Research Design: Internet Content Preferences Voters v. Non-voters

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  • 8/9/2019 Research Design: Internet Content Preferences Voters v. Non-voters


  • 8/9/2019 Research Design: Internet Content Preferences Voters v. Non-voters


  • 8/9/2019 Research Design: Internet Content Preferences Voters v. Non-voters



    Internet Content Preferences: Non-Voters versus Voters

    Since its widespread adoption and subsequent ubiquity, internet access and use has

    strongly correlated with voter involvement; however, the mechanism behind this correlation is

    unknown. Recent campaigns, such as the 2008 U.S. elections have seen political parties utilizing

    the internet in new ways to mobilize their members and inform constituents of their policies.

    There are competing schools of thought as to what possible mechanisms of action may be at

    play. Nickerson (2007) eliminates digital equivalence to old media standards as a possible

    solution, finding that campaign funds spent on e-mail campaign promotion in place of direct mail

    methods were largely wasted. Even when the source of the e-mail was an acquaintance of the

    recipient, there was no effect on voter involvement.

    A second school of thought, typified by Ward, Gibson & Lusoli (2003),find the internet

    to be, at best, capable of making the political process accessible to a broader audience, but not

    increasing the percentage of the audience that will ultimately become involved. Studies done in

    this area seem to indicate the internet is serving a role as a tool for political mobilization, but it is

    unclear as to whether it is merely a tool of convenience for those predisposed to involvement, or

    it is creating voters of non-voters.

    Polat (2005) examines the question raised by the aforementioned second school and

    found that the internet increases an individuals access to political information, but not the

    individuals cognitive ability to absorb it (p. 441). Secondly, as a communications medium, he

    finds the internet to serve most usefully as a tool for those significantly dispersed geographically.

    Finally, as an extender of the public sphere, Polat (2005) finds the internet lacking; it merely

    provides those individuals already predisposed to political involvement with an additional

    medium by which to express their political opinion.

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    Despite these extensive studies of how the internet may affect with voter involvement,

    there has not been a conclusive study of internet use and specific content preferred by voters

    versus non-voters. It is an open question whether specific internet uses, such as news aggregation

    or policy information, contribute to voter involvement. Understanding the internet habits of non-

    voters could provide blueprints for methods that would be conducive to reaching uninvolved

    individuals. Information regarding how non-voters utilize the internet could be invaluable to

    political parties, allowing them to tap in to the vast reserves of the uninvolved.

    This study attempts to show the method by which internet use varies between voters and

    non-voters by administering a survey that gathers data regarding voter involvement, internet

    access, and specific internet behaviors. It examines the correlation between respondents that

    report utilizing their internet access predominantly for news and current event tracking, or policy

    research, in relation to the individuals voter engagement. This study attempts to contribute to the

    overall understanding of what specific internet behaviors and uses correlate with increased voter


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    Three Avenues of Existing Research

    An informed citizenry is the bulwark of democracy. The most revolutionizing force for

    informing the public in modern times is, unquestionably, the internet. Holding both of these

    premises up as true, the conclusion that the internet is a powerful contributor to political

    involvement must be true as well. Just how the internet is being utilized to inform and mobilize

    the citizenry is not well understood; the internet content preferences of voters, as opposed to non-

    voters, may very well lend an understanding to how the internet helps motivate political

    involvement. My thesis is that there should be a substantial difference in the content preferences

    of voters, preferring to utilize the internet for news, party and policy research, and non-voters,

    who shy away from this content. There are three discrete schools of thought that illuminate the

    content preferences of voters and non-voters.

    The first, Old Media 2.0 proponents, seek to compare the internet as analogous to older

    media for political mobilization; that is to say, they seek out internet-based mobilization methods

    that have clear links to a traditional counterpart to see if voters are any more likely to receive this

    content. These studies could accurately be referred to as studies of Old Media 2.0; their logic

    entails studying the effectiveness of political campaigns that seek not to revolutionize the

    mobilization process, but merely to trade expensive atoms for cheap bits.

    The second, The Involvers, see any measurement of the effectiveness of the internet for

    political mobilization as being best conducted on typically uninvolved populations. If it can be

    found that voters among typically uninvolved subgroups and non-voters in those same subgroups

    have significantly different internet content preferences, perhaps a link between content

    preferences and voting status can be drawn.

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    The third school of thought, and the one I find most compelling, are The Echo

    Chamberists. They conclude that the internet has thus far served only as a mechanism for

    increased involvement of those already politically motivated. They see the internet as not

    increasing the number of people participating in the political process, but merely increasing the

    level to which the already politically-involved can participate; namely through discussion and

    socialization. I find the logic of these scholars and their line of reasoning the most compelling, as

    they best understand the multi-faceted and multi-dimensional nature of the internet, and broaden

    the scope of their study much further than the others.

    I will now examine each school of thought, some of its key concepts and theories, and

    cite key authors involved in each. I will then follow each with a brief analysis of their studies,

    and the overall concepts of the works cited. I have placed these schools in order from least

    plausible to most plausible, for the sake of readability.

    The Internet as Old Media 2.0

    Nickerson (2007) conducts experiments that conclude that campaign emails have no

    positive effect on turnout; even when the correspondence comes from a sender [that] is a trusted

    source that existing literature suggests should be maximally persuasive ... These experiments

    strongly suggest that political campaigns employing email as a get out the vote tool are wasting

    their time (p. 377). These experiments clearly conclude that it is not the internet as a

    communications platform that is serving to involve the citizenry. In other words, the politically

    motivated may tend to subscribe to campaign-related email newsletters, but merely sending these

    emails to the general public will not serve to involve them.

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    Kruegers (2006) findings are consistent with this theory. He sought to look at politically

    involved citizenry and, post-hoc, ascertain whether they had been contacted by their political

    party via email; his study was an interesting complement to Nickerson (2007), seeking to

    examine the question from the opposite direction. Kruegers (2006) findings conclude that

    internet skills and existing political interest are the correlating factors with successful internet

    mobilization (p. 772); neither email correspondence, nor other methods of campaign

    communication were good predictors of voter status. Politically interested individuals with

    sufficient internet skills will seek out ways to involve themselves via new media while the

    politically disinterested will not be mobilized by internet campaign correspondence.

    Critical Assessment of The Internet as Old Media 2.0

    While Kruegers (2006) conclusion is that internet campaign communication does not

    correlate with increased civic involvement for the previously uninvolved, he bases this

    conclusion on survey data regarding what percentage of the sample group with a high civic

    participation score had received online political messages; specifically campaign emails. This

    does nothing to illuminate what other content preferences the highly civically involved may

    gravitate towards. Simply measuring the number of voters that have received campaign emails

    only ascertains the efficacy of those types of campaigns; so all that can be concluded is what

    does not work, namely, email campaigns.

    The proponents of Old Media 2.0 would conclude that the internet is a vacuum for

    campaign dollars. When utilized in a manner identical to the methods that have worked for

    traditional campaigns, the internet does not provide the return on investment they are accustomed

    to. The flaw in their logic lies in the fact that, as previously stated, while their studies claim to

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    identify the role the internet as a whole plays in increasing voter turnout, they in fact are only

    examining the effectiveness of mass emailing campaign literature. The possibility remains that

    there is a substantial difference between the content preferences of voters and non-voters. If this

    is the case, the evidence points towards the failure of internet mobilization efforts being due to

    those efforts being concentrated on the already highly civically involved. Perhaps previous

    internet mobilization campaigns have just been preaching to the choir.

    The Internet as Involver

    The second school of thought seeks to ascertain the correlation between certain content

    preferences and voter involvement by examining groups typically not well represented. The

    Involvers are best represented by Ward, Gibson & Lusoli (2003); they state Whilst the internet

    does not universally lower the costs of participation, it may bring some new individuals and

    groups in to the political process notably young people (p. 667). Their study examined various

    political parties in the United Kingdom, surveying their constituents and requesting information

    as to how the individuals became affiliated with the party; in one case, with the Liberal

    Democrats, a full third of young respondents indicated that the website played a significant role

    in their recruitment (Ward, Gibson & Lusoli, 2003, p. 663). This seems to indicate that, for at

    least for typically uninvolved populations, content preferences amongst voters may tend towards

    party research.

    This theory is backed up by the work ofK

    arlsen (2010); in his study he finds that more

    than one quarter of the most inexperienced voters visit party websites (p. 47). Meanwhile, he

    found internet news consumption to correlate only with increased socioeconomic status, and not

    political involvement or lack thereof. This seems to correlate with Ward, Gibson & Lusolis

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    (2003) findings that party research is the chief content preference for the politically

    inexperienced internet consumer. This has serious implications for the role of party websites in

    the mobilization process, as the most uninformed and politically inexperienced users are

    gathering general political information from official party channels.

    Critical Assessment of The Internet as Involver

    This second school of thought, The Involvers, clearly believe the internet to play a role as

    involving the uninvolved; that is to say, it can give the opportunity for participation to

    individuals who have not previously operated within the political process (Stanley, J. W., &

    Weare, C., 2004). Their research illuminates a link between the politically involved and an

    internet content preference of party research. The possibility remains, and indeed some of the

    data seems to indicate, that these individuals simply possess an interest in the political process

    and also happen to prefer the internet as their method of research. In other words, it does not

    mean the internet is creating active participants of passive observers, but instead that some active

    participants utilize the internet to first become involved. If that is the case, the content

    preferences of these individuals should be listed as the preferences of voters, if not excluded

    from the survey altogether. They represent a subset of the community that will be voting,

    possessing a political interest and a motivation to civic involvement; their non-voter status is

    merely a side-note and, listed as the preference of a non-voter, would confound the data in any

    study seeking to ascertain content preferences between voters and non-voters.

    The Echo Chamberists

    Many of the issues I raise in this aforementioned second school, those believing the

    internet to be a powerful tool for involving the previously uninvolved, are answered by scholars

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    who see the internet as having thus far only served as a mobilizer and source of information for

    the politically predisposed. I find this particular school of thought to be the most plausible. Its

    most compelling research to date is that of Polat (2005); he sought to ascertain the role of the

    internet as an information source, as a communication medium and as a virtual public sphere

    (p. 435). As an information source, Polat (2005) finds that access to information is increased

    with access to the internet, but the cognitive ability to absorb the material is not (p. 441).

    Therefore a major caveat to his findings is an admission that it is possible that, even if political

    information is placed in channels frequented by non-voters, they may be ill-equipped to parse it

    and predisposed to remain uninterested.

    With the major caveat of potential cognitive shortcomings, Polat (2005) sees many of the

    same problems with the first two schools of thought as I have already mentioned. He

    acknowledges the internet to be a multi-faceted and multi-dimensional communications medium;

    Polat (2005) further acknowledges that all dimensions are not equally well disposed to

    conveying a political message (p. 446). He finds that the most serviceable method of

    communications for political messages on the internet is that of the group dialog, by extension

    this implies that members of the group are already politically involved and are merely seeking a

    medium to facilitate organization and discussion. Polat (2005) also finds the internet as a

    communication medium to be more useful in increasing involvement in tertiary aspects of the

    political process, such as information gathering through opinion polls and surveys; this again

    favors those who have signed up to receive, and are predisposed to respond to, this information

    namely, the politically involved.

    Finally Polat (2005) sought to examine the internet in its role as an extender of the public

    sphere. In this role, he finds the internet lacking. Polat (2005) sees the internet as providing a

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    segment of society who are already of the socioeconomic class most conducive to political

    involvement, with an additional medium through which to express their political opinion and

    support their political views (p. 449); this research is backed up by the aforementioned work of

    Karlsen (2010). Furthermore he understands the internet to be too segmented and disparate to

    generally contribute to a centralized conversation on political matters (p. 449). In this way, Polat

    (2005) finds the current mechanisms of internet mobilization utilized by political parties to be

    lacking in the area of involving the uninvolved; they are, as previously stated, preaching to the


    Backing up Polat (2005) in his assessment of the internet as an echo chamber is the work

    of Lupia & Philpot (2005), who found that the mere existence of online opportunities to obtain

    political information is not sufficient to engage the uninvolved (p. 1133). Their research found

    that, while just having internet access does not seem to correlate to increased likelihood of voter

    status when socioeconomic factors are controlled for, specific website frequency does seem to

    correlate with self-reporting of political interest. This statistically confirms what could

    logically be assumed, that there are subsections of the internet where the demographic is

    overwhelmingly voter, and other subsections where this is not the case. Lupia & Philpot (2005)

    found online news to be one such place where voters are over represented. Voters are clearly

    harboring specific content preferences that are substantially different from their non-voter


    Critical Assessment of The Echo Chamberists

    This third school of thought, exemplified by the work of Polat (2005) and Lupia &

    Philpot (2005), would seem to point to the internet thus far as serving, at best, a resource for the

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    members of the population that are already politically motivated. I find this conclusion

    compelling, and thus warranting further research. I believe building on this conclusion, and

    narrowing down the scope of the study to ascertain exactly what types of content the already

    motivated user, as well as the unmotivated user, will gravitate towards, would be invaluable.

    There has already been some research in to the area of content preference of the voter, with party

    research as being one example; however, an examination of the content preferences of the non-

    voter, and an analysis of what makes the content of the voter unappealing to the non-voter,

    would be useful in discovering channels by which parties and politicians can reach these

    individuals. If the internet is currently only being used as a mechanism for increased

    involvement for the already involved, what content preferences do the uninvolved harbor? If we

    can illuminate the content preferences of the politically uninvolved user, perhaps a more targeted

    approach towards mobilizing them can be constructed.


    A vacuum is present in the existing literature; a study must be undertaken to locate the

    politically uninvolved within the geography of the internet. In order to effectively campaign to

    non-voters, the internet swing-states must be identified. The study should utilize a survey that

    seeks to ascertain the content preferences of individual non-voters. If all the current methods of

    internet mobilization have only been preaching to the choir, where must the communication be

    directed so as to reach the politically unmotivated the non-voters?

    Furthermore, we must ascertain what specifically about the content preferred by the

    voters makes it so unappealing to the nonvoter. It may be a matter of cognitive absorption as

    Polat (2005) surmises, it may otherwise be a matter of these mediums simply not being well

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    suited for individuals not possessing a keen interest in political matters, or it may be another

    issue entirely. A definitive answer to these questions could prove extremely useful in shaping

    future political campaigns internet presence, structuring ways of conveying political news, and

    generally reaching the nonvoting public.

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    Methods of Study

    The hypothesis this study seeks to test is that there is a positive correlation between the

    independent variable, voter status, and the dependent variable of an individuals internet use. The

    connection between the variables is expected to be statistically significant, and also bidirectional,

    with voter status being a good predictor of content preference, and content preference being a

    good predictor of voter status.

    The existing literature and statistical data contained therein has pointed towards receiving

    campaign information via email being a poor predictor of voter status (Krueger, 2006);

    conversely, voter status has been found to be a poor predictor of the receiving of such campaign

    promotions (Nickerson, 2007). Some link between voting blocks of typically uninvolved

    populations, namely the young, and the internet as a mechanism of mobilization has been found

    by Ward, Gibson & Lusoli (2003), but it is not well understood. The data seems to point towards

    policy research through official party channels as being the content preference of the young

    voters, but this was more tangential information derived from the surveys population, conducted

    on Liberal Democrat party members in the UK, than an aim of the study itself.

    In the previous literature the internet has been found to be most serviceable for political

    purposes in ways that heavily favor the already politically involved. Polat (2005) found tertiary

    aspects of the political process to be most well received on the internet, namely surveys, opinion

    polls, and questionnaires. The politically involved are over-represented in these areas as they

    have likely signed up to receive, and are most likely to respond to, such requests.

    The claim to be tested by this study is that individuals with a positive voter status tend to

    utilize the internet to inform their political knowledge. This claim can be extrapolated from, so as

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    to assert that the internet is in fact informing the voting public to a great extent. The voting

    public is seeking out information to inform their vote online, and individuals looking to ascertain

    policy information for upcoming elections are following through and voting in those elections.

    The claim, therefore, is that the internet as a mechanism of informing the public on policy issues

    is in something of a positive loop with voter status. If the non-voter can be located within the

    broader geography of the internet, and introduced in to this loop, the outcome will be an increase

    in the informed voter base.

    The chief instrument of this study is a single stage survey questionnaire, administered to

    6666 individuals across the United States, at random, with randomness insured by selection from

    the population list being chosen by a random number table; a large-N approach to a quantitative

    study. Consideration was given towards implementing a stratified random sampling, wherein age

    was broken down in to separate subgroups; this approach was ultimately abandoned as further

    understanding of the research topic concluded that controlling for the age of respondents was

    unnecessary when the survey questionnaire contained questions assuming the respondents

    utilized the internet. Furthermore, a microchasm of the role that certain internet content is

    playing on informing the public at large was the ultimate goal, and therefore an inclusion of all

    age groups in the data was acceptable.

    The total number of individuals surveyed, 6666, reflects an estimated expected response

    rate of 75% with a response number of 5000 required for confidence in the data. The 75% figure

    is conservative, and stems from the survey itself being brief, containing only ten (10) total

    questions and taking no more than five minutes to complete. A field test of the survey will be

    administered to ten individuals, with comments or clarifications suggested by their experience

    noted and taken in to account for modifications to the final survey.

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    The survey itself utilized questions tested and used by the Pew Internet and American

    Life Project, by the Pew Research Center, in a survey from March 2010. This helped to insure

    the validity of the survey and the questions contained therein; that is, it best insured that the

    survey questions were in fact gathering the data they were intended to. The individual questions

    utilized for the survey can be found in the appendix, along with citations where available,

    indicating the survey title and year from which the question was sourced. They are of the

    categorical variety, measuring positive and negative responses to a series of questions. First, the

    respondent voter status is ascertained:

    Thinkingbackto the 2008 presidential election when BarackObama ran against John

    McCain...A lot of people tell us they didn'tget a chance to vote in the 2008 presidential election.

    How about you...did things come up thatkept you from voting, or did you happen to vote? (Pew,


    Following the assessment of voter status, a series of questions intended to convey internet

    content preferences follows. As previously stated, these questions can be found in the appendix.

    The survey will be mailed out to addresses selected at random, across the United States.

    The first correspondence with the sample group will be an advance letter informing them of the

    survey, and requesting their participation. The survey itself will be followed by the advance letter

    after one week (7 days). Five days following the mailing of the survey, a follow-up card will be

    mailed asking again for the individuals participation. Finally, three weeks (21 days) following

    the survey, a hand-written letter will be mailed to all non-respondents, along with a self-

    addressed stamped envelope, requesting their participation for a final time. This should provide a

    sufficient response rate to meet the 5000 individual sample size requirement.

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    We can make a series of predictions with regards to how the data should cluster. There

    should be a statistically significant portion of the respondents to the survey indicating a positive

    to the question of voter-status also indicating a positive response to utilizing the internet to

    inform their voting decisions. Furthermore, there should be a number, smaller than the mean, of

    the positive voter respondents indicating that they primarily use the internet for entertainment

    purposes. In essence, the data should trend towards voters indicating a use of the internet for

    research purposes and tending to utilize the internet, in general, for something other than


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    Pew Internet & American Life Project. (2010).Pew Research Center.

    Karlsen, R. (2010). Online and Undecided: Voters and the Internet in the Contemporary

    Norwegian Election Campaign. Scandinavian Political Studies, 33(1), 28-50.

    Krueger, B. S. (2006). A Comparison of Conventional and Internet Political

    Mobilization.American Politics Research, 36(6), 759-776.

    Lupia, A., & Philpot, T. (2005). Views from Inside the Net: How Websites Affect Young

    Adults' Political Interest. The Journal of Politics, 67(4), 1122-1142.

    Nickerson, D. (2007). Does Email Boost Turnout?. Quarterly Journal of Political

    Science, 2(4), 369-379.

    Pew Internet & American Life Project. (2010).Pew Research Center.

    Polat, R. K. (2005). The Internet and Political Participation: Exploring the Explanatory

    Links.European Journal of Communication, 30(4), 435-459.

    Stanley, J. W., & Weare, C. (2004). The Effects of Internet Use on Political Participation:

    Evidence from an Agency Online Discussion Forum.Administration & Society, 36(5), 503-527.

    Ward, S., Gibson, R., & Lusoli, W. (2003). Online Participation and Mobilisation in

    Britain: Hype, Hope and Reality.Parliamentary Affairs, 56(4), 652-668.