Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit

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  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    Methods in BusinessResearch

    Customer Satisfaction at BBQ


    Submitted To:

    Ms.Saadiyah Saeed

    (Professor at IOBM)

    Submitted By:Naba Zehra 15733

    Rida Khokhar 1573

  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    Institute of Business ManagementKorangi,Karachi,Sindh

    Phone: (021) 111 002 004

    4than 201!

    Mrs"Saadi#ah SaeedProfessor at I$BM

    %ear Madam:

    &ere is an in'deth uantitati*e stud# done on the customers of a +eadingrestaurant in Karachi to determine the customer satisfaction using dierent*aria-+es, .hich #ou authori/ed on (date)"

    his stud# .as carried out using se+f administered uestionnaires on a sam+e of200 resondents .ho too art in the stud#" he uestionnaires .ere ++ed -#the current customers of the restaurant and the stud# re*ea+ed the ositi*e andnegati*e attitude of the customers *isiting 3BB tonight3" 5ertain *aria-+es .ereused to determine the satisfaction of customers to.ards the restaurant"

    herefore, this stud# states the satisfaction +e*e+ of the customers .ho *isit therestaurant in detai+"

    In +ight of these ndings the reort conc+udes that ho. satised are thecustomers of BB tonight and .hat are the factors that cause dissatisfactionamong them"

    han #ou for authori/ing this research" I +oo for.ard to .oring on se*era+other imortant researches under #our assistance"

    Sincere+# #ours,6a-a 7ehra 1!899Rida Khohar 1!89


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    Contents:Authorisation letter _____________________________________________________ 2

    The research proposal ___________________________________________________ 4

    The executie summary __________________________________________________ !

    "ntroduction ____________________________________________________________ #$

    Statement of problem ____________________________________________________ #$

    %esearch ob&ecties ______________________________________________________ ##

    Bac'ground information ___________________________________________________


    %esearch goals ___________________________________________________________ ##

    The literature %eie( _____________________________________________________ ##

    The theoretical frame(or' _________________________________________________


    The hypothesis ___________________________________________________________ #4

    %esearch *esign __________________________________________________________ #4

    %esults of data analysis _____________________________________________________


    Conclusion _______________________________________________________________ 2+

    %ecommendation _________________________________________________________ 2+

    ,imitations _______________________________________________________________ 2+

    %eferences ________________________________________________________________2+

    Appendix __________________________________________________________________ 2-


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    %.S.A%C/ 0%101SA,

    .xecutie Summary:;s ser*ice industries< secica++# the food industr# are gaining signicance in the

    maret so are the concerns of the -usiness o.ners to.ards the satisfaction of

    their customers as satised customer .i++ resu+t in customer re*isit hence

    increasing the rota-i+it# of the restaurant or the food chain"

    his research is conducted to e=amine the factors of rice, food ua+it#,

    en*ironment, securit# and ser*ice ua+it# that in>uence the customer

    satisfaction of the eo+e *isiting the restaurant" he focus of this stud# is a

    +eading restaurant in Karachi that is 3BB onight3 and the satisfaction +e*e+ of

    the customers *isiting this restaurant .ith regard to the *aria-+es discussed

    a-o*e" o achie*e the o-?ecti*es of this research a uestionnaire has -een

    designed focusing on the *aria-+es so that dee insight cou+d -e gained in thesatisfaction +e*e+s of the customers"

    he ana+#sis of the data re*ea+ed that ser*ice ua+it#, food rice, restaurant

    securit# and en*ironment do not ha*e a signicant in>uence on the customer

    satisfaction of the eo+e *isiting BB onight .hereas @ood ua+it# is the ma?or

    factor that resu+ts in the satisfaction of the customers" he stud# a+so re*ea+ed

    that satised customers increases the customers re*isit intention to the


    ;fter carefu++# ana+#sing the resu+ts of the data it .as conc+uded that food ua+it#

    is the ma?or factor that +eads to customer satisfaction of the customers *isitingBB onight and customer satisfaction than +eads to increased customer re*isit

    intention to the restaurant" Ahereas some of the *aria-+es such as ser*ice

    ua+it#, food rice and restaurant securit# and en*ironment that .e thought .i++

    aect the customer satisfaction it .as found out that the# had not ha*e an#

    signicant aect on the customer satisfaction of the eo+e *isiting BB onight"

    %ecommendations:(i) Bar"B"" onight shou+d oen more -ranches" ;s the# current+# ha*e t.o

    -ranches -oth in the areas -e+onging in categor# ;C .here as our resu+t

    sho.s that !!D of their customer -e+ongs to area in categor# BC(ii) he# shou+d e=tend their menu as this .as the ma?or com+ain that the

    customer ointed at"(iii)Bar"B" tonight shou+d start conducting e*ents or come u .ith attracting

    acages so eo+e .ou+d *isit the restaurant more than once or in

    a month"

    0roblem Statement:BB onight is a +eading restaurant in Karachi, Paistan" 6o.ada#s, the food

    industr# is increasing+# e=anding in Karachi and seems to -e" %ue thisfact the restaurant industr# is -ecoming cometiti*e through the +ast fe. #ears"


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    &o.e*er, as the g+o-a+ maret is changing raid+# the restaurant industr# is

    facing cometition in terms of retaining and attracting their customers" hus, for

    the success of the -usiness it is imortant for the restaurants to concern the

    factors that +eads to the satisfaction of their customers and resu+t in re*isit


    herefore, the factors that .e .i++ -e taing into account are food ua+it#, ser*ice

    ua+it#, the en*ironment and securit# of the restaurant to determine that

    .hether these factors retain the customers resu+ting in increased customer

    re*isit intention" Moreo*er, in this research .e .i++ tr# to nd out that .hether

    increased customer satisfaction resu+t in customer re*isit intention"

    ;+though se*era+ researches ha*e -een conducted re*ious+# to nd out the

    aect of food ua+it#, ser*ice ua+it#, en*ironment and securit# on the customer

    satisfaction -ut these studies ha*e -een done searate+# -ut our stud# .i++ tae

    into account a++ three factors together to determine ho. the# aect the

    satisfaction of customers a++ together"

    eneral 1b&ectie:he main o-?ecti*e of this stud# is to identif# the customers ro+e that *isitB;R"B" tonight the most and the factors in>uencing customer satisfactionamong them" It sees to e=amine and understand .hether factors such as foodua+it#, ser*ice ua+it#, food rice, Securit# conditions and restauranten*ironment .i++ in>uence customer satisfaction and restaurant re*isit intention"

    Speci3c 1b&ecties:(i) o e=amine the re+ationshi -et.een food ua+it# (food freshness E food

    resentation) and customer satisfaction"

    (ii) o e=amine the re+ationshi -et.een ser*ice ua+it# (ser*ice re+ia-i+it# Eser*ice resonsi*eness) and customer satisfaction"(iii)o e=amine the re+ationshi -et.een @ood Price (ser*ice re+ia-i+it# E

    ser*ice resonsi*eness) and customer satisfaction"(i*) o e=amine the re+ationshi -et.een Restaurant securit# condition

    (ser*ice re+ia-i+it# E ser*ice resonsi*eness) and customer satisfaction"(*) o e=amine the re+ationshi -et.een restaurant en*ironment (c+ean+iness E

    am-ient scent) and customer satisfaction"(*i) o e=amine the re+ationshi -et.een customer satisfaction and re*isit


    *es' %esearch:;ccording to the research Impact of Dierent Determinants on Customers

    Satisfaction Level (A case of Fast Food Restaurant)conducted in Gujarat and

    Gujranala of !a"istan #$ALI %ASIR& 'IRA ASFA* A'+D& IRA' %AIR&

    ,'A AFAR& ARA AID (Septem#er -./0)&rice of the food matters most to

    the customers" he# .ant *a+ue for their mone# and refer +ess rice fast food

    restaurants as it is their ha-it of sa*ing" Second most imortant factor

    in>uencing customer satisfaction came out to -e the en*ironment of the fast

    food restaurant"

    ;ccording to the roosa+ onService *ualit$ and Customer Satisfaction in

    C1inese Fast Food Sector prepared #$*I%G*I%G 2A%& AD+ 3RIAD+ !A,L


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    FALL3%4 @ood ua+it# is the most signicant dimension in ser*ice ua+it# as .e++

    as the most signicant redictor of customer satisfaction" he signicance of

    assurance and emath# suggested that the e=enditures in em+o#ee training

    and imro*ing the food ua+it# shou+d -e seen as necessar# in*estments" he

    ser*ice ro*iders shou+d thus a# more attention to training and emo.ering

    their ser*ice em+o#ees to +oo for .a#s to mae the dining e=erience an

    imressi*e one for their customers"

    ;nother research on Factors In5uencin6 Dinin6 +7perience on Customer

    Satisfaction and Revisit Intention amon6 ,nder6raduates toards Fast Food

    Restaurants conducted -# 5&$A KF6G H$6G,%I5KS$6 $6G 5&FF SI;6G, &;M

    A;I $K, A$6G HI6 KJ;6 (;ri+ 2019)" he ndings of this research sho. that

    @ood ua+it# has the +east ositi*e imact on in>uencing the customer

    satisfaction among undergraduates to.ards the fast food restaurants" Ser*ice

    ua+it# +a#s the most in>uencing ro+e in the dining e=erience" Managers shou+d

    create secia+ atmoshere for customers to enhance their ositi*e dining

    e=erience thus can increase their freuenc# of *isiting fast food restaurant"

    Bene3ts of the study:his research .i++ -e a+ica-+e at micro +e*e+ so that .e can no. customers

    changing ercetions regarding satisfaction in this raid+# food industr#"

    his stud# .i++ gi*e dee inside in the maret to the in*estors .ho are read# to

    in*est in the food industr# of Karachi as o.ners of the fast food chain" It .i++ -e

    of great signicance to those .ho are in*estigating the factors that aect

    customer satisfaction to go a+ong the trend and to ride .ith the .a*es of the

    maret" he internationa+ restaurant chains .ho consider Paistan as their

    rosects .ou+d -e een to +oo into this research rst and then to +aunch inPaistan"

    %esearch *esign

    %esearch method:he data .i++ -e co++ected using se+f administered uestionnaire" he

    uestionnaire .as i+oted on a sam+ed of three resondents so that aroriate

    correcti*e measures can -e taen"

    %esearch odel:







  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    6nit of Analysis:he unit of ana+#sis are the customers of BB onight .ho are the head of the

    fami+# and earn for their fami+ies"

    Sampling *esign:Ae .ou+d -e using a sma++er sam+e to reresent the +arger ou+ation" It .ou+d

    -e imractica+ to sur*e# the .ho+e ou+ation"

    Sample plan:he research .ou+d use ro-a-i+it# (random) sam+ing method"

    Target 0opulation:he customers dining in Bar"B" tonight .i++ -e targeted as our resondent

    Sample si7e:he data .as co++ected from a sam+e of 8! resondents .ho .ere the

    customers of BB tonight"

    8ature and 5orm of %esults:he research .i++ -e resented through a rinted reort (hard co#) and a

    oint resentation"

    Quali3cation of the %esearcher:$ur grou is -ased uon the grou of BB; students" Ae conducted e=+orator#

    research uon factors in>uencing em+o#ee satisfaction of an organi/ation for

    $rgani/ationa+ Beha*iour" hen .e had done a maret research for the fai+ure of

    $+ers $+frute for Mareting Management" Ae a+so conducted research on

    -iasness among uni*ersit# students for Business 5ommunication"

    Budget:he -udget of the research .ou+d -e Rs 2!00" he -rea'u is as fo++o.s:

    0articulars Cost 9%s;

    Transportation 1!00

    0rinting of

  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    Rida Khokhar


    Rida Khokhar

    (%ata &o''e"tor)

    Naba Zehra

    (%ata #a'ysis)

    Miss Saadiyah Saeed

    (Ba"k &he"ker)

    Schedule:Stages of %esearch 0rocess Time *uration

    Approaching BarBQ Tonight and 3xing our isit 1 .ee

    0reparing a comprehensie

  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit



    .xecutie Summary:;s ser*ice industries< secica++# the food industr# are gaining signicance in themaret so are the concerns of the -usiness o.ners to.ards the satisfaction of

    their customers as satised customer .i++ resu+t in customer re*isit hence

    increasing the rota-i+it# of the restaurant or the food chain"

    his research is conducted to e=amine the factors of rice, food ua+it#,

    en*ironment, securit# and ser*ice ua+it# that in>uence the customer

    satisfaction of the eo+e *isiting the restaurant" he focus of this stud# is a

    +eading restaurant in Karachi that is 3BB onight3 and the satisfaction +e*e+ of

    the customers *isiting this restaurant .ith regard to the *aria-+es discussed

    a-o*e" o achie*e the o-?ecti*es of this research a uestionnaire has -eendesigned focusing on the *aria-+es so that dee insight cou+d -e gained in the

    satisfaction +e*e+s of the customers"

    he ana+#sis of the data re*ea+ed that ser*ice ua+it#, food rice, restaurant

    securit# and en*ironment do not ha*e a signicant in>uence on the customer

    satisfaction of the eo+e *isiting BB onight .hereas @ood ua+it# is the ma?or

    factor that resu+ts in the satisfaction of the customers" he stud# a+so re*ea+ed

    that satised customers increases the customers re*isit intention to the


    ;fter carefu++# ana+#sing the resu+ts of the data it .as conc+uded that food ua+it#

    is the ma?or factor that +eads to customer satisfaction of the customers *isiting

    BB onight and customer satisfaction than +eads to increased customer re*isit

    intention to the restaurant" Ahereas some of the *aria-+es such as ser*ice

    ua+it#, food rice and restaurant securit# and en*ironment that .e thought .i++

    aect the customer satisfaction it .as found out that the# had not ha*e an#

    signicant aect on the customer satisfaction of the eo+e *isiting BB onight"

    %ecommendations:1" Bar"B"" onight shou+d oen more -ranches" ;s the# current+# ha*e

    t.o -ranches -oth in the areas -e+onging in categor# ;C .here as ourresu+t sho.s that !!D of their customer -e+ongs to area in categor# BC

    2" he# shou+d e=tend their menu as this .as the ma?or com+ain that the

    customer ointed at"9" Bar"B" tonight shou+d start conducting e*ents or come u .ith

    attracting acages so eo+e .ou+d *isit the restaurant more than

    once or in a month"


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    "ntroduction:;s ser*ice industries< secica++# the food industr# are gaining signicance in the

    maret so are the concerns of the -usiness o.ners to.ards the satisfaction of

    their customers as satised customer .i++ resu+t in customer re*isit henceincreasing the rota-i+it# of the restaurant or the food chain"

    his research is conducted to e=amine the factors of rice, food ua+it#,

    en*ironment, securit# and ser*ice ua+it# that in>uence the customer

    satisfaction of the eo+e *isiting the restaurant" he focus of this stud# is a

    +eading restaurant in Karachi that is 3BB onight3 and the satisfaction +e*e+ of

    the customers *isiting this restaurant .ith regard to the *aria-+es discussed

    a-o*e" o achie*e the o-?ecti*es of this research a uestionnaire has -een

    designed focusing on the *aria-+es so that dee insight cou+d -e gained in the

    satisfaction +e*e+s of the customers"

    @urthermore, +iterature re*ie.s has -een inc+uded to gain -etter understanding

    of the research ro-+ems and in>uentia+ factors .ith regard to the customer

    satisfaction" he data co++ected through uestionnaires .i++ -e ana+#sed using

    Statistica+ Pacage for Socia+ Science (SPSS) and resu+ts o-tained .i++ -e

    discussed in the form of ta-+es and charts for -etter understanding"

    he resu+ts o-tained through this stud# .i++ he+ the o.ners of the restaurant to

    understand the factors that +ead to customer satisfaction and the factors that are

    +eading to customer dissatisfaction at the restaurant .hich .i++ e*entua++# ena-+e

    them to tae correcti*e measures so that the factors causing dissatisfaction

    cou+d -e e+iminated"

    Statement of 0roblem:BB onight is a +eading restaurant in Karachi, Paistan" 6o.ada#s, the food

    industr# is increasing+# e=anding in Karachi and seems to -e" %ue this

    fact the restaurant industr# is -ecoming cometiti*e through the +ast fe. #ears"

    &o.e*er, as the g+o-a+ maret is changing raid+# the restaurant industr# is

    facing cometition in terms of retaining and attracting their customers" hus, for

    the success of the -usiness it is imortant for the restaurants to concern thefactors that +eads to the satisfaction of their customers and resu+t in re*isit


    herefore, the factors that .e .i++ -e taing into account are food ua+it#, ser*ice

    ua+it#, the en*ironment and securit# of the restaurant to determine that

    .hether these factors retain the customers resu+ting in increased customer

    re*isit intention" Moreo*er, in this research .e .i++ tr# to nd out that .hether

    increased customer satisfaction resu+t in customer re*isit intention"

    ;+though se*era+ researches ha*e -een conducted re*ious+# to nd out the

    aect of food ua+it#, ser*ice ua+it#, en*ironment and securit# on the customersatisfaction -ut these studies ha*e -een done searate+# -ut our stud# .i++ tae


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    into account a++ three factors together to determine ho. the# aect the

    satisfaction of customers a++ together"

    %esearch 1b&ecties:

    eneral 1b&ectie:

    he main o-?ecti*e of this stud# is to identif# the customers ro+e that *isit

    B;R"B" tonight the most and the factors in>uencing customer satisfaction

    among them" It sees to e=amine and understand .hether factors such as food

    ua+it#, ser*ice ua+it#, food rice, Securit# conditions and restaurant

    en*ironment .i++ in>uence customer satisfaction and restaurant re*isit intention"

    Speci3c 1b&ecties:

    (i) o identif# the customers ro+e that *isit B;R"B" tonight the most(ii) o e=amine the re+ationshi -et.een food ua+it# (food freshness E food

    resentation) and customer satisfaction"(iii) o e=amine the re+ationshi -et.een ser*ice ua+it# (ser*ice re+ia-i+it# E

    ser*ice resonsi*eness) and customer satisfaction"(i*) o e=amine the re+ationshi -et.een @ood Price (ser*ice re+ia-i+it# E

    ser*ice resonsi*eness) and customer satisfaction"(*) o e=amine the re+ationshi -et.een Restaurant securit# condition

    (ser*ice re+ia-i+it# E ser*ice resonsi*eness) and customer satisfaction"(*i) o e=amine the re+ationshi -et.een restaurant en*ironment (c+ean+iness

    E am-ient scent) and customer satisfaction"(*ii) o e=amine the re+ationshi -et.een customer satisfaction and re*isit


    Bac'ground "nformation:3@actors in>uencing dining e=erience on customer satisfaction and re*isit

    intention among undergraduates to.ards fast food restaurants3 .as the research

    conducted in ;ri+ 2019 -# Hong, Siang, o and Kuan in Ma+a#sia" In this stud#

    .e are e=anding this research to Karachi and .e .i++ -e e=amining the eects

    of food ua+it#, ser*ice ua+it#, restaurant en*ironment and securit# on customer

    satisfaction of the +eading restaurant BB onight" his stud# .i++ he+ us todetermine the eects of these factors on customers of restaurant industr# in the


    %esearch goals:he secic goa+s of our research are to see if food ua+it#, ser*ice ua+it#, foodrice, restaurant securit# and restaurant en*ironment are re+ated direct+# tocustomer re*isit intention"


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    ,iterature %eie(:he restaurant industr# has -een of great imortance o*er the #ears a++ around

    the .or+d" ; +arge num-er of eo+e around the .or+d often *isit restaurants for

    *arious uroses .hich inc+ude -usiness meetings and conferences, teenagers

    often *isit restaurants to send a ua+it# time .ith their friends and most

    signicant+# for fami+# ce+e-rations" &o.e*er, to imro*e -usiness erformance

    and ecienc#, ercei*ed ser*ice ua+it# has -een a strategic organisationa+ too+o*er the #ears (Mehta, a+.ani E &an)" Ser*ice ua+it# has -een used as a

    measure for the success of an organisation .ide+# -ecause it ho+ds a c+ose +in

    .ith customer satisfaction (Parasuraman, 7eitham+ E Ne+outsou)" &ence, ua+it#

    has -een regarded as a cometiti*e ad*antage that most of the ser*ice

    industries aim to achie*e" Moreo*er, outstanding ser*ice +eads to reeat

    urchases and +o#a+ customers (5ronin E a#+or)" herefore, man# restaurant

    o.ners and ser*ice industr# ro*iders aim to focus on needs of consumers for

    ser*ice ua+it# and customer satisfaction to retain customers in their -usiness"

    Moreo*er, the stud# done on 35ustomer ercei*ed ser*ice ua+it# in the fast foodindustr#3 he+s to -etter understand the -acground in the research .e aregoing to conduct" he methodo+og# for this research .as se+ected *er# carefu++#and the data .as co++ected from !0 students from dierent -usiness c+asses,stud#ing in mid si/e uni*ersities" he sur*e# .as conducted through inter*ie."

    he sam+e si/e .as of !0 students from t.o dierent c+asses" he targetsam+e -e+onged to the c+ass and uer c+ass, the# .ere se+f se+ected -#the researchers" he descriti*e statistics and the corre+ation ana+#sis .ereem+o#ed to e=amine the resu+ts" he *aria-+es used in this research inc+udedSatisfaction, the @ood, the Fn*ironment, the Business and the ransaction" heresearch conc+uded that AomenOs criteria of se+ecting restaurants deends onthe c+ean+iness" Ahi+e for men the factor that in>uences their decision of

    se+ecting a restaurant is rice -# food ua+it#" &ence, ma+es send more on a fastfood urchase and are more +ie+# to order a side dish than .omen and that.oman are more critica+ than ma+es in their ercetions of ser*ice ua+it#" ast-ut not +east, M'commerce mareting .i++ -e a good idea to get the customerfeed-ac and e=and -usiness (SFP&F6, KFNI6, E MIKF)" In addition to thisanother research on 3F=+oring the Re+ationshi -et.een 5ustomer Satisfactionand o#a+t# in the @ast @ood Industr#3further c+aries the concet on therestaurant industr# and customer satisfaction" he *aria-+es that .ere taen inaccount in this stud# inc+uded consumtion freuenc#, con*enience, customersatisfaction, re+ationshi inertia and 5ustomer +o#a+t#" he sur*e# .as conductedthrough uestionnaires" here .ere a tota+ of 00 uestionnaires and theeecti*e rec#c+ed uestionnaires .ere !L4, .ith the eecti*e rec#c+ing rate of

    LD"he stud# a+ied the urosi*e sam+ing method and focused on 10-ranches of four famous fast food chain stores in aiei 5it#" he stud# a+ied aiert !'oint sca+e (i"e" 1strong+# disagree to !strong+# agree) and conc+udedthat in fast food industr# customer satisfaction .i++ ositi*e+# imact customer+o#a+t#" 5ustomer inertia+ urchase -eha*iour of the fast food industr# hasresu+ted in the customer +o#a+t# and sa+es erformance of the fast food industr#not -eing easi+# imacted -# negati*e ne.s e*ent" It is necessar# to strengthenthe customer satisfaction and re+ationshi inertia" herefore, it is *er# imortantto +oo for the *aria-+es that .i++ imact customer satisfaction and re+ationshiinertia (5hing 5han 5heng et a+)" @o++o.ed -# this a great amount of .or has-een done -# researchers in 5hina on food industr#, ser*ice ua+it# and

    customer satisfaction" ;nother research done on 3 @actors In>uencing %iningF=erience on 5ustomer Satisfaction and Re*isit Intention among


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    Jndergraduates to.ards @ast @ood Restaurants3focused on food ua+it#, Ser*iceua+it#, Restaurant and Fn*ironment as the *aria-+e in this stud#" he targetou+ation consists of 200 ma+es and fema+es undergraduate from highereducation institutions in Ma+a#sia and the %ata .as co++ected from rimar# andsecondar# sources" he instrument used for research .as uestionnaires"

    argeted ou+ation .as the undergraduates consisting of ma+e and fema+e .ho.ere aged from 1'2 #ears o+d and current+# studied in Ma+a#siaCs higher

    education institutions" here .ere 200 uestionnaires distri-uted, ho.e*er on+#1L8 uestionnaires .ere co++ected and 1L1 uestionnaires .ere e+igi-+e" ;fter theana+#sis of the data co++ected the research summarised the resu+ts thatthe @ood ua+it# had the +east ositi*e imact on in>uencing the customersatisfaction among undergraduates to.ards the fast food restaurants -ut ser*iceua+it# +a#ed the most in>uencing ro+e in the dining e=erience" &o.e*er,Managers shou+d create secia+ atmoshere for customers to enhance theirositi*e dining e=erience thus can increasing their freuenc# of *isiting fastfood restaurant (5&$A,%I5KS$6, &;M E A$6G)"

    @ina++#, focusing on the researches done in the .est and ua+it# of .or roduced-# 5hina to further understand the -eha*iour of customers in Paistan .e

    focused on the research that has -een done in Paistan so that consumer-eha*iour of eo+e to.ards food industr# cou+d -e -etter understood" hisresearch .as done on 3 Imact of %ierent %eterminants on 5ustomerCsSatisfaction e*e+ (; 5ase of @ast @ood Restaurant)3 "he %ata .as co++ected fromthe resondents +i*ing in the cities of Gu?rat and Gu?ran.a+a in Pun?a-, Paistan"

    he *aria-+es that .ere taen into account inc+uded Price, ua+it#, Fn*ironment,Securit#, F=cetiona+ Ser*ice, Ser*ice ua+it# and 5ustomer Satisfaction" heh#othesis that .as deri*ed to conduct this research .as to nd out the factorsthat ha*e the greatest imact on the satisfaction +e*e+s of restaurant customers"

    he Sam+e si/e of 900 .as se+ected -# using the formu+a :( Sam+eSi/e6o" $f Parameters Q 10) and the data .as co++ected through

    uestionnaires" he ndings conc+uded that rice is the most considered factor.hen *isiting a fast food restaurant in these t.o articu+ar cities of Paistan i"e"Gu?rat and Gu?ran.a+a (;+i 6asir, Mir/a ;shfa, Iram 6a/ir,&uma 7afar E 7ahra7ahid,2014)"

    Based on the -acground and e=tensi*e research done on ser*ice ua+it# and

    customer satisfaction of food industr# our research aims to determine the factors

    that +ead to customer satisfaction at a +eading restaurant of Karachi no.n as

    3BB tonight3" he *aria-+es that .i++ -e used to conduct this research .i++

    inc+ude food ua+it#, rice, en*ironment and em+o#ee ser*ice and securit#"

    hese ha*e -een regarded as the most imortant factors for consumersatisfaction (;+i 6asir, Mir/a ;shfa ;hmed, Iram 6a/ir, &uma 7afar E 7ahra

    7ahid,2014)" he sur*e# .i++ -e conducted through uestionnaires on a sam+e

    of 200 resondents .ho are the current customers of BB tonight"

    &a*ing introduced the -acground, *aria-+es and a -rief o*er *ie. of the

    methodo+og# of the stud# the rest of this research aer .i++ ro*ide a detai+ed

    -acground of the restaurant BB tonight, the methodo+og# that .e .i++ -e using

    to conduct this research a+ong .ith the ana+#sis of the resu+ts and the ndings of

    this stud#" @urthermore conc+usions and recommendations .i++ a+so -e ro*ided

    -# the end of the research aer"


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    Theoretical 5rame(or':

    The study is based on the model of Venkatesh et al. (2003), which has four exogenous

    ariables and two endogenous ariables, howeer, the moderating ariables hae been

    excluded in this study.

    his research is a modied *ersion of 3@actors in>uencing customer re*isit

    intention3 done in ;ri+ 2019"


    1" @ood ua+it# is a factor in>uencing customer satisfaction











  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    2" Ser*ice ua+it# is a factor in>uencing customer satisfaction"9" @ood Price is a factor in>uencing customer satisfaction"4" Restaurant Securit# is a factor in>uencing customer satisfaction"!" Restaurant Fn*ironment is a factor in>uencing customer satisfaction"" 5ustomer Satisfaction +eads to customerOs re*isit intention"

    %esearch *esign:

    Sampling design:

    In this stud# con*enience sam+ing .i++ -e used" he data in this stud# .i++ -e

    co++ected on remises of BB onight so due to the geograhica+ +imitation and

    eeing in mind the mora+e of the customers the resondents that are easi+#

    accessi-+e .i++ -e targeted"

    *ata Collection ethod:

    he data .i++ -e co++ected using se+f administered uestionnaire" he

    uestionnaire .as i+oted on a sam+ed of three resondents so that aroriate

    correcti*e measures can -e taen"

    8ature of the study:

    ;s se+f administered uestionnaires .ere used in this stud# as a too+ to co++ect

    data the research is uantitati*e in nature" %ue the geograhica+ +imitation

    inter*ie.s .ere not used as a data co++ection too+ hence the stud# is uantitati*e

    in nature"

    Time 5rame:

    Stages of %esearch 0rocess Time

    *urationApproaching BarBQ Tonight and 3xing

    our isit

    1 .ee

    0reparing a comprehensie

  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit



    rea re*+e#"y ,

    D.H,A 11 14.7

    Clifton 14 18.7

    Bahadurabad 5 6.7

    P.E.C.H.S 8 10.7

    F.B Ara 6 8.0

    Board Ba!in " 4.0

    #ul!han 6 8.0

    $ar!a% 5 6.7

    Stadiu& 6 8.0

    'orth 'a%i&abad 4 5."

    (thr 6 8.0

    )otal 74 *8.7

    +i!!in 1 1."

    )otal 75 100.0

  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    he ana+#sis of the data re*ea+ed that the highest num-er of customers i"e"1"8D .ho *isited BB onight .ere from 5+ifton fo++o.ed -# 14"8D from%efence" "8D .ere from Bahadura-ad , 10"8D .ere from PF5&S , "0D .erefrom @B ;rea , 4"0D .ere from Boat Basin, "0D .ere from Gu+shanD , "8D.ere from Karsa/ , "0D .ere from Stadium , !"9D .ere from 6orth 6a/ima-ad ,"0 D .ere from other areas"


    I#"o-e re*+e#"y Per"e#t

    -50,000 5 ""."

    50,000/6*,*** 8 10.7

    70,000/8*,*** 10 1"."

    *0,000/1,00,000 11 14.7

    1,00,000 1* 5."

    )otal 7" *7."+i!!in .7

    )otal 75 100.0

  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    he ana+#sis re*ea+ed that 99"9D of the resondents earned more than PKR

    !0000" 10"8D had an income -racet of !0000 to L,LLL, 19"9D -et.een 80000and LLLL, 14"8D -et.een L0000 and 1000000" 2!"9D earned greater than1000000"

    re*+e#"y , a'id


    un2h 16 1."

    Brun2h 10 1"."

    Dinnr 47 6.7

    )otal 7" *7."

    +i!!in .7

    )otal 75 100.0


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    he ;na+#sis of the data re*ea+ed that the highest ercentage of 4"4D *isitedBB onight for %inner" 21"LD *isited for unch and 19"8D for Brunch"

    &o-/a#y re*+e#"y ,

    Fa&il3 47 6.7

    Frind! 1* 5."

    Co/orr! 5 6.7

    (thr 1 1."

    )otal 7 *6.0

    +i!!in " 4.0

    )otal 75 100.0


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    !"2D of the customers referred *isiting BB onight .ith fami+#, 2"L9D .ithfriends, "L4D .ith co'.orersand 1"9LD .ith others"


    Nisit er month re*+e#"y ,

    1/ ti&! r &onth "1 41."

    "/4 ti&! r &onth 17 .7

    5/6 ti&! r &onth 15 0.0

    +or than 7 ti&! r &onth 10 1"."

    )otal 7" *7."

    +i!!in .7

    )otal 75 100.0

  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    he ana+#sis re*ea+ed that 41"9D *isited 1'2 times er month" 22"8D *isited 9'4times er month, 20D *isited !' times er month and 19"9D more than 8 timeser month"

    Reaso# re*+e#"y ,

    S2ial (22a!ion "" 44.0

    Clo! to 3our hou! 10 1"."

    Entrtain&nt 18 4.0

    )i& Sain * 1.0

    )otal 70 *"."

    +i!!in 5 6.7

    )otal 75 100.0


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    44D of the eo+e *isited the restaurant at secia+ occasions" 19"9D *isited-ecause it is c+ose to their residence, 24D *isited due to entertainment uroseand 12D *isited to sa*e their time"






    ood Pri"e Resta+ra#t








    ood 0+a'ity Pearso#


    1 .5744 .7544 .3344 .3164 .514 .5144

    Si$. (8tai'ed) . . .7 .11 .1 .

    N 96 93 96 99 9 97 97


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    Seri"e 0+a' ity Pearso#


    1 .944 .544 .56944 .17 .944

    Si$. (8tai'ed) . . . .197 .

    N 9 9 97 93 9 9

    ood Pri"e Pearso#


    1 .74 .944 .99 .5344

    Si$. (8tai'ed) .16 .1 .5 .

    N 7 71 97 7 7





    1 .744 .15 .644

    Si$. (8tai'ed) . .1 .

    N 71 97 71 71





    1 .34 .9744

    Si$. (8tai'ed) .7 .

    N 97 97 97





    1 .374

    Si$. (8tai'ed).5

    N 7 7






    Si$. (8tai'ed)

    N 7" 5orre+ation is signicant at the 0"01 +e*e+ (2'tai+ed)"


    Mode' :#sta#dardi;ed &oeffi"ie#ts Sta#dardi;ed


    t Si$.

    B Std. 2rror Beta

    1 (&o#sta#t) . .6 .7 .6

    ood 0+a'ity . .13 .33 .3 .5

    Seri"e 0+a'ity 8.9 .69 8.11 8.91 .65


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    ood Pri"e 8.35 .37 8.11 8.93 .56

    Resta+ra#t Se"+rity 8.1 .1 8.96 8.5 .

    Resta+ra#t 2#iro#-e#t .19 .161 .53 .39 .7

    a. Dependent Variable: Customer Satisfaction

    /ypothesis #:&o: @ood ua+it# does not in>uence customer satisfaction"&;: @ood ua+it# is a factor in>uencing customer satisfaction"

    he rst h#othesis for the research .as that food ua+it# does eect customer

    satisfaction in the restaurant" his h#othesis .as acceted as the standard error

    .as !D and at regression r0"2!1 the ro-a-i+it# 0"02! .hich is +ess than

    (0"0!)" &ence &o is re?ected"herefore, food ua+it# is the factor that in>uences customer satisfaction"

    /ypothesis 2:&o: Ser*ice ua+it# does not aect customer satisfaction"

    &;: Ser*ice ua+it# is the factor in>uencing customer satisfaction"

    he second h#othesis de*e+oed for the research .as that ser*ice ua+it# does

    aect customer satisfaction" But the ana+#sis of the data re*ea+ed that at

    r0"18 the 0"L!2 is greater than the standard error of 0"0!" &ence &;is




    hypothesis %esult Achieed

    o e=amine the

    re+ationshi -et.een

    food ua+it# and



    @ood ua+it# is a

    factor in>uencing



    r 0"2!1( 0"0!) 0"02!


    o e=amine the

    re+ationshi -et.een

    ser*ice ua+it# and



    Ser*ice ua+it# is a

    factor in>uencing



    r 0"18( 0"0!) 0"L!2


    o e=amine the

    re+ationshi -et.een

    food rice andcustomer


    @ood Price is a factor

    in>uencing customer


    r 0"!2

    ( 0"0!) 0"!2L


    o e=amine the

    re+ationshi -et.een

    restaurant securit#

    and customer


    restaurant securit# is

    a factor in>uencing



    r 0"212( 0"0!) 0"0


    o e=amine the

    re+ationshi -et.een


    en*ironment and




    en*ironment is a

    factor in>uencing



    r 0"48( 0"0!) 0"408


    o e=amine the

    re+ationshi -et.een

    customersatisfaction and

    customer re*isit



    Satisfaction +eads to

    customerOs re*isitintention"

    r 0"298( 0"0!) 0"00L


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    re?ected and it is ro*ed that ser*ice ua+it# has no signicant aect on the

    customer satisfaction"

    /ypothesis ):&o: @ood rice does not in>uence customer satisfaction

    &;: @ood rice in>uences customer satisfaction"

    he third h#othesis deri*ed for this stud# .as that food rice aects customer

    satisfaction -ut at r0"!2 the 0"!2L is greater than the standard error of

    0"0! hence &;is re?ected and &ois acceted" So the resu+ts ro*e that food

    rice does not +a# an# signicant ro+e to aect the customer satisfaction"

    /ypothesis 4:&o: Restaurant securit# does not in>uence customer satisfaction"

    &;:Restaurant securit# does in>uence customer satisfaction"

    he h#othesis that restaurant securit# in>uences customer satisfaction .as

    re?ected -ecause at r0"212 the 0"0 .as greater than the standard error

    hence &;is re?ected" his means that restaurant securit# does not aect the

    customer satisfaction"

    /ypothesis +:&o: Restaurant en*ironment does not aect customer satisfaction"

    &;: Restaurant en*ironment does in>uence the customer satisfaction"

    ;ccording to the ana+#sis of the data &$is accet as at r0"48 the 0"408 is

    greater than the standard error hence &;is re?ected" his means that restaurant

    en*ironment does not in>uence customer satisfaction in -oth ositi*e and

    negati*e .a#s"

    /ypothesis -:&o: 5ustomer satisfaction does not +ead to customer re*isit intention"

    &;: 5ustomer satisfaction does +ead to customer re*isit intention"

    he +ast *aria-+e to -e considered in this research .as that customer satisfaction

    +eads to customer re*isit intention" B# the statistica+ ana+#sis it .as found out

    that &ois re?ected" ;t r0"298 the 0"00L is +ess than the standard error hence

    &;is acceted" herefore, customer satisfaction resu+ts in customer re*isit


    Conclusions:;fter carefu++# ana+#sing the resu+ts of the data it .as conc+uded that food ua+it#is the ma?or factor that +eads to customer satisfaction of the customers *isiting


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    BB onight and customer satisfaction than +eads to increased customer re*isit

    intention to the restaurant" Ahereas some of the *aria-+es such as ser*ice

    ua+it#, food rice and restaurant securit# and en*ironment that .e thought .i++

    aect the customer satisfaction it .as found out that the# had not ha*e an#

    signicant aect on the customer satisfaction of the eo+e *isiting BB onight"

    %ecommendation:(i*) Bar"B"" onight shou+d oen more -ranches" ;s the# current+# ha*e

    t.o -ranches -oth in the areas -e+onging in categor# ;C .here as our

    resu+t sho.s that !!D of their customer -e+ongs to area in categor# BC(*) he# shou+d e=tend their menu as this .as the ma?or com+ain that the

    customer ointed at"(*i) Bar"B" tonight shou+d start conducting e*ents or come u .ith

    attracting acages so eo+e .ou+d *isit the restaurant more than once

    or in a month"

    ,imitation:(i) %ue to time shortage .e .ere on+# a-+e to do con*enient sam+ing" &ence

    no inter*ie.s or i+ot stud# .as conducted"(ii) he management of Bar"B" tonight hard+# contri-uted hence .e .ere

    on+# a-+e to get 84 ++ed uestionnaires"(iii);s Bar"B" tonight on+# ha*e t.o -ranches, -oth at *er# odd +ocations,

    hence the access e restaurant .as *er# hard"(i*) imited timeframe .as the -iggest +imitation" Ae had t.o month to

    co++ect data, interreted it and comi+e the .ho+e reort"












  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit



    !"#T$% &'!*'#&'+ #T$-*% "T&!"#T&$'

    "' %*V&&T &'T*'T&$'

    /here do you lie





    F.B Area

    Board Basin




    "orth "a!imabad


    /hat &ncome category do you belong to





  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    *&'&&&(-' &&'&&&

    -' &&'&&&

    "t what time do you 1refer to dine at ar.. tonight




    /ith whom do you 1refer to come to ar.. Tonight with





    4ow fre5uent do you isit fast food restaurant

    -(3 times per month

    4(5 times per month

    %() times per month

    6ore than + times per month

    /hat is your reason to dine in "%.. tonight

    Special occasion

    Close to 0our campus



    Based on the statement' please C;C/E the most suitable ans

  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit



    7he foods is ser8ed in

    a fresh manner

    7he food loo2s


    BA;.B.= toni9ht

    ha8e a menu full of


    Food price is

    reasonable for all

    items in the menu

    7he restaurant


  • 7/25/2019 Research Paper: factors that induce customer satisfaction in a resturant and lead to revisit


    thorou9hl0 clean

    f 8isible' the 2itchen

    loo2s clean

    ;estaurant ha8e



    ha8e intention to dine

    in the restaurant a9ain

    perience here