring with 19 !loa" for )27 point. and all a\'crage of I ' .2. She ,s also listetl Qth in rebounding" ith 102 for an average of 8 .5 .

HARD TO BELIEVE! Thcn don't bel icy,' II ' How man\' t ime, have you rcad an ad h~tin g an' it em at " hard tu belie",' price,"? M a n~' cons um er reports coml' across this desk, and th ev a lway. warn of "rip-off s" . cspecia lly from mail -ord er firms . So, if it's tha t hard to be lieve. save your money . Remember what you r grandpa always told you. " Neve r buy a pig in a poke ...


I BOIL when I hear from the readers that they wish I would print a larger newspapt~ r. So do II

Right now printing <"os ts a re up . posta l ratcs are up and getting ready to be raised higher. How do I pay the rost of producing the paper? .. through advertising . No, .the subscription rates do not pay for the cosl of the paper. If I raised your rates to cover the cost of producing the paper. you would gagl

So. whal is the solution to the problem. You are the problem and you can be Ihe solution. Local businesses are feeJing the financial crunch , and Ihe first item they cut is advertising (I know iI' s folly) ,

A town is as good as Ihe people in it . The businesses in a town are as good as the people make it. Every time you hop in your car 10 shop oJit of lawn. when you could find the same item here . you hurt the local businesses, you hurt the town , you hurt yourself. -

It is sort of • domino effect . After advertilinll, the next item bUlinesses will CuI is donations. If your kid', Little Lcallue leam has a rou.h time findln, a pontlOl" this summer, you are to blame. If the c:heerIeaclen Of

FF A are turned down when they uk for help, you are to blame.

Abemathy Is a areal town. Let' don't I4!t It die,

j.\8ER~Ij.\~rt-IY'lVEEKtY Lopes Beat Springlake

The Lopes met Springlake-Earth Friday night for . their second district game, winning by a score of 58-42. ~ REVIE'/V 25¢

-, .. , .. , ~AlNo Of .Nt "A'NS" VOL. 64, NO. 10 THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1986 [SERVING HALE, LUBBOCK COUNTIES) U.S.P.S. NO. 003-340

Billy Cooper came out on top in the scoring division making seven out of 13 attempts at the basket. for 14 points. He added another three at the free throw line .

New Officer Joins Foree

The ne" cst addition to the Aberna· Ih, Po li ce Departmen t is Sher,,' Mart"" 34. "ho mmed here January 6 from Colorado C!I\' .

The lubbock nati, c is a graduate of thl' SPAG Acade n1\' . She " orked as a d,spatch"r for 10 ' months and as a reserve offke r for lubbock COunl \ for 18 months . She was then a Police offiC'Cr in Colorado Cit., for 14 mont hs.

Shern' " husband is' Donald Martin , a ,ales~"ln for Revnolds and Rel'nold " ' I.ubbock. She i ~ the mother ~f two lx" • . K. C. age b and Bill age 4.

Groce Running For JP Justlee of the PeaL'C. Shrill'v Grot'c,

has announ<ed her plans 10 ' run for re ·electlOn for Justice of the Peace. PreCII, ct -3, in Hale Count\' .

She has held thi. office s in ce January I , 1983 . During this time she ha s <'O mpktcd 100 hours of required " ' houllng s po n, ored by South .... es t 1 ("13, Sta t,· Univc rsitv at San Marros.

The J . P. oftke a t Aberna thy ser.·es Ihe p,'opie in the sou th half of Hale (""unty , The 10\\ II> uf Abernathy , Hale C,' nter. Culton Ccn tl' r and Petersbu rg arc in th is Icrri torv . It is staffed bv M". Gro • ."e , one chief clerk and on~ Sl' l' retary . Ap pro xim ate ly 500 a ses pt'r nh)IIth arc filed in thi s office .

Mrs . Gnx'e said during the past three \C3" s he ha. tried . to the best f her' abili ty. " to preserve . protect ,

and defend Ihe Constit ution and La .... s of thl" Uniled Stales and of the State of Tcxas. a~ I promised to do when taking the oa th of my offi ce . If yo u .... ill honor me with ),o ur vote, and I am re ·e lected. I promise to continue thi s pra,'tit'c . ..

McEachern Announces For BAs Office

Terry McEachern . District Attorney fo r Hale and Swi s he r Counties , announced Friday that he .... ill seek the offi ce _ McE achern will run as a Democrat in the May Primar); and in the November General Eleclion .

McEachern is a life-long resident of thi s area and lives near Edmonson , He was appoinled as the S .... isher County Attorney in 1983 and then was elected to that office for a 4-year term in November 1984. In March of 1985, Governor Mark White appointed McEachern as District Attorney of Hale and Swisher Counties to fiJI the unexpired term of Ron Felty.

McEachern said, "In May 1985, I promised the people of Hale and Swisher Counties that I would seek Ionae.r prison - terms for people who commit crimes in Hale and Swisher Counties." McE4chern lUted that thl$ policy il in effect and "we are pi", to continue to sed!; stiff sentences." ,

McEachern further commented that "JuYenIle Law il of areat conc:em. We mull "t the attention .of our juvenile otrenden, before they reach the adult jut\ce Iyttem,"

McEa<"hern is maried to Diann McEachern and they have two children .. Deatra 8 years old and Memory 6 years.

FIII_.8e •• II.e

Candidates s-Ina office In April election, may ftIe beaiMina JanlW)' 20, 1916 with the City s-tary.

The ftllna deadI .... 1$ Fetmaary 19, 1916 at 5' ....

Auditors Find City Accounts In Good Shape

Chuc~ Tho mp son was into the secon~ half before he gained his usual mom~ntum , making six of nine attem pts at the basket for 12 points , He added three points at the free throw line for 100 percent completion .

Rob Givens' game was off some­what. but he did make four out of five free throw attempts , and he made three good steals.

The cit\' aud ilOr ~ were a t the Cit\' (ou 'll' ,1 ~l ee tin g Monda~' ni g ht to d" cu" the fi nancial , latus of Aberna· " t l" Thl" a udit o r s a iel from an accounting 'Iandpoint, the city is in gl'Oci ' ha pe. It ,s financ ially strong. bil" l rt' paid on time and there are fund, for e mergencies . He went on to

,3' the Cit~ Council s hould be ' ''Olmended for tht' way the city is

"""ndell ToolC) requ ested the coun-- ", 10 appl v rllr gO\crnment assis tance

fin '\l'nior r ilill'n... in (he area of h",J\1I1g . He \\ a, ad, ised to ~a th er nwre information On the matt er. No a c ti lill W;l') taken

nil' J)"tricl "" \J rn ey requ ested a ft':'1lliutHnl for .tll lid agrce ment bct\\ ccn the <"ount)' and citv officers. H l' ,.lId It i ... J\t' l' c ~~ar\' '[ 0 cove r liabli!f\ f'" ci tv offi,'c rs th;1I a re ca lled to ",,;,t ,'oun't\, offi ('c rs . The council appnl\ed J rc,,;lutH'n allowing the city m.tn.\~('r 10 "dgll :111 ag reement with the C\lunl\ .

Onl\ ,,~e bid" a, rece ived for the Sl'\\ L' r farm lca'l' . HI thl-' a mount of

S I SO , It was rejected and the coun cil authori zed the cit y manager to ca ll for more bids,

The coun cil cons idered the South · " estern Public Service request for rate adjustment. The , first reading of an oralllance granting this request was rcad. The second readin g will be Friday. Jan . 17. at 5 p.m. in the City Hall meetin g room.

The <"it)' mana ger r e minded the coullcil that the e mployee hospitaliza­tion insurance coverage .... ill expire in May. The coun cil approved a reques t for bids.

Bids will also b e tak e n on a ('O nlputer to be purchased for the City Hall offi ces.

Tax collections are up slightly from 1984 with S128.507 coll ected as of December 31. 1985.

Engine e r' s con s ultin g fees were exa mined. Thev are up approximately 50 cen ts pcr hour ove r last yea r.

The co ullcil reviewed airport expen>e"

The cOLlncil went int o exec utive \t.' , ... illl1 . No ~H,: tio ll \\ 3~ taken.

The end of the first period saw the Lopes tied 7-7 with Springlake. They got fired up toward the end of the second period and went into the locker room with a half-time lead of 24-19.

The Lopes continued with a strong mome ntum throughout the second half to take the game.

Givens, 8 pts.; Thompson, 15 pts .; Cooper , 17 pts. ; Bigham , 2 pts.; Carver, 4 pts .; Royal , 4 pts. ; Powell . 2 pts. Abernathy 7 17 22 12 58 Springlake 7 12 . 9 14 42

Lady Lopes

Top 100

The Lady Lopes won their second district game for · a period record, defeating Springlake-Earth 104-23 .

Mary Cooper was the leader in the game Friday night shooting 64 percent for overall points of 19 with one at the free throw line.

Thompson Makes ASU Squad Anita Hood contributed 16 points with two at the free throw line.

Kristy Thompson . a freshma n at An gelo State Unive rsi tv. ha s been se lected to the 1986 C'heerleading Squad a t the uni versit \,.

Kristy had 10 co~ pe t e agai nst approximately IS other g irls for the honor. Competilion included perform­ing three stun t, with a male partner. a cheer. the fight song and a personal inte rview. .

One of the s t u nt s performed by Kris ty was ca lled the Liberty, which has never before been done on the ASU campus . Other stunt s include the split catch flip and torch flip .

AT fIR 1OP ... ltrllty Tho.,... demo'nllrate the Llber,y, a stunt which helped .. In her a licit 011 the A~ dutetleadln. .quad, (Photo altIItesy of Kriaty n-peon)

Judges were made up of former ASU cheerleaders .

Kri sty will begin her duties as cheerleader on January 20, when ASU meets Howard Payne University in a basketball game. She will continue as cheerleader through the fall football season,

Other dulies include judging high school cheerleading tryouts , She will also have the opportunity to teach a NCA or UCA camp this summer.

Kristy. a 1985 AHS graduate, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gene Thompson of Abernathy.

Liz Lopez started out sluggish, but picked up in the second half for total game points of 17.

Phoebe Dunn made 18 points in the game. with a 53 percent average.

Milli Webb was down from her usual game hitting only 43 percent of the baskets , but her free throw average was 71 percent, for a total of 17 points .

Sandy Garcia appears to h'~e a loyal following , since everytime she got the ball , Ihe fans would cheer her toward two more 'points. She completed six out of seven baskets for an average of 86 percent.

Others scoring in th'e game were Missy Johnson . 4 pts; and Helen Kester. 2 pts, Abematby 2S 24 27 28 1M Springlake 6 7 8 2 23

------~-------------. Community Calendar THURSDAY, JANUARY 16

Junior High Tournament begins in Sudan with 7th and 8th grade boys and girls playing.


Abernathy cheese and butter dis­tribution from 9-12 a.m. at the Senior Citizens Center.

Varsity basketball agaillst , Hart, here; Girls play at 6:30 p.m.; Boys play at 8 p.m.


Junior High basketball against Hale Center· boys here; airls play there.


Social Security Representative will be at the qty Hall from 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Bible study group meets In the City Hall meeting room at 9:30 a.m.

Lions Club lunch and program at noon in the City Han meeting room.

Varsity basketball against Bovina here- girls play at 6:30 p.m.; boys play at 8 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, JANUAaY n Senior Citizen, luncheon and

program begins at 11 a.m. at the Depot.

Pa,.de Floats Doe. ,our organization ha ............. ~I ... _

read, for ..... "1~'I_""m

" 'Mil i .... "

Page 2: REVIE'/V - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1986/1986-01-16.pdf · Ih, Poli ce Department is Sher,,' Mart"" 34. "ho mmed here January 6 from Colorado C!I\'. The

Burgess-Daou Engagement

Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Burgess are pleased to announee the engagement of their daughter, Donna, to Mazen Daou. 50n of Mr. and Mrs. Rafic Daou of LUbbock.

Wedding vows will be e.changed February 14 . in the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Lubbock.

Miss Burgess is a graduate of

Abernathy High School. She attended Texas Tech University and is I a graduate of Jessie Lee's School of Hair ' Design.

Daou is a graduate of Baabda High School , Lebanon. He has attended Lubbock Christian College and Texas Tech University. .

Rices Honored On Anniversary Mr. and Mrs . Noble Rice' were 'Rice also served as church clerk and

honored withl a reception after church secretary of the church. services Sunday at County Line A cake was decorated with th e Baptist Church. They were honored for · words Happy Anniversary! to Noble their wedding anniversary and the . and Coatna Rice. Beautiful red roses many years of faithful se rvice to the adorned the cake. church. Coatna played the piano and Noble

Mrs. Rice was pianist for many led the congregation in three songs in


McFarland-Stallings Wed . Tami Genine McFarland or Amarillo

and Darrick Leopy Stillina" of Abernathy were united in marria&e On . Januuy 11 at 2 p.m. in the West Amarillo Christian Church in' AmariOo.

The bride ·is the dauahter or Don and Doris McFarland of Amarillo. Slailinas is the son : of Lenoy and ' Tommye Ruth Stallings and the grandson of Harold and Ada Stallings. all of Abernathy.

The double-ring ceremony was performed by Karl Crouch. minister of First Christian Church in Marlow . Okla.

The wedding vows were pledged before an altar of five brass candela­bra.

The bride was given in marriage by her father . She chose a gown of candleli ght bridal sati n. The bodice was topped by a lace net yoke and fell into a cascading chapel length train.

The full skirt was accented with lace roselles and pearl s. The bride al so chose a cathedral leng th veil accented with a wreath of flowers.

Mrs. Melody Price of Canyon, sister of the bride. se rved as malron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Shirlc'\' Maxson of De nver. Colo. and Mis~ Mechcll . McFarland of Amarillo . sister of the bride.

Their dresses had fitted bodices featuring sweetheart necklines and fuJI le ngth skirls of rose taffeta .

of Middletown. Ky. served as besl man. Groomsmen were Bryan Stallings of Denton. brother of the groom. and Kent McFarland of AmariDo. brother of the bride. The best man and groomsmen wore tuxedos of gray striped trousers with blaok coats and ivory shirts.

Ushers were Don Stone of Aberna­thy and Cody Connell. Kevin Riddles, and Roger Howard. aU of Lubbod. The bride 's mother was seated by Cody Connell and Don Stone seated the groom's mother.

Flower 8irls were Erin Skelton of Claude and Doni Skelton or Amarillo, cousins of the bride. Christopher Price of Canyon, nephew of the bride, was tingbearer. . Miss Donna Stallings of Abern.thy.

s'ster of the groom. presided at lhe bridal book as the guests arrived.

The reception followed in the fellowship hail.

The couple are both December 1985 graduates of Telas Tech University. The bride received her de8ree in merchandising and the groom's degree is in petroleum engineering. After I

honeymoon lrip to Hawaii. the couple will reside in Corpus Christi. where the groom is e mployed by Exxon Company. U.S. A.

years at the church and Mr. Rice led fellowship haD. Mrs. Marvin Floyd the singing. Rice also served as men·s · was asked by Mr. Rice to help him Thc bridegroom was attired in an

ivory luxedo with ta il s. Danny Newton

A rehearsal dinner honoring the couple was hosted by the groom ' s parents Friday evening at the Back to Ede n Restaurant in Amarillo.

Mrs. DarridI StalU .... adult teacher for several vears. Mrs. sing "Sweet Hour of Prayer."

Do yoa ban I February 14 wedding coming up?

Love', Jewelry b .. a beautiful selecllon of wedding ringo, from plain bands to !be most eillborate diamond rings . All llet In 14K gold.

AIao, for tboee of you wbo ha"e an anniversary on ,hat SPECIAL DA Y, we have Amdversary RIngo. Everyo.,. says "e have the best selectioD.

Quality. It's as important in diamonds ~ as in anything else you own. I V/S4' .

~ ~~ ~~

~~ Attend The Church ~~ ~~ Of Your Choice This Sunday ~ ------------------------------------~~---~

Why do so many people think of God as someone hard. unreasonable. and unfair? Why do they forge t tha t "God is love" (I John 4:8J? Could this be the reason why there is so much unhappiness in our world today , because we forget that "God is love" ? Someone has said : " Life's greatest happiness is to be convinced thaI we are loved." And . God loyes us ali i

Too many speak of Ged as being a terrible . exacting, cruel, unrelenti ng Ruler. who passes out punishment witho ut fear or favor, But God is not a Goo ,of fierceness. of cruelty. of terror. God is a God of love.

That is why God has given us a guiding ~rinciple bi which we all may

Don't Forget! judge and think of Him. He sen t His Son into the world to de monstrate His attributes. His way of dealing with men and wOmen. Yes. Jesus came on what we might call a " Woo in g" mission. Th e \Io'hol e s pirit o f Hi ~ dealings with men and WOmen ..... as (hat of a great love r , ..... ooing His beloved. Jesus was insis te ntly eager to lead men to know Hi s Fath e r . Realizing that men had misunderstood God, Jesus wanted to convince us that God is a good God. a loving and winsome God.

Indeed. Jesus came to this ..... orld bringing the loye or God and bringing the love of His own heart to us. So deep was His love for our souls that

no sat:rificc ..... as too great~ In return , JL' SU3 Jescrvcs our un limited. un('ca~· ing luve. And . out of that love, we should present Him th e g ift of our loyalty .. the loyalty of thought . Ihe lu,\'<!lty of speech. the loya lty of hca r1 and of our very be ings. Yes. the love that we cheri sh for Jesus should be greater than Ihat for any other, By His Spirit. Jesus co mes and looks into our hearts and says to u<;. as He did to Pe ter, " Lovesl tho u Me? I love you!"

Prim era Mislon Blutlsta Fln;t Bap,l.t MI .. lon

Pastor G. G. flo""

66 Butane And


Aaaembly of God 1404 Ave. B

198-2060 Bony 11IIey

Bethel Bapll.t Church East l.tSt.

298·2118 Rev. J . B. Leoter






Co-op Gin





And Air



WeekI, .....

1.1 Clltueh or N .......... 6cb St. I: Ave. E

198-2832 Rev. AUea ScbJeael

lakeview MetbodJat Cb .... b 3 mi. North. 6 mi. Eat of city

Coaaly u... &pilat Cbarcb __ 2

757·2134 Re... bySuapa..

Church of CbrIII 10th St. & Ave. E

298·2718 Jerry Chism

St. Isidore Chureh South Ave. 0

R.v. Matthew D'Souza

19leela del NazareDO Ave. A .. 5th St.

298-4068 Leeter Andenoa

~ MIMIooo Beatlala 2911·2613

..... G. G .......

......... 08_ . nlE, .... St,

_2411 ...............



Implement Co.



Co-op Grain



S,.tem' E",'n •• r/", ..,.,. ..

Anderson-Motley Engagement

Mrs. Opal Yealon would like to announce the engage ment and ap­approaching marriage of her grand. daughter Debbie AnderslIn to Tern' Mot ley son of Mr. and Mrs. lee Rov Motley or Spade. .

Th e we ddin g will be at th e NOrlhs ide Baptist Church o n February 14. 1986.

Depot Dispatch by Betty Reynard

=t.c::::::::M -=c ac::::::Ittc:::=

, We were bad in the swing January 8 after the holidays wit h 39 dinners se rved and four carry·o uts . The drawing for a (ree dinner was won by Dora Talbott .

Th e program was presented b,' Sherry Nusser. Reg ional Nutrit ioni st C;;( the Public Ht,., lth Services in lubbock. She showed a fi lm on " Osteoporosis". and ta!l: ed about th e need for ca,kium in ou;' bodies.

Corne join us fo r II spi°ciaJ program Wednesday , J an, 22, at I I a . m .. when We ndell and Mar\' Tom Toolev from Tulia ~'ill prese nt 'our program:

,Remember. we ha"'e started paint­ing again on Thursday at 10 a . m. If you like to oil paint , or want to Iry. ('Orne jo in us, We have a great rime.

Study Club Learns

Of Legal Systems The first meeting of th e New Year

or the 1935 Study Club was held at the Abernalhy Public Libra ry January 9 with 13 members preStnt .

The meeting was called to order by presiden t Mrs. Robert McAliste r . The Club Colieci was led by Mrs. C. H. McCleskey.

After the business meeting. Mrs . Gle nn McDonald presented a very interesting progra m on Courts and Legal Sys tems.

Hosless Mr s, McDo nald s erved delicio us refreshments at (he close of the meeting,

The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Owe n Be nn on January 23 .

This And That by HcleD Wad.

Visiting ill th e home of Mt§. M. M. Be ll during the holidays were: Don . Lucy and Mark Bell ; Marion. Ril e ,' . Steve and Mike Wooten ; Tis h ~ . Ri(·hard . Justin and To ha Pill;an s: Connie Dickey and Beth Wal1ne~' : all of Lubbock and Stephanie and' Lee M,~ a II of Odes sa .

Elwin Collu m of J oshua pre3cht'd al

Nonh~idc Baptist Church l a!!1 Sunda\ mornin g, Re \' , Co llum 's wife:. Dianc·.

Buford Honored With Shower

Diana Buford . bride-elect of Ridy Ray, ",,'as honored with II bridal s how('r Sunday. Jan . 5 in Ihe New Deal Club House .

Honored guesh wen: their mOlhers . Mrs. Hele n Buford and Mrs , .)eggy Ray. Hostesses were Bonita McC ul. lough, Billie Schwan ll . Janice Pa rrish . Ruth Htlen Rieken. Jeri Lyn Rieken. Rola B. Covey. Mary Ann Bush. Ann He nry. Jeanne Fairman . Chen ' l Dunn and Elizabeth Robbins. "

Happy Anni~ersary

JaalW')' 18 . Mr. & Mrs . J eff Schaa p. Jan.ar)' 20 . Mr . & Mr. . Allen Attawa. a nd Mr . & Mr s . A. N McAlisler. Jr . JanlW')' 21 . Mr. & Mrs . Jack Waters .

3nd SOn. Joshua. l'ame ~' ith him . I'reac hin g SUnd3} ni g hl ..... as John Weldon . The in te rim pastor v. as unable In preach lil~ 1 Sunda~· . sinn:' his grandslln "a" inju red in a car ",·red .

\\' t' \Io('Il'vmc Dr. and Mr~ Juhn A Hill bad [0 Abe rnathy. Th t'), mm'(' d 11('r(' from Sn~dl'r Dr . Hill. ... un Ilr l,od and O"'r1'" Hil I. has npc:n('d up a \",'tc:rtnar) pra~-lll'C here:

• -------------, I Introductory I

I Offer I I Lose 18-25 Lbs.1 I I In 6 Weeks And I I 1 Sue $30 00 I L ____________ ...


In Hale Center Call

Claudia Rambo 839-3172


.~~-=l ~1JC.e_~

··7~ I- 7tlut 7 ........ ··



Estabffs hed in November of 1921 ... publi s hed on Thursday of each week in Abernathy, Texas. Second Class Pos tage paid at Abernathy . Texas . 79311. located at 916 Ave . D. in the City of Abernathy; P.O. Drawer 160,


~ WINTER DRESSES 40% OFF ~ n BLOUSES SIze6 10 52 25 % & 40 % OFF n

Phone (806) 298·2033. Any erroneous reflection upon

the character of any firm, corpora. tion or individual which may appear in the columns of the Abernathy Weekly Review 81adly will be Corrected upon bein8 brought to the attention of the publisher.

Subscription Rates: 59.47 P!'r year in Hale and Lubbock CountieS. 59.99 per year in the rest of Te.u and 512.09 per year when mailed out of Texas.

Senoir Citizens Rites: 58.33 per year in Hale and lubbock Counlies, 58.8S per year in the rest or Te ... Ind 59.89 per year when milled out or Teus.

Linda Salitros M.nalina Editor Helen Wade Society


. ~ ;~~~ERS 2!5O/~t~~~% OFF ~ ~ TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER~ , 312 Unlversltv Lubbock, Texas 765-5907

~ac::::::ltec::::::::;ocec::=etc::=c~ ,----------------Don't Miss

Kristi's Annual


25-75% Off Further R.ductlons In

Er.rlt D.partment

~tU ~~".~14"an..~~w_~~~~~~~~ __ ~~~ __ ~~~

Hiflh School


Joseph Ruiz, Michael Guillen. and Robert May competed at . the LCC Indoor Track Meet Saturday . Jose ph rece ived 2nd place in the two mile run and 3rd in the mile. Michael received 5th in the 800 and the 200. Robert May got 2nd in th e 's hot PUI. Congratul ations to each of you. . ....

The Abernathy UIL teams and the Math / Science compe ted last Saturday. Both did eItremely will. Congrats 10

a lt who participated .

Both basketball lea rns will play here Friday nighl . The girl s game will begin at 6:30 and the boys play at 8;00. Let ' s all support the Lopes and help them dereat Hart.

If you need to eat see Vecchio's


Abernathy Body Works


·lniurMC"e Claims ·Compkte h .. taJlatlon f .... can .. tnoclt.

417 Soetll Ave. D 298·2084

Scoring. Jod y Myatt . IS pts.; Chris Sims . II pIS.; Lon Dale Cannon. 10 pts .; Just in Prather , 6 pts .; Jeremy Stru ve . J pt s,; Vic Vecchio , 1 pt.; and Chad Shadden. I pI.

Championship G""",

Abem.thy 24 Farwell :23

Scoring: Jod)' Mya tt . II pts.: Chad Shadden. b p's. : Lon Dale Cannon. 5 pIS.: 3nd Justin Pra ther, 2 pts.


Abemath) 12 7 0 25 Olton 0 5 8 21

Scoring: Judy Myan. 10 pts.: Lon Dale Callnnn . 10 pIS.: Chad Shadden. 2 pi" .; Vic' Vecchio. 2 pts.; and Chris Sim!)" 1 pI.

8th Grade BoY'

' Abema,hl' 18 8 13 14 53 Springl.~e 4 16 8 9 37

s-taal Steve Peeples, 20 pts.; Steve Haney, 14 pts. ; Gab Trevino, 8 pts.; Abel Barrera, 7 pts.; Sammy Salinas, 2 pts. ; Lee Roy Johnson, 2 pts .


I 8

38 :12

Sc:orbIII' Jody Myatt, 6 pIS .; Lon Dale Cannon. 10 pts.; Justin Prather, 7 pts.; Chris Sims , S pts.; Ale. Garcia, 3 pts.; Vic Vecchio, 2 pts . ; Jeremy Struve. 2 pts.; Chuck Russell , 2 pts.; Matt Kelley . I pt.

Abemathy OItOll

8th Gnode Boyo

J2 6

10 8

8 6

10 10

40 JO

Scorlna' Steve Peeples , 16 pts .; Steve Haney. 10 pts. ; Abel Barrera. 8 pts .; Gab Trevino, 4 pts. ; and Ju stin Ricketts. 2 pts.

Beltate Students COlD pete At Friona

The debate students competed in the Friona' Speech Tournament last Saturday . gaining some valuable ex perience against some tough opponen ls. according to Jim Fenton, debate sponsor.

Laura Phillips won 1 st place in the lincoln -Douglas Debate.

Also competing were Suzanne Floyd and the team of Sarah Hannel and Helen Kester.

were Springlake-Earth last Friday night. (Re"iew Photo)

Thursday Thru Saturday

2 Beef or 2 Cheese Enchiladas $290

With Rice, beans & salad PLUS TAX

Vecchio's Burger Hut Open Monday·Saturday 298-2874 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Go-fight-Win Antelopes & Lady Lopes ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J

• • : Go Lopes & Lady Lopes!! :

WIP~; ... flrom left to right . Anit. Hood. daughler or Mr. Ind Mrs. Cleo Hood: Mar)' Cooper. daug'"er or Mr. and Mrs. Chest .. Cooper; and Phocbc Dunn, d.:lugh ler of Mrs, Shirle~' Dunn . (Re view Photo)

• • ! Beat Hart!! i ! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~

~ - \ Brandon Houston. son of

Mr. and Mrs. Mac Houston; and Pete Garcia. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Garcia. Sr. (Review Photo)

The Sponsors on this page are 1behind the Lopes & Lady Lopes!

Patton's Parts Place

604 Avo. 0

Hi-Plains Drilling

I.oabboclI Hwy.

Coop Grain Co.

714 T .... Ave. 2911-2511

Newton Radio & TV

306 MaIn St. 2911-:2338

Struve's Family Center

111 MaIn 51. _WI

Peacock Shamrock'

)lll A .... D

Richard DuBo .. Inaurance ..... 1 EaUte

• .. A .. , •


Main St. " 127

Abernathy Body Works

417 S A'·e. 0

Plains Grain & Farm Supply

701 T.lu Ave.

Consumers Fuel Association

819 W. Senke Rd.


Sanders Auto Supply

IabbedI Hwy. -':1215


Abernathy Firat Stat. Bank Member FDIC


3:12 Mala

Abernathy Floral

UJl Ave. D

Ace Welding

1204 Ave. D

First Church of the Nazarene

511 A .... E

Sixty-Six Butane & Fertilizer

198-:12:12 PlaInview H wy.

Joe Thompson Implement

lOS Ave. D 2911-2541

Jolly Rogers

198-:I219 1411 Ave. D


Abernathy Farmers Coop Gin

Something Special Dairy 8M

917 A ... D _2826 211 S. s.m.. ....

Smoke Ring larbeque

Abernathy 011


Page 3: REVIE'/V - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1986/1986-01-16.pdf · Ih, Poli ce Department is Sher,,' Mart"" 34. "ho mmed here January 6 from Colorado C!I\'. The

baek Te .. £_.petes At L£~ , I

The '~be~ ..,.'. Tract T_ .' pompeted III the .Lu~boCIt ChristIan

" CoIlep IIIdoor IIIVltatkmaJ'Trick Meet . on Sat\lfd8l' lu. U, .pladns well.

Placins 6lr .. th~ Antelopes . were Joseph lutz wjth. a serond in the

, two-lIIiIe nm And a third in the mile lUll, IIobert May placed second In the ~OI. lIat, and Miguel Gulllen placed ftfth iii thehaJf_ mOe.

Competing In the events were Gilbert Blanco, BUI DuBose. Miguel Guillen, Robert May,' Patrick Ponce. Jesse Rub. and. Joseph Ruiz. Michael

Corte]! accompanied the team as ~udtr""er. . Coach Giaerranl commented that moat of the track team have not begun workouts yet, since they are partlcipat. Ing in bastelban or off·season at lbiB tillle.

Other schools entered In the meet · were Slaton, Vernon, Levelland, Pampa, Plainview, Lubbock High. Monterey and Coronado.

The neat action for the Abernathy Track Team will occur March I at Frenship High School.

Happy Birthday

J""..." 16 • Eldon Benton. Eddie Lopez, Joshua Stone and Mitki Webb. Kodch. Steve Peeples, Keith Robert. JlDauy 20 • Charlie Ortiz. Inez Wade son and Louise Thomason. and Rachel Waits.

I School Menu I J .. ...,.16-17

THURSDAY Br •• kr •• " Orange juice, egg.,

biscuits. milt. Laaeh, Charburgers , lettuce, pictle,

onions, tater tots, chocolate chip cookies, milk.

FRIDAY Workday.

MONDAY Breakf .. t: Grape juice. cereal. toast

w/ jelly. milk. Lanch. Sloppy Jocs, pickle spears.

Laaeh. Spaghetti "' ... meat sauce, tossed salad. EnglishJ. pea.. French bread. story book cate, milt.

WEDNESDAY Bre.kraa" Fruit juice, pancakes

w/ honey, milk. Lancia' Turkey pot pie, tossed salad.

cranberry sauce. ginger bread. milt.

THURSDAY Breur..lI Hlsh browns. ,"us.ge '"

biscuits. milk. Lanch, Beef stew. tossed salad. com

bread. mi~ed fruit, XYZ cite. milt .


J .. ..." 18 • Toby Cox and Mac Jmauy 21 • Kelly Guerrant and Nita eyes were up in the game Friday. The Lady Lopes had a !remendous game, going over (Review Photo)

French fries. peaches. milk . Breakf .. I, Pineapple juice. oatmeal. milk. Houston. Nunn.

Ju..." 19 • Sally Barrick. La Rita JIDDAfY II . Iris Johnson.

r'''·W'' "';L~;N~' CAMERA 1 20 % OFF Photo Finishing

2 Day Service

January 16-23 With This Coupon 2617 34th St. INe .. Booton) Lubbock, TeI.. 795.5531

John A. Hili, D.V.M. would like to announce the opening of his large and small animal Mobile Veterinary Practice

Hill Veterinary Service ROUllNE CALL HOURS

8:00 a.m. ·S:30 p.m .• Monday, Weclneaday, Thunday, friday 8:00 a.m.·12,OO Noon· Tuesday md Saturday

Phone:757-2224 Large Animal Services & Herd Health

Small Animal Services Rt . 2, Bo. 16 Abemathy, Te ... , 79311


The first UIL Math/Scienc": 'competi. lion of the year was held in Littlefield last Saturday with the Abernathy Math team finishing in 1st place and the Science team coming in 2nd place.

Math In 12th grade competition, Tony

Rodriquez ranked 1st place. Larry Gereau got 2nd place. and Phil Vandygriff placed 4th.

In 10th grade math. John Attebury took Sth place and Jeff Hannel placed 6th.

Robert Palacios won 4th place in 9th grade math .

ScIence In 10th grade science. Jared Knight

took 4th place and Jeff Hannel placed Sth. I,

Robert Palacios won 5th place in science. and Tony Rodriquez placed 6th in chemistry .

Calcu1a"'r Jerry Morgan placed 4th in 12th

grade calculator competition.

Spelling Joe Lucero look 1st place in the

9·IOth grade di vision of spelling compeli'tion. Jerry Morgan placed 41h in the 11·12th grade division .




99C 9 OZ. CAN

















AllfRNATttY 1411 AVE. D

mwoNSON HWV 194




PlAINWW 1200 S. DATE 1600 N, DATf 1301 QUINCY


7th GRADE GIRLS Abemathy 31·0I1oB 12

Scoring : Mal1di Mouser, 9 pts . ; TiffanyPope. 12 pts. ; Kim Kemp. piS.

Abernlthy 4O·Sprioglake 22

Scoring : Mandi Mouser. 13 piS. ; Tiffany Pope. 13 pIS .; Kim Kemp. ~ pis.


Scoring: Alyson Aldridgc. b, piS. ; Eva Dominguez. 6 pis. ; Tiffany Popc. 6 pts .; Kristl Galloway,. 4 pis.

Scoring: Mandi Mouser. 14 pts .; Eva Dominguez. b pIS .; Kim Kemp. 6 piS.; Tiffany Pope. 6 pIS. ; Dion Beard . 4 pts.: Krisli Galloway . 4 piS.

ChamploDohlp Glm. Abernathy 38·Farwell 19

Scoring: Kri s li Galloway. 10 plS .: Tiffany Pope. 8 pis .; Mandi Mouser. b piS.: Alyson Aldridge . 4 pt s.; Eva Dominguez. 4 piS. ; Kim Kemp. 4 pts.

:-The Aquari;m-l

I AKC REGISTERED I I PUPPY SALE I I I Femol. Peklnll.'" $150 .00 I I 2 Mole Peking_ $150 .ach I

I I I W. 0100 have a varlel}' of I I T,;r~ ~d S~~I~~!!·h I I WE CARRY ALL PET SUPPUES I

TUESDAY Bre •• r.I" Orange juice. peanut

bu«er. toast. milt,

LUBch, Cheeseburgers. letluce. pickles. onio ns, taler tots . sugar cookies. milk .

·The o.leol way 10 double your money II to lold it over once end put it in your pockel.· Kin Hubblrd ,

"Wul, if no white man ever set foot in t his country, . the prehistoric Ind ians were shore careless

about the ir beer cans!"

If Unprotecled \' oIuab1H Are K..,pln& \'0. 00 Eda., JUlt Lock Them Up In A S.c. o.paoll Bo. loate.d! Proted Them Aaalntt Loti. Wbe~ \'0. KNOW The,· Are SAFE! A S.c. o.paoll Bo. Glv •• '1'00 PooIUv. Anurancc!



t 708 BrolidwlY Plainview 293.5230 t 't!~~~=.:~~:i!5!9p~~~S;;~~-;~~::!!5~S~ l _______ ~

_JOlIn PlAINVIEW. TEXAS 79072 !'HONE A06-l96-295J

January Clearance Sale SlRVING WEST TlXAS




o IIOMIOWNED Reg. '695.00


AU LIT'IBiI8 •• so NOTal


$445 .au_AU. ~.IIY .,AI ....... -01 ...


·'~"~n·, ;r,~1;.·r}~ r" v..: ,. t. ~ .~-.'fJ .

- - ~-- ..... -.. _--- .. , .. 'i; ..

..v1DUAL_"" -195 --... __ un.-


..-.- --



't ~~:~h~~::'~: )! FARM For All YourFarml~g Needs

Abemltt,y. To ... ·2521 PHONE Lubbocl!, T ....


NEWS National GSPA Protests USDA Plan Change

The High Plains Report

The National Gra in Sorghum Pro­d~cers Assoc iation has filed a protesl with U . ~. ~partmenl of Agriculture O\'c r th.err announced plans to 10\4'cr ~h e mOisture level of sorghum goi ng IOta the govern ment loan program.

AC'l""Ording to a CCC order recorded in the Federal Reg is te r on November 21. 1 ~85, the nluimum mois ture level Of. gram sor.f:hum accep ted in thl' loan \\,tll be redul"Cd frum I ~ (t<o t il !J OG. The natio nal sor ghu m assoc iation has requested tha t th is order be resdndl"d. accord ing tn liS E:«.'(' uti\·e Din.'ctor. EI~rI Harp

" There i~ nu logical rl'a\UII for thi.s .:a c tion bl· ing taken 3!!i1ln SI grain sorghum ." Harp said. " It hBS been pron:n that grain Mlrghunl can be stored for years ~ ithout Jos~ of qualil\' .... hen placed in ilotoragc and mair;. lamed at :l maxi mum moi:!ture IC\'cl of

14 % as required under the present regulations. To further dry the grain will ros t farmers two percent of the grain for each one percent of moisture rc moved . Therefore. thi s action will lower fa rmers ' incomes by two percen t on grain placcd in Ihe government loan program. This change. if enacted . will (urn' many additional g rain w rghum rarmers out of busincss and off th ei r fa rms."

Th e o rd n is opcn (o r publi c <:o mment until J anuary 21. 1 Q86 . Harp belie \'cs most gra in §orghum produc· e rs a. rc nOI 3,",'3rc that Ihe\' (ace this addi l ional loss of in con~ e . He is urgi ng the m to re g isl er their views \.\:jlh their congres.sman and US DA immediately . The a.pp ropriate US DA address is : Director. Colt on. Grain and RiL'e Price Support Di \'ision . ASCS . P. U. 80x 1415. Washington , D. C. 200 IJ. .

FARM MANAGEMENT FOR 1986 by Coleman \'0_ PIoneer AlIfOIIOmlll

Now that the crops are in and the rush of harvest is over. it's time to begin thinking about the 1986 season and what can be donc to increase your chances of s uccess . As always, base yo ur deci~io ns on ho w yo u can efficiently make the most of your time and resources.

Two interrelated areas to closely monil o r arc irri ga tio n and c ultural practices . As our undergro und water supply· C'O ntinues to decrease. pumping rosts s kyrocket and profit margins narrow. There are. however . several wa ys fo r Hi gh Plain s farmers to improve their efficiency in th is vitaUy Important area.

Case International Farm Equipment Dealer

Co nse r vation tillage can prov ide ben L'fits not on ly to (armers using irriga tio n . bu t a lso to dr~'l and (armers as we ll. Whil e clean lillage provides a lrash· fr ce seed bed, it al so increases the hazards o( soil and wind erosion. E\'e n more importan t is the fact that dean tillage decreases the soil's ~'ater sloring polenlial a nd increases so il crusting from rain hirt ing the bare soil. Th is creates pro bl e ms when tf)'ing 10 eSlablish a \'igorous. uniform crop. See Us For Repair,

Parts & Service


Struve Implement

A fresh team for taday's farmer

298·2507 Lubbock 762·2133

On the ot her hand. conservation tillage ,- optimum retenlion of crop residues on Ihe soil s urface -. will red uce wind and \II: .tlcr erosi on . in crease '-" ater rete nlion and thus in('fea~e ,,·iclds.

Siubbl;' mulch ti ll age. no·till. mi nimum -till and till planting are all ronse rv:uion tillage practices. Chise l, ing and disking qualify if crop residues arc maintained on the surface.

In a s tudy conducted at Bushland. stubble mulch tillage sligh tly increased soil '" a ler l e\(~ ls and whl"at vields "hen compared to disk tillage. SI'ubble mu lrh t illage also helped control "" ind lnd wa te r erosion .

No · till age !Ioyslems are tht" most c.ltremt' f ) 'pre of conse r. aIlon ti llage Ho\.\ c\ e r. these practices are gain ing

It pays to drop our na.oe! OK. Irs pio'lnun\l urnI' und you 're faced with lors of set.'d w mpanies and 10L' oj >e\.'(1 prumlS<!> How do you d.:'cKk which seed 10 use

which prom J5e$ III believe dnd wlldl brdlxl ~ In Ih.: lIr<1und wl1l: n dli IS "lI<j dnd don~ Terrd Sfi-d Company has dedica led Irs en tire hlSlory 10 Ihose rery ques. liOns dnd belieres lrut we're

: Put~ our name on It There's plcl1lY of pressure>:. on the faml~r these days. yoor mllr.: exJ>Ic'IlCe hinQeS on lhe IlIIld of crop you \/ruw edch ,ear Thill'5 whl' we ill Terrd St.'CI.I Company dre ref) Ul reful dbou l what produclS we pul our name on.

Only oulSlilndin\l. prO\len produclS fall under the Terra name. Terra Seed Company i5 ex lremely proud of ali of our quality seed varielies such tIS. certilie<j...colJQn. com. fora~'<? soil/hum. qraiIJ sorl/hum. sorl/hum .sudan. ~· I/r=. erl ified wheal. I

with Yield Kil11/ Hybrid \lrain sOl\lhum and Dellapine slorm reslSldnJ cOllon seed.

Respect the name -expect results Terra Seed Company not only puIS ilS ndme on IlO<Jd product> we rnaIIe IlO<Jd produclS and bacl1 them up with IlO<Jd service. We are 'complelely conimined 10 the research development and the evaluation of more productive produci Unes 10 SUi l your neecb. The resullS ... more yield per acre at harvest time. For the best quaHty varieties. see your local Terra Seed DeaIif'r.

in popularity and have some definite advantages. including: the control of \\'ind and water erosion: labor and energy savings; reduced tractor and equipment costs; and yields equal to or bener than those achieved with conventional tillage systems ,

Conservation tillage systems are more complex than conventional t illage systems and require a higher level of management. Slart on a small scale at first to avoid problems .. but do give it a try . We cannot afford to pass up the opportunity to conserve our land while increasing our profitability .

Irrigators Due Tax Deduction

As income tax time rolls around. lan downers who irrigate may take ad ,'an lage of a taJ deduction allowed bv the Internal Revenue Service for the cost of \\'atcr depleted from the Ogallala aquifer.

LandO'A'ners who \\'ish to claim a cos t · in-water income lax d e pletio n allOl4'ance for 1985 may now request data to support their claims from the High Plains Underground Water Conservation District No. 1. which has been supplyi ng the information for more than 20 vears.

An y lando~ner who purchased . mhcrited or othervdse a"ained interes t in land in the District's service area aftc r 1948.· and whose ground water is depicted in the business of irrigation (arming . is eligible to take the tax deduction,

The lax deduction is based on the lando\lo' ner' s cost in his wat e r re­sources .It the time of acqui si fion . Basically the water value is deter­mined as the difference in the sales pri ce between irrigated land and dryland in an y given year. Cost guidelines are updated each year by the Wate r District based on actual real eS late appraisals of recorded land sales. Also , the quantit)· of ground water in storage beneath the tract of land at the time of acquisition and a . yea rl y decline in feel are required by the IRS to claim the deduction,

The District recei \'es six to seven thousand requests for water decline data each year. It has been e-stimaled tha t SJ 10 $5 million in tues is .saved by irrigating landowners in the Disirict ' 5 serviC'e aTea each year.

Intere sted landowners or their accountants may obtain the data necessary to claim the tal deduction by contacting the High Plains Under­g round Water co nser\'alion District No . 1. to the allention of Rosie Risinger, Waler Depletion Coor. dinator. 2930 Ave. Q. Lubbock. TellS 79405. 806· 762·0181. For new claims. requests should include the follo\\;ng information : name of the landowner. address. social security or federal identification number, a complete legal description of the land involved and the original dale of the land acquisition. Those who have pre­viously made claims need only submit the assigned permanent reorder number.

A fee of SS is charged ' for yearly decli ne inform a tion and S25 for saturated thickness information , These fees enlble the program to be se lf·supporting .

·Couf8V4llaknowing whet not to leer.' Pleto

: 1-27 & Main St.

: Abernathy

• .298-2003

• • 6 a.m. till • 11 p.m. 1 Dally



Abemath,. 298·2541 .

105 A" • . 0 Abemalhy, Tex .. , 79311

Lubbocl! 762·1038

:t; COTTON TAlkS ~ ... '

few .utillt COOotl _ , 1_.

The last week in Ja nua ry is prObably the ea rlies t that producers can expect detail s' of the 1986 colto n program . speculales Donald Johnson, Executive Vice Presidenl o( Pl ains Cotlon Growers, Inc,

We recognize that each day Iha t passes without ful l knowledg(' of program decisions tightcn5 the time frame (or making rlllancial arrange­ments. planning crop acreage mi.xes and completing advance fie ld opera­tions. he says. adding" peG is urgin g USDA to make program an nounce· ment s 31 the earl ies t possible rime."

Reca llin g Ig8 ! when the last omnibu s farm bi ll ""as passed. Johnson points out that the Act was signed into law on December 22 and prog ram p a rtic ulars we ren ' t issued until fi .... e weeks later on Januar .... 29. Pres ide nt Rcagan sig ned the ne~' law. offici a llv dubbed the "Food Securit\' Act of i 985." on December 23. .

"And since the new measure is decidedly more complex than the 1981 Act. , . he continues "il would be o .... erly opt imistic to expect ariy significa~t improyeme nt on the 1981 record."

One writer has calculated [hat there are 18 separale parts of the 1985 bill's carl o n sec tio n a lone in ..... hi c h the Secret a ry has discretionary powers .

Alreadv know" is tha t the J986 base l oa~ will be 5S cent s. t he ta rget price will be 8 1 cenls. the SSO.OOO payment limita ti on remains in force . 1986 payme nt yie lds will be equal to Ihe me di an th ree of Ihe 198 1.85 progra m payment yields, and advance

de ficiency payme nts up to 50 percent of expected full paymenl will be made in 1986.

The exact formula for fi guring 1986 acreage bases still is in ques tion . HO" 'ever it appears certain that 1986 bases will be no hi gher than the avcrage of acreage planted an d considered planted in 1984 and 1985. and will be no lower Ihan the average of 198 1·85 plan le d and con. ide red planted acres. exfIbtiJ ing zero years.

One of the unk nowns that is most vi tal to prod ucer planning concerns the s pecifics o( acreage reduction programs .

Acreage reduction authority resti ng with the Secretary include the option to req uire a 2S percent unpaid acre-age reduction, to offer but not require up to an add it io nal 2S pe rcen t paid d i\'e rs ion. or any cOOlbinalion of the two.

The Secretary a lso has authori ty (1)

to make " loan payments" equal to the differen ce between the base loan and the "loan rede mption rate " to producers ..... ho forego deficiency pay­ments and use of the loan and reduce plantings one -half the amount required (or full program participation. (2) 10

make 92 percent of full deficiency pa~' ments to producers who plan t only 50 perce nt of base acreage minus acreage reduction and diversion, and (3) to require that cotton program coope rators o n a given farm not exceed their acreage bases for other program crops On v.'hich an acreage limitation progra m is in effect.

• Ed ... tion i. the telk of bringing the young and 110. great t.,..uMr.· John Jay a..pman

Electrical Systems-,


1605 Ave. F


667-3848 or

667-3638 Call Collect

24 Hour Service

All Work 100% Guaranteed

Reasonable Rates

: • 1 Slice Diet or Reg; $1 59

8 Peck Cent

Small Burrito .

-. ,t o

August pie. 7S- . ~ ~ "

.~--------~------~--~~--------~--------~~ . • • !,~ , U'" •• "cult. 21, - !

~ . ',. ~

Page 4: REVIE'/V - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1986/1986-01-16.pdf · Ih, Poli ce Department is Sher,,' Mart"" 34. "ho mmed here January 6 from Colorado C!I\'. The


5,.10.. 3 b.d .... m wIda worbhop.

......... 2 bedroom for only m,500. Owner will consider Onanclng.

3 lots for sale on 15th Street.

PrIce S .... hed 55,000 Neat 3 ~.droom, with new ·~~.nt and new carpet. $3'1,500.

3 bedroom. Separate living room and den with fireplace. $30,000.

3·2·2 with 12 teres on pavement. Reduced to 570,000.

MOVE IN. 2 bedroom, I batb, IIvIna room and dell. Dea CIMIId be 3rd bed· room. New paint ·lnlllde and out. [*Approxlmate amount]

2 bedroom, 2 batb. Huge den. 2 acres 00

pavement. 570,000.

4 bedroom, 3 batb on comer. Lots of extras.

Lots In P1nsoo Place. Your choice of east, west or south front.

Flxer·Upper Special. Call us abopt thl. 3 bedroom, wltb fireplace for only 522,500.

298-2440 Jame. Pope

298-4019 ~ Burl Hobbard 298-4082

Real Estate

FOR SELL OR TRADE: For farm land . 3 unit brick condominimum in Aberna· thy . Rents for $785 per month. Phone 995·3535 or nights 995·4442.

FOR SALE: 2 bedroom. brick townhouse in Aberna· thy. Central heat. refriger. ated air. dishwasher. range. carport . carpet. Excellent ·condition . $20 .000 . $2500 down. 10% interest. Phone 995·3535. 995·4442 nights .


FOR SALE: Nice 3 bed· room. I bath home on 1'/, lots . ' 1400 sq . ft . Carpeted throughout. I car garage with opener. central heat and air. cellar. large fenced backyard . Shown by appt.

f'::, Sale J FOR SALE: 1980 V, ton Chevrolet pickUp. Standard shift. Equipped for lights

and brakes for trailer . 298·4087. (lo·\tp)

FOR SALE: 3 bedrooms. 1'/ , bath. I·car garage. Large storm cellar. Call Anna D'Elia Real Estate. 795·1828.


FOR SALE: Neat and clean 3 bedroom house . New tile bath with double sinks. Refrigerated central air and hea t o ne· yea r o ld . 2·car attached garage. $42 .950 . Call Chuck. 794·8189. Hub City Real Estate . MLS .


Job Opportunities

EASY ASSEMBLY WORKI $600 per 100. Guaranteed payment. No experience/ no sa les. Details se nd se lf· addressed stamped enve· lope: Elan "Vital ·5410 3418 Enterprise Rd. . Ft. Pierce. Fla .• 33482.


Run out of paper coffee fil· ters? Cut a paper towel to the right size.









2008 34th St. Lubbock, Texas 765·6818

Political Calendar

Shirley Groce for

Re·ElectIon to

Justice of the Peace Precinct 3

Hale County

Pol. Adv. Paid For By Shirley Groce


McEachern ," For EIedIoa

To DIaarIct A ...... y Hale • Swillher


Pol. Adv. Paid For By terry Mclrache rn



Public Notice


Th e city of Abernathy hereby requests bids for a microcomputer. The micro· co mputer must have a minimum of 512 KB of memory. at least 20 MB of online storage. a diskette or tape backup, a monochrome monitor. and a typewriter type keyboard with function keys and a numeric keypad. The microcomputer should use the MS· DOS operating , system . In addition. a com· patible printer with a mini· mum capability of 200 characters per second should be included.

Please include model numbers. prices , delivery time. information as to who will provide warranty work and location where warranty ' and other maintenan ce would be performed. etc .

Sea le d bids will be accepteo u.ntirS p.m. Thurs· day. January 30. 1986. at the City Rail in Abernathy. Texas. The city reserves the riaht to reject . any and all bids .

(10. I tl')


Business Services


L,fe . Auto . Fire . Crop • Haif




Beck's Brick Contractor

Brlck·Block·Stone No Job Too Small

Mark Beck 298·4235

We Specialize In , Structural & Decorative


House Painting



CONTACT Solon & Wanda Wilkins 507 Sth St •• Abernathy


M iscella neou s

LANDOWNERS·OILFIELD PERSONNEL: We buy over· riding roya lty inte rests for cas h. Producing oil wells only. Quick response guar· anteed. Contact Dallas / Fort Worth Royalty Co.. P. O. Box 8068. Da ll as. Texas . 75205. (214) 369· 1594 .

(9 ·6tp

New Credit Card! No onc refused. Visa/ Mastercard. Ca ll 1· 6 19·565·1 657. 24 hours.

(8·3 tp l

CLEAN RUGS like new. So easy to do with Blue Lustrc. Rent e lectric shampooer $1. Struve Department Store.

SEE RINSE·N· V AC. the iit · credible new port ab le steam type carpct cleaning sys te m. It docs t he job of profc~·

sional carpe t c1caners at a fraction or the cos!. Rcnt onc now at Struve's Depart . ment Store . 3 18 Mai n. Phonc 298·253 1.

CALL your local used cow' dealer for 7· dav ·a·week free dead s toc k" re mova l. Ca ll coll ect 806·293·443 1, or ca ll 1·800·692·4435.


BABYSITTING: Matur e Anglo lady desi res part.time babys itting. an y hour or da y. Ha ve tran sportatio n. Erma Teal. 298·2450.

Job Opportunities

RECEPTIONIST: Needed someone to t ype. a nswe r phon es. and acco unting wo uld be he lpful. Ca ll 298·2502. Pa nh and le Pro· cessing Co. MECHANIC NEEDED: Experience with welding and a long .haul truck driv· e r . Apply in pe rso n. Panhandle Processing Co. 298·2502.

STATION MANAGER: Needed experienced person preferred. but not necessa· ry . For information ca ll Lamond Farm Store. Hale Center. 806·839· 2112 or 839·2684. (9.2tc)

OFFICE 296·6351

RESIDENCE 293·2304


Remodeling. Paneling. Garage Co.nverslons. Patios. Storm Doors and Windows. Painting. All types of home repair . No job too small

1609Ave. D Abernathy 298·2086

For All Your Cement Needs

Call Ce nte r Ready Mix



Finisher & Labor Available If Desired

II a Ie Center 839·2102

For Rent I FOR RENT: 2 bedroom t ow nh o u se. unfur· ni shed. 900 sq. ft. Free wat e r . sewage. and gas . Storagc shed. car· port . modern in every re~ pect. Fcnced back· I' a rd. Ph o nc 797·$686

~r 298·2033 . (51.rts)

VILLA APARTMENTS 2 bcdrooms·$200 3 bcdrooms.$24S

Al'c. F be tween 3rd & 4th Vic ky Martin .307 B Ave. F 298·413 7

Card Of Thanks

Ollr hea rt s are overflow. ing with all th e lov ing kindnt'ss bcstowed on us in the loss of our . loved one. Jerry Nix .

Frie nds are trul v fl owers down the path",a)' of life. and we could not have done without a ll of yo u.

We th a nk 'y O U for th e beautiful mem~rial se rvice. hospit a l a nd home visits . delicious food. cards . fl ow· ers a nd mos t of all the many prayers.

Without your ex pressions of love. Our sorrow would havc been harder to bear .

Nell Veda Nix a ll our families

MUST SELL: Recl ining love sea t. $75 and hide·a·bed . $ 100 . good condition, matching upholstery (both SI50). Singe r twin· needle, slant ·o· matic zig. zag sewing machin e in one· drawe r, fold·out table. Does decora· ti ve st it c hes. Good buy , $300. Sa nta brought a new one! 298·2243 .

(10· lip)

O~lIU8rl.a :1 Mlm • . Lamb

Services (or Mima Lamb; 76, of Tulia were at 3 p.m. Monday at Ralls First United Methodist Church with the Rev. Allen Schlegel. pastor of the Nazarene Church in Abernathy. offic· fating.

Burial was in Floydada Cemetery under the direction of Carter· Adams Funeral HOqle.

She died Friday, Jan. 10. in Northwest Texas Rospital in Amarillo after a lengthy illness.

She was born in Eldorado. Okla. She married Tom Lamb Dec. 20. 1934 in Altus. Okla. He died in 1982. She was a member of · the Church of the Nazarene in Abernathy. She had lived in Quanah and Cone. She moved to' Tulia in 1985.

Survivors include two sons. Tommy of Abernathy and Bobby of Tulia; a daughter. Linda Hope of Hereford; four brothers, Pless Helms and Brady Helms of Littlefield. Cecil Helms of Levelland and Fred Helms of Sun· down; a sister. Cordelia Adams of Ralls; and eight grandchildren.

James Hill

Funeral services for James T. Hill. 58. we re at 4 p . m . Saturday in Oakwood Baptist Church with the Rev . John Swe nson officiating. ass isted by the Rev . Joe Jones . .

Burial was in Resthaven Memorial Park by Wilsons' Funeral Directors .

He died at 4: 15 p .m. last Thursday in Methodist Hospital after a brief



99~· .....

illness. He WIS born In Fort Smith. Ark.

and was a member of Oakwood Baptist Church. He worked for the TellIS ' Highway Department for 39 years. He married Mary Lewis In 1947 in Lubbock. He was. a veteran of World War II. .

Survivors are his wife; a daughter. Linda A. O'Briant of Lubbock; two sons. Stephen Wayne of Lubbock and Larry Glenn of Arlington; sister. Emily

Bray ,of Abernathy; and three grand· children.

~ ~ Th ... rllnt known zoo be· longed to Qu .. n Hath· ahepaut of Egypt. about 1500 Be.

Butcher Boy Meat, Co. A Complete Retail Meat Market

SPECIALIZING In Our Own Heavy Grain Fed Beef

30 Lb. Beef Pack 15915

5 lb. Round Steak 5 lb. Sirloin 5 lb. T·Bone or K.C. Strip 5 lb. Rout 10 lb. Ground Beef

17 Lb. Family ~ 12915

3 lb. Sleak 3 lb. Rout 3 lb. Pon Chop8 3 lb. Fryer 5 lb. Ground Beef


.. lin JlIPRIIl IlNPICI""_ IRlEI r ... 1111 IWrI

m.iii HIM


$1 89 Shurfine Green

Beans 5/$1 00 Folgers

Coffee 1 Lb. C n """ ....

Chili Cheese




16 Oz. Can

"'am & Cheese


Coca CoJa ....-... ----. -I Pack Cana