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  • 7/21/2019 RESIGN LETTER ANGAH.docx


    56 Jalan Uda Utama 1/3,Bandar Uda Utama,81200 Johor Bahru,


    30 January 2015

    HR DepartmentBaxter Healthare ! ",!#n$apore Branh 2%oodland& 'ndu&tr#al (ar) D!treet 2 !#n$apore *3***8

    Dear !#r/ +adam,

    R - ' R!'"'

    %#th re4erene o4 the aoe, 7#th muh re$ret, ' 7ould l#)e to #n4orm that ' amtender#n$ my re$nat#on a& a +anu4atur#n$ perator y $##n$ the ompany&one month not#e a& to adhere 7#th the ontrat o4 employment 7#th e9et 4rom30 January 2015. +y la&t 7or)#n$ day 7#th the ompany 7#ll e on 28 eruary2015.:+y tenure 7#th Baxter ha& een a memorale exper#ene and the )no7led$e and&)#ll& a;u#red are pr#ele&&. here4ore, ' 7ould l#)e to extend my nere than)&4or the &upport, a&&tane and $u#dane $#en to me.