ALL ,s RE RT SY_.--------~~~~~~ Fanoo FERMSod PETrrto CAGE N'Q,. Cl3- 3 L,T; bio M. ; Li DiH 36G4 b-17594&loB STAH OE FLOOA RESPodDEgT AA1ENDED PETITIONENs JURIGDICTIoNR BRIEF $/0Åapac peo-se Ñ EMARDO l'EMrv58Al PLM Mzó J25 SaAN Ñosa ÚrreCÈonâÅ 1-r)SÉ)'vÉcn seso East Milon Road Ä;//o@ EkvjÅø 32593 12 20G FORMA

RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

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Page 1: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)


,s RE RT


Fanoo FERMSodPETrrto

CAGE N'Q,. Cl3- 3L,T; bio M. ; Li DiH 36G4

b-17594&loBSTAH OE FLOOA



$/0Åapac peo-seÑ EMARDO l'EMrv58Al PLM Mzó J25

SaAN Ñosa ÚrreCÈonâÅ 1-r)SÉ)'vÉcn

seso East Milon RoadÄ;//o@ EkvjÅø 32593

12 20G


Page 2: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)


TABLE OF c1TArzoxs |



uRLs orC TroNA R y $TAT6MENT (


ÎlE PET1TIôMEAS Po$T CoMILT1oM M971 y unzcH




A?fEAL AND THE $v&PAE ædLT ô^) 7HE .$4ME Öv&TzóQ



LG5dE # 2 K

E60£# 3

IssuE 4 't

B50£ b 23

Page 3: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)





LERT£f1cArg of GEf2VZCE

Page 4: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)


B e v. STATs qu so.1p sss caA.ist acA 2co7) [7

C as o.srare vn so.2o w LnA.w wiw H

s v. STATs 8% so.20 1013 CF/A. 2øa DcA 200't) lb

oèk v. 1%on as s·c+. s sq s« s os.ns Co.s.aA 2een) 20

oyd v. GTATE 40% So20 US CF£A.2coz) 7

suu m sTAre 737 so.2D So9 CFlA J494) Il

.0.s. H o S u.s. i So, q2 s.d .1cos , 3wso . Lo te4 Ú4 2) 10

oFFnøa t ¼fe S4t So.2o w4 (FM. M4c) 22,24

Mc||ag V, CTATE B27 So.2D 94% (_FLA-2ao2

ded v. Sk1e øsu Go.20 con LAA· 280 Dc^ 2ess) 17

chadsoù v. STATE G7o So.2D U©n ÉÑA·6TH A 0

vERA V. STATE 49S so.20 ¡qt Cç¿A.2oog ) 1

68MTS U STATE 369 9020 12S6 lkAJffo

Schop v, STATE bb3 So-2D 10$& CflA

Sc40 v, S TATE #2�57060.20 LI 3 8 64 20

Qyjgjog] V. G}a SÉirl orì %& l^6-!#4 6A'


Page 5: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)


Michelle Shiver testified she took her children to school on the morning of

October 4, 2006 (T2/176-177). After returning home and eating lunch, she heard a

knock on her door (T2/177-178). Ms. Shiver looked through the window and saw

a black male at the door (T2/179, 181). Ms. Shiver decided not to answer the door

or otherwise show that she was present in the house (T2/182). After about five

minutes, the man left (T2/182).

When Ms. Shiver went to the guest room, she could see a pick up truck in her

driveway with it's engine running (T2/184). She called her husband and then 911

when she hear glass breaking in her bedroom (T2/185) and then retreated to her

laundry room (T2/186).

Sergeant Vincent Constable arrived at the scene in an unmarked Expedition

which stopped near Ms. Shiver's house (T3/238-239). He said he saw two

individuals where the garage doors are, at the edges of the house, in line, almost

(T3/251). He testified that he assumed they were talking (T3/253-254) and did not

know where they were coming from (T3/252). One of them, Benjamin Collins

(T3/241) was carrying a pillow case (T3/239). Constable looked at appellant's

picture on the day of trial to identify appellant as the second man with Benjamin

Collins (T3/256) because he had no independent recollection of appellant.


Page 6: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

Going to the rear of Ms. Shiver's house, police discovered that the sliding glass

doors in her master bedroom had been shattered (T2/195, T3/275). Ms. Shiver

noticed some blood splatters on the carpet (T2/219). A pillow case from the

bedroom was found outside (T2/200). It contained some jewelry from her jewelry

box (T2/207) as well as a ski jacket from her closet (T2/213). Ms. Shiver testified

that the property taken from her house was worth "around three or $4000"

(T2/213). A laptop computer in the pillow case did not belong to her (T2/212).

Anthony Grima, Ms. Shiver's next-door-neighbor (T2/222) testified that he

returned to his home after lunch with his wife on October 4, 2006 (T2/222). He

saw several police cars at his house (T2/223). At the back of the house, the screen

was out on his patio and his French doors had been shattered (T2/225-226). His

laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow

case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230).

A pocket knife and a bloody sock found in the vehicle as well as the bloody

pillow case was collected for DNA evidence and finger print testing (T2/164-165).

The DNA matched Benjamin Collins (T2/168). No DNA or finger prints matching

the Appellant were found (T2/168).

Appellant requested for a special jury instruction on circumstantial evidence

(T3/329) which was denied by the trial court (T3/333). The jury was also

Page 7: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

instructed with the Principal jury instruction when there was no competent

substantial evidence to support such instructions (T4/378, 379).

The following symbols will be used:

When referencing to the Trial Transcript the appellant will use the letter "T"

followed by the appropriate volume and page number. When referencing the

Deposition the appellant will use the letter "D" followed by the page number.

When referencing to the Record the appellant will use the letter "R" and "SR"

for the supplemental record followed with the appropriate page number.

The petitioner submits this petition as a prisoner pro se litigant unskilled in the

science of law, and wishes his petition and entreaties to this Honorable Court be

received as such.

Page 8: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)


T GGuE L Pe&oner codends #at ground 1 of his fod CaÀÚ'on

moSon, claim £ck was denied by he Four 0Ånc

oFAppeal. Expressly and direchly conAded wik 4decision in & GLon'da Guprë«e Gurt on whe/ber ari

a/ideda.y heanny or appropõde relieb uas requeed.

1ssus 2 Pddione codends 44 ground 2 of his post c»nicksa

moBen,claim which was denied by Ae. Fourk Dìskd

Cour�040of A ppeal . Ex pressly and diredly conA/übed wik

a decision in ½e. Florida Suprejne Gud and -tk£econd oiskid c.ourt of Appeal on wheker anevidenkay hea-iny or appropäak rehd was requ;æÅ

r ssuE 3 PeMoner codends 44�040yound u o¢ his pod con ekonmokon,cløm which was denied by fbe. Four% DistridCovh of Affeal, Expressly and dicedly conNde<

a de.c;sion in ¼2. second and mfth nurïds court o f

Appeal on ukeber an eusde&wy heariny or affrofneÁe

<�254liefwas required.

Page 9: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

T SSU E 4 Pd£oner con+ends eq+9xuad ca of h;s post convidiari

mokoa, do;m whick was knied by ke. Garth Dèdric} Couri

oF Appe.aL . ExpressLy and diredly codi:cW wHh a dension

n ¼ Rés4 and Second Distóds Cour�040of Appe4L en

ukeher an udanka..y heanny or appropride reJ;ebuas required.

T SSUE E PeMoar conunds ha�040ground , o�041ks pod convidion rnokon

ckx wkch was deéed by the Fourik D;shid Cood of Appe4L

nµessly and dicedly conAcM wk a Acision b TM

çuoda sopame CouÅ anci 4ke. Second Dishick Lou

on ukeber an eëdenü4 kaa.nn3 or a ppro pade. ædie0 as ce

gsos (o Pe¼ner con¼nds �041hatcjroonë 9 oh' P°d 'o^c¼e ukch w as denieb by ¼a l'our�040hDiskd CouÁ of A e

ExpressLy and dicedly (.oßl|Ú�254dWik a Neu5ion

FLonda .Suprame. Cour�040on wheber an eviÅesky he

or appropùk reJrep was required.

r$SUE 7 Pekow CoÅends &Á grounÅ E oÊ lù fosÁ conMonclaim which was denied lay be. FouAh 0;sirid Cour¼ ef Age4L

E xpress L y and dicedly con Êlic}ed u|# a Áeci s ion La 7Ee

FLorida Sufrese Coud on whelber an eusdedo.y hearqor a ppro pàk rel;ek was re.quired.


Page 10: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

e d scrakeaaq TúsEchon oS h Gugsme C»«t mayhe. sea la ko �523»iesdecistoas of hMcb Cod of

ppeal bed otpessly and d;æcHy coaßlids wâl1 ahaston o9 anoker oïsyc+ ceA of Appe,i y op

e Sqeme Cod on ¼ sama lepL ques�254snjrsuto RA toso c2)CA)(rL7)

NoücE is ¡nn Ad Rewk Fqùon uo-se, lbe-åkone.rmous Þ1scesrzon*«Y'Jijaxsozcrrom of rnEFlo¼ Supreme Court b �523useuÅkL dec4Gen of the. Fourvism Court of Appeal �523ndemdon &�2543isT DAV of

odober 2oiq Csee Appssoz× sauzazrA) Ashead^3no .jf e. ¡qry oAy o f D£cEMBER 2ca , (SEE APP£dozX ExuzBI T C ,

Page 11: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)


onu c ntends W daim à hic use ost anMone on Whì Ja6 denieb by he Four4 dècf buAp yeal.&pressly od becay cookkd daa

decis; a in he FLon'da Gupceme Courk and oíberoish;°k coud of Ayaal on ke. scune k3d yesSon·


he ditioner confends &a4 rouaÅ í oC b gost conMMa �041bdwas deèed h k f�041ukDàkd bort af ½ed

coded a (n ho violäoo¼usly u�254dyæbled u>h a sèünem v %k %S s0·20 m (Ra·2cos) on Le ùue dahv an

vi enb'y Imay or other pi>ale relA is rêrquhÚ lo odeañinëd mad>sæly , ydkaek AduaL alleyakas ad

u dde wa3ly pres Ake misludiaq 4esk�042>eayW> úlahnd G b.In #arn, ks lhaocaWe GÄ m»ersed and avenhd br aseW;ay w vakr k yo s¼n e¢iéng a ca- +a me A k°Î¼L uds coachsjon k G>e dün we dkledy

del hy Ae record so as é de an ededay howvnoesesay Uder oar post conèckon rule ø nwd except werdsda as he aad diæd an ehbiwy hemia m kir validityvakes ¼« <ecod conclusAy demonskk 6Åtma is maidk iA m: R»yo v. Mak see oao as@wse22 under bles.eso a på condon khnd is eddid b an edebyhea;,n phss he mba ad <sced cadusùely sí,oakeddeÅt is edikd te no relA k æc»rd does not condus,ælydhs ws ed s;æ SaÅal & bas Art Aa .shkKn a µseha & × mo8kadin�570k8&nsay oldend C ïo. Viúk here may he valld �254«plamkonsb rdubAese de abens, Ae è has noI ssman y e ^5e-

Page 12: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

eylodos a e oad on 4e Ace oe 4e <ëcod&cork ly u ÎnÎ ba4 kerds alh3akons autkc;ed 6a eAkay ku a3 wk ægoal 6 abe er thye was aie t/lofaËoo -

eÈoner codenås Laf kl p©veÀ St Sree reay h6f in

dien ïa esh6kka a bi o Mohb'ea· ukæm ksRanywas 6e wÉ St w nesß ma e a fqlse ÑSÊNos/ af Á1 w lc1

s dìP from k ksb'msg o¼ kpoutoa, al 1re posedornaaà uas bise, ukA k peäkeets ¼£ consel impád heikea 4 ks kposukon teshmony uiA de Me Mmen makkial kön cass-ea~;ncJ;on of 4be ws6ess, M 1he ks�041monys mdeh ukea ¼« esewlw ved k Ak ksboa¡es k

ky as sudskabe wÎence. Ôk uskonies seæ ae mo¼p aeÅ b:4}w& ¼ Se- påÉ'eneh birÅ, probånik ])e ç|7,yest

c»rokraba o& impikakoq 4t phanu à k alle ed Mme b 4eakea k pe¼aw ms mek a panc;pal.

ollowin ïs k Alse kskusay d , );æd eaminden by depro ecJ« �041#k Áness DekcGæ Ga see, the pMoner 6 /kg.

o T 4 Jd k La blad n,ale sdj m 69 es ßey

k 1+ ayea d weæ hiby 6 sad, elder.

Te Allos:a3 s Ä« bpud med é Ae 4/se ksbony of deAness see:a3 6 pedoner 6tha9 okuq uess- ex-ká byhe feÉËsne)s 4riaÁ Charisel.

: L ksMed e«lier ßd ou edd beA Md Mese ûclidvaha klkia3, ìs 4d coræd ?

A.' H appmed ad hæj we£-t oc ye æmber usway ¾e pasesa Mbedly è a dep»Son

yov game on Tuae 29,2eoq !

P seuer: Pe e,

cwaseb. e, 9


Page 13: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)


LavacaL ekkiaq AwL wi ass'.In (ht deposi'6A if ¾f I Co 6 wed Mi i

L anel; î>y Ms.lkaivheA: Toby p could kJ V eher y we<e k/h ,

say ;s le oke fdse kheat 4 a Jaes ikhd,ë conskbk^9 - à®uÄ ïdeákdor d he pel$onar dûay dæch

omaakea by the pesaeukn

on kr okar sde d Bený-;a colUas, ubo was en k oke sided bè r*/ 4 Ae o&v res;Ace3

h eke ïndUdd,b> showia9 you a p;dua ld is d s¼,Cr be ¡ded fakon .Is 4:s se o4o, ¡J.»dÊnut .j, y,,.N. Pla FarysenQ: Do yee see & Gyuseo ½ coA room now?.4:'Thá's b;m st$ag heæ.frase<der: ¡A 4e record �523Ned4¼ altruus />d mda an ,;w>adibeditaden eb bynude Gysen.

Te ceJ s14 sbdl.

e A bda ïs4a loya«Jurieh oj ¼a hise hánony JmL»g aaim»ud ìd #ca�254enel the peWioav dün c,as-e<runindedy4e üal cauaseL .

Q:Uhan you Åd saa0ese ind;-;bab, you avidn't see Nelé Jaces orkdud x~y ¼3 & Ad-

A T cooW see {kale fea4ures 4 }beë makup,r meéus &d and hei 64 44 lype #tagDaàng depd:en, pu also ksekd pu hd dsdde/% noùb¥eAtcdad;on of & uson ,àktyod

A : I has ha a lo nom hme to rá-jeu m% <yori today,san·Tu u,Q : se you ,r,;wied y>× 19×�040,taskd d he pdxs,is Ikat Já yw );A: Corrack

Page 14: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

'h pehm a¼k M k Gb kse es M was mah4

Le s¼e Aness Dekch ceas%ie afkded k ok a»e d kpekkaeb 6'al GJhes #e sble cu6n$d Ae 4/se deshnany bk jury as sohs6áît esiknæ.11 dde c6ûlled b Aepy#at k Anass m46 4 incaA idedka¼ A peKoner andk psecAer ake aMkd b de y Ad W d;M mder/whde de Aness ddd k pekkae/d aos 4 ersahnvnah Tu pe$w esdende #e s/da ks ty

vid he- Abe ksbnsa and ddad k Wse k anyd #a pekoneh hL whid, es ked a G; là moMø£EE, (n lìo |4 d& 406 iM. ISO,9z £4£ 76@ El L-so. · iag 0472 ).

e, e Éonef CenÑnÁG ÊÁ #6 ' (../ A$ 4 W�254s064o deny k pd$oad chtm.Cses me-azi ExHLB1rA) tJe4 n

pacisly sa oud. LJhex Le_ l dabas mar.sky e«aycùedange.s of ekkas of ¿nesses hs&>m>ies ad nelchenyes A montes NLh3 udvarkk peßbne Ad k ¼4 aut and fewM /2 tadc»wl of nd pmæ or pro&le porkns d %erecod ua sMit shoèy ¾e. pedoner was edWd dewhe) d Als chlm.1re pekb'on« conkdc kHe p-add pshss J Ike ,ekh red Mk Anus dwayed his sisorn ksbien, s¼ ude oath kom his depos;hon Ws 6hl kskon s

bial wa,s Alse,Tu peker asseAs hat ks Konsædte GJ b k kgalpewv b kcide. k codlicts on k sa-ne. issuerøsad by be peMenen


Page 15: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

ISM 152

Påkoner codenk 4h tovad 2 of ks pod convichon mdon wbichn denïeã hy u coorth #oisA Lourt of ¼pesL csEG Å�570�570EAIOfXémærs) Wm oG kk ccouel he;n indtecke 4r bLure 6 ob'ed6h sh¼s bess M,he áng;6/e�042s0kg,ny ,A ,eyag a È;dadunkemq 6 it beame deu M a kw viokken occur,ed wik s¼sbany. Spæuly and dhdy odlids a le k;sion in Gasb>Gü m so.2D Soq (%AÙ on ¼ issue Åe&er a movaÅr5 e

40 an ed cÌenÈo»/ keün or a pre;úail relaÎ onle_sç, Ne oschon areurd aadosively shoÅ4hé ke moved is eMed k no akd unda Pod coüden acom.

^ ܤSksn> s honoråle. Cour�040keld &cd a movruÁ is ar#eÁ Jo a,1eAenhy heün<3 on a pod convid;on 6;m he ályes sped Ads

aæ ad coidawdy add ½ �523cordad kl, de-,,onskksa kkúency ïn perb<ma od pæjud;<e he mouut. qadny Robek V% S&e so.mnss mamo).The, peÈoner conËenÖs ÊÅ he baÅ meÍ be. ¼wo prol fesA of Snc[lanÅv. wasbjko, w v.s. (ow s.c+. 'loS2, so L ErÁ 26 /o7 Úlf f/4). Ê&6 ///hìs mokn he asseÁeà kÅl0 W Gal Lovaseh cepesedakon All beloi<i art

okehe shahrd o4 reasonahkness ud cd ¼son46tly thd 14 for(ÅL counseh un passional eaor &a as) of ik ç<oæediny uoddkaa keen bed

h hoaer cobank LÅ ke raiseb ks cJaim la his mokon in se. O adCr�041+.bdaim was knieb hy k k court dout up oAsas S, reced æ¼g ¼ d«¡m,nekc enjed for be kia in val;Lk peMone agedtÎ ha den:al of ße køl ce o ,roA 0;su £~rt of ged.ts da;- sas nd 33d gewákn opinion erher aMemïn3 Le summay den;ol d Me. dcod(ses morx oumr àrur¼ me se akaer codenk ¼4 Le de,;al de pasty ad chæd�570ly codi:ds A a kc;sten cotas

soao w %¾wo ad i oa Le issue uk u


Page 16: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

ex vaæasonal�570klù¡ut vadw Lese Ads & kÆngahecs ks%ay ad reyed a Wadsen he a abes A bwc]ear ¾ok a d;savey vìo laken ocLw�523dà ¼ whøs ¼skmany.A disany holaba unde gala 3.22o wuoce) 9:savey

e feYoaQC coÂends ïa %s moËon be �523Jrà en Col\in6 / Aak ÁÂ

as ressed by ha zuo wJ A< ox ak&y læng ea lhe seeal ;ssue .

In Col||os, ke assdeb im his mokn #Å kas aanseL was heWeckue brbLay to ohjed 4o, an¿ ryed a khaken heung sa M&er ionyù

¼¼oay ©d CoWas ido el her k �523ce;4a ade lam 6' ædefenhÅ Ê<em ke SeJ\ s on on ÒuòÅ Rs Üab^®É LuouÌÁ &Collaas hk scena d ¼ ûme, hk was dvabA bebeu gasskken and ha çdJ amed,(Ås defence wa6 and his »kAnhJ ks&d % ins rea~4a a che 4e hoq loy oawæd. ms Mmony Ly ohv kong a uas

ia seearn3 conW16a 6 be kposka s6k-ed,

Te hand bïsd Gh o F Apped cemsaol and remaskd his chimbo a änky beûn ,uke coll;as dun ¼ k;s domey wasïne&che be né p k ha-y eau (« · ped is LàllysAd anL i s d <a hy paoas o¢ k necor aandad byb kal ad.

Påkner assak k lAun Éshey mak by he sbh tdnacs¼àa Gas%le. M Âs nw ¡nkebced in any psor ; vesydensor yaoc depsmoa donaq b;,eck exaxunden by dø pseaÎod %al

N k he ao saa #ese, o idy;duals, you bas a call hate a huq r»y in pro e ha do you k as a law enforc ah

A en 1 Y æs oakHo k sænr I <dd see k ád kk d ay. Kat de as pulling in M area. .¼ eneedd Ahebdt kse. woe Ae. he fs ccmhg Aem At bac


Page 17: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

o k es«hnce.A krÅ pó ®�254jos¼edAúng krs4 uke po sau k }ao ép,

a ad Codia6 and see. ¼ vekä hack ok be date x

u T M showed up,k v&de u« pliq ¼ k okway.

T+ adudy cue Ao~ ¼ noe# d ¾e æsidwe dua ssäound ud bened ido k dmay u¼1 was pulläg Îp to

You see ny v&de 4 ks po;4.

oda3 is Oekdk CoasEbla bsb1oa 3 D:s v:o/hidunny vess- e« ;nden by pekkaÅkal a

or lo &aí, you wouldn4 l¼ou ubese be w2s si0in in k �523Jùfebe kni or hack passengu sed or tan &q döst sc rior }o waÁal lA: de wasn4 in k cu paor k my amwaL.7sa· ch< plieÔ¿,, ut,seT c¼pad·I could ha no oaa 3d ed J k ca

¼¢ hbaing is %ckæ [sashble's depos;kon hken alda wder�523&p¼c ko ks issue..D© k]ouj onÝ you & Me how }/cu BCOMe· InvoIved ù Nie $ eof mak vess kno<do

A Tse. was a cd om #a radio. ßa.sicall a knale was sayiBd ama one was 499 h bd do Ý hovæ er sin heud

opss hdraq.

hd was 3 on kan you a<nved ?A I dros pas adual resiknæ ïncident |sedien sehouse. Ad aka I +6 sbfplag my vekcle, z aJd see kosubjeds w&ag km bekaÀ hr resikaa w A L>oresideom'~ bdan he ¼c keusec,

%e 96# �523Mkh he was procedwily had b ksks ëoas y 4e skk utkass Aea k peÅÊw ks/Nad ü usd se #a k veWe aw lek lhe day at Ae æsìJesce


Page 18: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

k, dk a eo be res)dence Abak s u dao e e e ne

eh kw dèàway as sbe. looked ob e window of l« dancepe&aar awk 4, his ¼£ aussel s 4;lva b ob ed b 4he

k¼ales yomb Ad her æpesekken fell loalou an objeckæshded of recombbeSS- wl+e At hk-onles we4 ad«Åedcvd tseÅ as evìdame h coavi'd 4kt pebbnv yvhy eÊ Øe ch e6

Te pe&aer ¿»áds rd he m;kd k kes;hn é abdiveaskhle as &cerdaà Mdence in is mohn and ßcæ as ne

shoay d ¼ vek kk ke· peR'oner was apehended'w pdL»ih La dèæ ,com:ay km k ^A oHe astben�523¡

kaaq sak boun kmû3 in6 #e dhe ,

& pe&av aánb +kd Le M kl haæ nd%s&lsy w

cp 6 MaL,d he Þnew tha sWe iness uns yey b use 4co4d;cby ks�254meny4 ha chlense 44 he seen de -ehdep4ed k k dèmay of k asikace and & p¼ner

ad Gttias ce,,,» ¼ 44e reu ofA æsdesae,Te_ peßener asseh Ibat |hese deshnonhes maksÄy' h¼Íedk pebaats kaL papadoa, (sæ sq;o v. srsrs wru t,g a&k, zoorc).

Te- pedone unkds 44 tys kd o,»1sels kla,e 6 ob ed /ch kskoates viobded h;s Mal skkgy, (sa: sáy/a s lem so.zo isis (Aines),Ukes À his M u«aseL bad obec6d 6 he kst;m,nies 2-1mped a kk son keung andd;+ was desid by Ma kico-ds k e-ror wed haæ been |y pæse årapekk revlea be lhe apped coÅ Jo ec,e Jke as:

1eæ ha LA b< MaL mu>seh unpro fess,A a er heresa of he pxudhg wedd ha-e been dM+enh

Tk pekar asseds 'Ld ks kaarabk led haa 46 aLpwer 6 dad he �523£dson de sa e kpl >ssæsre<ìted by de peb'bner;


Page 19: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

ISS UE1�0413

e. PeÀiE om conkÜs Så rooÅ q A his posì convickn nokor1kh as deúed ¼¿ h Troock blsM Cod é ApaL csa AMEM¾'amrrkle of kid toonsd be ine#e&e 4, Ailse kACerCibe erejn Q#if C alÍenyeb Éo kuo bias ' oror.S, /#Ìn lÍs Ñar

od & Åjor. kpessly ud d;<edly codMed v]/h k deosicaskba,he v. ¼k so.2o a OLS»o>cooos) ud &«is v.5¼

�25442So.2D lo75 Ú% 2ND 0 200d on M issue. ui1eßer a^ kiiÅerrbí}/

heu u appopòde æl; is my;md }o bdermine ul1eßezbdcouas%)k acks a k&aL utme bis ud counsd A;W6exua:sa pe,uyky cbdes es 6 sUs de We æs.L ¼<hon, Ae eqpd�041dassded ibd 1,;s MÍd aunseÍMedk e«aa:se ckde es 6 a uw Jose Mer hd been a abof a s;�523iorc,we elb4 Á 6 kJ &n K 6,) o,)£;e4e am w u æa m uwk w be came. 16e eeëé -ihe sw kshid , ej deto ds ânïal wk-e k rea,d d:b nd rdh eJ64:s av, enM k;s64 tod sboaid ham exceràe pe-ë,->p c6ßyes a

Jy sdk;e-ri allegeden·avis, 4e no uskd ,wsed k kal As kid w6e

e e ed 6d his årnay kkd k dden e ad 16k Wowars be avaal on voice. d|<e hat bd been wd>:æs 4w rok k se»me. chaqr aqdad 6 kJ k & 24o

0:sM kd 44 a ed condon .at aks 44 ounsd wasäkecke deÂng a ks marnkÏd k venin k seas sw 4'py ¤>a33 o dehoecy & performan e sâhied k �523µêaconcluss edal b k recs<tl era evided hew ,Te gehbar assJs É had md k k p of gÅja,4 v

hìs m on he asseÅeÔ Ed cl ) his h�041aÍovnsel's repæsonhÉon É�254Íͼ@ ao ohjad¼ sknkd d reasondk ness,ud toReasonaklitM V h< Mal covosës uñpd�041essiosalerrw ha asulf

Page 20: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

è. þomedìtlqG aodÓ kwe been Ò¡NereÂ,e pekkoner asseks 4d 4be FouA thk'd denged hk húa||y suÜiósÁ~

dcø based on Coralelli c Gkk %I sa2p saute 2so7) (sa 4MMDEXEXnt8E<Å e onel Ct56eÁ5 (c<cc�570|V, ¼# }s diNeAÁ }Åári Å5

orgmeÅ, bl ù CuÁeß ke entsed he ìssoe 4bat bis biaA counselÊ¿leb k <tGeMe on objeäon to 4e dental oÔ hh for caue d-Kyeo prosp A µ&o

%e pek Roaer eu ved ¼½ kìs ¼[ u>wivleL in;led to excercise apeph<y å en a to sWe km jwers.

Tr pe&oner ass in his moh'on he claimed by k tuo jws beinvicl¼s 69 he 'o-me o#ense 4e pe&oner went ja kal /,r, øieëbtpeÃences ma e lhose. ers lo £ppalhize wïll> 04 vidims anÁ

a eteÅ hem Vaable Ío vleu #L Wibence. à ar1 w>bies marvle'TLe pekb'oaer conkads il &e. hoo es dïd ad s } anÁ dellAerah

s he we Åcl oÊ kame a Ô;#emÅ jwy ve ici ofne uÅfør

ou a ì Se @ïee citæ onswers to }ha qvcsÁers Éf |Áe9e osch kna$ Counsel }},e. r)a¼vre oÊ Ne 'wor biosness

Her you Mr heen ha vickm Aa íne?A'. Mr. ll|Ilw|T have hÚ #emis stoien komj excunbî*y hous&

A .' Mr. Major; des, had my car beken do a appk h'rnes.Hous;oy LwyW ze) a coufe emes ,

k pelbe ankds 641,is abuny hwyekna 4r 4L×6excerclse earybry (ÁaÜen es b £Íril£ ße /w á LJÁo Á¤ e avichîns he kane còne b Ak pekke weÁ fe hìal A-fell below an objeeb¼ gÈndo;d of sond/eness-Tb fehèbo'<»dends kd Ae dden a bee-> m e and deniel Jy 4a balcouA 4e issue adi Îljame been presem �540rda appellahCoJ b mulew o.nd m»vce k wid,òn· %ë hæ k dcome.d k proasd jag wooLL ha»e 6eu M&M


Page 21: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)


OW confends SaÌ ond b of bi FvNcon ' 'on mdionwkck was dehed by & Fox Dibid CoveÏ of A , LsáAppgorX D�2549rTA)Gair of kaÅ covasË belog i Æ for(dom �040ocall a cacid wike5 EyæscLy and bedly conkds urikk kc;sions in tkä æ %k ½ bo2o is %· 2^!D i×^ 200D*ÅB<m æ ¼& %2 so.2o sss uta.isT DCA 2coykva #e |ssve· Ú1e#Wan widedy im ø, ciber ypopdak relief is æquish to bdenaheker ¼'L auns > k aób'on we,e Mcal ulu X,e pekknerall eÅ &d ks Må counseL hiled k cd ks u>ktedaaCoËas as a w;kess 4 ks/i$T; ged, h seAeà ïn ks moÊo^ 0d his l»aA ma^.sel Med hcall his cs�041deÃdadas a wikess,whæ b;s a>deksdanh ksh-y

uoald ba uskd a dea in k kfendads oilb 16e kd arufdenied s ch;m.at & 2e â£d �523uerse)4e hid ads demalol his c when il skkd #at he appelad pmsenbÅa lasuk;ej Jam, d ü e#66e ass;stwe of avsel ksd on a sehAkre k caA a whess-rn B�523unk aaknded in k;s másn W;s 4,id é însd A6 cAi w'ikessas 6 ksii fy 4 his }a �042Brown sped Redeach abess pre posed kaeny ad how k uniss;ans c¢ e svæknaepe.pdà kt okame c2 ks krÅ and k Jnesses was wdlin andanWe k 4esMy· Ka ¼L �523Jdead Iks dahn 6d /kt×skè �523ærsedh¼al cw�040sdenkL d his Salm wkML cod kkd. b aW mord whens e½,,; Aeukness 4estmooy wouW ad has a k ed e of Jk bd

Áe QoA is Mr.(Äins }k ebÉsneh a~dde-kna k%»enyha ,s Wen in b;s clefesï on by be pekkaels 64 aanselakick would ha»e caste) a douN us k Rddeneh guilk

V.uas Mc feqvsen one d 4ke people 4at spJled eÁ ofk vekde


Page 22: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

A:YesQ So Yoke sayla9 ¼l N F usen was in he car Jhe edireSme as he as you wwé .'

A Yes ma'a4d he mxer wand kstda 4ka æs;)ance?No

e kab ½qr kÜ possess¡on d any of he ifess #4 waæ W deres;dence.

A tdod yoo SiÜ See & Gerguso^ go do anyoneh house

A MoG b kouse kå4c re.slo\ence M Munniä s mtùtoA A ma¼s, 0Q . doc Ae. hoom ned deør?

Ab Wo das·Q: So yona ksïcå3 sayìa3 4hd k bd no invobemed6

40s bsþydd?A Imeu k -km bk he nw A insìk #a d e

Whut s he ?A In k vehrdt-

peSono lends &cd he ks);mony 4 hs skbdd u»ddkaue. caskd a$o,6[ y;,,,,i, ,;¡

obdas ¼y b e»eds J:Â as ûlrÅdæed 6 aderas sakshaut eu;dan e

okk prosecdor subm;Ud b b Ld ks co-ddedd& collias wea4 do M4de 9W housa â å k ddisner we-d

de khay Gids house.& skde also sä»ded J,4 jf aas aanned ud hj had coadedµ p ù)o je ;<)er>ce @e

oes ù As cAenAa plïkoaer con�570Å6%�570Áis &||ing, yc<vcA whesa k ¾sdy i44 he. pehbner new wed doany d he æsdeacts , new pssessed a»y ¼2 h


Page 23: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

re4hoces ad ddd paÄpak à k a//ep dinec in hisklense, 99hced k ge&aer k a Air jwy balk)Ò he, c¢i s sjon oÛ hìS co-dcÊe^ÜaÁ År. Co#,b9 fes&nony

preyhte) k chcme o0 k proceedta�040LJkn Aa w:bes waswÁn MÕ, øvai ÍaÜL 46 NeS#y oÁ StL feÝoner Va6 M4Å A

n'aÔ Qal beccaue of /*Íf, CoÜ¡ns �042%e- feÁh'oaec cskmÍs #af he m�254ÍÑ gem^ ' tri A ÅdcÂÊ'cleã{ c]alm 0Û Era eÊkche QGs:shme af counseL beced on - aÍo ca5 g wi�540ne&SWÝre he âÍÍe ed Cl) Åt jÁkli/y óÑÁg uL2) #e sòÉShmce &�570Se kslievionf C3) rm /árjeder) /wJ �254

y,rss,'on of k laskmeny Prejudhd k ea ana a-J w kabus ums willïn3 and audable b ksd�040Te pebaer enkads 44 kre s no teard e dáuely re h

k p¼aes dérn, Jeæ #a ad cad diled he/hd p sau ,ec«è eylai,;ny hw k w;6esc tesk>my wose ,4a%ckd 4ha J coma oGbis RaL.

Tæ pel;lùer asseds M 1he fourMèd WA ef ge d da dIks ck;e1 based on los 4èal camisebs mem-e- do

call & Gil'as esa wilnes am)he ghd ú IAGeeman a<nuò

TG pe2nr assAs Le Mwing recod Ad o s usdden 4e abavs clab.

7ha auk ,e ibut axy Anes yeo waAp«Ú8Ta Maka : M d k mo-edTsaL caseL ckkasehr wkd 6 på mapyT in we kol lbe d askea A &njamh l»!b6 Jes Nwr<s a discussion wi�570æbenæh & feg vssn cÅs3as a Jness.r ,wneded k d call m álbua a1 ¼k M hès ù ayæmerl.1yst waded de r»-ke su édoesd keme a issue, ld« en -The bad : Mr. F asoo, youyst haud&Qs k«Horred

k ktedad : ¼s, sir.

Page 24: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

Tk pe¼ogs conhÅ W be. nur cgad wA ks ¼l counse s«Lcensôdon ad 40 cd Mr Coßns as a daerA wk,e. , cetorÀrd(ecled % ks Gal counsel s¼ed #4 she,¼oo y se pehtioaerWaù a reeneÁ'' of her reco menk{;on. 0The qek asser$ #Å #e Qurü blsinA ÚvÜ eaÅ &nnd

«Jy oa ÊͼGaony M k Meae<- answd in À÷Úakre k 1esBmoag uas an ten ad nda Ad ofAe pMonera reemteh¾ (eNow us fd he ksboay kn h,s kal

asel'a <tcommeabbon was nd an e«plid ksbneny-Tk teat< asseAs 4a le al c6kas Ad was osed do hayk Beneh dabn was not æcisly on po|at ($EE ANEAIDEXEMLßTTA Ab�254Ín NeAÙDEd anÅ (X"mNL �540efboand aue, consed ad k call an w;hess and to hek JrùlcouÎsefs sb»dik gekkw con eak 4d ha was nem ficaAly aske) by /ke

al cod ha a ter«J uk ks A co%8°ás �523aedntal �042Collin6 or any dness in ba Îkas

pe¼;eae assoAs wh^ ka 6ial coad as4d &~ d he wadeds lauyv 6 call any Anesses k ks ded.15e he s6bÁad é #e moment.

TEe pehbaer røds w¼ ke 6d < J askd lu»ilAe heéædud as sa;dp skled mT¼ geÈoav �523|lesa èk 4 Aliton 12G $4+-ESì,543 U605Üb 0ad was reaiers' oasdao for a neuloal were Re kÀkAnMr appevd or gro% hskal counsek propd AdegyTú pate ada Ad ¼ neaoraka coud sided <n kon ada concescion ulk é Mal aus a khhhd's*aMémahve.

e«p at Sccer ca¼¡ha  couds pearsame pæ-Öælyrna de..

Te et codends bel his ¼1 counselk per/bma e unsuÉere she Ü|0 tá he fÁÉonÜs conc£5s son b

i ¼£ sfrdegg reassnd ad k cdL Fir: Collk>s as a abecepakkaar asse)s Ad he <4s tio mord #d he d¼djæly,

Page 25: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

6xplià Hy, accepð h kal shed y of hrs kd cossd's -*Sfa ad call pic, c ¡¡:ns qs 99 w,4ness , acre #ee was noCondust'A reS onbe. rnade by 4�254febECnW W ÉIS N'Á ®'A

k pe%w assak ¾a% Md counsal was inebedwe Årrd callin Mr. úlgns as ci wlkess and ¼ was no sordConclus) f (cÊk'nq 4x pa}ìSonerb c)ù , wy ga,e was nodacked pcksas at ke_ rezo<d egla;nïa how 4be bessles�254meayuood not haa &ded ge. eÂs-a oe ha 6 al .

7ia Qedo« cenkads Sa+ A:s Wonordie GJ have 4a tandpoww h kûk k coaP):ds beLaa.n he d ksid'áh

ce Aged on ¼« same @al issæaued by f&enen

Page 26: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)


e peÜioner Lodends ka# round 1 oÊ his fed onákonam whi<a was demed by Ñ Fourth D;skict togrÉ of Aggal~

SEE pp@m EMratr A) @m of Ma[ counsel bein^ ine etMer kkorL 4o ofact k Deteckte G,nshble's pdor ûntonsiden�040

eÅ 0Å reques�040ba# SL biial couri Ahvå [be +Àaou\Å conbÅec ks nor m consisten�040s{a en�041as a i�570ply

o 5 LeeEibü| Md no ab sobsfukve eu; of adekadoh yuA &pressly ad à,eay coa & a feas on

cFFma v, Gate 57/ so,20 m £fla, /99o) on , /ss¿z J /kru eg;denhuy hea ing is gg:red due Me Mal to f in f3ccder sommuy denid bd not dak h raf nale for mec5nh gekkon ul M not abb kose specÅc pds o0#csretecds hat chee\y ceMeL sad, dalm,

In HÄ%ks konordle court eersed ad ce nkd /,e for forter proæed;ngs,

The pekkoner asseks kh he r%sed 4;s dak ;n b;s uso mRonthe C r<Mour�040.Iks c lak was den jul h\/ 4e Mal courts& oot uy por£ens of et records reMn - A js clak , Nei/kas deniel for he,n: kïaþy kv·al;d. 0

The µkh nv appeah k vend b , foorfÁ DéÁíd GgrfoF kppeÅ ad ks daim was no�040addressed in he âgmommy den of &e cita;f ágrt by , c;,,A Ddnch

Covò a App Aes opaion.(bEE ÅWM Úl4ESLT

eÊ£ Åt pÈoner ssess Aaf Ai l4cnorable Coorf baseLegak power io ecide he con l;à on be see

LegaL !ssee rrüed by Me pelkny,


Page 27: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

IS SUE �041�041b

e. pe%onu codends #Â grounÅq of k;s od coñuickonkm wkch was deáed by Ae foodh DjsW (o(rt of AgesSEe APPENDIX ExMIBIx Al Qaim of lod[ covh6d. beJAg iAeffedi'Ve

kr kilort é objec{ to Le sWe's prosecdor inoa proÓ& andpykal commeds dua clos;n , umds. 6xpessly adLedly conflided 4 a dec;st n n kline y, ¼k enso.20 %s 0%ace2L on Ae jssoe wheMer wAu nouhakuj hea×ing besoq hed ¾e. cour�040snd aaept he del 4

ocÅ al eqakons k he eded hat #ey aæ not mjukh byhe rew .

n flc\;ne, ks Honor& Coud ke]d ka¼ k ophold k hidourts summay denial of dalms rüsed in a x.eso ,,1&ne c�570mMvå eÅ¢( be Êriciall inV'4ÍÌÅ Gr cone/vsiv6/ rè_ ey be sal. Lk less he ward sboas anciosi,ej at 4e

appau k Jhd 6 no relid, 4e seder da �575eusedud 42 cause �523mowdkr an ey;knl>ary heaan « &peropnah reld.

he PeMoner COMe45S Sai he raiser] ¡s cla;m in Áls 3,gsodon ïn he CrcuKoud, y;s ck;m was knied by k jag

Lourt wikd y podiens of ¼ records æt&> 4;s daim,nekr I was esed for hainq Åàdy invalid.

Ee. pe%onv appealed }|->e knid b k Wr# iks6d (oÁoF Aqqed .Thïs claim was nof q&essed in ||,e ù|}Opìnì o n ordV aÊÈrM in Ne. SuMM Nen iaÁ o�041ÍÍ1�254,(irwit

Covct hy k YouAh ½skid court a f AgéaL Gu wemEXHIBITA

E e feÑOner d6se S S 006rn �254,Óvr a V�254k Le½ ywu k decà 4e codd on Le sme. aLssue rwsed by la pe&noc

Page 28: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)

e· pahow ankak 4d rouad s o¼ Pd coautken dat&& was hated by ik Åur4 DisMd Cour PA PPEo/DLX Ex HLBLTA a b C000seÍ·- �254!

kla to objed k se s¼s Áness bded Co+es¼ois and ves4 o curkve cavksa inskv&on

k pe,½ ¡estmonies. æssly and deedlye A a kcisto À ir> Hobas v. S k sn azo a

o) en La issue abeker an édenby ¼nny is ioÅk k yL coaét è ibs order summsy kwal di' ^ois¼ no redonak fods äghea offaße> and did notdhck kose speck pJs Å k awd 44bædlyrd¼k exh c¼m

Ta Hs Ffm , ks ܤaorrae GA s<sed and snuddMs issue l,< br¼ preæedlay sTu pedoaer asse)s 44 he trùsed Å>u cla his usonokon in he Crad couA Kis Jak was kn ad by khial ceAs Aoé any Pdons e Asafy his cl¼ We&w was domed Ar beûj hadit%e ekïow a aded #e deald to he h<-IA Odr>AoF pad aNks dû wa» not addæssed è Ra aMansans dental d Se Qad CoaA by de AJh DisMd

a byed uka cpwoa. Ga AfAEN01X EM18ETATch k pek koav assehs ad ks Honorable Qut hane à y to krJòe 4be coditd on B>e sa<ne\eqà issue raised hy ¾e peMonen

Page 29: RESPodDEgT - Supreme Court of Florida...laptop computer, for which he paid about $2000 (T2/229), was found in the pillow case outside (T2/228). Nothing else was missing (T2/229, 230)


WHER E E0RE, ¼¢ pehone resped As//y repest aid prap¼ ½¡s Menor&e Coorf acc ts dekon over, caseud $cd all rehd ½ deems pero ride in &e pehoneLddied Bñel


Ud« pen&s of pr sy; I kcJan ¼4 I høve de fore ob decoment sweu ed ße Ach skkd n

om hvÈ Åd corrut ü accordana w:¼ Floáda Qddeseen 92.52sw.


I AERE BY CERTIFY &af I maikd Se Ore sinAmenkd Erdekonal Taikal adet all, Agedy lo AÎ 07homas p. ¼ll, Geek , Supaa loud ef fledda , soo saak9auaL Geet Talla kssee , FL 32 3 49 asd 76e Marneybeneah oGFice, P&ol 7he Capilal Tallahasseeß 3z349by plaany as in H>e hads ar> insichelienal eMarhe e d £ada llosa Lemedonal InsWort der maiu

u.s. malL on &¿s opdy of May 2ots, for k<newik 4ïs Wooorr<bit Coud under 0,e mail box -v/e

k edhily Su n edco - E


