Research Envi Ppt

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Definition of Research

• Research is defined as a careful, systematic study in a field of knowledge that is undertaken to discover or establish facts or principles (Webster, 1984).

• Research is a systematic process of collecting and logically analyzing information (data) for specific purpose and the research methods (or methodology) are the ways one collects and analyses data.

• It means searching for a theory, for testing theory, or for solving a problem.

• “A systematic quest for undiscovered truth” (Leedy, 1974).

• “A continuing process”

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Purposes of Research

1. To improve quality of life

2. To solve problems

Examples: • It was found through research that lung cancer

is associated with smoking and so campaign against smoking was intensified.

• The development of the computers which are used in the banking system ATM.

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Uses of Research as a Scientific Process

• Determine/describe an existing situation (situation analysis)

• Describe a population (people, objects, institutions, etc.)

• Compare two conditions or groups of population• Determine existence, degree, or nature of

relationship between two or more factors.• Evaluate and/or compare effectiveness of an

intervention, treatment or exposure• Predict the value of a certain characteristics

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Characteristics of Research

1. Research is logical and objective.2. Research is expert, systematic and accurate

investigation.3. Research gathers new knowledge and data

from primary and secondary data/sources.4. Research endeavors to organize data in

quantitative (measurable) terms if possible and to express these data in numerical measures.

5. Researchers require courage.6. Research is carefully recorded and reported.

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General Types of Research

1. Descriptive Research• The multiple intelligence profile of EA students SY 2010-2011• The insecticidal properties of pepper

2. Explanatory or Correlation Research• Ethanol-in-water concentration and its refractive index and

specific gravity • Voltage and resistance

3. Intervention or Experimental Research• Durian (Durion Zibethinus Murr.) peelings: substance to

enhance soil quality• The effectiveness of a developed general chemistry software

instructional aid

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Other Dichotomies of Research1. Pure Basic vs. Applied Research

• Pure basic research – to describe an existing situation and/or explaining certain patterns of behavior using either or both qualitative and quantitative research techniques.

• Applied research – to see an immediate solution to a problem.

2. Exploratory vs. Explanatory Research• Exploratory research – to describe an existing problem situation and

examine the underlying factors that contribute to the emergence of the problem, the nature of which is not yet well known.

• Explanatory research – to understand or explain a prevailing situation or explain a relationship between factors which may have already been identified in exploratory studies, and why the relationship exists.

3. Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research• Quantitative research – to quantify or reflect in numbers the observations on

the characteristics of the population being studied.• Qualitative research – emphasizes verbal descriptions and explanations of

human behavior and practices in an attempt to understand how the units or members of the study population experience or explain their own world.

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Research Methods

1. Experimental Method

2. Survey Method

3. Historical Method

4. Content Analysis

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Research Process1. Identification and Definition of a Research Problem

• Statement of Research Problems/Objectives• Theoretical/Conceptual Framework Formulation • Operational Definition of Variables

2. Formulation of Hypotheses3. Choosing Appropriate Research Design4. Identification of Target Population and Sampling5. Data Collection

• Preparation of Research Instrument• Reliability Testing and Validation• Questionnaire Administration, Interview, Testing and Observation• Quality Control

6. Data Processing7. Data Analysis and Interpretation8. Report Preparation and Information Dissemination

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Order of Research ManuscriptTitle pageApproval Sheet pageAbstractAcknowledgment page Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures Chapter I – INTRODUCTION

Background of the StudyGlobalNationalLocal

Statement of the Problem/sHypothesis (optional)Significance of the StudyScope and Delimitation of the Study

Chapter II – REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIESRelated Literature (books, magazines, etc.)Related Studies (actual researches)Theoretical FrameworksConceptual FrameworksDefinition of Terms (in alphabetical order)

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Order of Research ManuscriptChapter III – METHODOLOGY

Research DesignResearch Locale (may include maps)Research Respondents (or Subjects)Research Instrument/sResearch Procedures (or Data Gathering Procedure)Statistical Treatment

Chapter IV – RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONQuestions in the Statement of the Problems will be answered and discussed one-by-one.

Chapter V – SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSSummaryConclusionsRecommendations

References (no segregation, alphabetical)Appendices Curriculum Vitae

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General Expectations for each Chapter in Research• Chapter I – Introduction

– Background of the Study. Determine the theme of your study and write something global, national, and local

– Last paragraph must contain statement why you are embarking on this research. Stepping board to the Statement of the Problem (a bridge)

– Statement of the Problem. What is you primary or main objective? Your secondary or sub-problems? Problem are stated in interrogative form but it can also be written in declarative form such as in objectives of the study (Just choose either one of the two formats)

– Hypothesis/Hypotheses are necessary if there are sub-problems on relationships or correlations. Guess where the relationship is going.

– Significance of the Study. Various sectors must be mentioned and they would benefit from the study

– Scope and Delimitation. What factors or dimensions were involved in the assessment? How many respondents? Where & when was the study undertaken?

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General Expectations for each Chapter in Research• Chapter II – Review of Related Literature and Studies

– Introductory Paragraph– Difference between literature and studies. Literatures are general topics

found in books, newspapers, encyclopedia, etc. Cluster them by theme and place in sidehead.

– Studies are researches in the form of theses, dissertations and the like. Present them by theme or by chronology

– Synthesis. Summarize what you have found and what else do you have to search on. State what else can be supplemented by the current undertaking

– Theoretical Frameworks. Only theories which have bearing on the study should be included, around 3-4. Included the theorists’ name or the proponents

– Conceptual Framework. You may or may not agree with some of the tenets of the theorists cited. You can come up with your own paradigm. Show the independent, dependent and intervening variables, as you would want them to work on them.

– Explain your paradigm.

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General Expectations for each Chapter in Research• Chapter III – Methodology

– Introductory Paragraph– Research Design. Design and Methods are often confused with one another. Research

design provides the logical framework upon which the research project is conducted and enables the researcher to gather evidence that will address the research questions. Research methods are actual techniques of data collection e.g. survey, interview, participant-observation, etc.

– Research Locale. It is the area where you conducted the research. Describe it from the vantage point of a known place. The use of a map to show where the actual research was done is optional

– Research Respondents. These are the number of people who have responded to the survey questionnaire or those who were interviewed. If you are conducting an experimental design, subject is the more appropriate term. In case of qualitative research design, the use of participant is suggested.

– Research Instrument/s. How many instrument/s did you use? Describe how it was constructed and validated. Include scoring system and how to interpret

– Research Procedures. You are cautioned not to include here what you have written about the instrument. Say something about getting permit, administering the instrument, retrieval of data and analysis

– Statistical Treatment. What statistical procedure/s did you use and where did you apply it/them? Avoid numbering. Use paragraph head. Formula and sample computations should be placed in the appendix.

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General Expectations for each Chapter in Research• Chapter IV – Results and Discussions

– Introductory paragraph – Present findings following the sequence of sub-problems in Chapter I.– Each sub-problem can be paraphrased and placed in a sidehead. Then

proceed to the presentation of results.– There should be interpretation and discussion of data presented.– Cite authority should you want to refute the findings.– Corroborate findings with findings of other researchers on the same

topics.– Tables or figures should immediately follow the text that explains


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General Expectations for each Chapter in Research• Chapter V – Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

– Introductory paragraph– What is the primary objective of the study? Write briefly on the following:

research design including the methods used, locale, respondents and sampling, technique, instruments and statistical treatment

– Findings (strictly no discussion)– Conclusion per sub-problem presented– Recommendations

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Theoretical Framework

• It presents a theory that explains why a problem under study exists (Mercado, 1994), and explains the connection between certain factors and the problem.

• It provides the general framework which can guide data analysis.

• It identifies the variables to be measured.

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Conceptual Framework

• It is an elaboration of the theoretical framework in concrete terms.

• It is anchored on the theoretical framework.

• It specifies the variables of the study and the expected flow of relationship among them.

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Conceptual Model of the Study Examples

Ethanol- in-WaterConcentration

Independent Variable

Specific Gravity

Refractive Index

Dependent Variables



Intervening Variables

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Conceptual Model of the Study Examples

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Conceptual Model of the Study Examples

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Characteristics of a Good Research Problem

1. A research problem must be relevant.

2. A research problem must be feasible.

3. A research problem must be clear.

4. A research problem must be ethical.

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Concept Paper

Concept paper includes:1. Proposed Title2. Names of Proponents3. Background of the Study / Rationale

• What is the study all about?• Brief discussion of the variables, parameters and extent of the

study.• Existing problem situation

4. Significance of the Study5. Statement of the Problem or Objectives of the

Study6. Proposed Timeline

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Sequence of the Statement of the Problem• Profile of the subjects / respondents /

moderator variable/s

• Measure of the independent variable/s

• Measure of the dependent variable/s

• Significant difference or relationships of variables

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Proposed Titles for Research Projects1. The Profile and Stream Flow of Wastewater in Agdao

Public Market2. The Profile and Stream Flow of Wastewater in

Bankerohan Public Market3. Solid Waste Characteristics and Management in

Agdao Public Market4. Solid Waste Characteristics and Management of

McDonald Stores in Davao City5. The Davao City Air Pollution Index and its Perceived

Health Implications: Bases for LGU Policy Intervention6. The Causes and Effects of the June 2011 Flashflood in

Pangi, Matina, Davao City

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• David, Felly. 2005. Understanding and Doing Research: A Handbook for Beginners. Iloilo City: Panorama Printing, Inc.

• Portillo, Reynaldo R. 2003. Research and Technical Writing. Trinitas Publishing.

• Alcantar, Rebecca D. and Espina, Felicidad P. 1995. Technical Writing for Filipino Students. Katha Publishing.

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