REPUBLICANS OF PATERSON . .SENATOR FKYE AND MIL PHELPS SPEA1 fllS _Ott-__SS--.il ANSWKRS Jl'DOK ORKEN CRiriCI**Ms IN A CA-8TIC SI'KKCH. - The l.ppublicansof Patirson bad ft bitfratif Salton uiecunr in Washington Hall last night. To announcement thal Mr. Howey, candidate for Uo ernor, Senator Frye sn l Comrressraan Phelps were ¦peak r.i'i* every seat in the great hall, and wben o'ol(K-k c nue there was scarcely standing room. Thei Were about 2.000 voters piesent. orent enthusiasm pr Veiled. When Messrs. llowoy, Phelps and Pyre enlere with a ininiber of prominent Republicans there was tr. .tendons cheering. John ll. Morrow, president of tl Board o' MapsllST. ptesl tel. Senator lr te was first introduced and was warm! greeted. He reviewed the iee.-rd ot tha Democratio A< ministration, coutr.tsii.ig forcibly toe condition c the Unveil,in mt us the Democracy left lt twenty five year* ago with lu condition as the Ut .publicans restored lt to them In 1--1. Il Challenged SaySody to point out a single legislative ac for the lem flt of the peop.e done by the Democratu party since lt came Into power. Vi by notl They haa forgot len baw. 1 hey started a year and a half ago Jus .'bete they left adi lu WiO. The country had been g_-S| ahead .*« as lo am.i/e the world since then, and tht Denim racy hat been left behind In the dari .gea. Hie Hist tl.atc th ay dal Was ti assault the 1'r.ileel.te I*..!. lue S|teaker believed In a pu* ot live tai ff. t.ot to protect capital. Capital dat not u< ed pren t g. Il lt ill liol prosper lu rn:. v. i ii,e",'.i boUils or Into a bank eran eld Mwe.lng Capital was a row.ard, and tlio t »» * ,e :," ir ..e. io cam lt out of tho stock¬ ing an.l peA '1 'n:.i ;i:t'."..-s. tart s, furnaces, s! « nulls, to .¦|Say iveii Sad VS nen a: i to pay them wages. Tbe .-aaa..tr drvniel blOSOOll to ihe throrisls who bold a tari- to lie sooosstltatteasl. but Washing- ton, M.c.iS'n. J-tfer«on, Webster, OSeats, and Ca;, ha l Sold that a tariff was not only a constitu¬ tional ri.lu bul a eousttttitiuii.il du y. Then he answered tbe (Mi - IMS ineurisis, wiui forget lhat the world ls not all one great family aud thal what are necessities here are luxuries in Lut'ope. He reviewed the Democratic attempts to revue tue tariff and traced the ongiu of the Party's spirit to slavery Itself. II« domed tuat ..andu!! was a Protectionist except for coal and Iron. Pul if the Democrats should protect coal .nd Iruu .md wlp-oui every Industry In New-.ngtand. lt tudu.1 would vnje for with party every time. The Sen¬ ator ma.le a noworful tariff arguineut, reinforced by a we.,ith,,.' Igarea l.i-xni o the vetoes of private pension bills he moved ii - a- .1 erl by several SftSSt_-_f luitanoes of liarus'iln ami silt: I belli laml is lion si snd means wt ll, bnt I slso belier, i ai wbeu Orovei Cleveland on siii.e hot daj plants fa Ibo pit inls us ai. arin Chair, lukes nfl* lils (nat. nut-., ns li ¦ Im.i i . a palm leaf tata la hts left ballal ¦< inlii-r' hi a ttiites ,i ei.ge inn lines long rs peasiun li, nnii pool soldier's wistow, bo bas ni.ni to ii*, full ai..11 m. ,¦!.: iapartlj Lbc measure of hie gigan-ts latelleot, 'Ibis *.u y voe I te ii"! wi", ii thunders of ap;, mise. Wr. iiyc c nt with an appeal for voters io support the tu:, Uckel an a unagai least eulogy of the Repub- lie Beatty cheers w-re -_¦)Vi-n to hun, MK. PHI lJ's'.. SPRBOHa Theci;airm»u then latrodasod Mr. Phelps as "Our tanti proiector ai 1'a. nag u." Mr. Phelps was re- eeived aa w.irmlv as usual, ile said in substancet I am siuiv that the D.eratli rand-data lor Ourarum haa loot his temper, bot I au. not SUin seal at lt. Ile isa vii liin i.i in,.-),,,...!. timi, .nie Ile I.. ,i. t..: McPherson and Abbett when they prowls**! t.nm;.ita and elect bim Oovi Ji ak* UOt (lo lt. Alni lints si: li Jta-it.'-i.tt tole] sae Howaul Ellis and Thomas lanni Lng j.-ii sn- '¦. ra in ..ttl inni,. Ellis, tbe Borges I ant) >< a .i. wi)., bas :-< ti the f.' ni every Democratic Congressional ( mi \ i. uii sdlatrlet that I ran remember, ei.iel aa chair- flan, ai- atm ur a sn.l..late. » . -lt ls no nominal lian role lor Howey.'1 While English, thc old wai boranel esvi tt in. .'in ti:iv t .-.irs has accepted any sis amt ealieii it m viiiii.- it iaii,v Democrats practised ii, 'sit announced iiiai i.in slgnatur. that oreen is not me nominee ami si.aii g)Ot leat-iVr lita \ ailsa. Ulai Wander that Ora eu i- OTOO* 11,it. tl Democracy t Why geullemeu, tin-ia- ,- uol h Demo eratic district in tba MUte wbers lbs Danocratn ..m.Hate faa- rot . ulna a Democratic Hasan running agalnal bim un lin otu in p. i.r isi- a e n raitt newspaper, which ls s great deal vm-e. Aad when ludge Orena msi.es into tba solitude ol Shs woods thal he may gel reuei byntterlag a tow naughty ssa.nis, ls ti,ete * , onnty a hi ie. it tit-steps to catch his breath, In- iii.iv ind hear Un " ..ta i. ml Hie " spill " o' the Demo crutu ticket I ((.lest lailglitt r ain! applause.! Again. Ju ge I'h* two wings of las I'eac .eratic party are flopplni together I .tim In Nt w Jersey, but they ors flop tiing a.a n-i oii'iai' Vim were excnsabls ia losing your ta ii |.ii. nut why dui tun lose lour head Hsrs J"ii v., around the country still repeatina -till read.lg tbat spaach eg.last mi while yooi friends and enemies sre alike striving n rale to correct your ballucinailoo by tviiiug yon that you aaii' nut maning i.a a-t Phelps, but sgalnei 1: ty. Yon are badly mixed Jnuga, oayeur candidates, bot jim un Ban mixed on youl tacts I-ast Friday, on thievery j a. yon are reported as bavins re.ni U.t names of alba ascasarea upon whicn lbs House voted and then with Ibeai nealcfli-ct,lookingnpaftei each measure, to say "Oreea Voted'aye, I'helps Sbaent" Hut yon forgot to tr-ii them that there was only uno ol those av... roi ordeU in Th* OangruHonmi I -ri Hast la one ol thew riiS l.'-mnl stunt*, lhere »;m lit vt i itnv i eli- taken, slut Uial oa tbs om- nt il,eui it null was en mpoi ..mt measure, aud wait ti uteri rue hus., ri ord,Ora n .aa ii.,., laaabsent I repeat, ooh twee! I_eaeaseas.an ¦Hill |-. ,.|. a tl il. Thr I., ni '..I only tvto "ali injin.: lani oattagh In lu gi I mipositlnii sud ilnltatu Snd ..n one of thoae two yea were reported absent -iou selected tann owaatas i .ns, In ouly one ol them is Itt be record m.ti tun luted aye tm Kiintliei nt tin-in dist \ nil wire -inst nt. Mm li sniiy J Hillie, has mode vim mini ^ un ly noone could Imagine lhat Jogds oreen ol sound nu ie. w sold b tva lorgotan lo tel) his bearers mr lie would have wanted to tell mata!! iiaasa lui ii showed lhat tlicse BlcSOafei Wile jiil-it hs a mattel ol oourss ami i.t uisii.imous consent, so that U)y ObSai.it bail hal ii.i-ii nu one. 1IIK MIA-l'tlS IJf DBTA-ta, Iel ma rin over Uie-e alas measure, a-he pave thees: "Nu. 1. OU the bill foi le. ling laud gi. n - to Hie SIOUX City lind SS Paul Ralina. Oreen, aye li.r its clim, lei.itltiii pin lp-a;.-iit." Ol coarse Phelps was absent, fur tins araa anne SU, the day Phelps salle. No« Oreen didn't sall Val pare la no leroi lhat be voled ays There is no record that tnj une vi.ii .1 :i\ (¦. l'he simple record is that (lie House re usart io ¦ o isnier ll No. *.;. Iluuse bill a...ll to prevent the finp lin unlit ail convict lalor alni alien labor Upon public wi'i-s. ei/- Ko roll-call House bill 1,623, which tut san liar lu its priivis.iiits-ineeii at. Phelps Sl-seuL" lin. is Hie onlv nu* .i*tuie cited by Ju ii-e (.nt n where lhere waa anj roll rall, amt iii,-uuly une tsin ie in. a.M wis recorded, rids is Ute ouly ...aa,.! vt, have that hs voted Iw any uiii, of them himself. I _nm 11 lhat ,i y n.nee ita- nol nu lu- mil cull. I was absent of piiij.e-f Tlie discussion revealed thei.di that there tts. Se nen. opposition to tho hill »ini I prof arrad t<> smploj the forty ii unite-* required by lha roll call la bots import.ni baalin si. My ludgmeat waeoorreet There wan oav eight voles against ihe measure '.\i. :; ii ii .'a..nu. t.. protect mechanics laborers ami iHi.nl* la their wages in Um District of Columbia i.r.eu ayr. Phelps absent. Of ron rae Phelps was absent. Ii was July, aim Phelps weelo i nrope i mu* ui,-'iit Hini paired. jii.ii 11 out urren s aye t Tiac record ls no discussion; DO roil call; no aro hy Ursea, "No 4 .-senate Bill 3,070. to extend to I'tter a arie rs lite eiglil 'lours a tlat law. (.reen aye, Phelps Meant." Aga._ aale te aay, Kboipa waa abaaati tm n v...* the same ill, M July. Hat bow alt..at Qreoa's aye I lt ¦iras unsale ta, say bs gave it. Eur Uut tiros Thr Bogara shows noi only tLat mere ».,? ix. ra .iii, bul thal there mt no rota at all. Oreen nm st havs »*tt. n mn ave late la tba afternoon la the II oust icstauianl ,1,mi. Mer No. 3. lilli lo im ur pa.tn.it- trade" uiiiniis Oreen aye, PhelpsahaenU" The Judge plseas hie moth thia tims [_soghter.j Thtaiaii'tJnly: this is May, and Phelpa waa preaenl mull supisise be voted aye Tins is like the real ol itu- J udge's measures » ben there nc opposition no Tote and no rerord and if anybody toled aye, Sverybnly dbl "No G. h. R. 7,1*81. fur tho rsasjaauueat oJ railr'uaii and oilier land grunts oreen aye. Phelpa absent." Alas' 'Hie Judge veiituieal away fruin the mooth of July, when even lusty l»nen its.is r, Karope.and ventured away bom bil is iiml hitit uo oi isisiiinn.no vide.ami were pnss, il bl onsiiiiiii.il-. unsent l>. this case thero waa a mil coll, and Flii'lps is rea ordeal as \ otiug at e On Nos. T uml r* of Orel u s chat g. s. Keaoiutloa 14V aint Senate Dili -ii', "t oonres iiis Pl.elps abseiil. lor lt IS the same July 14; aud perhaps lill safe waay Orena roted aye, though Lhere is oo record al IL Aad now we tuarn to measure **a S, ll. R. 7,8-7, repealing tis* iiu.i.i i i iiltiiie. jue eiii|iuiin mitt ilesert lani! ia' ls. (.nen aCIUltS III* WHS Hlisenl Mini -Ilia, n .- lilia) PlMlpa tans n|s. nf couise iin en nas sits-iii. lor this aaa au imp,,runt bill and one (me mi «im h waged tba second ol the two great flghte of the Issi st ssiiui bettAien lahor hui runllal he I rial tight Was on iiuii gi. at bili in Hu Interest ol labor whit k provided smetbiMt ol arbitration and gave its decree tha force end elgnilv of a rulled Males ju lg),,ant 'I he second was Hus ll. F-l.ni'l ^ ou saul Judge, Uiat ou mat bill phelps wss Ab¬ sent nrt.Belaly thors was a vote and the record shows ** ll.- l ' a_t i liieen abaenl." JLDI.K OKKI'N's ItKCORD. There remains of hts wliole charge tlie one fact that I was absent at one roll-call ujon Hie passage of a bill wldeh only had eight o|i|siin uis. 1 did uol Iel ao imiietalive summons to hu le's- lake mo from the floor ul that House until I saw saleit* dispiiscl ot evan- impm taut measure, let us sae If Judge (.reen du! as well. In laiiuiny there wee » pall inln It-i-iluinui lu .nit uligal.- tl.e cl.ailgi- I .al the lulu BiaihImiiI ttl Ilia- Nm fullI Navy lard had reuiovi il patriotic III- aa rip: ons 'linne nasa spirited debate i Ua- llooaedivliled there -as a lull call Phelps vailed aye. (.nen was ab aent. In Mart h IhS (ital I nt abd Pension Apjuo lld v. .teat In Marah the gi tat I nt ai.d 1 ¦sin".on bill came up; Da n- was dlsaju was a loll call; Phelps inti il aye, Oreea »ae absent Tba. Ute ui gent Deficiency b. Il i-amtr up; there was disciis- ai.n lillie was a roll a all riu-tiis voiarral syn. Oiw u was ab, eent. Thea tho areal Edacailoaa] bill eaaie ap tbeqnestloD was relining lt to the omuilitea- un Kducation P .elps vutasl aye, i.iisis wss si.st nt. In April the bill ll. lt '.'.'.', tu estab tub a >. uh-Treas u ry la louisville, came up there w_, discus Oban, Un ie waa, a i'u il tall. Phelps votoal aye, Ol ecu wa* ali Bri Mi al. V lilal rna Ihe nu n PJ Ml f ii*i> tool was ollie lajtti Consular an' Dphuuatlc bill lt was- I'lu-lpsaje, Ihe bil On th prea-n jits. nt. Thea Ihe (".Jil tu pint, ct the people against fraudulent butter came u .. On Msy 10 a mut iou was inane to Unit the debate, as its enemies ihreslened to kill it by talk ; J'tiilps tiili'i! uy, (.leen was absent laab r in the mouth, on a titular luiits'un, Phelpa veted ste. on-a-ii was ui.e,ni. lu enne, un au amendment which would injure tin- bill, I'helps *»iit»>i nay, oraau was siaseiit on June 7 eaothse great bill tu tbs Inti rest of lab i Uni to repeal the pie Hnptlos taw.tame ap Ml. ilnliusii ui..viad lu luke up uther Inisiiiess. Ihe fjieiu - i.f lahur rAllleal against Jloimaii. Phelps voted nat', ©tn tt js Absent. Ami mis ia the bill which At fis timi pass Jar West ing ¦abe pie pally fifi,e. Im li a du er S1AA111 8. Og*. Aaaultiliig tn Judge (nea n, vt ns one ul lliose re g witrai l.y ate The Leered shows Hist 1 nas piesent at .(. ».sii_;f and Voted for lt. auu thal Judge Oreea WAsabseiil. lu this, tha O". tan. gi. .1 tn laity of laals.il g »ur..,i,. h. sn ms tu bav* tea n a, si i:t bad ii at the inception anal the end. This is the Bill of nh il. llepIoacLbtlves ul'be three parlies lo tin- Houss OptiX, thus Ilendi ison, of Iowa It ls In th, interest of themasseaof ipli. who want homes tu live In. I'mii Ida i t' *( law is the law of tba spot ulalor and _M of Ult* i.uiiesi ts inr seeker. ("otb It is (.ne ot UM Mool iiitjMif taut, lu the Judgmenl of tbsriiAjur.ty of the Coiuiiiitlee ni) VublJc Lands, uf any ol the bill* lhat hate baaen pending balure lhat commit lee wim inf¬ erence Ui our public laud aysk'Hi. I UK ai BilKATIoN BILL. Snd now let me refer to tbe first of these two great strug ¦glse which resulted tn triumphant vlalory of the right-the Mil to tail.nate arbitration and let me repeat the Sheri*-' | maale In Trenton that the Deuiosratlo caudl Sate fui (.it ti nor eau not Mid lu Pkt I buiree** anal keened anon any .'l th. se n.a-aauies directly in tl.e inlai, stol labor, or Wan ani Isling rn any-Le wi, nh leleialothe in Iel esl uf the .arand Laboring tisan, ou« word o un,-at of Imiie, nit. i«st or en- .n;as.i. nt ln.ui his lips Nm. inoiiths in s. saiuii, ami i aet de iud of the j_w.-r of speeah. aud vet, 7/.# tura of MN than n.oW) page* Odes nol ioiiIaiu o*- » ".I A'"ti" ," ''V,,s'"i,<' i«'heei a. j Hui retnra We.ord. On II R 7.WA In i_-Orp-T_t. ll,,, V.u,ig W I'S < (..-islian ll (.me in.i aa uupiopei MHONA PheJisA aOretrS absant. 8tt:i ai oi.tu uias-uur. in ihe ipieie I uf ssrallty ta. iir»!ii,,il pool »el.ug In the fitatlli I ul Columbia %a<-aaie, Oi.en ai,., ut On fi. H. 7,197, fur the r.iiut*,_f farb il uistei wuiuw nf tbs gallanl old Oeneral a ho.* name lUaleal Witi, Oua' and .-.h-raaa _inl hhendaa l'he.ps aye ...¦ gaesal 'I brae WKto lu .' The 1 meeti: last i Count Rotes s: ll a May ul jsi.nil¬ li liiain Ala lng. li Ass- in ¦I se regu.a day fi ll /aei lie-ol lng ls 0, en eftorl l ta-giaty VS bel, lug f vi ItCfil lIlUSI S ins a-sa Uai "lt liana* ll.ll ls Ill .1)1 | ell an f| the Kop nanala the Ua kt ihe m. semi,ly I iii, in Un.a, I ail Adi ll Ase lilli-. J eal, ami ti ihr Ia allon of Use Sis-Lute of Liberty- a pal/ioUc ubjax.t aila iTooeii C'halMiial fur his it lu his puv tot some Interest to New-Jersey.Oresn was absent. Tbs *' snl ry heats "were too much for bin. Again tn July, on an amendment to the Deficiency bill to pay for the transporta¬ tion of troops .-Oreen absent This day wast-o hot for the Judge On a bill lo refund ce: tain taxes Uh gully rollortedi Oreen absent. This day also was too en!irr. [langi, fer snd applause] Onahill rn nay Mr. la*agiie*s claim for Ihe (lev- eminent use of his wharf at dalveston Oreen absent. Tins wee another sultry day and the Interest of Osivesifii had to suiter Tor lt. On another hut dsy In July, on a bill to pay the poor jeana! clerk for bia services (trees sbeeat. Senate MU 1.683, Raagsa'eavesl 1u!i lo ri'i'iitate lnurstate rommel.. Discussion, a rollcall, (Hana Sheeai huh sultry Jutv. Tho River mid Harbor bill ls up (or psese/re: Pisa-msalon, roll-call, ouch absent, 1-ater on the same day Ihe bill to restrtet alien ownership as lantl ls up fur pass ag**: Discussion, mil rall, linen st,sent, Nn» oreea thanks Oed that Jnly ls ended, aad ao do yeo an.l I. [Great lauehtct.' Me lu,i.e August will give us cooler weather. It ls August, and Bessie bill 8,060. to la* crease the pensions to one leggt A and one-armed soldiers ls n.ot eal br the gallant ((sates ofAlabama, wim rarrles himself an empty sleeve. insriisslnn, mil-call. The snltt v tn<ats ut Angus, iini not prevent a gallant Confederate from owns th « justice to his gallant tom, but Oreea was sbeeat August .Uti.. Ettver and Harbor bill was reta med from tbe Bennie ai tl ame up asam iib.easton, roil cali, (tresa abeeet on the same dar the Nandi? Civil Appriiprlallon tull was np, di'- cussi-d And the roll called Oreen waa sharai anSttenost n il.uise Reoolntlon ll* lo pey out tha Treaanry ..r* plus, aame up, the Inst was still lot, much and 01*000 was ab- Stilt HtP-NTANOS Too i Air. I sm surry tlmt .Indee oreen forced me lo make this Invest! gatton, fn this hasty survey we timi ttefSWBBBOl I month In the yen in tar loch the roll-call on in "mi taut SMeaaMS SM rot slmw his absence. Re srea she.rt srhss tts i.r: « i. nltod un iiienmnri'Di ii- fn lha H var Hnd Mather 1,111, ,m the Pension bin. on Ihe bill rr_ol ite later* Ptate Commerce, on Ihe '.111 for tbo Stator nf late nv. on tim ll '" m.i'i:'.at i.. winns, on the bill i" rent si tbs Unti la- In simrt, of stu,nt all the measure*ulileb moat vi* -ri the piiltli,' li,le,.sis. IL* sat. that he voted for Ihe Oleomargarine bill I kim- that Ihe record ol the [loose Shows that hw ts gs a,.sent on thc .linn i.i ni"- del woa absent on ii- passage. We have his own shin Wp*.'iin.,. TA* Rreordotlonni tay* "Oreen, n. g., nits, ru ;,,.| :h, peeortt at June A reports Indse oreen as "If I had nut been paired I would hat e t .ia ,1 nc iinat the b ll " .... ile ..ns besnbseonentlv repented snd voted- when we ni act from the Renate.for it. li's vo' md hl« repa ma, oe « as loo bite Thal erase t di led rt is ls tb.st nine e than mi ! iiinv isa! In. larma nt lhere can be ao better. the le.iimunv ol tbe ft.- deni «f the American Dalry A "aorta. i on ole t me to pro noting tins ineaaore lie hesltateo-t lally torepori v il Jo If* 0) at titui in thlsmstter waa .* the abettor of Itand npon tne *>ur>- ]'. nm! u.e svinpath'/ta with rum tu the tannera. [Ap- planee,' ,, ts f.r the eharcethal Oreen not n friend of the liitiorlng men. I repeat the demand whloh I han already male tnat I should l!_e tn s.-e ur.therof lh« great lahor bills, npon whlehl think every man In the lt,.I spoke except him. ur npon am other mes ne In the Inter si of labor nn< wort Ont In has et. ,,*'e.eil npon the floor n' thal Hon ie And har* leave fha- lodge, wita mv regret thal bs w s Ure first candidate for Oovernor In the State of New-JeraM who broke the rnlo that candidates for that nigh ollice wen le cues meaaara*aad not toabnai ss n. [Greatappli OBPtelB How -v wi. next miro luee.l aud spoke a few words. Ile received a hearty welcome. DEMOCRATIC BOHEME.) EXPOSED. I-.YIXQT0 KUI* lu rill I'AN*. PROM TMB TOLL* A-*SKf»-MI \ ls os OTflCB- lOl.DKHO. Iii.'oitiintinn received ut the Kepal,lie-in State Cmn- mittee lennis indicates e general pinn of settos in tho interior bf the Dsnoersts to b_losses Bspnbilcsng nut te Basis out and vote, while Baioc every esertxin to _ct out ths Daffi! i I a tic vote in tbe cities I bis lins iiuiiiciii tire eosasaittes ts make fjpictiii e_erUosa to (Tet ont flic country vnfe. Tha I'cuioc!alic Cougresslunal Coaveatioa is tho XXIXih DistMet adjoorsed ysstsrdsj without n miii- ostiog say oas to oppose .Mr. Dsvespsrt, rbsDetn- orints hate followsd a like ionise in eOBM other distnclsa Among tin- callen st tbe oonunittee rootse uris :i lyell known Irish leader, who had this to nny "Judge Dsbtelg will, 1 tliiik,'.. elected De will net tin* votes of Irishmen no, only becsnee «f his merita, bat bees.se .erepreeeni t e Bart! al proieeucn |i'his, nt ooaree sppliea to other esoaidales on tin Kepabli. .an ticket The Democratic part* in us tendencies i- aow ail f.u free trade li isa strsnsc tb ng to me :hut it should propose for ilii- rmi:,tn the pn s I,.' -t iin.- ot fr.i'tiiii- whioh Englaad, foi ber own kIv.'ui tags sad sol ir mus. desirei io se, prevsil la Imerioa England natara!))? wanta to mauotacl :> mr iv,ncs lor oe, sad .Hms give emplaviuenl to bei iii-pliis population; elie wanta tins eonottj foi ¦ nsrkei and aesires ber man ifaeinres is be admitted ree thai she n'.iv be aitle -o undersell om owe |m,- luceis Tlmt ls wbj .theie supporting the partv thal i rae ponaibis for the Morrison bill snd the Adminis- rstios ihut proposes toearrj pal Boob a policy win-, iee that the lice Trade Leanne bas raised 42,000, of whieh 180.000 irss sabaeribsd bj Eoglish :i :i ki.-11- a iui importers Iho pabhehsd lietel roe- nit lioih ("((litmus the ni'.ines Bini there cannot be nm on itt ahout it. A free trade oru ib admits that iiiiie-tcnilis of the monet, nf the New-York Free "rede League cornea irom England,' sad rho Larn¬ oo Mt ii: iig JournaJ s.n s ii ti,i, Uesgue ¦ icoeo le. e may hope tor e very Isrge trade frum Amertoa. hat tells the whole storr. I tn* lr sb-Amer oana sre ut verv loud of EnglSB-j. have no epeeial desire lo lease lu-mr lo adopt a line of poller which will aid ir to tbe detriment ol American intereata InsboMB ?irin to raslise tbe mlatake tber have o-ade.ieop* trtisc tbs lieinnci ific party, mid tba* propose BOW their votes to provost, ii poesible, toe Introduction this co..ntry of Hs psrnieiosi Eagliah tree tr,nie icti ines." Wi -dev Honker, oi Ccrt'and ("orr ty, ulm called nt >. i tum,utica- rooms, said that to his mind l.i pulilieiiii est ss wa- merell ¦ queel on ol get.ag oat the rots. Die low pnee ot W eal," he said, .' BS.SSS in part, I appose. I'.v the coinpet.tion ot India nnd ol',er chciip- oaociog Nation., t,«i hes our tannera that ther must Iv uii their own country tor a Burkett, This can liv be accomplished bj doma our nun mannfactnribg stead o' hnvinir it tlonr lol us in Esglsod. Ities icstion of msuitsiu.is ¦ proteoOve turill." .Mr. Hiker did not think thal tin lined Tarli Prohlbi- )lli.-IS were Blahing .iii. gains in li s p ttl ot the Slate. Phe temperance roten. 1, added, .' bsgis ts realize at voting a third party ticket. poi up bys psrt.i Bl lines nut hope ior BU00.-un rely helps to deleal c o' iv putty which illus oiler anything praetieul oo this qm;itloo sod to pot *a power spsrtj whose (.lined purposes srssllssjsl Ht .ss_psi_s.slegials- 'ti." \ Dumber of copies of a Demoerstii oircnlaresat to itmasten and other Federal officials ask log for npaics eontributions lune been reoeived si Bs- blieaa headquarter*. Oaeol tbeee, received bi ¦ r ear iui, asks toi a eootribntJi ti ol 910. This in ither ii; letrsl os st Demoerstk retain, AN AMEMBLf Nominu. B-8.G-.& \i\osroN, \. V., Oot. 21..C. V. Hester, the socratic soi.lose la tte i.t _ssemblj liisinct of ler 'nuaiy, bus resiKueal. ?-- A .11; M lil A' \ 0 MI Ki T lox. 'nov. N*. Y , Oct. 21.. Tlie Democrats of the LMetrteto! Hsusselssi Oasstp today ssislsstsd IL l. I'eiers, of lioisick, for Member of Assotubir. -?¦ IMHO NA NT COLOBED -tXPUBLIC-Ora teeotoredBepnbttcaasel the vnth SeesmbtT Distruil lit No 1.sti Ml tl) ave Inst Bight Io BIBlliel Siriiinst I'u- .ii aat .i uii ii KoKeerar, the keafer et » sameai ui Peat thst. Slid Salli, ave.. Who refused tn serve lailniel i,,en is flees st.ii iv H.: at t ouiii nf i heit esler, I. A. a mi au. al Wru-fark Potorpriu, k.is iIisiibibb. sud ta asRuaiaa luilr snit! tluil tliccoinreil men Shoatd lu tarn.-,. ina solid ranSeta I from tbe mea who vase lo repreaent tbtse ¦ g* that Dui mini.I se. ure the enlorveiuenl ol Ih. law tutoring t i)uni ngbts tn ull. solutions were iil.tjii I, say D'.*, th ai as Hm McKeevel liters bad alway* claimed lo be Hopoblloansi as lohn trever baS otuuso of a diatrlct In thc liepublican d strici i, eh sn mauy colored iti-puiii a-.iiis lite: mul s~ blare |.. en, a-I tain ti n.-'i ..li sa.-i nulli .,| X,. call«, i- a il,,l«ra againat tbe von principles ol Ute Hrpublloain par jr, the MIL- iii lll.inl Of lin* letti' l< Ol Hie \ llt.'l As-i-lnl, t Ull a repudiailoaaf Juba McKeevel us captain or lendei in i-ii ;. and tbi spi nlntn enl ol ai apis n thal bail tba re t siui 11.nt. a n.I lbs W.Ted rolers ol Ibe dislricl my I. lioHiiinir, a colored Innan iai, aald Itel tin- Ungsbonld dot 1.1.inn- .Mi Ko. tel lui should ceusui Kifiiiliiiciiii party, which was tr.vuii: io make ul oui ni Hie arts,I. liiuiietll.irely lhere was -.-ml cou n and attempta were male tn nat Mr, DownOu ont ol ¦nmh. ile waisted n appealed lo Ona nieetlnf, 'lita- lng refuseal lo susi .in hun amt In- sunshl.-d. .allman k.MMWOed tliat Mr. Mt Kee vcr had he'-n ale- t.v the Distrii 11 i.,n iii lee a mi a uiin eil maa appointed t pia. e. hut reiuse lu nive the nlo,eil man s n. nie Nli Ki. v r said to a Tami .ss re|sii ti r ih tl he did nut r- lo sell thai loioia-d alien iiijiim, bat tbat ins prbes ti. a_li fm Ihein arni lint u,i.iss,'.'.i from that fact lhal he rylng te drive tbani awax br cbargiog tte. mon ..., s Ile also denied thal he lind been SepaasS arum his lucy. -m-- BFSAnVTTRQ IS A PBOl BCTIT1 TAHIFF. aa WeeS. tte Repabiieaa caadtdate fer Oaasraea mt.ie heeler tuttk i. atldreasi I an spas sta m, rim- ias.t evea. ii i.etiy isynate. Ile* was lalVoSaeeS nv n ollecloi .Ison, anti h- sj.nke fur h:ilt an hour to a!.a>ut l.oiu peas He eppseled lo fhn Islwrtss lo saetau Un Republican becaasa lt waa a party ai protecilos to Un laborer ia. eal in a protective tsulS lepmlerl tte American work .alli-it heall Ina IK' n.a.iUUa linns, lift «-.,« :r ij.i.ui y tl, and thele asp.IQd tu he I i,ot. al, rai ul ii.il lime ant li U -? Bones of mi. canvas .eiinan fd |ui I.luau i rn I ral Committee bald a Siieclal g ut llu-ii Ina iijuai tels. (.elinaul.i Assembly Booms, l-'Iit, IO llidolse the linn..I.aliniis uf the V. ,,,.,,..,,m .Osaveatlea. fepeoctes mete male bjreevers i reference to tbi aood aad stanch cbaractei iles, all.! Hie lu fcet heaali-ll li> I L.ssliin I'.is.siv ll lor was unanimously indorsed. A oommlttoi "iii ap* f.u euell s\sseiiimy I- sll.et lo ur.e all (ur.',.un Ki¬ ns lt. nagi Ill r aili attain 1 al li.e polls i,celina; u. Un- Hebron f(e|.Uiin ai, t'hil, nn li,-' e-.ei. uris ' ontui »a* Uumuialixl Ivi Aiilniiian lioui l.'iu Hil iiy laistlicl. fellowing preamble ami resolatlons wert jussi 1st ,i mei i. ni- of iho .Mnth Wr*anmsBesr Carps es WeSaea SUWi eu*, in view of the demoralised oonoltlon of tbs poll this Uy, aud also tte dist .rho! nu lt.mi of Un- laluii ses, lilli- suiuetali.it lu lisUlllcip.il HI ti »l U/^aln ihe duty nt .iii iteniihi.tans tu unite ,r, a determine! elect as Mai ol w tins elly a msu WbOOS ubi..I aud niall e. i.-t fi h..m.i are uu<|U.-stioueil -ve will, if elis ta-i, U|tmol Un tu.uy cnn .-Ut tilly grow* s In our inni,n i|iul guvt inmi-ui j ed, lhat the .-..ulla ll aral I.nit. el ( t.r... h. aili.v in .he noiuiiiatsoii o: Un- lim, rbi.dun Ita. talland [onie rand ida I., ami pledgi . me siijijMsi i oi it« organ* is a.ll 111 Sea Ul 111^ 1 ..iii ella.llUU. is misapprelaaiisluu on Hie part uf some BefBblhnil el Hie a. t'l'Uiu e nf l.alwaiil Mita lied aa Hie Itcpoli- iiiid.it'- lui Jsslles al tte Maprame < nun. Mr. Mlleb* lad Um sean.bubb bb Tai-idar last aa oinformed ll,ill al) i.Xis lille I ollslulllee. ile IS 111 the Held lu lil.! Un* pol. s ciose, ami will add mu is Strength Ul la etiliK lo be held under tho auspices nf the I Xth As lairtd iiejiubiicuii AsseolatitiB, on Mondar svamns ufcar Hub.ag. in Bieaeaar st., wiifb la.lt, |B anal ttl,... I... Itlei lair lliiiltliiiK, ll Hims ker .1., win 0" an nhl Tin aslule Ituais.-t ell will BBS.k. Sod tbaSO Will he bv Walla i Howe, Major VV lilia.n ll. uisa. I. ll W. .IX* ubus BIBI llISslg J h.'uM N Dil, t\ arti Isumus e lin e.liiir will be uue ul Ihe larg- *1 ol HM BSmpalgB iiiutuy Cmnm.Ita e ul I Haul) lui.r VI sit) BJ it, ..uniniiiae te utiifef wttb tte Oeusti Dewoeraqr a> »)iiiis. iniiiiBBS.as tor A mermen and Assen, i.jj nu u. ll S'PiUe), ul Hiv lnt.il tl uf ,l l.lel itu li, gmt » HU. lt ti Oakley, nt lin, ( .tueiis','omri, il ii e. irn.ns ll,auks uitaiiialioii and aabting lhal. lt ism ted. he wll. do ali er lo elevate Ute lum ul Iban t.. i. .t ... l.t. In ls .ii tai ItU Willi li I prufess I.. tMr. ll". Sula.!., .III. I'.' lillie s- .. s.« iel} nv paper, ton speaks 'iu realize laal ru,Innis tn combomun Mr. How rooms ot Twenty-fn (ila's, M.ll prominent uar arni SI Nut I, n tr h ilnlale I,,: C Until A s sh fun is! ni, ll, Walsh ll a s lint Wit.OUI rink Inviai Jill til ha". :i John I) I.sti Vi itii AMI MR HEWITT TRIES IT AGAIN. HE ANSWERS MR OKORGE'S SECOND LETTER HIS IlIVAf. nKCfsAREI) TO UK VITIFPinATIVK. l._- PTItlOTIOXS flTT OM TIIK MAYOR. Abram __ Hewitt did not like tho tenor of tht* second ¦M Idler iMsHSsi-S him bf Henri 0-STgS Sal .eben nuked |SStlSd_J BaltFBSBB ll bo would n ph tn it semi, al ls he uncertain whet lier he would or not - I bSTS dictated a ni ly." bs ¦_*_. " ba. lune not read it vet nnd S-SS-I tell whother I -aliall hnv.-> it ],ul,lishe,I or not. If itSSSSSSSSHsl-StSty to mo after I lm>e tend it. I uiii -fi'' 't It thc pSfMIS to-sight Base Mr. Gssrjs bsa ebosrs to introduce parsor_sUti-e BB_ vitiipcoilit.n. I think it is ti'(.ut time thst the wiitin, of Isttsrs ir is, il nnd it rSBBSlSS In BS feen vin tin t* big totterskaU SS Ifcslast or mine. Is_j Vilil|:ct.ilii.:i. Im it amounts to thut, slt-SSSjb clothed in tte palisbsd Ismssgt which Mr. Qsutfa in cu-.ablo of writinc." Mr. He« itt (l-.ia'e.l ts print Iii** letter. It is nu (nilnw*!: Ni iv York, Oct. Cl. innn. Ill gBI (Oa'Hi.f. tnt, ....,,, i |,lt_K8l I f'.u ll,nt vnu have nm tic! In the ili*icn««'on tetavedi ll- Oi'it sta- "iH'li 1 ha*~ remark-.! ii t.inr lum!... In tviiiei, pass.isurna thenlai e of reason. In hi open it tit -i tu es-'il t't rou lo me In Inn tun. nm tuner- I (In.l eeraonal ren ark* " hh ipproaa h ." toae tari ,,;.. i ai a.ii Iiuii tli.-t mus, ,,.,,.!, rdiaac.bl« the fill tl ...,,ii which ntbern iel would have been wiitin* to hold i uh vi ai in a i it nf. nut « hit li fell it net '-. i) v lanie, he platform ade ism, in which 1 ani conflrmed bj ..ur lotti r. in t ii i, in -t ti ,i.nu.i at.'tu t eu charred me with fha siro* inns inn' nf being ii tali lu m.,him int.Ii I le ml','mri of ,. u it luw-allll ns un lin eiuaiiiil ol yian pm Itt. In hiv ply I look no notice of this I toe be, mst I supp.I thal on ,n wonld ii. .-i-ii.it.ieii ni barina tht.> ream tn tl . ¦¦ ri i,- ..I a .:. in i. .... lan ni i na, st ..mt Itelhui et univ renew the charge, bnt at considerable lensth yon rirge mi itu nt'sent eiiiite.i la aetrneglo ol tho pom sg.ilnat the rh, and tn a p. e. li made Iaat night yon aro repoi lill, " Hereafter tn polltli - wi:! be on one -Ide id the workmswen on the other." lins is an nnmwtakable 1uit )u .ii i ... Ibe i] i. f.il i oom hteh a . man knowe better than rooraelf, in t u frantic ¦sue iirnftlct rou seem not to healtats In wrick ancteti tn . foundation. Yon uinid have a.i the leconil volume ol ,t. ti I- ti 'I, Revailntion," dei oted to the jacobina, their a th.' bombie reaulu ot their iirtef tenure ol o ci tt int li tin v..' i,.in ai lu appeal. Rimllar t" poura. lt t felloe eil ma will nlj penna fen honra In p adina 'h ¦ linnie in ihe pi. .euee ot their wires and children, youl ui i. ida. v, liaaod.t i'm nai mi ti. it mu propuae tn arrar wnrklusn the mill.rea. t li lie at mi end, ul mu t. ill dlaappear 'r.tta the politl. ail Armament, "a Maa. ¦ I.ui-ili,.e.| l.v it* own .lil. a tn my letter of acceptance I waa Innocent enontrh t" state ul |tei snnal issue, eniilil lliul tm nil. e in Hil. il'flinn, bul lilith ul y-'Ull lt Ut is tt',1 ate l" ll |.:ea-etl In leal IO ml' bea, ii I. md Ihe im make ot wh it I poa* aa you are evident int aa yon are preaumptnona. min lit the votera ef the diatriet wbicb 1 hare the Inn,ni reprraent lo CooftTeaa hy the aaaeriion thal tbey are aa ia a herd of rattle. It la a dlatrtel la wbteb :t nie,i lieu n r.atit' 11, <ri 11 ii .a t it,:, has bera lofore lieen eqmralent an ea-i tn,n. lt lin- lithe' ti .-i. t.'i .nie, aa you have chill red, - wii.mi vim r.. ard si ao renal, mm ey nih! i,.n -i a en retinue io eel tu- Domination from I bern. <i nut i.i c. t fn v..t-»..; ni" |.. ,.|,i itii-tih.it ron will ince thal have ni i er expended un liar, du i-e ly or indira -elly. In seenlina s nomination, and no man being ever in foi onay "r Influence n- pru e aif ins vote. So far sa the expense! of the election .emita, I hate an ir.al.ii p ntl Ibe nenal Ull.l iieifs-aiy e .men ta, and iio mon Utan ihe intouot wbicb foi man) tra has been pild by th r, -ular cam!Itatea tnr Cnngn-aa, nt o ti hu h. as c u well know, h.ite no super nm uni-: ". whom can lu-liy dann lo BS BS |>otir ami ai list ad full prnT ,1 In he. to '.ti- .ar ter tmeoni vtr-w« n. Hie u.i ii ie :inti arnon h I imenta. and ron apeak t.'.n Itu alni .- ttn.lit'ii ;i itmi ta ai lo !.': Ity. V.jlh -na klitm leilli. ol the|i.t-t .'st,, lins lit I Ih uk 1 an ii-sin nm Iii .1 im In " i.il i Mai ol ha- gr ..ru Hutted -¦. i.li ¦ o 11 ol no* mirna named by ton. nml li ¦! will sive any re* io toni .-uii:. ti am ihe -I,1-'! I may slate that while I ni..- o ii.n.--.'onii..!:.-a tn (ainlonn ie ihe nb|wtionable -m nt- rn, candldatea, I -hali k. pp em li billion t- lunn. m.in ol my mom j u il lie ai all ilde to pun ai- ai the rats ".' Wi i"i head,the price flxea Inyoar i. maka tills «t.(t- un ni a Ith a ni ni gifted li¬ lle i, .mi |ht rot l-l. ,a a., J aili ll al 111 111 " nor the i" eui ot l.iirinlintlon >ul h ive |tl nt-'! -o mt. an . s upuoi, toa x; it a to _> t. and I art .,ll. of the " _T"I{ si,r?'ellliu tit eil- tt ll lepll t. li. il lona-., til mi ol them ional I.t tin u mi .ii tt i'i .I... s ii la nnii in!: II. lt Ul ll II la. I ..111 lum a- nialia un In I n nm n a. Judjie hy t .mr ow r, ¦).¦¦ an w' " ni ii.t tai .' Palatal] lo the front. pi . i..>i iimt im- ii .-n ¦i- ;* a Ililli. Us nail Hs ni, ,11 la ri Inn at e. 11,1 t'l lt I he tm .i.ii .it w n ul.ultu tilt linnie ni Hie at int ry, 'mn- i.t it li: t'li :. ¦. ut the last gift of ber honored rio Mr>. Hewitt [.lille did tbal nure tad Bohle soul ol vt hose liam,- amt rhsrsetei i u..,)..! team i" make lal for rayaelf) snanoei thal ll prorlalon which nt ni a- itu hla rn y il ii- t ssd in rsi children out ot ne tortoni ..rn d in* hom-i Industry during a life pro eil lo din I, iii ..-I-liar-, ami o,i-f rated to the |uihlie .would mi i1" .round of attack npon sn* one eon* Mt with ...' I. ..it ia ni -iii;., lu iike mainer tiiuii. ,11 i i.t linn :i i haa been gained hy Hie ra ll. win ..ur ... h.r .ir.ei lau. e. of Which, 1 iiiii sine. is uni a I,un.an heme, ni Ibe community SO viii bel ii .. .n--i -m.tn. li tula beatie s creature tet him for you for Stayer lin" u.e uiui h iii.ale 'a,i tin snppoeed drenmatanroa is ¦. !ti;e.'.-|ilrii ithil, underlies your leaching ht.lla,ns. ai,i n! tbe ittli-t |ii.-l.a e. whit!) Weald lloiv lour.-in -. n ..m ,.|s.i rt ni w h ea you oui'! pu Voiii i into pia in e. li,l... ymir future career i*> lo iiifli-r that of other ra n who bari laughl shaiiai itocliines i t Mayon In bt mon modi hi youl ,h ian n latram ol wbolive ii f. 'a.it i.timi "luznrious mauston*." leal ii -.¦ n .it iiiapeuaal na whh li yon pr. ooh ahould reai h Hs development and tb" redlen b .Innot property ahhlt ulvee ahouM occur ooaliould timi yonraali aita, -a-1 ot nt in your own fol ktwere and be bolel « ll ronrown i. 11.- bandors ol nodal revolotiooi han- erten been u to inhabit In- " m., ns ..ns o, their i n li um. hu; mtWU ona tum-. -ii'.- Im ai this o lions phase ol youl leiter, y nu in i.i me ., ti-, .-ue nml or Ms-las mlarapreaeuted lienh, hut yooalo n a aperlfy wherein l hav* enmmuttui ;. .'. uol di nt it t...i ron ¦-. Ui .om.n property," ind to reach thia reeuli hy "appro- if the ia lil lu ml li ia ic. le vp tl ii pull lin- Isl ml, en ni ali " building** ann imuro .-imii -..t. i-i! n s| i. nn -for iii! tba evil, of Bortety, you have analyza-d and atated with s pa thntic powei .tn never am p ia»e rn toa aa! lltal alura, ila, him nu one im.un ni non loni ~|i ri in- would operate eiiv. Hs iain.ihi. buildings as Irapror, iii ilaoatbe i .ii aluimil mil* rely lo rli mea and ha lbs oornor ti ii.un von bold io bolj horror. They wonld at once be >.. tiiuii raves, am'to thal extent mu would add to ready o ergrown reveiniea. i'hla donation, however, ni'ii expect loreou-ip by nut.mi on i.uit. Tblata.a- niil'l eva.ler t our rn bi m.. rn e.- u ly lie spptle lo upon equal (erm _ Alni wuh » buildlna. roelugaaBll* tim i.i. - v. "ile I I lui' tn" 'pat io aame taxes aa a racaul .. ile. rn a lol it Uh ii hui 'lil'-" coal m.' ta u thain, ollera ou the other aide. IVbal would you accomplish lilian e. beyond Ulakine the rich maa hebel and tim tan in -i a-r'' n, whs tt ll yim do witta the man wbo Urea ta ina own ami pal s UU ia ut tl Ith i "il bs may hat e regarded lin, t aa a heavy burden. Heine h, I.ti iggh a p. sn mi ii ii horne o: h.s .nt ii. I ii. i. ..ie tttoueanda i pei mis n thia cit! ulm painfully realise wbal tn.. ie i.a- mai iou prupoae lo remove laxes from all I .iin- ami lu impose upou lani tiltia a quired a nan io ita' rent whit h it would now y ni.I, tun-1 due.ia ncr Iii thc ia ii «¦ 11 itinle li iu tt mi li. li.y ei imo ry. In hus lest in il hilnsell uml his linn:;-.. a Hgv ililli ol mil p.-n'iit- who heTa lint lliua rd land but bare depoaiieal their h.iiiiu.'- Io banka oi aile urovlaion lol their lanulira ttroOKll lb« beoeflceul ii ii tin- mis ti thia hus thaaa i ami ai mill .'lintis un policlea are chiefly Itnued out ¦e. ll ht ll hi lill illiK "ot fm!! ill- i m berni' ol apprvprlatlna the rental land by laxes re ti sir i 'I lava ie to thin ewoer, what ava ority will io ihe ta-'Msiiiiiit iii -.iiai,cs bnnks and the holders ol iol Insurance I lou will replj that Ute bolldia-(Sand emt m. will remain, But what value do tin .-n uosattaa univ when Hu vu tual In ol il"-.I .- ill I roys :. SB nt-i.t iv <>r aecurlty wm remain ou unimproved I amis and lands wiieie ibe iraprm iiin ms ere a aecoudwrr cou- Hil implea only ot .ia dlflteulttos to whieh you e.m alltle:. » ..rn ea h. mus:-, offer to iliitiio willi hu k.-rint,' ail. ;.e. i to my nm*!in uri ih ii youl platform means timi or ts io h, ai, .p. nu .! i.v ih.- .-lula- *,.lo nol explain .ta mean, if lilia Im uot tho true .-i_* un.i .m. .* of a do* I, (itt.el tt a un.lile i:j.'|hle. iuiiie iit ti sp ap. r- tie- foUowlnn paaaacas, aaoted iHlkn ina.l. lit mu a few tl.lyn ann in Nen \',,r* \ ii all its li a w .a. ka. and horrurs an >h.u loominga tint in l lench revolution, now hut a ecol ut anna '.. repeal llaell here. Ldberty, eqnallty ami fraternity s I'll- H-pir.il."IIS ot et ell- ll ol k .11^111.11) Ul Un Wtslhl I lem.i ns .ur urie w ..1 k ll Illili ti, .- 1,1 .,1,1, .1, (lia. r m.' lim ia punile ot thejuiillionalrcenil it amp tA bat ai 1770 la thia country, lu Pranoa la I7A9, mual be I ii^am. Otu lote.'iii-.. is won in political rivilla lint tl ai! Itt llMMlId ass, it tie III." .liss movement the uprislna, ol tbs workinamen! i n! the nial ubi i la I .a.- .a,min- ih<*,, share of lin; ten to.I produ, ii-L-c tltiit tim pu-, niisiepresent. I,.ur StataONBtS yon will inform the public wbotbei iu.- uSi.-.e pea 'it'ti i reported. If they are, you ai ronviuted air own mooth oi aeekiag lo InSiet upon tina ouuiiy ira from tvblcti france baa aol rel re, f.n t.i ihaiik tnai ,t imi ell ottos a, if ay oi nf Mew.Tort nm mysterious wa; cara tba social emla which wa lora ll tin le wi re the .ll_|sta's| fouBdotloa lol thin li'.ul file you mr beatty auuport, bet ,- ikia.tt elution cannot uaisanysuclteffect lliedutleauf ned by law, iso f.n a.. ibsy are not purely .taboed io the power ol appointment :a ea niui, toe ip ni i.ii lupervialou ofthemuui- iiiliimlit. anil IO I a- !. at.on ni ta, of tht (mi inni, in .ian- ol i..a teaSanoa) ia uflh .. he ol nt ia lbs po.,i e tm .. si, ii,,11-,,,|, pruniiao te lt. mern ben cannot im in«.!c -00.I. iieh.inuu a ar Hm ll ealtil Department lo .a-lertaks speoiSi ia*'uti. at.ul roar aaa rauieeibatyou will n.'y tm- alia ispheie ami iiupiote ,'he .p., .Imii ol Hu ten, rn.-i.l li"!--s aiiinit l)V OBITiad min rim. li,. -. ipi lo.:, ii! w.lh thc ali.-il- Hie dot kn ami Ute* h.m.s I your io.hiiiei. to mp,,ri ie,,h.1.» win. a -rou caa n .mu I...I.-, io ii, ¦., hoi.i!i i,.t sxprsaairenhraae, in J .au au ll .1 youi uni,,, tm- alma fol support I Save non hen. -e. rel inn ra nv -ellie nature ol mau or aeture for your* realerpuwerorluflueui-. -.u ..,.,,1 u__ ,.,u,, I,.tales ,, .,.,¦--, t. or (hui Uni w.ll he laaa C-U- llli a han ton pidillie lu relectlon wm..ttpliah Uis i-ionua you .ea myca i.r.l en.ion bul I tau cl- ai iv . ,-,, ,'.,w svo to dlaspi..1 -.. many lopea and expetutioof "ll '.¦ ..lal O', lhal H.. lal, -em dlaco atrlll ona Ilia ant dlaco i.-nt wail Ua, .- ol .as.,1 dem ¦' rn-ni ami li.rift. ^ ,. un a. 1 ,a, hui, win' 1 man who haa UU ll .1 III not parade tin pm ,,, t * or tbe poaition Im hil. nari mell buUor to buuaall iii IB H. I". M A.Heir. wa. nu, r,1,ki,, iva auaiueera, -n whom bs la tbe truia,,!,? 1 u thad, Iud ni u' laile" un,.,hm » ho im - .,o.,n lonad Ute pnuriulaaa In-J* Wire .. li', .1 ii, tat'ol n." the U" » pu, _0t , ou iteietl " rttSfaetee thrss psrssiBBSje from Mr. Arth r, ..mi lof tbis great ti.lea Bnlefl Boonu lucian-1 to take i in your a ni'ii.n," inr ihe roeooati./ iiiii'iiita which, though mei .> mk a i.e-, .. .. io blood tt,. ii poi ui io ton I behave that ba .¦ts ul all lanni- (Jul working-.en who t revolution eonflaratiou ml robberj are not laaa imiieni labor when tbej I I aa a tautaaiae a ol poverty aad pregroaa Vourareap* rulii slnaiM .*.. lu.uir. Itt pester.sp opessd bia ssssqaartsre ia tbs Hie Younat 'tleu'a Ileiuicratle C.uu in W.-,t urlh-aU .Mr. ll.wlti. I. i-anl Onepar, lin'.. J. Pawer, rSoSUM UuoUffas au I other rouiiiy l^eiti'itraMiy iealeri cai.ed during tue (Ulllg. _ _ JUIIN I). l.AHstiS | CBAJIOft X* yet BOSa d,(hinda.-) BB fl ho UH I) 'noa :.. lugroaa aili et Ifl the VI lil, instit,, t l.i \\lmmt loft lhat he w lal run If n.-nul Jo.'iu ll l-i-l!ii.iis u n iiiairn t. Tbs lieu.ie tain n.uiiair.'i. ara| irons man aod will tarry lbs jm Asm h. l.ln.il.U Itii, .*iltlni.- lal .a amy a,;.noll. hi. I'ai ,and hu pro pu..in iii.-aiiim ii, un. milla:, isl heath una!.minmi) li .."...inala du A Illa! IBSB. .on, Hm it. |iii.i.. ai. trendalela .an Berry me utily lisaUltc and piuhaiiiy i.t-tuvea nuoil pla¬ tt a :l. 1:,, abo ii-1. pell IL "a lill lu, t Tl cain I-1'' Jmli Ililli III Ill-Ill AX 1 c thel urea irene pr.,", prov of tit ait lu lu Ih nu,ru Cona cont other Hon i chun nar, a: Hun word' in tl out that t Hedi a lion rul mt tnut. u a.r !- Hunk win. o Illili c York, propel ,11th.H au u io the Ur. Hr - Ilil¬ li,, v. I quean wat. ill lll'll" s reit tilt: divide. <i v ula)' fore io Dslsal that ai .>>.;. hy anti ls tnt l Edgar1 dlaaeoi tl neem. roetil al Will lie dopa th change that ( (hat I haa .lr flinn ta w iy foi lue c ni nf faot er.) lin* the Vr* ». tll-l Arter of lue ., recoil) in wire ia lUe cuni hjr lia* 1 -runion. fUt-eui t babs- ai ueil Oe TO BI Am;. Obs rsm tor a Ho. Ilicreaull Slseaooi Ihe III. lit ny roeru .ie un,m.i OBteaai 1 hoiua-i, l..a. lUe aluna. mi.i; Kans Missiesai lng oilit Asaocl.iu of Keotu il. O. I*.r« Calnaibis Oiilo, rot P. M. Mel l.aiii.iiit r I,...Ut. a.f Jolill .Mol Henry Bli low. of Ui l.l lilli. New-Yorl Weak elia HIS p. all .' avinidic il a'Inn elie* ino at a . Ml.i, al We lt SSI I'll i-ln tunngflti coiui'U.ed \ ll _ mil, a ior l>. i ui galea a ¦; I lill At.' k'l'llC.ll ' Ul iruflaiitory of nu-.ia lo nc h inti; af los Cou ralltr in the IHd Aasembly Diatriet, If two Democratic can delea are In the Held. W'alah aald Iaat evening " 1 can Ih su-r niulidate Unit the silk .toa king* of the How-AnnU-nh Club can put In Uie held lutanist me.*' a A I.U8Y DAY FOI IlF.NRY GEORGE. ADDIIFSaiNO a i.arok OBOFTB in* _ai.wt.-spea INO 8FVKKAI. TIMI'S lit THK F.VKJ.INO. Ono of tho most succrssftil jiipetin/.s w.i.i hsve been held ao rsr In favor of Mr. fieorge'a csndldai for tbe Msynrs'ty wai tbat held yesterday ufternoon a tue Hu ti-Tren mi ry stepa, In Wall lt., by tbo Newspap, Men's Henry (», orgo Campaign flub, 'i bo stepa wei *rowded and tbe gathering was spresd well In Uro-d-at, when at 3 o'clock Hems Donohue, Jt he president of tho club, called tho meetlnir 1 inter. After a brief speech, In which he gsve tb Hitory of the elab sud Its object*, be introduced IsSMM davitt who bsM ha was there to ISfpStl Henr Issn* SaSSBSSIM prupo.ed. if eieetod. to stop briber nd corruption. Howitt wis a food limn : a rery goo iirii for 1 aluminy Hall, but he wont in If and SS ls Iffsinl-t, being married to the apollamen of both th leinocr.itlo fncr on«. Theodore 1'. ('uno read a lette Sdrasasd is Messrs, _aosavsltsaS newitt, _ivin_somi SSSSM why W(,rlilOs'iiieti woul.l not vote for either o -.tn. Heniy ('.orgo waa tb.u introduced aiid aald li ari: '.I am proud tohave the support of the newspaper rr>eti nd I hciier-a that I have two thirla of tue aarKSM nu is prsssoB BijrsMr. Iks sics of _rslns ss well as Iii mn of iini.i ie are In thu inovem. nt. 1 Iii*. BptMlBS ll air a iralt) si the po.nie'ma. lt SSS Leen ml liiut them ia nar lietween Capital )d Labor. TSars ah.mid be no conflict. ¦. - ip ¦. ri, .t .. tet, in 11 rid ital shall ba secured in Ina ttnral ri.ht to a foothold in Ida native lund." Mr. oi rs -linke at ei.iialiieraiiln leneUi un the Lind ques- n nnii ti uni i op by aay las i "Wa Suva BO<|uspr*l ith rich tii'-n. If ,i mau eau make millions without bh.Bg uni1,,,iv let him do li. We only as- lor 0*i opportunity. There ls iipiuirtunlty for lt. Tue ml ia hardly serat rbed; tho tninea bara not bogna to Vorkod and ye: tbera arn thous inda of tdaia men." dr. Q-sr-rs wm followed sp David Healer, who at- kt-d the corruption In city politics. J. P. Kohler and I Bfl t-i'it-c!) also ..puke, .aat SIS.I Mr. ncr,rn" made four *poe<»1ies. He itSlS- at the demons'r itlon In Hu* [ld Assembly District at s foot ,,r |;ooseii-:r..t. lin arrived too early, BBd de only x brMl ipoAOS. (speeches were al-o ..io by John Burk*, Hubert Crowe. .Iniiii ncan anl Victor .Ma,'i. At lirnwlwuy I Peventh-ave. Mr. (ieorge addraeaad _ » BS and BBtbUSlsatlS meetlnir al the ,\ VIIili, XlXth .Isl Aaaosibli Districts, and went from Umbi to 1'- i- itl/a Mali, PiftV'flftb-at, and Tbird-ave., srbera he ke to the XXth Assembly Hiatrict Club. Ile .od by Bpsaklas tbs XX I Id District club Parepa ti.aii, _lgbty-aisiB><.i. ami I bird sro. our tba visitors at tho Colonaada Hotel yesterday ra Jobn Roaaeli Younar. Colonel L, i:. Oranrar. Ur. var.! Mei ./nil atr'l Horace lire'ley Klnli'li Many onraglug letters were rocaslvsd. In addition to 'in. . Idnaaed by Mr. Ostorga UBI Bight thfito were live o'hem sold In ranon* parts o' tba .itv. :, poet stated ob Ws ne. iny ti a' "un examination of lintot .¦h.ii ") names pledse-d to Mr. (foons before act e|,tel hts BOBlnatlOS, uii cxHinti- n in nie by experienced mon, 11-11 u flinted with the th.Tiela where lila port Chiefly ilea, sImws that .0 per C'-nt rn them are 'Uiin n iiiiss." Tha attention of Mr. OeoraVi eon fl. ital associate. Mr. Barana, was eailod to tim staie- ii roatordajr, mid he bbMi "Iho Basel*. of Tke Tint la a lubrication. Tin, tact is bo persona hive ma'e ss examination ot tbeaa eui' ii is an rons sean * icm anice i ey were di 'UH asl :e frun Mr. Ooorg., Mr. MsMsaSlB ami elf. Kron, a .Hti'ial miaittny of tlie.e lists we have neil tu., roncliialoii lh.it less niau 'lo per emt of the ors ara Ooria aaa, ami I do not believe they consti- mort ih in 10 per cent. TIJ-G TIIATOEOROB WU LORT 54.000 V'»Ti:->. . i.rndort of the itoSteaa Honaa are Sited avery svealng lleinoi .alic pol.ll lillis. Ht,lat Ii tl lin Ie h. ll.e 111' lt t'.ilt ...... i.ti Stats iii a h j.ia"'' - sro la tbal building and ler io .'! -oi -a t: i pott) Bl -aii.'itnin. Polltleal wagers when a in a-. is he om iii'.'warm. A DsSMMTittfl pott¦ oalng wm-.rn! ..'."iii with SB-other ol the sams cal fiiilh that Henry <.rga wi.ul,l poll .it le.t-t 80,000 *. nm iiuii will elad ito-is.-veli." ti'iii.irk'-t' a bi Blander. ii, i help that." waa tlio ie|ily; "wy Jiubnuent al Oeorgs w,n rei ni tonal tnat bubb lier ol rotea I mil i.a. li nu- opinion iiit', mv monev." Another eratic politician ulai he would wagei il00 thal .Mr. il w. ai ima.' iii '.ie i, vii *. bul i' "ii ht heller ol lt ¦a lineal lo pat Up tho money When lu- on r nus al tout to [OD hi a Ka p ibl In-m. rain Htate Commlttoedo nut like tbe pl ilga I- aaauralas. Thoy nay privately thai Ju.lge Daniels lo re. ite a verv tT'-'e vote from tba OOOTgC un 0. that Peckbaai'amajority will be samsll one,and tlmt the Uta! en 11 eui. iit on tim Mai.tl a ly wail li if I bad Bt n theil plana for Democratic ancceaa AItaiga-thor tha .¦ultu iii.i it.i-i is are nut pleased u lib the outlook. TUE TITLE Ol' I UE 1 RAI ER-HOOK. rWOKt TO AM NI) IT OBFKATBO IN' THK GKX- iAI. 0 "VVKNiloN. rilK SISHOPfl ON' t'N'irY kano, Oct. lil (spe'tah..Tlio deO-rion of .use ysalsrSsy not to establish u BSpsratfl church Matias for Hie colored peopio seems to meet with klappfSVSL iho re* dSUSBI Bdostad leave tho las Sf tue worli to tho reapoctivu dlssaasfl and e fair iho BStSbUshflBOBl of a apeclal SSSI-BlSSlSB bi.hojta, tire presoyters and five laymen tu Vtttliirit_ton. ami to ac for Hie Douri of .Miaalous work of ..T.iii.'e!i/.ni. the colored race. Thia lg a men.tar- Wart received finn) the Council of -callena! C'hurcbea recently assembled IS Mils cltv nu.; a minute on L'tah ai. 1 MnruioiiMiu, amt tu¬ on fliarrlaga ami divorce. The (leueral f'onveu- ta aiueii ib sa spsrats witn tiie Osagrocatianal ea ls tftSSS naportaut matters. Tho Kev. Dr. 1M- OSBU.I New-Yuin, then brought up lils rasols- pul ou the lliiu pa_-o of the 1'rayer-iluok the "According to the use uf tue (nurch l United Htutes of Aiil'Tlc.t." leaving ie words " I'rotegtant Knlscop.il." He aald b rssalatloa wai lu the line of Cbrlatlaa unity, not til mk that fl acuiar.au inline ihoald uppeitr in of Coiniuoii 1'rayer. Hie dlflCSflStSS gave aevo- ihers a cuance to tramp!" au tun word Protee- .nuea Parker, of New-Joisty, BZOlSlSSd how tho 'Prataataal Bptssopal" orapi uno the 1'rayer- r mistake., un assertion which lb« Ker. Dr. (ioo.i- I'eniinylv.iiit.i. reviewe 1 in Sis nanni llioroiuh isi I.- ntyle. Ibo Hov. Dr. Iluntlnxtoi), of Xew- Ihoiigiit that tbe present name la entirely until the reunion of Cansteiidom shall t.e the use of a "better oue. ile offered ientlinent ISSI the title he "nceordiu lao in tho L'niii.,1 wiatea of Au.eried." lin* Kev. y otlerel au inuiniiiiieui thai lim title be simply look of Common l'rayer of iii. C'iiiicJi." Tue IlltpS Hit,oka nbjostsd to ihe rsiSlBS of this i after it bad barn leeliled adversely. A motion le to lay the queailon on Hie table, ind a vole ny and tn leis was culled for, with the tolluw lue Clerical. noeses voiiui-' 49, an-, in, na] ¦ 2d, ft; lay.'Ho,"«ses vntnw 4!I, ayes 2'J, nava 14, 7. l'he n.i.i on to lay on mo table was I liera- by a iiiin-eoiiciirreno . of or ler*. The Kev. Dr. of _ossians, oflbrsd an annu lineitl daotarlBS ell.nure of tho lille la Im-xpi- 1-nt. This waa 'JU io ISL Dr. Gray withdrew hla amendment JIuiiiiiiKlnu'e auiniiiliU'ul wus defeaied. A dioceses and orders Wits tin U taken un Dr. raaolutlofl with tho fall»wtn« r -<ii I: Clorlcat. ia.ti a.- I'.i. .iyes :,i), naya Hi, tlivlled Sj I,.-ir- v..uni.' 4-1, nf** 15, nays BO, tilvided I). The ,u waa mai bv a BBB Bo.irmnc" ol (inters, ii nen tu il un lin. ij toa Hob ii >i.a;nnty or c.erioal voiad aye, allnourh on the simple qnoallOB to tu-, natue of tue Clitiri-h u ma).-nty of der di.I not Tote aye. The reason la the opinion of many rleriryuieii, ppinr of the titi*. " I'rii e. i au t Kplscop.,1 " Hilt* pure ot tht* Prayer-Hook would para me ls usa br other Christian no Iles, aud so promote mi" 'lui.* i.in in.ny. Many holi that .is a Butter a words "1'roteai.ini Bp-aoopal,M ibousb prop- tame ol Hu* Ciureii, are uol properly plasod li) si-Hook. Il is now thought lhal tbe qaaotMfl ia <r Ibis aeaaion at least. ces. Hie House reaoiveti Itself ito a committee ila arith Julae SSS.by In the otiair, ami tbe n a t inna of ino Lal ta rs leal Kevlslon Com mil ten "i up. lue ('.uni,nilen of tim Whole tlnlshed loratlwa »r tie BtsSlv>aas aiier tttoas approvod ,nse of iiashoi'S, anl the House rcatnued its Il waa vailed to appoint a Joist couiinlliee al revise the llyninsl. laen revlaiun io bspab* east three inonlhs hetore tho meeting of ibo -ihi Convention. ? I) OUT UMVKKsALHT MISSION*.KIES. ., oiiio 21 (S/irciui)..'J ha Nation-I m ot tue lan',' s ,ii -t OSSrsS to-day m ivi'li'-l 1 of I'tiri-l.n -flaSlOSSt The ij iesti.ui of lil¬ llie iniiiisiry lu Ihe Umversailat Chinch was BtSVSatlaBgtS, Il was llnally decided lhal ae of Hie ministry could heat Int accomplished HU tb'" thenloBieal solloola of tlc- l.'nn er .a..-! iou irmn i-oiiegit graduaiea. The Vt allan's Aaaociatluii W'aUotod .Mrs. M. tyouise f New-York, pr-al,i.-ut,and their report ah.iws expeuded T'.,'i'i.) ai,U-,n,' tue year for inia- UfUS OF OTBKB KKLIOIOUfl BODIM, t (nv, Uii. lil..in tlio Disciples1 (.nit eiili.ill this morilug tho (allow* ra Ot' Hie Null.mal Koreltfo Missionary I wereeleced I'r. aidout, CUarlea 1., I.oog, ty; Vlce-pie-ideula. ll. A. Itiu.dale, of Ohio, ler. of Iowa, F. I). I'ower. of (be District of correspond!!!!! eecretary. Ko.tel t MuS.il t, of rdlng secretaries, W. il. Draper, of lu.Hana, ». af Miaaourl, Sf. K <"owdei., of l'enuaylvanla; V. i. I'lnkaral, Sf Ohio; auditor. Sf, _ |>,Pg. Ino, in a . airers. K. >;. ||isi.,p. m. V, W.isson, an. ol keuiucky; K. J. Min,ama. A. McLean, P-in-oii. ti. ll. Leop, J. M. Unifn, a. .**, l.ud- o; 1'. U Brown aud S, U. lloyd, of KunluoSy. v. v.. ool iii..rue Piaaspiartaa syssd of .o-day adaploal _. new pian for su.minni* :hea wubin the ItSta, liv tue provisious of iw-York la divided Into two districts. A tnpsctataadaal of the weak ant vacant, '111 be appointed hy the -youd for each dla .ary not ex.MM !:... SI.50(1, .,od tue nniiiiiniui inisieraeiuplnyed lu Ho pel ujlulairalloiia lu nea waa Iii ul al tlO:, ., year. 9,Ott, ll.-Tito autiual ounroutluu of tho .a ..lalo MyuoJ of tbe»l'reai)yteriau Cliureh, f the i't-esaytei -, lu I'eun.ylvauia and Weal sop-nol tii-'iuni wl-lt aaerjioii hy Kadara- aii-Uam, ,)f tiuee n g. \V. Va. Over toi) deiu- present. Ocu IL .Tbe National Connell of ibo Evan- uh ba.au Us sessions here to-duy. Tho In- lennon nt SfSSSSsd hy tho Kev. Dr. .spaclh. The dlscourao was of au historical nature, i tho lue of LsiltflC aud Ua asiaulisli-uoui sb. Oil hu pn T lull i'll It'll ii: i.¬ ii.ar I lui Jual taril¬ la,..! 1 he Tli hud in ti on a plan Ml 36, l eli M $b ni ii li.. Al. lou :: No s\ i irt lUgtal he.. ih. tollt'l .No.- Wi Mi.lt Ka tnt in ol tbe On mi Ht.I'll Stale) Ihe gnuie lion. .No. Comp l"l. al appel! Kills John Adj, Run L'-O. '.' .na. i isl I' ll lill CHI. .li, ls I _ .-I 1*1 J. .Na .-I Pl roil' e. Bl Nos. Sr.? rsi e. I'a-i i. (si I'i, Ni... aiu;. ni l-n .N ito. Si.ll*. .1 isl Bfl is.at;.., ni Ik N -. .- Isl 111 l.n.r. i la lltall. .1. l. ... .*sl I'I hal,,. J 1 DM. ra I'h .i. Bo* van, ii l.i.i. OMS Amt,) .' inni' tannas.I ARDENT LETTER3 IN COURT. DR. RI.OGLES TELL8 WHY HE WROTE THEM MR. Ul s-ai.ri: FiiT7XD TIIKM I.. HIS WIFP.'S BOOM, HIT SHE KAYS 8tll. .VKVKR HAW Tllf-M. Mrs. Crt.ilia fftSMllTT. wife of Charles H. n\nmn> ler,a night derk in the 1'ost OMco, yest-raurn teatltledin tbo Supreme Court, Special Tern, before .lust iee barrett, that ber busbaud had frequently struck her, used rile langusge toward her, employed men to "dug ber foot¬ steps," and thal be finally abandoned ber on May 2, 1843. _he baa sued lum fur a ll ml tad divorce. Ile declares that he haa offered tai support his wife and that sim had abandoned him without cause. Ahout two years SSS ho butt her for an absolute divorce, hui failed to obtain a docree. On the ~lturt« stand .Ur. Kessler denied that ho had treated ms «if« cruelly. When she felt Inclined to quarrel, he sahl, he aiw.iys |,.fi her. During ilia last year they lived together they hardly rm Hanged a dozen words. They occupied separ.-tto rooms aud their communications were by letter. He continued: I urn iiiiit,. lo in r beggtSf her to come to P rook lyn nm! live wm, m.- Sb* wrote back tbal i might go my war and lld o'lr. prom.oed Lo gol nu Ute insured In hor finm sod do everything la .my poseur Mr her if she would only give op -apirltua lara and a certain Spiritualist. q.-\niat IS thc lianieof Hu- -|.:l:tllai -I A. Lr. RasSMS 'Hie witness said no becalms suspicious of his wife and learned that willie he waa al work at night Huggins called to see her. He went BS ar ti.at if Pr. Rags-ss-- not eaasa theos nishtlf* vial. I would eoiiie l.u ia so,ne timi mel throw hun ilo'.vu flt.lal... '. When did von first mool Dr. Haggles! a.-At a Spirit- ..I IIB Ul ttile UWk lin* llit'lf. I et), nil"! -j. lit ualial meetings iiimiit ii tear and Investigated tbo subject thoruOgbly Hil I Iouml !t to lu-a humbug ami a (Illusion. Borotal wilnessea testltled Uiat Mr. BaSSlSB was an aiuliible luau, rind that his wife often -Siled hun vila names In French. Iweniy-three lett-ra, which -Mr. Kessler sull were written by Dr. Kugirles and were round cniieeala-il In Mrs. l.-ess'ei's roon, .ere read tn evi'leiiee. All of them are without date or signature, 1 i.e fo iowna* aro extracts: Berni VBClttA. l-l itmr little nnte received and -a Mle I wis very glad t.i sos your handwriting the cont'n'*. of tim note pat.i un*, ii my missive gars ron pats ran moat forgive me, ior I io mi so fal forge! myself as tobe abualve to tho triii ot nn heart, i onlr meant that yon ought to think twice i' fore iou oas such la bamaga to me. Bot I ran over. look ii all aiul tti|te lt nil away and forgel it, for i know ymi ai. un tin. t,n t, rge nt di spa ir .inti I Iii uk I inn et en more so, Bal we moat not surrender Then coaqnor we must, tor io God ls oar trust i never expect to give on ymir picture nml expect to bury it with nu*. United wi stand snd death cannot oren part na; (vee ls mine andi am thine, and though the on ay thicken my guldlng-atar rn;, uttt be shining bulli mtly forme, shu. on. thoo sweet alni ui». the lustre oj thy spirit can oarer grow dim. Though |. to.ii 1 .m.: know you it is!) von were here w,ih me. Mr heart la sad and Ism dlsap- poloted nt lin.limr nu little n.ree Co Oe to r. reive me and " me lo my boolbie home altersa, h i.npleaaanl day. Oh, saint cecilia, my pencil N Inadeajuate to-rtVe ex- preaaloo to my thongbta. cnn i not cali you. call yon hera. j ui imt tl) Ilks a dove to Ita own natlve boo.¦ I th limr cii'ii.i: t Darling.] bara read your Iaat letter Biniiit twenty timea Vour Joy la my Joy, youl nv sorrow, yoor plaaanre my pieaanre. lhere bre.tthee iiotn.-mi who luis your Interest, your we.are, your health, |nar lni|.|iiiii ts-o (lear to tli.lr lie.irt us I Jiate. . lu: tu- -rec ck ian, greatly disappointed at not see- i,_ vour tt an -onie etui nt en a nee to n, tri d. However, I shall havo in trow whether ll br.ogeth storm, rain, wind or IllOW, Ita . lill -a- I knott ll Hill bl !".' ,t -..lilt I t ll,V linn. Din! I .inti feel the breath of an angel ai tim! ber lips laden with ta of Heaven With untold love aad undying i!.i tlon, J '"ir*t. .'¦ii m...! m.: My practons aarllng, tell me, dearest, ls here any word in Herman sweetei than tlc Knglish word liiriiii_-l Aa canal I carried you borne a itedyou odisrobe, k. .-e.! mt-1 herub a iii., and sent hoi spirit war.r Dg over -feet Holds oi bli... to gather boney iron, eur .looming (towera. I liny ton tull nol think am rltlOg un r. nu thc law allows, bul we iio loioisunil love a .1 lat', unto ll Mv DaSLIXOl I'u urie BM one Innif, cnriu""t, frank Piter, one (rom the iod( ri n-t recesses ol tour soul, inn! you rill aun v nod me ready giveapiompt and heartfelt reply, to, my darling, aeareh for mv n.t. ni mn * all flml lt and e loved lo your heart's content, for ll ys J sk ttl and. 9saith the Ber ptnres. I inist. my ciuiiiiiiug pet, a.,i tm shall i,e able iii take tlmt Philadelphia trip soon. ruin non mini .-iuii.it eve no Bight ul my bewitching 'tamil r, I'll -nun ol lier eui:.iii lng rolCg I 1! '.» p. iii '-' k>- .,i angel presence, abe will deai end npon me to Heaven ,racouple o boars,snd theo leave me to wander again bl t patna a bore the rmi -i bloom uol ami th, loud tampa tis tar. Dr. Augustus T. Budgies was called as a witness and nd lb i; tha letters were wi il len by him, lui t that some ttiein were In.-ii led f..r li s nb ce, it'e fourteen, Bad hers Me Wrote "for un-re a i.u-n'ui'iit." ir*. _aaalar was recalled and swore (Sst tho letters ere ne ii-r sent to lier and that she never *uow tho cou¬ nts until she heard them rend in emiit. Justice Barrett reserved ins doctslou. PROBATING TH- PARKS WILL. -iiiiri.-iiti lott tn lsruuklyn, past, reny, admitted to probate rt will of l-'l.im ia Pales, of Clllitoli-uvtr., who left au trstato " tin- bulk of it fc'oai.' to his datlghlor, Mrs. me and ber children, lt waa contested on the groaad al 'Hf n 'tu Iii e iiml mal pu ty lo in.ik e mt ll, bv tim grand- iiiiren. wuh whees father, colonel Mcbolae Pike, Mr. i.-.-. iiin: 111.. ia aie a. The) leeein-ii only small bequest* e a.e tm the contestants waa conducted by (Senora! Bat- aad ba was opposed hy ti,te Uoodert Brothers it ls es- tel that lbecaae will oe appealed to tba Oeoat.I Tan of >ui.i.n.e Court. NO LIQUOR AT TUB AMi-RICAN IN'S Hf UTE. im n| |tii. .limn nf JesepS I', namban fur a man nus to compel tho Board of Excise (oni- isloners to kIvd Uiin a llceoaa for the sale of lora In tbe American I itltnte bullSlas was a.ail st yea* lay by Jiiitne Van Ilium In BapraaM Cuurt, C'n.iml rs, Sleep..un ha says toni it tke sosa.sn presented wore a nnii' lie tvoiild have In-en of tho np'll lon fl, at ttIO I BtOTtStn* il given by the American Institute was not one ol thoae ,rred loin section t,BOS ot the Consolidation actof 188'al .s ¦inlett iii 1880, ' I li.mt of Appeala bowerer," be -nv., thea.ae of the.ny r va. the brien M us.-, haa held alf. i.Hy. iiml as I unn .-tainl rho opinion, they li*ve decided i every kind ot as entertainment ol a puolic chancier ¦re muan i- >.. a pi, n e ta tba whole or a pa: t of the means iiiiinenlent iniie- vt .t h;u tho stiituta, as bolas an SXhlbl* ui __istrelsy." -m-- HHS OF LEUAL FEWS. lattes Potter, or tba BnproaM Oonrt,baa dian wed Bu nt Henty it. Lonaabaiy, as reeeiver ..f th Vow Oollseom ipany. for an injunction restraining Herbert H. Muxlow wits r ni coUectt.g rent tram lhanompany tor tha gronnd ip:eii by it betweea Obs -Madras' and sirlh sad one- ll. .1 :i:i -eVi lilli -ta, I.t Bgtofl .lill I'oiirili aves., fruin llspossrsslBg it anl tho taiupoiary injunction iniirtly (.'Hitit'"! has ne,ai ilis.olvod. e suit brought by Theodore Thoesae tar a permauent in tun restraining Uta Musical t Bios .ssa latartonag with members of bis orchestra has heen decided by Jnattoe u hue or expel .any rai tm po¬ ui¬ ra:. ii in bis favor. Th eu- members m ni l hrent Ul lt. -Ila el BhOUld Olav with who under .i by-law cause he bad nut been lil the player engaged by Ur. Ti I- uni.ni could uol Join il in i.y lui sn mouths. rrpgata Rollins yesterday reaeve I lits declaion on an ap. Hun h.nie mi bi'h.iii of the widoa ol ti.ita KroemaoJ, an, formerly a Judge of lue Muperioi Court, foi en order iring irom the wi hm of Uie late I.. B, Clark an account ii' ard to Hr. Clark's managv neut of th- Kuli un estata co Sacor, Ji . counsel tm Mr- Pith.., stated that hail (ippiopriiita.il all he nial.I lind of the estate ol ex e Kunian Although he hail r. eeivi tl Juill _i::i, nun iii cash e\ Judge I.t ia i.in a death as tees lor buci eeaful snits. he -uiii Mis Pithibb tlmt ho h.ui only received *> 10.000. bal sos wara denied. juiviii tin-1ii.eof will.m ii. Oanlener sgalnst ids ei Annan kC. Hardener before Justice Beach aud a Jury uti he ¦ hiiiiit il .rio.rn in da magee ior talae Lmpriaoonn nt hiiree ol buiglary y, st, r at lound a inuit t sn mg thu ul .+ .() '. Jos a ilne Boyes, who was injured for Ufa on January n*6, i,..\ ng fallen between a rai and the platform ol the led a-t.ai.ui at tba flattery terminus al night, rue,md ) fruin the Maiih.itl.in kalin,' ( oinpauy yesterday ai ter before J udgo Ti u.,x and a my. THB COURT OF APPEALS. SST, Oot XL.Ia tho Conrt ol Appeals today the fol- business was transact! ,11 87 The Aii-im a Braes sn upper Company, appellant Ulla.ii C Cajaitaor illili aitli-.l-, Hiiiilnii, i, -pt,iel, ii t. --' In tho Slatter of the Julie.al settlement of thoae* nf Dorothy a Muutingten, exuecutrs ol Wales Hunt- .it I.,i-e f. A rx mst "ii in ii,,-nulli.! of ti, petition of ths Vow-York Ca- i,nay onipany. .Uglied. ollom.'ig i-inc (oin t sf tppasls nay caleutlar for Uc- 2A1, 41, yill, IA. IJ, HI, Pt, M. ?.- PREIfl COURT Ol' PUR f.vlTEU STATSa iii m. i ox. Oot -1. in (ha Supt im Court of tho Lulled Inaliiy Itu- foil,nv,ng bOStai -- ti... ti i ISSI M I :t:i The Ne«* fork m il lal Qaallght C'ompaar. piala* a mi agt. Alb. rt ii Thoi p. In ci ror lo Hie I 'fri ull' "urt uited States foi the Southern District of New.Yerk. lon ol C \V Huiuer In bob .I of t .nih MU, ilisuu.-isud pol' .. IS the Choctaw Cation, appa llaiit, agt. the Inlet iiitet! state., appellant, a tlc clint itt Nation. Ar- t coiialiiled bj ^.laiituri .*:,. .ab.ii ,;el tor Choetati Na- Fl -TBO Jackson', llb-. I', '-.o' .'a ll:.! Moltile Itailmaal ny, appellant, agt. Ute foiled Htatea, Araraed bp SP ..ul A i Willard tm appa.nut and i>y I. bl watsin for s. ii-J w albbioghouae. truatoe,appellant, agt. Johu c inni others, ti nata pa. ..I I ne \.n Oi i. ans Nalli s\-sntaallou era, appel laal, agt, K l> Lcbrelon, asa SBOS sta Al ina. un lit .I L> Kouae for appellant sim lionliuutd by atmpiii li itu- appa.aat irni-i until loiiioiiuit at "J o'clock. CAI.I.ND..:-) 1' -DtY. eur DOUST -Chauhbrs Before l>iiMohu«. J..Nos. I, J. il. -'.', Itt mi. ISS, lu?, Int. ITS, 2IA. ills S1.2A2.2.il,2A.i. '11,140, 241, 2 11. Un, ill. i..: m i.i i.i mi.ai. ic.'.. Raton iiavi*. p. j., uni Daniela, JJ. Nos. 7. li, IO, db, 37. SS, 40, Ai .._. it, Vi,...., ..t. till. .1_ ot, ni, 08,70. 70 _ 7s,7._,81. ¦k. Si, 17. SS, no**. Ol'* a.i. .ti e.) -ia..ii iiiiii PAST I. Itefore ll.irr.tt, la.I, l.'il.nl.. .10. ,..!.!....:. --,', .'.-l), !)-l, ,*t())s, naa. til. t'l Ill-Ml Kt IAI IKIiM I'Alil 1 I. ilolole 1.w- (as.- on No ilay calendar, agaa Conni inn in ..na i. Before Peach, j.. .. 8133, -'..:.'. ,'i. SOO, DI.-., 020, .'.i2\.i,bu. ..ll. .rb. 10-8, '.I-'. .i -a. 2. ii, ..-..-,., 18, ;,7". JIOS. .mk( "i ua i ii., i li Pani ll..Itv.'or-Van Vorst, J, No daj .li.u'i.u a.i t .a ni i un i it PART III Itefore Van llriint, J OM.', 1037, UK.'. ;-'¦¦¦ ait.i ,11611 ..**. .tm.:, loni., .'.i.'.i, :.^a.i, ¦:,:_¦, -'.,.'H. 4010. .mon ' -Kl I'I Kl III' ll I'tRI '\ Ile",.I lit.In ta. I 1..I. lOJtt 3177, .11.'ra, .' 19, .til.'-". Ill,_..t. ..'ni. ..nt. M.'-. ..-u-l, uit'b, 8SO. 3-J07 00, itio. A.lt. aili. .'-ll. Ailb. '(.Ant's CoLBl lleluia* Hollins. H..Will of hluiuu p in. lint ( ni ill STSCl-L Tkii-I sUelore tiireiliuan J.-- '. .Ul. i'¬ .i i i hui. i kihi -abti, n. im,.nodawtoh oa ilk, HAi, I....,, IJMl. 073, in.".', v.in, l.uji lanf" iJTu. 1371, lilli 1 OL lil ll.Ul l.i,ll I'tlll II. Unfuri. OUT Nos. 1 "J'.'P. WM, nil, U21, vtin, nil I uni cm lil.i wai. ( i.kii l-Altr lil.- (.afore Ingra Suo.UJ'2, 40,'. lt'.',,. IOJj, ll-.l, 1 l.li, IIPO. UOi, iou coi i.i ti i ai. iv eioie n_s_ UnCA VIOL 1-71 I'JS.. 11*04, I lu:. I SOO, lal!, LU 7. IIS, 19*11. LUI, I.)-'... 1830, l.;n, l lib, l.i.U, i.t*a. ,0. I.(,..', Ij.'iJ, I.b.. I.i, 1,(,',J. V,i"2, VMI, lA'.A, B Pi.bah (UNSIIAL'lliitl:.Aiiji.ai ii.'.l until Thuis- N 1'LAaAa ..IA.IAI. 1 AU li.aol w AU«n, l.So day TW 1 Isla vc Ula afte Bal ardi pu: ee-- h ni full. uf tl it. r o. _. h. i W. V C. P. ir, r Dr Com class lint I lilla! I tl" I raise »o:i:i the fi the C ol Hu BB- C Said t conni to col e.illili lod nilma mei) t w-re bart.. The las m -chu., tl rsl a (hen t comm lt.DWI, " I).*a. frttui t .'cuerj jLiily. the (.'linre. an li next Dr. . preacii nan-. be proi -ai wer lilelini the ni .sion l>« lu Hie of *u,l Al li I'.ev. I. of pim olmlou tba Bal tho ex tin [ali that lt llmle a ol theil Mil 'ted .' DeitC( siitteini hart, w appeale 6 II Spet ul in.d lu ts bullish 1 lust year top price flt. -ilt Hui a iroasl al, lt .. A' | I.ikell bj' SO ll ttl! lu .al a 1 Vt'. O »l better. tt le -ol' UP ri '- OK. tat r al .li's b Inl Ul I. aga.i wa linell Kola au iinpio ;. January, yen. .»''. i ne res ami Hi" bushels* alain, o'.' Mil-siik bilSliels glatlU. bt) ClIK'All apealaf I 1 h. a. pl t I'i. abovo TH et erv ilay aili iUti-1n Vii'j i ell lt. ,, ii_i t.i ¦l.t. 11."i'll al.ote IBs 7.1 Sj «?.«¦> SD (a 7 Si lo.SJ I" bushels ol May iniu, .J ,; ut coll 7.'»al7J There's 1 .ni.. Min rall roMSt*).. Pis as- Kquitt TBBJJ Before Daly, /.-Adjourned nntll M.m.lav, October'Jfl. v Commos pi.ras Tuiai. tbbb-Past L-Before Lerremore, C. J. Noa KiO.'l. TAlb, TAH. -lim) ^ (;ommoh i'i.BAa-TKur. rsa- Past ir.-h. r,,m nook. etavrr, J.-Caae on.No dar cab-ndar. _7(iIT,v,V!," Ki~rflt\\ri&Kt!!8. '. n,,°. "7»»t l_-*__* «7l. 1 l.'.'J. 1147. V.'.Hl. MTU. HO, 1 l.'tti. '.'.'JI IMS ___-tri \m ,iv,-liiHl0i(S- ltr'4-u,ii' "** W wHm15-_ V^iTT-.noL',K7ra'i',n,',*,t- T/Rf-PART H.-Ratfore .Vehrt.aa J - ?L% l22*i Itt*. ISM lilt, nura, ic."), jtrii icu j,nv iiDclr-t ];V ""* ** "". 17^ wW«-t v^yfs/.'-i!',"/', .",''". 3_NS"*_?*ff III Rrfore H.-,!). J -, Nos 140, fi.tl. P.M7. 107S ISM, Kial ISM, US, 7 . 1841, [08* IMO, ISSI, 1".'-.;, i7.*.l, 17.-.'J. 17.1.*. 17.M. Kai, ciitiiTfrnrsFiiAf. Hss-uois-Paht T.-ntforeJa<lge Cow- nKalid Assistant til-trla't-Att.trifV ~ltSSeral._-.Voe. 1.'i. BA, b, 0, i, H. H. IO. ll, IS, VA, 14. 13, 10, 17. IH. If), "Jd, 21, 23 CnfliTor OrXFRAI. Mfssiova Pirt tt. Before Judge wt. (Walca-ve and Assistant District Attorney Purdy N'o*. I, "'.>''m'il0, ?'8* "'10, U' lJ" 1!-l '. ** 1<;' 17' ** 1U' ^a1, ' 1ST eil- TUR CAREE RAILWAY COMPANY. I'XIIAt(mTS AKOIMKNT BEFORE TltS COURT OF APPKAIJ. Ai.ba.vt, Oct. 21 (Special)..fully twenty- five poiin!a of printed matter, IncluAlas orlefa. pimptt- lets and evidence, were left on the Court of Apnea.'s desk to-dar when counsel concluded their arguments lu tlie New-Vork calila road eas*. 'I he raine road ia now ma-inr lt* Inst strurcle for existence on an appeal to the Court of Appeals anallise the OSMffSi Tenn of the Supreme Court of tlie Isl District which refused to con¬ firm tba order of tts civil commissioners for Hi<* eon- Itructlon of seventy miles of cable ri,ada In >ew-VorS t.'lly, franchises for wu.oli were voled by Hie Counoon Council in tue heat of Hie excitement over the Broad¬ way disclosures tn Ne.-York anti pen ling legislative aciinri on the ao-c tiled Cantor bill. The cable .-oinnany 'o-itay waa represented by I -natur William M. Kvarta, [lulim -Sewell and Kverett P. Wheeler. "-Ch.irler" -haw, the champion of the cable ay atom before Hie ..._*:-.l.i'lvo Committee, waa ul io present Tue gp* tosltlon was represented by 1). J. Hean, acting or the city government; Willara Ct Trull nd Luke F. Cozaus, for the ( bambers .**treet Railroad ; I'beeler If. rack ii am ami A.iron J. Vandnrpoel, for rotn-ny-owner* In Madlson-av ., between Twunty' hird and Forty-second sts., and Joiin M. Scribner, nc'iattis C. Hutchins. represent!n< omer autatroiiizng iteresta. lift ta-TallSfSSad olilefly on tlio merits of ie cable system over hors :-can and .Mr. Evans de- otc.l himself to an et t nu i'mi or the legal question*. IS held that the Cable Ciiuniny was SSSBMUStSl prior i the .Surf.-toe .allrsaS act ami under the li. ipi I Transit w. Tile opinions of tho (iurieral Tern were cUi**tly mflned to the right to construct aurface roads under ie act of IS7.". VVheu til * s.*h.tiiia if t ie coinpaiiywia aimed there was uo Ur urnior '.v.null any atreot ni¬ all could be built except tho Hain 1 ati.it act. The constitutional amendment for- ile the further constructing of horse surface ads until tlie fs«gislarure should declare br some gen¬ ii act that additional roads of thal description urti-.t Inuit, lia Noveinlier 30, l"s-:i. Mayor ESeon a*>- tinta-d his coniuiissiou under the Capri Tran.lt Acr. M lysii'in tva- approved bv the Hoard o.' Aldermen in aron, I*.**!,. The ( ourt of Appeals-bon d nrant a re- rsal of I.BOM*!1, 1 he ameuded Cantor AC", c't.tpfer 2, laws nf 1886, IBCU-talSOBt, Si ur-s and [.reserves ibo nie company's nglita and ai well repeals Beetloo 16. BS of 188 _ TSo ordar appealed fr ,m iftoulS be re- r.ed ulm costs ant the petliiuner's tuition irraoieil. dr. I.verla's speech cuiisiiiueil tlie enure session anl » court, In fact, held over for len in in met to per nit n to Close. Tile opposion counsel summited e's. In these the p tim ts made by al it aeetlon Ifl. chupt. r 252, ot the lawa 1884, popularly known ns tile (-'eneral furface Hail- id Ad, expressly proiuitltetl Hie const'uclloii of rill* ida under tho Kapui rrarmt Aet of 1875 By rtrtsoat nh Hie cahla. company derives Hs eii.t-r.ee. All tbe nisei ais.i nell tliut tho caule coiupiuy va* not ally lOOorporatOd aa ir failed Io comply willi several .visions of tue aet of Inl;',, and th it lt therefore ha* right to appear In court. Mr. lie.ni hell that steam Iranda were never authorised. Mr. ivcktium held : tbe claims ol the cullin rout pim v amounted nearly i eontUeailoa of Sfsdisoa-sra, unless condition* were used, and the commissioners had no power lo lui- e Oolnllllona. Mr. Trull's brief went nt io au exhau*- examination of the powers of Mayor Ellson'* com- siouots. ACHYITT AMoMi HIE BAPTISTS. : Loxa ISLAM) ass. Ci ai ION GLOBES H'S MBIT INO.YO CN O MKS WA N'T ID. 'he twentieth annual uk (.'tinjr of the Long nd li.ipuat Aas.iei i.iiu wa* tloiahed in Brooklyn erday. The Wa hi turton Avenue Cburcb lias beer 1 at each session of tbe A-sooiatlon except ye.ter.la] moon, when only committee reports were presented, some lively debates took place and "Deacon" Rich- ou bad to uld Moderator lin li tr.Ison lu Settling ta of order. Ile elicited applause by one of his sue. ful eirorts. when the lier. A. BL ('umbart Iried lo call to order. Tbe tlrat busluess was ihe electtou of the win. Executive Hoard, 'which ls the govern un; body m Association: L. Richardson, <Jooroo II. Forrester, i mer, ll. II. Salmon, W. C. lioone, Kufus I* Cole, J. niton. I). I).. B> M^pioa ten, I i.i>ne O. niaekford, av.ioox, .lorin lseainrrelt, Will.am P. Jones, John .ilson, John A -fa-Mall, M. TX Suydam, tbe Hey. XV. Khoades, the Her. J. C. Allen snd tbe Hey. Ueor_a ulwell l_ T . Mlddleditob presented tbe report of tbs mttee on Kducailou, statluj{ that lar.er fr-,muan irs wero reported this fall at ibe collegee thau usual. Ss Less Island churches, with MOM members, nly tunmea yuu it men stulylu* tor the ministry, eport ur.'eit BSSSIBBI prayer lhat the I.ortl would up vinni, men to preach the (iuspd, aud that tue .. men In scuoois and coilen'ei might be kept true to a tli. lu a.li'', ne wbicb followed upon retaining aiiimtttee on Klucallon lu oltloe se-nral metnuers SsaoolaUSa ur_-e.l tba imp ,r;.iu e of au educated a. ut fl laity as well.ta of a in.ms: ry. Hr. Kuoadei uai the pulpits must mainly tn. suppiie I fruin (lia ry, Tor in tbe city noys ami yoting men bad early isidei now io i:ei ou in the world, wuile iu the ry tbey bad time for tboutriit and wra to take up the it ork of Site try. The need of ibe churches should call yoiiuii a prep trefor tho work. Addresses of almii-ir len r Bade ny tfea Kev. Mes-rs. J. c. Allen, A. 8. Uuui- C. Ciriiuuie.l and tubers. Bar.t_ O. .Nelson offered a rest, ut.on comrnen<l- ilisiiii Ui,tv»rslty for its system of competiiivo r.iiips, wbicb roaaod .reai opposition, ll waa lople I, then rc-cuni.-.1. tin-ii .ail upou Ibu lanie, an .a from the table, au I peudliu rufe renee iy -t Ittno was ai; alu laid upou the taine while (bo tried to withdraw lt. Tuon, ou motion of ¦on " Kte'i ii'lsoa, Hie whole matter wa* eipun.'-.I ne ninnies. A report no Ibo temperance queeuon. ti lu ila character, was presented by Lir. I). C. Committee on the State of Religion In tbe les reported 804 baptisms lu the year, crease of CSS. It was le. Med to meet year in tue Emmanuel Church, ..:. I A. K. Oeesler waa appointed to iheaiiiiu.il sermon, with Dr. F. R Morie, alter¬ sa irs orv of lue Ked for 1 Avenue church will teen lented. The maiiairer* for Hie Hap Ut Home eloct- s t-'. c, Liii'lc. ( li ines lliiliDaid. C. II. lim. orr, tl Majur .uni (1. H. Korresier. Mr. Forrester read ort of the in mahers recoiumondluK tbat provi- m.ide for oi p an hihlreii, a. well aa uni people, Homo. The tliiauoi.il statement showed receipts 89 88, nd expeiullllires of *0..S;iS SI. ie eveiiiin.' session addresses were made by tho M. liai.liauaiii.of tuiseity, au l lir Robert Lowry. ifield, N. J. a sharp deb ate followed over a res¬ orter),! by Hie U't. H. Ii. Kelsey, providing lb.it (1st linnie nhoiild net lake hiv of the rooney fimu L'ise lund of iUn eliy. Si<vsrti apmksr. upimaetl IBS of ISa money. "Deacon" Richardson ur-rd tva* riklit tu take tau money. Ile aald lhal the lowed thal lt w ia always rltrht ro lake (be tunney ¦Vii for tin* l.ord'a work. The Rev. li. W. Falwell several passages lu opposition but lim ut " said tbat they did nol apply. One of his uta wa. comp.verted bi' Hie Rev. A. t, ti.iu:- :io said flatly. '* lt ls not true." Mr. Rlcbardaou d to tbe record, aud wein ou with bis arguuieut, RAIN ARD PRODUCE MARKETS. lATURM OF \Kti* YoRK DHAUYCM. stain lu tr rai u continues on a moderate scale. Tbs ale Brit.eal new (natures but linre i* a ul.tWtli nf toling ou the psrt of those who wiro bSBSBBBM bears nut! ti lu, on the last billie were sellers around the I. Ailliniii;h our tcianarics aro tilled lhere isa setili- t the ii.i-ls of Kninpe are bon mi later to stimulate .inaii'l and cause a Invivier eipmt inoieii.eul. lull ott r lay wa. brui, alihouflt nny J'.'.ooO '..usinis tt. m stu],pera. A piomineiii dealer slta-r bu.iuoaa hours Bf|0tS o'! toast al ngtilt-a 1 Si.!, lugliei thau tin uf. ¦BIBS "t Hm furclKD markoia. The opl..ms .a,iw list irregular, but lu the n.nn I livy Kb au Upward tt-n.lt.ney. I-mal guoiailiuia at'vi a-eiit higher aa follows: uctotei, -. .. si-, il, .-tn... i-. h,r\,; January, SS1*: Kebruary. rah. tu '.. Ma*. SS '»i t-nts im ni u .pot lotaarea iSaM Ihe O|tlioit u.aiket »m* dull Di.ttiK li n*.iPH) hu.Uria to eaportera. OptionneuiliHl al n.e In-.; pim s aila I cent, aa loimwa October, lat; Stsrsaisar,?ft'ai Ho- itt>t; Jaauary. 47%, PSSrsary.SS, Hay, istgooaia «ithitiit ni.aia'i iel i hangam om .... , lopnoua eaied I (lt loner, ll lol .Nnveiiiitei. .1.1 lor Lei eii.tiei. SS*j a v anal .lu 11 ula tor May. la lard Ihe aiport inquiry s lai^e. -'.OiKi lien s ul .team amt 1...(HI tirrci-* ot ie ia lur shipment, spocuiatiou ni opuous na. un t.ii»,it.ii.', fisial.ausoi ia* Boinia wera soorealaa October, A'-ob. Soieniber. *o December, si. oa jXilO, l-Sraarr, SS Sti Manu, to Ai. iu* .tiiaisof irr.i'.u .it .N.-ti-Yiirk. 1'lilla.lelnhia, BalUiaere lian yeaterda] -sere ».s fellows ii lu-ai coin. Hb.nAH ,tu.nels oats. 113,111 uushels. lolal l.ajgl nus.te... nour. aB,9nA bntroio, n C.loaaaa h ann rst. l.ouo, the arrivals ware Wheal, lil. *S coin. SIMM buaiiel. usia. lu.l .,1'ii-usu-ia ~Ul i.'.'-il oua!uria, Hour. 17,11." Barrels ? THK HUM IN CIIICAl.O. >. Oot 'Jl *uemil>. Wha*at waa suit.sl olt al the his umi ninir at a lusa tu tbe aellet* ul .alla last inaiiL. rtlagsawaro mSsS ki aa laarasTS^i «*ui»itsi xu 1 Ins opliou opi'U'sl at 11 ¦« a eula and atol.t up al uuv* IOSalO S beal ass ballad today aa llluilmu tnl a f.utiuu'it 1U "'.> toli-uoi'li. .uni suki ned ia tbe Al TA** teni* Note,nisei vt li. aa I i.M.kitt similar. Al sl'.i.i i.nl Int'* -" » I'U*. Il ul. .'Ilium ti as . ai aa lona'' wheal ai ;.t>-i<i 7..«. veale, lu tkeaSial liiMiU UH" Iccll-K wa* alt nilli au.l wheal *ol mu ely ,,ii,.iic.* .ii it," 'lose _eve.ibel wSeateoUal ', .1,,, .,.(. al lo-vien s. and JaliuiMT pal. st Ihe i-bariil* »el" mi l-,(00 biiMae.* ul elt.at, labsls oi .,n. 'iA.uuo iiBsbslsol Ital ley aud oo.uuu ttaie-ed. rms nu M..) lorn, so's i-onia; -.alla aa li'.uul. Ile lia.i,'.» vt.if 1..7 .ai* ol « ..i at. .ni lu., of oat*. I'utaou .Nuvruil-vr ubi-l 'final taruU, inila ou Noveiubt-r altval, a's **Ol4 '* icuia. in-thin..' about her sugcaatlug the ¦ uob," s uo aitcctai ou ..-,' i. pirtiy Ma) , tti.i'ii at .tiuiii't, tu* oars from lue cob, -ae uot a seat nbal tbe bo-i-eTa may say. -iJUoainu Co-rtcr. .


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CRiriCI**Ms IN A CA-8TIC SI'KKCH.- The l.ppublicansof Patirson bad ft bitfratifSalton uiecunr in Washington Hall last night. Toannouncement thal Mr. Howey, candidate for Uoernor, Senator Frye sn l Comrressraan Phelps were

¦peak r.i'i* every seat in the great hall, and wbeno'ol(K-k c nue there was scarcely standing room. TheiWere about 2.000 voters piesent. orent enthusiasm prVeiled. When Messrs. llowoy, Phelps and Pyre enlerewith a ininiber of prominent Republicans there was tr..tendons cheering. John ll. Morrow, president of tlBoard o' MapsllST. ptesl tel.Senator lr te was first introduced and was warm!

greeted. He reviewed the iee.-rd ot tha Democratio A<ministration, coutr.tsii.ig forcibly toe condition cthe Unveil,in mt us the Democracy left lt twentyfive year* ago with lu condition as the Ut.publicans restored lt to them In 1--1. IlChallenged SaySody to point out a single legislative acfor the lem flt of the peop.e done by the Democratuparty since lt came Into power. Vi by notl They haaforgot len baw. 1 hey started a year and a half ago Jus.'bete they left adi lu WiO. The country had been g_-S|ahead .*« as lo am.i/e the world since then, and thtDenim racy hat been left behind In the dari.gea. Hie Hist tl.atc thay dal Was tiassault the 1'r.ileel.te I*..!. lue S|teaker believedIn a pu* ot live tai ff. t.ot to protect capital.Capital dat not u< ed pren t g. Il lt ill liol prosper lu

rn:. v. i ii,e",'.i boUils or Into a bankeran eld Mwe.lng Capital was a row.ard, and tliot »» * ,e :," ir ..e. io cam lt out of tho stock¬ing an.l peA '1 'n:.i ;i:t'."..-s. tart s, furnaces, s! « nulls, to.¦|Say iveii Sad VS nen a: i to pay them wages.Tbe .-aaa..tr drvniel blOSOOll to ihe throrisls who

bold a tari- to lie sooosstltatteasl. but Washing-ton, M.c.iS'n. J-tfer«on, Webster, OSeats,and Ca;, ha l Sold that a tariff was not only a constitu¬tional ri.lu bul a eousttttitiuii.il du y. Then he answeredtbe (Mi - IMS ineurisis, wiui forget lhat the world ls notall one great family aud thal what are necessities hereare luxuries in Lut'ope. He reviewed the Democraticattempts to revue tue tariff and traced the ongiu ofthe Party's spirit to slavery Itself. II«domed tuat ..andu!! was a Protectionist except forcoal and Iron. Pul if the Democrats should protect coal.nd Iruu .md wlp-oui every Industry In New-.ngtand.lt tudu.1 would vnje for with party every time. The Sen¬ator ma.le a noworful tariff arguineut, reinforced by a

we.,ith,,.' Igareal.i-xni o the vetoes of private pension bills he

moved ii - a- .1 erl by several SftSSt_-_f luitanoes ofliarus'iln ami silt:

I belli laml is lion si snd means wt ll, bnt I slsobelier, i ai wbeu Orovei Cleveland on siii.e hot daj plantsfa Ibo pit inls us ai. arin Chair, lukes nfl* lils (nat. nut-.,ns li ¦Im.i i . a palm leaf tata la hts left ballal ¦<

inlii-r' hi a ttiites ,i ei.ge inn lines long rspeasiun li, nnii pool soldier's wistow, bo bas ni.ni to ii*, fullai..11 m. ,¦!.: iapartlj Lbc measure of hie gigan-ts latelleot,

'Ibis *.u y voe I te ii"! wi", ii thunders of ap;, mise.Wr. iiyc cnt with an appeal for voters io supportthe tu:, Uckel an a unagai least eulogy of the Repub-lie Beatty cheers w-re -_¦)Vi-n to hun,

MK. PHI lJ's'.. SPRBOHaTheci;airm»u then latrodasod Mr. Phelps as "Our

tanti proiector ai 1'a. nag u." Mr. Phelps was re-eeived aa w.irmlv as usual, ile said in substancet

I am siuiv that the D.eratli rand-data lor Ourarum haaloot his temper, bot I au. not SUin seal at lt. Ile isa vii liini.i in,.-),,,...!. timi, .nie Ile I.. ,i. t..: McPherson and Abbettwhen they prowls**! t.nm;.ita and elect bim Oovi

Ji ak* UOt (lo lt. Alni lints si: liJta-it.'-i.tt tole] sae Howaul Ellis and Thomas lanni Lngj.-ii sn- '¦. ra in ..ttl inni,. Ellis, tbe Borges I ant) >< a .i.wi)., bas :-< ti the f.' ni every Democratic Congressional ( mi\ i. uii sdlatrlet that I ran remember, ei.iel aa chair-flan, ai- atm ur a sn.l..late. » . -lt ls no nominal

lian role lor Howey.'1 While English, thc old wai boranelesvi tt in. .'in ti:iv t .-.irs has accepted any sis amt ealieii it

m viiiii.- it iaii,v Democrats practised ii, 'sit announcediiiai i.in slgnatur. that oreen is not me nominee ami si.aiig)Ot leat-iVr lita \ ailsa. Ulai Wander that Ora eu i- OTOO*

11,it. tl Democracy t Why geullemeu, tin-ia- ,- uol h Demoeratic district in tba MUte wbers lbs Danocratn ..m.Hatefaa- rot . ulna a Democratic Hasan running agalnal bim un linotu in p. i.r isi- a e n raitt newspaper, which ls s great dealvm-e. Aad when ludge Orena msi.es into tba solitude olShs woods thal he may gel reuei byntterlag a tow naughtyssa.nis, ls ti,ete * , onnty a hi ie. it tit-steps to catch his breath,In- iii.iv ind hear Un " *¦ ..ta i. ml Hie " spill " o' the Democrutu ticket I ((.lest lailglitt r ain! applause.!Again. Ju ge I'h* two wings of las I'eac .eratic party areflopplni together I .tim In Nt w Jersey, but they ors floptiing a.a n-i oii'iai' Vim were excnsabls ia losing yourta ii |.ii. nut why dui tun lose lour head Hsrs J"ii v.,

around the country still repeatina -till read.lg tbat spaacheg.last mi while yooi friends and enemies sre alike strivingn rale to correct your ballucinailoo by tviiiug yon that youaaii' nut maning i.a a-t Phelps, but sgalnei1: ty. Yon are badly mixed Jnuga, oayeur candidates, botjim un Ban mixed on youl tacts I-ast Friday, on thieveryj a. yon are reported as bavins re.ni U.t names of albaascasarea upon whicn lbs House voted and then with Ibeainealcfli-ct,lookingnpaftei each measure, to say "OreeaVoted'aye, I'helps Sbaent" Hut yon forgot to tr-ii them thatthere was only uno ol those av... roi ordeU in Th* OangruHonmiI -ri Hast la one ol thew riiS l.'-mnl stunt*, lhere »;mlit vt i itnv i eli- taken, slut Uial oa tbs om- nt il,eui it null wasen mpoi ..mt measure, aud wait ti uteri rue hus., ri ord,Ora n.aa ii.,., laaabsent I repeat, ooh twee! I_eaeaseas.an¦Hill |-. ,.|. a tl il. Thr I., ni '..I only tvto "ali injin.: lanioattagh In lu gi I mipositlnii sud ilnltatu Snd ..n one of thoaetwo yea were reported absent -iou selected tann owaatasi .ns, In ouly one ol them is Ittbe record m.ti tun lutedaye tm Kiintliei nt tin-in dist \ nil wire -inst nt.Mm li sniiy J Hillie, has mode vim mini ^un ly noone could

Imagine lhat Jogds oreen ol sound nu ie. w sold b tva lorgotanlo tel) his bearers mr lie would have wanted to tell mata!!iiaasa lui ii showed lhat tlicse BlcSOafei Wile jiil-it hs amattel ol oourss ami i.t uisii.imous consent, so that U)yObSai.it bail hal ii.i-ii nu one.

1IIK MIA-l'tlS IJf DBTA-ta,Iel ma rin over Uie-e alas measure, a-he pave thees:

"Nu. 1. OU the bill foi le. ling laud gi. n - to Hie SIOUX Citylind SS Paul Ralina. Oreen, aye li.r its clim, lei.itltiiipin lp-a;.-iit." Ol coarse Phelps was absent, fur tins araaanne SU, the day Phelps salle. No« Oreen didn't sall Valpare la no leroi lhat be voled ays There is no record that

tnj une vi.ii .1 :i\ (¦. l'he simple record is that (lie House reusart io ¦ o isnier ll No. *.;. Iluuse bill a...ll to preventthe finp lin unlit ail convict lalor alni alien labor Upon public

wi'i-s. ei/- Ko roll-call House bill 1,623, which tut sanliar lu its priivis.iiits-ineeii at. Phelps Sl-seuL" lin. is Hieonlv nu* .i*tuie cited by Ju ii-e (.nt n where lhere waa anj rollrall, amt iii,-uuly une tsin ie in. a.M wis recorded, rids is Uteouly ...aa,.! vt, have that hs voted Iw any uiii, of them himself.I _nm 11 lhat ,i y n.nee ita- nol nu lu- mil cull. I was absentof piiij.e-f Tlie discussion revealed thei.di that there tts.Se nen. opposition to tho hill »ini I profarrad t<> smploj theforty ii unite-* required by lha roll call la bots import.nibaalin si. My ludgmeat waeoorreet There wan oav eightvoles against ihe measure

'.\i. :; ii ii .'a..nu. t.. protect mechanics laborers amiiHi.nl* la their wages in Um District of Columbia i.r.euayr. Phelps absent. Of ronrae Phelps was absent. Ii wasJuly, aim Phelps weelo i nrope i mu* ui,-'iit Hini paired.jii.ii 11 out urren s aye t Tiac record ls no discussion; DO roilcall; no aro hy Ursea, "No 4 .-senate Bill 3,070. to extendto I'tter a arie rs lite eiglil 'lours a tlat law. (.reen aye, PhelpsMeant." Aga._ aalete aay, Kboipa waa abaaati tm n v...*the same ill, M July. Hat bow alt..at Qreoa's aye I lt¦iras unsale ta, say bs gave it. Eur Uut tiros Thr Bogara showsnoi only tLat mere ».,? ix. ra .iii, bul thal there mt no rotaat all. Oreen nm st havs »*tt. n mn ave late la tba afternoon lathe II oust icstauianl ,1,mi. Mer No. 3. lilli lo im urpa.tn.it- trade" uiiiniis Oreen aye, PhelpsahaenU" The Judgeplseas hie moth thia tims [_soghter.j Thtaiaii'tJnly: thisis May, and Phelpa waa preaenl mull supisise be voted ayeTins is like the real ol itu- J udge's measures » ben there i» ncopposition no Tote and no rerord and if anybody toled aye,Sverybnly dbl "No G. h. R. 7,1*81. fur tho rsasjaauueat oJrailr'uaii and oilier land grunts oreen aye. Phelpa absent."Alas' 'Hie Judge veiituieal away fruin the mooth of July,when even lusty l»nen its.is r, Karope.and ventured awaybom bil is iiml hitit uo oi isisiiinn.no vide.ami were pnss, il blonsiiiiiii.il-. unsent l>. this case thero waa a mil coll, andFlii'lps is rea ordeal as \ otiug at e On Nos. T uml r* of Orel u schat g. s. Keaoiutloa 14V aint Senate Dili -ii', "t oonres iiisPl.elps abseiil. lor lt IS the same July 14; aud perhaps lillsafe waay Orena roted aye, though Lhere is oo record al ILAad now we tuarn to measure **a S, ll. R. 7,8-7, repealingtis* iiu.i.i i i iiltiiie. jue eiii|iuiin mitt ilesert lani! ia' ls. (.nenaCIUltS III* WHS Hlisenl Mini -Ilia, n .- lilia) PlMlpa tans n|s. nfcouise iin en nas sits-iii. lor this aaa au imp,,runt bill andone (me mi «im h waged tba second ol the two great flghte ofthe Issi st ssiiui bettAien lahor hui runllal he I rial tightWas on iiuii gi. at bili in Hu Interest ol labor whit k providedsmetbiMt ol arbitration and gave its decree tha force endelgnilv of a rulled Males ju lg),,ant 'I he second was Hus ll.F-l.ni'l ^ ou saul Judge, Uiat ou mat bill phelps wss Ab¬sent nrt.Belaly thors was a vote and the record shows** ll.- l ' a_t i liieen abaenl."

JLDI.K OKKI'N's ItKCORD.There remains of hts wliole charge tlie one fact that I was

absent at one roll-call ujon Hie passage of a bill wldeh onlyhad eight o|i|siin uis. 1 did uol Iel ao imiietalive summonsto hu le's- lake mo from the floor ul that House untilI saw saleit* dispiiscl ot evan- impm taut measure,let us sae If Judge (.reen du! as well. In laiiuiny there wee» pall inln It-i-iluinui lu .nit uligal.- tl.e cl.ailgi- I .al the luluBiaihImiiI ttl Ilia- Nm fullI Navy lard had reuiovi il patriotic III-aa rip: ons 'linne nasa spirited debate i Ua- llooaedivliledthere -as a lull call Phelps vailed aye. (.nen was abaent. In Mart h IhS (ital I nt abd Pension Apjuo


.teatIn Marah the gi tat I nt ai.d 1

¦sin".on bill came up; Da n- was dlsajuwas a loll call; Phelps inti il aye, Oreea »ae absentTba. Ute ui gent Deficiency b. Il i-amtr up; there was disciis-ai.n lillie was a roll a all riu-tiis voiarral syn. Oiw u was ab,eent. Thea tho areal Edacailoaa] bill eaaie ap tbeqnestloDwas relining lt to the omuilitea- un Kducation P .elps vutaslaye, i.iisis wss si.st nt. In April the bill ll. lt '.'.'.', tu estabtub a >. uh-Treas u ry la louisville, came up there w_, discusOban, Un ie waa, a i'u il tall. Phelps votoal aye, Ol ecu wa* ali

BriMial. V




f ii*i>toolwasollielajtti

Consular an' Dphuuatlc bill lt was- I'lu-lpsaje,Ihe bilOn th

prea-n jits. nt. Thea Ihe (".Jil tu pint, ct the people againstfraudulent butter came u .. On Msy 10 a mut iou was inane toUnit the debate, as its enemies ihreslened to kill it by talk ;J'tiilps tiili'i! uy, (.leen was absent laab r in the mouth, ona titular luiits'un, Phelpa veted ste. on-a-ii was ui.e,ni. luenne, un au amendment which would injure tin- bill, I'helps*»iit»>i nay, oraau was siaseiit on June 7 eaothse great bill tutbs Inti rest of lab i Uni to repeal the pie Hnptlos taw.tameap Ml. ilnliusii ui..viad lu luke up uther Inisiiiess. Ihefjieiu - i.f lahur rAllleal against Jloimaii. Phelps voted nat',

©tn tt js Absent. Ami mis ia the bill which At fis timi pass

JarWesting¦abepiepallyfifi,e.Im li adu erS1AA111

8.Og*. Aaaultiliig tn Judge (nea n, vt ns one ul lliose re g witrai l.yate The Leered shows Hist 1 nas piesent at .(. ».sii_;f andVoted for lt. auu thal Judge Oreea WAsabseiil. lu this, thaO". tan. gi. .1 tn laity of laals.il g »ur..,i,. h. sn ms tu bav*tea n a, si i:t bad ii at the inception anal the end. This is theBill of nh il. llepIoacLbtlves ul'be three parlies lo tin- HoussOptiX, thusIlendi ison, of Iowa It ls In th, interest of themasseaof

ipli. who want homes tu live In.I'mii Ida i t' *( law is the law of tba spot ulalor and

_M of Ult* i.uiiesi ts inr seeker.("otb It is (.ne ot UM Mool iiitjMif taut, lu the Judgmenl of

tbsriiAjur.ty of the Coiuiiiitlee ni) VublJc Lands, uf any ol thebill* lhat hate baaen pending balure lhat commit lee wim inf¬erence Ui our public laud aysk'Hi.

I UK ai BilKATIoN BILL.Snd now let me refer to tbe first of these two great strug

¦glse which resulted tn triumphant vlalory of the right-theMil to tail.nate arbitration and let me repeat theSheri*-' | maale In Trenton that the Deuiosratlo caudlSate fui (.it ti nor eau not Mid lu Pkt I buiree** anal keenedanon any .'l th. se n.a-aauies directly in tl.e inlai, stol labor, orWan ani Isling rn any-Le wi, nh leleialothe in Iel esl uf the.arand Laboring tisan, ou« word oun,-at

of Imiie, nit. i«st or en-.n;as.i. nt ln.ui his lips Nm. inoiiths in s. saiuii, amii aet de iud of the j_w.-r of speeah. aud vet, 7/.#tura of MN than n.oW) page* Odes nol ioiiIaiu o*-» ".I A'"ti" ," ''V,,s'"i,<' i«'heei a. j Hui retnraWe.ord. On II R 7.WA In i_-Orp-T_t. ll,,, V.u,ig WI'S < (..-islian ll (.me in.i aa uupiopei MHONA PheJisAaOretrS absant. 8tt:i ai oi.tu uias-uur. in ihe ipieie I ufssrallty ta. iir»!ii,,il pool »el.ug In the fitatlli I ul Columbia%a<-aaie, Oi.en ai,., ut On fi. H. 7,197, fur the r.iiut*,_ffarb il uistei wuiuw nf tbs gallanl old Oeneral a ho.* namelUaleal Witi, Oua' and .-.h-raaa _inl hhendaa l'he.ps aye...¦ gaesal 'I brae WKto lu .'

The1 meeti:

last i

CountRotess: ll a

May uljsi.nil¬li liiainAla

lng. liAss- in

¦I seregu.aday fi

ll /aeilie-ollng ls0, eneftorl lta-giatyVS bel,lug f viItCfil


ins a-saUai "lt

liana*ll.ll ls

Ill .1)1 |ell an f|the Kopnanalathe Ua ktihe m.

semi,ly Iiii, in

Un.a, I ailAdi ll Aselilli-. Jeal, ami ti

ihr Ia

allon of Use Sis-Lute of Liberty- a pal/ioUc ubjax.t aila

iTooeiiC'halMiialfur his itlu his puv

tot some Interest to New-Jersey.Oresn was absent. Tbs *' snlry heats "were too much for bin. Again tn July, on anamendment to the Deficiency bill to pay for the transporta¬tion of troops .-Oreen absent This day wast-o hot for theJudge On a bill lo refund ce: tain taxes Uh gully rollortediOreen absent. This day also was too en!irr. [langi, fer sndapplause] Onahill rn nay Mr. la*agiie*s claim for Ihe (lev-eminent use of his wharf at dalveston Oreen absent.Tins wee another sultry day and the Interest ofOsivesifii had to suiter Tor lt. On another hut dsyIn July, on a bill to pay the poor jeana! clerk forbia services (trees sbeeat. Senate MU 1.683, Raagsa'eavesl1u!i lo ri'i'iitate lnurstate rommel.. Discussion, a rollcall,(Hana Sheeai huh sultry Jutv. Tho River mid Harborbill ls up (or psese/re: Pisa-msalon, roll-call, ouch absent,1-ater on the same day Ihe bill to restrtet alien ownership aslantl ls up fur pass ag**: Discussion, mil rall, linen st,sent,Nn» oreea thanks Oed that Jnly ls ended, aad ao do yeoan.l I. [Great lauehtct.' Me lu,i.e August will give uscooler weather. It ls August, and Bessie bill 8,060. to la*crease the pensions to one leggt A and one-armed soldiers lsn.ot eal br the gallant ((sates ofAlabama, wim rarrles himselfan empty sleeve. insriisslnn, mil-call. The snltt v tn<ats utAngus, iini not prevent a gallant Confederate from owns th «justice to his gallant tom, but Oreea was sbeeat August.Uti.. Ettver and Harbor bill was retamed from tbe Bennieai tl ame up asam iib.easton, roil cali, (tresa abeeet onthe same dar the Nandi? Civil Appriiprlallon tull was np, di'-cussi-d And the roll called Oreen waa sharai anSttenostn il.uise Reoolntlon ll* lo pey out tha Treaanry ..r*plus, aame up, the Inst was still lot, much and 01*000 was ab-Stilt

HtP-NTANOS Too i Air.I sm surry tlmt .Indee oreen forced me lo make this Invest!

gatton, fn this hasty survey we timi ttefSWBBBOl I monthIn the yen in tar loch the roll-call on in "mi taut SMeaaMS SMrot slmw his absence. Re srea she.rt srhss ttsi.r: « i. nltod un iiienmnri'Di ii- fn lha H var HndMather 1,111, ,m the Pension bin. on Ihe bill t« rr_ol ite later*Ptate Commerce, on Ihe '.111 for tbo Stator nf late nv. on tim>¦ ll '" m.i'i:'.at i.. winns, on the bill i" rent si tbsUnti la- In simrt, of stu,nt all the measure*ulileb moat vi*

-ri the piiltli,' li,le,.sis. IL* sat. that he voted forIhe Oleomargarine bill I kim- that Ihe record ol the [looseShows that hw ts gs a,.sent on thc .linn i.i ni"- delwoa absent on ii- passage. We have his ownshin Wp*.'iin.,. TA* Rreordotlonni tay* "Oreen, n.g., nits, ru ;,,.| :h, peeortt atJune A reports Indse oreen as

"If I had nut been paired I would hat e t .ia ,1nc iinat the b ll "

....ile ..ns besnbseonentlv repented snd voted- when we niact from the Renate.for it. li's vo'md hl« repa ma, oe « as loo bite Thal

erase t di ledrt is ls tb.st

nine e thanmi ! iiinv isa! In. larma nt lhere can be ao better.the le.iimunv ol tbe ft.- deni «f the American Dalry A "aorta.i on '¦ ole t me to pro noting tins ineaaore lie

hesltateo-t lally torepori v il Jo If* 0)at titui in thlsmstter waa .*the abettor of Itand npon tne *>ur>-]'. nm! u.e svinpath'/ta with rum tu the tannera. [Ap-planee,'

, ,ts f.r the eharcethal Oreen 1« not n friend of the liitiorlngmen. I repeat the demand whloh I han already male tnat Ishould l!_e tn s.-e ur.therof lh« great lahor bills, nponwhlehl think every man In the lt,.I spoke except him. urnpon am other mes ne In the Inter si of labor nn<wort Ont In has et. ,,*'e.eil npon the floor n' thal Hon ieAnd har* leave fha- lodge, wita mv regret thal bs w s Urefirst candidate for Oovernor In the State of New-JeraM whobroke the rnlo that candidates for that nigh ollice wen lecues meaaara*aad not toabnai ss n. [GreatappliOBPtelB How -v wi. next miro luee.l aud spoke a fewwords. Ile received a hearty welcome.


A-*SKf»-MI \ ls os OTflCB- lOl.DKHO.Iii.'oitiintinn received ut the Kepal,lie-in State Cmn-

mittee lennis indicates e general pinn of settos in thointerior bf the Dsnoersts to b_losses Bspnbilcsngnut te Basis out and vote, while Baioc every esertxinto _ct out ths Daffi! i I atic vote in tbe cities I bis linsiiuiiiciii tire eosasaittes ts make fjpictiii e_erUosa to(Tet ont flic country vnfe.Tha I'cuioc!alic Cougresslunal Coaveatioa is tho

XXIXih DistMet adjoorsed ysstsrdsj without n miii-ostiog say oas to oppose .Mr. Dsvespsrt, rbsDetn-orints hate followsd a like ionise in eOBM otherdistnclsaAmong tin- callen st tbe oonunittee rootse uris :ilyell known Irish leader, who had this to nny "JudgeDsbtelg will, 1 tliiik,'.. elected De will net tin*

votes of Irishmen no, only becsnee «f his merita, batbees.se .erepreeeni t e Bart! al proieeucn |i'his,nt ooaree sppliea to other esoaidales on tin Kepabli..an ticket The Democratic part* in us tendencies i-aow ail f.u free trade li isa strsnsc tb ng to me:hut it should propose for ilii- rmi:,tn the pn sI,.' -t iin.- ot fr.i'tiiii- whioh Englaad, foi ber ownkIv.'ui tags sad sol ir mus. desirei io se, prevsil laImerioa England natara!))? wanta to mauotacl :>mr iv,ncs lor oe, sad .Hms give emplaviuenl to beiiii-pliis population; elie wanta tins eonottj foi ¦nsrkei and aesires ber man ifaeinres is be admittedree thai she n'.iv be aitle -o undersell om owe |m,-luceis Tlmt ls wbj .theie supporting the partv thali raeponaibis for the Morrison bill snd the Adminis-rstios ihut proposes toearrj pal Boob a policy win-,iee that the lice Trade Leanne bas raised42,000, of whieh 180.000 irss sabaeribsd bj Eoglish:i :i ki.-11- a iui importers Iho pabhehsd lietel roe-nit lioih ("((litmus the ni'.ines Bini there cannot be nmon itt ahout it. A free trade oru ib admits thatiiiiie-tcnilis of the monet, nf the New-York Free"rede League cornea irom England,' sad rho Larn¬oo Mt ii: iig JournaJ s.n s ii ti,i, Uesgue ¦ icoeo le.e may hope tor e very Isrge trade frum Amertoa.hat tells the whole storr. I tn* lr sb-Amer oana sreut verv loud of EnglSB-j. have no epeeial desire lolease lu-mr lo adopt a line of poller which will aidir to tbe detriment ol American intereata InsboMB?irin to raslise tbe mlatake tber have o-ade.ieop*trtisc tbs lieinnci ific party, mid tba* propose BOWtheir votes to provost, ii poesible, toe Introductionthis co..ntry of Hs psrnieiosi Eagliah tree tr,nieicti ines."Wi -dev Honker, oi Ccrt'and ("orr ty, ulm called nt>. i tum,utica- rooms, said that to his mind l.i pulilieiiiiest ss wa- merell ¦ queel on ol get.ag oat the rots.Die low pnee ot W eal," he said, .' BS.SSS in part, Iappose. I'.v the coinpet.tion ot India nnd ol',er chciip-oaociog Nation., t,«i hes our tannera that ther mustIv uii their own country tor a Burkett, This canliv be accomplished bj doma our nun mannfactnribgstead o' hnvinir it tlonr lol us in Esglsod. Itiesicstion of msuitsiu.is ¦ proteoOve turill." .Mr.Hiker did not think thal tin lined Tarli Prohlbi-)lli.-IS were Blahing .iii. gains in li s p ttl ot the Slate.Phe temperance roten. 1, added, .' bsgis ts realizeat voting a third party ticket. poi up bys psrt.iBl lines nut hope ior BU00.-un rely helps to delealc o' iv putty which illus oiler anything praetieuloo this qm;itloo sod to pot *a power spsrtj whose(.lined purposes srssllssjsl Ht .ss_psi_s.slegials-'ti."\ Dumber of copies of a Demoerstii oircnlaresat toitmasten and other Federal officials asklog fornpaics eontributions lune been reoeived si Bs-blieaa headquarter*. Oaeol tbeee, received bi ¦

r ear iui, asks toi a eootribntJi ti ol 910. This inither ii; letrsl os st Demoerstk retain,AN AMEMBLf Nominu. B-8.G-.&

\i\osroN, \. V., Oot. 21..C. V. Hester, thesocratic soi.lose la tte i.t _ssemblj liisinct ofler 'nuaiy, bus resiKueal.

?--A .11; M lil A' \0 MI Ki T lox.

'nov. N*. Y , Oct. 21.. Tlie Democrats of theLMetrteto! Hsusselssi Oasstp today ssislsstsd ILl. I'eiers, of lioisick, for Member of Assotubir.


teeotoredBepnbttcaasel the vnth SeesmbtT Distruillit No 1.sti Ml tl) ave Inst Bight Io BIBlliel Siriiinst I'u-.ii aat .i uii ii KoKeerar, the keafer et » sameai ui Peatthst. Slid Salli, ave.. Who refused tn serve lailniel i,,enis flees st.ii iv H.: at t ouiii nf i heit esler, I. A. ami au. alWru-fark Potorpriu, k.is iIisiibibb. sud ta asRuaiaaluilr snit! tluil tliccoinreil men Shoatd lu tarn.-,. ina solidranSeta I from tbemea who vase lo repreaent tbtse ¦g* that Dui mini.I se. ure the enlorveiuenl ol Ih. lawtutoring t i)uni ngbts tn ull.solutions were iil.tjii I, say D'.*, th ai as Hm McKeevelliters bad alway* claimed lo be Hopoblloansi as lohntrever baS otuuso of a diatrlct In thc liepublican d stricii, eh sn mauy colored iti-puiii a-.iiis lite: mul s~ blare|.. en, a -I tain ti n.-'i ..li sa.-i nulli .,| X,. call«, i- a il,,l«raagainat tbe von principles ol Ute Hrpublloain par jr, theMIL- iii lll.inl Of lin* letti' l< Ol Hie \ llt.'l As-i-lnl, t Ulla repudiailoaafJuba McKeevel us captain or lendei ini-ii ;. and tbi spi nlntn enl ol ai apis n thal bail tba ret siui 11.nt. a n.I lbs W.Ted rolers ol Ibe dislriclmy I. lioHiiinir, a colored Innan iai, aald Itel tin-Ungsbonld dot 1.1.inn- .Mi Ko. tel lui should ceusuiKifiiiliiiciiii party, which was tr.vuii: io makeul oui ni Hie arts,I. liiuiietll.irely lhere was -.-ml coun and attempta were male tn nat Mr, DownOu ont ol¦nmh. ile waisted n appealed lo Ona nieetlnf, 'lita-lng refuseal lo susi .in hun amt In- sunshl.-d.

.allman k.MMWOed tliat Mr. Mt Kee vcr had he'-n ale-t.v the Distrii 11 i.,n iii lee a mi a uiin eil maa appointedt pia. e. hut reiuse lu nive the nlo,eil man s n. nieNli Ki. v r said to a Tami .ss re|sii ti r ih tl he did nut r-lo sell thai loioia-d alien iiijiim, bat tbat ins prbes ti.a_li fm Ihein arni lint u,i.iss,'.'.i from that fact lhal herylng te drive tbani awax br cbargiog tte. mon ...,s Ile also denied thal he lind been SepaasS arum hislucy.-m--

BFSAnVTTRQ IS A PBOl BCTIT1 TAHIFF.aa WeeS. tte Repabiieaa caadtdate fer Oaasraea mt.ieheeler tuttk i. atldreasi I an spas sta m, rim- ias.t evea.

ii i.etiy isynate. Ile* was lalVoSaeeS nv n ollecloi.Ison, anti h- sj.nke fur h:ilt an hour to a!.a>ut l.oiu peasHe eppseled lo fhn Islwrtss lo saetau Un Republicanbecaasa lt waa a party ai protecilos to Un laborer ia.eal in a protective tsulS lepmlerl tte American work.alli-it heall Ina IK' n.a.iUUa linns, lift «-.,« :r ij.i.ui ytl, and thele asp.IQd tu he I i,ot. al, rai ul ii.il lime ant li U

-?Bones of mi. canvas

.eiinan fd |ui I.luau i rn Iral Committee bald a Siieclalg ut llu-ii Ina iijuai tels. (.elinaul.i Assembly Booms,l-'Iit, IO llidolse the linn..I.aliniis uf the V. ,,,.,,..,,m.Osaveatlea. fepeoctes mete male bjreeversi reference to tbi aood aad stanch cbaracteiiles, all.! Hie lu fcet heaali-ll li> I L.ssliin I'.is.siv ll lorwas unanimously indorsed. A oommlttoi "iii ap*f.u euell s\sseiiimy I- sll.et lo ur.e all (ur.',.un Ki¬ns lt. nagiIll r aili attain 1 al li.e pollsi,celina; u. Un- Hebron f(e|.Uiin ai, t'hil, nn li,-' e-.ei.uris ' ontui »a* Uumuialixl Ivi Aiilniiian lioui l.'iu Hiliiy laistlicl.fellowing preamble ami resolatlons wert jussi 1st ,imei i. ni- of iho .Mnth Wr*anmsBesr Carps es WeSaeaSUWieu*, in view of the demoralised oonoltlon of tbs pollthis Uy, aud also tte dist .rho! nu lt.mi of Un- laluiises, lilli- suiuetali.it lu lisUlllcip.il HI ti »l U/^alnihe duty nt .iii iteniihi.tans tu unite ,r, a determine!elect as Mai ol w tins elly a msu WbOOS ubi..Iaud niall e. i.-t fi h..m.i are uu<|U.-stioueil-ve will, if elis ta-i, U|tmol Un tu.uy cnn .-Ut tilly grow*s In our inni,n i|iul guvt inmi-ui jed, lhat the .-..ulla ll aral I.nit. el ( t.r... h. aili.v in.he noiuiiiatsoii o: Un- lim, rbi.dun Ita. talland[onie rand idaI., ami pledgi . me siijijMsi i oi it« organ*is a.ll 111 Sea Ul 111^ 1 ..iii ella.llUU.is misapprelaaiisluu on Hie part uf some BefBblhnilel Hie a. t'l'Uiu e nf l.alwaiil Mita lied aa Hie Itcpoli-

iiiid.it'- lui Jsslles al tte Maprame < nun. Mr. Mlleb*lad Um sean.bubb bb Tai-idar last aa oinformedll,ill al) i.Xis lille I ollslulllee. ile IS 111 the Held lulil.! Un* pol. s ciose, ami will add mu is Strength UllaetiliK lo be held under tho auspices nf the I Xth Aslairtd iiejiubiicuii AsseolatitiB, on Mondar svamnsufcar Hub.ag. in Bieaeaar st., wiifb

la.lt, |Banal ttl,...

I... Itlei lair lliiiltliiiK, ll Hims ker .1., win 0" an nhlTin aslule Ituais.-t ell will BBS.k. Sod tbaSO Will hebv Walla i Howe, Major VV lilia.n ll. uisa. I. llW. .IX* ubus BIBI llISslg J h.'uM N Dil, t\ arti Isumuse lin e.liiir will be uue ul Ihe larg- *1 ol HM BSmpalgBiiiutuy Cmnm.Ita e ul I Haul) lui.r VI sit) BJ it,..uniniiiae te utiifef wttb tte Oeusti Dewoeraqr a>»)iiiis. iniiiiBBS.as tor A mermen and Assen, i.jj nu u.ll S'PiUe), ul Hiv lnt.il tl uf ,l l.lel itu li, gmt » HU. lt tiOakley, nt lin, ( .tueiis','omri, il ii e. irn.ns ll,auksuitaiiialioii and aabting lhal. lt ism ted. he wll. do alier lo elevate Ute lum ul Iban t.. i. .t ... l.t.

In ls .ii taiItU Willi li Iprufess I..

tMr. ll".

Sula.!.,.III. I'.'

lillie s- ..

s.« iel} nvpaper, tonspeaks 'iurealize laalru,Innis tncombomun

Mr. Howrooms otTwenty-fn(ila's, M.llprominentuar arni SI

Nut I, n tr hilnlale I,,: CUntil A s shfun is! ni, ll,Walsh ll a slint Wit.OUIrink InviaiJill til ha". :iJohn I) I.stiVi itii AMI



Abram __ Hewitt did not like tho tenor of tht* second¦M Idler iMsHSsi-S him bf Henri 0-STgS Sal.eben nuked |SStlSd_J BaltFBSBB ll bo would n ph tnit semi, al ls he uncertain whet lier he would or not

- I bSTS dictated a ni ly." bs ¦_*_. " ba. lune notread it vet nnd S-SS-I tell whother I -aliall hnv.-> it],ul,lishe,I or not. If itSSSSSSSSHsl-StSty to mo afterI lm>e tend it. I uiii -fi'' 't It thc pSfMIS to-sightBase Mr. Gssrjs bsa ebosrs to introduce parsor_sUti-eBB_ vitiipcoilit.n. I think it is ti'(.ut time thst thewiitin, of Isttsrs ir is, il nnd it rSBBSlSS In BS feen

vin tin t* big totterskaU SS Ifcslast or mine. Is_jVilil|:ct.ilii.:i. Im it amounts to thut, slt-SSSjb clothedin tte palisbsd Ismssgt which Mr. Qsutfa in cu-.abloof writinc."

Mr. He« itt (l-.ia'e.l ts print Iii** letter. It is nu

(nilnw*!:Ni iv York, Oct. Cl. innn.

Ill gBI (Oa'Hi.f. tnt,....,,,i|,lt_K8l I f'.u ll,nt vnu have nm tic! In the ili*icn««'on

tetavedi ll- Oi'it sta- "iH'li 1 ha*~ remark-.!ii t.inr lum!... In tviiiei, pass.isurna thenlai e of reason. Inhi open it tit -i tu es-'il t't rou lo me In Inn tun. nmtuner- I (In.l eeraonal ren ark* " h h ipproaa h ." toae tari,,;.. i ai a.ii Iiuii tli.-t mus, ,,.,,.!, rdiaac.bl« the fill tl...,,ii which ntbern iel would have been wiitin* to hold

i uh vi ai in a i it nf. nut « hit li fell it net '-. i) v lanie,he platform ade ism, in which 1 ani conflrmed bj

..ur lotti r.in t ii i, in -t ti ,i.nu.i at.'tu t eu charred me with fha siro*inns inn' nf being ii tali lu m.,him int.Ii I le ml','mri of

,. u it luw-allll ns un lin eiuaiiiil ol yian pm Itt. In hivply I look no notice of this I toe be, mst I supp.I thal on,n wonld ii. .-i-ii.it.ieii ni barina tht.> ream tn tl. ¦¦ ri i,- ..I a .:. in i. .... lan ni i na, st ..mt Itelhuiet univ renew the charge, bnt at considerable lensth yon rirgemi itu nt'sent eiiiite.i la aetrneglo ol tho pom sg.ilnat therh, and tn a p. e. li made Iaat night yon aro repoilill, " Hereafter tn polltli - wi:! be on one -Ideid the workmswen on the other." lins is an nnmwtakable1uit )u.ii i ... Ibe i] i. f.il i oomhteh a . man knowe better than rooraelf, in t u frantic¦sue iirnftlct rou seem not to healtats In wrick ancteti tn. foundation. Yon uinid have a.i the leconil volume ol,t. ti I- ti 'I, Revailntion," dei oted to the jacobina, theira th.' bombie reaulu ot their iirtef tenure olo ci tt int li tin v..' i,.in ai lu appeal. Rimllar t" poura. ltt felloe eil ma will nlj penna fen honra In p adina 'h ¦linnie in ihe pi. .euee ot their wires and children, yoului i. ida. v, liaaod.t i'm nai mi ti. it mu propuae tn arrar'¦ wnrklusn the mill.rea. t li lie at mi end,ul mu t. ill dlaappear 'r.tta the politl. ail Armament, "a Maa.¦ I.ui-ili,.e.| l.v it* own .lil. atn my letter of acceptance I waa Innocent enontrh t" stateul |tei snnal issue, eniilil lliul tm nil. e in Hil. il'flinn, bullilith ul y-'Ull lt Ut is tt',1 ate l" ll |.:ea-etl In leal IO ml'bea, iiI. md Ihe im make ot wh it I poa*aa you are evident int aa yon are preaumptnona.min lit the votera ef the diatriet wbicb 1 hare the Inn,ni

reprraent lo CooftTeaa hy the aaaeriion thal tbey are aaia a herd of rattle. It la a dlatrtel la wbteb :tnie,i lieu n r.atit' 11, <ri 11 ii .a t it,:, has bera lofore lieen eqmralentan ea-i tn,n. lt lin- lithe' ti .-i. t.'i .nie, aa you have chill red,

- wii.mi vim r.. ard si ao renal, mm eynih! i,.n -i a en retinue io eel tu- Domination from Ibern.<i nut i.i c. t fn v..t-»..; ni" |.. ,.|,i itii-tih.it ron willince thal have ni i er expended unliar, du i-e ly or indira -elly. In seenlina s nomination, and noman being ever in foi onay "r Influence n-

pru e aif ins vote. So far sa the expense! of the election.emita, I hate an ir.al.ii p ntl Ibe nenal Ull.l iieifs-aiye .men ta, and iio mon Utan ihe intouot wbicb foi man)tra has been pild by th r, -ular cam!Itatea tnr Cnngn-aa,nt o ti hu h. as c u well know, h.ite no super nmuni-: ". whom can lu-liy dann lo BS BS |>otir ami ai

list ad full prnT ,1 In he.to '.ti- .ar ter tmeoni vtr-w« n.Hie u.i ii ie :inti arnonh I imenta. and ron apeakt.'.n Itu alni .- ttn.lit'ii ;i itmi ta ai lo !.':Ity. V.jlh -na klitm leilli. ol the|i.t-t .'st,, linslit I Ih uk 1 an ii-sin .¦ nm Iii .1 im In " i.il i

Mai ol ha- gr ..ru Hutted -¦. i.li ¦ o11 ol no* mirna named by ton. nml li ¦! will sive any re*io toni .-uii:. ti am ihe -I,1-'! I may slate that while Ini..- o ii.n.--.'onii..!:.-a tn (ainlonn ie ihe nb|wtionable

-m nt- rn, candldatea, I -hali k. ppem li billion t- lunn.m.in ol my mom j u il lie ai all ilde to punai- ai the rats ".' Wi i"i head,the price flxea Inyoari.

maka tills «t.(t- un ni a Itha ni ni gifted li¬

lle i, .mi |ht rot l-l. ,a a.,

J aili ll al 111 111" nor the i" eui

ot l.iirinlintlon>ul h ive |tl nt-'! -o mt. an . s

upuoi, toa x; it a to _> t. and Iart .,ll. of the " _T"I{si,r?'ellliu tit eil- tt lllepll t. li. il lona-., til

mi ol them ional I.t tin umi .ii tt i'i .I... s ii la nnii in!:II. lt Ul ll II la. I ..111

lum a- nialia un In I n nm n a.

Judjie hy t .mr ow r, ¦).¦¦an w' " ni ii.t tai

.' Palatal] lo the front.pi . i..>i iimt im- ii .-n

¦i- ;* a Ililli. Us nail Hs ni, ,11 la ri Inn at e. 11,1 t'l lt Ihe tm .i.ii .it w n ul.ultu tilt linnie ni Hie at int ry,'mn- i.t it li: t'li :. ¦. ut the last gift of ber honoredrio Mr>. Hewitt [.lille did tbal nure tad Bohle soulol vt hose liam,- amt rhsrsetei i u..,)..! team i" makelal for rayaelf) snanoei thal ll prorlalon whichnt ni a- itu hla rn y il ii- t ssd in rsi children out otne tortoni ..rn d in* hom-i Industry during a life proeil lo din I, iii ..-I-liar-, ami o,i-f rated to the |uihlie.would mi i1" .round of attack npon sn* one eon*Mt with ...' I. ..it ia ni -iii;., lu iike mainertiiuii. ,11 i i.t linn :i i haa been gained hy Hie

ra ll. win ..ur ... h.r .ir.ei lau. e. of Which, 1 iiiii sine.is uni a I,un.an heme, ni Ibe community SO viiibel ii .. .n--i -m.tn. li tula beatie s creature tet himfor you for Stayer lin" u.e uiui hiii.ale 'a,i tin snppoeed drenmatanroa is

¦. !ti;e.'.-|ilrii ithil, underlies your leachinght.lla,ns. ai,i n! tbe ittli-t |ii.-l.a e. whit!) Weald lloivlour.-in -. n ..m ,.|s.i rt ni w h ea you oui'! pu Voiiii into pia in e. li,l... ymir future career i*> lo iiifli-rthat of other ra n who bari laughl shaiiai itocliines i

t Mayon In bt mon modi hi youl ,h ian n latram olwbolive ii f. 'a.it i.timi "luznrious mauston*." lealii -.¦ n .it iiiapeuaal na whh li yon pr. ooh ahould reai h Hsdevelopment and tb" redlen b .Innot property ahhltulvee ahouM occur ooaliould timi yonraali aita, -a-1 otnt in your own fol ktwere and be bolel « ll ronrowni. 11.- bandors ol nodal revolotiooi han- erten beenu to inhabit In- " m., ns ..ns o, their i n li um. hu; mtWUona tum-.-ii'.- Im ai this o lions phase ol youl leiter, y nu in i.ime

-¦ ., ti-, .-ue nml or Ms-las mlarapreaeutedlienh, hut yooalo n a aperlfy wherein l hav* enmmuttui;. .'. uol di nt it t...i ron ¦-. Ui.om.n property," ind to reach thia reeuli hy "appro-if the ia lil lu ml li ia ic. le vp tl ii pull lin- Isl ml, en niali " building** ann imuro.-imii -..t. i-i! n s| i. nn -for iii! tba evil, of Bortety,you have analyza-d and atated with s pathntic powei.tn never am p ia»e rn toa aa! lltal alura,

ila, him nu one im.un ni non loni ~|i ri in- would operateeiiv. Hs iain.ihi. buildings as Irapror, iii ilaoatbei .ii aluimil mil* rely lo rli mea and ha lbs oornorti ii.un von bold io bolj horror. They wonld at once be

>.. tiiuii raves, am'to thal extent mu would add toready o ergrown reveiniea. i'hla donation, however,ni'ii expect loreou-ip by nut.mi on i.uit. Tblata.a-niil'l eva.ler t our rn bi m.. rn e.- u ly lie spptle loupon equal (erm _ Alni wuh » buildlna. roelugaaBll*tim i.i. - v. "ile I I lui' tn" 'pat io aame taxes aa a racaul

.. ile. rn a lol it Uh ii hui 'lil'-" coal m.' ta u thain,ollera ou the other aide. IVbal would you accomplishlilian e. beyond Ulakine the rich maa hebel and timtan in -i a-r''n, whs tt ll yim do witta the man wbo Urea ta ina ownami pal s UU ia ut tl Ith i "il bs may hat e regarded lin,t aa a heavy burden. Heine h, I.ti iggha p. sn mi ii ii horne o: h.s .nt ii. I ii. i. ..ie tttoueanda

i pei mis n thia cit! ulm painfully realise wbal tn..ie i.a- mai iou prupoae lo remove laxes from allI .iin- ami lu impose upou lani tiltia a quired anan io ita' rent whit h it would now y ni.I, tun-1 due.iancr Iii thc ia ii «¦ 11 itinle li iu tt mi li. li.y ei imory. In hus lest in il hilnsell uml his linn:;-..

a Hgv ililli ol mil p.-n'iit- who heTa lint lliuard land but bare depoaiieal their h.iiiiu.'- Io banka oiaile urovlaion lol their lanulira ttroOKll lb« beoeflceulii ii tin- mis ti thia hus thaaai ami ai mill .'lintis un policlea are chiefly Itnued out¦e. ll ht ll hi lill illiK "ot fm!! ill-

i m berni' ol apprvprlatlna the rental land by laxesre ti sir i 'I lava ie to thin ewoer, what ava ority willio ihe ta-'Msiiiiiit iii -.iiai,cs bnnks and the holders oliol Insurance I lou will replj that Ute bolldia-(Sandemt m. will remain, But what value do tin .-n uosattaauniv when Hu vu tual In ol il"-.I .- ill I roys :. SBnt-i.t iv <>r aecurlty wm remain ou unimproved I amis andlands wiieie ibe iraprm iiinms ere a aecoudwrr cou-Hil

implea only ot .ia dlflteulttos to whieh you e.malltle:. » ..rn ea h. mus:-, offer to iliitiio willihu k.-rint,' ail.;.e. i to my nm*!in uri ih ii youl platform means timior ts io h, ai, .p.nu .! i.v ih.- .-lula- *,.lo nol explain.ta mean, if lilia Im uot tho true .-i_* un.i .m. .* of a do*I, (itt.el tt a un.lile i:j.'|hle.iuiiie iit ti spap. r- tie- foUowlnn paaaacas, aaotediHlkn ina.l. lit mu a few tl.lyn ann in Nen \',,r* \ii all its li a w .a. ka. and horrurs an >h.u loominga tintin l lench revolution, now hut a ecol ut anna'.. repeal llaell here. Ldberty, eqnallty ami fraternitys I'll- H-pir.il."IIS ot et ell- ll ol k .11^111.11) Ul Un WtslhlI lem.i ns .ur urie w ..1 k ll Illili ti, .- 1,1 .,1,1, .1, (lia.r m.' lim ia punile ot thejuiillionalrcenil it amp tA batai 1770 la thia country, lu Pranoa la I7A9, mual beI ii^am. Otu lote.'iii-.. is won in political rivillalint tl ai! Itt llMMlId ass, it tie III.".liss movement the uprislna, ol tbs workinamen!i n! the nialubi i la I .a.- .a,min- ih<*,, share of lin;ten to.I produ,ii-L-c tltiit tim pu-, niisiepresent. I,.ur StataONBtSyon will inform the public wbotbei iu.- uSi.-.e pea.¦ 'it'ti i reported. If they are, you ai ronviutedair own mooth oi aeekiag lo InSiet upon tina ouuiiyira from tvblcti france baa aol rel re,f.n t.i ihaiik tnai ,t imi ell ottos a, ifayoi nf Mew.Tortnm mysterious wa; cara tba social emla which walora ll tin le wi re the .ll_|sta's| fouBdotloa lol thinli'.ul file you mr beatty auuport, bet ,- ikia.ttelution cannot uaisanysuclteffect lliedutleaufned by law, iso f.n a.. ibsy are not purely.taboed io the power ol appointment:a ea niui, toe ip ni i.ii lupervialou ofthemuui-iiiliimlit. anil IO I a- !. at.on ni ta,of tht (mi inni, in .ian- ol i..a teaSanoa) ia uflh .. heol nt ia lbs po.,i e tm .. si, ii,,11-,,,|, pruniiaote lt. mernben cannot im in«.!c -00.I. iieh.inuua ar Hm llealtil Department lo .a-lertaks speoiSiia*'uti.at.ul roar aaa rauieeibatyou willn.'y tm- alia ispheie ami iiupiote ,'he .p.,.Imii ol Hu ten, rn.-i.l li"!--s aiiinit l)V OBITiad minrim. li,. -.

ipi lo.:, ii! w.lh thc ali.-il- Hie dot kn ami Ute* h.m.sI your io.hiiiei. to mp,,ri ie,,h.1.» win. a -rou caan .mu I...I.-, io ii, ¦., hoi.i!i i,.t sxprsaairenhraae,in J .au au ll .1youi uni,,, tm- alma fol support I Save non hen.

-e. rel inn ra nv-ellie nature ol mau or aeture for your*realerpuwerorluflueui-. -.u ..,.,,1 u__ ,.,u,,I,.tales ,, .,.,¦--, t. or (hui Uni w.ll he laaa C-U-llli a han ton pidillie lurelectlon wm..ttpliah Uis i-ionua you.ea myca i.r.l en.ion bul I tau cl- ai iv . ,-,, ,'.,wsvo to dlaspi..1 -.. many lopea and expetutioof"ll '.¦ ..lal O', lhal H.. lal, -em dlaco atrlllona Ilia ant dlaco i.-nt wail Ua,.- ol .as.,1 dem¦' rn-ni ami li.rift. ^

,. un a. 1 ,a, hui,

win'1 man who haa

UU ll .1 IIInot parade tin pm ,,, t *or tbe poaition Im hil. nari mell buUor to buuaalliii IB H. I". M A.Heir. wa. nu, r,1,ki,,iva auaiueera, -n whom bs la tbe truia,,!,?1 u thad, Iud ni u'laile" un,.,hm » ho im - .,o.,n lonad Ute pnuriulaaaIn-J* Wire .. li', .1 ii, tat'ol n." the U" » pu, _0t , ouiteietl "

rttSfaetee thrss psrssiBBSje from Mr. Arth r, ..mi

lof tbis great ti.lea Bnlefl Boonu lucian-1 to takei in your a ni'ii.n," inr ihe roeooati./iiiii'iiita which, though mei .> mk a i.e-, .. ..io blood tt,. ii poi ui io ton I behave that ba.¦ts ul all lanni- (Jul working-.en whot revolution eonflaratiou ml robberj are not laaaimiieni labor when tbej I I aa a tautaaiaea ol poverty aad pregroaa Vourareap* ruliislnaiM .*.. lu.uir.

Itt pester.sp opessd bia ssssqaartsre ia tbsHie Younat 'tleu'a Ileiuicratle C.uu in W.-,turlh-aU .Mr. ll.wlti. I. i-anl Onepar,lin'.. J. Pawer, rSoSUM UuoUffas au I otherrouiiiy l^eiti'itraMiy iealeri cai.ed during tue(Ulllg.

_ _

JUIIN I). l.AHstiS | CBAJIOftX* yet BOSa d,(hinda.-) BB fl ho UH I) 'noa :..

lugroaa aili et Ifl the VI lil, instit,, t l.i \\lmmtloft lhat he w lal run If n.-nul Jo.'iu ll l-i-l!ii.iis un iiiairn t. Tbs lieu.ie tain n.uiiair.'i. ara|irons man aod will tarry lbs jm Asm h.l.ln.il.U Itii, .*iltlni.- lal .a amy a,;.noll. hi. I'ai,and hu pro pu..in iii.-aiiim ii, un. milla:,isl heath una!.minmi) li .."...inala du A Illa! IBSB..on, Hm it. |iii.i.. ai. trendalela .an Berry meutily lisaUltc and piuhaiiiy i.t-tuvea nuoil pla¬

tt a



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pr.,",provof titait lulu Ihnu,ruConacont

otherHon i

chunnar, a:

Hunword'in tloutthat tHedia lionrul mttnut.u a.r !-

Hunkwin. o

Illili c

York,propel,11th.Hau uio theUr. Hr- Ilil¬li,, v. Iqueanwat. illlll'll" s

reit tilt:divide.<i v ula)'fore ioDslsalthat ai.>>.;. hyanti lstnt lEdgar1dlaaeoitl neem.

roe til alWill liedopathchangethat ((hatI haa .lrflinn taw iy foilue c ninf faoter.) lin*the Vr*». tll-lArter

of lue .,

recoil) in

wire ialUe cunihjr lia* 1-runion.fUt-eui tbabs- aiueil Oe


Obsrsmtor a Ho.Ilicreaull

SlseaooiIhe III. lit

ny roeru.ie un,m.iOBteaai1 hoiua-i,l..a. lUealuna.


Missiesailng oilitAsaocl.iuof Keotuil. O. I*.r«CalnaibisOiilo, rot

P. M. Mell.aiii.iiit rI,...Ut. a.fJolill .MolHenry Blilow. of Ui

l.l lilli.

New-YorlWeak eliaHIS p. all .'avinidic ila'Inn elie*ino at a .

Ml.i, alWe lt SSI

I'll i-ln

tunngflticoiui'U.ed\ ll _ mil, aior l>. i uigalea a ¦;

I lill At.'

k'l'llC.ll ' Ul

iruflaiitoryof nu-.ialo nc h inti;af los Cou

ralltr in the IHd Aasembly Diatriet, If two Democratic candelea are In the Held. W'alah aald Iaat evening " 1 can Ihsu-r niulidate Unit the silk .toa king* of the How-AnnU-nhClub can put In Uie held lutanist me.*' a

A I.U8Y DAY FOI IlF.NRY GEORGE.ADDIIFSaiNO a i.arok OBOFTB in* _ai.wt.-spea

INO 8FVKKAI. TIMI'S lit THK F.VKJ.INO.Ono of tho most succrssftil jiipetin/.s w.i.i

hsve been held ao rsr In favor of Mr. fieorge'a csndldaifor tbe Msynrs'ty wai tbat held yesterday ufternoon a

tue Hu ti-Tren mi ry stepa, In Wall lt., by tbo Newspap,Men's Henry (», orgo Campaign flub, 'i bo stepa wei

*rowded and tbe gathering was spresd well InUro-d-at, when at 3 o'clock Hems Donohue, Jthe president of tho club, called tho meetlnir 1inter. After a brief speech, In which he gsve tbHitory of the elab sud Its object*, be introduced IsSMMdavitt who bsM ha was there to ISfpStl HenrIssn* SaSSBSSIM prupo.ed. if eieetod. to stop bribernd corruption. Howitt wis a food limn : a rery gooiirii for 1 aluminy Hall, but he wont in If and SS lsIffsinl-t, being married to the apollamen of both thleinocr.itlo fncr on«. Theodore 1'. ('uno read a letteSdrasasd is Messrs, _aosavsltsaS newitt, _ivin_somiSSSSM why W(,rlilOs'iiieti woul.l not vote for either o

-.tn. Heniy ('.orgo waa tb.u introduced aiid aald liari:'.I am proud tohave the support of the newspaper rr>etind I hciier-a that I have two thirla of tue aarKSM nuis prsssoB BijrsMr. Iks sics of _rslns ss well as Iiimn of iini.i ie are In thu inovem. nt. 1 Iii*. BptMlBS llair airalt) si the po.nie'ma. lt SSS Leenml liiut them ia nar lietween Capital)d Labor. TSars ah.mid be no conflict.¦. - ip ¦. ri, .t .. tet, in 11rid ital shall ba secured in Inattnral ri.ht to a foothold in Ida native lund." Mr.oi rs -linke at ei.iialiieraiiln leneUi un the Lind ques-n nnii ti uni i op by aaylas i "Wa Suva BO<|uspr*lith rich tii'-n. If ,i mau eau make millions withoutbh.Bg uni1,,,iv let him do li. We only as- lor0*i opportunity. There ls iipiuirtunlty for lt. Tueml ia hardly seratrbed; tho tninea bara not bogna toVorkod and ye: tbera arn thous inda of tdaia men."dr. Q-sr-rs wm followed sp David Healer, who at-kt-d the corruption In city politics. J. P. Kohler and

I Bfl t-i'it-c!) also ..puke,.aat SIS.I Mr. ncr,rn" made four *poe<»1ies. He itSlS-at the demons'r itlon In Hu* [ld Assembly District at

s foot ,,r |;ooseii-:r..t. lin arrived too early, BBdde only x brMl ipoAOS. (speeches were al-o..io by John Burk*, Hubert Crowe. .Iniiiincan anl Victor .Ma,'i. At lirnwlwuyI Peventh-ave. Mr. (ieorge addraeaad


»BS and BBtbUSlsatlS meetlnir al the ,\ VIIili, XlXth.Isl Aaaosibli Districts, and went from Umbi to 1'- i-itl/a Mali, PiftV'flftb-at, and Tbird-ave., srbera heke to the XXth Assembly Hiatrict Club. Ile.od by Bpsaklas t» tbs XX I Id District clubParepa ti.aii, _lgbty-aisiB><.i. ami I bird sro.our tba visitors at tho Colonaada Hotel yesterdayra Jobn Roaaeli Younar. Colonel L, i:. Oranrar. Ur.var.! Mei ./nil atr'l Horace lire'ley Klnli'li Manyonraglug letters were rocaslvsd. In addition to 'in.

. Idnaaed by Mr. Ostorga UBI Bight thfito werelive o'hem sold In ranon* parts o' tba .itv.:, poet stated ob Ws ne. iny ti a' "un examination oflintot .¦h.ii ") names pledse-d to Mr. (foons before

act e|,tel hts BOBlnatlOS, uii cxHinti-n in nie by experienced mon, 11-11u flinted with the th.Tiela where lilaport Chiefly ilea, sImws that .0 per C'-nt rn them are'Uiin n iiiiss." Tha attention of Mr. OeoraVi eon fl.ital associate. Mr. Barana, was eailod to tim staie-ii roatordajr, mid he bbMi "Iho Basel*.

of Tke Tint la a lubrication. Tin, tact isbo persona hive ma'e ss examination ot tbeaaeui' ii is anrons sean * icm anice i ey were di

'UH u« asl :e frun Mr. Ooorg., Mr. MsMsaSlB amielf. Kron, a .Hti'ial miaittny of tlie.e lists we haveneil tu., roncliialoii lh.it less niau 'lo per emt of theors ara Ooriaaaa, ami I do not believe they consti-mort ih in 10 per cent.

TIJ-G TIIATOEOROB WU LORT 54.000 V'»Ti:->..i.rndort of the itoSteaa Honaa are Sited avery svealnglleinoi .alic pol.ll lillis. Ht,lat Ii tl lin Ie h. ll.e 111' lt t'.ilt...... i.ti Stats iii a h j.ia"'' - sro la tbal building and

ler io .'! -oi -a t: i pott) Bl -aii.'itnin. Polltleal wagerswhen a <¦ in a-. is he om iii'.'warm. A DsSMMTittfl pott¦

oalng wm-.rn! ..'."iii with SB-other ol the samscal fiiilh that Henry <.rga wi.ul,l poll .it le.t-t 80,000

*. nm iiuii will elad ito-is.-veli." ti'iii.irk'-t' a bi Blander.ii, i help that." waa tlio ie|ily; "wy Jiubnuental Oeorgs w,n rei ni tonal tnat bubb lier ol rotea

I mil i.a. li nu- opinion iiit', mv monev." Anothereratic politician ulai he would wagei il00 thal .Mr.il w. ai ima.' iii '.ie i, vii *. bul i' "ii ht heller ol lt¦a lineal lo pat Up tho money When lu- on r nus al tout to[OD hi a Ka p iblIn-m. rain Htate Commlttoedo nut like tbe plilga I- aaauralas. Thoy nay privately thai Ju.lge Daniels

lo re. ite a verv tT'-'e vote from tba OOOTgC un 0. thatPeckbaai'amajority will be samsll one,and tlmt theUta! en 11 eui. iit on tim Mai.tl a ly wail li if I bad Btn theil plana for Democratic ancceaa AItaiga-thor tha.¦ultu iii.i it.i-i is are nut pleased u lib the outlook.


kano, Oct. lil (spe'tah..Tlio deO-rion of.use ysalsrSsy not to establish u BSpsratfl churchMatias for Hie colored peopio seems to meet withklappfSVSL iho re* dSUSBI Bdostad leave tho

las Sf tue worli to tho reapoctivu dlssaasfl ande fair iho BStSbUshflBOBl of a apeclal SSSI-BlSSlSBbi.hojta, tire presoyters and five laymen tu

Vtttliirit_ton. ami to ac for Hie Douri of .Miaalouswork of ..T.iii.'e!i/.ni. the colored race. Thia

lg a men.tar- Wart received finn) the Council of-callena! C'hurcbea recently assembled IS Mils cltvnu.; a minute on L'tah ai. 1 MnruioiiMiu, amt tu¬on fliarrlaga ami divorce. The (leueral f'onveu-ta aiueii ib sa spsrats witn tiie Osagrocatianalea ls tftSSS naportaut matters. Tho Kev. Dr. 1M-OSBU.I New-Yuin, then brought up lils rasols-pul ou the lliiu pa_-o of the 1'rayer-iluok the"According to the use uf tue (nurch

l United Htutes of Aiil'Tlc.t." leavingie words " I'rotegtant Knlscop.il." He aaldb rssalatloa wai lu the line of Cbrlatlaa unity,not til mk that fl acuiar.au inline ihoald uppeitr inof Coiniuoii 1'rayer. Hie dlflCSflStSS gave aevo-ihers a cuance to tramp!" au tun word Protee-.nuea Parker, of New-Joisty, BZOlSlSSd how tho'Prataataal Bptssopal" orapi uno the 1'rayer-r mistake., un assertion which lb« Ker. Dr. (ioo.i-I'eniinylv.iiit.i. reviewe 1 in Sis nanni llioroiuhisi I.- ntyle. Ibo Hov. Dr. Iluntlnxtoi), of Xew-Ihoiigiit that tbe present name la entirelyuntil the reunion of Cansteiidom shall

t.e the use of a "better oue. ile offeredientlinent ISSI the title he "nceordiulao in tho L'niii.,1 wiatea of Au.eried." lin* Kev.y otlerel au inuiniiiiieui thai lim title be simplylook of Common l'rayer of iii. C'iiiicJi." TueIlltpS Hit,oka nbjostsd to ihe rsiSlBS of thisi after it bad barn leeliled adversely. A motionle to lay the queailon on Hie table, ind a vole nyand tn leis was culled for, with the tolluw lueClerical. noeses voiiui-' 49, an-, in, na] ¦ 2d,

ft; lay.'Ho,"«ses vntnw 4!I, ayes 2'J, nava 14,7. l'he n.i.i on to lay on mo table was I liera-by a iiiin-eoiiciirreno . of or ler*. The Kev. Dr.of _ossians, oflbrsd an annu lineitl daotarlBSell.nure of tho lille la Im-xpi- 1-nt. This waa'JU io ISL Dr. Gray withdrew hla amendment

JIuiiiiiiKlnu'e auiniiiliU'ul wus defeaied. Adioceses and orders Wits tin U taken un Dr.

raaolutlofl with tho fall»wtn« r -<ii I: Clorlcat.ia.ti a.- I'.i. .iyes :,i), naya Hi, tlivlled Sj I,.-ir-v..uni.' 4-1, nf** 15, nays BO, tilvided I). The,u waa mai bv a BBB Bo.irmnc" ol (inters, iinen tu il un lin. ij toaHob ii >i.a;nnty or c.erioalvoiad aye, allnourh on the simple qnoallOB totu-, natue of tue Clitiri-h u ma).-nty ofder di.I not Tote aye. The reason la

the opinion of many rleriryuieii,ppinr of the titi*. " I'rii e. i au t Kplscop.,1 "Hilt* pure ot tht* Prayer-Hook would para mels usa br other Christian no Iles, aud so promotemi" 'lui.* i.in in.ny. Many holi that .is a Buttera words "1'roteai.ini Bp-aoopal,M ibousb prop-tame ol Hu* Ciureii, are uol properly plasod li)si-Hook. Il is now thought lhal tbe qaaotMfl ia<r Ibis aeaaion at least.ces. Hie House reaoiveti Itself ito a committeeila arith Julae SSS.by In the otiair, ami tbe

n a t inna of ino Lal tarsleal Kevlslon Com mil ten"i up. lue ('.uni,nilen of tim Whole tlnlshedloratlwa »r tie BtsSlv>aas aiier tttoas approvod,nse of iiashoi'S, anl the House rcatnued itsIl waa vailed to appoint a Joist couiinlliee alrevise the llyninsl. laen revlaiun io bspab*east three inonlhs hetore tho meeting of ibo-ihi Convention.

?I) OUT UMVKKsALHT MISSION*.KIES.., oiiio 21 (S/irciui)..'J ha Nation-Im ot tue lan',' s ,ii -t OSSrsS to-day m ivi'li'-l1 of I'tiri-l.n -flaSlOSSt The ij iesti.ui of lil¬llie iniiiisiry lu Ihe Umversailat Chinch was

BtSVSatlaBgtS, Il was llnally decided lhalae of Hie ministry could heat Int accomplishedHU tb'" thenloBieal solloola of tlc- l.'nn er .a..-!iou irmn i-oiiegit graduaiea. The Vt allan's

Aaaociatluii W'aUotod .Mrs. M. tyouisef New-York, pr-al,i.-ut,and their report ah.iwsexpeuded T'.,'i'i.) ai,U-,n,' tue year for inia-

UfUS OF OTBKB KKLIOIOUfl BODIM,t (nv, Uii. lil..in tlio Disciples1

(.nit eiili.ill this morilug tho (allow*ra Ot' Hie Null.mal Koreltfo MissionaryI wereeleced I'r. aidout, CUarlea 1., I.oog,ty; Vlce-pie-ideula. ll. A. Itiu.dale, of Ohio,ler. of Iowa, F. I). I'ower. of (be District ofcorrespond!!!!! eecretary. Ko.tel t MuS.il t, ofrdlng secretaries, W. il. Draper, of lu.Hana,». af Miaaourl, Sf. K <"owdei., of l'enuaylvanla;V. i. I'lnkaral, Sf Ohio; auditor. Sf, _ |>,Pg.Ino, in a . airers. K. >;. ||isi.,p. m. V, W.isson,an. ol keuiucky; K. J. Min,ama. A. McLean,P-in-oii. ti. ll. Leop, J. M. Unifn, a. .**, l.ud-o; 1'. U Brown aud S, U. lloyd, of KunluoSy.v. v.. ool iii..rue Piaaspiartaa syssd of.o-day adaploal _. new pian for su.minni*:hea wubin the ItSta, liv tue provisious ofiw-York la divided Into two districts. Atnpsctataadaal of the weak ant vacant,'111 be appointed hy the -youd for each dla.ary not ex.MM !:... SI.50(1, .,od tue nniiiiiniuiinisieraeiuplnyed lu Ho pel ujlulairalloiia lunea waa Iii ul al tlO:, ., year.9,Ott, ll.-Tito autiual ounroutluu of tho.a ..lalo MyuoJ of tbe»l'reai)yteriau Cliureh,f the i't-esaytei -, lu I'eun.ylvauia and Wealsop-nol tii-'iuni wl-lt aaerjioii hy Kadara-aii-Uam, ,)f tiuee n g. \V. Va. Over toi) deiu-present.Ocu IL .Tbe National Connell of ibo Evan-uh ba.au Us sessions here to-duy. Tho In-lennon nt SfSSSSsd hy tho Kev. Dr. .spaclh.The dlscourao was of au historical nature,i tho lue of LsiltflC aud Ua asiaulisli-uouisb.





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HIT SHE KAYS 8tll. .VKVKR HAW Tllf-M.Mrs. Crt.ilia fftSMllTT. wife of Charles H. n\nmn>

ler,a night derk in the 1'ost OMco, yest-raurn teatltledintbo Supreme Court, Special Tern, before .lust iee barrett,that ber busbaud had frequently struck her, used rilelangusge toward her, employed men to "dug ber foot¬steps," and thal be finally abandoned ber on May 2,1843. _he baa sued lum fur a llml taddivorce. Ile declares that he haa offeredtai support his wife and that sim had abandoned himwithout cause. Ahout two years SSS ho butt her for anabsolute divorce, hui failed to obtain a docree. On the~lturt« stand .Ur. Kessler denied that ho had treatedms «if« cruelly. When she felt Inclined to quarrel, hesahl, he aiw.iys |,.fi her. During ilia last year they livedtogether they hardly rm Hanged a dozen words. Theyoccupied separ.-tto rooms aud their communicationswere by letter. He continued:

I urn iiiiit,. lo in r beggtSf her to come to P rook lyn nm!live wm, m.- Sb* wrote back tbal i might gomy war andlld o'lr. prom.oed Lo gol nu Ute insured In horfinm sod do everything la .my poseur Mr her if she wouldonly give op -apirltua lara and a certain Spiritualist.q.-\niat IS thc lianieof Hu- -|.:l:tllai -I A. Lr. RasSMS'Hie witness said no becalms suspicious of his wife andlearned that willie he waa al work at night Hugginscalled to see her. He went BS

ar ti.at if Pr. Rags-ss-- not eaasa theos nishtlf*vial. I would eoiiie l.u ia so,ne timi mel throw hun ilo'.vuflt.lal...'. When did von first mool Dr. Haggles! a.-At a Spirit-..I IIB Ul ttile UWk lin* llit'lf. I et), nil"! -j. litualial meetings iiimiit ii tear and Investigated tbo subjectthoruOgbly Hil I Iouml !t to lu-a humbug ami a (Illusion.Borotal wilnessea testltled Uiat Mr. BaSSlSB was an

aiuliible luau, rind that his wife often -Siled hun vilanames In French. Iweniy-three lett-ra, which -Mr.Kessler sull were written by Dr. Kugirles and wereround cniieeala-il In Mrs. l.-ess'ei's roon, .ere read tnevi'leiiee. All of them are without date or signature,1 i.e fo iowna* aro extracts:Berni VBClttA.

l-l itmr little nnte received and -a Mle I wis veryglad t.i sos your handwriting the cont'n'*. of tim notepat.i un*, ii my missive gars ron pats ran moat forgiveme, ior I io mi so fal forge! myself as tobe abualve to thotriii ot nn heart, i onlr meant that yon ought to thinktwice i' fore iou oas such labamaga to me. Bot I ran over.look ii all aiul tti|te lt nil away and forgel it, for i knowymi ai. un tin. t,n t, rge nt di spa ir .inti I Iii uk I inn et enmore so, Bal we moat not surrender Then coaqnor wemust, tor io God ls oar trust i never expect to give onymir picture nml expect to bury it with nu*. Unitedwi stand snd death cannot oren part na; (vee ls mine andiam thine, and though the on ay thicken my guldlng-atarrn;, uttt be shining bulli mtly forme, shu. on. thoo sweetalni ui». the lustre oj thy spirit can oarer grow dim. Though

|. to.ii 1 .m.: know you it is!)von were here w,ih me. Mr heart la sad and Ism dlsap-poloted nt lin.limr nu little n.ree Co Oe to r. reive me and

" me lo my boolbie home altersa, h i.npleaaanl day.Oh, saint cecilia, my pencil N Inadeajuate to-rtVe ex-preaaloo to my thongbta. cnn i not cali you. call yon hera.j ui imt tl) Ilks a dove to Ita own natlve boo.¦ I

th limr cii'ii.i: t Darling.] bara read your Iaat letterBiniiit twenty timea Vour Joy la my Joy, youlnv sorrow, yoor plaaanremy pieaanre. lhere bre.ttheeiiotn.-mi who luis your Interest, your we.are, your health,|nar lni|.|iiiii ts-o (lear to tli.lr lie.irt us I Jiate. .

lu: tu- -rec ck ian, greatly disappointed at not see-i,_ vour tt an -onie etuintena nee to n, tri d. However, I shall havo

in trow whether ll br.ogeth storm, rain, wind orIllOW, Ita . lill -a- I knott ll Hill bl !".' ,t -..lilt I t ll,V linn. Din! I.inti feel the breath of an angel ai tim! ber lips laden withta of Heaven With untold love aad undyingi!.i tlon, J '"ir*t.

.'¦ii m...! m.: My practons aarllng, tell me, dearest, lshere any word in Herman sweetei than tlc Knglish wordliiriiii_-l Aa canal I carried you borne a itedyouodisrobe, k. .-e.! mt-1 herub a iii., and sent hoi spirit war.rDg over -feet Holds oi bli... to gather boney iron, eur.looming (towera. I liny ton tull nol think amrltlOg un r. nu thc law allows, bul we iio loioisunil lovea .1 lat', unto llMv DaSLIXOl I'u urie BM one Innif, cnriu""t, frank

Piter, one (rom the iod( ri n-t recesses ol tour soul, inn! yourill aun v nod me ready giveapiompt and heartfelt reply,to, my darling, aeareh for mv n.t. ni mn * all flml lt ande loved lo your heart's content, for ll ys -¦ J sk ttl and.9saith the Ber ptnres. I inist. my ciuiiiiiiug pet,a.,i tm shall i,e able iii take tlmt Philadelphia trip soon.ruin non mini .-iuii.it eve no Bight ul my bewitching'tamil r, I'll -nun ol lier eui:.iii lng rolCg I 1! '.» p. iii '-'k>- .,i angel presence, abe will deai end npon me to Heaven,racouple o boars,snd theo leave me to wander againbl t patna a bore the rmi -i bloom uol ami th, loud tampa tistar.

Dr. Augustus T. Budgies was called as a witness andnd lb i; tha letters were wi il len by him, lui t that somettiein were In.-ii led f..r li s nb ce, it'e fourteen, Badhers Me Wrote "for un-re a i.u-n'ui'iit."ir*. _aaalar was recalled and swore (Sst tho letters

ere ne ii-r sent to lier and that she never *uow tho cou¬nts until she heard them rend in emiit.Justice Barrett reserved ins doctslou.

PROBATING TH- PARKS WILL.-iiiiri.-iiti lott tn lsruuklyn, past, reny, admitted to probatert will of l-'l.im ia Pales, of Clllitoli-uvtr., who left au trstato

" tin- bulk of it fc'oai.' to his datlghlor, Mrs. 0»me and ber children, lt waa contested on the groaad al'Hf n 'tu Iii e iiml mal pu ty lo in.ik e mt ll, bv tim grand-iiiiren. wuh whees father, colonel Mcbolae Pike, Mr.i.-.-. iiin: 111.. ia aie a. The) leeein-ii only small bequest*e a.e tm the contestants waa conducted by (Senora! Bat-aad ba was opposed hy ti,te Uoodert Brothers it ls es-tel that lbecaae will oe appealed to tba Oeoat.I Tan of>ui.i.n.e Court.

NO LIQUOR AT TUB AMi-RICAN IN'S Hf UTE.im n| |tii. .limn nf JesepS I', namban fur a mannus to compel tho Board of Excise (oni-isloners to kIvd Uiin a llceoaa for the sale oflora In tbe American I itltnte bullSlas was a.ail st yea*lay by Jiiitne Van Ilium In BapraaM Cuurt, C'n.iml rs,Sleep..un ha says toni it tke sosa.sn presented wore annii' lie tvoiild have In-en of tho np'll lon fl, at ttIO I BtOTtStn*il given by the American Institute was not one ol thoae,rred loin section t,BOS ot the Consolidation actof 188'al .s¦inlett iii 1880, ' I li.mt of Appeala bowerer," be -nv.,thea.ae of the.ny r va. the brien M us.-, haa held alf.i.Hy. iiml as I unn .-tainl rho opinion, they li*ve decidedi every kind ot as entertainment ol a puolic chancier¦re muan i- >.. a pi,n e ta tba whole or a pa: t of the meansiiiiinenlent iniie- vt .t h;u tho stiituta, as bolas an SXhlbl*ui __istrelsy."


lattes Potter, or tba BnproaM Oonrt,baa dian wed Bunt Henty it. Lonaabaiy, as reeeiver ..f th Vow Oollseomipany. for an injunction restraining Herbert H. Muxlowwits r ni coUectt.g rent tram lhanompany tor tha gronndip:eii by it betweea Obs -Madras' and sirlh sad one-ll. .1 :i:i -eVi lilli -ta, I.t Bgtofl .lill I'oiirili aves.,fruin llspossrsslBg it anl tho taiupoiary injunctioniniirtly (.'Hitit'"! has ne,ai ilis.olvod.e suit brought by Theodore Thoesae tar a permauent intun restraining Uta Musical t Bios .ssa latartonag withmembers of bis orchestra has heen decided by Jnattoe

u hue or expel .any



ii in bis favor. Theu- members m

ni l hrentUl lt. -Ila

elBhOUld Olav with

who under .i by-lawcause he bad nut been lil theplayer engaged by Ur. Ti

I- uni.ni could uol Join il ini.y lui sn mouths.

rrpgata Rollins yesterday reaeve I lits declaion on an ap.Hun h.nie mi bi'h.iii of the widoa ol ti.ita KroemaoJ,an, formerly a Judge of lue Muperioi Court, foi en orderiring irom the wi hm of Uie late I.. B, Clark an accountii' ard to Hr. Clark's managv neut of th- Kuli un estataco Sacor, Ji . counsel tm Mr- Pith.., stated thathail (ippiopriiita.il all he nial.I lind of the estate ol exe Kunian Although he hail r. eeivi tl Juill _i::i, nun iii cashe\ Judge I.t ia i.in a death as tees lor buci eeaful snits. he-uiii Mis Pithibb tlmt ho h.ui only received *>10.000.bal sos wara denied.juiviii tin-1ii.eof will.m ii. Oanlener sgalnst idsei Annan kC. Hardener before Justice Beach aud a Juryuti he ¦ hiiiiit il .rio.rn in damagee ior talae Lmpriaoonn nthiiree ol buiglary y, st, r at lound a inuit t sn mg thuul .+ .() '.Jos a ilne Boyes, who was injured for Ufa on Januaryn*6, i,..\ ng fallen between a rai and the platform ol theled a-t.ai.ui at tba flattery terminus al night, rue,md) fruin the Maiih.itl.in kalin,' ( oinpauy yesterday ai terbefore J udgo Ti u.,x and a my.

THB COURT OF APPEALS.SST, Oot XL.Ia tho Conrt ol Appeals today the fol-_¦ business was transact! ,1187 The Aii-im a Braes sn upper Company, appellantUlla.ii C Cajaitaor illili aitli-.l-, Hiiiilnii, i, -pt,iel, ii t.

--' In tho Slatter of the Julie.al settlement of thoae*nf Dorothy a Muutingten, exuecutrs ol Wales Hunt-.it I.,i-e f. A rxmst"ii in ii,,-nulli.! of ti, petition of ths Vow-York Ca-i,nay onipany. .Uglied.ollom.'ig i-inc (oin t sf tppasls nay caleutlar for Uc-

2A1, 41, yill, IA. IJ, HI, Pt, M.?.-

PREIfl COURT Ol' PUR f.vlTEU STATSaiii m. i ox. Oot -1. in (ha Supt im Court of tho LulledInaliiy Itu- foil,nv,ng bOStai -- ti... ti i ISSIM I

:t:i The Ne«* fork m il lal Qaallght C'ompaar. piala*a mi agt. Alb. rt ii Thoi p. In ci ror lo Hie I 'fri ull' "urtuited States foi the Southern District of New.Yerk.lon ol C \V Huiuer In bob .I of t .nih MU, ilisuu.-isud pol'..

IS the Choctaw Cation, appa llaiit, agt. the Inletiiitet! state., appellant, a tlc clint itt Nation. Ar-t coiialiiled bj ^.laiituri .*:,. .ab.ii ,;el tor Choetati Na-

Fl -TBO Jackson', llb-. I', '-.o' .'a ll:.! Moltile Itailmaalny, appellant, agt. Ute foiled Htatea, Araraed bp SP..ul A i Willard tm appa.nut and i>y I. bl watsin fors.ii-J w albbioghouae. truatoe,appellant, agt. Johu cinni others, ti nata pa...I I ne \.n Oi i. ans Nalli s\-sntaallouera, appel laal, agt, K l> Lcbrelon, asa SBOS sta Alina. un lit .I L> Kouae for appellant sim lionliuutd byatmpiii li itu- appa.aatirni-i until loiiioiiuit at "J o'clock.

CAI.I.ND..:-) 1' -DtY.eur DOUST -Chauhbrs Before l>iiMohu«. J..Nos.I,

J. il. -'.', Itt mi. ISS, lu?, Int. ITS, 2IA. illsS1.2A2.2.il,2A.i. '11,140, 241, 2 11. Un, ill.i..: m i.i i.i mi.ai. ic.'.. Raton iiavi*. p. j.,uni Daniela, JJ. Nos. 7. li, IO, db, 37. SS, 40, Ai .._. it,Vi,...., ..t. till. .1_ ot, ni, 08,70. 70 _ 7s,7._,81.¦k. Si, 17. SS, no**. Ol'*a.i. .ti e.) -ia..ii iiiiii PAST I. Itefore ll.irr.tt,la.I, l.'il.nl.. .10. ,..!.!....:. --,', .'.-l), !)-l, ,*t())s, naa.til. t'l Ill-Ml Kt IAI IKIiM I'Alil 1 I. ilolole 1.w-(as.- on No ilay calendar,

agaa Conni inn in ..na i. Before Peach, j.... 8133, -'..:.'. ,'i. SOO, DI.-., 020,.'.i2\.i,bu. ..ll. .rb. 10-8, '.I-'. .i -a. 2. ii, ..-..-,.,18, ;,7". JIOS.

.mk( "i ua i ii., i li Pani ll..Itv.'or-Van Vorst, J,No daj .li.u'i.ua.i t .a ni i un i it PART III Itefore Van llriint, JOM.', 1037, UK.'. ;-'¦¦¦ ait.i ,11611..**. .tm.:, loni., .'.i.'.i, :.^a.i, ¦:,:_¦, -'.,.'H. 4010. .mon


-Kl I'I Kl III' ll I'tRI '\ Ile",.I lit.In ta. I1..I. lOJtt 3177, .11.'ra, .' 19, .til.'-". Ill,_..t...'ni. ..nt. M.'-. ..-u-l, uit'b, 8SO. 3-J0700, itio. A.lt. aili. .'-ll. Ailb.'(.Ant's CoLBl lleluia* Hollins. H..Will of hluiuup in.

lint ( ni ill STSCl-L Tkii-I sUelore tiireiliuan J.--'. .Ul. i'¬.i i i hui. i kihi -abti, n. im,.nodawtohoa ilk, HAi, I....,, IJMl. 073, in.".', v.in, l.uji lanf"iJTu. 1371,

lilli 1 OL lil ll.Ul l.i,ll I'tlll II. Unfuri. OUTNos. 1 "J'.'P. WM, nil, U21, vtin, nil Iuni cm lil.i wai. ( i.kii l-Altr lil.- (.afore IngraSuo.UJ'2, 40,'. lt'.',,. IOJj, ll-.l, 1 l.li, IIPO. UOi,iou coi i.i ti i ai. iv eioie n_s_UnCA VIOL 1-71 I'JS.. 11*04, I lu:. I SOO, lal!, LU 7.IIS, 19*11. LUI, I.)-'... 1830, l.;n, l lib, l.i.U, i.t*a.,0. I.(,..', Ij.'iJ, I.b.. I.i, 1,(,',J. V,i"2, VMI, lA'.A,B Pi.bah (UNSIIAL'lliitl:.Aiiji.ai ii.'.l until Thuis-N 1'LAaAa ..IA.IAI. 1 AU li.aol w AU«n, l.So day




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preaciinan-.be proi-ai werlilelinithe ni.sion l>«lu Hieof *u,lAl li

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ClIK'Allapealaf I1 h. a. plt I'i.

abovo THet erv ilayaili iUti-1nVii'j i ell lt.,, ii_i t.i¦l.t. 11."i'llal.ote IBs7.1 Sj «?.«¦>SD (a 7 Silo.SJ I"bushels olMay iniu,.J ,; ut coll7.'»al7J

There's1 .ni..

Min rall

roMSt*).. Pisas- Kquitt TBBJJ Before Daly, /.-Adjournednntll M.m.lav, October'Jfl. vCommos pi.ras Tuiai. tbbb-Past L-Before Lerremore,C. J. Noa KiO.'l. TAlb, TAH. -lim)^(;ommoh i'i.BAa-TKur. rsa- Past ir.-h. r,,m nook.etavrr, J.-Caae on.No dar cab-ndar._7(iIT,v,V!," Ki~rflt\\ri&Kt!!8. '. n,,°. "7»»t l_-*__*«7l. 1 l.'.'J. 1147. V.'.Hl. MTU. HO, 1 l.'tti. '.'.'JI IMS ___-tri\m ,iv,-liiHl0i(S- ltr'4-u,ii' "**W wHm15-_

V^iTT-.noL',K7ra'i',n,',*,t- T/Rf-PART H.-Ratfore .Vehrt.aa J -?L% l22*i Itt*. ISM lilt, nura, ic."), jtrii icu j,nviiDclr-t ];V ""* ** "". 17^ wW«-tv^yfs/.'-i!',"/', .",''". 3_NS"*_?*ff III Rrfore H.-,!). J -,Nos 140, fi.tl. P.M7. 107S ISM, Kial ISM, US, 7 .1841, [08* IMO, ISSI, 1".'-.;, i7.*.l, 17.-.'J. 17.1.*. 17.M. Kai,ciitiiTfrnrsFiiAf. Hss-uois-Paht T.-ntforeJa<lge Cow-nKalid Assistant til-trla't-Att.trifV ~ltSSeral._-.Voe. 1.'i.BA, b, 0, i, H. H. IO. ll, IS, VA, 14. 13, 10, 17. IH. If), "Jd, 21, 23CnfliTor OrXFRAI. Mfssiova Pirt tt.Before Judge wt.(Walca-ve and Assistant District Attorney Purdy N'o*. I,"'.>''m'il0, ?'8* "'10, U' lJ" 1!-l '. ** 1<;' 17' ** 1U' ^a1,


APPKAIJ.Ai.ba.vt, Oct. 21 (Special)..fully twenty-five poiin!a of printed matter, IncluAlas orlefa. pimptt-lets and evidence, were left on the Court of Apnea.'s

desk to-dar when counsel concluded their arguments lutlie New-Vork calila road eas*. 'I he raine road ia nowma-inr lt* Inst strurcle for existence on an appeal tothe Court of Appeals anallise the OSMffSi Tenn of theSupreme Court of tlie Isl District which refused to con¬firm tba order of tts civil commissioners for Hi<* eon-Itructlon of seventy miles of cable ri,ada In >ew-VorSt.'lly, franchises for wu.oli were voled by Hie CounoonCouncil in tue heat of Hie excitement over the Broad¬way disclosures tn Ne.-York anti pen ling legislativeaciinri on the ao-c tiled Cantor bill. The cable .-oinnany'o-itay waa represented by I -natur William M. Kvarta,[lulim -Sewell and Kverett P. Wheeler. "-Ch.irler"-haw, the champion of the cable ay atom before Hie..._*:-.l.i'lvo Committee, waa ul io present Tue gp*tosltlon was represented by 1). J. Hean, actingor the city government; Willara Ct Trullnd Luke F. Cozaus, for the ( bambers .**treet Railroad ;I'beeler If. rack ii am ami A.iron J. Vandnrpoel, forrotn-ny-owner* In Madlson-av ., between Twunty'hird and Forty-second sts., and Joiin M. Scribner,nc'iattis C. Hutchins. represent!n< omer autatroiiizngiteresta. lift ta-TallSfSSad olilefly on tlio merits ofie cable system over hors :-can and .Mr. Evans de-otc.l himself to an et t nu i'mi or the legal question*.IS held that the Cable Ciiuniny was SSSBMUStSl priori the .Surf.-toe .allrsaS act ami under the li. ipi I Transitw. Tile opinions of tho (iurieral Tern were cUi**tlymflned to the right to construct aurface roads underie act of IS7.". VVheu til * s.*h.tiiia if t ie coinpaiiywiaaimed there was uo Ur urnior '.v.null any atreot ni¬all could be built except tho Hain 1ati.it act. The constitutional amendment for-ile the further constructing of horse surfaceads until tlie fs«gislarure should declare br some gen¬ii act that additional roads of thal description urti-.tInuit, lia Noveinlier 30, l"s-:i. Mayor ESeon a*>-tinta-d his coniuiissiou under the Capri Tran.lt Acr.M lysii'in tva- approved bv the Hoard o.' Aldermen inaron, I*.**!,. The ( ourt of Appeals-bon d nrant a re-rsal of I.BOM*!1, 1 he ameuded Cantor AC", c't.tpfer2, laws nf 1886, IBCU-talSOBt, Si ur-s and [.reserves ibonie company's nglita and ai well repeals Beetloo 16.BS of 188 _ TSo ordar appealed fr ,m iftoulS be re-r.ed ulm costs ant the petliiuner's tuition irraoieil.dr. I.verla's speech cuiisiiiueil tlie enure session anl» court, In fact, held over for len in inmet to per nitn to Close. Tile opposion counsel summitede's. In these the p tim ts made by alit aeetlon Ifl. chupt. r 252, ot the lawa1884, popularly known ns tile (-'eneral furface Hail-id Ad, expressly proiuitltetl Hie const'uclloii of rill*ida under tho Kapui rrarmt Aet of 1875 By rtrtsoatnh Hie cahla. company derives Hs eii.t-r.ee. All tbenisei ais.i nell tliut tho caule coiupiuy va* notally lOOorporatOd aa ir failed Io comply willi several.visions of tue aet of Inl;',, and th it lt therefore ha*right to appear In court. Mr. lie.ni hell that steamIranda were never authorised. Mr. ivcktium held: tbe claims ol the cullin rout pim v amounted nearlyi eontUeailoa of Sfsdisoa-sra, unless condition* wereused, and the commissioners had no power lo lui-e Oolnllllona. Mr. Trull's brief went nt io au exhau*-examination of the powers of Mayor Ellson'* com-



INO.YOCNO MKS WA N'T ID.'he twentieth annual uk (.'tinjr of the Longnd li.ipuat Aas.iei i.iiu wa* tloiahed in Brooklynerday. The Wa hi turton Avenue Cburcb lias beer1 at each session of tbe A-sooiatlon except ye.ter.la]moon, when only committee reports were presented,some lively debates took place and "Deacon" Rich-ou bad to uld Moderator lin li tr.Ison lu Settlingta of order. Ile elicited applause by one of his sue.ful eirorts. when the lier. A. BL ('umbart Iried lo callto order. Tbe tlrat busluess was ihe electtou of thewin. Executive Hoard, 'which ls the govern un; bodym Association: L. Richardson, <Jooroo II. Forrester,i mer, ll. II. Salmon, W. C. lioone, Kufus I* Cole, J.niton. I). I).. B> M^pioa ten, I i.i>ne O. niaekford,av.ioox, .lorin lseainrrelt, Will.am P. Jones, John.ilson, John A -fa-Mall, M. TX Suydam, tbe Hey. XV.Khoades, the Her. J. C. Allen snd tbe Hey. Ueor_aulwell

l_ T . Mlddleditob presented tbe report of tbsmttee on Kducailou, statluj{ that lar.er fr-,muanirs wero reported this fall at ibe collegee thau usual.Ss Less Island churches, with MOM members,nly tunmea yuu it men stulylu* tor the ministry,eport ur.'eit BSSSIBBI prayer lhat the I.ortl wouldup vinni, men to preach the (iuspd, aud that tue.. men In scuoois and coilen'ei might be kept true toa tli. lu a.li'', ne wbicb followed upon retainingaiiimtttee on Klucallon lu oltloe se-nral metnuersSsaoolaUSa ur_-e.l tba imp ,r;.iu e of au educateda. ut fl laity as well.ta of a in.ms: ry. Hr. Kuoadeiuai the pulpits must mainly tn. suppiie I fruin (liary, Tor in tbe city noys ami yoting men bad earlyisidei now io i:ei ou in the world, wuile iu thery tbey bad time for tboutriit and wrato take up the it ork of Sitetry. The need of ibe churches should call yoiiuiia prep trefor tho work. Addresses of almii-ir len rBade ny tfea Kev. Mes-rs. J. c. Allen, A. 8. Uuui-C. Ciriiuuie.l and tubers.Bar.t_ O. .Nelson offered a rest, ut.on comrnen<l-ilisiiii Ui,tv»rslty for its system of competiiivor.iiips, wbicb roaaod .reai opposition, ll waalople I, then rc-cuni.-.1. tin-ii .ail upou Ibu lanie,an .a from the table, au I peudliu rufe renee iy -tIttno was ai; alu laid upou the taine while (botried to withdraw lt. Tuon, ou motion of¦on " Kte'i ii'lsoa, Hie whole matter wa* eipun.'-.Ine ninnies. A report no Ibo temperance queeuon.ti lu ila character, was presented by Lir. I). C.Committee on the State of Religion In tbeles reported 804 baptisms lu the year,crease of CSS. It was le.Med to meetyear in tue Emmanuel Church, ..:. IA. K. Oeesler waa appointed toiheaiiiiu.il sermon, with Dr. F. R Morie, alter¬

sa irs orv of lue Ked for 1 Avenue church will teenlented. The maiiairer* for Hie Hap Ut Home eloct-s t-'. c, Liii'lc. ( li ines lliiliDaid. C. II. lim. orr,tl Majur .uni (1. H. Korresier. Mr. Forrester readort of the in mahers recoiumondluK tbat provi-m.ide for oi p an hihlreii, a. well aa uni people,Homo. The tliiauoi.il statement showed receipts89 88, nd expeiullllires of *0..S;iS SI.ie eveiiiin.' session addresses were made by thoM. liai.liauaiii.of tuiseity, au l lir Robert Lowry.ifield, N. J. a sharp deb ate followed over a res¬orter),! by Hie U't. H. Ii. Kelsey, providing lb.it(1st linnie nhoiild net lake hiv of the rooney fimuL'ise lund of iUn eliy. Si<vsrti apmksr. upimaetlIBS of ISa money. "Deacon" Richardson ur-rdtva* riklit tu take tau money. Ile aald lhal thelowed thal lt w ia always rltrht ro lake (be tunney¦Vii for tin* l.ord'a work. The Rev. li. W. Falwellseveral passages lu opposition but lim

ut " said tbat they did nol apply. One of hisuta wa. comp.verted bi' Hie Rev. A. t, ti.iu:-:io said flatly. '* lt ls not true." Mr. Rlcbardaoud to tbe record, aud wein ou with bis arguuieut,


lATURM OF \Kti* YoRK DHAUYCM.stain lu tr rai u continues on a moderate scale. Tbsale Brit.eal new (natures but linre i* a ul.tWtli nftoling ou the psrt of those who wiro bSBSBBBM bearsnut! ti lu, on the last billie were sellers around theI. Ailliniii;h our tcianarics aro tilled lhere isa setili-t the ii.i-ls of Kninpe are bon mi later to stimulate.inaii'l and cause a Invivier eipmt inoieii.eul. lullott r lay wa. brui, alihouflt nny J'.'.ooO '..usinis tt. mstu],pera. A piomineiii dealer slta-r bu.iuoaa hoursBf|0tS o'! toast al ngtilt-a 1 Si.!, lugliei thau tin uf.¦BIBS "t Hm furclKD markoia. The opl..ms.a,iw list irregular, but lu the n.nn I livyKb au Upward tt-n.lt.ney. I-mal guoiailiuiaat'vi a-eiit higher aa follows: uctotei, -. ..

si-, il, .-tn... i-. h,r\,; January, SS1*: Kebruary.rah. tu '.. Ma*. SS '»i t-nts im ni u .pot lotaarea iSaMIhe O|tlioit u.aiket »m* dull Di.ttiK li n*.iPH) hu.Uriato eaportera. OptionneuiliHl al n.e In-.; pim s aila Icent, aa loimwa October, lat; Stsrsaisar,?ft'ai Ho-itt>t; Jaauary. 47%, PSSrsary.SS, Hay, istgooaia«ithitiit ni.aia'i iel i hangam om .... , lopnoua eaied

I (lt loner, ll lol .Nnveiiiitei. .1.1 lor Lei eii.tiei. SS*ja v anal .lu 11 ula tor May. la lard Ihe aiport inquirys lai^e. -'.OiKi lien s ul .team amt 1...(HI tirrci-* ot ieia lur shipment, spocuiatiou ni opuous na. unt.ii»,it.ii.', fisial.ausoi ia* Boinia wera soorealaaOctober, A'-ob. Soieniber. *o December, si. oajXilO, l-Sraarr, SS Sti Manu, to Ai. iu*

.tiiaisof irr.i'.u .it .N.-ti-Yiirk. 1'lilla.lelnhia, BalUiaerelian yeaterda] -sere ».s fellows ii lu-aicoin. Hb.nAH ,tu.nels oats. 113,111 uushels. lolall.ajgl nus.te... nour. aB,9nA bntroio, n C.loaaaah ann rst. l.ouo, the arrivals ware Wheal, lil. *Scoin. SIMM buaiiel. usia. lu.l .,1'ii-usu-ia ~Ul

i.'.'-il oua!uria, Hour. 17,11." Barrels?

THK HUM IN CIIICAl.O.>. Oot 'Jl I¦*uemil>. Wha*at waa suit.sl olt al thehis umi ninir at a lusa tu tbe aellet* ul .alla last inaiiL.rtlagsawaro mSsS ki aa laarasTS^i «*ui»itsi xu1 Ins opliou opi'U'sl at 11 ¦« a eula and atol.t up al uuv*

IOSalO S beal ass ballad today aa llluilmutnl a f.utiuu'it 1U "'.> toli-uoi'li. .uni suki ned ia tbeAl TA** teni* Note,nisei vt li. aa I i.M.kitt similar. Alsl'.i.i i.nl Int'* -" » I'U*. Il ul. .'Ilium ti as . ai aalona'' wheal ai ;.t>-i<i 7..«. veale, lu tkeaSial

liiMiU UH" Iccll-K wa* alt nilli au.l wheal *ol mu ely,,ii,.iic.* .ii it," 'lose _eve.ibel wSeateoUal', .1,,, .,.(. al lo-vien s. and JaliuiMT pal. stIhe i-bariil* »el" mi l-,(00 biiMae.* ul elt.at,labsls oi .,n. 'iA.uuo iiBsbslsol Ital ley aud oo.uuuttaie-ed. rms nu M..) lorn, so's i-onia; -.alla aali'.uul. Ile lia.i,'.» vt.if 1..7 .ai* ol « ..i at..ni lu., of oat*. I'utaou .Nuvruil-vr ubi-l 'final

taruU, inila ou Noveiubt-r altval, a's **Ol4 '* icuia.

in-thin..' about her sugcaatlug the ¦ uob,"s uo aitcctai ou ..-,' i. pirtiy Ma) ,

tti.i'ii at .tiuiii't, tu* oars from lue cob,-ae uot a seat nbal tbe bo-i-eTa may say.

-iJUoainu Co-rtcr. .