Biocompatible Chemistry Very Important Paper DOI: 10.1002/anie.201307033 Rescuing Auxotrophic Microorganisms with Nonenzymatic Chemistry** Yunmi Lee, Afoma Umeano, and EmilyP. Balskus* Chemical manipulations of small-molecule metabolites take place in all living systems and are essential for sustaining life through cellular metabolism. [1] The vast majority of these transformations are carried out by macromolecular, enzy- matic catalysts. In contrast to the natural world, most chemical reactions employed in laboratory syntheses utilize nonbiological reagents and catalysts. [2] Although nonbiolog- ical catalysts and reagents have been shown to function in the presence of cells, [3] the question of whether or not their reactivity can interface with cellular metabolism and influ- ence biological function remains underexplored. We are interested in further developing this aspect of reaction methodology, which we term biocompatible chemistry: non- enzymatic chemical transformations that can be used to manipulate the structures of small molecules in the presence of living organisms. Successful integration of biocompatible chemistry with cellular metabolism would have implications for biotechnology, because it could expand the capabilities of biotransformation in ways that are not possible using enzymes. Establishing a link between nonenzymatic catalysis and metabolism could also have potential implications for prebiotic chemistry, because it would suggest that primitive cells could have relied upon nonenzymatic transformations occurring in the surrounding environment to generate essen- tial metabolites. [4] Here, we describe biocompatible chemical reactions that interact with microbial metabolism and rescue auxotrophy through the production of essential metabolites. This experimental approach enables us to directly connect the growth of a living organism to the success of a nonbiological chemical transformation. Auxotrophs are organisms that lack the ability to synthe- size key nutrients required for growth and survival. [5] The necessary compounds must instead be obtained from external sources, typically the diet or metabolic activities of other organisms living in close proximity. The numerous examples of auxotrophs in nature include humans, who are unable to synthesize many essential vitamins and metabolites. It is possible to rescue auxotrophy in bacteria by transformation with genes encoding enzymes that can replace or complement the missing metabolic activity. Restoration of growth in this way constitutes an extremely powerful strategy for the selection of evolved biomolecules in the context of directed evolution. [6] Recently, Hecht and co-workers demonstrated that it is possible to rescue the growth of E. coli auxotrophs using de novo protein scaffolds not found in natural systems. [7] Significantly, this result implies that catalysts other than native enzymes can replace key metabolic functions in living cells. Our interest in merging nonenzymatic chemistry with metabolism led us to investigate whether reactions carried out by nonbiological catalysts could support the growth of auxotrophic microorganisms (Figure 1 A). Rescuing auxotro- phy in this manner requires linking a transformation of interest to the production of an essential cellular metabolite. We decided to initially apply a ruthenium-catalyzed allyloxy- carbonyl (Alloc) removal reaction developed by Streu and Meggers, a reaction that had been previously used in human cell culture. [8] We envisioned connecting this reaction to the release of p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), a biosynthetic precursor to folic acid (Figure 1 B). Organisms that cannot biosynthesize PABA are unable to grow because of defects in nucleotide metabolism. By using Alloc removal to generate PABA, the success of this nonenzymatic reaction would enable the growth of PABA auxotrophs. We accessed the rescue substrate Alloc-PABA (1) in a single step as reported. [9] We then evaluated whether the deprotection could take place in growth media. Using [Cp*Ru(cod)Cl] (2, 20 mm) as a catalyst in PABA-free M9 glycerol minimal medium at 37 8C, we were able to detect the formation of PABA from 1 (100 mm, Table 1, entry 1). As had previously been observed, the inclusion of a thiol additive boosted conversion (entries 2, 3). The production of PABA was dependent on the presence of catalyst 2 (entry 4) and was also observed at lower substrate concentrations (entry 5). Overall, these experiments confirmed that deprotection could proceed in growth media, albeit with low efficiency. Testing the ability of this reaction to rescue PABA auxotrophy required a microorganism that was unable to synthesize this metabolite. We obtained three different E. coli mutants that are PABA auxotrophs from the Keio collection (Figure 1 C). [10] Two of these strains (DpabA and DpabB) have mutations in the genes encoding the two subunits of amino- deoxychorismate synthase, which catalyzes the penultimate step in PABA biosynthesis. [11] The third mutant (DaroC) is [*] Dr. Y. Lee Department of Chemistry, Kwangwoon University Seoul 139-701 (Korea) Homepage: http://scholar.harvard.edu/balskus A. Umeano, Prof. E. P. Balskus Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University 12 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138 (USA) E-mail: [email protected] [**] We acknowledge support from the National Institutes of Health (DP2 GM105434), the Searle Scholars Program, and the Corning Foundation. A.U. acknowledges fellowships from Harvard Univer- sity and the HHMI (Increasing Diversity and Education Access to Sciences (IDEAS) Program and an Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Fellowship). Supporting Information for this article is available on the WWW under http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anie.201307033. A ngewandte Chemi e 1 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52,1–5 # 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim These are not the final page numbers! Ü Ü

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Biocompatible Chemistry Very Important PaperDOI: 10.1002/anie.201307033

Rescuing Auxotrophic Microorganisms with NonenzymaticChemistry**Yunmi Lee, Afoma Umeano, and Emily P. Balskus*

Chemical manipulations of small-molecule metabolites takeplace in all living systems and are essential for sustaining lifethrough cellular metabolism.[1] The vast majority of thesetransformations are carried out by macromolecular, enzy-matic catalysts. In contrast to the natural world, mostchemical reactions employed in laboratory syntheses utilizenonbiological reagents and catalysts.[2] Although nonbiolog-ical catalysts and reagents have been shown to function in thepresence of cells,[3] the question of whether or not theirreactivity can interface with cellular metabolism and influ-ence biological function remains underexplored. We areinterested in further developing this aspect of reactionmethodology, which we term biocompatible chemistry: non-enzymatic chemical transformations that can be used tomanipulate the structures of small molecules in the presenceof living organisms. Successful integration of biocompatiblechemistry with cellular metabolism would have implicationsfor biotechnology, because it could expand the capabilities ofbiotransformation in ways that are not possible usingenzymes. Establishing a link between nonenzymatic catalysisand metabolism could also have potential implications forprebiotic chemistry, because it would suggest that primitivecells could have relied upon nonenzymatic transformationsoccurring in the surrounding environment to generate essen-tial metabolites.[4] Here, we describe biocompatible chemicalreactions that interact with microbial metabolism and rescueauxotrophy through the production of essential metabolites.This experimental approach enables us to directly connect thegrowth of a living organism to the success of a nonbiologicalchemical transformation.

Auxotrophs are organisms that lack the ability to synthe-size key nutrients required for growth and survival.[5] Thenecessary compounds must instead be obtained from externalsources, typically the diet or metabolic activities of other

organisms living in close proximity. The numerous examplesof auxotrophs in nature include humans, who are unable tosynthesize many essential vitamins and metabolites. It ispossible to rescue auxotrophy in bacteria by transformationwith genes encoding enzymes that can replace or complementthe missing metabolic activity. Restoration of growth in thisway constitutes an extremely powerful strategy for theselection of evolved biomolecules in the context of directedevolution.[6] Recently, Hecht and co-workers demonstratedthat it is possible to rescue the growth of E. coli auxotrophsusing de novo protein scaffolds not found in natural systems.[7]

Significantly, this result implies that catalysts other thannative enzymes can replace key metabolic functions in livingcells.

Our interest in merging nonenzymatic chemistry withmetabolism led us to investigate whether reactions carried outby nonbiological catalysts could support the growth ofauxotrophic microorganisms (Figure 1A). Rescuing auxotro-phy in this manner requires linking a transformation ofinterest to the production of an essential cellular metabolite.We decided to initially apply a ruthenium-catalyzed allyloxy-carbonyl (Alloc) removal reaction developed by Streu andMeggers, a reaction that had been previously used in humancell culture.[8] We envisioned connecting this reaction to therelease of p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), a biosyntheticprecursor to folic acid (Figure 1B). Organisms that cannotbiosynthesize PABA are unable to grow because of defects innucleotide metabolism. By using Alloc removal to generatePABA, the success of this nonenzymatic reaction wouldenable the growth of PABA auxotrophs.

We accessed the rescue substrate Alloc-PABA (1) ina single step as reported.[9] We then evaluated whether thedeprotection could take place in growth media. Using[Cp*Ru(cod)Cl] (2, 20 mm) as a catalyst in PABA-free M9glycerol minimal medium at 37 8C, we were able to detect theformation of PABA from 1 (100 mm, Table 1, entry 1). As hadpreviously been observed, the inclusion of a thiol additiveboosted conversion (entries 2, 3). The production of PABAwas dependent on the presence of catalyst 2 (entry 4) and wasalso observed at lower substrate concentrations (entry 5).Overall, these experiments confirmed that deprotection couldproceed in growth media, albeit with low efficiency.

Testing the ability of this reaction to rescue PABAauxotrophy required a microorganism that was unable tosynthesize this metabolite. We obtained three different E. colimutants that are PABA auxotrophs from the Keio collection(Figure 1C).[10] Two of these strains (DpabA and DpabB) havemutations in the genes encoding the two subunits of amino-deoxychorismate synthase, which catalyzes the penultimatestep in PABA biosynthesis.[11] The third mutant (DaroC) is

[*] Dr. Y. LeeDepartment of Chemistry, Kwangwoon UniversitySeoul 139-701 (Korea)Homepage: http://scholar.harvard.edu/balskus

A. Umeano, Prof. E. P. BalskusDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University12 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138 (USA)E-mail: [email protected]

[**] We acknowledge support from the National Institutes of Health(DP2 GM105434), the Searle Scholars Program, and the CorningFoundation. A.U. acknowledges fellowships from Harvard Univer-sity and the HHMI (Increasing Diversity and Education Access toSciences (IDEAS) Program and an Interdisciplinary UndergraduateFellowship).

Supporting Information for this article is available on the WWWunder http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anie.201307033.


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missing the gene encoding the key shikimate pathway enzymechorismate synthase, and is unable to synthesize not onlyPABA but also the aromatic amino acids l-phenylalanine, l-tyrosine, and l-tryptophan, as well as the aromatic metabo-lites para-hydroxybenzoic acid (PHBA) and 2,3-dihydroxy-benzoic acid.[12] We confirmed that all three strains were

unable to grow in PABA-free M9 glycerol minimal medium,and established the inability of each strain to utilize substrate1 in place of PABA. All media used for the DaroC mutantwere supplemented with the additional required nutrients.Given that strains from the Keio collection contain a kana-mycin resistance cassette, we routinely cultivated the auxo-trophs in media containing this antibiotic to prevent contam-ination with wild-type strains.

To evaluate whether or not Ru-catalyzed deprotection of1 could restore the growth of these strains, we serially dilutedovernight cultures of DpabA, DpabB, and DaroC mutants intoPABA-free M9 glycerol minimal medium, inoculated eachstrain into PABA-free M9 glycerol minimal medium contain-ing 1 (10 mm), added catalyst 2 (2 mm), and then incubated thecultures at 37 8C. As a positive control, we inoculated theauxotrophs into M9 glycerol minimal medium containingPABA (10 mm); and as negative controls, we used M9 glycerolminimal medium lacking both PABA and 1 or PABA-free M9glycerol minimal medium containing only 1 (10 mm). Mea-surement of the optical density of the cultures (OD600) after48 h revealed considerable growth of each of the mutantstrains in the presence of substrate 1 and catalyst 2 (Fig-ure 2A,B). The final optical densities were comparable to thecultures grown in the presence of PABA. As expected, nogrowth was observed in the absence of PABA. We evaluatedthe time course of growth under each of these conditions by

Figure 1. Rescuing auxotrophy with biocompatible chemistry. A) Over-all strategy for auxotroph rescue. B) Plan for connecting the biocom-patible Alloc deprotection to the generation of the essential metabolitePABA. C) Biosynthesis of aromatic metabolites in E. coli, and muta-tions leading to PABA and PHBA auxotrophies.

Table 1: Deprotection of 1 in the absence of cells.[a]

Entry 1 [mm] 2 [mm] Thiol Conversion [%][b]

1 100 20 none 82 100 20 PhSH 93 100 20 GSH 144 100 0 PhSH 05 10 2 GSH 2

[a] Reactions were run on a 5 mL scale for 48 h. [b] Conversions weredetermined by HPLC analysis of reaction mixtures. PhSH = thiophenol,GSH = glutathione, Cp*= pentamethylcyclopentadiene, cod = cyclo-octa-1,5-diene.

Figure 2. Biocompatible Alloc deprotection rescues the growth ofE. coli PABA auxotrophs. A) Final optical densities of E. coli mutantsgrown in 5 mL PABA-free M9 glycerol minimal media for 48 h at 37 8C.B) Image of DpabA mutant cultures after 48 h of growth. C) Growthcurves for E. coli mutants grown in 150 mL of PABA-free M9 glycerolminimal media at 37 8C. Growth curves shown represent the mean ofthree replicate cultures.


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recording growth curves over 72 h. The growth curves formutants grown in the presence of 1 and 2 and mutants grownin medium containing PABA (10 mm) were similar, with onlythe rescued DpabA mutant reaching a lower optical densitywith 1 and 2 than with directly added PABA (Figure 2 C). Wedelineated the requirements for successful auxotroph rescuewith a series of control reactions, in which we varied thecomponents of the defined minimal medium and measuredthe final OD600 values after 48 h at 37 8C (Table S3 in theSupporting Information). We found that the presence of bothsubstrate 1 and catalyst 2 is essential. Thiol addition hada minimal impact on growth, perhaps indicating that theimproved conversion observed with these additives does notaffect the efficiency of rescue. This result could also suggestthat thiols generated by E. coli are involved in the depro-tection in vivo.

An alternate explanation for auxotroph rescue could bethe accumulation of mutations during the course of theexperiment that either alleviate PABA auxotrophy or enablethe strains to generate PABA from substrate 1. We inves-tigated these possibilities by re-inoculating rescued culturesback into minimal medium lacking PABA (Figure S3 andTable S4 in the Supporting Information). None of the rescuedcultures grew under these conditions, which confirms thatthey were still PABA auxotrophs. The rescued strains alsoremained unable to grow in PABA-free medium containingsubstrate 1 (10 mm), a result that indicates that they had notacquired the ability to deprotect Alloc-PABA. All of therescued cultures retained the ability to grow in mediumcontaining PABA and could be rescued a second time inPABA-free medium containing substrate 1 and catalyst 2.Finally, the fact that three auxotrophic strains, each contain-ing a distinct mutation, could be rescued using this depro-tection reaction adds to the weight of evidence against geneticchanges leading to bacterial growth in these experiments.

A final piece of data supporting the link between Allocremoval and growth was the detection of PABA in rescuedcultures. We determined the concentration of PABA neces-sary to achieve rescue by inoculating DpabA and DaroCmutants into M9 glycerol minimal media containing varyingamounts of PABA (10 mm–10 pm). We found that at least10 nm of PABA was required to rescue either mutant strain(Table S5 in the Supporting Information). We then used liquidchromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) to quantifythe PABA produced during a rescue experiment (Table S6 inthe Supporting Information). Analysis of the culture mediumafter rescue of the DpabA mutant revealed a PABA concen-tration of 60 nm ; therefore, the concentration of PABAgenerated from the Ru-catalyzed deprotection of 1 is suffi-cient to allow growth of these auxotrophs. Although wedetected PABA in the medium, we do not know to whatextent deprotection occurs intracellularly versus extracellu-larly; gaining a deeper understanding of where biocompatiblereactions take place is a future area of interest.

This initial demonstration of auxotroph rescue reliedupon a reaction that had previously been applied in livingcells. We decided to explore the generality of this phenom-enon by rescuing a different type of auxotrophy usingiron(II)-catalyzed hydroxylation, a chemically challenging

transformation that had not previously been utilized in thepresence of living organisms. The hydroxylation of aromaticsubstrates in water using low-valent transition metals andmolecular oxygen has been extensively investigated, becausethese systems mimic the reactivity of monooxygenaseenzymes.[13] In particular, oxygenation using iron(II) com-plexes, molecular oxygen, and reducing agents (ascorbic andcitric acids) has been previously carried out in aqueoussolvent at ambient temperatures, conditions that couldpotentially be compatible with living organisms.[14] Thesehydroxylations are thought to proceed through formation ofreactive oxygen species, including hydroxyl radicals, making itunclear whether this type of transformation could be bio-compatible.[15] However, this reaction has biological rele-vance, because it resembles chemistry that may have occurredduring the oxygenation of the Earth�s atmosphere, asmolecular oxygen reacted with iron present in the environ-ment.[16]

We envisioned rescuing the DaroC mutant, a p-hydroxy-benzoic acid (PHBA) auxotroph, through an iron-catalyzedpara hydroxylation of benzoic acid (3, Figure 3A). We firstconfirmed that the DaroC mutant could not grow in PHBA-free M9 glycerol minimal medium, and that medium contain-ing benzoic acid (100 mm) did not rescue growth (Figure 3B).In a manner analagous to that of the earlier rescue of PABAauxotrophy, the media contained all nutrients required forgrowth except PHBA. We then inoculated the DaroC mutantinto PHBA-free minimal media containing 3 (10, 100, or200 mm), FeSO4 (10, 100 or 200 mm), and citric acid (0.2, 2, or4 mm).[14e] The cultures containing higher concentrations ofsubstrates and catalysts were rescued. Control experimentsrevealed that all reaction components were required forgrowth (Table S7 in the Supporting Information). Compar-ison of the growth curves for cultures grown in the presence ofPHBA with those for rescued cultures revealed a morepronounced delay of entry into the exponential growth phaseduring rescue than was observed for the PABA auxotrophs(Figure 3C). We hypothesize that this difference may be dueto cell death arising from reactive oxygen species generatedduring the hydroxylation reaction, an effect that would reducethe inoculum. Similarly to the rescued PABA auxotrophs, therescued PHBA auxotrophs remained unable to grow in thepresence of 3, thus indicating a key role for catalysis in therestoration of growth (Table S8 and Figure S4 in the Support-ing Information). Culturing the DaroC mutant in mediacontaining varying amounts of PHBA revealed that10–100 nm PHBA is sufficient for growth (Table S9 in theSupporting Information). We confirmed that PHBA wasproduced in rescued cultures by using LC–MS, and detected70 nm of PHBA in the medium after rescue (Table S10 in theSupporting Information).

Unlike most enzymatic transformations that functionalizearomatic scaffolds, the iron-catalyzed hydroxylation used togenerate PHBA is not expected to be regioselective. Toestablish the selectivity of this reaction, we performed thehydroxylation in culture medium using 3 (1 mm). At thishigher substrate concentration, we were able to separate andquantify all three monohydroxylation products by usingHPLC (Figure S5 and Table S11 in the Supporting Informa-


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tion). As anticipated, the reaction provided a mixture of para,meta, and ortho hydroxylation products (Figure 3D). Thisresult indicates that a nonenzymatic transformation does nothave to proceed with the same degree of selectivity as anenzymatic reaction to support growth, an observation thatmay have significance for prebiotic chemistry and theevolution of new enzymatic function. It also raises thequestion of whether there may be residual promiscuity innative metabolic reactions and pathways that could provideinsights into their origins.

In summary, we have demonstrated for the first time thatbiocompatible, nonenzymatic transformations can rescue thegrowth of auxotrophic microorganisms by generating essen-tial metabolites. More broadly, this approach enables us tolink the growth of a living organism to the success ofa nonbiological reaction. We anticipate that this phenomenon

will constitute a powerful screening strategy for the discoveryof new biocompatible reactions. Important future challengesinclude establishing methods to discover more efficienttransformations, as well as identifying reactions that candirectly replace missing cellular enzymes, for use withinmetabolic engineering and medicine. Overall, this workrepresents an important step toward interfacing biocompat-ible transformations with metabolism, and constitutes a newway to apply synthetic chemistry in the context of biologicalsystems.

Received: August 9, 2013Published online: && &&, &&&&

.Keywords: auxotrophy · hydroxylation · metabolism ·microorganisms · protecting groups

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Figure 3. Rescuing PHBA auxotrophs using iron-catalyzed hydroxyl-ation. A) Plan for generating PHBA through the hydroxylation ofbenzoic acid. B) Final optical densities for the E. coli DaroC mutantgrown in 5 mL PHBA-free M9 glycerol minimal media for 48 h at 37 8C.C) Growth curves for the DaroC mutant grown in 150 mL of PHBA-freeM9 glycerol minimal media at 37 8C. Growth curves shown representthe mean of three replicate cultures. D) Selectivity of the FeSO4-catalyzed hydroxylation of benzoic acid. Product ratio determined byHPLC analysis.


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Biocompatible Chemistry

Y. Lee, A. Umeano,E. P. Balskus* &&&&—&&&&

Rescuing Auxotrophic Microorganismswith Nonenzymatic Chemistry

Organic chemistry to the rescue : Twounrelated nonenzymatic chemical reac-tions can support the growth of auxotro-phic E. coli strains by generating essentialnutrients in situ. These biocompatiblereactions, which take place in the pres-ence of the organisms and are designedto interface with cellular metabolic pro-cesses, provide a means of linking thegrowth of an organism to the success ofa nonbiological chemical transformation.


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