Results from the survey on The Future of HEP Ben Kilminster University of Rochester The Young Physicists Panel presents • survey design • demographics • balance & focus • globalization • outreach • building the field • physics • picking a plan BNL, September 27, 2001

Results from the survey on The Future of HEP Ben Kilminster University of Rochester The Young Physicists Panel presents survey design demographics balance

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Page 1: Results from the survey on The Future of HEP Ben Kilminster University of Rochester The Young Physicists Panel presents survey design demographics balance

Results from the survey on

The Future of HEP

Ben KilminsterUniversity of Rochester

The Young Physicists Panel presents

• survey design• demographics• balance & focus• globalization• outreach• building the field• physics• picking a plan

BNL, September 27, 2001

Page 2: Results from the survey on The Future of HEP Ben Kilminster University of Rochester The Young Physicists Panel presents survey design demographics balance

Young Physicists Panel Florencia Canelli, Brian Connolly, Robin Erbacher,

Bonnie Fleming, George Fleming, Greg Graham,

Deborah Harris, Eric Hawker, Michael Hildreth,

Benjamin Kilminster, John Krane, Sabine Lammers,

David Toback, Andre Turcot, Mayda Velasco,

Gordon Watts, Sam Zeller, Eric Zimmerman

(Founding members)

Page 3: Results from the survey on The Future of HEP Ben Kilminster University of Rochester The Young Physicists Panel presents survey design demographics balance

Young Physicists PanelWhat is YPP ?

Group of “young people” (have neither tenure nor other permanent position)Interested in furthering a positive future for high energy physicsAddress unique issues of young peopleFormed in expectation of Snowmass

Page 4: Results from the survey on The Future of HEP Ben Kilminster University of Rochester The Young Physicists Panel presents survey design demographics balance

SurveyFirst project of zero-budget YPP should have a good results-to-cost ratio …Collect data about the issues of HEP from a diverse group of physicists with varied career stages, backgrounds, and research areas. Survey should cover variety of questions fromWhat is the most important physics for the field ? toIs it more important to be near your detector or your

advisor ?

Page 5: Results from the survey on The Future of HEP Ben Kilminster University of Rochester The Young Physicists Panel presents survey design demographics balance

Survey ImplementationAnonymous web-based survey Mainly multiple choice questions

Space for comments

Soliciting participantsCoincide with first 2 weeks of Snowmass for increased publicityOnline news, email distribution lists, paper copies

AnalysisSurvey responses converted to ntuples with scripts and ROOT.

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Demographics / BNL

30% at Snowmass (365) 70% at Snowmass (36)

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Demographics Geography

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Plot ConventionsTop panel, “Americans”Bottom panel, “non-Americans”


Young Tenured


Amer 334 328 662non-Amer

523 323 846

Total 857 651 1508

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Physics type / Collaboration SizeTitle:demographics4.epsCreator:HIGZ Version 1.23/09Preview:This EPS picture was not savedwith a preview included in it.Comment:This EPS picture will print to aPostScript printer, but not toother types of printers.

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Location of workTitle:demographics5.epsCreator:HIGZ Version 1.23/09Preview:This EPS picture was not savedwith a preview included in it.Comment:This EPS picture will print to aPostScript printer, but not toother types of printers.

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Balance : Important to have …?Diverse range of experiments

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Redundant detectors

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Balance : Important to …?

host Astro-physics

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promote mix of physicists

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Globalization … detectors , supervisorsTitle:globalization1.epsCreator:HIGZ Version 1.26/04Preview:This EPS picture was not savedwith a preview included in it.Comment:This EPS picture will print to aPostScript printer, but not toother types of printers.

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Do we really need to be near the detector?

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Globalization… labs, regional centers

Regional centers: remote control rooms,(permanent?) video conferencing, data processing

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Outreach …to public, govt.Title:outreach1.epsCreator:HIGZ Version 1.23/09Preview:This EPS picture was not savedwith a preview included in it.Comment:This EPS picture will print to aPostScript printer, but not toother types of printers.

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50% willing to get personally involved , 50 % no/maybe

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Why choose HEP ?


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And then

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Losing HEP talent ?

Why leave?

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Are we retaining enough talent ?

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Most compelling physicsTitle:physics1.epsCreator:HIGZ Version 1.23/09Preview:This EPS picture was not savedwith a preview included in it.Comment:This EPS picture will print to aPostScript printer, but not toother types of printers.

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Most compelling physics … BNLTitle:

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Facilities for new physicsTitle:physics3.epsCreator:HIGZ Version 1.23/09Preview:This EPS picture was not savedwith a preview included in it.Comment:This EPS picture will print to aPostScript printer, but not toother types of printers.

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Facility in U.S. ? … BNLTitle:

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Different classification

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How to Pick a Plan

What has most affected your current opinions of the options for the future of HEP?

1. Talking to colleagues2. Current work3. Workshops/conferences4. Sitting and thinking

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How to pick a plan … BNLTitle:survey-effect-opinion.epsCreator:HIGZ Version 1.23/09Preview:This EPS picture was not savedwith a preview included in it.Comment:This EPS picture will print to aPostScript printer, but not toother types of printers.


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How much do you know about…

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How much do you know about…Title:pick6.epsCreator:HIGZ Version 1.23/09Preview:This EPS picture was not savedwith a preview included in it.Comment:This EPS picture will print to aPostScript printer, but not toother types of printers.

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Do you know enough to decide?Title:pick7.epsCreator:HIGZ Version 1.23/09Preview:This EPS picture was not savedwith a preview included in it.Comment:This EPS picture will print to aPostScript printer, but not toother types of printers.

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Question #42: Pick a planWe looked at the online material for timelines

(we took them at their word)

Few options could begin construction within 3-5 years

“Committing” to a plan that takes longer= waiting (we can change our minds)

Only listed items that preclude other options ($150M proton driver not listed)

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What are the choices …“If you had to choose from the following options, which

one would you pick:

A new e+e- collider (TESLA,NLC,CLIC) in the U.S. soon, with continued research in VLHC, and muon storage ring/muon collider technologies.

TESLA in Germany soon, with the goal of a post-LHC higher energy VLHC in the U.S.

TESLA in Germany soon, with the goal of an eventual muon storage ring/muon collider in the U.S.

Reserve judgment for several years, continue research.

Other (specify in the comments section).''

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Choose one …Title:survey-pick.epsCreator:HIGZ Version 1.23/09Preview:This EPS picture was not savedwith a preview included in it.Comment:This EPS picture will print to aPostScript printer, but not toother types of printers.

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Combining the two TESLAoptions…

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Depending on how much you know …Title:finale_knoenou.epsCreator:HIGZ Version 1.26/04Preview:This EPS picture was not savedwith a preview included in it.Comment:This EPS picture will print to aPostScript printer, but not toother types of printers.

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“Know enough”

“Unsure,” or “Don’t know enough”

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Choice… by classification of “American”Title:finale.epsCreator:HIGZ Version 1.26/04Preview:This EPS picture was not savedwith a preview included in it.Comment:This EPS picture will print to aPostScript printer, but not toother types of printers.

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Pick a plan … BNL “Do you know enough?”

Pick a plan

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Broad ConclusionsYoung and tenured physicists have similar opinionsContinental divide …Lack of permanent positions primary disadvantage to physics careerField is not doing enough outreachHiggs/EWSB clear priorities new facility, but physicists prize a balanced programGiven the options we listed, total support for a linear collider is strong (nearly 80%)

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What next for YPP?Survey data available online,documentation released (short and long form), hope HEPAP finds it useful

Young Particle Physicists chapters

Outreach to government, to the public,international issues, “young physicist” issuesAnother survey in a couple years?

Root trees, paw ntuples, excel formathttp://ypp.hep.net click “survey”hep-ex 0108040

BNL – Vivek JainBoston U.CERNCESRDESYFNALFSUOSUU. ChicagoU. Pitt.U. Wash.Submitted an NSF budget proposal

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