Resources Update Bexley Academies 18 th October 2011

Resources Update Bexley Academies 18 th October 2011

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Resources Update

Bexley Academies

18th October 2011

Areas to be covered

FMS Summer 2011

FMS Autumn 2011

Personnel Autumn 2011

FMS Spring 2012

ICAEW Accreditation

Summer 2011

New FMS User Interface

• New User Interface A new user interface was introduced initially to FMS but excluding

Account Receivable and Equipment Register. In summary the changes are:-• Icons have been redesigned – New User Interface• The “Module” icons remain displayed across the screen whilst

“Processing” icons are displayed down the left hand side of the screen

• Modern behavior for selected icons• Use of standard Windows 7 font• Modified colour scheme• Improved legibility within grids• Ability to resize screens – Appendix B• Selective field labels have been modified:-

• LEA has been updated to be LA• Facsimile has been updated to be Fax

New FMS User Interface

New User Interface Similar font and size to SIMS Industry standard icons – Print and Save

Re-used SIMS icons – Personnel

New FMS User Interface

Change of order of icons

New FMS UI - Summer 2011

New FMS UI - Summer 2011

UAT Workshop Customer Comments…

Very user friendly and I think will be very acceptable to school users.

Only issue is that accounts receivable not updated so looks a bit strange when you go between the areas.

Looks a lot more modern which will please new users.

There will always be users who are unhappy with the changes.

I forgot to bring my glasses to the workshop but I was still able to read from the new FMS screens – I have always needed my glasses to read the screens in the old version.

Ability to Hide “Not in Use Suppliers”

• Hide ‘Not In Use’ Suppliers from:-• Accounts Payable

Purchase Ordering• Accounts Payable

Invoice / Credit Note

Synchronisation of Rooms between


• Deleted Rooms will be removed from FMS

• Messages displayed when rooms are removed from FMS

• Modifications recorded in Audit Trail - Audit Type ER

Autumn 2011

Supporting Documents

Supporting Documents - Accounts Payable

Types of transactions:- Invoices Non-Order Invoices Credit Notes Sundry Invoices

Source:- Local scanner Network scanner

Formats:- Bitmaps JPEG’s PDF’s

Restricted Users

Restricted Users Budget holders – raise requisitions - NOT authorise or print Associated with their cost centres (Cost Centre Collection - CCC) Threshold set for each budget holder Do NOT have the ability to add an Invoice or Credit Note – Bursar role Ability to authorise Invoices, Credit Notes – if all lines in their CCC Review Chart of Accounts Generate selective reports Ability to limit Restricted Users raising Purchase Orders

After half term towards the end of the financial year

Ordering Ability to place Purchase Order “On Hold” i.e. not complete Need to be taken off “On Hold” to be authorised

Autumn 2011 FMS Enhancements

Chart of Accounts Enhancements Display linked ledger codes for cost centres Display linked cost centres for ledger codes Hide Balance Sheet ledger codes from ledger code report Two new columns

Previous Years Actuals Variation

Previous Years Actual For ALL periods Elapsed period in the previous financial year but in the current year

Purchase Order


Order Invoices Non-Order Invoices

Sundry Invoices

Credit Notes CoAR Reports

Restricted User Cost Centres


View Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Add Y Y N N N N N/A N/A

Edit Y Y N N N N N/A N/A

Save Y Y N N N N N/A N/A

Delete Y Y N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Authorise N N/A Y Y Y Y N/A N/A

Print Y N/A Y Y Y Y Y Y

Re-print Y N/A Y Y Y Y N/A N/A

Cancel N N/A N N N N N/A N/A

Import N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Move N N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Add Del Note Y N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Manual Cheque N/A N/A N N N N N/A N/A

Threshold applicable to Purchase Order (exc VAT)

Save N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Restricted Users Functionality

Deliveries Enhancements

Deliveries Enhancements Ensure that Delivery Note Numbers are recorded. Allow for “over” deliveries to be not recorded. Display un-delivered Purchase Order lines when adding Deliveries

Autumn 2011 FMS Enhancements

Modifications to Cumulative Expense Reports Modifications – option to split report into sections – I&E and B/S Ability to exclude Balance Sheet ledger codes Ability to exclude Balance Sheet ledger codes & zero balance

ledger codes

NEW Historical Analysis report Current Budget (Allocated) Current Actual (Actual) Variance Previous Year Actual Variance (Actual) – (Current Actual less Previous Year Actual) Ability to exclude Balance Sheet ledger codes & zero balance

ledger codes

Autumn 2011 FMS Enhancements

BACS Run Report Display when supplier bank details were last updated and by whom

Automatic Reconciliation The “nearest” match transaction will appear at the top of the

suspense screen when matching Accounts Payable transactions

Opening Balance Journals in last accounting period The ability to create Opening Balance Journals during the last

accounting period of the first accounting year (Preliminary Closure). FMS 6.141 released 15/09/2011 to Academies only.

Interface with Third Party Budgeting software Provide the ability to transfer data to and from Third Party

Budgeting software used by Academies.

VAT 126 Report

VAT 126 Report Academies who are NOT registered for VAT The VAT 126 has specific requirements whereby the Academy can

only claim for VAT paid for educational activities and where the transaction has been paid or posted transactions.

Academies will need to printed all VAT 126 report from the start of the financial year

Based upon:- VAT Periods VAT Input (VI) ledger codes

Transactions:- Paid Invoices and Credit Notes Posted Journals linked to a supplier Posted Petty Cash Transactions

Export to Excel – formula can be applied


VAT 126 Report

Petty Cash Expenditure Folios

Pretty Cash – all establishments Expenditure Folios VAT Registration Number required where VAT is being reclaimed

Autumn 2011 FMS Enhancements

Audit Trail modifications Restricted Users

Restricted Cost Centre Collection Restricted Users Threshold

Purchase Orders Additional information for Unauthorised Purchase Orders. Ability to trace a Unauthorised Order to an Authorised Order Increased information for Printed Purchase Order

Supporting Documents Updated to reflect when scanned documents functionality has been defined Updated to reflect when scanned documents are added, edited and deleted

BACS Details of Sort and Account Numbers and Value of BACS payments

Central Authorisation File Location of where the central authorisation file has been created Details of transactions included in the Central Authorisation file.

Autumn 2011 Personnel Enhancements

Personnel Reports Ability to save reports to EXCEL

Spring 2012

Spring 2012 FMS

Asset Management Extension to Equipment Register

Define Threshold Define Asset Types Add a new asset into Asset Management Add an “existing” asset into Asset Management Depreciation types – Straight Line Calculation and posting of Depreciation journals Asset List Report

ICAEW Accreditation

CapitaPriory Business ParkCardingtonBedfordMK44 3JZ


Thank you for your time