Page | 1 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM “Extracurricular activities play an important role in today's education programs,” (Holland & Andre, 1987). This section provides important information relevant to the study of extracurricular activity and its effect on the academic performance of the College of Hospitality and Tourism Management students. Included in this section is the background of the study, significance of the problem, theoretical framework, conceptual paradigm, statement of the problem, and necessary definitions. Background of the Study Music, arts, organizational involvement, sports: all of these have an influence on how students perform academically. The way students choose to spend their time can affect their academic performance. It is not simply traditional in-class instruction that impacts academic performance. Numerous studies have examined the factors influencing students’ academic performance and many


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“Extracurricular activities play an important role in

today's education programs,” (Holland & Andre, 1987).

This section provides important information relevant to

the study of extracurricular activity and its effect on the

academic performance of the College of Hospitality and

Tourism Management students. Included in this section is the

background of the study, significance of the problem,

theoretical framework, conceptual paradigm, statement of the

problem, and necessary definitions.

Background of the Study

Music, arts, organizational involvement, sports: all of

these have an influence on how students perform

academically. The way students choose to spend their time

can affect their academic performance. It is not simply

traditional in-class instruction that impacts academic

performance. Numerous studies have examined the factors

influencing students’ academic performance and many

extracurricular activities were found to have a significant

influence. Numerous studies have been conducted concerning

the relationship between extracurricular activities and

academic performance.

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Extracurricular activities are those activities

performed by students that fall outside the realm of the

normal curriculum of school or university education.

Extracurricular activities exist at all levels of education,

elementary, high school, college and university education


Such activities are generally voluntary as opposed to

mandatory and social. Students often organize and direct

these activities under faculty sponsorship, although

student-led initiatives, such as independent newspapers, are


The development of extracurricular activities was slow

in the beginning, with many seeing it simply as a fad that

would pass and quickly fade out of style (Millard, 1930, p.

xi). One of the early philosophies behind extracurricular

activities was that they should, wherever at all possible,

“grow out of curricular activities and return to curricular

activities to enrich them” (Millard, 1930, p. 12).

Eventually, people began to see the benefits of

extracurricular activities, but it took a while to realize

it themselves. In fact, before 1900, educators were

skeptical of participation in extracurricular activities,

believing that “school should focus solely on narrowly

defined academic outcomes. Non-academic activities were

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often viewed as recreation and therefore were detrimental to

academic achievement and consequently, were discouraged”

(Marsh & Kleitman, 2002, para. 5).

Many extracurricular activities have proven to be

beneficial in building and strengthening academic

performance, even if the activities are not obviously

related to academic subjects. Researchers have particularly

studied the relationship between extracurricular activities

and academic performance in college students.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, many

colleges and universities worldwide had a broad educational

mission: to develop the "whole student," thereby stimulating

personal development. On college campuses, extracurricular

involvement is a key tool in this personal development. For

the majority of college and university students, involvement

in extracurricular activities plays an integral role in the

collegiate experience. Students become involved in

extracurricular activities not only for entertainment,

social, and enjoyment purposes, but most important, to gain

and improve skills. A wide and diversified range of

extracurricular activities exists on all college campuses,

meeting a variety of student interests. The University of

the Cordilleras offers a plethora of extracurricular

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activities with the aim of trying to develop the students’

whole persons.

The importance of extracurricular activities on college

campuses is well established. The primary goals of

extracurricular activities focus on the individual student

level, the institutional level, and the broader community

level. These activities exist to complement the university's

academic curriculum and to augment the student's educational


Extracurricular activities provide a setting to become

involved and to interact with other students, thus leading

to increased learning and enhanced development.

Specifically, a student's peer group is the most important

source of influence on a student's academic and personal

development. By identifying with a peer group, that group

may influence a student's affective and cognitive

development as well as his or her behavior.

As the development of the individual is the main goal

of extracurricular activities on college and university

campuses, the numerous experiences these activities have

impacts on students' emotional, intellectual, social, and

interpersonal development. Students also develop skills

specific to their career path and imperative for future job

success. Students have opportunities to improve their

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leadership and interpersonal skills while also increasing

their self-confidence.

Because of the diverse interests of students, the range

of extracurricular activity offerings varies extensively,

depending upon the size and type of college or university.

Extracurricular activities range from primarily social

organizations to governance organizations to intercollegiate

athletic programs. Each activity offers students an

opportunity to work with others and to gain essential life


Though numerous extracurricular activities exist, the

following activities are those that are most commonly found

on college campuses:

a. Student Government

One of the most widespread types of

extracurricular experience available on college

campuses is student government. Students involved in

governance organizations are typically elected by

their peers to function as the official

representatives of students to the university

administration. These government participants often

serve on campus-wide committees in an effort to

represent the ideas and concerns of their fellow

students. Student government functions include

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allocating funds to other organizations, planning

programs related to student interests, providing

forums for student issue discussion, and helping to

build and sustain a successful campus community.

Additional examples of campus governance

organizations include honor councils, which seek to

enforce a university's honor code, and judiciary

boards, where students hear disciplinary cases and

render verdicts. A typical example of this would be

the University of the Cordillera’s Supreme Student

Governance or university-known as “Pamunuan” and


b. Athletic Activities

All college and universities offers some type of

intercollegiate and intramural athletics. Student

athletes may "try out" for intercollegiate sports

teams such as volleyball, basketball, etc. Being a

varsity athlete requires a great commitment of time

and energy for practicing, conditioning, and

competing. Intramural sports provide opportunities

for all student athletes to play a sport they enjoy,

while competing against their peers. Typically,

colleges and universities offer several intramural

options which typically include basketball, table

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tennis, badminton, chess, and volleyball. Students

are invited to participate and often, these

activities may be quite competitive.

c. Academic and Professional Organizations

Academic major and professional organizations

assist their members in acquiring experience in

their chosen occupational field and sometimes in

aiding in the job search.

Students gather to discuss issues related to their

field of interest and to learn job-related skills in

an effort to be fully prepared for future success.

Such professional organizations typically focus on

one career area of interest. Examples of

professional organizations of the College of

Hospitality and Tourism Management of the University

of the Cordilleras include the Front Liners, Voices,

Movers, Young Chefs, UCians Flairtending

Organization, Newsletter and Debate Team which all

fall under the college’s official club organization,

the Toureshma Executive Club.

d. Volunteer and Service-Related Activities

Volunteer and service-related activities exist to

help improve the local community, an important goal

of extracurricular activities. In the UC Project

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H.E.L.E.N, volunteer students from various colleges

engage in community service projects such as

planting trees or donating unused clothes or books

which promote service and volunteerism during the

college years. Service-learning programs offer

students an opportunity to contribute to their


e. Multicultural Activities

Multicultural activities focus on increasing

awareness and understanding of various cultures and

ethnic and racial backgrounds. Many schools sponsor

festivals, concerts, lectures, and discussions that

promote multicultural awareness on campus in which

students may participate. In addition, involvement

in these activities may be an important step toward

positive racial, ethnic, or sexual-identity

development. An example of this activity would be

the recently re-established BIMAK (Benguet, Ifugao,

Mountain Province, Abra and Kalinga) Brotherhood

where students who came from these five provinces

and who belong to different colleges can join the


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f. Arts

Students interested in arts have a plethora of

extracurricular opportunities in which they can

actively participate. Activities including plays,

musicals, and dance concerts offer a chance for

students to demonstrate their dramatic abilities.

Marching band, jazz band, orchestra, and singing

groups allow students to pursue their musical

interests at the college level. Pottery, sculpture,

and mosaic classes and workshops are also offered

for students to learn and enjoy.

g. Other Activities

In addition to the specific extracurricular

activities previously mentioned, other activities

exist on many college campuses. Honorary

organizations recognize student scholars, often in a

certain academic discipline, who maintain a specific

grade point average. Religious organizations offer

students an opportunity to gather in fellowship with

students of similar religious backgrounds. Media

organizations on campus consist of print,

television, and radio venues, and these activities

may include writing or taking pictures for the

school newspaper, serving on the yearbook staff, or

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working as a disc jockey for the campus radio

station. Individuals interested in politics may join

the UC Debate Team.

It is obvious that extracurricular activities have an

impact on academic performance and education.

Due to the dynamic nature of the Hospitality an Tourism

industry, the College of Hospitality and Tourism Management

students of the University of the Cordilleras need to

participate in the various extracurricular activities to

showcase their skills and talents as well as to immerse

themselves to the real-life situations that happen outside

the school environment. It is through extracurricular

activities that these students learn and acquire new sets of

skills that they can use in their career.

Having said that, the question really is, how are

extracurricular activities affecting the academic

performance of Hospitality and Tourism Management students

of the University of the Cordilleras today?

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will add to the body of

information regarding the value of extracurricular

activities for Hospitality and Tourism Management students.

It will provide educators, most especially the University of

the Cordillera and its College of Hospitality and Tourism

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Management as well as the public, with information to assist

students in making more informed choices in their

extracurricular school programs.

This study will also be a benefit to other researchers

who will be conducting future studies of similar subject

matter in that this study will offer multiple perspectives

regarding the effects of extracurricular activities on the

academic performance of the said college’s students. The

proposed study will benefit and help the future researchers

as their reference or guide.

It will also help students to identify and decide which

extracurricular activity will suit them most.

The research proposal will contribute to knowledge

production in general. The purpose of this is to gain a

better understanding of perspective on the effects of

extracurricular activities on the academic performance of

the University of the Cordillera’s College of Hospitality

and Tourism students. It will contribute to a deeper

comprehension of the effects of extracurricular activities

on the academic performance of the students.

Theoretical Framework of the Study

It has been generally assumed that participation in

extracurricular activities has a positive impact on the

academics of students. However, many also believe that these

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activities may actually affect student academic performance

in a negative manner due to conflicting time requirements

and competing schedules, even if they do in fact enhance

student persistence. Interestingly, relatively few studies

have been performed in either of these areas due to a lack

of applicable data.

The importance of personal responsibility and activity

for academic achievement stems from the perspective of self-

regulated learning through academic and extracurricular

activities. According to this perspective, the student is

responsible because he or she perceives him or herself as a

learner (Zimmerman, 1989). The student can use different

learning strategies and engage in various activities to

create environments that are conducive to learning

(Zimmerman, 1989). Hence, because reinforcing values of

extracurricular activities are different, students choose

different activities that they think suit them best.

There has been a considerable amount of research

devoted to studying the relationship between student

involvement in activities and student academic performance.

Although a positive correlation has been shown in many of

these studies, there is still a fierce battle among

educators concerning the benefits and impacts of

extracurricular activities.

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Two positions appear to be prevalent in today's

academic community. These are referred to as either the

academic or developmental perspective. The academic

perspective considers extracurricular activities as purely

leisure and not part of the purpose of schools. The

developmental perspective considers extracurricular

activities necessary to the total development of the student

in today's schools (Holland & Andre, 1987).

Educators who believe in the academic perspective argue

that time spent away from the classroom decreases the

student's chances for success. Even those activities that

don't require loss of classroom time are perceived to take

away study time. These educators support cutting or

eliminating activities for budgetary reasons.

Educators who believe in the developmental perspective

see activities as an extension of the educational program.

Activities allow students to develop skills such as

leadership, sportsmanship, self-discipline, self-confidence,

and the ability to handle competitive situations.

Extracurricular activities offer an opportunity to interact

in ways that allow the previously mentioned skills to

blossom. The developmental minded believe that many of these

skills would be impossible or very difficult to develop in a

classroom setting.

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Marsh (1992) stated:

According to different theoretical perspectives,

extracurricular activity participation may be posited

to (a) divert attention from academic pursuits, as

evidenced by its negative effects on narrowly defined

academic goals;

(b) have little or no effect on academic outcomes but

contribute to desirable nonacademic outcomes; or

(c) have positive effects on nonacademic outcomes and

facilitate academic growth, perhaps indirectly, as

well. (p. 553).

Different activities in which students participate,

both inside and outside the school itself, are among

multiple situations or agents that can have an effect on

academic performance.

This situation has given rise in today’s universities

to an almost massive involvement in extracurricular

activities, complementing and strengthening not only the

students’ school performance, but also his or her personal

development and other aspects such as leisure, health,

values, etc.

The world is currently witnessing an increasing

proliferation of activities, be they academic or

extracurricular. Instructors on occasion complain that some

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students are over-involved in extracurricular activities and

that these are sometimes pre-determined by parents or are

not well-planned, thus failing to coordinate with or

complement with academic performances. Along these lines,

Marsh and Kleitman (2002), state that extracurricular

activities selected and planned at the school are more

helpful than those that take place outside, since the latter

often lack sufficient planning, order, and logical meaning.

Some researchers have divided extracurricular

activities into informal and formal activities. The formal

activities include activities which are relatively

structured, such as participating in athletics or learning

to play a musical instrument. Informal activities, on the

other hand, also known as leisure activities, include less

structured activities, such as watching television. Some

literature on leisure studies has “suggested that formal and

informal activity settings have different influences on

motivation and feelings of competence,” two factors which

influence academic performance (Guest & Schneider, 2003,

para. 8). One study found “that more time in leisure

activities was related to poorer academic grades, poorer

work habits, and poorer emotional adjustments,” while more

time in “structured groups and less time watching TV were

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associated with higher test scores and school grades” (Marsh

& Kleitman, 2002, para. 15).

Guest and Schneider (2003), in their study, found that

“the type of participation or activity undertaken influences

developmental outcomes (Para. 8). This involves the “what”

factor and is the concern of this research project. There

have been many studies conducted on the influence that

extracurricular activities have on academic performance.

Their effects have “differed substantially for different

activities. There were a total of seventy-six statistically

significant effects, fifty-eight positive and eighteen

negative” (Marsh & Kleitman, 2002, para. 11).

It is reported that the average college student spends

only 30 percent of his or her waking hours in class

(Collison, 1990). A large body of research exists supporting

the argument that a student’s time outside of the classroom

should be spent engaged in an extracurricular activity.

Researchers agree that student involvement can enhance the

overall college experience.

In his Developmental Theory for Higher Education, Astin

(1984) states that “the greater the student’s involvement in

college, the greater will be the amount of student learning

and personal development” (p. 529). Astin also argues that

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educational impact will be greater if the student is able to

connect with his or her institution (Astin, 1984).

Clubs, organizations and other extracurricular

activities allow students to establish this connection

through interaction with peers and members of the faculty

(d’Amico & Hawes, 2000).

Although research has shown that student involvement

positively impacts the overall development of a student, a

debate exists regarding the effects extracurricular

activities have on academic performance. Some people believe

that the time required to actively participate in

extracurricular activities can interfere with academic

studies which will result in lower grades (Huang & Chang,

2004; Mehus, 1932).

Definition of Terms

The following terms are applicable to the study:

Extracurricular activity

Any non-graded activity that requires students to

extend their school day. These activities take place

either before school, after school, weekends, or

during holiday vacations.

Academic performance

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A measurement of how well a student meets

standards set out by local government and the

institution itself.

Academic achievement

Excellence in all academic disciplines, in class

as well as extracurricular activities. It includes

excellence in sporting, behavior, confidence,

communication skills, punctuality, assertiveness, Arts,

culture, and the like.


The investment of physical and psychological

energy in the collegiate environment.



Extracurricular Activities of Tourism and Hospitality students of the University of

the Cordilleras

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Statement of the Problem


Extracurricular Activities of Tourism and Hospitality students of the University of

the Cordilleras


Collection of data through



Academic Performance of the students of Hospitality and Tourism

Management studentsA. PositiveB. Negative


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The research aims to study the extracurricular

activities and its effect on the academic performance of

Hotel and Restaurant Management students of the University

of the Cordilleras.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following


1. Is there a significant relationship between

extracurricular activities and student’s academic


2. Are extracurricular activities done by students a

significant predictor of their academic performance?

3. Are there any effects of extracurricular activities on

the student’s academic performance?

4. What are the extracurricular activities that students

are involved in?

5. Is there a significant difference on the effects of

extracurricular activities on academic performance in

terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Year Level

6. What are the positive and negative effects of having

extracurricular activities on the students’ academic


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7. What are the common problems encountered by Hospitality

and Tourism Management students caused by being

involved in extracurricular activities?

Statement of the Hypotheses

In this section, efforts will be made to answer the

extracurricular activities involvement of the Hospitality

and Tourism Management students of the University of the

Cordilleras, and how such activities could affect their

academic performance. It will be the primary purpose of this

study to therefore investigate the significant effect of

extracurricular activities on the academic performance of

Hospitality and Tourism Management students. To effectively

anchor this purpose, five hypotheses were formulated. They


1. There will be no significant relationship between

extracurricular activities and students’ academic


2. Extracurricular activities are not significant

predictor of student’s academic performance.

3. There will be no relative effect of extracurricular

activities on the academic performance of students.

4. There will be no significant difference on the effects

of extracurricular activities on academic performance

in terms of:

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a. Age

b. Gender

c. Year Level

5. There are no common problems encountered by students

who do extracurricular activities.



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This chapter of the study aims to explain the methods

and procedures to be used in conducting the study. Included

herein are the method of research, the population and locale

of the study, the research instruments and techniques, the

sampling procedure and the statistical treatment.

Research Design

The research design that will be used for this study

would be the descriptive method.

Descriptive research, also known as statistical

research, describes data and characteristics about the

population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research

answers the questions who, what, where, when and how.

It systematically, factually, accurately and

objectively describes a problem or a phenomenon and it aims

to describe the nature of a situation as it exists at the

time of the study and to explore the cause of a particular


Population and Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted in Baguio City,

particularly at the College of Hospitality and Tourism

Management at the University of the Cordilleras Legarda

Annex. The study will focus on the Hospitality and Tourism

Management students of all year levels.

Sampling Technique

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The researchers will be applying simple random sampling

procedure in selecting its sample population.

Simple random sampling is the basic sampling technique

where researchers select a group of subjects (or a sample)

for study from a larger group (a population). Each

individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of

the population has an equal chance of being included in the

sample. Every possible sample of a given size has the same

chance of selection.

Making use of this sampling technique, it will make

sure that every student belonging to the College of

Hospitality and Tourism Management of the University of the

Cordilleras will have an equal chance of being the

respondent for the study.

In this manner, determining the sample population for

the study is easier as the sample size is entirely chosen by

chance. Students who are having their break time at the time

that questionnaires will be distributed are likely to be the

sample population of this study.

Data Gathering Tools

The researchers will be using questionnaire as their

major data gathering instrument. All questions will be

pertinently formulated based on the problems that need to be

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answered. All questions would be directly related to the

problem which is the “Extracurricular activities and its

effect on the academic performance of Hospitality and

Tourism Management students of the University of the

Cordilleras”. The questionnaire consists of several

questions with checklist options relevant to the topic of

the research. The questionnaire will be distributed to the

respondents at the locale of the study. Also, brief

interviews will be conducted as well to gather supporting


Data Gathering Procedure

The questionnaires will be floated to the respondents

(students of all year level) during lunch time and break

time or vacant time at the University of the Cordilleras

Legarda Annex, particularly at the student lounge as well as

the library. All questionnaires will be thoroughly inspected

upon its return to the researchers to make sure that all

questions were answered.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Since the research design of the study would be a

descriptive method, it will use the frequency percentage

method. The frequency will be taken by gathering the number

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of the respondents and divided by the total number of

respondents multiplied by 100% then ranked from highest to


The Formula will be:

P= f/N x 100%


P= percentage

F= Frequency

N= total number of respondents

100%= constant multiplier


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