Revelat ion and the End Times by Norman B. Willis

Revelation and the End Times by Norman B. Willis

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Revelation and the End Times by Norman B. Willis. - I got saved in the summer of 1999, - Taught about Y2K (2000) - Thought world was going to end midnight, December 31 st , 1999. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Revelation and the End Times PowerPoint

Revelationand the End Timesby Norman B. Willis

- I got saved in the summer of 1999, - Taught about Y2K (2000)- Thought world was going to endmidnight, December 31st, 1999

2- I was also taught there would bea Pre-Tribulation Rapture in the year 2000,followed by 7 years of tribulation.

3- And that Yeshua (J-sus)scoop us all up in the clouds,and take us all back to theland of Israel supernaturally,where we would rule withHim for 1,000 earth years,sitting on thrones.

4-1999 came and went

5-2000 came and went

6-2001 came and went

7-Then we had 9/11

8-2002 came and went- I started to have questions

Hm9I started studying into Revelation:- I just wanted to know the truth.- I just wanted toknow what isahead.

10-Revelation is a prophetic vision, and- Prophetic visions can be difficult to sort out, because the themes are all interwoven.

My questions:When is the Rapture?-Pre-Tribulation?-Post-Tribulation?-Mid-Tribulation?-(When is it?)

12- But as I studied, I started to seea number of things that did not fit with what I had been taughtat all.

13It was like that old sayingof trying to forcesquare pegsin round holes.


When we areworking a puzzle,we dont want to force anythingwith a hammer.

15- I began to realize that the things I had been taught required me to believe that certain prophecies would go unfulfilled.- In my understanding,thats impossible.- (Thats a no-no.)

16Yochanan (John) 10:3535 If He called them elohim (g-ds), to whom the word of Elohim (G-d) came (and the Scriptures cannot be broken).

17Matthew 5:1717 "Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy, but (only) to fulfill.

18Matthew 5:1818 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the Torah till all is fulfilled.


So we should not thinkthat we can justthrow the prophecies outif they dont agree with our theoriesof what will happen in the end times.

20I was taught

- Yeshua will return in the clouds- Scoop us up in a rapture- Carry us back to Jerusalem supernaturally

21I was taught

-Yeshua would rule on earth for 1000 years, during the millennium22I was taught

- Further, that Yeshua will build Ezekiels temple (Ezekiel 40-46) - He will be the prince of that temple.23Ezekiel 40-46 speaks of a coming temple, in which a prince will serve all Israel

24Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 45:2222 And on that day the prince () shall prepare for himself and for all the people of the land a bull for a sin offering.

25My Question was:If this Prince is Yeshua, then why does He prepare a sin offering for Himself?

26- But if the prince is not Yeshua, then how can Yeshua be presentat the same time the prince is ruling over Israel?

27Wouldnt it create a conflict for the Conquering King to have to share His power and glory with this human prince in Ezekiel?

28Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 42:88 I am Yahweh, that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another, Nor My praise to carved images.

29Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 46:1616 'Thus says Yahweh Elohim: "If the prince gives a gift of some of his inheritance to any of his sons, it shall belong to his sons; it is their possession by inheritance.

30Wait a minute:Is Yeshua going to take an earthly wife, and have earthly sons?

31Question:This prince cant be Yeshua - So, who is it?

32And if Yeshua is physically here for 1,000 years, then how is there room for this prince?


perhaps you have heard this:

-Yeshua will catch us all up in a rapture,- and take us all back to the land of Israel in a cloud34Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 66:2020 Then they shall bring all your brethren for an offering to YHWH out of all nations, on horses and in chariots and in litters, on mules and on camels, to My Set-Apart Mountain Jerusalem," says YHWH.


Perhaps the horses, chariots, litters, mules and camels are thetrains, planes and automobilesof the modern era?


What part of that says Yeshua will take us back to the land of Israel in a cloud?37Lots of things didnt make sense,But we need to do a basicreview of Two House theoryin order to explain the next prophecies we will see.

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel)Israel had 12 sons (12 tribes)Joseph went into Egypt

After 430 Years, Moshe (Moses) brought the Israelites out of Egypt

Then came 480 years of Judges.Then Kings David & Solomon.After that, the kingdom split.- SPLIT -1 Kings 11-12

Two House TheoryTwelve tribes of IsraelHouse of Israel (North)House of Judah (South)102

102House of Israel (Ephraim) Taken to the dispersion(Assyrian Diaspora)

House of Judah (Jacob) -Babylonian Exile- Jews of first century-Roman Exile-Also the Jews of today102


Mattityahu (Matthew) 15:2224 But [Yeshua] answered and said, "I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (ten tribes)."


Kepha Aleph (1 Peter) 1:11 Kepha, an apostle of Yeshua Messiah, To the pilgrims of the (Assyrian) Dispersion (Lost Ten Tribes) in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.

Yaakov (James) 1:11 Yaakov (James), a bondservant of Elohim and of the Adon Yeshua Messiah, To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings.

-144,000 are from all 12 tribes

- Revelation 7:6-76 of the tribe of Asher twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe of Naphtali twelve thousand were sealed; of the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand were sealed.

It doesnt say,Of the Baptists, 12,000 were sealed,Of the Methodists, 12,000 were sealed,Of the Seventh Day Adventists, 12,000 were sealed.It speaks of the 12 tribes.

Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 3:1818 "In those days the House of Judah shall walk with the House of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north, to the land that I have given as an inheritance to your fathers.


What part of that says Yeshua will take us back to the land of Israel in a cloud?50(Future prophecy) Hosea 1:1111 Then the children of Judah and the children of Israel Shall be gathered together, And appoint for themselves one head; And they shall come up out of the land, For great will be the day of Jezreel!

When the 2 houses appoint their leader, doesnt that speak of an election?

52When Yeshua returns, are we going to elect Him?

53Would the Conquering King care?

54If not, then who is it that gets elected?(Has to be a human)



Yeshua returns in the clouds


Maaseh (Acts) 1:9-11 9 Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight.


10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel,


11 who also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven?


This same Yeshua, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven" (i.e., in a cloud.)

60Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 30:7-97 Alas! For that day is great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob's trouble, But he shall be saved out of it. 8 'For it shall come to pass in that day,' Says Yahweh of hosts, 'That I will break his yoke from your neck, And will burst your bonds; Foreigners shall no more enslave them. 61Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 30:99 But they shall serve Yahweh their Elohim, And David their king, Whom I will raise up for them.62Basically two options here:

1. The original King David is physically resurrected from the grave2. Someone comes in the power and spirit of King David63

But either way:

If Yeshua comes down in a cloud,then who is King David that is raised up,who rules over Israel?

64After the time of Jacobs TroubleYirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 30:2121 Their leader shall be from among them, And their governor shall come from their midst.65After the time of Jacobs Trouble

If Yeshua returns in the clouds,then who is it who comes from among them,and from their midst?

66- The more I studied, the more passages I saw that just dont fit with the standard classic rapture paradigms

- Like puzzle pieces that dont fit.

- (I will show you alot more versesas we go along)

67I am just going to present the results of my studies.(my ideas)(You dont have to agree with me.)

Just let me paint a picture for you,and see if it makes sense to you.

- We found that Revelation has a timeline built into it,

- And all of the rest of the end-time prophecies plug in to that timeline.- (Really convenient)-(Answers a lot of questions)


- Scripture is a lot likea puzzle:1. Find four corners2. Complete the framework3. Then fill in the middle71Here is the simplified chart:

- Starting with the assemblies- Also on the website Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Seals, Trumpets, Thunders, Cups

Seals take a long time (100s of years)Trumpets are the Tribulation (7 years)Cups/Bowls happen quickly (30 days)Armageddon, Ingathering, Millennium

The Assemblies

We wont cover the 7 assemblies (churches) in this presentation, but we do cover them in the book.Timeline and insets

1. The timeline is those things that happen chronologically. It is the storyline.(First this happens, then that happens)Timeline and insets

2. There are also blocks of information that are overlaid on or inset into the timeline. - These provide more information. Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth

Thats the overview

Now lets go to the main presentation,and take a closer look at howRevelation has been fulfilled historically,and how it will be fulfilled in the future.Please join me againin Part 1 ofRevelation and the End Times. Assembly123456Inset77 SealsReleasing Horse ForcesDead144k77 Trumpets(Shofars)7 Years of TribulationLast 3.5 is Jacobs Trouble7Thun2 Wit7QuakeInset chapters 12-14 (Woman & child, beasts sea & land, 2 harvests)7 Cups(Bowls)123456Frog7Inset chapters 17-18 (Describes Babylon/Rome, and her fall)ArmageddonGog 1 (+75)(Yeshua returns)(Wedding feast)Ingathering(2d Exodus)Millennium(1000 years)(saints in heavenwith Messiah)Gog 2(Satan loosed)Earth continues a whileWhite throne judgmentNew earth