WOMEN’S LEAGUE FOR CONSERVATIVE JUDAISM Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, 2009 / Tishri 5770 Barbara Schreiber, Editor Dear MetroNorth Region Sisterhood Members, As the MetroNorth Region of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism begins its second year of existence, I would like to congratulate and thank all of the women who have worked together to help make our inaugural year a success. During our inaugural year we began the task of melding two branches consisting of Sisterhoods in Manhattan, the Bronx, Westchester and Rockland Counties, the Mid Hudson area and two Sisterhoods in Connecticut into a single group, the MetroNorth Region. We have met with many successes and faced many challenges. The Executive Committee has spent countless hours working on completing the task of merging our two branches and has put together a strong base for the future of our Region. Much still remains to be done, and I hope that your will join in this endeavor. Planning is well underway for this upcoming year. We already held our Board Orientation of July 17 . During th this meeting we discussed the goals, the future direction of our Region, our responsibilities as members of MetroNorth Region and how the Board can work together to solidify our program and meet our goals for the next two years. On Page 3 in this edition of the MetroNorth Express we have enclosed a copy of our calendar of programs for the upcoming year. This year we decided to host programs and events throughout the Region, thus affording all of our members the opportunity to attend and meet others from throughout the Region. We hope that you will refer to the enclosed calendar when planning local Sisterhood events so that they will not conflict with Region events. Additionally, we will focus on increasing and strengthening membership in our Sisterhoods, the Region and Women’s League. It would be wonderful if all of our Sisterhoods would take advantage of the various training opportunities that are available though Women’s League. Women’s League has created a strong training services department which affords each Sisterhood the opportunity to receive training throughout the year for their boards and Sisterhood members. This training is invaluable and I strongly urge you to take advantage of it. If you are interested in learning more about these exciting training programs, contact Judi Kenter, Training Services Chair at [email protected]. I am looking forward to not only seeing you at our planned events throughout the year, but also to working with each of you and the entire membership of the MetroNorth Region during the next two years of my Presidency. B’ Shalom, Reva Gershen Lowy President, MetroNorth Region Women’s League for Conservative Judaism -1-

Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, …Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, 2009 / Tishri 5770 Barbara Schreiber, Editor Dear MetroNorth Region Sisterhood Members,

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Page 1: Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, …Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, 2009 / Tishri 5770 Barbara Schreiber, Editor Dear MetroNorth Region Sisterhood Members,



Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, 2009 / Tishri 5770 Barbara Schreiber, Editor

Dear MetroNorth Region Sisterhood Members,

As the MetroNorth Region of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism begins its secondyear of existence, I would like to congratulate and thank all of the women who have workedtogether to help make our inaugural year a success.

During our inaugural year we began the task of melding two branches consisting of Sisterhoodsin Manhattan, the Bronx, Westchester and Rockland Counties, the Mid Hudson area and two Sisterhoods inConnecticut into a single group, the MetroNorth Region. We have met with many successes and faced manychallenges. The Executive Committee has spent countless hours working on completing the task of merging ourtwo branches and has put together a strong base for the future of our Region. Much still remains to be done, andI hope that your will join in this endeavor. Planning is well underway for this upcoming year. We already held our Board Orientation of July 17 . Duringth

this meeting we discussed the goals, the future direction of our Region, our responsibilities as members ofMetroNorth Region and how the Board can work together to solidify our program and meet our goals for the nexttwo years.

On Page 3 in this edition of the MetroNorth Express we have enclosed a copy of our calendar of programs for theupcoming year. This year we decided to host programs and events throughout the Region, thus affording all of ourmembers the opportunity to attend and meet others from throughout the Region. We hope that you will refer tothe enclosed calendar when planning local Sisterhood events so that they will not conflict with Region events.

Additionally, we will focus on increasing and strengthening membership in our Sisterhoods, the Region andWomen’s League. It would be wonderful if all of our Sisterhoods would take advantage of the various trainingopportunities that are available though Women’s League. Women’s League has created a strong training servicesdepartment which affords each Sisterhood the opportunity to receive training throughout the year for their boardsand Sisterhood members. This training is invaluable and I strongly urge you to take advantage of it. If you areinterested in learning more about these exciting training programs, contact Judi Kenter, Training Services Chairat [email protected].

I am looking forward to not only seeing you at our planned events throughout the year, but also to working witheach of you and the entire membership of the MetroNorth Region during the next two years of my Presidency.

B’ Shalom,

Reva Gershen LowyPresident, MetroNorth RegionWomen’s League for Conservative Judaism


Page 2: Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, …Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, 2009 / Tishri 5770 Barbara Schreiber, Editor Dear MetroNorth Region Sisterhood Members,


Listed below are the members of the Executive Committee and each of the Area Directors of theMetroNorth Region with their contact information. Feel free to contact any of these women with

questions regarding our upcoming events and programs.


President Dr Reva Gershen Lowy [email protected]

Membership V.P. Florence Wolpoff [email protected]

Torah Fund V.P. Mary Sanders [email protected]

Education V.P. Tamara Spolan [email protected]

Area V.P. Lucy Becker [email protected]

Comm. Secretary Claire Gondelman [email protected]

Financial Secretary Dr Elizabeth Gittman [email protected]

Admin. Secretary Vitina Biondo [email protected]

Treasurer Arlene Krawitz [email protected]

Imm. Past President Ilene Kirschner Madwed [email protected]

Imm .Past President Carol Green [email protected]


Metropolitan Victoria Friedman [email protected]

Westchester Gaye Altman [email protected]

Rockland Susan Orlando [email protected]

Mid Hudson Lisa King-Smith [email protected]


Page 3: Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, …Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, 2009 / Tishri 5770 Barbara Schreiber, Editor Dear MetroNorth Region Sisterhood Members,

MetroNorth Region Calendar

2009 - 2010

Saturday/Sunday, September 19-20, 2009 - Rosh Hashanah

Monday, September 28, 2009 - Yom Kippur

Saturday/Sunday, October 3-4, 2009 - Sukkot

Saturday, October 10, 2009 - Shemini Atzeret

Sunday, October, 11, 2009 - Simhat Torah

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 - Parlor Meeting-Metropolitan Area

Sunday, October 25, 2009 - Region Education Event Tour of Synagogues in Manhattan, with lunch

Tuesday, October 27, 2009-Parlor Meeting - Westchester AreaHome of Reva Gershen Lowy

Thursday, November 5, 2009-Metropolitan Area Torah Fund dinner

Sunday, November 8, 2009 - Region Education Event - Theodore Bikel performance

Monday, November 9, 2009 - Parlor Meeting-Rockland County AreaNew City Jewish Center

Monday, November 16, 2009 -Evening with Rabbi Shmuley BoteachSponsored by the Rockland Area Sisterhoods - New City Jewish Center

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - Parlor Meeting-Mid Hudson Area - to be confirmed

Tuesday, December 3, 2009-Westchester, Rockland and Mid-Hudson Torah Fund EventBet Torah, Mt Kisco

Sunday, January 10, 2010 - Region Education EventEnvironmental Program - Congregation Sons of Israel - Upper Nyack

Sunday, February 21, 2010 - Region Education EventTour of Jewish Heritage Museum, with brunch

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - Region Board Meeting Greenburgh Hebrew Center, Dobbs Ferry, NY

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - Tuesday April, 6, 2010 - Passover

Sunday, May 2, 2010 - Spring ConferenceJewish Theological Seminary

Please forward this information to all your members.

Contact people for the events are the following: Education -Tamara Spolan, Edu cation VP, [email protected]

Parlor Meetings - Lucy Becker, Area VP, [email protected] Torah Fund events - Mary Sanders, Torah Fund VP, [email protected]

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. Reva Gershen-Lowy, President, MetroNorth Region

[email protected]


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The 2009-10 Torah Fund campaign is off and running! Our overall goal for thiscampaign is to raise $2.5M for the benefit of The Jewish Theological Seminary in NewYork, the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the American Jewish University in LosAngeles, the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem and Seminario Rabinico

Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires.

Our theme this year is “Le Avdah ul Shamrah – To plant and to preserve” and there will be a focus on theenvironment. In keeping with this theme, a beautiful new Torah Fund pin has been designed. It is configured

in the shape of a gold leaf, and the Hebrew letters of the theme are cut into the gold.

This is the time of year to make your annual pledge to Torah Fund – which can be paid out in any way that youchoose before June 30, 2010. Please contact your Sisterhood Torah Fund Chair to make your pledge and

receive your pin.

We have 2 regional Torah Fund events scheduled this year: A dinner on Thursday, November 5, 2009 in the Metropolitan Area

A dinner on Thursday, December 3, 2009 to be held at Bet Torah in Mt KiscoPlease save the dates and watch for further details to follow.

If you have any questions relating to Torah Fund, please contact Mary Sanders, MetroNorth Region Torah FundVP, at 917-861-0688 or email [email protected].

EDUCATION EVENTSfor Our 35-Synagogue-Strong

MetroNorth Region

Education Quiz:

You are building a new community place of worship. Would you choose the style of your forebears, themajor culture where you are living, or a place you esteem.

Your family comes from Eastern Europe and suffered from cold, hunger, religious/ethnic persecutionand/or assimilation. Which of the above four is true?

Your children or grandchildren tell you to turn off the lights to save energy. They learned it from schoolbut you learned it in synagogue. Where is this from in the Tanaach?

You want to know about Jews from earlier communities. Where can you find out?

Save Sundays, October 25 afternoon, November 8 late afternoon, January 10 , 2010 and February 21st,th th th

2010, to find out the answers. Sign up asap when you get invitations to MetroNorth Educational Events. Meetyour sister Women’s League’rs from 35 synagogues around our Region!!

Call Tamara Spolan, Education VP, for additional information: 917-596-8599 or email [email protected] .


Page 5: Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, …Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, 2009 / Tishri 5770 Barbara Schreiber, Editor Dear MetroNorth Region Sisterhood Members,


From the Membership Vice-President of MetroNorth Region, Florence Wolpoff

My name is Florence Wolpoff and I am your vice-president of membership for our MetroNorth Region ofWomen’s League for Conservative Judaism. As your membership vice-president, it is my duty to assist you indeveloping strategies to keep our members in good standing, to reach out to our past members, and to invitenew women to join with us.

This past spring our nominating committee created the positions of area directors in charge of membership to assistme. I would like to welcome Lita Sabin as the area director of the Metropolitan area and Pam Rosman as the areadirector of Westchester. Jackie Walzer, past president of the Hudson Valley Branch, was named as our retentionchair.

With these women on my team, we hope to provide hands-on assistance to our Sisterhoods. If you have anyquestions, feel free to contact me: ([email protected]) .

Wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year! L’Shana Tovah

Florence G WolpoffMembership V.P., MetroNorth Region


The following principles were adopted by the Leadership Council of Conservative Judaism.

As members of the Conservative movement, we welcome all who wish to become involved in our programs,synagogues, services, and institutions. We are committed to fostering Jewish marriage and family life. We offercouples and families the support and resources to create Jewish homes and to practice and grow in Judaism. Wewelcome interfaith couples. Their loving commitment to one another enriches us, as does their participation in ourcongregations. We seek to share with them the gifts of our faith, practices, learning and fellowship. We embracethe Jewish partners of interfaith families. We help them to strengthen their knowledge and observance of Judaism,and to deepen their connections to the synagogue, the Jewish community, and the Jewish people. We actively seekto nurture and support the spiritual journey of non-Jewish partners who join us, to deepen their connections to thesynagogue, the Jewish community and to the Jewish people, and to inspire them to consider conversion. Wejoyously partner with all who join us in creating homes rich in Jewish tradition and in raising children as learnedand committed Jews.To access the new movement keruv brochure and Tools for Building a Culture of Keruv, visit our website atwww.wlcj.org/Resources.

NEW TO WOMEN’S LEAGUE — DISTANCE WORKSHOPSWomen’s League provides fabulous training on a variety of topics covering every area ofsisterhood business and leadership development. But Women’s League knows that thegreat training it offers isn’t always convenient to attend. And that is why we have created

new Distance Workshops. This innovative program uses the technology of conference calls and online services tobring our advice, tips & tricks, and first-hand experience directly into your home. In addition to saving you timeand money, you will be able to apply your new knowledge immediately, not only in your sisterhood -- where youwill find ways to increase membership and expand participation and involvement -- but in your personal andprofessional life as well!

Topics include the basics, such as budgeting and programming, and the more personal, such as the Mitzvah Yomitinitiative and welcoming non-Jews into our communities.

There is no charge but pre-registration is necessary. Participation is limited to members of Women’s League. Forquestions or to register, email [email protected], or log on to our website at www.wlcj.org.


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Women’s League has just updated its guide toHebrew word usage, pronunciation andtransliteration. It is a fabulous tool to find just theright word or phrase to use in flyers, speeches andprograms.

The Hebrew Word Guide includes lists of phrasesby subject, biblical books, days of the week andmonths of the year, numbers, and more.

Order yours at 212.870.1260, ext. 7150


online at [email protected]. Price: $10.00


MISSION TO ISRAEL 20093 destinations

for the price of one

Italy l Israel l Jordan

Why do one when

you can do all three?

November 1-15, 2009

MISSION HIGHLIGHTS:Explore Jewish RomeMeet with VIPs in Rome & IsraelExplore the environment at Kibbutz Lotan Visit Petra, Jordan (eighth wonder of the world)Participate in an archaeological dig Network with Masorti Women

Call 212.870.1260 for information

BOOKMARKSComing this summer! Interviews with three authorsRecommended fiction and

non-fiction for book groups or individual reading pleasure

Children’s literature


We are in the process of developing resolutions tobe proposed for action at the annual Women’sLeague meeting in October 2009. We want to hearfrom you about issues that merit our considerationand action, issues of interest to the Jewishcommunity in general and Jewish women inparticular. Resolutions are vitally important sincethey become the basis for any positions thatWomen’s League takes on issues facing theAmerican Jewish community. Your input isessential to our deliberations.Please send your proposals before the end of Augusteither to Ann Goldman, Executive Director([email protected]), or Rita C. Altman, PublicPolicy Chair ([email protected]).

Page 7: Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, …Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, 2009 / Tishri 5770 Barbara Schreiber, Editor Dear MetroNorth Region Sisterhood Members,



You are in luck!! To date, three Sisterhoods in our Region are featuring book reviews within the next few months. They are listed below, in chronological order of their presentation.


Sisterhood of Congregation Habonim's book group will meet on October 14 to discuss Stephen Dubner's

Turbulent Souls. The meeting will take place at Habonim, 44 W. 66th Street, New York City, from 7:30 - 9 p.m. ALL ARE WELCOME.

RSVP to Amy Kargauer at [email protected].

The Sisterhood of Town and Village Synagogue, 334 E. 14th Street, New York City, will present a book review ofDara Horn’s All Other Nights

on Thursday, October 29, at 7:00 PM sharpALL ARE WELCOME

Greenburgh Hebrew Center, Dobbs Ferry, NY, will feature Dara Horn reading from her new novel,

All Other Nights, on Monday, November 30, at 7:30 PM. A New York Times Book Review Editors’ choice,

All Other Nights, a Civil War spy page-turner, explores race and religion in 19th-century America.

LADIES OF METRO/NORTH REGION, ATTENTION PLEASE!!You are invited to join together for a stimulating Sunday Social

on October 25, 2009 when we embark on an exclusive

ARCHITECTURAL SYNAGOGUE TOURof Temple Emanuel, Safra Synagogue (Sephardim) and Shearith Israel(Spanish Portuguese).

All three synagogues are in Manhattan.

Our tour will be hosted by the leaders of these synagogues

and the tour will be led by JTS’s Dr. Vivian Mann, a woman of International art world


Departure time for the buses, brunch time, and costs are still being worked out at the time of

this printing. Please contact Tamara Spolan, MetroNorth Education V.P.

at [email protected] or 917-596-8599 for more information.


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Are you having difficultyfinding new leaders?

Do you have a committeethat’s not functioning or a mid-term vacancy?

Do you have trouble accessing sisterhood funds?

Do you have other ticklish questions, unsolvableproblems, difficult situations?

Women’s League Training Services are here toanswer your questions, hold your hand, train yourleaders, educate your members, mentor yourpresident, consult with your officers!

Contact the Women’s League Help Line at800.628.5083 or [email protected], Monday throughThursday, 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM (Eastern StandardTime). An experienced trainer will respond within 48hours.


Women’s League has become an active partner ofSharsheret, a national organization supporting youngJewish women and families in their fight againstbreast cancer. Last winter several suggestions foreducational programs to mark October, NationalBreast Cancer Awareness Month, were sent out aspages for the Sisterhood Planner. Now, Women’sLeague has become a proud sponsor of TeamSharsheret and will be joining thousands of womenand men in Walks and Races for the Cure around thecountry. To find an event in your area, visit either ofthese sites: www.komen.org/ findarace.aspx orwww.cancer.orgdocroot/par/PAR_2_Making_Strides_Against_Breast_Cancer.asp

For more information about organizing a breastcancer awareness event or guidance on puttingtogether a group of walkers or runners, contact EllenKleinhaus at [email protected]

Tell her you’re part of the Women’s League Teamfor Sharsheret.


Hold the dateOctober 18, 2009

Women’s LeagueAnnual Meeting

and Mini Symposium on the

EnvironmentLos Angeles County


Shabbat programmingat American Jewish University

FROM THE PACProgram Advisory Committee

Fall 2009Introduction of the first-ever on-line Rosh ChodeshGroup. Participate in a creative and upliftingmonthly learning and discussion group, without everleaving your computer.

November 2009Orpah’s List selection for Jewish Book Month:People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks. Thespecial Women’s League study guide includes colorreproductions of the original Sarajevo Haggadah,which plays a prominent role in the novel.

January 2010Celebrate Tu b’Shevat with new programmingmaterials from Women’s League. The unit will beboth multi-dimensional and multi-generational andwill include study, crafts, and music!

May 2010The Book of Proverbs will be the focus of the annualDay of Study.

LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD PROGRAMSHas your sisterhood created a new program or projectthat you would like to share with the rest of Women’sLeague? Please send the information, including anygraphics, publicity, or materials to:

Education Department Women’s League 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 820 New York, New York 10115

Or email Education Director Lisa Kogen [email protected].

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To protest Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s scheduled appearance at the opening of the UN GeneralAssembly on September 24, the day has been declared National Stand For Freedom in Iran Day. Major events willbe held in cities around the United Sates in conjunction with a major rally that day in New York City, (see below).Communities around the United States have been urged to organize simultaneous events involving as broad aspectrum of American society as possible. In addition, in cooperation with the World Jewish Congress, Jewishcommunities around the world also are being urged to hold events that day.

The mission statement below provides a framework for these ecumenical events across the globe and is intended tocall public attention to Iran’s toxic mix of human and civil rights abuse, arrest and persecution of citizensexercising their basic freedoms, and pursuit of nuclear weapons. • Limitations on freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and freedom of the press.• Immediate cessation of human rights abuses, the release of demonstrators from prisons and protection for minority communities• Prosecution of those responsible for the murder of Neda Agha-Soltan and the many other victims engaged in the recent post-election protests• Full compliance and cooperation by Iran with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Security Council resolutions including an end to all uranium enrichment in Iran• End its incitement to hatred, violence, genocide and other threats against Israel, and support for terrorism


The central event of September 24th will be the Stand for Freedom in Iran rally opposite the United Nations inNew York City, 12:00 noon, Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 47th Street and Second Avenue. Please urge yourmembership in the tri-state area to join you at the rally. Many communities in the area are organizing throughFederations and CRCs to come together to Manhattan. Please urge your regional affiliates to coordinate theirparticipation accordingly. The New York event is being organized by Jewish Community Relations Council ofNew York, UJA-Federation of New York, Progressive American Iranian Committee and the Retail, Wholesale andDepartment Store Union, in cooperation with the Conference of Presidents of Major American JewishOrganizations, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and United Jewish Communities` .







Page 10: Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, …Reva Gershen-Lowy, Region President September, 2009 / Tishri 5770 Barbara Schreiber, Editor Dear MetroNorth Region Sisterhood Members,

Rockland County’s Conservative Sisterhoods

invite you to join us for

A Night With

Rabbi ShmuleyDate: 11 / 16 / 2009 • Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm

New City Jewish Center • 47 Old Schoolhouse Road, New City, NY 10956


$36.00 per personPre-Paid by 11/ 02/ 09

$40.00 per personAt the door

Host of the award-winning

national TV show, Shalom

in the Home on TLC


an international best-selling

author of 21 books.

•Rabbi Shmuley will speak about his

recent book, Kosher Sutra.

•Question and Answer session

•Books for purchase and author signing

•Book signing by Rabbi Shmuley


NCJC: email: [email protected] MJC: email: [email protected]

or call the office at 845-357-2430OJC: Call Gail at 845-634-6643

CSI: Call the office at 845-358-3767 NHC: Call the office at 845-708-0813

Members of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism
