Research proposal

Research Proposal on brand Equity

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7/21/2019 Research Proposal on brand Equity

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Research proposal

7/21/2019 Research Proposal on brand Equity

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Topics to be presented

Company introduction

Back ground of the problem

Research objectives


Research design

How will we do it?

Sampling technique

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Topics to be presented

Sample sie

Respondents profile


Resources required

"ime period


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Samsung  Introduction  Samsung #lectronics has been a leader of

technological and social change and developmentfor the past $% years& "hey have continued totransform their ways of doing business'developing new technology' cultivating human

resources and taking the lead in digitalconvergence& "he ()st century marks a new starting point for

Samsung #lectronics* second $% years of doingbusiness&

Samsung #lectronics manages four strategicbusinesses in the following fields+ Home' ,obile'-ffice .etwork and Core Components&

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Cont,d Samsung #lectronics has (/ production

subsidiaries' $0 sales subsidiaries and (% branchoffices around the world including .orth 1merica'#urope' Southeast 1sia' Central 1sia' China' theC!S and 2atin 1merica

Samsung #lectronics* brand value is 3&/billion

4S5 6(%%)7& Samsung entered 8akistani market in )99$&

5igital :orld 8vt limited has taken countrydealership in )999&

;actory of the Samsung is in Rawalpindi&

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Background of the problem

Samsung had conducted a brand equitysurvey and is intending to launch a newadvertising campaign for its new mobile

phone line& "o validate the previousfindings and inquire about the possibilitiesof the upcoming effort<s effectivenessthey are conducting this research&

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SGH-T100  SGH-N62




SGH-A110  SGH-






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Research objectives !nquire about 1wareness of the Samsung

mobile phone advertising and to what levelthe awareness has risen&

"o check the effectiveness of the Samsungmobile phone advertising

"o check the understanding of theSamsung mobile phones ads&

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Statement of the problem

"o analye the advertising effectiveness ofSamsung mobile phone and also study the

consumer<s perception about the Samsungadvertising&

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:e assume that =%> of the respondents

are aware of the advertising of theSamsung&

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Research design

5escriptive research


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Ho ill e do it! ;irst we analye the brand awareness of the

Samsung mobile phones' like out of total

respondents how many respondents are actually

aware of the Samsung mobile phones&

1fter awareness analysis we will measure theimportance of advertising in purchase decision ofthe mobile phone&

:e will analye :hat is the !nfluence ofadvertising@ in purchase decision of the mobilephone


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Ho ill e do it! :e will study the overall trend of the

market and analye what are theupcoming needs of the segment&

:e will be trying to find out the mediavehicle preferences&

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Sampling techni"ue

:e are using .onAprobability sampling in

which we will use Convenience sampling

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Sample si#e

)%% respondents

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Respondent$s pro%le

0% males 1ge 6)3A$07

0% females 1ge 6)=A$07

Social class 1 and B

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Instrument uestionnaire

Sample questions

D) when you think of mobile phone which

brand comes to your mind first?




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when you think about advertising for mobile

phone which brand<s advertising comes to

your mind first ?6a7 EEEEEEEEEEE



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:hat is the importance of the advertising in

the purchase decision of the mobile phone?

Fery not at all

important important

) ( $ / 0

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:hat about the advertising of the Samsung

mobile phones as compared to otherbrands?

 Fery good

 Good  1verage



 Fery poor 

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8lease rate the understanding of the Samsung

mobile phone advertising?

easily difficult tounderstandable understand

  ) ( $ / 0


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:hich factor you consider more important in8urchase of a mobile phone? 6"ick all if apply7



"rend or fashion

Brand loyality


-thers 6please specify7EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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Resources re"uired

0 field researchers

-ne computer

-ne printer

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Time period 5eveloping questionnaire ( 8reAtesting the questionnaire )

1pproval of the questionnaire )

"raining of field staff )

5ata collection $

"abulation of data (

8reparation of report (

8resentation and feed back meeting )

"otal days )$ 

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uestionnaires 6)%%$%%7 Rs&$%%'%%%

"rainers fee Rs&)%'%%%

"otal Rs&$)%'%%%

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Thank &ou