RESOLUTION NO. R-90-296 RESOLUTION APPROVING ZONING PETITION NO. 90-6 SPECrAL EXCEPTION PETITION OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, as the governing body, pursuant to the authority vested in Chapter 163 and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, is authorized and _powered to consider petitions relating to zoning; and WHEREAS, the notice and hearing requirements as provided for in Chapter 402.5 of the Palm Beach County Zoning Code have been satisfied; and WHEREAS, Petition No. 90-6 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach county, sitting as the Zoning Authority, at its public hearing conducted on February 22, 1990; and WHEREAS, the Board of County COJlJllissioners, sitting as' the Zoning Authority, has considered the evidence and testimony presented by the applicant and other interested parties and the recommendations of the various county review agencies and the recommendations of the Planning Comaissioni and WHEREAS, the Board of County co_issioners, sitting as the Zoning Authority, made the following findings of fact: 1. This proposal is consistent with the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan and local land development regulations. WHEREAS, 402.5 of the Zoning Code requires that the action of the Board of County co_issioners, si ttinq as the Zoning Authority, be adopted by resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Petition No. 90-6, the petition of the Board of county co_issioners of Pala Beach County through' the Pala Beach County Department of Airports, by Bruce PeUy, Agent, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A PUBLIC AIRPORT AND RELATED FACILITIES on an approximately 1,832 acre plot of land .ore particularly described on the attached Exhibit A, being located on the south side of BeeLine Highway (SR710), approximately .25 aile north of PGA Boulevard is hereby approved on February 22, 1990, as advertised, subject to the following conditions: APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL 1. The North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport Application for Development Approval is incorporated herein by reference. It is relied upon, but not to the exclusion of other available information, by the parties in discharging their statutory duties under Chapter 380, Florida Statues. Substantial compliance with the representationa contained in the Application for Development Approval, as modified by Development Order conditions, is a condition for approval. For the purpOSe of this condition, the Application for Development Approval ahall include the following items: A. Application for Development Approval dated March 9, 1989; and B. Supplemental information dated June 6, 1989, and October 17, 1989, and a December 29, 1989, letter from Terry E. Lewi., repre.enting the Palm Beach county Department ot Airports, to Daniel M. Cary.

Resolution No. R-90-296discover.pbcgov.org/pzb/zoning/Resolutions-1982-1992/R-90-0296.pdfRESOLUTION NO. R-90-296 RESOLUTION APPROVING ZONING PETITION NO. 90-6 SPECrAL EXCEPTION PETITION

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Page 1: Resolution No. R-90-296discover.pbcgov.org/pzb/zoning/Resolutions-1982-1992/R-90-0296.pdfRESOLUTION NO. R-90-296 RESOLUTION APPROVING ZONING PETITION NO. 90-6 SPECrAL EXCEPTION PETITION




WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, as the governing body, pursuant to the authority vested in Chapter 163 and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, is authorized and _powered to consider petitions relating to zoning; and

WHEREAS, the notice and hearing requirements as provided for in Chapter 402.5 of the Palm Beach County Zoning Code have been satisfied; and

WHEREAS, Petition No. 90-6 was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach county, sitting as the Zoning Authority, at its public hearing conducted on February 22, 1990; and

WHEREAS, the Board of County COJlJllissioners, sitting as' the Zoning Authority, has considered the evidence and testimony presented by the applicant and other interested parties and the recommendations of the various county review agencies and the recommendations of the Planning Comaissioni and

WHEREAS, the Board of County co_issioners, sitting as the Zoning Authority, made the following findings of fact:

1. This proposal is consistent with the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan and local land development regulations.

WHEREAS, 402.5 of the Zoning Code requires that the action of the Board of County co_issioners, si ttinq as the Zoning Authority, be adopted by resolution.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Petition No. 90-6, the petition of the Board of county co_issioners of Pala Beach County through' the Pala Beach County Department of Airports, by Bruce PeUy, Agent, for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A PUBLIC AIRPORT AND RELATED FACILITIES on an approximately 1,832 acre plot of land .ore particularly described on the attached Exhibit A, being located on the south side of BeeLine Highway (SR710), approximately .25 aile north of PGA Boulevard is hereby approved on February 22, 1990, as advertised, subject to the following conditions:


1. The North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport Application for Development Approval is incorporated herein by reference. It is relied upon, but not to the exclusion of other available information, by the parties in discharging their statutory duties under Chapter 380, Florida Statues. Substantial compliance with the representationa contained in the Application for Development Approval, as modified by Development Order conditions, is a condition for approval.

For the purpOSe of this condition, the Application for Development Approval ahall include the following items:

A. Application for Development Approval dated March 9, 1989; and

B. Supplemental information dated June 6, 1989, and October 17, 1989, and a December 29, 1989, letter from Terry E. Lewi., repre.enting the Palm Beach county Department ot Airports, to Daniel M. Cary.

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2. In the event the developer faila to commence significant phyaical development within four yeara from the effective date of the Development Order, development approval shall terainate and the development shall be aubject to further development-of-regional-impact review by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council purauant to Section 380.06, Florida Statute.. For the purposea of thia paragraph, physical development shall be deemed to have been initiated after placement of permanent evidence of a atructure (other than a mobile home) on site, auch a. the pouring of .laba or footings, subgrade work for runways, taxiwaya or aprona; wetland creation; permanent roadways; or any permanent work beyond the atage of excavation or land clearing.

3. With the exception of clearing for accesa roads, survey line., conatruction trailer., equipment ataging area., and fencing work, construction o~ building., runwaya, taxiwaya, and apron., and clear zone., construction shall commence within 30 daya after completion of clearing and grading for .peci~ic buildillCJ ait_, runway., taxiway., aprona and clear aones. Clear zone. or area. around runwaya, taxiwaya, and aprons necesaary to be cleared to comply with Pederal Aviation Aciainiatration (PAA) aafety regulation. and the north parallel runway shall be immediately grassed 30 days after establishment of finiahed grade.

4. During land clearing and site preparation, wetting operationa or other aoil treataent techniques appropriate for controlling unconfined particulatea, including graaa seeding and mulching of diaturbed areaa, ahall be undertaken and !apl .. ented by the developer to comply with Palm Beach County Public Health unit and the Plorida Department of Environmental Regulation air quality .tandarda.

5. Following removal o~ exotic. in the subaidiary development area, plantin9 of a minimua of 50 acrea in thi. area with native ahrub and tree seedlinga shall be inatituted by the developer to ameliorate air quality impacta of the development and to provide a nursery for plant material to be utilized in landacaping the &ite. Planting shall occur prior to completing Pha.e I.


6. No clearing or other ground disturbance activities shall be undertaken in hammock areas identified on Exhibit HAS-l of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Assessment Report for the North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport Development of Regional Impact.

7. In the event of discovery of any archeological artifacts dur.ing project construction, the developer shall stop construction in that area and iJruaediately notify the Division of Historical Resourcea, Plorida Department of State.


8~~reserve. A and B, encompassing approximately 788 and 137 acres respectively (aa shown on exhibit HVW-2 of the Treasure Coaat Regional Planning council AIIseasment report for the North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport Development of Regional Impact), ahall be established in perpetuity. Perpetual preservation of Preserves A and B shall be guaranteed by an inter local agreement or other inatrument acceptable to the Treaaure Coast Regional Planning Council and South Florida water Management

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District in consultation with the Florida Depart:lllent ot Environmental Requlation, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish co_ission, and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The instruaent assurinq preservation is to be recorded within 120 daya of when the bera(s) surroundinq Preserves A and B have been constructed. No construction shall take place in the preserves other than that necessary to: 1) carry out the approved aanaq_ent plan; 2) build roadways as shown in Exhibi t HVW-2; 3) construct necessary naviqation aids required by the FAA; 4) conduct clear zone aaintenance; and 5) impl_ent the followinq desiqn criteria which shall apply to Preserve A:

A. Sufticient culverts shall be installed underneath the perimeter/satety road between the preserve area in section 3 and the preserve area of Section 34 tore­establish historical wetland connections between those sections.

B. Sufficient culverts shall be installed underneath the safety/access road encirclinq the clear zone of runway 8R-26L to maintain existinq bydroloqical connections between the preserved wetlands within Section 3.

C. The berJI which encloses the preserve area in Section 34 shall be repaired and aaintained .0 that there i. no outfall fro. the pre.erve except at 100-year flood ~~. .

D. The entire preserve area ahall be enclosed either by periaeter road or berJI a. shown in Exhibit HVW-2 to prevent outtall except at 100-year flood ataqe.

E. No runoff fro. the developed portion of the site shall be puaped into Preserve A.

The above criteria shall be provided for in South Florida Water Hanaq .. ent Di.trict application. for conceptual, conatruction, and operation perJIits and peralts issued for the property aa allowable under Chapter 373, Florida Statue ••

9. Any use of the preserves shall be consistent with: 1) preservinq their values as a remnant of undeveloped Florida; and 2) implementation of the approved preserve aanaqeaent plan. No off-road vehicle use shall be allowed except for emerqency access or in carryinq out prescribed manaqement efforts. No huntinq, trappinq, or collectinq will be allowed except for scientific purposes.

10. PrioJ;' to destruction of more than 33 acres of wetlands identified on Exhibit HVW-2 of the Treasure Coast Reqional Planninq Council Assessment Report for the North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport Development of Reqional Impact, 29 acres of wetland functions and values must have been shown to be completely and fully replaced. Plans for replacement of wetland functions and values which may include enhancement of existinq on-site wetlands, wetland creation, or other innovative techniques, shall be approved by Treasure Coast Reqional Planninq Council and South Florida Water Manaqement District in consultation with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Couission, U.S. Army Corps of Enqineers, and the Florida DepartJllent of Environmental Requlation. The determination of whether the functions and values of wetlands to be destroyed bave been completely and fully replaced shall be made by the Treasure Coaat Reqional Planninq council, in consultation with the above noted aqencies. Exceptions to allow eliaination of more than 33 acres of wetlands prior to replacement may be qranted to the extent that it is deaonstrated to the satisfaction of the Treasure Coast Reqional Planninq Council that: 1) sufficient financial and

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institutional ability ill guaranteed to carry out the r.quired replacement ot wetland funetions and valu •• proposed to be .liminated; and 2) replacaaant will occur within a time period consistent with aaintanance of curr.nt populations of speci.s significantly dep.ndent upon w.tlands proposed to be .li.inated.

Reasonable guarantee of financial and institutional ability to carry out replac .. ant of wetland function and value. propoaad in this manner can be provided by a sur.ty bond, cash bond, or letter of credit tro. a financial institution; escrow agr •••• nt. which include money, land, and improvement.; or any combination th.r.of, in an amount appropriate a. det.r.ined by Treasur. Coast Regional Planning Council to impl •• ent the approv.d w.tland mitigation and monitoring plan. The cost ot plan r.vi.w to Treasur. Coast Regional Planning Council shall be paid by the dev.loper within 30 days ot submission of evidence to the d.v.loper by Tr.asur. Coast R.gional Planning Council supporting the costs of r.view.

11. In addition to Pres.rves A and B, 32 acres of w.tlands identified on Exhibit HVW-2 ot the Treasur. Coast Regional Planning council AII.e.saent Report tor the North Pa~ Beach county General Aviation Airport Dav.lopaent of Regional Iapact .hall be preservecl. The d.veloper shall provide and aaintain a buffer zone of native upland edg. veq.tation around all pre •• rved, restored, or created w.tland. on .it. and all d.epwater habitats which are constructed on .ite in accordance with the following provi.ions and con.istent with PAA clear zona safety regulations. The butfer zone aay con.i.t of pr.s.rv.d or plant.d veg.tation, but shall include canopy, understory, and ground cover of native speci.. only. Th. edg. habitat shall begin at the upland liait of any w.tland or d •• pwater habitat and .hall includ. a total area ot at lea.t tan square teat per linear toot of wetland or deepwater habitat parblater. Thia upland edge habitat shall be located such that no l.ss than 50 perc.nt ot the total shor.line is butt.red by a ainiaua width of ten feet of upland habitat. The upland buffer .hall be cl.arly delineated and roped off prior to any land clearing within 100 f .. t of any wetland to be pres.rved or restored.


12. Prior to issuanc. of a vegetation removal permit the limits of the pres.rv. ar.a shall b. established to the sati.taction of the Zoning Division and Environmental Resource. Management D.partm.nt. Temporary barri.rs shall be install.d at w.tland or preserve boundari.s by the d.v.loper prior to commencement ot site cl.aring within 100 teet of such pres.rve boundaries. Such barri.rs shall be ot a type that will clearly identify and d.signate the boundari.s of the preserve or w.tland ar.a. during land clearing and construction. Th. perim.ter of Pres.rves A and B shall be permanently fenced and posted with signs intended to discourag. access. All permanent perimeter fencing of the preserve. shall allow animals to access the preserves, but not airport development.

13. Prior to the issuance of a building permit tor the tacility, the dev.loper shall prepare a habitat management plan tor Preserves A and B. Thi. plan shall be approved by the Palm Beach county Zoning Division and Environmental Resourc. Manageaant. At a minimum, the plan shall:

A. Establish a schedule and methodes) tor the removal ot exotic veg.tation.

B. Provid. tor a controll.d burning program. At a minimum the controll.d burnin9 program .hall includ.: 1) obj.ctiv.s; 2) pr.-burn consideration., including smoke

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management objectives; 3) the Northern Forest Fire Laboratory tuel .Odel; 4) its prescription and range ot suitable parameters; 5) a tire containaent plan; 6) provisions that any burn will be conducted by or under the supervision ot an experienced burn contractor or suitable public agency; and 7) a schedule or monitoring criteria that will determine the interval between burns. The burn program should simulate the historical tire pattern as closely as satety permits. Soil disturbance is to be minimized by utilizing natural tire breaks.

C. Provide for the location and details ot fencing and other means to discourage trespassing and allow animals ingress and egress.

D. Address passive recreational or scientitic uses consistent with preservation ot the ecological integrity ot the preserves and COlIpatible with airport operations. '

B. Address continued wetland viability.

The cost ot habitat aanagement ot the preservea shall be the responsibility ot the developer. The cost ot plan review to Treasure Coast Reqional Planning Council shall be paid by the developer within 30 days ot subaission ot evidence to the developer by the Treasure Coast Reqional Planning Council supporting the costs ot review.

14. The habitat manageaent plan required for Preserves A and B aust be approved by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council in consultation with Florida GaJua and Fresh Water Fish co_isaion and U.S. Fish and wildlite Service betore coaaencing construction ot any runways, taxiways, aprons, tixed base operation structures, or other airport related tacilitiea.




Prior to c:oaaenc:eaent ot clearing activities on any portion ot the airport site, the developer must prepare and have approved a plan for surveying tor, and protecting in situ. or relocating into a suitable on-site or otf-site preserve area, all plants and animals of special reqional concern that are determined to exist on or be -signiticantly dependent- upon (see Species of Special Regional Concern, Treasure Coast Regional Planning council Assessment Report for North Pal. Beach County General Aviation Airport) parcels to be developed. The plan shall be approved by Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council in consultation with the Florida GUle and Fresh Water Fish co_ission and the U.S. Fish and wildlite Service. Atter approval of the plan, specific parcels may be cleared and developed subject to compliance with the methods and procedures stated in the plan. The cost of plan review to Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council shall be paid by the developer within 30 days ot subaission of evidence to the developer by Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council supporting the costs of review. The annual report required by section 380.06, Florida Statutes, shall include a swuaary of survey and relocation efforts prepared by a qualitied biologist.

In the event that it is determined that any additional representati ve ot a plant or an ilia 1 species of special regional concern (as detined in the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Assessment Report for North Pal. Beach General Aviation Airport) is resident on, or otherwise is ·significantly dependent upon" (see species ot Special Reqional Concern, Treasure Coast Reqional Planning Council's Assess.ent Report tor North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport) the airport property, the developer shall

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cease all activities which .ight negatively affect that individual population and immediately notify Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. Proper protection, to the satisfaction of Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council in consultation with the u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Florida Gaae and Fresh Water Fish Co_ission, shall be provided by the developer.


17. Melaleuca, Brazilian pepper, Australian pine, and Downy myrtle which occur on the site shall be removed entirely concurrent with Phase I construction. Removal shall be in such a manner that avoids seed dispersal of any of these species. In areas of high concentration, the exotic species shall be cleared and burned as close to the area in which they were removed as possible to avoid seed scatter. In areas of low concentration, or single individuals, the exotic species shall be killed by herbicide and ultimately cut and reaoved after the total kill has been completed. There shall be no planting of these species on site. The project site shall be maintained to assure· removal of volunteer exotic species as necessary.


18. The developer shall design and construct a stormwater manag..-nt syst_ to retain the aaxi.ua volume of water consistent with providing flood protection. At a .ini.ua, the syst_ oall be designed so that: 1) development of the airport will not result in the loss of storage in the C-18 Basini 2) discharge fro. the site shall not negatively impact landa along the flow route to the Loxahatchee Slough; 3) the quality and quantity of water discharged fro. the site shall not adversely affect the Loxahatchee Slough, Loxahatchee River, Water catcbaent Area, or the North County wellfieldi 4) water in the sub-basina shall be staged or flow. otherwi.e aodified to aaxiai.e the retention capabiliti.. of the site; and 5) post-developaent runoff voluae. shall not exceed pre-developaent runoff' volume. for a stora event of three-day duration and a 25-year return frequency. All discharges fro. the surface water management syst_ .hall .. et the water quality standards of Florida Adainistrative Code Rule 17-3. Prior to coaaencing physical develop.ent, the drainage plan shall be- reviewed by Environaental Resource Hanage.ent and approved by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and the South Florida Water Manageaent District in consultation with the Loxahatchee River Management Coordinating Council and the North Pal. Beach County Water Control District. A sufficient conceptual water manage.ent permit application showing the above information shall serve as the plan to be sub.itted. The cost of plan review to Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council shall be paid by the developer within 30 days of sub.ission of evidence to the developer by Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council supporting the costs of review.

19. The developer shall design and construct the surface water management systea so that maintenance of normal hydroperiods within improved and preserved wetlands can be guaranteed against the negative impacts of activities within the project boundaries, and so that the functions and values provided by these habitats will be maintained. Under no circumstances shall unfiltered runoff from large impervious surfaces and parking areas be diverted directly into wetlands on site. A plan or plans establishing wetland control elevations shall be sub.itted to Environaental Resource Ilanag8Jl8Jlt for their review and to South Florida Water Management District and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council for approval. The plan(s) shall demonstrate bow sufficient quantities of surface runoff from

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portions of the developed areas will be conveyed to wetland area. in ortler to a.int.in or improve their existing hydroperiod. The planes) shall be approved by Treasure Coaat Regional Planning Council prior to submittal ot construction permit applications to the South Florida Water Hanagement District. A sutficient conceptual water .anagement perait application showing the above intoraation shall serve as the plan to be submitted. The cost ot plan review to Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council shall be paid by the developer within 30 days ot su.bJllission ot evidence to the developer by Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council supporting the costs ot review.

20. Maintenance and manag_ent ettorta required to assure the continUed viability ot preserved wetland habitats and the proper operation ot all components ot the surtace water management system shall be the financial and physical responsibility of the developer. Any entities subsequently approved by Palm Beach County to replace the developer shall be required, at a minilaum, to asswae the reaponsibilities outlined above.

21. By the end ot Phase I, a vegetated littoral zone shall be eatabUshed tor the lakeCa) constructed on site. Prior to conatruction ot the surtace water Jaanagement syst.. tor any pha .. ot the developaent, the developer ahall prepare a design and. aanageaent plan tor the wetland/littoral zone that will be developed as part ot that syst_. The plan shall be subject to review by BnvirolUlental ae.ource JlaDag..-nt and approval by South Florida water Hanagament District and the Treaaure Coast Regional Planning Council prior to beginning any excavation activity. Littoral zone. ahall be constructed concurrent with lake excavation and tinal grading. Operational pena1ta for that portion of the aurtace water aanageaent syat.. ahall not be utilized until such ti.e aa littoral zone. have been tound to be constructed in contoraance with approved plana. The coat of plan review to Treasure Coaat Regional Planning Council shall be paid by the developer within 30 daya ot subaisaion ot evidence to the developer by Treaaure Coast Regional Planning Council supporting the costa ot review.


22. At such time as municipal water service becomes available to the site, the development shall connect to such service.

23. At such time as municipal waatewater service becomes available to the site, the development shall connect to such service and the one septic tank systea shall be abandoned in accordance with Cbapter 100-6, Florida AdJIinistrative Code and. Palla Beach County ECR-I.

24. Xeriscape landscaping as detined by the South Florida Water Hanage.ent District shall be exclusively used on the project. The field areaa in between and around the runways shall not be irrigated. The areas may only be temporarily irr'igated to establish newly planted, seeded, or sodded areas.

25. All development in North Palm Beach General Aviation Airport shall USe water-saving plumbing fixtures and other water conserving devices as specified in the Water Conservation Act, section 553.14, Florida Statutes,' .to reduce water use.


26. Betore construction plana are approved tor any portion ot the aite, the developer shall provide a hazardoua materiala management plan which shall be reviewed and approved by the Palm Beach county Environmental Reaource Hanaqement, Treaaure Coaat Reqional Planninq council, South Florida

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water Management District, the Pat. Beach County PUblic Healtb Unit, ana Florida Department ot EnviroJUllental Regulation. For the purposes of this plan, hazardous materials are those constituents found in reportable quantities on site identified pursuant to 42 USC, Section 6921 (RCRA); 42 USC, Section 9602 (CERCLA); 42 USC, section 11011 at. seg. (SARA Title III); and Part IV, Chapter 403, Florida statutes. At a minillwa, the plan shall:

A. require disclosure by all owners or tenants of the property of all hazardous materials or waste proposed to be stored, used, or generated on premises;

B. require the inspection of all premises storing, using, or generating hazardous materials or waste prior to comaancement of operation, and periodically thereafter, to assure that proper facilities and procedur.. are in place to properly manage hazardous materials projected to occur;

C. provide minimum standards and procedures for storage, prevention of spills, containment of spills, and transfer and disposal of such materials or waste;

D. provide for proper maintenance, operation, and monitoring of hazardous materials and waste management syst... including spill and haaardous materials and waste containment syst ... ;

E. detail actions and procedures to be followed in case of spills or other accidents involving hazardous materials or waste;

F. guarantee financial and physical reaponaibility for spill clean-up; and

G. include a proqraa for continued aonitoringof surface and groundwater on the site.

The approved plan shall be incorporated into the development by including it as part of any lease or sale agr ... ent provided to tenants and owners that will use, handle, store, display, or generate hazardous materials or waste. The cost of plan review to Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council shall be paid by the developer within 30 days of submission of evidence to the developer by Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council supporting the costs of review.

27. All site plans and layouts for the North Palm Beach county Airport shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Pala Beach County wellfield protection ordinance. All plan approvals shall note specifically what development will be allowed in areas within the zone of influence of any existing or proposed on-site well or municipal wellfield in the area.

28. The fuel fara shall be constructed to comply with Chapter 17-61, Florida Administrative Code. In addition, the following design criteria shall be met: ,

A. fuel shall be stored in above-ground, horizontal tanks on elevated cradles to allow for ease of inspection and maintenance;

B. the fuel spill containment area shall be constructed of reinforced concrete and shall be capable of containing 200 percent of the fuel storage capacity of the largest tank; and

C. the containment area shall have its drainage system segregated from the aain airport systea and shall include fuel/water separators and pump out syst .. so

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that stormwater can be discharged trom the containment area relatively tree trom spilled fuel.

The above criteria shall be provided tor in 11 permit application. and perlIits tor construction and operation ot the tuel tara provided the conditions are acceptable to the Florida Depart.ent ot Environmental Regulation.

29. All drainage and .torawater runott sy.t.... serving the runways, taxiway., apron., airplane washdown area., and other paved areas shall be designed and constructed in such a manner as to prevent soil, surtace water, and groundwater contamination through the us. ot pollution retardant basins, oil/gr.as. trap., and other means to segregate and collect pollutants.

30. Prior to cOllUllencing construction ot the tuel tarm, the developer shall install a system ot surtace and groundwater monitoring stations and maintain an ongoing water quality monitoring program. The locations ot sampling station. and monitoring wells, as well as a sampling and testing schedule, shall be developed in conjunction with and reviewed by BnvirOJUl8lltal Resource Jlanageaent and approved by the Treasur. Coast Regional Planning council, the SOuth Florida water Manage.ent District, and the Florida DepartJumt ot Environaantal Regulation and shall include monitoring at the point ot .urtac. water di.charg. trom the sit ••

31. Disposal ot hazardous .. terials or wast.s into the septic or sanitary •• wer .yst .. shall be prohibited. For the purpose. ot this paragraph, hazardous .aterial. are tho.e constituents identitied pursuant to 42 USC, Section 6921 (RCRA); 42 USC, Section 9602 (CERCLA); 42 USC, Section 11011 et. slQ. (SARA Title III); and Part IV, Chapter 403, Florida Statut ...


32. As a part ot any site plan application tor any portion ot the project, a coaaitaent shall be obtained trom the Solid wast. Authority ot Pala Beach county to provide solid waste di.posal service to that portion ot the project.

33. As part ot any site plan application tor any portion ot the project, the developer shall submit a solid waste stream reduction/recycling plan approvable by the Solid waste Authority ot Pala Beach County.


34. In the tinal site and building design plans, the developer and each subsidiary developer shall: 1) incorporate those energy cons.rvation measures identitied on pages 25-4 and 25-6 ot the North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport Application tor Development Approval; 2) comply with the Flor ida Thenal Ett iciency Code Part VII, Chapter 553, Florida statutes; and 3)' to the maximum extent teasible, incorporate measures identitied in the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council's Regional Energy Plan.

The developer shall incorporate each ot the 16 energy saving method. outlined in the ENERGY section discussion ot the Treasure Coa.t Regional Planning Council's Assessment Report tor the North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport unles. it can be demonstrated to the .atistaction ot Pal. Beach county that individually each method is not cost ettective.


36. No building permits tor Phase I shall be issued tor the

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North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport Development ot Regional Iapact until an irrevocable letter ot commitment froa the Pala Beach County Departaent of Airports has been provided co_itting to dedicate a 200-toot right-of-way along the proposed SR 7 to Pala Beach county free and clear ot all liens and encumbrances and consistent with the Palm Beach County Thoroughtare Right-ot-way Protection Plan.

37. No building permits tor Phase I ot the North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport Development ot Regional Impact shall be issued until contracts have been let tor construction of the following intersection improvements at the proposed site entrance and Beeline Highway:

North approach -South approach -west approach

right-turn lane lett-turn lane lett-turn lane right-turn lane

No certificates ot occupancy shall be issued and no tixed based aircratt shall be permitted to occupy the airport until the above improvements have been completed.

38. Palm Beach County Department ot Airports shall monitor trattic conditions on an annual basis on the tollowing roadway seqaents and at the tollowing intersections starting with co...nceaent ot Pha.. II through coapletion ot Phase III:

Road segments

A. Beeline Highway trom the project site entrance to PGA Boulevard;

B. PGA Boulevard troll Beeline Highway to west ot Florida's Turnpike ePGA entrance);

C. PGA Boulevard trom west of Florida's Turnpike (PGA entrance) to Florida's Turnpike; and

D. Northlake Boulevard trom Beeline Highway to Military Trial.


A. PGA Boulevard/Beeline, Highway;

B. PGA Boulevard/Florida's Turnpike;

C. Northlake Boulevard/Beeline Highway; and

D. Northlake Boulevard/Military Trail.

Prior to commencing Phase II construction, trattic monitoring methodology shall be approved by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council in conSUltation with the City of Palm Beach Gardens, and the Florida Department of Transportation. A monitoring report utilizing the approved methodology shall be submitted by December 31 of each year and shall be approved by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council in consUltation with the above mentioned agencies. It this report indicates that the road segment(s) and/or intersectiones) has exceeded Council's objective level ot service standard during the year, and that project traffic meets or exceeds the regional threshold, then no further building permi ts shall be issued until contracts have been let tor roadway improveaents required to eliminate over capacity conditions on the roadway segaentCs) and/or intersectionsCs). No certiticates of occupancy or increase in the nuaber ot fixed base aircratt shall be granted until

. the subject roadway iaprov_ents have been completed. The coats ot monitoring methodology and monitoring report review

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to Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council shall be paid by the developer within 30 day. ot .ubmisdon ot evidence to the developer by Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council supporting the costs of review.

39. The developer shall pay a tair share contribution consistent with a fair share hapact tee ordinance applicable to the Horth Palm Beach county General Aviation Airport Develop.ent ot Regional I.pact.

40. No additional building permits or increases in tixed base aircraft shall be granted after December 31, 2005, unless a traff ic study has been conducted by the developer, and submitted to and approved by Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council in consultation with Palm Beach County, city of Palm Beach Gardens, and Florida Department of Transportation that demonstrates that the regional roadway network can accommodate a specified amount of additional Horth Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport general tratfic and growth in background traffic beyond 2005 and still be maintained at Level ot Service C during average annual daily conditions and level ot Service D during peak season, peak hour conditions. The tratfic study shall:

A. be conducted in 2005; and

B. identify the improve.ents and timing of those improveaents necessary to provide Level ot Service C under average annual daily traffic condition. and level of service D under peak season, peak hour operating conditions tor the subject transportation network during the projected completion ot the project, including project impacts and growth in background traftic.

Additional building peraits or increas .. in fixed base aircratt shall not be granted until a new project phasing proqram and roadway improvement proqru (necessary to maintain Level ot Service C average annual and Level ot service D peak season, peale hour operating conditional has been approved by Treasure Coast Regional Planning council in consultation with P.lm Beach County, City of Palm Beach Gardens, and Florida Departaent ot Transportation tor the reaainder ot the develop.ent. The cost ot plan review to Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council sh.ll be p.id by the developer within 30 days ot submission of evidence to the developer by Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council supporting the costs ot review.

41. Except tor utilitiea necessary to serve the .pproved airport d.v.lopaent, dev.lop •• nt occurring outside the airtield tenc., and beyond what is described on the legend ot the Master Dev.lopment Plan (Map H-R) dated October 16, 1989, and in Table 12.1, Airport F.cilities SUlUlary, dat.d Nov.mber 11, 1988, ot the North P.lm Be.ch County General Aviation Airport Application tor Development Approval shall be review.d as a SUbstantial deviation under s.ction 380.06(19)(g), Florid. Statutes.


Restrictions contained in Exhibit LUC-2 ot the Tr.asure Coast Regional Planning Council Assess •• nt R.port tor the Horth Palm Beach County Genera·l Aviation Airport Develop.ent ot Regional Impact, a copy ot which is attached hereto as Exhibit RBR, are her.by incorpor.ted by r.ter.nc. as though tully s.t torth herein. Such restrictions shall be incorpor.ted in requirement. and 1 •••• agreement. with any tenant. and tixed based operators on the .ite. For claritication, Restriction #1 .hould be moditied to indicate that the Crosswind Runway (13-31) haa a 12,500 pound limitation. Any turth.r changes to these restrictions shall

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constitute a substantial deviation and shall be subject to further review under Section 380.06(19) (q), Florida statute ••

43. Th. inter local agreement between the City ot Palm Beach Gard.n. and Pal. B.ach County contain.d in Appendix C ot the Tr.a.ure Coa.t R.gional Planning Council As •••••• nt Report tor the North Pal. Beach County General Aviation Airport Dev.lopment ot Regional Impact, a copy ot which i. attached her.to a. Exhibit .. c .. , i. hereby incorporated a. part ot this D.velopment Order tor the North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport Development ot Regional Impact. Any change. to this agreement .hall constitut. a .ubstantial d.viation and .hall be .ubject to turther review und.r section 380.06(19) (g), Florida Statutes.

44. All land. inside the projected 65 Ldn contour area as shown on Exhibit LUC-l ot the Treasure Coa.t Regional Planning Council As.e •• ment Report tor the North Pala Beach County General Aviation Airport D.velopment ot Regional Impact .hall continu. to carry land us. d •• ignations which are compatible with the use ot the airport tacility as proposed, and con.i.tent with natural resource and other teature. ot .uch property. Land use coapatibility .ay be further enbanced within the projectad 65 Ldn contour deaignatecl RR-10 bf conaidaration of:

A. U .. of mal.;

B. Cluster houaing tacbniquea;

c. Required dedication of avigation eaSUl8Dta;

D. Boi.e attenuating con.truction and design .tandards;

B. CoIIprehenaive plan aaancbMmt; or

P. Oth.r appropriate actions a. the county .ay dateraine

within one year after adoption of this developaent order.



45. No certiticates ot occupancy should be issued or any parcel ot the North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport until adequate assurance ot security or police protection by the Palm Beach county Sheriff'. Department ot other applicable local service provider is contirmed guaranteeing that there is sutticient manpower and equipment to provide sat. and adequate protection to the development in that parc.l.

46. Pr~or to the approval ot any site plans tor North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport, the developer should consult with the Pal. Beach County Sheritt's Department or the applicable local service provider to ensure that all development plana enhance the ability ot the Department to provide tor public satety thorough consideration ot lighting and building layout, and other teature. which will ensure the satety and security ot the project~


47. No certiticates ot occupancy .hould be is.ued or any parcel ot the North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport until adequate assurance of tire protection by the Pal. Beach county Fire Department or oth.r applicable local service provider is confirmed guaranteeing that there i.

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sufficient manpower and equip.ent to provide aAto And adequate protaetion to the development in that parcel.

48. Prior to the approval of any site plana for the North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport, the developer .hall consult with the Palm Beach County Fire Department or the applicable local service provider to ensure that all development plana enhance the ability of the Department to provide for public safety through consideration of adequate access to all parts of the project site, consideration ot lighting and building layout, consideration of tire hyclrant location and spacing, and other teatures which will ensure the safety and security ot the project.

49. The developer shall provide an optimally located site tor a crash, tire, rescue (CPR) station, ancl shall suitably equip and man it as indicated on page R-30-1 of the Application for Development Approval, for the North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport.

50. The application and engineering plans, calculations, etc. to construct well and/or septic tank must be submittecl to the Health Department prior to site plan approval (or prior to issuance of Building Permit for straight rezoning).

51. Thi. approval i. limited to con.truction of the Adaini.tration Building for office .... only. Any turtbar .... requir.. the project to be connected to publio vater and .ever or receipt of •• eptio tank variance from the Department of Health and Rehabilitative service. or a special exception trOll Pala Beach County tor a package plant, it tlow exceeds 5,000 g.p.d. Faoiliti •• not requiring sever such a. runway., ti. clown taciliti .. and '1'­hangar. may be conatructecl but not operated prior to iuuance of any variance or special exception required.


52. A 25 foot wide landscape buffer shall be maintained along Bee Line Highway. This buffer shall be landscaped to include:

a. A double row of native canopy trees planted 20 feet on canter.

b. A 36- inch continuous native understory planting.

c. No additional landscape treatment will be required within preserve areas.

d. Landscape plans shall be subject to Department of Airport.' review.

e. Existing vegetation may be credited toward this condition.

53. Individual building site plans shall be approved by Site Plan Review Co_ittee prior to site development. These plans shall conform to county Codes in effect at the time of development and conditions of approval.

All buildings shall maintain a property linea.

60 foot setback from

55. As provided in the Pala Beach County zoning Code, sections 400.2 and 402.6, tailure to comply with any ot thes. condition. ot approval at any tu.. aay r .. ult in:

a. The denial or revocation ot a building perait; the issuance ot a stop work order; the c:lenial of a certificate of OCCUpancy on any building or structure; or the denial or

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revocation ot any perait or App~oVAl tor any developer-owner, ca.aercial-ownar, lessee, or user ot the subject property; and/or

b. the revocation ot the Special Exception and any zoning which wa. approved. concurrently with the Special Exception as well a. any previously granted certitications ot concurrency or exeaptiona theretroa; and/or

c. A requireaent ot the develo~t to confor. wi th updated standards of develop.ent, applicable at the tiae of the finding of non­coapliance, or the addition or .odification ot conditions reasonably related to the tailure to coaply with existing conditions.

Appeals ot any departaental-adainistrative actions hereunder aay be taken to the Paa Beach COUnty Board of Mjuataent or a. otherwise provided in the Paa Beach COUnty zoning Code. Appeals ot any revocation ot Special Exception, Rezoning', or other actions baaed on a Board ot COUnty eo-ission decision, shall be by petition tor writ or certiorari to the Fitteenth Judicial circuit.

city ot Pal. Beach Garden. InterlocAl Agreement Conditions Approved and Adppted Npyember 2. 1989

Operatipnal CPnditipn.





60. \

constructed in accordance with the FAA standards, the .outhern east-we.t runway will be liaited to 4,300 teet in length with a _xi-Jl. 12,500 pound liaitatiOD. The northern east-wast runway will be liaited to 3,700 teet in length. The crosswind runway will be ltaited to 4,300 teet in length.

In accordance with the FAA Airspace Deteraination, runway aliqnaent tor the ea.t-west runways will be 08-26. Runway alignaent for the cros.wind runway will be 13-31.

The Pal. Beach county Department ot Airport., in their proprietary capacity ot operating the North County Airport, will restrict tlight training activities to non-populated areas by including in its leases with each resident tixed base operator who conducts tlight training a requirement that tlight training procedures will be designed to keep the tlight training activities away trom the populated portions ot Palm Beach Gardens and other residential co_unities.

Aircraft allowed to use the airport will be those specifically identitied in FAA Advisory Circular 36-3B that coaply with the FAA coaputer lIOdel deterainations using a 65 dba noise level upon designated IIOnitorinq sites in the residential area ex1atinq a. of February 1988 in the City of Pal. Beach Gardens and other residential co_unities, including P.G.A. National Resort eo-unity, while using noise abatelMmt tlight tracks and noise abateaent protiles developed, iapleaented, IIOnitored and entorcecl by Paa Beach County.

Nighttime Operatipns - Nighttime o~erational procedures shall be in ettect between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a... During those hours the northWest-southeast runway will be the preterred runway utilized, except when condition. do not allow a northwest-.outheast operation. In such an event, westerly departure. will be the preterred runway utilized unle.s windy condition. are prohibitive; and, in that event only easterly departures may be conducted by aircratt

'identitied by U.e Restriction Ho. .. of the Interlocal Aqreeaent between the City of Paa Beach Gardena and Paa

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Beach County, a. eartit ied by the Clerk of the Board of County co.aisaionera on 2/9/90.

When Conditions Do Not Allow Northwest-Southeast Operation.: We.terly departure. will be required unless wind condition. are prohibitive. Easterly departure. can then only be conducted by aircratt which will not exceed 65 dba aaximua at the agreed upon noise aonitorinq site.

61. Remote no is. monitoring stations will be installed by the County at the northwest corner and southwest corner ot P.G.A. National Resort Community and at the western edge ot Ea.tpoint. These stations will be installed, maintained and operated by Pal. Beach County with adequate reporting of noi •• level ••

62. Aircraft noise emission levels of aircratt uainq the airport will not exce.d 65 dba maximum within the present re.idential area. of the City of Pala Beach Gardens and other re.idential co_unities, a. identit i.d by U •• Restriction Bo. 4 ot the Interlocal Agreeaent between the City of Paa Beach Gardena and Paa Beach County.

63. Instruaent Landing Systea (ILS) , if installed, will pertain to landing. trom the w •• t only.

64. Palm Beach County will prohibit all regularly scheduled coaaercial aircarrier pas.enger flight ••

65. Fine. for violation of aaxiaua noi.e limit:

Fir.t Off.n •• : S,cond Offens.:

Third Oftense:

Warninq $100 for each second otfense and $100 tor each decibel over that deterainated by lteatriction 110. 4 ot the Interlocal Agr ...... t between Paa Beach Gardena and Pea Beach County Suspend Us. ot Airport Facilities

66. Paa Beach COunty and the co_unity ot Paa Beach Gardens will act to ke.p those area. between the P.G.A. National Resort eo_unity and the proposed aviation facility in a land use category compatible with aircraft operations.

67. An airport aanager will be. employed to ... i.t in entorceaent of r_trictions.

Comaissioner Resolution.

Howard moved for approval of the

The aotion waa aeconded by COlDlllissioner Marcus and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows:

Carol J. Elmquist, Chair Ron Howard lCaren T. Marcus Carole Phillips Carol Roberta


The Chair thereupon declared the resolution was duly passed an, adopted thia 22nd day of February, 1990. . ...


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All that portion of tha Northwaat Ona-Quarter (NW 1/4) ot Saction 1, Tovnahip 42 south, Ranga 41 kat, lyil19' Southwaaterly of tha Southwaaterly right-of-way lina of tha Seaboard Airlina Railroad;

TOGETHER WITH all that portion of the Southweat one-ouarter (SW 1/4) of Section 1, Townahip 42 South, Ranga 41 kat, lyinq Southwaatarly of tha Southweaterly right-ot-way line ot the Seaboard Airline Railroad;

TOGETHER WITH all that portion ot tha Southaaat Ona-Quarter (SE 14) of Saction 1, Townahip 42 SOuth, Ranga 41, kat, lying Southw.atarly ot tha South w .. terly right-ot-way lina of tha Saaboard Airlina Railroad

TOGETHER WITH all that portion ot saction 2, Townahip 42 South, Range 41 Eaat, lying Southwaaterly of tha Southw .. terly right-ot­way lina ot tha Seaboard Airline Railroad;

TOGETHER WITH allot saction 3, Townahip 42 South, Range 41 Eaat;

TOGETHER WITH all that portion of the North .. at Ona-Quarter (HB 1/4) ot saction 11, Townahip 42 South, Ranga 41 Beat, beinq acra particularly described .a followa:

COKKENCE at tha Northeaat corner of the Hid North .. at Ona­Quarter (NE 1/4);

THENCB on a grid bearing ot • agO 35' 37- W alonq the North lin. ot the Hid North .. at One-Quarter (NB 1/4) • diatance ot 500.00 ta.t to the PODIT 01' BBGllOfDfG;

THENCB S 45° 24' 23- W a diatance of 1350.00 t .. t;

THENCB If UO 35' 37- a di.tance ot 1350.00 f .. t to • point on the North lin. of the Hid lfortheaat One Quarter (D 1/4);

THENCB S 89° 35' 37- B a10nq _id North line a di.tance of 1909.19 t .. t to the POIN'l' 01' BBGllOfIlfGI

TOGETHER WITH all that portion of section 34, Townahip 41 South, Rang. 41 sa.t, lY!n9 southw .. terly ot the SOuthw •• terly right-ot­way lin. ot the Seaboard Airlin. Railroad;

TOGETHER WITH all that portion ot the southw •• t ona-Quart.r (SW 1/4) of section 35, Townahip 41 South, Rang. 41 sa.t, lying Southw •• terly of the Southweaterly right-ot-way line ot the Seaboard Airline Railroad;

Said land .ituat. within Pala Be~ County, Florida, containing 1832.31 Acre., .or. or 1 ....




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NClU! coum £PM .\mnOll .,\Cam llJ1 USPICT}OIl,

I. COIIS1IIICt1:D DI ACCOII",IIQ VIti 111 FAA tuMDAJI)S. till 1OU'SlIDII, WT-IIUT lUIIIAI vru. U LM1D 'CO 4.l00 rm DI L.DICiD vm 4 III.lDllAl 12.l00 rouII1 t.DIUAtlOII. til IOIDIIII WT-6IUT 1IDIU41 vtU. U WInD to 1. loon IT til t.&IIOD. 'til CIOIIIIlIID UIIIII4t vw. 1& L:DIUIII to 4.)00 Flit III LJlI<.'ZI.

2. III ,,"OIIWICI vm till ru. UlSJ'ACI D&'fDKlJIAtlOII. I11III41 A.l.ICIIKDt 101 1U WT-uat IIIIIII4U vw. 1& 01-2.. II/IIIl4f AI.lQIIIIIf 10& TIll aosSVtiID IIIWAt vu.z. U ll-ll.

l. till 'AUI I&AC:I coum DDAUIIDT Of.uuom, DI tuU rwunut WA/:ll'f or o.D.4tlIIO III 110m COIIIItr +Wolf, IItU IISDlCT lUGIrr T1.WIIIIO IoCTtVtTUS 'CO Dl-toJVI.+nI AIIAI IT DlCUlDDIG III ttl UAIU wm CACII WlHIIr raID. WI OfDA'COI WIG COIIDUCU FLlGlf tI.I.UIIIG .\ UQUUDIDIT ftAt n.lGft ft.UIIDIG fIOCIIIUIU vru. U DUlGIID to au 111& rucu tI4JIIDG ACnYnUI IJU.I rial QI fOlIII.ItSID fOUlOlll 01 '.wI I&.t.Q c.\IDDS.

4. AlJCLU't +l.l.Cli1ll to un QI A1IJOU vu.z. II tIIOU Sl&CU1'c.Au.t UlEIItlnD til ru. AIIYUOaJ CUCIILA& ,..U ftU CQlPLI VUII !II ru. cCIIrQ'tU. 1IOOa. DftIIIIIDd10III USDO .\ U .... 1018 !.IIIL IIJW IIItGIIUID IdICTOaD1G sna til III IUIDIIftUI. AlIA msrDG AI Of rIIIUIf 1'" III till CUI or .A:JI 1&&eII ~ AlIa 01IIII. IUlDaItUI. CIIMIIl"flU. UICl.UIIIIIG I.OJ" IIADOII.U. auaa:r CQiMDlItI, vnu USIA lOW AIAnHIIIt "'1GB tJ.AaI Ale 110111 4Iot.tDIIft nonua DIYILOfD. DIrUIIDItIII. :cIIIUQIID AlII III OII:D IT • .wI IIACII caan. , • IIIClll'fllll O'~OII! • 11GIr1'rDII ofll4%lOlW. lIGCIDIIUS SIAU. U III ~I !i~06 .... 'AlIt •• 00 .... DaIIIIG aDA IGIIU a& IIO&tWIIUt-saum. n IIIIIIAt IISLI. 1& til JUrDID IUIIIIU 1nLUD. IZCD'f WIIIII COlOltlOll I 0 IlOl AU.GIf .\ ~1GIIIIIAIt 0ftIAUQII. III aca 41 PO T. 1IISl'IU1' lIl.llS1llU vxu. II a& ".liliiii IIIlIIAt IntUIt .... II1llI COIID:nOIII 411 ~ AMI. III ad nar GIIU WDIU DUI UVUS IIA.J 1& QGIIDUCDI Ii 4IICIAft lDIInI'ID III QUI •• 4 AlOft.

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7. 41JCIAft .1Sl aaulOll LIRL or ADCI4ft us. 111 4JIICIU vnr. liar acID " .. IIUlIIIl Wl1IlI 111 fUIIIIf UIlDIftUL AIW Of 111 em Of '4 IIACII WADI " MDlI"- ... lZIDiUUi III -.a 10. 4 AIOVI. •

•• ursn...MDr t.4lllDO mull (u.s), II 1IIItAUoD. vru. HII4III to t.AIQIlJIGI lIQI ,. 111ft ...

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noo rot &AoCII SIICI SICOIID onuu AID 1100.011 roa UCI DlCUa. 0'fD 'DIU DI'RIIIUD lAma IIIU 10. 4 AICIYI.


11. '4U1 IIAQI CIXIIIrI .uID til COIIUlri,WI w.ca CUIlI111 IIUL ACt TO au 11011 AUAI UtIIIII 111 •• 0.... I4llD11A1. WOlf CCItIIIltf AIID til 'IOIOSIII .lfUnOll rACll.ltl III A l.UID IISI C4DGOII eoterAtULI vm AIICIUf OPDAtlOQ.

U. All AWOU IWIAoGA IIU.I. U DlrweD TO WUf or ~ or W,.I<:UOIIS.

--.!..---- -



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" . -----!~-.

iaN ~ .... ,u.en •• ~ oebn p.nou 4~ "'ell clio c-c,. CoIIae,

( .. rUn ¢n .... u .04 ".n.. CIIoe U. ,CO,"M ,1.Ual IVUU .. u..,.r~

h RUe la locoriuc, "'ell ella aJ.rpon u)'WC ,l.aa UUcllM IInee • . 1aII~" "C" 1114 Claae 110 lIIIIacaaUaJ. cIIua .. CIIor" ..... u MCU

CIleoII ella .. cuaJ. c_e 0' CIaa ,nU .. la.ne ••

•• AI ...... C. of Cin. em COY_U 1114 1,1'''. eMe ..

ra.u.. e1aJ. 4OYILopaoac . er oellal' 41Ye.1""'& u.couue .. e "'ell ella

,c.,...4 urpon 11C1l1cy aIIaJ.l ~ ... ratcc ... 1aaU. U. ,r.jl.e ... U !.cia •

CHCOU· U" .. 011_ .. elaa .. , La ell. 4"l1cIUH fo~ Devol.,..",

fPnvd MeM JIll'" (Ia.ra~c", rohrra" e. .. clio " .. pl1 ... cloa~).

1. ICC,,".eI la.rae. If ~1e "D" ID" u4e • puc laan".

,. "'mer A.r ..... s' .1 Citz. Cit) b~.~ r •• I' •••• c ....

I vanlD:a CI c-cy Ia4 c ... _ca Ia4 •• n.. eIlae C1Cy .laaU lie 1aa C1C~ca ! - J .... La .. , l1UpU_ &I&1Me c-c, 1101'. La .. , ... ,. -JI.e ca.


-. ~ .., ",. Icc..,e CI .... jll4U1aJ.l, 1afheac • .., IOY ....... C&1

.. uu .. IoOYiac J .... U41cu.. ...... ella .... uUq. Uc ... Sat .......... " ..

at eIl1a , ..... al lYuu.. aJ.rpon .nvUa4 CIIa& c-c, La _ La vllucu.

eM c .... at cau 4&"JIMU. 1a4 •• rwUa4 t.rdIu. --.. .... CIIoe ella

... nu.. at taU a1rpon ~ ella c-c, 1a ..... ea4 La. &al, _1' •

... eIlae ella ..... ., ..u .,.,.u.. .... _ .... C!UcaJ.l7 tIaaq. fn.

eM IIl.aaa .. _cupJ.a," ...... u...u, u-ea4 ~ ella c-c, .. ella

.,C_Uv. Uca II .... ., ~ ... _ UK," CI ella ... u.au... fUllin ., ella CiL, C! aII14. ~ ella ____ iMClerQ la cau ...... n,a

, aIIaU " ftMa4 • ~ ...... at cau 4&_ .... aIIaU ..ucla c:.ac, la

lea .. 1. 4Ucneu. .1C1lu (1) C! ......... YU raa4iaa 11'1 ... atle_la

ea 1e ... law .""'01' .. lItcy ... (2) C! "'III cau 4&_ If aU ....

".u .... ella" ote... ca .r0ua4 .. if CIIU 4&_e Mol .... ., ~""

.a-c.... fa Uia .... an C1Cy acl&aawlMa";8 ellae c-cy 1a .... n .. b

raJ.7Uc ..... Chi COY_CI •• ctanll la CIIU ,., .. ~ ... S Ia4 la .......... .

I, allOY. la le'" Laipl_au.. at ella .... eruU .... clom lal ,III I •

l leC!clla4 ~1C "'-.

!I '. "oCll1q La CiI1a 4&ro .... e· aIIaU .rael ...... Lellar parcy fl'c.

fl UUI"Sat .. due ella oUar .. ..ec",. c..,loeal7 IlArdau4 ,. ..... eo, . ,-

I _..,laca4 ~7 cit. 4&ro_.

7. tIaU ""a_ aUU cab ,tlICC UfOII IUCUUoa. I

! 1

I. 1

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_. . -~ ----;-:.-~ -;-=~ "!, '-~

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'S.lw.l0/26.'K .aculK&l Ape

•• ~ lIrt6ll41C7 ., 0A7 p.rU.... nUcl.. ,aca.,.,. d ..... 0" u7 porU ... eII ..... t ot CII1. A.,. .... e .... 11 ......

tee, .... ell. "cl141er .t .. , oeM.. PU' .1' ,onl ... ~'fOoC.

t. t. ClIo ta'aoc cllooIH ~, la ... ClIo ,_ lor ao, ecw

h ... cb1a Aaea_ac aIIaU " ta 'ela ..... C-e,. ~

10. 'IIaU Aaca_ aIIaU " ...... r"DM ~, ... ta acce .. o&aoc. viI

ClIo 1wa .,·CIIo 'U&o ., norua.·

U. ttl .., .. ,,- ~ ....... , ~, deb ... puer C ... 'CIIo ...c ........

ella "11&."- .t ClIo .CIIor paftJ. clio ,r.,,&1lJ.q PUC)' aboU 1

C. 1' .................. 1. ue .... '·. fe .. .

U ... , _He Ii"" ........ ell. ' ...... UL... .t cllU A'ea .... _U".... '., .... 11' ... _ 1

CllUllnI .alII ...... Couc7 ..... ., Couc7 ...... es._ ... 101 .. nil 0Uft __ IIooC P&1II ..... floriN 13401

IJlD , con 1101

c:-cr 4"_,


101 .. nil 01£" ,,,_ ... Le. 601 IIooC .alII ...... flo.ua ll401

em. C1er .t ,alii ...... a ... UM cur c-u 10* IenII IIL11CUJ trail ,alii"'" GarUu. flo..ua U410

VIDA con 1'01

C1er A" .... ' C1er .t ,ala ...... a ... 4_ 10* lINeII IIL11CUJ troU ,alii ..... c:...uu. n...ua 1lUO

... .ebo.. 111 vric1aC Ina UM c. eiM.

c""" ... 11&11. · ... C1In roca1pc c ... " .. c ••• boll ~ ...... 4 ., .... -

_,. cIIoe III&iI .,Le. Uo 4 .... '1. 111 • UIl1eM Seu .. '.n ~fUc ••

13. 'Dle .... ct ........... 1' ...... CIIoe e100 Uo ot cII ..... ac.

o IIU AC ....... ' ..., ella tal1un ~, a "rer e •• .,lac. rrtoraaoc. viC

• '. c100 .,.eU1aoI. ar vLeb1ll • r ...... U. e100 U .. eLlla u .,uLl re18. eIaaU. u clio .,U ... ., ClIo "bar ,.CC, "'clIMe UUWe,.

, l1e1 .. co .. , .eII., c1f4U ... 1' ..... ,... raUl". ClIo .cb., ,arer of

o •• 1,.C'''' CO .cca,e .IKII , ... t ....... c ••


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- - ---- ------ -__ 1:.--_


1!vll0/Z'IIIG .e ... 1oc&.l ApC

.... tee coenatuc. &IMI •••• el relu .... MJ.,. &IMI ehal1 -D.e

• COO8CWM C. 4dlae. UaLC! ...... DC or 4.,"," elle MOpa. cooeau 0"

cbU "'1'._ er .." .... C .r puu tl cu. A.n .... C.

U. tile ,uUa. unc • ..,r •• d, en_c &IMI ..... tIlec lA eb •

• UIan .... 17 La La 4.'.U ., 1c. "'UpU ... b .... La. CII •• an7 Me

4o'alc aIIel1 ,1'''"" Ie cbe P"C7 1a 4tlaoalc cbil'C7 (lO) 40,. wuc ..

"'nUUc .. , ., Lh r1PC8 ..

fer 1a CllLa " .... _.

16. tile ,000c1 •• .. i~ cbec cu. ", ... _ •• h fonll cbe •• c1n

~.cva.. CIIa .... c1... .... CII.... .... .. .r-.1... • ..

cbeu .cac .. Ul'u.. .... at cbe ,row1aiau.

&IMI ..... 1U ... _UJ.aM La cu. ", ... _c aa, ~ • ..we4 co.

alc..... ... •• c ~, wue.. laac..-ac

-----"'II!----.-.- .,.---------

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• 111110/1l1'1(o .uerlM&l "'pc

til vnlllu 1IIIdIGl. elle couvn llu UIOMII. cu • .llft.auc ,. ~.

1'.... ~, ell. CII&U el Ch ... cll .1 C_'7 C-Ua100era .... ell. ..el ., ...... ,. " allu.1I ""c ....... "u,'" ~, eM Clerk., •• lll ... n.

c ..... , Ce ell .... elloclc, IC"'''' ~, ao£oI "'cli ..... CIa. CUp b ....... ...

,n ... " ce ~. at ..... ~, lee lIa,u. "'ue _ ~O&J.1 ., .. U laq

., '0.1& kacll CuIIou .... Ch .. al ., ao£oI COUIIIIU ce h alliJIM

.... '''U'N ~, Ch Clerk ., .. U COUM11. ,..c_c C. eM

eMnc, , .... c .... ~1 ao£oI Couacll. CII. 110, ..... 7'" fUae vrt&c ..........

It. dLUi

U,1DnII AS TO ro&II 4IID LIIW. sumcuxr


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UIIUIt "I." - 'I.~I 2 or J to ,. lt4el.L I.GMt. IITWIII riG 1.1111 ,ae

All Ch.C porcion oC Cb. No'thv •• e On.-ou.rt., (Nil 1/41 ot S.oeLon I. TOVUIIL, U $ouU, ~At. 41 C .. e. IYLI\' SoueAv •• e.rly 01 CA. SouCAw •• c.rly rL,AC-oC-v,y 11,A' ot Cb. S •• oo.,d ALrl1A~ ~il,o.dl

tOGltHCI WtT» .11 CA.' pore ion 01 Cb. SOuCDwe.e OA.-ou.,c.r (IW 1/41 01 Secelon 1, town'bi, 4~ $ouen. ~A" 41 Cuc, lyill, $oucbw .. cerly of Cb. Soucnwuurly ritbC-oI,-v,y llA. 01 cb. S •• OO&r~ 4irllA' ~11ro.41

tOGlfllll WtTll .U cbn ponLon 01 cbe SoIIcbeu, On'-OUUUr ISC 1/41 oC s.cUoa 1, fovubL, U SpIlU, •• A" 41, cu" lylA, sOllcbwe.ted, of Cbe SoUCllv .. cedy 'l,lIc-ol-v.y lLIIO 01 CII. S'6Ooar~ 4irlLn. "Llro'~1

tOGITliU IIltH ell Cbu poccLon of lecCloa a, TovubL, U Souell, •• n9' 41 h.c, lIla, IOUCbv .. url, oC Cia. SoI&Cllv .. cerly rltlae-oC-w.y 1.. 01 U. • .. lIoar4 .UrU •• ""r"4,

tOGlUU IIITII 811 0' 'o"lon l, fovuau., 43 S"eII, ..... 41 CUll

tOGlUU lin. .U clan porClon 0' Cb. Norcb.ue o..-Qlaarcer 1111 1/41 01 SHUoa 11. Town .. L, U SOIlU, bal' 41 cue, •• 'n, Nee ,arelcvlarl, cI .. crl.... .. fol ove,

COIUIUCI u cb. lIOecla ... e oorner 0' Cia. .d~ NorU ... e On.-Qurter ,n 1/4" •

fI&»CI o •• ,r'~ .''''nt 01 •• '·JS',7· ., 'lon, cia. Nocell 11A. 0' Cia. '.'~ "rela ••• e One-QQAcc.r IQ 1/41 • 4'ecaac. 0' SOO.OO It.1 &0 clI. fOlft or HOZUZIIQ,

fllMCI • 4S'Z4'ZJ- II • ~'AC".' 0' lJSO.OO C •• el

fI&»CI • "oU'lI- •• lin .... 0' USO.OO hoc co • polu oa cae "etll U •• 0' u •• "~ .. ru ... e Oe..-Qllucor ,., 1/4',


SS'r/027l./0,a, ••

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lXITllt -,- - '40& 3 0' l TO - 1.: ILOc.u. 4OIlt, .. tV". Pia


THeMC:& S "'U '37- E 11011, uid NOUII l"'e a d1.une:. ot 1'0',1' tee' to clle POIMT 0' 1&G1MM1MQ, I

TOGITMI. Wl'IM all ell., porcion of Section 34, Town.ftlp 41 SouCII. .'n,e 41 C •• C. lYLn, $ouellve.c.rlY of the soucawuurly ri,lIe-of-w.y 11n. of cae Sedo"d O\Le11n • .. Uro.ell

TOGctWCl W['IM .11 ell.e portioll of tile Soutllw •• , One-QIIlCur ($II 1141 01 Section lS, tovn.lIi, 41 South. "",e 41 'ue. lytA, $ouca""Udy of cae SouCII" .. urly r1'llc-oC....,.1' 11", 01 ell ••• 100,,4 41r11A ... Uro.cI,

S.L4 1.n4 .LCY,ce wiclllA .ala 'e.cll C:o~cy. rlorlda. COliC. LALli' l'l2.l1 4cre., aore or 1 ••• ,

55'r/0273'/012' ••



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· --------...,._-_ .... ,---------... = ... - --- ---,;;;:=--.==-----, .. ---...


1KI11'll COUIITT epDA,!. AVUtIOII rACmn USE lUnl9'tOll'

I. COIiSnuCTID UI ..cc0lll4IICI vttl 1111 r M SUllDIJID.. 1'111 SOUTIIW Wt-WUf IIQIIIAl' vtu. 1& 1.I1llnD to '.lOO rur til U»GtII WltI A ICUUCIAI U .lOO IOUIIII L IlIlv.tlOll. tIII!IOUUIII Wt-llUf 1IIWlt'f vtu. II I.lX1tID to l.100 flit til I.IIIGU. till CIOIIIIlIID ilUllWl.l' vtu. II l.lK1tlD to 4.lOG rut til L!IImI.

J. til ACCOIWCI vtn T1II rM 4W.ACI DtUUWll.t1011. l\IIIII4J 4I.lGllllll'f 101 till wt-llU1' auw.us vtu. 1& OI-U. 1IIWlt'f.u.lG*Dlr ro& til CIOISIItIID lUW,\J vtu. 1& Il-li.

l. till I,U.:t uAa couvn o04Utllllt 0' 4l1lO1U. III tIIIU raorultUf WAClt'r 01 OlllAtDlO til IIOltI couwn 4lIIOU. WIU. WTUCf ruM t1A1IIUIG ACf1VttlU to __ rotIIUnD 4UAI " DlCl.UDUIG III tTS u.uu \lUI UCI WtllDrr, ruD WI orElAtoa Il1O COIIDIICTS ruGlit Tl.AUlUIG 4 UQaUIIIJIIT 1'II4t n.lGllt tulJIUIG laoeDUIU V1t.L II DUlQIID to UD till ft.1G11t UADllIiC .w:tlVtnU 4114r nCII 'all IOrIII.4tID 1OUl0lll 0' l.wt lEAa GAllI ....

4. 4l1Cllol"l' 4U.OWID to usa til .uuoat vtu. II 'lII0I1 ,nClrtcAI.U ll)lIItlrtD Dr rM "",Uoal C1KUUI. l6-ll lIU.t c:I*I\.' IIlD tU rM cocruua IIODE.. 0ItIUWI4n0lll I1tUIG 4 ., .... !IOlSI I.IYIL UJQII DUlGlIUD IIOIIUOUIII SITU til 'all USlJllIItUL AlIA mstDIG .. 0' rIU&WII It.. til till em 0. lAUI IUCI GAllI... 4IID 0t1ID WlDlIInAI. CC»ItUII11'US. UlCLUDIII I.G.A. IIAtlOIW. UIOIt CIlIIIIIIm. IIIW.I USIII !IOlSI o\.IoUDIIIIf ft.1GIf tIM:U 411D. lOW WZDIIIIr taonLU mll.Ollll. 1»1.OtDIIID. I'.QIIUOID 4IID IIIIQUZII n rAUl IIACII CGUIIn.

s. !!Lcan~~. IIICIImICI orllAnOllAl. IIOCIDUUI SIIALI. II UI una i r." 4IID .,00 "... DUIDIO DOli IIOIIU til lIOUIIIUf-SGUtUAft -.u vw. II til rurIIIIID IIIIIIAI vnuzD. acvr I/I1II c:a.molf, DO wr AU.QIf " 1Ol1WIIUI-1OIRIIUoI"l OfElAtlOII. til S1ICII 41 UIIIt. 1IUtUL'f IlUAaUUI vw. .. 111 runu.a IIIIIIAI vnuzD tIILISJ WUID CGIIImoa 0\1& fIGIIUl'fm, 411D. III tid nan 0lIl., l.AstDI.f DQo\&1'UIII IIU 1& QIIIDUC;lD n UICUI'f IDIIIrUUD til lULl .. , .uoq.

•• &DIm lOW _noaDIG stAnCIll ww. II DIn.W.D " tU COIIIITf AI til 110I1'III111' COIIID 4ID SOII'IIIIIft COUD or '.G.A. 1I4tl0llAl. WOU ...... ". 4IID A% til IIIIUIII IDGI ,. W'IIODII. 'aIISI 1v.tt0lll vw. II UIItAUD. IlAUIf4DID 4IID 0tII0\tD " rAUl IUCI CGUIITf I/ltI A4IQILUI aIIOInIIG 01 !!IOUI LPIU.

1. 4lJCII.It IOlSI III1IIlOII LI'fa. IW 4UCI.AI'l aslll til AlIIOU vtu. lOt IICIII U .... IIA&DDI VIDD til tWill\' WDGItUL 4UAI IW til em or ,0\1. auca GAIDIIII .. 'JPIUl'D 4ID DIIIItlf1D til lULl 110. " AlOft.

•• DIItII;ICIIIt I.UlDDG U,tIIt (11.1). U' UIIT4l.UII. \lUI. Iot.UII to I.UlDQIGI RIll til VIR CIIU.


10. " ruE USlIII roa .uaaut USUIG til AUIOU til YlounOil 0' 1'IIUI , .IIIUI Of ,.wt IUCII COUII'tI' DOAIDIIIf ow ..uroau SIIAU. II AS rou.ow.a

run orrDII' vu.IIDIG

1100 roa uaa sua SICOW OrrDU: AIID 1100.00 ro& uaa DICUII. ova tI&At DlU'lClllD IDIDII lULl lIO. 4 AIO'II.

nJU...orrDIUa susrDlD III or o\WOIot '",U.UllS

11. 'AUI tuaa cown AIID til CQIIIIU1 or rAUl lua WIlDS VlU. ACf to lEU lIDSl UW II'lVIII till ',G.4. IL\nOllAl. WO&f COIttUIIln AIID TIll 'WfOSIll 4VIUlOll 'ACum til " u.IID UII ~ucoal COitloUlSl.I VIti· 411C1A1T OIwt1011.

U. 41 41UOlot lWIAoGDo II1U. II DQI.OtID to ASSUI u. ~rOlCllIIn or


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