Research - Does Chocolate Make You Clever

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  • 8/10/2019 Research - Does Chocolate Make You Clever



    Chocolate vs cognitive

    Desideri G, Kwik-Uribe C, Grossi D et al. Benefits in cognitive function, blood pressure, and insulin

    resistance through cocoa flavours consumption in elderly subjects with mild cognitive impairment:

    the cocoa cognitive , and aging (Cocoa) study. Hypertension. 2012;60 (3): 794801

    Consume a daily cocoa drink with differing flavanol content, tested on 90 individuals with mild

    cognitive impairment8 weeks.

    Tested using drinks with 990mg, 520mg and 45mg of flavonoids.

    Cognitive function assessed by:

    Mini mental state examinations

    Trial making tests A and B

    Verbal fluency tests

    Key findings: after 8 weeks, participants consuming high and intermediate flavanol cocoa products

    and significantly better in the tests.

    Benefits significant at 500mg/day

    Earlier studies have reported cognitive benefits from flavanol sourced from other foods. (Concord

    grape juice, 2010)

    May 2013similar study on chocolate flavanols effects on cognition and mood self-rated

    calmness and contentedness, but cognition was unaffected by chocolate in this study.

    Flavanols that occur naturally in cocoa beans are easily destroyed during chocolate manufacturing.

    Dark chocolate contains more flavanols than milk or white chocolate. Among dark chocolate, there

    was almost 7-fold variation in content.

    Low flavanols experimental group consumed commercial chocolate drinks. High-falvoured content:

    cocoa pro produced by Mars Inc.

    Presentation: Cocoa Polyphenols. Pennington Biomedical Research Center Division of Education.

    Heli Roy, Shanna Lundy, Phillip Brantley, PBRC 2005

    Cocoa and chocolate products have the highest concentration of flavonoids among commonly

    consumed foods. Only 10% of cocoa powder is flavonoids

    Switzerlandhighest chocolate consumptionestimated 9.9kg/yr/person

    Flavanoids in cocoa/chocolate, catechin and epicatechin, exist in long polymers - up to 10

    catechin/epicatechin units linked (other flavonoid rich foods contain 2/3 in each chain). Known to

    have hydrogen-donating properties and metal-chelating antioxidant properties

  • 8/10/2019 Research - Does Chocolate Make You Clever


    Roasting and alkali treatment to cocoa beans reduce flavanol content, alongside fermentation of the

    beansAs much as 90% of the flavonoids can be lost during processing

    7% to 35% cocoa in milk chocolate

    30% to 80% cocoa in dark chocolate

    0% cocoa in white chocolate

    Factsheet: CVS Health Resouces. 8/1/2011, EBSCO CAM Review Board. Pg 2.


    White chocolate contains little to no flavonoids.

    Commercial dark chocolate can contain up to 500-2000mg of flavanols per 100g of chocolate

    Pase MP, Scholey AB, Piping as A et al. 2013 May; 27(5): 451-8 J Psychopharmacol. Cocoa

    polyphenols enhance positive mood states but not cognitive performance: a randomised placebo

    controlled trial. Centre for Human Psychopharmacology, Swinburne University, Melbourne,


    Healthy middle aged participants

    Drink chocolate drinks with 500mg, 250mg and 0mg of flavanolsdrink for 30 days

    Cognition measured using the Cognitive Drug Research system.

    72 participants

    Cognition was unaffected by treatment at all time points immediately, several hours after, and 1

    month later

    His Test? Original data?

    The New England Journal of Medicine, Franz H. Messerli, Chocolate Consumption, Cognitive

    Function and Nobel Laureates. 2012 Massachusetts Medical Society, page 1-3

    Testing for correlation between a countrys level of chocolate consumption and its populations

    cognitive functionmeasured populations cognitive function through the number of Nobel

    Laureates per capita.

    No. of Nobel laureates for every 10 million persons in a given country.

    Data from Chocosuisse, Theobroma-cacao and Caobisco.

    Data available from 2011 for Switzerland, 2010 for 15 countries, 2004 for 5 countries and 2002 for


    R= 0.791
  • 8/10/2019 Research - Does Chocolate Make You Clever


    P < 0.0001

    Implies a significant linear correlation

    Excluded Sweden: r = 0.862

    Slope: 0.4kg chocolate per capita per year to increase the number of Nobel laureates in a givencountry by 1.

    Minimally effective chocolate dose: 2kg per year.

    No apparent ceiling on the no. of Nobel laureates at the highest chocolate dose level of 11kg per


    Graph: Sweden = anomaly. Very high no. of Nobel laureates, not so much chocolate consumption.

    23 countries tested

    According to correlation, given 6.4kg/yr/capita, Sweden should have had 14 Nobel laureates but it

    has 32.

    Ruled Sweden as an anomaly because observed number > 2x expected number.

    Present data based on country averages

    Not known about the specific chocolate intake of the Nobel laureates

    Dr Messerli reports regular daily chocolate consumption, mostly but not exclusively, in the form of

    Lindts dark varieties

    Malawi Med J. Sept 2012; 24(3): 69-71. A guide to appropriate use of correlation coefficient in

    medical research MM Mukaka

    2013 Lund Research Ltd. Laerd Statistics, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation

    The Pearson product-moment correlation does not take into consideration whether a variable has

    been classified as a dependant or independent variable.


    Variables must be either interval or ratio measurements

    Variables must be normally distributed Linear relationship
  • 8/10/2019 Research - Does Chocolate Make You Clever


    Outliers are removed

    Homoscedasticity (variances along line of best fit remain similar as you move along the line)

    At Work, Issue 40, Spring 2005: Institute for Work and Health, Toronto. What researchers mean

    bystatistical significance.

    P to describe the probability of observing such a large difference purely by chance in 2 groups of

    exactly the same people.

    So 0.0001 means 0.01% chance that not correlated

    Below 0.005considered highly statistically significant

    Pg 2: Topic #7: P-Value. Cornell edu.

    P-value is not the probability that the null hypothesis is true. Comparison of Bayesian and

    classical approaches shows that a p-value can be very close to 0 while the posterior

    probability of the null is very close to unity (Jeffreys-Lindley paradox)

    Calculation of p-value is based on assumption that finding is the product of chance alone

    Prosecutors fallacy: not the probability of falsely rejecting the null hypothesis

    Significance level of the test is not determined by the p-value