RESULT AND DISCUSSION Chapter: 1 Floristic survey Sub class: Polypetalae ANNONACEAE Annona squamosa L. Sp. Pl 537.1753; Shah 50; S. & S. 242; Yogi 6. (SITAPHAL) Trees or large shrubs, upto 3-5 m tall. Leaves glabrous above, glaucous beneath, oblong, lanceolate pellucid-punctate, 2.8-10.5 X 1.6-4.6 cm, petiolate. Flowers greenish-yellow solitary, leaf opposed, 2-4 together on short, extra-axillary branchlets; pedicels 1.2-1.6 cm long. Sepals minute, triangular; pubescent, connate at the base; Petals valvate, pubescent outer, 3-lanceolate, fleshy cup shaped at the base; inner 3 minute. Fruit globose, upto 8 cm in diameter, yellowish green. Fls: July Frs : September. Field notes : Kotda forest. Exsiccata : 076 (Kotda hills) Miliusa tomentosa (Roxb.) Sinclair in Gardn, Bull. 14. 374. 1965. Shah 51; Yogi. Uvaria tomentosa Roxb . Pl. Cor. 1:31. t. 35. 1795. (UMPH, UMBHO) 15-20 m tall trees. Leaves coriaceous 1.3 - 1.4 x 0-7-8-0 cm, oblong, elliptic or lanceolate, obtuse or acute, glabrous or pubescent beneath. Petioles 1.8-2.0 cm, slender pubescent. Flowers purple axillary, solitary. Pedicels slender, 1.8-5-0 cm sepals. 3, small, sepaloid pubescent out-side, reflexed. Petals 6, in 2 series, velvet the exterior minute purple, the interior ovate, acuminute and coriaceous. Stamens many, extrorse, ovoid, connective slightly produced, rounded. Ripe carpels, globose, one- many seeded. Fls : Mar -Apr. Frs : Apr. - June Field notes : Dantral forest, not common. Exsiccata : 144 (Dantral forest) Polyalthia longifolia. Sonn. Thw. Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 398.1864;FBI: 162;S &J 7;Shah 52 (ASOPALAV)

RESULT AND DISCUSSION - Shodhgangashodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/10197/14/14_chapter 4... · oblong or conical, glabrous. Seeds many, minute, dark- brown, concentrically

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Page 1: RESULT AND DISCUSSION - Shodhgangashodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/10197/14/14_chapter 4... · oblong or conical, glabrous. Seeds many, minute, dark- brown, concentrically


Chapter: 1 Floristic survey

Sub class: Polypetalae


Annona squamosa L. Sp. Pl 537.1753; Shah 50; S. & S. 242; Yogi 6. (SITAPHAL)

Trees or large shrubs, upto 3-5 m tall. Leaves glabrous above, glaucous beneath, oblong,

lanceolate pellucid-punctate, 2.8-10.5 X 1.6-4.6 cm, petiolate. Flowers greenish-yellow solitary,

leaf opposed, 2-4 together on short, extra-axillary branchlets; pedicels 1.2-1.6 cm long. Sepals

minute, triangular; pubescent, connate at the base; Petals valvate, pubescent outer, 3-lanceolate,

fleshy cup shaped at the base; inner 3 minute. Fruit globose, upto 8 cm in diameter, yellowish


Fls: July Frs : September.

Field notes : Kotda forest.

Exsiccata : 076 (Kotda hills)

Miliusa tomentosa (Roxb.) Sinclair in Gardn, Bull. 14. 374. 1965. Shah 51; Yogi. Uvaria

tomentosa Roxb . Pl. Cor. 1:31. t. 35. 1795. (UMPH, UMBHO)

15-20 m tall trees. Leaves coriaceous 1.3 - 1.4 x 0-7-8-0 cm, oblong, elliptic or lanceolate, obtuse

or acute, glabrous or pubescent beneath. Petioles 1.8-2.0 cm, slender pubescent. Flowers purple

axillary, solitary. Pedicels slender, 1.8-5-0 cm sepals. 3, small, sepaloid pubescent out-side,

reflexed. Petals 6, in 2 series, velvet the exterior minute purple, the interior ovate, acuminute and

coriaceous. Stamens many, extrorse, ovoid, connective slightly produced, rounded. Ripe carpels,

globose, one- many seeded.

Fls : Mar -Apr. Frs : Apr. - June

Field notes : Dantral forest, not common.

Exsiccata : 144 (Dantral forest)

Polyalthia longifolia. Sonn. Thw. Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 398.1864;FBI: 162;S &J 7;Shah 52


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5-10 m tall trees, bark light-blackish-brown. Leaves 7.5-20 × 2.5-5 cm, lanceolate,

glabrous, petiolate. Fruit 1.3-1.8 cm long, ovate-oblong, glabrous, pale-yellow.Seeds 0.5-0.6 cm

long, glabrous, shinning.

Planted along roads and in gardens.

Fls: Dec.-June. Frs: Apr.-Aug.

Field notes : Planted along the road sides

Exsiccata : 039 (Mithivedi village), 129 (Kotda road side)


Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels in Pfreich. 46:236: 1910; Shah 54 ; S. & S. 242; Yogi 12;

Menisperum hirsutum L. Sp. Pl. 341: 1753. (VEVDI)

Climbing, perennnial, dioecious herbs. Leaves ovate, obtuse or mucronate subcordate or truncat

at base 1.5 - 7.0 x 0.7- 4.5 cm. Flowers small green; male flowers in short, cymose panicles;

pedicels slender; bracts minute. Sepals 3 inner larger. Petals thin, emarginate embracing the

stamens. Female flowers in axillary clusters 2-3 togather in leaf axil, pedicelled. Petals thick

fleshy, triangular bilobed at apex, claw hairy. Drupe small, size of small pea, dark purple, horse

shoe shaped, transversely rugose.

Fls&Frs : Nov.- Apr.

Field notes : On hedges, noted on hills common.

Exsiccata : 105 (Kharaniya hills), 036 (Movatpura hills), 087 (Kotda forest)

Tinospora cordifolia ( Willd ). Miers. Ex. Hk. f. & Th. Fl. Ind. 184. 1855; Shah 56; Yogi 13;

Menispermum cordifolium Willd. Sp. Pl. 4: 826.1806. (GULVEL, AGDU, GUDAJ VEL)

Extensive climbers, Bark succulent carky lenticellate with long filiform, aerial roots from

branches. Leaves 4.0-7.5 X 2.4-4.5 thin, ovate-cordate, acute 7 basal nerved, triangular. Petioles

up to 2.5-7.5 cm long. Racemes 2-7 cm long, axially, terminal or from the old wood. Flowers

yellow, males fascicled, females usually solitary. Sepals 6, outer 3 minute; inner 3 much larger,

rounded and concave, veined. Petals ½ sepals, thick spathulate, each embracing a stamen.

Drupes 0.4-0.6 cm across, globose deep red.

Fls: Dec.-May Frs: Jan- June

Field notes: On hedges, near villages and along road sides, common.

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Exsiccata: 076 (Dotad road side), 252 (Demti Pipalsari hills)


Argemone mexicana, Linn Sp. Pl. 508.1753; Shah 58, S. & S. 243; Yogi 20. (DARUDI).

Prickly herbs upto 30-90 cm tall, branched. Leaves sessile, semi amplexicaul, variegated with

white 3.5-10.8 X 1.3-4.0 cm Pinnatitial with deep wavy margin, spiny on margin, prickles very

sharp, yellow. Flowers yellow 1-3 in across peduncles prickly. Sepals 2-3, concave, valvate,

prickly out-side, very caducous. Petals 4-6 yellow, inbricate in 2-series obovate deciduous.

Bracts foliaceous. Stamens many, ovary spiny, stigma red, 4-7 lobed, capsules oblong or elliptic,

prickly. Seeds blackish-brown, pitted.

Fls&Frs : Nov.- June

Field notes : Along roadsides, very common.

Exsiccata : 254 (Demti Eran hills), 052 (Jotasan village)


Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.& Cross. In Bull.Soc. Bot.France 6:609.1859; FBI 1:157;Shah 61


Erect, 50-120-cm tall, hispid hurbs. Leaves radical and cauline, former 10-25 x 4-8-cm, lyrately

pinnatifid, cauline ones 3.5-8x 2-3.5 cm, oblong lanciolate. Racemes 10-15 cm long, terminal

and axillary.Fruit 2.5-6 cm long, seeds minutely pitted, rounded blakish brown.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year

Field notes : Cultivated.

Exsiccata : 008 (Movatpura)

Raphanus sativus L. Sp. Pl.669.1753;FBI 1:166;C 1:37;Shah 65 (MULO)

Biennial hurbs, 40-70-cm tall, hispidely hairy. Leaves radical and cauline, redical ones 20-40x5-

8 cm, lyrately pinnatifiid, petiolate, cauline ones 2.5-7x0.5-2 cm, linear to linear-lanceolate,

sessile. Racemes 10-20cm long, terminal.Seeds brown, ellipsoid, reticulately veined, glabrous.

Fls&Frs : Nov.-Apr.

Field notes : Cultivated.

Exsiccata : 019 (Malvas)

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Capparis decidua (Forsk.) Edgew. in Journ. Linn. Soc. 6:174.1862; Shah 68; S. & S. 244; Yogi

32; Sodada decidua Forsk. Fl. Aegypt. Arab. 81. 1775. (KERDO, KERA).

2-5m tall, straggling shrubs, zigzag and green, terete. Leaves found on young shoots only, small,

linear, oblong. Flowers reddish-brown, in many flowered, corymbs from old branches. Pedicels

slender 1.0-1.6 cm long. Sepals 4 unequal, hairy, ciliate, lower sepal very saccate, acuminate,

inner sepals elliptic, acute. Petals 4, scarlet, unequal, 2 anterior largest, red narrow, oblong.

Stamens about 15, filaments red. Ovary ovoid, on a slender, gynophore. Fruit globular, glabrous,

beaked, red, berry.

Fls&Frs : Feb. – Sep.

Field notes : Waste lands, occasional.

Exsiccata : 032 (Kharaniya hills)

Capparis sepiaria L. Syst. Nat. (ed 10) 2: 1071. 1759; Shah 69; S. & S. 244; Yogi 34.


Woody climber, stout; bark brown, rough, longitudinally fissured. Leaves 1.2-4.9 X 0.8-2.2 cm.

broadly, ovate, oblong-elliptic or obovate, obtuse, emarginate, stipular, stipules a pair of hooked

spines. Flowers white, in dense, sessile or short, peduncled in axillary and terminal umbels.

Pedicels 1.2-1.7 cm. long, filiform. Stamens many. Gnyophore 0.6-0.9 cm. long filiform. Fruit

globose, glabrous, black, berry, one seeded.

Fls and Frs: Feb.- June, seldom in December.

Field notes :Near field, occasional.

Exsiccata : 169 (Motasenbaliya hills), 100 (Vinchi forest)

Crateva nurvala Buch-Ham. var. nurvala Cretava nurvala Buch. Ham. In Trans. Linn. Soc.

15:121:1827; Shah 74; S. & S. 244; Yogi 40. [VAYVARNO, TRAPANJO ZAD].

Deciduous trees, upto 5 m tall. Leaves 3-foliolate. Petioles 0.7-10.3 cm long; leaflets 9.0-14.3 X

5.0-6.2 cm, ovate, lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous on both surfaces; Flowers white in terminal

corymbose; sepals ovate, petaloid, acute; Petals-4, clawed; Stamens many longer than petals,

filaments purple; Gynophore upto 5.0 cm long, ovary ellipsoid, raised on a long gynophore,

ovoid, stigma sessile. Fruit globose or ovoid, woody berry. Seeds reniform imbedded in yellow

pulp, smooth, brown.

Fls&Frs : Feb.- June.

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Field notes : Dantral forest, rare.

Exsiccata : 172 (Gunbhankhari), 108 (Dantral hills)


Polygala chinensis L. Sp. Pl. 704:1753; Shah 80; Yogi 48. (PILI BHONYSAN, PIRIPATSAN


Annual upto 30-40 cm tall herbs, appressed hairy. Leaves 0.8 -3.8 X 0.2 x –0.9 cm linear,

oblong, elliptic-oblong or obovate-oblong, sessile or subsessile, glabrous, petiolate. Flowers

yellow, in short axillary racemes, pedicels very short, outer. Sepals ovate, acuminate,

membranous; Wings longer than capsule; Capsules 0.3-0.6 X 0.2-0.5 cm oblong, glabrous,

strongly ciliate. Seeds hairy, ellipsoid-oblong, rounded at apex with 3 membranous appendages.

Fls&Frs : July- Sep.

Field notes : Abundant in monsoon season, generally noted on hills

Exsiccata : 074 (Kotda hills), 013 (Demti hills)

Polygala erioptera DC. Prodr. 1:326.1753; Shah 80; S. & S. 245; Yogi 49. (PATSAN,


Annual diffuse 30 cm tall herbs. Leaves 1.1 -3.0 X 0.3 x 0.8 cm, elliptic-oblong, linear, narrowed

at base, sessile apex rounded or subacute; Flowers pink to pale-violate, in axillary or extra

axillary, pedicels slender hairy, bract minute, ovate, outer sepals ovate, pubescent, wing

obliquely ovate-oblong, a little longer than capsule. Capsules 0.3-0.4 X 0.15-0.2 cm, oblong,

emarginate, hairy, ciliate on margins. Seeds densely pilose; oblong, strophiole galeate, horny,

obscurely 3-lobed with few hairs.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Common in rainy season, noted on hills (along river banks).

Exsiccata : 141 (Gunbhankhari riverbed), 166 (Kotda riverbed)


Portulaca oleracea L. Sp. PJ. 445. 1753; Shah 86; S. & S. 246; Yogi 56. [OTILUNI, LAKHA


Prostate or diffuse, succulent herbs. Leaves alternate, opposite, subopposite or whorled,

obovate, sessile. Flowers yellow, terminal, solitary or fascicled. Capsule 0.6-0.8 cm long, ovate-

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oblong or conical, glabrous. Seeds many, minute, dark- brown, concentrically granulate or

tuberculate striate.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Throughout; common.

Exsiccata : 161 (Gandhishan forest)


Bergia suffruticosa (Del.) Fenzl. Denskschr. Bot. Ges. 3:183.1841; Shah 90; S. & S. 246 ; Yogi

62; Lancretia suffruticasa Del. Fl. d’Egypte 69 ( 213). t. 25/1.1813. [ROPATRI, LAVARIU,


Suffruticose upto 50 cm tall decumbent. Leaves 0.2-1.0 X 0.2-0.4 cm sessile or subsessile, linear,

oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, stipules linear. Flowers light pink, axillary, fascicles or solitary;

Sepals ovate, acute, small. Petals obovate-oblong; Stamens 10; Capsules 0.3 cm across, ovoid,

glabrous. Seeds minute, numerous, slightly curved, dark brown, reticulate.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year

Field notes : Common, noted near fields & along road sides.

Exsiccata : 048 (Vinchi hills), 133 (Demti Rozgada forest)


Abelmoschns manihot (L.) Medic. Malvaceae Fam. 46. 1787; Shah 94; Yogi 66. Hibiscus

tetraphyllus Roxb. Hort. Beng. 52. 1814.[RAN BHINDI, JANGLI BHINDI].

Perennial, simple or sparingly branched, strigose and weakly prickly undershrubs. Leaves 4-

18x3.5-20 cm, shallowly to deeply 5-7-lobed, broadly ovate, scabrid. Flowers 4-5 cm across,

yellow with a deep purple or chocolate base within. Capsule 3-6 cm long, 4-5-valved, ovoid-

oblong, strigose, stipitate. Seeds globose or reniform, black, horizontally striate, rufous-hairy.

Fls: & Frs : Aug.- Dec.

Field notes : Common, during monsoon, noted along road sides and hills also.

Exsiccata : 107 (Vinchi Kotda road side)

Abutilon indicum (L.) Sw. Hort. Brit. 54.1826; Shah 96; S. & S. 247. Yogi 69; Sida indica L.

Cent. Pl. 2:26.1756. [KHAPAT, DABALIAR]

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70- 200 cm tall Small shrubs, tomentose. Leaves 2.8-7.0 X 2.0-6.7cm, cordate, ovate, acuminate,

3-lobed, hairy, petiolate. Flowers yellow, axillary, solitary. Epicalyx absent, calyx tubular,

corolla 2.5 cm in diameter. Staminal tube hairy at base, filaments long. Carpels 15-20 hairy,

dark brown, shining with distinct, acute point. Fruit carserule 1.0-2.5 cm across, appressed

hairy. Seeds reniform, blackish-brown, minutely pitted and stellate-hairy.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year

Field notes : Common, noted along road sides and rivulats.

Exsiccata : 126 (Umbarva forest), 081 (Kotda hills)

Gossypium herbaceum (L.) Chevalier in Rev. Bot. Appl.Agr.Trop.19;537.1939;FBI 1:346;C

1:123; Shah 100. (KAPAS)

90- 150 cm tall shrubs. Leaves 4-7.0 X 4.5-7cm, 3-7 lobed, ovate. Flowers yellow, axillary,

solitary. Flowers yellow with purple base. Fruit carserule 1.0-2.5 cm across, appressed hairy.

Seeds are in capsule 1.5-2.5 cm long, reniform, blackish-brown, minutely pitted and stellate-

hairy, white cottony.

Fls&Frs : Oct.-Apr.

Field notes : Cultivated.

Exsiccata : 011 (Tebda village), 022 (Chochar village)

Hibiscus aculeatus L. Moench. Method. 617.1794; S& J 10;FBI 1:343; Shah 94. (BHINDA)

50-200 cm, hairy undershrubs. Stem cylindric, solid; branchlets prickled with indumentum of

stellate-pubescent & simple hairs. Leaves 3 – 5 x 1 – 3.5, almost as much broad, cauline &

ramal, alternate, broadly ovate or suborbicular, chartaceous, entire or 3 – 5 lobed, palmately

compound, Inflorescence Axillary solitary. Flower 2.5 – 4 cm across, lemon – yellow with a

purple base Fruit Capsule 1 – 1.5 x 0.7 – 1 cm, ovoid, pointed, silky hairy, enclosed in the

enlarged calyx, globose, beaked. Seed 0.4 cm, reniform or subglobose, brown, with scattered,

minute, stellate hairs, warty, glandular.

Fls & Frs : Through out the year

Field notes : Cultivated.

Exsiccata : 044 (Movatpura village), 085 (Demti vagrungia village)

Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Sp.Pl. 695.1753; FBI 1:340; C1:120; Shah:107 (LAL BHINDI, KHATI


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1-3 m tall, deciduous herbs, with bright to dark red, glabrous stem and branches. Leaves entire 3-

5 lobed, dark green, seldom completely red, lobes 2.5-9.5x0.6-2.5 cm, elliptic lanceolate,

glabrous. Flowers solitary. Axillary, 2-5cm across, yellow with a deep purple, capsule 1-2.5 cm

broad, dark red hairy.

Fls&Frs : Oct.-Jan.

Field notes : Cultivated

Exsiccata : 064 (Vinchi village)

Hibiscus lobatus (Murr.) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. Pl. 3:19. 1891; Shah 104; S. & S. 247; Yogi 77.

Solandra lobata Murr. in Comm. Goett. 6:21. t. 1. 1785. Hibiscus solandra L. Her. Stirp. Nov.

1:103. t. 49.1786. [TALI].

Simple or branched, 30-75 cm tall, appressed-hairy herbs. Leaves 2-11.5 x 1-8.5 cm, linear,

ovate or suboricular, stellate hairy, entire or shallow, lobed, seldom almost trifoliolatc, petiolate.

Flowers white, seldom tinged pink or completely rose-coloured, 1.5-2.5 cm across, axillary,

solitary and in terminal racemes. Capsule 0.8-1.0 cm broad, ovoid, pointed at apex,

glabrescent, 5-valved. Seeds subreniform, chocolate-coloured, minutely tubercled.

Fls&Frs : Aug.-Nov.

Field notes : Throughout, common.

Exsiccata : 091 (Tebdi village)

Hibiscus ovalifolius (Forsk.) Vahl. Symb. Bot. 1:40.1790; Shah 105; S. & S. 247. Yogi 78;

Urella ovalifolia Frosk. Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. 124:1775. [CHANAK BHINDO, ADABAU


30- 150 cm tall, erect, hairy herbs. Leaves 0.4-3.0 X 0.6-18 cm, ovate, oblong, stellately hairy

serrate. Petioles 0.2-0.4 cm long. Epicalyx of 6 fillform, hairy bracts, longer or shorter than

calyx. Flowers pale-to bright-rosy, axillary, solitary and in terminal racemes. Calyx short, deeply

divided, lobes lanceolate, hairy. Corolla small, pink or pinkish white, hairy out side, stellalety

hairy. Stamens intufts on the staminal tube. Capsule 0.6-0.8 cm broad, subglobose or obovoid.

Seeds reniform, cottony.

Fls&Frs : Aug- Mar.

Field notes : Common in natural fence, noted along road sides generally.

Exsiccata : 026 (Ganer road side), 068 (Kotda)

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. Sp.Pl.694.1753;FBI 1:344;C 1:120;Shah 107 (JASUD)

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Shrubs, 3-5 m tall.Leaves 3-10.5 × 1.8-7.5 cm, ovate, glabrous or sparsely hairy beneath.Flowers 6-12 cm across, axillary, solitary. Fls&Frs : Through out the year. Field notes : Planted. Exsiccata : 231 (Mithivedi)

Sida acuta Burm. f. Fl. Ind. 147. 1768. Shah 114; Yogi 88; Sida carpinifolia L. f. Suppl. 307.


20-50 cm tall undershrubs, stellately hairy. Leaves 1.4-6.3 X 0.2-2.0 cm sessile, lanceolate, base

rounded, serrate, glabrous on both sides. Flowers yellow or pale-orange, axillary, solitary or 2-3

fascicled. Calyx short, lobes triangular, acute. Corolla nearly twice as long as calyx, yellow.

Stamens monadelphous Carpels 5-9, toothed on dorsal margin. Fruit 0.3-0.4 X 0.2-0.3 cm

globose. Seeds cuneate, smooth, black or dark brown, glabrous.

Fls&Frs : Aug.-Feb.

Field notes : Common, noted along road sides.

Exsiccata : 050 (Cholia roadside), 162 (Demti mira road side)

Sida cordata (Burm. f.) Fl. Borss. in Blumea 14 ,18.1966; Shah 114; S. & S. 246; Yogi 87;

Melochia cordata Burm. F. Fl. Ind. 143:1768. [BHOYABALA, NIDHIDHA TUVAL]

50- 120 cm tall perennial herbs. Leaves cordate, ovate, acute 0.8-3.6 X 0.4-3.2 cm long,

membranous, appressed hairy on both surfaces, serrate. Petioles 1.2-1.7 cm long. Flowers pale-

yellow, axillary, solitary or geminate and clustered at ends of branches. Calyx-5, hairy, acute,

lobes triangular. Corolla pale-yellow, bigger than calyx. Petals-5. Stamens monadelphous,

divided at top. Fruits 0.3-0.5 cm across, globose, ripe, carpels-5, hairy cuneate. Seeds brown,

glabrous, smooth.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year

Field notes : Common, noted along road side.

Exsiccata : 205 (Lamdiya Kotda road ), 055(Jotasan road).

Sida cordifolia L. Sp. Pl. 684.1753 Shah 115; S. & S. 247; Yogi 87. [BALA, BALADANA,


40-90 cm tall, annual, white or grey-tomentose undershrubs. Leaves 2.1-4.4 X 1.6-3.9 cm, ovate,

cordate, crenate, obtuse or subacute. Petioles long. Flowers yellow, solitary, axillary or few

together. Calyx ovate, acute. Corolla yellow slightly exceeding calyx; Fruits 0.5-0.7 cm across,

subglobose, tomentose. Carpels 7-10, dorsally rounded, reticulate; Seeds smooth, black.

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Fls&Frs : Aug.- Dec.

Field notes : Not common in the area noted along road side.

Exsiccata : 030 (Delvada- choliya road)

Sida glutinosa Cav. Diss. 1:16. t. 2. f. 8. 1785; ; Shah 115; Yogi 88. [CHIKNIBALA]

An erect, rigid, glutinous-hairy herb, 40-90 cm tall. Leaves 2.8-10x1.5-9 cm, membranous,

broadly ovate to ovate-lanceolate, appressed-hairy, petiolate. Flowers yellow, axillary, solitary or

fasciculaic culminating into apparent 15-20 cm long terminal racemes. Fruits 0.2-0.3 cm broad,

obovate, thinly, hairy, of 5 carpels. Seeds dark-brown, glabrous, smooth.

Fls&Frs : Aug.-Dec.

Field notes : Common Roadside

Exsiccata : 101 (Kotda), 139 (Choliya)


Bombax ceiba L. Sp. Pl. 511. 1753 P.P.; Shah 118; S. & S. 148; Yogi 93; Bombax malabaricum

DC. Prodr. 1:479.1824. [SAVAR, SHIMLO]

10- 30 tall, deciduous trees with hard conical prickles on stem and branches. Leaves digitate,

leaflets 5-7, oval or lanceolate, acute at base, elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous. Flowers numerous,

5.6-10.1 cm, across, sessile. Calyx thick, 3-lobed, densely, silky within. Corolla bright-red.

Petals elliptic-oblong, hairy out side, recurved. Stamens more than 60. arranged into 5-6 bundles,

filaments flattened. Capsule 8.0-10.5 X 3.2-6.3 cm, 5-valved, woody, rough. Seeds many with

silky hairs.

Fls : Feb.- Apr. Frs : Mar.- June

Field notes : Not common, noted near river bank and road side.

Exsiccata : 101 (Vinchi), 139 (Nada)


Helicteres isora L. Sp. Pl. 963. 1753; Shah 122; S. & S. 249; Yogi 96.


1.5 to 3.5 m tall shrubs. Bark dark-brown. Leaves 7.5-15.0 X 5.9-10.3 cm, obovate or elliptic-

oblong, cordate, shortly acuminate, closely dotted with stellate hairs on both sides, irregularly

crenate-serrate, coriaceous, scabridly hairy. Flowers bright-red, biciliate, in axillary clusters of 2-

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6 together, pedicels short, hairy. Calyx tubular, 2-lipped, curved, compressed, teeth triangular,

petals-5, unequal, reflexed on calyx. Stamens 10, much exerted. Capsules follicles 4.0-4.9 cm

long twisted like a cork-screw, beaked, hairy. Seeds many angular.

Fls : July- Oct. Frs : Aug.- Apr.

Field notes : Common on hills, noted in dense forest and along road side, on slopes.

Exsiccata : 046 (Chochar), 051 (Choliya)

Sterculia urens Roxb. Pl. Cor. 1:25. t. 24.1795; Shah 124; S. & S. 249; Yogi 97. [KADAI,


Deciduous trees upto 10-18 m tall. Bark smooth, papery and peeling off. Leaves 18.5-23.5 X

24.0-33.5 cm, 5-7 lobed, velvety-hairy, cordate beneath hairy. Petioles terete 14.3–18.0 cm long.

Flowers yellow generally hermaphrodite, glandular pubescent, terminal panicles 15.0- 27.5 cm

long, viscidly hairy. Calyx campanulate; lobes oblong, acute. Male flowers: Staminal-

column, short, filaments 10 hermaphrodite flowers. Carpels usually 5, on a stout gynophore.

Follicles 2.0-2.5 X 2.7–2.9 cm ovoid, oblong , hairy brown in colour. Seeds black, oblong,

minutely wrinkled.

Fls: Nov. – Apr. Frs : Dec.- May.

Flied notes : Common in hilly regions, noted large numbers in Rinchhadi

and near Ranpur.

Exsiccata : 144 (Gandhishan), 137 (Umbarva)


Corchorus olitorius L. Sp. Pl. 529.1753; Shah 128; S. & S. 250; Yogi 106.

Annual herbs up to 100 cm tall. Leaves 3.3-10.8 X 2.1-5.4 cm, ovate to ovate-lanceolate,

glabrous, serrate, rounded at base, filiform, appendage one on each side at base, stipules

triangular. Flowers yellow, solitary, bractate. Pedicels 1-3, short, axillary or extra –axillary.

Sepals oblong, pointed. Petals oblong-spathulate. Stamens many. Capsules long up to 3.5 –5.6

cm, cylindric, erect, glabrous, 4-5 valved. Seeds angular, black, trigonous, smooth, glabrous.

Fls : Aug – Nov. Frs : Upto Feb.

Field notes : Not common in the area, noted near fields generally.

Exsiccata : 106 (Kotda)

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Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. Enum. Pl. carib. 22.1760; Shah 135; S. & S. 250 ; Yogi 116. [ZIPTI,


40-100 cm tall suffruticose undershrubs. Leaves 0.6 -6.7 X 0.3-5.7 cm stellate hairy, variable,

upper simple, lower 3-5 lobed, serrate hairy, base cordate. Petioles upto 2.5-3.7 cm long.

Flowers yellow, in dense terminal and leaf-opposed cymes, Peduncles and pedicels very short;

Sepals-5, oblong, hooded and apiculate at apex. Petals-5, obovate-oblong, claw very long, ciliate

at base. Stamens 8-15. Fruits 0.2-0.4 cm broad, glabrous or subglobose.

Fls : July-Oct. Frs: Aug. Sep.

Field notes : Very common, noted in the forest monsoon.

Exsiccata : 104 (Kotda), 136 (Movatpura)


Tribulus terrestris L. Sp. Pl. 387.1753; Shah 140; S. & S. 251; Yogi 121.


Prostrate hairy herbs. Leaves abruptly pinnate, stipules lanceolate, hairy; leaflets 5-7 pairs, 0.4-

1.3 X 0.2-0.4 cm, sessile or subsessile, oblong mucronate with appressed hairy, base rounded,

oblique. Flowers yellow, axillary, solitary or leaf opposite, pedicels slender, hairy. Sepals 5,

lanceolate, acute, hairy. Petals 5, obovate, claw short, hairy. Fruit 1.0 -1.4 cm across globose,

woody cocci, each with 2 pairs of short hard spines. Seeds minute, oblong.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year

Field notes : Common weed, generally noted along road sides.

Exsiccata : 109 (Lambadia Kotda road side)


Impatiens balsamina L. var. coccinea HK. f. in HK. f. FBI 1: 454.1874 & Rec. bot. Surv.

Indic. 4:7.1904. & 4: 32.1905; Shah 142; Yogi 124. [TAKMARIA, GULMENDI, PANTAN


Annual, 30-60 cm tall herbs. Leaves 3.8-8.2 X 0.9-2.5 cm, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate,

glabrous, acuminate, serrate. Flowers rose or bright reddish-purple, axillary, solitary, pedicels 1-

3 axillary. Sepals minute ovate standard orbicular, retuse, horned, wings broad, lip small, boat

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shaped mucronate, spur short or long incurved. Capsule 0.5-1.0 cm long, tomentose ellipsoidal or

ovoid, apiculate. Seeds reticulate.

Fls: Aug. Dec. Frs: Dec.

Field notes : Not Common, noted on hills, slopes and near rivulats.

Exsiccata : 101 (Mithivedi)


Aegle marmelos (L) Corr. in Trans. Linn. Soc. 5: 223.1800; Shah 144; S. & S. 252; Yogi 125;

Crateva marmelos L. Sp. Pl. 144.1753. [BILI]

6-7 m tall deciduous thorny trees. Leaves 3-folilate, leaflets lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate,

glabrous. Flowers greenish-white, bisexual scented in axillary panicles. Calyx pubescent, 4-

lobed. Petals 4, free, oblong, coriaceous. Stamens numerous, more than 50, linear, oblong sharp-

pointed. Fruits in diam, globose, amphisarca with rough rind; greenish-white, on ripening

yellow. Seeds wrinkled, pale-brown, glabrous.

Fls : Jan- May Frs : Feb - July

Field notes : Common in deciduous forest, noted road sides and slopes.

Exsiccata : 174 (Kotda), 053 (Lambadiya)

Citrus limon (L) Burm. F.Fl.Ind.173.1768;FBI 1:515. 1875; Shah 144. [LIMBU]

2-6 m tall, thorny shrubs, with rough bark. Leaflets2-10x1.5-4 cm elliptic-ovate, glabrous.

Flowers white, axillary panicles. Fruits 2.4-4 cm diameter, globose, amphisarca with rough rind;

greenish, on ripening yellow. Seeds elepsoid, white, glabrous.

Fls & Frs : Through out the year

Field notes : Cultivated

Exsiccata : 138 (Kotda), 045 (Vinchi)

Limonia acidissima L. Sp. Pl. (ed.2) 554.1762; Shah 144; S. & S. 251 Yogi 128; Feronia

elephantun Corr. in Trans. Linn. Soc. 5:225.1800. [KOTHI, KOTHA].

Trees, 8-10 m. tall, evergreen with spines. Leaves imparipinnate, 2.5-5.6 cm long, leaflets 3-9,

1.0-2.4 X 0.4-1.2 cm, opposite, obovate, glabrous. Flowers dull red small, numerous, in lateral

or terminal, 4-7 cm long panicles, with male and female flowers. Calyx small, 5-6, triangular

lobes. Petals 5-6, elliptic, oblong, deflexed. Stamens 10-12, filaments hairy at base. Fruit a berry,

globose, hard, many seeded with greenish white amphisarca. Seeds embedded in edible pulp.

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Fls : Mar- July Frs: Mar. – Dec.

Field notes : Common in the forest noted in dense forest generally.

Exsiccata : 017 (Lambadiya), 049 (Dantral)


Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. Pl. Cor. 1:24. t. 23.1795; Shah 146; S. & S. 246; Yogi 133.


Trees upto 15- 20 m tall, deciduous. Bark smooth, white. Leaves pinnate crowded at ends of

branches, leaflets 8-14 paris, variable in shape 5.0-8.0 X 1.3-3.2 cm, ovate, lanceolate,

coriaceous, toothed or sublobate, unequal at base, petiolate. Petioles 0.4-0.6 long. Flowers

yellow, in terminal or axillary branched panicles, 15.0- 19.0 cm long. Calyx triangular, short,

lobes ovate. Petals 5, ovate-lanceolate, reflexed. Stamens 10, filaments, glabrous. Samara 2.0-5.5

X 0.5-16 cm, glabrous, broad, one-seeded, lanceolate. Seeds glabrous oblong, in the center of

the samara.

Fls : Dec- Mar Frs : Feb Mar.

Field notes : Not frequent in the forest, noted along road sides.

Exsiccata : 101 (Golvada), 140 (Lambadiya)


Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. I 11. Fl. D’ Eg. 263. t. 28. f 1.1813. Shah 146; S. & S. 252; Yogi

135; Ximenia aegyptiaca L. Sp. Pl. 1194.1753. [INGORIO, HINGORYYO, ANGARIO,


Small armed trees upto 4- 5 m. tall, spines cm long, axillary straight, very sharp. Leaves 2-

Petiolate. Petioles 0.1-0.2 cm long, leaflets 1.0-1.3 X 0.3-0.5 cm, elliptic-oblong, obtuse or

subacute, base usually acute, glaucous green, pubescent. Flowers greenish, small, 5, in axillary

cymes, ovate pubescent out-side. Petals 5, oblong-obovate, glabrous out side stamens 10,

inserted filaments subulate. Disk 10-lobed Drupes 4.0-4.5 X 2.0 -3.5 cm large, ovoid, woody,


Fls : Dec - Mar Frs : Mar - July.

Field notes : Common, noted near village.

Exsiccata : 021 (Ganer)

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Boswellia serrata Roxb. ex. Colebr. in As. Res. 9:379. t. 5. 1807. Shah 117; S. & S. 252; Yogi


Deciduous trees upto 10-15 m tall. Bark papery. Leaves 15-25 cm long, crowded at ends of the

branches, imparipinnate; leaflets 13-31, 2.0-6.5 X 1.0-2.5 cm, sessile, serrate, hairy. Flowers

white, in axillary racemes, 7.5-18.0 cm long. Calyx small, 5-toothed, pubescent out-side. Petals

5, imbricate, ovate, pubescent out side. Stamens 10, inserted at base of the disk. Drupes 1.0-1.4

cm long, glabrous; pyrenes glabrous, 1-seeded heart-shaped, reticulately veined.

Fls&Frs : Dec.- Apr.

Field notes : Very common on hilly parts & slopes of the forest.

Exsiccata : 116 (Umbarva)


Azadirachta indica A. Juss. in Mem. Mus. Paris 19:221. t.13. f. 5.1830. Shah 149; S. & S. 252;

Yogi 140; Melia azadirachta L. Sp. Pl. 385.1753. [LIMDO].

Evergreen trees upto10-15 m. tall. Bark light-black, furrowed. Leaves pinnate 22-25 cm long,

crowded near ends of branches, 7-17, 4.0- 7.5 X 0.3-1.3, ovate, lanceolate, subopposite,

obiliquely-lanceolate, acute, serrate, glabrous, some times falcate, acuminate. Flowers white, in

branched glabrous, panicles, axillary or on old wood. Calyx 5, partite, puberulous out-side.

Petals 5, obovate-oblong. Staminal tube glabrous, toothed at apex, anthers 10. Disk 0. Drupes

0.5- 1.5 X 0.4-0.8 cm, ovoid-oblong, 1-seeded yellow, smooth. Seed hard, ellipsoid, glabrous.

Fls : Dec.-Mar. Frs: Jan. - May.

Field notes : Not common in the forest, flowers fragrant, noted in dense


Exsiccata : 037 (Nada), 043 (Kharaniya)

Soymida febrifuga (Roxb) A. Juss. In Mem. Muss. Paris 19: 251. t. 22. f. 26. 1830; Shah 150.

Switenia febrifuga Roxb Pl. Cor. 1:18. t. 17.1795. [RAGAT ROHIDO, ROHN, ROYAN.


5-15 m tall tree rough. Bark brown to black, exfoliating into large scales. Leaves 20-50 cm.

long, leaflels 6.0-14.9 X 4.0-7.4 cm. sessile or subsessile, elliptic or oblong, obtuse, glabrous,

oblique, coriaceous. Flowers greenish-white, in large, terminal or axillary, branched panicles.

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Sepals 5, rotund. Petals 5, obovate, clawed. Staminal tube about half as long as petals, 10-lobes.

Capsuule 3.5-7.0 X 2.5-4.0 cm. ovoid, 5 valved, woody, reddish-purple to blakish-brown. Seeds


Fls : Feb.- Apr. Frs: Mar. June.

Fielf notes : Not common , noted near kuvarsi nursery and Machhola.

Exsiccata : 069 (Dantral)


Maytenus emarginata (Willd) D. Hou. in Fl. Males. 6(2):241.1962; Shah 153; S. & S. 253;

Yogi 144; Celastrus emarginatus Willd. Sp. Pl. 1(2): 1128. [VICO, VICKLO, VICKRO,


Thorny, bushy shrubs upto 5 m. tall. Bark rough. Leaves coriaceous, 1.5-3.8 X-0.5-1.5 cm,

elliptic-obovate, obovate-oblong or spathulate-oblong, rounded at apex, entire or crenulate,

tapering of base. Petioles 0.1- 0.3 cm long. Flowers creamy-white, in axillary, in 2.0-3.5 cm

long, branched cymes, bracts lanceolate, acute. Calyx 4-5 partite, elliptic-oblong, ciliate. Petals

4-5, elliptic-oblong. Stamens 4-5 inserted. Capsule 0.3-0.5 cm, across, globose, glabrous,

reddish-purple. Seeds glabrous, rugose, arillate.

Frs : Nov.- Feb. Frs : Dec. - Feb.

Field notes : Common in forest under growths, noted near village and along

road sides.

Exsiccata : 054 (Kotda Demti road side)


Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. Encycl. Meth. Bot. 3: 319.1787. Shah 155; S. & S. 253; Yogi 1487.

Zizyphus jujuba Lam. Encycl. Meth. Bot. 3:318.1789. [BOR, BOADI ,BORDI, BARJO ZAD].

3-7 tall Small thorny trees. Bark blackish-browns, fissured. Leaves ovate or roundish, slightly

oblique, ovate-oblong or sub orbicular, rounded at both ends, denticulate, glabrous above.

Petioles 0.4-0.8 cm long, prickles solitary, 2, 1-straight, other bent. Flowers greenish yellow, in

axillary. Calyx 5 fid, hairy. Petals 5, hooded, rounded. Stamens 5 enclosed in petals, filaments

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slightly dilated at base. Disk with 10 grooved lobes. Drupes 1.4-2.4 cm long, globose, smooth,

reddish-yellow, orange when ripe, edible.

Fls: Sep. Feb. Frs: Nov.- Feb.

Field notes : Common noted along road sides & near villages.

Exsiccata : 110 (Movatpura forest), 139 (Malvas forest)

Zizyphus nummularia (Burm. f.) W. & A. Prodr. 162.1834; Shah 156; S. & S. 253; Yogi 148;

Rhamnus nummularia Burur. f. Fl. Ind. 61.1768. [CHANI BOR, PALERA, PALI , PALIA,


Thorny 90- 120 cm tall shrubs. Leaves orbicular or ovate 1.0-3.0 X 0.7-1.7 cm dentate or serrate.

Petioles 0.2-0.3 cm long, tomentose, stipular thorns in pairs, one long straight and other short

hooked. Flowers greenish-yellow or creamy-white, in axillary cymes. Calyx hairy, lobes

triangular,ovate. Petals cuneate, rounded or truncate at apex, longer than stamens, filaments

deflexed. Disk 10-lobed. Drupes 0.5-0.8 cm in diam., globose, smooth, glabrous, red when ripe,


Frs : July-Jan. Frs: July-Jan. Ripe fruits sold upto April.

Field notes : Not common, noted in dense forest.

Exsiccata : 177 (Kotda forest), 143 (Malvas forest)

Zizyphus xylopyra (Retz). Willd Sp. Pl. 1:104 1797; Shah 157; S. &. S. 253. Rhamnus

xylopyrus Retz. Obs. 2:11.1783. [GHOT BOR, GHAT BOR, GHUNT BOR, BOR GHAT].

3-6 m. tall, straggling shrub. Bark blackish-brown, rough, spiny. Leaves 1.1- 4.0 X 0.5-3.0 cm.

elliptic-oblong or sub orbicular, crenate-serrate, mucronate. Petioles 0.5 - 0.8 cm. long. Flowers

creamy-white, in axillary fascicles, peduncles 0.4-0.7 cm. long. Calyx pubescent, acute or

acuminate. Petals 5, spathulate. Drupes hard 1.8-2.5 cm. in diam, globose 2-3. Seeded grey,


Fls : Apr.- July. Frs: May. - Oct.

Field notes : Not common. noted only near gabbar

Exsiccata : 114 (Tebdi forest)


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Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merrill. in Journ. Arn. Arb. 19:353.1939; Shah 167; S&S 254;

Yogi 158. Dialium coromandelicum Houtt. Nat. Hist. (Ser. II) 2:39.t.5.f. 2.1774. [MADHOL,


Evergreen trees, upto 15-20 m. tall. Bark ash-coloured, smooth. Leaves 8.0-13.0 cm long,

crowded at ends of branches, leaflets green, membranous, 3-5 pairs, 1.0-4.2 X 0.3-2.1 cm, ovate,

elliptic-oblong or elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous, base oblique. Flowers purplish, appearing when

tree is base of leaves, male racemes compound, female simple; pedicels very short. Calyx 4-5

lobed, hairy, ciliate. Petals 4, ovate-oblong. Stamens as many as petals. Drupes smooth glabrous

0.6-1.0 cm long, reniform, compressed, red.

Fls: Jan.-June Frs: Feb.-July.

Field notes : Abundant on slopes and hilly areas, noted in dense forest.

Exsiccata : 090 (Demti Eran forest)

Mangifera indica L. Sp. Pl. 200.1753; Shah 167; S. & S. 254; Yogi 157. [KERI, AMBO]

Evergreen trees upto 20 m. tall. Bark blackish-brown, rough longitudinally fissurred. Leaves

10.0-19.2 X 2.3-5.0, cm, lanceolate, acute, coriaceous, shining, wavy. Flowers brownish- yellow,

small, polygamous arranged in large many flowered panicles. Panicles 13.0-20.0 cm long. Sepals

4-5, ovate, concave, 4-5, oblong, reflexed, subacute, glabrous. Disk globular, large, 5-lobed,

fleshy, between corolla and stamens. Stamens 1, filament subulate, anther purple. Drupes yellow

when ripe, large, fleshy, 7.0-13.0 cm long, variable in size and shape. Seeds 2.5-6.0 X 1.4 cm,

oblong, glabrous, compressed, fibrous, very hard.

Fls: Dec.-May. Frs: Feb.-July.

Field notes :Not common in the forest, noted generally near villages.

Exsiccata : 029 (Vinchi), 111 (Kotda forest)

Semecarpous anacardium L.f. Suppl. 182.1781.FBI 2:30;C 196:Shah 168. (BIBBA, BHILVA,


5-8 m tree with sericeous branchlets. Leaves 6-5-33 x 4.5-16 cm, cauline & ramal, alternate,

simple, obovate-oblong or elliptic-oblong, glabrous Inflorescence 15-30 cm long, terminal,

grey-tomentose. Flower creamy-white or greenish-white. Fruit Drupe 1.5-25 x 1.5-1.8 cm,

fleshy, reniform, dark-brown or nearly black, equal to drupe. Seed pendulous, testa coriaceous,

the inner coat somewhat fleshy, embryo thick, cotyledons plano-comex, radical superior.

Fls & Frs : July-Dec.

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Field notes :Not common in the forest, near villages.

Exsiccata : 041 (Demti Pipalsari forest)


Moringa concaensis Nimmo in Grah. Cat. Bombay Pl. 43.1839; Shah 169. [JANGLI


Trees upto 8-10 m tall. Bark greyish-brown, rough. Leaves 2-pinnate, 17.5-22.0 cm long, leaflets

17-21, broadly elliptic, obtuse at both ends, glabrous. Flowers creamy in panicles, bracts minute.

Calyx cup-shaped, oblong, reflexed. Petals yellow, oblong or oblong-spathulate. Stamens 5

fertile and 4-5 staminodes, filaments hairy at base. Capsules straight, slightly constricted

between the seeds. Seeds white or pale-yellow, 5-angled, 3- winged.

Fls&Frs : Oct.- Dec.

Field notes : Not Common, noted only one place Vinchi.

Exsiccata : 047 (Vinchi)

Moringa oleifera Lam. Encycl. Meth. Bot. 1:398.1785; Shah 170; S. & S. 254; Yogi 161.

Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn. Fruct. 2:314.1791. [SARAGVO, MITTHO SARAGAVO].

Deciduous trees upto 10 m. tall. Bark rough. Leaves usually 3-pinnate, 15-40 cm long, rachis

slender, deciduous, leaflets ovate, obovate or oblong, glabrous. Flowers white, in large panicles.

Panicles 10-25 cm long, axillary. Calyx, cup-like, reflexed, linear-lanceolate. Petals 5,

spathulate, veined, unequal. Stamens 5, fertile, alternating with 5-7 staminoides, filaments hairy

at base. Capsule 30-60 cm long, pedulous, elongate, 9-ribbed, slightly-twisted, subtorulose.

Seeds 1.0-1.5 cm long, winged, 3-angled.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year

Field notes : Not common noted near villages.

Exsiccata : 025 (Polapan village)


Abrus precatorius L. Syst. (ed.12) 472.1767;Shah 176; S&S 259; Yogi 166. [CHANOTHI].

Perennial deciduous, twiners woody at base. Leaves paripinnate, 8.7-11.3 cm long, leaflets 0.5-

1.2 X 0.2-0.7 cm 10-20 pairs, oblong or elliptic-oblong. Flowers pink-purple in compact

racemes upto 3.0-7.5 cm long. Calyx bell shaped. Corolla pink or white, with pink tinge.

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Stamens 9, monadelphous. Pods 2.0-4.0 X 0.8-1.5 cm, linear-oblong, flat, beaked, silky,

mucronate. Seeds subglobose, oblong or ovoid, shining, bright, scarlet with a black spot.

Fls : July - Dec. Frs : July - Dec. Dry Fruits upto February.

Field notes : Common in forest, noted during monsoon season.

Exsiccata : 115 (Movatpura forest), 130 (Malvas forest)

Alysicarpus monilifer (L) DC. Prodr 3: 353.1825; Shah 180; S. & S. 258; Yogi, 171.

Hedysarum moniliferum L. Mant. 1:102.1767.

Prostrate, slender herbs. Leaves 0.3-1.5 X 0.35- 0.8 cm. eliptic-oblong or obovate 1-foliolate,

glabrous, membranous; Petioles 0.4-0.6 cm. long. Leaflets, mucronulate at apex. Flowers bright

pink-purple in 2.5-5.5 cm. long axillary and terminal racemes. Calyx obscuraly hairy, teeth

narrow, very acute, striatle. Pods 1.0-1.6 cm. long erect, thick, moniliform, joints 3-6,

subglobase. Seeds subglobase or oblong, dull-brown.

Fls&Frs : Aug- Feb.

Field notes : Abundant in the area

Exsiccata : 056 (Nada forest)

Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. in Engl. & Prantl. Pfam 3(3):366.1894; Shah 185; S&S 160;

Yogi 177; Erythrina monosperma Lam. Encycl. Meth Bot. 1:391.1783. [KHAKHRO, KESUDO,


Deciduous trees upto 15-20 m tall. Bark rough ash-coloured or pale- to dark brown, deeply,

longitudinally fissured. Leaves 3-foliate, leaflets coriaceous, 11.9–16.2 X 10.5-15.9 cm, obovate,

ovate, rhomboid or elliptic-oblong. Flowers bright orange-red in big racemes. Calyx

campanulate, densely velvety out-side, clothed with silky hairs within, teeth short. Corolla

orange, clothed out side with silky-silvery hairs. Stamens 10, diadelphous. Pods 14.0-16.5 X 2.4-

5.2 cm, sandy-brown, oblong, one seeded, densely hairy, stalked. Seeds dark-brown, polished,

elliptic-oblong, rounded on hedges.

Fls : Dec.-Mar. Frs : Dec.-May.

Field notes : Common in the forest, generally noted along road sides and slopes.

Exsiccata : 001 (Movatpura forest), 010 (Malvas forest), 015 (Movatpura forest), 170


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Butea monosperma (Lam.) var. alba (Witt) BSI – 610-611, Date of publication: Jan.1, 2000.

Flora of India series-2 Flora of Maharastra State- Dicotyledonous (Vol.-1) by N. P. Singh & S.

Kartikeyan, Rananculaceae to Rhizophoraceae. (SAFED KHAKHRO)

Trees, leaves 3- foliate; leaflets 2.0-13.5 x 1.5-10.0 cm, ovate-rhomboid, glabrous above, silky,

pubescent beneth, flowers white to pale white, pods oblong, brownish, 1-seeded.

Fls & Frs: January - May

Field notes : Noted single plant from Demti Gujurmara village on hilly slopes, first time

reported in Gujarat on the dated 22th March, 2012 with GPS location N 24°19’21.8” E


Exsiccata : 009 (Demti Gujurmara)

Butea monosperma (Lam.) var. lutea (Witt) Mahesh. in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 3:92 (1961)

1962. Sanjappa : Legumes of India 99, 1991. (PILO KHAKHRO)

Trees, leaves 3- foliate; leaflets 4.0-20.5 x 2.5-18.0 cm, ovate-rhomboid, glabrous above, silky,

pubescent beneth, flowers yellowish or canary – yellow, pods oblong, brownish, 1-seeded.

Fls & Frs: January - May

Field notes : Noted single plant from Demti Eran village, first time reported in Gujarat on the

dated 22th March, 2012 with GPS location 24°17’45.9” E 073°06’49.02”.

Exsiccata : 086 (Demti Eran)

Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp in. Field Columb. Mus. Bot 2: 53. 1900; Shah 186; Yogi 178. Cytisus

cajan L. Sp. Pl. 739.1753. [TUVER].

Erect shrub upto 1.5-3-0 cm. tall. Leaves imparpinnte, leaflets 0.8-3.9 X 0.4-1.4 cm., elliptic-

oblong, or lanceolate, pubescent. Petioles 0.6 X 1.0 cm. long. Flowers yellow, in axillary

corymbose racemes. Calyx campanulate, emarginate. Corolla papilionous, yellow, with maroon

dots. Stamens 10, diadelphous. Pods 2.4- 4.5 cm. long, 3-5 seeded, torulose, linear,-lancolate,

pubescent. Seeds globose, smooth, biconvex.

Fls&Frs : Sep.- Apr.

Field noted : Common, noted near field.

Exsiccata : 168 (Mithivedi field), 083 (Movatpura field)

Clitoria biflora Dalz.in Kew Journ. Bet 2:35.1850; Shah 189.

An erect herb upto 50 cm tall. Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets 3.6- 6.6 X 2.3- 3.3 cm, ovate

oblong or elliptic, membranous, terminal largest and lowest pair of lateral leaflets smaller than

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rest, variable in shape, subobtuse to lanceolate, acute, sparingly hairy. Flowers blue, deflexed in

axillary 2-flowered racemes, peduncles and pedicels, very short, bracts linear-lanceolate,

subulate. Calyx tubular, hairy, lanceolate, aristate. Corolla blue. Pods linear, flat, thinly hairy,

mucronate 2.5-5.0 x 0.4-1.2 cm long. Seeds blackish-brown, glabrous, smooth, 5-6.

Fls&Frs : July-Jan.

Field notes : Not common, noted near river.

Exsiccata : 319 (Golvada and Kharaniya)

Clitoria ternatea L. Sp. Pl.753.1753; Shah 190; S. & S. 260; Yogi 182. [GARNI,


Twining perennial herb. Leaves 3-5 cm. long, leaflets 5-7, 1.9-3.8 X 1.2-2.6 cm. elliptic-oblong,

Ovate-oblong, base obtuse or acute. Flowers blue or white, axillary, solitary. Pedicls 0.4-0.7 cm.

long bracts small, linear, bracteoles, obtuse. Calyx tubular, lanceolate. Corolla light blue or

white, much exserted. Pods, 5.0 - 8.2 cm. long, linear-oblong, flat, hairy, beaked. Seeds

compressed, yellowish-brown, glabrous.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field Notes: Common in generally, noted near fields.

Exsiccata : 042 (Movatpura forest), 011 (Malvas forest)

Crotalaria medicaginea Lam. Encycl. Meth. Bot. 2:201.1786; Shah 196; S & S. 255; Yogi


Perennial herbs upto 30-80 cm tall. Leaves 3-foliate. Petioles 0.3-0.5 cm long, leaflets 0.4-1.2 X

0.2-0.6 cm oblanceolate, subsessile obovate-oblong, rounded, apiculate, glabrous, pubescent

beneath. Flowers yellow, in terminal, and leaf-opposed racemes; Calyx small out-side silky,

acute, triangular. Corolla yellow, exceeding calyx, twice as long as calyx. Stamens

monadelphous. Pods 0.3-0.5 cm long obliquely subglobose, beaked, silky. Seeds 2, compressed,

smooth, dark-brown, subreniform.

Fls&Frs : Aug.-Feb.

Field notes : Abundant every where, generally noted along road sides.

Exsiccata : 040 (Movatpura forest), 071 (Malvas forest)

Dalbergia latifolia Roxb Pl.Cor.2:7.t. 133;C 1:422;Shah 201. (SISAM)

12-20 m, unarmed, deciduous, trees; bark grey or ash-coloured, smooth. Stem aerial, erect;

branches numerous, glabrous. Leaves 8-20 cm long, cauline and ramal, alternate, imparipinnately

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compound, leaflets 5-7, 0.8- 8.2 x 0.6 – 7.4 cm, alternate, broadly ovate to orbicular.

Inflorescence 4-13 x 4 cm, axillary. Flower 0.4 cm across, creamy- white, copious, complete.

Calyx 0.4 – 0.5 cm long; tube 0.3 –0.4 cm long, glabrous; lobes 0.15 cm linear- 0blong, obtuse,

rather shorter than tube, subequal. Pods 2.5 – 4.5 x 0.8 – 2.5 cm, lanceolate or strap shaped,

glabrous, 1-2 seeded, oblong, base & apex obtuse, prominently veined. Seeds 1-2, 0.7 x 0.4 cm.

Fls : March- Aug. Frs : May – Nov.

Field notes : Abundant every where, generally noted along road sides.

Exsiccata : 084 (Movatpura forest), 113 (Golvada forest)

Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. Hort. Beng. 53.1314(nomen) & Fl. Ind. 3:223.1832; Shah 202; Yogi


Trees upto 10 m tall. Bark thick, light-brown, longitudinally furrowed. Leaves imparipinnate,

leaflets 3-5, 1.2-2.5 X 0.5-5.7 cm broadly-ovate, suborbicular, base cuneate, leaf rachis zigzag,

terminal largest and lowest smallest, alternate, base narrowed. Flowers in axillary panicles.

Calyx campanulate, teeth short, ciliate. Corolla pale-yellow, standard broad, limb obovate-

orbicular. Stamens 9, monadelphous in one bundle. Pods 5.0-6.7 X 0.9-12 cm, lanceolate,

glabrous, reticulate, narrowed at base. Seeds 1-4 brownish, subreniform, glabrous.

Fls&Frs : Jan.- Oct.

Field notes : Seldom in the forest, noted in dense forest.

Exsiccata : 180 (Umbarva forest)

Derris indica (Lam.) Bennet in Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 68.303.1971; Shah 203; S. & S.

261; Yogi 221; Galedupa indica Lam. Encycl. 2:594. 1788-89. [KARANJ].

Trees upto 7-15 m tall. Bark grayish-white, rough. Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets 5-9, 6.0-8.4 X

4.1-5.2 cm, coriaceous, broadly ovate or ovate-oblong, acute, stipules oblong. Petioles 2.8-3.3

cm long. Flowers white or purplish, in axillary racemes. Calyx campanulate, truncate. Corolla

pinkish-white, standard suborbicular, emarginate, claw very short. Stamens 10, monadephous,

anthers versatile. Pods 3.8-4.9 X 1.7-1.9 cm, thick elliptic-oblong, compressed, glabrous,

smooth, obliquely, woody. Seeds oblong or slightly reniform, brown, rugose.

Fls&Frs : Feb. - July.

Field notes : Common in dense forest.

Exsiccata : 178 (Umbarva forest)

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Dolichos trilobus L. Sp. Pl. 726. 1753; Shah 211; S.& S. 260. Dolichos falcatus Klein ex

willd. Sp. Pl. 3:1047.1802. [JANGLI PAPDI].

Diffuse, sparely hairy, twining herbs. Leaflets 4.2-4.5X 1.9-2.5 cm. ovate or ovate rhomboid,

membranous, glabrescent, sub sessile. Flowers purple 1.2- 1.7 cm. long, 1-3, in axillary fascicls.

Calyx campanulate. Corolla much, exserted. Stamens diadaphous. Pods 3.5-6.5 X 0.8-12. cm.

glabrous, linear oblong subtacate, apiculate. Glaucous-green Seeds ellipsoid-oblong reddish–

brown glabrous.

Fls&Frs : Sep.- Oct.

Field notes : Not common, collected near tribals house, Sanali

Exsiccata : 020 (Kharaniya forest)

Goniogyna hirta (willd.) Ali in Taxon 16: 463 1967, Shah 214, Yogi 200. Hallia hirta Willd.

Sp. Pl. 3(2). 1169.1802.

Prostrate herbs, slender hairy. Leaves 0.4-1.0 X 0.4-0.7 cm. numerous, simple, subsessile, ovate,

subacute hairy on both surfaces, oblique, cordate at base. Flowers yellow, 0.2-0.4 cm. long,

axillary, solitary. Calyx tube turbinate. Corolla yellow, exserted. Stamens 10, monadelphous,

anthers dimorphous. Pods 0.3-0.4 cm. long, brown, oblong, silky, flat 2-seeds, hairy. Seeds 0.1-

0.2 cm. long, subreniform.

Fls&Frs : Aug -Mar

Field notes : Not common, collected from hills, Khedbrahma road.

Exsiccata : 012 (Polapan), 078 (Nada forest)

Indigofera cordifolia Heyne ex Roth. Nov. Pl. Sp. 357.1821; Shah 220; Yogi 203.

Diffuse or tralling, annuals. Leaves 0.2-1.2 X 0.2-0.9 cm appressed-hairy subsessile, broadly

ovate-cordate, subobtuse, mucronate. Stipules minute, setaceous. Flowers bright-red, in dense

subsessile 4-8 flowered heads. Calyx hairy out-side, teeth linear, acute, hairy. Corolla bright red,

standard spathualate. Pods 0.2-0.6 cm long terete, oblong, cylindric, straight, minutely beaked,

densely pubescent. Seeds 2, yellow, glabrous globose, truncate pitted.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the Year

Field notes : Abundant and common everywhere, noted among grasses.

Exsiccata : 132 (Polapan), 058 (Vinchi forest)

Indigofera linnaei Ali in Bot. Notis. 111:549.1958; Shah 222; S.&S. 256; Yogi 206; Indigofera

enneaphylla L. Mant. 2:571.1771. [FATAKIYA, BHONYGAL].

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Prostrate herbs, trailing. Leaves 7-9 foliate, subsessile leaflets, 0.3-0.7 X 0.2 -0.5 cm obovate,

subcoriaceous, appressed hairy. Flowers red, 12-20 flowered spicate heads, pedicels almost 0,

bracts scarious. Calyx hairy out side, teeth long, setaceous. Corolla bright-red, exserted. Pods

0.2-0.4 cm long cylindric, oblong, clothed with white hairs. Seeds globose, brown, smooth, 2-


Fls&Frs : July. -Dec.

Field notes : Throughout, common, noted during monsoon generally.

Exsiccata : 112 (Polapan), 142 (Demti Pipalsari)

Indigofera oblongifolia Forsk. Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. 137: 1775; Shah 222; Yogi 207. Indigofera

paucifolia Del. Fl. D’Eg. 251.1813. [ZIL, ZILADI, ZILDO].

Shrub upto 75-150 cm tall, argento-canescent in younger parts. Leaves imparipinnate. Petioles

0.2-0.4 cm long. leaflets 3-5, alternate 0.3-0.6 X 0.2 -0.5 cm, elliptic-lanceolate, oblanceolate or

oblong, more or less hairy, base acute. Flowers red, small in long racemes, pedicels short. Calyx

minute hairy out-side, triangular, acute. Corolla red, densely hairy. Stamens diadelphous. Pods

0.5-15 cm long, torulose, slightly curved, appressed-hairy. Seeds 6-8, oblong, 4-gonous,

reddish- brown, truncate at one end.

Fls&Frs : April - Dec.

Field notes : Not common, noted near village in waste lands.

Exsiccata : 167 (Demti Mira)

Indigofera tinctoria L. Sp. Pl. 751.1753; Shah 224; Yogi 208. [GALI NIL,GUDI].

Shrubs upto 120-150 cm tall. Leaves imparipinate, leaflets 5-13, oblong, obovate, 1.0-1.6 X 0.4-

0.9 cm, membranous, rounded, apiculate, base acute. Flowers red numerous, in 1.5-4.5 cm long,

axillary, spicate racemes. Calyx hairy out-side, teeth triangular, acute. Corolla red, standard

ovate, keel spured at base. Stamens diadelphous. Pods 0.7-2.8 cm long, straight, linear, apiculate,

slightly falcate, stiff, deflexed, brown. Seeds 0.2 cm long, brown, cylindric, glabrous, truncate at


Fls&Frs : Aug.-Jan.

Field notes : Not common, noted along road sides and riverbeds.

Exsiccata : 014 (Chochar)

Mucuna prurita Hk. f. in Bot. Misc. 2:348.1830-31; Shah 234; S. & S. 259; Yogi 216. Mucuna

pruriens Baker in Hk. f. FBI:187.1876. [KAVACH, KOYLI].

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Annual twiners, extensive. Leaves 3-foliolate; Petioles 6.6-7.0 cm long, stipules lanceolate.

Leaflets 7.5-8.0 X 4.0-5.0 cm, membranous, subacute, mucronate, silky hairy, ovate-triangular or

ovate rhomboid, terminal leaflet with cuneate base, lateral leaflet with truncate base. Flowers

purple, 2.5-3.5 cm long in long racemes. Calyx silky, campanulate. Corolla purple, exserted.

Stamens diadelphous. Pods 4.5-8.0 X 0.6-1.2 cm, brawn, turgid, curved, densely clothed with

irritant bristles. Seeds elliptic compressed, dark-brown, smooth.

Fls & : Sep.-Nov. Frs: Oct.-Dec.

Field notes : Common, noted along road sides and hedges generally.

Exsiccata : 027 (Lambadiya)

Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC. Var. laxiflora(Comb). Baker in HK. f. FBI 2:223.1876; Shah

239; S. & S. 261; Yogi.223. Rhynchosia laxifora Camb. in Jacq. Vog. Bot. 44. t. 540.1844.


Trailing annuls. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets larger, acute at apex, 0.4-4.2 X 0.3-3.1 cm long

lanceolate-rhomboid, glabrous, acuminate at apex. Flowers reddish-yellow, in axillary lax

racemes, racemes 4.2-6.0 cm long. Calyx pubescent, linear, subulate. Corolla yellow. Pods 0.3-

0.5 X 0.2-0.4 cm, obliquely oblong, pubescent, compressed. Seeds globose, dark-brown,


Fls&Frs : Aug.-Apr .

Field notes : Common on hedges, noted in rainy season.

Exsiccata : 080 (Gunbhankhari hedge)

Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers. Syn. PI 2: 329; 1807. Shah 249; S. & S. 257; Yogi 233. Cracca

purpurea L. Sp. Pl. 752.1753. [SARPANKHO].

Herbs or undershrubs upto 60 cm tall. Leaves 7.8-11.0 cm long, leaflets 9- 13, 0.8-3.8 X 0.3-0.9

cm obovate to lanceolate, obtuse or retuse, mucronate, clothed with appressed silky-hairy

beneath, base cuneate. Flowers pink- purple, in leaf opposed in lax racemes 5.0-16.0 cm long,

pedicels slender, bracts subulate, purple or violate. Calyx silky, teeth triangular. Corolla twice as

long as calyx. Stamens diadelphous. Pod 3.1-3.8 cm long, linear, slightly curved, mucronate.

Seeds 4-7, blackish- brown, oblong, somewhat compressed, smooth, glabrous.

Fls&Frs :Throughout the year

Field notes : Common, noted during monsoon along road sides and near


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Exsiccata : 061 (Polapan)

Vigna angularis (Willd.) Ohwi. & Ohashi. in Journ Jap. Bot. 44. 29. 1969; Shah 257. Dolichos

angularis Willd. Sp. Pl. 3: 105.1802.

Annual, patently hairy herbs. Leaves pinnately 3- foliolate, leaflets 2.0-8.0 X 1.5-6.0 cm broadly

ovate to ovate-rhomboid. Flowers yellow, in 1.0-1.5 cm. long, congested, capitate racemes.

Calyx campanulate. Corolla much exserted. Stamens diadelphous, anthers uniform. Pods 1.2-4.6

X 0.3 -0.6 cm., compressed, linear, oblong, densely hairy. Seeds 10-15, greenish-black, smooth,


Fls&Frs :Sep.- Nov.

Field notes : Not common, noted near fields during monsoon.

Exsiccata : 033 (Demti Mira)

Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek var. sublobata (Roxb). Verdcourt in Kew. Bull. 24: 559. 1970.

Shah 259. Phaseolus sublobatus Roxb Fl. Ind 3:288.1832.

Perennial, twining herbs, clothed with deflexed reddish-brown hairs. Leaves 3-folilate; leaflets

6.3-6.9X 3.7-4.2 ovate, rhomboid ovate, appressed hairy. Flowers yellow, in short condensed

racemes. Calyx glabrous, deltoid. Corolla yellow. Stamens diadelphous. Pods 2-6 cm long,

subterete or subcompressed, linear-oblong, hairy. Seeds black or green, smooth, shining.

Fls&Frs : July.- Oct.

Field notes : Not common, noted along road sides during monsoon.

Exsiccata : 035 (Demti Naka)

Vigna trilobata (L). Verd Court in Taxon 17:172. 1968; Shah 259.Dolichos trilobatus L.

Mant 101.1767.

Annual or perennial, 50-120 cm tall, trailing herbs. Leaves 3-foliolate. Petioles 0.3-0.6 cm long,

grooved, hairy, stipulate; stipules ovate–oblong, attached above the base, ciliate, leaflets 1.7-3.0

X 1.3-2.4 cm, broadly ovate, 3-lobed, middle, spathulate, obtuse, lateral, obtuse or subacute

membranous, base subacute. Flowers yellow, in capitate racemes. Peduncles 4.0-7.5 cm, long.

Calyx campanulate, teeth minute, deltoid. Corolla yellow, exserted. Pods cm long, straight,

cylindric, glabrous. Seeds 6-12 , subreniform, brownish-black, smooth.

Fls&Frs :Aug . – Oct.

Field notes : Common, noted near fields and along road sides, during


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Exsiccata : 023 (Vinchi field)

Vigna umbellata (Thunb) Ohwi. & Ohashi. in Journ. Jap. Bot. 44:31. 1969; Shah 259.

Dolichos umbellatus Thunb. in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2:339 1794.

Prostrate or twining. Leaflets entire or obscurely lobed 4.5-6.0 x 3.9-6.2 cm. ovate-rhombold

or ovate-elliptic, appressed hairy, stem clothed with stiff deflexed hairs. Flowers yellow, in

congested racemes. Calyx campaulate. Corolla much exserted. Stamens diadelphous. Pods 5.0-

5.5 cm. long, compressed, hirtellous or puberlous. Seed 14-16, dark green, cylindric.

Fls&Frs :Sep.

Field noted : Common, mostly near fields.

Exsiccta : 233 (Polapan field)

Zornia gibbosa Span. in Linnaea 15:192.1841; Shah 261; S. & S. 258 ; Yogi 241. Zorina

diphylla auct. Plur. Non Pers; FBI 2:147; C1:355. [SAMARAPANI].

Annual herbs. Leaves 2-foliolate. leaflets 0.6-1.5 X 0.2-0.6 cm lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate,

variable in size and shape dotted with black glands. Flowers yellow, in 5.2-8.4 cm long, terminal

and axillary, spicate racemes. Peduncles slender, terete. Bracts foliaceous. Calyx small,

membranous, 2 upper teeth connate. Corolla exserted, twice as long as calyx. Stamens

monadelphous, anthers dimorphous. Pods 0.8-1.7 cm long, 2-6 jointed, joints echinate. Seeds

smooth, polished, yellow-brown.

Fls&Frs : Aug.- Apr.

Files notes : Throughout common among grasses, noted during rainy


Exsiccata : 199 (Dantral forest)


Bauhinia purpurea L. Sp. Pl. 375. 1753; FBI 2 : 284; C 1 : 461; WI 1 : 160; S & J 20; Shah 262.


6-10 m, sometimes upto 15 m, erect, unarmed tree; bark grey or dark-brown. Stem aerial, erect.

Leaves 3-17.3 x 3.5 x 17 cm, 10-12.5 cm across, cauline & ramal, simple, alternate, oblong,

suborbicular, coriaceous, roundish, divided 1/3 – ½ the way down into 2 obtuse or subacute

lobes, deciduous. Inflorescence 5-12 cm long, terminal and axillary, few-flowered, corymbose

racemes or panicles; peduncles upto 5 cm long, stout. Flower 3-8 cm across, fragrant, complete.

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Pods 20-25 x 2-2.5 cm, linear, oblong, flat, apiculate, reddish-brown, woody, compressed,

pendent, glabrous; stalk 1.25-2.5 cm long, apex horned. Seeds 10-16 (16-20), 1.6 x 1.25 cm,

oblong-ellipsoid, flat, globose, smooth, glabrous, compressed, brown, obliquely oriented,


Fls & Frs : Sep. – Feb.

Files notes : Throughout common in the dry forest

Exsiccata : 228 (Lambadiya road side)

Bauhinia racemosa Lam. Encycl. Meth. 1:390.1783; Shah 263; S. & S. 262; Yogi 245.


Deciduous trees upto 3-5 m tall. Bark dark brown, rough, longitudinally fissured. Leaves broader

than long 3.5-6.3 X 3.0-8.4 cm green, tomentose, base cordate, petiolate; Petioles 1.0-1.6 cm

long. Flowers creamy-yellow, in terminal or leaf-opposed, racemes, bracts, linear, acute. Calyx

pubescent, spathaceous. Corolla obovate-spathulate, yellow, narrowly oblanceolate. Stamens 10,

all fertile, filaments hairy at base. Pods stalked 6.5-8.8 cm, linear-oblong, woody, slightly

curved, dark-brown. Seeds oblong compressed, glabrous, brown.

Fls: Jan.-June Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Not common, noted on hills .

Exsiccata : 134 (PolapanVinchi Kotda road side)

Caesalpinia crista L. Sp. Pl. 380.1753 (pro. maj. parte. excl. Fl. Zeyl. 157); Shah 264; S. & S.

261; Yogi 247. Caesalpinia bonducella (L.) Flem. In. As. Res.11.159.1810. [KACHKA].

Extensive, scandent shrubs with hooked prickles. Leaves 4.0-8.0 cm long. leaflets 1.0-1.4 X 0.5-

0.6 cm, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, mucronate. Flowers yellow, in terminal and 24-26 cm long,

terminal and axillary racemes, pedicels very short. Calyx deeply cleft, fulvous-hairy, obtuse.

Petals oblanceolate, imbricate, yellow clawed. Stamens 10, free curved filaments base, flattened,

silky-hairy. Pods 5.8 X 2.8 - 4.5 ovoid-oblong, covered with prickles. Seeds 1-2 oblong, smooth,

polished, lead-coloured.

Fls : July – Dec Frs : Sep.- Dec.

Field notes : Common on hedges, noted near fields and rivulats.

Exsiccata : 223 (Lambadiya)

Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L .) Sw. Obs. 116. 1791; FBI 2 : 255; C 1 : 440; WI 2 : 5. f. 4; Ch & O

94; S & J 20. Raghavan 30. Poinciana pulcherrima L. Sp. Pl. 380. 1753;Shah 265. (GALTORO)

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1.5-3 cm tall, glabrous, unarmed or with a few weak prickles, shrubs or small tree; bark greyish-

brown, rough. Leaves 15-30 cm long, cauline & ramal, alternate, bipinnately compound;

stipulate petiolate; pinnae 4-9 pairs; leaflets 8-12 pairs, 1.2-2.5 x 0.5-0.9 cm, sessile, oblong,

rarely obovate. Inflorescence 8-30 cm long, terminal racemes. Flower yellow or reddish-yellow.

Pods 6-10.5 x 1-1.7 cm, broadly linear, flat, glabrescent. Seed 8-10, obovate-oblong, smooth,


Fls & Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : As ornamental.

Exsiccata : 072 (Vinchi)

Cassia absus L. Sp. Pl. 376. 1753; Shah. 267; Yogi 250. [CHIMED, CHON].

Annual upto 45 cm tall. Leaves 1.4-4.0 cm long leaflets 2-pairs, oval, grooved, ovate-oblong or

ovate-elliptic, oblique minutely mucronate, densely hairy. Flowers pure yellow or tinged red, in

terminal or leaf-opposed, 1.7-2.3 cm long racemes. Calyx hairy, oblong, obtuse, equal. Petals

obovate, cuneate, reddish-yellow. Stamens 5, equal. Pods 2.8 - 3.3 X 0.5-0.6 cm linear-

lanceolate, dark-brown, liqulate, compressed, clothed with bristly hairs. Seeds 3-5, shining,

black, smooth, glabrous, compressed, oblong.

Fls&Frs : Aug. - Dec.

Field notes : Common near riverlet during monsoon, along road sides and


Exsiccata : 016 (Polapan Dedka road side)

Cassia auriculata L. Sp. Pl. 379. 1753; Shah 268; S. & S. 261; Yogi 251. [AVAL, AVALI]

Shrubs upto 45-75 cm tall. Leaves paripinnate, 3.0-8.5 cm long; leaflets 8-12 pairs, 1.2-2.6 X

0.5-1.1 cm, glabrous, oblong, obovate, obtuse or emarginate, mucronate, base rounded, stipules

large, leafy, obliquely cordate, reflexed. Flowers yellow, in axillary corymbose raceme, bracts

ovate, racemes 2.0-4.5 cm long. Calyx concave, 2 outer much smaller than other 3. Petals 5,

bright-yellow, clawed, crispmargined, veined with orange. Stamens 10, upper 3 sterile,

remaining 7 perfect, of white 3 lower are larger than 4 lateral ones. Pods 10-12 X 1.2-1.6 cm,

linear, flat, pale- to-dark brown, beaked. Seeds 10-20.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Common along road side.

Exsiccata : 018 (Vinchi)

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Cassia fistula L. Sp. Pl. 377.1753; Shah 268; Yogi 252. [GARMALO].

6-10 m tall, deciduous trees. Bark dark-brown and rough in older parts. Leaves paripinnate, 20-

45 cm long leaflets 4-8 pairs, 8-20 X 3.0-8.5 cm, ovate or elliptic-ovate, acute, obtuse, petiolutes

2.0-5.0 cm long, glabrous. Flowers bright to golden yellow, in 19.0-27.5 cm long lax racemes,

drooping. Calyx imbricate, oblong. Petals 5 yellow, obovate, subequal, clawed. Stamens 10,

longest 3 are much curled and bear large, oblong, much curled anthers, the 4 median. Stamens

straight and 3 remaining very short and erect staminodes. Pods 35-40 cm long, dark blackish-

brown with faint horizontal veins. Seeds ovate or ellipsoidal, glabrous, smooth.

Fls : Mar.- June Frs: Throughout the year.

Flied notes : Not common in the area, noted in dense forest and riverbank.

Exsiccata : 082 (Vinchi Kotda road side)

Cassia pumila Lam. Encycl. Meth. Bot. 1:65.1783; Shah 272; S.&S. 262; Yogi 259.


Suffruticose, diffuse or procumbent herbs. Leaves 1.5-3.8 cm long, Petiole 0.3-1.0 cm long.

Leaflets 0.2-0.6 X 0.1-0.3 cm linear-oblong, glabrous, sessile, very acute, rounded and apiculate

at apex. Flowers pale-to-bright yellow, solitary or geminate, axillary, pedicels very short. Calyx

divided to base, pubescent, acute, equal. Petals yellow, obovate, cuneate veined. Stamens 5,

anthers equal. Pods 1.0-2.0 X 0.2-0.4 cm linear-oblong or linear-lanceolate, pale to dark-brown,

pubescent. Seeds 6-12, obovoid, compressed, brown, rounded at ends.

Fls&Frs : Aug.-Dec.

Field notes : Common, noted during rainy season near rivulats and

along road sides

Exsiccata : 103 (Polapan)

Cassia siamea Lam. Encycl. Meth. Bot. 1:648. 1785; FBI 2:264; Shah 272. (KASHID)

6-10 m, robust tree of quick growth with glabrescent branchlets; bark light-blackish-brown,

rough, longitudinally fissured. Leaves 6-25 cm long, cauline & ramal, alternate, abruptly

pinnately compound, eglandular; leaflets 4-14 pairs, 1.8-5.2 x 1.1-2.3 cm, coriaceous, ovate-

oblong or elliptic-oblong. Inflorescence 5-30 cm long, terminal branched racemes and axillary

corymbs. Flower 1.2-3 cm across, pale-yellow, pedicellate. Pods 15-30 x 1-1.2 cm, blackish-

brown, woody, sutures thick, compressed, reticulate. Seeds 20-30 flat, dark-brown, smooth,

glabrous, longitudinal.

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Fls & Frs: Throughout the year (Aug-May)

Field notes : Planted along roads sides.

Exsiccata : 079 (Vinchi Kotda road side)

Cassia tora L. Sp. Pl. 376; 1753; Shah 261; S. & S. 261; Yogi 262. [KUVADIO, POCHANDIO,


Annual, suffruticose, fetid herbs upto 90 cm tall. Leaves 4.7-8.3 cm long, paripinnate. Leaflets 3

pairs, obovate-oblong, base rounded on oblique, caducous 1.2-6.0 X 0.7-3.3 cm, glaucous,

membranous. Flowers yellow, geminate, axillary, subsessile. Calyx glabrous, divided to base,

ovate, acute, spreading. Petals 5, pale-yellow, oblong, obtuse, upper petal 2-lobed, others entire;

Stamens 10, upper 3 reduced to staminodes, remaining 7 perfect. Pods 6.2-21.0 cm long, linear,

falcate, subtorulose, reticulate, beaked.

Fls : Aug. - Nov. Frs: Aug.-Dec.

Field notes : Common, scattered during monsoon, noted generally along

road sides.

Exsiccata : 145 (Dedka Polapan roadsid)

Delonix elata (L.) Gamble. Fl. Madras Pres. 396:1919 and 1:280: 1957(reprinted). Shah 274;

Yogi 264. Poinciana elata L. Cent. Pl. 2:16.1756. [ SANDSRO].

Trees upto 6-9 m tall. Bark ash coloured, smooth. Leaves 5.3-8.7 cm long, abruptly 2-pinnate,

slender rachis, pinnae 4-6 pairs, leaflets 8-15 pairs, 0.3-0.6 x 0.2-0.3 cm, subsessile, oblong,

rounded and usually apiculate at apex, glabrous, caducous. Flowers golden yellow in terminal

racemes, in 6.0-8.0 cm long. Calyx coriaceous, pubescent, acute. Petals 5, yellow, orbicular,

exserted, margins curled. Stamens 10, filaments, thickened at base, villous. Pods 6.0-8.3 x 0.8-

1.2 cm pale to dark-brown, linear-lanceolate, glabrous. Seeds 4-8.

Fls : Nov.- Apr Frs : Dec.- June

Field notes : Common, noted generally near fields and residences of Tribles.

Exsiccata : 102 (Tebda), 007 (Movatpura near house)

Parkinsonia aculeata L. Sp. Pl. 375 . 1753; Shah 275; S. & S. 261; Yogi 266. RAMBAVAL].

Large shrubs or small trees upto 3-6 m tall. Bark smooth, sharp woody spines present. Leaves

bipinnate, pinnae 1-2 pairs, 15-30, cm. long, green, much, flatterned; leaflets oblanceolate,

obtuse. Flowers yellow, in axillary, lax, terminal racemes. Calyx divided upto base, oblong,

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obtuse. Corolla yellow, obovate. Stamens 10, free, filaments, flattened and hairy at base. Pods

10-20. cm. linear, moniliform, glabrous. Seed ellisoidal, oblong dark-brown, smooth.

Fls&Frs : Jun.-May.

Field notes : Not common.

Exsiccata : 146 (Lambadiya)

Tamarindus indica L. Sp. Pl. 34.1753; Shah 278; S. & S. 262; Yogi 268. [AMLI]

Evergreen tree 12-18 m tall. Bark dark-grey or light-black, rough, longitudinally fissured. Leaves

3.2-6.0 cm long, stipules linear, caducous. Leaflets 10-20 pairs, linear-oblong, 0.7-1.2 X 0.3-0.5

cm subcoriaceous, glabrous, oblong, obtuse. Flowers yellow with purple streaks, in 4.0-6.5 cm

long lax few flowered racemes. Pedicels 0.2-0.6 cm long, bracts concave. Calyx tube turbinate

segments 4, membranous. Petals 5, upper 3 developed, lower 2 reduced. Stamens 3 fertile. Pods

3.5-5.0 x 1.8-2.1 cm, subtorulose, linear-oblong, fibrous, slightly curved, scurfy. Seeds 3-12,

obovate-oblong, turncate at ends, compressed, smooth, brown, shining.

Fls : Mar.- July Frs: Apr.- Nov.

Field notes : Not common, noted near villages.

Exsiccata : 232 (Lambadiya)


Acacia auriculiformis Griseb. Yogi. 272. [AUSTRAIAN BAVAL].

Evergreen trees, with drooping branches. Leaves bipinnate, phyllodes coriaceous, obliquely

elliptic, pointed at both ends, slighlty curved. Flowers yellow in dense, rigid spikes, scented.

Calyx campannlate. Corolla tubular. Stamens many, exserted. Pods twisted with margin. Seeds

black, shining.

Fls&Frs : March - dec.

Field notes : Only one plant.

Exsiccata : 075 (Jotasan)

Acacia chundra (Roxb. ex. Rott). Willd. Sp. Pl. 4:1078; 1806. Shah 281; S.&S. 263; Yogi 272.

Mimosa chundra Roxb ex. Rottl. in Ges. Naturf. Fr. Neueschr. 4:207.1803 [KAIR, KHAIR].

9-12 m tall, trees. Bark dark-light-black, rough. Leaves bipinnate 4.0-16.0 cm long, pinnae 1.0-

4.5 cm long leaflets 30-60 pairs, 0.2-0.5 cm long, linear, oblong, main rachis with glands

between many pairs of pinnae and a large conspicuous gland at or near middle of petiole, stipules

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spiny hooked. Flowers creamy-white, in 5.0-6.4 cm long, axillary spikes. Calyx campanulate.

Corolla tubular, ovate-oblong. Stamens many, exserted. Pods 2.2-5.7 X 0.2-0.7 cm lanceolate,

glabrous, pale to dark-brown, reticulate, apiculate with a triangular beak at apex. Seeds ellipsoid-

oblong, smooth, brown.

Fls&Frs : Sept.

Field notes : Common in forest

Exsiccata : 031 (Kharaniya)

Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd. Sp. Pl 4:1083.1806; Shah 283; S. & S. 263; Yogi 275.

Mimosa leucophloea Roxb Cor 2: 27 t 150.1800. [HERMOBAVAL, HIVER, SAMADI]

Trees, upto 5.0-7.0 tall.Bark greyish white, rough, excoricating in irregular scales, young

branches smooth. Leaves bipinnate 2.5-4.5 cm. long, pinnae 4-10 pairs, 5-2 cm. long; leaflets

12-30 pairs, 0.2-0.5 cm. long linear-oblong, obtuse, glabrous, stipular spines, variable in length.

Flowers in large, terminal panicles. Heads creamy to pale-yellow. Calyx tubular. Corolla twice

as long as calyx. Stamens indefinte, exserted. Pods 6.0-13.0 X 0.4-0.8 cm. flat, linear-oblong,

tomentose, slightly curved. Seeds 0.4-0.5 cm. across, pale-brown, 10-20.

Fls : June-Nov. Frs: July-Jan.

Field notes : Common noted nearfilelds, along road sides.

Exsiccata : 002 (Golvada)

Acacia nilotica (L.) Del. subSp. Indica (Bth.) Brenan in Kew Bull. 1957: 84.1957: 84 1957;

Shah 283; S.&S. 263; Yogi 276. Accia arabica (Lam.) Willd var indica Bth. In. HK. Lond.

Journ. Bot 1:500.1842. [BAVAL, KALO BAVAL, RAM BAVAL]

3-9 m tall trees. Bark brown or black longitudinally fissured. Leaves 2.0-4.5 cm long, bipinnate,

main rachis hairy with glands, leaflets 10-25 pairs, minute, linear-oblong, glabrous. Petioles 0.5-

1.8 cm long, stipular spines variable 0.5-2.3 cm long. white, sharp, straight. Flowers yellow, in

globose heads, bracteoles 2 above the middle of the peduncle. Calyx campanulate, teeth very

short. Corolla tubular, lobes triangular. Pods 8.0-9.5 x 1.2-1.8 cm, linear-oblong, glaucous-

green, jointed, compressed, orbicular, hairy. Seeds 8-12 brownish-black, oblong, compressed,


Fls : July- Oct. Frs: Aug.-Dec.

Field notes : Not common, noted near village and along road sides.

Exsiccata : 204 (Nada)

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Acacia pennata (L.) Willd. Sp. Pl. 4:1090. 1806; Shah ; S&S ;Yoggi . Mimosa pennata


Large, scandent bush or lianas, with dark brown to pale brown polished bark. Prickles slightly

recurved. Pinnae 8-15 pairs, 3-5cm long, with glands between the upper ones; leaflets 40-50

pairs, sessile, obliquely linear-oblong. Flowers in terminal panicles, creamy-white or pale

yellow. Pods stalked, 10-15 X1.25-3.0 cm, linear-oblong, acute to acuminate, glabrous,dark

brown, 5to10-seeded

FLS: July-Sep. FRS: Dec-Mar.

Field notes : Not common

Exsiccata : 024 (Kharaniya)

Acacia radiana Savi. Acad. Egiz. Mem. 1.f. A-G.1830. ( KALO BAVAL )

Flat topped or umbrella shaped trees, with young branchlets and leaves glabrous or puberulous;

bark reddish brown. stipular spines straight, upto 1.0 cm long or some slightly recurved or

hooked and up to 0.5 cm long . pinnae 2-5 pairs; leaflets 6-15 pairs. Flowers white or creamy.

Pods up to 12 cm long and 4-8 mm broad; valves thinly coriaceous, glabrous, womewhat

constricted between the seeds.

Fls: July-Oct. Frs: Nov-Feb.

Field notes : common, along road side

Exsiccata : 200 (Lambadiya)

Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. Sp. Pl 4: 1077. 1806; Shah 285; S. & S. 263 Yogi 278. Mimosa

senegal L. Sp. Pl. 521. 1753. [GORADIO BAVAL].

Small trees, upto 2-7 m tall, prickly, glaucous-grey. Leaves bipinnate, stipular spines, usually 3,

2 lateral, middle one; curved downwards, pinnae 3-5 pairs, 1.5-2.0 cm. long, leaflets 8-15 pairs,

0.2-0.3 cm. long, linear, glabrous, glaucous green, subobtuse. Flowers creamy-white, in 6.0-10.0

cm. long, axillary, solitary or 2-3 fascicled, spikes. Calyx, campanulate, teeth detoid. Corolla

twice as long as calyx, lobes lanceolate, acute. Stamens indefinate, filaments, white anthers,

yellow. Pods 4.0-9.0 X 10-20 cm., flat, linear-oblong or lanceolate, glabrous. Seeds 5-6.

Fls : Aug.- Oct. Frs: Oct. - Apr.

Field notes : Not common, Noted near villages

Exsiccata : 236 (Lambadiya)

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Albizia lebbeck (L.) Bth. in Hk. Lond. Journ. Bot. 3:87.1844; Shah 287; S. & S. 264; Yogi

281(a). Mimosa lebbeck L. Sp. Pl .516. 1753. [KALO SARAS, SIRIS, MOTI HARADI].

Deciduous trees upto 15-20 m tall. Bark Pale; Leaves abruptly bipinnate with a gland on petiole,

above base, pinnae 2-3 pairs, leaflets 5-9 pairs with glands between their bases, the lateral

leaflets elliptic-oblong or obovate, coriaceous, pubescent beneath. Flowers white, in globose

umbellate heads. Calyx pubescent, teeth short deltoid. Corolla funnel-shaped, triangular, acute.

Stamens indefinite, exserted much longer than corolla. Pods 20.5 –24.6 cm long linear-oblong,

pale yellow, bluntly pointed, smooth, shining. Seeds 4-12 slightly reniform, smooth, yellowish-


Fls : July- Oct. Frs: Oct.- Mar.

Field notes : Not common, noted near Sabarmati River.

Exsiccata : 227 (Dotad)

Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) W. & A. Prodr. 271. 1834; Shah. 288; S.&S. 262; Yogi; 281 (b);

Mimosa cinerea L. Sp. Pl .520.1753. [MOR DHUNDHIYU].

Thorny shrubs upto 2 to 6 m tall. Bark light-grey coloured, longitudinally fissurred. Leaves 2-

pinnate, 2.2-3.5 cm long, leaflets 12-20 pairs, minute, sessile, linear 0.1-0.3 X 0.1-0.2 cm

opposite, narrowly, linear-oblong, appressed-hairy beneath. Flowers in 2 coloured spikes,

bisexual, yellow, neuters pike or red, numerous, crowded in dense axillary spikes, 3.0-7.0 cm

long. Calyx campanulate. Corolla valvate. Stamens exserted, staminodes in lower half of the

spikes. Pods 3.0-4.9 cm long., compressed, linear-falcate, twisted, pubescent. Seeds 6-10,

oblong, reddish-brown, smooth.

Fls&Frs : July - Dec.

Field notes : Common in semiarid zones, noted in dense forest on slopes.

Exsiccata : 006 (Kharaniya)

Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Bth. in HK . Lond. Journ. Bot. 3:199: 1844. Shah 291; S. & S.

264; Yogi 284. Mimosa dulcis Roxb. Pl. Cor. 1:67. t. 39.1795. [GORASAMLI, VILAYTI


Armed trees, upto 5-10 m tall. Bark rough, longitudinally, fissurred greyish-black. Leaves

bipinnate, stipules modified into spines, leaflets 2, oblique, obovate, oblong, obtuse, coriaceous,

glabrous, 1.0-2.5 X 0.3-1.3 cm Flowers white, sessile in small heads, forming terminal racemose

panicle. Calyx small, 5-toothed. Corolla tubular, valvate. Stamens monadelphous. Pods fleshy,

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twisted 3.0-14.1 X 0.8-1.0 cm torulose, spiral. Seeds black, compressed, polished, broadly ovate,

covered by red or dirty green aril.

Fls: Nov. – Apr. Frs:- Dec.-June

Field notes : Common along road side, field fence, noted near villages.

Exsiccata : 210 (Lambadiya)

Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce in Rep. Bot. Exch. Cl. Brjt. Isles 3:422.1914; Shah. 292; S. & S.

262; Yogi 286. Mimosa cineraria L. Sp. Pl. 517.1753 Prosopis spicigera L. Mant. 1: 68.1767.


Trees, upto 9-18 m tall. Bark rough, yellowish or blackish-brown. Leaves bipinnate, 3.0-6.0 cm

long. Pinnae 2-pairs, with insect galls, on their rachis, Leaflets 7-12 pairs, oblong, oblique,

rounded, mucronate at apex, hairy. Flowers yellow, in 4.0-9.0 cm long, axillary, branched spikes.

Calyx cup-shaped, membranous. Corolla yellow, connate. Stamens 10, free, exserted. Pods 5.0-

15.0 cm long, turgid, straight, 10-15 seeded, glabrous. Seeds ovoid-oblong, shining, wrinkled.

Fls&Frs : Oct.-June

Field notes : Not common, noted near fields and along road sides.

Exsiccata : 261 (Lambadiya Kotda road side)

Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) Dc. Prodr. 2: 447. 1825; Shah 293; Yogi 286. Mimosa juliflora Sw.


Armed shrubs or trees, 2-4 m. tall, branches pendent dark green, glabrous, smooth. Leaves 2-

pinnate, glabrous with a gland between each pair of pinnae, pinnae usually 2-pairs, 4-6 cm. long,

leaflets 10-21 pairs, sessile oblong, coriaceous, glabrous, rounded at ends. Flowers yellow, in

2.0-6.5 cm. long, axillary, pendulous, spikes. Pods 10-15 X 0.9-1.2 cm. pendent, slightly curved,

pale yellow, compressed.

Fls&Frs : Aug.- May.

Field notes : Occasional, planted along road sides and waste lands or


Exsiccata : 222 (Kotda road side)


Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb) Wall ex. Bedd. Fl. Sylv. t. 15. 1869; Shah 297; S. & S. 264;Yogi

290. Coronopus latifolia Roxb. Hort. Beng. 34.1814. [DHAVDO, DHAMOD]

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Trees upto 15-18 m. tall. Bark smooth, ash-coloured, peeling off in scales. Leaves 3.5-9.5 X 2.5-

5.2 cm, ovate, ovate-oblong, elliptic-oblong or obovate, glabrous, coriaceous, base rounded,

midrib prominent. Flowers yellow in small dense heads, axillary, 1-2 to gather, flowers sessile.

Calyx tube hairy, 5-teethed, triangular, petals 0. Stamens 10, biserlate, exserted, anthers cordate.

Fruit 0.4-0.6 cm across, orbicular, packed in small heads, the nucleus almost plano-convex,

yellowish-brown, winged, beaked. Seeds solitary, pale-brown, ellipsoid, glabrous.

Fls& Frs : Sept. Dec.

Field noted : Not common, generally noted in dense forest on hills.

Exsiccata : 235 (Movatpura), 311 (Kharaniya)

Anogeissus pendula Edgew. In. Journ As. Soc. Bengal 21: 171.1853. Shah 297; S. & S. 265;

Yogi 290. [DHAO, DHANKRA].

Small deciduous trees upto 3-5 m tall, branches, pendulous. Leaves 1.3-3.0 X 0.5-17 cm. elliptic

or obovate, obtuse or acute subsessile, mucronate, pubesence both sides; Petioles 0.3-0.4 cm.

long. Flowers in small globose heads; 0.4-0.6 across, axillary, pedunculate. Fruits subuadrate,

uitimately, glabrous beak of fruit, shorter than its nucleus.

Fls : May.- Sep. Frs: June- Jan.

Field notes : Not common, noted near hill.

Exsiccata : 203 (Movatpura)

Terminalia arjuna (Roxb). W. & A. Prodr. 314.1834; Shah 300; Yogi Pentaptera arjuna Roxb.

Hort. Beng. 34.1814. [PANISADAD, ARJUNSADAD]

Trees upto 21- 24 m tall. Bark white, thick, smooth, thin flakes. Leaves 8.7-11.7 X 4.7-5.7 cm,

elliptic-oblong, coriaceous, glabrous, obtuse or subacute. Petioles 0.8-1.2 cm long. Flowers

creamy-white sessile in short axillary spikes or in terminal panicles, bracteoles minute. Calyx

campanulate, teeth small triangular. Corolla 0. Stamens much exserted. Fruits 3.5-4.0 cm long

oblong or ovoid-oblong, fibrous, woody dark-brown. Seeds linear, glabrous.

Fls : Mar.- Apr. Frs: May-Nov.

Field notes : Not frequent, noted near field at Cholia.

Exsiccata : 263 (Choliya)

Terminalia bellirica (Gaerth.) Roxb. Pl. Cor. 2154. t. 198; 1798; Shah 300; Myrobalanus

belliricus Gaertn Fruct. 2:90.t. 97.1791. [BEHDA, BEDA].

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Big Trees upto 12-18 m. tall. Bark ash-coloured, longitudinally fissurred. Leaves, obovate-

oblong, 7.9-12.5 x 1.5-8.4 cm pointed at apex, base rounded, coriaceous, glabrous, petiolate.

Petioles 3.2-4.0 cm long. Flowers creamy-white or pale-yellow in axillary, 5.0-6.5 cm long

spike, spikes longer than petioles, upper part of spike male, lower part hermaphrodite flowers.

Calyx tube ovoid, teeth 4-5, triangular. Petals 0. Stamens 10, episepalous, 2-seriate, exserted.

Drupe 1.5-2.5 cm, across, brown, abruptly narrowed into a short stalk, obscurely angled when


Fls : Jan. - May. Frs : Throughout the year

Field notes : Common in deciduous forest, mostly noted in dense forest.

Exsiccata : 208 (Umbarva)


Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Are among the species planted in forest. 10-25 (35) m tree; bark ashy-brown, smooth.Stem aerial, erect; branches terete, very pale when

dry, glabrous. Leaves 6-14 cm long, 5.5-11.5 x 2.5-6.5 cm, elliptic-oblong, or elliptic-lanceolate,

glabrous. Inflorescence cymes from axils of fallen leaves or terminal. Capsules 0.2-0.5 cm

across, ovate or oblong, glabrous, shining globose. Seeds ellipsoidal-oblong, white or pinkish,


Fls & Frs : Aug.Jan.

Field notes : Common in deciduous forest, mostly noted in dense forest.

Exsiccata : 266 (Lambadiya)

Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels in U.S. Dept. Agri. Bur. Pl. Ind. Bull. 248:2, 1912; Ch & O 101; S

& J 23; S 92; FBI 2:499; C 1:523;Shah 303. (JAMBU)

10-25 (35) m tree; bark ashy-brown, smooth, thick, rough, exfoliating. Stem aerial, erect;

branches terete, very pale when dry, glabrous. Leaves 6-14 cm long, 5.5-11.5 x 2.5-6.5 cm,

cauline & ramal, opposite deccusate, elliptic-oblong, or elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous.

Inflorescence cymes from axils of fallen leaves or terminal, panicled, upto 10 cm long; peduncle

upto 4 cm long. Flower 0.4-1 cm across, pale-greenish-white, fragrant, sessile or 0.4 cm long

pedicle, complete. Berries 1-2 cm across, ovate or oblong, glabrous, shining globose, bright to

dark-purple, shape of an olive, juicy, crowned with a truncate-calyx limb, 1- seeded. Seeds

ellipsoidal-oblong, white or pinkish, glabrous.

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Fls : Feb.-Apr. Frs : Mar.-July.

Field notes : Common in deciduous forest, mostly noted in dense forest.

Exsiccata : 194 (Demti Mira)

Syzigium hyneanum Wall. ex W. & A. Prodr. Shah 303; S. & S. 265; Yogi 299. [JAL


2.0-4.5 m tall shrubs, or small trees, bark smooth, ash coloured. Leaves, 8.5-12.2 cm. long,

oblong, lanceolate, coriaceous, acute, gland dotted, glabrous. Flowers white, sessile, in small

heads in trihotomous cymes on old wood. Calyx funnel shaped, 4-lobed. Petals 4, calyptrate.

Berres 1.0-2.5 cm. long oblong or elipsoidal, pale purple, glabruos.

Fls : Jan.- Apr Frs: Feb.- May.

Field notes : Common in dense forest but generally near river beds

Exsiccata : 234 (Kotda Sabarmati river bank)


Ammannia baccifera L. Sp. Pl. (ed.2) 175.176.2; Shah 305, S. & S. 265; Yogi 300; Ammannia

salicifolia Hiern in Otiv. Fl. Trop. Afr. 2:278.1871. [JAL AGIO, LAL AGIO].

Herbs upto 25- 80 cm tall, 4-angled. Leaves 0.3-8.3 X 0.15 –2.1cm oblong, linear-oblong,

linear-lanceolate, sessile, subacute or obtuse, narrowed at base. Flowers red, in dense axillary

clusters, bracts filiform, shorter than pedicels. Calyx acute, triangular, globose, 4-5 teethed.

Petals 0 or very small. Stamens 2-8, inserted in calyx. Capsules minute, red, glabrous. Seeds

minute, brown, obovate subhemispheric.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Common near damp places. generally, noted near riverbanks.

Exsiccata : 238 (Kotda river bank)

Lawsonia inermis L. Sp. Pl. 349. 1753; Shah 309; S. & S. 266; Yogi 304. Lawsonia alba

Lam. Encycl. Meth Bot 3: 106.1789. [MENDHI].

Bushy shrubs, upto 2-3 m tall. Bark greyish-white, smooth. Leaves 0.3-2.7 X 0.2-1.6 cm.,

glabrous, elliptic, acute, mucronate, entire, subsessile, base narrow. Flowers white or creamy-

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white in large, terminal panicles. Calyx lobes 4, campanulate, ovate, acute. Petals 4,

episepalous, clawed. Stamens 8, inserted in pairs on calyx tube. Capsule 0.2-0.6 cm., across,

globose glabrous. Seeds minute, many, brown, smooth, trianular.

Fls&Frs : Througtout the year.

Field notes : Not common

Exsiccata : 259 (Gunbhankhari)


Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. in Linnaea. 12:414.1838; Shah 318; S. & S. 267; Yogi 317.

Cucumis colocynthis L. Sp. Pl. 1011.1753. [INDRAVARNA, KOKADVARNA, KADVA,


Monoecious, perennial herbs creeping, slender. Tendrils simple, slender, hairy. Leaves 3.5-10.0

X 1.5-9.0 cm deeply 3-7 lobed, scabrid on both surfaces, deeply pinnatifid, segments obtuse.

Petioles 1.25-2.5 cm long. Male flowers peduncles 0.6-1.25 cm long. Calyx hairy campanulate;

Corolla yellow, obovate, apiculate; stamens 3. Female flowers Calyx and Corolla as in male

ovary, ellipsoid, hairy. Fruit globular, 5.0 - 7.5 cm in diam., green, glabrous. Seeds pale-brown,


Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Common in waste places, noted in rainy season,

Exsiccata : 230 (Kharaniya river bed)

Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsumara & Nakai in. Cat. Sm. Hort. Bot. Univ. Tokyo

920:38.1920; Shah 318; Yogi 318. Momordica lanata Thunb. Prodr. Fl. Cap. 13.1794.


Annual herbs, monoecious, creeping on ground, prostrate or suberect hairy, tendrils 2-3 fid.

Leaves 3.8-10.3 X 2.5-6.6 cm. pubescent, deeply, 5-lobed base cordate, petiolate. Flowers pale

yellow, 1.4-1.6 cm. across, axillary solitary Male flowers: Calyx 5-fid. Corolla yellow, 3-lobed;

Stamens 3. Female flowers: staminodes present, ovary, globose. Berries olive green, with dark

green longitudinal strips, large globular or elougate. Seeds black, flat obovate oblong, glabrous.

Fls : July- Nov. Frs: Apr.- June.

Field notes : Not common generally noted during monsoon along road sides

Exsiccata : 256 (Demti)

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Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt. Hort. Sub. Calc. 59.1845; Shah 319; S. & S. 268; Yogi 319.

Coccinia indica W. & A. Prodr. 347.1834; Coccinia cordifolia (L.) Cogn. in DC. Mon. Phan.


Perennial, dioecious, climbers. Tendrils simple. Leaves 2.8-13.0 X 2.7-11.0 cm, broadly ovate

or ovate-triangular, base cordate, entire or 3-5 angled, glabrous. Flowers axillary, solitary. Male

flowers white, solitary, Calyx campanulate; teeth-5; Corolla funnel shaped, segments 5, veined

with green; Stamens 3, forming a column. Female flowers, solitary, white, Calyx 5; Corolla

funnel shaped, segments 5; staminodes 3, ovary inferior, pepo-ovoid, elongate. Seeds 0.4-0.5 cm

long, compressed, white, glabrous.

Fls : Throughout the year. Frs: Throughout the year.

Field notes : Common, on fence during monsoon.

Exsiccata : 225 (Dotad)

Ctenolepis cerasiformis (Stocks) Hk. f. in Olivers Fl. Trop. Africa 2: 558 1871; Shah 320;

Yogi 321. Blastania fimbristipula Kotschy & Peyr. Pl. Tinn. 15. t. 7.1865.[ANKH


Extensive, monoecious, climbers. Tendrils slender, striate, simple. Leaves 3-6 X 4-5 cm

strigose, 3-5 lobed, membranous, scabrid on both surfaces, segments ovate-oblong or

lanceolate. Petioles 0.3-2.2 cm long; stipules orbicular, reniform, ciliate with hairs. Male flowers

pale yellow in 5-10 peduncle; Calyx campanulate, lobes 5. Corolla rotate, obtuse, ovate.

Stamens 3, inserted. Female flowers solitary, in same axils as Males; peduncles short; Calyx and

Corolla as in Male, ovary ovoid. Fruits 0.7-1.3 cm across two-seeded, globose, scarlet, glabrous.

Seeds ovoid, glabrous.

Fls&Frs : Aug. -Oct.

Field notes : Not common, generally noted in rainy season .

Exsiccata :145 (Ganva)

Cucumis callosus (Rottl.) Cogn. Ex. Cogn. & Harms in Pflazenr 88:129.1924; Shah 321; S. &

S. 267: Yogi 323; Bryonia callosa Rottl. In Neue Schr. Ges. Nat. Fr. Berlin. 4:210.1803.

Cucumis trigonous Roxb. Hort. Beng. 70.1814 (nomen) & Fl. Ind. 2:617. 1824. [KOTHIMDU,


Prostrate, scabrid herbs. Leaves 1.5-12x1.8-12.5 cm, broadly ovate, ovate-triangular or nearly

subglobose, entire, or shallowly 3-5-lobed, scabrid. Flowers axillary, solitary, pedicellate.

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Berries 2.7-5x2.3-4 cm, ellipsoid-oblong, or nearly orbicular, softly echinate, at length

smooth; bright-yellow with green- stripes. Seeds ellipsoid-oblong, pale-brown, smooth,


Fls&Frs : July-Feb.

Field notes : Throughout, a common weed in waste places and cultivated fields; seldom in

dense forests.

Exsiccata : 201 (Dedka field)

Cucumis sativus L. SP. Pl. 1012.1753; Shah 323; Yogi 325. [KAKADI]

Annual, monoecious climbers. Leaves, deeply cordate 3-5 lobed, 6.2-7.9 X 8.0-9.8 cm, across

and almost as much broad, entire or shallowly, densely, hairy. Flowers yellow, solitary, axillary,

pedicellate. Male flowers fascicled, yellow. Corolla bell shaped with long white hairs. Stamens

5, connective produced into an appendage. Female flowers solitary, ovary inferior, spiny,

stigmas 3. Berries of various shapes, pepo, cylindric, narrowly or broadly oblong pale to dark-

green or pale-yellow covered with soft spines. Seeds oblong, glabrous, white , subacute at ends.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year bat generally noted during monsoon

Field notes : Common, noted during monsoon along road sides and in

waste lands .

Exsiccata :265 (Dantral field)

Cucurbita maxima Duch. in Lam. Encycl. 2:151.1786; Shah 323; Yogi 325. [KOLU,


Monoecious climbers, stem clothed with stiff hairs. Leaves 10.0-18.3 X 15.0 -19.3 cm entire or

shallowly lobed, yellow ovate, oblong 5-7 lobed, dentate, cordate, strigosely hairy. Male flowers

yellow, axillary and solitary. Stamens 5, monadelphous, anthers conduplicate, sinuous. Female

flowers, peduncle very stout, Calyx segments 5, large and foliaceous. Corolla campanulate.

ovary inferior, globose. Fruit a pepo, very large, globoes, yellow-orange. Seeds many


Fls& Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Rare in this area, noted during monson season.

Exsiccata : 118 (Vinchi)

Luffa cylindrica (L) M J. Roem. Syn. Mon. 2:64.1846; Shah 327; Yogi 331. Momordica

cylindrica L. Sp. Pl. 1009.1753. [GHEE-TURAI GALKU, MARTIGONSALI ,GHOSALE].

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Monoecious, herbs, slender, climbing, glabrous, stout, angled. Leaves 6.0-7.2 X 6.0-7.5 cm.

orbicular, reniform, broader than long, palmtely 5-7 lobed, glabrous. Flowers bright-yellow.

Male flowers : in axillary racemes, peduncles 10-15 cm. long, pedicels 0.6-1.25 cm. long. Calyx

pubescent, lobes lanceolate. Petals spreading obovate, oblong. Stamens5. Female flowers :

solitary, staminodes, usually 5. Berries 10-30 cm. long, cylindric, oblong, marked with

longitudinal strips, dark-green. Seeds flat, winged, glabrous, black or grey.

Fls&Frs : Througout the year.

Field notes : Common during monsoon, noted near waste lands and plain


Exsiccata : 207 (Tebda), 176 (Tebdi)

Momordica charantia L. Sp. Pl. 1009. 1753; Shah 329 Yogi 334; [KARELA, KARELI].

Annual monoecious climbers. Tendrils simple, angled, grooved, hairy. Leaves orbicular, deeply

5-7 lobed 4-10 X 4.0-9.5 cm, membranous, glabrous, lobes acute, dentate, base cordate. Petioles

1.5- 2.3 cm long. Flowers yellow. Male flowers solitary, peduncles long with a reniform bract

below middle. Calyx tube short, lobes-5. Corolla yellow, 5-lobed, obtuse or emarginate.

Stamens 3. Female Flowers solitary, bract near base, staminodes-3, ovary, inferior. Fruit berries,

pepo, fusiform pendulous, densely tuberculate. Seeds compressed, yellowish-brown, flat.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year

Field notes : Common during monsoon along road sides fences and near


Exsiccata : 260 (Polapan), 077 (Nada forest)

Momordica diolica Roxb. ex. Willd. Sp. Pl. 4:605.1805; Shah 329; S. & S. 267; Yogi 335.


Perennial dioecious herbs. Tendrils simple, stem furrowed. Leaves 1.5- 4.7 X 0.9-4.6 cm, 3-5

lobed, broadly ovate, base cordate; Petioles 0.4-0.8 cm long, membranous. Flowers bright

yellow; male flowers solitary, 1- flowered, bract cucullate near flower and enclosing it. Calyx

lobes-5, linear-lanceolate. Petals 5, yellow, oblong-lanceolate; Stamens 3. Female flowers,

solitary, bract near base. Calyx and Corolla as in male ovary inferior. Berries 2.5-5.0 X 1.5-2.6

cm ovate or obovate, echinate, ellipsoid, beak short. Seeds many ovate, flat, smooth, pale-


Fls&Frs : July. - Nov.

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Field notes : Common on hedges, noted during monsoon

Exsiccata : 092 (Polapan), 098 (Nada field)

Mukia maderaspatana (L.) M. Roem. Syn. Pen. 47.1846; Shah 330; Yogi 336; Melothria

maderaspatana Cogn. in DC. Phan. 3:623. 1881. [CHANAK -CHIBHDI].

Monoecious, prostrate climbers. Leaves 1.5 - 6.1 X 1.2-7.5 cm entire or 3-5 angled or lobed,

deltoid, ovate, scabrid ,base cordate, apex, dentate. Flowers pale to bright yellow. Male flowers

in small fascicles, pedicellate. Calyx hairy, campanulate; Corolla yellow, hairy. lobes ovate–

oblong; Stamens 3-inserted in calyx tube, filaments free. Female flowers, sessile, ovary-ovoid,

style short, stigma 3-lobed. Berries 0.6-1.0 cm broad, small, green varigated with yellow, finally

wholly red. Seeds black, ovoid, oblong, compressed, ellipsoid.

Fls : July.- Oct.

Field notes : Common on hedges, noted during monsoon.

Exsiccata : 226 (Demti hedge)

Trichosanthes cucumerina L. Sp. Pl. 1008. 1753; Shah 332; S. & S. 267; Yogi 338. [JANGLI


Annual, monoecius climbers. Tendrils 2-3 fid. Leaves 6.3-13.4-X 7.6-15.0 cm, broadly-ovate,

orbicular-reniform, dentate, hairy, deeply 3-5 lobed, base cordate. Flowers white; Male flowers

in axillary racemes bearing 8-15 flowers at apex on a long peduncle; Calyx tube dilated at apex,

teeth triangular. Petals 5, white, lanceolate-oblong, fimbricate. Stamens 3 inserted on calyx tube,

filaments short. Female flowers axillary, solitary in same axil as male peduncle, Calyx and

Corolla as in male ovary inferior, ovoid style slender, stigma 3. Fruit a pepo, 3-7 X 2.7-5.0 cm,

glabrous, green and striped with white, scarlet when ripe. Seeds compressed, rugulose,

embedded in red pulp.

Fls&Frs : July- Oct.

Field notes : Abundant on hedges, during monsoon.

Exsiccata : 294 (Choliya hedge)


Opuntia elatior Mill. Gard. Dict (ed .8) no 4. 1768; Shah 333; S. & S. 268; Yogi 339. Opuntia

dillenil Grah. ex. Dalz. & Gibs. Bombay Fl. Suppl. 39 1861. [PHAFDO THOR].

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Bushy shrubs, 1-3 cm. tall, with jointed stem; stems terete; joints, 5.0-30.0 X X 3.0-15.0 cm.

succulent, leafess, spiny, flat, green, internodes oblong- obovate. Flowers yellow or pale-pink,

erectopatent, at length red or reddish-purple, axillary, solitary on free margins of joints. Berries

fleshy, slightly depressed, truncate at apex, dark red 4.0-5.0 X 3.0-4.0 cm., edible.

Fls&Frs : Dec.-May.

Field notes : Not common, noted near fence of flelds.

Exsiccata : 202 (Chochar)


Trianthema portulacastrum L.Sp. Pl. 223.1753; Shah 338; Yogi 347. Trianthema monogyna L.

Maut. 1:69.1767. [SATODO].

Prostrate succulent herbs. Leaves 1.2- 4.0 X 0.7-3.2 cm, obovate, cuneate, subfleshy, unequal

rounded and apiculate at apex, cuneate at base; Petioles 0.2-0.8 cm long. Flowers white to pink,

axillary, solitary in pouch or between forks of branches. Calyx ovate, acute lobes 5. Petals 0,

Stamens 10-20, ovary truncate. style1. Capsules small glabrous circumscissile, concave. Seeds

many reniform muriculate dull-black with faint, wavy ribs.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year

Field notes : Frequent in the area, generally noted in monsoon.

Exsiccata : 270 (Jotasan field)


Alangium salvifolium (L.f.) Wang in. Pfreich. 41:9. f. 2A-E.1910; Shah 347, S. & S. 269, Yogi

355. Alanagium lamarckii Thw. Enum.133.1859. [ANKOL, ANKOLI]

Trees upto 3-10 m tall. bark ash coloured, rough and fintly fissured. Leaves 2.8-7.1 X 1.1-2.0

cm, elliptic-oblong or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, entire, glabrous, base rounded or acute;

Petioles 0.3-0.5 cm long. Flowers greenish-white in axillary fascicles, on old wood, pedicels 0.2-

0.4 cm long. Calyx turbinate, pubescent, teeth triangular, petals 5-10, densely pubescent,

reflexed. Stamens numerous, as long as Petals, filaments hairy at base. Berries 1.3-1.6 cm long,

ovoid, ellipsoid, globose, glabrous, purple-red.

Fls& Frs : Feb.-Apr.

Field notes : Common, noted in dense forest and along road sides on slopes.

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Exsiccata : 067 (Movatpura), 312 (Gunbhankhari)

Sub class: Gamopetalae


Adina cordifolia (Roxb.) Bth. & Hk. f. ex. Brandis For. FI. 263. t. 33.1874; Shah 349;

Nauclea cordifolia Roxb. Pl. Cor. 1:40.t. 53.1796. [HALDU]

Deciduous 6-15 m. tall tree. Bark grey or light-black, longitudinally fissured. Leaves 15.0-16.3

X 14.8-16.9 cm as long as broad, orbicular broadly, ovate, appressed pubescent beneath, shortly

acuminate, Petioles 6-10 cm long, stipules oblong, obtuse, pubescent. Flowers yellow,

numerous, in globose heads, 1.5 -2.0 cm across, axillary, peduncles 2.5-4.0 cm long, stout.

Calyx tube slender, lobes 5. Corolla segments 5 pubescent, ovate-oblong, recurved. Stamens 5,

filaments short. Capsules 0.4-0.6 cm long, cuneate, obconical, pubescent. Seeds oblong, brown,


Fls : July - Dec. Frs: Oct.-Mar.

Field notes : Dense forest, rare.

Exsiccata : 073 (Demti), 313 (Vinchi)

Borreria articularis (L. f.) F. N. Will in Bull. Herb .Boiss. (II) 5.956.1905;

Shah 349; S. & S. 271; Yogi 357; Spermacoce hispida L. Sp. Pl. 102.1753. Spermacoce

articularis L.f. Supp. l19. 1781. [GANTHIYU, KHARSAT SHANKHLO].

Procumbent herbs. Leaves subsessile 1.1-4.2 X 0.3-4.7, elliptic or elliptic- lanceolate, oblong,

acute, membranous, bristles few. Flowers white or pale blue, 4-6 in a whorl, within stipular cup.

Calyx campanulate, lobed reflexed, hairy. Corolla lobes 4, oblong, acute, hairy, funned shaped.

Stamens 4. Capsules 0.2-0.3 cm long, oblong, hairy, rounded at both ends, crowned with calyx

teeth, apiculate. Seeds 0.15 –0.2 cm, ellipsoid-oblong, grooved.

Fls&Frs : July - Jan.

Field notes : On slopes and hills during monsoon, common.

Exsiccata : 267 (Demti hills)

Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb.) Konth. Obs. Naucl. Ind. 19.1839; Shah 355; S. & S. 270; Yogi

362; Nauclea parvifolia Roxb. Pl. Cor. 1:40. t. 12.1795. Stephegyne parvifolium Korth. Verh.

Nat. Ges. Bot.161.1840. [KALAM, KADAMB].

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Deciduous tree up to 8-15 m tall. Bark grey, smooth, exfoliating in small scales. Leaves 4.5- 7.2

X 2.7-5.0 cm, ovate, elliptic, obovate, apex rounded or acute. Stipules large, interpetiolar

caducous. Flowers white, in 1.0-1.4 cm across, globose, axillary and terminal heads. Calyx

funnel shaped. Corolla funnel shaped, lobes 5, recurved. Stamens 5. Fruit capsules 0.25 - 0.3 cm

long, glabrous, cuneate bluntly 10-ribbed. Seeds many, winged, minute, brown.

Fls: Apr. - Aug. Frs : Dry ones present for major part of the year.

Field notes : Near villages at Delvada Chochar

Exsiccata : 099 (Delvada Chochar)

Oldenlandia corymbosa L. Sp. Pl. 119. 1753; Shah 358;S. & S. 270; Yogi 364; Hedyotis

corymbosa Lam. Encycl. Meth. Bot. 1:272.1792. [PARPAT, PARPATI].

Annual, 7- 40cm tall herbs, numerous, slender, erect, or ascending or spreading, glabrous.

Leaves 0.2-2.9 X 0.15-0.3 cm, subsessile, linear or linear-lanceolate, acute recurved and hairy

margins. Stipules membranous, truncate with few bristles. Flowers white, axillary, solitary,

pedicels 2-3 on the top, Calyx triangular, teeth 4. Corolla lobes 4, acute. Stamens 4, inserted in

throat of corolla. Capsules globose, 0.2-0.4 cm long, didymous, smooth. Seeds many, minute,

angular, dark- brown.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Among grasses in waste lands, during monsoon, common .

Exsiccata : 295 (Movatpura)


Acanthospermum hispidum DC. Prodr 5:122. 1836; Ch & O 132; Shah 366; Yogi. 369.

Erect, dichotomously branched, suffruticose 30-60 cm. tall herbs; stems covered with white

spreading hairs. Leaves 0.6-1.3 X 0.5-0.9 cm. sessile or subsessile, ovate, obovate or spathulate,

appressed hairy. Heads pale yellow, solitary, axillary or between forks of branches pedunculate,

rays yellow, disc pale-yellow. Fruits spinous. Achenes 4-8, obconical, stellately arranged with 2

long hooked spines at top.

Fls&Frs : Aug.-Feb.

Field notes : Waste lands and plain surface, after monsoon, common.

Exsiccata : 057 (Lambadiya)

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Ageratum conyzoides L. Sp. Pl. 839.1753; Shah 367; Yogi 370. [MANKAD MARI,


Annual 90 cm tall herbs. Leaves 1.7-5.1 X 1.2-2.9 cm, broadly ovate, subacute, crenate, margin

ciliate, base cuneate, hairy on both sides. Petioles 0.7-1.7 cm long. Flowers white or seldom

pale-violet, in terminal, paniculate cymes, with bad odor, heads forming terminal corymbs.

Involucral bracts, linear-acute ribbed. Papuss of 5 scales. Corolla tubular, regular, 5-fid. Stamens

5, anthers appendiculate, ovary inferior, style arms elongate. Achenes 0.4-0.5 cm, cuneate, black,


Fls&Frs : Nov.-Mar.

Field notes : Near fields, waste lands and along the road side during monsoon, common.

Exsiccata : 264 (Lambadiya road side)

Cyathocline purpurea (D. Don) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. Pl. 338.1891; Shah 378; S. & S. 271; Yogi

381. Tenacetum purpureum D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nep. 181. 1825. [OKHARAD].

Annual, 30-60 cm tall herbs. Leaves 1.6-6.5 cm long, radical and cauline, pinnatifid, sessile,

segments toothed, pubescent. Flowers rose-purple to bright purple, heads 0.4-0.6 cm, across in

terminal, corymbose panicles. Involucral bracts, linear, acute, ciliate. Corollas of flowers, 5

teethed. Pappus 0. Achenes minute, oblong, smooth, pale brown, faintly ribbed, glabrous.

Fls&Frs : Sep. - Mar.

Field notes : In moist places like river beds, not common.

Exsiccata : 297 (Umbarvada hedge)

Echinops echinatus Roxb. Fl. Ind. 3: 447.1832; Shah 378; S. & S. 273; Yogi 382. [SHULIO,


Stout, suffrutescent, rigid, spiny herbs. Leaves 1.5-12.0 X 1.0-2.8 cm, sessile, pinnatifid, oblong,

lobes triangular, with big spines, lower surface white, cottony. Flowers in big heads 3.4-5.5 cm,

across, pale blue or white, spiny, solitary, terminal. Flowers bisexual, all fertile. Involucres

surrounded by strong white bristles or sharp spines. Corolla regular, tubular, 5-fid, anther with

tails. Pappus short-yellow. Achenes 0.4-0.7 cm long, obconical, subterete, villous.

Fls&Frs : Oct.- Jan.

Field notes : Waste lands and plains, common.

Exsiccata : 268 (Demti)

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Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. Mant. 2: 286.1771; Shah 379; S. & S. 272; Yogi 383 Verbesina

prostrata L. Sp. Pl. 902.1753. Verbesina alba L. Sp. Pl. 1902. 1753. Eclipta erecta L. Mant

2:286.1771. [BHANGRO].

Annual herbs, strigose with appressed white hairs. Leaves sessile, ovate- lanceolate 1.1-5.3 X

0.3-2.2 cm elliptic, strigosely hairy. Flowers white, heads, solitary or 2-together on unequal

axillary peduncles. Invol bracts about-8, ovate, obtuse, strigose with appressed white hairs. Ray

florets liqulate, not toothed, white. Disk florets tubular, pappus 0, Stamens 5, style flattened.

Achenes + 0.2 cm long, compressed, winged, ridged on one side, brown or black, glabrous.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Damp places, river beds, very common.

Exsiccata : 300 (Ganva)

Flaveria australasica Hk. f. in. Mitch. Journ. Trop. Austral. 118.1838; Shah 381. Flaveria

trinervia Bail; S. & J. 28. [PILO BHANGRO, PARDESHI BHANGRO].

Erect 20-60 cm., tall herbs; Leaves 1.2-5.0 X 0.5-1.2 cm. ellipitic-lanceolate, obovate or

spathulate. Flowers yellow, in axillary, sessile clusters which, contain many 1-5 flowered heads

or, all fertile. Corolla of flowers, tubular of flowers tubular, 5-lobed. Anthers base obtuse, style

spreading, truncate. Achenes obovate, compressed, longer with promineut ribs.

Fls&Frs : Jan.

Field notes : Not common.

Exsiccata : 175 (Lambadiya)

Grangea maderaspatana (L.) Poir. Encycl. Meth Suppl. 2: 825 1811; Shah 384; S. & S. 271;

Yogi 388. Artemisia maderaspatana L. Sp. Pl. 849. 1753.[ZINKI, MUNDI].

Annual herbs, prostrate or procumbent, glandular. Leaves sessile, sinuately pinnatifid 1.5-8.0 X

0.5-1.5 cm, oblanceolate, serrate-dentate. Heads yellow, globose 0.5-1.2 cm across, solitary,

terminal or leaf opposed, sessile or subsessile Invol. bracts elliptic, obtuse, rigid. Pappus short

tube. Achenes glandular, pubescent.

Fls&Frs : Oct.-Mar. rarely upto July.

Field notes : Waste lands and near moist places, not common.

Exsiccata : 262 (Lambadiya)

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Launaea procumbens (Roxb.) Ramayya & Rajagopal in Kew. Bull. 23:465. 1969; Shah 387;

S.& S. 273 Yogi 391. Prenanthes procumbens Roxb. Fl. Ind. 3:404.1832. Launaea nudicaulis

(L.) Hk. f. in Hk.f. FBI. 3:416.1882. [MOTI BHONPATRI].

25-70 cm tall annual herbs. Leaves 1.7-6.4 cm long, radical lower leaves obovate-oblong,

pinnatifid, sessile, lyrate or ruminate, linear-lanceolate. Flowers in irregularly, branched,

pedicelled heads. Heads creamy-yellow, 1.0-1.5 cm across. Invol. bracts glabrous, outer ovate,

acute, much shorter than inner. Inner linear, lanceolate, acute, membranous. Pappus soft, white

longer than achenes. Anthers sagitate, style bifid. Achenes minute, smooth, brown, 4-ribbyed,


Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Near fields and river banks, not common.

Exsiccata : 121 (Vinchi)

Parthenium hysterophorus L. Sp. Pl. 988:1753; Shah 388.

30-60 cm. tall herbs or under shrubs, erect, stout. Leaves pinnatifid, 4.0-11.5 cm. long,

appressed-hairy, lobes again lobulate or entire or broadly serrate. Heads creamy-white 0.3-0.4

cm. across, numerous, in terminal, paniculate cymes. Achenes minute, obovate, compressed,


Fls&Frs : Oct.- Mar.

Field notes : Near road sides and waste lands.

Exsiccata : 296 (Dotad)

Sphaeranthus indius L. Sp. Pl. 927. 1753; Shah 395; S. & S. 271; Yogi 400. [GORAKH


Annual 25-50 cm tall herbs. Leaves 1.0-3.3 X 1.2-1.8 cm elliptic, oblong or obovate-oblong,

glandular pubescent, sessile, decurrent, dentate, narrowed at base. Flowers purple, globose,

ovoid, heads on solitary glandular peduncles with toothed wings. Outer flowers female, Inner

bisexual. Invol. bracts linear acuminate. Achenes + 0.1 cm long, oblong, obconical some what

angled, sub compressed, nearly glabrous.

Fls&Frs : Oct.- Apr.

Field notes : Along river beds and villages, not common.

Exsiccata : 196 (Ganer)

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Tridax procumbens L. Sp. Pl. 900.1753; Shah 397; S. & S. 273; Yogi 401. [PARDESI


30- 70 cm tall perennial herbs, straggling, procumbent. Leaves 1.7- 4.0 X 0.5-2.3 cm ovate-

lanceolate, ovate-elliptic, acute, deeply inciso-dentate hairy. Heads pale yellow, 0.8-1.2 cm

across, solitary, terminal in very long peduncled. Outer invol. bracts hairy, ovate, acuminate,

inner bracts oblong, longer than outer, membranous. Ray florets ligulate, yellow 3-partite,

Corolla tube hairy. disk florets bisexual. Corolla regular, tubular, 5-fid. Anthers sagittate.

Achenes 0.2-0.4 cm long, obovoid, faintly ribbed, dark brawn hairy.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Along road sides, plain and waste lands, abundant.

Exsiccata : 189 (Chochar)

Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. In Linnaea 4:291.1829; Shah 398; S. & S. 271; Yogi 402. Conyza

cinerea L. Sp. Pl. 862.1753. [SAHA DEVI, SADEDI].

Annual 30-90 cm tall herbs. Leaves 1.2-3.5 X 0.7-2.1 cm ovate, elliptic or lanceolate, obtuse or

acute, mucronate, dentate or crenate-serrate, hairy beneath. Flowers pale to bright-purple, in

terminal, small heads forming divaricate terminal corymbs. Bract 1, small, linear and small

bracts in forsk of peduncles. Involucral bracts linear-lanceolate, awned, silky. Pappus hairy

white. Corolla equal, regular, tubular, lobes 5; Stamens 5. Achenes minute brown, densely, hairy

narrow at base.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Road sides, waste lands and fields, common.

Exsiccata : 124 (Ganva)

Xanthium strumarium L. Sp. Pl. 987. 1753. Shah 400; Yogi 403. [GOKHRU, GADARIYU]

Annual 40-130 cm tall herbs. Leaves 1.7- 8.8 X 1.1-9.1 cm broadly, ovate-triangular as broad as

long, ovate or suborbicular, acute, serrate, cordate at base. Flowers yellow, monoecious in

unisexual. Heads 0.4-0.8 cm across, yellow, 2.0-3.8 cm long spikes, upper heads barren, many,

lowers axillary heads, fertil few. Pappus 0. Invol. bracts of the female fertile heads, united into

an ovoid 2-beaked. Fruit 1.4- 2.3 cm long, ellipsoid or oblong, pale to dark brown, covered with

hooked prickles. Corolla 0, style exserted. Achenes 0.6 -1.0 cm long, glabrous, oblong.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

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Field notes : Waste lands and plains, common.

Exsiccata : 160 (Lambadiya road side)


Plumbago zeylanica L. Sp Pl. 151. 1753; Shah 404; S. & S. 274;Yogi 405.[CHITRAK,


Perennial 60-100 cm tall herbs. Leaves 1.2-4.9 X 0.3-1.8 cm glabrous, ovate subacute, entire,

glaucous beneath. Petioles 0.4-0.9 cm long amplexicaul at base. Flowers white, 6.0-9.2 cm long,

terminal. Spikes rachis glandular Calyx tubular 5-toothed, persistent, densely covered with

glands, Corolla 5 lobed, white, slender, obovate-oblong, acute, apiculate. Stamens hypogynous

filaments as long as corolla tube, anthers exserted. Capsule 0.8-1.8 cm long, oblong, 5-valved.

Seeds oblong, glabrous.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year

Field notes : On slopes and in dense forest, rare.

Exsiccata : 183 (Kharaniya on slopy hills)


Madhuca indica J. F. Gmel. Syst. Nat 2:799.1791; Shah 407; S. & S. 274; Yogi 411. Bassia

latifolia Roxb Pl. Cor. 1:20. t. 19.1795. [MAHUVO, MAHUDO].

Trees up to 10-15 m tall; Bark greyish-black or ash-coloured, longitudinally fissured. Leaves 0.7-

12.0 X 1.4-6.2 cm, coriaceous, elliptic or elliptic-oblong, bluntly acumiate, acute at base.

Petioles 1.2-1.6 cm long. Flowers creamy-white in dense axillary fascicles, buds long pointed,

hairy. Calyx 4- lobed divided to base. Corolla 7-9 lobed, fleshy, creamy-yellow, erect, ovate,

lanceolate, caducous. Stamens 24-26 in, 3 rows, inserted on tube of corolla. Berries 2.5 X 1.8 X

1.0 cm ovoid, fleshy, yellow when ripe. Seeds 2.5-3.7 cm long smooth, ovoid, shining,


Fls&Frs : Mar. – June.

Field notes : Common in this area.

Exsiccata : 187 (Gunbhankhari), 314 (Movatpura), 315 (Kotda-Ghadi)

Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dub. In Ann. Mus. Co11. Marseille 3:9. f.2. 1915; Shah 407; S.

& S. 274; Yogi 412; Mimusops hexandra Roxb Pl. Cor. 1:16. t. 15.1795. [RAYAN].

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Evergreen, 10-15 m tall trees. Bark blackish-brown, rough, deeply, longitudinally furrowed.

Leaves 1.9-8.7 X 1.1-4.6 cm, coriaceous, elliptic-oblong or obovate-oblong, dark green,

emarginate. Flowers creamy-white, axillary, solitary or in fascicles of 2-6. Calyx segments 6-8,

hairy, reflexed, ovate, Corolla lobes 18, in 2 series of 6 and 12, inner 6 oblanceolate, clawed,

outer 12 linear, acute. Stamens 6, staminodes 6, alternate with stamens, bifid. Berries 1.0-1.7 cm

long, ovoid or ellipsoid 1-2 seeded, smooth with plenty of latex. Seeds 1.0-1.2 cm long, shining,


Fls : Sep.– Oct Frs: Nov. – Apr.

Field notes : Fields and villages, not common.

Exsiccata : 193 (Dantral)

Mimusops elengi L. Sp. Pl. 349. 1753; FBI 3 : 548, C 2 : 155; Shah 408. (BORSALLI)

20 – 30 m glabrous, evergreen tree with a compact leaf head & short erect trunk; bark grey or

nearly light black, smooth, scaly. Leaves 6.5 – 11.5 X 2.5 – 6 cm, cauline & ramal, alternate,

elliptic or elliptic – lanceolate. Inflorescence axillary solitary or in fascicles of 2 – 6. Flower

nearly 2.5 cm across, white, actinomorphic. Berry 0.15 cm across, 2 – 3.5 cm long, smooth,

ovoid, ellipsoid, 1-2 seeded, greenish, yellow when rip, fleshy, epicorp thin. Seeds usually 1,

oblong – ovoid, compressed, shining, black-brown, albuminous, hilium basal or lateral.

Fls: June – Oct. Frs: Oct. – Mar.

Field notes : Fields and villages, not common.

Exsiccata : 197 (Polapan field)


Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. Pl. Cor. 1:36. t. 46.1795; Shah 409, S.& S. 275; Yogi 415.


12-15 m tall deciduous trees. Bark dark-grey or black, exfoliating in rectangular scales. Leaves

6.8-13.6 X 3.7-8.0 cm, ovate-oblong, elliptic-oblong or elliptic-lanceolate, coriaceous, softly

tomentose when young. Petioles 0.6 -1.5 cm long. Male flowers in panicled drooping-cymes,

longer than petioles. Calyx campanulate, hairy 4-6 lobed. Corolla tubular 4-6 lobed. Stamens 12-

16. Female flowers: solitary, longer than the male. Calyx hairy; Corolla as in male. Staminodes

8-10 Drupes 2.0-3.5 cm, across, ovoid, hairy yellow when ripe. Seeds 2-8 compressed, oblong,


Fls : Mar.-May Frs : Apr.-Aug.

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Field notes : Hills and slopes, frequent.

Exsiccata : 122 (Tebda), 063 (Tebdi)


Nyctanthes arbortristis L. Sp. Pl 6. 1753; Shah 411; S. & S. 275; Yogi 419. [PARIJATAK,


Large, shrub or small, trees upto 4-8 m tall clothed with stiff whitish, hairs. Leaves 2.2-9.2 X

0.8-5.7 cm. ovate acute, or acuminate, rough toothed base rounded; petiolles 0.4-0.6 cm., long.

Flowers sessile in trichotomously cymose, pedunculate. Calyx campanulate, hairy outside,

glabrous inside. Corolla orange coloured, lobes white, cubneate. Stamens 2, subsessile capsules

1.0-2.0 X 0.8-1.8 cm. obcaralate-oblong or obicular, broad, compressed, glabrous. Seeds

obovate , black , flat.

Fls&Frs : Aug. -Feb.

Field notes : Slopes and hills, very common.

Exsiccata : 117 (Lambadiya), 153 (Demti forest hills)


Salvadora persica L. SP. Pl. 122.1753; Shah 413; S. & S. 275 ; Yogi 421.


Evergreen trees upto 2-4 m tall, Bark rugose, branched drooping, glabrous. Leaves 2.9-4.7 X

1.2-2.5 cm, glabrous, fleshy, glaucous, elliptic-lanceolate or ovate, obtuse, mucronate, base

acute. Petioles 1.4-1.7 cm long. Flowers greenish-yellow in axillary and terminal, 4-20 cm long.

Panicles. Pedicels, 0.1-0.2 cm long. Calyx campanulate, 4-fid. Corolla 4-lobed, campanulate,

thin, persistent, reflexed. Stamens 4, shorter than corolla, exserted. Drupes 0.2-0.3 cm across,

spherical, globose, smooth, fleshy, pink when ripe.

Fls&Frs : Nov.-Feb.

Field notes : Near villages, not common.

Exsiccata : 163 (Matarvada)


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Carissa congesta Wt. Icon. t. 1289.1848; Shah 415; S. & S. 276; Yogi 423. Carissa carandas

auct. nonL.1767. [KARVANDA, KARAMADA].

Evergreen 1.0 –2.0 m tall shrubs. Bark light or yellowish-brown, rough, branchlets with twin

stout sharp horizontal thorns, spines 1.4-1.8 cm long. Leaves 0.7-5.5 X 0.7-3.4 cm, coriaceous,

elliptic or obovate, obtuse, shining. Petioles 0.2-0.4 cm long. Flowers white, odorous, in terminal

corymbose, cymes paniculate. Calyx 5, partite, pubescent, hairy. Corolla 5-lobed, oblong-

lanceolate, acute ciliolate. Stamens-5, included within corolla tube, filaments short. Berries 1.0-

1.4 cm long ovoid-oblong, ellipsoid, purple or black when ripe, 4-seeded.

Fls : Feb.- June Frs: Apr.-June.

Field notes : Not common

Exsiccata : 291 (Tebda)

Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don, Gen. Syst. 4 :95. 1837; S & J 31; S 147. Markgret in Fl.

Blumea 19 : 150. 1971. Vinca rosea L. Syst. Nat. (ed 10) 944. 1759; FBI 3: 640 ;C 2 : 192; Shah

416. (BARMASI)

20 – 40 cm, perennial undershrubs; bark cinnamon – brown. Stem herbaceous, aerial, erect,

angular, branched, solid, puberulous with milky latex. Leaves 2-6.5 x 1-2.3 cm, cauline &

ramal, opposite. Inflorescence axillary, solitary or geminate or dichasial cyme. Flower

complete, actinomorphic pedicellate. Fruit follicles 1.5 – 4.5 cm long, paired, narrowly linear,

longitudinally ribbed, shortly beaked, puberulous. Seeds black, cylindric, ribbed.

Fls & Frs: Throughout the year.

Field notes: Ornamental, at times an escape; common, Native of West Indies.

Exsiccata : 135 (Lambadiya)

Ervatamia divaricata (L.) Burkill in Rec. bot. Surv. India 10 : 320. 1925 Raghavan 50. C 2 :

197; FBI 3 : 646. Shah 417. (CHANDNI, TAGAR)

1.5 – 3.5 m, shrubs. Stem herbaceous, lower portion woody, aerial, erect, cylindrical, branched,

solid, glabrous, milky latex present. Leaves 3.5-15 x 1-5 cm, cauline & ramal, opposite,

decussate, elliptic-lanceolate. Inflorescence terminal paniculate cyme. Flower 2-3 cm across,

white, fragrant at night. Berry 10 X 1 cm lanceolate, curved & beaked. Seeds without coma,


Fls & Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes: Ornamental, Planted near sacred groves.

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Exsiccata: 258 (Dedka)

Holarrhena antidysenterica (L.) Wall ex G. Don. Gen. Syst. 4:78.1837; Shah 417; S. & S. 276;

Yogi 428. Nerium antidystericum L. Sp. Pl. 209. 1753. [INDRAJAV, KADVO INDRAJAV,


3-6 m tall deciduous shrubs. Bark light blackish-brown. Leaves 9.5-16.2 X 8.0-9.0 cm, ovate-

oblong, broadly ovate or elliptic, thin, obtuse, pointed, subsessile. Flowers white in, terminal

cymes calyx, lobes 5, acute, ciliate, oblong-lanceolate. Corolla lobes 5, salver shaped, tube as

long as lobes, hairy out-side, lobes oblong, rounded, mouth without a hairy ring. Stamens 5,

included. Follicles 2.8 –19.5 cm long, dark-green, cylindric, dotted with white spots. Seeds

compressed, brown, linear-oblong, faintly ribbed, pubescent, silky, brown.

Fls : Jan.-June. Frs: Mar.-Dec.

Field notes : Entire forest, slopes and hills, abundant.

Exsiccata : 229 (Gandishan)

Nerium indicum Mill. Gard. Dict. (ed.8) no. 2. 1768; WI 7 : 15. Pl. 3 (col.); Ch & O 138; S & J

31; S 150. FBI 3 : 655; C 2 : 206;Shah 417 (LAL KAREN,KAREN)

2–3 m ever green shrubs. Stem herbaceous, aerial, erect, lower portion woody, cylindrical,

branched, solid, rough, nodes swollen, hyaline latex present. Leaves 5.5-20 x 0.7-2.5 cm, cauline

& ramal, whorled with 3 leaves in each whorl, simple, latex present, exstipulate. Inflorescence

10 – 20 cm long, terminal racemose cymes or dichasial cyme. Flower red or white, complete,

actinomorphic, pedicellate. Fruit follicles 5.5 – 17 X 0.7 - 10 cm, cylindric or oblong –

lanceolate, straight, ribbed.

Fls & Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Ornamented, seldom an escape.

Exsiccata : 065 (Dedka)

Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) Merrill in Phil. Journ. Sci.Bot. 9 : 130. 1914; S & J 31; S 150. C 2 :

207;Shah 419. (PILI KAREN)

Large shrubs or small trees. Stem herbaceous, aerial, erect, cylindrical, branched, smooth, green,

milky latex present. Leaves 4.4-13 x 0.6 – 1.2 cm, cauline & ramal, alternate, sessile or sub-

sessile, pulvinous, linear – lanceolate, entire, acute, glabrous, reticulate with milky latex.

Inflorescence in axillary dichasial few-flowered cymes. Flower 3-4 cm across, pale to bright

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yellow, complete, actinomorphic. Fruit drupe 2.4 – 2.5 cm long, ellipsoid – oblong, obscurely 5

– angled, glabrous.

Fls & Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes: Planted at some place as ornamental or a hedge. Native of tropical America.

Exsiccata : 125 (Kotda)

Wrightia tinctoria R. Br. in Mem. Wern. Soc. 1:73.1811; Shah 420, S. & S. 276; Yogi 432.


5-10 m tall deciduous trees. Bark with milky latex, light greyish-black, rough, longitudinally

fissured. Leaves 0.9-11.8 X 0.5-3.6 cm, elliptic-lanceolate or elliptic-oblong, acuminate, base

acute or rounded. Petioles 0.2-0.4 cm long. Flowers white or pale yellow, scented in terminal

cymes. Calyx 5-partite, glandular inside, oblong, rounded. Corolla salver shaped, tube 5-lobed,

oblong-obtuse, with a corona. Stamens 5, filaments dilated, anthers exserted, sagittate, spurred at

base. Follicles 12-82 cm long, cylindric, linear, glabrous, drooping, united at tips, in earlier

stages. Seeds brown, glabrous, longitudinally striate, beaked.

Fls : Dec. - June. Frs: Throught the year

Field notes : Forest, on hills, slopes and along road sides, frequent.

Exsiccata : 093 (Kharaniya), 316 (Movatpura).

Wrightia tomentosa R. & S. Syst. Veg. 4:414.1819; Shah 420; Yogi 433. [DUDHLO]

Trees upto 6-12 m tall, with milky yellowish juice. Bark smooth, grey or ash-coloured. Leaves

3.7-9.3 X 2.2-4.2 cm elliptic-oblong or ovate- oblong, densely tomentose, distichous, acuminate,

hairy below, base acute. Petioles 0.4-0.6 cm long. Flowers creamy-white, in short terminal

tomentose corymbose cymes. Calyx lobes-5, short, glandular inside, hairy out-side. Corolla

salver shaped, oblong, rounded, yellowish above, greenish below corona of 5-10, orange

coloured scales. Stamens 5, filaments, dilated, anthers sagittate, exserted. Follicles 13.0-16.7 cm

long, cylindric jointed into a compressed, grooved, pendulous, greenish with white spots. Seeds

oblong, many.

Fls : Dec.-July. Frs: Jan. - Sep.

Field notes : Near river let and along road sides, not common.

Exsiccata : 088 (Kharaniya), 317 (Golvada)

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Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. (ed.2) 2:78.1811; Shah 423; S. & S. 277;

Yogi 438. Asclepias procera Ait. Hort. Kew. (ed.1) 1:305.1789. [AKADO, NANO AKADO,


1.8-2.4 m tall shrubs. Bark soft. Leaves 4.1-5.8 X 2.5-3.5 cm decussate, smaller, ovate-oblong,

elliptic or obovate, abruptly, acuminate, cottony, hairy when young. Flowers in umbellate cymes,

buds hemispherical. Calyx of 5 sepals, divided to base, ovate, acute. Corolla glabrous, pale out

side, purplish within, scented, rotate, coronal appendages broad, equal to or larger than staminal-

column. Follicles 4.3-8.1 X 2.1-3.6 cm, subglobose, ellipsoid or ovoid. Seeds broadly ovate,

acute flattened, tomentose.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year

Field notes : Along road sides and in waste lands, common.

Exsiccata : 224 (Chochar)

Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) W.& A. in Wt. Contrib. 47.1834; Shah 427; S. & S. 277; Yogi

442. Cynanchum reticulatum Retz. Obs 2:15.1781. [DODI, KHIRDODI, NANI DODI]

Twiners on the hedges, with watery sap. Bark fissured. Leaves 0.9-3.7 X 0.5-3.3 cm, small,

coriaceous, ovate, acute, ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, base rounded. Flowers greenish-yellow, in

axillary fascicles or in umbellate cymes. Calyx 5 lobed, pubescent, segments ovate-oblong.

Corolla lobes 5, rotate, tube short, lobes ovate-oblong, subobtuse, hairy corolline corona of 5

truncate, fleshy lobes, Staminal corona minute, annular, close to staminal column, anthers

without appendages, pollinia ovoid, caudicles long. Follicles 6-10 cm long, oblong or broadly

lanceolate, dark-green, turgid, smooth, beaked. Seeds 0.8-1.0 cm long, ovate, coma 3.0-4.0 cm


Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Dense forest,rare.

Exsiccata : 220 (Lambadiya and Kotda - Ghadi near tribal house)

Pergularia daemia (Forsk.) Chiov. Ras. Sci. Miss. Stefan. Panoli Somali. Ital 1:115.1916; Shah

429; S. & S. 277; Yogi 445. Asclepias daemia Forsk. Fl. Aegypt. Arab. 51.1775. Daemia

extensa R. Br. in Mem. wern. Soc. 1:50 1809. [CHAMAR DUDHELI, NAGLA DUDHELI,


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Perennial twiners. Leaves 1.8-8.5 X 1.4-9.3 cm, broadly ovate or sub- orbicular, acuminate,

cordate, thin, velvety-pubescent beneath. Petioles 1.5-1.9 cm long. Flowers greenish-yellow or

creamy-white in lateral, drooping, umbellate cymes. Calyx lobes 5,ovate, pubescent; Spals ovate-

lanceolate, acute, ciliate. Corolla bell shaped, 5-lobed, corona lobes in two series, inner spured

at base and apex with horns. Stamens 5, anthers, erect with inflexed appendages. Follicles 5.3-

5.7 X 1.5-2.0 cm with soft spines, softy echinate. Seeds 0.6-0.7 X 0.4-0.5 cm, broadly ovate,

hairy, coma 3-5 cm long.

Fls&Frs : Oct.-Mar.

Field notes : Near road sides on hedges and near villages, common.

Exsiccata : 095 (Demti Pipalsari)


Enicostema hyssopifolium (Willd.) Verdoon in Bothalia 7:762.1961. & Bull. Bot. Surv. India

5:291.1963; Shah 439; S. & S. 278; Yogi 450. Exacum hyssopifolium Willd. Sp. Pl.


Procumbent, 10-35 cm tall herbs. Leaves.1.8-6.0 X 0.4-1.2 cm, linear to linear-oblong, sessile,

elliptic-oblong or lanceolate, obtuse or acute, glabrous. Flowers white, sessile in axillary clusters.

Calyx lobes 5, ovate-oblong obtuse, Corolla tube long, lobes 5, white, tubular, lanceolate, acute.

Stamens 5, inserted, filaments filiform. Capsules 0.3-0.5 cm, long ellipsoidal-oblong glabrous,

narrowed at base and rounded at apex. Seeds numerous, minute, brown, foveolate.

Fls&Frs : June-Dec. .

Field notes : Among grasses, during monsoon, common.

Exsiccata : 154 (Demti Pipalsari)


Cordia dichotoma Forst. f. Prodr. 18.1786; Shah 444; S. & S. 279; Yogi 463. Cordia myxa


Deciduous trees upto 9.0 -13.5 m tall. Bark ash-coloured or blackish-brown, rough. Leaves 3.9-

7.5 X 2.6 -5.7 cm, ovate, obtuse, entire, broadly ovate, elliptic-oblong or suborbicular,

coriaceous, glabrous, cordate. Flowers white to creamy yellow in axillary and terminal cymes,

polygamous, male and hermaphrodite. Calyx lobes 5, irregular, closed over the corolla. Corolla

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lobes 5, oblong-obtuse, recurved. Stamens 5, filaments hairy at base. Drupes 0.8-1.2 cm, across,

ovoid, glabrous, mucilaginous, bright-yellow with pinkish tinge, edible.

Fls: Feb. June. Frs: Mar.-June.

Field notes : Near villages, not common.

Exsiccata : 062 (Lambadiya)

Cordia gharaf (Forsk) Ehrenb. & Asch. in Bitzung. Bericht.Ges. Naturf. Fl. Berlin 46.1879;

Shah 445. S. & S. 279; Yogi 464. Cornus gharaf Forsk. Fl. Aegypt. - Arab 94.1775. Cordia

rothii R. & S. Syst. Veg. 4:798.1819. [LIAR GUNDI, NANI GUNDI, NANA GUNDA]

Deciduous trees, up to 5-8 m tall. Bark grey to pale brown, fissured. Leaves 1.8-9.5 X 0.8-2.6 cm

entire, oblanceolate, apex rounded, mucronate, base tapering into petiole. Petioles 0.7-2.0 cm

long. Flowers white, lax, in terminal and axillary cymes. Calyx 4-5 lobes, obtuse, silky inside,

hairy out–side, small. Corolla lobes 4, oblong reflexed, obtuse. Stamens 4, filaments glabrous.

Drupes ovoid, small, 0.6 -1.0 cm long, apiculate, reddish yellow or orange, edible, mucilagenous.

Fls&Frs : Apr.- Jan.

Field notes : Near village and along road sides, not common.

Exsiccata : 216 (Gunbhankhari)


Trichodesma amplexicaule Roth. Nov. Pl. Sp. 104.1821; Shah 456; S.&S. 280; Yogi 460.

Trichodesma indicum (L.) R. Br. Var. amplexicaule Cooke. Fl. Pres. Bombay 2:215.1904.


Annual 15-90 cm tall strigose herbs. Leaves 2.4-7.9 X 0.5-2.9 cm, obovate- oblong or elliptic-

oblong, sessile, obtuse cordate, rough, with stiff hairs. Flowers pale-violet, solitary, leaf-opposed

and in terminal cymes, pedicels 0.5-1.5. cm long, hispid. Calyx lobes 5, lanceolate, cordate at

base, united by basal auricles. Corolla lobes 5, oblique funnel-shaped, ovate-deltoid. Stamens 5,

filaments short. Nutlets 0.4-0.5 cm long, conical, greyish-white, smooth on dorsal surface,

rugose on ventral.

Fls&Frs : July.- Feb.

Field notes : Slopes and hills, during monsoon, common.

Exsiccata : 249 (Demti Mira)

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Convolvulus microphllus (Roth.) Sicb. ex Spr. Syst. 1:611.1825; Shah 462; Yogi 470.

Ipomoea microphylla Roth. Nov. Pl. Sp. 112.1821. [SHANKHAVLI, MANKHNI, BIRVAL,


Prostrate or suberect, fulvous-villous hairy herbs. Leaves 0.8-2.0 X 0.2-0.6 cm. linear-oblong or

elliptic-oblong, obtuse, mucronate, villous, base tapering. Flowers white axillary, solitary, or in

fascicles, sepals 5; outer 3 broader than inner 2, hairy. Corolla infundibulform, 5-lobed. Stamens

5 uneaual, stigmas filiform. Capsule 0.4-0.5 cm. across, ellipsoidal, dark brown, smooth. Seeds

glabrous, papillose.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Plain surface near fields, common.

Exsiccata : 257 (Gunbhankhari)

Evolvulus alsinoides L. Sp. Pl. (ed.2) 392. 1762; Shah 464; S. & S. 280; Yogi 472. Convolvulus



Prostrate herbs, wiry. Leaves 0.4-2.2 X 0.2-1.4 cm, ovate, elliptic or oblong, obtuse, pointed,

silky-hairy. Flowers light-blue, solitary, axillary on filiform peduncles, within a pair of

lanceolate bracts. Calyx densely, silky, small. Corolla funnel-shaped, small, blue, plicate.

Stamens 5, filaments, slender, anthers ovate or oblong. Capsule 0.3-0.4 cm, across, glabrous,

globose rounded. Seeds usually 4, glabrous, oblong, dark-brown.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year

Field notes : Among grasses, during monsoon,very common.

Exsiccata : 195 (Malvas)

Ipomoea aquatica Forsk. Fl. Aegpt.-Arab. 44.1775; Shah 468; S. & S. 282; Yogi 476. [NALI


Aquatic plants, rooting at nodes. Leaves 2.2-8.5 X 0.9-4.0 cm, elliptic-oblong or linear, broadly

ovate-triangular, cordate or hastate base. Flowers pale purple, in axillary cymes, solitary or 3-4;

Calyx lobes 5, unequal, oblong, lanceolate, glabrous. Corolla infundibuliform, large, pale purple.

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Stamens 5, filaments, unequal, hairy at base. Capsules 0.6-0 8 cm long, ovoid, apiculate,

glabrous. Seeds 2-4, minutely pubesent.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year

Field notes : Not common.

Exsiccata : 191 (Gunbhankhari)

Ipomea batatas (L.) Lam. Tab. Tab. Encycl. 1 : 465. 1791; FBI 4 : 202; C 2 : 320; Bailey 819;

WI 5 : 238. f. 132. & Pl. 13 (Col.); S 171. Convolvulus batatas L. Sp. Pl. 154. 1753; Shah 468


Creeping perennial with tuberlous elongate, fusiform, roots. Leaves 3-12 x 1.5-8 cm, cauline &

ramal, alternate, broadly ovate to almost orbicular, margin entire, deeply 3-7 lobed often or

angular, lobes ovate to linear-oblong, glabrous or sparsely pubescent; petioles 4-20 cm long.

Inflorescence in axillary cymes of few to many flowers; peduncles 3-15 cm long, stout. Flower

pale to bright or deep purple. Capsule ovoid, 2-4 locular, 2-4 seeded. Seeds trigonous – ovoid,

black, glabrous.

Fls : Aug. – Oct.

Field notes : Cultivated; seldom on escape.

Exsiccata : 038 (Dantral field)

Ipomoea dichroa (R. & S.) Choisy in DC. Prodr. 9:364.1845; Shah 469; Yogi 479. Convolvulus

dichroa R. & S. Syst. Veg. 4:263.1819. [SAFED PANVALI FUDERDI].

Annual herbs, extensive, patently hairy. Leaves 2.6-9.8 X 1.4-10.1cm. broadly ovate, entire, or

shallowly, 3-lobed, base cordate; petioles 3.4-11.0 cm. long. Flowers pink, in axillary, lax,

bracteate cymes; peduncles 1.0-2.8 cm. long. Sepals oblong-lanceolate, densely hairy. Corolla

tubular, infundibuliform. Stamens 5. Capsules 0.5-0.9 cm. in diam, globose, pubesecnt. Seeds

oblong or subglobose, black, clothed with white hairs.

Fls&Frs : Aug. -Nov. .

Field notes : On hedges, during monsoon,Common.

Exsiccata : 251 (Choliya hedge)

Ipomoea fistulosa Mart ex choisy in DC. Prodr. 9: 349 Jan. 1845, Shah 470; Yogi 481. Ipomoea

carnea auct. Non. Jacq. 1760.

Straggling shrubs or small trees with milky juice branched. Leaves 11.7-17.0 X 6.0-9.5 cm.,

petiolate, glabrous, broadly ovate or ovate-lanceolate. Flowers in terminal, umbellate, cymes,

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light pink. Calyx persistent, 5-lobed, polysepalous. Corolla gamopetalous infundibuliform, 5

lobed. Stamens 5, filaments unequal (3 small, 2 large), anthers sagitate, stigma dumb, bell-

shaped. Fruits capsule.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Not common.

Exsiccata : 247 (Vinchi)

Ipomoea pes-tigridis L. Sp. Pl. 162. 1753; Shah 472; S. & S. 282; Yogi 486.


Twiners. Leaves deeply palmately 5-9 lobed. Petioles 3.5-6.0 cm long, broadly ovate or orbicular

lobes, acute or acuminate, narrowed at base, hirsute. Flowers pale to rose purple, 1.7-2.3 cm

long, flowers sessile, 3 or more in a head peduuncles, 4.0-5.6 cm long. Calyx sepals 5, densely

hairy, ciliate with stift hairs, outer 2 sepals broader than inner corolla campanulate, white or pale-

pink. Stamens 5. Capsules 0.6-0.8 cm across, subglobose or ovoid, glabrous. Seeds grey


Fls : Aug.- Oct. Frs:- Sep.- Dec.

Field notes : Along road sides and waste lands, during monsoon, common.

Exsiccata : 253 (Kharaniya)

Ipomoea sindica Stapf. in Kew. Bull 346.1894: Shah. 474; S. & S. 282; Yogi 488.

Annual herbs, slender, trailing or twining. Leaves 2.0-4.3 X 1.0-1.8 cm. oblong, hastate or

deltoid-hastate, ovate-oblong, acute or acuminate, appressed, hairy, base cordate; petioles 1.1-

1.9 cm. long. Flowers pale purple in axillary cymes. Sepals hispid, lannceolate, enlarged in fruit.

Corolla infundibuliform, 5-lobed. Stamens 5. Capsules 0.5-0.6 long, globose apiculate, glabrous,

dark-brown. Seeds black.

Fls&Frs : Aug. -Oct.

Field notes : On hedges, during monsoon, very common.

Exsiccata : 219 (Vinchi)

Ipomoea sinensis (Desr.) Choisy in Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneva 6:459.1833; Shah 447.

Convolvulus sinensis Desr. in Lam. Encycl. 3:482 1834. [DHOLI FUDARDI ].

Twining, hairy herb. Leaves 2.5-5.2 X 1.6-3.5 cm. ovate, acute, acuminate, entire, cordate at

base, clothed with long spreading hairs. Petioles 2.5-4.0 cm. long. Flowers 1-3, in axillary

cymes, peduncles hairy, pedicels as long as penducles. Sepals unequal, ciliate, outer lanceolate,

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sagittate, inner linear-lanceolate. Corolla white, tubular. Stamens 5. Capsules 0.4-0.6 cm. across,

ovoid. opinted, brown, glabrous. Seeds oblong, villous.

FlsFrs : Oct.- Dec.

Field notes : Throughout on hedges, during monsoon common.

Exsiccata : 198 (Dotad)

Merremia tridentata (L) Hall. f. subsp. tridentate; Shah 479; S. & S. 281; Yogi 493.

Convelvulus tridentatus L. Sp. Pl. 157. 1753. [BHINIGARIO].

Perennial herbs, slender, prostrate, angular, glabrous. Leaves 0.8-3.0 X 0.2 -0.8 cm. linear-

hastate or oblong-obovate, deeply emarginate. Flowers pale yellow, axillary, solitary, or few

cymose. Peduncles 2.0-3.5 cm. long, pedicels 1-3, stout 1.7-2.2 cm. long. Sepals elliptic,

subobtuse, glabrous, outer shorter than linear. Corolla pale yellow. Stamens 5. Capsules 0.4-0.6

cm. across, globose or ovoid, glabrous. Seeds 4, trigonous pale, blackish- brown, smooth.

Fls&Frs : July -Dec.

Field notes : Near fields and waste lands, common.

Exsiccata : 192 (Kotda)

Rivea hypocrateformis Choisy in Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneve. 6: 408.1833; Shah 481; S. & S.

283; Yogi 485.

Extensive, appressed whitish-tomentose, climber. Leaves 1.2-4.4 X 1.2-5.9 cm. broader than

long, orbicular, obtuse, ovate, appressedly silky, hairy beneath; petioles 1.5-3.8 cm. long.

Flowers 1.3-1.5 in axillary, cymes. Sepals 5, ovate, elliptic, obtuse or subobtuse, silky, hairy.

Coralla large, hypocrateriform, tubular. Stamens 5, anthers, linear-oblong. Capsule globose,

apiculate, glabrous. Seeds oblong or slightly trigonous dark-brown, smooth.

Fls : June- Sep. Frs: Aug.-Feb.

Field notes : Dense forest, not common

Exsiccata : 289 (Demti Vagrungiya)


Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. Pl. Cor. 2:3.t.104.1819 & Fl. Ind. 1:445.1832; Shah 482; S. & S. 280


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Parasitic twiners, branched, leafless. Stem very long creamy-yellow or greeenish-yellow, fleshy.

Flowers white or creamy, solitary or 2-4 in umbellate clusters or short racemes. Bract small,

ovate-oblong. Calyx lobes 5, small fleshy, unequal, ovate, obtuse, glabrous. Corolla lobess 5,

tubular, cylinric, deltoid, rflexed. Stamens 5, exserted. Capsules glabrous, circumscissile. Seeds

black, glabrous.

FlsFrs : Nov. - Apr.

Field notes : Common.

Exsiccata : 293(Lambadiya), 299 (Demti)


Datura innoxia Mill. Grdn. Dict. (ed 8.) no. 5.1768 WI 3:14; Shah 485; Yogi 50l. Datura metel

auct. non. L. FBI. 4: 243; C 2.344; WI. 3:15. [DHANTURA , KANTALO DHAVTURO ,


Small shrubs, 80-120 cm tall, tomentose. Leaves 1.3-15.0 X 1.1-12.1 cm. broadly, ovate, acute,

entire, or toothed, oblique; petioles; 1.7-7.5 cm. long appressed hairy. Flowers white or cream,

axillary, solitary. Calyx deely, 5 toothed. Sepals 5; Corolla 5-lobed, funnel shaped, plicate.

Stamens 5, epipetalous, filamenats long. Capsule 2.5-5.0 cm. across, globose, spiny. Seeds

many compressed, kidney shaped, glarous, blackish-brown.

Fls&Frs : Throghout the year.

Field notes : Throughout, common.

Exsiccata : 004 (Chochar)

Lycopersicon lycopesicum (L.) Karst. ex Farwell Annual Report Commissioners Parks

Boulevards. Detroit. 11:83.1900; Shah 486; Yogi 503. Solanum lycopersicum L. Sp. Pl.

185.1753. [TAMATA].

Diffuse, 30-60 cm tall, hairy herbs. Leaves irregularly pinnatisect 1.8-4.5 cm long; Segments

0.6-4.0 X 0.3-1.9 cm, ovate, elliptic or elliptic-oblong, dentate. Flowers yellow, in extra axillary

racemes. Calyx 5-10 lobed, ovate-lanceolate, persistent. Corolla rotate, plicate. Stamens 5,

exserted, anthers large, oblong. Berries 2-8 cm across, globose, red when ripe, green to pale-

green when unripe, glabrous, ellipsoid or globose. Seeds many, embedded into pulp, flat,


Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Planted in the farm at Dantral

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Exsiccata : 123 (Dantral)

Physalis minima L. Sp. Pl. 183.1753; Shah 488; S. & S. 283; Yogi 505.[POPTI, PARPOTI].

Diffuse or suberect, 15-70 cm tall glabrous herbs. Leaves 2.0-11.5 X 1.3-5.8 cm ovate, elliptic

or elliptic-oblong, acute toothed or lobed, base wedge shaped, membranous. Flowers yellow,

axillary, solitary. Calyx 5-lobed, small, bell shaped, teeth triangular, acute. Corolla campanulate,

lobes 5, yellow. Stamens 5, epipetalous, anthers oblong, filaments, glabrous. Berries 0.6-1.0 cm

across, orange, many seeded, globose, enclosed by enlarged accrescent, 5-10 ribbed calyx. Seeds

glabrous, muriculate, yellowish-orange.

FlsFrs : July-Jan.

Field notes : Throughout, during monsoon, common.

Exsiccata : 290 (Mihivedi hedge)

Solanum nigrum L. Sp. Pl. 186.1753; Shah 491; S. & S. 283; Yogi 508. [PILUDI]

Annual 25-90 cm tall herbs. Leaves 0.8-7.6 X 0.25-4.1 cm acute, entire, broadly ovate or ovate-

lanceolate, sinuate, dentate. Petioles 0.4-2.1 cm long. Flowers white, in extra-umbellate cymes,

axillary, ebracteate. Calyx 5 lobes, small, oblong, obtue, glabrous, corolla lobes 5, small,

rotate, divided. Stamens 5, filaments short, flatterned with hairy bases, anthers oblong, yellow,

opening by pores. Berries deep purple, globose, small. Seeds minute, spherical, flat, glabrous,

yellowish-brown, many.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year

Field notes : Throughout, during monsoon, common.

Exsiccata : 282 (Dotad)

Solanum surattense Burm. f. Fl. Ind 57.1768 (excl synpluk. Et. Raj); Shah 491; S. & S. 283;

Yogi 509. Solanum xathocarpum Schrad. & Wendl. Sert. 1:8.t.2.1795.[BHORINGNI,


Spiny, prostrate, perennial, hairy harbs. Spines straight, yellow. Leaves 2.2-5.6 cm, pinnatifid,

stellately pubescent, ovate or elliptic, acute. hairy, midrib armed with prickles, base rounded,

oblique. Flowers purlpe, in extra-axillary cymes. Pedicel 0.8-1.2 cm long. Calyx 5-10 lobed,

lanceolate, prickly. Corolla lobes 5, rotate, plicate, hairy. Stamens 5, anthers large, filaments

short, yellow opening by pores. Berries 0.6-1.1 cm across, sphericad, yellow when ripe. Seeds

many, compressed, glabrous, rugose, yellowish brown.

Fls&Frs : Thoughout the year

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Field notes : On the grounds and waste lands common

Exsiccata : 292 (Lambadiya road side)

Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal in DC. Prodr. 13 (l) 453.1852; Shah 492; S. & S. 283; Yogi

511. Physalis somnifera L. Sp. Pl. 182. 1753. [GHODASN, GHODA KUN, ASGANDHA,


70-100 cm. tall herbs tomentose. Leaves 0.9-7.9 X 0.3- 4.5 cm. ovate, acute appressed hairy.

Flowers greenish, yellow, sessile or subsessile, axillary in umbellate cyme. Calyx small with 5

deloid sepals. Corolla lobes 5, valvate, bell-shaped. Stamens 5, epipetalous, stigma bifid. Beeries

0.5-0.6 cm. across, red when ripe, enclosed in inflated calyx. Seeds flat, oblong or nearly

spherical, yellow, subreniform, smooth.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes :Not common.

Exsiccata : 277 (Jotasan)


Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 98:94.1946; Shah 495; S. & S.

284; Yogi 514. Lysimachia monnieri L. Cent. Pl. 2:9 1756. [BAM, JALNAVERI]

Creeping, fleshy, glabrous, aquatic herbs, rooting at nodes. Leaves 0.6-2.1 X 0.2-0.8 cm ovate-

oblong or spathulate, fleshy, black-dotted, obtuse, entire. Flowers pale blue or white, axillary,

solitary. Calyx 5 lobed, glabrous, divided to base, upper sepal laeger than other sepals. Corolla

lobes 5, 2-lipped, subequal. Stamens 4, didynamous, included, anthers purple. Capsules 0.4-0.6

cm long, glabrous. Seeds minute, cuneate or ellipsoidal oblong, striate, brown.

Fls&Frs : Thoughout the year

Field notes : Moist places, common.

Exsiccata : 286 (Choliya hedge)

Limnophila indica (L). Druce. Rep. Bot. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isles 3:420.1914; Shah 498; Yogi 518.

Hottonia indica L. Syst. Nat. (ed.10) 919.1759. [TARATI, PURTI]

Small, aquatic herbs, glabrous, rooting at nodes, quadrangular. Leaves. 1.5-3.5 X 0.2-1.2 cm,

upper opposite, entire, linear-oblong, serrate-dentate, sessile, lowest capillaceo-multifid. Flowers

violet, purple, axillary, solitary or racemose and in terminal racemes. Calyx 5 lobed,

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membranous, hemispheric in fruit. Corolla 2-lippet, pink-violet. Capsules 0.4-0.6 cm long, 4-5

valved, glabrous, many seeded, broadly ovoid. Seeds minute, cunete, glabrous, truncate.

Fls & Frs: Dec.-Apr.

Field notes : Along roadsides and rivulats, not common.

Exsiccata : 128 (Lambadiya hedge)

Lindenbergia muraria (Roxb. ex D. Don) P. Bruehl. in Journ. Dept. Sci. Calc. Univ.

2(Bot.):27.1920; Shah 499; S. & S. 286; Yogi 519. Stemodia muraria Roxb. ex D.Don, Prodr.


Annual, 10-30 cm long villous herbs, growing on old walls, bridges etc. Leaves 0.3-4.0 X 0.3-3.3

cm, obvate, acute, serrate glandular, hairy. Petioles 0.5-1.5 cm long. Flowers yellow, 1-2 axillary

yellow, solitary and in teminal leafy racemes. Calyx lobes 5, densely villous, bell shaped,

triangular. Corolla bilabiate upper lip 2-lobed; lower lip 3-lobed, yellow, hairy. Stamens 4,

didynamous included. Capsules 0.2-0.4 cm long, oblong, hairy in upper part. Seeds ellipsoid-

oblong, numerous, dark-brown, rugose.

Fls & Frs : Thoughout the year

Field notes : On slopes, on old walls, and on rocks, common.

Exsiccata : 279 (Demti hills)

Striga angustifolia (D.Don) Saldhana in Bull. bot. Surv. India. 5:70.1963; Shah 507; Yogi 526.

Buchnera angustifolia D.Don. Prodr. Fl. Nep. 91.1825. [DHOLO AGIO, KUNVARIO AGIO]

Erect 10-40 cm tall herbs. Leaves 0.8 -2.5 X 0.2-0.4 cm, lilear or linear- lanceolate, sessile,

scabrous. Flowers white, axillary, solitary and in terminal spikes. Calyx campanulate, 15

scabrous ribs. Calyx teeth linear-subulate, acute, usually reflexed in fruit. Corolla white, 2-

lipped, tube exserted; upper lip much shorter than lower. Stamens 4, didynamous. Capsules 0.5-

0.6 cm long, ellipsoid-oblong, smooth, glabrous. Seeds cuneate-oblong, numerous, minute,

black, slighty curved, striate.

Fls & Frs : Aug.-Dec.

Field notes : Througout, among grasses, common.

Exsiccata : 243 (Dantral Brinjal field)

Verbascum chinense (L.) Santapau Fl. Purandhar. 90:1958; Shah 510. S. & S.284; Yogi 529;

Scrophularia chinensis L.Mant. 2:250.1771. [KALHAR, KOLHALA, KUTKI].

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Annual 20-70 cm tall herbs. Leaves radical 8-35 cm long, lyrate, compound or pinnatisect; lower

cauline 1.8–9.7 X1.0-3.8 cm elliptic-oblong, or ovate-oblong, sessile, all leaves appressed-

galndular hairy. Flowers yellow, in long terminal racemes, 3-32 cm long, simple or branched,

rachis hairy, bracts foliaceous, ovate. Calyx 5-lobed, small, deeply, divided glaldular, hairy.

Corolla lobes 5, regular, rotate. Stamens 4, didynamous. Capsules 0.4-0.5 cm across, ovoid or

globose pale-brown. Seeds minute, oblong, truncate, blackish-brown, rugose.

Fls & Frs : Throughout the year

Field notes : Rare.

Exsiccata : 280 (Vinchi and Jotasan)


Tecomella undulata (Sw.) Seem. in Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser 3) 10:30. 1862; Shah 523; S.

& S. 287; Yogi 541. Bignonia undulata Sm. Exot. Bot.1: 35. t. 19.1805. [RAGAT ROHIDO,


5-7 m tall trees, branches drooping. Leaves 4.8-9.3 X 1.7-2.6 cm, narrowly oblong, entire,

obtuse, wavy. Flowers yellowish-orange, in corymbose, few-flowered, racemes terminating short

lateral branches; pedicels 0.8-1.2 cm long. Calyx 5-toothed, campanulate, lobes short, ovate.

Corolla unequal, orange-yellow, lobes 5, campanulate. Stamens 4, exserted; filaments glabrous.

Disk cupular. Capsules 20-50 cm long, linear-oblong, acute, slightly curved, glabrous. Seeds


Fls : Dec.- Apr. Frs: Feb. Apr.

Field notes : Flelds, rare.

Exsiccata : 235 (Demti Rozgada), 317 (Gunbhankhari)


Sesamum indicum L . Sp. Pl. 634.1753; Shah 524; S. & S. 287; Yogi 543. [TAL].

Erect, 60-140 cm tall herbs, branched, glandular pubescent. Leaves 1.2-5.5 X 0.25-1.0 cm,

linear-lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, entire often cut, lower lower often cut-lower surface

puberculous. Flowers pinkish-purple, axillary, solitary or 2-3 fascicled, with two, bright yellow,

basal glands. Calyx deeply, 5-lobed. Corolla 2-lipped, personate, tubular, lower 3 segments hairy

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out side. Stamens 4, didynamous, staminodes present. Capsules 1.0-2.1 X 0.5-0.8 cm, oblong or

ovoid, 4 gonous, apiculate. Seeds flat, black or white, glabrous.

Fls & Frs : July - Dec.

Field notes : Near fields and waste lands, not common.

Exsiccata : 281 (Chochar)


Martynia annua L. SP. Pl. 613 1753; Shah 524; S.& S. 287; Yogi 544 Martynia diandra Glox.

Obs. Bot. 14. t. 1.1785. [VINCHHUDO].

Annual, 45 -150 cm tall herbs, all parts velvety hairy. Leaves 3-20 X 2.8 -18.1 cm, broadly

ovate or suborbicular, large, cordate, sinutaly lobes, minutely dentate both sides with glandular

hairs which gives glutinous substance. Flowers pale to bright rosy purple, in short axillary

drooping racemes. Calyx 5 lobed. Corolla tubular, campanulate, glandular with oblique mouth,

lobes unequal. Stamens 5, 2 perfect, others reduced to staminodes. Drupes 2-3 cm. long

pubescent, horned, covered with glandular hairs, dark-brown, dry.

Fls : July Frs:- July – Dec.

Field notes: Near fields and along road sides, during monsoon, common

Exsiccata : 246 (Demti Kotda road side)


Adhatoda vasica (L.) Nees in Wall. Pl. As Rar. 3:103.1832; Shah 527; S. & S. 290; Yogi 546.

Justicia adhatoda L. SP. Pl. 15. 1753[ARDUSO].

Bushy shrubs 0.7-1.2 m tall evergreen. Leaves. 9.5 -11.5 X 2.8-3.4 cm, entire, elliptic-lanceolate,

acute, base narrowed, glabrous. Flowers in axillary spikes, 3-8 cm long. Bracts elliptic,

bracteoles oblong-lanceolate, peduncles 3.5-5.5 cm. long. Calyx bell shaped, deeply, divided, 5-

lobed, oblong- lanceolate. Corolla white 2-lipped, bilabiate, upper lip ovate-oblong, curved,

obtuse, the lower lip longer than the upper. Stamens 2, filaments, hairy at base. Capsules, ovate,

pointed, pubescent. Seeds orbicular-oblong, glabrous.

Fls & Frs: Dec.-June.

Field Noted: Not common.

Exsiccata : 097 (Chochar)

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Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.) Roth. Nov. Pl. Sp. 320. 1821; Shah 533; S. & S. 288; Yogi

549; Acanthus maderaspatenus L. Sp. 892.1753. [UNTIGAN, UTANJAN CHOKDI]

Prostrate or procumbent herbs, rooting at nodes. Leaves 0.5-5.6 X 0.3-2.0 cm., whorled, 4 at

each node, unequal, elliptic or obovate, acute. Petioles 0.15-0.25 cm. long. Flowers creamy-

white, axillary, solitary or 2 to 3 to gather. Bracteoles 8 in opposite in 3 pairs, broadly spathulate,

3 nerved; Calyx 4 lobed, lanceolate, acute, ciliate. Corolla pubescent, pale blue, 2- lipped, flat,

obovate or oblong. Stamens 4, didynamous. Capsules 0.6-0.8 cm. long, brown, ovoid, glabrous,

2 seeded shining. Seeds echinate, spines, obtuse.

Fls & Frs : Oct. Feb.

Field notes : Near fields, hills and plain lands, not common.

Exsiccata : 244 (Dedka field)

Blepharis repens (Vahl) Roth. Nov. Pl. 321. 1821; Shah 553; S. & S. 288;

Yogi 550; Acanthus repens Vahl, Symb. Bot 2: 76.1791. [ZINKU UTINGAN]

Prostrate herbs, slender, hairy. Leaves 0.6-2.1 X 0.15-0.6 cm., whorled, 4 at each, subsessile,

unequal, fleshy, oblong, obovate, obtuse, mucronate, hairy. Flowers creamy white or pale blue,

axillary, solitary, sessile. Bracteoles 10 in opposite pairs, concave, solitary, 3 nerved, with gland

tipped hairy bristles. Calyx 4-lobed, unequal, divided to base. Corolla bilipped, blue, bilabiate,

lower lip hairy, middle narrowest. Stamens 4, didynamous. Capsules 2 seeded, 0.6-0.8 cm. long,

compressed, ellipsoidal, enclosed in persistent calyx. Seeds 2, broadly, ellipsoid, compressed

with hairs.

Fls & Frs : Thoughout the year

Field notes : Plain lands, common.

Exsiccata : 284 (Demti)

Eranthemum roseum (Vahl) R. Br. Prodr 477. 1810; Shah 539; Justicia rosea Vahl. Enum.

1:165. 1804. [DASHMULI].

60-90 cm. tall shrubs. Leaves 4.4-14.3 X 1.7–5.7 cm., coriaceous, elliptic- lanceolate or oblong-

lanceolate, acuminate, lineolate on both sides. Petioles 0.3-1.9 cm. long. Flowers blue in lax,

axillary and terminal, spikes upto 3.0-15.2, cm. long, peduncles 1.1-2.7 cm. long, quadrangular.

Bracts, obovate, large, densely, hairy. Calyx 5 lobed, scarious, very acute. Corolla, blue

pubescent, funnel shaped. Stamens 2, exserted, beyond corolla tube. Capsules 1.0-1.2 cm. long,

clavate, reddish brown, pointed, glabrous. Seeds glabrous, spherical, thick, margined.

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Fls & Frs : Oct.-Mar.

Field notes : Not common

Exsiccata : 066 (Tebdi hedge)

Hemigraphis latebrasa (Heyne ex Roth.) Nees var. heyneana. Bremek in verh. Nederl. Acad

wet (II) 40 (I):139.1944; Shah 542. Ruellia latebrosa Heyne ex Roth. Nov. Pl. Sp. 307.1821.

Diffuse 40-75. cm. tall herbs erect or suberect, slender. Leaves 0.4- 6.8 X 0.3-4.6 cm., ovate,

acuminate membranous. Sparsely hairy on both sides petioles 0.3-3.5 cm. Flowers white, with

bright purple or blue mouth, in terminal and axillary spikes, bracts acute, elliptic hairy bracteoles

0. Calyx 5 partite divided to base, linear. hairy and ciliate. Corolla 5- tubular straight, tube

whitish limp blue. Stamens 4,didynamous longer filaments hairy, shorter filaments glabrous

Capsules 0-8-1.0 cm. long linear - oblong, apicutate, 6 seeded, pubescent. Seeds broadly

ellipsoid, yellowish-brown hairy.

Fls & Frs : Oct. - Mar.

Field notes : On slopes of hills, abundant.

Exsiccata : 288 (Lambadiya hilly slopes)

Hygrophila serphyllum (Nees.) T. Anders in Journ. Linn. Soc. 9:456.1867; Shah 543; S. & S.

288; Yogi 557; Physichilus serpyllum Nees. in Hk. Comp. Bot. Mag. 2:311.1837 [SARPAT].

Procumbent herbs, glabrous or sparsely hairy. Leaves 0.6-3.3 X 0.3-0.9 cm. elliptic or ovate,

nearly orbiculas; petioles 0.1-0.2 cm. long. Flowers bright purple or bluish purple, in terminal

dense or lax spikes. Calyx 5-fid, densely, ciliate. Corolla 2-lipped, upper lip shorter than lower.

Stamens 4, diynamous, filaments glabrous. Capsule 0.6-0.8 cm. long, linear-oblong, pointed,

grooved. Seeds 8-10, orbicular, hairy on margins.

Fls & Frs :Oct. - Mar.

Field notes : Damp places and rivulats, not common.

Exsiccata : 283 (Kharaniya ver bed )

Peristrophe bicalyculata (Retz.) Nees in Wall Pl. As Rar. 3:113. 1812; Shah 551; S. & S. 290;

Yogi 564. Dianthera bicalyculata Retz. in Act. Holm 297 t.9. 1775. [ADHEDI, LISI ADHEDI,


Small, erect, 1.0-1.5 cm. tall herbs. Leaves 0.6-4.6 X 0.15- 2.4 cm. ovate or elliptic ovate,

acuminate, hairy, base rounded. Petioles 0.1-0.5 cm. long. Flowers purple or rose coloured, in

trichotomous cymes in large divericate hairy panicles bracts below calyx 2, opposite, unequal,

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bracteoles 4, unequal. Calyx 5- partite, small, divided to base. Corolla 2- lipped, tube slender,

upper lip elliptic-oblong entire lower lip, lower, oblong, 3 lobed. Stamens 2, filaments, hairy.

Capsules 4-seeded, cylindric, pointed, pubescent. Seeds orbicular, rugose.

Fls & Frs : Oct. - Apr.

Field notes : On hedges during monsoon, common.

Exsiccata : 190 (Movatpura hedge)

Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees in DC. Prodr 11: 469.1847; Shah. 554. Yogi 567. Justicia pectinata

L. Amoen. Acad. 4: 299.1759. [KHAD SWLIO].

Annual diffuse or suberect herbs. Leaves 1.0-3.4 X 0.3-1.5 cm. elliptic - oblong or elliptic-

lanceolate, acute or subobtuse lineolate glabrous or nearly so, base acute petioles 0.5-1.2 cm.

long. Flowers blue, in axillary and terminal, solitary or 2-3 fascicled, 0.5-0.8 cm. long spikes.

Bracts dimorphic upper lip of corolla acute, not notched corolla blue, pubescent out-side, broadly

ovate lower lip obovate 3-lobed. Stamens 2, filaments glabrous. Capsules 0.15–0.2 cm. long,

compressed ovoid acute pubescent at lip, 2 or 4 seeded. Seeds orbicular compressed minutely

echinulate, yellow.

Fls & Frs : Sep.- Mar.

Field notes : Near rivulats, not common.

Exsiccata : 287 (Tebdi river bed)


Clerodendrum multiflorum (Burm. f) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. Pl. 3:526. 1891; Shah 559; Yogi

570. Volkameria multiflorum Burm f Fl. Ind 137. T. 45. f. 1: 1768. [ARNI]

Large shrubs or a small trees upto 2.5-4 cm. tall. Leaves 0.6-3.1 X 0.5-2.4 cm. deltoid ovate

obtuse. or acute, rhomboid, suborbicular, crenate, dentate, waxy. Petioles 0.6-1.3 cm. long.

Flowers creamy white, in axillary, dichotomous cymes and terminal panicles. Bracts small,

leafly, lanceolate. Calyx 5- lobed, glabrous, not enlarged in, elliptic, obture veined. Stamens 4,

didynamous, much exserted, hairy. Drupes 0.4-0.6 cm. across, obovoid depressed, 4 lobed with

phyrene in each lobes glabrous.

Fls & Frs : Oct. -Feb.

Field notes : On hedges and near fields, common.

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Exsiccata : 285 (Kharaniya field fencing)

Gmelina arborea Roxb. Hort. Beng 46. 1814 (nomen) and Pl. Cor. 3:42. t. 246. 819; Shah

560; Yogi 572. [SIVAN].

Moderate size, 8-18 m tall deciduous trees. Bark smooth. Leaves 6.2 -19.5 X 4.5-165 cm.

broadly ovate, acuminate, cordate at base, entire, hairy below petioles 3.8-7.5 cm. long. Flowers

yellow, 10-23.5 cm. long, in terminal panicles. Bracts small, linear, caducous calyx 5-lobed, bell

shaped, hairy triangular, acute. Corolla brownish-yellow, 5-lobed, 2- lipped, upper lip divided

into 2- lobes lower, lip 3- lobes, tubular swollen above. Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted. Drupes

ovoid 1.8 -2.5 cm. oblong, glabrous, yellow or orauge when ripe seeds ellipsoid - oblong,


Fls : Jan. - Apr. Frs:- Apr. – May

Field notes : Not common.

Exsiccata : 255 (Ganer near school)

Lantana camara L. var. aculeata (L.) Mold. in Torreya 34: 9 1934; Shah 561; S.&S. 290;

Yogi 574. Lantana aculeata L. Sp. Pl. 627. 1753.

1.5-2.5 m. tall shrubs strggling or scandent with many recurved pricles, stem and branches,

qudrangular, strigosely hairy. Leaves 1.3-7.3 X 1.2-4.4 cm. ovate, oblong, acute serrate petioles.

Flowers bright- pink dark red or orange or yellowish orange in terminal compact 2.0-3.5 cm.

broad spikes. Calyx tubular 4-toothed, membranous, truncate hairy. Corolla tubular, funnel

shaped, limb slightly labiate different colours, hairy out side. Stamens 4, didynamous, filaments

short. Drupes 0.3-0. 4 cm. across, hard, 1 seeded.

Fls & Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Throughout, common

Exsiccata : 127 (Delvada Lambadiya road side)

Tectona grandis L. f. Suppl. 151. 1781; Shah .564 S. & S. 290; Yogi 577.


Large, deciduous trees, bark pale brown rough stem squar, hairy. Leaves 10.0-22.5 X 5.0-16.2

cm. rough, entire, elliptic or obovate, acute or acuminate hairy, 2.5-4.0 cm. long. Flowers

pedicellate, in large terminal, branched hairy cymose panicles. Calyx 5-6 lobed bell shaped,

tomentose, enclosing fruit, semi globose or campanulate. Corolla white lobes 5-6 white,

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unequal, imbricate. Stamens 5, inserted. Drupes sub globose, 4 lobes pericarp, soft with feted

stellate hairs endocarp bony enclosed in accrescent. Seeds ellipsoid, oblong, glabrous.

Fls & Frs : Aug. - Dec.

Field notes :Not common.

Exsiccata : 094 (Kharaniya near tribal house)

Vitex negundo L. Sp. Pl. 638. 1753; Shah 564; S&S 291; Yogi 577.


Small trees. Bark brown, longi tudinally fissured, stem square, hairy. Leaves, 3-5 foliate, leaflets

7.5-10.8 X 0.7-1.7 cm. petioled. lanceolate, acute, terminal leaflet larger, hairy petioles 2-3 cm.

long. Flowers white or blue or bluish purple in 5.6-12.5 cm. long terminal panicles bracts

lanceolate, caducous. Calyx 5-teethed bell shaped, triangular, tomentose-hairy Corolla 2-lipped

upper lip divided into 2-lobes, lower lip 3-lobes. Stamens 4. didynamous, filament hairy at base.

Drupes black glabrous, surrounded at base by calyx.

Fls & Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Common.

Exsiccata : 131(Demti), 157 (Chochar)


Anisomeles indica (L.) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. Pl. 512. 1819; Shah. 568 S. & S. 291; Yogi 580.

Nepeta indica L. Sp. Pl. 571.1753. [CHODHARO]

0.6 –1.4 m tall shrubs or under shrubs suffruticose, pubescent or tomentose, stem qudrangular

softly, pubescent. Leaves 1.2-7.0 X 0.8-4.8 cm. ovate acute, crenate serrate. pubescent on both

sides, petioles 1.0-1.7 cm. long. Flowers sessile, in dense 2.5-10.0 cm. long interrupted terminal

and axillary spikes. Bracts, linear clothed with stiff hairs. Calyx 5-toothed lanceolate acute

hirsute, ciliate. Corolla purple 2-lipped, lower lip longer than upper, 3 lobes, middle deeply

divided into 2-lobes. Stamens 4 didynamous. Nutlets 0.15-02 cm. long, subcompressed, broadly

ovoid, obtusely angled, black. shining.

Fls & Frs : Oct.-Apr.

Field notes : On slopes and hills during monsoon, abundant.

Exsiccata : 255 (Demti Pipalsari)

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Leucas biflora R. Br. Prodr. 504. 1810; Shah 572; S.& S. 292. Yogi 584.

Procumbent, slender, pubescent herbs. Stems quadrangular. Leaves 0.8-3.3 X 0.2-1.6 cm., ovate,

elliptic or elliptic-oblong, pubescent, variable acute or obtuse petioles 0.4-0.7 cm. long. Flowers

white, in axillary whorls. Calyx pubescent, reticulately veined narrowed at base, teeth subequal

lanceolate, subulate ciliate corolla white tube 0.6-0.9 cm. long. Stamens 4, didynamous. Nutlets

oblong trigonous, obovoid, truncate at apex, light black.

Fls&Frs : Sep. - Feb.

Field notes : Not common, noted during monsoon.

Exsiccata : 250 (Mithivedi)

Leucas cephalotes (Roxb. ex Roth) Spr. Syst. 2:743.1825; Shah 572; S. & S. 292. Phlomis

cephalotes Roxb. Hort. 46.1814. [KHETARAU KUBO, DOSI NOKUBO]

Annual 20-40 cm. tall appressed-pubescent herbs stems and branches quadrangular. Leaves 1.5-

7.1 X 0.2-2.3 cm. Ovate to ovate, lanceolate subacute, membranous, crenate-serrate, base

tapering. Petioles 0.8-1.2 cm. long. Flowers white, sessile in large globose dense terminal,

whorls. Calyx tubular, curved mouth oblique corolla white, bilipped, white wooly. Stamens 4,

didynamous. Nutlets obovoid-oblong, rounded at apex, smooth, dark brown.

Fls & Frs : Aug. - Feb.

Field notes : Throughout during monsoon, common.

Exsiccata : 274 (Mithivedi)

Ocimum gratissimum L. Sp. Pl. 1197. 1753; Shah 578; S. & S. 291; Yogi 591.


Perennial, erect upto 0.6-1.2 m tall. Stem quadrangular. Leaves 2.2-9.0 X 0.9 - 4.8 cm. elliptic-

lanceolate, acute, crenate serrate, pubescent on both sides; gland dotted base cuneate, petioles

0.7-3.4 cm. long Flowers in compact racemes 5.2-19.8 cm. long. Calyx becoming twice as

long in fruit upper lip rounded, mucronate, lanceolate. Corolla pale greenish-yellow, pubescent,

out side upper lip with 4 rounded teeth lower lip than upper. Stamens 4, didynamous, exserted.

Nutlets sub globose, rugose, brown.

Fls&Frs : Aug. - Jan.

Field notes : Near fields and forest, during monsoon, comman.

Exsiccata : 181 (Ganer)

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Sub class: Monoclamadae NYCTAGINACEAE

Boerhavia chinensis (L.) Druce in Rep. Bot. Exch. Cl. Brit. Isles. 3: 415.

1914; Shah 583; S. & S. 293; Yogi 596. Valeriana chinensis L. Sp. Pl. 33. 1753.

Diffuse, perennial herbs, straggling or subscandent, glabrous or pubescent. Leaves 1.5-5.6 X 0.7-

3.6 cm. deltoid, ovate, acute acuminate, glabrous or thinly pubescent, base usually cordate;

Petioles 0.8-1.2 cm. long. Flowers bright pink, in 3-8 flowered umbels on peduncles. Pedicels

0.2-0. 4 cm. long. Perianth 5-lobed, pink, lobes emarginate. Stamens 4 or 5, much exserted.

Fruits 0.4-0.6 cm. long, clavate, ribbed, glandular.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Throughout, during monsoon,not common.

Exsiccata : 278 (Demti Vagrugia)

Boerhavia diffusa L. Sp. Pl. 3. 1753; Shah. 583; S.& S. 292,Yogi 597. Boerhavia repens L. Sp.

Pl. 3. 1753. [SATODI]

Diffuse, or prostrate herbs, ascending, purple coloured, glabrous. Leaves 0.3-2.0 X 0.15 -1.1 cm.,

broadly ovate, elliptic-oblong or suborbicular, margin entire, wavy base, rounded; Petioles 0.2-

0.9 cm. long. Flowers sessile 4-10 together in umbels forming axillary and terminal corymbose

panicles. Perianth funnel shaped, 5-lobed, pink. Stamens 2 or 3, exserted. Fruits clavate, minute,

rounded 5- ribbed, glandular.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : During monsoon, abundant.

Exsiccata : 152 (Dantral field)

Bougainvillea spectabilis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2:348. 1799; C 2:567; Bailey 358; Shah 584


Large, thorny, straggling shrubs; thorns 0.5-4 cm long, straight or recurved, branchlets

pubescent. Leaves 2-10 x 1-6 cm, cauline & ramal, alternate, ovate-elliptic to oblong, acute or

subacute at base, entire, acuminate. Inflorescence 1-7 flowered cymes united into leafy terminal

panicles. Flower crimson, in triads; bracts 2.5-6.5 x 1.5-3.5 cm, ovate, rounded

Fls : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Planted near sacred groves

Exsiccata : 096 (Polapan)

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Achyranthes aspera L. Var aspera Achyranthes aspera L. Sp. Pl. 204. 1753; Shah. 587; S. & S.


30-120cm. tall, annual, pubescent herbs stem branched, quadrangular. Leaves 1.6- 6.5 X 1.0-4.3

cm. elliptic or obovate, thick, orbicular rounded at apex greenish, entire, petioles 0.3-1.1 cm.

long. Flowers greenish white, in elongate terminal long spikes. Bracts ovate, persistent awned

bracteoles ovate, concave, with a spine perianth of 4-5. Sepals unequal, ovate-oblong pointed.

Stamens 5, alternating with staminodes, truncate and fimbriate. Fruit oblong-cylindric, yellowish

brown, glabrous.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Throughout, during monsoon, very common.

Exsiccata : 028 (Kharaniya)

Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. in Ann. Muss. Par. 2:131.1803; Shah 588; S. & S. 294;Yogi 604.

Achyranthes lanata L. Sp. Pl. 204.1753. [GORAKH GANJO, KAPURI MADHURI,


Erect, grey, tomentose herbs. Leaves 1.4-4.9 X 0.4-16 cm. elliptic or obovate, suborbicular,

obtuse, entire, wooly, tomentose, petioles 0.4-0.9 cm. long. Flowers creamy white, small sessile

in axillary heads or clusters or spikes. Bracteoles concave, ovate, pointed, perianth of 5 sepals

oblong, obtuse, silky, hairy. Stamens 5, alternating with staminodes, united at base. Utricle

minute, dark black, ovoid, acute glabrous.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Near hills and plain surfaces, not common.

Exsiccata : 171 (Kotda)

Celosia argentea L. Sp. Pl. 205 1753; Shah 594; S. & S. 293; Yogi 611. [LAMBDI, LAMPDI]

Annual 30-120 cm. tall herbs. Leaves 0.8-4.9X 0.4.-4.8 cm. linear, lanceolate acute, entire, base

tapering, rarely orbicular, flowers bright pinkish-purple, in large terminal. Spikes 0.6-4.0 cm.

long. Bracteoles linear, lanceolate scarious. Perianth 1-5 scarious, linear-lanceolate, acute.

Stamens 5, filaments united at the base. Capsules ellipsoid, tapering at apex circumscissile.

Seeds 4-8, subreniform, compressed, black, shining.

Fls&Frs : July -Dec.

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Field notes : Near villages and fields, common.

Exsiccata : 159 (Gandhishan)

Digera muricata (L.) Mart. Beitr. Amar. 77.1825; Shah. 595 S. & S. 293; Yogi 611.

Achyranthes muricata L. Sp. Pl. (ed.2). 295.1762. [KANJRO, LOLAR]

Erect, annual herbs. Leaves 4.2-6.2 X 2.2 X 5.3 cm. thin, ovate or elliptic acute or rounded at

apex, with reddish margins, glabrous petioles 1.0-2.8 cm. long. Flowers sessile, in threes in

axillary, spikes 4.0-7.5 cm. long. Bracts and bracteoles, acute, persistent. Perianth rose coloured.

Sepals 5, ovate-oblong, acute united below. Stamens 5, filaments free, filiform. Utricle ovoid or

subspherical, globose, muricutate. Seeds yellowish brown.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Through,common

Exsiccata : 158 (Chochar field)

Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss in Ann Mus. Paris 2:132. 1803; Shah.597; S. & S. 294; Yogi 615.

Achyranthes lappacea L. Sp. Pl. 204. 1753.

Erect, or strggling herbs or under shrubs. Leaves 2.4-7.4 X 1.1-4.4 cm. elliptic or ovate acute or

acuminate, tomentose, ciliate. Petioles 0.3-0.5 cm. long Flowers greenish-yellow, clusters

forming, terminal, spikes pungent, hairy, cluster concave, ovate, pointed. Perianth of 5 sepals,

lanceolate, equal, awned, densely elothed with white wool. Stamens 5, filament connate at base.

Utricles membranous, ovoid oblong, glabrous. Seeds ellipsoid, compressed, shining black.

Fls&Frs : Nearly around the year.

Field notes : Throughout,Common.

Exsiccata : 034 (Kharaniya)


Chenopodium album L. Sp. Pl. 219. 1753; Shah 599; S. & S. 294; Yogi


Annual, erect, herbs. Leaves 0.5- 3.2 X 0.3-1.4 cm. oblong, elliptic-lanceolate oblong lanceolate

or oblong rhomboid, entire or sinuate, glabrous; Petioles 0.8 -1.4 long. Flowers green, clustered,

in 0.6-2.5 cm. long axillary and terminal compact spikes. Bracts and bracteoles 0. perianth of 5

sepals, oblong-lanceolate keeled, concave, incurved. Stamens 5 hypogynous or perigynous.

Seeds orbicular, compressed, shining, glabrous, black.

Fls : Nov. Apr. Frs: Nov. Apr.

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Field notes : Throughout, common weed.

Exsiccata : 217 (Kotda)


Acalypha ciliata Forsk Fl. Aegpt-Arab.162. 1775; Shah 162. Yogi 636. [DADART,


Erect 25-50 cm. tall, herbs. Leaves 1.8-7.2 X 0.7-4.5 cm., acuminate thin, serrate base rounded,

hairy. Petioles 0.4-6.5 cm. long, slender. Flowers greenish, in axillary 0.5-1.5 cm. long,

androgynous spikes, male few, sessile, top of spike, females several at base. Bracts of female.

flowers large, green. Capsules 0.2-0.25 cm. across, 3-lobed white, glabrous. Seeds ovoid, oblong

smooth, reddish-brown.

Fls&Frs : July - Dec.

Field notes : Along road sides, common.

Exsiccata : 212 (Khariya Lambadiya road side)

Acalypha indica L. Sp. Pl. 1003. 1753; Shah 611. S. & S. 298; Yogi 636. [DADARI,


Annual, pubescent herbs branched, angular. Leaves 1.7-7.0 X 1-5 cm. ovate or rhomboid-ovoid,

acute or sub obtuse alternate, serrate. Petioles 3.5-5.6 cm. Long. Flowers in elongated axillary

spikes males, small, clustered near apex, females scattered 3-5 surrounded by 3-5 leafy, large,

dentate; Sepals 4; Petals 0. Stamens 8, filaments free capsules, small, 1-seeded, hispid. Seeds

ovoid pale-brown, glabrous.

Fls&Frs : June.- Dec.

Field notes : Throughout, during, common .

Exsiccata : 003 (Demti)

Emblica officinalis Gaertn. Fruct. 2: 122 1791; Shah 618; S. & S. 298; Yogi 298. Phyllanthus

emblica L. Sp. Pl. 982. 1753. [AMADA].

Deciduous, 8-15 tall trees. Bark greenish grey, exfoliating into scales. Leaves small, 0.5-2.2 X

0.2-0.4 cm., distichous, linear, obtuse oblong or elliptic, base rounded. Petioles. 0.75-0.15 cm.

long, slender. Stipules ovate acute. Flowers greenish yellow, in axillary fascicles on leaf bearing

branches. Male flowers many, short, slender, pedicels; Sepals 6, oblong. Stamens 3 on a short

central column. Female flowers few, subsessile; Sepals 6, disk cup like Drupes. 1.5-3.0 cm.

across, globose, yellowish green, fleshy with 6 obscure ventical furrows. Seeds 6, 3-gonous.

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Fls : Mar.- Apr. Frs:- June-Sep.

Field notes : Not common.

Exsiccata : 248 (Lambadiya)

Euphorbia hirta L. Sp. Pl. 454.1753; Shah. 623; S. & S. 296; Yogi 649. Euphorbia pilulifera

auct. non L.

Small, annual, herbs erect or ascending, hispid. Leaves 0.8-4.2 X 0.5-1.9 cm. oblong, lanceolate,

opposite, acute, dentate, dark green above, pale below; base unequal, acute or rounded. Petioles

0.2-0.3 cm. long, stipules filamentous soon falling. Flowers greenish yellow, involucres or

cymes, greenish-yellow, numerous in dense axillary clustered cymes. Stamens many. Capsules

3-lobed, hairy. Seeds ovoid trigonous, reddish-brown, slightly transversely rugose.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Throughout, abundant.

Exsiccata : 156 (Demti)

Euphorbia nivulia Buch.-Ham. in Trans. Linn. Soc. 14:286.1825; Shah 624; Yogi 651.


Large, glabrous shrubs with cylindrical, stem and branches, sharb, stipular spines, aring from two

conical, truncate distant, spirally, arranged. Leaves 8.5-20.0 X 4.0-6.2 cm. crowded at ends of

branches, obovate-oblong or spathulate, fleshy, glabrous, apiculate, base, narrowlly cuneate.

Inflorescence few-flowered cymes, in axils of stipular thorns. Capsules obovoid, trigonous,


Fls&Frs : Dec. -May.

Field notes : Throughout, common.

Exsiccata : 272 (Demti Pipalsari)

Euphorbia parviflora L. Syst. (ed. 10) 2:1049.1759; Shah 625; S. & S. 296; Yogi 653.

Euphorbia hypericifolia L. sp. Pl. 454.1753.

Annual, erect or spreading or prostrate glabrous herbs. Leaves 0.4-2.1 X 0.2-1.4 cm., opposite,

elliptic-oblong, obtuse, serrulate, base rounded, appressed hairy, stipules fimbriate, minute.

Involucres axillary and terminal many flowered cymes limb of gland white, orbicular rounded.

Capsules minute subglobose, hairy. Seeds 4 angled, reddish- brown faintly transversely rugose.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : On plain surfaces and waste lands,not common.

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Exsiccata : 186 (Demti Gujumara)

Jatropha curcas L. Sp. Pl. 1006. 1753; Shah 628 ; Yogi 656. [VILAYTI ARANDI, JAMAL,


1-3 m. tall shrub or small trees, deciduous, soft wooded; Bark greenish yellow, smooth with

scars of fallen leaves. Leaves 8-11 X 7-9 cm. broadly ovate or nearly orbicular, 3-5 lobed, green,

smooth base cordate, entire. Petioles 8.0-11.5 cm. long. Flowers greenish-yellow, monoecious, in

6.0 -8.5 long axillary cymes bracts oblong Sepals 5, free. Capsule 1.0-2.5 cm. in diam, large,

oblong 3- lobed, globose, yellow.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Near road side and villages, common.

Exsiccata : 188 (Lambadiya Kotda road side)

Kirganelia reticulata (Poir) Baill. Etud. Gen. Euph. 613 1838; Shah 629; S.& S. 297; Yogi

657. Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir. in Lam. Encycl. 5: 298. 1804. [KAMBOI, PICHARUN,


Large, straggling shrubs or climbing shrubs. Leaves 0.4-2.1 X 0.25-1.4 variable, oblong or

elliptic, acute or subcordate, base rounded. Petioles 0.1-0.25. cm. long. Flowers axillary male in

fascicles of 2-6, female solitary. Male flowers; Stamens 5, 3 inner united, 2 outer free. Female

flowers; Ovary 5-10 celled, styles 3, 2-lobed. Berries 0.3-0.6 cm. across, glabrous, deep purple.

Seeds trigonous, finely granulate.

Fls&Frs : Aug. - Jan.

Field notes : Waste lands and fields, not common.

Exsiccata : 148 (Demti)

Phyllanthus fraternus Webster in contrib Grey. Herb. 176: 53.1955 & Journ. Arn Arb 38. 309

1957; Shah 632, S. & S. 298; Yogi 659 Phyllanthus niruri auct. non L. 1753. [BHOYN


Annual, 20-50 cm. tall herbs, glabrous, angular branched. Leaves 0.3-1.1 X 0.1-0.4 cm.

glabrous, elliptic-oblong, obtuse glaucous beneath base, rounded. Flowers yellowish, numerous,

axillary. Males 1-3 females solitary. Sepals 4-6 sepals of male flowers rounded those of female,

oblong, subacute. Stamens 3, styles free, 2-lobed. Capsules 0.3-0.5 cm., across, globose, smooth.

Seeds 3-gonous, ribbed.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

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Field notes : Plain areas and waste lands, common.

Exsiccata : 120 (Lambadiya)

Phyllanthus virgatus Forst. f. Prodr 65. 1776; Rau in Bull. Bot. Surv. Ind 10 (supp1.2).

72.1969. Phyllanthus simplex Retz. Obs. 5:29 1789; Shah 633; S.& S. 298; Yogi 661.

Phyllanthus simplex Retz. Obs. 5 :29.1789.

Erect, perennial herbs. Leaves distichous, numerous 0.9-3.9 X 0.2-0.8 cm. glabrous, linear-

oblong, obtuse, apiculate, subsessile, stipules sagittate, scarious. Flowers creamy-white, axillary

on slender pedicels, female larger than the male; Sepals oblong, obtuse. Stamens 3, anthers

didymous, styles short, 2-fid. Capsules 0.2-3.35. cm. across, globose, 3-lobed, crustaceous,

minutely tuberculate. Seeds trigonous, rounded dark brown, tubercled.

Fls&Frs : Aug.- Apr.

Field notes : Common near moist places generally noted near river banks

and rivulats.

Exsiccata : 060 (Demti river bed)

Ricinus communis L. Sp. Pl. 1007. 1753; FBI 5:457; C 3:125; Bor 183; Ch & O 214; S & J 46;

S 251; WI 9:26. ff. 15-18; Shah 633. (ARENDO, DIVELO)

1.5-5 m, erect, glaucous, monoecious, evergreen shrubs or small trees. Stem terete, hollow,

cylindrical, branched. Leaves 10-30 cm or more across, 10-18 × 3-7 cm, cauline & ramal,

alternate, palmately 5-9-lobed. Inflorescence in 6-20 cm long terminal racemes, male flowers at

base, female ones at apex. Flower pale – yellow, pedicellate. Fruit 1.5-2.5 cm long regma, 5-

furrowed, indehiscent splitting into 3 cocci, soft prickly. Seed 0.8-1.5 cm long, 6, greyish –

brown, ellipsoid – oblong, mottled white or creamy with white caruncle at apex, smooth, shining.

Fls & Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Throughout, cultivated or on escape.

Exsiccata : 149 (Mithivedi)


Holoptelea integrifolia (Roxb) Planch in Ann Sci Nat (Ser.3) 10: 266. 1948; Shah 636; S. & S.

299. Yogi 665. Ulmus integrifolia Roxb. Pl. Cor. 1 :56. t. 78.1795. [KANJO, PAPADA, AUDO,


Deciduous tree upto 20 m. tall. Bark ash- coloured, smooth exfoliating into small, scales. Leaves

6.5-9.1 X 4.0-5.7 cm. elliptic, acuminate, entire, base cordate, glabrous; petioles 0.5-0.9 cm.

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long. Flowers. greenish, yellow and mixed, in short racemes or fascicles. Sepals 4, pubescent

stamens 4-8. filaments glabrous, erect, exserted. Ovary compressed, pubescent, superior. Fruit

samara 1.5 2.5 X 0.8-2.2 cm. winged, flat, broadly oblong or orbicular, deeply notched at apex.

Seeds ovate or ovate oblong .

Fls : Dec.-Feb. Frs: Jan.-May.

Field notes : In the forest, on hills and along the road sides, common.

Exsiccata : 221 (Golvada)


Ficus benghalensis L. Sp. Pl. 1059.1753; Shah .644 S. & S. 299; Yogi 668. [VAD].

Evergreen 12-18 m tall trees, with aerial roots. Bark rough, grey to greyish brown. Leaves 7.5-

24. 5 X 5-16. cm. ovate, obtuse, entire, coriaceous, broadly ovate, glabrous above, base rounded.

Peduncles 1.4-5.0 cm. long stipules bud scales, coriaceous. Receptacles 1.5-2.5 cm. across,

sessile, axillary globose, in pairs red when ripe. Male flowers many near mouth of receptacles.

Sepals 4, lanceolate; Stamens 1; Gall flowers; Sepals 4, style short. Female flowers; Sepals

shorter than in male style long, excentric; Achenes reddish-brown, ovoid, glabrous.

Receptacles : July.-Mar.

Field notes : Near villages, common.

Exsiccata : 119 (Demti)

Ficus carica L. Sp. Pl. 1059. 1753; Shah 644.

5-8 m tall, deciduous, soft wooded. Leaves thick rough 6.8-8.4 X 6.3-8.4 cm. broadly ovate,

entire orbicular. Petioles 2.0- 3.6 cm long. Receptacles in pairs, 0.8 -1.5 cm across, axillary

obovoid-oblong, stalked, pubescent. Achenes shortly stipitate, oblong, pale-straw.

Receptacles : July-Oct.

Field notes : Near rivulats, not common.

Exsiccata : 211 (Demti Pipalsari)

Ficus hispida L. f. Suppl. 442.1781; Shah 645; S. & S. 299; Yogi 669. [DHEDH UMARDO,


3-7 m tall bushy shrubs or small trees, all parts hispid- pubescent. Leaves 4.5 - 5.6 X 2.8- 3.9 cm.

ovate, oblong or sub obovate, apiculate, toothed or entire, coriaceous lower surface hispid, base

rounded. Petioles 0.8-1.3 cm. long stipules ovate, lanceolate. Receptacles greenish-yellow 1.4-

1.8 cm. across obovoid, turbinate tomentose, extra axillary on leafless branches or on old wood.

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Male flowers near apex of receptacle; Sepals 3; Stamens 1. Gall flowers: Sepals 0; Ovary

globose, style short, fertile flowers. Sepals 0. Achenes ovoid, glabrous, tubercled.

Receptacles : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Near moist places, abundant.

Exsiccata : 269 (Demti)

Ficus racemosa L. Sp. 1060. 1753; Shah 646; S. & S. 299; Yogi 670; Ficus glomerata Roxb.

Pl. Cor. 2:13. t. 123. 1798. [UMARO, UMBAR, GULAR].

10-15 m tall, evergreen trees. Bark grey or blackish brown, rough, fissured. Leaves 3.9-11.7 X

1.5-5.3 cm. ovate-oblong or, elliptic-lanceolate, tapering, glabrous. Petioles 0.9-1.6 cm. long,

stipules scarious ovate-lanceolate. Receptacles 1.6-3.5 cm. across, ovoid, subglobose or sub

turbinate red, when ripe, tomentose. Male flowers sessile; Sepals 3-4; Gall flowers pedicellate,

style elongate, stigma clavate. Fertile flowers sub sessile style sub terminal, stigma clavate.

Achenes reddish brown, obovoid, minutely, tuberculate.

Receptacles : Throughout the year

Field notes : Near hills and villages, common.

Exsiccata : 298 (Golvada)

Ficus religiosa L. Sp. Pl. 1059. 1753; Shah 646. S. & S. 299; Yogi 671. (PIPLO)

10-16 m tall trees. Bark rough greyish-black. Leaves 7.9-10.0 X 3.2 -6.8 cm. ovate, glabrous

acuminate, entire, wavy, base broad, rounded, truncate sub coriaceous.petioles 4.1-5.6 cm. long

stipules minute ovate, acute. Receptacles reddish purple, in pairs, axillary, sessile, 0.6-0.8 cm.

across spherical, depressed, globose. Male flowers few sessile near mouth of receptacles, Sepals

3, Stamen 1.Gall and fertile flowers sessile or pedicellate, Sepals 5 Gall flowers more numerous

than fertile females, style short, stigma rounded.

Receptacles : Dec.– May.

Field notes : Not common, generally noted near villages.

Exsiccata : 273 (Kotda)

Ficus virens Ait. Hort. Kew 3:451. 1789; Shah 647; S. & S. 299; Yogi 671; Ficus infectoria

Roxb. Fl. Ind. 3:551. 1032. (PIPLI).

Small or medium-sized trees, with grey bark. Leaves 6.5-16x3.5-10 cm, ovate, ovate-lanceolate

or elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous. Receptacles 0.7-1 cm across, axillary or on old wood, shortly

pedunculate. Achenes dark-reddish-brown, ovoid-oblong, minutely papillate.

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Receptacles : Oct.-June.

Field notes : Along the road sides and near villages, common.

Exsiccata : 089 (Vinchi)

Morus alba L. Sp.Pl.986.1753;FBI 5:492;C 3:159 S & J 46;Shah 647 (SHETUR)

2.5-6 m, deciduous, monoecious or dioecious tree; bark grey or greyish – yellow, smooth. Stem

solid, cylindrical. Leaves 5.5-15 × 3.5-10 cm, cauline & ramal, alternate, broadly ovate, nearly

glabrous, serrate, acute. Inflorescence 1.5-2.5 cm long, axillary pendulous, shortly pedunculate

spikes (catkin). Flower light – to – deep – violet or purple, sessile, incomplete, monoecious.

Sorosis 1-3 cm long, cylindric, dark purple or black.

Fls & Frs : July – Dec.

Field notes :Fencing near field.

Exsiccata : 179 (Mithivedi)


Casuarina equisetifolia L. Amoen. Acad. 4:143. 1759; FBI 5:859; C 3:161; WI 2:101. Pl. 8; S

& J 47; Shah 648 (SARU)

10-12 m, evergreen, leafless, dioecious tree with solid, cylindrical; branches slender, deciduous,

with longer internodes of limited growth. Leaves reduced to scales in whorls of 6-8, 0.05-0.1 cm

long, alternating with ribs of upper node. Inflorescence male in 1-2.5 × 0.3 cm, terminal, terete,

monoandrous spikes; female 0.4-0.8 × 0.3-0.4 cm, axillary, shortly stalked, globose or ovoid

fascicled spike at the ends of lateral branches condensed into an ovoid cone. Flower incomplete,

unisexual, zygomorphic. Carpophores 1.5-3 × 1-2 cm, brown, ovoid or oblong – cylindric,

woody enclosing several nutlets; nutlets compressed, narrowly winged, tipped by persistent style,

crowded into a woody cone. Seed solitary, exalbuminous.

Fls & Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Extensively planted

Exsiccata : 240 (Chochar)


Musa paradisiaca L . Sp. Pl. 1043. 1753; C 3:249; FBI 6:262;Shah 666. (KEL, KELA)

2-8 m, stoloniferous, stout, perennial herbs. Stem thick, composed of convolute false leaf

sheaths. Inflorescence upto 12 m long, dense cymose subtended by a large coloured bracts.

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Flower incomplete, zygomorphic, unisexual. Fruit 15-30 cm long, cylindric, generally yellowish

or yellowish green when ripe. Seeds embedded in pulp.

Fls & Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Throughout cultivated

Exsiccata : 271 (Choliya)


Agave americana L. Shah 671; Yogi, 691. [KETKI , RAMBAN]

Large perennial herbs. Leaves 30-90 cm. radical in a massive rosette, long broad, thick, prickly

at margins sharp pointed. Flowers yellowish-green on every long scape, with large bracts,

arranged on many horizonal branches; some flowers modified into flower bulbils Perianth funnel

like, tube short segments 6, Stamens 6, filaments exserted; anthers versatile. ovary inferior

Stigma 3-lobed. Diplotegia oblong.

Fls: At any time after many years Frs: Not found

Field notes: Not common, seen only one place.

Exsiccata: 151 (Demti)


Aloe barbadensis Mill. Gard. Dict. no. 2. 1768; Shah 677; S.& S. 301;Yogi 696; Aloe vera (L.)

Webb & Berth; non Mill 1768. [KUNVARPATO]

Small herbs, or shrubs, acaulescent, with stolons. Leaves 10-23 X3.0-6.5 cm. in rosettes, radical,

very fleshy, broad at base, narrowed from base to apex, pale green, spinous, toothed on margins.

Flowers yellow-orange, on long racemes. 20-45 cm long. Perianth tubular, segments 6, concave,

Stamens 6, filaments slender, anthers versatile; ovary superior, style exserted. Fruits 1.5-2.0 X

0.6-0.8 cm. trigonous-oblong loculicidally 3-valved. Seeds trigonous, winged.

Fls : Dec.-Apr. Frs: Jan.-May.

Field notes : Rare in this area.

Exsiccata : 059 (Demti Eran)

Urginea indica (Roxb.) Kunth. Enum 4: 333. 1843; Shah 628; Scilla indica Roxb Fl. Ind. 2


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Small perennial herbs. Bulb white, 2.0-3.7. X 1.2-5.0 cm. ovoid, tunicated, ovoid, thick. Leaves

radical, strap.- shaped, flat. linear acute. Flowers when plants leafless, few, in racemes, scape 75-

100 cm. long, bracts, minute. Perianth segments 6, subequal, campanulate, oblong-lanceolate,

obtuse. Stamens 6, filaments flattened. Capsules 1.5-2.0 cm. long, ellipsoidal, tapering to both

ends. Seeds black, flattened, elliptic.

Fls : Feb.-Apr. Frs:- Apr.-May.

Field notes : Hilly region and slopes, very common.

Exsiccata : 182 (Demti Gujumara)


Commelina benghalensis L. Sp. Pl. 41. 1753; Shah. 687. S. & S. 301; Yogi

Small herbs, dichotomously, creeping and rooting below. Leaves 2.6-9.1 X 0.8-4.0 cm. glabrous

or thinly pubescent, broad, ovate or oblong obtuse, sessile, hairy, base oblique rounded, sheath

short or long, hairy, bearded, with rufous hairs. Flowers bright blue, in cymes, axillary, solitary,

turbinate spathe, spathes 1-3 together, funnel shaped, peduncles. Sepals 3, oblong, hairy. Petals

3, blue, orbicular. Stamens 3, perfect, anthers oblong. Capsules 0.4 -0.5 cm. long pyriform. Seeds

pitted oblong, truncate at ends.

Fls&Frs : Aug.-Jan.

Field notes : Not common.

Exsiccata : 242 (Nada)

Commelina diffusa Burm. f. Fl. Ind 18 t. 7. f. 2 1768; Shah 687; S. & S. 301. Yogi 714.

Commelina nudiflora auct. plur non L.

Diffuse, annual, glabrous herbs stem prostrate, rooting at nodes. Leaves-lanceolate, acute, sheath

loose with ciliate margins. Flowers blue, 1-3 in a spathe, peduncles erect or spreading cymes

usually 2, 1-3 flowered. Petals 3, dark blue, two interior obovate with long claws, exterior pale

blue, subsessile, rudimentary. Stamens 3, perfect 2-3 staminodes, anthers oblong Capsules 0.2-

0.4 cm. long 5-seeded, coriaceous. Seeds brown, tuberculate.

Fls&Frs : Aug. - Oct.

Field notes : Throughout, common.

Exsiccata : 214 (Nada)

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Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. Hort. Beng 73. 1814 (nomen) & Fl. Ind 3:787. 1832; Shah 694; S.

& S. 302; Yogi 709. Elate slyvestris L. Sp. Pl.1189 1753. [ KHAJURI].

Small tree, 8-15 m. tall, dioecious, unbranched, stem rough with petioles of old fallen leaves.

Leaves 1.8-3.0 cm. long. pinnate, leaflets 7.5-15.9 X0.7-1.2 cm. linear, pointed, conduplicate,

coriaceous, glabrous. Flowers dioecious sessile, in compound spadix with boat shaped spathe.

Male flowers small, white, fragrant, oblique. Calyx cuplike, 3 teethed; Petals 3, valvate, ovate.

Stamens 6. Female flowers : spadix and spathe as in male. Calyx cup shaped, 3-toothed. Petals 3

staminodes 3 or 4. Drupe 2.5-3.0 X 1.5-2.0 cm. ellipsoid-oblong, orange, 1-seeded. Seeds pale-

brown, rounded at ends, grooved on one face.

Fls&Frs : Jan.- Mar.

Field notes :Along road sides and near villages, Common.

Exsiccata : 239 (Mithivedi), 276 (Demti)


Cyperus alulatus Kern in Reinwardt. 1 (4): 463- 466. f. 1 1952; Shah 720. Cyperus iria L. var.

rectangularis Kuekenth in Pfreich 101: 152 1935.

Tufted, 5-30 cm tall stout herbs. Leaves 5-40 cm long, linear, glabrous but serrulate margin

near apex. Inflorescence terminal, lax, compound umbel. Glumes obtuse or minutely mucronate,

dorsally 5-7 nerved. Spikelets 0.4-1.4 X 0.25-0.3 cm., golden-brown or yellowish-brown. Nut

triquetrous, obovate, microscopically punctate.

Fls&Frs : Aug.-Dec.

Field notes : Moist ground, not common.

Exsiccata : 237 (Choliya)

Cyperus bulbosus Vahl. Enum. 2: 342. 1806; Shah 722; S. & S. 306; Yogi 744.

Perennial, 10-40cm. tall herbs, stoloniferous, glabrous, filiform. Bulbils when ripe ovoid, black

coloured, stem slender, trigonous. Leaves as long as or shorter than stem, tapering at apex

recurved; sheaths very long, membranous. Inflorescence compound umbel or reduced to capitate,

head spikelets 0.6-1.3 cm. long compressed, 8-24 flowered, yellowish-brown to reddish-brown,

ovate-lanceolate or linear-lanceolate. Glumes oblong, membranous. Stamens 3, anthers linear,

yellow. Nuts obovoid, obtuse trigonous, apiculate.

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Fls&Frs : July.- Dec.

Field notes : Near rivulats, common.

Exsiccata : 209 (Ganer hedge)

Cyperus rotundus L. subsp. rotundus; Cypeus rotundus L. Sp. Pl. 45.1753; Shah 735. S. & S.

306; Yogi 759. [CHIDO].

Perennial 30- 80 cm. tall herbs, root fibrous, trigonous stem at top. Leaves 5.0- 22.5 cm. long,

shorter or longer than stem, linear, glabrous, acuminate. Flowers in simple or compound umbels;

spikelets linear-cylindric or linear-lanceolate, compressed, reddish-brown, variable in length,10-

50 flowered Glumes oblong, obtuse, pointed. Stamens 3. Nuts, obovoid, trigonous, oblong or

obovate, smooth, dark - brown or blackish brown punctate.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Near rivulats, during monsoon, common .

Exsiccata : 206 (Demti Vagrugia)

Scripus affinis Roth. in R. & S. Syst. Veg. 2:140. 1817 & Nov. Pl. Sp. 30. 1821. Scripus

maritimus L. var. affinis (Roth) Cl. in Hk. f. FBI 639. 1893; C 3:408.

15-50 cm, perennial, solitary or tufted glabrous herbs; rhizome creeping, bearing tubers of 0.8-1

cm across, ovoid, non-aromatic; stolons 0.1-0.15 cm wide, slender, often ending in very short

tubers. Stem 0.1-0.3 cm wide, stout, triquetrous. Leaves 8-20 x 0.6-0.8 cm, narrowly linear,

grass-like. Inflorescence spikelets 1-2.5 x 0.8-1 cm long, in terminal head or very rarely a

compact umbel bearing solitary spikelet on each ray. Fruit 0.3 cm long, obovate-oblong,

obovoid, plano-convex, obtusely trigonous, umbonate, quite smooth, shining, dark-brown or

pale-yellow or nearly white.

Fls & Frs : Sep. – Apr.

Field notes : Near rivulats, during monsoon, common .

Exsiccata : 310 (Mithivedi hedge)


Apluda mutica L. Sp. Pl. 82.1753; Shah. 776; Yogi 772. Apluda mutica L. var. aristata (L.)

Pilger in amf. (ed. 2). 14e :130.1945.

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Perennial, 6-25 cm tall, tufted, ascending herbs. Leaves 3.0-20.0 X 0.3-0.8 cm, flat, linear-

lanceolate. Inflorescence of spikelets clustered on short peduncles. Panicles 5.0-15.0 cm long,

terminal. Spikelets 0.6-1.2 cm long, sessile or pedicellate, green. Grain oblong, sub compressed.

Fls&Frs : Aug.-Dec.

Field notes : Along road sides, not common.

Exsiccata : 307 (Demti)

Chloris barbata Sw. Fl. Ind Occ. 1:200 1797; Shah 798; Yogi 805. Andropogon barbatus L.

Mant. Pl. Alt. 302. 1771. [MINDADIU].

Perennial, tufted, 30-50 cm. tall, creeping herbs. Leaves 2.0-6.0 cm. long, flat linear, glabrous,

acuminate. Spikes violet-purple 5-12, 2-6 cm. long, arranged in a truncate, fascicle, digitate.

Spiklets 0.2-0.25 cm. long, arranged in rows, unilateral on axis. Invol glumes hyaline, lanceolate,

acute. Lodicules 2, minute. Stamens 3.

Fls&Frs : July.-Apr.

Field notes :Not common.

Exsiccata : 301 (Tebdi)

Chloris virgata Sw. F1. Ind. Occ. 1:203.1797; Shah 799; S. & S. 321; Yogi 806.

Erect or geniculately ascending herbs . Leaves 10-25 x 0.3-0.5 cm, flat, linear. Spikes 5-15,

not more than 6.5 cm. long, closely crowded, digitately arranged, Stamens 3, lodicules 2.

Spikelets 0.2-0.25 cm. long, ovate-lanceolate, unilateral.

Fls&Frs : July-Dec.

Field notes : Throughout, not common.

Exsiccata : 305 (Demti)

Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Syn. Pl. 1:85.1805; Shah 808; S. & S. 320; Yogi 812. Panicum

dactylon L. Sp. Pl. 58. 1753. [ DARBH].

Perennial, prostrate, grass, creeping, slender herbs. Leaves 1.5-3.5 X 0.15- 0 25. long, linear

narrow, acute, pungent, distichous, flat, glaucous, ligules very fine ciliate rim. Spikes 2-5.1. 6-

3.1 cm. long, digitate, spikelets, sessile, 1- flowered, florets- bisexual. Invol. glumes lanceolate,

acute, upper longer than lower. Stamens 3, lodicules 2, minute. Style free, stigma plumose.

Grain oblong.

Fls&Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Throughout, during monsoon, common.

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Exsiccata : 306 (Demti Pipalsari)

Dactyloctenium aegypticum (L) P. Beauv. Ess. Agrost. Expl. Pl. 15. 1812; Shah 808; S. & S

322; Yogi 812. Cynosurus aegyptius L. Sp. Pl. 72 1753. Eleusine aegyptiaca (L) Desf. Fl.

Atlant. 1:85. 1798.

10-15 cm tall, annual , erect or suberect or basally geniculately ascending herbs. Leaves 5-18 X

0.3 –0.6 cm. linear, tapering at point, flat, glaucous, glabrous, or sparesly hairy, ciliate on

margins. Spikes 3-7, 2.0-3.5 cm. long, digitately arranged. Spikelets light to dark-olivaceous-

green, at times tinged, purple or completely purple, rigid. Glumes divaricate. Grain reddish,

subglobose, very rugose.

Fls&Frs : All the year round.

Field notes : Throughout, common.

Exsiccata : 302 (Demti Vagrugiya)

Dendrocalamus strictus Nees in Linnaea 9:476.1834; Shah 809; Yogi 814. [NARVANS,


6- 15 m tall, deciduous trees. Leaves 17- 23 X 1.4-2.8 cm. linear -lanceolate rough, hairy,

margins sharp. Flowers in branching panicles, panicles 20-25 cm. long spikelets 0.5-1.2 X 0.2-

0.5 cm. spiny, hairy, fertile intermixed with sterile. Invol. glumes 2 or more, ovate, spiny, floral

glumes sharp, pointed, ovate. Stamens 6, exserted, anthers yellow. Grain ovoid, brown, hairy,

above beaked.

Fls&Frs : Dec.-Mar.

Field notes :Common.

Exsiccata : 241 (Lambadiya)

Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link, Hort. Berol. 2:209. 1833; S & J 55; S 309. FBI 7:32; C

3:447;Shah 817.(SAMO)

30-60 cm tall, slender, suberect or diffuse, at times prostrate, annual herbs. Leaves 4-30 x 0.-1.5

cm, linear, glabrous or sparsely hairy, apex acute to acuminate. Inflorescence panicles 5-12 cm

long, of 5-10, 1-2.5 cm long; racemes.

Fls & Frs : Throughout the year.

Field notes : Throughout in damp places; common.

Exsiccata : 155 (Tebda)

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Paspalidium flavidum (Retz.) Patel 91:325; WI 7:268.t.117; Ch & O 252; Panicum flavidum

Retz. Obs. Bot. 4:15. 1786; FBI 7:28; Shah 850. (JINKO SAMO)

60-100 cm tall, perennial, slender, tufted, erect or ascending, from decumbent base herbs. Leaves

20-45 x 0.8-1.5 cm, linear, glabrous; sheaths compressed, 1.5-5.5 cm long, glabrous; ligule hairy,

very short, annular; blades flat or inrolled, linear-lanceolate apex obtuse or acute. Inflorescence

racemes 10-45 cm long, 3-8 sessile, biseriate. Palea hyaline, oblong, as long as its lemma, 2-

keeled; margins inflexed; apex to brownish, mucronate. Palea similar to and enclosed by its


Fls & Frs : July-Oct.

Field notes : Throughout; common.

Exsiccata : 318 (Demti- Pipalsari)

Pennisetum typhoides (Burm.f.) Stapf & Hubb. in Kew Bull. 1933; 271. 1933; S & J 57; S 318.

FBI 7:82; C 3:432;Shah 856. (BAJRI)

1-2 m tall, stout, simple or branched, annuals. Leaves 10-40 x 0.8-1 cm, linear to linear-

lanceolate, glabrous or hairy. Spikes 7-25 x 1-2.5 cm, cylindric, terminal, pale-brown. Spikelets

0.3-0.4 cm long.

Fls & Frs : Aug.-Nov. and Mar.-May.

Field notes : Cultivated

Exsiccata : 185 (Dotad)

Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Meth. Pl. Hort. Bot. Merburg. 207. 1794; Bor 207. Holcus

sorghum L. Sp. Pl. 1047. 1753. Holcus bicolor L. Mant. Alt. 301. 1771. Andropogon sorghum

(L.) Brot. Fl. Lusit. 1:88. 1804; FBI 7:183; C 3:511. Sorghum vulgare Pers. Syn. Pl. 1:107. 1805;

Blatter & McCann 58; Patel 91:319; Shah 867. (JOWAR)

75-200 cm tall, stout annuals. Leaves 15-25 x 1.2 cm, broadly lanceolate, flat, glabrous.

Inflorescence Panicles 10-25 cm long, dnsely thyrsoform, decompound, with verticillate

branches. Spikelets 0.3-0.5 cm long, broadly ovate-lanceolate, hairy.

Fls & Frs : Dec.- Mar.

Field notes : Cultivated

Exsiccata : 213 (Gunbhankhari)

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Triticum aestivum L . Sp. Pl. 85. 1753; FBI 7:367; C 3:574; Blatter & McCann 279; Bor. 679;

Patel 91:338; S & J 58; S 321; Triticum sativum Lam. Fl. Franc. 3:625. 1778; C 3:574. Triticum

vulgare Vill. Hist. Pl. Dauph. 2:153. 1787; FBI 7:367; Shah 880. (GHAU)

30-60 cm tall, tufted herbs with hollow, 90-130 cm tall, erect, slender, smooth; nodes glabrous

stem. Leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, 8-12 cm long, smooth; ligule membranous, truncate;

blades flat, linear-lanceolate; apex acute. Inflorescence spikes 6-15 cm long, erect, compact,

glabrous. Stamens 3; anthers 0.2-0.3 cm long, yellow. Grain ,oblong, ventrally grooved, free

within lemma and palea.

Fls & Frs : Dec.-Mar.

Field notes : Cultivated

Exsiccata : 304 (Demti)

Zea mays L. Sp. Pl. 971. 1753; FBI 7:102; C 3:574; Blatter & McCann 2; Bor 270; Patel 91:321;

S & J 58; Shah 882. (MAKAI)

2-3 cm high, annual herbs, erect, stout, 2-4 m tall, glaucous, smooth. Leaves 20-60 x 3-6.5 cm,

linear, glabrous or hairy. Inflorescence male panicles 25-30 cm long, terminal, above dense

foliage in large “tassel” which is compact, much-branched panicle with alternate or subdigitate

racemes. Spikelets in pairs, one sessile the other pedicelled, 2-flowered; sessile spikelets

lanceolate, 1.2-1.5 cm long; glumes subequal, membranous, convex, obscurely 2-keeled; lemmas

and palea alike, hyaline; lodicules fleshy. Grain subglobose, seated on persistent glumes and


Fls & Frs : July-Oct.

Field notes : Cultivated

Exsiccata : 303 (Tebdi)

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Chapter: 2 Ethnobotanical study

2.1 History and Nomenclature of the field villages of the R. D. F. Poshina Forest

Range (All these locations are noted with the help of GPS Reader-Extra Vista H

GARMIN, Made in Taiwan).

Long time back, one day the army of Delhi Sultanate was passing through the remote

Aravali foothills, which now forms the northern most part of Gujarat in the district of

Sabarkantha. The army of Delhi Sultanate however had to face an embracing situation at a spot

which is now called Poshina. Like today, Bhils were the main inhabitants of the area during that

time. The Bhils, a scion of Rajputs have been known for their archery skills for generations. It is

believed that in the local lore that the Bhils looted and plundered the Sultanate army up to the

extent that the soldiers had to lose all their cloths. The army general recounted the whole story to

the Sultan in Persian. He revealed ‘pos– in –na’ - pos – poshak (cloth) – in (here) and

na- (not). Poshina though tiny and not much known due to its remote location is yet shrouded in

history. In its hostile terrains were fought battles between rival Rajput clans during the medieval

time. The Rajputs also built chhatries (the royal cenotaphs) and the Nilkantheswar Mahadev


From the history books we come to know about the Muslim rule – how it had caused panic

among the Rajputs who were once ruling in the most prosperous plains of western and central

India. Due to fear of attack many of the Rajputs fled to the remote Aravali for the shelter. One of

these was the Rathores who were the founder of Poshina.

However, Rathores' supremacy did not last long. Vaghelas of Patan had been invited by the

Jain Vanias to live in Poshina peacefully. But the Vaghelas did not want to lose the opportunity

to rule. They defeated the weaker Rathoresin abattle in the year 1625 AD. The archaeological

remains of Jadavgarh near Kazavas on the bank of river Sei stands as a mutetestimony of this

historic battle. Jadavgarh was however abandoned by the Vaghelas who preferred to build their

palace in a hillock near the confluence of two rivers Vanari and Sei. Today the 17th century

Darbargarh, now a heritage hotel and the palace of the erstwhile Vaghela rulers, is one of the

most charming Rajput forts of Gujarat. A visit to the place is like going back in time into

the mystic past of Poshina.

Time has stood still in Poshina. Far from hustle and bustle, the village offers a distinct charm of

India’s rural and tribal life. Its bazaar, artisans and colourful people mostly from the nearby

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hamlets are wonderful sights of Poshina. Yet the most unique among all is the two shrines near

the river banks where one finds thousands of terracotta horses kept in rows. The horses are

offered by the locals representing by all the communities to Angari Mata and Demi Mata.

Arvali hills take its name Adi Avadi Tekario – hills are arranged in scattered / zig zag pattern

so it called Arvali hills.

1. Malvas: Location of this village is N 24˚ 16’15.0” latitude and E 073˚05’23.8”


2. Movatpura: This village is located at N 24˚ 15’41.3” latitude and E 073˚06’05.1”

longitude. Once upon a time, in a time of the king Darbar who is a king of the Darbar

Poshina Garh, observed this forest area, at that time queen borne male child named

Mahobbatsingh, so this area is known as Mahobbatpura or Movatpura. (Hirabhai

Parmar, 60 years, Malvas village)

3. Nada: Location of the village is N 24˚ 14’45.1” latitude and E 073˚05’28.5” longitude.

There are number of water streams in this village, which makes rill and gully due to the

soil erosion, so the name of the village called “Nada.” This village is situated near the

bank of the river Sabarmati. Divasa river is joined with the river Sabarmati in the

entrance of the village, so this area is known as “Nada” .(Neta-Karana-50 years, Nada


4. Kharaniya: Kharaniya village is located at N 24˚ 15’58.2” latitude and E 073˚03’36.9”

longitude. In the time of Darbar Poshina This area was rich of the tree plant species

Kherni – Wrightia tinctorie R.Br.(Apocynaceae), so this area is known as “Kharaniya”.

(Kantibhai – 50 years, Kharaniya village)

5. Mithivedi: Mithivedi village is located at N 24˚ 15’41.3” latitude and E 073˚05’03.3”

longitude. Mithi – non salted/sweet and vedi – gully. Streams and gully of this area are

full of non-salted/ sweet water which is used for irrigation in agriculture and drinking

purpose threw out the year, so this forest area is known as “Mithivedi.” (Hirabhai

Parmar, 60 years, Malvas village)

6. Dedka: Location of the village is N 24˚ 14’07.0” latitude and E 073˚04’31.3” longitude.

There are number of water streams and water pond in this village, in which number of

increase the frogs and tadpoles, so the name of the village called “Dedka.” (Lenbabhai -

60 years, Dedka village)

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7. Polapan: Polapan village is located at N 24˚ 14’52.2” latitude and E 073˚03’52.8”

longitude. This village is situated near the bank of the river Sabarmati and the bank is

made up of rocky stones, which contain hollow. Pola means - hollow and Pan means –

patthar or Stone. It is a home of python because the tribal villagers seen the python in the

hollow stone. (Vastabhai - 38 years, Dedka village)

8. Tebda: Tebda village is located at N 24˚20’56.1” latitude and E 073˚06’00.6” longitude.

In the time of Darbar Poshina this forest area is rich of the tree plant species Timaru –

Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. (Ebenaceae), so the southeast part of this area called

“Tebda”. (Shankarbhai Gamar-40 years, Tebdi village)

9. Tebdi: This village is located at N 24˚ 15’02.9” latitude and E 073˚02’09.6” longitude. In

the time of Darbar Poshina this forest area is rich of the tree plant species Timaru –

Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. (Ebenaceae), so the northeast part of this area called

“Tebdi”. (Shankarbhai Gamar-40 years, Tebdi village)˚

10. Demti: Location of the village is N 24˚ 19’15.9” latitude and E 073˚00’32.8” longitude.

Tribal of this area believed that Demi Mata is protected their children and their family in

this area from wild animals and other creatures, so the area is known as “Demti”. Now

this village is divided into twelve streets. (Hamirabhai -70 years, Demti village)

11. Dantral: Location of the village is N 24˚ 21’23.1” latitude and E 073˚10’47.9” longitude.

A first tribal lady named Dantravati was stayed in this forest region, so the area is known

that “Dantral”. (Chhingabhai-35 years, Gunbhankhari village)

12. Ganva: Location of the village is N 24˚ 18’12.1” latitude and E 073˚ 02’11.6” longitude.

13. Golvada: Location of the village is N 24˚ 16’55.0” latitude and E 073˚03’09.6”


14. Dotad: Location of the village is N 24˚ 16’17.5” latitude and E 073˚02’41.5” longitude.

15. Chochar: Location of the village is N 24˚ 19’36.7” latitude and E 073˚04’59.8”


16. Ganer: Location of the village is N 24˚ 19’08.8” latitude and E 073˚04’56.09” longitude.

17. Cholia: Location of the village is N 24˚ 17’32.7” latitude and E 073˚04’36.0” longitude.

18. Kotda: Kotdavillage is located atN 24˚ 21’34.6” latitude and E 073˚10’42.5”

longitude.This village is situated between the border of the Rajasthan and Gujarat state.

Northeast part of the village which is situated Northeast river bank of the river Sabarmati

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called Kotda - Chavani and Southeast part of the village which is situated Southeast river

bank of the river Sabarmati called Kotda –Gadhi. Kot means Wall or Border or

Separator, because this village is separate the states Rajasthan and Gujarat. So the name

of the village called “Kotda.” Sabarmati River divided this village and also separated the

state. Sabarmati river is entered from Rajasthan to Gujarat state at the location of N 24˚

19’54.6” latitude and E 073˚12’06.7” longitude, near the area Bandeli Patharpadi Border.

Popti River is entered from Kotda Chavni border-Rajasthan which is joined with the

river Sabarmati in the entrance of the village Kotda– Gadhi at the location of N 24˚

22’14.1” latitude and E 073˚11’25.8” longitude. (Ladubhai – 54 yaers, Kotda - Gadhi


19. Jotasan: Location of the village is N 24˚ 20’21.3” latitude and E 073˚10’00.6” longitude.

According to the language of the tribal of this area Jota means-Buffalos and San means -

to gift. Once upon a time, in a time of the king Darbar who is a king of the Darbar

Poshina Garh, tribal Rohisa and other tribes are migrate from Rajasthan to Gujarat with

their buffaloes, king Darbar was gifted stable to them, so the name of the village called

“Jotasan.” (Ramanbhai -41 years, Jotasan village)

20. Vinchi: Location of the village is N 24˚ 21’20.8” latitude and E 073˚08’42.2” longitude.

When the king Darbar Poshina given authority to the Forest Department of Gujarat of this

forest area, at that time tribal of this area cut down number of trees and during monsoon

time increase the population of Scorpio (Vinchi) in this region. So the name of the village

called Vinchi. (Lalubhai, 59 years, Vinchi village)

21. Matarvada: Location of the village is N 24˚ 20’08.7” latitude and E 073˚06’18.6”


22. Mota-Senbaliya: Location of the village is N 24˚ 21’36.4” latitude and E 073˚06’37.7”


23. Gunbhankhari: Location of the village is N 24˚ 20’59.5” latitude and E 073˚06’31.8”

longitude. Gun- gunny bag/sack and bhankhari- rocks/stones. Once upon a time tribal

of this village-filled the sack by stones from the river bed and made a way of this village,

so the village is named “ Gunbhankhari” (Chingabhai-35 years, Gunbhankhari


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24. Ghandhisan: Location of the village is N 24˚ 21’04.3” latitude and E 073˚08’35.5”


25. Umbarva: N 24˚ 20’56.2” latitude and E 073˚06’00.5” longitude. Once upon a time, in a

time of the king Darbar who is a king of the Darbar Poshina Garh, at that time the

forest is reach of the tree plant species Umbaro- Ficus racemosa L. (Moraceae). So the

name of the village called “Umbarva.” (Chingabhai-35 years, Gunbhankhari village)

The history of the villages named Ganva, Golvada, Dotad, Chochar, Ganer, Cholia, Matarvada,

Mota- Senbaliya and Gandhisan are not available.

(All these locations are noted near the Primary Government School of the tribal village forest

area because the school is a center point of the village.)

2.2 Chitra-Vichitra Tribal Fair

How the Garasia and Bhil tribes perform the last rites of their dead and then take to

celebrating the occasion in a delightful atmosphere embellished by group dance and songs can be

witnessed around the Koteshwar Mahadeva temple situated on the banks of a stream in forest

covered hills near Ambaji in addition to Gunbhakhari village near Poshina. Koteshwar is more

famous for its ancient Mahadeva temple and the annual tribal fair held in its vicinity than for its

marble quarries, developed in recent years. A narrow road that winds towards the east through

the mountains from State highway number 49 just a little away from Ambaji takes you towards

the site situated 13 kms away.

The fair usually starts in the evening of the 14th day of the lunar dark cycle and matures

by early morning. It concludes after 24 hours. This time the authorities changed it to day time.

The occasion is to perform the last rites of those that died during the year. The members of the

family of the deceased gather at a small masonry tank situated uphill and overflowed by a small

stream that descends the valley. It gushes down during the rainy days but dries up during the hot

summer days. The ashes, preserved in an earthen container and brought to site, are immersed in

the flowing water up stream by a few or downstream in the tank by others after conclusion of

prayer held to provide solace to the departed soul. During the routine of rites it is amazing to

watch the women of the kin bemoan and shriek in a particular mode. A combined feast is held

when the ceremony is over. Thereafter, the family may return to rejoicing and take a merry-go-

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round in the fairground virtually spread in streets, nearby fields and hill slopes. The enjoyment is

participatory and worth watching.

The young girls and boys may be seen dancing and singing in chorus in open spaces

available at the junction of the main streets. In fact it is the human beings that create a riot of

colors in an environment otherwise rendered dull at this time of the year when greenery and

moisture are reduced. Wrapped in colorful costumes the tribal visitors cover the every hill slope

and glade. The trees look parrot green with new translucentleaves that have recently synthesized

brownish to yellowish green pigments of chlorophyll, the Keshudo (Beuta monosperma) trees

full of red or orange flowers on the background of the mountainside made up of hard rock

formed during cooling of magma in the Arrival’s 3 billion years ago. The innocence spread

across the faces of young women, the distinctively shaped silver metal ornaments worn both by

lasses and elderly women, who sing devotional songs dedicated to Radha and Krishna in

melodious voice, make the surroundings unusually charming for both the aliens as well as

cultural historians and linguists that have now started making sorties into this tribal land. This

time two groups of tourists from Netherlands, which were staying at Darbargarh Poshina

Heritage Hotel, had arrived to observe the fair. We may also be able to make appropriate

comments only if the linguistic heritage such as folklore of the Bhils and Garasia is entirely

documented. The Bhil and Garasia tribes inhabit the border areas of Gujarat and Rajasthan and

have been able to preserve the spoken dialect despite onslaught of the commercially abundant

slogans that accompany all kinds of products making inroads to tribal heartland.

The fair is held by the Government of Gujarat in the month of the March. The history of

this temple is connected with the great epic “The Mahabharata”.

The Tribal Cultural Fares are important for the focusing on the Tribal festivals and

activities. Sabarkantha distict is situated near the mountain range of Arvalli hills and

Khedbrahma is a taluka of Sabarkantha distict. The Tribal Cultural Fare of Bhatigal Chitra-

Vichitra is situated near the Khedbrahma taluka of Gunbhankhari Village on the Bank of the

Rivers Sabarmati, Aakal and Vikal. This fare is arranged for two days. During these two days

tribal people coming from various talukas of Gujarat and Rajasthan states for “shradh” (pitru

tarpan) of their dead grandparents and relatives. Children, young and aged tribal man and

women wearing cultural clothes and jewelry.

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2.3 Ethnomedicinal plants

1. Annona squamosa L. (Annonaceae) SITAFAL:

Headache (mathano dukhavo matadva): Dry fruit is crushed on stone surface

and making pest is apply on head to relief from headache (mathano dukhavo matadva).

(Savjibhai Gamar-33 year old, Movatpura village).

2. Miliusa tomentosa (Roxb.) (Annonaceae) UMBH:

Internal stomach swollen (pet no andarno sojo): Leaves of Miliusa and Diospyros are

crushed in water is filtered with cloth and extract is given for relief from internal stomach

swollen (pet no andarno sojo). (Shankarbhai Gamar-40 year old, Movatpura village).

3. Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers (Menispermaceae) GALO:

Jaundice (kamla mate): Stems are cutting in small piece and tided with cotton

thread (Nadachadi) for 8 days in the neck, when increase the length of it through the

navel it believed that the person is free from jaundice (kamla mate) disease. (Hapiyabhai-

35 year old, Dedka village).

4. Capparis decidua (Forsk) Edgew. (Capparaceae) KERDO / KINGARNI:

Throat pain: Soil is digging periphery to the stem, heated on the charcoal and

applied on throat to remove throat pain (galano dukhavo dur karva).

Toothache: Root is washed with water and chewing to remove toothache (dantno

dukhavo matadva).

5. Crateva nurvla Buch.-Ham. (Capparaceae) VAYVARNO:

Healing (vadhiya matadva): Stem bark is crushed with water on the rough stone

and making pest to apply on wound affected part to cure healing (vadhiya matadva).

(Makanabhai- 55 year, Movatpura village).

Gas trouble (vayu rog mate): Leaves are boiled in water and bath to it to remove

gas trouble. (Keshabhai-45 year, Demti- Eran village).

Gas trouble (vayu rog mate): By preparing the juice by crushing the roots and

applying it for gas trouble (vayu rog mate).

Abscess (gha matadva): By applying the pest of stem bark on abscess (gha

matadva) and bandage on it, there will be a relief.

Fever (tav): By placing the hot leaves on head tiding bandage to relief from fever.

6. Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medic. (Malvaceae) BHINDO:

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Heal crack (taza garmi): Leaves are crushed in water with adding salt, boiled in

water, filtered and the filtrate is apply on had surface to remove heal crack (taza garmi).

Dandruff (khodo dur karva): Leaves are crushed and making pest to apply on the

hair to remove dandruff (khodo dur karva).

Other uses:

Stem fibers are separated with deep in the pond water which is making to thread

and rope.

7. Azana lampas (Cav.) (Malvaceae) JANGLI BHINDI:

On burning part: Stem bark is crushed and pest is applied on burning part (dazya

upar lagavay) of the body. (Devabhai Parmar-30 year old, Demti Rozgada village).

8. Gossypium herbaceum auct.non L . (Malvaceae) KAPAS:

Wound healing (vadhiya matadva): Ash of the burned cotton / outgrowth of the

seeds is applied to cure wound healing (vadhiya matadva). (Jagubhai 25 year-Dedka

village, Sunabhai Gamar-65 year old, Movatpura village, Masurbhai- 35 year old,

Movatpura village).

Fracture of animals: Cotton fibers and SARSAV oil are bandage on it and

change after every third day to cure it. (Hapiyabhai-30 year old, Dedka village).

9. Bombax ceiba L. (Bombacaceae) SIMLO:

Tooth pain: The pest is made by crushing the stem bark on stone with water and

used twice in a day for gating relief from tooth pain. (Kimabhai-33 year old, Kharaniya


Other uses:

The tribal use the undry wood for Holly celebration.

10. Limonia acidissima (L.) (Rutaceae) KOTHI:

Gas trouble and acidity (vayu ane badatara rokva): Leaves are crushed with

seeds of Foeniculum vulgare (Mill.)-VARIYALI into water, filtered with cotton cloth,

filtrate is taken two times in a day to cure gas trouble and acidity. (Somiben-35 year old,

Tebda village).

Ripe fruit pulp is used as a chatni. (Ditabhai Velabhai- 58 year old Movatpura


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Heavy sun heat waves (lu lage tyre): Leaves are crushed in water and bath with it

to curing heavy sun heat waves (lu lage tyre). (Ditabhai Velabhai- 58 year old, Malvas


11. Ailanthus excelsa (Roxb.)(Simaroubaceae) MOTO ARDUSO:

Pain of body (sarir no dukhavo matadva): Leaves are heated on charcoal tied on

painful parts of the body with cotton Gossypium herbaceum auct. non L. cloth to relief

the pain of body.

Mouth ulcer (modhana chanda mate): Leaves are crushed in water and making

juice is taken two tea spoonfuls twice in a day to cure mouth ulcer (modhana chanda

mate). (Maniben- 36year, tebda village).

Fever and cough (cough ane tav matadva): Stem bark is drown in water in

whole night boiled in morning, taken half cup without breakfast to cure fever and cough

(cough ane tav matadva).(Kantibhai - 49 year, Kharaniya village.)

Diarrhea (zada thay tyre): Stem bark is crushed with goat milk is taken two tea

spoonfuls twice in a day to relief from diarrhea (zada thay tyre). (Kimabhai – 33 year,

Kharaniya village).

To cure snake poison (sap nu zer utarva): Stem bark is crushed in water filtrate

is given to snake bite patient once in a day to cure snake poison. (Vastabhai- 42year old,

Ganva Village, Maheshbhai- 30 year old, Demti Mira village).

Ezema (khas): Stem bark is crushed and pest is applied on ezema (khas).

(Hamirabhai-70 year old, Demti Eran village).

To cure infection (hadakva matadva): Stem bark is crushed in water filtrate is

given to dog bite patient once in a day to cure infection (hadakva matadva). (Hamirabhai-

70 year old, Demti Eran village).

Other uses:

Wood stem is used to make toys and furniture.

Leaves are crushed in water used as a pesticides applied on cereals, grains and

cotton crops. (Zalabhai-31year, Movatpura village).

12. Azadirachta indica (A. Juss.) (Meliaceae) LIMDO:

In removing the spot of measles (Shitlana daga matadva mate): The pest of the

crushed leave is applied on the spots of measles.

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For gating relief ear pain (kanno dukhavo dur karva: The soft branching is

crushed with water and juice is prepared which can be dropped into the ear three times in

a day.

Snack poison. (sapno zer utarva): It is believed that the person is under effect of

the poison when he does not feel bitterness of the juice of the leaves or the stem bark.

Such juice is given after every half an hour to decrease the effect of the snack poison

(sapno zer utarva).

In the jaundice (kamla mate): The stem bark and ginger are crushed and

prepared the juice in which honey is applied and given twice in a day for relief in

jaundice (kamla mate).

Eczema (Kharajvu): can be removed by applying the pest of the seeds of better


Viral fiver (tav ave tyre): Seeds are collected and make powder is mixed with

water and given to child on viral fiver (tav ave tyre). (Keshrabhai, 55 year old, Choliya


The stomach worm (antarda na krumi dur mate) dies by eating unripe bitter

fruits of it.

Snake / scorpion poison (sap ane vinchinu zer): A person who eats leaves

everyday in the morning time is never influenced by the poison either of a snake or a


Worms of the stomach (antarkrumi): The worms of the stomach come out

through diarrhea (zada thay tyre) by drinking the fresh juice of leaves (In the morning

time empty stomach).

Abscess (pas vado gha matadva): The pest made by crushing the leaves on stone

surface with water and by adding honey is applied on abscess (gha matadva) so that the

pus comes out of it and gate quick recovery. (Kimabhai-33 year old, Kharaniya village).

Worms: Flowers are crushed into water, filtered with cotton cloth; filtrate is taken

empty stomach in morning time for a week to cure worms. (Anubhai-42 year old).

Other uses:

It is believed that it may rain within well when the fruits are ripened and fell


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Leaves are protecting against nematodes. Dried leaves are mixed with the ash of

dung is used to protect cereals and grains against fungus and insects. (Sajuben 35, Tebda


13. Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. (Rhamnaceae) BORDI:

Healing (vadhiya matadva): Leaves are crushed and making pest to apply on

wound affected part to cure healing (vadhiya matadva). (Jagubhai 25 year-Dedka village,

Vastabhai- 61year old, Ganva village).

Wound (Gha): Leaves are crushed and making pest to apply on wound.

(Hapiyabhai- 35 year old, Dedka village).

Diarrhea (zada thay tyre): Root is crushed with the root of Bauhinia purpurea L.

(Caesalpiniaceae) ASHETRI, filtered with cloth and filtrate is taken with curds to cure

diarrhea (zada thay tyre). (Vastabhai- 61year old, Ganva village).

Scorpion bite (vinchi karadva par): Leaf of Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.

(Rhamnaceae) BORDI and Ficus racemosa L. (Moraceae) UMRO, crushed on stone

surface and making pest is apply on scorpion bite thrice in a day for relief. (Vastabhai-

61year old, Ganva village).

Other uses:

Wood stem is used to make the handle of the sped, splinter and kuhadi.

(Thulabhai-40 year old).

14. Mangifera indica (L.) (Anacardiaceae) AMBO:

Stem wood and branches are used as a fire wood.

Fruit and seed are eatable. (Thulabhai-40 year old).

Scorpion stinging (vinchi dansh par): Unripe epical part of the fruit sap is

applied on scorpion stinging (vinchi dansh par) (Ditabhai Velabhai- 58 year old,

Movatpura village).

Throat infection (avaj kholva): Chewing of leaf is to cure throat infection (avaj

kholva). (Devabhai Parmar-30 year old, Demti Rozgada village).

15. Moringa concanensis Nimmo (Moringaceae) JANGLI SARAGAVO:

Reduce cholesterol and body weight (motapo ane vajan ochu karva): Half tea

cup of juice obtained from the fresh leaves is to be taken for a week in the early morning

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in an empty stomach to reduce cholesterol and body weight (motapo ane vajan ochu


Cooling effect of eyes (ankhoni thandak mate): Leaves were collected, washed

and cooked as a vegetable and taken internally twice in a week will produce cooling

effect of eyes (ankhoni thandak mate).

Fertility in women (chokru rakhva): Approximately 30 gm. of juice of fresh

leaves is to be taken internally on empty stomach to fertility in women.

Tiredness (thak dur karva): Leaf is mixed with sugar and taken in the early

morning in an empty stomach for a week to cure tiredness (thak dur karva).

Tiredness (thak dur karva): Half tea spoonful paste is prepared from the leaves

and applied over the surface of body for a week to relief from the disease jaundice (kamla


Intestinal worms (antardana krumi dur karva): Seeds were collected, dried and

make powder and then half tea spoonfuls of this powder taken to cure intestinal worms

(antardana krumi dur karva).

16. Moringa oleifera (Lam.) (Moringaceae) SARAGAVO:

Diarrhea (zada thay tyre): Gum is diluted into water or milk and given one

teaspoonful twice in a day to cure diarrhea (zada thay tyre). (Sunderben-57year old,

Tebdi village).

Decrease the eye numbers (ankho na nambar utarva): Fruit is used as a

vegetable thrice in a week to cure decrease the eye numbers. (Babubhai-50 year old,

Tebda village).

Toothache: By crushing of root bark in water and filtered with cloth; 2-3 drops of

filtrate is put in ear at night within 1 hour relief from toothacheae. (Maheshbhai- 30 year

old, Demti Mira village).

17. Solanum surattense (Burm.f.) (Solanaceae) BHOYRINGNI:

Dental diseases (dantna rogo mate): Dried seeds mixed with til (Sesamun) oil and heat

on iron plate, inhale the waper to cure dental diseases (dantna rogo mate).

For energy: Fruits are used by tribal people as vegetable for energy purpose.

(Sajubhai-55 year old).

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Ear pain and pas: Juice from unripe fruits is filtrate with cotton cloth and 2-3

drops of filtrate is put in ear to relief from ear pain (kanno dukhavo dur karva) and pus

(kannu paru ane dukhava mate). (Keshrabhai, 55 year old, Choliya village).

18. Bombax ceiba L. (Bombacaceae) SIMLO:

The tribal use the undry wood for Holi celebration.

Tooth pain: The pest is made by crushing the stem bark on stone with water and

used twice in a day for gating relief from tooth pain. (Kimabhai-33 year old, Kharaniya


19. Butea monosperma (Lam.) var. lutea (Leguminosae, sub-fam.-Papilionaceae) PIDO


Wound: Stem bark is crushed and pest is applied on wound (gha ruzava).

(Hamirabhai-70 year old, Demti Eran village).

Viral fever: Fruits are crushed and boiled in water and bath to it to relief from

viral fever (tav matadva). (Hamirabhai-70 year old, Demti Eran village).

20. Cajanus cajan (L.) Mill sp. (Fabaceae) TUVER:

Other uses:

Stem is used as a fuel and the paricarp of the fruit and seed coat is used as a

fodder for bullocks. (Rupabhai-45 Movatpura village).

21. Bauhinia racemosa Lam. (Caesalpiniaceae) ASOTRI:

Blooding diarrhea (lohivada zada thay tyre): By made juice from stem bark by

crushing in water to given a cup twice in a day to cure blooding diarrhea (lohivada zada

thay tyre). (Hapiyabhai- 35 year old, Dedka village).

22. Cassia auriculata L. (Caesalpiniaceae, Leguminosae) AVAL:

Swelling (sojo): Leaves are crushed and boiled in water to apply on swelling part

to cure within ten days. (Parmarbhai 40 year-Lambadia village).

Swollen foot (pagna soja matadva mate): Leaves are crushed and make pest to

applied on swollen foot (pagna soja matadva mate) and bandage it with Dendrocalamus

strictus Nees strips for 10 days to relief from it. (Manabhai- 57 year old, Choliya


23. Cassia fistula L. (Caesalpiniaceae, Leguminosae) GARMALO:

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Stomach ulcer (hojarina chanda dur karva) and also tonsillitis (kakda

matadva): Stem bark is crushed in water, filtered with clothes; filtrate is taken twice in a

day to cure stomach ulcer (hojarina chanda dur karva) and also tonsillitis (kakda

matadva). (Udabhai 50 year-Vinchi village).

Diarrhea: Stem bark is boiled and given for diarrhea (zada thay tyre).

Diarrhea: Diluted gum in two tea spoonful water, given it to a child above 5 year

of age for getting relief from diarrhea (zada thay tyre).

Hysteria and fever (fefru ane tav matadva): Fruits (pods) are boiled in water and taken

as vegetable for three days in evening time to cure hysteria and fever. (Vastabhai – 42

year, Ganva village).

Pruritus (khanjvad): Young leaves are crushed with butter milk and applied on body

parts than bath after an hour to remove pruritus (khanjvad).

For remove allergy: Leaves extract is apply to remove allergy of Bhilamo- Semecarpus

anacardium (L.f.) fruits.

Other uses:

Stem wood is used to make agriculture implements.

24. Cassia tora L. (Caesalpiniaceae) KUNVADIO:

Eye infection (ankhoni badatara thay tyre): Seeds powder I applied on eye infection

(ankhoni badatara thay tyre). (Keshrabhai, 55 year old, Choliya village).

25. Delonix elata (L.) Gamble. (Leguminosae, sub-fam. Caesalpiniaceae) SANDESARO:

Plants are growing periphery to the hut for protecting against wild animal. Stem

branches used as a stand for protecting animal fodder. (Vanabhai-50year old, Movatpura


Swollen parts (soja mate), fracture (hadku tutva par) and arthritis (sandhano va dur

karva): Stem bark is crushed and making pest is applied on swollen parts (soja mate),

fracture (hadku tutva par) and arthritis (sandhano va dur karva) for a week two times in a

day for relief.

26. Acacia chundra (Roxb. ex Rottl.)Willd. (Mimosae) KHAIR:

Throat infection (avaj kholva): Stem bark is collected from old plant, crushed properly,

and separated the extract- Katho / catechu by distillation method. Extract is mixed with

water in the palm given on stomach ulcer (hojarina chanda dur karva).

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Leprosy (safed dag): Pest of Katho / catechu is applied on white spots / leprosy on the


27. Acacia nilotica (L.) (Leguminosae, sub-fam.-Mimosae) BAVAL:

Acacia gum, coconut fruit and sugar mixed with half teaspoon ghee applied twice a day

on pregnant lady after delivery to cure good health for pregnant lady and her

child.(Agreshbhai-35 year old).

To energy storage: Acacia gum is used in preparing sweets to energy storage.

Mouth ulcer (modhana chanda mate): By crushing and boiling the stem bark with water

and moving 5-6 times to relief from mouth ulcer (modhana chanda mate).

Diarrhea (zada thay tyre) / stomach pain: By crushing the stem bark with butter given

two times in a day to curing diarrhea (zada thay tyre) / stomach pain.

Stomach acidity (petni badatara): By crushing the stem bark with water given two times

in a day to curing stomach acidity (petni badatara). (Keshrabhai- 55 year, Choliya


Healing (vadhiya matadva) and septic (paru matadva): Young stem bark is crushed

with water and wound is washed by it to relief from healing (vadhiya matadva) and septic

(paru matadva).

Toothache (dantno dukhavo matadva): Stem branch stick is used as a toothache (dantno

dukhavo matadva) to given strength of teeth.

Eye infection (ankho avavi): Pest is preparing from the young leaves apply on closed

eyes and tide with cotton cloth to relief from eye infection (ankho avavi).

Unmatured fruits are used as vegetable and pickle, also given to the animal as a fodder for

increase the milk purpose.

28. Acacia Senegal Willd. (Mimosae) TUMTHO / KUMTHO:

On cough: Chewing of stem bark is curing cough (kaf dur karva). (Maheshbhai- 30 year

old, Demti Mira village).

29. Anogeissus pendula (Wall.) (Combretaceae) DHAO:

Energy storage purpose (shaktidayak): Gum is taken by tribal pregnant ladies for energy

storage purpose (shaktidayak). (Sajubhai - 55 year old, Movatpura village).

Other uses:

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Wood is used for making plough and some kitchen implements. (Vanabhai-55, Motipura


30. Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) W. & A. (Combretaceae) ARJUNSADAD:

On occasion of marriage a branch is planted in front of the house. It is believed that the

growth of it brings happiness in married life.

For gating relief in wound: Stem bark pest is made by crushing on stone surface is

applied on wound. (Hashabhai- 45 year old, Demti -Eran village).

31. Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (Myrtaceae) NILGIRI:

Lumbago (sarirno va mate): Leaves of Vitex and Eucalyptus are crushed and boiled in

water and bath to cure lumbago (sarirno va mate). (Manabhai- 57 year old, Choliya


Solid bitten: Leaves are crushed and make pest is applied on solid bitten. (kachhar vage

tyre). (Manabhai- 57 year old, Choliya village).

32. Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels (Myrtaceae) JAMBU:

Animal diarrhea: Stem bark is crush in water given approximately 500 ml to animal

thrice in a day to cure animal diarrhea (prani ne zada thay tyre). (Maknabhai Gamar- 50

year old, Movatpura village).

Skin disease (chamdi na rogo): Seeds are crush on stone surface and making pest to

apply on body, increase the sweet and relief from skin disease.

Diarrhea: Stem bark is crushed with goat milk is taken two tea spoonfuls thrice in a day

to cure diarrhea (zada thay tyre). (Kimabhai –33 year, Kharaniya village, Savjibhai

Gamar-33 year old, Movatpura village).

Scorpion bite (vinchi dansh): Leaves are crushed on stone surface and making pest to

apply on scorpion bite 3-4 times in a day.

Diarrhea: Leaves are crushed on stone surface with water and filtered with cloth, filtrate

is taken thrice in a day to cure diarrhea (zada thay tyre). (Ramanbhai- 40 year old, Jotasan


Vomiting (ulty): Ash of dried stem bark with honey is given a tea spoonful twice in a day

to relief from vomiting.

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Toothache and mouth ulcer: A twig of this plant is used as toothache (dantno dukhavo

matadva) to cure mouth ulcer (modhana chanda mate). (Keshabhai – 57 year, Demti-

Eran village).

33. Carica papaya L.(Caricaceae) PAPAYA:

Arthritis (sandhano dukhavo dur karva): Unripe fruit is eaten in the morning time to

remove it.

Stomach gas (pet no vayu kadva): Unripe fruit is eaten with properly chewing, stomach

gas is removed orally.

Other uses:

Unripe fruit is used as a vegetable.

Itch (khujali matadva) (dhadhar): Latex from unripe fruit is applied on the ring of itch

(khujali matadva) (dhadhar).

Piles (haras masa): Latex from unripe fruit is applied on the piles (haras masa) three

times in a day for three to four days to relief from it.

Heal crack (vadhiya mate): Unripe fruit is crushed on the stone surface, boiled in water

and applied on foot surface for a week to relief from it.

Tuberculosis (TIBI): Ripe fruit is given every day and then given coconut water to cure


34. Lagenaria leucantha (Roxb.) Rusby (Cucurbitaceae) DUTHE:

Teeth pain (dant no dukhavo): Leaves are crushed in water and filtrate is taken by nasals

to relieve teeth pain within 7 minutes. (Anilbhai-56 year old).

35. Momordica dioica Roxb. Ex Willd. (Cucurbitaceae) KANKODA:

Animal mouth ulcer (modhana chanda dur karva): By crushing of root in water is

given to animal to relief from animal mouth ulcer (modhana chanda dur kar). (Vanabhai-

60 year old, Dotad village).

36. Alangium salvifolium (L.f.) Wang. (Alangiaceae) ANKOL:

Snake bitten: Root is crushed with water and filtrate is given on snake bitten (sap

karadva par). (Manabhai- 57 year old, Choliya village).

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Remove poison effacted: Root is crushed with water and filtrate is given to poison

effacted (zer utarva mate). (Ramjibhai- 35 year old, Demti Rozgada village).

37. Echinops echinatus Roxb. (Asteraceae) UTKANTHO:

Tumors in the mouth (modani gantho matadva): Roots are washing and its juice is used

orally. (Manubhai-60 year old, Demti Pipalsari village).

On the sting of a snake or a scorpion (vinchi karadva par): The root is washed with

water than crushed on stone, boiled in water and to apply on the sting and to drink the

boiled water for decreasing the effect of poison.

For cough (kaf dur karva): The root is washed with water, crushed on the stone surface

and juice is filtered with cotton cloth and taken two spoonfuls twice in a day.

Whooping cough (kaf dur karva) (untatiyu): Root is digging from the soil on Saturday

or Sunday and tide with thread on the neck of the child.

Free delivery (sarad prasruti mate): Root is tide on the combed hair of the pregnant

lady to free delivery (sarad prasruti mate), after delivery immediately remove it.

38. Diospyros melanoxylon (Roxb.) (Ebenaceae) TIMBRU:

Gas trouble (vayu rog matadva): Leaves are used to make bidi, stem wood is used to

make cot, fruits are eatable and fruit pulp is used to make cold drinks to cure gas trouble.

(Vastabhai 42, Ganva Village).

Diarrhea (zada thay tyre): Stem bark is crushed filtered with cloth and a full tea cup of

filtrate is taken twice in a day to cur diarrhea (zada thay tyre). (Mohanbhai- 39 year old,

Polapan village).

39. Madhuka indica J.F.Gmel. (Sapotaceae) MAHUDO:

Septic wound and healing: Flowers are crushed and making pest to apply on septic

wound (pakelu gumdu rujavav) for healing (vadhiya matadva). (Lalubhai, 45year –

Vinchi village).

Cough, wound and septic: Liquor is extracted from flower by distillation method is used

in cough (kaf dur karva), wound and septic (pakelu gumdu rujavav). (Tedabhai, 60 year-

Vinchi village; Lembabhai, 58 year-Vinchi village).

Healing and fracture: Leaves are heat on charcoal and tied with cotton on swelling part

twice in a day to cure healing (vadhiya matadva) and also fracture. (Udabhai 50 year-

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Vinchi village).(Devabhai Parmar-30 year old, Demti Rozgada village). (Hamirabhai-70

year old, Demti Eran village).

Wood is used to make agriculture and house hold things, Flowers are used to make wine

by distillation method flowers are also used as a vegetable. (Ajitsing-37, Lambadia


For energy: Flowers are crushed and boiled in water is used to prepare in bread to

provide energy to body. (Ditabhai Velabhai- 58 year old, Movatpura village).

Other uses:

Flowers are also used as a vegetable.

Oil is extracted from flowers called- Dodiyu, is used as a vegetable.

40. Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dub (Sapotaceae) RAYAN:

Wound healing: Milkey latex of the plant used to treat on wound healing (vadhiya

matadva). (Makanabhai year- Dedka village).

Child abortion (chokru padavvu): Stem bark is crushed and filtered it; half cup of filtrate

is given to pregnant lady for child abortion (within 2-3 hour). (Hapiyabhai- 35 year old,

Dedka village).

41. Nyctanthes arbortristis L. ( Oleaceae) PARIJATAK:

Itch (khujali matadva) and eczema (khas ane khujali): Leaves are crushed in the milk is

applied on itch (khujali matadva) and eczema (khas ane khujali).

Dandruff (khodo dur karva): Seeds are crushed in water making pest applied on hair the

washed it after an hour to remove dandruff (khodo dur karva).

Snake biting (sap karadva par): Leaf juice is given on snake biting (sap karadva par)

thrice in a day to cure relief from poison.

Crushed leaf pest is apply on eczema and then further applied garlic pest. (Mohanbhai-

39 year old, Polapan village).

Malarial fever (malaria na tav mate): The malarial fever (maleriana tav mate) is

removed by given half tea cup of boiled leaf extract thrice in a day.

Arthritics / joint pain (sandhano va matadva): Leaves and unripe fruits are crushed on

stone surface making pest to apply on arthritics / joint pain.

42. Wrightia tomentosa R.& S. (Apocynaceae) KHERNI / DUDHALO:

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On snake stinging (sap karde to): leaves are crushed in water and juice is approximately

half of litter of extract is given then vomiting. (Vanabhai- 60 year old, Dotad village).

43. Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br. (Asclepiadaceae) AKADO:

Spine bite: Milkey latex of the plant used to treat on spine bite. (Makanabhai 57 year-

Dedka village, Hapiyabhai- 35 year old, Dedka village).

Hadeache: Leaf is heated on burning charcoal and placed on head to cure hadeache.

(Hapiyabhai- 35 year old, Dedka village).

Swelling of knee: Leaf is heated on burning charcoal and placed on swelling part to cure

relief from it. (Mohanbhai- 39 year old, Polapan village).

Spine sticking and itch: Latex from the plant is applied for 3-4 days on spine sticking

and also itch (khujali matadva).

Scorpion biting: Root pest is applied on scorpion biting (vinchi karde tyre). (Manabhai-

57 year old, Choliya village, Masurbhai- 35 year old, Movatpura village).

Swelling of knee: To apply the latex for 3-4 days on swelling of knee (guntanno sojo dur


Jaundice (kamla mate): Root is crushed in boiled rice extract (Chokha nu dhovaman)

two to three drops dropping in nose in morning time to relief from jaundice (kamla mate).

Headache and migraine: Fresh root is burned in burning charcoal and inhale the fume to

remove headache (mathano dukhavo matadva) / migraine (tan dur karva).

Headache and migraine: Fresh root is crushed on stone surface and place to head before

sunrise to remove headache (mathano dukhavo matadva) / migraine (tan dur karva).

Headache: Ash of burned animal dung is mixed with latex and used as a snuff to relief

from headache (mathano dukhavo matadva).

Jaundice (kamla mate): Fresh root is burned in burning charcoal and inhale the Root is

crushed in boiled rice extract (Chokha nu dhovaman) two to three drops dropping in nose

in morning time to relief from jaundice (kamla mate).

Headache and migraine: Fresh root is burned in burning charcoal and inhale the fume to

remove headache (mathano dukhavo matadva) / migraine (tan dur karva).

Headache: Ash of burned cow dung is mixed with latex and used as a snuff to relief from

headache (mathano dukhavo matadva).

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44. Pergularia daemia (Forsk.) (Asclepiadaceae) CHAMARDUDHELI:

Wound and septic: Milkey latex of the plant used to treat on wound healing (vadhiya

matadva) and also treat as an antiseptic (paru thay tyre). (Makanabhai 57 year- Dedka


Animal gas trouble: Leaves and stem are crushed in water to given animal to free from

animal gas trouble (prani na petma vayu thay tyre). (Vanabhai- 60 year old, Dotad


45. Cordia dichotoma Forst. (Ehretiaceae) GUNDA:

To provide energy: Seeds are remove from ripen fruits and used as a vegetable to provide

energy (shaktidayak) to body.

Decrease eye diseases: Flowers are used as a green vegetable for a month to decrease eye

diseases (ankho na rog mate).

Remove teeth pain / toothache (dantno dukhavo matadva): Stem bark is crushed with

water, boiled, filtered with cloth and the filtrate is used for mouth to remove teeth pain.

Sun heat waves: Flowers are mixed with curd applied two times in a day to protect body

against heavy sun heat waves. (Minabhai-42year old, Ganva village).

46. Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. (Cuscutaceae) AMARVEL:

Kharva monvaso: Nodes of climbers which are grown under either Phoenix or Butea are

crushed in water to given twice in a day to cure kharva monvaso in animals. (Hapiyabhai-

35 year old, Dedka village).

47. Datura innoxia Mill. (Solanaceae) KANTALO DHATURO:

For eye infection (Ankh aavava par): Milky latex is applied in the eye to remove


48. Solanum surattense (Burm.f.) (Solanaceae) BHOYRINGNI:

Dental diseases (dantna rogo mate): Dried seeds mixed with til (Sesamun) oil and heat

on iron plate, inhale the waper to cure dental diseases (dantna rogo mate).

Other uses:

Fruits are used by tribal people as vegetable for energy purpose. (Sajubhai-55 year old).

49. Tecomella undulata (Sw.) Seem. (Bignoniaceae) RAGAT ROHODO:

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Joint pain (sandha no dukhava mate): Root is crushed with water and boiled applied on

joint pain (sandha no dukhava mate).

Diarrhea (zada thay tyre): Powder of the stem bark is used to treat in diarrhea (zada thay

tyre). (Minabhai-42year old, Ganva village).

On asthma (dam): A glass of leaf extract given for a week. (Hamirabhai-70 year old,

Demti Eran village)

50. Adhatoda vasica (L.) Nees (Acanthaceae) ARDUSI:

Diarrhea: 250 ml. of stem bark extract is given to relief from animal diarrhea (zada thay

tyre). (Mohanbhai- 39 year old, Polapan village).

51. Hygrophila auriculata (Schum.) (Acanthaceae) KANTASHEDIYO:

Diarrhea: Root is crushed in water, filtered with cloth and filtrate is taken twice in a day

to cure diarrhea (zada thay tyre). (Keshrabhai, 55 year old, Choliya village).

52. Clerodendrum multiflorum (Burm. f.) (Verbenaceae) ARNI:

Gas trouble and breathing problems (vayu ane swash na rogoma): Leaf extract is

applied on eye of domestic animals to cure gas trouble and breathing problems (vayu ane

swash na rogoma).(Anilbhai-56 year old, Tebda village).

53. Tectona grandis (L.f.) (Verbenaceae) SAG:

Headache (matha no dukhavo matadva): Stem bark is boiled in water used for headache

(matha no dukhavo matadva). (Nathabhai-32 Movatpura village).

54. Vitex negundo L. (Verbenaceae) NAGOD:

Swelling (sojo): Leaves are crushed with water and making pest, applied on swelling

part. (Parmarbhai 40 year-Lambadia village).

55. Ocimum basilicum (L.) (Lamiaceae) DAMARO:

Ear pas (kan pake tyre) Leaves are crushed in water and filtered, 2-3 drops of filtrate is

put in ear to relief from ear pas (kan pake tyre). (Manabhai- 57 year old, Choliya village).

56. Ocimum gratissimum L. (Lamiaceae) RAM TULSI:

Cough and fiver (cough ane tav matadva): Leaf juice is given an empty stomach in the

morning time for four days to relief from cough and fiver (cough ane tav matadva).

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Itch (khujali matadva): Leaves are crushed and making pest to apply on itch (khujali


To stop blooding: Leaves are crushed and making pest to apply on wound to stop


57. Emblica officinalis Gaertn. Fruct. (Euphorbiaceae) AMLA:

Toothache: A twig of this plant is used as toothache (dantno dukhavo matadva) to strong

the teeth and gum. (Minabhai – 69 year, Ganva village).

Dandruff and hair dark: The juice is extracted after crushing the piece of fruit with

water apply on hair in the morning time to remove dandruff (khodo dur karva), makes the

hair dark and also clean the dirt of the body.(Anubhai-42 year, Tebda village).

Sun stroke: Fruit juice is taken to relief from sunstroke to the body.(Maniben- 36year,

Tebda village).

Other uses:

Fruits are used as pickles.

58. Euphorbia nerifolia (L.) (Euphorbiaceae) THOR:

Burning (dazva par): Milky latex is applied on the burning parts (dajva par) of the body

to cure relieve. (Khumabhai- 58 year old).

59. Jatropha carcus L. (Euphorbiaceae) RATAN JYOT:

To stop blooding from wound: Leaves are crushed and making pest, applied on wound to

stop blooding and wound healing (vadhiya matadva). (Lalubhai 45year - Vinchi village).

60. Ricinus communis L. (Euphorbiaceae) DIVELO / ARENDO:

Swelling (sojo):Leaves are heat on char coal and tied with cloths to cure swelling within

twelve hour.(Mohanbhai 31 year-Polapan village).

61. Holoptelea integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch. (Ulmaceae) CHARAL:

Toothache (dantno dukhavo matadva): Oil of seed is used as a shoes polish and cure for

wound infected parts of the animal; twig is used as tooth brush to cure toothache (dantno

dukhavo matadva). (Vastabhai 42, Ganva Village).

62. Ficus benghalensis L. (Moraceae) VAD:

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Stomach ulcer (hojarina chanda dur karva): About 20 gm. of Arial root is crushed and

mixed with water is fed to the animal twice in a day, within two days the animal is

completely relief from stomach ulcer (hojarina chanda dur karva).

63. Ficus hispida L.f. (Moraceae) BHONY UMBRI / JANGLI UMBRI:

Skin spot: Latex is applied on skin spot (chamdina daga matadva). (Maheshbhai- 30 year

old, Demti Mira village).

64. Ficus religiosa L.( Moraceae) PIPLO:

On old ulcer / wound (gha ane chanda dur karva mate): Crushed the leaves and boiled

in pan with water than applied on the surface of ulcer for relief.

For removing the deformity of tongue of children (balaknu totadapanu dur karva

mate): The ripe fruits are made the children eat for removing this deformity.

To remove the pimples on the body of children (adai dur karva mate): The stem bark is

mixed with soil clay, crushed on the stone and to apply on the body for relief.

(Bhikhabhai-69 year, Ganva village).

Stomach worms (antardana krumi): Stem bark is mixed with the bread of Juwar /Bajara/

Maize to given the domestic animals the morning and evening time.

Other uses:

Ripe fruits can be eaten and leaves are used as a fodder.

Ariel roots are used for making hedge, tying grass and for the roof of the house also.

65. Curcuma longa (Lindl.) (Zingiberaceae) HALDAL:

Swelling (soja upar): Rhizome bark is boiled in water and applied on swelling.

(Netabhai- 50 year old, Nada village).

Toothache: Leaves are crushed and filtered; filtrate is suck by nose for one time to cure

toothache. (Maheshbhai- 30 year old, Demti Mira village).

66. Aloe barbadensis Mill. (Liliaceae) KUNWAR PATHU:

Wound healing: Leaves are boiled in water and pulp from the leaves is tied with cotton

cloth for two days to cure wound healing (vadhiya matadva). (Jagubhai 25 year- Dedka


Wound: Leaf extract is heated on burning charcoal to apply on wound.

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Cough: Leaf is heated on burning charcoal and half cup of the heated leaf extract is taken

to cure cough (kaf dur karva).

Cough: A cup of the heated leaf extract is mixed with a spoonful of honey and Haldal-

Curcuma longa (Lindl.) Zingiberaceae, to cure cough (kaf dur karva). (Bhikhabhai-69

year, Ganva village).

Other uses:

Leaf is heated on burning charcoal and the fume from it to remove outside the

mosquitoes. (Vastabhai-69 year, Ganva village).

67. Allium cepa L. (Liliaceae) DUNGRI:

Gas trouble: By crushing the corm with Curcuma domestica vahl. (Zingiberaceae)

HALDAL, to given twice in a day to cure gas trouble. (Hapiyabhai- 35 year old, Dedka


68. Urginea indica (L.) (Liliaceae) JANGLI DUNGLI:

Swollen wound: Corm is heated and crushed than applied on swollen wound.

(Hapiyabhai- 35 year old, Dedka village).

Mouth saliva: Corm is crushed in water and filtered; 500 ml. of filtrate is given to animal

for relief from mouth saliva (modha ni lad matadva). (Shankarbhai Gamar- 40 year old,

Movatpura village).

69. Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. (Arecaceae) KHAJURI:

On the scorpion biting (vinchi dansh): The rot is washed with water and the juice is used

orally and the rest of fibers are applied on the sting.

Decreasing the effect of wine (daruno nasho utarva mate:. The fruits are mixed with

water and after half an hour it is crushed, filtered with cotton cloths and filtrate is used for

decreasing the effect of wine (daruno nasho utarva mate). (Bhikhabhai-69 year, Ganva


For headache (mathano dukhavo matadva): Phoenix seed crushed on the stone surface

with water, making pest is applied on head for relief in pain.

Diarrhea (zada thay tyre): The fruit / apical stem is used by mixing with ghee.

Urinal acidity (peshab ni badatara): Chewing of leaf is cure to urinal acidity (peshabma

badatara thay tyre). (Mohanbhai- 39 year old, Polapan village).

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Other uses:

Leaves are used to make cleaning brush, for covering house terrace and also making coat.

(Ashabhai Parmar-80 year old, Demti Rozgada village).

The stem is used to horizontal support of the terrace of the house. (Ajitsing-37 year old,

Lambadia village).

70. Dendrocalamus strictus (Nees.) (Poaceae/ Gramineae) VANS:

Asthma (dam matadva): Smoke of leaves is cure asthma (dam matadva) disease.

(Nathabhai-32 Movatpura village).

For normal delivery: Leaves are cutting in small piece and tided with cotton thread

(Nadachadi) in the neck to the pregnant lady, within half an hour normal delivery is

occur. (Maheshbhai- 30 year old, Demti Mira village).

Other uses:

Stem is used to make agricultural implements and household things, gate and ceiling for


71. Zea mays L. (Poaceae) MAKAI:

Energy storage: Maize corns are dry in sunlight, separate the grains with wooden stick,

boiled in water with adding salt and given to domestic animal for increase milk and

energy storage purpose. (Udabhai-49 year, Vinchi village).

2.4 Ethno gricultural implements:

(1) VAVANIYO / Sower:

The lower part is made up of the stem of Vans (Dendrocalamus strictus (Nees.))-

Poaceae and the upper part is made up of the strips of the stem of Vans (Bambusa bambos

(L.) Voss.) Poaceae, the upper part is covered by the cloths of Shan-Jute (Corchorus

capsularis (L.))- Tiliaceae.

This agricultural implement is used by the farmer for sowing seeds like Bajara, Wheat,

Juwar, Maize. (Manubhai- Tebda Village).

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(2) JUNSARI / Yak:

The vertical part is made up of the stem of the Sandesro (Delonix elata

(L.)Gamble.)-Caesalpiniaceae and Dhao (Anogeissus pendula (Edgew.))-Combretaceae.

The horizontal part is made up of the stem of the Runchalo Dudhalo (Wrightia tinctoria

(R.Br.))-Apocynaceae (Ladubhai-Kharania Village).

(3) TRIKOM ANE KUHADI/ Sped and Axe:

The handle of these implements are made up of Baval (Acacia nilotica

(L.)Del.)-Mimosae and Vans (Dendrocalamus strictus (Nees.)- Poaceae. (Kalubhai-

Tebda Village).

(4) MANGO/HAMAR / Leveler:

The horizontal part is made up of the wood of Sag (Tectona grandis (L.f.))-

Verbinaceae and the vertical part is made up of the wood of Baval (Acacia nilotica (L.)

Del.) - Mimosae (Kalubhai-Tebda Village).

(5) HAL / plough:

The horizontal part is made up of the wood of Umph ( Miliusa tomentosa

(Roxb.)) Annonaceae, small part associated with it is made up of Vans (Dendrocalamus

strictus (Nees.)- Poaceae, the horizontal parts are made up of the wood of Dhao

(Anogeissus pendula (Edgew.))-Combretaceae and Bordi (Zizyphus nummularia

(Burm.f.) W.&A.)-Rhamnaceae (Kimabhai-Golvada Village).

(6) GOFAN / Catapult:

Catapult is made up of the fibers of Shan-Jute (Corchorus capsularis) - Tiliaceae

which is used to protect the crops against wild animal (Malabhai-Demti Village).

(7) DATARDU ANE KUHADI / Sickle and axe:

Handle of the sickle and axe is it is made up of Vans (Dendrocalamus strictus

(Nees.)- Poaceae.

(8) ZUNPDI / Hut:

The vertical support is made up of the stem of Bordi (Zizyphus nummularia

(Burm.f.) W. & A.) -Rhamnaceae, Baval (Acacia nilotica (L.) Del.)-Mimosae the

horizontal support is made up of the stem of Dhao (Anogeissus pendula (Edgew.))

Combretaceae, covered by leaves of Khajuri (Phoenix sylvestris (L.))-Palmae and Butea

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monosperma (Lam.) Taub. (Fabaceae) and horizontal supports are tided by the fibers of

Shan-Jute (Corchorus capsularis) – Tiliaceae.

(9) KUVO / Well:

The main support of the wheel is made up of the wood of Charal (Holoptelea

integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch.) -Ulmaceae, Baval (Acacia nilotica (L.) Del.) – Mimosae and

the horizontal support is made up of Bordi (Zizyphus nummularia (Burm.f.)W. &A.)-

Rhamnaceae (Kimabhai-Golvada Village).

The ground roller support is made up of the stem of Mahudo-Madhuca indica J.F.

Gmel. - Sapotaceae and Bordi (Zizyphus nummularia (Burm.f.) W.&A.)-Rhamnaceae.

The rope is made up of the fibers of Shan-Jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) –


(10) BADADNU MORIYU / Mask for bullock:

The trips are made from the stem of Vans (Dendrocalamus strictus (Nees.)-

Poaceae the thread is made from the fibers of Shan-Jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) –


(11) DEVLU / HATHODIYU / Fork:

Fork is made from the stem of Baval- (Acacia nilotica (L.) Del.) – Mimosae and

Dhao- Anogeissus pendula (Edgew.) –Combretaceae.

(12) MALO / Garret:

Tribal of this area is used the stem branch of Sandsro- Delonix elata (L.) Gamble

(Caesalpiniaceae) as garret and stored firewood and dried corn on it for protection against

water, other animals, nematodes, fungus and other creatures.

(13) HAVERNO / Husk brush:

Husk brush is made up of the bunch of the stem of Ghaun- Triticum aestivum L.

(Poaceae) which is used to clean the grain from husk and also preparing “Ponk”

(Immature wheat seeds are heated on the burning char coal called Ponk which is full of


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2.5 House hold Instruments:

(1) JADU / Cleaning brush:

Leaves of Khajuri (Phoenix sylvestris (L.)) -Palmae are usedto make cleaning

brush and bind with the fibers of Shan-Jute (Corchorus capsularis)- Tiliaceae (Somiben-

Tebda Village).

(2) GARAGDI NA TEKA / Support for Wheel:

The main support of the wheel is made up of the wood of Charal (Holoptelea

integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch.) -Ulmaceae, Baval (Acacia nilotica (L.) Del.)– Mimosae and

the horizontal support are made up of Bordi (Zizyphus nummularia (Burm.f.)

W. & A.)-Rhamnaceae (Kimabhai-Golvada Village).

(3) MATLA NI GHODI / Stand for Earthen pot:

The support of the stand is made up of the wood of Limdo -Azadirachta indica

(A. Juss.) - Meliaceae, Baval (Acacia nilotica (L.) Del.)– Mimosae (Anilbhai- Tebda


(4) TIR-KAMTHU ANE BHATHU / Arrow and quiver:

Arrow is made up of the stem of Netar (Calamus rotang L.)- Palmae, quiver is

made up of Narvans -Dendrocalamus strictus (Nees.)- Poaceae and the belt of quiver are

made up of the stem fibers of Bhindo -Abelmoschus esculentus L. - Malvaceae or a

leather of buffalo.

(5) KHATLO / Cot:

Vertical, horizontal and base parts are made up of the stem of Bordi (Zizyphus

mauritiana Lam.)-Rhmnaceae, Sadad (Terminalia crenulata Roth.)- Combretaceae,

Limdo (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.)- Meliaceae, Baval (Acacia nilotica (L.) Del.)-

Mimosaceae family-Leguminosae.

(6) MALIYU / Loft:

Vertical parts is made up of the stem of the strips of Narvans Dendrocalamus

strictus Nees (Poaceae) and tide with the stem fibers of Bhindo (Abalmoschus esculentus

(L.) Moench. ) - Malvaceae, Shan (Corchorus capsularis L.)- Tiliaceae.

(7) ROTLA MUKVA NI TOPLI / Basket for bread:

Basket for bread is made up of the stem strips of Narvans Dendrocalamus strictus

Nees (Poaceae).

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(8) GHAR NO MUKHYA PATDO / Main horizontal support :

The stem wood of Khajuri (Phoenix sylvestris (L.))-Palmae and Dhao (Anogeissus

pendula (Edgew.))-Combretaceae is used as main horizontal support because stem wood

of Phoenix is protected against water. (Ajitsingh-Lambadia Village).

(9) NIHAINI / Ladder:

The main two parallel vertical supports are made up of Vans (Bambusa bambos

(L.) Voss.) - Poaceae and the horizontal steps are made from Bordi (Zizyphus

nummularia (Burm.f.)W.&A.)-Rhamnaceae.(Naranbhai-Tebda Village).

(10) ANAJ BHARVA NI KOTHI / Barrel for storage grains:

The body of the barrel is made from the strips of Vans (Dendrocalamus strictus

(Nees.)- Poaceae wrapped with the mixture of the stem chips of Ghaun/Wheat (Triticum

sativum (Lam.)) Poaceae, loamy soil and dung of animal (Somiben-Tebda Village).

(11) GHARNI FARATE VAD / Fencing around the house:

Spiny apical stem of Bordi (Zizyphus nummularia (Burm.f.)W.&A.)-Rhamnaceae,

Baval (Acacia nilotica (L.) Del.)– Mimosae, Gorasamli (Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.)

Bth.)- Mimosae, Khair (Acacia chundra (Roxb. ex Rottl.)Willd.)-Mimosae and horizontal

support is made up of the stem of Narvans Dendrocalamus strictus Nees (Poaceae) tide

with the aril root of Vad (Ficus benghalensis L.) .

(12) ZUNPDI NO ZANPO / Gate for hut:

Vertical support is made up of the stem of Bhindo- Abalmoschus esculentus (L.)

Moench. - Malvaceae, Tuver-Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp., Tal- Sesamum indicum L. –

Pedaliaceae, Makai- Zea mays L. – Poaceae and the horizontal support is made up of the

stem strips of Narvans -Dendrocalamus strictus Nees (Poaceae).

(13) HUNPADU / :

It is made up of the strips of Narvans- Dendrocalamus strictus Nees (Poaceae).

(Sonabhai- 25 year old, Golvada village).

(14) VAD / Fencing:

Stem of Gorasamli- Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) ( Mimosaceae, Leguminosae) is

used as a fire wood and stem branches are used for fencing periphery to the hut for

protecting against wild animal. (Nathabhai-32 year old, Movatpura village).

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(15) GADORU / Playing cart:

The wheels are made from the stem wood of Khakhro- Butea monosperma (Lam.)

Taub. (Fabaceae), axcel is made up of the stem of Baval (Acacia nilotica (L.) Del.)–

Mimosae vertical part is made from the stem of Kherni- Wrightia tomentosa R. & S.

(Apocynaceae) and Narvans- Dendrocalamus strictus Nees (Poaceae), the seat is made

from rubber. (Jivabhai-80 year old, Nada village).

(16) TUMBU / Box for jewellary:

It is made from the ripen fruit of Dudhie- Lagenaria leucantha (Duch.)

(Cucurbitaceae) and the handle is made from metal wire. (Jivabhai-80 year old, Nada


2.6 Ethnomusical Instruments:

(1) DHOL / Drum:

Cylindrical part is made up of the stem of Sivan (Gmelina arborea L.)-

Verbenaceae, Sadad (Terminalia crenulata Roth.)- Combretaceae and goat leather is tide

by the fibers of Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum L.) Malvaceae. (Jivabhai, 80 years old-

Nada village).

(2) TAMBURO/ Violine:

Stem wood of Holero- Albizia procera (Roxb.) Beth. (Mimosaceae, sub-fam.

Leguminosae) is used to make musical instrument like tamburo, dholak etc. (Anilbhai-56

Movatpura village).

(3) VANHADI/ Flute:

Flute is made from whollow stem of Bombusa bambos (L.) Voss. (Savjibhai

Gamar, 35 year old, Movatpura village).

2.7 Sacred grove

Total numbers of 17 sacred groves are reported from the R. D. F. Poshina range Forest.

44 sacred plant species belonging to 25 families, 39 genus and 44 species have been observed.

Each sacred grove has its own myths, religious value, rituals and vegetation. The information

about the sacred groves was collected from the tribal people and local caretaker by making

questionnaires. The detail of the sacred grove and sacred plants are as follows:

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(1) Choliyawala Mahadev/ Choliyanagri Mahadev Sacred grove:

Choliyawala Mahadev Sacred grove is situated on the bank of the river Sabarmati

near the forest area of Cholia village.

According to the local prayer, the tribal of the village coming daily for good

worship and the deity is represented by milk. The folk believes that after fuifilment of the

wish the deity represented by flag which is made up of Narvans Dendrocalamus strictus

Nees (Poaceae) and the cloth of cotton Gossypium herbaceum L.(Malvaceae).

The grove mainly surrounded by few trees of Vad Ficus benghalensis L.

(Moraceae), Limdo-Azadirachta indica A. Juss.( Meliaceae) and Kesudo Butea

monosperma (Lam.) Taub.( Fabaceae). Ficus is now considered to play an important role

in the conservation of many kind of insects, birds etc. The Neem trees having various

medicinal benefits. Butea is employed in hindu ceremonies and having medicinal


Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Vad - Ficus benghalensis L. 1

Limdo- Azadirachta indica A. Juss. 4

Kesudo-Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. 12

(2) Ambaji Mata Sacred grove:

Ambaji Mata Sacred grove is situated near the forest area of Jotasan village. The

believes that the deity fulfills everyone wish and after fulfillment of the wish, the deity

represented by burnt clay idols of horse.

The grove is surrounded by the trees Australian baval Acacia senegal

Willd.(Mimosae), Khajuri Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb.(Arecaceae), Kanji Holoptelea

integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch. (Ulmaceae), Sitafal Annona squamosa L. (Annonaceae),

Simlo Bombax ceiba L.(Bombacaceae) and Ambo Mangifera indica L.(Anacardiaceae).

Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Australian baval- Acacia senegal Willd. 1

Khajuri -Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. 3

Kanji- Holoptelea integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch. 2

Sitafal -Annona squamosa L. 5

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Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Simlo- Bombax ceiba L. 1

Ambo -Mangifera indica L. 1

(3) Bhamrawali Mata Sacred grove:

Bhamrawali Mata Sacred grove is situated on the bank of the river Sabarmati near

the forest area of Dotad village. The believes that the deity fulfills everyone wish and

after fulfillment of the wish, the deity represented flag which is made up of Narvans

Dendrocalamus strictus Nees (Poaceae) and the cloth of cotton Gossypium herbaceum

L.(Malvaceae) and burnt clay idols of horse.

The grove is surrounded by the trees Simlo Bombax ceiba L.(Bombacaceae), Bili

Aegle marmelos (L.) Rutaceae, Arni Clerodendron multiflorum (Burm.f.) (Verbenaceae),

Saragavo Moringa oleifera Lam.

Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Simlo- Bombax ceiba L. 2

Bili -Aegle marmelos (L.) 1

Arni- Clerodendron multiflorum (Burm.f.) 4

Saragavo -Moringa oleifera Lam. 3

(4) Chhibadi Mata Sacred grove:

Chhibadi Mata Sacred grove is situated on the bank of the river Sabarmati near

the forest area of Dantral village. The grove was built by their ancestors before 130-150

years ago in the time of the origin of the village. They believes that the deity fulfills

everyone wish and after fulfillment of the wish, the deity represented flag which is made

up of Narvans Dendrocalamus strictus Nees (Poaceae) and the cloth of cotton

Gossypium herbaceum L.(Malvaceae) and burnt clay idols of horse.

The grove is surrounded by the trees Kanji Holoptelea integrifolia (Roxb.)

Planch. (Ulmaceae), Nagod Vitex nagundo L. (Verbenaceae), Kesudo Butea monosperma

(Lam.) Taub. ( Fabaceae), Vad Ficus benghalensis L.(Moraceae), Bordi Zizyphus

mauritiana Lam.(Rhmnaceae), Moto Arduso Ailanthus excelsa Roxb.

(Simaroubiaceae) and the shrub Akalo Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. (Asclepiadaceae).

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(5) Chamunda Mata Sacred grove:

Chamunda Mata Sacred grove is situated near the forest area of Movatpura

village. The grove was built by their ancestors before more than 150 years ago during the

time of DarbarMahobbatsinhg who was the king of Poshina.

The grove is surrounded by the trees Kanthar Capparis sepiaria L. (Capparaceae),

Simlo Bombax ceiba L. (Bombacaceae), Mordhundhiyu Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) W. &

A. (Mimosaceae), Baval Acacia chundra (Roxb. Ex Rottl.)Willd. (Mimosaceae), Dhav

Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb) Wall.( Combretaceae), Kanchner Bauhinia purpurea

L.(Caesalpiniaceae), Dudhi Zad/Dudhlo Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. (Apocynaceae), Khajuri

Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. (Arecaceae).

Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Kanther- Capparis sepiaria L. 2

Simlo- Bombax ceiba L. 1

Mordhundhiyu -Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) W. & A. 3

Kher- Acacia chundra (Roxb. Ex Rottl.)Willd. 1

Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Kanji -Holoptelea integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch. 2

Nagod -Vitex nagundo L. 3

Kapas-Gossypium herbaceum L. 5

Kesudo -Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. 6

Vad -Ficus benghalensis L. 1

Bordi- Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. 2

Moto Arduso- Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. 1

Akado -Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. 3

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Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Dhav- Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb) Wall. 1

Kanchner -Bauhinia purpurea L. 1

Dudhi Zad/Dudhlo- Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. 1

Khajuri -Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. 2

(6) Mevadwala/Devda Bhagvan Sacred grove:

Mevadwala/Devda Bhagvan Sacred grove is built near Malvas village of this

forest area by their ancestors before 200 years ago.

Addition to their culture, when a girl of Mevad-Rajasthan married with a boy of

this area, after a month girl’s parents and relatives coming by walking with the idol of

Lord Mevadwala/Devda Bhagvan , to established near the house of their son of low and

they believed that god will protect their daughter to ghost.

The grove is surrounded by the trees Baval Acacia chundra (Roxb. Ex

Rottl.)Willd. (Mimosaceae), Limdo Azadirachta indica A. Juss.( Meliaceae), Dudhi

Zad/Dudhlo Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. (Apocynaceae), Kanji Holoptelea integrifolia

(Roxb.) Planch. (Ulmaceae), Bordi Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. (Rhmnaceae).

Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Kher -Acacia chundra (Roxb. Ex Rottl.)Willd. 4

Limdo -Azadirachta indica A. Juss. 1

Dudhi Zad/Dudhlo- Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. 2

Kanji -Holoptelea integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch. 1

Bordi -Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.( 2

(7) Polagadawali mata sacred grove:

Polagadawalimata sacred grove is situated near the entrance of the village

Polapan. The grove is approximately more than 70 years old and Shankarbhai Parghi is a


According to the local prayer, the tribal of the village coming daily for good

worship and the deity is represented by milk and coconut fruit. The folk believes that

after fulfillment of the wish the deity represented by flag which is made up of Narvans-

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Dendrocalamus strictus Nees (Poaceae), coconut fruit Cocos nucifera L. (Palmae) and

the cloth of cotton Gossypium herbaceum L. (Malvaceae).

The grove is mainly surrounded by few trees of Khakhro - Butea monosperma

(Lam.) Taub.( Fabaceae), Garmalo - Cassia fistula L.(Caesalpiniaceae, family-

Leguminosae), Dhao- Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb) Wall.ex Bedd.(Combretaceae), Bordi

Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.(Rhmnaceae), Baval- Acacia nilotica(L.) Del. (Mimosaceae,

family- Leguminosae), Sag- Tectona grandis L.f. (Verbenaceae), Dudhlo- Wrightia

tomentosa R.& S. (Apocynaceae).

After marriage of the son of deity, they come for good wishes from the God in the

month of Gujarati “Vaishakh” and represented flag which is made up of Narvans-

Dendrocalamus strictus Nees (Poaceae) and the cloth of cotton Gossypium herbaceum L.


Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Khakhro - Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. 3

Garmalo - Cassia fistula L. 1

Dhao- Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb) Wall.ex Bedd. 1

Bordi- Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. 2

Baval- Acacia nilotica(L.) Del. 5

Sag- Tectona grandis L.f. 1

Dudhlo- Wrightia tomentosa R.& S. 3

(8) Devrabavaji sacred grove:

Devrabavaji sacred grove is situated in Dedka village of R. D. F. Poshina forest.

The grove is more than 55 years old. The idols are in sequence like Thakor bapji, Ganpat

dada, Kunvarka mata, Sundevi mata, Bhairav dada, Khokhar devi, Nagfuni mata,

Dashama and Pakhawali mata.

Villagers are prey with the flowers of Kesudo-Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub.

(Fabaceae), grains of Makai (Zea mays L.)- Poaceae, Ghau (Triticum aestivum L.)-

Poaceae and other cereals on the gujarati month of Vaishakh. They strongly believe that

the forest is protected due to presence of deity.

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The grove is surrounded by Rayana- Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dub

(Sapotaceae), Mendhi- Lawsonia inermis L. (Verbenaceae), Kesudo-Butea monosperma

(Lam.) Taub. (Fabaceae), Bordi Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. (Rhmnaceae).

Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Rayana- Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dub 1

Mendhi- Lawsonia inermis L. 10

Kesudo-Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. 5

Bordi -Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. 4

(9) Chamunda mata sacred grove:

Chamunda mata sacred grove is situated in Ganer village and Babubhai (45 years

old) is an idolatrous. This grove is more than 100 years old. Tribal fair is held on the first

New Year day of Guajarati month Kartak. On that day tribal praying to god for protect

against ghost.

Plants around the groves are Vad- Ficus benghalensis L. (Moraceae), Pipli- Ficus

rumphii Bl. Bijdr. (Moraceae), Goradiyo baval- Acacia senegal Willd. (Mimosaceae),

Kerdo-Capparis decidua (Forsk) Edgew. (Capparaceae), Ram tulsi-(Ocimum

gratissimum L.)- Lamiaceae and Khajuri -Phoenix sylvestris (L.)-Palmae.

Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Vad- Ficus benghalensis L. 1

Pipli- Ficus rumphii Bl. Bijdr. 1

Goradiyo baval- Acacia senegal Willd. 2

Kerdo-Capparis decidua (Forsk) Edgew. 2

Ramtulsi- Ocimum gratissimum L. (Lamiaceae) 5

Khajuri -Phoenix sylvestris (L.) 2

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(10) Gogabapji maharaj Mahadev sacred grove:

Gogabapji maharaj Mahadev sacred grove is present in Demti village. Jamkuben

Fagnabhai (30 years old) is an idolatrous. The grove is established by their ancestors.

Tribal are praying to god with the leaves of Bili- Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. (Rutaceae)

and milk of goat on day of Maha Shivratri (a hindu festival) in winter season. Local

people vow for the good health and for the birth of the child.

The grove is surrounded by Bordi Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. (Rhmnaceae),

Goradio baval- Acacia senegal (Willd.) Del. (Mimosaceae, family- Leguminosae),

Gorasamli- Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Bth. (Mimosaceae, family- Leguminosae),

Vad- Ficus benghalensis L. (Moraceae), Limdo- Azadirachta indica A. Juss.(Meliaceae),

Pipli- Ficus rumphii Bl.Bijdr. (Moraceae), Sandsro- Delonix elata (L.) Gamble

(Caesalpiniaceae), Nilgiri- Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (Myrtaceae).

Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Bordi- Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. 2

Goradio baval- Acacia senegal (Willd.) Del. 1

Gorasamli- Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Bth. 2

Vad- Ficus benghalensis L. 1

Limdo- Azadirachta indica A. Juss. 1

Pipli- Ficus rumphii Bl.Bijdr. 1

Sandsro- Delonix elata (L.) Gamble 5

Nilgiri- Eucalyptus globulus Labill. 1

(11) Khedawali mata sacred grove:

Khedawali mata sacred grove is situated in Cholia Village. Bhulabhai Ramabhai

Gamar (60 years old) is an idolatrous. The grove is established by their ancestors.

Annually, the deity is represented by the flag Narvans- Dendrocalamus strictus

Nees (Poaceae), coconut fruit Cocos nucifera L. (Palmae) and the cloth of cotton

Gossypium herbaceum L. (Malvaceae). Local people believe that, if somebody not

represent anything to deity after the completion the wish, he will be definitely face some

unseen trouble.

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The grove is occupied by the following plant species Bordi - Zizyphus mauritiana

Lam. (Rhmnaceae), Kher- Acacia chundra (Roxb. ex Rottl.)Willd. Mimosaceae, family-

Leguminosae), Mor dhundhiyu- Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) W. & A.(Mimosaceae,

family- Leguminosae), Behda- Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb. (Combretaceae).

Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Bordi - Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. 4

Kher- Acacia chundra (Roxb. ex Rottl.)Willd. 1

Mor dhundhiyu- Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) W. & A. 2

Behda- Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb. 1

(12) Jata matajinu mandir sacred grove:

Jata matajinu mandir sacred grove is situated in Kotda -Gadhi village near the

border of Rajasthan. Ladubhai is an idolatrous. The grove is established by their


Peoples of the village pray to god for good health of their child and fair is held on

“Diwali”. The deity is revered for well-being of cattle, mainly for buffalo and goat. Local

people take vow for the good health of their domestic animals. On completion of the

wish, the deity is represented by the milk of buffalo and goat, also burnt clay idols of


The grove is occupied by the following plant species Kher- Acacia chundra

(Roxb. ex Rottl.)Willd. Mimosaceae, family- Leguminosae), Kesudo- Butea monosperma

(Lam.) Taub. (Fabaceae), Vad- Ficus benghalensis L. (Moraceae), Karanj-Derris indica

(Lam.)(Fabaceae), Kanjo- Holoptelea integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch. (Ulmaceae), Piplo-

Ficus religiosa L. ( Moraceae) and Narvans- Dendrocalamus strictus Nees (Poaceae).

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Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Kher- Acacia chundra (Roxb. ex Rottl.)Willd. 5

Kesudo- Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. 4

Vad- Ficus benghalensis L. 1

Karanj-Derris indica (Lam.) 1

Kanjo- Holoptelea integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch. 1

Piplo- Ficus religiosa L. 1

Narvans- Dendrocalamus strictus Nees 8

(13) Bhairavnath Khetlaji Bhagvan sacred grove:

Bhairavnath Khetlaji Bhagvan sacred grove is situated in Kotda -Gadhi village

near the border of Rajasthan. Ladubhai is an idolatrous. The grove is established by their

ancestors about 125 years old.

Peoples of the village pray to god for good health of their child and the fair is held

on “Diwali”. The deity is revered for well-being of cattle, mainly for buffalo and goat.

Local people take vow for the good health of their domestic animals. On completion of

the wish, the deity is represented by flag which is made up of Narvans- Dendrocalamus

strictus Nees (Poaceae), coconut fruit Cocos nucifera L. (Palmae) and the cloth of cotton

Gossypium herbaceum L. (Malvaceae).

The grove is occupied by the following plant species Baval (Acacia nilotica (L.)

Del.) – Mimosaceae, Garmalo (Cassia fistula L.) – Caesalpiniaceae, Kesudo- Butea

monosperma (Lam.) Taub. (Fabaceae), Sitafal (Annona squamosa L.)- Annonaceae,

Limdo- Azadirachta indica A. Juss.(Meliaceae), Pipli (Ficus rumphii Bl.Bijdr.)-


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Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Baval - Acacia nilotica (L.) Del. 78

Kesudo- Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. 93

Garmalo- (Cassia fistula L.)

Sitafal- Annona squamosa L. 55

Limdo- Azadirachta indica A. Juss. 10

Pipli -(Ficus rumphii Bl.Bijdr.) 5

(14) Chitra-Vichitra Mahadev sacred grove:

Chitra-Vichitra Mahadev sacred grove is situated on the bank of Sabarmati river

in Gunbhankhari village.

It is more famous for its ancient Mahadeva temple and the annual tribal fair held

is usually starts in the evening of the 14th day of the lunar dark cycle and matures by

early morning. It concludes after 24 hours. This fair is held on the three river triangle

named Sabarmati, Akal and Vyakal. Tribal of this area given bones of their dead

inclinators in the running water of the river Sabarmati. The enjoyment is participatory

and worth watching. The young girls and boys may be seen dancing and singing in

chorus in open spaces available at the junction of the main streets.

Peoples of the village pray to god for good health of their child and fair is held on

Gujarati month Fagan. The deity is revered for well-being of cattle, mainly for buffalo

and goat. Local people take vow for the good health of their domestic animals. On

completion of the wish, the deity is represented by the milk of buffalo and goat.

The grove is occupied by the following plant species Ankol- Alangium

salvifolium (L.f.) Wang. (Alangiaceae), Limdo- Azadirachta indica A. Juss.(Limdo),

Kher- Acacia chundra (Roxb. ex Rottl.)Willd. Mimosaceae, family- Leguminosae),

Kesudo- Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. (Fabaceae), Vad- Ficus benghalensis L.

(Moraceae), Karanj-Derris indica (Lam.) (Fabaceae), Kanjo- Holoptelea integrifolia

(Roxb.) Planch. (Ulmaceae), Piplo- Ficus religiosa L. ( Moraceae) and Bili- Aegle

marmelos (L.) Corr. (Rutaceae), Konthi- Limonia acidissima L. (Rutaceae).

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Aradi Matanu Mandir sacred grove:

Aradi Matanu Mandir sacred grove is situated in Kotda -Gadhi village near the

border of Rajasthan. Tribal of this area are worshiper of this sacred grove. The grove is

established by their ancestors.

Tribal fair is held on the full moon day of the Guajarati month “Chaitra”. Tribal

arranged food like Lapsi and Dal-bhat for those who visited the fair and for it they

collected money, grains etc. before a week of fair. Groups of various tribe arranged hymn

whole night at grove. Local people take vow for the good health of their children,

protection against ghost of the women. After the completion of wish, the deity is

represented by coconut fruit and aggarbatti.

The grove is occupied by the following plant species Motoarduso (Ailanthus

excelsa Roxb.) Simaroubiaceae, Goradio baval (Acacia senegal Willd.)- Mimosaceae,

family- Leguminosae), Kesudo- Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. (Fabaceae), Karanj-

Derris indica (Lam.)(Fabaceae), Piplo- Ficus religiosa L. (Moraceae), Bouganvel

(Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd.)- Nyctaginaceae, Gunda (Cordia dichotoma Forst.)-

Ehretiaceae Akado (Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br.)- Asclepiadaceae, Khajuri -Phoenix

sylvestris (L.)-Palmae.

Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Ankol- Alangium salvifolium (L. f.) Wang. 11

Limdo- Azadirachta indica A. Juss. 15

Kesudo -Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. 22

Vad -Ficus benghalensis L. 3

Piplo- Ficus religiosa L. 2

Kher- Acacia chundra (Roxb. ex Rottl.) Willd. 9

Akado- Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. 24

Karanj-Derris indica (Lam.) 2

Kanjo- Holoptelea integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch. 3

Bili- Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. 2

Konthi- Limonia acidissima L. 7

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Movatpurawali Mata Sacred grove:

Movatpurawali Mata Sacred grove is situated in the entrance of the village

Movatpura. The grove was built by their ancestors before 65 years ago. They believes

that the deity fulfills everyone wish and after fulfillment of the wish, the deity

represented flag which is made up of Narvans Dendrocalamus strictus Nees (Poaceae)

and the cloth of cotton Gossypium herbaceum L.(Malvaceae) and burnt clay idols of


The grove is surrounded by the trees Goradio baval (Acacia senegal Willd.)-

Mimosaceae, Bili- Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. (Rutaceae), Piplo- Ficus religiosa

L.(Moraceae), Kesudo Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. ( Fabaceae), Vayvaruno

(Crateva religiosa non Forst. Var. nurvala (Buch. - Ham) Hk.f. & Th.)- Capparaceae,

Bordi (Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.)- Rhmnaceae, Simlo (Bombax ceiba L.)-

Bombacaceae, Mor dhundhiyu- Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) W. & A. (Mimosaceae,

family- Leguminosae), Arni (Clerodendrum multiflorum (Burm. f.) O. Ktze.)-

Verbenaceae, Khajuri -Phoenix sylvestris (L.)-Palmae.

Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Moto arduso- Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. 1

Goradio baval -Acacia senegal Willd. 15

Kesudo -Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. 15

Karanj- Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre. 10

Piplo- Ficus religiosa L. 2

Bouganvel- Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd. 2

Gunda -Cordia dichotoma Forst. 10

Akalo -Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. 5

Khajuri -Phoenix sylvestris (L.) 15

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(17) Lembrawali Mata Sacred grove:

Lembrawali Mata Sacred grove is situated near the entrance of the village

Kharaniya. Rameshbhai (35 years old) is a caretaker and the grove is established by their


According to the local prayer, the tribal of the village coming daily for good

worship and the deity is represented by coconut fruit and agarbatti. The folk believes that

after fuifilment of the wish the deity represented by flag which is made up of Narvans

Dendrocalamus strictus Nees (Poaceae) and the cloth of cotton Gossypium herbaceum


The grove mainly surrounded by few trees of Limdo-Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (

Meliaceae) and Kesudo Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub.( Fabaceae) and Ankol

(Alangium salvifolium (L.f.) Wang.)- Alangiaceae. The Neem trees having various

medicinal benefits. Butea is employed in hindu ceremonies and having medicinal

benefits. Alangium have medicinal properties and falling of ripen fruits indicates the time

of rainfall season.

Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Goradio baval -Acacia senegal Willd. 2

Bili- Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. 1

Piplo- Ficus religiosa L. 1

Kesudo -Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. 4

Vayvaruno -Crateva religiosa non Forst. Var. nurvala -(Buch. - Ham) Hk.f.

& Th.)


Bordi -Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. 6

Simlo -Bombax ceiba L. 2

Mor dhundhiyu- Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) W. & A. 3

Arni -Clerodendrum multiflorum (Burm. f.) O. Ktze. 6

Khajuri -Phoenix sylvestris (L.) 2

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Name of the plant sp. No. of individuals

Limdo-Azadirachta indica A. Juss. 2

Kesudo- Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. 7

Ankol- (Alangium salvifolium (L.f.) Wang.) 9