358 Glenbrook road · Stamford, ct · 06906-2198 · 203.324.3434 · Www.smcglenbrook.org WEEKEND MASSES Saturday, 4:00pm Sunday, 8:00am and 10:30am WEEKDAY MASS Monday through Thursday, 8:00am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday, 3:30-3:45pm or by appointment BAPTISM AND WEDDINGS Contact the Parish Office for information and scheduling FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - JULY 12, RETURN TO PUBLIC WORSHIP Reservations required via website at smcglenbrook.org If no internet availability, call 203.324.3434 extension 705

RETURN TO PUBLIC WORSHIP Reservations required via website ... · didn’t even come close. What happened? At first I was perplexed, then some years later the light dawned. The problem

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Page 1: RETURN TO PUBLIC WORSHIP Reservations required via website ... · didn’t even come close. What happened? At first I was perplexed, then some years later the light dawned. The problem

358 Glenbrook road · Stamford, ct · 06906-2198 · 203.324.3434 · Www.smcglenbrook.org

WEEKEND MASSES Saturday, 4:00pm

Sunday, 8:00am and 10:30am

WEEKDAY MASS Monday through Thursday, 8:00am

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday, 3:30-3:45pm or by appointment

BAPTISM AND WEDDINGS Contact the Parish Office for information and scheduling


RETURN TO PUBLIC WORSHIP Reservations required via website at smcglenbrook.org

If no internet availability, call 203.324.3434 extension 705

Page 2: RETURN TO PUBLIC WORSHIP Reservations required via website ... · didn’t even come close. What happened? At first I was perplexed, then some years later the light dawned. The problem


Christopher Anderson, Elena Cates, Ray Duda, Frank Colandro, Susan Jacobsen, Toni Coe, Gary Livia, Taylor Bova, Gerry Fraioli, Betty Vitti, Rosemary Bella, Sonya Correntee, Mary Caruso, Patrick Battinelli, Julie Salce, Lois Scatton, Carol Kane, Michael Pataky, Daniel Caruso, Anthony Tomczyk, Marge Denicola, Gina Stuart, Adam Godlewski, Mark, Johann Fernando, Sandy Recchia, Kathy L., Mary Palmer, Sylvia Privil, Sandra Coppola, Sal Bonina, Harper Pappas, Mary Montaine, Lucille Tomzick, Steven DiCiccio, Aisha Bonny, Megan Lemoung, Brooke Lockwood, Carol Happel, Lloyd Dias, Patti Crowley, Frank Carreiro, Liam Kelly, Barbara Eilertsen, Marge Hogan, and Miguel Machado.

To Parishioners of Saint Maurice Parish:

Effective June 30, 2020, Bishop Caggiano has appointed me temporary Parochial Administrator of Saint Maurice Parish while remaining Pastor of Saint Bridget of Ireland Parish, Stamford. It is the bishop’s intention to appoint a Pastor for Saint Maurice as soon as he is able to provide a priest for the ministerial needs of your parish. I wish Father Fred Riendeau, your pastor for the past six years, a long, happy, healthy retirement.

Like Father Fred, I’m a later vocation to the priesthood. In 2001, I retired from a career as a public high school Social Studies teacher. My wife had died in 1995. The Lord blessed us with three children and has since blessed our family with my two grandchildren. I prepared for the priesthood at Saint John Fisher Seminary, Stamford (2001-2002) and at Pope Saint John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, MA (2002-2006), a seminary for later vocations to the priesthood.

Father Fred also attended Pope Saint John. I was appointed Administrator of Saint Bridget of Ireland in November, 2012, and was installed as pastor in February, 2014. I look forward to serving as temporary Parochial Administrator of Saint Maurice and will arrange to celebrate Masses at Saint Maurice on a weekend some time in August. I look forward to meeting you.

May the Peace of Christ be with you.

Blessings, Father Ed McAuley Pastor, Saint Bridget of Ireland Parish Temporary Parochial Administrator, Saint Maurice Parish

PHASE TWO Return to Worship With Fr. Fred’s retirement on June 30, and the return to public worship, Fr. Ed McAuley, as the temporary administrator, will continue to schedule priests to celebrate the weekend Masses. The weekend Mass schedule will remain the same with Saturdays at 4:00pm and Sundays at 8:00am and 10:30am.

RESERVATIONS are required in order for you to attend any weekend Mass via the online link on the Parish website or by calling the Parish Office.

Please note reservations close on Thursday preceding the weekend Mass.

Remember the men and women in the Armed Forces and all who protect us and put themselves in harm’s way on our behalf; may they be shielded from danger; and for

their families and loved ones. In particular, Andrew Anderson, Christopher Blasius, Samantha Krom, Christian Legaspe, Steven Nolan, Dylan Schneider and Nick Carella.

DAILY MASSES Weekday Mass will not be offered in the immediate future here at Saint Maurice Church. However weekday Mass will continue to be celebrated privately for the scheduled intentions.

For those parishioners who may want to attend weekday Mass, weekday Mass is being offered at Saint Bridget of Ireland Church, Monday, Wednesday & Thursday at 7:00am and Tuesday, Friday & Saturday at 8:00am.

Weekday Mass is also being offered at Saint Cecilia Church each weekday at: 7:30am.

Page 3: RETURN TO PUBLIC WORSHIP Reservations required via website ... · didn’t even come close. What happened? At first I was perplexed, then some years later the light dawned. The problem



Using the best seeds doesn’t always guarantee the best plants. An older Italian gentleman straight from Italy gave me these amazing tomato seeds that he claimed produced the best tomatoes ever grown. Without doubt, the fruit he shared with me was a testament to that fact. These tomatoes were amazing! I couldn’t wait until the next growing season to plant these seeds and harvest my own tomatoes. The whole experiment ended up a failure. I did everything the gentleman said, but my fruit didn’t even come close. What happened? At first I was perplexed, then some years later the light dawned. The problem wasn’t the seeds, it was the soil!

You cannot sow seeds in any old place and in a haphazard way and expect them to be at their best. It doesn’t work that way. Planting the seeds is the easiest part. Preparing the soil is the challenge. Tilling, mulching, enriching, and building up the nutrients are all required for good fruit. Then after the seeds are planted, more care is required in order to maintain that healthy, nutrient rich environment for those seeds to sprout, grow, and flourish. God happily sows the seeds of his Word. What do we do with them?

If we expect to be a passive bystander and have good fruit magically grow, we are mistaken. Bearing the good fruit of God’s Word requires preparation and work. We have to cultivate the soil of our lives so that those seeds can find a proper home. This one thing alone takes a great deal of patience, time, and effort. What kind of preparation have we put into our lives so that we can be a recipient of God’s seed? It takes a great deal of soul-searching and ego-checking to properly prepare. God is the ever faithful and persistent sower. If the seeds do not bear fruit the first time, God will come back time and time again, giving it another try.

If we have created a suitable bed for sowing, then once the seed is sown, we must properly maintain them. What is our maintenance plan for the seeds of God’s Word? We need not only a source for water but a watering schedule. We need to weed, aerate the soil, nurture the young plants, protect them, and provide proper nutrients. What does our spiritual maintenance plan look like? If we have done all things well, imagine what the seeds of God’s Word could produce in us!


Any good farmer will tell you that regardless of how good the quality of the seed, its sprouting and bearing of effective fruit is dependent upon the quality of the soil. Preparing the soil is one of the most essential components of farming. There is no doubt that the seed of God’s Word will eventually achieve its purpose. God cannot and will not fail. When and how that seed bears fruit is, however, dependent upon us. What is the quality and condition of your soil? Life’s concerns and preoccupations can cause us to become inattentive to our inner life. This sometimes unintentional neglect can result in our soil becoming hard, overgrown with weeds, rocky, parched, and lifeless. When God’s seed is sown, it doesn’t always take root because it struggles to establish roots and flourish. How can you more attentively attend to the soil of your heart so that it will be a fertile and vital place for the fruit of the Gospel to grow?

Page 4: RETURN TO PUBLIC WORSHIP Reservations required via website ... · didn’t even come close. What happened? At first I was perplexed, then some years later the light dawned. The problem


Summer Rosary - Come Holy Spirit ~ Bring Us Peace!

Join us in the recitation of the Rosary every Sunday and Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. from now until Labor Day. This Sunday our focus is on praying for peace in our country and an end to the sin of racism. Please join us as we pray for reconciliation and peace. Each Tuesday, we will be led by teens from parishes around the diocese. If you would like to lead on Sunday or have a team of teens who would like to lead on Tuesday, please e-mail [email protected]

Sunday Reading and Backgrounds: 15th Sunday – Ordinary Time

The Gospel: Matthew 13:1-23 or 13:1-9

The parable of the sower is one of Jesus' best-known stories. It is filled with word-pictures that can take root in our memories. We can see the sower, or the farmer, tossing handfuls of seeds left and right. And when Jesus describes the four different kinds of soil that the seed falls on, we can compare ourselves to one of those categories. How sad it is that so much of the seed does not bear fruit. Yet the Word of God does not return to God empty. There will always be enough people of "good soil" to see and hear and do the work of God. The reign of God will come!

Discussion Questions for Gospel

Do you know any "good soil" people? Describe one or two whom you know. What kind of soil do you think you are? Will you be ready today to let the Word of God grow in your heart? (from Sadlier)

Meet Saint Veronica - Feast Day: July 12 - Canonized: Pre-Congregation We hear the story of Veronica when we pray the Stations of the Cross. At the Sixth Station, Jesus stopped to allow Veronica to wipe the blood, sweat, and dirt from his face. This simple act of kindness is all we know about Veronica, a woman in Jerusalem. She is not mentioned in the Gospels, but Jesus’ followers must have shared the story of her loving care for the Lord so often that it has become part of our tradition.

It is believed that Veronica used her veil to wipe Jesus’ face. Afterward, the image of Jesus’ face was imprinted on the cloth. Veronica’s veil is a treasured Church relic, an object or a personal item of religious importance. According to legend, Veronica later touched Emperor Tiberius with the veil and he was cured of an illness. The veil has been preserved, or safeguarded, in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome since the eighth century.

We do not know if Veronica was a follower of Jesus before the day he was crucified or if she became a Christian because she was a witness to Jesus’ suffering. We do know that Veronica responded to Christ on that first Good Friday by reaching out to comfort him.

The Church honors Veronica as a saint. We can imitate her loving and caring actions by doing all we can to help people who are hurting.

The Leadership Institute – Check It Out!

The Diocese of Bridgeport Leadership Institute offers resources for those in ministry and a virtual library for anyone who wishes to learn more about the Catholic faith. The topics range from ‘Care for Creation’ to ‘How to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet,’ to ministry formation for readers and EMHCs. There are also some resources compiled to help parents and grandparents discuss race and racism with their children. Explore the site at: https.//formationreimagined.org

Page 5: RETURN TO PUBLIC WORSHIP Reservations required via website ... · didn’t even come close. What happened? At first I was perplexed, then some years later the light dawned. The problem


CONSIDER ONLINE GIVING Many parishioners have signed up…

Will you? Online Giving is a safe and convenient way for you to make your weekly offertory and special collections and contributions in support of our Parish. The service is easy to set up and manage. If you have not yet signed up for Online Giving, please consider this option. To sign up, visit our Parish website and click on the Online Giving logo located on the main page. Thank you for considering this safe, secure and easy method of donating regularly in support of our Parish. Our Online Giving system is also an App for Apple and Android products! You can download it free in the App Store, Google Play Store or go to OLGapp.com. If you are new to Online Giving, register and enter Church ID 1376.

Thank you to many of our parishioners who have made arrangements to send their contributions via mail/mailbox, direct payments from their bank, or joining online giving. We appreciate your continued and generous support. May God Bless you in your care and concern for the well-being of Saint Maurice Parish.


As Saint Maurice returns to public worship, it is of the utmost importance these specific guidelines be followed.

If you are sick or at high risk please do not attend

Reservations are required via website or phone call

Single door by rectory used as Entrance to Church

Single door by Baptismal font as Exit from Church

Collection basket at entrance and exit to Church

Face masks must be worn in Church at all times

Sanitize hands upon entering Church

Social distancing must be maintained at all times

Sit only in pews marked with yellow tape

Families may sit together in same pew

Kindly refrain from singing; Mass parts will be spoken

At Communion… After host is placed in your hand, step aside, lower mask, consume host, replace mask and return to seat via side aisle

Restrooms are closed and are not accessible

Exit Church immediately following dismissal

Do not leave anything in the Church

PHASE TWO Return to Worship RESERVATIONS are REQUIRED… In order to attend weekend Mass. You must make a reservation for the number of people attending.

An online reservation system is available on the Parish website. Click on the RESERVATION button and follow the instructions to place your reservation to attend Mass. Please do not show up without a reservation.

If you do not have access to the internet, call the Parish Office at 203.324.3434 extension 705 to make your reservation no later than Thursday preceding the weekend.

Parish Offering Weeks of June 28 & July 5, 2020

Saturday, 6/27, 4:00pm (55) ................................ $1,675.00 Sunday, 6/28, 8:00am (32) ...................................... $510.00

Sunday, 6/ 28, 10:30am (55) ................................... $270.00 TOTAL ................................................................... $2,455.00 Saturday, 7/4, 4:00pm (13) ..................................... $245.00 Sunday, 7/5, 8:00am (18) ........................................ $120.00 Sunday, 7/5, 10:30am (25) ...................................... $298.00 TOTAL ...................................................................... $663.00 Peter’s Pence ........................................................... $143.00 Capital Expenses ................................................... $1,428.00 Mailed in to Parish Office ..................................... $1,985.00 Online Giving (6/22-7/5) ...................................... $4,134.00 Thank you for your continued and generous support and for your consideration in participating in online giving! May God Bless you in your care and concern for the financial wellness of Saint Maurice Parish.

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[email protected] Phone: 203.324.3434

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday - 10:00am to 2:00pm

PARISH STAFF Rev. Ed McAuley, Temporary Parochial Administrator

203.324.2910 Sandra Kluun, Coordinator of Faith Formation (Ext. 707)

Safe Environment Coordinator [email protected]

Monica Di Costanzo, Administrative Assistant (Ext. 705) [email protected]

Tony Recchia, Facilities (Ext. 708) [email protected]

Neil Flores, Director of Music (Ext. 706) [email protected]


Mary Lamonte 203.348.6701

PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Kathryn Jimenez 203.324.3434

12 JULY 2020 PAGE 6

Saturday, July 11 4:00pm: Luigi Cardillo

Sunday, July 12 8:00am: All our parishioners 10:30am: Michael Murray

Saturday, July 18 4:00pm: Elizabeth Schlegel

Sunday, July 19 8:00am: All our parishioners 10:30am: Loretta & Loreto Gentile

Sunday: Is 55:10-11/Ps 65:10, 11, 12-13, 14 [Lk 8:8]/ Rom 8:18-23/Mt 13:1-23 or 13:1-9 Monday: Is 1:10-17/Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23 [23b]/ Mt 10:34—11:1 Tuesday: Is 7:1-9/Ps 48:2-3a, 3b-4, 5-6, 7-8 [cf. 9d]/ Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Is 10:5-7, 13b-16/Ps 94:5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 14-15 [14a]/

Mt 11:25-2 Thursday: Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19/Ps 102:13-14ab and 15, 16-18, 19-21 [20b]/Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8/Is 38:10, 11, 12abcd, 16 [cf. 17b]/Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Mi 2:1-5/Ps 10:1-2, 3-4, 7-8, 14 [12b]/ Mt 12:14-21 Next Sunday: Wis 12:13, 16-19/Ps 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16 [5a]/ Rom 8:26-27/Mt 13:24-43 or 13:24-30


The Sanctuary candle is in honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

Votive candle by the statue of the Holy Family is for our nation and the world.