Restore Your Liver Naturally!

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  • 8/16/2019 Restore Your Liver Naturally!


    To your good health,Terry... Naturally  


     Liver damage can occur for many

     reasons: infectious diseases such as

     hepatitis; the use of certain over-

    the-counter and prescription drugs;

     accidental poisoning; environmentaltoxins and stress; alcohol abuse; and

    even poor diets.

     But the right combination of three

     botanical ingredients, including one yo

     may not have heard of before, can hel

     get your liver working properly again:

    • Repair liver damage

    • Reverse liver poisoning

    • Restore liver health

    • Protect liver cells• Stop cholesterol oxidation

    • Reduce tumor risk 

    • Prevent oxidative damage to

     liver cells

     Here’s the formula I recommend:

    Proprietary Complex 390 mg

    Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum )Seed Extract standardized to

    contain 80% silymarin, Milk Thistle(Silybum marianum L.) FruitPhytosome complex standardized to contain 29.7%-36.3% silybin,Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)Seed Extract standardized to conta60% sesamin and 70% total lignan

    Restore Your Liver Naturally! 21906_0714


    Fatty liver, or hepatic steatosis, is the dangerousaccumulation of fats in the liver. Although oftenassociated with alcohol abuse, non-alcoholicfatty liver disease (NAFLD) is now the mostcommon cause of chronic liver disease in theUnited States. In fact, NAFLD in teenagers andadolescents has doubled in the past two decades.Sesamin shows great promise in treating fattyliver disease, regardless of the cause.

    Sesamin helps the liver process fatty acidsefficiently by increasing the enzyme activityneeded to properly oxidize fatty acids and reduceserum and liver lipid levels. Although we usuallyconsider oxidation undesirable, in this case,oxidation is a necessary step to prevent fatsfrom being stored in the liver, and it also helps

    the body build cells and create energy efficiently.It’s important that these fats move out of theliver and are used by the cells for energy.

    When fat deposits limit the liver’s ability todetoxify and process nutrients, health beginsto decline. If the liver is not able to process andremove toxins, the body is vulnerable to damagefrom a wide range of dangerous substances.

    Other research has shown that a combinationincluding sesamin improved levels of enzymesthat appear in the bloodstream when theliver is stressed or diseased. It also reducedinflammation and cholesterol oxidation andbolstered overall liver function in patients withborderline fatty liver disease.

    Sesamin Stops Tumor Growth

    Even at a cellular level, sesamin preserves theliver. Chinese research showed that it stopsthe cycle of liver cancer growth by inhibitingthe inflammatory signals that lead to out-of-control replication of damaged DNA. Bothinflammation and oxidation are directly linked to

    the development of tumor growth, and sesaminhas a powerful ability to combat both. Theresearchers concluded that sesamin provided a“molecular basis for understanding of the effectsof sesamin in hepatocellular carcinoma tumor cellproliferation…” and that “sesamin may thus bea potential chemotherapy drug for liver cancer.”

    Silymarin and Silybin from Milk Thistle

    Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) has becomeknown as a “go to” botanical for liver health, and

    Most people probably don’t think about theirver too much unless a medical condition oramily history demands it. In a way, that’s tooad. The liver is one of the hardest-workingrgans of the body, and because of that, it needsrucial nutrients to remain active and effective.

    n this Terry Talks Nutrition®, I’d like to reviewmazing botanical ingredients that makehe liver’s job much easier and have beenraditionally used and clinically studied for theirver-healing properties.

    he Liver – Very Strong, But it Needs

    Our Support!

    he liver is an amazing organ. It stores oureserves of iron and other minerals and vitamins.

    produces bile, which is then stored in theallbladder and released into the intestineso help us digest foods. It processes almostverything we eat and drink, filters toxins andlcohol from our blood, and synthesizes thepids (fats) that create the hormones our bodieseed every day. The liver is unique amonghe body’s organs – even if 75% of the livers damaged, it can reproduce new tissue fromhe remaining healthy cells and regenerate.

    Unfortunately between our diets, environmentaloxins, and all of the other stress we put on thever, we don’t make it easy for it to do its job.

    Natural Ingredients that Restore Liver Health

    Sesamin, from sesame (Sesamum indicum)eed, is one of the strongest nutrients availableor restoring the liver and stopping liver damage.Unfortunately, it is one that relatively feweople know about. Sesamin helps the liver

    n many ways, including stopping fibrosis (anccumulation of collagen and other proteinshat can ultimately result in liver failure) andreventing fatty liver disease.

    esamin inhibits liver fibrosis by reducing thectivity of collagen-producing enzymes thatan have dangerous results when they areverexpressed in the liver. Sesamin reduceserum levels of TNF-α  andther inflammatory

    markers and stopsxidative damageo liver cells.


  • 8/16/2019 Restore Your Liver Naturally!


    Restore Your Liver Naturally! 



    with good reason – it saves lives. Did you knowhat many commonly used drugs, includingcetaminophen (best known by the brand name,ylenol®) are very tough on the liver? In fact,ccording to the National Institutes of Medicine,

    cetaminophen overdose is the most commonause of acute liver failure.

    cientists have identified two key componentssilymarin and silybin – as being the most

    ffective phytonutrients from milk thistle foraving and restoring the liver. Silymarin is the

    main complex in milk thistle, and containsilybin, a powerful flavonoid that has verypecific detoxifying abilities.

    Silymarin  protects cells against oxidativedamage and enhances the strength and

    detoxification power of the liver.

    Silybin helps the body rapidly detoxify and canspeed healing of the liver. Without being boundto phytosome, silybin can be difficult for thebody to absorb and use. But when it is bound toa phytosome, clinical research shows that itcan be present in the body for up to 8 hours.

    Silymarin – An Amazing Compound

    or treating fatty liver caused by alcohol abuse,ilymarin boosts the activity of the body’s own

    atural antioxidants, glutathione and superoxideismutase. Milk thistle also directly inhibitsamaging oxidative stress, so it has a doubly-trong effect to protect liver cells. In casesf liver fibrosis, a study in Taiwan found thatilymarin from milk thistle reduced the activityf the enzymes involved in collagen formation,s well as limiting the damage associated

    with fibrosis.

    or those with NAFLD, milk thistle componentsffer hope as well. An Italian clinical studyf 72 affected patients were

    rovided with silymarin twiceaily for 3 months. Theyound that silymarin reducednflammation, as well as thelevated levels of enzymesssociated with this disease.

    Milk thistle research hashown that silymarinrom milk thistle reduced

    symptoms and improved overall quality of lifefor those with chronic hepatitis C, or withhepatitis-like conditions. In cases of hepatitis C,a clinical study found that milk thistle improveda number of parameters in patients infected

    with the virus. At the end of the 6-month study,the researchers found that silymarin reducedlevels of harmful liver enzyme activity, inhibitedmarkers of liver fibrosis, and greatly improvedthe patients’ quality of life.

    Silybin, the “Power Flavonoid” of Silymarin

    Silybin is extremely bioavailable when in aphytosome form. Because the phytosome formis fat-soluble, it is better adapted to copingand repairing difficult conditions in the liver.An Italian review found that silybin phytosomeprotects the liver from oxidative damage, inhibits

    fibrosis, doesn’t interact with other drugs, andhas no significant side effects. The researchersconclude that silybin phytosome is a promisingintervention for chronic liver disease.

    In fact, silybin in phytosome form has beenshown in clinical studies with patients diagnosedwith liver disorders to have significant clinicaleffects on liver enzymes versus non-phytosomeextracts and placebo.

    Some of the most famous cases of silybin’s

    effectiveness have been its lifesaving effectsin detoxifying the poison of the Death Capmushroom ( Amanita phalloides). When thesemushrooms are accidentally consumed, themortality rate is about 30%. However, silybinsaves lives even three days after initial poisoning.In one instance, an Italian family was admittedthree days following the accidental ingestion ofAmanita mushrooms. Initial conventional therapydidn’t improve the extensive liver damage, andonly after intravenous administration of silybindid they recover.

    Silybin is also a strong antiviral for patientswith hepatitis C, inhibiting the ability of virusesto replicate. Oral treatments of silybin havealso been effective for those with NAFLD  and  alcohol-related fatty liver disease. Overall, it is apotent detoxifier and strong anti-inflammatory,helping the liver recover from chronic damage.

    This is why I believe that the best liver-restoring milk thistle formulas should include

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    When in doubt, always consult your physician

     health care practitioner. This column is to pro

     you with information to maintain your health

    silymarin because it includes a full specof compounds, including silybin. Howeveshould also include silybin bound to phytosbecause it is one of the most stable powerful components.

    Milk Thistle Inhibits Tumors and Cancer

    Research at the University of Colorado explored milk thistle’s ability to protect agtumor formation. In the case of skin canchelps signal cellular repair proteins to stopreverse UV-induced damage quickly. In cancer, milk thistle blocks the activatioinflammatory enzymes (including COX-2) would otherwise lead to tumor growth. Ocellular work shows that it may prevent procancer tumor growth.

    Additionally, a double-blind, controlled study at the Columbia University MeCenter showed that milk thistle protectsliver against the toxicity of chemotherapychildren with acute lymphoblastic leukembut does not interfere with the effectivenethe cancer treatment.

    Help Your Liver Heal Naturally

     Your liver is one of your body’s hardest-woorgans, and it needs the right nutrientfunction properly. When you help your liver

    help yourself live better and longer. Withodoubt, restoring liver health can be a challebut with the right lifestyle, diet, and powdetoxifiying and liver-restoring powersesamin, silymarin, and silybin, you can stand reverse – liver damage, naturally.