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Page 1: Republic of Mauritius - Mauritius Broadcasting …. SUGAR INDUSTRY LABOUR WELFARE FUND 459 78. SUGAR INSURANCE FUND BOARD 467 79. TAMIL SPEAKING UNION







(Civil Service, Parastatal and Other Statutory Bodies,Local Authorities and Rodrigues Regional Assembly)


Republic of Mauritius



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Page 4: Republic of Mauritius - Mauritius Broadcasting …. SUGAR INDUSTRY LABOUR WELFARE FUND 459 78. SUGAR INSURANCE FUND BOARD 467 79. TAMIL SPEAKING UNION


INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1

01. AAPRAVASI GHAT TRUST FUND .............................................................................. 15

02. AGRICULTURAL MARKETING BOARD ...................................................................... 21

03. BEACH AUTHORITY ................................................................................................... 31

04. BUS INDUSTRY EMPLOYEES WELFARE FUND ....................................................... 39

05. CENTRAL WATER AUTHORITY ................................................................................. 41

06. CHAGOSSIAN WELFARE FUND ................................................................................ 57

07. CIVIL SERVICE FAMILY PROTECTION SCHEME BOARD ........................................ 59


TRUST FUND .............................................................................................................. 61

09. CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT BOARD ............................................ 65

10. EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION AUTHORITY ..................................... 69

11. EMPLOYEES’ WELFARE FUND ................................................................................. 77

12. FASHION AND DESIGN INSTITUTE ........................................................................... 83

13. FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE UNIT .............................................................................. 87

14. FINANCIAL REPORTING COUNCIL ........................................................................... 91

15. FISHERMEN INVESTMENT TRUST ........................................................................... 95

16. FISHERMEN WELFARE FUND ................................................................................... 97


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18. GAMBLING REGULATORY AUTHORITY ................................................................. 123

19. HINDI SPEAKING UNION.......................................................................................... 127

20. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL .................................................... 129

21. IRRIGATION AUTHORITY ........................................................................................ 139

22. ISLAMIC CULTURAL CENTRE ................................................................................. 147

23. LAW REFORM COMMISSION .................................................................................. 149

24. LE MORNE HERITAGE TRUST FUND ...................................................................... 151

25. MAHATMA GANDHI INSTITUTE ............................................................................... 155

26. MALCOLM DE CHAZAL TRUST FUND ..................................................................... 169

27. MANUFACTURING SECTOR WORKERS WELFARE FUND .................................... 171

28. MAURITIAN CULTURAL CENTRE TRUST ............................................................... 175

29. MAURITIUS BLOOD SERVICE ................................................................................. 177

30. MAURITIUS BROADCASTING CORPORATION ....................................................... 179

31. MAURITIUS CANE INDUSTRY AUTHORITY ............................................................ 181

32. MAURITIUS EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE .............................................................. 219

33. MAURITIUS EX-SERVICES TRUST FUND ............................................................... 225

34. MAURITIUS FILM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ............................................... 227

35. MAURITIUS INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION ................................................................ 231

36. MAURITIUS INSTITUTE OF HEALTH ....................................................................... 241

37. MAURITIUS INSTITUTE OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ................................. 247

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38. MAURITIUS MARATHI CULTURAL CENTRE TRUST ............................................... 255

39. MAURITIUS MEAT AUTHORITY ............................................................................... 257

40. MAURITIUS MUSEUMS COUNCIL ........................................................................... 265

41. MAURITIUS OCEANOGRAPHY INSTITUTE............................................................. 269

42. MAURITIUS QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY ........................................................... 279

43. MAURITIUS RESEARCH COUNCIL ......................................................................... 285

44. MAURITIUS SPORTS COUNCIL ............................................................................... 291

45. MAURITIUS STANDARDS BUREAU ........................................................................ 293

46. MAURITIUS TAMIL CULTURAL CENTRE TRUST .................................................... 299

47. MAURITIUS TELUGU CULTURAL CENTRE TRUST ................................................ 301

48. MAURITIUS TOURISM PROMOTION AUTHORITY .................................................. 303

49. NATIONAL ADOPTION COUNCIL ............................................................................ 311


ABUSERS ................................................................................................................. 315

51. NATIONAL ART GALLERY ....................................................................................... 319

52. NATIONAL CHILDREN’S COUNCIL .......................................................................... 321

53. NATIONAL COMPUTER BOARD .............................................................................. 325

54. NATIONAL HERITAGE FUND ................................................................................... 335


56. NATIONAL LIBRARY ................................................................................................ 343

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57. NATIONAL SOLIDARITY FUND ................................................................................ 347

58. NATIONAL TRANSPORT CORPORATION ............................................................... 349

59. NATIONAL WOMEN ENTREPRENEUR COUNCIL ................................................... 355

60. NATIONAL WOMEN’S COUNCIL .............................................................................. 359


62. OPEN UNIVERSITY OF MAURITIUS ........................................................................ 367

63. OUTER ISLANDS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ............................................... 377

64. PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS AUTHORITY ..................................................... 387

65. PUBLIC OFFICERS’ WELFARE COUNCIL ............................................................... 397

66. RABINDRANATH TAGORE INSTITUTE .................................................................... 399

67. RAJIV GANDHI SCIENCE CENTRE TRUST FUND ................................................... 403

68. RIGHTS MANAGEMENT SOCIETY .......................................................................... 413

69. ROAD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ....................................................................... 415

70. SEAFARERS WELFARE FUND ................................................................................ 423



73. SMALL FARMERS WELFARE FUND ........................................................................ 443

74. ST ANTOINE PLANTERS CO-OPERATIVE TRUST .................................................. 447

75. STATE TRADING CORPORATION ........................................................................... 449

76. STATUTORY BODIES FAMILY PROTECTION FUND ............................................... 457

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77. SUGAR INDUSTRY LABOUR WELFARE FUND ....................................................... 459

78. SUGAR INSURANCE FUND BOARD ........................................................................ 467

79. TAMIL SPEAKING UNION......................................................................................... 473

80. TERTIARY EDUCATION COMMISSION ................................................................... 477

81. TOURISM AUTHORITY ............................................................................................ 485

82. TOURISM EMPLOYEES WELFARE FUND ............................................................... 495

83. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING BOARD ............................................................ 499

84. TRADE UNION TRUST FUND ................................................................................... 503



87. UNIVERSITE DES MASCAREIGNES ....................................................................... 527

88. UNIVERSITY OF MAURITIUS ................................................................................... 537

89. UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, MAURITIUS ........................................................ 563

90. URDU SPEAKING UNION ......................................................................................... 575

91. VALLEE D’OSTERLOG ENDEMIC GARDEN FOUNDATION .................................... 577

92. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY ......................................................... 581

99. PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS .......................................................................... 595


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Parastatal Bodies Introduction

~ 1 ~ Pay Review 2016



1. Parastatal Bodies (PSBs), set up by specific Acts of Parliament, are organisations

which form part of the Public Sector. They are of utmost importance to the

economy and social development of the country. Hence, they are involved in

economic, social, commercial, agricultural, environmental and cultural activities.

2. The Act under which each Parastatal Body operates sets the legal framework and

parameters for its operation. PSBs shall conduct their activities in a sustainable and

responsible manner with great awareness of their responsibilities, with great

transparency and fairness in accordance with the principle of good governance as

well as other principles applicable to their lines of business. Their operations are

subject to the scrutiny of Parliament.

3. Parastatal Bodies operate as autonomous bodies under the umbrella of a ministry

and have their own goals and objectives. They are seen as the Executive arm of

government to support and promote government vision and to implement its

national policy. Each PSB is managed by a Board of Directors, appointed by the

Government, which sets the policies and directions of its operations. The Board

appoints the Chief Executive under different types of denomination according to the

Act which can be Director, Director General, General Manager or Secretary and

who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the organisation. The parent

Ministry is represented on the Board by a Desk Officer who is the effective link

between the Ministry and the organisation and whose role is to ensure proper

application/implementation of Government’s policy for the economic, social and

technical development of the Country.

4. Over the years the number of PSBs under the purview of the Bureau has kept

changing. While some PSBs have opted not to be covered by the PRB, others have

joined in and still others have expressed their interests to be under the ambit of

PRB. Recently, to be in line with the policy of the government, a number of PSBs

has been merged and integrated into one single organisation. As at today, the

Bureau reports on 92 Parastatal Bodies and the Private Secondary Schools. A list

of the PSBs covered by this Report is given in the Table of Contents.

5. At the very outset, when meetings were being held, Management, Members of

Federations as well as Union Members were apprised of the theme of the 2016

Report: “Transformation of the Public Sector for enhanced service delivery to meet

citizens’ needs, non-citizens’ needs and other stakeholders needs as well”. They

were explained that transformation would be carried out at three (3) levels:

institutional, organisational and employees. The concept of transformation is to

place organisations at a higher level of service delivery to meet the needs of the

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users of public service. Transformation would also give organisations a competitive


6. During consultations with Management, Federations of Unions and Union

Representatives, members were requested to expose on the mandate of their

organisations and identify organisational problems that are impeding on their

performance. The demands received relate to review of organisational structures,

upgraded pay structure and improved conditions of service. As regards the latter

the requests concern mainly for an upgrading of qualification requirements,

compensation for additional work and working regularly odd hours and eligibility for

duty remission, among others.

7. In the context of this Report, the Bureau has carried out an in-depth study of

management submissions, unions representations and proposals from each Parent

Ministry. We have also scrutinised all newly written Job Description Questionnaires

and examined anew all schemes of service and where necessary taken on board

our observations and findings during our visit conducted on sites of work. After

careful consideration of the above, taking into account the specificity of each PSB

and bearing in mind the theme of our Report, the Bureau has come up with

recommendations on organisation structures and conditions of employment to

render them more efficient and effective thereby enabling the PSBs to deliver on

their mandates successfully.

8. The Bureau has also, while dealing with individual parastatal organisation in the

respective chapter, defined and spelt out clearly the goals, objectives and future

orientations of each organisation and where justified provide solutions in terms of

review of organisation and pay structures and specific conditions of service.

9. With regard to Organisation Structures in PSB we have, after examination of the

submissions and following discussions with all parties including the parent Ministry,

provided for appropriate levels matching their needs and their functions for effective

delivery of service. We have also given due consideration, wherever desirable, to

delayering of structures and merging of grades for speedy decisions to respond

quickly to the demands of the new environment while ensuring adequate career

progression for employees. Grades which have remained vacant and where their

functional needs are no more justified are being abolished.

10. As regards the pay structure, we have reviewed the pay levels in line with the

general framework retained for this review exercise.

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Pertinent Issues

Schemes of Service

11. The scheme of service which is a legal document contains important information

such as the title of the grade, salary, qualifications, experience and the duties. The

procedures for prescription/review of scheme of service comprise various steps

among which one is consultation with Staff Associations/Federations of Unions.

12. In the memorandum submitted by the Federation of PSB, representation has been

made to the effect that in some organisations schemes of service are being

reviewed without any consultation with Unions/Federations and the employees

concerned thereby leading to strained industrial relations. To avoid such a

situation, the Bureau is of the view that the practice for prescription/review of

schemes of service should be followed. To harmonise and streamline the process

of scheme of service, the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms has

come up with a guideline on scheme of service describing the steps for their


Recommendation 1

13. We recommend that all the Parastatal Bodies should follow strictly the

established procedures mentioned in the guidelines for prescribing/reviewing

schemes of service.

14. Where the qualifications, duties and responsibilities of grades in Parastatal

Bodies have been aligned on those of corresponding levels in the civil

service, the schemes of service of these grades should, wherever relevant, be

amended along the same lines of their counterparts in the Civil Service.

Human Resource Planning

15. Consultation feedback in the context of this review exercise has revealed divergent

views and reservations expressed regarding non-attainment of the objectives of

different parastatal bodies in recent years. While some are of the view that the

main cause of this problem is due to inadequacy of staff and non-filling of

vacancies, others argue that there has been in some cases a general proliferation

of grades with no clearly defined line of responsibility and which have not been

properly utilised. Others believe also that the Boards which have responsibility of

recruitment have not been properly advised or guided.

16. The Bureau has made an in-depth study of the issue after considering the views of

the Unions, Staff Associations, Management and various press articles. We are of

the view that PSBs should put in place a mechanism to determine the number and

types of employees they need to meet their mandate. We are, therefore, advocating

the introduction of the Human Resource Planning to assist Management to resolve

the Human Resource issues.

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17. An HR Plan aims at effective resourcing to ensure provision of enough people in the

right place with the right skills to deliver the organisation’s mandate If properly

used, the HRP tool could maximise utilisation of Human Resources in the whole


Recommendation 2

18. We recommend that organisations of Parastatal Bodies should mandatorily

carry out a Human Resource Planning exercise to ensure the right size of

Human Resources with the right qualifications to meet effectively the

requirements of their mandate.

Rationalisation of the General Services

19. In the 2008 PRB Report the two polyvalent grades of Officer and Senior Officer

were created in the Civil Service whereas in very few Parastatal Bodies the two

grades were established along similar lines as in the Civil Service.

20. In the 2013 PRB Report, following unanimous and widespread representations,

from all stakeholders as regards the job appellations, the grades of Officer and

Senior Officer in the Civil Service were restyled General Services Officer and

General Services Executive respectively. However, the EOAC Report again

restyled the two grades to Management Support Officer and Office Management


21. The EOAC also recommended that the new structure for the General Services

cadre comprising the grades of Management Support Officer and Office

Management Assistant be extended to PSBs. To that end, the Committee

recommended the creation of the grade of Management Support Officer and

Office Management Assistant on the establishment of all parastatal organisations,

on a needs basis and depending on organisational requirements only.

22. In the context of this report, both the Federation of PSBs and individual unions

have submitted that despite the fact that recommendations have been made and

that there are needs for the grades of Management Support Officer and

Management Support Assistant, these grades have so far, for various/different

reasons, not been created on the establishment of all PSBs. The Federation as

well as the Unions have requested for a complete alignment of the general

services in PSBs to those existing in the Civil Service.

23. After careful examination of the submissions of the Federation and of all the

Unions and taking into consideration that Parastatal Bodies differ from one

organisation to another, depending on the nature of their functions and objectives,

a complete alignment of the general services as in the Civil Service is not

technically possible. However, in light of the re-engineering of the structure of the

general services in the civil service, we are, in this report, bringing the

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following changes to the structure in PSBs for an alignment to the extent


(i) in organisations where the grade of Management Support Officer is

the first level in the General Services Cadre, we are creating a new

grade of Clerical Officer. Appointment thereto should be made by

selection from among candidates who:

(a) possess the Cambridge School Certificate with credit in at least

five subjects including English Language, French and

Mathematics or an equivalent qualification;

(b) possess the Cambridge Higher School Certificate or passes in at

least two subjects obtained on one certificate at the General

Certificate of Education “Advanced Level” or an equivalent

qualification; and

(c) are computer literate.

(ii) in organisations where the grade of Executive Officer exists, it is being

made evanescent and we are making provision for a new grade of

Management Support Officer.

24. The Bureau recommends that:

(i) in future, appointment to the grade of Management Support Officer

should be made by selection from among officers in the grades of

Clerical Officer, Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer and Clerk/

Word Processing Operator;

(ii) appointment to the grade of Office Management Assistant should,

henceforth be by selection from among officers in the grades of

Executive Officer (Personal) and Management Support Officer

reckoning four years’ service in the cadre;

(iii) consequent to the changes brought, necessary amendments should

be made to relevant schemes of service; and

(iv) organisations which do not have the grade of Office Management

Assistant on their establishment may, on a needs basis and

depending on operational requirements, create the grade by

proceeding through the normal procedure adopted for creation of a

new level.

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Training and Development

25. We are, in this Report, putting emphasis on continuous training and development of

employees to ensure upgradation of knowledge, upskilling and acquisition of new

skills and competencies for continuous improvement in service delivery. To this

end, organisations should give an increased attention to learning and development

of employees, build its required capacity to deliver on their mandates.

Training for Officers in the General Services

26. As in the past reports, the Bureau is making provision for appropriate relevant and

work related courses for officers of the general service to keep them abreast of new

development in their fields and developed their skills and competencies for

improved service delivery.

Course for Management Support Officer

Recommendation 3

27. We recommend that the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms,

in consultation with the parent Ministry and Parastatal Organisations, should

mount and run appropriate training programmes with the Civil Service College

for incumbents in the grade of Management Support Officer to render them

skilled and polyvalent.

Office Management Course for Office Management Assistant

Recommendation 4

28. We recommend that the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms,

in consultation with the parent Ministry and Parastatal Organisations, and in

collaboration with the Civil Service College mounts the Award Course in

Office Management for incumbents in the grade of Office Management

Assistant in PSBs.

29. We further recommend that, on successful completion of the course,

incumbents in the grade of Office Management Assistant should be granted

one increment, subject to the top salary of the grade.

Advanced Course in Effective Office Management and Supervision for Higher

Executive Officer

Recommendation 5

30. We recommend that the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms,

in consultation with the parent Ministry and Parastatal Organisations, and in

collaboration with the Civil Service College mounts the course on Effective

Office Management and Supervision for incumbents in the grade of Higher

Executive Officer in Parastatal Organisations.

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31. We further recommend that Higher Executive Officers who have successfully

completed the Advanced Course in Effective Office Management and

Supervision, on reaching the top of their salary scale, be allowed to move

incrementally up to salary point Rs 42325 in the master salary scale provided


(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Advanced Secretarial Course

32. At present Confidential Secretaries in the Civil Service follow the Advanced

Secretarial Course which the MCSAR, in collaboration with the University of

Technology, Mauritius organises. After successful completion of the course, they

are granted one increment, subject to the top salary of the grade. Where an officer

has successfully completed the Advanced Secretarial Course after having reached

the last point in the salary scale, the incumbent is paid a non-pensionable lump sum

equivalent to twelve times the value of the last increment drawn. The EOAC has

recommended that this provision be extended to Confidential Secretaries of PSB.

We are maintaining this arrangement.

Recommendation 6

33. We recommend that the MCSAR in consultation with the Civil Service College

make arrangements for Confidential Secretaries of PSBs to follow the

Advanced Secretarial Course.

34. We further recommend that on successful completion of the course,

Confidential Secretaries should be granted one increment subject to the top

salary of the grade. In case the course is successfully completed after

reaching the last point in the salary scale, the officer should be granted a non-

pensionable lump sum equivalent to twelve times the value of the last

increment drawn.

Executive Assistant – formerly employed by the Development Works Corporation


35. With the closure of the DWC, Executive Assistants were posted/transferred in

different Ministries/Departments. In the last Report those Executive Assistants of

the former DWC, who had reached the top salary were allowed to move in the

salary scale of Rs 20675 x 750 – 29675 x 900 – 34175 x 1200 – 35375. We are

making similar provision.

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Recommendation 7

36. We recommend that Executive Assistants of the former DWC having reached

their top salary should be allowed to move in the salary scale of

Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350 wherever

they have been posted/transferred. Management should ensure that such

officers are entrusted responsibilities commensurate to their position.

Reform Cells in Parastatal Bodies

37. The EOAC, when making recommendations that each Ministry and Department re-

activates the Reform cells to coordinate with the Public Sector Re-engineering

Bureau and the Project Management and Delivery Unit in a more pro-active and

efficient manner, has also made recommendation that the office of the Public Sector

Governance ensures that Reform Cells be initiated in all Parastatal Bodies to review

individual structures, human resource utilisation and their scope of activities. This

has not been put in place and the Bureau is, therefore, making recommendation for

the setting up of Reform cells in PSBs.

Recommendation 8

38. We recommend that Management in Parastatal Organisations should set up,

with the assistance of the parent Ministry, Reform cells in their organisations

to co-ordinate and monitor all approved reform programmes. Their

assignment should be aligned with those of the Reform cells in Ministries and

Departments as set forth at in Volume 1. The Reform cells should be chaired

by the Chief Executives.

Performance Management System (PMS)

39. The Bureau has received representations from Federations that in PSBs

Performance Management System (PMS) has not taken off as expected when

compared to the Civil Service where it has already reached a long way. During

discussions with the Federations as well as Unions, it has been found that the

reason for such a situation is that no training has been imparted to officers in the

implementation of the whole process of PMS and this having delayed its

implementation. We are, therefore, making provision for the necessary training

which we believe is essential for an effective PMS System.

Recommendation 9

40. We recommend that Ministries should make the necessary arrangement to

provide training on PMS to officers in the PSBs falling under their aegis. They

may also contact the PMS Unit of the MCSAR for guidance and support and

for the delivery of training.

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Parastatal Body Service Commission

41. Among the demands made in the memoranda submitted to the Bureau as regards

Parastatal Bodies, there is also the request to consider the setting up of a

Parastatal Body Service Commission (PSBSC).

42. Members of Federations have submitted that PSBs do not have a structured and

harmonised way of recruiting employees. They have also stated that employees in

the grade of General Worker and in other grades, are often recruited on a casual

basis and remained in this position for long periods which is not conducive to

effective service delivery.

43. The Bureau has examined the above issue and considers that although the request

to have a Parastatal Body Service Commission appears to be plausible, the issue

should be discussed and taken at the level of Government.


44. For Public Sector Organisations across the world, the pressures for improved

efficiency during the past decades are now accompanied by an equally strong need

to revolutionise service delivery to create solutions that better meet citizens’ needs.

Public Sector organisations are attempting a transition from closed, top-down,

bureaucratic, and paper-based transactional models towards online, integrated

digital offerings that encourage a new kind of interaction between citizens and the


45. It is an undeniable fact that digitisation can significantly improve public service

delivery by increasing accuracy, efficiency and also reducing costs as compared to

the manual, paper-based process which slows operations. Digitisation will change

fundamentally and for the better the way that government provides services to

citizens and businesses. Services will be more accessible, more convenient, easier

to use and quicker in response and more cost effective.

46. We are, therefore, making general recommendations in Chapter 17 -

E-Government of Volume I and specific recommendations in parastatal

organisations to reinforce, where relevant, and review the organisation structure of

IT Departments/Divisions/Sections/Units and equip them with professional as well

as supportive grades.

Professional in Scarcity Areas

47. Some organisations are still experiencing difficulties in filling vacancies in certain

fields. To facilitate such organisations in recruiting the right expertise and

competencies, the Bureau is making provision of a higher entry point for

professionals wherever such is the case.

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General Terms and Conditions of Service

48. The Conditions of Service as recommended for the Civil Service in Volume I

should equally apply to employees of all Parastatal Bodies reported upon by

the Bureau in this Report.

49. A list of PSBs covered in this volume together with their respective salary codes is

given hereunder:


























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Parastatal Bodies Introduction

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Page 24: Republic of Mauritius - Mauritius Broadcasting …. SUGAR INDUSTRY LABOUR WELFARE FUND 459 78. SUGAR INSURANCE FUND BOARD 467 79. TAMIL SPEAKING UNION

Ministry of Arts and Culture Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund

~ 15 ~ Pay Review 2016


1.1 The Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund (AGTF) is a body corporate, set up by Act No. 31 of

2001 to document, manage and promote the Aapravasi Ghat Site as a national and

international site. The Aapravasi Ghat, a recognised UNESCO World Heritage Site,

is a depot-turned-monument marking one of the biggest waves of immigration to

Mauritius. It operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Arts and Culture.

1.2 The Site was declared National Monument under the National Monuments Act in

1987 and subsequently proclaimed National Heritage in 2003 under the National

Heritage Act 2003. It was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2006 by UNESCO

to maintain the cultural and natural heritage that are irreplaceable, unique and


1.3 The objectives of AGTF are, among others, to establish and promote Aapravasi

Ghat as a national, regional and international site; set up a museum at Aapravasi

Ghat; create public awareness in the history of the site and depict the arrival,

settlement and evolution of indenture in Mauritius. It also has to identify and

acquire sites, buildings and structures and linked with the history of the arrival of

immigrants and promote the social and cultural aspects of Aapravasi Ghat.

1.4 The organisation structure of the AGTF consists of Research and Technical Unit,

Interpretation Centre, Administrative Section and Finance Section.

1.5 In the context of the present review exercise, representations have been made for

the merging and restyling of grades as well as upgrading of qualifications

requirements and job enlargement. We have examined all the proposals and

apprised Management on issues that could not be retained for this Report. We are,

however, making appropriate recommendations.

Stores Attendant (New Grade)

1.6 Presently, the Fund does not have staff specifically for procurement and incumbent

in the grade of Gateman has been assigned the duties of procurement against

payment of a monthly allowance. Management has submitted that the volume of

work in respect of stores keeping has increased considerably as the Fund is also

involved in activities such as publication of new books/magazine and ordering of

specific items from overseas for the Beekrumsing Ramlallah Interpretation Centre.

As such, there is need for a grade of Stores Attendant to be responsible for all

procurement and supply functions of the Fund. We are making provision to this


Page 25: Republic of Mauritius - Mauritius Broadcasting …. SUGAR INDUSTRY LABOUR WELFARE FUND 459 78. SUGAR INSURANCE FUND BOARD 467 79. TAMIL SPEAKING UNION

Ministry of Arts and Culture Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund

Pay Review 2016 ~ 16 ~

Recommendation 1

1.7 We recommend the creation of a grade of Stores Attendant. Appointment

thereto should be made by selection from among serving officers of the

Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund possessing the Certificate of Primary Education or

an alternative equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board.

1.8 Incumbent in the grade of Stores Attendant would be responsible for opening and

closing of store apertures and offices; cleaning the store premises; collecting,

loading, unloading and conveying stores items; opening packages, crates and

cases; handling all stores items; removing all packing materials and empty crates;

packing stores items; washing, cleaning and stowing empties; placing and arranging

items of store on shelves and maintaining them clean and in order; and collecting

and despatching stores correspondence and files.

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

Recommendation 2

1.9 We recommend that incumbents in the grade of Human Resource Officer/

Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human Resource

Management or a Diploma with Human Resource Management as a major

component from a recognised institution or an equivalent qualification should

be allowed to move incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point

Rs 42325 provided that they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Programme Co-ordinator

1.10 Presently, incumbents in the grade of Programme Co-ordinator possessing a

Diploma in Administration or Management or Human Resource Management or

Heritage Studies or History or Museum Studies or an alternative equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Board are allowed to proceed incrementally beyond

the Qualification Bar (QB) in the salary scale of the grade. This recommendation

is maintained.

Page 26: Republic of Mauritius - Mauritius Broadcasting …. SUGAR INDUSTRY LABOUR WELFARE FUND 459 78. SUGAR INSURANCE FUND BOARD 467 79. TAMIL SPEAKING UNION

Ministry of Arts and Culture Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund

~ 17 ~ Pay Review 2016



AGTF 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

AGTF 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18075

Gateman Site Attendant

AGTF 3 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Stores Attendant (New Grade)

AGTF 4 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

AGTF 5 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21475

Office Attendant/Senior Office Attendant

AGTF 6 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

AGTF 7 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Site Conservation Worker

AGTF 8 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Field Guide Ticket/Sales Officer

AGTF 9 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Clerk Assistant

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund

Pay Review 2016 ~ 18 ~


AGTF 10 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer (Personal to incumbents in post as at 31.12.15) Clerk/Word Processing Operator

AGTF 11 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Heritage Guide/Public Outreach Officer

AGTF 12 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

AGTF 13 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Executive Officer (Personal to incumbents in post as at 31.12.15)

AGTF 14 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 QB 38350 x 1225 – 39575

Programme Co-ordinator

AGTF 15 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

AGTF 16 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Officer

AGTF 17 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

AGTF 18 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

ICT Technician

AGTF 19 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200 QB 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund

~ 19 ~ Pay Review 2016


AGTF 20 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary Marketing Officer Research Assistant

AGTF 21 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


AGTF 22 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Archaeologist Heritage Interpretation Manager Historian Researcher World Heritage Site Assistant Manager

AGTF 23 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 66650

Head, Research and Documentation Unit World Heritage Site manager

AGTF 24 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Head, Technical Unit

AGTF 25 : Rs 95000


Page 29: Republic of Mauritius - Mauritius Broadcasting …. SUGAR INDUSTRY LABOUR WELFARE FUND 459 78. SUGAR INSURANCE FUND BOARD 467 79. TAMIL SPEAKING UNION

Ministry of Arts and Culture Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund

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Page 30: Republic of Mauritius - Mauritius Broadcasting …. SUGAR INDUSTRY LABOUR WELFARE FUND 459 78. SUGAR INSURANCE FUND BOARD 467 79. TAMIL SPEAKING UNION

Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Agricultural Marketing Board

~ 21 ~ Pay Review 2016


2.1 The Agricultural Marketing Board (AMB) is a body corporate which was set up in

1963 by the Mauritius Agricultural Marketing Act 1963 and presently, operates

under the aegis of the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security.

2.2 By virtue of the Act, the AMB is vested with wide powers in matters relating to

imports and exports, warehousing, distribution and sales of commodities declared

as “controlled products”. It is currently the country’s foremost wholesaler of

“controlled products” Presently, the AMB is engaging itself in retailing activities

across the island along with direct sale to the general public through its

retail/outlets, market stalls operated by its own employees. The AMB is also

managing the seed Purchase Schemes as well as Freight Rebate Scheme. To

remain competitive in the retailing industries, the AMB intends to import new


2.3 The main objective of the AMB is, among others, to provide for efficient marketing

facilities for controlled products at fair reasonable prices and to operate or provide

for the operation of storage, handling, transport and processing facilities in respect

of these products as well as for the regulation of their standard and quality.

2.4 The vision of the AMB is to become an internationally competitive partner of the

Agro-Industry and its mission is to maximise customer satisfaction by providing high

quality and innovative products and services reliably and cost efficiently. It aims at

promoting the diversification of agriculture for the benefit of local producers and

consumers, stabilising prices of “controlled products” by optimising resources and

providing an excellent level of customer care.

2.5 The AMB is managed by a Board and is headed by a General Manager who is

assisted by an Assistant General Manager in the execution of the policy of the

Board and for the control and management of the day-to-day business of the


2.6 In the 2013 PRB Report, with a view to re-engineering a few hierarchies to improve

efficiency and effectiveness and to achieve the organisation’s objectives, we,

among others, recommended the abolition of certain grades, merged/restyled and

re-defined few others.

2.7 In the context of the present overall review exercise, Management apprised the

Bureau that AMB is implementing a reform plan allowing the organisation to divert

its activities. In the process of major reforms, the employees of ex-Tobacco Board

have been redeployed to the AMB and this would need a review of the organisation

structure at all level of operations.

Page 31: Republic of Mauritius - Mauritius Broadcasting …. SUGAR INDUSTRY LABOUR WELFARE FUND 459 78. SUGAR INSURANCE FUND BOARD 467 79. TAMIL SPEAKING UNION

Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Agricultural Marketing Board

Pay Review 2016 ~ 22 ~

2.8 Both the representatives of the Unions and the Management of the Agricultural

Marketing Board have, therefore, requested that in view of the on-going reforms,

there is need to abolish certain grades which are no more required, restyle certain

others to more appropriate job appellations commensurate with the nature of duties

performed, as well as provide for new levels which would enhance service delivery

and allow the AMB to meet the needs of its different stakeholders.

2.9 We have examined the different options available which would allow the AMB to

reach the expected standard in service delivery and also agree that as further

restructuring would still be needed within the organisation, we are abolishing certain

grades, restyling others and creating additional ones.

Restructuring of the Engineering Section

Electrical Engineer (New Grade)

2.10 The Management of the AMB has submitted that in view of the forecasted

expansion of the storage capacity of the AMB, and taking into consideration the

provision of the Occupational Safety and Health Act which provides that “where the

total power used or generated by machinery installed at any place of work exceeds

750 kilowatts, the employer shall employ a registered professional engineer to be in

charge of all such machinery”, there is, therefore, need for a grade to carry out the


2.11 Management has, therefore, requested for the creation of a grade of Electrical

Engineer on its establishment, the moreso, given that the only Engineer/Senior

Engineer in post is a qualified Mechanical Engineer. We have analysed the

proposal and are herewith, making the necessary recommendation.

Recommendation 1

2.12 We recommend the creation of the grade of Electrical Engineer on the

establishment of the AMB. Appointment, thereto, should be made by

selection from among candidates who are registered as a Registered

Professional Engineer of Mauritius in the field of Electrical or Mechatronics

Engineering with the Council of Registered Professional Engineers.

2.13 Incumbent would, among others, be required to assist the Engineer/Senior Engineer

in the day-to-day running of the Engineering Section; advise and recommend on all

electrical installations at the AMB; supervise electric/electronic works undertaken

internally and by external repair and maintenance agencies; manage the electrical

and electronic works at the AMB; be responsible for the installation, operation and

maintenance of all electric/electronic and associated services equipment; and

ensure compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act to avoid any

electrical hazard within the workplace.

Page 32: Republic of Mauritius - Mauritius Broadcasting …. SUGAR INDUSTRY LABOUR WELFARE FUND 459 78. SUGAR INSURANCE FUND BOARD 467 79. TAMIL SPEAKING UNION

Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Agricultural Marketing Board

~ 23 ~ Pay Review 2016

Technical Manager (Engineering)

formerly Engineer/Senior Engineer

2.14 With the creation of the grade of Electrical Engineer on the establishment of the

AMB, the structure of the Engineering Section has been reviewed such that the new

grade of Electrical Engineer would be required to be responsible to the

Engineer/Senior Engineer. As such, with a view to provide for an appropriate

cadre/structure, we have deemed it fit to restyle the grade of Engineer/Senior

Engineer to a more appropriate job appellation commensurate with the nature of

duties and level of responsibilities devolving upon the incumbent.

Recommendation 2

2.15 We recommend that the grade of Engineer/Senior Engineer be restyled

Technical Manager (Engineering) and incumbent would be in charge of the

Engineering Section.

2.16 The Technical Manager (Engineering) formerly Engineer/Senior Engineer would,

henceforth, be required, inter-alia, to supervise and coordinate the work of all

personnel in the Engineering Section; participate and contribute in the formulation of

strategic planning; advise on matters of policy relating to plant vehicle and

equipment; identify the training needs and train employees in the Engineering

Section; and formulate, implement and enforce, in collaboration with the Safety and

Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer, safety standards in all installations

and maintenance works.

Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

2.17 The Management of the AMB has apprised the Bureau that the Procurement and

Supply Section of the AMB is presently staffed with two officers who are assigned

the duties of Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer and who are taking

responsibility of the procurement activities. Given that this arrangement is not in

conformity with the principles of good governance/requirements of the Procurement

Act, as also observed by the National Audit Office, Management has requested a

level of Procurement and Supply Officer to assume these responsibilities and avoid

unwarranted Legal/Statutory disputes. The Bureau is agreeable to the proposal.

Recommendation 3

2.18 We recommend the creation of the grade of Procurement and Supply Officer

on the establishment of the Agricultural Marketing Board. Appointment,

thereto, should be made by selection from among holders of a Cambridge

Higher School Certificate with a pass at Principal Level in Mathematics or

Accounts and a Certificate in Purchasing and Supply Management from a

recognised institution.

Page 33: Republic of Mauritius - Mauritius Broadcasting …. SUGAR INDUSTRY LABOUR WELFARE FUND 459 78. SUGAR INSURANCE FUND BOARD 467 79. TAMIL SPEAKING UNION

Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Agricultural Marketing Board

Pay Review 2016 ~ 24 ~

2.19 Incumbent would be in charge of the Procurement Section and its day-to-day

Management, and would, among others, be required to implement appropriate

practices for the procurement of goods for resale for the AMB; ensure that

personnel posted in the Procurement Section are adequately informed of and

comply with all the existing rules and regulations of procurement laws; supervise the

safekeeping of all non-controlled products procured by the AMB and ensure prompt

record keeping thereof; advise Management on all spheres of procurement and

ensure the use of appropriate bidding documents at all times; head and advise on

any assignment related to purchasing, supply and consumables management;

attend queries from suppliers; and maintain and update AMB’s suppliers list.

Operations Worker (New Grade)

2.20 At present, employees in the grades of General Worker and Handy Worker (Special

Class) of the AMB, are called upon to work in retail outlets and market fairs across

the island and are required to ensure safecustody of the cash collection during the

day, until same is collected by another employee for remittance at the AMB.

2.21 In view of the recurrent nature of such activities in retail outlets, the moreso that

General Workers and Handy Workers (Special Class) are not qualified to ensure

cash transactions, the Management of the AMB has requested for the creation of a

dedicated grade to assume such functions. We concur with the proposal of the

AMB and are recommending, likewise.

Recommendation 4

2.22 We recommend the creation of the grade of Operations Worker on the

establishment of the Agricultural Marketing Board. Appointment, thereto,

should be made by selection from General Workers and Handy Workers

(Special Class) (Personal) of the AMB, reckoning at least 15 years’ service.

2.23 Incumbent would, among others, be required to remove, load, transport and stack

materials; effect general cleaning works, including indoor and outdoor premises;

weigh and pack produce; act as helper in delivery vans and retail outlets; effect

cash transactions as and when required in market fairs and retail outlets; ensure

safe custody of cash collected until submission to any authorised officer; and

ensure appropriate vigilance in the sales of produce and ensure safekeeping of

produce under his custody in market fairs/retail outlets.

Abolition of Grades

Head, Lay Services

2.24 It was submitted that the officer in post as Head, Lay Services has already retired

from the service at the AMB on Voluntary Retirement Scheme and that the services

of the grade would no longer be required. We are, therefore, recommending


Page 34: Republic of Mauritius - Mauritius Broadcasting …. SUGAR INDUSTRY LABOUR WELFARE FUND 459 78. SUGAR INSURANCE FUND BOARD 467 79. TAMIL SPEAKING UNION

Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Agricultural Marketing Board

~ 25 ~ Pay Review 2016

Recommendation 5

2.25 We recommend that the grade of Head, Lay Services on the establishment of

the Agricultural Marketing Board be abolished.


2.26 The Management of the AMB has submitted that, at present, there is only one

employee in post as Gatekeeper and that the others have proceeded on voluntary

retirement. In view of the fact that the duties devolving upon incumbent have been

contracted out, there would no longer be any need to maintain the grade of

Gatekeeper at the AMB.

Recommendation 6

2.27 We recommend that the grade of Gatekeeper on the establishment of the

Agricultural Marketing Board be made evanescent and abolished on vacancy.

We are providing for a personal salary for the incumbent in post as at

31 December 2015.

Forklift Driver

2.28 Both Union Members and the Management of the AMB have represented that the

requirement of “at least 10 years’ experience in the grade of Driver” be waived from

the scheme of service of the grade of Forklift Driver in view of the fact that the AMB

is having difficulty to fill the post, the moreso that several employees of the AMB

possess a Forklift Driver’s licence but do not reckon the 10 years’ experience as

Driver. The Bureau has agreed to the proposal and is bringing corrective


Recommendation 7

2.29 We recommend that the scheme of service for the grade of Forklift Driver on

the establishment of the AMB be amended such that, in future, appointment to

the grade would henceforth, be made by selection from among employees of

the AMB holding a substantive appointment and possessing a valid driving

licence for Forklifts; have a good eyesight; and are able to read and write


Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

Recommendation 9

2.30 We recommend that incumbents in the grade of Human Resource

Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human

Resource Management or a Diploma with Human Resource Management as a

major component from a recognised institution or an equivalent qualification

should be allowed to move incrementally in the master salary scale up to

salary point Rs 42325 provided that they :

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Agricultural Marketing Board

Pay Review 2016 ~ 26 ~

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report..



AMB 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

AMB 2 : Rs 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Assistant Handy Worker (Skilled) (Personal) Handy Worker (Special Class) (Personal)

AMB 3 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office and Weighbridge Attendant Operations Worker (New Grade)

AMB 4 : Rs 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21000

Gatekeeper (Personal to employee in post as at 31.12.15)

AMB 5 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


AMB 6 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Handy Worker (Skilled)

AMB 7 : Rs 13270 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 24750

Forklift Driver

AMB 8 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Agricultural Marketing Board

~ 27 ~ Pay Review 2016


AMB 9 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Weighbridge Operator

AMB 10 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer Clerk/Word Processing Operator

AMB 11 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Technical Operator

AMB 12 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Computer Support Officer

AMB 13 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Cashier Head, Registry

AMB 14 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Operations Officer

AMB 15 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

AMB 16 : Rs 21000 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Head Technical Operator

AMB 17 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

AMB 18 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Agricultural Marketing Board

Pay Review 2016 ~ 28 ~


AMB 19 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Senior Operations Officer

AMB 20 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer

AMB 21 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician

AMB 22 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

IT Officer

AMB 23 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Human Resource Management Officer

AMB 24 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Internal Auditor (Qualified)

AMB 25 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Electrical Engineer (New Grade)

AMB 26 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Accountant/Senior Accountant formerly Accountant

AMB 27 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 66650

Administrative Secretary Head Operations Officer Seeds Officer Trade and Marketing Officer

AMB 28 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 66650

Technical Manager (Engineering) formerly Engineer/Senior Engineer

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Agricultural Marketing Board

~ 29 ~ Pay Review 2016


AMB 29 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 92000

Assistant General Manager

AMB 30 : Rs 110000

General Manager

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Agricultural Marketing Board

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Page 40: Republic of Mauritius - Mauritius Broadcasting …. SUGAR INDUSTRY LABOUR WELFARE FUND 459 78. SUGAR INSURANCE FUND BOARD 467 79. TAMIL SPEAKING UNION

Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development, Disaster & Beach Management Beach Authority

~ 31 ~ Pay Review 2016


3.1 In accordance with the Beach Authority Act 2002, the Beach Authority (BA) is a

corporate body which operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Environment,

Sustainable Development, Disaster and Beach Management. The objectives of

the BA are to ensure an integrated approach in the proper control and

management of public beaches both in Mauritius and Rodrigues.

3.2 The BA aims at a better democratisation of access to public beaches and makes

provisions for the appropriate infrastructures and facilities for the benefit of the

public. There are currently 111 and 12 proclaimed public beaches in Mauritius and

Rodrigues respectively.

3.3 A General Manager is presently responsible for the control and management of the

day-to-day activities of the BA. He is supported by staff from the Administrative

Unit and Project Management/Technical Unit.

3.4 For this review, the Union has made representations to create new grades in the

technical and non-technical cadres and also to upgrade certain existing ones.

Management of BA has made submissions regarding creation of additional

levels and restyling of a few grades. In view of the growing importance of beach

management at the level of the parent Ministry, the Bureau considers that the

existing organisation structure of the BA should be further strengthened to

enhance service delivery and we are, to this effect, making the necessary


Administrative Manager

formerly Administrative Secretary

3.5 Management of BA has submitted to restyle the grade of Administrative

Secretary to a more appropriate appellation. Given the nature of work,

complexity of duties and responsibilities devolving upon the Administrative

Secretary, we are restyling the grade to reflect the level at which the incumbent

is operating.

Recommendation 1

3.6 We recommend that the grade of Administrative Secretary be restyled

Administrative Manager.

Accounting Technician (New Grade)

3.7 The Finance Section is at present headed by the Accounts Officer and

supported by a Clerk/Word Processing Operator. With the continuous

expansion of the activities of the BA, there is consequential increase in

responsibility for the Accounts Officer. Management of BA has requested for the

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creation of a professional level to take charge of the Finance Section. After

analysing the proposal, the Bureau considers that, at this stage, a new grade of

Accounting Technician would be adequate.

Recommendation 2

3.8 We recommend the creation of a grade of Accounting Technician.

Appointment to the grade should be by selection from among candidates

possessing passes in Papers F1, F2 and F3 of the ACCA Fundamentals

(Knowledge) and any four papers of ACCA Fundamentals (Skills) or

possess an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board; and

reckoning four years’ post qualification experience in accounting duties.

3.9 We also recommend that candidates should proceed beyond the QB in the

salary scale only after obtaining the full ACCA Fundamentals.

3.10 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to assist in the formulation of financial

procedures and policies; prepare annual financial statements or reports of the

BA; process payroll and arrange for payments of salaries and deductions; and

verify transactions through e-banking facilities offered by Banks.

Senior Beach Works Inspector (New Grade)

3.11 Representations have been received from the Union to create a grade of Senior

Beach Works Inspector to supervise officers in the grade of Beach Works

Inspector. On the other hand, Management has proposed to restyle the grade

of Beach Works Inspector to Beach Works Inspector/ Senior Beach Works

Inspector. The Bureau is of the view that there is need for an additional level, to

supervise and coordinate the work of Beach Works Inspectors.

Recommendation 3

3.12 We recommend the creation of a grade of Senior Beach Works Inspector.

Appointment thereto, should be made by promotion, on the basis of

experience and merit, of officers in the grade of Beach Works Inspector

reckoning at least three years’ service in a substantive capacity in the


3.13 Incumbent would be required, among others, to supervise and coordinate the

work of Beach Works Inspectors and other staff working under his responsibility;

monitor progress of work in respect of the Authority’s projects and take follow-up

action; prepare/interpret plans and project write-up in respect of projects

including construction of toilets blocks on public beaches followed by

implementation of the projects and supervision of the works; and carry out

landscaping projects on public beaches.

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~ 33 ~ Pay Review 2016

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer (New Grade)

3.14 Matters related to Human Resources (HR) are presently supervised by the

Administrative Secretary. A recent report on the Corruption Prevention Review

by Independent Commission Against Corruption recommends the setting up of a

separate HR Section from the Administration Section of the BA. Given that the

BA has been gradually resourced since its creation and that HR issues have

considerably increased, the creation of a grade to deal with HR matters is

justified. We are, therefore, providing for a grade of Human Resource

Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer on the establishment of the BA.

Recommendation 4

3.15 We recommend the creation of the grade of Human Resource Officer/

Senior Human Resource Officer. Appointment thereto, should be made by

selection from among serving officers of the BA in the grades of Higher

Executive Officer and Executive Officer with four years’ service

possessing a Diploma in Human Research Management or any equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Authority.

3.16 We further recommend that officers in the grade of Human Resource

Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human

Resource Management or a Diploma in Human Resource Management as a

major component or an equivalent qualification should be allowed to move

incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided

that they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

3.17 Incumbent would be required, among others, to ensure the smooth functioning

of the Human Resource Section of the organisation; provide advice on all

human resource policies and related issues; draft and process schemes of

service and revisiting existing ones to meet the organisation needs; and

supervise and provide guidance to subordinate staff.

IT Support Officer (New Grade)

3.18 In view of the growing use of information technology (IT), Management has

requested to provide for a grade to ensure proper functioning of the IT system

for the Licensing, Procurement, Registry and Complaints Units. With the

modernisation and development taking place in the IT field, the Bureau

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considers that the BA should be provided with a grade to develop its IT system

and thus enable the organisation to provide improved service delivery.

Recommendation 5

3.19 We recommend the creation of a grade of IT Support Officer. Appointment

to the grade should be made by selection from candidates possessing a

Diploma in Information and Communication Technology or any equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Authority.

3.20 Incumbent would be required, among others, to implement support and maintain

the IT system at the BA; develop small computer programmes for end-users;

implement security measures to safeguard IT systems from threats; ensure

compliance with ICT standards, guidelines and methodologies; and be

responsible for the updating and maintenance of the website of the BA.

Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

3.21 The Union has requested to upgrade the Assistant Procurement and Supply

Officer as the latter is performing additional duties and shouldering higher

responsibilities. Management was also agreeable to the Union’s proposal. After

analysing the representation, it is considered more appropriate to create a

supervisory level to shoulder higher responsibilities. We are, therefore,

providing for a grade of Procurement and Supply Officer.

Recommendation 6

3.22 We recommend the creation of a grade of Procurement and Supply Officer.

Appointment thereto, should be made by promotion, on the basis of

experience and merit, of officers in the grade of Assistant Procurement

and Supply Officer reckoning at least two years’ service in a substantive

capacity in the grade.

3.23 The Procurement and Supply Officer would be required, inter alia, to organise

and manage the procurement and supply activities of the Authority; be

responsible for procurement and supply storekeeping and stock control duties;

prepare reports on procurement activities and maintain contract agreements;

carry out test checks and report on discrepancy; keep and update store records;

and receive materials into stores and ensure that they comply with requisition

orders and are in good conditions.

Field Supervisor (New Grade)

3.24 At present, General Workers of the BA report to another General Worker who is

in charge of the site against the payment of an allowance. Management of the

BA has made a temporary administrative arrangement but the need for a

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supervisory level is warranted so as to coordinate the work of the General

Workers and to subsequently report to the Beach Works Inspectors.

Recommendation 7

3.25 We recommend the creation of a grade of Field Supervisor. The grade

should be filled by promotion, on the basis of experience and merit, of

officers in the grade of General Worker possessing the Certificate of

Primary Education, reckoning five years’ service, and having the ability to

write simple English/French and to do simple arithmetical work.

3.26 Incumbent would report to the Beach Works Inspector and would, among others,

be required to distribute work among the workers under his supervision and

maintain discipline; supervise and ensure that the work is properly performed;

record attendance of workers in attendance books; make simple measurements;

and keep simple records of the work effected.



BA 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

BA 2 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

BA 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


BA 4 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Field Supervisor (New Grade)

BA 5 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Handy Worker (Skilled)

BA 6 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525


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BA 7 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator

BA 8 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15)

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

BA 9 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

BA 10 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15)

BA 11 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Technical Design Officer

BA 12 : Rs 21475 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200

Beach Works Inspector

BA 13 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125

Beach Enforcement Officer

BA 14 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

BA 15 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer Higher Executive Officer

Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

BA 16 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer (New Grade)

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BA 17 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

IT Support Officer (New Grade) Technical Officer (Civil)

BA 18 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Senior Beach Works Inspector (New Grade)

BA 19 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Beach Enforcement Officer

BA 20 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200 QB 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician (New Grade)

BA 21 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Manager formerly Administrative Secretary

BA 22 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 66650

Technical Manager

BA 23 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Deputy General Manager

BA 24 : Rs 101000

General Manager

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Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport Bus Industry Employees Welfare Fund

~ 39 ~ Pay Review 2016


4.1 Act No.36 of 2002 provides for the establishment of the Bus Industry Employees

Welfare Fund (BIEWF) which, at present operates under the aegis of the Ministry of

Public Infrastructure, and Land Transport.

4.2 The Fund, being responsible for the promotion of the social and economic welfare

of the employees of the bus industry and their families, aims to be one of the most

prominent welfare service provider, serving every employee of the bus industry in

Mauritius and in making a difference in the employees welfare.

4.3 The mission of the BIEWF is to be a welfare institution, which, in response to the

diverse needs of employees of the bus industry, provides facilities guided by

integrity, excellence, social justice, quality and fairness; and participates in the

social and economic development through its welfare programme by utilising its

resources and capacities for the upliftment of the disadvantaged.

4.4 The BIEWF is managed by a Board of Directors and headed by an Administrative

Manager who is responsible for the day-to-day administration and management of

the Fund.

4.5 In this review exercise, we are maintaining the current organisation structure.



BIEWF 1 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17050

Handy Worker

BIEWF 2 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

BIEWF 3 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Receptionist/Word Processing Operator

BIEWF 4 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

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BIEWF 5 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

BIEWF 6 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk

BIEWF 7 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant (New Grade)

BIEWF 8 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician

BIEWF 9 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Programme Welfare Officer

BIEWF 10 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Manager

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VPM, Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities Central Water Authority

~ 41 ~ Pay Review 2016


5.1 Set up under the Central Water Authority (CWA) Act No. 20 of 1971, the CWA

operates as a body corporate under the aegis of the Ministry of Energy and Public

Utilities. Its core business activity is the provision of safe drinking water to the

Mauritian population, Government Bodies and business enterprises, which in all,

make up the 351328 registered subscribers.

5.2 With a mission of securing and providing a sustainable water supply service of

appropriate quality at an affordable price which meets the growing needs of the

people and to support the economic development of the country, the CWA

envisions to be the leader in providing an uninterrupted round the clock service of

world-class standard throughout the year to the entire population of Mauritius.

5.3 In its Programme 2015-2019, the Government is committed to addressing on a

priority basis, the long standing problem of water supply in the country. Water

resources will be mobilised and infrastructure including pipes renewed or replaced

to reduce water loss and ensure year round water supply. Also, new projects for

construction of dams along rivers and further development of ground water to

mobilise additional water resources will be considered.

5.4 The Authority is managed by a Board and headed by a General Manager, who is

responsible for the day-to-day administration of the organisation and

implementation of the Board’s decision. The organisational set up of the CWA

comprises two main divisions namely the Administration Division and the Technical

Division, each under the responsibility of a Deputy General Manager. Officers in the

professional, technical and other occupational cadres assist in attaining the overall

objectives of the organisation.

5.5 In the context of this review exercise, representations have been made for the

creation of grades, restyling and upgrading of existing ones, placing some other

grades on the roster system of work and merging a few ones to meet the

operational requirements. The Bureau has carefully examined each submission and

we are making the appropriate recommendations.

Administrative Manager

formerly Administrative Secretary

Administrative Assistant (New Grade)

5.6 The Management of the CWA has submitted that the workload in the Administrative

Division is increasing on account of new legislations, regulatory changes,

compliance issues, insurance and legal matters, event organisation and other

facilities, amongst others. Given the nature of work and the complexity of duties and

responsibilities devolving upon the Administrative Secretary, we are restyling the

grade to a more appropriate job appellation to reflect the level at which the

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incumbent is operating and also providing for a grade of Administrative Assistant to

provide support in the Division.

Recommendation 1

5.7 We recommend:

(i) that the grade of Administrative Secretary be restyled Administrative

Manager; and

(ii) the creation of the grade of Administrative Assistant on the

establishment of the CWA. Appointment thereto, should be made by

selection from among candidates possessing a Diploma in

Administration or Facility Management or Management from a

recognised institution and reckoning at least three years’ experience.

5.8 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to assist the Administrative Manager

formerly Administrative Secretary in discharging his responsibilities; deal with

matters relating to bids, provision of office accommodation, furniture, furniture

equipment, leasing of buildings/offices; liaise with insurance companies and follow-

up claims; assist in the preparation/coordination/publication of Annual Report in line

with Statutory Requirements; and act as Secretary to Board and Board Committees

in the absence of the Administrative Manager formerly Administrative Secretary.

Chief Fraud Detection Officer (New Grade)

5.9 In view of the important activities of the Anti Fraud Unit which are geared towards

the reduction of Non Revenue Water and maximisation of revenue, Management

has submitted that there is need to reinforce its structure through the appointment of

a qualified person to manage and control its daily operations. Given that the scope

and duties of the Anti Fraud Unit have increased considerably, we are agreeable to

the request.

Recommendation 2

5.10 We recommend the creation of the grade of Chief Fraud Detection Officer on

the establishment of the CWA. Appointment thereto, should be made by

selection from among officers in the grade of Superintendent, Anti Fraud Unit

possessing a Degree in Law or Law/Legal Studies and Management or

Accounting/Finance with Law or Accounting with Finance or Management.

5.11 Incumbent would, among others, be required to: be responsible for the efficient

organisation of the Anti Fraud Unit; conduct investigation to reduce Non Revenue

Water and on morcellement and development to ascertain that all financial

contribution and other fees have been properly computed and paid; assist the

Attorney and Counsel in complex court cases for the recovery of water debts; be

responsible for the conduct of civil and criminal proceedings; and to represent the

CWA in Court and other Legal Institutions.

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~ 43 ~ Pay Review 2016

IT Technician (New Grade)

5.12 The CWA has approximately 15 remote sites which are equipped with IT

infrastructures (computers, printers, biometric devices and networking equipment).

The headquarters host around 300 such devices and up to 400 interventions are

performed island-wide on a monthly basis. Management has submitted that with

the rapid change in technology and new types of devices being used (laptops,

android devices, tablets etc), there is need to have a dedicated grade whereby

incumbent would act as the first line of support to assist users with IT related issues

and to which the Bureau subscribes.

Recommendation 3

5.13 We recommend the creation of the grade of IT Technician on the

establishment of the CWA. Appointment thereto, should be made by

selection from among candidates possessing a Diploma in Information

Technology or Computer Science or an equivalent qualification acceptable to

the Board and reckoning at least two years’ post qualification experience in

the field of IT.

5.14 The IT Technician would, among others, be required to work under the supervision

of the IT Analyst and Senior IT Analyst; install, configure and upgrade client

operating systems and software using standard business and administrative

packages; act as technical resource in assisting users to resolve problems with

equipment and data; troubleshoot problems with computer systems, including

troubleshooting hardware and software, internets e-mail, network and peripheral

equipment problems; and make repairs and corrections where required.

Senior Technical Assistant (Electrical) (New Grade)

Senior Technical Assistant (Mechanical) (New Grade)

5.15 There are, at present, 78 Technical Assistants posted in the different divisions/

sections of the organisation and they report to their respective heads. With a view to

enhancing the operational efficiency in terms of organisation and supervision of

work, both the Management and the Union have requested for the creation of the

grade of Senior Technical Assistant to take charge of the technical staff and monitor

their work. We have examined the submissions and are agreeable for the creation

of the grade of Senior Technical Assistant.

Recommendation 4

5.16 We recommend the creation of the grades of Senior Technical Assistant

(Electrical) and Senior Technical Assistant (Mechanical), respectively on the

establishment of the CWA. Appointment thereto, should be by promotion, on

the basis of experience and merit, of officers in the grades of Technical

Assistant (Electrical) and Technical Assistant (Mechanical) respectively

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reckoning at least four years’ experience in a substantive capacity in the

respective grade.

5.17 Incumbent would be required, among others, to supervise/oversee the works being

carried out by Technical Assistants on sites and assign to them any additional work

as may be required; carry out administrative duties such as preparation and

submission of time/wage sheets, keeping of record books, monitoring of daily

attendance in the absence of the Technical Officer/Senior Technical Officer; be

responsible for the daily execution of work as planned by Technical Officer/Senior

Technical Officer; and maintain adequate stock of required materials and spares for

the smooth running of the section.

Quality Assurance Manager

5.18 Management has submitted that there is need for a grade of Quality Assurance

Manager to ensure that products meet quality standards. He would also be

responsible for planning, directing and coordinating quality assurance programs and

formulating quality control policies.

5.19 The Bureau has studied the request and has found that there would not be full time

job for such a grade and it would be a dead-end post with no possibility of career

movement. Consequently, the creation of such a grade is not justified. However,

we are addressing the issue by providing for a designated position and are

recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 5

5.20 We recommend that officers in the grade of Technical Officer/Senior

Technical Officer (Laboratory) formerly Technical Officer (Laboratory) should

be designated on a rotational basis to perform duties related to quality


5.21 We further recommend that the designated officer should be granted a

monthly allowance of Rs 1550.

Grades on Roster

5.22 At present, there are the grades of Inspector, Assistant Inspector, Operative and

General Worker on the establishment of the CWA. With a view to providing a quality

service to valuable customers on a 24/7 basis at national level, Management has

submitted that the above grades in the Operations Division be placed on roster. As

this new pattern of work will enhance service delivery, we subscribe to the


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Recommendation 6

5.23 We recommend the creation of the grades of Assistant Inspector (Roster –

day and night), Inspector (Roster – day and night), Operative (Roster – day

and night) and General Worker (Roster – day and night) on the establishment

of the Central Water Authority.

5.24 We also recommend that incumbents in the grades of Assistant Inspector,

Inspector, Operative and General Worker should be given the option to join

the new grades of Assistant Inspector (Roster– day and night), Inspector

(Roster – day and night), Operative (Roster – day and night) and General

Worker (Roster – day and night) and, on joining the respective grade, be

granted two additional increments at the point reached in their respective

salary scale, subject to the top salary of the grades.

5.25 We further recommend that the grades of Assistant Inspector, Operative and

General Worker be made evanescent. We have provided personal salaries for

officers in post as at 31.12.15 in these grades.

Special Professional Retention Allowance

5.26 The Special Professional Retention Allowance (SPRA) was introduced in the 2008

overall review, more specifically in the EOC Report 2009, to curb recruitment and

retention problems in the field of Engineering which was considered as scarcity


5.27 We have observed that the market situation/condition has improved and there are

many qualified people who are available to work in this sector. We are, however,

maintaining the payment of the SPRA to eligible officers in post as at 31 December

2015 up to 31 December 2016.

Recommendation 7

5.28 We recommend that officers in the Engineering cadre of the CWA eligible for

the payment of Special Professional Retention Allowance (SPRA) as at

31 December 2015 should continue to be paid same up to 31 December 2016

as specified in the following table:

Salary SPRA% of Monthly Salary

Rs 29400 up to Rs 62950 and reckoning at least 10 years’ service in their respective grade


Above Rs 62950 and up to Rs 70450 7

Above Rs 70450 and up to Rs 86000 10

Above Rs 86000 and up to Rs 95000 12.5

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5.29 We further recommend that those officers who:

(i) leave the service prior to the age at which they may retire without the

approval of the Board (Table II at Chapter 15 of Volume 1) should refund

the totality of the Special Professional Retention Allowance paid to

them; and

(ii) retire from the service on reaching the age at which they may retire

without the approval of the Board or thereafter, should refund only that

part of the Special Professional Retention Allowance which they would

have earned under this scheme after reaching the age at which they may

retire without the approval of the Board.

5.30 However, provision made at (i) and (ii) above, should not apply to officers

retiring as per their new compulsory retirement age or on medical ground.

5.31 All officers in the Engineering field who are eligible for the payment of the

Special Professional Retention Allowance as from 01 January 2016 and have

been granted same prior to the publication of this Report should continue to

draw the Special Professional Retention Allowance up to 31 December 2016.

Night Duty Allowance

5.32 Night Duty Allowance is normally paid to officers who effectively work on night shift.

We are, in this Report, extending the payment of this allowance to officers of the

CWA who effectively work on night shift.

Recommendation 8

5.33 We recommend that officers on the establishment of the CWA, who effectively

work on night shift, should be paid a Night Duty Allowance equivalent to 25%

of the normal rate per hour for the hours between 2300 hours and 0500 hours

including up to a maximum of two hours lying-in period.

Special Allowance

Recommendation 9

5.34 We recommend that incumbents in the grades listed below who are regularly

exposed to foul odour and raw sewage should, with effect from 01 January

2016 and up to the next Overall Review on Pay and Grading Structures and

Conditions of Service in the Public Sector, be paid a special monthly

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VPM, Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities Central Water Authority

~ 47 ~ Pay Review 2016

allowance equivalent to two increments at the salary point reached in their

respective salary scale:

Senior Scientific Officer (Biochemistry)

Scientific Officer (Biochemistry)

Technical Officer/Senior Technical Officer

formerly Senior Technical Officer

Technical Officer

Laboratory Attendant

Allowance to officers of the Engineering cadre at the operations Division

5.35 The Operation Division carries out the core activity of the Authority which is the

treatment and distribution of potable water throughout Mauritius. Presently, this

division employs some 600 personnel and manages a recurrent budget of Rs 450

million. Management has submitted that during the last two decades, the

responsibility of Engineers in the Operation Division has further increased with the

gradual outsourcing of key activities where there is need for more input from officers

of the Engineering cadre. In addition, the CWA provides and maintains a 24-hour

service and Operation Engineers are often solicited at any time of the day and night

and during weekends and public holidays to attend to complaints and other


5.36 Management has also highlighted that during the last seven years, about 20

Professional Engineers who have acquired useful experience in hydraulics and the

water sector have left the Authority. To this end, request has been made to provide

an allowance to compensate as well as retain these officers. The Bureau has duly

examined the issue and is of the view that, given the national importance of this

sector, there is need to motivate and compensate them appropriately which in turn

would enhance service delivery to the citizens. Hence, we are recommending


Recommendation 10

5.37 We recommend that officers of the Engineering cadre at the Operation

Division of the CWA who are regularly called upon to perform duties after

normal working hours should be paid a special monthly allowance equivalent

to two increments at the salary point reached in the master salary scale,

subject to satisfactory performance and upon recommendation of the

Responsible/Supervising Officer.

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Pay Review 2016 ~ 48 ~



CWA 1 : Rs 13270 x 260 – 13790

Trainee Meter Reader

CWA 2 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 14600

Trainee Technical Design Officer

CWA 3 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker (Personal)

CWA 4 : Rs 8200 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18075

General Worker (Roster – day and night)

CWA 5 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

CWA 6 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18825

Assistant Tradesman (Personal)

CWA 7 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Stores Attendant

CWA 8 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

CWA 9 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Assistant Treatment Plant Operator (Shift) (Personal) Office Attendant Pneumatic Hammer Operator (Personal)

CWA 10 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Survey Field Worker/Senior Survey Field Worker

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CWA 11 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


CWA 12 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Field Supervisor (Personal)

CWA 13 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Tradesman (Blacksmith, Mechanic, Mason, Plumber and Pipe Fitter, Carpenter, Electrician, Painter, Water Meter Repairer)

CWA 14 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

CWA 15 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 24750

Treatment Plant Operator (Shift) (Personal)

CWA 16 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

CWA 17 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Heavy Vehicle Driver

CWA 18 : Rs 24750 x 775 – 26300

Trainee Engineer

CWA 19 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Laboratory Attendant

CWA 20 : Rs 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Operative (Personal)

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CWA 21 : Rs 17050 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 28625

Head Survey Field Worker

CWA 22 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 28625

Operative (Roster – day & night)

CWA 23 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator

CWA 24 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Call Centre Operator Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer

CWA 25 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Chief Tradesman (Personal) Senior Operative

CWA 26 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950


CWA 27 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Surveying Assistant

CWA 28 : Rs 18075 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Senior Laboratory Attendant

CWA 29 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Technical Assistant (Electrical) (Shift) Technical Assistant (Electronic) (Shift) Technical Assistant (Mechanical) (Shift)

CWA 30 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Assistant Inspector (Personal) Data Processing Controller Meter Reader

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CWA 31 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Assistant Documentation Officer

CWA 32 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

CWA 33 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Fraud Detection Officer Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Call Centre Assistant Supervisor Executive Officer (Personal) Purchasing and Supply Officer (Personal)

CWA 34 : Rs 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 33425

Assistant Inspector (Roster – day and night)

CWA 35 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Data Control Supervisor

CWA 36 : Rs 20525 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Office Supervisor

CWA 37 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Technical Design Officer

CWA 38 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Senior Technical Assistant (Electrical) (New Grade) Senior Technical Assistant (Mechanical) (New Grade)

CWA 39 : Rs 21475 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200

Documentation Officer Inspector Senior Meter Reader

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CWA 40 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Internal Control Officer (Future Holder)

CWA 41 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

CWA 42 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer Call Centre Supervisor Fraud Detection Officer Higher Executive Officer (Personal) Human Resource Officer Inspector (Roster – day and night) Internal Control Officer (Personal) Procurement and Supply Officer Senior Cashier

CWA 43 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant

CWA 44 : Rs 23975 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Meter Reading Supervisor

CWA 45 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Administrative Assistant (New Grade) Computer Programmer IT Technician (New Grade) Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer Transport Superintendent

CWA 46 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Senior Inspector

CWA 47 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Accounts Officer Senior Human Resource Officer Senior Internal Control Officer Superintendent, Anti Fraud Unit

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CWA 48 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Senior Technical Design Officer (Cartography Survey)

CWA 49 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Technical Officer/Senior Technical Officer formerly Senior Technical Officer Technical Officer Technical Officer/Senior Technical Officer (Laboratory) formerly Technical Officer (Laboratory)

CWA 50 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Treatment Plant Superintendent

CWA 51 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Chief Works Officer Emergency Cell Coordinator

CWA 52 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950

Senior Technical Design Officer (Cartography Survey) (Personal)

CWA 53 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Superintendent, Purchasing and Supply

CWA 54 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Communication/Public Relations Officer Economist/Analyst Surveyor

CWA 55 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

IT Analyst

CWA 56 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Human Resource Management Officer

CWA 57 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Scientific Officer (Biochemistry)

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CWA 58 : Rs 36200 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Chief Technical Design Officer

CWA 59 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Chief Fraud Detection Officer (New Grade)

CWA 60 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Accountant/Senior Accountant formerly Accountant Administrative Manager formerly Administrative Secretary

CWA 61 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Executive Engineer/Senior Executive Engineer formerly Senior Engineer Executive Engineer Executive Engineer/Senior Executive Engineer (Electrical) formerly Executive Engineer (Electrical) Mechanical Engineer/Senior Mechanical Engineer formerly Mechanical Engineer

CWA 62 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Chief Internal Auditor Deputy Manager Commercial Services Senior IT Analyst Senior Scientific Officer (Biochemistry) Senior Surveyor

CWA 63 : Rs 39575 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

HR Manager Manager (Procurement and Supply)

CWA 64 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

IT Manager Manager, Commercial Services Principal Engineer Principal Engineer (Mechanical and Electrical)

CWA 65 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 83000

Chief Financial Officer

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CWA 66 : Rs 66650 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Chief Engineer

CWA 67 : Rs 89000 x 3000 – 95000

Deputy General Manager (Administration) Deputy General Manager (Technical)

CWA 68 : Rs 110000

General Manager

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Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Chagossian Welfare Fund

Reform Institutions

~ 57 ~ Pay Review 2016


6.1 The Chagossian Welfare Fund Act No 21 of 1999 has replaced the Ilois Trust Fund

Act of 1982. At present, the Chagossian Welfare Fund which operates under the

umbrella of the Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform

Institutions, provides among others, for the enhancement of the social and

economic welfare of members of the Chagossian Community in the Republic of


6.2 The Fund aims, inter alia, at advancing and promoting the welfare of the members

of Chagossian Community and their descendents in Mauritius; developing

programmes and projects for the total integration of the members of Chagossian

Community and their descendants into the Republic of Mauritius; and maintaining

and managing the Chagossian Community Centres in Mauritius together with other

community facilities vested in it for the benefit of members of the Chagossian

Community and their descendents.

6.3 Since its inception, the Chagossian Welfare Fund has been administered by a

Board which manages the affairs and assets of the Fund. The Act also makes

provision for appointment of a full-time Secretary. However, given the limited scope

of work, the Ministry has so far been availing of the services of a Secretary, who is

an officer of the parent Ministry, on a part-time basis.

6.4 So far, the Secretary has been assigned the administrative duties of the Fund

including control of its staff, execution of documents on behalf of the Fund,

representing the Fund in Court matters, monitoring the implementation of projects of

the Fund and organising welfare activities for the Chagossian Community.

Allowance to perform duties of Secretary

6.5 At present, the officer assigned the duties of Secretary to the Board and assuming

the administrative responsibilities of the Chagossian Welfare Fund is paid an all-

inclusive monthly allowance of Rs 1980. We are reviewing the allowance.

Recommendation 1

6.6 We recommend that, in the absence of a full-time Secretary, the officer

designated to act as Secretary to the Board and assuming the administrative

responsibilities of the Chagossian Welfare Fund should be paid an all-

inclusive monthly allowance of Rs 2080.

Office Attendant (New Grade)

6.7 The Chagossian Welfare Fund is actually running two Community Centres, one at

Pointe aux Sables and one at Tombeau Bay, respectively for the organisation of

social welfare and economic activities for the members of Chagossian Community

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Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Chagossian Welfare Fund

Reform Institutions

Pay Review 2016 ~ 58 ~

in Mauritius. In the given circumstances, Management has requested for the

creation of a polyvalent grade of Office Attendant who would be responsible for

attending to the day-to-day activities organised by these centres. We are

recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 2

6.8 We recommend the creation of the grade of Office Attendant on the

establishment of the Chagossian Welfare Fund. Appointment, thereto, should

be made by selection from among holders of a Cambridge School Certificate

with passes on one certificate in five subjects including English Language

with at least Grade C in any two subjects.

6.9 The incumbent would, inter alia be required to open and close offices; collect and

deposit keys from/to police stations; run official errands, including the despatch of

correspondence, forms and materials and distribution of files, documents and faxes;

usher in/guide visitors and maintain a record of such visits; clean premises and

maintain the physical environment at a good standard; ensure that all

switches/lights are turned off before leaving office; and assist in the arrangement of

furniture and equipment within office premises.



CWF 1 : Rs 11770 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

CWF 2 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Caretaker/Gardener Office Attendant (New Grade)

CWF 3 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

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Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Civil Service Family Protection Scheme Board

~ 59 ~ Pay Review 2016


7.1 The Civil Service Family Protection Scheme Board (CSFPSB) was set up under the

Widows’ and Children’s Pension Scheme (Amendment) (Act No. 28 of 1993). It is a

body corporate and operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Finance and

Economic Development.

7.2 The Mission of the CSFPSB is to manage a protection scheme that enhances the

quality of life of its customers through its shared commitment to those it serves and

deliver the highest quality service and performance.

7.3 The activities of the CSFPSB are organised in three sections namely: Finance,

Control and Information Technology.

7.4 In the context of this review exercise, the main representations have been focused

on creation of grade, upgrading of qualification’s requirement, alignment of salary

and restyling of post. All parties concerned have been apprised of the established

criteria set for the creation of grade and restyling of post as well as the upgrading of

qualification’s requirement and the alignment of salary. We are of the view that the

organisation structure as well as the emoluments are adequate and is, therefore,

maintained. .



CFP 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Attendant (Ex-SPI) (Personal)

Office Attendant

CFP 2 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

CFP 3 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

CFP 4 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer Clerk (Rodrigues) (Personal)

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CFP 5 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (CFB)

CFP 6 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Executive Officer (Personal to incumbents in post as at 31.12.15)

CFP 7 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 33425

Accounts Clerk/Senior Accounts Clerk Accounts Clerk/Senior Accounts Clerk (Rodrigues)

CFP 8 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Systems Supervisor (CFP)

CFP 9 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

CFP 10 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Officer

CFP 11 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant (CFB)

CFP 12 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Financial Officer

CFP 13 : Rs 33425 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Principal Financial Officer

CFP 14 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Systems Administrator (CFP)

CFP 15 : Rs 53200 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 83000

Assistant General Manager

CFP 16 : Rs 101000

General Manager

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Conservatoire National de Musique Francois Mitterrand Trust Fund

~ 61 ~ Pay Review 2016


8.1 The Conservatoire National de Musique François Mitterrand Trust Fund

(Conservatoire) has as prime objective, to organise and run music courses including

courses on music technology at all levels and promote music as well as the

Mauritian Musical Heritage.

8.2 As musical heritage is of paramount importance for any nation, the Conservatoire

which is a national institution, is also actively involved in the preservation of musical

elements which form part of the Mauritian musical heritage such as music

manuscripts, publication by Mauritian Composers, old music instruments, among

others. Further, it also preserves our musical heritage through concerts and

conferences which it organises regularly with a view to promoting works by

Mauritian Artists. In the pursuance of its mission, the Conservatoire has steadily

expanded its activities over the years. Presently, it has over 2500 students enrolled

for its music courses which are dispensed in its eight branches, including the one in

Rodrigues Island.

8.3 We revisited the organisation structure of the Conservatoire in our last Report,

creating a few grades and restyling others. Its structure was further reinforced with

the creation of additional grades in the EOAC Report.

8.4 The Director who is at the helm of the Conservatoire, is responsible for its day to

day activities and she is assisted by a complement of teaching, professional,

technical and supporting staff.

8.5 During consultation, the Director has expatiated on the importance of the

Conservatoire and its contribution in the cultural development of the country. She

considers that the existing structure is adequate for the organisation to function

efficiently to which we agree. The present organisation set up is, therefore, being

maintained. We are, however, reviewing the mode of remuneration of Part Time


Music Tutors

8.6 At present, Music Tutors are allowed to proceed incrementally in the Master Salary

Scale up to salary point Rs 58775 subject to certain conditions. We are maintaining

this recommendation and revising the salary point.

Recommendation 1

8.7 We recommend that Music Tutors be allowed to proceed incrementally up to

salary point Rs 62950 in the Master Salary Scale through the grant of one

increment every year provided they have:

(i) drawn the top salary for a year; and

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Pay Review 2016 ~ 62 ~

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year and are not under report.

Part Time Music Teachers

8.8 The Part Time Music Teachers, employed by the Conservatoire are presently

remunerated on the basis of their qualification and number of hours put in as


Teachers holding Diploma in Music or a higher qualification Rs 350/hr

Teachers holding a qualification lower than a Diploma in Music Rs 285/hr

8.9 In addition, these Teachers are refunded travelling by bus and are entitled to 1/12 of

their annual earnings as End of Year Bonus.

8.10 In the past remuneration of the part-time Music Teachers was based on their

qualifications. Taking into consideration the qualification required to teach at these

levels and the salary scales provided for the relevant grades, it is observed that the

mode of remuneration is not appropriate. Even at Tertiary institutions, the

remuneration of resource persons is based on the level taught and not on the profile

of the Resource Person. We are, therefore, making appropriate amendments.

8.11 We are also conscious of the fact that certain courses may be running right now and

Resource Persons have already embarked on a sort of undertaking. With a view

not to penalise them we are taking the necessary measures.

Recommendation 2

8.12 We recommend that for future intakes:

(i) Teachers teaching level 1 should be remunerated at the rate of

Rs 155/hr;

(ii) Teachers teaching level 2 and 3 should be remunerated at the rate of

Rs 220/hr.

8.13 We also recommend that for the present courses being run, Teachers should

continue to draw on a personal basis the rate in force i.e.:

Teachers holding a Diploma in Music or a higher qualification Rs 350/hr

Teachers holding a qualification lower than a Diploma in Music Rs 285/hr

8.14 The Bureau further recommends that the part-time Teachers should continue

to be entitled for refund of travelling by bus and an End-of-Year Bonus

computed at the rate of 1/12 of their annual earnings.

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Conservatoire National de Musique Francois Mitterrand Trust Fund

~ 63 ~ Pay Review 2016




CNMTF 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

CNMTF 2 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050


CNMTF 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

CNMTF 4 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Handy Worker/Tradesman

CNMTF 5 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer (New Grade) Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer (Personal) Library Clerk

CNMTF 6 : Rs 15450 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725


CNMTF 7 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

CNMTF 8 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Events Officer

CNMTF 9 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275 QB 36200 x 925 - 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Piano Accompanist

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Pay Review 2016 ~ 64 ~



CNMTF 10 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Assistant Financial Officer/Financial Officer

CNMTF 11 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

CNMTF 12 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Procurement and Supply Officer

CNMTF 13 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant

CNMTF 14 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375 QB 46900 x 1625 – 56450

Music Tutor

CNMTF 15 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary Public Relations Officer

CNMTF 16 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 66650

Head, Music Department

CNMTF 17 : Rs 95000


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Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport Construction Industry Development Board

~ 65 ~ Pay Review 2016


9.1 The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) is a statutory body

established under the CIDB Act of 2008 and it operates under the aegis of the

Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport. With the growing economic

importance of the construction sector and with the upcoming of megaprojects such

as smart cities, the CIDB is being called upon to fully assume its role as regulator

and facilitator of the construction industry. In this respect, the CIDB Act has been

amended in March 2015 and the composition of the Council has been reviewed.

9.2 One of the core activities of the CIDB is the registration of both local and foreign

contractors/consultants. The Executive Director is responsible for the control and

management of the day-to-day activities at the CIDB.

9.3 Representations from Unions were mainly to compensate for additional duties

performed by a few officers and to create the grade of Management Support Officer.

The Management of CIDB has requested to demerge the grade of Manager and

also to create grades in the information technology, administrative and technical

sections. After careful examination of the submissions, the Bureau is making

appropriate recommendations to enable the CIDB to better fulfil its role in the

development of the construction industry.

Manager, Corporate Services

Manager, Technical Services

formerly Manager

9.4 It has been submitted by the Management of CIDB that the Manager of the

Corporate Services and that of the Technical Services have different roles and

responsibilities and the qualification requirements also differ. Given that the CIDB

has been encountering difficulties to recruit Managers with the recommended

profile, it has been proposed to demerge the grade of Manager and reinstate it as it

was prior to the 2013 PRB Report. We are agreeable to the submission of the

Management and are recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 1

9.5 We recommend that the grade of Manager be demerged and restyled

Manager, Corporate Services and Manager, Technical Services.

9.6 We further recommend that appointment to the grade of Manager, Corporate

Services should be made by selection from candidates who are registered as

a Professional Accountant with the Mauritius Institute of Professional

Accountants (MIPA) under the Financial Reporting Act or are Members of the

Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators and possess a Master’s

Degree in Management or Business Administration from a recognised

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institution, and reckon at least five years’ post registration experience in the

construction industry.

9.7 We also recommend that appointment to the grade of Manager, Technical

Services should be made by selection from among candidates who are

registered as a Professional Architect under the Professional Architects

Council Act or registered as a Professional Engineer under the Registered

Professional Engineers Council Act or registered as a Professional Member of

the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors as (Quantity Surveying), and

reckon at least five years’ post registration experience in the construction


9.8 The Manager, Corporate Services and Manager, Technical Services will report to

the Executive Director and will assist him in the smooth running of the Corporate

Services and Technical Services respectively.

9.9 Incumbent in the grade of Manager, Corporate Services would be required, among

others, to be responsible for the administrative functions of the Board; formulate,

maintain and implement adequate administrative procedures; assist in the

preparation of legislation and the handling of matters having legal implications; and

be responsible for the promotion of staff welfare and ensure a safe and healthy

working environment.

9.10 The Manager, Technical Services would be, inter alia, required to assist in the

formulation of strategies and policies in accordance with the objects of the Board;

assist in the preparation of budget estimates of the Board; be responsible for the

registration of consultants and contractors; and follow up and report development in

the construction industry.

Technical Executive (New Grade)

9.11 Management has submitted that the technical section needs to be further

strengthened with a professional grade in view of the higher responsibilities to be

devolved upon incumbent in the new organisational set up. Given that the core

activity at the CIDB requires professional support and expertise, the request is

justified and we are, therefore, providing for a grade of Technical Executive on the

establishment of the CIDB.

Recommendation 2

9.12 We recommend the creation of a grade of Technical Executive. Appointment

thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

Degree in Engineering or Architecture or Quantity Surveying from a

recognised University or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board

and having at least one year post qualification experience in the construction


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9.13 Incumbent would be responsible to the Manager, Technical Services and would be,

inter alia, required to assist the latter in all technical matters; assist in processing of

applications for registration of consultants and contractors; carry out survey studies

and research on matters relating to the construction industry; provide advice to

members of public on construction matters; and assist in the compilation and

updating of the national schedule of rates.

IT Support Officer (New Grade)

9.14 In view of the extensive reliance and use of information technology (IT) especially

for the registration of consultants and contractors, the Management proposed the

creation of the grade of Systems Analyst to ensure proper functioning of the current

IT system. The Bureau considers that in the first instance a grade in the IT field

may be created at the diploma level. Hence, we are making provision to that end.

Recommendation 3

9.15 We recommend the creation of a grade of IT Support Officer. Appointment to

the grade should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

Diploma in Information and Communication Technology or an equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Board.

9.16 Incumbent would be required, among others, to implement, support and maintain

the IT system at the CIDB; develop small computer programmes for end-users; be

responsible for the security and back up of files; and train end-users.



CIDB 1 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Handy Worker/Driver

CIDB 2 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator/Receptionist

CIDB 3 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer

CIDB 4 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Technical Assistant

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CIDB 5 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

CIDB 6 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Administrative Assistant IT Support Officer (New Grade)

Technical Coordinator

CIDB 7 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200 QB 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician

CIDB 8 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Technical Executive (New Grade)

CIDB 9 : Rs 61325 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 83000

Manager, Corporate Services Manager, Technical Services formerly Manager

CIDB 10 : Rs 101000

Executive Director

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Early Childhood Care and Education Authority

Education and Scientific Research

~ 69 ~ Pay Review 2016


10.1 The Early Childhood Care and Education Authority (ECCEA) was established as a

body corporate in 2007 and it envisions to provide quality pre-school education to all

children within a safe, inclusive and child friendly environment.

10.2 Its functions are two-fold. It is responsible to run some 189 Pre-Primary schools and

also to oversee and regulate the activities of the 800 private Pre-Primary schools

and 61 pre-schools managed by the Local Authorities. In delivering on its mandate,

the Director of the ECCEA, who is at the helm of the organisation, is assisted by an

array of technical and supporting staff.

10.3 For this review, the representations of the different unions were mainly the

alignment of the Teacher’s salary with that of Primary School Educator formerly

Educator (Primary), creation of additional levels, review of the mode of appointment

of certain grades and refund of casual leave as well as payment of allowances. The

ECCEA’s main proposals, on the other hand, pertained to restructuring the

organisation with the creation of units and grades, reinforcing the Finance and

Procurement and Supply sections and reviewing the entry level of the Teacher

cadre with the creation of a grade of Trainee Teacher.

10.4 Where, for technical reasons it has not been possible to accede to the requests

made, the parties have been so apprised during the consultative meetings and they

have also been provided with the reasons thereof. We consider that Management’s

proposal relating to the creation of new levels to head and operate the new units to

be top heavy and it may impinge on the career path and development of existing

employees. We have, therefore, discarded this proposal too.

10.5 The present organisation structure is adequate to enable the ECCEA meet its main

objectives. Nevertheless, we are in this Report, reinforcing the Finance and

Procurement and Supply sections with appropriate levels as well as making other

recommendations to facilitate the task of the ECCEA in an attempt at enhancing

service delivery to meet the needs of its stakeholders.

Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

10.6 It has been submitted that over the last few years the purchase of stationery,

pedagogical materials and other equipments for the 189 public pre-primary schools

has increased considerably. Given the volume of procurement activities involved,

there is need for a level of Procurement and Supply Officer to be responsible for all

procurement and supply transactions so as to ensure the efficient management of

the Unit. We have, therefore, recommended accordingly.

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Tertiary Education and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 70 ~

Recommendation 1

10.7 We recommend the creation of a grade of Procurement and Supply Officer on

the establishment of the ECCEA. Appointment thereto, should be made by

selection from Purchasing and Supply Officer (Personal) and Assistant

Procurement and Supply Officer reckoning at least three years’ service in a

substantive capacity in their respective grade and possessing a Certificate in

Purchasing and Supply Management or an equivalent qualification.

10.8 The Procurement and Supply Officer would be required, amongst others, to

organise and manage the procurement and supply activities of the ECCEA; perform

procurement and supply, storekeeping and stock control duties in accordance with

the provisions laid down in approved rules and procedures; assist in the appraisal

and review exercise related to procurement and supply and warehouse operations

and prepare reports on procurement activities, as and when required.

Assistant Financial Operations Officer (New Grade)

10.9 The Finance Section of the ECCEA is presently manned by an Accountant and

Clerk/Word Processing Operators. In view of the increase in volume and

complexity of the financial transactions, the need is felt for a dedicated grade at

operational level to assist the Accountant in the discharge of his duties. We are,

therefore, providing for a grade of Assistant Financial Operations Officer (AFOO).

Consequently, the grade of Accounts Clerk which is vacant would be abolished.

Recommendation 2

10.10 We recommend:

(i) the creation of a grade of Assistant Financial Operations Officer.

Appointment thereto, should be made by selection from Clerk/Word

Processing Operators reckoning at least four years’ service in a

substantive capacity in the grade and who possess working knowledge

in Accounting, Finance and Auditing; and

(ii) that the grade of Accounts Clerk be abolished.

10.11 Incumbent in the grade of AFOO would, inter alia, be responsible to collect, verify,

analyse and record of all financial costing and budget data relating to preparation of

financial statements, ensure prompt collection of revenue, its control and

safekeeping; prepare pay sheets, vouchers and writing up of cheque for signature,

carry out stock verification as instructed, keep proper, complete and up to date

records of all financial transactions and assist in the preparation and monitoring of


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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Early Childhood Care and Education Authority

Education and Scientific Research

~ 71 ~ Pay Review 2016

Office Care Attendant (New Grade)

10.12 On the basis of the scheme of service in force, incumbents in the grade of Attendant

can be posted either in Pre-Primary schools or offices of the ECCEA. It has been

represented that there is a marked difference between the workload and working

hours of the Attendants working in schools and those working in offices. This

element has been the cause of dissatisfaction as expressed by the parties

concerned. Given that various factors have to be taken into consideration while

deciding on posting, it may not be practical to implement a rotation system. We are,

therefore, addressing the issue by creating a grade of Office Care Attendant. With

the filling of this post, Attendants presently posted in ECCEA offices would be

posted in schools.

Recommendation 3

10.13 We recommend the creation of a grade of Office Care Attendant on the

establishment of the ECCEA. Appointment thereto, should be made by

selection from among candidates possessing the Cambridge School

Certificate or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board of ECCEA.

10.14 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to: collect keys and deposit same from/to

police station/police post; open and close offices; run official errands, including the

despatch of correspondence, forms and materials, usher in/guide visitors to

schedule officers; clean premises and maintain the physical environment at a good

standard; operate a telephone switchboard/PABX console; operate office equipment

such as duplicating, photocopying and fax machines; and respond to calls.

Allowance for working with children in ZEP Schools

10.15 A case has been made for payment of an allowance to Teachers working in Zones

d’Education Prioritaire (ZEP) based schools. According to them, they have to deal

with many children whose home situations are not conducive for their pedagogical

development and who experience adaptation problems. In such instances, the

Teachers claim that they are often called upon to be more children centred;

understand their needs and make use of different strategies to ensure their overall


10.16 The philosophy behind the grant of allowance payable to staff posted in ZEP

schools is not applicable to ECCEA staff based in those schools. However, certain

facts like the difficult home situations or split families or other social problems which

are the root cause of the children’s adaption at school are not disputed.

10.17 We, therefore, consider that the ECCEA should, in consultation with the Ministry of

Education and Human Resources, investigate into requests and ascertain the

extent of difficulties found and then make a case for an allowance to the Ministry of

Civil Service and Administrative Reforms.

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Early Childhood Care and Education Authority

Tertiary Education and Scientific Research

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Recommendation 4

10.18 We recommend that the ECCEA, in consultation with the Ministry of

Education and Human Resources, determines the level of difficulties

encountered in the Pre-Primary branch of the ZEP schools and thereafter

makes a case to the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms for

the payment of an appropriate allowance to the Teachers.

Allowance to Teachers working in Specialised Schools

10.19 At present Teachers who are seconded for duty at the Lois Lagesse Trust Fund are

granted a monthly allowance of Rs 850 for working with visually impaired children.

In the context of this review, both Management and the Staff Side have made

representations for this allowance to be extended to those working in other

Specialised Schools as well given that they also provide specialised care and

attention while teaching children with special needs. We are agreeable to the

proposal and are recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 5

10.20 We recommend that Teachers seconded to the Lois Lagesse Trust Fund and

those posted to other specialised schools who are called upon to give

specialised care and attention to children with special needs should be

granted a monthly allowance of Rs 900.

Abolition of Grades

10.21 The grades of Caretaker, Resource Centre/Documentation Attendant and Technical

Officer are currently vacant. Management has submitted that there is excessive

overlapping of duties between the grade of Caretaker and that of Attendant. It has

also averred that the grade of Resource Centre/Documentation Attendant is no

longer warranted as the duties of this level can be easily entrusted to incumbents in

other grades. Furthermore, all maintenance work at the ECCEA pre-primary schools

are now being undertaken by the parent Ministry which makes the grade of

Technical Officer redundant. Upon request from Management, we are, therefore,

abolishing these grades.

Recommendation 6

10.22 We recommend that the grades of Caretaker, Resource Centre/Documentation

Attendant and Technical Officer be abolished.

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Education and Scientific Research

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ECCEA 1 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700


ECCEA 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

ECCEA 3 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Stores Attendant

ECCEA 4 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Care Attendant (New Grade)

ECCEA 5 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20525

Caretaker (Personal to employees in post as at 30.06.93)

ECCEA 6 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

ECCEA 7 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

ECCEA 8 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075 QB 27850 x 775 – 30175


ECCEA 9 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

ECCEA 10 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

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ECCEA 11 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Senior Teacher formerly Teacher-in-Charge

ECCEA 12 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Financial Operations Officer (New Grade) Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Officer (Personal) Purchasing and Supply Officer (Personal)

ECCEA 13 : Rs 18075 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Assistant Coordinator (ECCEA)

ECCEA 14 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

ECCEA 15 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

ECCEA 16 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

IT Support Officer Resource Centre/Documentation Officer Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer

ECCEA 17 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer (Ex MSIRI) (Personal)

ECCEA 18 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575 QB 40800 x 1525 – 49950

Coordinator (ECCEA)

ECCEA 19 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Human Resource Management Officer IT Officer

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Education and Scientific Research

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ECCEA 20 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Accountant/Senior Accountant formerly Accountant Internal Auditor/Senior Internal Auditor formerly Internal Auditor

ECCEA 21 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Secretary

ECCEA 22 : Rs 95000


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Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Employees’ Welfare Fund

~ 77 ~ Pay Review 2016


11.1 The Employees’ Welfare Fund (EWF) was established under Act No. 13 of 1995

to cater for the welfare, leisure and recreational needs of employees and their

families. It is a body corporate which operates under the aegis of the Ministry of

Finance and Economic Development.

11.2 The mission of the EWF is to be responsive to the evolving needs of employees

and their families and continue to devise and implement specific welfare

schemes for the attainment of the objectives of the Fund.

11.3 Presently, the organisation structure of the Employees’ Welfare Fund comprises

three units, viz. Loans and Investment; Administration and Human Resource

Management; and Project Management.

11.4 The General Manager is the accounting and responsible officer of the EWF. He

is assisted in the performance of his duties by officers of the professional and

technical cadres and the support services are provided by officers of the

General Services grades.

11.5 In the context of the present review exercise, representations have been made

for creation, merging and restyling of grades as well as upgrading of salary. We

have examined all the proposals and are making appropriate recommendations.

Administrative Manager (New Grade)

11.6 It has been represented that in view of the higher responsibilities being attached to

the Administrative Section such as planning, coordinating and implementing

corporate strategies, human resource policies, systems and processes, there is

need for a level to oversee the overall activities of the administration section to

achieve the corporate goals and objectives of the Fund.

Recommendation 1

11.7 We recommend the creation of a grade of Administrative Manager.

Recruitment to the grade should be made by selection from serving officers of

the EWF possessing a Degree in Business Administration or Public

Administration or related fields from a recognised institution or an alternative

equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board and reckoning at least five

years’ experience in the relevant fields.

11.8 Incumbent in the grade of Administrative Manager would be, among others,

responsible for planning, coordinating and implementing administrative and human

resource policies, strategies, systems and processes; give general assistance and

support to the General Manager in the discharge of his duties; assist in dealing with

legal matters, tenders and contracts; ensure that proper labour relations and

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Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Employees’ Welfare Fund

Pay Review 2016 ~ 78 ~

conditions of employment are maintained; prepare reports and correspondence

relative to the work and formulate current and long-range programmes, plans and

policies for departmental programmes.

Accountant (New Grade)

11.9 With a view to ensure the fundamental principle of segregation of duties as per

good corporate governance and to strengthen the internal control system, there is

need for a level to comply with the new accounting standards, rules and regulations.

We are making provision for a grade of Accountant against abolition of the grade of

Senior Accounting Technician to be responsible for the organisation, control and

monitoring of the financial administration of the Fund in accordance with established

accounting practices and standards.

Recommendation 2

11.10 We recommend the creation of a grade of Accountant against abolition of the

grade of Senior Accounting Technician. Recruitment to the grade of

Accountant should be made by selection from among candidates possessing

a pass at the final examination required for admission to membership of one

of the following bodies:

(i) The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

(ii) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales

(iii) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland

(iv) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland

(v) The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants

(vi) The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy or an

alternative equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board.

11.11 Incumbent in the grade of Accountant would be required to, among others, assist in

the supervision of all financial and accounting systems of the Fund; maintain proper

financial control procedures; maintain proper accounting records for loan

transactions; monitor the performance and deliverables of the accounting staff; keep

Renewals Fund Registers, records of assets of the organisation and insurance

transactions; assist in the monitoring of banking and investment activities of the

organisation; and maintain Cash Book and Fixed Asset Register of the organisation.

ICT Technician (New Grade)

11.12 Management has reported that with the increase in the activities of the Fund, there

is need for a level to provide support to the IT Officer for the implementation and

management of the IT Systems. We have examined the request and are making

provision for a grade of ICT Technician to re-inforce the IT Units of the


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Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Employees’ Welfare Fund

~ 79 ~ Pay Review 2016

Recommendation 3

11.13 We recommend the creation of a grade of ICT Technician. Recruitment

thereto should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

Diploma in Computer Science or a Diploma with Information Technology as a

major component from a recognised institution or an alternative equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Board.

11.14 Incumbent in the grade of ICT Technician would be required to, among others,

assist the IT Officer in end of day, month and year transactions, submission and

retrieval of credit records; technical IT assistance to users; maintenance of IT

equipment and network; liaising with suppliers; maintenance of Loan Management

System and Financial Management System; and installing and configuring

computer hardware, operating systems and applications.

Receptionist/Public Relations Assistant (New Grade)

11.15 With the opening of regional information desks throughout the island, there is need

for a level to sustain a positive public image of the organisation and plays a crucial

role in customer satisfaction as well as to have a first hand interaction with visitors.

We are making provision to this effect.

Recommendation 4

11.16 We recommend the creation of a grade of Receptionist/Public Relations

Assistant. Recruitment to the grade should be made by selection from

serving officers of the EWF possessing a Cambridge School Certificate with

credit in English Language and French obtained at not more than two sittings

or passes not below Grade C in English Language and French obtained at not

more than two sittings at the General Certificate of Education “Ordinary

Level” or an alternative equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board and

reckoning at least two years’ experience in Public Relations or fast-paced


11.17 Incumbent in the grade of Receptionist/Public Relations Assistant would be required

to among others, handle telephone inquiries; arrange call backs and appropriate

follow-up; maintain accruals electronic data base records of clients and other

stakeholders; manage the customer service area; act as a first point of contact to

people seeking information; and manage visitors, receiving and directing for

managing efficiency in order to ensure best customer service.

Driver/Office Attendant (New Grade)

11.18 Management has submitted that the Fund would soon have its own means of

transport and the services of a Driver would be required in the implementation of the

projects of awareness campaign and the decentralisation of services. We are

making appropriate provision to this effect.

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Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Employees’ Welfare Fund

Pay Review 2016 ~ 80 ~

Recommendation 5

11.19 We recommend the creation of a grade of Driver/Office Attendant.

Recruitment thereto should be made by selection from among candidates

who show proof of having studied up to Form V or an alternative equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Board and possessing a valid driving license

to drive cars or vans or lorries up to five tons.

11.20 Incumbent in the grade of Driver/Office Attendant would be required to, among

others, open, close and watch premises during business hours; run official errands;

attend reception counter and direct visitors and keep a visitor’s book; ensure that

the cleaning of the office is properly effected; operate a telephone

switchboard/PABX and simple office equipment; answer telephone calls; drive EWF

car; carry out simple maintenance tasks on the vehicle; change tyres and make

arrangements for mending of punctures; and keep a log book.

Handy Worker (New Grade)

11.21 Management has submitted that in order to enhance service delivery, there is need

for a grade of Handy Worker to provide support to existing staff in the day-to-day

running of the Fund. We are, therefore, making appropriate provision for this


Recommendation 6

11.22 We recommend the creation of a grade of Handy Worker. Recruitment thereto

should be made by selection from among candidates possessing the

Certificate of Primary Education or an alternative equivalent qualification

acceptable to the Board.

11.23 Incumbent in the grade of Handy Worker would be required to, among others, assist

the cleaner with the cleaning of office, customer area and messroom; assist in

photocopying documents and circulation of files; maintain the environment of the

mess, kitchen equipment and electrical appliances at a good standard; wash the

kitchen towels and hand towels; keep an inventory of all kitchen equipment; clean

the park, drains, gutters etc and maintain the physical environment at a good

standard; load, unload and move items and equipment and other materials; destroy

and dispose of waste materials; open and close gate and control entry traffic; and

perform simple gardening duties.

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Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Employees’ Welfare Fund

~ 81 ~ Pay Review 2016



EWF 1 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker (New Grade)

EWF 2 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

EWF 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant (New Grade)

EWF 4 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Public Relations Assistant (New Grade) Receptionist/Telephone Operator

EWF 5 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer

EWF 6 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

EWF 7 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Executive Officer (Personal to incumbents in post as at 31.12.15)

EWF 8 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

EWF 9 : Rs 22575x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Higher Executive Officer

EWF 10 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 42325

ICT Technician (New Grade)

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EWF 11 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Administrative Assistant

EWF 12 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician

EWF 13 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary Project Manager Technical Officer

EWF 14 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

IT Officer

EWF 15 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 56450

Accountant (New Grade) Internal Auditor

EWF 16 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Manager (New Grade)

EWF 17 : Rs 53200 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 83000

Deputy General Manager

EWF 18 : Rs 110000

General Manager

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Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection Fashion and Design Institute

~ 83 ~ Pay Review 2016


12.1 The Fashion and Design Institute (FDI) has been established under the FDI Act

2008 with the objective of developing creativity, innovation and talent with a view to

sustaining the Mauritian design and manufacturing sector. It operates under the

aegis of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection.

12.2 The mission of the FDI is to provide high quality professional training of international

standard in line with the needs of the industry; foster creativity and promote a

design culture in Mauritius; assist the industry in the design and production of high

value added products and services; and to offer demand driven services to the

industry in the field of design.

12.3 Since its inception the FDI has shown steady growth. It provides courses in the

fields of Art and Design, Fashion Design, Graphic Design and Interior Design. The

Institute has trained more than 1200 students and has experienced a marked

increase in enrolment rate over the years.

12.4 For this review exercise, Management submitted that the FDI is poised to be the

education partner by excellence in the creative field and as such the organisation

needs to be properly staffed so as to enable it to achieve its mandate efficiently and

effectively. In this regard, Management made submissions for the creation and

restyling of some grades as well as abolition of the vacant grades that would no

longer be required.

12.5 The profiles for the new grades as well as additional information pertaining to the

other requests made by Management were not submitted to the Bureau for

inclusion in this Report. These positions would, therefore, be graded by the Bureau

whenever requested, on an ad hoc basis.

12.6 We are, in this Report, maintaining the organisation structure while reviewing the

salary of existing grades.



FDI 1: Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18075

Support Assistant

FDI 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

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Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection Fashion and Design Institute

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FDI 3 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Senior Support Assistant

FDI 4 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 22575

General Assistant (Personal to employees of the School of Design of Ex-IVTB)

FDI 5 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

FDI 6 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

FDI 7 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 26300

Technical Assistant/Senior Technical Assistant

FDI 8 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Technical Attendant (Maintenance) (Personal to employees of the School of Design of Ex-IVTB)

FDI 9 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Technical Assistant/Senior Technical Assistant (Personal to employees of the School of Design of Ex-IVTB)

Technical Assistant (Computer) (Personal to employees of the School of Design of Ex-IVTB)

Technical Assistant (Maintenance) (Personal to employees of the School of Design of Ex-IVTB)

FDI 10 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator (Personal to employees of the School of Design of Ex-IVTB)

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~ 85 ~ Pay Review 2016


FDI 11 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Technical Assistant/Senior Technical Assistant (Personal to employees of the Department of Design of the University of Mauritius)

FDI 12 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Stores and Logistics Officer

FDI 13 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

FDI 14 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Executive Clerk (Personal to employees of the School of Design of Ex-IVTB)

FDI 15 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Administrative Assistant Assistant Finance Executive Facilities and Maintenance Officer I.T Officer Stores and Logistics Officer Technician/Senior Technician

FDI 16 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Technician/Senior Technician (Personal to employees of the Department of Textile Technology of the University of Mauritius)

FDI 17 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Training Officer (Personal to employees of the School of Design of Ex-IVTB)

FDI 18 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Officer Business Development Analyst Marketing and Events Coordinator Research Analyst Resource Centre Coordinator Training Officer

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Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection Fashion and Design Institute

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FDI 19 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Internal Auditor

FDI 20 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Business Development Analyst (Personal to incumbents in the grade of Coordinator of the School of Design of Ex-IVTB)

FDI 21 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative and HR Executive Admissions, Examinations and Student Affairs Executive Finance Executive IT Executive Lecturer Media and Public Relations Executive Project Executive Quality Assurance Executive

FDI 22 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Product and Business Development Manager Senior Lecturer

FDI 23 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Head, Business/Industry Development, Research and Consultancy Head, Learning and Training Head, Quality Assurance


FDI 24 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 89000

Associate Professor (Personal)

FDI 25 : Rs 110000


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Ministry of Financial Services, Good Governance and Institutional Reforms Financial Intelligence Unit

~ 87 ~ Pay Review 2016


13.1 The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) was established under Section 9 (1) of the

Financial Intelligence and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2002 as the central agency

responsible for receiving, requesting, analysing and dissemination to the

investigatory and supervisory authorities, disclosures of information concerning

suspected proceeds of crime and alleged money laundering offences as well as the

financing of any activities or transactions related to terrorism. It operates as a

statutory body under the aegis of the new Ministry of Financial Services, Good

Governance and Institutional Reforms.

13.2 The mission of the FIU is to be the leader in financial intelligence works in the

region and be recognised worldwide as a Financial Intelligence Unit that adheres to

international standards.

13.3 The strategic goals of the FIU are to have a modern information system for effective

data collector, storage, retrieval, management and financial investigative analysis;

have a strong culture with reporting of money laundering and terrorism financing; be

at the vanguard of research, training dissemination of Anti-Money Laundering and

Combating Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) information; and enhance credibility

of Mauritius as a jurisdiction adhering to international (AML/CFT) norms.

13.4 The organisation structure of the FIU comprises five departments namely:- IT,

Financial Investigative, Data Intelligence, Compliance and Corporate Affairs. The

Director is the Chief Executive of the organisation.

13.5 The core functions of the FIU are delivered by the Financial Analysis, the Data

Intelligence and the IT departments, and the other functions by the administration

and finance departments. The legal department, in addition to providing advice on

the core functions, also advises the administration on internal matters.

13.6 In the context of the present review exercise, representations have been focused on

creation and merging of grades as well as restyling of posts of the Professional and

Technical cadres. We have examined all the proposals made and are making

appropriate recommendations.

IT Manager (New Grade)

13.7 Currently, the IT Unit is serviced by three Analysts (Operations) performing duties

related to system administration, security and related IT works. Recently, the FIU

has installed a sophisticated software platform known as the UN GoAML software

which has to be professionally monitored and confidentially preserved at all levels.

13.8 Request has been made for a level in the IT Department to deal with the collection

and processing of reports for analysis; information management; and exchange of

information to which we are agreeable.

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Ministry of Financial Services, Good Governance and Institutional Reforms Financial Intelligence Unit

Pay Review 2016 ~ 88 ~

Recommendation 1

13.9 We recommend the creation of a grade of IT Manager on the establishment of

the FIU. Recruitment thereto should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a Master’s Degree in Computer Science or Computer

Networking from a recognised institution or an alternative equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Board and reckoning at least five years’ post-

qualification experience in the field of Information and Communication

Technology, with involvement in managing projects or in systems

engineering and software development.

13.10 Incumbent in the grade of IT Manager would be responsible for the IT Department

and for the effective Management of all the IT operations of the FIU, including IT

Security, Systems administration and software development. He would also be

required to, inter alia, plan, organise, direct, control and evaluate the operations of

information systems and electronic data processing; develop and implement

policies and procedures for electronic data processing and computer systems

operations and development; verify application results by conducting systems audit

of technologies implemented; recommend information technology strategies,

policies and procedures by evaluating organisation outcomes, identify problems,

evaluate trends and anticipate requirements; ensure technology is accessible and

equipped with current hardware and software; and mentor, coach and provide

guidance and training to subordinate staff.

Intelligence Officer/Senior Intelligence Officer

formerly Intelligence Officer

Senior Intelligence Officer

13.11 With a view to improving efficiency and effectiveness, both Management and staff

side have submitted that the grades of Intelligence Officer and Senior Intelligence

Officer be merged and restyled to Intelligence Officer/Senior Intelligence Officer as

incumbents in both grades are performing identical duties and have the same

reporting line. We are, agreeable to this request and recommend accordingly.

Recommendation 2

13.12 We recommend that the grades of Intelligence Officer and Senior Intelligence

Officer be merged and restyled Intelligence Officer/Senior Intelligence Officer.

Confidential Secretary (New Grade)

13.13 There is no grade of Confidential Secretary on the establishment of the FIU to

perform general secretarial duties. We are, therefore, providing for the grade to

reinforce the support function.

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~ 89 ~ Pay Review 2016

Recommendation 3

13.14 We recommend the creation of a grade of Confidential Secretary on the

establishment of the FIU. Appointment thereto should be made by selection

from among public officers in the grades of (i) Senior Word Processing

Operator; and (ii) Word Processing Operator reckoning at least four years’

service in a substantive capacity.

13.15 Incumbent in the grade of Confidential Secretary would be required, among others,

to arrange appointment and deal with enquiries; maintain a systematic filing system

for easy retrieval and safe-keeping of important documents; make travel

arrangements and manage the diary of the Director of the FIU; make telephone

calls and screen incoming calls and determine the course of action required for

satisfactory disposition; take messages and facilitate the process of communication

between the relevant stakeholders; and perform word processing and telex/telefax

duties and simple computer/data processing work and operate email services.



FIU 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 –

19575 x 475 – 21475

General Assistant

FIU 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/General Assistant

FIU 3 : Rs 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Assistant Office Secretary Data Processing Assistant

FIU 4 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary (New Grade)

FIU 5 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Office Secretary

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FIU 6 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician Data Intelligence Assistant

FIU 7 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Intelligence Officer/Senior Intelligence Officer formerly Intelligence Officer Senior Intelligence Officer

FIU 8 : Rs 34350 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Analyst (Operations)

FIU 9 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 72400

Corporate Affairs Manager Data Intelligence Manager IT Manager (New Grade) Legal Manager

FIU 10 : Rs 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Financial Intelligence Analyst Head, Compliance

FIU 11 : Rs 70450 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 101000

Senior Financial Intelligence Analyst

FIU 12: Rs 110000

Assistant Director

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Ministry of Financial Services, Good Governance and Institutional Reforms Financial Reporting Council

~ 91 ~ Pay Review 2016


14.1 The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) was set up under section 3 of the Financial

Reporting Act No. 45 of 2004 to strengthen the credibility and quality of financial

reporting and audit in the country. It is a body corporate operating under the aegis

of the new Ministry of Financial Services, Good Governance and Institutional


14.2 The mission of the FRC is to bring corporate confidence in auditing, financial and

non-financial reporting among users of financial statements.

14.3 The objectives of the FRC are, among others, to promote the provision of high

quality reporting of financial and non-financial information by public interest entities;

enhance the credibility of financial reporting; improve the quality of accountancy and

audit services; and promote the highest standards among licensed auditors.

14.4 The core activities of the FRC are carried out by three units namely: Audit Practice

Review; Financial Reporting Monitoring; and Standard Review/Training.

14.5 In the context of the present review exercise, the main representations have been

focused on creation of grades at different levels of operation and upgrading of

salary as well as duty exemption and loan to purchase a car.

14.6 We have examined all proposals made by Staff Association and Management as

well as the Parent Ministry and apprised all parties concerned on issues that could

not be retained in this Report. With the expansion of the activities of the Council,

both in volume and complexity, there is need for a grade to provide all

administrative assistance aligned with the goals and objectives of the Council and

also to be responsible for planning, co-ordinating and implementing human

resources policies, strategies, systems and processes. We are recommending

accordingly. We are also maintaining the special provision for the grades of

Technical Officer, Senior Financial Executive and Assistant Technical Executive.

Administrative Secretary (New Grade)

Recommendation 1

14.7 We recommend the creation of a grade of Administrative Secretary on the

establishment of the Financial Reporting Council. Appointment to the grade

should be made by selection from serving officers of the FRC possessing a

Degree in Human Resource Management from a recognised institution or an

alternative equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board and reckoning at

least four years’ service in a substantive capacity in the grade.

14.8 Incumbent would be required, among others, to provide administrative assistance in

formulation, coordination and implementation of policies, goals and objectives of the

Council and make recommendations on existing policies; be in charge of the

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Pay Review 2016 ~ 92 ~

general administration and ensure quality service to stakeholders; be responsible

for establishing proper administration and control procedures and ensure

compliance thereto; formulate and implement plans regarding manpower planning

and development as well as capacity building; deal with matters relating to

recruitment and selection of employees; ensure human resource policies, rules,

regulations and procedures are properly and constantly applied; and promote staff

welfare and a healthy and safe working environment.

Technical Officer

Senior Financial Executive

Assistant Technical Executive

14.9 In our 2013 Report, we made special provision for the grades of Technical Officer,

Senior Financial Executive and Assistant Technical Executive to ensure that the

remuneration package is competitive as compared to their counterparts in the

private sector. We are maintaining this provision.

Recommendation 2

14.10 We recommend that:

(i) incumbents in the grade of Technical Officer possessing a Degree in

Finance or Accounting or ACCA Fundamentals (Skills) or an equivalent

qualification and having reached the top salary in the salary scale

should be allowed to move incrementally in the master salary scale by

two additional increments provided they have:

(a) drawn the top salary for a year;

(b) been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(c) not been under report.

(ii) incumbents in the grade of Senior Financial Executive, on obtention of

the degree or equivalent qualification, be allowed to move

incrementally beyond the top salary of the grade up to salary point

Rs 54825 in the master salary scale provided they have:

(a) drawn the top salary for a year;

(b) been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(c) not been under report.

(iii) incumbents in the grade of Assistant Technical Executive, on reaching

the top salary point Rs 56450 be allowed to move incrementally in the

master salary scale up to salary point Rs 61325 provided they have:

(a) drawn the top salary for a year;

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Ministry of Financial Services, Good Governance and Institutional Reforms Financial Reporting Council

~ 93 ~ Pay Review 2016

(b) been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(c) not been under report.



FRC 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

FRC 2 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21475

Senior Office Attendant

FRC 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


FRC 4 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525


FRC 5 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

FRC 6 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (FRC)

FRC 7 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Executive Officer (Personal to incumbents in post as at 31.12.15)

FRC 8 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

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FRC 9 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Officer Technical Officer

FRC 10 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Executive

FRC 11 : Rs 33425 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Senior Financial Executive

FRC 12 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary (New Grade)

FRC 13 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Assistant Technical Executive

FRC 14 : Rs 51575 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 83000

Technical Executive

FRC 15 : Rs 83000 x 3000 – 89000


FRC 16 : Rs 101000

Chief Executive Officer

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Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries Fishermen Investment Trust

Shipping and Outer Islands

~ 95 ~ Pay Review 2016


15.1 The Fishermen Investment Trust set up as a body corporate under the Fishermen

Investment Trust Act No 29 of 2006, operates under the aegis of the Ministry of

Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries, Shipping and Outer Islands. The

vision of the Trust is to be a key player in the fishing industry while empowering the

fishermen community to be a partner in the socio-economic development of the

country. Its mission consists in accompanying the fishermen community to a better

tomorrow through viable and sustainable initiatives and contributing to their social


15.2 The objects of the Trust are, inter alia, to: acquire assets such as fishing vessels

and fishing equipment; invest in fish processing and fish marketing activities to

support the livelihoods of fishermen; grant loans to fishers; train fishers opting to run

a small business; and promote the welfare and socio-economic conditions of


15.3 The Trust is presently headed by a Chief Executive Officer employed on a

contractual basis, who is responsible to the Board for its day-to-day administration.

The technical duties are being shouldered by a Finance and Investment Officer.

15.4 For this Report no proposal has been submitted by either Management or the staff


15.5 The organisation structure is appropriate to enable the Trust to deliver on its

mandate. We are, however, revising the salary scales of the existing grades.



FIT 1 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

FIT 2 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Finance and Investment Officer

FIT 3 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary Project Co-ordinator

FIT 4 : Rs 86000

Chief Executive Officer

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Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries Fishermen Welfare Fund

Shipping and Outer Islands

~ 97 ~ Pay Review 2016


16.1 The Fishermen Welfare Fund (FWF) promotes the betterment of registered fishers and

their families of both Mauritius and Rodrigues. The Fund, which operates under the

aegis of the Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries, Shipping and

Outer Islands, manages a series of projects and social schemes such as award of

scholarships to fisher’s children and provision of different types of financial assistance,

including maternity and funeral grants amongst others, for the welfare of about 4500

registered fishers.

16.2 As Head of the FWF, the Secretary is supported by a complement of staff comprising

officers in the grades of Welfare Development Officer, Clerk/Word Processing Operator,

Driver/Office Attendant and General Worker.

16.3 In the context of the present review exercise, proposals have been made to restyle

certain of the existing grades and to merge others. As the requests could not meet the

criteria required for merging or restyling of grades, parties were informed of the reasons

why the Bureau could not entertain such requests.

16.4 The Bureau considers that the existing organisation structure is appropriate for the FWF

to deliver efficiently and effectively on its mandate. We are, therefore, not bringing any

change thereto.

Allowance to General Worker

16.5 The General Worker is entitled to an allowance of Rs 750 for performing additional

duties such as opening and closing of offices, running official errands, operating

simple office equipment, ushering/guiding visitors to schedule officers and assisting

in the arrangement of furniture and equipment within office premises. The quantum

of this allowance is being maintained.


16.6 We recommend that the General Worker should continue to be paid an

allowance of Rs 750 for performing additional duties such as opening and

closing of offices, running official errands, operating simple office equipment,

ushering/guiding visitors to schedule officers and assisting in the

arrangement of furniture and equipment within office premises on a regular


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FWF 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

FWF 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

FWF 3 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

FWF 4 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

FWF 5 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Executive Officer (Personal)

FWF 6 : Rs 16075 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Welfare Development Officer

FWF 7 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Officer

FWF 8 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950


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17.1 The Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (FAREI) has been set

up in October 2013 as a body corporate under the FAREI Act of 2013 and operates

under the aegis of the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security. The functions of

the ex-Food and Agricultural Research Council (ex-FARC) and the ex-Agricultural

Research and Extension Unit (ex-AREU) have been taken over by the FAREI

following a reorganisation exercise.

17.2 The functions of the Institute, are inter alia, to: conduct research in non-sugar

agriculture, food production and forestry, and maximise the benefits of such

research; conduct extension and advisory activities in non-sugar crops, livestock,

food production and agribusiness; set research priorities in line with the needs of

the food and non-sugar agricultural sector; co-ordinate, monitor and evaluate

research programmes and projects of different institutions engaged in non-sugar

agriculture, food production and forestry; and advise on national policies and other

matters related to research in non-sugar agriculture, food production and forestry.

17.3 The FAREI Act makes provision for a Chief Executive Officer, who is responsible for

the execution of the policies of the Board and control and management of the day-

to-day business of the organisation. The activities of the FAREI are organised

under three sections, namely Crops, Livestock and Extension and Training.

17.4 For this Report, Management of FAREI has highlighted the importance of the

Institute as being the backbone of the non-sugar sector. In this context, request has

been made for the provision of a fit for purpose structure and appropriate means to

enable the organisation to deliver on its mandate and meet new challenges.

17.5 We are subsequently strengthening the structure through the creation of a few

grades which would add value to the organisation and justify the operational

requirements; providing movement beyond the top salary for certain grades to

compensate incumbents in terms of career earnings and for performing new duties

and shouldering higher responsibilities; reviewing the schemes of service of certain

grades to enable appointment of serving qualified officers; and introducing the

payment of new allowances to relevant grades.


Business Development Officer (New Grade)

17.6 Management has submitted that fostering an agro entrepreneur culture within the

farming community is one of the major challenges of the Institute. In this context,

there is need for a dedicated grade to cater, among others, for the development of

agri-business plans in view of enhancing the decision making process. On the

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basis of the operational need of this level for enhanced service delivery, we are

making an appropriate recommendation to that end.

Recommendation 1

17.7 We recommend the creation of the grade of Business Development Officer.

Appointment thereto should be made by selection from among serving

employees on the permanent and pensionable establishment of FAREI,

possessing a degree in Agriculture or an equivalent qualification acceptable

to the Institute, a Master’s degree in Agriculture or Entrepreneurship or

Business Administration or Economics or Finance and reckoning at least

three years’ service in a substantive capacity in the grade with knowledge in

agro-business development. In the absence of qualified serving officers,

appointment should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing the required qualifications.

17.8 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, develop business plans in connection

with agricultural projects and schemes; assist in the marketing of the Institute;

gather and compile general information from Divisions for dissemination among

customers; effect market research to identify new avenues for entrepreneurship and

agro-business activities for the organisation; maintain regular, timely and

professional follow up with the clients of the Institute; maintain a knowledge

repository of stakeholders, prospects and presentation; implement the organisation

strategy on business development of activities; and prepare budget.

Extension Officer

Senior Extension Officer

17.9 The Bureau has received strong representations from both Management and Staff

Associations for the creation of a merged grade of Extension Officer/Senior

Extension Officer to take over the duties of the grades of Extension Officer and

Senior Extension Officer owing to a major overlapping of duties and limited extent of

the supervisory element. We have carefully examined the proposal and are making

appropriate recommendations in view of enhancing service delivery at these levels.

Recommendation 2

17.10 We recommend that:

(i) a grade of Extension Officer/Senior Extension Officer be created.

Appointment thereto should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a degree in Agriculture or Horticulture or

Agronomy or Crop Science or Animal Science or an equivalent

qualification and reckoning at least three years experience in duties

related to Agriculture;

(ii) officers in the grade of Extension Officer be given the option to join the

new grade of Extension Officer/Senior Extension Officer; and

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(iii) the grade of Extension Officer be made evanescent.

17.11 Incumbents would be required to, inter alia, advise farmers on improved

technologies and agri-business opportunities; organise and effect regular farm visits

and undertake training and motivation programmes for farmers and stakeholders;

provide feedback and report on farmers’ problems and constraints for the

formulation of research and development programmes; coordinate operations and

activities of different units of the extension services; arrange for the implementation

of on-farm research projects and the conduct of farm surveys; and promote good

agricultural practices and the use of improved cost effective eco-friendly


17.12 We further recommend that:

(i) the grade of Senior Extension Officer be made evanescent. Officers in

post as at 31 December 2015 have been provided a personal salary;

(ii) officers in the grade of Senior Extension Officer (Personal) and

Principal Extension Officer should, among others, supervise the work

of the Extension Officer/Senior Extension Officers; and

(iii) in future, appointment to the grade of Principal Extension Officer

should be made, in a first instance, by promotion of officers in the

grade of Senior Extension Officer (Personal) reckoning two years’

service in the grade. Upon the complete phasing out of the grade of

Senior Extension Officer (Personal), appointment thereto should be

made by promotion of officers in the grade of Extension Officer/Senior

Extension Officer reckoning five years’ service in a substantive

capacity in the grade or an aggregate of five years’ service in the grade

of Extension Officer/Senior Extension Officer and the former grade of

Extension Officer.

Principal Extension Assistant (New Grade)

17.13 Extension Assistants and Senior Extension Assistants work on outstations and are

posted in Model Farms/Demonstration Centres. With an expansion of activities at

FAREI, both Management and Staff Associations have submitted that there is need

for a supervisory level to coordinate and plan the work of Extension Assistants and

Senior Extension Assistants and provide support to the Extension Officers and

Senior Extension Officers in the general administration of the Model

Farms/Demonstration Centres. We are in favour of the request and recommending


Recommendation 3

17.14 We recommend the creation of the grade of Principal Extension Assistant.

Appointment thereto should be made by promotion on the basis of experience

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and merit of employees in the grade of Senior Extension Assistant reckoning

at least four years’ service in a substantive capacity in the grade.

17.15 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to: plan, liaise, support and participate in

development activities for on-stations and on-farms; assist in the preparation of

daily work plan in collaboration with the Station/Laboratory Manager and the

Agricultural Coordinator; supervise the work of Senior Extension Assistants and

lead teams of workers for field operations; ensure that all books, ledgers and

records are kept in line with regulations; and ensure compliance with legal

standards for the agricultural sector.

Extension Assistant

Senior Extension Assistant

17.16 At present, Extension Assistants who have drawn their top salary for a year are

allowed to move in the salary scale of the grade of Senior Extension Assistant. The

Bureau holds the view that the movement in the higher scale should also be linked

to the performance of the duties of the grade of Senior Extension Assistant by

Extension Assistants.

Recommendation 4

17.17 We recommend that Extension Assistants who have drawn their top salary for

a year, should continue to be allowed to proceed in the salary scale of the

grade of Senior Extension Assistant, provided they have been efficient and

effective in their performance during the preceding year and are not under

report. This recommendation should, however, not preclude Extension

Assistants from being promoted to the grade of Senior Extension Assistant

before they have reached the top of their salary scale or on vacancy arising in

the latter grade.

17.18 We further recommend that Extension Assistants should perform the duties

and assume the responsibilities of the grade of Senior Extension Assistant,

upon moving in the higher salary scale.


Scheme of Service of Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist

17.19 At present, appointment to the grade of Research Scientist/Senior Research

Scientist in the respective Divisions is made by selection from among candidates

possessing a degree in the relevant field and reckoning at least three years’

experience in duties related to Agriculture.

17.20 Given that many serving officers of the Institute are fully qualified to apply for the

post of Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist, the Bureau considers that the

grade should be opened to internal candidates in line with our philosophy of

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providing better career prospect to competent serving officers. We are making an

appropriate recommendation to that end.

Recommendation 5

17.21 We recommend that in future, appointment to the grade of Research Scientist/

Senior Research Scientist should be made by selection from among serving

officers on the permanent and pensionable establishment of FAREI

possessing the prescribed qualifications for appointment to the grade of

Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist in the fields of Animal Health,

Livestock Research, Crops, Entomology and Plant Pathology or an equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Institute and reckoning at least three years’

experience in duties related to Agriculture. In the absence of qualified

serving officers, appointment should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing the required qualifications.

Assistant Research Scientist

17.22 At present, Assistant Research Scientists who possess a degree in Agriculture or

an equivalent qualification are allowed to move incrementally in the master salary

scale up to salary point Rs 51275 subject to satisfying certain conditions. We are

maintaining this recommendation whilst revising the salary point.

Recommendation 6

17.23 We recommend that Assistant Research Scientists who possess a degree in

Agriculture or an equivalent qualification and who have reached the top of

their salary scale should be allowed to move incrementally in the master

salary scale up to salary point Rs 54825 provided they have:

(i) drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) been efficient and effective in their performance during the preceding

year; and

(iii) not been under report.

Research Assistant

Senior Research Assistant

17.24 As per present provisions, Extension Assistants in the Extension and Training

Department are allowed to move in the salary scale of the grade of Senior

Extension Assistant subject to certain conditions. We are extending this provision

to officers in the grade of Research Assistant of the Research Department on

satisfying the same criteria.

Recommendation 7

17.25 We recommend that Research Assistants, who have drawn their top salary for

a year, should proceed in the salary scale of the grade of Senior Research

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Assistant, provided they have been efficient and effective in their

performance during the preceding year and are not under report. This

recommendation should, however, not preclude Research Assistants from

being promoted to the grade of Senior Research Assistant before they have

reached the top of their salary scale or on vacancy arising in the latter grade.

17.26 We further recommend that Research Assistants should perform the duties

and assume the responsibilities of the grade of Senior Research Assistant,

upon moving in the higher salary scale.



Finance Cadre

Manager, Finance

formerly Manager, Accounts Section

17.27 The Finance Section is headed by the Manager, Accounts Section. It has been

submitted that the appellation of the grade should be reviewed to a more

appropriate one to better reflect the duties and responsibilities devolving upon


Recommendation 8

17.28 We recommend that the grade of Manager, Accounts Section be restyled

Manager, Finance.

Human Resource Cadre

Human Resource Officer

17.29 The HR Cadre comprises the grades of Human Resource Manager and Human

Resource Officer. With the fusion of the ex-FARC and ex-AREU into the FAREI,

the work at the HR Section has become more complex and increased in volume.

17.30 In view of the above, the Bureau considers that the appellation of the grade of

Human Resource Officer should be reviewed in consonance with duties performed

and responsibilities shouldered by incumbent. We are, therefore, restyling the

grade to a more appropriate job title. We are equally providing a means of

compensation to incumbents possessing higher qualifications subject to satisfying

certain conditions.

Recommendation 9

17.31 We recommend that the grade of Human Resource Officer be restyled Human

Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer.

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17.32 We further recommend that incumbents in the grade of Human Resource

Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer, formerly Human Resource Officer,

possessing a diploma in Human Resource Management or a diploma with

Human Resource Management as a major component or an equivalent

qualification should be allowed to move incrementally in the master salary

scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided that they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Procurement and Supply Cadre

Procurement and Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer

formerly Procurement and Supply Officer

17.33 At present, a Stores Superintendent is responsible to look after the day-to-day

running of the Procurement and Supply Unit. Incumbent is assisted by officers in the

grades of Procurement and Supply Officer, Assistant Procurement and Supply

Officer and Stores Officer (Personal). Both Management and Staff Associations

have requested for alignment of the Procurement and Supply cadre in line with that

obtains in the Civil Service to enable the effective and efficient operation of the unit

following the fusion of the ex-AREU and ex-FARC into FAREI.

17.34 We have studied the proposals and consider that the request is not fully

substantiated as the existing structure is appropriate to enable the Procurement and

Supply Unit to attain its objectives. We are, however, restyling the grade of

Procurement and Supply Officer to commensurate with the nature of duties

performed and reviewing the mode of appointment to the grade. We are also

providing a mechanism to compensate incumbents possessing higher qualifications.

Recommendation 10

17.35 We recommend that the grade of Procurement and Supply Officer be restyled

Procurement and Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer.

17.36 We further recommend that, in future, appointment to the grade of

Procurement and Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer,

formerly Procurement and Supply Officer, should be made by promotion, on

the basis of experience and merit, of officers in the grade of Stores Officer

(Personal) who reckon at least two years’ service in a substantive capacity in

the grade and possess the certificate in Purchasing and Supply Management

or an equivalent qualification. In the absence of qualified Stores Officers

(Personal), appointment to the grade should be made by promotion, on the

basis of experience and merit, of officers in the grade of Assistant

Procurement and Supply Officer possessing the required qualifications.

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17.37 We also recommend that incumbents in the grade of Procurement and

Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer, formerly Procurement

and Supply Officer, possessing a diploma in Purchasing and Supply

Management or an equivalent qualification should be allowed to move

incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point of Rs 42325

provided they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Internal Control Cadre

Internal Control Officer/Senior Internal Control Officer

formerly Internal Control Officer

17.38 The Internal Control Unit is presenting manned by an Internal Control Officer. In

view of a lack of career prospect in the Internal Control cadre and in line with the

Bureau’s policy favouring career earnings we are making appropriate

recommendations to improve service delivery.

Recommendation 11

17.39 We recommend that the grade of Internal Control Officer be restyled Internal

Control Officer/Senior Internal Control Officer.

17.40 We further recommend that, in future, appointment to the grade of Internal

Control Officer/Senior Internal Control Officer, formerly Internal Control

Officer, should be made by selection from among serving officers who have

successfully completed all papers of the ACCA Fundamentals (Knowledge)

and Paper F4 of the ACCA Fundamentals (Skills) or have obtained the

certificate of Business Accounting (Foundation Level) of the CIMA

Examinations (New Syllabus) or an equivalent qualification. In the absence of

qualified serving officers, appointment, to the grade should be made by

selection from among candidates possessing the required qualifications.

17.41 We also recommend that incumbents in the grade of Internal Control Officer/

Senior Internal Control Officer, formerly Internal Control Officer, having

successfully completed all papers of Fundamentals (Knowledge) and having

obtained passes in Papers F4, F5 and F8 of Fundamentals (Skills) or

possessing the certificate in Business Accounting (Foundation Level) and

having obtained passes in Papers P1, P7 and P8 of the Advanced Diploma in

Management Accounting (Managerial Level) of the CIMA Examinations (New

Syllabus) or an equivalent qualification should be allowed on reaching their

top salary to move incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point

Rs 42325 provided they:

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(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

General Services Cadre

Office Management Assistant

17.42 The grade of Office Management Assistant exists on the establishment of FAREI.

Due to certain specificities at the organisation, the Bureau was requested, prior to

this Report to review its mode of appointment. After careful study, we are revisiting

the qualification requirements of the grade of Office Management Assistant.

Recommendation 12

17.43 We recommend that appointment to the grade of Office Management

Assistant should be made, in line with the provisions made at paragraph 24 of

Volume 2 Part II of this Report.

17.44 We further recommend that:

(i) Higher Executive Officers, Executive Officers and Senior Clerks in post

as at 31 December 2015 be given the option to join the grade of Office

Management Assistant; and

(ii) the grades of Higher Executive Officer, Executive Officer and Senior

Clerk be made evanescent.

Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer (New Grade)

17.45 Presently there is a grade of Safety and Health Officer (Part–Time) on the

establishment of the FAREI, which is vacant. Management and Staff Associations

have submitted that as the FAREI has an establishment size of over 500 employees

and as per the provisions of Section 30 (2) of the Occupational Safety and Health

Act, the employment of a Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer

on a full time basis is warranted to deal with recurring health and safety issues. We

are, agreeable to the proposal.

Recommendation 13

17.46 We recommend that the grade of Safety and Health Officer (Part-Time) be


17.47 We also recommend the creation of the grade of Safety and Health

Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer. Appointment thereto, should be

made by selection from among candidates possessing a diploma in

Occupational Health and Safety as laid down in the Occupational Health and

Safety Act from a recognised institution or an equivalent qualification

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acceptable to the Institute. Candidates should have practical experience in

matters pertaining to safety and health in agriculture and good

communication, interpersonal and organising skills.

17.48 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to: be responsible for the formulation and

administration of safety, health and welfare policies at FAREI; deliver training,

tender advice and provide information to all employees; advise management on all

matters related to its duties under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and

related legislation and ensure that all other provisions are compiled with; carry out

regular risk assessment of all work operations and formulate and implement

appropriate measures; and investigate occupational accidents and dangerous

occurrences, analyse the collected information and develop, implement and monitor

preventive measures.


Head Gardener/Nursery Attendant (New Grade)

17.49 At present, the Gardener/Nursery Attendant cadre comprises the grades of

Gardener/Nursery Attendant and Senior Gardener/Nursery Attendant. Management

has submitted that there is need for the creation of a grade of Head

Gardener/Nursery Attendant to provide support in the Crop Research Station and in

the Tissue culture and Nursery sections. We are agreeable to the proposal and are

recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 14

17.50 We recommend the creation of the grade of Head Gardener/Nursery

Attendant. Appointment thereto should be made by promotion, on the basis of

experience and merit, of employees from the grade of Senior Gardener/

Nursery Attendant reckoning at least two years’ service in a substantive

capacity in the grade.

17.51 Incumbent would be responsible for the efficient running of the Nurseries and would

be required, inter alia, to: monitor the grafting, budding, layering and other plant

propagation practices are effectively carried out in compliance with procedures in

place; supervise and control workers under his responsibility; supervise the sales

and delivery of plants and to keep proper record thereon; monitor the attendance of

employees working under his supervision; provide training to the workers under his

responsibility and supervise the stock taking of plants under his responsibility.


Lead Allowance

17.52 Presently, Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientists who lead a programme

consisting of an integrated set of projects in several disciplines with a common

theme, are paid a monthly Lead Allowance. We are maintaining the present


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Recommendation 15

17.53 We recommend that Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientists who are

required to lead a programme consisting of an integrated set of projects in

several disciplines with a common theme should continue to be paid a Lead

Allowance of Rs 2750 monthly.

Allowance to Research Assistants and Senior Research Assistants

17.54 Research Assistants and Senior Research Assistants posted in the Livestock

Section work on roster in outstations. They are paid a monthly allowance for

additional duties performed such as ensuring that the research activities includes

procedures related to milking, feeding of livestock and maintenance of hygienic

conditions in the sheds undertaken by the General Workers and the Stockmen. We

are maintaining the payment of the allowance.

Recommendation 16

17.55 We recommend that officers in the grades of Research Assistant and Senior

Research Assistant in the Livestock Section should continue to be paid a

monthly allowance of Rs 475 and Rs 585 respectively for performing

additional duties and working on roster in outstations.

Allowance for Performing Transport Organiser’s Duties

17.56 At present, officers in the grade of Research Assistant are paid a daily allowance

whenever they perform duties of the Transport Organiser. We are maintaining this


Recommendation 17

17.57 We recommend that officers in the grade of Research Assistant should be

paid an allowance of Rs 105 per day, whenever they perform duties of the

Transport Organiser.

Handy Worker (Skilled)

17.58 Handy Workers (Skilled) are entitled to a monthly allowance when their experience

acquired in other trades are gainfully utilised by the organisation. We are providing

for the continued payment of this allowance.

Recommendation 18

17.59 We recommend that Handy Workers (Skilled) should be paid a monthly

allowance of Rs 575 for experience acquired in other trades which are

gainfully utilised by the organisation.

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Allowance to Drivers

17.60 Management has submitted that the fleet of vehicles at FAREI also includes lorries

of more than 3.5 tons but less than five tons. In this respect, Drivers who are

regularly called upon to drive such vehicles should be compensated through the

payment of an appropriate monthly allowance. We consider the request to be

justified and are making an appropriate provision.

Recommendation 19

17.61 We recommend that Drivers who are required to drive, on a regular basis,

vehicles of more than 3.5 tons but less than five tons be paid a monthly

allowance of Rs 400.

Allowance to General Workers posted at the Mushroom Unit

17.62 At present, General Workers posted at the Mushroom Unit are paid an allowance

equivalent to one and a half increments at the initial of their salary scale for

performing duties of technical nature such as mixing of lime with bagasse, weighing

and recording the weight of each bag of the mixture to be used in the laboratory.

We are maintaining this arrangement.

Recommendation 20

17.63 We recommend that General Workers performing extraneous duties of

technical nature while posted at the Mushroom Unit should continue to be

paid an allowance equivalent to one and a half increments at the initial of their

salary scale.



FAREI 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker General Worker (Ex-NFYFC) (Personal) formerly Labourer Cook Cook/Labourer

FAREI 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

FAREI 3 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Stores Attendant

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FAREI 4 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Watchman (Ex-NFYFC) (Personal)

FAREI 5 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Gardener/Nursery Attendant Insecticide Sprayer Operator Office Attendant/Caretaker Office Attendant (Ex-FSC) (Personal) Research Facility Attendant Stockman (Roster)

FAREI 6 : Rs 12230 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20525

Irrigation/Pump Operator (Roster)

FAREI 7 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21000

Senior Gardener/Nursery Attendant

FAREI 8 : Rs 22575

Driver (Ex-NFYFC) (Personal)

FAREI 9 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver Driver/Office Attendant (Ex-FARC) (Personal)

FAREI 10 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Field Supervisor Senior Stockman

FAREI 11 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Handy Worker (Skilled) Tradesman (General) (Ex-Tobacco Board) (Personal)

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FAREI 12 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

FAREI 13: Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Head Gardener/Nursery Attendant (New Grade)

FAREI 14 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 24750

Implement Operator

FAREI 15 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525


FAREI 16 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Driver (Heavy Vehicles > 5 tons)

FAREI 17 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Laboratory Attendant

FAREI 18 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator (Ex-NFYFC) (Personal)

FAREI 19 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Book Keeper/Storekeeper (Ex-NFYFC) (Personal) Field Support Assistant (Ex-NFYFC) (Personal)

FAREI 20 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator Library Clerk Correspondence Clerk/Word Processing Operator (Ex-Tobacco Board) (Personal)

FAREI 21 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Clerk/Senior Clerk (Ex-FSC) (Personal)

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FAREI 22 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

FAREI 23 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Data Processing Assistant Executive Officer (Ex- AREU) (Personal) Senior Clerk (Ex-FARC) (Personal) Stores Officer (EX-AREU) (Personal)

FAREI 24 : Rs 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 33425

Extension Assistant Research Assistant

FAREI 25 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Laboratory Technician Transport Organiser

FAREI 26 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

FAREI 27 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Higher Executive Officer (Ex-AREU) (Personal) Senior Extension Assistant Senior Research Assistant Senior Technical Assistant (Ex-FSC) (Personal)

FAREI 28 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant

FAREI 29 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Internal Control Officer/Senior Internal Control Officer formerly Internal Control Officer

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FAREI 30: Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer /Senior Human Resource Officer formerly Human Resource Officer Procurement and Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer formerly Procurement and Supply Officer

FAREI 31: Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer (New Grade)

FAREI 32 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Principal Extension Assistant (New Grade) Principal Research Assistant

FAREI 33 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Accounts Officer/Senior Accounts Officer

FAREI 34 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Office Superintendent

FAREI 35 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Assistant Research Scientist

FAREI 36 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950

Stores Superintendent

FAREI 37 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Maintenance Officer

FAREI 38: Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Business Development Officer (New Grade) Librarian

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FAREI 39 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Accountant Human Resource Officer (Personal)

FAREI 40 : Rs 30175 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Extension Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15)

FAREI 41 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Economist/Senior Economist

FAREI 42 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Biometrician/Senior Biometrician Extension Officer/Senior Extension Officer (New Grade) Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist (Animal Health) Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist (Crops) Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist (Entomology) Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist (Livestock Research) Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist (Plant Pathology) Station/Laboratory Manager

FAREI 43 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

IT Officer/Systems Administrator

FAREI 44 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Manager HR Manager Internal Auditor/Senior Internal Auditor formerly Internal Auditor

FAREI 45 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Agricultural Engineer/Senior Agricultural Engineer

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FAREI 46 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Manager, Finance formerly Manager, Accounts Section Manager, Farmers’ Service Centre (Ex-FSC) (Personal)

FAREI 47 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 64800

Senior Extension Officer (Personal to Officers in post as at 31.12.15)

FAREI 48 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 72400

Agricultural Coordinator Business Development Manager Principal Agricultural Engineer Principal Biometrician Principal Extension Officer Principal Research Scientist (Animal Health) Principal Research Scientist (Livestock Research) formerly Principal Research Scientist (Animal Production) Principal Research Scientist (Crops) Principal Research Scientist (Entomology) Principal Research Scientist (Plant Pathology)

FAREI 49 : Rs 53200 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Laboratory and Nursery Manager (Ex-FARC) (Personal)

FAREI 50 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Assistant Director (Crops)) Assistant Director (Extension and Training) Assistant Director (Livestock)

FAREI 51 : Rs 110000


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SALARY SCHEDULE (All salaries are personal to holders of the post)

FARC 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker (AREU/FARC) (Personal) General Worker (Ex-NFYFC) (Personal) formerly Labourer Cook Cook/Labourer

FARC 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 3 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18825

Farm Worker (Ex-NFYFC) (Personal)

FARC 4 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Stores Attendant (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 5 : Rs 17330

Safety and Health Officer (Part-Time) (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 6 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Watchman (Ex-NFYFC) (Personal)

FARC 7 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Gardener/Nursery Attendant (Personal) formerly Gardener/Nurseryman (AREU/FARC) Insecticide Sprayer Operator(AREU) (Personal) formerly Insecticide Sprayerman (AREU) Office Attendant/Caretaker (AREU/FARC) (Personal) Research Facility Attendant (AREU) (Personal) Stockman (Roster) (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 8 : Rs 12230 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20525

Irrigation/Pump Operator (Roster) (AREU) (Personal)

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FARC 9 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21000

Senior Gardener/Nursery Attendant (AREU/FARC) (Personal) formerly Senior Gardener/Nurseryman (AREU/FARC)

FARC 10 : Rs 22575

Driver (Ex-NFYFC) (Personal)

FARC 11 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver (AREU) (Personal) formerly Driver/Office Attendant (AREU) Driver/Office Attendant (FARC) (Personal) formerly Office Attendant/Driver (FARC)

FARC 12 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Field Supervisor(AREU) (Personal) formerly Gangman (AREU) Senior Stockman (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 13 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Handy Worker (Skilled) (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 14 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 15 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 24750

Implement Operator (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 16 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Telephonist/Receptionist (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 17 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Driver (Heavy Vehicle > 5 tons) (AREU) (Personal)

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FARC 18 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Laboratory Attendant (AREU/FARC) (Personal)

FARC 19 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 28625

Receptionist/Assistant Clerk (FARC) (Personal)

FARC 20 : Rs 13530 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Audiovisual Assistant (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 21 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator (Ex-NFYFC) (Personal)

FARC 22 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Book Keeper/Storekeeper (Ex-NFYFC) (Personal) Field Support Assistant (Ex-NFYFC) (Personal)

FARC 23 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator (AREU/FARC) (Personal) Library Clerk (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 24 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk (AREU/FARC) (Personal) Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer (AREU/FARC) (Personal) Data Processing Assistant (AREU) (Personal) Executive Officer (AREU) (Personal) Senior Clerk (FARC) (Personal) Stores Officer (AREU/FARC) (Personal)

FARC 25 : Rs 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 33425

Extension Assistant (AREU) (Personal) Research Assistant (AREU) (Personal)

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FARC 26 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Laboratory Technician (FARC) (Personal) Transport Organiser (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 27 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Internal Control Officer (FARC) (Personal)

FARC 28 : Rs 18075 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Cartographer (AREU) (Personal) Visual Artist (Graphics) (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 29 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary (AREU/FARC) (Personal)

FARC 30 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Higher Executive Officer (AREU) (Personal) Human Resource Officer (AREU) (Personal) Procurement and Supply Officer (AREU) (Personal) Senior Extension Assistant (AREU) (Personal) Senior Research Assistant (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 31 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Accounting Technician (FARC) (Personal)

FARC 32 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Principal Research Assistant (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 33 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Accounts Officer/Senior Accounts Officer (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 34 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Office Superintendent (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 35 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Assistant Research Scientist (AREU/FARC) (Personal)

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FARC 36 : Rs 20525 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Technical Officer/Senior Technical Officer (Equipment Maintenance) (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 37 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950

Stores Superintendent (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 38 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Maintenance Officer (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 39 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Librarian (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 40 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Accountant (FARC) (Personal) Human Resource Officer (AREU) (Personal) Internal Auditor (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 41 : Rs 30175 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Extension Officer (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 42 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Manager (AREU/FARC) (Personal) HR Manager (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 43 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

IT Officer/Systems Administrator (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 44 : Rs 30175 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Agricultural Engineer/Senior Agricultural Engineer (AREU) (Personal) Assistant Programme Manager (FARC) (Personal) Biometrician/Senior Biometrician (AREU) (Personal) Economist/Senior Economist (AREU) (Personal) Research Scientist/Senior Research Scientist (AREU/FARC) (Personal) Station/Laboratory Manager (AREU) (Personal)

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute

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FARC 45 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Manager, Accounts Section (AREU) (Personal) Senior Extension Officer (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 46 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 72400

Agricultural Coordinator (AREU) (Personal) Business Development Manager (AREU) (Personal) Information, Liaison and Documentation Officer (FARC) (Personal)

Principal Agricultural Engineer (AREU) (Personal) Principal Biometrician (AREU) (Personal) Principal Economist (AREU) (Personal) Principal Extension Officer (AREU) (Personal) Principal Research Scientist (Animal Health) (AREU) (Personal) Principal Research Scientist (Animal Production) (AREU) (Personal) Principal Research Scientist (Crops) (AREU) (Personal) Principal Research Scientist (Entomology) (AREU) (Personal) Principal Research Scientist (Plant Pathology) (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 47 : Rs 53200 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Laboratory and Nursery Manager (FARC) (Personal) Programme Manager (FARC) (Personal)

FARC 48 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Assistant Director (Crops) (AREU) (Personal) Assistant Director (Extension and Training) (AREU) (Personal) Assistant Director- General (FARC) (Personal) Assistant Director (Livestock) (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 49 : Rs 95000 Deputy Director (AREU) (Personal)

FARC 50 : Rs 110000

Director (AREU) (Personal) Director General (FARC) (Personal)

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Prime Minister’s Office Gambling Regulatory Authority

~ 123 ~ Pay Review 2016


18.1 Operating under the aegis of the Prime Minister’s Office since January 2015, the

Gambling Regulatory Authority (GRA) is a body corporate set up under the GRA Act

2007. It is mainly responsible for licensing and monitoring of gaming/gambling

activities and collection of license fees from stakeholders.

18.2 The objects of the GRA include, among others, to: regulate and control gambling

activities and the organisation of lottery games, sweepstake and lotteries; regulate

and monitor the organisation of horse racing; promote public confidence in the

integrity of the gambling industry and the horse racing industry; ensure that

gambling is conducted in a fair and transparent manner; foster responsible

gambling in order to minimise harm caused by gambling; promote tourism,

employment and economic development; and promote the welfare and leisure of

the race-going public.

18.3 At present, GRA is providing its services through three units, namely the Licensing

and Inspectorate Unit, the Finance Unit and the IT Section with the following


Licensing and Inspectorate Unit is responsible, among others, for

implementing the Board’s decision, examining applications for the issue or

renewal of licence, preparing affidavits, attending court cases and carrying

inspections for ensuring compliance with the condition of licence.

Finance Unit is responsible, inter-alia, for collection of licence fees,

preparation of the budget, preparing for the payroll, and monthly tax returns,

preparation of the financial statements and making requests for funds.

IT Section is responsible, among others, for all IT related problems mainly

configuration of the computer, network and accessories at the Authority,

manage the online connection of the server and assist users with the day- to-

day operational problems.

18.4 In accordance with Section 13 (i) of the GRA, the responsibility of the execution of

the Policy of the Board and the control and management of the day-to-day business

of the Authority rest upon the Chief Executive. The other personnel comprises four

officers on permanent establishment, three officers on secondment from MOFED

and six officers on contract. The Authority is also assisted by a team of officers of

the “Police des Jeux”.

18.5 During consultation, Management reported that Government in its programme

2015-2019, stated that it would be merciless in combatting the growing illicit

gambling activities in order to minimise harm in society. On this basis, the GRA re-

oriented its policies and approaches to attain this objective. Hence, representation

has been made for the GRA to have the proper organisation structure and the

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moreso qualified staff to undertake and shoulder responsibilities. Management

submitted a new structure comprising grades to perform different functions and their

proposed schemes of service. It further highlighted that the re-engineering process

of the GRA would be done in phases in order to ensure a smooth transition.

18.6 The submission was examined in line with provisions of Section 3 of the GRA Act

where it is stipulated that the GRA should comprise the Inspectorate Division, the

Investigation Division, the Internal Audit Division and any other divisions as may be

set up by the Board. Some incompatibility was noted between the provisions of the

Act and the proposed functional structure of the organisation. In view thereof and

given the number of grades involved, the Bureau considers it more appropriate for

the GRA to re-examine its proposals regarding the structure and new grades.

Thereafter, the salary gradings may be provided on an adhoc basis once the

established procedure has been followed and relevant clarifications/information


18.7 We are, however, on the basis of functional needs, providing for the grades of Legal

Affairs Officer, Public Relations/ Responsible Gambling Officer, Auditor, Systems

Analyst and Clerk/Word Processing Operator. As regards grades on the permanent

and pensionable establishment, we are providing the revised salary scales in

alignment with our pay structure.

Recommendation 1

18.8 We recommend the creation of the following grades: Legal Affairs Officer,

Auditor, Public Relations/Responsible Gambling Officer, Systems Analyst and

Clerk/Word Processing Operator.

Legal Affairs Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 2

18.9 Appointment to the grade of Legal Affairs Officer should be made by selection

from among candidates who possess a Degree in Legal Studies or Law from a

recognised institution or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the

Authority and who reckon at least three years’ experience in dealing with

court and legal matters/proceedings.

18.10 Incumbent would be required, among others, to: advise the GRA Office on legal

matters; handle court matters/proceedings pertaining to licences; consult with the

Authority/Legal Adviser as and when required; develop, initiate, maintain and review

policies and procedures for a compliance; develop and periodically review and

update Standards of Conduct to ensure continuing currency and relevance in

providing guidance to Management and employees; and develop/implement

corrective actions plans to resolution on problematic issues and provide general

guidance on how to tackle similar situations in future.

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~ 125 ~ Pay Review 2016

Public Relations /Responsible Gambling Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 3

18.11 Appointment to the grade of Public Relations /Responsible Gambling Officer

should be filled by selection from among candidates who possess a Degree in

Communication or Communication Studies or Journalism or any equivalent

qualification acceptable and having at least three years’ knowledge in the

field of public relations, communication or journalism.

18.12 Appointee would be required, among others, to: design and implement

Communication Strategies and Plan; disseminate information which will help to

create greater awareness of the role of the Authority; provide reports on the status

and actions of the Communication Plan; develop and implement a Responsible

Gambling Programme for the Authority; to sensitise people on the harm of

gambling; and promote gambling as a leisure.

Auditor (New Grade)

Recommendation 4

18.13 Appointment to the grade of Auditor should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a pass at the Final Examination required for

admission to membership of ICA, ACCA, CIMA and CIPFA and who reckon at

least four years’ experience in auditing and/or accounting duties.

18.14 Incumbent would be required, among others, to: conduct internal and external audit

of the GRA and its stakeholders; develop a systematic audit testing of control; and

make recommendations and improvements to the system of procedures to achieve

accuracy, eliminate errors, defalcation, wastage, fraud and the maintenance of an

up-to-date and well organised database.

Systems Analyst (New Grade)

Recommendation 5

18.15 Appointment to the grade of Systems Analyst should be made by selection

from among candidates possessing a Degree in Information Technology or

Computer Science or Information Systems or any equivalent qualification

acceptable to the Authority and who reckon at least two years’ practical

experience in system development, system analysis, database design and

operation of a multi user system.

18.16 Incumbent would be required, among others, to: develop, maintain and update

software/web applications; update and maintain the GRA website; and assist users

with day-to-day operational problems and coach hours on use of IT System and

Office tools to enhance productivity and perform daily tasks required to maintain the

GRA system in proper operating condition such as database maintenance, backup

and other related duties.

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Clerk/Word Processing Operator (New Grade)

18.17 Appointment to the grade of Clerk/Word Processing Operator should be made

by selection from candidates possessing a Cambridge Higher School

Certificate or passes in at least two subjects obtained on one certificate at

GCE ‘A’ Level or an alternative qualification acceptable. Candidates must

have the ability in typewriting at a speed of at least 30 words per minute.

18.18 Incumbent would be required, among others, to: perform clerical duties and take

down dictation; carry out word processing and computer/data processing work;

update information in the computer system; and to operate telefax and e-mail




GRA 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21475

Office Assistant

GRA 2 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Officer (New Grade)

GRA 3 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer formerly Officer (General Services)

GRA 4 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

GRA 5 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Legal Affairs Officer (New Grade) Public Relations/Responsible Gambling Officer (New Grade) Systems Analyst (New Grade)

GRA 6 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Auditor (New Grade)

GRA 7 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Information System Officer

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Hindi Speaking Union

~ 127 ~ Pay Review 2016


19.1 The Hindi Speaking Union has been established in December 1994 as a body

corporate under the Hindi Speaking Union Act. Its main objects include the

promotion of the Hindi Language in its spoken and written forms; provide friendship

and understanding between the Hindi speaking peoples of the world; and provide

facilities for the interchange of views affecting the interests, well being,

development, relationships and common problems of the hindi-speaking peoples of

the world; and promote and encourage education among all peoples interested in


19.2 In pursuance of its objectives, various activities are organised by the Union, namely

book exhibitions/sales throughout the country, conferences, workshops and

seminars, exchange programmes. In addition, magazines, periodicals and books

are published at regular intervals and weekly radio programmes are presented and

aired. The Union also runs a lending library located at Triolet.

19.3 An Administrative Secretary is responsible for the day to day administration.

Support services are provided by a small pool of officers.

19.4 In the context of this Report, no submission has been made by the Management or

staff side. We are, therefore, maintaining the existing structure whilst revising the




HSU 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

HSU 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

HSU 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075


HSU 4 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator Library Clerk

HSU 5 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Human Resource Development Council

Education and Scientific Research

~ 129 ~ Pay Review 2016


20.1 The Human Resource Development Council (HRDC), set up as a body corporate

under the provision of the HRDC Act 2003, operates under the aegis of the Ministry

of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research. It

envisions to have always “a creative and competent HR Base”.

20.2 The objects of the Council are, among others, to promote human resource

development in line with national economic and social objectives; stimulate a culture

of training and lifelong learning at the individual, organisational and national levels

for employability and increasing productivity; and provide the necessary human

resource thrust for successful transformation of the economy into a knowledgeable


20.3 In line with the Government’s Programme 2015-2019, the HRDC is called upon to

play a fundamental role in the evolving socio-economic architecture of Mauritius.

The Council would be required to initiate skills development programmes to reduce

the mismatch between demand and supply of human resources, address the

graduate unemployment problem and contribute to Government’s vision in making

Mauritius a “nation d’entrepreneurs” through its Skills for Growth Scheme.

20.4 The organisation is headed by a Director who is the Chief Executive of the Council.

The latter is assisted in the day-to-day business operations by a Deputy Director

and three Managers each in charge of the three divisions, namely; Corporate,

Research and Consultancy, and Finance respectively. Officers from other various

cadres also provide support to Management.

20.5 During consultations both Management and Staff Association have submitted that

there is need to review upward the remuneration package of certain grades at top

level owing to the specificity of the HRDC, being an apex organisation. In addition,

a fit-for-purpose organisation structure has been requested, through the creation of

appropriate grades to meet the new challenges and implement national projects.

20.6 After duly examining the various requests of both Management and Staff

Association the Bureau is making appropriate recommendations to enable the

Council to enhance its service delivery through the strengthening of the structure at

different levels. We are also allowing for movement beyond top salary to some

officers and providing enhanced pension benefits to certain category of employees.

Adjustment of Salary Scale

20.7 The Bureau has received requests to review the salary scales of certain top

positions further to recommendations made in a report submitted by an external

consultant prior to 2013 PRB Report. We have examined the issue in-depth and

have come to the conclusion that the matter should be dealt with

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administratively at the level of the Council and the parent Ministry, which

have the prerogative of granting top up allowances wherever deem



Head, National Training Fund Unit (New Grade)

20.8 According to the HRDC Act, one of the main functions of the Council is to manage

the National Training Fund (NTF) whereby employers contribute a training levy to

the Council. The Finance Division is currently responsible for the management of

the Training Levy/Grant System and accounting/budgeting issues.

20.9 Management has submitted that since the HRDC receives around Rs 425m

annually and disburses around Rs 280m as Grant refund, the NTF Unit and the

Accounting/Budgeting Unit should function separately for better control, with shared

responsibility and accountability. Moreover, the Independent Commission against

Corruption (ICAC) recommended, further to a Corruption Prevention Review (CPR)

exercise carried out at the HRDC, that the Finance Division be restructured such

that the NTF Unit is separated from the Accounting activities. As such, request has

been made for the creation of a grade of Team Leader (NTF) to look after the day-

to-day management of the NTF.

20.10 The Bureau has examined the request and considers that there is merit in the case.

We are, therefore, providing for another appellation in line with the duties and

responsibilities devolving upon the grade and making an appropriate

recommendation to that end.

Recommendation 1

20.11 We recommend the creation of the grade of Head, National Training Fund

Unit. Appointment thereto should be made by selection from among

candidates who are members of a professional body acceptable to the HRDC,

registered with the Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants (MIPA) and

possess a Master’s Degree in Finance or Management or Administration from

a recognised institution. Candidates should also reckon at least five years

post-qualification experience in management/administration; have a track

record to demonstrate commitment to the provision of high quality financial

services; possess problem solving skills and have ability to think

strategically; and possess excellent administrative, interpersonal and

communication skills.

20.12 Incumbent would be responsible to the Manager, Finance for the smooth

functioning and management of the NTF Unit and would be required, inter- alia, to:

manage the day-to-day operations of the NTF Unit; ensure timely transfer of grant

refund to employers and training centres; ensure the prevalence of a proper internal

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Education and Scientific Research

~ 131 ~ Pay Review 2016

control mechanism in the training unit; initiate actions in relation to cases of

malpractice; provide advice, functional guidance and assistance to employers and

training centres on training grant system; and manage the investment portfolio of

the NTF and advise on investment strategies.

Monitoring Unit

Inspection and Monitoring Officer (Roster) (New Grade)

20.13 The HRDC is required to monitor the participation of employers, employees and job

seekers in training schemes and programmes. In this context, regular site visits are

conducted to ensure that training are effectively being dispensed, as grants are

released for this specific purpose to organisations. This monitoring exercise is

conducted by officers of the Monitoring Unit, which comprises one Executive

Assistant/Senior Executive Assistant and Management Support Officers. The

present staffing complement is considered to be inadequate to fulfil the purpose for

which the Unit has been established.

20.14 Management has submitted that due to an increase in the number of visits and

activities at the Monitoring Unit, there is need for a dedicated grade to perform

these duties particularly regarding inspection and monitoring. We consider that this

arrangement would enable a better service delivery through proper check and

balances. We are, therefore, providing this new grade.

Recommendation 2

20.15 We recommend the creation of the grade of Inspection and Monitoring Officer

(Roster). Appointment, thereto, should be made by selection from among

serving officers of the HRDC possessing a Cambridge Higher School

Certificate or passes in at least two subjects obtained on one certificate at the

General Certificate of Education “Advanced Level” and reckoning at least four

years’ experience in a training or educational environment. Candidates

should also be computer literate and possess good communication skills.

20.16 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to: liaise with appropriate departments/units

for retrieval of relevant documents for conduct of inspection/monitoring; assist in the

elaboration of programmes for inspection and monitoring; conduct inspection and

monitoring visits, as per programme elaborated; check that training is being

effectively carried out; assist in the preparation of inspection and monitoring reports

for submission to management; inspect, on site, multimedia facilities procured by

institutions and submit reports thereon; inspect, during visits, the records of

employer/trainer related to the training being delivered; compile data for statistical

purposes; and attend court in cases of prosecution related to the Training Grant

Scheme, as and when required.

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20.17 Management has informed that further to certain measures enunciated in the

Government Programme 2015-2019, there has been an expansion in the activities

at the Research and Consultancy Division. The latter’s responsibilities are now

geared towards research and the operationalisation and implementation of projects

at various levels of the economy. New projects include those regarding national

HRD policy development, career development as well as those involving

collaboration with industry associations.

20.18 In this context, Management has apprised the Bureau that the Division is being

renamed Research and Project Division and consequently, the appellation of the

grade of Manager, Research and Consultancy be reviewed. We consider the

request to be justified and are reviewing the appellation.

Manager, Research and Projects

formerly Manager, Research and Consultancy

Recommendation 3

20.19 We recommend that the grade of Manager, Research and Consultancy be

restyled Manager, Research and Projects.

Research and Development Coordinator

Senior Research and Development Officer

formerly Research and Development Officer

20.20 Management has submitted that there is no longer the operational need to maintain

the grades of Research and Development Coordinator and Research and

Development Officer as two distinct grades, since incumbents are required to

manage individual projects and report directly to the Manager, Research and

Consultancy, now restyled Manager, Research and Projects. In such a context,

both grades are performing the same duties. It has, therefore, been proposed to

merge these two grades under a new appellation of Project Leader.

20.21 After an in-depth examination, the Bureau has noted that the duties and

responsibilities devolving upon the grades of Research and Development

Coordinator and Research and Development Officer are specific and distinct,

without any major overlapping. Moreover, one of the main duty of the Research

and Development Coordinator is to supervise the work of the Research and

Development Officers. In such a context, a merger of the two grades would not be

appropriate, the moreso the conduct of research and development of projects is a

core function of the organisation.

20.22 However, we have observed a change in the way of operating of Research and

Development Officers, where they are given much leeway in conducting their

projects and making informed decisions. Against such a background, we are

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providing for movement beyond top salary to allow incumbents to benefit from better

career earnings and restyling the grade to a more appropriate appellation which

better reflects the nature and level of duties devolving upon the officers. In addition,

the Bureau has taken into consideration the critical importance of the Division and

expansion of activities thereat. In this respect, we are making a recommendation

which would enhance service delivery.

Recommendation 4

20.23 We recommend that:

(i) the grade of Research and Development Officer be restyled Senior

Research and Development Officer;

(ii) incumbents in the grade of Senior Research and Development Officer,

formerly Research and Development Officer, who have reached the top

of their salary scale should be allowed to move incrementally in the

master salary scale up to salary point Rs 68500 provided they:(a) have

drawn the top salary for a year; (b) have been efficient and effective in

their performance during the preceding year; and (c) are not under

report; and

(iii) Management considers the advisability of increasing the establishment

size of the grade of Research and Development Coordinator and

consequently that of Senior Research and Development Officer,

formerly Research and Development Officer, for an enhanced service


Research and Development Officer (New Grade)

20.24 In view of the expansion in activities at the HRDC, the Bureau has been informed

that there is need to strengthen the structure at the base with the creation of an

appropriate level which would provide assistance to the Senior Research and

Development Officers, formerly Research and Development Officer, in the conduct

of research. The Bureau is agreeable to the proposal.

Recommendation 5

20.25 We recommend the creation of the grade of Research and Development

Officer. Appointment, thereto, should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a degree in Economics or Mathematics or Statistics or

any other relevant field acceptable to the Council.

20.26 Incumbents would be required, inter alia, to: assist the Senior Research and

Development Officer in the conduct of research; undertake literature reviews to

support HRD projects; assist in the preparation of project proposals and project

documents; assist in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of

HRD projects; collect, collate and compile data; organise and participate in outreach

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activities based on HRD projects; and assist in the maintenance of project


20.27 We further recommend that, in future, appointment to the grade of Senior

Research and Development Officer should be made by promotion of officers

in the grades of Research and Development Officer reckoning at least three

years’ service in a substantive capacity in the grade and possessing a

postgraduate degree in a relevant field acceptable to the Council. In the

absence of suitably qualified candidates, the grade should be filled by

selection from among candidates possessing a post graduate degree in

Econometrics or Statistics or Demography or Economics and reckoning at

least three years’ experience in research in an educational or training or

related industrial environment.


Procurement and Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer

formerly Procurement and Supply Officer

20.28 The Procurement and Supply Unit of the HRDC is presently manned by a

Procurement and Supply Officer. In view of the absence of a career path and in line

with the Bureau’s policy favouring career earnings, we are restyling the grade of

Procurement and Supply Officer to a more appropriate job appellation to be in

consonance with the nature of duties performed. We are also providing a form of

compensation to the incumbent for possessing higher qualifications.

Recommendation 6

20.29 We recommend that the grade of Procurement and Supply Officer be restyled

Procurement and Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer.

20.30 We further recommend that incumbents in the grade of Procurement and

Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer, formerly Procurement

and Supply Officer, possessing a diploma in Purchasing and Supply

Management or an equivalent qualification should be allowed to move

incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point Rs 42325, provided


(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

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Clerical Officer (New Grade)

20.31 The General Services cadre at the HRDC, comprises the polyvalent and

multifunctional grade of Management Support Officer and the evanescent grade of

Clerk/Word Processing Operator/Senior Clerk/Word Processing Operator. We are

further reinforcing the structure at the lower level through the creation of a grade of

Clerical Officer.

Recommendation 7

20.32 We recommend the creation of the grade of Clerical Officer in line with the

provisions made at paragraph 23 of Volume 2 Part II of this Report.

Enhanced Pension Benefits for PhD Holders of the HRDC

20.33 The core function of the HRDC consists mainly of research activities. In view of this

specificity and the organisation’s mandate, the Bureau considers that an incentive

to further promote research in the field of Human Resource Development should be

provided to staff of certain grades who possess a PhD. We believe that such a

measure may motivate officers to follow courses leading to doctoral degrees. We

are, therefore, making a specific recommendation to that effect.

Recommendation 8

20.34 We recommend that officers of the Research and Project Division, formerly

Research and Consultancy Division, performing duties related to research

and holding a relevant PhD degree recognised by the Council, should be

granted four pensionable months of service every three years of post-

doctoral effective service subject to a maximum of 40 months.

Ad hoc Allowance to employees in the grade of Driver/Messenger

20.35 The Bureau has been apprised that officers in the grades of Driver/Messenger and

Driver/Messenger (Personal) are regularly called upon to effect repairs and

maintenance works (electrical, plumbing and pipe fitting, painting, masonry,

carpentry and joinery and general maintenance works). As these tasks fall outside

their normal duties and require the possession of specific skills and competencies,

we consider that payment of an ad hoc allowance to the officers concerned is


Recommendation 9

20.36 We recommend that Management considers the advisability of granting an ad

hoc allowance to be determined by the Board of the HRDC, to officers in the

grades of Driver/Messenger and Driver/Messenger (Personal) who are

regularly called upon to carry out repairs and maintenance works.

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Human Resource Development Council

Education and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 136 ~



HRDC 1 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


HRDC 2 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Handy Worker (Skilled)

HRDC 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 24750

General Assistant/Senior General Assistant

HRDC 4 : Rs 13270 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 24750

General Assistant/Senior General Assistant (personal to employees in post as at 30.06.2008)

HRDC 5 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

HRDC 6 : Rs 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Driver/Messenger (personal to employees in post as at 30.06.2008)

HRDC 7 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer (New Grade)

HRDC 8 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Clerk/Word Processing Operator/Senior Clerk/Word Processing Operator (personal to holder in post as at 30.06.2008)

HRDC 9 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Human Resource Development Council

Education and Scientific Research

~ 137 ~ Pay Review 2016


HRDC 10 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk

HRDC 11 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Executive Assistant/Senior Executive Assistant

HRDC 12 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

HRDC 13 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Procurement and Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer formerly Procurement and Supply Officer

HRDC 14 : Rs 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Inspection and Monitoring Officer (Roster) (New Grade)

HRDC 15 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200 QB 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Accounting Technician/Senior Accounting Technician

HRDC 16 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325 QB 43850 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Accounting Technician/Senior Accounting Technician (Personal to holder in post as at 30.06.2008)

HRDC 17 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Research and Development Officer (New Grade)

HRDC 18 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

IT Officer

HRDC 19 : Rs 30175 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Public Relations and Communication Officer

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Human Resource Development Council

Education and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 138 ~


HRDC 20 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative/Human Resource Management Officer

HRDC 21 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Accountant/Senior Accountant Internal Auditor/Senior Internal Auditor formerly Internal Auditor

HRDC 22 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Senior Research and Development Officer formerly Research and Development Officer Systems Administrator

HRDC 23 : Rs 51575 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Research and Development Coordinator

HRDC 24 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Head, National Training Fund Unit (New Grade)

HRDC 25 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 92000

Manager, Corporate Manager, Finance Manager, Research and Projects formerly Manager, Research and Consultancy

HRDC 26 : Rs 101000

Deputy Director

HRDC 27 : Rs 110000


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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Irrigation Authority

~ 139 ~ Pay Review 2016


21.1 The Irrigation Authority (IA) is established as a parastatal body under the provision

of the Irrigation Authority Act No. 39 of 1978 and operates under the aegis of the

Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security.

21.2 The mission of Irrigation Authority is to provide a quality service to the Planters’

Community through the shared commitment, serve professionally with a view to

improving the welfare of the planters.

21.3 The overall objects of the Authority are, among others, to study the development of

irrigation; implement and manage irrigation projects in every irrigation area and to

do all other acts incidental thereto; and undertake research into the optimum use of


21.4 The activities of the Authority are carried out under the following Units/Departments

namely: Internal Audit; Irrigation Planning; Construction and Supervision; Operation

and Maintenance; Administrative and Accounts.

21.5 In the context of the present review exercise, representations have been made for

the creation of grades at different levels of operations; change in appellation to

better reflect the duties; upgrading of salary and qualification at various levels and

restyling of grades to allow the organisation to deliver its services efficiently and

effectively. There was also request for training to update knowledge and develop

skills in the new systems of irrigation. We have examined all the proposals,

apprised both Management and Staff Associations on issues that could not be

retained as well as other representations that need to be studied further, and are

making appropriate recommendations.

Principal Engineer (Operation and Maintenance)

formerly Principal Engineer (Civil/Mechanical)

Supervisor (Maintenance Works)

formerly Supervisor (Civil Works)

21.6 It has been submitted that the grades of Principal Engineer (Civil/Mechanical) and

Supervisor (Civil Works) be restyled to Principal Engineer (Operation and

Maintenance) and Supervisor (Maintenance Works) respectively to better reflect the

duties being performed. We are agreeable to this request and are making

appropriate recommendations to this effect.

Recommendation 1

21.7 We recommend that the grades of Principal Engineer (Civil/Mechanical) and

Supervisor (Civil Works) be restyled to Principal Engineer (Operation and

Maintenance) and Supervisor (Maintenance Works) respectively.

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Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security Irrigation Authority

Pay Review 2016 ~ 140 ~

Work in Cyclonic Conditions

21.8 An allowance of Rs 800 is exclusively paid to employees involved in anchoring of

pivots in cyclonic conditions. This provision is still valid.

Recommendation 2

21.9 We recommend the continued payment of an allowance of Rs 800 exclusively

to employees involved in anchoring of pivots in cyclonic conditions.



IA 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

IA 2 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18825

Tradesman’s Assistant

IA 3 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Irrigueur (Roster)

IA 4 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Stores Attendant

IA 5 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

IA 6 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant Pump Operator

IA 7 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21475

Senior Office Attendant

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Irrigation Authority

~ 141 ~ Pay Review 2016


IA 8 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver Field Supervisor

IA 9 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Driver (Roster) Field Supervisor(Roster) Electrician Mechanic Painter Pipe Fitter Welder Vulcaniser

IA 10 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525


IA 11 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Vehicle Controller

IA 12 : Rs 24750 x 775 – 26300

Trainee Engineer

IA 13 : Rs 17050 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27850

Assistant Supervisor (Irrigation) (Roster)

IA 14 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 28625

Assistant Stores Officer

IA 15 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator

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Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security Irrigation Authority

Pay Review 2016 ~ 142 ~


IA 16 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Technical Assistant Technical Assistant (Electromechanical)

IA 17 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer

IA 18 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Assistant Workshop and Plant Supervisor

IA 19 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Supervisor (Maintenance Works) formerly Supervisor (Civil Works)

IA 20 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Senior Word Processing Operator

IA 21 : Rs 18075 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Supervisor (Irrigation) (Roster)

IA 22 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

IA 23 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Officer (Personal to incumbents in post as at 31.12.15) Purchasing and Supply Officer (from former Development Works Corporation) Stores Officer (Personal)

IA 24 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Workshop and Plant Supervisor

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Irrigation Authority

~ 143 ~ Pay Review 2016


IA 25 : Rs 15450 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Field Officer/Senior Field Officer formerly Field Officer

IA 26 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Technical Design Officer

IA 27 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Social Facilitator

IA 28 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Internal Control Officer

IA 29 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

IA 30 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Officer Higher Executive Officer (Personal to incumbents in post as at 31.12.15) Higher Stores Officer Procurement and Supply Officer Senior Accounts Clerk

IA 31 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant

IA 32 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer Technical Officer (Civil)

IA 33 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Senior Technical Assistant

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Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security Irrigation Authority

Pay Review 2016 ~ 144 ~


IA 34 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Senior Technical Design Officer (Irrigation Planning Unit)

IA 35 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Human Resource Officer

IA 36 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Financial Officer Senior Internal Control Officer

IA 37 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Office Superintendent

IA 38 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Senior Technical Officer (Civil)

IA 39 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Assistant Agricultural Economist Irrigation Operation Officer

IA 40 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Information Technology Officer

IA 41 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Accountant Internal Auditor

IA 42 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Engineer (Irrigation Planning Unit) Engineer (Mechanical)

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Irrigation Authority

~ 145 ~ Pay Review 2016


IA 43 : Rs 30175 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 58075

Engineer (Construction and Supervision) (Staggered) (Personal) Engineer (Operation and Maintenance) (Staggered) (Personal)

IA 44 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Divisional Irrigation Operation Officer

IA 45 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Financial Manager Principal Engineer (Construction and Supervision) Principal Engineer (Irrigation Planning Unit) Principal Engineer (Operation and Maintenance) formerly Principal Engineer (Civil/Mechanical)

IA 46 : Rs 45375 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Head of Administration

IA 47 : Rs 45375 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Head of Construction and Supervision Head of Operation and Maintenance

Investigation/Research Specialist

IA 48 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Head of Irrigation Planning Unit

IA 49 : Rs 110000

General Manager

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Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security Irrigation Authority

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Islamic Cultural Centre

~ 147 ~ Pay Review 2016


22.1 The mission of the Islamic Cultural Centre (ICC) is to serve the varied cultural and

artistic needs of the Muslim Community of Mauritius and to promote awareness and

appreciation of islamic history and cultural heritage to the Mauritian Society.

22.2 Its organisation structure consists of a Director, Secretary/Treasurer, Hadj/

Programme Officer, officers in support grades and manual staff.

22.3 As the ICC has not responded to any of our Circulars nor has made any submission

in the context of this review, we are maintaining the present structure and revising

the salaries.



ICC 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Gardener Office Attendant

ICC 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver Driver/Office Attendant

ICC 3 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Handy Worker (Multi-skilled)

ICC 4 : Rs 13970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Receptionist/Word Processing Operator

ICC 5 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator Library Clerk

ICC 6 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Islamic Cultural Centre

Pay Review 2016 ~ 148 ~


ICC 7 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Executive Officer (Personal) Hadj/Programme Officer

ICC 8 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

ICC 9 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325


ICC 10 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000


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Attorney General’s Office Law Reform Commission

~ 149 ~ Pay Review 2016


23.1 The Law Reform Commission of Mauritius (LRC) has been established as an

independent statutory body by the Parliament under Act No 26 of 2005. It is

operational since 2006 and is under the purview of the Attorney-General’s Office.

23.2 The functions of the Law Reform Commission, as a specialist law reform agency,

are to review in a systematic way the laws of Mauritius; make recommendations for

its reform and development; and ensure that the laws are as understandable and

accessible as are practicable.

23.3 The Commission envisions to be an efficient and effective law reform agency which

would ensure that laws are responsive to the needs of the society, reflect best

international practices and are in conformity with our international obligations.

23.4 In discharging its mandate, the LRC is committed to comparative legal research in

order to evaluate the merits and demerits of our laws in the light of the experience

of other jurisdictions.

23.5 At present, the LRC has a three-level structure comprising the grades of Law

Reform Officer, Senior Law Reform Officer and Principal Law Reform Officer for its

research functions and is supported by staff of the General Services.

23.6 The Chief Executive Officer is the Administrative/Technical head of the organiation

responsible for all research to be done by the Commission in the discharge of its

functions, for the drafting of all reports to be made by the Commission and, for the

supervision of the staff and work of the Commission. He is assisted by the

Secretary to the Commission who is responsible for the taking of minutes of

proceedings of the Commission.

23.7 Since the present organisational set-up is delivering efficiently upon its mandate, in

this Report we are bringing no change to the existing structure.



LRC 1 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 22575

Driver/Office Attendant

LRC 2 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (LRC)

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Attorney General’s Office Law Reform Commission

Pay Review 2016 ~ 150 ~


LRC 3 : Rs 18075 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Senior Officer (Personal)

LRC 4 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 -3712 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

LRC 5 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Law Reform Officer

LRC 6 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 58075

Secretary to Commission

LRC 7 : Rs 34350 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Senior Law Reform Officer

LRC 8 : Rs 39575 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Secretary to Commission (Personal)

LRC 9 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 89000

Principal Law Reform Officer

LRC 10 : Rs 110000

Chief Executive Officer

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Le Morne Heritage Trust Fund

~ 151 ~ Pay Review 2016


24.1 Le Morne Heritage Trust Fund was established in May 2004 under the Le Morne

Heritage Trust Fund Act. Its main objectives comprise, among others, the

promotion of Le Morne as a national, regional and international memorial site;

preservation and promotion of the historical, cultural, environmental and ecological

aspects of Le Morne; encouragement of research and support projects and

publications related to slavery and marronage; and the collection, publication and

dissemination of information pertaining to the history of slavery and marronage.

24.2 The Le Morne Cultural Landscape was inscribed on the United Nations Educational,

Scientific and Cultural Organisation World Heritage list on 10 July 2008, to

represent symbolically a place of resistance to slavery and the determination of

slaves to acquire freedom. As such, one of the Fund’s major aim is to preserve,

safeguard and manage the landscape so that it can be used in a wise and

sustainable manner, without compromising its authenticity and integrity.

24.3 The Fund is administered and managed by a Board. A Director is responsible for

the execution of the policy and decisions of the Board as well as the control and

management of the day-to-day business.

24.4 In the context of this Report, Management has submitted that in view of an

expansion of the activities of the Fund, there is need for the creation of a few grades

to strengthen the structure to enable an enhanced delivery of services. After careful

study, we are agreeable to create the grades of Management Support Officer,

Marketing and Public Relations Officer, Accounting Technician and ICT Technician.

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 1

24.5 We recommend that the grade of Management Support Officer be created, in

line with provisions made at paragraphs 24 (i) of this Report.

Marketing and Public Relations Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 3

24.6 We recommend the creation of the grade of Marketing and Public Relations

Officer. Appointment thereto should be made from among candidates

possessing a Degree in Tourism Management or Marketing or Communication

Studies from a recognised institution.

24.7 Incumbent would be required to, among others, develop and coordinate marketing

policies and strategies; develop and coordinate the marketing activities and

programmes related to the visitor management and the promotion of the Le Morne

Cultural Landscape, UNESCO World Heritage site; create, enhance and sustain

awareness of Le Morne Cultural Landscape, UNESCO World Heritage Site in the

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Le Morne Heritage Trust Fund

Pay Review 2016 ~ 152 ~

media towards local and foreign communities; and assist in the planning, promotion

and execution of special events and activities.

Accounting Technician (New Grade)

Recommendation 4

24.8 We recommend the creation of the grade of Accounting Technician.

Appointment thereto should be made from among candidates possessing a

Cambridge Higher School Certificate and a pass in papers F1, F2 and F3 of

the ACCA Fundamentals (Knowledge) and any other four papers of the ACCA

Fundamentals (Skills)

24.9 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, be in charge of the Finance department;

establish, manage and monitor financial reporting system; set up and maintain

system to monitor transactions carried out; prepare budget plans and cash flows;

prepare and submit regular financial reports on income expenditure trends; attend

to audit queries on financial issues; and keep accounting records and books of


Recommendation 5

24.10 We further recommend that the Accounting Technician would be allowed to

cross the Qualification Bar in the salary scale upon completion of the ACCA

fundamentals examinations or possession of an equivalent qualification

acceptable to the Board.

ICT Technician (New Grade)

Recommendation 5

24.11 We recommend the creation of the grade of ICT Technician. Appointment

thereto should be made from among candidates possessing a Diploma in IT

or Computer Science or Information System or Software Engineering or an

equivalent qualification and reckoning at least one year experience in the

maintenance and repairs of IT equipment.

24.12 Incumbent would be required to, among others, maintain, repair and administer the

computer system, including all peripherals; provide general technical guidance and

support to end users; devise appropriate systems of security in relation to hardware

and software; maintain an overview of the implementation of the Board’s ICT policy;

diagnose problems related to internet access in Boards and taking remedial action;

and provide support to staff in the use of ICT.

Clerk Assistant

24.13 Management has submitted that the grade of Clerk Assistant no longer fits in the

organisation’s structure. We are, therefore, making the grade evanescent and

granting a personal salary to incumbent in post as at 31 December 2015.

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Recommendation 6

24.14 We recommend that the grade of Clerk Assistant be made evanescent.



MHTF 1 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

MHTF 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

MHTF 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant Driver

MHTF 4 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Clerk Assistant (Personal to officers in post as at 31 December 2015)

MHTF 5 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator Heritage Guide

MHTF 6 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Conservation Officer

MHTF 7 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

MHTF 8 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer

MHTF 9 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 –42325

ICT Technician (New Grade) Site Officer

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MHTF 10 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200 QB 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician (New Grade)

MHTF 11 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary Marketing and Public Relations Officer (New Grade)

Research Officer Site Manager

MHTF 12 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


MHTF 13 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950


MHTF 14 : Rs 95000


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25.1 The Mahatma Gandhi Institute (MGI) was set up under the MGI Act No. 64 of 1970

(subsequently amended in 2002) with the main objectives of establishing, as a

tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, a centre of studies of Indian Culture and Traditions and

to promote education and culture generally.

25.2 It provides both secondary and tertiary education. The secondary and pre-

vocational educations are provided through six secondary schools and the

Gandhian Basic School respectively. Tertiary education and research activities are

dispensed through five schools namely School of Indian Studies; School of

Indological Studies; School of Performing Arts; School of Fine Arts; and School of

Mauritian and Area Studies.

25.3 Besides academic curriculum, MGI also lays a lot of emphasis on values and

gandhian philosophy with a view to developing the competencies, skills and

aptitudes of the students. It organises various activities such as drama, public

speaking, sports, projects and promotes exchange programmes with secondary

schools in India and United Kingdom. Hence the Institute is working towards the

advancement of both education and propagating culture at national, regional and

international levels.

25.4 The Director-General is the principal academic and administrative officer. She is

responsible to the MGI’s Council for the finances and for maintaining and promoting

good order and efficiency of the Institute. In the discharge of her functions, the

Director-General is assisted by the Director (Mahatma Gandhi Institute) and

Director (Schooling) (MGI/RTI). Other staff on the establishment of the MGI include

grades belonging to the teaching, professional, technical and other occupational


25.5 In the context of this review exercise, both Management and staff side have made

representations for the creation of levels, restyling of existing grades, alignment of

salaries, provision of duty free facilities, review of allowances payable to Head of

School and Head of Department, and review of conditions of service.

25.6 During consultations, parties were apprised that grades are normally created on the

basis of functional needs and the onus rests upon the Council. However, grades

which are urgently required by the organisation, could be graded by the Bureau on

an ad hoc basis well before and even after the publication of the Report, once the

parent Ministry conveys its approval and the proposed schemes of service are in

order. Both parties were informed that the Bureau would not accede to requests for

restyling where it is found to have grading implications and/or no nexus with the

duties and responsibilities associated with the posts. As regards alignment of

salaries, parties were made aware that this would be examined by the Bureau on

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the basis of its job evaluation schemes. On the issue of conditions of service,

parties were signalled that these would be looked at holistically except for specific

ones which are being considered/addressed by the Bureau.

25.7 For this review exercise, we are consolidating the structure with the creation of the

grades of Senior Computer Laboratory Attendant and School Superintendent

respectively. We are equally replicating recommendations in respect of incremental

movement in the master salary scale for graduate professionals who are stagnating

on their top salary. To address issues relating to HR, it is recommended that

Management should carry out a Human Resource Planning exercise.

Senior Computer Laboratory Attendant (New Grade)

25.8 Representations have been received for the creation of a level to supervise the

work of Computer Laboratory Attendants as well as to exert control and discipline

among them. To enable the organisation to make effective use of resources and to

monitor and supervise the activities of the Computer Laboratory Attendants, we are

recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 1

25.9 We recommend the creation of a grade of Senior Computer Laboratory

Attendant. Appointment thereto should be made by promotion, on the basis

of experience and merit, of officers in the grade of Computer Laboratory

Attendant reckoning at least five years’ service in a substantive capacity in

the grade. Also candidates should have successfully completed an approved

training course in computer repairs and maintenance and should possess

good organising, supervisory and leadership skills.

25.10 Incumbent would be responsible for: the organisation of work, supervision, control

and training of Computer Laboratory Attendants; and the general maintenance and

repairs of ICT equipment. Additionally, incumbents would be required, among

others, to help in the write-off procedures of ICT equipment; provide general

assistance in the administration of the Local Area Network (LAN); provide guidance

and support in the routine maintenance of hardware and software and in keeping

record of equipment; provide assistance to teachers for the running of hands-on

sessions; and provide assistance to the Computer Technician.

School Superintendent (New Grade)

25.11 Management has submitted that there is need to reinforce the administrative

support services through the creation of a level to assist in the effective

management of the secondary schools and the optimum and efficient delivery of

service. We are making appropriate recommendation in this context.

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Recommendation 2

25.12 We recommend the creation of a grade of School Superintendent.

Appointment thereto should be made by selection from among officers

holding a substantive appointment in the grades of Usher/Senior Usher;

Senior Executive Officer; Higher Executive Officer and from among Executive

Officers reckoning at least two years’ service in the grade.

25.13 Selected candidates would be required to follow a work related certificate

course in school management, as arranged by the MGI. On successful

completion of the course, the School Superintendents would be allowed to

move beyond the Qualification Bar (QB) in their salary scale.

25.14 Incumbent in the grade of School Superintendent would be required, among others,

to: supervise the work of supporting staff in the schools; assist the Rector in all

matters pertaining to human resource, finance and procurement and supply, as well

as in the general administration of the school and its day-to-day running; and plan,

organise and supervise the work of employees of the Workmen’s group.

Special Provision for Graduates and Professionals

25.15 As per the existing provision, graduates and professionals stagnating on their top

salary are allowed to move incrementally in the master salary scale so as to ensure

that the remuneration package of incumbents with relevant experience in the public

service is competitive. However, the grant of the additional increment is linked to

more stringent performance criteria so as to bring about a performance oriented

culture. We are replicating this special provision for graduates and professionals for

ease of application.

Recommendation 3

25.16 We recommend that officers in entry or professional grades requiring a

University Degree or an equivalent recognised professional qualification

drawing salary in a scale the maximum of which is not less than Rs 56450 and

having reached the top of their respective salary scale should be allowed to

move incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point Rs 61325,

provided they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

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Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

25.17 Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officers possessing a Diploma in

Human Resource Management or a Diploma with Human Resource Management

as a major component or an equivalent qualification are allowed to move

incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point Rs 39275 subject to

performance criteria. This provision is being maintained.

Recommendation 4

25.18 We recommend that incumbents in the grade of Human Resource

Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human

Resource Management or a Diploma with Human Resource Management as a

major component or an equivalent qualification should be allowed to move

incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided

that they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Academic Achievement

25.19 The existing provision for the grant of additional increments to Academics below the

level of Professor who have improved their qualifications and achieved within their

academic field is being maintained.

Recommendation 5

25.20 We recommend that Assistant Lecturer/Lecturers, Senior Lecturers and

Associate Professors holding a PhD and/or a Master’s Degree and reckoning

academic attainment through published research, teaching, administrative

contributions and publications and having stayed on top of their revised

salary scale for one year, should be allowed to move incrementally up to a

maximum of two increments to be read from the master salary scale.

25.21 For the purpose of implementation of the above paragraph, the new salary point

reached by virtue of the provision made at paragraph 10.40 of Volume 1 of this

Report shall be deemed to be the new top salary.

Educator (Secondary)

25.22 At present, there are certain specific recommendations for the grade of Educator

(Secondary) in the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education

and Scientific Research which are equally applicable for Educators (Secondary) at

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the MGI. We are, while maintaining the existing provisions, revising the salary


Recommendation 6

25.23 We recommend that:

(i) Educator (Secondary) would be required to teach during 30 periods in a

week, one or more subjects relating to his academic qualifications;

(ii) candidates possessing a post ‘A’ Level Degree and appointed Educator

(Secondary) should join the recommended salary scale at salary point

Rs 25525;

(iii) Educators (Secondary) drawing a monthly salary of less than Rs 25525

should, on obtention of qualifications to cross the QB in the salary

scale, be allowed to join the recommended salary scale at salary point of

Rs 25525;

(iv) Educators (Secondary) satisfying the requirement to cross the QB,

would, on reaching the top salary point of Rs 56450, be allowed to move

incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point of Rs 61325

provided that they:

(a) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(b) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(c) are not under report.

(v) the monthly allowance of Rs 2250 payable to Educators (Secondary) not

possessing the qualifications to cross the QB and who are called upon

to teach sixth form subjects in scarcity areas for a maximum of eight

periods weekly, should be revised to Rs 2360. On obtention of the

qualifications required to cross the QB, incumbents in the grade of

Educator (Secondary) would be eligible to a salary point arrived at after

adding the allowance to the basic salary or to draw the higher salary

point where the sum thus obtained is between two salary points and

would draw the new determined salary of Rs 25525 whichever is the


Allowance to Head of School and Head of Department

25.24 At present, a monthly allowance of Rs 1800 is being paid to Academics who are

assigned the duties of Head of School while Educators (Secondary) who are

assigned the duties of Head of Department are paid a monthly allowance of

Rs 1450.

25.25 We are maintaining this provision.

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Recommendation 7

25.26 We recommend that:

(i) Academics who are assigned the duties of Head of School be paid a

revised monthly allowance of Rs 1830;

(ii) Educators (Secondary) who are assigned the duties of Head of

Department should:

(a) be paid a revised monthly allowance of Rs 1525; and

(b) continue to teach their subject of specialisation for 25 periods


Head, Department of Creativity and Performance

25.27 The present provision stipulating that the duties of Head, Department of Creativity

and Performance should be assigned to a member of academic staff of an

appropriate level to be determined by the MGI Council, on a rotational basis, is

being maintained.


25.28 Discipline within the school compound should be the concern of each and every

member of the staff including the academics. Every member should participate

actively to continuously maintain the highest level of discipline at school. They

should act proactively and collectively to restore discipline immediately in situation

of unruliness and disorderliness.

Specific Conditions of Service

Casual Leave

25.29 Members of the teaching profession are refunded their unutilised casual leave up to

a maximum of 10 days at the rate of 1/88 of their monthly salary in the

corresponding year. We are, in this Report, improving the existing provision in line

with what obtains in the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary

Education and Scientific Research.

Recommendation 8

25.30 We recommend that members of the teaching personnel who, during a whole

calendar year, are assigned full responsibility of classroom teaching and who

effectively perform teaching duties, should be refunded annually their

unutilised casual leave up to a maximum of 10 days at the rate of 1/66 of their

last monthly salary per day in the corresponding year.

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Vacation Leave

25.31 The present provisions governing vacation leave are being maintained.

Recommendation 9

25.32 (a) We recommend that the present vacation leave earning rate and ceiling

for teaching staff should be in accordance with the provisions at

Chapter 18 of Volume 1 of this Report.

(b) We recommend that officers of the teaching personnel:

(i) may be allowed to take up to a maximum of 19 days vacation

leave, during term time subject to the exigencies of the service;


(ii) who have not taken the annual vacation leave during term time in

a calendar year may be allowed to accumulate up to 50% of the

annual vacation leave entitlement, over and above the leave

ceiling annually, subject to a maximum not exceeding half the

normal maximum accumulated vacation leave entitled to.

However, officers who have already exceeded half the normal

maximum accumulated vacation leave entitlement as at date of

implementation of the Report, should retain same on a personal

basis. Such leave may be taken as leave prior to retirement.

Should the services of the officers be required during their pre-

retirement leave, they will be refunded, at the time of retirement,

at the rate of 1/30 of the last monthly salary per day for

accumulated vacation leave not taken.

(c) We also recommend that notwithstanding the provision of

subparagraph (b) (i) above application for vacation leave in excess of

the normal of 19 days entitlement during term time, may, subject to the

exigencies of the service, be considered favourably in the following


(i) for medical treatment overseas for self or to accompany an

immediate member of the family for treatment abroad when

such treatment cannot be dispensed locally;

(ii) for convalescence purposes following depletion of officer’s

sick leave accumulated in “bank”;

(iii) immediately after maternity leave entitlement;

(iv) attending to the graduation ceremony of an immediate member

of the family abroad;

(v) for the wedding of the officer or the officer’s children;

(vi) proceeding on pre-retirement leave; and

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(vii) for any other case, (a) once for officers reckoning less than 20

years’ service and (b) not more than twice for those reckoning

over 20 years’ service inclusive of (a).

(d) We further recommend that vacation leave may be granted during the

third term only for the reasons specified at (c) (i) to (vii).

25.33 The term “immediate member of the family”, for the purpose of the foregoing

paragraph is deemed to mean the officer’s father, mother, brother, sister,

spouse and children.

25.34 We also recommend that members of the teaching personnel should attend to

training courses/seminars, talks, workshops organised during school


Political Activities

25.35 At present, full-time academic and non-academic staff of the Institute are not

allowed to participate in active politics as involvement therein disrupts the proper

functioning of the organisation. This provision, being a main clause in the

contract of employment of the staff, is being maintained.

Abolition of Grades

25.36 Management has submitted that the grades of Farm Attendant, Supervising

Attendant and Microfilm Operator are currently vacant and would no longer be


Recommendation 10

25.37 We recommend that the grades of Farm Attendant, Supervising Attendant and

Microfilm Operator be abolished.



MGI 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

MGI 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

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MGI 3 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Stores Attendant

MGI 4 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Gardener Guest House Attendant Museum Attendant Office Attendant Workshop Assistant

MGI 5 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


MGI 6 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Carpenter Electrician Mason Painter Plumber and Pipe Fitter

MGI 7 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant Senior/Head Workshop Assistant

MGI 8 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Head Gardener

MGI 9 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

MGI 10 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Clerk Assistant

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MGI 11 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975 QB 24750 x 775 – 27075

Assistant Technician (Printing)

MGI 12 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Computer Laboratory Attendant Laboratory Attendant

MGI 13 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400


MGI 14 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator Word Processing Operator (Oriental Language)

MGI 15 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Archives Officer Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer Library Clerk

MGI 16 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175


MGI 17 : Rs 18075 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Senior Laboratory Attendant Senior Computer Laboratory Attendant (New Grade)

MGI 18 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Senior Word Processing Operator

MGI 19 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400 QB 30175 x 775 – 31725

Senior Assistant Technician (Printing)

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MGI 20 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

MGI 21 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Executive Officer (Personal) Stores Officer (Personal)

MGI 22 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Senior Library Clerk

MGI 23 : Rs 20525 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Office Supervisor

MGI 24 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Performing Artiste

MGI 25 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Assistant Instructor (Personal)

MGI 26 : Rs 18075 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350


MGI 27 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275 QB 36200 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Assistant Editor

MGI 28 : Rs 18825 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Usher/Senior Usher

MGI 29 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

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MGI 30 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer Higher Executive Officer Procurement and Supply Officer

MGI 31 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

MGI 32 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Computer Technician Graphic Artist Library Officer Maintenance Officer

Printing Officer Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer

MGI 33 : Rs 23975 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Performing Artiste

MGI 34 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Accounts Officer Senior Assistant Editor (Future Holder) Senior Executive Officer Senior Procurement and Supply Officer

MGI 35 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Office Superintendent Senior Assistant Editor (Personal to holder of post as at 31.12.12)

MGI 36 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 QB 42325 x 1525 – 46900

School Superintendent (New Grade)

MGI 37 : Rs 33425 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Principal Procurement and Supply Officer

MGI 38 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575 QB 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Educator (Secondary)

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Education and Scientific Research

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MGI 39 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375 QB 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Educator (Secondary) (Personal to holders of post as at 30.06.2003)

MGI 40 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Officer Curator (Folk Museum)

MGI 41 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Librarian Counsellor

MGI 42 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Accountant Internal Auditor

Human Resource Management Officer

MGI 43 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

IT Administrator

MGI 44 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950


MGI 45 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Senior Educator (Secondary)

MGI 46 : Rs 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 66650

Deputy Rector

MGI 47 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Assistant Registrar Head, Gandhian Basic School Head, Publishing and Printing Department

MGI 48 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Senior Lecturer

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Mahatma Gandhi Institute

Education and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 168 ~


MGI 49 : Rs 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Head, Library and Archives Rector

MGI 50 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Assistant Director (Schooling) Programme Co-ordinator Registrar

MGI 51 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 89000

Associate Professor Bursar

MGI 52 : Rs 89000 x 3000 – 95000

Secretary (MGI/RTI)

MGI 53 : Rs 101000


MGI 54 : Rs 102500

Director (Mahatma Gandhi Institute) Director (Schooling) (MGI/RTI)

MGI 55 : Rs 116000

Director General (MGI/RTI)

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Malcolm De Chazal Trust Fund

~ 169 ~ Pay Review 2016


26.1 The Malcolm de Chazal Trust Fund is established under the Malcolm de Chazal

Trust Fund Act of 2002 as a body corporate. Its objects are to preserve the

collection of the work of Malcolm de Chazal as part of the Mauritian cultural

heritage; promote a greater understanding and dissemination of his works and

ideas nationally and internationally; and encourage the expression of the Mauritian

creative genius in the philosophical, literacy, artistic and other related domains.

26.2 The Fund is managed by a Board of Trustees, which is currently not operational. In

this context, no proposal has been submitted for this Report.

26.3 We are, therefore, maintaining the grade of Coordinator and revising its salary




MCTF 1 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175


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Ministry of Arts and Culture Malcolm de Chazal Trust Fund

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Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment Manufacturing Sector Workers Welfare Fund

and Training

~ 171 ~ Pay Review 2016


27.1 The Manufacturing Sector Workers Welfare Fund (MSWWF), a body corporate

established as per Act No. 29 of 2012, operates under the Ministry of Labour,

Industrial Relations, Employment and Training with the objective of advancing and

promoting the social and economic welfare of workers, their spouse and their

children in the manufacturing sector.

27.2 Its functions, among others, are: to manage the financial and other resources of the

fund; give loans or financial assistance to workers of the manufacturing sector; and

finance all such things as appear requisite and advantageous for or in connection

with the advancement and promotion of the social and economic welfare of workers,

their spouses and children.

27.3 The General Manager is responsible for the execution of the policy of the Board and

for the control and management of the day-to-day business of the Fund. He is

assisted in the dispatch of the services by the Programme Coordinator, Secretary,

officers of the General Services grades and other supporting staff.

27.4 In the context of this review and during consultation, management requested for the

creation of grades; abolition of the grade of Internal Auditor (Personal) and

upgrading of salaries.

27.5 After carefully examining the submissions, we are, in this Report not bringing any

major change in the existing structure except for the creation of a grade of IT Officer

and abolition of the grade of Computer Support Officer

IT Officer (New Grade)

27.6 It has been represented that the Fund is investing in its IT infrastructure which is in

the process of being re-engineered. Consequently, there is need for a professional

level to be responsible for all the IT aspects of the organisation.

Recommendation 1

27.7 We recommend the creation of the grade of IT Officer. Appointment thereto

should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a Degree in

Computer Science or Information Technology or an equivalent acceptable

qualification to the Board and having at least two years’ post qualification

experience in the field of Information Technology.

27.8 Incumbent should, inter alia, be responsible, among others, for all work relating to

Information Technology, including coordination and management of projects;

preparation, updating and implementation of IT Plans; preparation and appraisal of

tenders for hardware and software; establishment of software and data security

procedures to protect confidentiality of the Fund.

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and Training

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Abolition of Grade

27.9 Management has submitted that the grade of Computer Support Officer is currently

vacant and does not meet the functional requirements of the organisation.

Furthermore, with the creation of the grade of IT Officer, the grade of Computer

Support Officer would no longer be required and it is, therefore, being abolished.

Recommendation 2

27.10 We recommend that the grade of Computer Support Officer be abolished.



MSWWF 1 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

MSWWF 2 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

MSWWF 3 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23175

Driver/Handy Worker (Skilled)

MSWWF 4 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Telephone Operator

MSWWF 5 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

MSWWF 6 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Programme/Welfare Assistant

MSWWF 7 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

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and Training

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MSWWF 8 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Executive Officer (Personal)

MSWWF 9 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

MSWWF 10 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer

MSWWF 11 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Public Relations/Liaison Officer

MSWWF 12 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Senior Accounts Officer

MSWWF 13 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Programme Welfare Officer Secretary

MSWWF 14 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

IT Officer (New Grade)

MSWWF 15 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Accountant Internal Auditor (Personal)

MSWWF 16 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Programme Coordinator

MSWWF 17 : Rs 95000

General Manager

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and Training

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Mauritian Cultural Centre Trust

~ 175 ~ Pay Review 2016


28.1 The Mauritian Cultural Centre Trust (MCCT) was established in 2001 with a view to

promoting Mauritian Culture and the development of a plural Mauritian Cultural

identity. It also aims to identify, develop and perpetuate Mauritian Cultural heritage

inclusive of oral traditions and folk arts; showcase Mauritian Culture Worldwide, set

up a Mauritian Cultural troupe as well as encourage Mauritian artistic and cultural


28.2 For the 2013 PRB Report, only the grades of Clerk/Word Processing Operator and

Driver/Office Attendant were on the establishment of the MCCT. However, as no

activities are presently being carried out, the employees in the abovementioned

grades have been redeployed to the Parent Ministry, the Ministry of Arts and


28.3 In the given circumstances, we do not propose to bring any change to the

organisation structure in this review but are simply providing for the revised salaries

of the existing grades.



MCCT 1 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375

– 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

MCCT 2 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475

– 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

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Ministry of Health and Quality of Life Mauritius Blood Service

~ 177 ~ Pay Review 2016


29.1 The Mauritius Blood Service (MBS) has been established under Act No. 4 of 2010.

It operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life.

29.2 Its main objectives are to establish and operate an effective and sustainable

national blood service; promote blood donation and recruit and retain blood donors

from low risk population groups; devise, develop and determine adequate policies,

strategies and plans; and promote research and training in the field of transfusion


29.3 The activities related to blood collection, processing and storage are performed by

the staff of the Blood Transfusion service. Pending future development, no change

is being brought to the existing arrangement.



MBS 1 : Rs 110000

Executive Director

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Ministry of Health and Quality of Life Mauritius Blood Service

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Prime Minister’s Office Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation

~ 179 ~ Pay Review 2016


30.1 The MBC offers a national public broadcasting service and it operates under the

aegis of the Prime Minister’s Office. The array of programmes are broadcasted in

12 languages via the 17 TV channels in Mauritius, four in Rodrigues, two in Agalega

as well as through seven Radio channels.

30.2 In the context of the Present Review, the Staff Association of the MBC (MBSSA)

was convened for a meeting at the Bureau on 05 February 2015. The Union

members stated that since a new Management has been put in place, they would

wish to discuss with the latter before submitting their proposals. So they requested

that another meeting be fixed thereafter. Eventually a second meeting with the

MBSSA was scheduled for 06 August 2015. The Union members stated that the

memorandum submitted was prepared jointly with Management. However, in the

absence of such averment from Management itself we did not make any

assumption nor did we take any decision.

30.3 During the meeting with Management on 10 September 2015, many proposals were

made and Management undertook to discuss same with the Union prior to

resubmitting it to the Bureau. When the union’s representatives were ushered in

they were so informed and they concurred to such course of action.

30.4 On 03 November 2015, another meeting was held with Management/Union to listen

to their joint submission. During the interaction between officers of the Bureau and

the Union/Management many points were raised following which they decided to

reconsider their submissions anew and to subsequently submit proposals.

Thereafter, a joint submission was submitted to the Bureau at the end of January


30.5 It should be noted that:

(i) the proposals of the MBC pertain to a complete overhauling of the whole

structure in place while exercises of such a magnitude are not undertaken

during Report time;

(ii) when the proposals were submitted at the end of January 2016, the drafting

process was almost over and we were about to move on to the editing stage

prior to the setting of salaries; and

(iii) the views of neither the parent Ministry nor the MCSAR had been obtained

regarding the overall restructuring exercise.

30.6 Against such a background it was quasi impossible for the Bureau to come up with

a Report where all the issues would have been addressed during this short lapse of


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30.7 The Bureau has, therefore, with the concurrence of Management and Union jointly,

decided to publish the Report for the MBC within a period of three months as from

the date of publication of the main Report. However, the date of implementation

would still be 01 January 2016 and employees would continue drawing the Cost of

Living Allowance of Rs 250 or Rs 150 as applicable, as well as the Extra

Remuneration payable for the year 2015 in addition to their basic salary in the 2013


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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Mauritius Cane Industry Authority

~ 181 ~ Pay Review 2016


31.1 The Mauritius Cane Industry Authority (MCIA), which operates under the aegis of

the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security, was set up as a body corporate

under the Mauritius Cane Industry Authority Act No. 40 of 2011 with a view to

promoting the development of the cane sector and its clusters to meet current and

future challenges. The main objects of the Authority are to: promote and support the

sustainable development, efficiency and viability of the cane industry; formulate and

implement policies and strategies in relation thereto; and ensure its technical

progress and efficiency.

31.2 Following reforms brought in the sugar sector and the implementation of the Multi

Annual Adaptation Strategy (MAAS), the functions of the six ex-Service providing

institutions (SPIs) namely: the Cane Planters and Millers Arbitration and Control

Board; Farmers’ Service Corporation; Mauritius Sugar Authority (MSA); Mauritius

Sugar Industry Research Institute (MSIRI); Mauritius Sugar Terminal Corporation

(MSTC); and Sugar Planters Mechanical Pool Corporation, have been taken over

by the MCIA. Moreover, following a Government decision, the Authority has been

entrusted the additional responsibility of overseeing the activities of the ex-Bagged

Sugar Storage and Distribution Co. Ltd.

31.3 At present, the organisation structure of the MCIA comprises three main

departments namely: Control and Arbitration; Mauritius Sugarcane Industry

Research Institute and Farmers Service Agency as well as two sub-departments viz

the Agricultural Mechanisation Unit and the Sugar Storage and Handling Unit. The

Chief Executive Officer as administrative and technical head is responsible for the

execution of the policy of the Board and for the control and management of the day

to day business of the Authority. He is assisted by three Directors, each responsible

for a main department. Officers in a multitude of grades at various levels provide

support services.

31.4 The Bureau wishes to highlight that in the context of the 2013 PRB Report,

employees of the defunct institutions were provided their revised personal salaries

save for the ex-MSIRI and ex-MSA which were not governed by the terms and

conditions of the PRB as they were operating along private lines. To this effect,

following a Cabinet decision the PRB was appointed to act as an independent

Salary Commission with the following Terms of Reference:

(i) to review the salaries and conditions of service of employees of the ex-MSIRI

and ex-MSA opting to join the PRB; and

(ii) to review the salaries and conditions of service of employees of the ex-MSIRI

and ex-MSA opting to maintain their present conditions of service.

31.5 The Commission published its Report in March 2015 to the satisfaction of all parties

concerned. Consequently, an Implementation Committee was set up under the

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Chairmanship of the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms to look

into genuine errors and omissions arising out of the implementation of the

recommendations made in the Report. However, the Committee was shortly

disbanded in view of the fact that officers/employees of the ex-MSIRI and ex-MSA

who had not opted for the Report should irrevocably be governed by their present

conditions of employment.

31.6 The Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security has recently apprised the Bureau

that the Ministry has agreed to allow all employees of the ex-MSIRI opting to join

the PRB to draw their converted salary, including increments for the year 2013,

2014 and 2015. The Bureau has further been requested to consider providing

personal salaries to employees of the ex-MSIRI and to address genuine anomalies

following the Salary Commission’s Report as well as make recommendations on

specific conditions of service for the smooth conduct of research work.

31.7 It is worth mentioning here that the above request is not receivable as it does not fit

into the framework of the Bureau. We are, therefore, recommending that this

issue should be dealt with administratively.

31.8 In the context of this Report, Management and Staff Associations have apprised

that while the defunct institutions have retained their core activities, their staff size

was pruned by almost 50%. Employees are now required to perform diverse tasks,

at times not falling within their normal duties. Management has equally informed

that further to a Government decision, the Mauritius Sugarcane Industry Research

Institute (MSIRI) would no longer operate under the purview of the MCIA once the

MCIA Act is amended.

31.9 During consultations, Management as well as union members have submitted that

the present organisation structure should be reviewed to allow for a better delivery

of a cohesive and seamless service and also to transform the cane industry into a

viable and sustainable one. In this respect, we have been apprised that the

Agricultural Mechanisation Unit and Sugar Storage and Handling Unit would be

converted from sub-departments to main ones, each under the responsibility of a

Director. To this end, a strengthening of the organisation structure has been

requested, through the creation of appropriate grades at different levels. In addition,

the main representations have been geared towards the restyling of grades to

reflect the actual nature of duties performed, amendment of schemes of service to

allow appointment of serving qualified officers, merger of grades where much

overlapping of duties is prevalent, upgrading of salaries at managerial levels and

payment of an array of allowances.

31.10 Whilst studying the representations made by both Staff Associations and

Management we have kept in mind the main orientation of this Report, namely the

transformation of the public sector for an enhanced service delivery to meet

citizens’, non-citizens’ and other stakeholders’ needs and the fact that since the

2008 PRB Report, no change has been brought to the organisation structure of the

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~ 183 ~ Pay Review 2016

ex-service providing institutions as a major reform in the sugar sector was

underway. To this effect, we are consolidating the organisation structure through the

creation of a few grades to enable the MCIA to better achieve its mandate; restyling

grades to more appropriate job appellations and merging grades where much

overlapping of duties have been observed. In addition, we are reviewing the

scheme of service of certain grades while providing a form of compensation to

officers in cases where promotion prospects are quite meagre. We are also, to the

extent it is possible, providing for a standard cadre in the fields of Human Resource,

Finance, Procurement and Supply and Internal Control for alignment with what

obtains in the Civil Service and maintaining the payment of existing allowances.

Our recommendations, in this Report, have been geared towards enhanced service

delivery, motivation of officers in post, promotion of safe and conducive working

environment and career path/earnings.

31.11 It is also to be noted that following the integration of the ex- Bagged Sugar Storage

and Distribution Co. Ltd into the MCIA, Management submitted proposed schemes

of service in respect of grades obtainable at the former organisation for salary

grading purposes. Whilst studying the structure, we have observed that the majority

of these grades as well as the salaries granted do not fit in the Bureau’s framework

as the organisation was not governed by PRB’s recommendations. Under this set

up, the integration of these grades into our structure and the revision of salaries

would require an in-depth study and a complex lengthy exercise. In this

perspective, we deem it more appropriate to conduct same on an ad hoc

basis, the moreso, employees are due for a salary revision in July 2016, as

per a private consultant’s Report.


31.12 The Agricultural Mechanisation Unit (AMU) is responsible for the mechanisation of

lands within the sugar industry. It operates primarily as a land preparation

contractor with a staffing complement of around 200 employees. An Assistant

Director is at the head of the Unit, who in turn reports to the Director of the Farmers

Service Agency. The activities are organised under two main sections: Field and


31.13 Both Management and Staff Associations have requested for a Directorate structure

at the AMU with a view to facilitating its autonomy in effecting transactions and

operations. In addition, a reinforcement at operational levels has been demanded

along with the payment of a few allowances and a restyling of certain job titles.

31.14 After duly examining the proposals, we consider that the structure of the AMU

should be reinforced to enable it to better achieve its objectives. We are, therefore,

making appropriate recommendations to that end.

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Pay Review 2016 ~ 184 ~

Director, Agricultural Mechanisation Unit (New Grade)

Recommendation 1

31.15 We recommend the creation of a grade of Director, Agricultural Mechanisation

Unit. Appointment thereto; should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a Master’s Degree in Agriculture or Accountancy or

Business Administration or Management or Finance or Engineering or an

equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board and reckoning at least 10

years’ post qualification experience at administrative/management level in an

agriculture related organisation.

31.16 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to: advise the CEO on matters pertaining to

the Unit and ensure that targets and objectives set are met within the approved time

frame; ensure compliance with existing legislations relating to the MCIA; and

organise and/or advise on appropriate training courses for subordinate staff.

Head, Agricultural Machinery Operator (New Grade)

Recommendation 2

31.17 We recommend the creation of a grade of Head, Agricultural Machinery

Operator. Appointment, thereto, should be made by selection from among

employees in the grade of Agricultural Machinery Operator and Agricultural

Machinery Operator (Personal) reckoning at least three years’ service in a

substantive capacity.

31.18 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to : operate any machine and/or drive any

vehicle of the Authority as instructed by the supervising officers; perform

mechanical land preparation tasks; report and be responsible to the senior officers

for the upkeep of machinery, equipment, caravan, etc.; refuel, lubricate and carry

out such other duties pertaining to the machines; and coach, guide and train

employees under his supervision.

Chief Mechanic (New Grade)

Recommendation 3

31.19 We recommend the creation of a grade of Chief Mechanic. Appointment

thereto should be made by selection from among employees in the grades of

Mechanic and Multi-Skilled Tradesman who reckon at least 10 years’ service

in their respective grade or an aggregate of at least 10 years’ service in the

grades of Mechanic and Multi-Skilled Tradesman and who possess the NTC

Level 3 in a trade related to mechanics or heavy mechanics awarded by the

Mauritius Institute of Training and Development or an equivalent qualification

and a valid driving licence to drive car/van.

31.20 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to: perform repairs, major overhauling,

maintenance and servicing on all type of tractors, mechanical equipment, support

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~ 185 ~ Pay Review 2016

vehicles, among others; assist and be responsible to the supervising officer for the

proper operation and maintenance of all tractors, equipment, vehicles and tools;

support, supervise and direct the works of mechanics and provide necessary

training; write simple factual reports; and identify replacement parts required and

make requests to the supervising officer.

Multi-Skilled Tradesman (New Grade)

31.21 Both Management and Union members have submitted that the services of different

Tradesmen (Mechanic, Welder, Electrician, Fitter, Panel Beater and

Turner/Machinist) are required in fields for the repair of tractors and other

equipment. In this context, request has been made for the creation of a polyvalent

grade to perform duties related to more than one trade.

31.22 We consider that this practice would increase efficiency and improve service

delivery whilst allowing the organisation to gainfully utilise available resources. We

are, therefore, providing for a grade of Multi-Skilled Tradesman.

Recommendation 4

31.23 We recommend the creation of a grade of Multi-Skilled Tradesman.

Appointment thereto, should be made by selection from among employees in

the grades of Mechanic, Electrician, Fitter, Welder, Panel Beater and Turner/

Machinist who reckon at least three years’ experience in any one trade; have

knowledge/competencies in at least two other trades and possess a valid

driving licence to drive a car/van.

31.24 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to: drive the Authority’s vehicles; identify

mechanical defects and carry out repairs, maintenance, servicing and overhaul of

equipment, vehicles and machines of the Authority; recondition parts and rebuilding

of implements, involving fitting and soldering works; and identify electrical defects

and carry out electrical works on all vehicles and agricultural machines of the


Restyling of Grades

31.25 Management has submitted that the present job appellation of the grade of Field

Manager does not reflect the duties performed by the incumbent given that he is

responsible for mechanical land preparation works including planning of tractor

allocations. Request has, therefore, been made to restyle the grade to a more

appropriate job appellation. The Bureau has equally been apprised that with the

restyling of the grade of Field Manager, there is also need to restyle the grade of

Field Superintendent and Field Officer/Senior Field Officer (Agricultural

Mechanisation) for the sake of harmonisation in the cadre.

31.26 We consider the abovementioned requests to be fully justified and are

recommending accordingly.

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Recommendation 5

31.27 We recommend that the following grades be restyled as hereunder:

From To

Field Manager Operations Manager (Agricultural Mechanisation)

Field Superintendent Operations Superintendent (Agricultural Mechanisation)

Field Officer/Senior Field Officer (Agricultural Mechanisation)

Operations Officer (Agricultural Mechanisation)

Movement in Salary Scale – Technical and Mechanical Officer/Senior Technical and

Mechanical Officer

31.28 In line with our general philosophy of providing enhanced career earnings to officers

of the technical cadre who are required to provide support to officers in professional

grades where the scope of promotion is limited, we are making a provision allowing

incumbents to move beyond their top salary. We believe that this measure would

act as a motivation factor, the moreso the organisation is making optimal use of the

skills and knowledge of these officers.

Recommendation 6

31.29 We recommend that officers in the grade of Technical and Mechanical

Officer/Senior Technical and Mechanical Officer possessing a degree in

Mechanical Engineering or Mechatronics or Manufacturing Engineering

should, on reaching the top of their salary scale, move incrementally in the

Master Salary Scale by two increments provided they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Allowance to Workshop/Vehicle/Machinery Attendant

31.30 The Bureau has observed that the grade of Workshop/Vehicle/Machinery Attendant

compares to that of Tradesman’s Assistant in the Civil Service in terms of duties

performed and salary granted. In both cases, their next promotional level is

Tradesman. In the Civil Service, Tradesman’s Assistants are given an incentive,

upon acquiring higher skills/certificate to benefit from enhanced career earnings. In

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the same breath, we believe that it would be fair to extend the same provision to

incumbents in the grade of Workshop/Vehicle/Machinery Attendant.

Recommendation 7

31.31 We recommend that Workshop/Vehicle/Machinery Attendants who have

successfully completed the NTC 3 and have served for at least four years in

the same grade as from the date of obtention of the NTC 3 and are performing

duties pertaining to the trade, be paid a non-pensionable allowance equivalent

to two increments at the point they have reached in their salary scale,

pending their appointment to the grade of Tradesman (Electrician, Fitter,

Mechanic, Panel Beater, Turner/Machinist and Welder).


31.32 The Control and Arbitration Department (CAD) has taken over the activities of the

former Cane Planters and Millers Arbitration and Control Board following reforms in

the sugar sector. It is mainly responsible for controlling the milling activities,

arbitration of disputes among millers, planters and other stakeholders and

determining the quantum of sugar and by-products accruing to producers. The

Department is headed by a Director who is assisted in his daily activities by the

Manager, Cane Payment and other professionals.

31.33 The main representations made by the staff side and Management include the

creation of a grade of Lead Sugar Technologist, restoration of the on-call allowance

previously being granted to officers of the ex-Control Board, grant of a crop season

allowance, and strengthening of the structure at operational level. We have duly

examined the proposals and only those deem meritorious have been considered.

Assistant Director, Control and Arbitration Department

formerly Manager, Cane Payment

31.34 Representations have been made to the effect that the Manager, Cane Payment is

responsible to assist the Director, Control and Arbitration Department in the day-to-

day administration of the department and also deputise for the Director in his

absence. In this respect, request has been made to restyle the grade to a better job

title which would reflect the true nature of duties performed and responsibilities

devolving upon the incumbent. We view that the proposal is fully substantiated and

are, therefore, restyling the grade.

Recommendation 8

31.35 We recommend that the grade of Manager, Cane Payment be restyled

Assistant Director, Control and Arbitration Department.

31.36 Management has submitted that as per the present arrangement during crop

season, the department is manned mainly by officers from the Ministry of Agro-

Industry and Food Security. However, this practice is found to be unsuitable as it

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may lead to staffing difficulties in the future. Moreover, with the implementation of

the new cane testing system by the Infracana Cane Analyser, the nature of work at

the CAD requires full-time employees. In view thereof, request has been made for

the creation of appropriate grades and levels to enable the department to

adequately discharge its functions. We are agreeable to the proposals and are

accordingly making appropriate recommendations.

Area Superintendent (New Grade)

Recommendation 9

31.37 We recommend the creation of a grade of Area Superintendent. Appointment

thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

Degree in Agriculture or Sugar Technology or an equivalent qualification and

reckoning at least two years’ experience.

31.38 Incumbent would be responsible, inter alia, for: the testing, verification and control

of machines and peripherals used for the weighing of cane, sugar and other related

products; the control of cane weighing; carrying out investigations concerning the

delimitation of factory areas and their sub-regions; dealing with disputes among

planters and millers and exercising general supervision over the laboratories of the

Control and Arbitration Department.

Technical Officer/Senior Technical Officer (Control and Arbitration) (New Grade)

Recommendation 10

31.39 We recommend the creation of a grade of Technical Officer/Senior Technical

Officer (Control and Arbitration). Appointment thereto, should be made by

selection from among candidates possessing a Diploma in Agriculture or

Sugar Technology or any related equivalent qualification in Sugar


31.40 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to: perform technical duties in connection

with cane testing and related products; control weighbridge and milling activities;

attend to grievances and/or complaints from planters and other stakeholders; and

assist supervising officers in the performance of their duties.

Sampler (New Grade)

Recommendation 11

31.41 We recommend the creation of the grade of Sampler. Appointment thereto,

should be made by selection from among candidates who show proof of

having sat for the Cambridge School Certificate Examination or the General

Certificate of Education “Ordinary Level” Examination in at least five


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31.42 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to: collect cane and juice samples, using

core samplers or other sampling equipment, collect and label sample tickets;

transport samples to laboratory; prepare samples by use of shredders and sub-

sampling; carry out weighing operations under supervision; and help Senior Test

Chemists (Personal) and Principal Test Chemists (Personal) in any other related


Principal Test Chemist (Personal)

Senior Test Chemist (Personal)

31.43 Representations have been made from Staff Associations to merge the grades of

Senior Test Chemist (Personal) and Principal Test Chemist (Personal) in view of

considerable overlapping of duties and lack of promotion prospect.

31.44 We have studied the request and consider that there is need for a supervisory level

such that the grades cannot be merged. We are, however, providing for another

mechanism to compensate officers in the grade of Senior Test Chemist (Personal)

in line with our general philosophy favouring career earnings and for shouldering

higher responsibilities.

Recommendation 12

31.45 We recommend that officers in the grade of Senior Test Chemist (Personal)

who have drawn their top salary for a year should be allowed to proceed

incrementally in the salary scale of the grade of Principal Test Chemist

(Personal) provided they:

(i) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(ii) are not under report.

31.46 We further recommend that Senior Test Chemists (Personal) should perform

the duties and assume the responsibilities of the grade of Principal Test

Chemist (Personal) upon moving in the higher salary scale.


31.47 The Farmers Service Agency (FSA) is mainly responsible to provide organised

training/seminars to the planters’ community; ensure supply of materials to planters

and provide mechanical land preparation/derocking services to the planters. A

Director and an Assistant Director are at the apex of the Agency. Officers of various

levels provide support to the Directorate.

31.48 Representations made were mainly geared towards an upgrading of salaries;

merging of levels; restyling of grades of the Office Attendant cadre; and grant of

travelling benefits. After carefully analysing all the demands, we have acceded to

only those deem justified.

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Technical Assistant/Senior Technical Assistant

31.49 At present, appointment to the grade of Technical Assistant/Senior Technical

Assistant is made by selection from among candidates possessing a Cambridge

School Certificate, with credit in at least five subjects including English Language,

French and Mathematics or Principles of Accounts.

31.50 Management and Staff Associations have submitted that with the phasing out of the

grade of LAMU/Nursery Coordinator in the context of the sugar sector reforms, a

few of its duties have been entrusted to officers in the grade of Technical

Assistant/Senior Technical Assistant. In this context, request has been made for a

review of the scheme of service of the grade of Technical Assistant/Senior

Technical Assistant to include the duties of the evanescent grade of LAMU/Nursery


31.51 Upon examination of the duties being carried out by Technical Assistant/Senior

Technical Assistants, we have observed that only part of the duties of the former

grade of LAMU/Nursery Coordinator are concerned. However, we have also noted

that through efflux of time, the duties of the Technical Assistant/Senior Technical

Assistant have evolved and thereby warranting an upgrade in the qualification

requirements. We are making provision to address both issues.

Recommendation 13

31.52 We recommend that, in future, appointment to the grade of Technical

Assistant/Senior Technical Assistant should be made by selection from

among candidates possessing a Cambridge School Certificate with credit in

at least five subjects including English Language, French and Mathematics or

Principles of Accounts and a Cambridge Higher School Certificate with

passes in at least two subjects.

31.53 We further recommend that Technical Assistant/Senior Technical Assistants

who are required to perform duties of the evanescent grade of LAMU/Nursery

Coordinator be paid a monthly allowance equivalent to two increments at the

salary point reached in their salary scale.

Manager, Extension and Training Centre

31.54 During consultation, the Bureau has been apprised that further to the restructuring

exercise, Managers, Extension and Training Centre have been assigned additional

duties owing to the setting up of various projects and the abolition of the former

grade of Training Manager at the ex-Farmers Service Corporation. In this respect,

we have been requested to revise the salary of the grade.

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31.55 After duly examining the request, we hold the considered view that it would be more

appropriate for Management to review the duties of the grade, taking into

consideration the new duties being performed by incumbents. In the same

vein, the establishment size of Manager, Extension and Training Centre

should be increased for a better delivery of service.


31.56 The Mauritius Sugarcane Industry Research Institute (MSIRI) is mainly responsible

to carry out research and development on canes with a view to enhance

competitiveness of the cane industry and conduct research on technical and

engineering fields for improving efficiency of factories and for value addition to co-

products. The Institute is headed by a Director who is assisted by professionals in

the field of research.

31.57 The Bureau has received numerous representations mainly from the staff side.

However, we observed that most of the issues could be addressed administratively,

especially those relating to the grant of allowances which were being paid at the

former MSIRI and to the review of duties. Other requests were mainly geared

towards the restyling and merging of grades and upgrading of salaries. We have

acceded to proposals which have been fully substantiated.

Research Officer/Senior Research Officer

31.58 At present, recruitment to the grade of Research Officer/Senior Research Officer is

made by selection from among candidates possessing a degree in the field of

agriculture or science or an equivalent qualification and reckoning at least four

years’ experience in the field of research and development in agricultural projects

and laboratory techniques.

31.59 Management has submitted that officers in the technical cadre should be given the

opportunity to join the professional cadre in an attempt to make effective and

judicious use of their work experience. In this perspective, request has been made

to review the scheme of service of the grade of Research Officer/Senior Research

Officer to which the Bureau subscribes.

31.60 We are, therefore, reviewing the mode of appointment to the grade of Research

Officer/Senior Research Officer to enable qualified and experienced officers of the

technical grade to join the professional cadre with a view to facilitating their career

progression. We are recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 14

31.61 We recommend that, in future, appointment to the grade of Research Officer/

Senior Research Officer should be made by selection from among officers in

the grade of Technical Officer/Senior Technical Officer (Research) reckoning

at least five years’ service in a substantive capacity in the grade and

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possessing a Master’s Degree in the field of agriculture or science or an

equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board. In the absence of qualified

serving officers, appointment should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing the required qualification.

Technical Assistant/Senior Technical Assistant (Research)

formerly Technical Assistant (Research)

Senior Technical Assistant (Research)

31.62 Management and Staff Associations have submitted that there is a major

overlapping of duties between the grades of Technical Assistant (Research) and

Senior Technical Assistant (Research) and that the supervisory element is almost

superfluous at the senior level. Request has thus been made for the two grades to

be merged and restyled, to which the Bureau subscribes.

Recommendation 15

31.63 We recommend that the grades of Technical Assistant (Research) and Senior

Technical Assistant (Research) be merged and restyled Technical Assistant/

Senior Technical Assistant (Research).

Restyling of Grades

31.64 Representations have been obtained from both Management and Union members

that a few grades should be restyled in line with the level of duties being carried out

by incumbents.

31.65 We have studied the request in line with our general philosophy favouring career

earnings and responsibilities currently devolving upon incumbents. We consider

that there is full justification in the proposal made. We are, therefore,

recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 16

31.66 We recommend that the following grades be restyled as hereunder:

From To

Scientific Information and

Publication Officer

Scientific Information and Publication

Officer/Senior Scientific Information

and Publication Officer

Mechanical Workshop and

Transport Officer

Mechanical Workshop and Transport

Officer/Senior Mechanical Workshop and

Transport Officer

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31.67 The Bureau has further been informed that there is no clear demarcation between

the duties of the grades of General Worker/Field Worker and General

Worker/Gardener. In this perspective, union members have requested for a proper

restyling of the grades, the moreso, the same qualification is required.

31.68 After examining the issue in-depth, we view that there is merit in the case. We are,

therefore, merging the two grades under a new appellation.

Recommendation 17

31.69 We recommend that the grades of General Worker/Field Worker and General

Worker/Gardener be merged and restyled General Worker/Field Worker/


31.70 Staff Associations have equally represented that there exists a major overlapping of

duties between the grades of Attendant (Office/Lab/Field/Mess) and Senior

Attendant (Office/Lab/Field/Mess) whereby incumbents in these grades are required

to perform multi-functional duties. To this end, request has been made to merge

the two grades under a new appellation of Research Attendant.

31.71 We have examined the representations and consider that there is merit in the

proposal. However, we are providing for another appellation in view of the

multifunctional nature of the duties performed.

Recommendation 18

31.72 We recommend that the grades of Attendant (Office/Lab/Field/Mess) and

Senior Attendant (Office/Lab/Field/Mess) be merged and restyled General


31.73 We further recommend that the scheme of service for the grade of General

Attendant should include duties related to office, laboratory, field and mess.


31.74 The Sugar Storage and Handling Unit (SSHU) of the MCIA is responsible for the

storage, handling and export of sugar. It is also involved in the reception of non-

originating sugar for refining purposes. Following the integration of the ex-Bagged

Sugar Storage and Distribution (BSSD) Co. Ltd. into the MCIA, the functions of the

SSHU have been enlarged to include warehousing and distribution of bagged sugar

produced locally for both the local and export markets. At present, a Technical

Manager is at the head of the Unit. Officers in professional, technical and manual

grades provide support to Management.

31.75 During consultations, requests have been, among others, to consolidate the

structure at the top level, merge the grades of Terminal Operator Grade I and II,

upgrade qualification requirements of certain professional and technical grades and

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review upward salaries. After duly examining all the requests only those proved

fully justifiable have been acceded to.

Director, Sugar Storage and Handling Unit (New Grade)

31.76 In view of the expanded role of the SSHU, Management has submitted that there is

need for a Director to oversee its proper functioning. We have examined the request

and are agreeable to the proposal in view of enhancing service delivery. We are,

therefore, making an appropriate recommendation to that end.

Recommendation 19

31.77 We recommend the creation of the grade of Director, Sugar Storage and

Handling Unit. Appointment, thereto, should be made by selection from

among candidates possessing a Master’s Degree in Agriculture or

Accountancy or Business Administration or Management or Finance or

Engineering or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board and

reckoning at least 10 years’ post qualification experience at administrative/

management level in an agriculture related organisation.

31.78 Incumbent would be responsible for the management and control of all activities at

the SSHU and would be required, inter alia, to: provide technical direction, guidance

and assistance to subordinate staff; exercise surveillance of the operation and

maintenance of the department; formulate and maintain administrative procedures

for the staff under his supervision; and prepare reports and recommendations on

the operations, maintenance and development of the Department.

Terminal Operator Grade II (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical)

Terminal Operator Grade I (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical)

31.79 Staff Associations have made representations for a merger of the grades of

Terminal Operator Grade II (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical) and Terminal Operator

Grade I (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical) into a single grade of Terminal Operator

(Civil/Electrical/Mechanical) due to a major overlapping of duties between the

grades and absence of the supervisory element. Management has also made

submission along the same lines.

31.80 We have examined the request and consider that there is merit in the case. We

are, therefore, making appropriate recommendations to that end.

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Recommendation 20

31.81 We recommend that the grades of Terminal Operator Grade II (Civil/Electrical/

Mechanical) and Terminal Operator Grade I (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical) be

merged and restyled as follows:

From To

Terminal Operator Grade II (Civil) Terminal Operator (Civil)

Terminal Operator Grade I (Civil)

Terminal Operator Grade II (Electrical) Terminal Operator (Electrical)

Terminal Operator Grade I (Electrical)

Terminal Operator Grade II (Mechanical) Terminal Operator (Mechanical)

Terminal Operator Grade I (Mechanical)

31.82 We further recommend that incumbents possessing a valid driving licence

for wheel loaders should be allowed to proceed beyond the QB inserted in the

salary scale of the restyled grades of Terminal Operator (Electrical) and

Terminal Operator (Mechanical).

31.83 We also recommend that, in future, appointment to the grade of Terminal

Operator (Civil), Terminal Operator (Electrical) and Terminal Operator

(Mechanical) should be made by selection from among employees in the

grade of Terminal Attendant and Terminal Attendant/Gardener possessing the

NTC Level 3 in the relevant trade. In the absence of qualified serving officers,

appointment to the grade should be made from outside candidates

possessing the required qualifications.

31.84 We further recommend that employees in the grade of Welder at the ex-MSTC

and who prior to the coming into operation of the MCIA reckoned at least five

years’ service in the grade should exceptionally be allowed to apply for the

post of Terminal Operator (Mechanical).

Movement in Salary Scale – Terminal Operations and Maintenance Officer

(Mechanical), Terminal Operations and Maintenance Officer (Electrical) and Terminal

Cleaning and Maintenance Officer (Civil).

31.85 Management has proposed for an upgrading of the qualification requirements of the

grades of Terminal Operations and Maintenance Officer (Mechanical), Terminal

Operations and Maintenance Officer (Electrical) and Terminal Cleaning and

Maintenance Officer (Civil) from a Diploma to a Degree on the ground that prior to

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the setting up of the MCIA, incumbents had the opportunity to be promoted to the

grade of Engineer and were providing technical assistance to the latter.

31.86 Whilst studying the proposal, the Bureau has examined the duties of the grades.

We have observed that the nature and level of these duties do not warrant

candidates to imperatively possess a Degree in the field. However, we do

acknowledge the additional contribution that may be brought during the

performance of these duties by officers possessing a relevant Degree. In this

perspective, we are allowing this category of officers to move beyond their top

salary, in line with our general policy of rewarding incumbents in technical grades

providing direct support to professionals.

Recommendation 21

31.87 We recommend that officers in the grades of Terminal Operations and

Maintenance Officer (Mechanical), Terminal Operations and Maintenance

Officer (Electrical) and Terminal Cleaning and Maintenance Officer (Civil)

possessing a Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering or

Civil Engineering respectively should, on reaching the top of their respective

salary scale, move incrementally in the Master Salary Scale by two

increments provided they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

31.88 Management has also requested for the creation of a grade of Manager to oversee

the activities of ex-BSSD which have been regrouped under the SSHU. We have

been apprised that at present a Technical Manager is overseeing the activities of

the SSHU as well as those of the ex-BSSD. We view that given an exercise

regarding the integration of the grades of ex-BSSD into our framework as well as

salary revision would be conducted on an ad hoc basis, it would be more

appropriate to consider this request at a later stage. Meanwhile, the present

arrangements may continue to prevail. However, we also view Management

should consider the advisability of granting an allowance to the Technical

Manager for shouldering the additional responsibilities in connection with the


Policy and Planning Unit

Analyst/Senior Analyst

formerly Analyst

31.89 At present, there are two officers in post in the grade of Analyst at the Policy and

Planning Unit. Management has submitted that the duties performed by each

officer are completely different. While one is required to look after issues relating to

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sugar and the environment, the other has to perform duties related to field and land

development. In this respect, the Bureau has been requested to create a grade of

Policy Analyst/Senior Policy Analyst in the respective fields.

31.90 Whilst examining the duties, we have noted that their nature is the same with the

only difference in the area of operation. We have further observed that the level of

duties actually performed is not in consonance with the salary recommended.

Against this background and taking into account the policy of the Bureau regarding

delayering, we deem it more appropriate to maintain a single generic appellation

which would reflect the level of responsibilities shouldered by incumbents.

Recommendation 22

31.91 We recommend that the grade of Analyst be restyled Analyst/Senior Analyst.

31.92 The Bureau has taken into consideration the duties presently devolving upon

incumbents in arriving at the recommended salary of the grade.

Supervisor (Sugar Industry Project)

formerly Field Officer

31.93 The Bureau has been requested to restyle the grade of Field Officer as incumbent

performs duties related to the supervision and follow-up of projects of the sugar

industry. Given that his current job appellation is not commensurate with the duties

performed, we are agreeable to the proposal.

Recommendation 23

31.94 We recommend that the grade of Field Officer be restyled Supervisor (Sugar

Industry Project).

Air Pollution and Monitoring Unit

31.95 The newly created Air Pollution and Monitoring Unit is responsible to monitor the

gaseous emissions by the sugar industry and other sectors of the economy and the

quality of air surrounding an activity in accordance with the regulations of the

Environment Protection Act. In order to enable the Unit to effectively and efficiently

discharge its functions, creation of appropriate levels have been requested, to which

the Bureau subscribes. We are, therefore, making appropriate recommendations to

that end.

Air Monitoring Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 24

31.96 We recommend the creation of a grade of Air Monitoring Officer. Appointment

thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

Degree in Environment or Health or Science related field or an equivalent

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qualification acceptable to the Board and reckoning at least three years’

experience in laboratory or scientific related duties.

31.97 Incumbent would be responsible for the smooth operation of the air quality

monitoring system and carry out tests as per standard procedures and would be

required, inter alia, to: prepare the annual air monitoring work plan and programme;

carry out tests at any time given that a number of industries, including sugar

factories operate round the clock; prepare a maintenance schedule of the whole air

monitoring system; and prepare and submit air pollution test reports and interview


Technical Assistant (Air Monitoring) (New Grade)

Recommendation 25

31.98 We recommend the creation of a grade of Technical Assistant (Air

Monitoring). Appointment thereto, should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a Cambridge Higher School Certificate with passes in

at least two subjects including Biology or Chemistry or Physics and a

Certificate in electronics or electrical or mechanical for troubleshooting and

repairs of electronic and analytical instruments.

31.99 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to: assist in the smooth operation of the Air

Quality Monitoring System and carry out tests on site and in the laboratory; carry

out normal duties of environment quality monitoring; assist in the preparation of brief

reports on the status of equipment; assist in the preparation of a maintenance

schedule of the mobile trailers; and ensure that the equipment are in good operating

conditions at all times.


Human Resource Cadre Human Resource Management Officer (New Grade)

31.100 At present, human resource functions are performed by the Manager, Human

Resources and a Human Resource Officer who are in turn supported by officers of

the General Services cadre. Management has submitted that with the expanded

role of the MCIA, there is an imperative need for a professional level to take over

the responsibility of the ever evolving and complex HR issues of the organisation

including industrial relations issues. Request has thus been made for the creation

of a grade of Human Resource Management Officer to facilitate formulation and

implementation of HR strategies and to ensure the efficient functioning of the


31.101 We consider the proposal to be fully justified and are making an appropriate

recommendation to that end.

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Recommendation 26

31.102 We recommend the creation of a grade of Human Resource Management

Officer. Appointment thereto, should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a Degree in Human Resource Management or

Personnel Management or Management with specialisation in Human

Resource Management or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board

and reckoning at least four years’ post qualification experience in Human

Resource Management.

31.103 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to: collect and provide sound information to

policy makers for evolving HR policies and practices; assist in carrying out studies

and research work in problem areas; carry out Training Needs Analysis and to

assist in the development of training plans; attend and/or act as Secretary to

Committees whenever required; and formulate and implement Human Resource

policies and procedures to be applied in the Authority.

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer formerly Human Resource Officer

Recommendation 27

31.104 We recommend that the grade of Human Resource Officer be restyled Human

Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer.

31.105 We further recommend that officers in the grade of Human Resource

Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer formerly Human Resource Officer

possessing a Diploma in Human Resource Management or a Diploma in

Human Resource Management as a major component or an equivalent

qualification should be allowed to move incrementally in the Master Salary

Scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided that they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report

Finance Division

31.106 At present, the Finance Division is headed by a Manager, Finance. Officers in the

grades of Senior Accounts Officer, Accounts Officer, Assistant Financial Officer and

Accounts Clerk provide support services.

31.107 Management has submitted that given the MCIA is involved in voluminous and

complex financial transactions of different nature, the Manager, Finance requires

the assistance of professionals in this field. The Bureau has equally been apprised

that there is a major overlapping of duties and responsibilities amongst the grades

of Senior Accounts Officer, Accounts Officer, Assistant Financial Officer and

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Accounts Clerk. In view thereof and to ensure that the Finance Division is manned

by versatile staff, proposal has been made for the creation of a grade of Financial

Officer/Senior Financial Officer against abolition of these grades.

31.108 We have carried out an in-depth study of the representations and observed that

there is a significant overlapping of duties among the different grades. We,

therefore, view that it would be more appropriate to create a standard Financial

Officer cadre in line with what obtains in the Civil Service and with our philosophy

favouring flatter structures. Moreover, to facilitate transition, to the extent it is

possible, we are making necessary provision for officers in the various grades to

integrate the new structure. We also consider that there is need for a professional

grade to oversee the core functions of the Finance Division. To this end, we are

making appropriate recommendations.

Accountant (New Grade)

Recommendation 28

31.109 We recommend the creation of a grade of Accountant. Appointment thereto,

should be made by selection from among candidates who are members of

one of the following bodies:

(i) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales;

(ii) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland;

(iii) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland;

(iv) The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants;

(v) The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants;

(vi) The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy;

and who are registered with the Mauritius Institute of Professional

Accountants (MIPA).

31.110 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to; assist the Manager, Finance in

establishing and maintaining proper accounting and financial control systems and

procedures; maintain proper record of financial transactions and prepare financial

statements; supervise the day to day running of the finance division; provide

accurate and timely financial information and statistics to internal and external

stakeholders as directed; and prepare and submit the annual estimates, final

accounts and annual and periodical reports on financial matters of the Authority.

Financial Officer/Senior Financial Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 29

31.111 We recommend the creation of a grade of Financial Officer/Senior Financial

Officer. Appointment thereto, should be made by promotion, on the basis of

experience and merit, of Assistant Financial Officers who reckon at least four

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years’ service in a substantive capacity in the grade or an aggregate of four

years’ service in the grade of Assistant Financial Officer and the former grade

of Accounts Clerk.

31.112 Incumbent in the grade of Financial Officer/Senior Financial Officer would be

required, inter alia, to: keep proper, complete and up-to-date records of all financial

transactions, issue receipts through cash register/computer for all payments

received; check daily and weekly recorder cards and keep same in safe custody;

collect, verify, analyse and record all financial costings and budget data; attend to

audit queries on financial issues; and ensure that the accounting arrangements of

the Authority and collection of revenue is effected promptly.

31.113 We further recommend that incumbents in the grade of Financial

Officer/Senior Financial Officer possessing a Diploma in Public Financial

Management and Accounting or a Diploma in Accountancy from a recognised

institution or an equivalent qualification may be allowed to move

incrementally in the Master Salary Scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided


(a) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(b) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(c) are not under report.

31.114 We also recommend that the grade of Accounts Officer be restyled Financial

Officer/Senior Financial Officer.

Principal Financial Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 30

31.115 We recommend the creation of a grade of Principal Financial Officer.

Appointment thereto, should be made by promotion, on the basis of

experience and merit, of officers in the grade of Financial Officer/Senior

Financial Officer who reckon at least two years’ service in a substantive

capacity and who possess the Diploma in Public Financial Management and

Accounting or a Diploma in Accountancy or an equivalent qualification

acceptable to the Board.

31.116 Incumbent would be required, inter alia to: assist and advise on matters related to

financial operations and management and transactions; ensure that financial,

procurement and other relevant legislations and regulations are understood,

correctly applied and fully complied; and prepare and submit financial statements/


31.117 We also recommend that the grade of Senior Accounts Officer be restyled

Principal Financial Officer.

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Accounts Clerk

Recommendation 31

31.118 We recommend that the grade of Accounts Clerk be restyled Assistant

Financial Officer.

Procurement and Supply Cadre

31.119 At present, a Stores Superintendent is responsible to look after the day-to-day

running of the Procurement and Supply Unit. He is assisted by officers in the

grades of Procurement and Supply Officer and Assistant Procurement and Supply

Officer. Management has submitted that in view of the increasing work load and

level of transactions, coupled with growing responsibilities at the MCIA, there is a

strong need to consolidate the structure of the procurement and supply cadre in

compliance with the Public Procurement Act 2006 and Regulations 2008. To this

end, request has been made for a complete alignment of the procurement and

supply cadre with what obtains in the Civil Service.

31.120 We consider that the request is not fully substantiated as the existing structure is

appropriate to enable the Procurement and Supply Unit to deliver an effective and

efficient service. We are, however, restyling the grade of Procurement and Supply

Officer to Procurement and Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer

in line with the duties and responsibilities devolving upon incumbents. We are

making recommendations in that direction.

Procurement and Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer

formerly Procurement and Supply Officer

Recommendation 32

31.121 We recommend that the grade of Procurement and Supply Officer be restyled

Procurement and Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer.

31.122 We further recommend that incumbents in the grade of Procurement and

Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer, formerly Procurement

and Supply Officer, possessing a Diploma in Purchasing and Supply

Management or an equivalent qualification should be allowed to move

incrementally in the Master Salary Scale up to salary point Rs 42325,

provided they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding period; and

(iii) are not under report.

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Internal Control Cadre

Internal Auditor/Senior Internal Auditor

formerly Internal Auditor

Internal Control Officer/Senior Internal Control Officer

formerly Internal Control Officer

31.123 At present the Internal Audit Section comprises the grades of Internal Auditor and

Internal Control Officer. In view of the higher level of responsibilities devolving upon

incumbents, Management has requested for a restyling of the grades along with an

upgrading in salaries. We have studied the request and consider that there is merit

in the case. We are, therefore, making appropriate recommendations in line with

our general philosophy favouring career earnings and providing a mechanism to

compensate incumbents possessing higher qualifications.

Recommendation 33

31.124 We recommend that the grades of Internal Auditor and Internal Control Officer

be restyled Internal Auditor/Senior Internal Auditor and Internal Control

Officer/Senior Internal Control Officer respectively.

31.125 We further recommend that incumbents in the grade of Internal Control

Officer/Senior Internal Control Officer, formerly Internal Control Officer,

having successfully completed all Papers of Fundamentals (knowledge) and

having obtained passes in Papers F4, F5 and F8 of Fundamentals (Skills) or

possessing the Certificate in Business Accounting (Foundation Level) and

having obtained passes in Papers P1, P7 and P8 of the Advanced Diploma in

Management Accounting (Managerial Level) of the CIMA Examinations (New

Syllabus) or an equivalent qualification be allowed to move incrementally in

the Master Salary Scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

General Services Cadre

31.126 The grade of Office Management Assistant exists on the establishment of the MCIA.

Prior to this Report, the Bureau was requested to review its mode of appointment

due to certain specificities at the organisation. Concerned parties were informed

that the issue would be addressed in this Report. After careful study, we are

revisiting the qualification requirements of the grade of Office Management

Assistant. In addition, we are reinforcing the structure of the General Services cadre

through the creation of a grade of Clerical Officer.

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Office Management Assistant

Recommendation 34

31.127 We recommend that appointment to the grade of Office Management

Assistant should be made in line with the provisions made at paragraph 24 of

Volume 2 Part II of this Report.

31.128 We further recommend that:

(i) officers in the grade of Executive Officer, Executive Assistant and

Clerk/Senior Clerk, in post as at 31 December 2015, should be given

the option to join the grade of Office Management Assistant; and

(ii) the grades of Higher Executive Officer, Executive Officer, Executive

Assistant and Clerk/Senior Clerk should be made evanescent.

Clerical Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 35

31.129 We recommend the creation of a grade of Clerical Officer in line with the

provisions made at paragraph 23 of Volume 2 Part II of this Report.


On-Call and In-Attendance Allowance to officers of the Control and Arbitration


31.130 Management has informed that during the crop season, officers of certain grades at

the CAD are required to be on call after normal working hours and have to attend

their site of work, whenever needed, whilst being on call. In addition, we have been

apprised that officers in the Test Chemist cadre and Technical Officer cadre are

required to work on a roster basis during the crop season. In both cases, request

has been made for the payment of appropriate allowances. Since these officers

were being compensated for working under the same conditions at their former

organisation, we are agreeable to the proposal of Management.

Recommendation 36

31.131 We recommend that officers of the Control and Arbitration Department be

paid a monthly commuted allowance for being on-call as well as an

in-attendance while being on-call inclusive of travelling time, during crop

season as follows:

Grade Amount (Rs)

Area Superintendent (New Grade) 830

Sugar Technologist/Senior Sugar Technologist 1135

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Assistant Director, Control and Arbitration Department formerly Manager, Cane Payment


Director, Control and Arbitration Department 1500

31.132 We further recommend that officers in the grades of Senior Test Chemist

(Personal) and Principal Test Chemist (Personal) and Technical Officer/Senior

Technical Officer (Control and Arbitration) should be paid a monthly

allowance equivalent to one increment at the initial of their respective salary

scale for working on a roster basis during crop season.

Bad Road Allowance

31.133 At present, officers who regularly use their cars for official travelling on bad roads or

their 4 x 4 or 2 x 4 vehicles or auto/motorcycles in the performance of their duties on

bad roads are paid a monthly bad road allowance. We are maintaining this


Recommendation 37

31.134 We recommend that a Bad Road Allowance should be paid as hereunder:

(i) Rs 1575 monthly to officers who regularly use their cars for official

travelling in the performance of their duties;

(ii) Rs 800 monthly to officers who regularly use 4 x 4 or 2 x 4 vehicles in

the performance of their duties; and

(iii) Rs 225 and Rs 300 to employees who regularly use their autocycles

and motorcycles respectively, in the performance of their duties.

Allowance for distributing gas, oil and fuel to tractors

31.135 Employees in the grade of Workshop/Vehicle/Machinery Attendant are presently

paid a monthly allowance equivalent to one and a half increments at the initial of

their salary scale for distributing gas, oil and fuel to tractors. Management has

submitted that this allowance should be extended to the Attendants

(Office/Laboratory/Field/Mess) for performing similar duties. To this effect we are

reviewing this provision.

Recommendation 38

31.136 We recommend that officers in the grades of Workshop/Vehicle/Machinery

Attendant and General Attendant formerly Attendant (Office/Laboratory/

Field/Mess) and Senior Attendant (Office/Laboratory/Field/Mess), should be

paid a monthly allowance equivalent to one and a half increments at the initial

of their respective salary scale for distributing gas, oil and fuel to tractors.

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Driving Allowance

31.137 Officers in the Tradesman grade who effectively drive the organisation’s vehicles to

site of works are presently paid a daily driving allowance. We are maintaining this


Recommendation 39

31.138 We recommend that an allowance of Rs 150 per day should be paid to

Tradesmen who are required to drive the organisation’s vehicles to their

respective site of work in the performance of their duties.

Allowance to Clerical Officers and Management Support Officers

Recommendation 40

31.139 We recommend that officers in the grades of Clerical Officer and Management

Support Officer who are required to collect and bank money should be paid

an allowance of Rs 40 daily.

Allowance for performing duties of Sprayer Operator

Recommendation 41

31.140 We recommend that a responsibility allowance computed on a daily basis

should be paid to General Workers whenever they are required to perform the

duties of the grade of Sprayer Operator.

Allowances for Extra Hours of Work

31.141 During crop season, officers in the grades of Engineer/Senior Engineer (Electrical);

Terminal Operations and Maintenance Officer (Electrical), Terminal Operations and

Maintenance Officer (Mechanical) and Terminal Cleaning and Maintenance Officer

(Civil) who are required to put in additional hours of work during emergencies and

for carrying out repairs during weekends and public holidays are paid an allowance.

We are maintaining this provision.

Recommendation 42

31.142 We recommend that officers in the grades listed below should be paid a

monthly allowance, for putting in extra hours of work during the crop season,

as hereunder:

Grade Rs/month

Engineer/Senior Engineer (Electrical) 3325

Terminal Operations and Maintenance Officer (Electrical)

Terminal Operations and Maintenance Officer (Mechanical)

Terminal Cleaning and Maintenance Officer (Civil)


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31.143 We also recommend that officers who are required to supervise the arrival

and departure of employees 15 minutes prior to the start of operations at the

Sugar Storage and Handling Unit and after the closure time throughout the

year, should be paid an allowance of Rs 1425.

Allowance for attending duties at 4.45 a.m. during the Crop Season

31.144 At present, officers of the Terminal Operator cadre are called upon to attend duty

at 4.45 a.m. on a roster basis by their own means of transport during the crop

season against payment of a monthly allowance. We are maintaining this


Recommendation 43

31.145 We recommend that officers of the Terminal Operator cadre who are

required to attend duty at 4.45 a.m. on a roster basis by their own means of

transport during the crop season should be paid allowances as hereunder:

Grade Allowance

Rs/per month

Senior Terminal Operator (Electrical)

Senior Terminal Operator (Mechanical) 2300

Terminal Operator (Electrical) formerly Terminal Operator Grade I (Electrical) Terminal Operator Grade II (Electrical) 1500

Terminal Operator (Mechanical) formerly Terminal Operator Grade I, Mechanical) Terminal Operator Grade II (Mechanical)

Allowance to Engineer/Senior Engineer (Electrical), Terminal Operations and

Maintenance Officers (Electrical) and Terminal Operations and Maintenance Officer

(Mechanical) for attending duty at 4.45 a.m. during Crop Season.

31.146 Officers in the grades of Engineer/Senior Engineer (Electrical), Terminal

Operations and Maintenance Officers (Electrical) and Terminal Operations and

Maintenance Officer (Mechanical) are presently paid a monthly allowance when

required to attend duty at 4.45 a.m. on a weekly roster basis. We are maintaining

this provision.

Recommendation 44

31.147 We recommend that Engineer/Senior Engineer (Electrical), Terminal

Operations and Maintenance Officers (Electrical) and Terminal Operations

and Maintenance Officers (Mechanical) who are required, to attend duty,

during crop season at the Sugar Storage and Handling Unit at 4.45 a.m. on a

weekly roster basis should be paid a monthly allowance of Rs 2800.

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Allowance for attending to Emergencies

31.148 At present, officers in the grades of Terminal Operations and Maintenance Officer

(Electrical) and Terminal Operations and Maintenance Officer (Mechanical) who

are required to attend to emergencies after their normal working hours during

intercrop season are paid an appropriate allowance inclusive of travelling time.

We are maintaining this provision.

Recommendation 45

31.149 We recommend that Terminal Operations and Maintenance Officers

(Electrical) and Terminal Operations and Maintenance Officers (Mechanical)

who attend to emergencies after normal working hours during inter crop

season should be paid an allowance of Rs 450 per call.

Allowances for Cross Functional and Wide Ranging Duties

31.150 At present, officers in the grades of Terminal Operator (Civil) formerly Terminal

Operator Grade I (Civil) and Terminal Operator Grade II (Civil) and Welder are

paid a monthly allowance during crop season for performing cross functional and

wide ranging duties. We are maintaining this arrangement.

Recommendation 46

31.151 We recommend that Terminal Operators (Civil) formerly Terminal Operator

Grade I (Civil) and Terminal Operator Grade II (Civil) and Welder who are

called upon to perform cross-functional and wide range of duties during the

crop season should be paid a monthly allowance of Rs 750.

Allowances for Cleaning of Receiving Station, Conveyor Galleries and Ship Loader,

etc., at night during Crop Season

31.152 Employees in the grades of Terminal Attendant, Terminal Attendant/Gardener and

Sanitary Attendant are, at present, paid an allowance per fortnight for cleaning the

Receiving Station, Conveyor Galleries/Belts and Ship Loader, among others, at

night. We are maintaining this provision.

Recommendation 47

31.153 We recommend that officers in the grade of Terminal Attendant, Terminal

Attendant/Gardener and Sanitary Attendant for cleaning the Receiving

Station, Conveyor Galleries/Belts and Ship Loader, etc., at night during the

crop season, should continue to be paid a fortnightly allowance of Rs 750.

Mileage Allowance (Autocycle/Motorcycle)

Recommendation 48

31.154 We recommend that employees in the grades of Terminal Operator (Civil),

Terminal Operator (Electrical), Terminal Operator (Mechanical), Senior

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Terminal Operator (Electrical) and Senior Terminal Operator (Mechanical)

who use their autocycles and motorcycles to attend duty during crop season

at such time when public transport is not available, should continue to be

refunded mileage on a monthly basis in the following manner:

(i) where the total distance covered on days the employees attend the

Sugar Storage and Handling Unit is up to 400 km over a month, the

whole distance covered should be computed at Rs 2.65 and Rs 3.25

per km for autocycles and motorcycles respectively; and

(ii) where the total distance covered on days the employees attend the

Sugar Storage and Handling Unit is more than 400 km over a month,

refund of mileage should be computed at the rate of Rs 2.65/Rs 3.25

for the first 400 km and Rs 1.90/Rs 2.35 for mileage in excess of 400

km for autocycles and motorcycles respectively;

whichever is appropriate


be refunded travelling expenses at bus fares, whichever is higher.

Other Allowances

31.155 The Bureau has been apprised that in addition to the allowances recommended in

the PRB Report, there are other allowances which certain officers and employees

of the MCIA were drawing at their former institutions. To this end, request has

been made to make provision for the payment of these allowances in this Report.

31.156 We have examined the proposals and observed that the context in which these

allowances have been granted may not be the same today under the MCIA.

Furthermore, the rationale and justification for the grant of these allowances are

unknown to the Bureau given that the organisations concerned operated along

private lines. Against this background, we are not in a position to make firm

recommendations in that respect.

31.157 Furthermore, we have equally been requested to grant responsibility allowances to

officers of various grades on the plea that following the integration of the six

ex SPIs into the MCIA, incumbents are called upon to perform additional duties.

We wish to point out that recommendations for the payment of a responsibility

allowance or an ad hoc allowance on account of additional duties performed

already exists. In this perspective, the officers concerned should make their case


Recommendation 49

31.158 We recommend that any request for the payment of ad hoc or a responsibility allowance not covered in this Report should be looked into administratively.

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MCIA 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 - 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

MCIA 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18075

Sanitary Attendant Terminal Attendant

MCIA 3 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18825

Workshop/Vehicle/Machinery Attendant

MCIA 4 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

General Worker/Field Worker/Gardener formerly General Worker/Field Worker General Worker/Gardener Office Attendant Senior General Worker/Field Worker (Personal) Terminal Attendant/Gardener

MCIA 5 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21000

Sampler (New Grade) Toolskeeper

MCIA 6 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver Driver/Handy Worker


MCIA 7 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Field Supervisor

MCIA 8 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

General Attendant formerly Attendant (Office/Lab/Field/Mess) Senior Attendant (Office/Lab/Field/Mess)

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MCIA 9 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Assistant Time Keeper Electrician

Fitter Mechanic Panel Beater

Turner/Machinist Welder


MCIA 10 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

MCIA 11 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Radio/Telephone Operator/Receptionist

MCIA 12 : Rs 13530 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Agricultural Machinery Operator Multi-Skilled Tradesman (New Grade)

MCIA 13 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Operator (Personal)

MCIA 14 : Rs 14875 x 275 - 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Driver, Heavy Mechanical Unit Farm Machinery Operator (Personal)

MCIA 15 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 26300

Agricultural Machinery Operator (Personal to holders in post as at 31.12.12) Head Operator (Personal)

MCIA 16 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075


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MCIA 17 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 28625

Assistant Stores Officer (Personal)

MCIA 18 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 28625

Head, Agricultural Machinery Operator (New Grade)

MCIA 19 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator

MCIA 20 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer (New Grade)

MCIA 21 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Chief Mechanic (New Grade)

MCIA 22 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Terminal Operator (Civil) formerly Terminal Operator Grade I (Civil) Terminal Operator Grade II (Civil)

MCIA 23 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Assistant Field Officer Technical Assistant (Air Monitoring) (New Grade)

MCIA 24 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725 QB 32500

Terminal Operator (Electrical) formerly Terminal Operator Grade I (Electrical) Terminal Operator Grade II (Electrical)

Terminal Operator (Mechanical) formerly Terminal Operator Grade I (Mechanical) Terminal Operator Grade II (Mechanical)

MCIA 25 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Clerk/Senior Clerk (Personal)

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Mauritius Cane Industry Authority

~ 213 ~ Pay Review 2016


MCIA 26 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Computer Support Officer

MCIA 27 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

MCIA 28 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Financial Officer Assistant Financial Officer formerly Accounts Clerk

Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Assistant (Personal) Executive Officer (Personal)

MCIA 29 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350 QB 35275

Senior Terminal Operator (Electrical) Senior Terminal Operator (Mechanical)

MCIA 30 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200

Technical Assistant/Senior Technical Assistant Technical Assistant/Senior Technical Assistant (Research) formerly Technical Assistant (Research) Senior Technical Assistant (Research)

MCIA 31 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200

Senior Test Chemist (Personal)

MCIA 32 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

MCIA 33 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant

MCIA 34 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Internal Control Officer/Senior Internal Control Officer formerly Internal Control Officer

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MCIA 35 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer formerly Human Resource Officer Financial Officer/Senior Financial Officer (New Grade) Financial Officer/Senior Financial Officer formerly Accounts Officer Procurement and Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer formerly Procurement and Supply Officer

MCIA 36 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Administrative Assistant Supervisor (Sugar Industry Project) formerly Field Officer IT Technician Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer

MCIA 37 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Principal Test Chemist (Personal)

MCIA 38 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Principal Financial Officer (New Grade) Principal Financial Officer formerly Senior Accounts Officer

MCIA 39 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Mechanical Workshop & Transport Officer /Senior Mechanical Workshop & Transport Officer formerly Mechanical Workshop & Transport Officer Operations Officer (Agricultural Mechanisation) formerly Field Officer/Senior Field Officer (Agricultural Mechanisation)

Technical and Mechanical Officer/Senior Technical and Mechanical Officer Technical Officer/Senior Technical Officer (Control and Arbitration) (New Grade)

MCIA 40 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Terminal Cleaning and Maintenance Officer (Civil) Terminal Operations and Maintenance Officer (Electrical) Terminal Operations and Maintenance Officer (Mechanical)

MCIA 41 : Rs 33425 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 –51575

Stores Superintendent

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MCIA 42 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425 QB 49950 x 1625 – 54825

Technical Officer/Senior Technical Officer (Extension) Technical Officer/Senior Technical Officer (Research)

MCIA 43 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 –56450

Administrative Officer Human Resource Management Officer (New Grade)

MCIA 44 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 –56450

Area Superintendent (New Grade) Air Monitoring Officer (New Grade) Systems Analyst

MCIA 45 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 –56450

Accountant (New Grade)

MCIA 46 : Rs 36200 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 –56450

Operations Superintendent (Agricultural Mechanisation) formerly Field Superintendent

MCIA 47 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Analyst/Senior Analyst formerly Analyst

MCIA 48 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

IT Manager Scientific Information and Publication Officer/Senior Scientific Information and Publication Officer formerly Scientific Information and Publication Officer Sugar Technologist/Senior Sugar Technologist

MCIA 49 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Internal Auditor/Senior Internal Auditor formerly Internal Auditor

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MCIA 50 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Engineer/Senior Engineer (Electrical) Project Officer (Civil Engineering)

MCIA 51 : Rs 30175 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Research Officer/Senior Research Officer

MCIA 52 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Manager, Extension and Training Centre Operations Manager (Agricultural Mechanisation)

formerly Field Manager Workshop Manager

MCIA 53 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 66650

Administrative Manager Manager, Finance Manager, Human Resource Manager, Policy and Planning

MCIA 54 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 66650

Manager Operations Research

MCIA 55 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 72400

Research Manager

MCIA 56 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 –86000

Assistant Director, Agricultural Mechanisation Unit formerly Assistant Director, Farmers Service Agency (Agricultural Mechanisation)

Assistant Director, Control and Arbitration Department formerly Manager, Cane Payment

Assistant Director, Farmers Service Agency formerly Assistant Director, Farmers Service Agency (Extension and Training)

Principal Research Manager

MCIA 57 : Rs 66650 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 –86000

Technical Manager

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MCIA 58 : Rs 101000

Director, Agricultural Mechanisation Unit (New Grade) Director, Control and Arbitration Department Director, Farmers Service Agency Director, MSIRI Director, Sugar Storage and Handling Unit (New Grade)

MCIA 59 : Rs 113000

Chief Executive Officer



All salaries are personal to holders of the post

Ex-FSC 1 : Rs 20525 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x

1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

LAMU/Nursery Co-ordinator (Personal)

Ex-FSC 2 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x

1525 – 45375

Internal Auditor (Personal)

Ex-FSC 3 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Technical Manager (Personal)


Ex-MSTC 1 : Rs 66650 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 –86000

Administrative Manager (Personal)


Ex-SPMPC 1 : Rs 101000

General Manager (Personal)

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Mauritius Examination Syndicate

Education and Scientific Research

~ 219 ~ Pay Review 2016


32.1 The Mauritius Examinations Syndicate (MES) was established as a corporate body

by the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate Act No. 4 of 1984. It operates under the

aegis of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and

Scientific Research, with the objectives to organise and conduct examinations;

promote the development of a sound system of Examinations by engaging in

relevant research and other related activities; award certificate and cooperate with

other examination bodies.

32.2 The Syndicate is committed to organising and conducting examinations at all levels

consistent with policies and goals and in line with emerging international trends. In

so doing it envisions to maintain itself as a leading institution both in Mauritius and

in the region, playing a key role in the fields of examinations, assessment and


32.3 The Director, who is the principal academic and administrative officer, is responsible

for the day-to-day management. He is supported by two Deputy Directors, an

Administrative/Deputy Secretary, a Secretary, other officers of the technical section

and staff of the General Services Cadre.

32.4 In the context of this review, both staff side and Management informed that the

Office of the Public Sector Governance had, at the request of Government, carried

out a study on the restructuring of the MES and submitted its recommendations

which have been approved by Cabinet at its meeting on Friday 09 January 2015.

However, in view of the complexity and scope of the restructuring exercise, the

Board of MES and Management thought it wise that an in-depth study should be

carried out first by an external Consultant to ensure a smooth implementation.

32.5 During consultations, management was apprised that grades which are urgently

required would be graded by the Bureau on an ad hoc basis well before and even

after the publication of this Report, once the parent Ministry conveys its approval on

the proposed schemes of service.

32.6 Taking into consideration the structural adjustments at the Syndicate, we are in this

Report not bringing any change to the existing structures. We are, however,

recommending the conduct of an HR Audit to identify additional HR

requirements and to prompt appropriate remedial measures.


32.7 At present, the Confidential Secretary attached to the office of the Director, MES, is

called upon to work regularly over and above the normal working hours. She is

exceptionally paid a monthly ad hoc allowance along the same lines as Confidential

Secretary posted with Ministers, Parliamentary Private Secretaries, officers of the

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Mauritius Examination Syndicate

Education and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 220 ~

level of Permanent Secretary and above and the Cabinet’s Office. We are

maintaining this provision.



MES 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

MES 2 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

MES 3 : Rs 17375

Safety and Health Officer (Part time)

MES 4 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050


MES 5 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21000

Examinations Attendant

MES 6 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21000

Senior Gardener

MES 7 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


MES 8 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Binder Handy Worker/Tradesman

MES 9 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

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Education and Scientific Research

~ 221 ~ Pay Review 2016


MES 10 : Rs 16075 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Senior Examinations Attendant

MES 11 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 28625

Assistant Stores Officer (Personal)

MES 12 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Technical Assistant (Electrical Installation and Maintenance) Technical Assistant (Practical Examinations) Technical Assistant (Printing) Technical Assistant (Computer)

MES 13 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator Examinations Clerk

MES 14 : Rs 16075 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Security Officer

MES 15 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175


MES 16 : Rs 18825 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Assistant Head of Printing

MES 17 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Data Processing Assistant Examinations Assistant Stores Officer (Personal)

MES 18 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Senior Security Officer

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Education and Scientific Research

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MES 19 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

MES 20 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Officer Procurement and Supply Officer Senior Data Processing Assistant Senior Examinations Assistant

MES 21 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Senior Confidential Secretary (Personal)

MES 22 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Computer Technician Documentation Officer Maintenance Officer

MES 23 : Rs 20525 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325


MES 24 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Financial Officer Senior Procurement and Supply Officer

MES 25 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Examinations Superintendent Head of Printing

MES 26 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Research and Development Assistant Senior Programmer

MES 27 : Rs 33425 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Principal Financial Officer

MES 28 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Officer

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Education and Scientific Research

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MES 29 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

IT Officer Systems Administrator

MES 30 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Human Resource Management Officer

MES 31 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 30.06.08)

MES 32 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Examinations Officer (Administration) Examinations Officer (Data Processing)

MES 33 : Rs 39575 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Manager (Procurement and Supply)

MES 34 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Research and Development Officer

MES 35 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Financial Manager Senior Examinations Officer (Administration) Senior Examinations Officer (Data Processing)

MES 36 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 83000

Administrative/Deputy Secretary

MES 37 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Principal Examinations Officer

MES 38 : Rs 66650 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Principal Research and Development Officer Secretary

MES 39 : Rs 98000

Deputy Director

MES 40 : Rs 110000


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Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Mauritius Ex-Services Trust Fund

~ 225 ~ Pay Review 2016


33.1 The Mauritius Ex-Services Trust Fund (MESTF) was set up under Act No. 6 of 2000

and operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Finance and Economic

Development. Its objects are to: provide financial assistance to ex-servicemen;

provide assistance to ex-servicemen associations represented on the Board; and

advance and promote the general welfare of ex-servicemen.

33.2 The MESTF provides financial assistance through a monthly pension to about 2000

registered ex-servicemen and 5000 widows of ex-servicemen including registered

ex-servicemen and widows of ex-servicemen in Rodrigues. In addition, a funeral

grant is paid to their heirs or widow at the time of their demise. In pursuance of its

objects, the Trust Fund carries out welfare activities under various schemes

consisting of domiciliary visits to bedridden ex-servicemen, centenarian birthday

celebrations, Poppy Day Appeal and Remembrance Day. The Trust Fund also

receives grant from the St Dunstan Charity found in the United Kingdom to provide

financial assistance in the form of a monthly pension to the blind ex-servicemen.

33.3 The Trust Fund has embarked on an ambitious project for the creation of a museum

for the ex-servicemen where the contribution of about 37000 Mauritians enrolled in

the British Army during the Second World War would be put on record. It has

enlisted the participation and assistance (financial and technical) of the United

Kingdom through the Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League.

33.4 The MESTF is administered and managed by the Board. The Secretary serves the

Board and is supported in the day-to-day administration by officers in the Finance,

Administrative and General Services cadre.

33.5 In the context of this Report, Management has submitted that the Secretary has

been entrusted with higher responsibilities as head of the Trust Fund, whereby he is

responsible for the overall management of the MESTF and is required among

others, to implement policies, schemes, projects for the welfare of ex-servicemen in

general as approved by the Board. He is also responsible for the management and

optimisation of the financial and other resources of the Trust Fund to further the

social and economic welfare of ex-servicemen. Besides acting as the Secretary of

the Board, he is also responsible for the keeping of all books, records and minutes

of proceedings, prepare and submit Financial Statements and Annual Reports for

approval by the Board and advise the Board on the financial transactions and

formulation of budgets.

33.6 The Bureau has taken into account the higher responsibilities being shouldered by

the Secretary in arriving at the recommended salary of the grade and in the same

vein, we are reviewing its qualification requirements. As regards the organisation

structure, we consider it appropriate and are, therefore, maintaining it.

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33.7 We recommend that, in future, appointment to the grade of Secretary should

be made by selection from among serving officers of the Mauritius Ex-

Services Trust Fund who are registered with the Mauritius Institute of

Professional Accountants (MIPA) and reckon five years’ experience at

administrative/management level. In the absence of qualified serving officers,

the grade should be filled by selection from among candidates possessing

the required qualifications.



MESTF 1 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18075


MESTF 2 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

MESTF 3 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator

MESTF 4 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer

MESTF 5 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk

MESTF 6 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950


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Ministry of Arts and Culture Mauritius Film Development Corporation

~ 227 ~ Pay Review 2016


34.1 The Mauritius Film Development Corporation (MFDC) is a parastatal body, set up

under Act No. 31 of 1986. It operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Arts and


34.2 The mission of the Mauritius Film Development Corporation is to develop the image

industry by creating opportunities in all relevant fields.

34.3 The objectives of the MFDC are, among others, to import, export, exhibit and

produce films; establish relationship with foreign and international persons or bodies

for the promotion of film activities; promote the holding of film show festivals to cater

for the cultural and linguistic needs of the people of Mauritius; give such assistance,

financial or otherwise, as the Board may determine to persons or bodies engaged in

the production or exhibition of films; and give shooting authorisation to local and

foreign crews.

34.4 At present, the functions of the Corporation are carried out by the three departments

namely: Finance, Administration and Human Resource; Project and Programme;

and Production.

34.5 During consultations, Management has apprised the Bureau that one of the items

mentioned in the Government Programme is to review the functions of the MFDC.

Consequently, the objectives and functions of the MFDC are being reviewed and

the present MFDC Act dated 1986 would be revamped and replaced by a new

Legislation. For this Report, we are making appropriate recommendations in line

with the submissions from Management in the present context.

Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

34.6 Presently, the Corporation does not have staff specifically for procurement. The

Finance Section assumes the responsibility of procurement. In order to have a

better control and segregation of duties, there is need for a level to be responsible

for all procurement and supply functions in line with the established procedure. We

are making provision for a level to maintain a proper Store Management System.

Recommendation 1

34.7 We recommend the creation of a grade of Procurement and Supply Officer.

Recruitment thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing a Certificate in Purchasing and Supply Management from a

recognised institution or an alternative equivalent qualification acceptable to

the Board.

34.8 Incumbent in the grade of Procurement and Supply Officer would be required to,

among others, be responsible for the procurement and supply division; prepare and

finalise tender documents as per the prevailing rules and regulations; effect

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procurement of requested items; receive and verify procured items; perform

inventories as instructed; assist in duties relating to committees, organisation of

official functions, training programmes and other activities; and control stock of

items and ensure availability of frequently used items such as stationery and other


Technician (Light and Sound) (New Grade)

Technician (Camera) (New Grade)

34.9 Management has submitted that with the expanded activities of the MFDC in

production of films, documentations, serials and audiovisual productions, there is

need for Technicians with specific skills to service the production unit. We are

making provision for the grades of Technician (Light and Sound) and Technician

(Camera) to enable the organisation to enhance its service delivery.

Recommendation 2

34.10 We recommend the creation of a grade of Technician (Light and Sound).

Recruitment thereto should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing the Technician Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

awarded by the City and Guilds of London Institute or the Brevet de

Technician in Electronics awarded by the Mauritius Institute of Training and

Development or an alternative equivalent qualification acceptable to the


34.11 Incumbent in the grade of Technician (Light and Sound) would be required to,

among others, operate shooting light and sound; maintain and repair audio-visual

equipment, overhead projections and slide projectors; carry out regular checks and

ensure that all equipment are safe for operation and safely installed; assist in the

preparation of technical tender documents; set up and operate sound equipment,

lighting equipment and giant screens; be responsible for the programming of

computerised lighting console and automated projectors, designing and

configurating stage lighting and sound photos; and prepare a maintenance schedule

for lighting, sound and power control equipment.

Recommendation 3

34.12 We also recommend the creation of a grade of Technician (Camera).

Recruitment thereto should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing the Technician Certificate in Telecommunications and Electronics

Engineering awarded by the City and Guilds at London Institute or a

Cambridge Higher School Certificate with passes at Principal Level in Physics

or Chemistry and Mathematics, or an alternative equivalent qualification

acceptable to the Board.

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~ 229 ~ Pay Review 2016

34.13 Incumbent in the grade of Technician (Camera) would be required to, among

others, perform camera work (motion and still) for films, commercials and

audiovisual materials; assist in editing, post production and production tasks;

maintain cameras in good condition; and be responsible for camera while in


General Manager

formerly Director

34.14 We recommend that the grade of Director be restyled to General Manager to

be in conformity with the existing provision in the Mauritius Film Development

Corporation Act No 31 of 1986.



MFDC 1 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker (Lay Services)

MFDC 2 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard (on shift)

MFDC 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Handy Worker

MFDC 4 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 26300


MFDC 5 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator Word Processing Operator/Receptionist

MFDC 6 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer Technician (Camera) (New Grade)

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Mauritius Film Development Corporation

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MFDC 7 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Technical Assistant

MFDC 8 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk

MFDC 9 : Rs 15450 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Technician (Light and Sound) (New Grade)

MFDC 10 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

MFDC 11 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

MFDC 12 : Rs 20050 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Audiovisual Officer IT Support Officer Project and Programme Officer

MFDC 13 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Senior Project and Programme Officer Technical Executive

MFDC 14 : Rs 30175 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 59700


MFDC 15 : Rs 86000

General Manager formerly Director

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Mauritius Institute of Education

Education and Scientific Research

~ 231 ~ Pay Review 2016


35.1 Since its inception as a body corporate in 1973, the three pillars on which the

Mauritius Institute of Education (MIE) stands are educational research, curriculum

development and Teacher Education. As an important arm of the Ministry of

Education & Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research, the

MIE plays a crucial role in enlarging the effective functioning of the education

system. It also supports the Ministry in strategic plan concerning the aspects of

curriculum framework development for the Early Childhood Care and Education and

primary sector; Training for staff of secondary education; ICT in Education; and

School Staff Development.

35.2 The central preoccupation of the MIE, today, is Teacher Education. It is responsible

for the professional development of Teachers of secondary schools now extended

to all cadres of this sector. The MIE has also set up a structured and flexible

pathway for continuous development and it offers a wide array of programmes

ranging from Certificate to Doctoral, thus enabling Professionals of the Education

Sector to engage in lifelong learning.

35.3 With development in the country, particularly in the education sector, the activities of

the MIE have expanded and it is offering courses on a distance learning mode. In

this context it has set up the Centre for Open and Distance Learning.

35.4 The overall responsibility of the MIE rests upon the Director who is assisted by

academics as well as non-academics. While the core activities are carried out

through the various schools and departments, each under the responsibility of a

Head who is an academic, the non-academics perform support functions. We

consider that the present set up is adequate for the MIE to meet its objectives.

35.5 For this Report, all the representations received from the Unions and Management

were discussed with parties and where it was not technically advisable to accede to

their requests, they were so apprised and provided with the necessary explanations.

We are reinforcing the present structure and maintaining other benefits.

Driver (Heavy Vehicle) (New Grade)

35.6 At present the Drivers of the organisation are called upon to drive the 28 seater-bus

for the conveyance of students to attend courses at different places and for any

other related activities. It has been represented that more buses would be

purchased in the future and there is need of a dedicated grade to drive these buses.

Recommendation 1

35.7 We recommend the creation of the grade of Driver (Heavy Vehicle) on the

establishment of the MIE. Appointment, thereto, should be made by selection

from Driver/Messengers on the permanent and pensionable establishment of

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Education and Scientific Research

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the MIE who possess the Certificate of Primary Education and a valid driving

licence to drive cars, vans, lorry (up to 5 tons) and bus.

35.8 Incumbent would be required, among others, to: drive buses, lorries and vehicles

above 5 tons; cars, vans, as and when required; carry out simple

checks/maintenance tasks including, inter alia, checking of radiator or overflow tank

for water level and filling up with water; checking of engine oil pump and topping up

and checking of fluid levels of brake master cylinder and clutch master cylinder and

topping up, if necessary.

Senior Graphic Designer (New Grade)

35.9 There are eight Graphic Designers who assist academics in producing educational

and multi-media teaching materials; create, design and produce publications (News

letters, Brochures, Manuals, Journals and other academic materials); carry out

research and investigate work related to graphics and develop multi-media

instructional materials. These officers report to an officer in the grade of Senior

Technician. We are providing a higher level for unity in command to monitor,

coordinate, supervise and manage their work.

Recommendation 2

35.10 We recommend the creation of the grade of Senior Graphic Designer.

Appointment thereto, should be made on the basis of merit and experience of

officers in the grade of Graphic Designers who reckon at least four years’

experience in a substantive capacity in the grade.

35.11 Incumbent would be required, among others, to: plan, organise, supervise and

monitor the work of Graphic Designers.

Assistant Technician (Printing)

35.12 Currently, officers in the grades of Assistant Technician (Printing) who possess

either the National Trade Certificate (Level 3) of the Industrial and Vocational

Training Board or a Record of Unit Credit issued by the Mauritius Examinations

Syndicate are allowed to proceed beyond the Qualification Bar (QB) provided in the

recommended salary for the grade.

35.13 We are maintaining this provision and in line with what obtains in the Civil Service,

we recommend that officers who have acquired experience of at least 15 years in

the relevant field, be allowed to proceed incrementally beyond the Qualification Bar

provided in the salary scale.

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Education and Scientific Research

~ 233 ~ Pay Review 2016

Allowance to Head of School and Head of Department

35.14 Academics occupying the position of Head of School and Head of Department are

paid a monthly allowance of Rs 1830 and Rs 1525 respectively. In the context of

this review, we are maintaining the quantum thereof.

Academic Achievement

35.15 Presently, Lecturers, Senior Lecturers and Associate Professors holding a PhD

and/or Master’s degree and reckoning academic achievement through published

research, teaching, administrative contributions and publications and having stayed

on top of their revised salary scales for one year should be allowed to move

incrementally up to a maximum of one increment to be read from the Master salary

scale. We are keeping the present arrangement intact.

Special Provision for Graduates and Professionals

35.16 As per the existing provision, graduates and professionals stagnating on their top

salary are allowed to move incrementally in the master salary scale so as to ensure

that the remuneration package of incumbents with relevant experience in the public

service is competitive. However, the grant of the additional increment is linked to

more stringent performance criteria so as to bring about a performance oriented

culture. We are replicating this special provision for graduates and professionals for

ease of application.

Recommendation 3

35.17 We recommend that officers in entry or professional grades requiring a

University Degree or an equivalent recognised professional qualification

drawing salary in a scale the maximum of which is not less than Rs 56450 and

having reached the top of their respective salary scale should be allowed to

move incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point Rs 61325,

provided they:

(iv) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(v) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(vi) are not under report.

Confidential Secretary

35.18 Demands have been made in the context of this Report to allow Confidential

Secretaries possessing the Advanced Secretarial Course to move by one increment

beyond the top salary of the grade, similar to their counterparts in the Civil Service.

For the sake of harmonisation on what obtains in the Civil Service, we recommend


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Recommendation 4

35.19 We recommend that Confidential Secretaries:

(i) be granted one increment upon successful completion of the Advanced

Secretarial Course, subject to the top salary of the grade. Where an

officer has successfully completed the Advanced Secretarial Course

after having reached the last point in his salary scale, the officer should

be paid a non-pensionable lump sum equivalent to twelve times the

value of the last increment drawn; and

(ii) be eligible for 70% duty exemption on the purchase of a car on

reaching the salary point of Rs 36200.

General Worker

35.20 While conducting job interviews at the Bureau, incumbents in the grade of General

Worker reported that they are regularly called upon to cumulate the duties of the

grade of Office Attendant without any extra remuneration. Management acceded

that these General Workers indeed are performing work outside the scheme of

service. We are hence, making an appropriate recommendation.

Recommendation 5

35.21 We recommend that General Workers who are regularly called upon to

perform the duties of the grade of Office Attendant should be paid an

allowance equivalent to one increment at the initial salary point of Office


Sabbatical Leave

35.22 In previous reports, we have recommended that Management should consider the

advisability of setting up a Sabbatical Leave Scheme for Academic Staff at the

earliest possible. We are maintaining this provision.

Political Achievement

35.23 Employee participation in active politics may disrupt the proper functioning of the

organisation. We are, therefore, maintaining the provision that full time

employees of the MIE should not be allowed to participate in active politics.

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Education and Scientific Research

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MIE 1 : Rs 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

MIE 2 : Rs 11200 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Stores Attendant

MIE 3 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

MIE 4 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Gardener Library Attendant Office Attendant

MIE 5 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21000

Senior Gardener

MIE 6 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21475

Senior Library Attendant

MIE 7 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Messenger Printing Assistant (Personal) Technical Attendant

MIE 8 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Binder Handy Worker (Multi Skilled) Cabinet Maker/Carpenter Electrician Painter

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MIE 9 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

MIE 10 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

MIE 11 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Driver (Heavy Vehicle) (New Grade)

MIE 12 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Technical Attendant (Personal) formerly Laboratory Attendant Resources Centre Attendant Workshop Attendant (in post as at 30.06.93)

MIE 13 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975 QB 24750 x 775 – 27075

Assistant Technician (Printing)

MIE 14 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator

MIE 15 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer Clerk/Word Processing Operator

MIE 16 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Senior Binder

MIE 17 : Rs 18825 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Senior Assistant Technician (Printing)

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MIE 18 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Library Clerk/Senior Library Clerk

MIE 19 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

MIE 20 : Rs 17375 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Financial Officer Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Officer (Personal)

MIE 21 : Rs 17375 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Educational Data Assistant

MIE 22 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

MIE 23 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350


MIE 24 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Officer Higher Executive Officer

Procurement and Supply Officer

MIE 25 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Computer Technician Graphic Designer

Library Officer Maintenance Officer Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer

MIE 26 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Financial Officer Senior Procurement and Supply Officer

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MIE 27 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Principal Executive Officer

MIE 28 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Assistant Librarian/Cataloguer

MIE 29 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Senior Graphic Designer (New Grade) Senior Technician

MIE 30 : Rs 33425 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Principal Financial Officer Principal Procurement and Supply Officer

MIE 31 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Officer Instructional Designer Research Officer/Documentalist

MIE 32 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Systems Administrator Analyst/Programmer

MIE 33 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Human Resource Management Officer Internal Auditor

MIE 34 : Rs 31725 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Senior Instructor (Personal)

MIE 35 : Rs 33425 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Chief Technician

MIE 36 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Deputy Head Librarian

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Education and Scientific Research

~ 239 ~ Pay Review 2016


MIE 37 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950


MIE 38 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Assistant Registrar

MIE 39 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Financial Controller Head Librarian Senior Lecturer

MIE 40 : Rs 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Deputy Registrar

MIE 41 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000


MIE 42 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 89000

Associate Professor

MIE 43 : Rs 101000

Professor Deputy Director

MIE 44 : Rs 110000


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Ministry of Health and Quality of Life Mauritius Institute of Health

~ 241 ~ Pay Review 2016


36.1 Set up by Act No. 36 of 1989 (subsequently amended in 2003), the Mauritius

Institute of Health (MIH) contributes to the promotion of health and quality of life of

society through training and health systems research. Its main activities relate to

epidemiological surveys and health systems research; curriculum development and

provision of basic and post basic courses for health practitioners; and technical

corporation with countries of the region in training and research for the health

sector. Its vision is to become a world class centre of excellence in research and

training in health and health related fields.

36.2 The Institute organises its activities under four functional units namely: Training;

Research; Media; and Administrative. Each unit has its own specificity and

contribution towards the achievement of the Institute’s mission. MIH conducts

courses, holds examinations and grants certificates, diplomas and awards by either

acting on its own or jointly with any other educational institution.

36.3 The overall responsibility of the MIH befalls the Executive Director who maintains

and promotes the proper administration of the Institute. He is assisted by a

complement of staff comprising professionals, technical and general services


36.4 In the context of this Review, both Management and staff side have requested for

the creation of additional levels; alignment of salaries; restyling of grades;

restructuring of the Training Unit as well as the Research Unit; payment of extra

duty allowance; and enhanced conditions of service.

36.5 During consultations, both parties were apprised that creation of new grades

depends on the functional and operational needs of the organisation and normally

the onus rests with the Board. It was, however, highlighted that grades which are

urgently required, could be graded by the Bureau on an ad hoc basis provided the

established procedure has been followed. In regard to alignment of salaries, parties

were informed that such requests are examined taking into consideration, among

others, the qualification requirement, nature of duties, level of operation and

responsibility. On the issue of Conditions of Service including extra duty

allowances, both Management and the staff side were apprised that except for

specific ones, general conditions would be dealt with holistically after analysing

submissions from all stakeholders. Due explanation was given for request that

could not be attended.

36.6 We are, in this Report, maintaining the present structure, providing for movement in

the master salary scale for the grades of Executive Assistant and Training Manager

and revising the allowances payable to Training Managers. Moreover, to address

existing HR problems in the organisation, we recommend that Management

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Pay Review 2016 ~ 242 ~

should conduct a Human Resource Planning exercise, to identify the need for

additional HR requirements and to prompt appropriate remedial measures.

Executive Assistant – former Development Works Corporation

36.7 Presently, the Executive Assistant of former Development Works Corporation, after

having reached his top salary, is allowed to move incrementally in the salary scale

of Rs 20675 x 750 – 29675 x 900 – 34175 x 1200 – 35375.

Recommendation 1

36.8 We recommend that the Executive Assistant of former Development Works

Corporation having reached his top salary should be allowed to move

incrementally in the salary scale of Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925

– 37125 x 1225 – 38350. Management should ensure that the incumbent is

entrusted responsibilities commensurate with his position.

Training Manager

36.9 As per the existing provision, the Training Managers, after drawing top salary of

Rs 77000 are allowed to proceed incrementally in the master salary scale up to

salary point of Rs 83000 subject to performance criteria. We are maintaining this

provision and revising the salary point.

Recommendation 2

36.10 We recommend that Training Managers should be allowed to proceed

incrementally up to the revised salary point Rs 89000 provided they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Book Allowance and Special Medical Service Allowance for Training Managers

36.11 Training Managers, who are members of the medical profession, are granted a

yearly Book Allowance for the purchase of medical books and a monthly Special

Medical Service Allowance for not being allowed the privilege of private practice in

line with what obtains at the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life. We are

maintaining this provision and revising the quantum of the allowances.

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Recommendation 3

36.12 We recommend that the Book Allowance and the Special Medical Service

Allowance payable to the Training Manager be revised as follows:

Allowance Existing Quantum Revised Quantum

Book Allowance Rs 13200 annually Rs 13500 annually

Special Medical Service Allowance to Training Managers reckoning at least 10 years’ service in the grade

7% of the monthly salary

7% of the monthly salary



MIH 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

MIH 2 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant Handy Worker (Personal) formerly Handy Worker (Office Attendant) (NTFCH)

MIH 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21000


MIH 4 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21475

Senior Office Attendant

MIH 5 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


MIH 6 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

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MIH 7 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Clerical Assistant (Personal) formerly Clerical Assistant (NTFCH)

MIH 8 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator Word Processing Operator (Personal) formerly Word Processing Operator (NTFCH)

MIH 9 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer (Personal) Clerk/Word Processing Operator

MIH 10 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Senior Word Processing Operator

MIH 11 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Executive Assistant (Ex DWC) (Personal)

MIH 12 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

MIH 13 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Financial Officer Executive Assistant (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15) Printing and Publishing Officer

MIH 14 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary Documentalist

MIH 15 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer

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Ministry of Health and Quality of Life Mauritius Institute of Health

~ 245 ~ Pay Review 2016


MIH 16 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant

MIH 17 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Computer Officer

MIH 18 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary IT Trainer Research Assistant

MIH 19 : Rs 36200 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 61325

Programme Coordinator, Nursing and Paramedical Studies

MIH 20 : Rs 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500

Research Officer/Senior Research Officer

MIH 21 : Rs 45375 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 83000

Training Manager

MIH 22 : Rs 110000

Executive Director

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Ministry of Health and Quality of Life Mauritius Institute of Health

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Mauritius Institute of Training and Development

Tertiary Education and Scientific Research

~ 247 ~ Pay Review 2016


37.1 The Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) is a corporate body

established under the MITD Act No 12 of 2009 which envisions to be the leader in

human capital development in the region and beyond for global employability. It

operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources,

Tertiary Education and Scientific Research.

37.2 The objects of the MITD are, inter alia, to promote excellence in technical and

vocational education and training; promote research and enhance knowledge in

technical and vocational education and training; increase access to technical and

vocational education and training through the setting up of training centres; promote

exchange programmes and courses with other institutions in technical and

vocational education and training; and assist in the apprenticeship of persons who

are, or would be, employed in commercial, technical and vocational fields.

37.3 The Director of the MITD is the Chief Executive of the organisation and he is

responsible to the Board for the day to day management and control of its activities/

business. The functions of the Director are presently entrusted to an Officer-in-

Charge. He is supported by a team of technical, operational and support staff at

different levels.

37.4 In the context of this review exercise, requests were made by both Management

and the staff side for the creation and restyling of a number of grades. Management

also informed that the new organisation structure of the MITD has recently been

finalised by the Board. However, the profiles for the new grades requested were

not submitted to the Bureau for grading and for inclusion in this Report. Positions

pertaining to this new structure would, therefore, be graded by the Bureau

whenever requested, on an ad hoc basis.

37.5 We are, in this Report, maintaining the present organisation structure and other

provisions while reviewing the salary of existing grades.

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

Recommendation 1

37.6 We recommend that incumbents in the grade of Human Resource Officer/

Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human Resource

Management or a Diploma with Human Resource Management as a major

component from a recognised institution or an equivalent qualification

acceptable to the Board should be allowed to move incrementally in the

master salary scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided that they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Mauritius Institute of Training and Development

Tertiary Education and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 248 ~



MITD 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

MITD 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18075

Support Assistant

MITD 3 : Rs 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Senior Support Assistant

MITD 4 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant (Personal to employees in post as at 30.06.08) Workshop Assistant (Personal to employees in post as at 30.06.08)

MITD 5 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20525


MITD 6 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 22575

General Assistant (Personal to employees in post as at 30.06.08)

MITD 7 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Messenger (Personal to Driver/Messengers in post at ex-IVTB and Ex-TSMTF as at 30.06.2008)

MITD 8 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 24750

Senior General Assistant (Personal to employees in post as at 30.06.08)

MITD 9 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Mauritius Institute of Training and Development

Tertiary Education and Scientific Research

~ 249 ~ Pay Review 2016


MITD 10 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Printing Assistant Technical Attendant (Maintenance)

MITD 11 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Laboratory Attendant (Personal to employees in post as at 30.06.08)

MITD 12 : Rs 13270 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator/Receptionist

MITD 13 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Technical Assistant (IT) Technical Assistant (Maintenance)

MITD 14 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer (Personal) Clerk/Word Processing Operator Data Entry Operator Library Clerk (Personal to officers in post as at 30.06.08) Security Officer

MITD 15 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Technical Assistant (Maintenance) (Personal to incumbents in the grade of Technical Assistant of ex-TSTMTF in post as at 30.06.08)

MITD 16 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Teacher, Basic Secondary Schools

MITD 17 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Instructor (Personal to officers in the grade of Instructor at Ex-TSMTF as at 30.06.08) Management Support Officer (New Grade)

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Mauritius Institute of Training and Development

Tertiary Education and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 250 ~


MITD 18 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Executive Clerk (Personal) Assistant Financial Officer

Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer

MITD 19 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350


MITD 20 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Usher (Personal to officers in post as at 30.06.08)

MITD 21 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

MITD 22 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Executive Clerk (Personal) Higher Executive Officer Procurement and Supply Officer

MITD 23 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

MITD 24 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Analyst Programmer Human Resource Assistant (Personal to officers in post as at 30.06.08) Library Officer Maintenance Officer Marketing Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 30.06.08) Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer Technician (IT)

MITD 25 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Procurement and Supply Officer

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Mauritius Institute of Training and Development

Tertiary Education and Scientific Research

~ 251 ~ Pay Review 2016


MITD 26 : Rs 21475 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200 QB 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician

MITD 27 : Rs 33425 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Senior Accounting Technician

MITD 28 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Officer Administrative Officer (Assessment and Certification) Econometrist Human Resource Management Officer (Personal to officers in post as at

30.06.08) Psychologist Sports Welfare Officer

Trainer (Personal to officers in the grade of Trainer of Ex-TSMTF) Training Officer

MITD 29 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Systems Administrator

MITD 30 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary (Personal to officers in post as at 30.06.08) Internal Auditor

MITD 31 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Accountant/Senior Accountant Communication and Events Officer Curriculum Officer Examination Officer Head Librarian

MITD 32 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Curriculum Officer (Personal to incumbent in the grade of Curriculum Officer of ex-IVTB)

Marketing Manager Project Officer Senior Trainer (Personal to officers in post as at 30.06.08)

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Mauritius Institute of Training and Development

Tertiary Education and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 252 ~


MITD 33 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 66650

Coordinator (Personal to officers in post as at 30.06.08)

MITD 34 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 66650

Assistant Manager Assistant Manager (Human Resource) Assistant Manager (Information and Communication Systems) Assistant Manager (Procurement and Logistics) Senior Examination Officer

MITD 35 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Assistant Manager (Personal to incumbent in the grade of Assistant Manager of ex-IVTB and ex-TSMTF)

Assistant Manager (Human Resource) (Personal to incumbent in the grade of Assistant Manager responsible for Human Resource at ex-IVTB)

Assistant Manager (Information and Communication Systems) (Personal to incumbent in the grade of Assistant Manager responsible for Information Technology at ex-IVTB)

Assistant Manager (Procurement and Logistics) (Personal to incumbent in the grade of Assistant Manager responsible for Procurement at ex-IVTB)

MITD 36 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Training Center Manager

MITD 37 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 77175

Training Centre Manager (Personal to incumbents of ex-IVTB) Training Center Manager (Personal to incumbents in the grade of Manager at Ex-TSMTF)

MITD 38 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 83000

Team Leader (Administration) Team Leader (Assessment & Certification) Team Leader (Facilities Management) Team Leader (Finance) Team Leader (Human Resource) Team Leader (Information and Communication Systems) Team Leader (Procurement and Logistics)

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Mauritius Institute of Training and Development

Tertiary Education and Scientific Research

~ 253 ~ Pay Review 2016


MITD 39 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Divisional Manager (Personal to incumbent in the grade of Divisional Manager responsible for IT of ex-IVTB)

Divisional Manager (Personal to incumbent in the grade of Divisional Manager responsible for Research, Project and Curriculum Development and Training Delivery of ex-IVTB)

Divisional Manager (Personal to incumbent in the grade of Divisional Manager responsible for Corporate Affairs of ex-IVTB)

Divisional Manager (Facilities Management) (Personal to incumbent in the grade of Divisional Manager responsible for Maintenance of ex-IVTB)

Team Leader (IT) (Personal to incumbent in the grade of Divisional Manager responsible for IT of ex-IVTB)

MITD 40 : Rs 89000 x 3000 – 95000

Deputy Director (Training) Deputy Director (Corporate) Deputy Director (Assessment and Certification)

MITD 41 : Rs 113000


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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Mauritius Institute of Training and Development

Tertiary Education and Scientific Research

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Mauritius Marathi Cultural Centre Trust

~ 255 ~ Pay Review 2016


38.1 The Mauritius Marathi Cultural Centre Trust (MMCCT) promotes and preserves

Marathi Arts and Culture among the diverse cultures of Mauritius through artistic and

cultural activities while nurturing creativity and innovation.

38.2 Since its inception, the MMCCT under the aegis of the Ministry of Arts and Culture,

has been actively involved in the organisation of various activities and cultural

programmes in connection with the celebration of national events linked to the Marathi

Culture, national day celebration and arrival of indentured labourers, among others. It

also organises exhibitions/talks, artistic competitions and dispenses training courses

in theatre, music, various types of folkdances of the Maharasthra, costume and make

up, Rangoli design and making and Murthi sculpturing.

38.3 The organisation structure of the MMCCT has been reinforced with the provision of

the grades of Administrative Secretary and Clerk/Word Processing Operator in the

2013 PRB Report and Management Support Officer in the EOAC Report. As the

structure is adequate to enable the MMCCT attain its objectives, we therefore do not

propose to bring any major change to it. Nevertheless, following proposals made by

Management concerning the amendment to the scheme of service of Administrative

Secretary to include duties relating to the organisation, planning and coordination of

cultural activities, programmes and projects, we have carried out an in-depth study

and we are recommending accordingly.

Administrative Secretary

38.4 Subsequent to the expansion of cultural activities organised by the MMCCT, there is

need for a dedicated grade to be responsible for the organisation, planning and

coordination of artistic and cultural activities, programmes and projects. However,

given the size of the organisation and the volume of activities, these duties do not

require an officer in a full time position. On the other hand, the extent and volume of

activities presently devolving on the Administrative Secretary do not warrant an

employee in that position in a full time capacity either. With a view to optimising the

use of existing human resources, we are therefore, enlarging the scheme of service of

the grade to include the abovementioned duties while restyling the grade to a more

appropriate appellation.

Recommendation 1

38.5 We recommend that:

(i) the scheme of service of the grade of Administrative Secretary be

amended to include functions relating to organisation, planning and

coordination of artistic and cultural activities, programmes and projects;

(ii) the grade of Administrative Secretary be restyled Administrative and

Events Officer.

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Mauritius Marathi Cultural Centre Trust

Pay Review 2016 ~ 256 ~

These elements have been taken into consideration in arriving at the salary

recommended for the grade.



MMCCT 1 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

MMCCT 2 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

MMCCT 3 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

MMCCT 4 : Rs 25525x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative and Events Officer formerly Administrative Secretary

MMCCT 5 : Rs 66650 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000


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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Mauritius Meat Authority

~ 257 ~ Pay Review 2016


39.1 The Mauritius Meat Authority (MMA) operates under the aegis of the Ministry of

Agro-Industry and Food Security. It is established as a body corporate under the

Mauritius Meat Act of 1974. Its mission is to ensure the slaughter and timely

delivery of meat fit for human consumption.

39.2 The main activities at the MMA are organised under three sections: Production,

Secretariat and Administrative Services, and Finance. The different slaughter

houses at the Central Abattoir are namely: Beef, Pork, and Sheep-Goat meat. In

each slaughter house, the social, cultural and religious aspects are given a special

consideration while carrying out the slaughtering as well as for the meat delivery.

39.3 Both the Unions and Management have submitted representations to create

additional levels in respect of the core functions of the Authority as well as for the

Human Resource Section and Finance Department. In view of the expansion of its

activities, the Bureau considers that the present organisation structure should be

better equipped and we are, to this end, making appropriate recommendations.

Human Resource/Senior Human Resource Officer

Recommendation 1

39.4 We recommend that incumbents in the grade of Human Resource

Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human

Resource Management or a Diploma in Human Resource Management as a

major component or an equivalent qualification should be allowed to move

incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided

that they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Slaughterman/Senior Slaughterman

formerly Slaughterman

39.5 Representations have been received that there is need for a grade at the

supervisory level to coordinate the work of the Slaughtermen. After careful

examination of the submission, it was observed that the creation of an additional

level may end up with duplication of duties. Taking into consideration the number of

employees in post in the grade of Slaughterman and the additional duties devolving

upon them, we are restyling the grade of Slaughterman and providing for an

elongated salary scale.

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Mauritius Meat Authority

Pay Review 2016 ~ 258 ~

Recommendation 2

39.6 We recommend that the grade of Slaughterman be restyled Slaughterman/

Senior Slaughterman.

39.7 We further recommend that, in future, appointment to the grade of

Slaughterman/Senior Slaughterman should be made by selection from

officers in the grade of Meat Loader/Lorry Helper reckoning five years’

experience and who have obtained at least one year training as Slaughterman

in the Abattoir.

39.8 We also recommend that the scheme of service for the grade of

Slaughterman/Senior Slaughterman formerly Slaughterman be enlarged to

include the additional duties and responsibilities.

Allowance to General Worker

39.9 General Workers posted at the Abattoir are presently paid a monthly allowance of

Rs 1000 for performing specific tasks such as sorting of animals; cleaning of

bleeding area, slaughter halls, weighing rooms, cold rooms; collection and disposal

of Abattoir wastes; and assisting the Laundry Worker as and when required. There

is still need for such tasks to be undertaken by the General Workers. The

allowance is, therefore, being maintained.

Recommendation 3

39.10 We recommend that General Workers posted at the Abattoir to perform the

above-mentioned specific duties should continue to be paid the monthly

allowance of Rs 1000.

Transport Management

39.11 Assistant Head Butchers are currently required to perform additional duties related

to transport management for different sections of the Abattoir against payment of a

monthly allowance of Rs 625. We are maintaining the allowance which is serving its


Recommendation 4

39.12 We recommend that the monthly allowance payable to the Assistant Head

Butchers for work performed over and above their normal duties in

connection with the management of the transport fleet of the MMA be

maintained at Rs 625.

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Mauritius Meat Authority

~ 259 ~ Pay Review 2016

Specific Conditions of Service for the Authority


39.13 Employees of the MMA starting work before 0600 hours on peak days are provided

breakfast. This arrangement should continue in view of the specificity of the


Recommendation 5

39.14 We recommend that the MMA should continue to provide breakfast to all

employees who start work before 0600 hours on peak days.

Attendance Bonus

39.15 An attendance bonus of Rs 60 per hour is presently paid to employees working prior

to 0600 hours to ensure timely supply of meat in good hygienic conditions, among


Recommendation 6

39.16 We recommend that the attendance bonus payable to officers in the above

mentioned grade should be revised to Rs 65 per hour:

Head of Illegal Slaughter Squad Plant Operator

Head Butcher Motor Mechanic Grade I

Assistant Head Butcher Electro Mechanic

Slaughterman/Senior Slaughterman

formerly Slaughterman

Boiler Operator


Meat Loader/Lorry Helper

General Purpose Handy Worker/

Tradesman’s Assistant

Hours of Work

39.17 In order to ease the day-to-day activities of the Authority, the Management of the

MMA has adopted variable patterns of work and modes of appointment.

Recommendation 7

39.18 We recommend that the MMA continues to apply the alternative modes of

employment as specified at Chapter 13 of Volume 1 – Employment on

Contract and Alternative Modes of Employment.

Health Surveillance

39.19 At the Abattoir of the MMA, employees have higher risk of contracting diseases due

to the specific working environment and it is necessary that a Health Surveillance

mechanism be set up for a close monitoring of these employees’ health.

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Pay Review 2016 ~ 260 ~

Recommendation 8

39.20 We recommend that the MMA should, with the assistance of the relevant

authorities, continue to ensure that an annual health risk assessment is

carried out to identify situations where employees are exposed to noxious

substances or adverse working conditions that may impair their health and

that the employees concerned are placed under a suitable Health Surveillance


Meat Loader/Lorry Helper

39.21 After reaching a certain age, Meat Loader/Lorry Helpers are not able to carry heavy

weights and make great physical effort. To this end, specific recommendations were

made in the 2013 PRB and EOAC Reports regarding the redeployment and

retirement of Meat Loader/Lorry Helpers. We share the views of Management and

Unions for its continued implementation.

Recommendation 9

39.22 We recommend that Management considers the advisability of redeploying

those Meat Loader/Lorry Helpers, who are above 55 years and whose duties

require physical fitness, in other sections where less physical effort is


39.23 We further recommend that Meat Loader/Lorry Helpers be allowed to retire

after completing 25 years’ of pensionable service. However, retirement

benefits for these employees should be governed by provisions as specified

under the Chapter 15 of Volume 1 - Retirement and Retirement Benefits -

Pension Scheme for the Public Sector.



MA 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

MA 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700

Laundry Worker

MA 3 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Stores Attendant

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Mauritius Meat Authority

~ 261 ~ Pay Review 2016


MA 4 : Rs 17330

Safety and Health Officer (Part-time)

MA 5 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

MA 6 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Gardener General Purpose Handy Worker/Tradesman’s Assistant Meat Loader/Lorry Helper Office Attendant Stockman (Personal)

MA 7 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


MA 8 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Senior Stockman (Personal)

MA 9 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Boiler Operator Plant Operator Electro-Mechanic Motor Mechanic Grade I

MA 10 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

MA 11 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525


MA 12 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Slaughterman/Senior Slaughterman formerly Slaughterman

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MA 13 : Rs 13530 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Slaughterman (Personal)

MA 14 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Driver (Meat Van)

MA 15 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator

MA 16 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Assistant Head Butcher

MA 17 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer

MA 18 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Cashier (Personal) Management Support Officer (New Grade)

MA 19 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Financial Officer formerly Assistant Financial Operations Officer

Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15)

MA 20 : Rs 18075 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Head Butcher (Goat, Pork, Cattle/Sheep)

MA 21 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Head of Illegal Slaughter Squad

MA 22 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

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MA 23 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Officer Higher Executive Officer

Procurement and Supply Officer

MA 24 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

MA 25 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Abattoir Supervisor

MA 26 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Financial Officer

MA 27 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


MA 28 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


MA 29 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Secretary

MA 30 : Rs 110000

General Manager

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Mauritius Museums Council

~ 265 ~ Pay Review 2016


40.1 Set up under the Mauritius Museums Council Act No. 3 of 2000, the Mauritius

Museums Council (MMC) operates as a body corporate under the aegis of the

Ministry of Arts and Culture. It has under its purview two National Museums, six

Specialised Museums and the Millennium Monument.

40.2 With a mission to collect, preserve and use in a sustainable manner the Mauritian

Cultural Heritage for the purpose of: developing interest and pride in; increasing

knowledge and understanding of; and promoting appreciation and respect for the

heritage throughout the Republic of Mauritius and internationally, the MMC

envisions to be a centre of excellence in the quest for and dissemination of

knowledge on the collective memory and in the preservation of the cultural and

natural heritage of the people of the country and to be a source of inspiration and


40.3 The Director-General is responsible for the execution of the policies and decisions

of the Board and for the control and Management of the day-to-day business of the

MMC. He is supported by officers in technical and general services cadres and

employees in the manual grades.

40.4 In the context of the present review exercise, both Management and Union have

submitted that the roster pattern of work for the grades of Senior Museum

Technician (Roster), Museum Technician (Roster) and Museum Attendant (Roster)

should be abolished as all the museums are not opened to the public on a 7-day

week basis. We have analysed the request and to enable the Council to meet

effectively its operational needs, we are making the appropriate provision.

40.5 We are also, in this Report, restyling the grade of Office Attendant and abolishing

some other ones which are no longer required by the organisation.

Abolition of grades

Recommendation 1

40.6 We recommend that the grades of Museum Attendant (Roster), Museum

Technician (Roster), Senior Museum Technician (Roster) and Security Guard

(Personal) be abolished.

Head Office Attendant

Office Attendant/Senior Office Attendant

formerly Office Attendant

40.7 Management has submitted that the grade of Head Office Attendant is presently

vacant and the Council no longer requires such a grade as this is impeding its

service delivery in the various Museums. Upon request, we are restyling the grade

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of Office Attendant to Office Attendant/Senior Office Attendant against abolition of

the grade of Head Office Attendant for enhanced service delivery.

Recommendation 2

40.8 We recommend that the grade of Office Attendant be restyled Office


Senior Office Attendant.

40.9 We further recommend that the grade of Head Office Attendant be abolished.



MMC 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

MMC 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

MMC 3 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Gardener/Nursery Attendant Museum Attendant

MMC 4 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21475

Office Attendant/Senior Office Attendant formerly Office Attendant

MMC 5 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

MMC 6 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Handy Worker (Skilled)

MMC 7 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525


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MMC 8 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Laboratory Attendant Salesperson

MMC 9 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator (Personal)

MMC 10 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

MMC 11 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Museum Technician

MMC 12 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

MMC 13 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Officer (Personal)

MMC 14 : Rs 20525 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Senior Museum Technician

MMC 15 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

MMC 16 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Museums Public Relations Officer

MMC 17 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Accounts Officer/Senior Accounts Officer

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MMC 18 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Principal Museum Technician

MMC 19 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Office Superintendent

MMC 20 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Conservator Curator Museum Educator

MMC 21 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Secretary

MMC 22 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450


MMC 23 : Rs 95000

Director General

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Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries, Mauritius Oceanography Institute

Shipping and Outer Islands

~ 269 ~ Pay Review 2016


41.1 The Mauritius Oceanography Institute (MOI), was established by Act No 24 of 1999.

It operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources,

Fisheries, Shipping and Outer Islands and envisions to become the centre of

excellence in oceanography in the Indian Ocean region by contributing towards the

advancement of oceanography at the national, regional and international level for

the welfare of the people of the Republic of Mauritius.

41.2 As a research organisation in the field of oceanography, the MOI aims at developing

and strengthening oceanographic research, using an integrated scientific approach,

enhancing the understanding of ocean and coastal processes, for the rational

development of marine resource, within the maritime zone of the Republic of


41.3 The structure of the MOI comprises a Director who is the head of the organisation

and is assisted by a Deputy Director for the overall management and day-to-day

administration of the Institute. Officers in the grades of Associate Research

Scientist, Research Scientist and Principal Research Scientist provide the core

services of the Institute, namely the research functions, whereas at the technical/

supportive levels, various other grades provide for the necessary back-ups.

41.4 While maintaining the existing structure and with a view to providing a career path

for serving officers, the EOAC reviewed the qualifications requirements in the

scientific cadre, upgraded same for the grade of Public Relations Officer, and

restyled some other grades to more appropriate job appellations commensurate

with the nature of the duties devolving upon the incumbents.

41.5 The Committee also made certain specific recommendations and introduced a new

allowance for the scientific and technical staff of the Institute.

41.6 In this review exercise, we are re-engineering the existing structure through the

provision of additional grades at the professional and technical levels. We are

equally maintaining the various allowances whilst revising the quantum.

IT Manager (New Grade)

41.7 Management has apprised the Bureau that, despite the gradual growth of the MOI,

Information and Communication Technology Systems and the implementation of

new software and technologies that have taken place over the past years, the

human resource structure of the MOI IT Section has remained unchanged. The IT

Section is currently manned by an IT Officer and a Systems Administrator.

41.8 In view of the further expansion in the Institute’s IT infrastructure with new projects

requiring more and more of ICT, it is proposed to reinforce the structure of the IT

Section. Considering that, as per the Ocean Economy Road Map, Marine ICT has

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been rightly figured out to be a very important component falling under the Marine

Services Cluster, we are agreeable to the above proposal and are recommending


Recommendation 1

41.9 We recommend the creation of the grade of IT Manager on the establishment

of the Mauritius Oceanography Institute. Appointment, thereto, should be

made from among holders of an MSc in Computer Science or related fields

and reckoning five years’ post qualification experience in Information

Technology and Management of projects.

41.10 The IT Manager would be the head of the Information and Communication

Technology Unit and would, among others, ensure the day to day running of the

Unit; advise management on the overall IT aspects, strategy and policy; lead the

Information Technology group and ensure the day to day functioning of the IT

Centre. He would further be responsible for the preparation and appraisal of

tenders for hardware and software; establish software and data security procedures

to protect the Oceanic Data Centre and confidentiality of information of the Institute;

implement applications for data and information Management; and identify

emerging trends to ensure that IT Systems are responsive and meet the on-going

needs of the organisation.

Documentation Officer (New Grade)

41.11 The MOI, being a scientific and research institution, has a wide collection of

scientific books, scientific journals, reports, magazines and also multimedia

collections as well as a Library Software. The volume of documents, publications

as well as electronic database and reference materials necessitate the introduction

of a proper framework and new technologies for acquisition, classification,

cataloguing and computerisation. With the aim to create a proper Documentation

Centre which would cater for the research activities of the Institute, there is need for

a grade as well as trained personnel for the set up and for running the day to day

activities of the Documentation Centre. We are, therefore, making appropriate


Recommendation 2

41.12 We recommend the creation of the grade of Documentation Officer on the

establishment of the MOI. Appointment, thereto, should be made by selection

from among holders of a Degree in Library and Information Science from a

recognised institution or an equivalent qualification and reckoning at least

four years’ experience in the related field.

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41.13 Incumbent would, inter alia, be responsible for the administration and management

of the Documentation Unit; advise the Director of the Institute on all matters,

pertaining to the Documentation Unit; select and procure scientific reference books,

publications, and other documents for the Documentation Unit; classify, catalogue

and index scientific documentation materials, publications and research reports;

liaise with scientific oganisations, both public and private, for access to research

papers; and guide and provide assistance to users in their reading and particularly

in research and reference works.

Public Relations Officer

41.14 The qualifications requirements for the grade of Public Relations Officer on the

establishment of the Mauritius Oceanography Institute has been upgraded such

that, in future, appointment thereto, should be made from among candidates

possessing a Degree in Communication Studies from a recognised institution or an

equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board. In this Report, we are

maintaining this recommendation.

Recommendation 3

41.15 We recommend that incumbents:

(i) possessing a Degree in Communication Studies or equivalent and

drawing salary less than Rs 28625 should be allowed to join the

recommended salary scale at salary point Rs 28625; and

(ii) not possessing a Degree in Communication Studies or equivalent

should, on obtention of the required qualification, be allowed to move

incrementally beyond the QB inserted in the salary scale.

Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

41.16 In view of the expansion of the activities of the MOI as well as the provisions of the

Public Procurement Office’s Act, there is need to create a grade of Procurement

and Supply Officer to be responsible for procurement duties.

Recommendation 4

41.17 We recommend the creation of the grade of Procurement and Supply Officer

on the establishment of the MOI. Appointment, thereto, should be made by

selection from among holders of a Cambridge Higher School Certificate with a

pass at Principal Level in Mathematics or Accounts and a certificate in

Purchasing and Supply Management from a recognised institution.

41.18 Incumbent would, among others, be required to organise and manage the

procurement and supply activities of the MOI; perform procurement, storekeeping

and stock control duties in accordance with existing rules and regulations; assist in

any assignment related to procurement, supply and warehousing operations; to

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receive materials and ensure that they comply with requisition orders and are in

good conditions; and be fully conversant with stores, financial regulations and

computer procedures.

Health and Safety Officer (Part-Time) (New Grade)

41.19 In line with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the expansion of the

activities of the Institute, the nature of scientific work which involves laboratory

research tasks and diving activities, Management has submitted that there is need

for a grade of Health and Safety Officer who would ensure the enforcement of

Health and Safety regulations currently in force. We are agreeable to the proposal

and recommend accordingly.

Recommendation 5

41.20 We recommend the creation of the grade of Health and Safety Officer to serve

on a Part-time basis at the Mauritius Oceanography Institute. Appointment,

thereto, should be made from among holders of a Diploma in Occupational

Health and Safety of the University of Mauritius or a Diploma in Occupational

Safety and Health Management of the University of Technology, Mauritius.

41.21 Incumbent would be required, among others, to advise on all matters relating to

safety and health; assist in the preparation, elaboration and implementation of plans

to maintain adequate safety and health measures; ensure compliance with

legislation related to occupational safety and health; audit and review any safety

and health measures and procedures to ensure occupational safety and health;

investigate any occupational accident and recommend on measures to prevent its

occurrence; and inspect all areas, assess all risks and make recommendations

thereon including provision of protective equipment.

Technical Officer (New Grade)

Laboratory Attendant (New Grade)

41.22 The laboratory of the MOI collects samples, analyses and conducts chemical,

biological, molecular-biology and biotechnological tests. With the increase in the

workload and new responsibilities as regards such activities, there is need for a

specific grade to assume such responsibility at the laboratory. We are making the

appropriate recommendation.

Recommendation 6

41.23 We recommend the creation of the grade of Technical Officer on the

establishment of the MOI. Appointment, thereto, should be made by selection

from among holders of a Diploma in Biology, Chemistry, Physics or

Engineering or an appropriate alternative qualification in the scientific fields.

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41.24 The Technical Officer would, inter alia, collect samples already analysed and keep

records thereof; sort out, prepare, assemble and operate equipment used in the

laboratory and sites of work; collect, receive, label and prepare samples of various

materials in the laboratory and on sites of work; perform any test assigned by

laboratory management and all associated work; assist in keeping inventory/audits

of laboratory items; assist in the procurement of equipment, chemicals and any

other material required; and carry out first line maintenance and the general care of

laboratory equipment so as to keep them in good working condition.

Recommendation 7

41.25 We recommend the creation of the grade of Laboratory Attendant on the

establishment of the MOI. Appointment, thereto, should be made by selection

from among holders of a pass in one science subject at the Cambridge

School Certificate or the General Certificate of Education ‘Ordinary Level’


41.26 Incumbent would report to the Technical Officer and would, among others, be

required to sort out, prepare, assemble and operate equipment used in the

laboratory and on sites of work; collect, receive, label and prepare samples of the

various materials in the laboratory and on sites of work; handle and record readings

on scales, gauges and other laboratory equipment; handle chemicals; and be

responsible for the general cleanliness of the laboratories and maintenance of the

equipment including greasing where necessary.

Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

41.27 With a view to enhancing the research capabilities of the MOI, the EOAC made

provisions for a CPD scheme for the scientific cadre to develop their research skills

and competencies.

41.28 At present, Principal Research Scientist, Research Scientist and Associate

Research Scientist the MOI are:

(i) paid an allowance of Rs 8000 annually which is cumulative over a maximum

period of three years to meet expenses towards their professional

development on presentation of documentary evidence; and

(ii) granted special leave of 10 days annually, subject to exigencies of the service,

to enable them to take advantage of professional development programmes

either locally or abroad. The special leave may be combined with other types

of leave whenever the number of days of leave required exceeds ten days.

41.29 We are maintaining the above provision.

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Recommendation 8

41.30 We recommend that the Principal Research Scientists, Research Scientists

and Associate Research Scientists on the permanent and pensionable

establishment of the MOI should continue to be paid an allowance of Rs 8000

annually and be granted special leave of ten days annually, subject to

exigencies of service, to enable them to take advantage of professional

development programmes either locally or abroad, on the same terms and

conditions, as enunciated above.

Consultancy Services

41.31 At present, the MOI staff are allowed to provide consultancy services and the net

income there from is shared between officers involved in the provision of research

and consultancy services and the MOI in the ratio of 2:1.

Recommendation 9

41.32 We recommend that the present arrangement between the MOI staff involved

in providing consultancy services and the MOI should be maintained.

Enhanced Pension Benefits to PhD holders of the MOI.

41.33 At present, staff members of the MOI holding a PhD recognised by the Institute are

granted four pensionable months of service for every three years of post-doctorate

effective service subject to a maximum of forty months.

Recommendation 10

41.34 We again recommend that the present provision for the grant of enhanced

pension benefits to PhD holders of the MOI should be maintained.

See Going Incentive

41.35 Presently scientific and technical staff who have stayed on board vessel for a period

of five consecutive days in connection with scientific operations are eligible for one

day’s rest.

Recommendation 11

41.36 We recommend that this provision be maintained as an on-going process for

the Scientific and technical staff concerned with such scientific operations.

Sea Going Allowance

41.37 Scientific and technical staff of the MOI who act as observers on board vessels in

connection with scientific operations are paid a sea going allowance of Rs 975 per

officer per day.

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Recommendation 12

41.38 We recommend that the Sea Going Allowance payable to scientific and

technical staff of the MOI who act as observers on board vessels in

connection with scientific operations be revised to Rs 1000 per officer per


Diving Allowance

41.39 We also recommend that the Diving Allowance paid to scientific and technical

staff of the MOI be maintained at Rs 660 per dive, subject to a maximum of

Rs 9800 a month. This maximum may be reviewed by the Board of the

Mauritius Oceanography Institute based on operational requirements.



MOI 1 : Rs 17700

Health and Safety Officer (Part-Time) (New Grade)

MOI 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

MOI 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

MOI 4 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Laboratory Attendant (New Grade)

MOI 5 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Front Desk Officer

MOI 6 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer

MOI 7 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

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MOI 8 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Executive Officer [Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15]

MOI 9 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Technical Assistant/Senior Technical Assistant

MOI 10 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

MOI 11 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

MOI 12 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant (New Grade)

MOI 13 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Administrative Assistant Technical Officer (New Grade)

MOI 14 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary Public Relations Officer

MOI 15 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Associate Research Scientist Documentation Officer (New Grade) IT Officer

MOI 16 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Accountant/Senior Accountant

MOI 17 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Research Scientist Systems Administrator

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Shipping and Outer Islands

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MOI 18 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 70450

IT Manager (New Grade)

MOI 19 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Principal Research Scientist

MOI 20 : Rs 92000

Deputy Director (Personal)

MOI 21 : Rs 86000 x 3000 – 92000

Deputy Director (Future Holder)

MOI 22 : Rs 119000


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Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries, Mauritius Oceanography Institute

Shipping and Outer Islands

Pay Review 2016 ~ 278 ~

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary

Education and Scientific Research Mauritius Qualifications Authority

~ 279 ~ Pay Review 2016


42.1 The Mauritius Qualifications Authority Act No 42 of 2001 has provided for the

establishment of the Mauritius Qualifications Authority (MQA) as a body corporate

which, at present operates under the purview of the Ministry of Education and

Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research, with a view to

promoting valued qualifications for employability and lifelong learning. Its mission is

to continuously enhance good practices and relevant expertise to safeguard public

interest in quality education and training.

42.2 The MQA is the guardian of the National Qualifications Framework and is

responsible for accrediting training programmes in the Technical and Vocational

Education and Training Sector (TVET).

42.3 With a view to attaining its objectives as set out in the Act, the main functions of the

MQA are, among others, to register and accredit training institutions in Mauritius;

recognise and validate competencies for purposes of certification obtained outside

the formal education and training system; recognise and evaluate qualifications,

other than those obtained in the primary, secondary and post-secondary

educational sectors, for the purpose of establishing their equivalence; keep a

database of learning accounts in Mauritius; publish an annual list of registered unit

standards, qualifications and training institutions; and advise on matters pertaining

to the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).

42.4 The National Qualifications Framework has been developed and implemented by

the Authority to promote valued qualifications for employability and lifelong learning.

42.5 At present, there are five divisions under which the operational activities of the MQA

devolve, namely: Corporate Services, Quality Assurance Services, Framework

Services, Qualification Evaluation Services, and Learner Attainment and Information

Services. The Corporate Services Division which encompasses both Administration

and Finance is under the responsibility of a Manager, Corporate Services whereas

the other Divisions are each headed by a Manager. The grade of Manager is a

polyvalent one and, therefore, incumbents are transferable to any other Division of

the MQA, except Corporate Services.

42.6 The MQA is managed by a Board and headed by a Director, who is the Chief

Executive Officer responsible for the execution of the policy of the Board and control

and management of the day-to-day administration of the MQA.

42.7 In the context of the present review exercise, the Management has apprised the

Bureau that since its inception, there has been no change in the organisational set

up of the Mauritius Qualifications Authority. In view of the present operational

exigencies of the MQA locally and internationally, re-engineering of the present

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Education and Scientific Research Mauritius Qualifications Authority

Pay Review 2016 ~ 280 ~

structure and conditions is, therefore, required to meet the new direction set for the


42.8 In this Report, we are, therefore, making provision for the creation of a few

additional grades and restyling the grade of Library Officer to a more appropriate job

appellation commensurate with the nature of duties and level of responsibilities that

would be devolving upon the incumbent.

Legal Officer (New Grade)

42.9 In view of the increasing number of legal issues usually arising at the MQA, there is

need for an officer having a legal background to assist in handling all matters having

legal implications and assist in the preparation of legislations. We are

recommending, accordingly.

Recommendation 1

42.10 We recommend the creation of the grade of Legal Officer on the

establishment of the Mauritius Qualifications Authority. Appointment thereto,

should be made from among holders of a Degree in Law and reckoning at

least two years’ post qualification experience in the legal field.

42.11 Incumbent would, among others, be required to keep a record of all legal advice

sought and received; advise on all legal issues pertaining to the functions of the

Authority; follow up on any legal dispute or litigation in which the MQA may be

involved; keep track of all legal developments in the field of Technical and

Vocational Education and Training in Mauritius; and prepare documents with

relevant persons or bodies.

Human Resource Management Officer (New Grade)

42.12 The Management has submitted that in the 2013 PRB Report, a grade of Human

Resource Officer was created but the post could not be filled in view of the fact that

the MQA felt the need to have an officer at a higher level, with experience in Human

Resource procedures prevailing in the Civil Service, and who is well versed in

Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, and could deal with complex Human

Resource issues, in general. We are providing for same.

Recommendation 2

42.13 We recommend the creation of the grade of Human Resource Management

Officer on the establishment of the Mauritius Qualifications Authority.

Appointment thereto, should be made from among holders of a Degree in

Human Resource Management or Management with specialisation in Human

Resource Management and reckoning at least three years proven post-

qualification experience in the field of Human Resource Management.

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary

Education and Scientific Research Mauritius Qualifications Authority

~ 281 ~ Pay Review 2016

42.14 Incumbent would, inter-alia, provide advice and assistance in the design and

implementation of human resource strategies, policies and practices; deal with

matters pertaining to recruitment, selection of employees, appointments,

promotions, transfer, advertisements, interviews, retirement, and review of scheme

of service; carry out training needs analysis and assist in the formulation and

implementation of Staff Training and Development Strategies; implement and

monitor a Performance Management System. He would also be required to deal

with industrial relations and disciplinary issues, employees complaints and

grievances, and represent the Authority in industrial tribunals and courts; keep

abreast of all developments and changes in the field of Employment and Industrial

Laws and advise Management on appropriate actions to be taken thereon; assist in

the establishment, implementation, monitoring and maintenance of the Quality

Management System; and assist in carrying out the Authority’s statutory objectives

and regulatory functions.

Receptionist/Telephone Operator (New Grade)

42.15 At present, the duties of Receptionist/Telephone Operator is performed by officers

in the grade of Clerk/Word Processing Operator/Receptionist on a rotational basis.

During consultations, Management informed the Bureau that this arrangement is

impeding service delivery. As such, it was requested that the grade of Receptionist/

Telephone Operator which existed at the MQA prior to the 2008 PRB Report, be

reinstated. We are providing remedial actions.

Recommendation 3

42.16 We recommend the creation of the grade of Receptionist/Telephone Operator

on the establishment of the MQA. Appointment, thereto, should be made from

among holders of a Cambridge School Certificate with credit in English

Language and French obtained on one sitting or passes in at least five

subjects with at least grade C in English Language and French on one

certificate at the General Certificate of Education “Ordinary level”.

42.17 Incumbent would, among others, be required to operate the telephone switchboard

(PABX) and the reception desk; maintain a register of all visitors and control access

to offices; ensure that calls and messages are properly noted and communicated to

officers concerned inside and outside the organisation; and perform simple clerical


42.18 We also recommend that officers in the grade of Clerk/Word Processing

Operator/Receptionist should continue to perform the receptionist duties as

per the existing arrangement within the organisation, pending the filling of the

vacancies in the grade of Receptionist/Telephone Operator.

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary

Education and Scientific Research Mauritius Qualifications Authority

Pay Review 2016 ~ 282 ~



MQA 1 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

MQA 2 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator (New Grade)

MQA 3 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator/Receptionist Clerical Officer (New Grade)

MQA 4 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

MQA 5 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Executive Officer (Personal to officer in post as at 31.12.15)

MQA 6 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

MQA 7 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Higher Executive Officer Human Resource Officer Procurement and Supply Officer

MQA 8 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

ICT Technician Information and Documentation Officer formerly Library Officer Public Relations Officer

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary

Education and Scientific Research Mauritius Qualifications Authority

~ 283 ~ Pay Review 2016


MQA 9 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician

MQA 10 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Legal Officer (New Grade)

MQA 11 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Human Resource Management Officer (New Grade) Internal Auditor

MQA 12 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Systems Administrator

MQA 13 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Accreditation Officer Administrative Officer

MQA 14 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Accountant/Senior Accountant formerly Accountant

MQA 15 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Manager Manager, Corporate Services

MQA 16 : Rs 95000

Deputy Director and Registrar (Personal)

MQA 17 : Rs 89000 x 3000 – 95000

Deputy Director and Registrar (Future Holder)

MQA 18 : Rs 110000


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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary

Education and Scientific Research Mauritius Qualifications Authority

Pay Review 2016 ~ 284 ~

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Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation Mauritius Research Council

~ 285 ~ Pay Review 2016


43.1 The Mauritius Research Council (MRC) established under Act No. 10 of 1992

operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Technology, Communication and

Innovation. It is the apex government organisation responsible for promoting

science, research, technology and innovation. With the MRC Amendment Act

2014, the Council is being called upon to take an even more prominent role in

contributing towards accelerating the socio-economic development of the country.

43.2 Over and above promoting and co-ordinating national investment in research, the

MRC has spearheaded a number of green-field projects on a national scale such as

Land Based Oceanic Industry, Marine Renewable Energy, Wheat Cultivation,

Seaweed Industry and Intellectual Property Rights.

43.3 Management has submitted that with its new mandate to drive research and

innovation, there is need to empower the MRC to become more efficient and

responsive. In this regard, the MRC has proposed the restyling of a few grades,

creation of levels, and reviewing the qualification requirements for the grade of

Technician/Driver. In view thereof, we are creating a few grades and revisiting the

scheme of service for the grade of Technician/Driver.

Accounts Officer (New Grade)

Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

43.4 At present, there is a grade of Accounts/Purchasing Officer at the MRC.

Management has reported that the said grade is no more serving its dual purpose.

Besides, procurement of the organisation has increased considerably. Given that

the post of Accounts/Purchasing Officer is vacant, the Bureau is making provision

for two distinct grades to perform duties related to accounting and procurement


Recommendation 1

43.5 We recommend the creation of a grade of Accounts Officer. Appointment

thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

Cambridge School Certificate with credit in at least five subjects including

English Language, French and Mathematics or Principles of Accounts

obtained on one certificate, and either a pass at Principal Level in Accounting

at the Cambridge Higher School Certificate or possess a Certificate of the

London Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Accounting (Level 3) formerly

Higher Stage or possess a Certificate of the London Chamber of Commerce

and Industry in Book Keeping and Accounting (Level 2) formerly Intermediate


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Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation Mauritius Research Council

Pay Review 2016 ~ 286 ~

43.6 Incumbent would be required, among others, to assist in the day-to-day running of

the Accounts Department and the supervision of its staff; control and discharge

expenditure and payments in compliance with regulations; control and collect

revenue/receipts as well as ensure the safekeeping and banking thereof;

prepare/assist in the preparation of Estimates; prepare and submit financial

statements/returns, as and when required; and prepare payroll and examine

vouchers before payments.

43.7 We also recommend the creation of a grade of Procurement and Supply

Officer. Appointment thereto, should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a Cambridge Higher School Certificate with passes at

Principal Level in Accounting or Mathematics and a Certificate in Purchasing

and Supply Management from a recognised institution or an alternative

qualification acceptable by the Council.

43.8 The Procurement and Supply Officer would be required, inter alia, to: organise and

manage the procurement and supply activities of the Council; be responsible for

procurement and supply storekeeping and stock control duties; prepare reports

on procurement activities and maintain contract agreements; carry out test

checks and report on discrepancy; keep and update store records; and receive

materials into stores and ensure that they comply with requisition orders and are

in good conditions.


43.9 Management has submitted that there is need to amend the scheme of service for

the grade of Technician/Driver to include a Trade Test Certificate in Electricity as an

alternative qualification to the NTC3/NC3 in Electrical Installation. The Bureau is

agreeable to the request and is recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 2

43.10 We recommend that the scheme of service for the grade of Technician/

Driver should be amended so that, in future, appointment to the grade be

made by selection from among candidates possessing the NTC3/NC3 in

Electrical Installation or a Trade Test Certificate in Electricity and a valid

driving licence to drive a car/van.

Safety and Health Officer (Part-Time) (New Grade)

43.11 Management has further submitted to create a grade of Safety and Health Officer

on a part-time basis to advise on all matters relating to safety and health and also to

increase awareness on health at all levels within the Council.

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Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation Mauritius Research Council

~ 287 ~ Pay Review 2016

Recommendation 3

43.12 We recommend the creation of a grade of Safety and Health Officer on a part-

time basis on the establishment of the MRC. Appointment to the grade

should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a Diploma

in Occupational Health and Safety.

43.13 Incumbent would, inter alia, be required to: advise on all matters relating to safety

and health; assist in the preparation, elaboration and implementation of plans to

maintain adequate safety and health measures; ensure compliance with legislation

related to occupational safety and health; and investigate any occupational accident

and recommend on measures to prevent its occurrence.

Consultancy Services

43.14 The MRC staff are currently allowed to provide consultancy services. Net income

from the consultancy services are distributed between the consultancy team and the

MRC. This provision is being maintained.

Recommendation 4

43.15 We recommend that the MRC staff should continue to be allowed to provide

consultancy services and the net income distribution ratio between officers

involved in the scheme for consultancy services and the MRC, should be 2:1.

Enhanced Pension Benefits for PhD Holders

43.16 PhD holders of the MRC are granted enhanced pension benefits similar to

academics holding PhD degree at the University of Mauritius. We are maintaining

the existing provisions.

Recommendation 5

43.17 We recommend that the MRC staff holding a PhD degree recognised by the

Council should continue to benefit from four pensionable months of service

every three years of post-doctoral effective service subject to a maximum of

40 months.



MRC 1 : Rs 17330

Safety and Health Officer (Part-Time) (New Grade)

MRC 2 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

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Pay Review 2016 ~ 288 ~


MRC 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver Driver/Office Attendant

MRC 4 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975


MRC 5 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Receptionist/Word Processing Operator

MRC 6 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.12)

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

MRC 7 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

MRC 8 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Executive Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.12) Research Support Officer

MRC 9 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

MRC 10 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer (New Grade) Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

MRC 11 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant

MRC 12 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

IT Technician/Senior IT Technician

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~ 289 ~ Pay Review 2016


MRC 13 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Officer Public Relations and Communication Officer Research Assistant Statistician

MRC 14 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Accountant Resource Officer

Project Monitoring Officer

MRC 15 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Systems Administrator

MRC 16 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Business Services Manager Research Officer

MRC 17 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 89000

Research Coordinator

MRC 18 : Rs 101000

Head of Finance and Administration Programme Director

MRC 19 : Rs 152000

Executive Director (Personal to holder in post as at 31.12.15)

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Ministry of Youth & Sports Mauritius Sports Council

~ 291 ~ Pay Review 2016


44.1 Established as a corporate body under the Sports Act No. 28 of 2013, the

Mauritius Sports Council (MSC) operates under the aegis of the Ministry of

Youth and Sports. Its functions are, inter alia, to: develop and improve among

the public at large the practice of sport in conjunction with the relevant sports

organisation; foster and support the provision of facilities for sports and

encourage and support persons who carry out research and studies into matters

concerning sports and physical activities.

44.2 The mission of the Council is to support the Ministry in planning, coordinating

and promoting competitive and recreational sports through financial,

administrative and services assistance to National Sports Federations and other

related Sports Bodies; thereby creating and maintaining a high sense of

professionalism in sports management and practice.

44.3 In line with its mission, the MSC organises every year several projects, namely:

National Sports Award; monthly Awards such as Nestle Milo Young Athlete of

the Month Award and Top Athlete of the Month Award; Candia Sports Medicine

Programme and Keep Fit with Yoplait Programme. As such, it envisions to be

the leading and privileged partner of all Sport Bodies.

44.4 The Sports Council is also managing 29 sports infrastructures comprising

Swimming Pools, Stadia Football Grounds and Gymnasia/Sports complexes.

44.5 At present, an officer in the grade of Sports Officer from the Ministry of Youth

and Sports has been designated as Managing Secretary and is responsible for

the control and management of the day-to-day business of the MSC. He is

supported by officers of the General Services and Manual Workers.

44.6 During consultative meeting, Management reported that the Sports Council

operates as a Unit of the Ministry and is being serviced by officers who are

either on a contractual basis or who have been seconded for duty from other

departments. It has been pointed out that, until such time the Council

consolidates its permanent establishment, the existing arrangement would be

maintained to ensure continuous delivery of services to the stakeholders.

44.7 In the context of this Review, Management proposed a new organisational

structure for the MSC consisting of different functions and grades. Proposed

schemes of service of the different grades were also submitted. The Bureau was

apprised that currently the personnel of the Council comprises mainly of manual

workers in different grades.

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Ministry of Youth & Sports Mauritius Sports Council

Pay Review 2016 ~ 292 ~

44.8 After examination, we are providing the revised salaries for existing grades on

its establishment. As regards, the salary gradings of new grades, these would

be provided on an ad hoc basis once the established procedure has been

followed and additional relevant information has been obtained.



MSC 1 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

MSC 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


MSC 3 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Field Supervisor

MSC 4 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Plumber and Pipe Fitter formerly Plumber

MSC 5 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

MSC 6 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

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Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection Mauritius Standards Bureau

~ 293 ~ Pay Review 2016


45.1 The Mauritius Standard Bureau (MSB), was established by the Standards Act of

1975 and it became a body corporate by virtue of the Mauritius Standards Act. It

operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer

Protection, with the mission to promote and provide market relevant standards,

metrology and internationally recognised conformity assessment services for the

business community, government and society at large. A major achievement of the

MSB is that it has pioneered ISO 9001 Certification in Mauritius and has certified

around 100 organisations both from the public and private sectors. The MSB has

been instrumental in propelling the quality standards in the public sector to increase

operational efficiency and effectiveness.

45.2 At the MSB, the core operations are run under the five main divisions, namely

Standards Development; Quality Assurance; Engineering; Chemical Logistics and

Metrology. Other sections/divisions responsible for the support services are the

Documentation and Information Centre, Administration, Human Resource,

Information Technology, Finance and Business Development.

45.3 The main representations from Unions for this Report were focussed on the

upgrading of certain existing posts. On the other hand, Management has requested

for the restyling of some grades and creation of levels in the Information Technology

Department and other sections as well. After a study of all the requests, we are

reinforcing the organisation structure and making appropriate provisions to enable

the MSB to meet its operational needs effectively and efficiently.

Business Development Officer

formerly Marketing Officer

Assistant Business Development Officer

formerly Marketing Assistant

45.4 In order to better attain the objectives and goals of the MSB as stipulated in the new

strategic plan, Management has made submissions to restyle the grades of

Marketing Officer and Marketing Assistant presently posted in the Business

Development Division to better reflect the core duties performed by the incumbents.

The duties and qualification requirements are, however, being maintained.

Recommendation 1

45.5 We recommend that the grades of Marketing Officer and Marketing Assistant

be restyled Business Development Officer and Assistant Business

Development Officer respectively.

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Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection Mauritius Standards Bureau

Pay Review 2016 ~ 294 ~

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

45.6 The Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a

Diploma in Human Resource Management or a Diploma with Human Resource

Management as a major component is presently allowed to move incrementally in

the master salary scale. This provision is being maintained.

Recommendation 2

45.7 We recommend that incumbents in the grade of Human Resource Officer/

Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human Resource

Management or a Diploma with Human Resource Management as a major

component or an equivalent qualification should be allowed to move

incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided

that they :

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Office Management Assistant (New Grade)

45.8 Management has submitted that there is an organisational need for the grade Office

Management Assistant at the MSB. Given that the structure in the Administration

Section needs to be further reinforced so as to provide more general and

administrative support, we are agreeable to the Management’s request.

Recommendation 3

45.9 We recommend the creation of a grade of Office Management Assistant.

Appointment thereto, should be made by selection from among officers in the

grades of Executive Officer (Personal) and Management Support Officer

reckoning four years’ service in the cadre.

45.10 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to provide administrative support in general

administration, human resource management, finance and procurement and supply;

assist in the organisation of official functions, induction and training programmes

and other activities; manage and ensure safekeeping of official records; and ensure

the keeping of proper, complete and up-to-date human resource/financial records.

Computer Support Officer (New Grade)

45.11 With the coming into operation of the E-Solution in the Standards Development Unit

of the MSB, representations have been received from Management that support

staff is required to assist the IT Officer/Systems Administrator in the day-to-day

running of the IT system. Given that the MSB is increasing its services through IT,

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a request has, therefore, been made for the creation of a grade of Computer

Support Officer. The Bureau is recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 4

45.12 We recommend the creation of a grade of Computer Support Officer.

Appointment thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing a Cambridge Higher School Certificate with at least two subjects

inclusive of Mathematics at principal level and a Certificate in Information

Technology or Computer Studies from a recognised institution.

45.13 Incumbent would, among others, be required to assist the IT Officer/Systems

Administrator in his duties; operate computer systems including running of

processes, handling of inputs, production of outputs, performing backups and

keeping records thereof; and comply to and promote applicable security standards

in relation to computer systems.

Maintenance Officer (Part-Time) (New Grade)

45.14 Submissions have been made by Management of MSB to make provision for the

employment of a Maintenance Officer on a part-time basis to lead the maintenance

section. We are making appropriate recommendations to this effect.

Recommendation 5

45.15 We recommend the creation of a grade of Maintenance Officer on part-time

basis on the establishment of the MSB. Appointment to the grade will be

made by selection from among candidates possessing a Diploma in Building

and Civil Engineering or equivalent qualifications acceptable to the Standards


45.16 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to be responsible for the maintenance and

repairs of plant, furniture and equipment (laboratory and office) as well as for the

execution and supervision of Civil Engineering works; supervise control

maintenance staff, including cleaners, gardeners; and submit regular report on

maintenance activities.

Incremental Credit

45.17 The Bureau has been informed by Management that it is mandatory for Managers

to possess the Level II of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) for which they sit for an

examination in South Africa. On completion of the courses up to Level II of NDT,

Managers performing the NDT work are granted incremental credit. We are

maintaining this provision.

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Recommendation 6

45.18 We recommend that Managers should be granted one incremental credit at

the salary point reached in their respective salary scale on completing the

courses up to Level II of Non-Destructive Testing.



MSB 1 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

MSB 2 : Rs 17330

Maintenance Officer (Part-Time) (New Grade) Safety and Health Officer (Part-Time)

MSB 3 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Attendant (Personal to employees in post as at 30.06.08)

MSB 4 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

MSB 5 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525


MSB 6 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Technical Assistant

MSB 7 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Technical Assistant (Personal to officers in post as at 30.06.03) Word Processing Operator (Personal to officers in post as at 30.06.08)

MSB 8 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 30.06.08)

Clerk/Word Processing Operator Standards Information Clerk

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MSB 9 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Computer Support Officer (New Grade)

MSB 10 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Senior Word Processing Operator

MSB 11 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

MSB 12 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15) Stores Officer (Personal)

MSB 13 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

MSB 14 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer

MSB 15 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant (New Grade)

MSB 16 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

MSB 17 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Assistant Business Development Officer formerly Marketing Assistant Standards Information Officer

Technical Officer (Personal)

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MSB 18 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Internal Auditor (Personal to holder in post as at 31.12.15)

MSB 19 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Stores and Utilities Superintendent

MSB 20 : Rs 20525 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425 QB 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Quality Officer

MSB 21 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary Business Development Officer formerly Marketing Officer

MSB 22 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Financial Manager

MSB 23 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

IT Officer/Systems Administrator

MSB 24 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Manager Standards Information Manager

MSB 25 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Head of Unit

MSB 26 : Rs 89000 x 3000 – 95000

Deputy Director

MSB 27 : Rs 110000


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Ministry of Arts and Culture Mauritius Tamil Cultural Centre Trust

~ 299 ~ Pay Review 2016


46.1 Act No. 5 of 2001 has provided for the setting up of the Mauritius Tamil Cultural

Centre Trust (MTCCT) as a body corporate. It operates under the aegis of the

Ministry of Arts and Culture.

46.2 While aiming to preserve the cultural identity and heritage through the promotion of

access to Tamil culture, the organisation envisions to make the MTCCT the cultural

centre of the region by sharing the rich and ancient Tamil cultural heritage and

promoting harmony, friendship and understanding in the Mauritian society.

46.3 With a view to attaining its main objectives as provided for in the Act, the MTCCT

provides courses in Tamil language via the internet in collaboration with the Tamil

Virtual University from India; courses in Indian classical music which are dispensed

to the general public on a part-time basis; and other part time courses like vocal

carnatic which are being run at some local outstations.

46.4 The MTCCT has so far enlisted the services of employees either on contract terms

or on part-time basis to operate the different regional centres of the Trust. At

present, the core staff on the establishment of the MTCCT comprises officers in the

grades of Administrative and Events Officer, Instructor/Performing Artist, Clerk/

Word Processing Operator, Driver/Office Attendant and Cleaner.

46.5 In the context of the present review exercise, since we have received no submission

from the MTCCT and the parent Ministry, we are maintaining the present

organisational set up which is deemed to be appropriate.



MTCCT 1 : Rs 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700


MTCCT 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

MTCCT 3 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

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MTCCT 4 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Instructor/Performing Artist

MTCCT 5 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative and Events Officer

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Mauritius Telugu Cultural Centre Trust

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47.1 The Mauritius Telugu Cultural Centre Trust (MTeCCT) has been established as a

body corporate by Act No 4 of 2001. It operates under the purview of the Ministry of

Arts and Culture for the preservation and promotion of Telugu art and culture;

promotion of the study of Telugu; collection, publication and dissemination of

information pertaining to Telugu art and culture.

47.2 The MTeCCT is also responsible for organising lectures, seminars, training,

workshops, exhibitions and any other activities which would lead to a better

understanding of Telugu art and Culture; creation of facilities for documentation and

research on Telugu art and culture; establishing useful links with organisations

engaged in similar activities locally and internationally; and undertaking any other

activity which is cognate to the achievement of the above goals and objectives.

47.3 The Trust is managed by a Board and the Director is the Chief Executive

responsible for the execution of the policy of the Board and for the control and

management of the day-to-day business of the centre. The post of Director has, so

far not been filled and officers of the parent Ministry are dealing with the

administrative function as well as the financial management of the Trust.

47.4 In the context of the present review exercise, the Bureau has neither received

submission from the Mauritius Telugu Cultural Centre Trust nor from the Ministry of

Arts and Culture. We are, therefore, providing the salary scales exclusively for

employees in post, while maintaining the present set up of the organisation.



MTeCCT 1 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

MTeCCT 2 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/ Word Processing Operator

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DPM, Ministry of Tourism and External Communications Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority

~ 303 ~ Pay Review 2016


48.1 The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA) is established under the

Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority Act 1996. It envisions to be a leading

economic agency in sustainable tourism, setting new benchmarks and pioneering

best practices with a view to sustaining economic growth as well as improving the

standard of living of the whole population. The Authority operates under the aegis of

the Ministry of Tourism and External Communications.

48.2 The main objectives of the MTPA are to, inter alia, promote Mauritius abroad as a

tourist destination by conducting advertising campaigns and participating in Tourism

Fairs; and organise, in collaboration with the local tourism industry, promotional

campaigns and activities in Mauritius and abroad; provide information to tourists on

facilities, infrastructure and services available to them in Mauritius; and conduct

research into market trends and market opportunities and disseminate such

information and other r

48.3 elevant statistical data on Mauritius.

48.4 The tourism industry remains one of the major pillars of the Mauritian economy

contributing around 8% of Gross Domestic Product and is the source of creating

around 10% of direct employment in large establishments. The Mauritius vision

2030 targets an average growth rate of 5.5% per annum as from 2017 in this sector.

Therefore, the tourism industry is called upon to play a greater role with a view to

effectively achieve this objective.

48.5 It is also mentioned in the Government Programme 2015-2019 that “The tourism

support institutions will be revamped and reorganised to be more responsive to the

needs of tourism operators. The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority will be

restructured and provided with a new legal and institutional framework adapted to a

dynamic institution with a commercial outlook”.

48.6 During consultations held in the context of this review exercise, Management has

apprised the Bureau that a restructuring exercise is presently underway at the

MTPA in line with what has been announced in the Government Programme 2015-

2019. On this basis, the MTPA is adopting a three pronged strategy as follows:

(i) Effective Communication Strategy: The promotional strategies would be

implemented through a more comprehensive and well coordinated

communication policy integrating advertising, public relations, events

creation and information technology. There is need to ensure that all

marketing and non-marketing information reflects the brand image of

Mauritius, thus differentiating it from competitive destinations;

(ii) E-Marketing: IT promotional and e-marketing tools provide a cost effective

way of distributing information with multimedia contents simultaneously to

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millions of clients over the world. It responds to the information required by

potential clients. Social media can also be used to create a lasting

relationship with customers; and

(iii) Expansion of product portfolio: Value creation can be effected through the

promotion and development of a multi-product portfolio. More educational

trips will be organised for the international trade to promote our tourism


48.7 In line with the new strategy adopted, Management explained that there is need for

the structure of the MTPA to be reviewed and to be properly staffed so as to enable

the organisation to deliver on its mandate efficiently and effectively. Evidently the

main demands relate to the creation and restyling of some grades.

48.8 We have examined all the proposals made and are, in this Report, making

appropriate recommendations for those requests that have valid justifications.

Marketing Services Manager (New Grade)

48.9 It has been mentioned in the Government Programme 2015 – 2019 that

“Government will re-establish the reputation of Mauritius as an up market

destination for the quality of its tourism product based on a brand promise of

excellent service delivery.” On this basis, Management has requested for a level to

be responsible for the promotion of Mauritius as a destination within the different

market segments in the world. We are making provision to this effect.

Recommendation 1

48.10 We recommend the creation of a grade of Marketing Services Manager.

Appointment thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing a Master’s Degree in Marketing from a recognised institution or

an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board and reckoning at least 10

years’ post qualification experience in the tourism industry.

48.11 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, initiate and co-ordinate market research

including market surveys related to niche marketing activities and vendor

relationships; promote the destination within different market segments, including

monitoring and evaluation functions, through the use of ICT; and assist in tourism

planning through the formulation of tourism development policies, marketing/

communication strategies, and preparation of short-term and long-term tourism

plans, in collaboration with tourism stakeholders.

Digital Marketing Officer (New Grade)

48.12 The fundamental concept in digital marketing is based on the inbound marketing

approach or is generally called the customer centric approach. The MTPA would be

embarking on E-Marketing in a bid to keep pace with international trends and also

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to reach a maximum of potential customers. Therefore, we are making provision for

a full fledged digital marketing structure.

Recommendation 2

48.13 We recommend the creation of a grade of Digital Marketing Officer.

Appointment thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing EITHER a Degree in Computer Science from a recognised

institution or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board and

reckoning at least five years’ post qualification experience in the field of e-

business OR a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from a recognised

institution or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board and

reckoning at least two years’ post qualification experience in the field of e-


48.14 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, be responsible for the E-Marketing plans

and assist in updating the MTPA’s catalogues and brochures; assist in the online

dissemination of information on products/services to the travel trade and

consumers; and create visibility of brands, keep up with international trends and

increase sales through electronic platforms.

Digital Marketing Executive

formerly E-Marketer

48.15 The E-Marketer is required to, inter alia, formulate e-marketing and e-commerce

strategies for the organisation, develop and maintain optimised search engine

friendly pages; create and test website promotions to increase website

conversations; create and maintain marketing initiatives such as blogs, forums etc;

and initiate, evaluate and recommend contacts with newly developed sources of


48.16 It has been submitted that there is a need to review the appellation of the grade so

as to better reflect the true nature of duties performed. We are acceding to this


Recommendation 3

48.17 We recommend that the grade of E-Marketer be restyled Digital Marketing


48.18 We also recommend that appointment to the grade of Digital Marketing

Executive formerly E-Marketer should, henceforth, be made by selection from

officers in the grade of Digital Marketing Officer reckoning at least five years’

service in a substantive capacity in the grade.

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Digital Marketing Manager (New Grade)

48.19 We are making provision for a grade to manage, redesign and improve the visibility

content of the MTPA’s website and also to ensure that the functions of digital

marketing are being properly carried out.

Recommendation 4

48.20 We recommend the creation of a grade of Digital Marketing Manager.

Appointment thereto, should be made by selection:

(a) from among candidates possessing a Master’s Degree in Computer

Science from a recognised institution or an equivalent qualification

acceptable to the Board and reckoning at least ten years’ experience in

the field of e-business; and

(b) from among officers in the grade of Digital Marketing Executive formerly

E-Marketer reckoning at least five years’ service in a substantive

capacity in the grade.

48.21 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, manage the re-design and improve the

usability, content and conversion of the MTPA’s website through real-time insights,

customer data and multivariate testing tools; develop and manage digital marketing

campaign and establishing online presence including successful initiatives such as

a series of Facebook campaigns and other brand campaigns for key markets,

resulting in high awareness, increase tourism annuals and partner satisfaction; and

devise strategies to drive online traffic to the MTPA’s website thus raising

awareness of Tourism as a tourism destination online and support the brand.

Events Officer (New Grade)

48.22 Management has also submitted that the MICE (Meetings, incentives, conferences

and exhibitions) segment would be actively promoted by the setting up of a

dedicated desk at the MTPA. In conjunction with private operators, the MTPA

would organise special promotional activities and programmes to boost this

important sector. There is, therefore, need for a dedicated grade to monitor the

promotional activities and programmes.

Recommendation 5

48.23 We recommend the creation of a grade of Events Officer. Appointment

thereto should be made by selection from among candidates possessing

EITHER a Degree in Events Management from a recognised institution or an

equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board and reckoning at least five

years’ post qualification experience in the tourism sector OR a Master’s

Degree in Events Management from a recognised institution or an equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Board and reckoning at least two years’ post

qualification experience in the tourism sector.

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48.24 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, be responsible for the organisation of

press conferences, seminars and workshops at local and international level;

manage the implementation of all events project, marketing and sponsorship,

budgeting, logistics and evaluation; ensure catering and entertainment by MTPA is

arranged properly; create events calendar, by segment, in partnership with key

industry stakeholders; and keep track of event finances including check requests,

invoicing and reporting.

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

48.25 Provision exists for officers in the grade of Human Resource Officer/Senior Human

Resource Officer who possess a Diploma in Human Resource Management to

move incrementally in the Master Salary Scale. This provision is being maintained.

Recommendation 6

48.26 We recommend that incumbents in the grade of Human Resource

Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human

Resource Management or a Diploma with Human Resource Management as a

major component from a recognised institution or an equivalent qualification

acceptable to the Board should be allowed to move incrementally in the

Master Salary Scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided that they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

48.27 In our previous Reports, provision was made to allow the organisation, in case of

difficulty, to recruit and retain high calibre professionals in specific grades with

negotiable point of entry. We are maintaining this provision.

Recommendation 7

48.28 We recommend that, in case of difficulty of recruitment and retention of high

calibre professionals in certain specific grades, incumbents may be granted a

remuneration package comprising a negotiable salary in the salary range of

respective level, along with a negotiable allowance in consideration of the


(i) skills and competencies;

(ii) international experience/exposure in the specific field;

(iii) proven track record (locally and at international level);

(iv) the remuneration package prior to joining service at the Mauritius

Tourism Promotion Authority; and

(v) alternative modes of recruitment.

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MTPA 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

MTPA 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver Driver/Office Attendant

MTPA 3 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

MTPA 4 : Rs 13270 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 24750

Driver (Roster - day and night)

MTPA 5 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525


MTPA 6 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525


MTPA 7 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27850

Assistant Tourism Information Officer

MTPA 8 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator/Receptionist

MTPA 9: Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer

MTPA 10 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

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MTPA 11 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Tourism Information Officer

MTPA 12 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Executive Officer (Personal) Procurement/Documentation Officer

MTPA 13 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

MTPA 14 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer

MTPA 15 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant

MTPA 16 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Web Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15)

MTPA 17 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

MTPA 18 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Senior Accounts Officer

MTPA 19 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Office Superintendent

MTPA 20 : Rs 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Principal Accounts Officer

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MTPA 21 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary Digital Marketing Officer (New Grade) Events Officer (New Grade) Internal Auditor

MTPA 22 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Information Technology and Research Officer

MTPA 23 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950


MTPA 24 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Digital Marketing Executive formerly E-Marketer

MTPA 25 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Finance Manager Digital Marketing Manager (New Grade) Marketing Services Manager (New Grade) Tourism Promotion Officer

MTPA 26 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Marketing Manager (Personal)

MTPA 27 : Rs 56450 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Tourism Promotion Manager

MTPA 28 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Financial Analyst (Personal)

MTPA 29 : Rs 83000 x 3000 – 89000

Deputy Director (Personal to Officer in post as at 31.12.15)

MTPA 30 : Rs 110000


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Prime Minister’s Office National Adoption Council

~ 311 ~ Pay Review 2016


49.1 The National Adoption Council (NAC), set up under the National Adoption Council

Act No. 21 of 1987, operates under the aegis of the Prime Minister’s Office. Its

main objectives are to inquire into all demands for the adoption of Mauritian citizens

by non-citizens before any application is made to the Judge in Chambers; advise on

all matters relating to those demands; and co-ordinate with overseas official

agencies engaged in the adoption and welfare of children.

49.2 The NAC operates in conformity with the Hague Convention on Protection of

Children and Cooperation in respect of inter country adoption in an attempt to put

an end to the traffic and sale of children.

49.3 At present, the Council is headed by an Office Management Executive who has

been assigned duties of Secretary. Incumbent is responsible for its day-to-day

administration and management. The grades of Clerk/Word Processing Operator

and Office Attendant on its establishment are presently vacant.

49.4 During consultations, Management has submitted that the present staffing structure

is not adequate to allow the Council deliver on its mandate in view of the increase in

demand for the adoption of children. Request has therefore, been made for the

creation of appropriate grades to enable the Council to cope with its core functions.

49.5 We are, in this Report, reinforcing the organisation structure of the NAC with the

creation of additional levels based on operational requirements with a view to

enabling the Council to better attain its objectives. We are also reviewing the mode

of appointment to the grade of Secretary and restyling it to a more appropriate job

title to reflect the duties and responsibilities devolving upon incumbent.

Psychologist (New Grade)

Recommendation 1

49.6 We recommend the creation of the grade of Psychologist. Appointment

thereto should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

degree in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology or

Clinical Psychology from a recognised institution.

49.7 Incumbent would be responsible to the NAC for providing pre-adoption and post-

adoption counselling and training to children and prospective adoptive parents, in

case of receiving state; preparation of reports on adoptable children, in case of state

of origin; providing assistance to prospective adoptive parents; performing

evaluations on prospective adoptive parents to determine their eligibility and

suitability to adopt; and assisting in post adoption services.

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Prime Minister’s Office National Adoption Council

Pay Review 2016 ~ 312 ~

Legal Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 2

49.8 We recommend the creation of a grade of Legal Officer. Appointment thereto

should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a degree in

Law from a recognised institution or an equivalent qualification acceptable to

the Board of the NAC.

49.9 Incumbent would be responsible for the provision of timely advice on adoption/legal

issues and would be required, inter alia, to: assist the NAC in doing preparatory

legal work regarding pre-adoption, adoption and post-adoption; advise the NAC on

procedures, policies, standards and guidelines on adoption; ensure that the NAC

meets its legal obligations under the Hague Convention on Protection of Children

and Cooperation in respect of intercountry adoption; assist in the drafting of reports

in line with International Conventions; and represent the NAC in the finalisation of all

adoption cases at the level of the court.

Welfare Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 3

49.10 We recommend the creation of the grade of Welfare Officer. Appointment

thereto should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

diploma in Social Work from a recognised institution.

49.11 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to: assist in the organisation of talks,

conferences and counselling sessions, effect home visits to prospective adoptive

children and their birth families, assist in the setting up of proper interface between

children, the birth families and the adoptive parents; ensure follow up on matters

related to pre-adoption, adoption and post-adoption; and assist in coordinating

action on policies, procedures, standards and guidelines on adoption.

Shorthand Writer (New Grade)

Recommendation 4

49.12 We recommend the creation of the grade of Shorthand Writer. Appointment

thereto should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

Cambridge School Certificate with credit in at least English Language and

French obtained on one certificate or passes in at least five subjects with at

least Grade C in English Language and French obtained on one certificate at

the GCE “Ordinary Level”; a Certificate in English Shorthand of 120 words a

minute and in French Shorthand of 100 words a minute from a recognised

examining body; and a Certificate in typewriting at a speed of at least 60

words a minute from a recognised institution.

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Prime Minister’s Office National Adoption Council

~ 313 ~ Pay Review 2016

49.13 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to: take down shorthand notes of debates,

proceedings and meetings both in English and French and to transcribe them; give

clerical, typing and secretarial assistance, as and when required; and perform word

processing and other basic ICT functions.

Administrative Secretary

formerly Secretary

49.14 At present, appointment to the grade of Secretary is made by selection from among

serving officers in the Public Service not below the level of Higher Executive Officer

who hold a substantive appointment in their respective grades and who reckon at

least three years’ experience in accounts, finance or secretarial duties. Incumbent is

required to manage the NAC, implement policy decisions of the Council, formulate

and maintain administrative procedures throughout the organisation and to advise

on administrative matters.

49.15 After examination, we have observed that there is a mismatch between the

qualification requirements and duties/responsibilities of the grade. In this

perspective and given new developments at the Council coupled with what obtains

in the Public Sector for similar grades, we are reviewing the qualification

requirements, duties and appellation of the grade.

Recommendation 5

49.16 We recommend that the grade of Secretary be restyled Administrative

Secretary and, in future, appointment thereto should be made by selection

from among candidates possessing a Degree in Administration or

Management or Law or Finance or Science from a recognised institution or

the Associateship or Membership of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and

Administrators, reckoning at least three years’ post qualification experience

in a responsible administrative or executive position.

49.17 Incumbent would, in addition to the existing duties, be required to: process

applications for adoption received from prospective adoptive parents and Central

Authorities abroad and to ensure that proper consents have been obtained; ensure

that proper authorisations are obtained before clearances are issued for adoptable

child to proceed abroad; and provide post adoption services and prepare post

adoption reports.

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Prime Minister’s Office National Adoption Council

Pay Review 2016 ~ 314 ~



NAC 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

NAC 2 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

NAC 3 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39595

Welfare Officer (New Grade)

NAC 4 : Rs 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Shorthand Writer (New Grade)

NAC 5 : Rs 25525x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Legal Officer (New Grade)

NAC 6 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary formerly Secretary

NAC 7 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Psychologist (New Grade)

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Ministry of Health and Quality of Life National Agency for the Treatment and Rehabilitation

of Substance Abusers

~ 315 ~ Pay Review 2016


50.1 The National Agency for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Substance Abusers

(NATReSA) operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life

and its main activities are to: coordinate and facilitate efforts at national level

towards the implementation of prevention programmes and to mobilise resources

locally and internationally for the treatment and rehabilitation of substance abusers.

50.2 The control and management of the Agency rests upon the Executive Director who

is also responsible for the execution of the policy of the Board. Under his

administrative control lies a complement of a core professionals, officers of the

General Services and supporting staff.

50.3 In the context of this Report, Management of NATReSA has made submissions for

an upgrading of salary of all the grades on its establishment, the restyling of some

to align on the Civil Service and the creation of additional ones to service the


50.4 The Bureau has analysed all the requests and considers that proposals for restyling

cannot be retained in view of the nature and scope of activities and responsibilities

and their grading implications. Concerning the creation of grades, it was explained

to Management that this depends on the functional and operational needs, and

availability of funds of the Board. It was also highlighted that grades which are

urgently required can be graded on an ad hoc basis after the appropriate

procedures have been followed. In relation to other personnel issues, the Bureau is

recommending an HR audit to be carried out to identify additional need for HR

requirements and to prompt appropriate remedial measures. At its meeting held on

15 January 2016, the Cabinet has agreed to the winding up of the Natresa Act

1996. We are providing the salary scales of the existing grades on the

establishment on a personal basis.

50.5 As regards the existing structure, no change is being brought to it.



NATRSA 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant (Personal)

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Ministry of Health and Quality of Life National Agency for the Treatment and Rehabilitation

of Substance Abusers

Pay Review 2016 ~ 316 ~


NATRSA 2 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21000

Field Worker (Personal)

NATRSA 3 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 23975

Driver/Handy Worker (Skilled) (Personal)

NATRSA 4 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x

375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Receptionist/Word Processing Operator (Personal)

NATRSA 5 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Assistant Audio-Visual and Documentation Officer (Personal)

NATRSA 6 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator (Personal)

NATRSA 7 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk (Personal) Executive Officer (Personal) Statistical Officer (Personal)

NATRSA 8 : Rs 20050 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Audio-Visual and Documentation Officer (Personal)

NATRSA 9 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary (Personal)

NATRSA 10 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer (Personal)

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Ministry of Health and Quality of Life National Agency for the Treatment and Rehabilitation

of Substance Abusers

~ 317 ~ Pay Review 2016


NATRSA 11 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Assistant Programme Officer (Personal) Documentation Officer (Personal)

NATRSA 12 : Rs 33425 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Accountant (Personal to holder of post as at 1 July 2003)

NATRSA 13 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Programme Officer (Personal) Secretary (Personal)

NATRSA 14 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Psychologist (Personal)

NATRSA 15 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Senior Programme Officer (Personal)

NATRSA 16 : Rs 95000

Executive Director (Personal)

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Ministry of Health and Quality of Life National Agency for the Treatment and Rehabilitation

of Substance Abusers

Pay Review 2016 ~ 318 ~

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Ministry of Arts and Culture National Art Gallery

~ 319 ~ Pay Review 2016


51.1 The National Art Gallery (NAG), set up as a body corporate under Act No. 11 of

1999, operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Arts and Culture. The mandate of

the Gallery is to support creativity and assist in the development of visual arts in

Mauritius. It also aims for the promotion and preservation of fine arts in all its

diverse forms.

51.2 The main objects of the NAG are to exhibit works of art from the national collection,

promote the exchange of ideas and participation in international exhibitions, and to

acquire and impart knowledge about international standards and ethics in the

conservation of works of art. Since its inception, the Gallery has set up several art

exhibitions and activities to further art appreciation and to enhance the creative

sensibility of the public.

51.3 The Gallery is presently managed by a Board and a Director is responsible for its

day-to-day management. Its staffing complement consists of officers in the technical

and supporting grades.

51.4 In the context of this Report, representations made by the staff side only have been

studied as Management did not make any submission. We consider that the

present organisation structure is appropriate to enable the Gallery to deliver on its

mandate and is, therefore, being maintained. We are, however, reinforcing the

structure of the General Services cadre through the creation of a grade of

Management Support Officer and revising the salary scales of existing grades while

maintaining the provision regarding the grant of time off.

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 1

51.5 We recommend the creation of the grade of Management Support Officer in

line with the provisions made at paragraph 24 of Volume 2 Part II of this


51.6 We further recommend that the grade of Executive Officer be made

evanescent. We have provided a personal salary to the incumbent in post.

Time Off

Recommendation 2

51.7 We recommend that officers of the National Art Gallery who are required, on a

regular basis, to put in additional hours of work, be granted equivalent time

off. However, in case officers cannot be granted time off within a period of

four months, due to the exigencies of service, incumbents should be

compensated at the normal hourly rate for the extra hours put in.

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Ministry of Arts and Culture National Art Gallery

Pay Review 2016 ~ 320 ~



NAG 1 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

NAG 2 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Telephone Operator

NAG 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

NAG 4 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

NAG 5 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

NAG 6 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Art Custodian Executive Officer (Personal)

NAG 7 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Art Curator Documentation and Liaison Officer

NAG 8 : Rs 86000


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Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development

and Family Welfare National Children’s Council

~ 321 ~ Pay Review 2016


52.1 The National Children’s Council (NCC), is a body corporate established under the

National Children’s Council Act 2003, which operates under the aegis of the Ministry

of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare. It is responsible,

among others, to protect the rights of children; promote activities for the welfare of

children in line with the Convention on the Rights of Child and ensure their

participation in matters of interest to them.

52.2 The Council collaborates with NGOs and qualified resource persons from the public

and private sector to carry out its current sessional activities viz: Childhood

Development Programme in Mahebourg Child Creativity Centre and the 22

Children’s Club located in deprived areas; daily servicing in the Child Day Care

Centre at Baie-du-Tombeau and Shelter la Colombe at Pointe aux Sable;

sensitisation programmes/talks on Child Protection and Recreation/School Child

Vacation Programmes. In so doing, the NCC caters for the welfare, development

and involvement of children and bereaved families in the routine norms of society.

52.3 The responsibility for the day-to-day business of the Council and administrative

control of all the employees rests upon the Council Secretary. He is supported in

his tasks by technical staff and officers in the General Services grades.

52.4 Management has submitted that to deliver effectively and efficiently over its

mandates, certain changes have been brought in the organisation namely the

working arrangement in the shelters has been reorganised, the duties of certain

grades have been revisited and the existing structure has been consolidated with

the creation of the grades of Cleaner, Handy Worker, Watchman, Child Caregiver

(Shelter), Cook, Attendant ex-SPI and Shelter Manager. Further, those employees,

who were recruited on contract by the NGO Kiddy Paradise to service the shelter for

women and children in distress (Shelter la Colombe) have been appointed in a

substantive capacity by the Council.

52.5 As the dispatch of services of the Council meets the expectation of its stakeholders,

no change is being brought to the organisation structure of the NCC.

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Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development

and Family Welfare National Children’s Council

Pay Review 2016 ~ 322 ~



NCC 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

NCC 2 : Rs 9050 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

Cleaner (Roster)

NCC 3 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700

Attendant (Nursery)

NCC 4 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

NCC 5 : Rs 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18825

Child Caregiver

NCC 6 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard formerly Watchman

NCC 7 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Child Caregiver (Shelter) (Shift)

NCC 8 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant Attendant, ex-Service Providing Institution (Personal)

NCC 9 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21000


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Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development

and Family Welfare National Children’s Council

~ 323 ~ Pay Review 2016


NCC 10 : Rs 13270 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950

Cook (Roster)

NCC 11 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


NCC 12 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Assistant Nursery Matron

NCC 13 : Rs 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Nursery Matron

NCC 14 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Assistant Child Programme Officer Clerk/Word Processing Operator

NCC 15 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

NCC 16 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Officer (Personal)

NCC 17 : Rs 16075 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275 QB 36200 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Child Programme Officer

NCC 18 : Rs 17050 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Shelter Manager

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Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development

and Family Welfare National Children’s Council

Pay Review 2016 ~ 324 ~


NCC 19 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


NCC 20 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 66650

Council Secretary

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Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation National Computer Board

~ 325 ~ Pay Review 2016


53.1 The National Computer Board (NCB) was set up in 1988 by the National Computer

Board Act No. 43 to foster the development and growth of information technology,

information systems and computer related services in Mauritius. It operates under

the aegis of the Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation.

53.2 The NCB envisions to be the key enabler in transforming Mauritius into a cyber

island and regional ICT hub. The core mission of the NCB is to accelerate this

transition of Mauritius and ensure the swift realisation of government’s objective to

make ICT a key pillar of the economy.

53.3 The NCB’s objectives consist in: e-powering people through the promotion of ICT

culture; e-powering businesses by promoting and developing the ICT industry; and

e-powering the public sector by participating in e-government initiatives.

53.4 In this digital era, the NCB is called upon to play a more prominent role in the

development of the ICT sector in Mauritius. Several important projects and

responsibilities have thus been entrusted to the Board namely the development of

National ICT Strategic Plan and policies; setting up and running of the Government

Online Centre (GOC); implementation of the Universal ICT Education Programme

(UIEP); Community Empowerment Programme (CEP); Computer Emergency

Response Team of Mauritius (CERT-MU); and setting up of the ICT Academy.

53.5 An Executive Director is at the apex of the organisation. He is responsible for the

execution of policies as well as control and management of the day-to-day activities

of the Board. The organisation structure also comprises the grades of Director and

Manager at strategic level, whilst IT professionals and other staff provide technical

and support services respectively.

53.6 In the last Report, the managerial hierarchy was strengthened through the creation

of a grade of Director, whilst the grade of Assistant Manager was made evanescent,

as it no longer met the functional requirements of the organisation. For this review

exercise, Management has requested, among others, for a further consolidation of

its organisational structure through a reinforcement of its finance, procurement and

supply, HR and general services departments by creating several levels. In

addition, proposals have also been made for the grant of duty exemption facilities to

certain professional grades, restyling of grades and upgrading of salaries.

53.7 After examining the proposals, we are reinforcing the structure with the creation of a

few grades at operational and professional levels to enable the organisation to

better deliver on its mandate. We are also restyling the grades of Assistant

Procurement and Supply Officer/Procurement and Supply Officer and Accounts

Officer, whilst demerging that of Business Analyst/IT Consultant/Research Officer.

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Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation National Computer Board

Pay Review 2016 ~ 326 ~

Procurement and Supply Officer Cadre

53.8 At present, there is only one merged grade of Assistant Procurement and Supply

Officer/Procurement and Supply Officer, which is responsible for carrying

procurement and supply duties. Management has submitted that the structure of

the Procurement and Supply Unit should be consolidated owing to an expansion in

the activities at the NCB and a growing budget. In this respect, request has been

made for a supervisory level to oversee the unit.

53.9 After analysis, we view that the request for a new level is fully justified. We are,

therefore, strengthening the structure with an addition level and reviewing the

appellation of the grade of Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer/Procurement

and Supply Officer to a more appropriate one in consonance with the level of duties

performed by incumbents.

Procurement and Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer

formerly Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer/

Procurement and Supply Officer

Recommendation 4

53.10 We recommend that:

(i) the grade of Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer/ Procurement

and Supply Officer should be restyled Procurement and Supply

Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer and its duties be

reviewed in line with what obtains in the Civil Service for the same


(ii) officers in the grade of Procurement and Supply Officer/Senior

Procurement and Supply Officer, formerly Assistant Procurement and

Supply Officer/Procurement and Supply Officer possessing a Diploma

in Purchasing and Supply Management or an equivalent qualification

should, on reaching their revised top salary, be allowed to move

incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point Rs 42325

provided they:

(a) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(b) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(c) are not under report.

Principal Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

53.11 We recommend the creation of the grade of Principal Procurement and Supply

Officer. Appointment, thereto, should be made by promotion, on the basis of

experience and merit of officers in the grade of Procurement and Supply

Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer, formerly Assistant

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Procurement and Supply Officer/Procurement and Supply Officer possessing

a Diploma in Purchasing and Supply Management and reckoning at least two

years’ service in a substantive capacity in the grade.

53.12 Incumbents would be required, inter alia, to oversee the Procurement and Supply

Unit; exercise overall supervision over the procurement and supply functions;

advise on procedures to be followed for procurement and stock control; and

supervise the work of subordinates.

Human Resource Management Officer (New Grade)

53.13 The Bureau has been apprised that there is an imperative need to strengthen the

HR Unit owing to an increase in the number of employees and in work complexity.

After examination, we consider that the request is justified, the moreso there is only

one grade dedicated to HR functions, namely Human Resource Officer/Senior

Human Resource Officer. We are making a recommendation to that effect.

Recommendation 5

53.14 We recommend the creation of the grade of Human Resource Management

Officer. Appointment thereto should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a degree in Human Resource Management or an

equivalent qualification and at least four years post qualification experience

in the field of Human Resource Management.

53.15 Incumbent would be called upon to, inter alia, advise on all human resource

matters; ensure that human resource policies, rules, regulations and procedures are

properly interpreted and consistently applied; provide professional human resource

services through effective administration and management of human resource

systems, procedures and policies; facilitate the implementation of the Performance

Management System; conduct training needs analysis and assist in the mounting of

appropriate training courses; develop and implement organisation design and work

processes; and act as Chairperson/Member of Committees and boards on human

resource matters.

Internal Auditor (New Grade)

53.16 The NCB has proposed the creation of a grade of Internal Auditor, further to the

recommendation of the National Audit Office and Code of Corporate Governance.

In addition, internal auditing would contribute in improving an organisation’s

governance, risk management and management controls. The Bureau is agreeable

to the proposal, the moreso this level is important in an organisation to detect and

prevent fraud, among others. We are, therefore, providing the grade of Internal


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Recommendation 6

53.17 We recommend the creation of the grade of Internal Auditor. Appointment

thereto should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

pass at the final examination required for admission to membership of one of

the following bodies: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and

Wales; The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland; The Institute of

Chartered Accountants of Ireland; The Association of Chartered Certified

Accountants; The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants; and the

Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy and reckon at least

three years’ experience in auditing.

53.18 Incumbent would be required, among others, to be responsible for the day-to-day

management of the Internal Audit System; devise, plan and monitor programmes of

checks and internal audit; and monitor the effectiveness by the internal control

systems and procedures.

IT Support Officer

IT Support Officer (Shift) (New Grade)

53.19 The Government Online Centre(GOC) is one of the key divisions of the NCB. It is

the centralised data centre providing government services on a 24/7 basis to

citizens, businesses, government officers and non-citizens. It has been submitted

that with an increase in the volume of e-transactions and number of servers,

coupled with more and more complex network infrastructure, the number of cases

requiring urgent technical interventions after normal working hours has increased


53.20 Against this background, Management views that it would be more effective to have

a dedicated grade to attend to these technical problems round the clock, thereby

delivering a prompt and better service to its customers. The Bureau subscribes to

the views of the NCB and is making an appropriate recommendation to that effect.

Recommendation 7

53.21 We recommend the creation of the grade of IT Support Officer (Shift).

Appointment, thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing a Diploma in Computer Science or Information Technology or an

equivalent qualification and who are conversant with internet and office

automation tools.

53.22 We further recommend that officers in the grade of IT Support Officer in post

as at 31 December 2015, should be given the option to join the grade of IT

Support Officer (Shift) and be granted one additional increment upon joining,

subject to the top salary of the new grade.

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53.23 Incumbents would be called upon, inter alia, to install and configure hardware and

common PC-related software; provide preventive measures and technical support,

operate computer systems; commission IT equipment, troubleshoot computer

hardware and software and develop and maintain multimedia products and


Night Duty Allowance

53.24 Generally shift workers who perform night shift are paid a night duty allowance. We

are recommending same for officers in the grade of IT Support Officer (Shift).

Recommendation 8

53.25 We recommend that IT Support Officers (Shift) who effectively work on night

shift, should be paid a Night Duty Allowance equivalent to 25% of the normal

rate per hour for the hours between 2300 hours and 0500 hours.

Business Analyst/IT Consultant/Research Officer (Personal)

Business Analyst (New Grade)

Research and Development Officer (New Grade)

53.26 At present, there is a merged grade of Business Analyst/IT Consultant/Research

Officer where incumbents perform either as Business Analyst or Research Officer.

Management has requested for a demerging of the grade into two defined grades of

Business Analyst and Research and Development Officer, as the duties performed

by an officer as Business Analyst differ from those of the Research Officer.

53.27 The Bureau normally advocates for flatter structures and merging of grades

wherever the need arises. In this particular case, it is observed that there are

marked differences in the duties of the different positions. In this perspective, we

deem it appropriate that the combined grade be demerged, as requested by

Management, into two distinct grades of Business Analyst and Research and

Development Officer. We are, therefore, making appropriate recommendations to

that effect.

Recommendation 9

53.28 We recommend:

(i) the creation of the grade of Business Analyst. Appointment thereto

should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

degree in Information and Communication Technology or Economics

and reckoning at least four years post qualification experience in the

field of ICT;

(ii) the creation of the grade of Research and Development Officer.

Appointment thereto should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a degree in IT and reckoning at least four years

post qualification experience in the field of ICT; and

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(iii) that in a first instance, incumbents in the evanescent grade of Business

Analyst/IT Consultant/Research Officer should be absorbed in the new

grades of Business Analyst or Research and Development Officer,

whichever relevant, depending on the duties performed.

53.29 Officers in the grade of Business Analyst would be required, among others, to

analyse and advise on matters pertaining to the development and promotion of the

IT industry; assist in managing IT industry projects; and conduct analysis, compile

up-to-date information on the industry and export markets; and assist in the

preparation and formulation of IT policies and strategies.

53.30 Officers in the grade of Research and Development Officer, would be required,

among others, to undertake studies and analysis in the use of ICT in the various

socio economic sectors; analyse and monitor the development of IT in Mauritius;

assist in the identification and promotion of innovative technologies; and liaise and

collaborate with stakeholders on matters relating to the development of the ICT


Accounts Officer/Senior Accounts Officer

formerly Accounts Officer

53.31 In line with representations made, the Bureau has reassessed the grade of

Accounts Officer and consequently is reviewing its appellation to a more appropriate

one, in consonance with the level of duties performed. This element has been

taken into consideration whilst arriving at the salary of the grade.

Recommendation 10

53.32 We recommend that the grade of Accounts Officer be restyled Accounts

Officer/Senior Accounts Officer.

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

Recommendation 11

53.33 We recommend that officers in the grade of Human Resource Officer/Senior

Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human Resource

Management or a Diploma with Human Resource Management as a major

component or an equivalent qualification, should be allowed to move

incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided

they :

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

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NCB 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21475

Office Attendant/Senior Office Attendant

NCB 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver Driver/Office Attendant

NCB 3 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Head Office Attendant

NCB 4 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator/Telephonist

NCB 5 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Administrative Support Assistant Help Desk Officer

NCB 6 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk

NCB 7 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

NCB 8 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Senior Administrative Support Assistant

NCB 9 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

NCB 10 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Procurement and Supply Officer/Senior Procurement and Supply Officer formerly Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer/Procurement and Supply Officer

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NCB 11 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

IT Support Officer

NCB 12 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Accounts Officer/Senior Accounts Officer formerly Accounts Officer

NCB 13 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Principal Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

NCB 14 : Rs 21000 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

IT Support Officer (Shift) (New Grade)

NCB 15 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 56450

Human Resource Management Officer (New Grade)

NCB 16 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 56450

Incident Handler

NCB 17 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 56450

Marketing Officer

NCB 18 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 56450

IT Support Specialist Internal Auditor (New Grade)

NCB 19 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Accountant/Senior Accountant formerly Accountant Administrative Secretary

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NCB 20 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Business Analyst/IT Consultant/Research Officer (Personal) Business Analyst (New Grade)

Database Administrator Information Security Analyst Information Security Consultant Network Administrator Portal Administrator Project Supervisor

Research and Development Officer (New Grade) Systems Administrator Web Developer

NCB 21 : Rs 42325 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Assistant Manager (Personal) Communication Manager Finance and Administrative Manager

NCB 22 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000


NCB 23 : Rs 83000 x 3000 – 89000


NCB 24 : Rs 110000

Executive Director

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Ministry of Arts and Culture National Heritage Fund

~ 335 ~ Pay Review 2016


54.1 The National Heritage Fund (NHF), which operates under the aegis of the Ministry

of Arts and Culture, is established by the NHF Act No 40 of 2003. The Fund is

entrusted with the prime responsibility of safeguarding, managing and promoting the

National Heritage of Mauritius. Along with protecting and preserving our National

Heritage, the NHF also aims to instill a sense of belonging and civic pride in our

cultural heritage which represent our precious legacy.

54.2 Presently, the NHF has under its supervision 177 designated National Heritage

Sites in Mauritius and Rodrigues. Two of these sites are listed as World Heritage

Sites. The NHF also manages 100 other potential National Heritage Sites and

advises on the maintenance, conservation, restoration and rehabilitation of historical

buildings and sites owned by the Government and Parastatal Institutions in addition

to privately owned ones.

54.3 Besides, the NHF also acts as the National Repository of intangible cultural

heritage. For this purpose, it has to constantly research on our intangible cultural

heritage which are then compiled in a national inventory. So far, more than 120

intangible heritage have been identified, among which there is the Traditional

Mauritian Sega. It has been inscribed on the UNESCO Representative list of

intangible cultural Heritage of Humanity in November 2014.

54.4 The NHF is headed by a Director who is assisted by an array of professional,

technical and supporting staff. In our last Report, we have restyled the grade of

Heritage Officer to Research/Heritage Officer with a view to better reflecting the

nature of duties being performed by the incumbent. Further, the structure of the

organisation was reinforced in the EOAC Report with the creation of a grade of

Documentation Officer.

54.5 In its submissions for this review exercise, Management has requested for the

creation of new levels to further strengthen the organisation structure; change in

mode of appointment and provision of enhanced conditions and benefits for its


54.6 We have carefully examined each of these representations, paying particular

attention to the factors that could possibly hinder effective service delivery as

evoked by Management during the consultative meeting. In this perspective, we are

making provision for a new grade of Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer to

better equip the NHF to deliver on its mandate and reviewing the scheme of service

of the grade of Research/Heritage Officer to provide a career path for qualified

officers serving in the organisation. In so far as the other demands are concerned,

Management was explained the reasons behind our refusal and was also advised

on the most appropriate course of action to be taken.

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Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

54.7 It has been submitted that previously all procurement and records of the NHF were

being handled by an Accounts Clerk. However, both the National Audit Office and

the ICAC have drawn attention regarding the need for segregation of the finance

and procurement functions and have consequently recommended the creation of a

specific grade to look after procurement. As the said recommendation goes in the

same direction as the present practice in the public sector, we are therefore,

agreeable to the proposal.

Recommendation 1

54.8 We recommend the creation of a grade of Assistant Procurement and Supply

Officer on the establishment of the National Heritage Fund. Appointment

thereto should be made by selection from Clerical Officers reckoning at least

four years’ service in a substantive capacity and who are conversant with

Procurement and Supply Management including basic principles in

procurement, supply and warehouse operations and any other relevant

Financial and Supplies Laws/Regulations. In the absence of qualified serving

officers, recruitment should be made from outside candidates possessing a

Higher School Certificate and reckoning at least four years’ relevant


54.9 The Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer would be required, amongst others,

to organise and manage the procurement and supply activities of the NHF; perform

procurement and supply duties, storekeeping and stock control duties in

accordance with the provisions laid down in approved rules and procedures; keep

and update stores records, prepare tender documents, receive materials into stores

and ensure that they comply with requisition orders and are in good condition,

submit return of all unserviceable stores, dormant stores and return to stores and

assist in any assignment related to procurement, supply and warehouse operations.

Scheme of Service – Research/Heritage Officer

54.10 Appointment to the grade of Research/Heritage Officer is, at present, made by

selection from candidates possessing a degree in Archaeology, History,

Architecture, Anthropology, Mauritian Studies and Sociology and reckoning at least

two years’ post qualification experience in fieldwork and research. Management has

proposed that the mode of recruitment to the grade be reviewed so that selection

be made from serving officers who hold the prescribed qualifications as the

organisation culture is already ingrained in them. However, while subscribing to

this view, we also consider that if at some point in time there are no qualified

candidates internally, this might hinder the filling of posts. Therefore, we are

making a recommendation that takes into account all the above.

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Recommendation 2

54.11 We recommend that the scheme of service of the grade of Research/Heritage

Officer be amended so that appointment thereto is made in the first instance

by selection from serving officers of the National Heritage Fund possessing a

Degree in either Archaeology, History, Architecture, Anthropology, Mauritian

Studies or Sociology and reckoning at least two years’ post qualification

experience in fieldwork and research. In the absence of qualified serving

officers, selection should be made from candidates possessing the above




NHF 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

NHF 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

NHF 3 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer (New Grade) Heritage Protection Assistant

NHF 4 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

NHF 5 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

NHF 6 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

NHF 7 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Documentation Officer Heritage Technical Officer

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NHF 8 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200 QB 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician

NHF 9 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary Research/Heritage Officer

NHF 10 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Manager, Technical Section

NHF 11 : Rs 95000


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Ministry of Business, Enterprise and Cooperatives National Institute for Co-operative Entrepreneurship

~ 339 ~ Pay Review 2016


55.1 Established as per Act No. 12 of 2005 as a body Corporate, the National Institute

for Co-operative Entrepreneurship (NICE) operates under the aegis of the Ministry

of Business, Enterprise and Cooperatives. Its objectives are to: provide facilities and

engage in research and training for the promotion and development of the

co-operative entrepreneurship; act as a centre for the consolidation and

development of the co-operative movement; and promote and develop capacity

building through entrepreneurship and business leadership.

55.2 In line with the policy of Government to consolidate a nation of Entrepreneurship,

NICE grouped its cooperative leaders and stakeholders which encompass about

960 active cooperative societies with a total membership of almost 160,000 in

Mauritius and Rodrigues. It provides free of cost in-house and outstations training

on the concept of entrepreneurship, cooperative principles and cooperative

management to unemployed women and youth so as to encourage them to form a

cooperative society and kick start a business. To deliver on its mandate, NICE

solicits the services of qualified Trainers from other organisations; conducts

examinations on the training and awards certificates on its own or jointly with other

recognised bodies.

55.3 The Director is responsible for the execution of the policy of the Council and for the

control and management of NICE. He is assisted in his duties by officers of the

General Services grades. At present, the post of Programme/Research Officer is


55.4 In the context of this Report, Management submitted that there is greater demand

for training programme in Mauritius and Rodrigues and financial transaction of the

organisation is increasing. There is, therefore, need for support at the Directorate

level to organise training programmes and the creation of the grade of Accounts

Clerk to monitor the financial and procurement and supply activities of the Institute.

55.5 After examining the scheme of service of the grade of Programme/Research

Officer, the Bureau considers that with the filling of the post, the Director would

benefit from the needed support. However for the sake of transparency and for

checks and balances of the financial procedures, we are creating the grade of

Accounts Clerk.

Accounts Clerk (New Grade)

Recommendation 1

55.6 We recommend the creation of the grade of Accounts Clerk on the

establishment of NICE. Appointment thereto should be made by selection

from among candidates possessing either a pass at “Principal Level” in

Accounting at the Cambridge Higher School Certificate or a pass in

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Accounting at the third level of the London Chamber of Commerce and

Industry or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board and reckoning

at least two years’ experience in a substantive capacity in finance/audit


55.7 Incumbents would be required, inter alia, to: ensure that all financial transactions of

NICE are properly accounted for in accordance with basic principles of financial

Management; ensure the correct financing of departmental policy with all

safeguards against waste and loss; assist in the preparation and monitoring of

estimates; prepare and examine all documents for various payments; maintain Book

of Accounts, Records and Cards; prepare Bank Reconciliation statement and

statistical and other returns; collect revenue, issue receipts and assist in daily

banking; provide assistance in the processing of audit queries related to financial

issues; deal with booking for transports and control of the maintenance of vehicles

and be in charge of the Register of Assets and to make use of Information

Technology in the performance of the duties.



NICE 1 : Rs 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

NICE 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

NICE 3 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Information Desk Operator

NICE 4 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing

NICE 5 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

NICE 6 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk (New Grade) Executive Officer (Personal)

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NICE 7 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Programme/Research Officer

NICE 8 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000


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Ministry of Arts and Culture National Library

~ 343 ~ Pay Review 2016


56.1 The National Library is mandated by the National Library Act 1996 and aims to be a

model of excellence in the provision of information services to all Mauritians and

people of the World. It operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Arts and Culture

and envisions to be the nation’s leading documentary resource pertaining to the

Republic of Mauritius and as the apex library, serving the needs of the Mauritian

people at large in research, scholarship and creativity.

56.2 The National Library is the first library in Mauritius to offer its catalogue online. The

acquisition of the Unicorn Library Management System in 2004 has made it

possible to provide the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) to facilitate

searching of the holdings of the library from any place via a terminal connected to

the internet.

56.3 The organisation structure of the National Library comprises three departments

namely, Administration, Finance and Library. The Director is responsible to the

Board and manages the day to day activities of the National Library.

56.4 In our last Report, the post of Systems Administrator was restyled to IT Officer/

Systems Administrator in the context of the digitisation of the services provided by

the National Library.

56.5 In the context of this review exercise, Management made submissions for restyling,

merging and the creation of new levels as well as aligning the present Finance

cadre with that of the Civil Service. The profiles for the new grades, as requested by

Management, were not submitted to the Bureau and, therefore, these could not be

included in this Report. Positions requested by Management would, therefore, be

graded by the Bureau whenever requested, on an ad hoc basis.

56.6 We are, in this Report, maintaining the organisation structure while restyling the

post of Administrative Assistant to a more appropriate appellation so as to better

reflect the true nature of duties performed by incumbent and also introducing the

payment of an ad hoc allowance to incumbents performing duties of collecting and

depositing keys at the Police Station.

Allowance for Library Attendant

56.7 It has been represented that the Library Attendant at the National Library is called

upon to collect/deposit keys at the Police Station. In the Civil Service, this duty is

carried out by an Office Care Attendant and the latter is compensated by an

allowance. A perusal of the Job Description Questionnaire, duly signed by the

immediate supervisor, has revealed that the Library Attendant is effectively

performing duties of collection and deposit of keys at the Police Station while the

Driver/Office Attendant performs mainly driving duties. We are, therefore, making

provision for an appropriate allowance.

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Ministry of Arts and Culture National Library

Pay Review 2016 ~ 344 ~

Recommendation 1

56.8 We recommend that a non-pensionable allowance of Rs 350 be paid to

incumbents in the Library Attendant Cadre at the National Library who have to

cover, over and above the home to office journey and back, an aggregate of

two to six kilometres daily to collect and deposit keys at the Police Station.



NL 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Library Attendant

NL 2 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21475

Senior Library Attendant

NL 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

NL 4 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975


NL 5 Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

NL 6 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Microfilm Operator

NL 7 : Rs 13530 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525 QB 26300 x 775 – 30175

Binder (Personal)

NL 8 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator Library Clerk

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Ministry of Arts and Culture National Library

~ 345 ~ Pay Review 2016


NL 9 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Senior Binder

NL 10: Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

NL 11 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer

NL 12 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Senior Library Clerk

NL 13 : Rs 20525 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Office Supervisor

NL 14 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

NL 15 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer Procurement and Supply Officer

NL 16 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Library Officer

NL 17 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Accounts Officer

NL 18 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Senior Library Officer

NL 19 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary formerly Administrative Assistant

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Ministry of Arts and Culture National Library

Pay Review 2016 ~ 346 ~


NL 20 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

IT Officer/Systems Administrator Librarian

NL 21 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


NL 22 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Senior Librarian

NL 23 : Rs 101000


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Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions National Solidarity Fund

~ 347 ~ Pay Review 2016


57.1 The National Solidarity Fund (NSF) set up as a body corporate under the National

Solidarity Fund Act 1991 subsequently amended in 2011, operates under the aegis

of the Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions with a

budget of around Rs 76 million for the year 2015. The objects of the Fund are to

provide: financial assistance to citizens of Mauritius residing in Mauritius, who may

require surgical operations which can only be performed abroad or in medical

institutions in Mauritius; financial assistance to redundant workers; and financial

assistance, with the approval of the Minister, directly to individuals who have

undergone severe personal hardship.

57.2 The Fund is administered and managed by the NSF Board in accordance with

provisions made in the NSF Act. It is presently headed by an Administrative

Secretary and support services are provided by contractual officers employed to

perform clerical duties and employees of the Financial Officer cadre from the Parent

Ministry, who are posted to the NSF on a part-time basis.

57.3 The organisation structure of the Fund is appropriate and is being maintained.

However, we are providing for a grade of Clerical Officer to assist in the daily

operations of the Fund.

Clerical Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 1

57.4 We recommend the creation of the grade of Clerical Officer in line with the

provisions made at paragraph 23 of Volume 2 Part II of this Report.

Movement in salary scale

Recommendation 2

57.5 We recommend that the Administrative Secretary possessing a degree, on

reaching the top of the salary scale, be allowed to proceed incrementally in

the master salary scale up to Rs 45375, provided that the officer has:

(i) drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) been efficient and effective in his/her performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) not been under report.

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Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions National Solidarity Fund

Pay Review 2016 ~ 348 ~



NSF 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Care Attendant

NSF 2 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer (New Grade)

NSF 3 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

NSF 4 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Officer

NSF 5 : Rs 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Administrative Secretary

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Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport National Transport Corporation

~ 349 ~ Pay Review 2016


58.1 The National Transport Corporation (NTC), established under the NTC Act No 5 of

1979 is the sole public sector bus operator. It operates under the aegis of the

Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport (Land Transport Division).

58.2 The NTC envisions to be always at the forefront in the provision of public transport

and ancillary services and is committed to provide a reliable, punctual, safe and

comfortable bus transport along its dedicated routes. It aims at providing high

quality, reliable and customer friendly transport services through an environment

friendly service.

58.3 The NTC is the largest bus fleet owner in the country with around 525 buses

operating from six depots and cover almost fully the urban region and more than

one third of the route network of the country. Though operating on commercial

basis, the NTC has a matter of national policy, to provide services on several non-

economical routes. Some 200000 commuters daily patronise the corporation

service and as a major player among all bus operators, it provides the largest social

service connecting main economic activities and far flung isolated areas at tapering

tariff. The Corporation constantly renews its bus fleet to meet the expectations of

public transport users.

58.4 The present organisation structure of the NTC comprises the following departments:

Corporate and Administration; Traffic; Engineering; Human Resource and Finance.

The executive head of the NTC is the General Manager who is supported by a

staffing complement of specialised and General Services employees. The NTC has

a manpower of 2800 employees of whom 119 are reported upon by the Pay

Research Bureau (PRB) and the remainder by the National Remuneration Board.

58.5 The present organisational structure of the NTC is enabling the Corporation to attain

its objectives. However, in the context of this review exercise, Management has

requested that the Corporate and Administrative Department which is serviced by

the Secretary/Administrative Manager and officers of the General Services needs to

be reinforced with the creation of the grade of Assistant Secretary to assist the

Secretary/Administrative Manager for the day to day Management of the

Corporation. The Staff Side has made requests for the revision of salaries of the

various grades along with alignment of certain grades with their counterparts in

other public sector organisations. We have studied the requests of all parties

concerned and we are making appropriate recommendations.

Assistant Secretary (New Grade)

Recommendation 1

58.6 We recommend the creation of a grade of Assistant Secretary on the

establishment of the National Transport Corporation. Appointment thereto

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Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport National Transport Corporation

Pay Review 2016 ~ 350 ~

should be by selection from among candidates who are a member of the

Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators or who possess a

Degree in Management or Business Administration or Legal Studies; and

reckoning at least three years’ post qualification experience in the field.

58.7 Incumbent would be, inter alia, required to assist the Secretary/Administrative

Manager for the day to day management of the Secretariat; supervise the work of

the personnel in the Secretariat including the open registry and confidential

secretary; act as Secretary to various Committees as and when required; assist in

the compilation of committee papers and tender documents and to enable

necessary follow up as regards communication and implementation of Board

decisions to other departments; assist in the drafting of contracts; and be

responsible for insurance of all NTC premises, vehicles, cash and other related


Human Resource/Senior Human Resource Officer

Recommendation 2

58.8 We recommend that incumbent in the grade of Human Resource

Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human

Resource Management or a Diploma in Human Resource Management as a

major component or an equivalent qualification should be allowed to move

incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided

that they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.



NTC 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

NTC 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

General Manager’s Personal Driver (Personal)

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Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport National Transport Corporation

~ 351 ~ Pay Review 2016


NTC 3 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Head Office Attendant

NTC 4 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Telephone Operator/Receptionist

NTC 5 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 28625

Assistant Stores Officer (Personal)

NTC 6 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator

NTC 7 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer

NTC 8 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Computer Operator

NTC 9 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

NTC 10 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Financial Operations Officer (Personal) Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer (Personal) Executive Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15) Purchasing and Supply Officer (Personal)

NTC 11 : Rs 20050 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Traffic Controller (Personal to incumbent in post as at 30.06.08)

NTC 12 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Data Entry Supervisor (Personal) Senior Computer Operator

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NTC 13 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

NTC 14 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Officer Procurement and Supply Officer

NTC 15 : Rs 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Senior Traffic Controller

NTC 16 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

NTC 17 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer Technical Officer (Electrical and Electronics)

NTC 18 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Financial Officer

NTC 19 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Industrial Relations Officer

NTC 20 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Technical and Mechanical Officer/Senior Technical and Mechanical Officer

NTC 21 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Assistant Secretary (New Grade) NTC Regional Manager Traffic Planner

NTC 22 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Systems Analyst

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~ 353 ~ Pay Review 2016


NTC 23 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Accountant Internal Auditor

NTC 24 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Retread Plant Superintendent

NTC 25 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Head IT Support Services Mechanical Engineer/Senior Mechanical Engineer (Personal)

NTC 26 : Rs 39575 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Assistant Stores Manager (Inventory Management and Administration) (Personal)

NTC 27 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Financial Controller HR Manager Secretary/Administrative Manager

NTC 28 : Rs 53200 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 83000

Chief Engineer Traffic Manager

NTC 29 : Rs 83000 x 3000 – 89000

Deputy General Manager (Personal)

NTC 30 : Rs 110000

General Manager

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Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport National Transport Corporation

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Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development National Women Entrepreneur Council

and Family Welfare

~ 355 ~ Pay Review 2016


59.1 The National Women Entrepreneur Council (NWEC), a body corporate set up under

Act No. 20 of 1999, operate under the aegis of the Ministry of Gender Equality,

Child Development and Family Welfare. It is the main organisation that provides

support and assistance to both potential and existing women entrepreneurs in

Mauritius and Rodrigues.

59.2 The NWEC acts as a driver and facilitator in empowering women entrepreneurs and

aims to be a reference for promoting entrepreneurship thereby inculcating the right

business culture for women in Mauritius and Rodrigues.

59.3 The Council also aims at ensuring effective communication between the Council

and its members; identifying actions and projects which will promote entrepreneurial

activities of women; evaluating and assessing the needs of women entrepreneurs;

establishing training programmes, aimed at improving the skills and management

aptitudes of women entrepreneurs; developing working links and affiliation with

other bodies, whether in Mauritius or abroad, having same objectives; and

examining and evaluating the contribution of women entrepreneurs to the various

sectors of development in the light of national needs and priorities.

59.4 The NWEC is managed by an Executive Committee and the Secretary is

responsible for the execution of its policy, control and management of its day-to-day


59.5 The activities of the NWEC are, at present, organised through three sections, viz,

Administration, Finance and Technical.

59.6 In this Report, we are bringing no change to the structure which has so far been

adequate to enable the organisation to deliver efficiently and effectively on its




NWEC 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

NWEC 2 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Care Attendant

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Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development National Women Entrepreneur Council

and Family Welfare

Pay Review 2016 ~ 356 ~


NWEC 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

NWEC 4 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Salesperson (Personal to holders in post as at 30.06.2008)

NWEC 5 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400


NWEC 6 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/ Higher Clerical Officer Clerk/Word Processing Operator

NWEC 7 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

NWEC 8 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Executive Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15)

NWEC 9 : Rs 16075 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Business Development Assistant

NWEC 10 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 –– 38350

Accounts Officer

NWEC 11 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Business Development Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 30.06.08)

NWEC 12 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Business Development Officer (Roster)

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Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development National Women Entrepreneur Council

and Family Welfare

~ 357 ~ Pay Review 2016


NWEC 13 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 64800


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Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development National Women Entrepreneur Council

and Family Welfare

Pay Review 2016 ~ 358 ~

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Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare National Women’s Council

~ 359 ~ Pay Review 2016


60.1 The National Women’s Council was established under the National Women’s

Council Act No 27 of 1985. It is a body corporate and operates under the aegis of

the Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare.

60.2 The objects of the National Women’s Council are to translate into actions

government policies relating to women’s empowerment and gender equality to bring

about effective change for sustainable development; ensure and promote the active

participation of women in the social, economic and political field in order to further

their overall empowerment; provide a platform for women to voice out their needs,

concerns and aspirations; and identify and recommend to the Board’s actions and

prospects that will promote the integration of women in development.

60.3 The organisation structure of the National Women’s Council comprises five

sections/units namely: Human Resource and Administrative; Finance; Women’s

Association; Dressmaking and Craft; and Project.

60.4 In our last Report, we restyled the grade of Project Coordinator to Programme

Coordinator to better reflect the nature of duties being performed. We also created

the grades of Programme Officer to provide technical services as well as the grades

of Accounts Clerk and Accounts Officer to maintain a proper accounting system.

The grade of Head, Women’s Association Unit was abolished as the service was no

longer required.

60.5 In the context of the present review exercise, Management has apprised the Bureau

that the existing organisational structure of the National Women’s Council is being

maintained until the proclamation of the New Bill. The Staff Association has been

informed of the stand of the Management to which they are agreeable.

60.6 In the given circumstances, the Bureau is agreeable to the proposal of both the

parent Ministry and Management to maintain the present organisation structure

while revising the salary scales of existing grades.

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

Recommendation 1

60.7 We recommend that incumbent in the grade of Human Resource Officer/

Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human Resource

Management or a Diploma with Human Resource Management as a major

component from a recognised institution or an equivalent qualification should

be allowed to move incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point

Rs 42325 provided that they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

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Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare National Women’s Council

Pay Review 2016 ~ 360 ~

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Family Support Officer

Supervisor, Women’s Association

Recommendation 2

60.8 We recommend that Family Support Officers and Supervisor, Women’s

Association who hold a substantive appointment in their respective grades

and who are required to perform regularly extensive field duties may be

granted loan facilities of up to 21 months’ salary at interest rate of 4% per

annum refundable in 84 monthly instalments for the purchase of a car of up to

eight years old.



NWC 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

NWC 2 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant Office/Field Assistant

NWC 3 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21475

Craft Instructor

NWC 4 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

NWC 5 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Driver (Heavy Vehicles above 5 tons)

NWC 6 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Dressmaking Teacher

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Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare National Women’s Council

~ 361 ~ Pay Review 2016


NWC 7 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 28625

Clerk, National Women’s Council (Personal)

NWC 8 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Adult Literacy Instructor/Instructress Family Support Officer

NWC 9 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

NWC 10 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Senior Dressmaking and Craft Teacher

NWC 11 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Supervisor, Women’s Association

NWC 12 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

NWC 13 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Executive Officer (Personal to incumbent in post as at 31.12.15)

NWC 14 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Programme Officer

NWC 15 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer

NWC 16 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

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Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare National Women’s Council

Pay Review 2016 ~ 362 ~


NWC 17 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Programme Coordinator

NWC 18 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 66650


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Ministry of Arts and Culture Nelson Mandela Centre for African Culture Trust Fund

~ 363 ~ Pay Review 2016


61.1 The Nelson Mandela Centre for African Culture Trust Fund (NMCACTF)

operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Arts and Culture and is managed by

a Board of Trustees. Its mission is to disseminate African and Creole culture in

all strata of the society.

61.2 At the NMCACTF a wide range of activities are organised, namely talks, debates,

workshops, cultural shows. The NMCACTF has developed the scope of its actions

and activities at national, regional and even international levels. Research and

documentation consists of an important activity at the NMCACTF and the unit

responsible for same has a collection of publications on slavery in the Indian Ocean

Islands and other related documentations. A major research project conducted by

the NMCACTF is the Genealogy Project which is of considerable interest for

Mauritians wishing to trace their slave ancestry.

61.3 The organisation structure of the NMCACTF comprises four sections: Cultural

Section; Documentation and Research Section; Administration Section; and

Finance Section. The Director heads the organisation and manages its day-to-day

activity with the support of technical, administrative and operational staff.

61.4 In the context of this review, the Management of NMCACTF made representations

for new grades and on general conditions of service. We consider that the existing

grades and levels are adequate for the NMCACTF to meet its mandate. However,

we are making provision for the grade of Receptionist/Telephonist.

Receptionist/Telephonist (New Grade)

61.5 With a view to coping with the increasing number of callers and visitors at the

NMCACTF, we are creating a grade of Receptionist/Telephonist to respond to

callers in an efficient manner, and guide and advise visitors on their needs.

Recommendation 1

61.6 We recommend the creation of a grade of Receptionist/Telephonist on the

establishment of the NMCACTF. Appointment to the grade should be made

by selection from among candidates possessing Cambridge School

Certificate with credit in English language and French obtained on one

certificate; and have fluency in English and French.

61.7 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to operate the reception counter and the

telephone switchboard; ensure that calls and messages are properly noted and

communicated; and maintain a register of visitors.

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NMCAC 1 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950

Cultural Adviser Cultural Animator

NMCAC 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 22575

Handy Worker (Semi Skilled)

NMCAC 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Handy Worker

NMCAC 4 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephonist (New Grade)

NMCAC 5 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Audio Visual/Public Address Operator

NMCAC 6 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

NMCAC 7 : Rs 21475 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200

Documentation Officer

NMCAC 8 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

NMCAC 9 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer

NMCAC 10 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Secretary's Assistant

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~ 365 ~ Pay Review 2016


NMCAC 11 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary Events Management Officer Research Officer

NMCAC 12 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Head, Documentation and Research

NMCAC 13 : Rs 86000


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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education Open University of Mauritius

and Scientific Research

~ 367 ~ Pay Review 2016


62.1 The Open University of Mauritius (OUM) was established in 2012 under the Open

University of Mauritius Act 2010. Its primary objective is to provide quality

education to people of all backgrounds from Mauritius and around the world with the

ultimate aim of developing their intellectual, moral, civic and creative capacities to

the fullest so that they can lead a life full of dignity while contributing meaningfully to

the socio-economic development of their nation.

62.2 The OUM envisions to be among the leading open universities recognised

worldwide for providing high-quality education and training. It aims at delivering

quality education to students who are unable to be physically present on campus. It

also provides flexible study options hence enabling prospective students to study

from home, work or anywhere in the world, at a time convenient to them and their

lifestyle. The University offers an array of courses ranging from Certificate to PhD

level and runs about 80 programmes. Since its inception, it has enrolled about

4000 students and is also involved in the training of employees of private and public

organisations. The OUM has also forged collaboration with prestigious foreign


62.3 The activities of the OUM are organised under various Divisions and Institutes. The

Director-General is the chief executive and academic officer of the university and is

supported by academics and non-academics. The staff mainly consists of

employees of the ex Mauritius College of the Air (MCA). The latter have integrated

the OUM following the repeal of the MCA Act. Since the University has started its

operations, several grades have been created on an ad hoc basis on its

establishment to enable the organisation to deliver on its mandate.

62.4 In the context of this Report, Management as well as staff side have requested the

Bureau to provide the necessary structure and specific conditions of service to

enable the organisation to operate as a full fledged University. It is worth

highlighting that following the meeting with Union and Management, many grades

have been created on the establishment of the OUM. For this Report, we are

further consolidating the existing structure to enable the organisation to meet its

objectives. In addition, we are providing specific incentives and conditions of

service in line with what prevail in other public universities, which we consider to be

a strong motivation for the delivery of enhanced services.

Public Relations Officer (New Grade)

62.5 Management has requested for the creation of a grade of Public Relations Officer,

among others. We consider this level as an essential one in enabling the University

to provide more efficient and effective services. We are, therefore, making

appropriate provisions to that end.

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education Open University of Mauritius

and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 368 ~

Recommendation 1

62.6 We recommend the creation of a grade of Public Relations Officer.

Appointment, thereto, should be made from among candidates possessing a

degree in English or French or Law or Communication Studies or Psychology

or in any other related fields from a recognised institution or an equivalent

qualification from a recognised institution acceptable to the Board and

reckoning at least one year experience in public relations.

62.7 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, assist in the development of public

relations strategies and ensure execution of the strategies; write texts for various

communication materials; be responsible for the management of all alumni related

activities; liaise with media for news releases and press coverage as and when

approved; and collaborate with the internal stakeholders to further the mission of the


Accountant (New Grade)

62.8 Management has informed that there is need for a professional level to assist the

Financial Controller and oversee the work of subordinates in the Finance Division.

In this context, request has been made for the provision of a grade of Accountant, to

which we are agreeable.

Recommendation 2

62.9 We recommend the creation of a grade of Accountant. Appointment, thereto,

should be made from among candidates possessing a pass at the final

examination required for admission to membership to the Institute of

Chartered Accountants of England and Wales or Institute of Chartered

Accountants of Scotland or Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland or

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants or Chartered Institute of

Management Accountants or Chartered Institute of Public Finance and

Accountancy or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board.

Candidates should also be registered with the Mauritius Institute of

Professional Accountants in accordance with Section 51 of the Financial

Reporting Act.

62.10 Incumbent would be called upon to, inter alia, assist the Financial Controller in the

management of the Finance Division of the University; exercise general supervision

over the funds; assist in the formulation of budgetary policies; monitor budgetary

expenditure and revenue; ensure compliance with reporting requirements; manage

effectively subordinates; be responsible for the preparation of the Annual Financial

Statement in accordance with Statutory requirements and with the University’s

policy,; and be responsible for the production of the Annual Budget.

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education Open University of Mauritius

and Scientific Research

~ 369 ~ Pay Review 2016

Sabbatical Leave Scheme

Recommendation 3

62.11 We recommend that the Open University of Mauritius considers the

advisability of setting up a Sabbatical Leave Scheme for its academic staff.

Consultancy Services

62.12 The OUM is committed to play a leading role in research and development and

application of learning technologies for education and training. Moreover, one of its

main functions is to provide consultancy and professional services, especially in

open and distance learning. With a view to fostering and encouraging a research

culture and consultancy works, we are providing for a distribution ratio of the net

income regarding payment in respect of the research and consultancy services


Recommendation 4

62.13 We recommend that the distribution ratio of the net income between

academics and supporting staff and the University should be:

(i) 2:1 for Research and Consultancy; and

(ii) 4:1 for short courses, seminars and workshops.

Private work for Registered Professionals

Recommendation 5

62.14 We recommend that academic staff who are registered professionals should

be allowed to exercise their profession, provided it is done outside their

working hours and is not in conflict with their work at the University.

Academic Attainment

62.15 With a view to further encourage academics in upgrading themselves in terms of

qualifications and academic attainment, we are making an appropriate


Recommendation 6

62.16 We recommend that Lecturers, Senior Lecturers and Associate Professors

holding a PhD and/or Master’s Degree and reckoning academic achievement

through published research, teaching, administrative contributions and

publications and having stayed on top of their revised salary scales for one

year should be allowed to move incrementally up to a maximum of two

increments to be read from the Master Salary Scale.

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education Open University of Mauritius

and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 370 ~

62.17 We also recommend that for implementation of paragraph 62.16, the new

salary point reached by virtue of the provisions made at paragraph 10.40 of

Volume I of this Report shall be deemed to be the new top salary.

Political Activities

62.18 In general, full-time employees of public universities are not allowed to participate in

active politics with a view to ensuring a smooth running in the operations of the

university. We consider that this provision should equally apply to staff of the Open


Recommendation 7

62.19 We recommend that full time employees of the OUM should not be allowed to

participate in active politics.

Movement for Administrative Officers

Recommendation 8

62.20 We recommend that officers in the grade of Administrative Officer who have

stayed on top of their revised salary scale for one year should be allowed to

move incrementally up to salary point Rs 62950 provided they have been

consistently efficient and effective in their performance as evidenced by their

Performance Appraisal Report during the preceding two years and have not

been adversely reported upon on ground of conduct.



OUM 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

OUM 2 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

OUM 3 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

OUM 4 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education Open University of Mauritius

and Scientific Research

~ 371 ~ Pay Review 2016


OUM 5 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Handyworker/Tradesman (Skilled)

OUM 6 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

OUM 7 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

OUM 8 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Senior Handyworker/Tradesman (Skilled)

OUM 9 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/ Word Processing Operator

OUM 10 : Rs 15450 x 300 – 15750 x 325 –17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Technician (Audio Video Production) Technician (Engineering and Technology Services)

OUM 11 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Assistant Documentation Officer

OUM 12 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

OUM 13 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Financial Operations Officer Executive Officer (Personal) Purchasing and Supply Officer (Personal)

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education Open University of Mauritius

and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 372 ~


OUM 14 : Rs 18825 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Technician (Audio Video Production) (Personal to Technician (Operations) of ex-MCA) Technician (Engineering & Technology Services) (Personal to Technician (Engineering Services) of ex-MCA)

OUM 15 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200

Computer Operations Controller (Personal)

OUM 16 : Rs 21475 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200

Documentation Officer

OUM 17 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

OUM 18 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Higher Executive Officer (Personal)

OUM 19 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant

OUM 20 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Assistant Systems Analyst Library Officer

OUM 21 : Rs 21000 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350 QB 39575 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Senior Technician (Engineering and Technology Services)

OUM 22 : Rs 21000 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Senior Technician (Audio Video Production)

OUM 23 : Rs 23975 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Senior Technician (Engineering & Technology Services) (Personal to Senior Technician (Engineering Services) of the ex-MCA Senior Technician (Audio Video Production) (Personal to Senior Technician (Operations) of ex-MCA)

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education Open University of Mauritius

and Scientific Research

~ 373 ~ Pay Review 2016


OUM 24 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Senior Documentation Officer

OUM 25 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 53200 QB 54825 x 1625 – 56450

Technical Executive (Engineering and Technology Services) Audio Video Executive

OUM 26 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Officer Public Relations Officer (New Grade)

OUM 27 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


OUM 28 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Accountant (New Grade)

OUM 29 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Academic Media Coordinator

OUM 30 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Marketing and Development Officer Systems Analyst/Senior Systems Analyst

OUM 31 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Internal Auditor/Senior Internal Auditor formerly Internal Auditor

OUM 32 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Lecturer formerly Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer Technical Officer/Senior Technical Officer (Research) (ex-Service Providing Institutions) (Personal)

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and Scientific Research

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OUM 33 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Senior Technical Executive (Engineering and Technology Services) Senior Audio Video Executive

OUM 34 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Assistant Registrar Head, Audio Video Production Head, Engineering and Technology Services Head, Library Services Senior Academic Media Coordinator

OUM 35 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Financial Controller Senior Lecturer

OUM 36 : Rs 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Deputy Registrar

OUM 37 : Rs 51575 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Principal Academic Media Coordinator

OUM 38 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000


OUM 39 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 89000

Associate Professor Director (Academic Affairs) Director (Language Institute) Director (Multimedia and ICT Services) Director (Open School) Director (Quality Assurance and Capacity Building)

OUM 40 : Rs 116000


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and Scientific Research

~ 375 ~ Pay Review 2016



MCA 1 : Rs 17330

Safety and Health Officer (Part Time) (Personal)

MCA 2 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Handy Worker/Tradesman (Skilled) (Personal)

MCA 3 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Senior Handy Worker/Tradesman (Skilled) (Personal)

MCA 4 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/ Word Processing Operator (Personal)

MCA 5 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Assistant Printing Officer (Personal)

MCA 6 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Executive Officer (Personal)

MCA 7 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200

Computer Operations Controller (Personal)

MCA 8 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Operations Officer (Personal) Higher Executive Officer (Personal) Procurement and Supply Officer (Personal)

MCA 9 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Assistant Systems Analyst (Personal)

MCA 10 : Rs 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Graphics Artist (Personal) Printing Officer (Personal)

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and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 376 ~


MCA 11 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Financial Operations Officer (Personal) Senior Procurement and Supply Officer (Personal)

MCA 12 : Rs 33425 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Principal Financial Operations Officer (Personal)

MCA 13 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Copy Editor (Personal)

MCA 14 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575 QB 53200 x 1625 – 56450

Graphics Officer (Personal)

MCA 15 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Senior Printing Officer (Personal)

MCA 16 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Systems Analyst/Senior Systems Analyst (Personal)

MCA 17 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425 QB 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Graphics Officer (Personal to officer in post as at 30.6.03)

MCA 18 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Senior Printing Officer (Personal to officer in post as at 30.06.08)

MCA 19 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Head Graphics, Publishing and Printing (Personal) Head Learning Resources Centre (Personal)

MCA 20 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 Quality Assurance Officer (Personal) Senior Lecturer (Personal)

MCA 21 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 89000

Associate Professor (Personal)

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Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources,

Fisheries Shipping and Outer Islands Outer Islands Development Corporation

~ 377 ~ Pay Review 2016


63.1 The Outer Islands Development Corporation (OIDC), is established under Act No 41

of 1982 as a corporate body responsible for the management and development of

the Islands of Agalega and St. Brandon. It operates under the aegis of the Ministry

of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Shipping, Fisheries and Outer Islands.

63.2 The objects of the OIDC are to manage and develop the Outer Islands and also

advise the Minister on the development of such activities as may lead to a more

economic exploitation of the Outer Islands; and the grant or determination of leases

over the Outer Islands on such terms and conditions as shall warrant their optimum


Outer Islands


63.3 Agalega, situated at 1000 km North of Mauritius comprises two islands namely, the

North and the South covering a total area of 2600 hectares which is mainly covered

with coconut plantations.

North Island

63.4 The North Island consists of two villages namely, village 25 and Village La Fourche.

Most of the activities of the islands are centred in village 25 such as the

Administration, Police, Primary and Secondary Schools, Health Centre, Churches,

Shops, Mauritius Telecom, Oil Mill, Meteorological Station and airstrip.

63.5 The Port Saint James (jetty) is located at village La Fourche where the main store is

situated. All vessels sailing to Agalega anchor at La Fourche where embarkation/

disembarkation exercise takes place. The National Coast Guard post and the radar

system for the surveillance of our marine zone are also located there.

South Island

63.6 Village Saint Rita is the only village of the South Island comprising one Health

Centre, Church, Police Quarters, School, Shop etc. The main activities in the South

Island are agriculture (vegetables), coconut plantation and livestock project.

St Brandon Islands

63.7 St Brandon Group of Islands constitutes 28 islets lying about 400 km to the North

East of Mauritius. The total area of the islets is about 500 acres. These islets are

spread over an area of approximately 1000 km. The Archipelago supports several

valuable fishery stocks and a diversity of marine, fauna and flora. There is no

permanent population on St. Brandon but only fishermen working on a temporary


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Fisheries Shipping and Outer Islands Outer Islands Development Corporation

Pay Review 2016 ~ 378 ~

63.8 The administration and control of the affairs of the corporation is vested in the Outer

Islands Development Board. The General Manager is the Chief Executive of the

OIDC. He is responsible for the execution of the policy of the Board and for the

control and management of the day-to-day business of the corporation.

63.9 The Resident Manager is responsible for the administration and development of the

two islands of Agalega including the maintenance of order and discipline and

promoting the welfare of the inhabitants.

63.10 The OIDC has a strength of about 200 employees based at Agalega out of the

whole population of 300. These employees are divided into different grades. Out of

the 200 employees, only a few were covered by the Bureau and the rest were

covered by a Collective Agreement signed between Management and

representatives of the employees effective from 01 July 2008. The agreement has

lapsed on 30 June 2013 and as from 01 July 2013 all the workers are covered by

the PRB.

63.11 In the context of this review exercise, the Management and Staff Side of the OIDC

have made joint representations. During consultations held at the Bureau, much

emphasis was laid on paragraphs 287-289 of the Government Programme 2015-

2019 which makes mention of several future projects for the development of the

Outer Islands. Hence, there is need for the OIDC to be properly staffed so as to

enable the organisation to deliver on its mandate efficiently and effectively.

Evidently the main demands relate to the creation and restyling of some grades. We

have examined all the proposals made and are making appropriate


Administrative Officer (New Grade)

63.12 Presently, the OIDC is administered by the General Manager and he is assisted by

the Deputy General Manager. It has been submitted that the Corporation is called

upon to face new challenges in the light of the new government’s mandate and

vision. These involve, among others, investment in new projects, searching for new

sources of finance, partnerships and collaborations with local and international


63.13 Request has been made for a level to strengthen the Administration Department

and at the same time provide appropriate administrative and leadership support to

the organisation, to which we are agreeable.

Recommendation 1

63.14 We recommend the creation of a grade of Administrative Officer.

Appointment thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing a Degree in Management or Administration from a recognised

institution or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board and

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~ 379 ~ Pay Review 2016

reckoning at least four years’ post qualification experience in administration

and management.

63.15 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to be in charge of the administration

division of the OIDC and be responsible for its day-to-day management; be

responsible for the formulation and implementation of manpower planning and

development and training schemes; formulate and direct the implementation of

plans and policies relating to industrial relations, discipline, health and safety and

staff welfare; and act as Secretary to the sub-committees.

Coordinator, Social Work (New Grade)

63.16 It has been submitted that, following the social developments in recent years, the

standard of living of Agaleans has increased with the introduction of monetary use.

However, this has also brought some forms of social malpractices in relation to

excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks, increased reported cases of domestic

violence, among others.

63.17 Management has represented that, given the specificity of the Outer Islands, their

location and the complex nature of cases in the social arena coupled with the fact

that activities in the field of social work has increased considerably over the years,

there is a pressing need for a level to monitor the prevailing situation and assist

Management towards upgrading the quality of life in the Outer Islands. We

subscribe to this and are, therefore, making appropriate recommendation.

Recommendation 2

63.18 We recommend the creation of a grade of Coordinator, Social Work.

Appointment thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing a Degree in Psychology or Sociology or Social Work from a

recognised institution or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board

and reckoning at least four years’ experience in the field of social work.

63.19 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to plan, supervise, co-ordinate and monitor

the work of social workers; be responsible for the organisation, co-ordination of

informative training and recreational activities for the inhabitants of the Outer

Islands; work in collaboration with relevant stakeholders for the implementation of

welfare programmes in the Outer Islands; follow up and monitor hardship cases

which need special attention and making use of referrals techniques; organise

awareness campaigns and Information, Education and Communication (IEC)

programmes for inhabitants of the Outer Islands; and investigate into cases of

abuse and/or violence against women, children and in the family and take

appropriate remedial action.

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Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

63.20 The main store is situated at La Fourche Village. It is a central store used to

warehouse all the goods received from Mauritius. Goods for sales are issued to the

two shops on the islands while those not for sales such as spare parts, building

materials, among others, are kept in the main store.

63.21 Provision of cargo comprising mainly shop goods, building materials, tools, spare

parts and fuel amounting to around Rs 6-7 million per shipment is undertaken

during the months of February, June, August and November by Vessel “M/S

Trochetia” to service Agalega on a timely basis to ensure that the inhabitants are

not deprived of any essential commodity to sustain their living on the islands. The

chartering fees for the shipment of cargo to/from Agalega by Vessel “M/S Trochetia”

amounts to around Rs 10-11 million per trip.

63.22 Management has represented that the lack of qualified personnel in Agalega for the

stores section is impeding the proper monitoring and control over the key functions

of receiving, checking, recording and issuing of goods to users. This shortcoming

has also been reported by the Audit Department.

63.23 With the increase in the number of trips to Agalega and in view of the high financial

implications of each trip, it has been submitted that the stores section should be

manned by qualified personnel to ensure that its activities are carried out efficiently

and effectively. We are agreeable to the request and recommend accordingly.

Recommendation 3

63.24 We recommend the creation of a grade of Procurement and Supply Officer.

Appointment thereto, should be made by promotion, on the basis of

experience and merit, from officers in the grade of Assistant Procurement and

Supply Officer who reckon at least two years’ service in a substantive

capacity in the grade.

63.25 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to be responsible for the preparation of

requisitions in consultation with the Resident Manager; organise and manage

procurement and supply activities; be responsible for the maintenance of proper

system of control over procurement, supply, warehousing and stock control

operations; and ensure that all adequate safeguards against the risks of fire, theft,

deterioration and damage exist and that all items are stored in good condition.

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

Recommendation 4

63.26 We recommend that incumbents in the grade of Human Resource

Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human

Resource Management or a Diploma with Human Resource Management as a

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~ 381 ~ Pay Review 2016

major component from a recognised institution or an equivalent qualification

acceptable to the Board should be allowed to move incrementally in the

Master Salary Scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided that they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Resident Manager

63.27 The Resident Manager is responsible for the administration and development of the

two islands of Agalega including the maintenance of order and discipline and

promoting the welfare of the inhabitants.

63.28 In the previous Report, recommendation was made to provide the Resident

Manager with appropriate means of commutation since incumbent has no fixed

hours of work and is expected to be available at all times in the performance of his

duties. Considering the topography of the Island and the nature of duties

performed, we are maintaining this provision.

Recommendation 5

63.29 We recommend that the Resident Manager should continue to be provided

with appropriate means of commutation for both official and private purposes.

Inducement Allowance

63.30 An inducement allowance equivalent to 60% of monthly salary is presently being

paid to Mauritian Officers posted to Agalega Islands on a contract basis. We are

maintaining the allowance.

Recommendation 6

63.31 We recommend that an inducement allowance equivalent to 60% of the

monthly salary should be paid to officers on contract employment posted to

Agalega Islands.

63.32 We also recommend that the monthly inducement allowance payable to these

officers be pro-rated with respect to the duration of their stay in these islands.

Disturbance Allowance

63.33 Officers domiciled in Mauritius are also required to serve in Agalega and St.

Brandon on a tour of service which varies from four to six months. These officers

are presently being paid a monthly disturbance allowance of 60% of their gross

salary. We are maintaining the allowance.

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Recommendation 7

63.34 We recommend that a monthly disturbance allowance equivalent to 60% of

gross salary (basic salary plus salary compensation at approved rates)

should be paid to officers on a tour of service in Agalega and St. Brandon.

63.35 We also recommend that the monthly disturbance allowance payable to these

officers be pro-rated with respect to the duration of their stay in these islands.



OIC 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

OIC 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Caretaker Childcare Assistant Facilitator Pre-Primary formerly Preschool Assistant Handy Worker Office Assistant

OIC 3 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18825

Shop Assistant Tradesman’s Assistant

OIC 4 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

OIC 5 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 22575


OIC 6 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver Driver/Office Attendant Shopkeeper

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Fisheries Shipping and Outer Islands Outer Islands Development Corporation

~ 383 ~ Pay Review 2016


OIC 7 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Field Supervisor

OIC 8 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975


OIC 9 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Head Office Attendant

OIC 10 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Telephone Operator/Receptionist

OIC 11 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Driver (Heavy Mechanical Unit)

OIC 12 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 26300

Support Officer

OIC 13 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Clerk Assistant

OIC 14 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 28625

Assistant Stores Officer (Personal) Store/Indent Officer

OIC 15 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Purchasing and Marketing Assistant

OIC 16 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk (Personal) Clerk/Word Processing Operator

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OIC 17 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175


OIC 18 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Data Records Officer

OIC 19 : Rs 15450 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Maintenance Technician

OIC 20 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Works Officer

OIC 21 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Public Relations Officer

OIC 22 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Accounts Officer Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Assistant Agricultural Development Officer formerly Field Supervisor

OIC 23 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Office Coordinator

OIC 24 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Social Worker

OIC 25 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

OIC 26 : Rs 21000 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Senior Maintenance Technician

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OIC 27 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

OIC 28 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

OIC 29 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Administrative Assistant Fisheries Officer Safety and Health Officer/ Welfare Officer

OIC 30 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Accounts Officer/Senior Accounts Officer Purchasing and Marketing Officer/Senior Purchasing and Marketing Officer

OIC 31 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Assistant Resident Manager

OIC 32 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Agricultural Development Officer

OIC 33 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Development Officer Administrative Officer (New Grade) Coordinator, Social Work (New Grade)

OIC 34 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Accountant/Senior Accountant Administrative Manager (Personal) Internal Auditor/Senior Internal Auditor

OIC 35 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Engineer/Senior Engineer

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OIC 36 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Resident Manager

OIC 37 : Rs 53200 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Deputy General Manager

OIC 38 : Rs 101000

General Manager

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Private Secondary Schools Authority

Education and Scientific Research

~ 387 ~ Pay Review 2016


64.1 The Private Secondary Schools Authority, a body corporate established under the

Private Secondary Schools Authority (PSSA) Act No 20 of 1976, operates under the

aegis of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and

Scientific Research. Its main responsibilities are, inter alia, the registration of

private secondary schools along with their respective Managers, Rectors as well as

the teaching and non-teaching staff, and the payment of grants properly accruing to

schools. The PSSA also ensures that the terms and conditions of staff in the

Private Secondary Schools are in conformity with existing regulations.

64.2 The aim of PSSA is to ensure that education is imparted in an environment

conducive to effective learning and as at date, 111 private secondary schools are

registered with the PSSA.

64.3 The organisation structure of the PSSA comprises different sections, namely,

Administration, Finance, Stores, Information Technology and Registration. The

PSSA is managed by a Board. It is headed by a Director, who is responsible for the

execution of the policy of the Authority and the control and management of its day-

to-day business, and is staffed by employees belonging to the professional,

technical and workmen’s cadres.

64.4 In the context of its Programme 2015-2019 - Achieving Meaningful Change,

Government will review the legal and institutional framework of the management

and operation of Private Secondary Schools and revisit the role and function of the

PSSA. In this respect and to be in line with the vision of Government, the PSSA is

proposing a new organisation structure to respond to the new changes in this sector

and meet the needs and expectations of all stakeholders.

64.5 The Management of the PSSA proposes to adopt a phased approach in the

implementation of the proposed organisational structure by creating sections

namely: Human Resource Management Development (HRMD) Section; Project

Implementation and Monitoring (PIM) Section and Communication and PR Unit with

appropriate grade/staff complement. Request has been made for the provision of

several grades including IT Technician on the establishment of the Authority. The

Representatives of the Ministry of Education, Human Resources, Tertiary Education

and Scientific Research have, during the management meeting, informed that the

Ministry concurs with the proposals of the Management of the PSSA. The staff

side, on the other hand, have requested for alignment of the Finance, Human

Resource and Procurement cadres along similar lines as in the civil service together

with the inclusion of the grades of Office Management Assistant and Management

Support Officer in the Report.

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Pay Review 2016 ~ 388 ~

64.6 The Bureau has analysed the submissions of parties concerned and considers that

the organisation structure which dates back to 1976 no longer serves its purpose

due to the new exigencies in the education sector. We view that the redesign of the

organisation structure is imperative to enable the Authority to meet its current and

future operational requirements as well as to attain the objectives set by the


Human Resource Management and Development Section

64.7 The PSSA currently caters for some 120 staff members as well as 5088 teaching

staff and 2170 non teaching staff of Private Secondary Schools. With this staff

strength, the organisation needs an innovative structure for HR delivery and that as

a strategic partner to drive organisational efficiency. With a view to ensuring that,

amongst others, recruitment and appointment of teaching and non-teaching staff;

determination of staff entitlement, approval of applications for Head of

Department/Section Leaders and managing other HR issues of staff of grant aided

Private Secondary Schools and the PSSA, are dealt with in a professional, efficient

and effective manner, we are providing for a two-level structure to service the

Human Resource Management and Development Section.

Human Resource Management Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 1

64.8 We recommend the creation of a grade of Human Resource Management

Officer on the establishment of the Private Secondary Schools Authority.

Appointment thereto should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing a Degree in Human Resource Management from a recognised

institution and reckoning at least two years’ post qualification experience in

the field.

64.9 The Human Resource Management Officer would be, inter alia, required to: assist

in the implementation of human resource strategies, policies and practices; provide

support in making the most effective use of human resources so as to achieve the

PSSA’s corporate goals and objectives; ensure that Human Resource policies,

rules, regulations and procedures are properly interpreted and consistently applied

so that all employees are treated fairly and equitably; deal with matters relating to

recruitment and selection of employees, including appointment, promotion,

retirement, training, discipline etc.; and draft schemes of service and revising

existing ones to meet organisational needs.

Human Resource Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 2

64.10 We recommend the creation of a grade of Human Resource Officer on the

establishment of the Private Secondary Schools Authority. Appointment

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thereto should be made by selection from among candidates holding a

Diploma in Human Resource Management from a recognised Institution.

64.11 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to provide advice in accordance with

standing rules and regulations on matters relating to the management of human

resources; assist in the implementation of human resource policies so that all

officers are treated fairly and equitably; review staffing requirements in terms of

number of staff and skill levels through regular manpower assessments; assist on

the determination of human resource needs in terms of number and levels of

responsibility through proper planning and forecasting and to prepare budget

proposals; draft and process Schemes of Service; assist in the identification of

training needs and in mounting appropriate training courses; maintain an up-to-date

Human Resource Management Information System; and promote good employee

relations and staff welfare.

Project Implementation and Monitoring Section

64.12 With a view to ensuring that the overall implementation, management and

coordination of educational and other projects are effected properly, we are

providing for a grade of Project Coordinating Officer to service the Project

Implementation and Monitoring Section.

Project Coordinating Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 3

64.13 We recommend the creation of a grade of Project Coordinating Officer on the

establishment of the Private Secondary Schools Authority. Appointment

thereto should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

degree in Management from a recognised Institution.

64.14 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to: be responsible for the effective overall

implementation, management and coordination of educational and other projects;

be the focal point between Manager/Rector of Private Secondary Schools, PSSA

and other appropriate organisations regarding project implementation; advise

Managers/Rectors of Private Secondary Schools on all aspects regarding projects

and provide information as necessary; work with respective Ministries/Departments

for implementation of national and sector-specific policies, strategies, practices and

other Reports/Documents; report on bottlenecks and constraints in implementation

of project/programme and recommend remedial actions; and monitor the

performance of schools.

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Communication and PR Unit

64.15 The Communication and PR Unit will have a crucial role in dealing with matters

pertaining to students. It will cater for the provision of appropriate advice and

assistance to parents and the public along with dealing with complaints and queries;

professional guidance, counselling and psychological support to students; and

assistance to students requiring special attention. Management has submitted that

the unit be staffed with new grades of Public Relations Officer, Educational

Psychologist and Educational Social Worker which we are providing.

Public Relations Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 4

64.16 We recommend the creation of a grade of Public Relations Officer on the

establishment of the Private Secondary Schools Authority. Appointment

thereto should be made by selection from among candidates holding a

Diploma in Communication from a recognised institution and reckoning at

least five years’ experience in public relations/communication.

64.17 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to: communicate with all stakeholders

including the general public, potential and existing students of Private Secondary

Schools and with other institutions on a variety of educational issues; be

responsible for all media matters; prepare public relations materials; develop the

Authority’s public profile; and assist in the organisation of seminars and workshops;

implement and coordinate educational projects.

Educational Psychologist (New Grade)

Recommendation 5

64.18 We recommend the creation of a grade of Educational Psychologist on the

establishment of the Private Secondary Schools Authority Appointment

thereto should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

Degree in Psychology from a recognised Institution.

64.19 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to give psychological advice to educators of

private secondary schools; conduct in-service courses for private secondary

schools staff after school hours and during school holidays in collaboration with

Educational Social Workers; advise parents by way of visits, talks, pamphlets,

booklets, guidelines; support, organise and co-ordinate remedial and special

education programmes in schools; promote mental health programmes at school

and counselling at secondary levels; help in the elaboration of psycho-pedagogical

tools; collect and update data; and ensure upkeep of record on relevant cases.

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Educational Social Worker (New Grade)

Recommendation 6

64.20 We recommend the creation of a grade of Educational Social Worker on the

establishment of the Private Secondary Schools Authority. Appointment

thereto should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

Diploma in Social Work from a recognised institution.

64.21 Incumbent will be required, inter alia, to assist, support and collaborate with

Educational Psychologist in day-to-day activities and deal with minor recurrent

issues; liaise with the school, the community, and Educational Psychologists to

identify cases of children needing special attention; establish link between home,

school and community or other relevant institutions in respect of children suffering

from social, emotional and behavioural problems; visit students’ families and

provide practical assistance; provide group/individual counselling in school

premises; and work in collaboration with heads of schools to address problems of

school violence, absenteeism and drop outs.

IT Technician (New Grade)

64.22 With the growing usage of Information Technologies (IT) in schools, the grade of IT

Technician was created for Private Secondary Schools. The representatives of

PSSA and the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and

Scientific Research (MOE, HR, TE and SR) have informed that the implementation

of the recommendation made in the 2013 PRB Report calls for rationalisation as in

the Civil Service there is a pool of 10 IT Technicians serving some 62 State

Secondary Schools and 215 primary schools. Request has, therefore, been made

that a pool of IT Technician be recruited on the establishment of PSSA to service

both the Authority and Private Secondary Schools along with the abolition of the

grade of Computer Officer. With a view to ensuring optimum use of human

resources the Bureau concurs with the proposal of both the PSSA and MOE, HR,

TE and SR and is making appropriate recommendation.

Recommendation 7

64.23 We recommend the creation of a grade of IT Technician on the establishment

of the Private Secondary School Authority. Appointment thereto, should be

made by selection from among candidates possessing a Diploma in

Information Technology or a related field.

64.24 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to be responsible, for the

maintenance, repair and administer the ICT equipment including all related

peripherals; ensure the proper maintenance and repairs of ICT equipment;

provide general technical guidance and support to end-users; devise

appropriate systems of security in relation to hardware and software; advise

on the purchase of spare parts for ICT equipment; maintenance and repair all

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Education and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 392 ~

electrical/electronic teaching aids; liaise with suppliers for repairs and/or

maintenance of ICT equipment; and troubleshooting network problems.

64.25 We further recommend that with the creation of the grade of IT Technician on

the establishment of the PSSA, the grade of Computer Support Officer should

be abolished.



PSSA 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

PSSA 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

PSSA 3 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

PSSA 4 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Gardener Office Attendant

PSSA 5 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21000

Senior Gardener

PSSA 6 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

PSSA 7 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975


PSSA 8 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

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Education and Scientific Research

~ 393 ~ Pay Review 2016


PSSA 9 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

PSSA 10 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator

PSSA 11 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer

PSSA 12 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Senior Word Processing Operator

PSSA 13 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

PSSA 14 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Financial Officer Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15) Statistical Officer

PSSA 15 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

PSSA 16 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Computer Officer Financial Officer Higher Executive Officer Procurement and Supply Officer

PSSA 17 : Rs 16075 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Educational Social Worker (New Grade)

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Education and Scientific Research

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PSSA 18 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer (New Grade) Public Relations Officer (New Grade)

PSSA 19 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer IT Technician (New Grade)

PSSA 20 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Financial Officer

PSSA 21 : Rs 33425 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Assistant Manager, Financial Operations

PSSA 22 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Assistant Project Coordinating Officer (New Grade)

PSSA 23 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Systems Analyst Educational Psychologist (New Grade)

PSSA 24 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Internal Auditor Human Resource Management Officer (New Grade)

PSSA 25 : Rs 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Supervisor/Senior Supervisor

PSSA 26 : Rs 39575 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Manager, Financial Operations

PSSA 27 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Principal Supervisor

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PSSA 28 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Finance Manager

PSSA 29 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 83000


PSSA 30 : Rs 72400 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 89000

Deputy Director

PSSA 31 : Rs 110000


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Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms Public Officers’ Welfare Council

~ 397 ~ Pay Review 2016


65.1 The Public Officers’ Welfare Council (POWC) was established under Act No. 28 of

1992. As a body corporate, it operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Civil

Service and Administrative Reforms and is managed and administered by a Board.

65.2 With a mandate to promote the welfare of public officers and their families, the

POWC envisions to complement efforts towards building a modern and efficient

public service equipped to respond to the challenges of the day. In this context, the

Council organises regularly cultural, educational, recreational, sports and leisure

activities for public service staff and their families.

65.3 The Council is structured with the grades of Organising Secretary, Senior Officer

and Clerk/Word Processing Operator. However, all officers serving the Council are

posted on secondment from the MCSAR. Consequently, during consultations,

Management of the POWC was advised to come up with a proper organisational

structure with specific departmental grades instead of having grades on

secondment. Pending a re-organisation of the Council, we are not bringing any

change to the present arrangement.



POWC 1 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

POWC 2 : Rs 18075 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Senior Officer

POWC 3 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Organising Secretary

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Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms Public Officers’ Welfare Council

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Rabindranath Tagore Institute

Education and Scientific Research

~ 399 ~ Pay Review 2016


66.1 The Rabindranath Tagore Institute (RTI) is a body corporate, set up by Act No. 48

of 2002 with the objects to: establish, as a tribute to Rabindranath Tagore, a centre

of studies of Indian culture and traditions; and promote education and culture


66.2 Its vision is to create a brilliant future by enriching its competence and enhancing

the quality of life with scholarly engagement in education, culture, research and

outreach. The RTI currently offers tertiary level programmes in Film Production,

Arts and Crafts and Dramatic Arts, among others.

66.3 At present, the post of Director (RTI) is vacant and a member of staff from the MGI

is acting as Officer-in-Charge. She is supported in her tasks by a complement of

staff in substantive as well as contractual positions.

66.4 In the context of this Review, representations have been received for the creation of

the grades of Management Support Officer and Office Management Assistant.

During consultation, Management was informed that the two grades can be created

upon the Board’s approval prior to the publication of this Report since provision has

already been made in Vol 2 Part II of the EOAC Report 2013 for their creation.

Parties were also informed that grades which are urgently required would be graded

by the Bureau on an ad hoc basis well before and even after the publication of this

Report, once the parent Ministry conveys its approval and the proposed schemes of

service are in order.

66.5 After examining all the submissions, we are, in this Report, maintaining the present

structure and restyling the grade of Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer to Lecturer. We are

also maintaining the grant of additional increments for academic achievement.

Academic Achievement

66.6 At present, Lecturers formerly Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer, who have improved their

qualifications and shown achievements within their academic field are granted

additional increments. We are maintaining this provision.


66.7 We recommend that Lecturers formerly Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer holding a

PhD and/or a Master’s degree and reckoning academic attainment through

published research, teaching, administrative contributions and publications

and having stayed on top of their revised salary scale for one year, should be

allowed to move incrementally up to a maximum of two increments to be read

from the master salary scale.

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66.8 For the purpose of implementation of the above paragraph, the new salary point

reached by virtue of the provision made at paragraph 10.40 of Volume 1 of this

Report shall be deemed to be the new top salary.



RTI 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

RTI 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

RTI 3 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Gardener/Nursery Attendant

RTI 4 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

RTI 5 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975


RTI 6 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

RTI 7 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

RTI 8 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk

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Education and Scientific Research

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RTI 9 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

RTI 10 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Library and Documentation Officer

RTI 11 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Officer

RTI 12 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Lecturer formerly Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer

RTI 13 : Rs 101000

Director (Rabindranath Tagore Institute)

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre Trust Fund

Education and Scientific Research

~ 403 ~ Pay Review 2016


67.1 Operating under the aegis of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources,

Tertiary Education and Scientific Research, the Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre Trust

Fund (RGSCTF) was established under Act No. 6 of 1994. It aims to be a centre of

excellence in the communication and promotion of science and technology.

67.2 In fulfilling its mission to serve as a centre for non-formal education while promoting

science and technology among the population through various media, the RGSCTF

envisions, among others, to create an awareness for science and technology and its

impact in society and encourage creativity and innovation particularly among young


67.3 To be in line with the global trends in science and technology as well as realising

the vision of the Government to boost science popularisation, encourage scientific

research and develop the critical mass of scientists in economic pillars of the

country, the RGSCTF has devised various strategies namely, the development of

new exhibits on emerging areas in science and technology; organising lectures,

seminars and workshops for various target groups; acquisition and dissemination of

latest information in science and technology; and collaboration with like-minded

local/international institutions.

67.4 The RGSCTF is headed by a Director who is responsible for the control and

management of the Centre as well as the execution of the policy of the Board. He

is supported in his task by a complement of personnel in professional, technical and

other occupational categories.

67.5 With a view to enabling the RGSCTF to better fulfil its mandate, we are, in this

Report, reinforcing the organisation structure with the creation of a few grades,

enlarging a few schemes of service, merging the grades of Resource Officer and

Senior Resource Officer as well as abolishing a few other grades.

Deputy Director

67.6 At present appointment to the grade of Deputy Director is made by selection from

among Manager/Curators reckoning at least five years’ service in a substantive

capacity in the grade. Management has reported that, in order to attract more

experienced candidates from like-minded institutions in the country, the selection

exercise should be carried out through open competition.

67.7 The Bureau, however, is of the view that changing the mode of appointment may

not be appropriate as the grade of Deputy Director is a promotional route for serving

Manager/Curators in the organisation. Keeping this in view, the Bureau is making

provision for a new mode of appointment to address the issue.

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Education and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 404 ~

Recommendation 1

67.8 We recommend that recruitment to the grade of Deputy Director should

continue to be made by selection from among Manager/Curators of the

RGSCTF reckoning at least three years’ service in a substantive capacity in

the grade. In the absence of qualified serving officers, recruitment should be

made from among outside candidates possessing a Degree in a science

subject or in Engineering, a post-graduate degree in a science subject or in

Engineering and reckoning at least five years’ experience in either public or

private sector in the field of science and technology.

Manager (Planetarium) (New Grade)

67.9 Following a memorandum of understanding between the National Council of

Science Museums, Government of India and the RGSCTF, Government decided to

relocate the planetarium with a view to decentralising the activities of the Centre.

Since the planetarium will be another separate unit operating under the aegis of the

RGSCTF, there is need for a grade to head the unit. We are recommending


Recommendation 2

67.10 We recommend the creation of the grade of Manager (Planetarium) on the

establishment of the RGSCTF. Appointment, thereto, should be made by

selection from among candidates possessing a Masters’ Degree in Physics,

Astrophysics or Astronomy or an equivalent qualification. Incumbent in the

grade of Manager (Planetarium) may be required to work outside normal

working hours including Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. This

element has been taken into consideration in arriving at the salary determined

for the grade.

67.11 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to lead Astronomy Education/

demonstration/dissemination programmes, overview the proper functioning of the

planetarium premises and report any problem or make suggestions to the Director

of RGSCTF; and create/mount special programmes to highlight any celestial

phenomena occurring in the southern hemisphere that is visible/ of concern to


Resource Officer/Senior Resource Officer

formerly Senior Resource Officer

Resource Officer

67.12 At present, there exists the grades of Senior Resource Officer and Resource Officer

at the Centre. Incumbents in both grades would be performing more or less similar

duties. In line with the policy of the Bureau for delayering and avoiding overlapping

of duties, we are merging and restyling these two grades to better reflect the nature

of duties and responsibilities shouldered by the incumbents.

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~ 405 ~ Pay Review 2016

Recommendation 3

67.13 We recommend that the grades of Resource Officer and Senior Resource

Officer at the RGSCTF be merged and restyled Resource Officer/Senior

Resource Officer. Incumbent in the merged grade would be required to

perform the duties of the Resource Officer as well as those of the Senior

Resource Officer. This element has been taken into consideration in arriving

at the salary recommended for the grade.

Assistant Resource Officer (New Grade)

67.14 The Department of Education has a Manager/Curator (Education) as Head of

Department who is supported by officers in the grade of Resource Officer.

Management has submitted that with the increasing demand to conduct both in-

house and outreach activities, there is need to provide the department with an

additional support grade to which we are agreeable.

Recommendation 4

67.15 We recommend the creation of the grade of Assistant Resource Officer on the

establishment of the RGSCTF. Appointment thereto, should be made by

selection from among candidates possessing a Cambridge Higher School

Certificate with a pass at “Principal Level” in at least two science subjects

(Physics, Chemistry or Biology) obtained on one certificate or passes in at

least two science subjects (Physics, Chemistry or Biology) obtained on one

certificate at the GCE “A” Level or an equivalent qualification.

67.16 Incumbent would be required, among others, to explain exhibitions to visitors; assist

in organising and conducting non-formal educational programmes; support in the

development of teaching aids and science kits; and carry out research work related

to Science and Technology.

IT Officer (New Grade)

67.17 With the advent of new technologies and in light of increasing developments in the

electrical, electronics and information technology/systems sector for science

centres, Management has requested that there is an urgent need to equip

sufficiently the IT department with the adequate human resources. Based on the

vision of the Centre and future technical developments, we subscribe to the request

and we are recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 5

67.18 We recommend the creation of the grade of IT Officer on the establishment of

the RGSCTF. Appointment thereto, should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a Degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering

or Information Systems from a recognised institution or equivalent.

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67.19 Incumbent would, among others, be required to assist the Manager/Curator

(Electrical/Electronics/IT) in the management of the IT Unit; assist and advise the

Manager/Curator (Electrical/Electronics/IT) in all IT-related matter/projects; ensure

timely execution of all IT works, repairs, maintenance, installation and

commissioning; and develop, maintain and protect an effective computerised

information system for the development of databases and softwares.

Exhibition Officer

67.20 At present, appointment to the grade of Exhibition Officer is made by selection from

among candidates possessing a degree in Commercial Art. Management has

submitted that with the present qualifications requirement, duties related to

exhibitions are hampered as incumbent is called upon to perform a multitude of

tasks. Consequently, proposal has been made to enlarge the scheme of service of

the grade of Exhibition Officer with a view to encompassing a wider range of

qualifications geared towards exhibition development capabilities and


Recommendation 6

67.21 We recommend that, the scheme of service of the grade of Exhibition Officer

be enlarged such that appointment thereto, should, henceforth, be made by

selection from among candidates possessing a Degree in the field of

Commercial Arts/Fine Arts/Visual Arts/Applied Arts and reckoning at least two

years’ working experience. Candidates should also be proficient in graphic

design, sculpture, 3D modelling and installation.

Senior Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

67.22 One area of the Centre that requires an urgent remedial action is the stores

management and inventory control. Procurement is an important component of this

activity-oriented Centre. However, there is lack of dedicated officers to handle such

activities. Management has reported that the Auditor’s Report has also highlighted

this shortcoming.

67.23 Management has also laid emphasis on the fact that the post of Procurement and

Supply Officer was advertised twice but no candidate could be recruited. With a

view to enhancing service delivery and to induce people to join this cadre, we are

strengthening the structure of the Procurement and Supply Unit.

Recommendation 7

67.24 We recommend the creation of the grade of Senior Procurement and Supply

Officer on the establishment of the RGSCTF. Appointment thereto, should be

by promotion, on the basis of experience and merit, of officers in the grade of

Procurement and Supply Officer at the RGSCTF who reckon at least two

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Education and Scientific Research

~ 407 ~ Pay Review 2016

years’ service in a substantive capacity in the grade and who possess a

Diploma in Purchasing and Supply Management from a recognised institution.

67.25 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to organise and manage the procurement

and supply activities; perform procurement, store keeping, and stock control duties

in accordance with the provisions laid down in approved rules and procedures;

assist in the appraisal and review exercises related to procurement, supply and

warehouse operations; and prepare bids as per approved procedures.

67.26 We further recommend the creation of the grade of Assistant Procurement

and Supply Officer on the establishment of the RGSCTF. Appointment

thereto, should be made from among candidates possessing a Cambridge

Higher School Certificate or passes in at least two subjects obtained on one

certificate at the General Certificate of Education “Advanced Level” and

reckoning at least two years’ experience in procurement and supply duties.

67.27 Incumbent would, among others, be required, to perform procurement, store

keeping and stock control duties in accordance with regulations in force; carry out

daily test checks and report any discrepancy arising out of loss, shortage,

deterioration, surplus; assist in the verification that physical quantities tally with

quantities in stores ledger; and assist in any assignment related to procurement,

supply and warehousing operations.

Internal Control Officer (New Grade)

67.28 Management has reported that successive Auditor’s Reports and even the Office of

Good Governance have highlighted the weaknesses in proper control of all

processes in the Centre and have recommended the creation of a grade of Internal

Control Officer whereby incumbent would work independently of all Departments,

act as a watchdog for good governance and report directly to the Director about any

observations and remedial actions to be taken. We are, therefore, making

appropriate recommendation.

Recommendation 8

67.29 We recommend the creation of the grade of Internal Control Officer on the

establishment of the RGSCTF. Appointment thereto, should be made by

selection from among serving officers who hold a substantive appointment

and who have successfully completed all papers of Fundamentals

(Knowledge) and Paper F4 of Fundamentals (Skills) or have obtained the

Certificate in Business Accounting (Foundation Level) of the CIMA

Examination (New Syllabus) or an equivalent qualification.

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67.30 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to audit the finance, stores and other sites

of the Centre; draft queries, memorandum or inspection reports arising out of the

examination of the accounts and ensure that the Director is informed promptly of

explanations; and supervise, undertake and examine annual statements and draft

reports thereon.

Exhibit Fabricator (New Grade)

67.31 Management has submitted that there is an increasing demand from other

organisations to provide them with exhibits/exhibitions fabricated by the RGSCTF.

Also, the core activity of the Mechanical Engineering Department should be related

to exhibit development. Thus, there is need to have a grade whereby incumbents

would be doing the exhibit fabrication using different materials and appropriate

techniques. We have examined the requests and we are making necessary

provision to this effect.

Recommendation 9

67.32 We recommend the creation of the grade of Exhibit Fabricator on the

establishment of the RGSCTF. Appointment thereto, should be made by

selection from among candidates possessing a Certificate of Primary

Education and NC level 3 in at least 2 different trades issued by the MITD or

equivalent qualification.

67.33 Incumbent would be required, among others, to fabricate exhibits with a view to

demonstrating scientific principles under the supervision of the Maintenance and

Development Officer (Mechanical); maintain exhibits that suffer damage due to

visitors’ interaction; carry out the necessary measurements and calculations of the

trade; and search the local market for low cost items/materials to be used for

fabrication of exhibits.

Abolition of Grades

67.34 At present, the grades of Technical Officer (Electronics) and Technical Officer

(Exhibition) are vacant and Management has submitted that they would no longer

be required.

Recommendation 10

67.35 We recommend that the grades of Technical Officer (Electronics) and

Technical Officer (Exhibition) at the RGSCTF be abolished.

On-Call Allowance

67.36 Officers in the grades of Manager/Curator, Exhibition Officer and Resource Officer/

Senior Resource Officer formerly Resource Officer and Senior Resource Officer

who are assigned the responsibility of allocating tasks and overviewing the smooth

running of the Centre during weekends and public holidays are, presently, granted

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an all-inclusive on-call allowance. As this arrangement will continue, we are

maintaining this provision.

Recommendation 11

67.37 We recommend that officers in the grades of Manager/Curator, Exhibition

Officer and Resource Officer/Senior Resource Officer formerly Senior

Resource Officer and Resource Officer who are assigned the responsibility of

allocating tasks and over-viewing the smooth running of the RGSCTF during

weekends and public holidays be paid all-inclusive on-call allowance as



Manager/ Curator


Exhibition Officer


Resource Officer/Senior Resource Officer formerly Senior

Resource Officer and Resource Officer



1000 hours to 1630 hours




Sundays/Public Holidays

1000 hours to 1630 hours






RGSC 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

RGSC 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker (Future Holder)

RGSC 3 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

RGSC 4 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Gardener Office Attendant (Personal)

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre Trust Fund

Education and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 410 ~


RGSC 5 : Rs 12230 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21475

Handy Worker (Personal)

RGSC 6 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Carpenter Electrician Fitter Painter Welder

RGSC 7 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

RGSC 8 : Rs 13270 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Tradesman /Senior Tradesman formerly Tradesman/Senior Tradesman (Electronics)

RGSC 9 : Rs 13530 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Exhibit Fabricator (New Grade) Multi-skilled Trades Worker

RGSC 10 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Driver/Handy Worker

RGSC 11 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Exhibition Assistant Word Processing Operator

RGSC 12 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

RGSC 13 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Technical Assistant

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre Trust Fund

Education and Scientific Research

~ 411 ~ Pay Review 2016


RGSC 14 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Assistant Resource Officer (New Grade)

RGSC 15 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

RGSC 16 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Financial Officer Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade) Executive Officer (Personal)

RGSC 17 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Internal Control Officer (New Grade)

RGSC 18 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

RGSC 19 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Officer Procurement and Supply Officer

RGSC 20 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

RGSC 21 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Maintenance and Development Officer

RGSC 22 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Officer

RGSC 23 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Exhibition Officer IT Officer (New Grade)

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre Trust Fund

Education and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 412 ~


RGSC 24 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


RGSC 25 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 59700

Resource Officer/Senior Resource Officer formerly Senior Resource Officer Resource Officer

RGSC 26 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Manager/Curator (Education) Manager/Curator (Electrical/Electronics/IT) Manager/Curator (Mechanical Engineering)

Manager (Graphics and Exhibition) Manager (Planetarium) (New Grade)

RGSC 27 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 83000

Deputy Director

RGSC 28 : Rs 101000


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Ministry of Arts and Culture Rights Management Society

~ 413 ~ Pay Review 2016


68.1 The Rights Management Society (RMS) which operates under the aegis of the

Ministry of Arts and Culture has been established under Section 43 of the Copyright

Act 2014. It has replaced the former Mauritius Society of Authors and as a

Copyright Management Society has had its activities enlarged. The main objects

and functions of the RMS, amongst others, are to collectively manage rights which

may include the rights of authors or owners of Copyright under the Copyright Act

2014; and represent and defend the interests of its members in Mauritius and


68.2 The RMS is managed by a Board and headed by a Director who is responsible for

the implementation of the policy of the Board and its day-to-day management. The

present organisation structure of the RMS comprises the Administrative and the

Technical Divisions of the former MASA. To deliver on its mandate effectively in

line with the provisions of the new Copyright Act, it is considered that the

organisation structure needs to be re-engineered.

68.3 In the context of this review exercise, the staff side have represented that, there is

need for a proper structure to enable the society to cater for the increasing demand

for membership, to pursue the expansion of its activities in line with the new

Copyright Act, to maintain sustained dynamism; and to have a better enforcement

of the provision of the Act. The Management of RMS had in response to the

Bureau’s Circular dated 09 January and 05 March 2015 conveyed the proposal of

its Board requesting the Bureau to align the salary scales of employees at the RMS

to those of similar position in other Parastatal Bodies.

68.4 During meeting at the Bureau, both the Ministry of Arts and Culture and

Management of RMS were sounded on the proposals from the staff side requesting

for the creation of numerous dedicated grades and were advised to review their

initial proposal at the RMS Board level. However, Management of the RMS has, in

view of the short lapse of time for the publication of this Report, submitted that the

prevailing organisation structure be maintained and the salaries be aligned with

corresponding grades across Parastatal Bodies. Management has also informed

that the Board has decided to review all schemes of service of its employees.

68.5 We are, therefore, maintaining the present organisational structure while restyling

the grade of Director-General to Director to be in line with the Copyright Act 2014.

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Rights Management Society

Pay Review 2016 ~ 414 ~



RMS 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

RMS 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

RMS 3 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525


RMS 4 : Rs 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Licensing Officer (Personal)

RMS 5 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (RMS)

RMS 6 : Rs 18075 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Senior Officer (RMS)

RMS 7 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Officer Membership and Repertoire Officer

RMS 8 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


RMS 9 : Rs 95000

Director formerly Director-General

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Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport Road Development Authority

~ 415 ~ Pay Review 2016


69.1 The Road Development Authority (RDA), a body corporate established by Act No. 6

of 1998, operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land

Transport. It became fully operational as from October 2001.

69.2 The Authority provides for a cost efficient mobility in comfort and safety to the

Mauritian population and its economic operators throughout the island by

developing, preserving and maintaining a high standard of classified road network

through the judicious use of human, material, financial and technological resources.

It also aims to provide a reliable road network to support the main economic

activities of the country through effective movement of people and goals.

69.3 The RDA provides new roads as an integral part of national development and being

solely responsible for the construction, care, maintenance and improvement of

motorways and main roads, inter alia, plans, designs and supervises the

construction of roads intended to be classified as motorways and main roads;

carries out or causes to be carried out the upgrading of motorways and main roads

and their routine and periodic maintenance. The Authority also maintains existing

bridges, tunnels and associated works on motorways and main roads; prepares and

implements road development schemes; and conducts and coordinates research

and investigation on material required for road construction.

69.4 The RDA is basically a technical organisation headed by professional Engineers

and supported by administrative personnel. The main challenge of the Authority is,

therefore, to manage efficiently its limited resources to further achieve its main


69.5 At present, the activities of the RDA are organised under two executive arms,

namely, Administration and Technical. The Administration arm encompasses

Secretariat, Finance and Audit while the Technical arm comprises the Planning

Division, Implementation Division and the Maintenance Division. Each division is

headed by a Divisional Manager. The Secretariat is under the administrative control

of an Administrative Manager who is also responsible for the Stores Section. The

Financial Controller is the head of the Finance Section whereas the Internal Auditor

is for the Audit Section.

69.6 The RDA is administered by a Board and is headed by the General Manager who is

the executive head of the organisation, responsible for the implementation of the

policies of the Board, for achieving the financial operating goals and ensuring the

proper management and monitoring of the day-to-day affairs of the Authority. In the

performance of his duty, the General Manager is assisted by a Deputy General


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Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport Road Development Authority

Pay Review 2016 ~ 416 ~

69.7 In the context of the present review exercise, no consultative meetings could be

held with the Management of the Road Development Authority. In the given

circumstances, we are maintaining the existing structure.

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

Recommendation 2

69.8 We recommend that incumbents in the grade of Human Resource

Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human

Resource Management or a Diploma with Human Resource Management as a

major component or an equivalent qualification should be allowed to move

incrementally in the Master Salary Scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided

that they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report



RDA 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

RDA 2 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 14875

Trainee Assistant Inspector of Works

RDA 3 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 15150

Trainee Surveyor

RDA 4 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18075

Lorry Loader

RDA 5 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

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Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport Road Development Authority

~ 417 ~ Pay Review 2016


RDA 6 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18825

Tradesman’s Assistant

RDA 7 : Rs 11200 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Stores Attendant

RDA 8 : Rs 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Handy Worker (Special Class)

RDA 9 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

RDA 10 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Herbicide Sprayerman Office Attendant

RDA 11 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21000

Plant and Equipment Operator

RDA 12 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Survey Field Worker/Senior Survey Field Worker

RDA 13 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


RDA 14 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Field Supervisor Leading Hand

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Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport Road Development Authority

Pay Review 2016 ~ 418 ~


RDA 15 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Blacksmith Carpenter Mason Painter Welder

RDA 16 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

RDA 17 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

RDA 18 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Driver (Heavy Vehicles above 5 tons) Driver (Mechanical Unit)

RDA 19 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Laboratory Attendant

RDA 20 Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Senior Field Supervisor Senior Leading Hand

RDA 21 : Rs 17050 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 28625

Head Survey Field Worker

RDA 22 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15)

RDA 23 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Assistant Foreman/Foreman (Personal)

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Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport Road Development Authority

~ 419 ~ Pay Review 2016


RDA 24 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer

RDA 25 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Chief Blacksmith Chief Carpenter Chief Mason Chief Painter Chief Welder Foreman

RDA 26 : Rs 18075 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Senior Laboratory Attendant

RDA 27 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Assistant Inspector of Works Survey Technician

RDA 28 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Senior Word Processing Operator

RDA 29 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

RDA 30 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer (Personal) Executive Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15)

RDA 31 : Rs 20525 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Office Supervisor

RDA 32 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Technical Design Officer

RDA 33 : Rs 21475 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200

Inspector of Works

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Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport Road Development Authority

Pay Review 2016 ~ 420 ~


RDA 34 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

RDA 35 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer Procurement and Supply Officer

RDA 36 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant (New Grade)

RDA 37 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

RDA 38 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Computer Technician Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer Technical Officer (Civil Engineering) Technical Officer (Materials Testing Laboratory) Technical and Mechanical Officer

RDA 39 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Senior Inspector of Works Senior Technical Design Officer

RDA 40 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Accounts Officer Senior Procurement and Supply Officer

RDA 41 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Office Superintendent

RDA 42 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Chief Inspector of Works Senior Technical Officer (Civil Engineering) Senior Technical Officer (Materials Testing Laboratory)

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Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport Road Development Authority

~ 421 ~ Pay Review 2016


RDA 43 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950

Principal Technical Design Officer

RDA 44 : Rs 33425 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Principal Procurement and Supply Officer

RDA 45 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Officer

RDA 46 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Surveyor Systems Administrator

RDA 47 : Rs 28675 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Human Resource Management Officer Internal Auditor

RDA 48 : Rs 36200 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Materials Testing Officer Principal Technical Officer (Civil Engineering) Superintendent of Works

RDA 49 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 59700

Manager (Civil Engineering) Senior Surveyor

RDA 50 : Rs 36200 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 59700

Chief Technical Design Officer

RDA 51 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Accountant/Senior Accountant formerly Accountant

RDA 52 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Senior Manager (Civil Engineering)

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Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Land Transport Road Development Authority

Pay Review 2016 ~ 422 ~


RDA 53 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 66650

Administrative Manager

RDA 54 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Assistant Divisional Manager (Civil Engineering) Head Surveyor

RDA 55 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Financial Manager

RDA 56 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Divisional Manager (Civil Engineering)

RDA 57 : Rs 89000 x 3000 – 95000

Deputy General Manager

RDA 58 : Rs 110000

General Manager

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Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries, Seafarers Welfare Fund

Shipping and Outer Islands

~ 423 ~ Pay Review 2016


70.1 Operating under the aegis of the Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources,

Fisheries, Shipping and Outer Islands, the Seafarers’ Welfare Fund (SeWF) is

established as a body corporate under Act No 19 of 2008. It is administered and

managed by a Board. The Secretary is the Chief Executive of the Fund.

70.2 In fulfilling its mission of promoting the social and economic welfare of seafarers in

Mauritius, the SeWF envisions to provide welfare facilities to active and retired

seafarers, as well as to their families.

70.3 The objectives of the SeWF are, among others, to assist and advise those

responsible for providing welfare facilities and to ensure coordination between them;

and manage the Fund and undertake such things as appear requisite and

advantageous for the furtherance of the objects and functions of the Fund.

70.4 We are, in this review exercise, maintaining the current organisation structure which

is appropriate.



SeWF 1 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Care Attendant

SeWF 2 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Word Processing Operator

SeWF 3 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

SeWF 4 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 QB 38350 x 1225 – 39575

Welfare Liaison Officer

SeWF 5 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200 QB 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician

SeWF 6 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950


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Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries, Seafarers Welfare Fund

Shipping and Outer Islands

Pay Review 2016 ~ 424 ~

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanic Garden Trust

~ 425 ~ Pay Review 2016


71.1 Established under Act No.10 of 1999, the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanic

Garden Trust (SSRBGT) operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Agro-Industry

and Food Security. The SSRBGT is responsible for the management,

administration and maintenance of the Botanical Garden, the buildings and

historical monuments found therein.

71.2 Its main objectives are to: care for the collection of plants and preserved plant

materials found in the Garden; establish linkages with similar bodies along with

research and extension institutions on matters pertaining to horticulture, biology and

related activities appropriate to a botanic garden; and disseminate knowledge with

respect to plant life through publications and other means.

71.3 Management of SSRBGT has made submissions for the creation of grades in the

Administration and Technical Departments as well as for the merging of certain

technical grades to allow the organisation to be equipped with qualified staff and

also to meet its operational needs. On the basis of justifications provided for the

above requests, the Bureau is making provision to allow the SSRBGT to fulfil its

mandate efficiently and effectively.

Administrative Manager (New Grade)

71.4 In the context of this review, Management has proposed the creation of the grade of

Administrative Manager against abolition of the grade of Administrative Secretary.

Since the post of Administrative Secretary is vacant and that the Administrative

Manager would be required to shoulder higher responsibilities, the Bureau is

agreeable to the proposal.

Recommendation 1

71.5 We recommend the creation of a grade of Administrative Manager.

Appointment to the grade should be by selection from among candidates

possessing a Degree in Administration or Management and reckoning at least

three years’ relevant experience.

71.6 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to be responsible for the proper

administration and management of the SSRBGT and ensure the proper functioning

of its activities; assist in the formulation of policies relating to industrial relations and

ensuring that issues relating to discipline and grievance issues are promptly dealt

with; act as Secretary to the Board and other committees set up by the Trust; initiate

action and follow up on all legal matters pertaining to the Trust; and represent the

Trust in Commissions, Tribunals and Courts.

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Technical Officer/Senior Technical Officer

formerly Technical Officer

Senior Technical Officer

71.7 In order to align with similar organisations under the aegis of the same parent

Ministry, Management has proposed to merge the grades of Technical Officer and

Senior Technical Officer. The Bureau considers that with delayering and flatter

structures, the focus is on an increased efficiency and customer responsiveness.

We are, therefore, making appropriate recommendation to that effect.

Recommendation 2

71.8 We recommend that the grades of Technical Officer and Senior Technical

Officer be merged and restyled Technical Officer/Senior Technical Officer.

Guide (New Grade)

71.9 At present, guide services at the Garden are provided by Freelance Guides.

Management of SSRBGT has submitted that there is need to recruit Guides on the

establishment of the organisation so as to provide professional and knowledgeable

information on the Garden to all visitors. We are recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 3

71.10 We recommend the creation of a grade of Guide. Appointment thereto, should

be made by selection from among candidates possessing a Cambridge

Higher School Certificate and having knowledge of another modern language

would be an advantage.

71.11 Incumbent would be required, among others, to plan, organise and conduct

educational activities for school children as well as other visitors; escort individual or

groups around the garden, tour points of interest and respond to questions; monitor

visitor’s activities in order to ensure compliance with establishment regulation and

safety practices; get information from all sources and explain or translate the

information; and distribute brochures, show audiovisual presentations and explain

establishment processes and operations at tour sites.



SSRBGT 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

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~ 427 ~ Pay Review 2016


SSRBGT 2 : Rs 9050 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18825

General Handy Worker (Roster)

SSRBGT 3 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18075

Gateman (Personal) (ex-Tobacco Board)

SSRBGT 4 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Stores Attendant

SSRBGT 5 : Rs 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18825

Handy Worker (Roster)

SSRBGT 6 : Rs 17330

Safety and Health Officer (Part-Time)

SSRBGT 7 : Rs 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Assistant Handy Worker (Skilled)

SSRBGT 8 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Gardener/Nursery Attendant Insecticide Sprayer Operator Office Attendant Stockman Woodcutter

SSRBGT 9 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21000

Senior Gardener/Nursery Attendant

SSRBGT 10 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

SSRBGT 11 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Field Supervisor

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SSRBGT 12 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Handy Worker (Skilled)

SSRBGT 13 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Head Gardener/Nursery Attendant

SSRBGT 14 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Driver (Lorries above 5 Tons, Heavy Mechanical Unit, Heavy Tractors)

SSRBGT 15 : Rs 13530 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Ticket/Sales Officer (Roster)

SSRBGT 16 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27850

Ticket/Sales Officer (Personal)

SSRBGT 17 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator

SSRBGT 18 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer Guide (New Grade)

SSRBGT 19 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Audio Visual Assistant Technical Assistant

SSRBGT 20 : Rs 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Warehouse Assistant (Personal) (from ex- Tobacco Board)

SSRBGT 21 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

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SSRBGT 22 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Officer (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15) Purchasing and Supply Officer (Personal)

SSRBGT 23 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200

Senior Technical Assistant

SSRBGT 24 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

SSRBGT 25 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer

SSRBGT 26 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Assistant Warehouse Supervisor (Personal) (from ex-Tobacco Board)

SSRBGT 27 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Technical Officer/Senior Technical Officer formerly Technical Officer Senior Technical Officer

SSRBGT 28 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Publications and Liaison Officer

SSRBGT 29 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Scientific Officer

SSRBGT 30 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


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SSRBGT 31 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


SSRBGT 32 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Manager (New Grade)

SSRBGT 33 : Rs 77175 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 83000


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Ministry of Business, Enterprise and Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises Development


~ 431 ~ Pay Review 2016


72.1 Initially, the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) was

established by Act No 18 of 2009 to make better provision for the promotion and

development of small and medium enterprises. Subsequently, the act was

amended with the Financial Act 2015 to have a more coherent strategy in providing

meaningful support at all levels to entrepreneurs for realisation of projects to

achieve the Economic Vision 2030 of the Government.

72.2 Presently, the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector plays a crucial role in

the socio-economic development of the country in contributing significantly for

productive employment opportunities, the generation of income and eventually, the

reduction of poverty. Additionally, a large number of people rely on the SMEs

directly or indirectly for their living. SMEs, therefore, deserve full support so as to

develop into major enterprises.

72.3 The success of Government economic vision to sustain SMEs growth depends to a

large extent on the ability of SMEDA to assist them in starting business as well as to

encourage those already in business to grow. SMEDA is, therefore, called upon to

play an important role in providing intensive support to Potential SMEs and Existing

SMEs registered with SMEDA.

72.4 The intense campaign led by SMEDA through the National and Regional Fairs,

Regional Training Courses and Workshops over the island to promote

entrepreneurship is a proof that SMEDA has a key role to play in the development

of entrepreneurship.

72.5 In line with Government’s policy, SMEDA set up the One Stop Shop to provide

under one roof SMEs with the support to allow them to promote their capabilities,

continue to build their businesses and successfully carry out their operations.

72.6 Services provided by SMEDA with the setting up of the One-Stop-Shop are to

support the needs of SMEs, to name a few, include General Business Development

Services, Specialised Business Development Services, Licensing & Permits,

Capacity Building, Industrial Space, Marketing and Financial Support.

72.7 The functions of the SMEDA are, among others, to provide Core Support Services,

facilitate access to industrial space, finance and productive resources; conduct

surveys in the SMEs sector and provide market intelligence for those enterprises;

collaborate with other local and international agencies dealing with SMEs to develop

the local SMEs; and coordinate entrepreneurship activities carried out by Public

sector agencies and the private sector.

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72.8 In the context of the present review exercise, Management has submitted that it is

imperative for SMEDA to be equipped adequately in terms of human resources to

be able to operate with optimal efficiency to cope with the many challenges ahead,

taking into consideration the Government’s objectives to eliminate delays in delivery

of clearances for the operation of business/enterprise. Request has also been

made for restyling of grades and abolition of posts. The Unions on the other hand

have made representations for upgrading and restyling of certain posts, granting of

duty remission facilities for the grade of Assistant Manager and filling of vacant


72.9 We have examined all the proposals made by both Management and Unions and

are making appropriate recommendations to enhance service delivery of the

organisation. As regard, the grade of Assistant Manager, it is already among those

eligible for loan to purchase a 70% duty exempted car for official travelling.

Business Development Specialist (New Grade)

72.10 While the Union has made representations for an upgrading of the post of Business

Development Officer in view of their working experience, management has

submitted that there is need for a level to provide specialised business development

services including support in the preparation of business plans to existing and

potential entrepreneurs. We are making provision to this effect.

Recommendation 1

72.11 We recommend the creation of a grade of Business Development Specialist.

Recruitment to the grade should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a Master Degree in Business Administration or

Management or Economics or Finance or Marketing or Entrepreneurship

Development or Production and Operations Management or Industrial

Engineering and Management from a recognised institution or an alternative

equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board and reckoning at least three

years’ post graduate experience in a Business Management or Industrial

Development or any relevant related field.

72.12 Incumbent in the grade of Business Development Specialist would be required to,

among others, assist in the formulation and implementation of policies relating to

the development and growth of enterprises; conduct site visits at enterprises for

monitoring performance, in-house diagnosis and provide practical solutions to

operational problems; promote the One-Stop- Shop among enterprises and the

public in general; advise and support enterprises in market transformation of the

goods and services to keep abreast with current development; conduct regular

surveys to identify market needs and advise enterprises on innovation; participate in

research and development activities conducted by the Authority or other relevant

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organisations; and assist in the establishment of standards and quality management

systems for goods and services produced by enterprises.

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (New Grade)

72.13 With a view to developing strategies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of

projects and identity bottleneck on completing projects activities, there is need for a

grade of Monitoring and Evaluation Officer to monitor and evaluate all projects and

activities. We are making provision to this effect.

Recommendation 2

72.14 We recommend the creation of a grade of Monitoring and Evaluation Officer.

Recruitment to the grade should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a Degree in Business Administration or Management

or Economics or Finance or Accountancy or Statistics from a recognised

institution or an alternative equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board

and reckoning at least three years’ experience in monitoring and evaluation

activities or business operations or auditing.

72.15 Incumbent in the grade of Monitoring and Evaluation Officer would be required to,

among others, assist in the debt recovering and computing repayment of loans of

beneficiary companies; develop strategies to improve the efficiency and

effectiveness of projects, identify bottlenecks in completing projects activities;

coordinate the various components of projects to ensure their effective

implementation; collect and validate financial data of beneficiary companies at the

Registrar of Companies and other organisations; monitor all projects activities,

expenditure and progress towards achieving the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit’s

targets; conduct training on monitoring and evaluation activities; and participate in

the conduct of studies, surveys and research activities carried out by the Authority.

Public Relations and Events Coordinator (New Grade)

72.16 It has been submitted that with the setting up of the One-Stop-Shop, there is need

to have a grade of Public Relations and Events Coordinator to promote the public

image of the SMEDA and communicate professionally to all stakeholders regarding

the services provided. We are agreeable to this request and are making

appropriate recommendation.

Recommendation 3

72.17 We recommend the creation of a grade of Public Relations and Events

Coordinator. Recruitment to the grade should be made by selection from

among candidates possessing a Degree in Public Relations or

Communication Studies or Journalism or Mass Communications from a

recognised institution or an alternative equivalent qualification acceptable to

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the Board and reckoning at least three years’ experience in Public


72.18 Incumbent in the grade of Public Relations and Events Coordinator would be

required to, among others, promote the public image of the SMEDA and to conduct

aptitude surveys to identify the interests and concern of Micro Small and Medium

Enterprises; devise policies and procedures pertaining to public relations with

customers, relevant stakeholders and the general public; develop and produce

internal and external communication materials of high standard for newsletters,

press release, communiqués and brochures; plan, organise and participate actively

in regional and national fairs, road shows, workshops, meetings, functions, other

communication events; co-ordinate on-site all activities and functions support

operation; and analyse press reports and produce daily press reviews for internal


IT Trainer (New Grade)

IT Support Officer (New Grade)

72.19 Management has submitted that IT is a pre-requisite for SMEs to be technologically

literate in order to compete and survive in the highly competitive global business

environment. In this context the SMEs Resource and Technology Centre provides

IT Training both in-house and region wise to existing and potential entrepreneurs.

With the setting up of the One-Stop-Shop and the assistance schemes as well as

the facilities for the SMEs, there is need for the organisation to be properly staffed

to meet the challenges of IT Training and IT network management. We have

examined the request and are agreeable to provide for the grades of IT Trainer and

IT Support Officer to reinforce the IT Unit to ensure the effective delivery of the

SMEDA services.

Recommendation 4

72.20 We recommend the creation of a grade of IT Trainer. Recruitment to the grade

should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a Degree in

Computing or Information Technology or Computer Science from a

recognised institution or an alternative equivalent qualification acceptable to

the Board and reckoning at least three years’ experience in IT Training.

72.21 Incumbent in the grade of IT Trainer would be required to, among others, develop

and evaluate IT Training curricula including learning materials; conduct training in

the field of Information Technology and assess and evaluate trainees; co-ordinate

the IT module in other training programmes provided by the SMEDA; prepare

teaching and learning materials as well as handouts and learning packs; assist in

enforcing trainees discipline and provide support and guidance to trainees, training

needs analysts, and organisation and running of workshops/seminars; and evaluate

the effectiveness of the training and course outcomes.

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IT Support Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 5

72.22 We also recommend the creation of a grade of IT Support Officer.

Recruitment thereto should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing a Certificate in Information Technology or Computer Studies from

a recognised institution or an alternative equivalent qualification acceptable

to the Board.

72.23 Incumbent in the grade of IT Support Officer would be required to, among others,

assist the IT Officer and the IT Trainer in their duties; install and configure hardware

and common PC-related Software and provide preventive measures and technical

support; operate computer systems including running of processes, handling of

inputs, production of outputs, performing backups and keeping records; comply with

and promote applicable security standards in relation to computer systems; carry

out survey/audit of the technical features of computer equipment; and troubleshoot

computer hardware and software.

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer (New Grade)

72.24 With the expanded role of the SMEDA, there is need for a grade to be responsible

for the human resource functions and to manage the Human Resources Unit in an

efficient and effective manner. We are, therefore, creating a grade of Human

Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer to deal efficiently with all human

resource matters.

Recommendation 6

72.25 We recommend the creation of a grade of Human Resource Officer/Senior

Human Resource Officer. Recruitment thereto should be made by selection

from among candidates possessing a Diploma in Human Resource

Management or Personnel Management from a recognised institution or an

alternative equivalent qualification and reckoning at least three years’

experience in Human Resource Management.

72.26 Incumbent in the grade would be required to, among others, provide advice,

guidance and assistance in accordance with rules and regulations pertaining to

human resource management policies and to assist in the implementation of human

resources policies and related matters; provide support to Head of Divisions; ensure

that human resource policies, rules, regulations and procedures are properly

interpreted and consistently applied; determine and advise on the human resource

needs of the Authority; assist in the development of organisation, design and work

procedures; and promote good industrial relations and take prompt action to settle

grievances and conflicts through negotiations and discussions.

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Recommendation 7

72.27 We further recommend that incumbents in the grade of Human Resource

Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human

Resource Management or a Diploma with Human Resource Management as a

major component or an alternative equivalent qualification should be allowed

to move incrementally in the Master Salary scale up to salary point Rs 42325

provided that they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Accounts Officer (New Grade)

72.28 The National Audit Office has recommended that the Authority should strengthen

the internal control and to have appropriate segregation of duties. We are,

therefore, providing for a level to cater for these functions.

Recommendation 8

72.29 We recommend the creation of a grade of Accounts Officer. Recruitment

thereto should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

pass in all papers of fundamentals (Knowledge) of the ACCA or an alternative

equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board and reckoning at least three

years’ experience in financial duties.

72.30 Incumbent in the grade of Accounts Officer would be required to, among others,

compile schedules and information for the preparation of statutory reports, annual

estimates, final accounts, statements and other reports; ensure that accounting and

stores regulations are understood, correctly applied and fully complied with; control

and discharge expenditure and payments in compliance with existing regulations;

maintain a proper system of accounting to guard against irregularity and fraud;

verify bank reconciliation statements and ensure up on outstanding items;

implement and monitor an effective enforcement mechanism to ensure prompt

recovery of debts from clients and submit a monthly report thereon; and verify

payment vouchers, supporting documents and cheques before effecting any


Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

72.31 With the expansion in the activities of the organisation, the workload of the

Procurement and Supply Department has been considerably increased. In this

context, there is need to create a level to maintain a proper store management

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system in line with established procedure. We are making provision for a level to

strengthen the structure of the Procurement and Supply Division.

Recommendation 9

72.32 We recommend the creation of a grade of Procurement and Supply Officer.

Recruitment thereto should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing a Certificate in Purchasing and Supply Management from a

recognised institution or an alternative equivalent qualification.

72.33 Incumbent in the grade of Procurement and Supply Officer would be required to,

among others, assist in the formulation of procurement policies of the SMEDA;

advise on matters relating to procurement and supply management; maintain a

proper store management system in line with established procedures; establish

proper systems of control and records of store items and assets and ensure that

adequate security is maintained; and perform procurement, warehousing and stock

control operations and maintain updated records of transactions in compliance with

the provisions and regulations made under the Public Procurement Act 2006 and

other regulations in force.

Word Processing Operator (New Grade)

72.34 Management has submitted that there is need for the grade of Word Processing

Operator so as to cope with the increasing word processing and simple

computer/data processing works as well as simple clerical duties of the various

divisions of the Authority. We are agreeable to this request and are making

appropriate provision to this effect.

Recommendation 10

72.35 We recommend the creation of a grade of Word Processing Operator.

Recruitment thereto should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing the Cambridge School Certificate and a Certificate in keyboarding

and typewriting at a speed of at least 25 words a minute from a recognised

institution and a Certificate in Word Processing or Data Processing from a

recognised institution.

72.36 Incumbent in the grade of Word Processing Operator would be required to, among

others, type and collate official documents; perform simple clerical duties, ensure

speedy handling of correspondence; perform word processing and computer/data

processing work and to operate telefax and e-mail services; and replace

Confidential Secretary.

Customer Care Officer (New Grade)

72.37 With the setting up of the One-Stop-Shop, many services in various fields are

provided by the Authority under one roof. With the increase in the number of

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visitors, there is need for a level to attend to their queries promptly, efficiently and

courteously. We are making provision for a grade of Customer Care Officer to be

the first point of contract of all visitors attending the One-Stop-Shop.

Recommendation 11

72.38 We recommend the creation of a grade of Customer Care Officer.

Recruitment thereto should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing a Cambridge School Certificate with credit in English Language

and French obtained at not more than two sittings or an alternative equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Board.

72.39 Incumbent in the grade of Customer Care Officer would be required to, among

others, greet and sign in visitors; offer appropriate seating arrangements to visitors

in timely and efficient manner; determine the need of visitors (appointment,

assistance, information) and direct them accordingly; assist visitors with directions;

administer the waiting list of visitors; deal with and attend promptly, efficiently and

courteously to queries; and maintain effective communications with staff at all levels

and with customers to ensure smooth service delivery.

Salesperson (New Grade)

72.40 Presently, the SMEDA is responsible for various craft shops located in different

regions of the country. Management has submitted that there is need for a level to

be responsible for the day-to-day running of craft shop. We are addressing the

issue with the provision of a new grade.

Recommendation 12

72.41 We recommend the creation of a grade of Salesperson. Recruitment thereto

should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

Cambridge School Certificate with credit in at least five subjects including

English Language, French and Mathematics or Principles of Accounts

obtained on one certificate or Passes not below Grade C in at least five

subjects including English Language, French and Mathematics or Principles

of Accounts obtained in one certificate at the General Certificate of Education

“Ordinary Level” or an alternative equivalent qualification acceptable to the


72.42 Incumbent in the grade of Salesperson would be responsible for, among others, the

sale of products to the public; the keeping of books for the sale of products and

other transactions carried out at the shop; the safekeeping of cash and stores;

regular display of products in the shop; the stock control and updating of stock

cards; daily remittance of cash received to bank; submission of daily sales report to

Head-Office; providing general information to clients and members of the public;

and maintaining a record of visitors.

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Director (Personal)

Assistant Handicraft Promotion Officer (Personal)

72.43 Management requested to abolish the grades of Director (Personal) and Assistant

Handicraft Promotion Officer (Personal) from the establishment of SMEDA as both

grades are vacant and are no longer required. We are making appropriate

provision to this effect.

Recommendation 13

72.44 We recommend that the grades of Director (Personal) and Assistant

Handicraft Promotion Officer (Personal) which are vacant be abolished.



SMEDA 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

SMEDA 2 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Stores Attendant

SMEDA 3 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard (Personal)

SMEDA 4 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Attendant (Workshop) (Personal) Office Attendant

SMEDA 5 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 22575

General Assistant (Personal)

SMEDA 6 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

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Ministry of Business, Enterprise and Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises Development


Pay Review 2016 ~ 440 ~


SMEDA 7 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Handy Worker (Skilled)

SMEDA 8 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

SMEDA 9 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Customer Care Officer (New Grade) Receptionist/Telephone Operator

SMEDA 10 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Salesperson (New Grade)

SMEDA 11 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Receptionist/Word Processing Operator (Personal) Word Processing Operator (New Grade)

SMEDA 12 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer (Personal to incumbents in post as at 31.12.15) Clerk/Word Processing Operator

SMEDA 13 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Technical Assistant (Personal)

SMEDA 14 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

IT Support Officer (New Grade)

SMEDA 15 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

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Ministry of Business, Enterprise and Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises Development


~ 441 ~ Pay Review 2016


SMEDA 16 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Senior Clerk/Word Processing Operator (Personal)

SMEDA 17 : Rs 17050 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Extension Officer (Personal)

SMEDA 18 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Officer (Personal to incumbents in post as at 31.12.15)

SMEDA 19 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Senior Extension Officer (Personal)

SMEDA 20 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Marketing Assistant (Handicraft) (Rodrigues)

SMEDA 21 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

SMEDA 22 : Rs 21475 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Information, Research and Documentation Officer

SMEDA 23 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer (New Grade) Higher Executive Officer Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

SMEDA 24 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer (New Grade)

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Ministry of Business, Enterprise and Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises Development


Pay Review 2016 ~ 442 ~


SMEDA 25 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Business Analyst Business Development Officer

IT Trainer (New Grade) Marketing Officer

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (New Grade) Public Relations and Events Coordinator (New Grade)

Training Coordinator

SMEDA 26 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

IT Officer

SMEDA 27 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


SMEDA 28 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Officer Commercial Executive/Senior Commercial Executive (Personal)

SMEDA 29 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Business Development Specialist (New Grade)

SMEDA 30 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Assistant Manager

SMEDA 31 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000


SMEDA 32 : Rs 95000

Chief Operations Officer

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Small Farmers Welfare Fund

~ 443 ~ Pay Review 2016


73.1 Operating under the aegis of the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security, as a

body Corporate, the Small Farmers Welfare Fund (SFWF) caters for the small

planters, small breeders and farmers conducting agro processing activities and the

welfare of their families. Its functions include, among others, to: manage and

optimize its financial and other resources; set up and develop schemes and

projects; create special funds to operate any scheme set up by the Board; and

perform other related activities. In so doing, it envisions to advance and promote

the economic and social welfare of small farmers and their families.

73.2 The SFWF is headed by a Manager who is responsible for the execution of the

policy of the fund and for the control and management of its day-to-day business.

In the exercise of his functions, the Manager is supported by a complement of

officers belonging to the professional, technical, general services as well as

employees of the workmen’s group.

73.3 The organisation structure of the SFWF had been reinforced in the last Review

through the creation of grades, namely Computer Support Officer, Welfare Assistant

and Senior Accounts Officer. To optimise use of internal competencies, the scheme

of service of the grade of Programme Welfare Officer had been amended to enable

appointment of qualified Technical Officers therein in the first instance.

73.4 In the context of the present Review, representations have been received for

upgrading of qualifications requirement of existing grades, alignment of salaries,

and creation of additional levels. During the course of meetings, members were

apprised that grades are created on the basis of needs and new functions and

upgrading of qualifications is considered when the higher qualifications match with

the new set of duties and responsibilities. However, parties were informed that

grades which are urgently required by the organisation could be graded by the

Bureau on an ad hoc basis well before and even after the publication of the

Report once the parent Ministry conveys its approval and the proposed schemes

of service sent to the Bureau are in order.

73.5 The present set up is appropriate and it is, therefore, being maintained except for

the creation of the grade of Receptionist/Telephone Operator. We are additionally

recommending that Management should conduct a Human Resource Planning

exercise, to identify the need for additional HR requirements and to prompt

appropriate remedial measures.

Receptionist/Telephone Operator (New Grade)

73.6 At present, Management is having recourse to incumbents in the grade of Driver/

Office Attendant to operate the PABX System and to perform receptionist duties.

For greater effectiveness and to cope with the increasing number of callers, the

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Small Farmers Welfare Fund

Pay Review 2016 ~ 444 ~

need for a full time Receptionist/Telephone Operator is felt. We are therefore

recommending accordingly.


73.7 We recommend the creation of a grade of Receptionist/Telephone Operator.

Appointment thereto should be made by selection from among serving

officers possessing a Cambridge School Certificate with credits in English

Language and French or an equivalent qualification. Candidates should be

fluent in English and French.

73.8 The Receptionist/Telephone Operator would be required, among others, to: operate

the reception centre; maintain a register of all visitors; assist visitors by providing

information to them to facilitate their contact with officers of the Fund; control access

to offices of the Fund; take messages from outside callers and transmit same to

officers concerned; and operate the telephone switchboard (PABX).



SFWF 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

SFWF 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

SFWF 3 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator (New Grade)

SFWF 4 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Welfare Assistant

SFWF 5 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

SFWF 6 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Computer Support Officer

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Small Farmers Welfare Fund

~ 445 ~ Pay Review 2016


SFWF 7 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

SFWF 8 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Officer (Personal)

SFWF 9 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Internal Control Officer

SFWF 10 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

SFWF 11 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer Computer Officer (Ex Tobacco Board) (Personal)

SFWF 12 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Technical Officer

SFWF 13 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Accounts Officer

SFWF 14 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Marketing Officer Programme Welfare Officer

SFWF 15 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


SFWF 16 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Internal Auditor

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Small Farmers Welfare Fund

Pay Review 2016 ~ 446 ~


SFWF 17 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Project Co-ordinator (Ex Tea Board) (Personal)

SFWF 18 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Programme Coordinator

SFWF 19 : Rs 92000


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Ministry of Business, Enterprise and Cooperatives St Antoine Planters Co-operative Trust

~ 447 ~ Pay Review 2016


74.1 Established as per Act No. 28 of 1994 as a body corporate, the St. Antoine Planters

Cooperative Trust operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Business, Enterprise

and Cooperatives to provide support services to agricultural cooperative societies in

which the planters are members and finance any other activities and schemes

aimed at assisting planters to improve their level of production and efficiency. Its

objectives, among others, are to: receive and manage funds received from the

Societé Usinière de St. Antoine; provide loans for agricultural activities; devise and

implement irrigation projects; provide assistance for harvest of sugar canes and

acquisition of farm equipment.

74.2 The activities of the trust do not warrant the services of officers on full time period

and as such, the two established grades i.e. Clerk/Word Processing Operator and

Secretary/Manager have not been filled.

74.3 At present, a retired civil servant from the Cooperative Officers’ Cadre appointed on

contract by the Ministry of Business, Enterprise and Cooperatives is managing the

affairs of the Trust.

74.4 We are envisaging no change in the present organisational structure and are

revising salaries of the existing grades.



SPCT 1 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 –

21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

SPCT 2 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x

1625 – 56450


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Ministry of Business, Enterprise and Cooperatives St Antoine Planters Co-operative Trust

Pay Review 2016 ~ 448 ~

Page 458: Republic of Mauritius - Mauritius Broadcasting …. SUGAR INDUSTRY LABOUR WELFARE FUND 459 78. SUGAR INSURANCE FUND BOARD 467 79. TAMIL SPEAKING UNION

Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection State Trading Corporation

~ 449 ~ Pay Review 2016


75.1 The State Trading Corporation (STC) was set up by an Act of Parliament in 1982 to

be the trading arm of the Government. At present, it operates under the aegis of

the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection.

75.2 Over the past years, the STC has grown to be the largest Mauritian organisation in

terms of turnover. It deals with the importation of essential and strategic products

such as petroleum products, liquefied petroleum gas, staple rice, flour and luxury

rice (Basmati). The Corporation is entrusted with the mandate to sell rice and flour

as determined by the Government.

75.3 The landscape of bunkering trade has changed significantly over the last three

years. With the risk represented in the piracy zone, more ships are calling at Port

Louis for fuelling. This has generated an opportunity for Mauritius to develop the

bunkering trade. In the Government Budget 2013-2016, provision has been made

to invest massively in the Port in order to receive greater number of ships calling to

Port Louis. In this respect, the STC will have to embark on the ambitious project for

the construction of a new petroleum storage capacity to supply the market. Also,

the longer term plan is to allow the Corporation to become a future petroleum hub.

75.4 All the activities of the organisation are carried out in different divisions. The

General Manager is the Chief Executive responsible for the execution of the policy

of the Corporation as well as for the control and management of its day-to-day

business. Each division is manned by a Manager and is supported by professional,

technical and administrative staff.

75.5 Given that the market conditions and global business environment have changed

and the commodity markets have become more dynamic and complex, there is

need to continuously monitor the market and procure when the conditions are

opportune. To respond to those challenges and to achieve the objectives set by the

government, management has submitted that there is need to have the appropriate

organisation structure. Thus, in view of the important role of the STC, we are in this

Report, strengthening the organisation structure with the creation of grades at

managerial position and reengineering the procurement division which is a

significant component of the Corporation.

Assistant Commercial Manager (New Grade)

75.6 With the vision of Government for the development of Mauritius as a bunkering hub,

and more broadly, a petroleum hub, the supply of bunker fuels to local oil

companies is taking place in a partially liberalised market. The anticipated entry of

international operators into floating storage and onshore terminal business will

require an expanded role of the STC in the petroleum sector. Consequently, in line

with the substantial growth and efficient running of the Commercial Division,

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Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection State Trading Corporation

Pay Review 2016 ~ 450 ~

Management has proposed for the creation of a grade to assist the Commercial

Manager in his day-to-day operations. We are making the appropriate provision.

Recommendation 1

75.7 We recommend the creation of the grade of Assistant Commercial Manager

on the establishment of the STC. Appointment thereto, should be made by

promotion, on the basis of experience and merit, of officers in the grade of

Commercial Analyst reckoning at least three years’ service in a substantive

capacity in the grade.

75.8 Incumbent would be responsible for the preparation of procurement and related

documents; and would be required, inter alia, to assist the Commercial Manager;

ensure compliance with legal framework; provide assistance in the evaluation of

tender for goods and associated services; and plan and monitor execution of

contracts for procurement of goods and related services as well as sales contract.

Procurement Division

75.9 As the trading arm of the Government, the STC is one of the largest procurement

entity in the country. Being a state-owned organisation, the STC should lead the

way in terms of transparency and accountability when procuring goods and

services. Management has submitted that the Corporation does not have a

procurement unit and has consequently, requested the setting up of a Procurement

Division to ensure that procurement activities are carried out in the most economical

and efficient manner.

Procurement Manager (New Grade)

Recommendation 2

75.10 We recommend the creation of the grade of Procurement Manager on the

establishment of the STC. Appointment thereto, should be made by selection

from among candidates possessing a degree and a post-graduate degree in

Supplies and Procurement or Economics or Finance or Accounting and

reckoning at least five years’ post graduate experience in Procurement.

75.11 Incumbent would be responsible for the efficient running of the Procurement

Division and would be required, among others, to implement Board policies for

procurement; advise the General Manager on procurement policies and procedures;

ensure compliance with Public Procurement Act; and attend the Procurement


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Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection State Trading Corporation

~ 451 ~ Pay Review 2016

Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 3

75.12 We recommend the creation of the grade of Procurement and Supply Officer

on the establishment of the STC. Appointment thereto, should be made by

selection from among candidates possessing a Cambridge Higher School

Certificate with a pass at Principal Level in Accounting or Mathematics and a

Certificate in Purchasing and Supply from a recognised institution or an

alternate qualification acceptable by the Corporation.

75.13 Incumbent, would be required, inter alia, to assist the Procurement Manager in his

duties; prepare tender documents for commodities, services and capital goods; and

arrange for publication and notices on website and in the press.



STC 1 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

STC 2 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

STC 3 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

STC 4 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Granary Operative

STC 5 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


STC 6 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975


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Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection State Trading Corporation

Pay Review 2016 ~ 452 ~


STC 7 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

STC 8 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

STC 9 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Forklift Driver

STC 10 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator

STC 11 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer

STC 12 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Chief Tradesman Chief Tradesman (Fitter)

STC 13 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Senior Word Processing Operator

STC 14 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

STC 15 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Supplies and Sales Officer

STC 16 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Executive Officer (Personal)

STC 17 : Rs 21475 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Workshop Supervisor

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Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection State Trading Corporation

~ 453 ~ Pay Review 2016


STC 18 : Rs 17050 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Clearing and Forwarding Officer

STC 19 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

STC 20 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Higher Executive Officer Higher Supplies and Sales Officer Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

STC 21 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

IT Technician Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer

STC 22 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Supplies and Sales Officer

STC 23 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200 QB 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician

STC 24 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Office Superintendent

STC 25 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Senior Technical and Facilities Officer

STC 26 : Rs 33425 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Principal Supplies and Sales Officer Senior Accounting Technician

STC 27 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575 QB 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Assistant

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Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection State Trading Corporation

Pay Review 2016 ~ 454 ~


STC 28 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Communication Officer

STC 29 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Systems Administrator Systems Analyst

STC 30 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Human Resource Management Officer Internal Auditor

STC 31 : Rs 36200 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Chief Supplies and Sales Officer (Future Holder)

STC 32 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Business Development Officer (Marketing) Business Development Officer (Research and Development) Commercial Analyst Risk and Treasury Officer

STC 33 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Assistant Financial Manager Human Resource Manager Procurement Manager (New Grade) Secretary

STC 34 : Rs 39575 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 64800

Chief Supplies and Sales Officer (Personal)

STC 35 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Assistant Commercial Manager (New Grade) Assistant Risk and Treasury Manager Audit Manager IT Manager

STC 36 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Business Development Manager Commercial Manager Financial Manager Risk and Treasury Manager

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Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection State Trading Corporation

~ 455 ~ Pay Review 2016


STC 37 : Rs110000

General Manager

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Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Consumer Protection State Trading Corporation

Pay Review 2016 ~ 456 ~

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Ministry of Local Government Statutory Bodies Family Protection Fund

~ 457 ~ Pay Review 2016


76.1 The Statutory Bodies Family Protection Fund (SBFPF) is a corporate body

operating under the aegis of the Ministry of Local Government. Its mission is to

provide an excellent level of service to the members and beneficiaries (surviving

spouse and children of employees of Parastatal Bodies and Local Authorities)

backed by up to date information technology and professional support. The

organisation is administered by a Manager.

76.2 During consultations with Management, the Bureau was apprised that the SBFPF

Act has been amended in 2012 such that employees joining a Local Authority or

Parastatal Body as from 01 January 2013 would contribute with the State Insurance

Company of Mauritius (SICOM) instead of the SBFPF. The present number of

Associates and Beneficiaries of the SBFPF is around 6900 and 1050 respectively

which are expected to gradually decrease over time.

76.3 The present organisation structure meets the needs of the Fund and is being




SBFPF 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

SBFPF 2 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

SBFPF 3 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

SBFPF 5 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Financial Operations Officer (Personal)

SBFPF 6 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

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Ministry of Local Government Statutory Bodies Family Protection Fund

Pay Review 2016 ~ 458 ~


SBFPF 7 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Financial Officer/Senior Financial Officer

SBFPF 8 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Chief Clerk (Future Holder)

SBFPF 9: Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Chief Clerk (Personal to holder of post as at 31.12.12)

SBFPF 10: Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950

Principal Financial Officer

SBFPF 11 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Assistant Manager/Accountant

SBFPF 12 : Rs 95000


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Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund

and Reform Institutions

~ 459 ~ Pay Review 2016


77.1 The Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund (SILWF) operates under the aegis of the

Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions. It was set up

in 1948 to develop welfare programmes to enhance the well-being and conditions of

living of workers in the sugar sector and their families. Over the years, its

responsibilities have broadened and presently it also caters for the social welfare of

the community at large.

77.2 The core function of the SILWF is carried out by the Community Development

Division which, through its network of 135 Community Centres, provides a plethora

of educational, cultural, recreational and social activities to the public. These

centres are also used as Refugee Centres during cyclones and other natural

calamities. Besides promoting community development, SILWF also manages

scholarships and loan schemes for ongoing beneficiaries of the Sugarcane Industry.

77.3 As provided in its Act, the day to day management of the SILWF is vested in the

General Manager. He is assisted by technical, administrative and supporting staff.

In our last Report, we reinforced the structure of the Community Development

Division with the creation of a level of Deputy Commissioner, Community

Development and restyled a few grades to better reflect the nature of duties

befalling on incumbents. A new level of Human Resource Management Officer was

additionally provided in the EOAC Report.

77.4 For this review, the main representations from both Management and Staff

Associations pertain to the creation of additional levels, restyling of grades,

upgrading of salaries, review of schemes of service and enhanced conditions of


77.5 In examining the representations, the Bureau has carried out a job re-evaluation

exercise. We consider that the present structure is fit for purpose and we have

taken into account all the necessary elements in arriving at the recommended

salaries of the grades. We have also restyled a few grades and reviewed the

ceiling of the official travelling for the Senior Community Development Officers.

77.6 Representations were also made to align the grades of Higher Executive Officer

and Senior Executive Officer on the grade of Office Management Executive and for

the filling of posts of Office Management Assistant by promotion instead of by

selection from Management Support Officers. The Bureau did not accede to the

requests and justified its position with appropriate explanations to the Management

of SILWF during the consultative meeting, in the presence of the staff side. It was

also advised, where relevant, to refer all implementation issues to the Departmental

Implementation and Monitoring Committee and the Central Implementation and

Monitoring Committee.

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and Reform Institutions

Pay Review 2016 ~ 460 ~

Craft Motivator


77.7 Proposals have been made for a change in job appellation of Craft Motivator and

Motivator as they do not reflect the real nature of duties and responsibilities

devolving upon incumbents. After having duly examined the schemes of service

and Job Description Questionnaires of both grades, we consider that the current job

titles do not portray a clear description of the duties being performed. The core

duties of the Craft Motivator are to dispense training in various crafts while

Motivators are, in addition to their motivation duties, assisting the Community

Support Officers in their day to day duties. In certain cases, they are also called

upon to replace the Community Support Officers. We are, therefore, restyling the

grades to more appropriate appellations.

Recommendation 1

77.8 We recommend that the grades of Craft Motivator and Motivator be restyled

Craft Instructor and Community Support Assistant respectively.

77.9 These elements have been taken into consideration in arriving at the

recommended salary of the grades.

Refund of Official Travelling

77.10 At present, Community Development Officers and Senior Community Development

Officers are refunded car mileage at the rate prescribed at paragraph 18.2.74 at

Volume 1 of the EOAC Report, subject to a ceiling of 400 km per month for official


77.11 Representations have been received for a revision of the prevailing ceiling for

official travelling as Senior Community Development Officers travel extensively to

supervise an average of 10 Community Centres, carry out surveys and organise

activities at odd and staggered hours. In view of the above and based on the

findings of our survey on travelling, we are revising the ceiling for official travelling

for the grade of Senior Community Development Officers. However, the existing

ceiling of 400 km is being maintained for Community Development Officers.

Recommendation 2

77.12 We recommend that Community Development Officers and Senior Community

Development Officers be refunded car mileage at the rate as prescribed at

paragraph 18.2.68 (5) at Volume 1 of this Report.

77.13 We further recommend that the ceiling for official travelling for:

(i) Senior Community Development Officers be revised to 600 per month;

(ii) Community Development Officers be maintained at 400 km per month.

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and Reform Institutions

~ 461 ~ Pay Review 2016


77.14 Representations have been received from the staff side for the provision of

training for the employees. During consultations, both Management and Staff

Side were apprised of the Bureau’s training philosophy and responsibility of

Management to identify the training required by the employees and to make

appropriate arrangements.

77.15 Management should, therefore, stand guided by the provisions made in the

Chapter Training and Development in Volume 1 of this Report.



SWF 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

SWF 2 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18825

Warden/Community Activities Assistant

SWF 3 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Stores Attendant

SWF 4 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

SWF 5 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Caretaker/Gardener Office Attendant

SWF 6 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21475

Craft Instructor formerly Craft Motivator Community Support Assistant formerly Motivator

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and Reform Institutions

Pay Review 2016 ~ 462 ~


SWF 7 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


SWF 8 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

SWF 9 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

SWF 10 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 26300

Receptionist/Telephone Operator (Personal)

SWF 11 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Dressmaking and Related Craft Teacher

SWF 12 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Community Support Officer Word Processing Operator

SWF 13 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer (New Grade)

SWF 14 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Senior Dressmaking and Related Craft Teacher

SWF 15 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Executive Assistant

SWF 16 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

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and Reform Institutions

~ 463 ~ Pay Review 2016


SWF 17 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200


SWF 18 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Internal Control Officer

SWF 19 : Rs 18075 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 33425 QB 34350 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Community Development Officer

SWF 20 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

SWF 21 : Rs 21475 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Supervisor, Dressmaking and Related Crafts

SWF 22 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Public Relations/Welfare Officer Senior Social Welfare Officer (Personal)

SWF 23 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant

SWF 24 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer

SWF 25 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Senior Inspector

SWF 26 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

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Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund

and Reform Institutions

Pay Review 2016 ~ 464 ~


SWF 27 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Senior Executive Officer (Personal) Senior Internal Control Officer

SWF 28 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Office Superintendent

SWF 29 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Principal Social Welfare Officer Senior Community Development Officer

SWF 30 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Assistant Finance Administrator

SWF 31 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


SWF 32 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Human Resource Management Officer

SWF 33 : Rs 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Principal Community Development Officer

SWF 34 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Deputy Commissioner, Community Development Finance Administrator

SWF 35 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Commissioner, Community Development

SWF 36 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Deputy General Manager

SWF 37 : Rs 110000

General Manager

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Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund

and Reform Institutions

~ 465 ~ Pay Review 2016



SWF (SWC) 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

SWF (SWC) 2 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18825

Warden/Community Activities Assistant

SWF (SWC) 3 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

SWF (SWC) 4 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050


SWF (SWC) 5 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Library Assistant



SWF (SWC) 6 : Rs 5825

Assistant General Worker

SWF (SWC) 7 : Rs 7395

General Worker

SWF (SWC) 8 : Rs 7615


SWF (SWC) 9 : Rs 8510


TV Operator

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Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund

and Reform Institutions

Pay Review 2016 ~ 466 ~

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Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Sugar Insurance Fund Board

~ 467 ~ Pay Review 2016


78.1 The Sugar Insurance Fund Board (SIFB) operates under the aegis of the Ministry of

Finance and Economic Development. Being the premier provider of sugar

insurance service, the SIFB operates various schemes so as to protect sugar

production of planters, metayers, millers and refiners from losses due to cyclones,

droughts, excessive rainfall and fire.

78.2 Field inspections, managing the accounts of insured, computation of their premium

and compensation, carrying out survey measurement and investment of funds are

some of the main business activities carried out by the SIFB. These activities are

conducted under four main departments namely Operations, Finance,

Administration and IT. Besides, the SIFB has set up six sub-offices located

throughout the island so as to bring its services nearer to its clients.

78.3 At the time the 2013 PRB Report was under preparation, the SIFB had already

initiated procedures to appoint a private Consultant to review its organisational

structure and human resource requirement. So we maintained the organisation

structure and only revised the salaries and allowances in our last Report. It should

be noted that the existing structure was maintained in the EOAC Report as well.

The main recommendations of the Consultant’s Report concern a reduction of the

organisation’s workforce through an offer of voluntary retirement package (VRS)

and a review of the organisation structure including restyling, merging, abolition of

grades as well creation of levels.

78.4 Subsequently, a list of these grades together with relevant details attached, was

submitted to the Bureau for salary determination purposes. A few meetings were

held at the Bureau to clarify certain ambiguous issues in the schemes of service

and in the structure itself. Thereafter, the recommended salaries for the different

grades were communicated to the MCSAR. So far, only part of the

recommendations made by the Consultant has been implemented.

78.5 For this review, the Bureau has received representations from both Management

and the Staff Association to review the salaries we recommended for certain grades

which were created in the context of the restructuring. In addition, the Union has

made several representations over the Consultant’s Report. The representations

include among others, upgrading of qualifications, restyling of posts, merging of

grades and reinstatement of grades which have been abolished. The union has

even expressed its qualms regarding certain parts of the Report which it considers

to be to the detriment of many employees.

78.6 During the meeting held with Management, in the presence of the parent Ministry

and representatives of the Union, the parties concerned were lengthily explained

that the salaries granted to the new grades were commensurate with the prescribed

qualification, duties, responsibilities and experience required. Nevertheless, the

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Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Sugar Insurance Fund Board

Pay Review 2016 ~ 468 ~

Bureau has in the context of this review, conducted a job re-evaluation exercise,

based on which the salaries have been recommended. In so far as the other

demands of the union are concerned, we provided adequate explanation during the

meetings, for requests which we did not accede to.

78.7 Since the restructuring of the SIFB as per the Consultant’s Report is still in process,

the Bureau is not bringing any major change to the existing structure. We are,

nonetheless, urging Management to examine certain shortcomings arising out of the

Consultant’s Report and to consequently bring corrective measures. We are also

improving existing conditions of service to further motivate employees and to

enhance organisational efficiency.

78.8 Following an in depth study of the representations made by the staff association in

relation to the Consultant’s report, the Bureau has observed that in several

instances, the recent restructuring exercise has been done without taking into

account certain fundamental aspects. Although grades or cadres have been

created, only a few serving officers would be able to join these new grades. There

is, therefore, lack of clarity in relation to functions, responsibilities assigned and

other implementation issues. On this account, the Bureau believes that

Management may consider examining the structure of departments and schemes of

service where problems have been identified and take appropriate action to address

these issues. However, for this Report, we are providing salaries for those grades

appearing on the list thereof submitted by the SIFB.

Recommendation 1

78.9 We recommend that the SIFB considers the advisability of reviewing the

structure of departments and schemes of service where problems have been

identified and bring appropriate corrective measures.

Compensation for risk

78.10 Persistent representations have been made by the Staff Association for the grant of

a risk allowance to Field Officers/Senior Field Officers. Previously, these officers

were carrying out inspections in a team but are now called upon to perform same

alone. According to them, the risk of assault and theft especially in remote areas

has increased, the moreso as now they are required to carry out these inspections

using costly digital tablets.

78.11 The above representation does not meet our criteria set for the payment of a risk

allowance. Nevertheless, we consider that the SIFB could conduct a risk

assessment exercise in view of determining the risk faced by these officers

whenever they have to carry out inspection in risk prone areas.

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Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Sugar Insurance Fund Board

~ 469 ~ Pay Review 2016

Recommendation 2

78.12 We recommend that Management should make necessary arrangements for

the conduct of a Risk Assessment Exercise in view of determining the degree

of risk faced by the concerned officers. The findings would then be forwarded

to the Bureau for necessary action. The modalities for this exercise are spelt

out at paragraph 18.15.23 of Chapter Risk, Insurance and Compensation.

Allowance to Senior/Head Office Care Attendants and Office Care Attendants

78.13 Some Senior/Head Office Care Attendants and Office Care Attendants are called

upon to perform additional duties such as cleaning toilets, gardening, lawn mowing

and related work over and above their normal scheme of duties for which they are

paid a monthly allowance of Rs 500. This allowance is being maintained.

Recommendation 3

78.14 We recommend that the allowance payable to Senior/Head Office Care

Attendants and Office Care Attendants for performing additional duties on a

daily basis such as cleaning toilets, gardening, lawn mowing and related work

over and above their normal schedule of duties should be maintained.

Bad Road Allowance

78.15 Eligible field staffs using their motorcycles and motor cars for official travelling are

presently paid a monthly bad road allowance of Rs 355 and Rs 835 respectively.

Representations have been received to raise the quantum of this allowance in view

of the distance covered on bad roads by the officers in the performance of their

duties. We have examined the request and are reviewing the quantum of the

allowance in the light of our survey findings on travelling.

Recommendation 4

78.16 We recommend that the monthly Bad Road Allowance payable to officers for

official travelling be revised as hereunder:

Bad Road Allowance for: Rs

(a) Eligible Field Staff using Motorcycles 375

(b) Eligible Field Staff using Motorcars 880

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SIFB 1 : Rs 17330

Safety and Health Officer (Part-time)

SIFB 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 –20525

Office Care Attendant formerly Office Attendant

SIFB 3 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Driver/Handy Worker

SIFB 4 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Care Attendant formerly Senior/Head Office Attendant

SIFB 5 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075


SIFB 6 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator

SIFB 7 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer

SIFB 8 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Executive Officer

SIFB 9 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Field Officer/Senior Field Officer formerly Field Officer Senior Field Officer

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~ 471 ~ Pay Review 2016


SIFB 10 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200

Technical Design Officer

SIFB 11 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125

Support Officer/Senior Support

SIFB 12 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Support Officer/Senior Support Officer (Personal to officers who were Assistant Data Processing Superintendents prior to 01.07.98)

SIFB 13 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

SIFB 14 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Higher Executive Officer

SIFB 15 : Rs 19575 x 475 –21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Administrative Assistant

SIFB 16 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Registrar Senior Executive Officer Senior Technical Design Officer Field/Operations Supervisor

SIFB 17 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350 QB 35275 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician

SIFB 18 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Claims Officer

SIFB 19 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950

Administrative Assistant (Personal)

SIFB 20 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950

Principal Technical Design Officer

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SIFB 21 : Rs 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950

Claims Officer (Personal to officer in post as at 30.06.03)

SIFB 22 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 –56450


SIFB 23 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 –56450

Land Surveyor

SIFB 24 : Rs 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425 QB 49950 x 1625 –56450

Area Manager

SIFB 25 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Secretary Internal Auditor Manager, Finance Operations Manager formerly Senior Manager (Operations)

Senior Network and System Administrator formerly Senior Network Engineer

Senior Software Engineer

SIFB 26 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Chief Finance Officer formerly Chief Manager (Finance)

Chief IT Officer formerly Chief Manager (Information Systems Services) Chief Operations Officer formerly Chief Manager (Operations)

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Ministry of Arts and Culture Tamil Speaking Union

~ 473 ~ Pay Review 2016


79.1 The Tamil Speaking Union (TSU), which was established as a body corporate in

2008, operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Arts and Culture. Its main

objective is to promote the Tamil Language through the teaching of same to

Mauritians of Tamil origin as well as to other Mauritians.

79.2 To achieve this objective, the TSU dispenses courses in spoken Tamil in 22

regional centres across the island. It has a population of around 900 students and,

according to the Union, it is strongly believed that this figure will rise further.

Besides, the TSU also organises activities such as publication of books, production

of CDs, Tamil Spoken day and award ceremonies, amongst others. The Union,

through International network, interacts with tamil speakers around the world,

establishes friendship and exchange with tamil language speakers and encourages

linguistic development specially on the artistic, economic and social perspectives of

the tamil language.

79.3 Initially, the TSU was being serviced by personnel on a temporary basis. In our last

Report, we made provision for the grades of Driver/Office Care Attendant and

Clerk/Word Processing Operator to enable the TSU operate smoothly. Thereafter,

the organisation structure of the TSU was further reinforced with the creation of the

grade of Programme Coordinator in the EOAC Report. It should also be noted that

presently the responsibility for the overall administrative functions are being

shouldered by the Chairman of the Council.

79.4 In view of further expansion of its activities as indicated by the increasing number of

students, Management has in the context of this review, made request for the

creation of additional levels, both on a full time and part time basis.

79.5 The Bureau has carefully examined each submission. With a view to enabling it

discharge its mandate in a more effective and efficient manner, we are providing for

a new grade to cater for its financial functions and we are also enlarging the

schedule of duties of the grade of Programme Coordinator to include the research

function. Requests pertaining to the creation of certain part-time grades were not

considered as there would be overlapping of duties between them and the full time

grades. The TSU was informed accordingly during the consultative meeting.

Accounts Clerk (New Grade)

79.6 Currently, the TSU does not have a qualified officer responsible for its day-to-day

accounting and financial transactions. Both Management and the parent Ministry

have submitted that the absence of a dedicated grade to look after these functions

often impedes the proper management of the Union’s accounts. To alleviate this

problem, we are providing for a grade of Accounts Clerk to enable the TSU to

maintain a proper accounting system and to cope with its increasing financial


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Ministry of Arts and Culture Tamil Speaking Union

Pay Review 2016 ~ 474 ~

Recommendation 1

79.7 We recommend the creation of a grade of Accounts Clerk on the

establishment of the Tamil Speaking Union. Appointment thereto, should be

made by selection from among candidates possessing the Cambridge School

Certificate with credit in at least five subjects including English Language,

French and Mathematics or Principles of Accounts together with either a pass

in Accounting at Principal Level at the Cambridge Higher School Certificate

with at least two years’ experience in finance/audit duties or a pass in

Accounting at third level of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry

and at least two years’ experience in finance/audit or a Certificate in Book

Keeping (Level II) formerly Intermediate Stage from the London Chamber of

Commerce and Industry with at least four years’ experience in finance/audit


79.8 Incumbent would be required, among others; to ensure that all accounting and

financial transactions of the TSU are properly accounted for in accordance with

basic principles of Financial Management; prepare paysheets, vouchers and

cheques and despatch cheques; attend to banking transactions; compute refund of

travelling; collect, verify, analyse and record all financial costing and budget data

and financial statements; verify bank reconciliation statements; maintain a proper

system of accounting and ensure that all financial transactions are correctly

recorded and complied with established rules and regulations.

Driver/Office Care Attendant (New Grade)

79.9 In the 2013 PRB Report, we provided for a grade of Driver/Office Care Attendant

which was restyled to Office Care Attendant/Receptionist in the EOAC Report.

Generally, these functions have not been combined in the Civil Service. As the

combination appears odd, the grade has been abolished, the more so that it is

vacant. Nevertheless taking into consideration that both Driver and Office Care

Attendant duties are very important for any organisation, we are providing for a

grade of Driver/Office Attendant.

Recommendation 2

79.10 We recommend:

(i) the creation of a grade of Driver/Office Care Attendant. Appointment

thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates showing

proof of having sat for the Cambridge School Certificate or an equivalent

qualification acceptable by the Union; with good eye-sight; ability to

read and write; possessing a valid driving licence (manual gear) to drive

cars or vans or at least 15-Seater minibuses and having basic knowledge

of mechanics and simple vehicle maintenance;

(ii) that the grade of Office Care Attendant/Receptionist be abolished.

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~ 475 ~ Pay Review 2016

79.11 Incumbent would, inter alia, be responsible for driving the organisation’s vehicle,

carrying out simple repairs and maintenance tasks, cleaning premises, performing

messengerial duties, operating a simple telephone switchboard and ushering in/

guiding visitors to schedule officers.

Scheme of service – Programme Coordinator

79.12 Management has submitted that there is need for someone to conduct research

based activities such as search and retrieval of information from electronic systems

like the internet, CD-ROMs and other electronic materials. For increased efficiency

and optimal use of resources, we are enlarging the scheme of service of the grade

of Programme Coordinator to include these duties.

Recommendation 3

79.13 We recommend that the scheme of service of the grade of Programme

Coordinator be enlarged to include research related duties such as search

and retrieval of information from electronic systems like the internet, CD-

ROMs and other electronic materials. This element has been taken into

consideration in arriving at the salary recommended for the grade.

Part-Time Teachers

79.14 The TSU employs part-time Teachers for the teaching of tamil language in its

various regional centres across the island. These part-time Teachers are paid a fee,

based on their qualifications, as hereunder:

Teachers holding a Diploma in Tamil or a

higher qualification Rs 390/hr

Teachers holding a qualification lower than a

Diploma in Tamil Rs 310/hr

79.15 The part-time Teachers are also entitled to refund of travelling by bus and an End-

of-Year Bonus which is computed at the rate of 1/12 of their annual earnings.

79.16 In the past, remuneration of the part-time Teachers was based on their

qualifications. Taking into consideration the qualification required to teach at these

levels and the salary scales provided for the relevant grades, it is observed that the

mode of remuneration is not appropriate. Even at Tertiary institutions, the

remuneration of resource persons is based on the level taught and not on the profile

of the Resource Person. We are, therefore, making appropriate amendments.

79.17 We are also conscious of the fact that certain courses may be running right now and

Resource Persons have already embarked on a sort of undertaking. With a view

not to penalise them we are taking necessary measures.

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Recommendation 4

79.18 We recommend that for future intakes:

(i) Teachers teaching levels 1 & 2 should be remunerated at the rate of

Rs 155/hr; and

(ii) Teachers teaching levels 3, 4, and 5 should be remunerated at the rate of

Rs 220/hr.

79.19 We also recommend that for the present courses being run, Teachers should

continue to draw on a personal basis the rate in force i.e.:

Teachers holding a Diploma in Tamil or a higher qualification Rs 390/hr

Teachers holding a qualification lower than a Diploma in Tamil Rs 310/hr

79.20 The Bureau further recommends that the part-time Teachers should continue

to be entitled for refund of travelling by bus and an End-of-Year Bonus

computed at the rate of 1/12 of their annual earnings.



TSU 1 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Care Attendant (New Grade)

TSU 2 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

TSU 3 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk (New Grade)

TSU 4 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x

1625 – 56450

Programme Coordinator

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Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education Commission

Tertiary Education and Scientific Research

~ 477 ~ Pay Review 2016


80.1 The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) is a body corporate established under

the provision of the Tertiary Education Commission Act of 1988. Its main objectives

are, among others, to: promote coordination and provide guidelines to tertiary

education institutions for preparing annual and long term plans for the operation and

development of post-secondary education and training; advise the Minister on policy

matters relating to the award of scholarships; and promote and maintain high quality

standards in post-secondary education. It envisions making Mauritius an Intelligent

island of the region in the global village.

80.2 The Commission organises its main activities under six main functional divisions:

Administration; Finance; Research and Planning; Quality Assurance and

Accreditation; Distance Education and Open Learning; and the Centre for

Instrumentation. The Divisions/Centres are under the responsibility of a Head

assisted by other technical and supporting staff.

80.3 The Executive Director has the responsibility for the overall management and

execution of the policy of the TEC. He is assisted by a Deputy Director and a

complement of staff belonging to the professional, technical, general services and

manual grades.

80.4 In the context of this Review, representations have been made for the extension of

salary scales of certain grades, creation of additional levels, filling of vacant posts,

restyling of existing grades, review of fees payable to Chairman and members of

Sub-Committee, upgrading of qualifications requirement, provision of duty remission

facilities and new conditions of service.

80.5 During consultation, Management was apprised that grades are created on the

basis of functional and operational needs of an organisation and the onus rests with

the Board. However, it was also highlighted that grades which are urgently

required, could be graded by the Bureau on an ad hoc basis well before and even

after the publication of the Report, once the parent Ministry conveys its approval

and the proposed schemes of service are in order. On the issue of conditions of

service, Management was informed that these would be examined generally except

for specific ones which are being considered/addressed in this Report.

80.6 All other proposals were thoroughly discussed and reasons for not acceding to

some of them were also provided. Parties were equally informed, among others, of

existing provisions regarding duty remission facilities and movement beyond the top

salary for professionals and above. To address issues relating to HR, it is

recommended that Management should carry out a Human Resource

Planning exercise.

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Tertiary Education and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 478 ~

80.7 In this Report, we are maintaining the present structure while restyling the grade of

Deputy Director, upgrading the qualification requirements of the grade of Public

Relations Officer and replicating some general provisions for ease of application.

Public Relations Officer

80.8 At present, appointment to the grade of Public Relations Officer is made by

selection from among candidates possessing a Cambridge Higher School

Certificate and a Diploma in Public Relations or Communication Studies or

Journalism and/or Media Studies from a recognised institution.

80.9 Both staff side and Management have submitted that incumbent in the grade of

Public Relations Officer assumes the overall responsibility for communications and

is required, among others, to advise and assist Management in policy making

regarding communication, plan, develop and implement Public Relations strategies.

They have, therefore, requested to upgrade the qualifications requirement of the

grade of Public Relations Officer from Diploma to a Degree as there is a need for

higher academic background to cope with the challenges and to match the

exigencies of the position to which we are agreeable.

80.10 We are, however, inserting a Qualification Bar in the salary scale of the grade.

Recommendation 1

80.11 We recommend that:

(i) the scheme of service of the grade of Public Relations Officer be

amended so that, appointment thereto be made by selection from

among candidates possessing a Degree in Public Relations or

Communication Studies or Journalism and/or Media Studies from a

recognised institution; and

(ii) the duties be enriched to include advise and assist Management in

policy making regarding communication; plan, develop and implement

Public Relations Strategies. These elements have been taken into

consideration in arriving at the recommended salary.

80.12 We further recommend that officers in post should possess the degree

qualification to proceed beyond the Qualification Bar inserted in the salary


Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

80.13 Incumbents in the grade of Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource

Officer possessing a Diploma in HRM or a Diploma with HRM as a major

component or an equivalent qualification are, at present, allowed to move

incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point of Rs 39275 subject to

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Tertiary Education and Scientific Research

~ 479 ~ Pay Review 2016

performance criteria. We are maintaining this provision while revising the salary


Recommendation 3

80.14 We recommend that incumbents in the grade of Human Resource

Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human

Resource Management or a Diploma with Human Resource Management as a

major component or an equivalent qualification should be allowed to move

incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided

that they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Special Provisions for Graduates and Professionals

80.15 Representations have been made for the extension of salary scales for grades

requiring a Degree. For ease of application, we are reproducing the existing

provisions below.

Recommendation 2

80.16 We recommend that officers in entry or professional grades requiring a

University Degree or an equivalent recognised professional qualification

drawing salary in a scale the maximum of which is not less that Rs 56450 and

having reached the top of their respective salary scale should be allowed to

move incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point Rs 61325,

provided they:

(vii) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(viii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(ix) are not under report.

Duty Free Facilities

80.17 At present, officers in grades requiring a University Degree are eligible for the grant

of 70% duty exemption for the purchase of a car subject to certain criteria and upon

the approval of the MCSAR.

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Pay Review 2016 ~ 480 ~

Recommendation 4

80.18 We recommend that officers in grades requiring a University Degree who are

drawing a monthly salary in a salary scale the maximum of which is not less

than Rs 56450 and who by nature of their duties are required on a regular

basis to attend meetings/conferences outside their organisation, receive

delegates, organise events/workshops and regularly work after normal

working hours should, subject to the approval of the MCSAR, be eligible for

loan facilities and 70% duty exemption for the purchase of a car as per

relevant provisions at paragraphs 18.2.20 (i) and 18.2.43 of Volume I of this




TEC 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

TEC 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver Driver/Office Attendant

TEC 3 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

TEC 4 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

TEC 5 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Technical Assistant Word Processing Operator

TEC 6 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer

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Tertiary Education and Scientific Research

~ 481 ~ Pay Review 2016


TEC 7 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

TEC 8 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Financial Officer Executive Officer (Personal)

TEC 9 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

TEC 10 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Officer Higher Executive Officer (Personal) formerly Higher Executive Officer, TSMTF Procurement and Supply Officer

TEC 11 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant

TEC 12 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer

TEC 13 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Internal Control Officer

TEC 14 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

TEC 15 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Financial Officer

TEC 16 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Office Superintendent

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Tertiary Education and Scientific Research

Pay Review 2016 ~ 482 ~


TEC 17 : Rs 20525 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Technician/Senior Technician

TEC 18 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325 QB 43850 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

` Public Relations Officer

TEC 19 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Assistant Secretary Programme Officer Statistician

TEC 20 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


TEC 21 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Systems Administrator

TEC 22 : Rs 34350 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Legal Officer

TEC 23 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Deputy Financial Controller Head, Centre for Instrumentation Service

TEC 24 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Deputy Secretary

TEC 25 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Distance Education Officer Planning Officer Quality Assurance and Accreditation Officer Research Officer

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~ 483 ~ Pay Review 2016


TEC 26 : Rs 89000 x 3000 – 95000

Financial Controller, Head Finance Division Head, Distance Education and Open Learning Division Head, Quality Assurance and Accreditation Division Head, Research and Planning Division Secretary and Head Administration Division

TEC 27 : Rs 110000

Deputy Executive Director formerly Deputy Director

TEC 28 : Rs 152000

Executive Director

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DPM, Ministry of Tourism and External Communications Tourism Authority

~ 485 ~ Pay Review 2016


81.1 The Tourism Authority (TA) was set up under the Tourism Act No 19 of 2004

subsequently amended, to promote sustainable development of the tourism industry

and ensure that tourism activities are conducted in a safe and responsible manner.

It is a body corporate operating under the aegis of the Ministry of Tourism and

External Communications.

81.2 The main functions of the TA are to, inter alia, licence, regulate and supervise

tourist enterprises and pleasure craft activities; manage tourist sites; and prepare

action plans for the development and improvement of the tourism industry.

81.3 The Authority is currently manned by a complement of staff in the grades of

Administrative Officer, Accountant, Senior Tourism Enforcement Officer,

Enforcement Officer and other Supporting Staff. The Director is the Chief Executive

of the Organisation.

81.4 During consultations with Management, much emphasis was laid on provisions at

paragraph 202 of the Government Programme 2015-2019, wherein it has been

mentioned that the tourism support institutions would be revamped and reorganised

to be more responsive to the evolving needs of the tourism operators.

81.5 In the context of the present review exercise, Management made representations

that the Authority should be equipped with an appropriate structure to turn

strategies into action and take rapid decisions to respond to the imperatives of the

tourism sector. In this regard, requests were made for the creation of grades and

the reinforcement of existing sections to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of

the Authority and transform it into a business facilitator.

81.6 We are acceding to those requests that have valid justifications and making

appropriate recommendations.

Deputy Director (New Grade)

81.7 Presently the Tourism Authority is headed by the Director who is supported by the

Administrative Manager. However, Management has submitted that the scope of

responsibilities of the Authority would, henceforth, include hotel classification, eco

label, construction of jetties and slipways, and product development. Hence, there

is need for a level to provide support to the Director in view of the expansion in

tourism activities. We are agreeable to this request and are recommending


Recommendation 1

81.8 We recommend the creation of a grade of Deputy Director. Appointment

thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

Master’s Degree in the field of Administration or Management or Human

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Pay Review 2016 ~ 486 ~

Resource Management or Finance from a recognised institution or an equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Board and reckoning at least seven years’

post qualification experience.

81.9 Incumbent would be required to assist the Director in; the execution of the policy of

the Board and the control and management of the day-to-day business of the

Authority; corporate planning of the Authority for its business operations; promotion

of the Authority as a centre of excellence for quality and sustainable tourism

development; business development and growth of the Authority; and deputise for

the Director, amongst others.

Administration and Corporate Services Section

Information Technology Section

Licensing Section

Monitoring and Compliance Section

Tourism Product Development and Innovation Section

81.10 Management has submitted that the new organisational structure would comprise

different departments, namely, Administrative and Corporate Services Section, the

Information Technology Section, the Licensing Section, Monitoring and Compliance

Section and Tourism Product Development and Innovation Section. Each unit

would be ascribed specific functions to enable the organisation to achieve its

objectives efficiently and effectively. Management has requested for a level to head

each unit. We are making provisions to this effect through the creation of a grade of

Manager in each unit.

Manager, Administration and Corporate Services (New Grade)

81.11 The Administration and Corporate Services Section would be responsible for

administrative, logistics and financial support, leading the HR function and handling

all procurement matters.

Recommendation 2

81.12 We recommend the creation of a grade of Manager, Administration and

Corporate Services. Appointment thereto, should be made by selection from

among candidates possessing a Degree in Public Administration or Management

or Business Administration or Human Resources Management or Finance from

a recognised institution or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board

and reckoning at least five years’ post qualification experience.

81.13 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, formulate and implement strategies with

a view to enhancing the corporate image of the Authority; ensure follow up actions

on decisions of Board and other committees; provide necessary assistance needed

for the smooth management and conduct of the business of the Authority; set up,

implement and monitor a Performance Management System for the Organisation;

and be responsible for all HR issues of the Authority.

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~ 487 ~ Pay Review 2016

Manager, IT (New Grade)

81.14 The IT Section would be responsible for the deployment of Information Technology

in all sections and leverage on new technologies to streamline business processes

so as to transform the organisation into a business facilitator, thus, providing a more

efficient service to all stakeholders while reducing costs of doing business for

tourism operations.

Recommendation 3

81.15 We recommend the creation of a grade of Manager, IT. Appointment thereto

should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a Degree in

Computer Science or Computer Engineering or Information Systems or

Information Technology from a recognised institution or an equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Board and reckoning at least five years’ post

qualification experience in the field of Information and Communication


81.16 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, be responsible for all IT technical support

and application development/maintenance activities of the Tourism Authority; effect

co-ordination between the different functions and plan, organise, schedule and

monitor staff postings, assignments and workloads; oversee the administration and

maintenance of Information Technology infrastructure at the workplace; and provide

technical assistance on equipment evaluation, selection and installation.

Manager, Licensing (New Grade)

81.17 The Licensing Section would be responsible for the processing, issue and renewal

of tourist enterprises licence, pleasure craft licence, canvasser permit and skipper


Recommendation 4

81.18 We recommend the creation of a grade of Manager, Licensing. Appointment

thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

Degree in Management or Administration or Law or Tourism or Tourism and

Hospitality Management from a recognised institution or an equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Board and reckoning at least five years’ post

qualification experience in the Tourism Sector or in a tourism-related


81.19 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, be in charge of the Licensing unit and

organisation of the work of the unit; process all files and validate information to be

submitted to the Licensing Committee; assist in the formulation of strategies and

policies for the development of tourism activities in a sustainable manner based on

trends and developments in the tourism sector; and assist in the preparation of

strategic plans, project briefs and preparation of papers for the board and

subcommittees of the Board.

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Pay Review 2016 ~ 488 ~

Manager, Monitoring and Compliance (New Grade)

81.20 The Monitoring and Compliance Section would be responsible to monitor the

activities of the tourist enterprises and ensure that operators comply with relevant

legislation, regulations, standards, norms, guidelines and code of practice.

Recommendation 5

81.21 We recommend the creation of a grade of Manager, Monitoring and

Compliance. Appointment thereto, should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a Degree in Tourism or Tourism and Hospitality or

Management or Economics or Commerce or Accounting or Administration or

Law from a recognised institution or an equivalent qualification acceptable to

the Board and reckoning at least five years’ post qualification experience in

the Tourism Sector or in a tourism-related organisation.

81.22 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, be responsible for the day-to-day

management and control of the monitoring and compliance unit; ensure that Tourist

business operates according to established standards, laws, guidelines and

regulations; plan, organise and coordinate site inspections and report on actions

taken/follow up on all cases where actions are required; and ensure that follow up

actions are undertaken in respect of all enforcement notices and notices for fixed

penalties issued in accordance with the Tourism Authority Act and regulations in


Manager, Tourism Product Development and Innovation (New Grade)

81.23 The Tourism Product Development and Innovation Section would be responsible to

foster and encourage the conduct of activities in the tourism industry with a view to

preserve the attractiveness and reputation of Mauritius as a tourist destination.

Recommendation 6

81.24 We recommend the creation of a grade of Manager, Tourism Product

Development and Innovation. Appointment thereto, should be made by

selection from among candidates possessing a Degree in Tourism or Tourism

and Hospitality Management from a recognised institution or an equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Board and reckoning at least five years’ post

qualification experience in the tourism sector or in a tourism-related


81.25 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, be responsible for the day to day

management and control of the Tourism Product Development and Innovation

Section; provide general administrative assistance, advice and support to the

Director with regards to the sector activities, trends and developments; assist the

Director in the formulation of strategies and policies for the hotel classification and

development of tourism activities in a sustainable manner and analyse tourism

development patterns in different countries and undertake benchmarking activities

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~ 489 ~ Pay Review 2016

for local tourism product improvement; carry out competitor analysis and SWOT

analysis in product development for local product enhancement and value addition;

supervise the work of officers in the Tourism Product Development and Innovation

Section and ensure its smooth running; and conduct research on tourism matters

and share information on findings.

Principal Tourism Enforcement Officer (New Grade)

81.26 The Tourism Authority would be called upon to assume new responsibilities such as

hotel classification, extension of classification standards, grading system to non-

hotel sectors, licensing reforms with online applications and e-payment. With these

changes, Management has apprised the Bureau that there is need for a level to

assist the Manager, Tourism Product Development and Innovation and ensure that

the section achieves its objectives efficiently and effectively. We are making

appropriate provisions to this effect.

Recommendation 7

81.27 We recommend the creation of a grade of Principal Tourism Enforcement

Officer. Appointment thereto, should be made by promotion, on the basis of

experience and merit, from among officers in the grade of Senior Tourism

Enforcement Officer reckoning at least two years’ service in a substantive

capacity in the grade.

81.28 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, assist the Manager, Tourism Product

Development and Innovation in the day-to-day management of the technical

section; be responsible for the application of all laws and regulations relating to

tourism activities; supervise the processing of applications for request and renewal

of licences for tourism businesses, enterprises and pleasure crafts; supervise the

inspection of all tourism and tourism-related activities and ensure strict compliance

with laws, norms and standards; effect site visits in relation to tourism activities and

prepare action plans, as required by the Manager, Tourism Product Development

and Innovation in respect of coastal zone management, zone safety and security of


IT Technician (New Grade)

81.29 Presently, there is a grade of IT Officer at the Tourism Authority. During

consultations, Management has submitted that the organisation has already

embarked on a project to upgrade its computerised system since it is in the process

of computerising all processes for applications and licensing. An online application

system for e-payment and e-licensing is also in the pipeline. Hence, there is an

urgent need to strengthen the IT Unit. We recommend accordingly.

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Recommendation 8

81.30 We recommend the creation of a grade of IT Technician. Appointment thereto

should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a Diploma

in Information and Communication Technology or Computer Science from a

recognised institution or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board

and reckoning at least five years’ post qualification experience in the field of

Information and Communication Technology.

81.31 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, provide assistance to the Manager, IT in

developing, protecting and maintaining an effective computerised information

system for the development of online applications, payment, software, databases

and websites, performing computer/data processing work/trouble shooting activities;

and setting up of IT logistics for seminars, workshops and any other events.

Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

81.32 Submission has also been made for a grade to oversee all procurement matters for

the organisation. We are making appropriate provisions with the creation of a grade

of Procurement and Supply Officer.

Recommendation 9

81.33 We recommend the creation of a grade of Procurement and Supply Officer.

Appointment thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing a Diploma in Purchasing and Supply Management from a

recognised institution or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board

and reckoning at least five years’ experience in purchasing and supply duties.

81.34 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, organise and manage the procurement

and supply activities of the Tourism Authority; perform procurement, supply,

storekeeping and stock control duties in accordance with existing provisions; and

assist in appraisal and review exercises related to procurement and supply


Assistant Public Relations Officer

81.35 There is a Qualification Bar (QB) in the salary scale of the grade of Assistant Public

Relations Officer. Incumbent should possess the Diploma in Communication/

Management/Tourism or an equivalent qualification to proceed beyond the QB

in the salary scale recommended for the grade.

81.36 In our last Report, provision was made to allow the organisation, in case of difficulty,

to recruit and retain high calibre professionals in specific grades with negotiable

initial salary point. We are maintaining this provision which may still be used in the

present context.

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Recommendation 10

81.37 We recommend that in case of difficulty of recruitment and retention of high

calibre professionals in certain specific grades, incumbents may be granted a

remuneration package comprising a negotiable salary from the salary range

of the respective level, along with a negotiable allowance with the assent of

the parent Ministry while considering the following:

(i) skills and competencies;

(ii) international experience/exposure in the specific field;

(iii) proven track record (locally and at international level);

(iv) the remuneration package prior to joining the Tourism Authority; and

(v) alternative modes of recruitment.



TA 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

TA 2 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

TA 3 : Rs 12230 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Documentation Assistant

TA 4 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


TA 5 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

TA 6 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer (Personal) Clerk/Word Processing Operator

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TA 7 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

TA 8 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Executive Officer (Personal)

TA 9 : Rs 15450 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Tourist Warden

TA 10 : Rs 16075 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 QB 38350 x 1225 – 39575

Assistant Public Relations Officer

TA 11 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

TA 12 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Higher Executive Officer Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

TA 13 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Tourism Enforcement Officer

TA 14 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

IT Technician (New Grade)

TA 15 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Assistant Examiner

TA 16 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200 QB 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician

TA 17 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Senior Tourism Enforcement Officer

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TA 18 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Public Relations/Customer Care Officer Training Co-ordinator

TA 19 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

IT Officer

TA 20 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Accountant Administrative Officer

TA 21 : Rs 33425 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Principal Tourism Enforcement Officer (New Grade)

TA 22 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Manager, Administration and Corporate Services (New Grade) Manager, IT (New Grade) Manager, Licensing (New Grade) Manager, Monitoring and Compliance (New Grade) Manager, Tourism Product Development and Innovation (New Grade)

TA 23 : Rs 45375 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Administrative Manager

TA 24 : Rs 64800 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Deputy Director (New Grade)

TA 25 : Rs 110000


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DPM, Ministry of Tourism and External Communications Tourism Employees Welfare Fund

~ 495 ~ Pay Review 2016


82.1 The Tourism Employees Welfare Fund (TEWF) was set up under the Tourism

Employees Welfare Fund Act No 15 of 2002 to provide for the social and economic

welfare of employees of tourism enterprises and their families. It operates under the

aegis of the Ministry of Tourism and External Communications. Presently, the

TEWF covers about 33000 employees and their families, manages the General

Fund amounting to Rs 110 millions and generates revenue of about Rs 22 m


82.2 In line with its mandate to set up schemes and projects for promoting the welfare of

employees of tourism enterprises and their families, the TEWF has implemented

various schemes such as education loan, computer loan, motorcycle loan and

multipurpose loan at low rates of interest. Grants for students of the Certificate of

Primary Education, School Certificate, Higher School Certificate, marriage gift, and

death grant are also being provided by the organisation.

82.3 The organisation structure of the TEWF consists of the Administration, Welfare and

Finance Departments. The Secretary is the Chief Executive of the Organisation.

82.4 In our last Report the post of Office Attendant was abolished and the post of Office

Attendant/Driver was restyled to Driver/Office Attendant.

82.5 In the context of the present review exercise, the Management of the TEWF made

submissions to review the organisation structure so as to enhance customer service

in the activities of the Fund. Representations were also made for job enlargement of

the post of Secretary, creation of polyvalent grades of Management Support Officer

and Office Management Assistant as well as to strengthen the Finance Department.

82.6 We are acceding to these requests and making appropriate recommendations.


82.7 With an expansion of the activities at the TEWF, we are agreeable to the

submission for enlarging the scheme of service for the post of Secretary, which is at

the apex of the organisation, to better reflect the nature of duties performed.

Recommendation 1

82.8 We recommend that the duties of the grade of Secretary be enlarged to

include the formulation of strategies and policies and their prompt execution

so as to meet the objectives of the Fund; exercise proper control on the

Fund’s assets and accounts; be responsible for the prompt collection of

income and for all expenditure incurred; and promote a quality culture at the

Fund. This element has been taken into consideration in arriving at the salary

recommended for the grade.

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DPM, Ministry of Tourism and External Communications Tourism Employees Welfare Fund

Pay Review 2016 ~ 496 ~

Accounts Officer

82.9 The Finance Department at the TEWF, at present, comprises the grades of

Accountant, Accounting Technician and the Accounts Clerk.

82.10 The TEWF is financed through contributions from employers and employees of the

tourism sector. Every employee and employer in the tourism sector contributes a

monthly fee of Rs 10 and Rs 40 respectively to the Fund. Presently, there are

33,000 employees of the tourism sector both from Mauritius and Rodrigues,

contributing to the Fund.

82.11 Management has represented that the fund of the TEWF is increasing each year

and there is a need to provide for an appropriate structure to ensure segregation in

the flow of duties carried out by the existing staff of the Finance Section. We concur

with this proposal.

Recommendation 2

82.12 We recommend the creation of a grade of Accounts Officer. Appointment

thereto, should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

Diploma in Accounting or a pass in all papers of the Fundamentals

(knowledge) of the ACCA Examinations or an equivalent qualification

acceptable to the Board.

82.13 Incumbent would be required, among others, to ensure that all payments are in

accordance with the approved budget, financial rules and regulations; prepare

journal voucher, monthly trial balances and reconciliation statements and periodic

financial statements; ensure effective purchasing of commodities, equipment and

their proper storage and supply; and assist in the administration of revenue

collection of the TEWF.



TEWF 1 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

TEWF 2 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

TEWF 3 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

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TEWF 4 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

TEWF 5 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Executive Officer (Personal)

TEWF 6 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Programme Welfare Assistant

TEWF 7 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer (New Grade)

TEWF 8 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant (New Grade)

TEWF9 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200 QB 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician

TEWF 10 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Programme Welfare Officer

TEWF 11 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


TEWF 12 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950


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VPM, Ministry of Housing and Lands Town and Country Planning Board

~ 499 ~ Pay Review 2016


83.1 Established as per the provision of Town and Planning Act 1954 as a statutory

body, the Town and Country Planning Board (TCPB) operates under the aegis of

the Ministry of Housing and Lands to promote the orderly development of land in

both urban and rural areas of the country. Its objectives according to the Act, are

the formulation of Outline Schemes and Hearing of appeals from persons aggrieved

by the decisions of the Local Authority in respect of land use and Development


83.2 Since October 2012, the responsibility to examine all appeals from person

aggrieved in respect of Development Permit of decision reached by the Local

Authority has been shifted to the Environment and Land Appeal Tribunal.

Consequently, there has been a decrease in the workload of the TCPB and in order

to make effective use of its human resource, some officers of the TCPB have been

called upon to provide their services, on a part time basis, to the parent Ministry as

well as to the organisation.

83.3 At present, the TCPB is being managed by a skeleton staff in the grades of

Administrative Manager, Planning Officer and officers of the general service. The

post of Administrative Manager is vacant for quite some time and the duties of the

grade have been assigned to the Planning Officer against payment of an

appropriate allowance. Incumbent is now responsible for the day-to-day affairs of

the TCPB.

Management and Staff Association’s Submissions

83.4 Both representatives of the staff side and Management have, through their

memorandum and during consultation, requested the filling of the post of

Administrative Manager; the creation of the grade of Office Management Executive

with option for the actual incumbent in the grade of Higher Executive Officer to join

in and the restyling of the grade of Office Attendant to Office Attendant/Senior Office


Views of the Bureau

83.5 The Bureau considers the Board of TCPB is empowered either to establish new

grades or to fill in vacant posts depending on the functional needs of the

organisation. Concerning the restyling of the grade of Office Attendant to that of

Senior Office Attendant, parties were explained why this cannot be done.

83.6 Pending any further organisational change at the TCPB, the existing salaries are

being revised while the grade of Planning Officer is being restyled.

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Planning Officer

83.7 The grade of Planning Officer at the TCPB is a dead end post. Over and above his

normal duties, incumbent has been assigned the duties of the grade of

Administrative Manager which has remained vacant for quite a long time.

83.8 It has been represented that the non filling of the post of Administrative Manager is

depriving the Planning Officer of a promotional outlet, the moreso, as there is no

career structure for the grade. Moreover, the TCPB is making effective use of the

expertise of incumbent.

83.9 The Bureau has considered the above facts and circumstances and is making an

appropriate recommendation.


83.10 We recommend that:

(i) the grade of Planning Officer be restyled Planning Officer/Senior

Planning Officer; and

(ii) the schedule of duties of the grade of Planning Officer/Senior Planning

Officer formerly Planning Officer be enlarged to require jobholder to

assist the Administrative Manager in the discharge of his functions.

The foregoing changes have been taken into consideration in arriving

at the recommended salary.



TCP 1 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

TCP 2 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


TCP 3 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator

TCP 4 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175


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TCP 5 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

TCP 6 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Executive Officer (Personal)

TCP 7 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

TCP 8 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Higher Executive Officer

TCP 9 : Rs 20525 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200 QB 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Planning Inspector

TCP 10 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Senior Planning Inspector

TCP 11 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Chief Planning Inspector

TCP 12 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Planning Officer/Senior Planning Officer formerly Planning Officer

TCP 13 : Rs 39575 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Administrative Manager

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Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, Employment and Training Trade Union Trust Fund

~ 503 ~ Pay Review 2016


84.1 The Trade Union Trust Fund (TUTF) was set up by the Trade Union Trust Fund Act

No. 1 of 1997 and operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Labour, Industrial

Relations, Employment and Training.

84.2 The mission of the TUTF is to promote workers education whether they are

unionised or non-unionised members; organise and sponsor seminars for

representative members, Federations and Confederations at national level; provide

assistance to workers organisations in terms of logistic and work environment, raise

funds from donor institutes sustainably; and organise and conduct international


84.3 The TUTF is managed and administered by a Board of trustees and presently is

serviced only by an Executive Secretary and a General Worker, as the post of

Clerk/Word Processing Operator is vacant.

84.4 In the context of the present review exercise, the main representation has been

focused on alignment of salary at different levels and Management has been

apprised of the established criteria set for alignment of salary at different levels of


84.5 In this Report, we are making provision for the payment of an allowance to

incumbent in the grade of General Worker who, besides his normal duties, is also

required to perform certain duties of the grade of Office Attendant as there is no

Office Attendant in the organisation.

General Worker

Recommendation 1

84.6 We recommend that incumbent in the grade of General Worker who is

required to perform daily the duties of the grade of Office Attendant be paid

an allowance equivalent to two increments at the point reached in the salary




TUTF 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 - 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

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TUTF 2 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

TUTF 3 : Rs19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Executive Secretary

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Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board

and Reform Institutions

~ 505 ~ Pay Review 2016


85.1 In accordance with the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Act

No. 9 of 1996 (subsequently amended in 2012), the Training and Employment of

Disabled Persons Board (TEDPB) has as objects, inter alia, to: educate and

sensitise employers on the importance of employing disabled persons; improve

generally the social and economic status and condition of disabled persons; and act

as a facilitator in providing opportunities for work and entrepreneurship.

85.2 Its mission is to promote and sustain inclusion and integration of persons with

disabilities in all aspects of society so that they also enjoy meaningful and fulfilling

lives. In so doing, the TEDPB envisions to strengthening the Rights of People with


85.3 The General Manager is at the apex of the TEDPB and is responsible for the

maintenance and promotion of a sound administration of the organisation. He is

supported by a complement of officers in different grades in the discharge of his


85.4 In the context of this Report, Management has requested for: the creation of

grades, upgrading of existing ones, and an increase in the establishment size of

existing positions. During consultation that was held, parties were informed that

grades which are urgently required would be graded by the Bureau on an ad hoc

basis well before and even after the publication of this Report, once the parent

Ministry conveys its approval and the proposed schemes of service are in order.

85.5 The Bureau has carefully examined the submissions and considers that the present

organisational structure is fit for its purpose. We are, however, creating the grade of

Gardener and recommending that Management should conduct a Human

Resource Planning exercise to identify the need for additional HR

requirements and to prompt appropriate remedial measures.

Gardener (New Grade)

85.6 The TEDPB is running an Agriculture Project at its Training Centre at Calebasses

where vegetables, ornamental plants as well as medicinal plants are being planted.

Since 1998 to date, two former trainees in Agriculture are performing the gardening

duties. Management has submitted that there is need for a dedicated grade to carry

out this function to which we are agreeable.

Recommendation 1

85.7 We recommend the creation of a grade of Gardener. Appointment thereto,

should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a Certificate

in Primary Education or from among candidates showing proof of being

literate and reckoning some years of experience in garden technique.

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Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board

and Reform Institutions

Pay Review 2016 ~ 506 ~

Consideration should also be given to persons with disabilities who possess

the foregoing qualifications.

85.8 Incumbent would, inter alia, be required to: prepare beds for sowing seeds and for

transplantation of seedlings; carry out potting, grafting, layering and other

propagation practices; carry out spraying of plants; and maintain the garden




TEDPB 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 - 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

TEDPB 2 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Gardener (New Grade) Office/Transport Attendant

TEDPB 3 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21475

Workshop Assistant

TEDPB 4 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

TEDPB 5 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

TEDPB 6 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 28625

Assistant Stores Officer (Personal)

TEDPB 7 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Assistant Instructor/Instructor

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and Reform Institutions

~ 507 ~ Pay Review 2016


TEDPB 8 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

TEDPB 9 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Customer Service Clerk

TEDPB 10 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

TEDPB 11 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Disability Employment Officer

TEDPB 12 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

TEDPB 13 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer Higher Executive Officer

TEDPB 14 : Rs 77175 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 83000

General Manager

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Ministry of Health and Quality of Life Trust Fund for Specialised Medical Care (Cardiac Centre)

~ 509 ~ Pay Review 2016


86.1 Operating under the aegis of the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life (MOH & QL),

the Trust Fund for Specialised Medical Care (Cardiac Centre) is a body corporate

established under Act No. 52 of 1992. It envisions to adhere to the unrelenting

commitment to best practices in the provision of critical and specialised care to


86.2 Being a tertiary centre offering specialised medical care in cardiac surgery,

international vascular surgeries and cardiology, it also caters for patients coming

from the Indian Ocean Region. Having a bed capacity of 63, out of which there is

an 11-bedded ICU and 26 beds in each male and female wards, the Centre

performs four cardiac surgeries, ten angiographies, three coronary angioplasties on

a daily basis. Additionally, five vascular surgeries are carried out weekly.

86.3 The Cardiac Centre is headed by an Executive Director who is responsible for the

execution of the policy of the Board and the day-to-day Management of the Fund.

The clinical management of the Centre rests with the Director Cardiac Services.

Both medical and technical, along with paramedical and supporting staff provide

assistance to the Directorate for the proper delivery of services.

86.4 Management has submitted that the Cardiac Centre is facing lots of impediments in

service delivery as many grades have been on secondment from the MOH&QL

since its inception. The fact that the Cardiac Centre is not staffed with dedicated

grades is impeding its daily service. The Bureau has examined the issue and we

are, in this Report, strengthening the present structure of different departments with

the creation of a few grades to better equip the Centre and provide it with the right

impetus to meet the desired goals.

Pharmacy Department

Pharmacist/Senior Pharmacist (New Grade)

Recommendation 1

86.5 We recommend the creation of the grade of Pharmacist/Senior Pharmacist on

the establishment of the Cardiac Centre. Appointment thereto, should be

made by selection from among candidates who are registered as Pharmacist

in accordance with legislation in force in Mauritius.

86.6 Incumbent would be required, among others, to manage, organise, coordinate and

supervise the activities of the Pharmacy Unit and the work of all subordinate staff;

ensure that the provision of the Pharmacy Act, the Dangerous Drugs Act and any

other legislation relating to pharmacy are strictly complied with; and ensure the

efficient management of the pharmacy and supervision of the pharmaceutical

services provided by the Centre.

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Pharmacy Technician (New Grade)

Recommendation 2

86.7 We recommend the creation of the grade of Pharmacy Technician on the

establishment of the Cardiac Centre. Appointment thereto, should be made

by selection from among Trainee Pharmacy Technicians formerly Student

Pharmacy Technicians who have successfully completed their Diploma in

Pharmacy Technician.

86.8 We also recommend that progression beyond the QB in the salary scale of

Pharmacy Technician should be subject to obtention of the Diploma in

Pharmacy Technician.

86.9 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to compound drugs, medicines and prepare

sterile pharmaceutical products; dispense drugs and medicine and give full direction

for the use thereof; and order, receive and issue drugs, medicines, vaccines, sterile

products ingredients, surgical dressing and keep record thereof.

Finance Department

Accountant (New Grade)

Accountant Technician (New Grade)

86.10 Over the years, the funding of the Cardiac Centre has increased considerably and

with the rapid increase in the level of activities of the Centre, there is need to have a

robust and qualified team to manage and control the internal processes of the

funding activities. Moreover, the Centre prepares its financial statements in

accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Practice (IPAS). Thus,

Management has submitted that with a view to providing support to the professional

grade, there is need to strengthen the department with the creation of dedicated

grades. We have examined the issue and we are making the appropriate provision.

Recommendation 3

86.11 We recommend the creation of the grade of Accountant on the establishment

of the Cardiac Centre. Appointment thereto, should be by selection from

among candidates possessing a pass at the final examination required for

admission to membership of a recognised professional accounting body,

reckoning at least three years’ post qualification experience in Accounting

and Financial duties and are registered with the Mauritius Institute of

Professional Accountants (MIPA).

86.12 Incumbent would be required, among others, to prepare Financial Statements of the

Centre; maintain book and proper accounting records related to the Centre; prepare

and administer the budget of the Centre; carry out cost benefit and cost

effectiveness analysis to help in making a rational use of resources; and apply

relevant financial procedures for the implementation of projects at the Centre.

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Recommendation 4

86.13 We recommend the creation of the grade of Accounting Technician on the

establishment of the Cardiac Centre. Appointment thereto, should be made

by selection from among candidates possessing passes in papers F1, F2 and

F3 of the ACCA Fundamentals (Knowledge) and any four papers of the ACCA

Fundamentals (Skills).

86.14 We further recommend that candidates will proceed beyond the QB in the

salary scale only after obtaining the full ACCA Fundamentals.

86.15 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to assist in the preparation of the Annual

Estimates of the Centre and the Annual Final Accounts; ensure that finance,

accounting and procurement and supply regulations are correctly applied and

complied with; keep proper, complete and up-to-date records of all financial

transactions; and prepare monthly payroll and ensure that relevant controls are


86.16 We also recommend that the grade of Accounts Officer be made evanescent.

We have provided a personal salary scale for officers in post as at 31.12.15 in

this grade.

Procurement and Warehousing Department

Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

86.17 The Centre has presently, two Procurement and Supply Officers on secondment

from the Ministry of Finance and this practice has been continuing since the

inception of the Centre. The Procurement Department procures more than Rs 80

million consumables, disposables and other items annually and monitors a dynamic

stock of around Rs 45 to Rs 50 million monthly. With a view to improving

operational efficiency, Management has submitted that the practice of having staff

seconded for this function should be discontinued and proposed that a dedicated

grade be created on the establishment of the Centre. We subscribe to this request.

Recommendation 5

86.18 We recommend the creation of the grade of Procurement and Supply Officer

on the establishment of the Cardiac Centre. Appointment thereto, should be

made by selection from among candidates possessing a Cambridge Higher

School Certificate with a pass at Principal level in Accounting or Mathematics

and a Certificate in Purchasing and Supply from a recognised institution or an

alternative acceptable qualification.

86.19 Incumbent would be required, among others, to perform procurement and

warehousing operations in compliance with the provisions laid down in the financial

management kit and regulations made under the Public Procurement Act 2006 and

other regulations in force; assist in formulating proposals to review procurement

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Pay Review 2016 ~ 512 ~

procedures for consideration by Procurement Policy Office; and advise the

Accounting Officer on matters related to procurement and supply management.

Radiology Services

Medical Imaging Technologist (New Grade)

86.20 The Cardiac Centre has two Cath labs whereby officers in the grade of Medical

Imaging Technologist, on secondment from the SSRN Hospital, assist in

angiography and angioplasty interventions on a rotational basis. With the increase

in the number of cases in the Cath Lab, there is need to have these officers on the

establishment of the Centre for better service delivery. We are recommending,


Recommendation 6

86.21 We recommend the creation of the grade of Medical Imaging Technologist on

the establishment of the Cardiac Centre. Appointment thereto, should be

made by selection from among Trainee Medical Imaging Technologists

formerly Student Medical Imaging Technologists who have successfully

completed their training. In the absence of qualified candidates, appointment

should be by selection from among candidates possessing a Cambridge

School Certificate with credit in at least five subjects including English

Language, Mathematics and Physics obtained on one Certificate or passes

not below Grade C in at least five subjects including English Language,

Mathematics and Physics obtained on one Certificate at the GCE ‘O’ level

together with a Certificate in Diagnosis Radiography from a recognised

institution or the Certificate in Radio-diagnosis issued by the MOH&QL or an

equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board.

86.22 Incumbent would be required, inter alia, to perform all types of diagnostic

investigations including preparation of patients prior to examination, accurate

positioning of patients and correct exposure and processing of films; perform X-Ray

examination, take special views as instructed and check the quality and relevance

of films; and assist the Radiologists for special X-Ray examinations and to liaise

with Nursing Staff regarding preparation of patients.

86.23 We also recommend that progression beyond the QB in the salary scale of

Medical Imaging Technologist should be subject to obtention of the Diploma

in Radiography or equivalent.

Health Records Department

Health Records Clerk/Higher Health Records Clerk

86.24 The Centre has recently set up the Health Records Department which is manned by

five Health Records Clerks. A Senior Health Records Officer is currently seconded

three days per week from the MOH&QL.

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~ 513 ~ Pay Review 2016

86.25 In the Civil Service the Health Records Clerk/Higher Health Records Clerk is being

demerged into two distinct grades of Health Records Clerk and Higher Health

Records Clerk for effective service delivery and to ensure proper supervision during

night service.

86.26 Management has submitted that there is need to have an officer at the supervisory

level to manage and control the team to meet the objectives of the Centre. The

Bureau has studied the issue and has found that there is merit in the case and we

are recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 7

86.27 We recommend that:

(i) the grade of Health Records Clerk/Higher Health Records Clerk on the

establishment of the Cardiac Centre be demerged into two distinct

grades of Health Records Clerk and Higher Health Records Clerk; and

(ii) in future, appointment to the grade of Higher Health Records Clerk

should be by promotion, on the basis of experience and merit, of officers

in the grade of Health Records Clerk reckoning at least five years’

service in a substantive capacity in the grade or an aggregate of five

years’ service in the merged grade of Health Records Clerk/Higher

Health Records Clerk and having successfully undergone six months

on-the-job training in health records work.

86.28 Incumbent in the grade of Higher Health Records Clerk would be required, among

others, to supervise and coordinate the work carried out in the Health Records

Department; and perform the duties of Health Records Clerk, as and when required.

Driver (Shift) (New Grade)

86.29 At present, there exists the grade of Driver/Office Attendant on the establishment of

the Cardiac Centre whereby incumbents are required to work from 0800 hours to

1600 hours. Management has requested that a grade of Driver(Shift) be created as

at present, Driver/Office Attendants are most of the time required to work beyond

their normal working hours against payment of overtime allowances. The Bureau

has studied the request and is making the relevant provision.

Recommendation 8

86.30 We recommend the creation of the grade of Driver (Shift) on the establishment

of the Cardiac Centre. Appointment thereto, should be made by selection

from among candidates possessing the Certificate of Primary Education and

a valid driving licence (manual gear) to drive cars or vans or minibuses or

lorries up to five tons; having a basic knowledge of mechanics and simple

vehicle maintenance and good eyesight.

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86.31 We also recommend that incumbents in the grade of Driver/Office Attendant

be given the option to join the grade of Driver (Shift) and, on joining the grade,

be granted three additional increments at the point reached in their salary

scale, subject to the top salary of the grade.

86.32 We further recommend that the grade of Driver/Office Attendant should be

gradually phased out. We have provided for personal salary for officers in

post as at 31 December 2015.

Chief Specialised Perfusionist

Specialised Perfusionist/Senior Specialised Perfusionist

86.33 At present, the Specialised Perfusionist cadre at the Cardiac Centre comprises a

three level structure namely Chief Specialised Perfusionist, Senior Specialised

Perfusionist and Specialised Perfusionist. In the context of this review, both the

Staff Side and Management have requested to merge the first two levels as

incumbents in both grades performed the same nature of duties in an operation


86.34 An analysis of the schemes of service of the first two levels has, indeed, revealed

quite a lot of overlapping of duties between the two grades. Thus, in line with the

general policy of delayering and flattening of structures, we are reducing the

number of levels through the merger of the grades of Specialised Perfusionist and

Senior Specialised Perfusionist and abolishing the grade of Chief Specialised

Perfusionist, which is presently vacant as the merged grade would be under the

direct supervision of the Cardiac Surgeon.

Recommendation 9

86.35 We recommend that the grades of Specialised Perfusionist and Senior

Specialised Perfusionist be merged and restyled Specialised Perfusionist/

Senior Specialised Perfusionist.

86.36 We further recommend that the grade of Chief Specialised Perfusionist be


On-Call and In-Attendance Allowances

86.37 When required to attend duty while being ‘On-Call’, the Director Cardiac Services,

Cardiac Surgeons, Cardiologists, Cardiac Anaesthetists, Vascular Surgeons and

Specialised Physiotherapists are presently paid “On-Call” and “In-Attendance”

allowances. These allowances are being revised.

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Recommendation 10

86.38 We recommend that the Director Cardiac Services, Cardiac Surgeons,

Cardiologists, Cardiac Anaesthetists, Vascular Surgeons and Specialised

Physiotherapists be paid ‘On-Call’ allowances as hereunder:



Director Cardiac Services, Cardiologist, Cardiac

Surgeon, Cardiac Anaesthetist and Vascular

Surgeon Rs

Specialised Physiotherapist


Weekdays 1800 hours to 0800 hours the following day

1090 355

Saturdays 1200 hours to Sunday 0800 hours

1635 500

Sundays and Public Holidays 0800 hours to 0800 hours the following day

1635 600

86.39 When attending the Centre while ‘On-Call’, the Director Cardiac Services,

Cardiac Surgeons, Cardiologists, Cardiac Anaesthetists and Vascular

Surgeons should be paid at the rate of Rs 935 per hour and Specialised

Physiotherapists at the rate of Rs 200 per hour, inclusive of travelling time.

However, for the days the Director Cardiac Services, Cardiac Surgeons,

Cardiologists, Cardiac Anaesthetists, Vascular Surgeons and Specialised

Physiotherapists would continue to work at the Cardiac Centre after their

normal hours up to 0800 hours the next day, they should not be paid the on-

call allowance but be compensated at the normal hourly rate at the salary

point reached in their respective salary scale for every additional hour put in.

Allowance for coverage at Night, Sunday and public holidays

Recommendation 11

86.40 We recommend that Specialised Registered Medical Officers and Trainee

Specialised Registered Medical Officers who are required to put in additional

hours of work at night, on Saturday afternoon, Sunday and public holiday

should be compensated at the normal hourly rate at the salary point reached

in their respective salary scale, for every additional hour put in.

86.41 We further recommend that Specialised Perfusionist/Senior Specialised

Perfusionists formerly Specialised Perfusionists and Senior Specialised

Perfusionists who are required to continue to work beyond their scheduled

departure time should be compensated at the normal hourly rate at the salary

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point reached in their respective salary scale for every additional hours of

work put in.

86.42 We additionally recommend that, whenever required to attend to emergencies

after their normal working hours, Specialised Perfusionist/Senior Specialised

Perfusionists formerly Specialised Perfusionists and Senior Specialised

Perfusionists should be compensated at the normal hourly rate at the salary

point reached in their respective salary scale for every additional hours of

work put in, inclusive of travelling time.

Shift Work and Night Duty Allowance

86.43 Presently, officers who effectively work on night shift are paid a Night Duty

Allowance equivalent to 25% of the normal rate per hour for the hours between

2300 hours to 0500 hours including up to a maximum of two hours lying-in period.

86.44 However, the Night Duty Allowance is computed exceptionally at the rate of 25% on

the basis of eight hours in respect of the present night shift of 13½ hours for officers

of the Specialised Nursing Officer cadre and this is being maintained.

Recommendation 12

86.45 We recommend that officers of the Specialised Nursing Officer cadre, Theatre

Attendants (Shift), Nursing Aid/General Workers, Ambulance Drivers (Shift)

and Handy Workers (Shift) who effectively work on night shift, should be paid

a Night Duty Allowance equivalent to 25% of the normal rate per hour for the

hours between 2300 hours and 0500 hours including up to a maximum of two

hours lying-in period.

86.46 We further recommend that the Night Duty Allowance be computed

exceptionally at the rate of 25% on the basis of eight hours in respect of the

present night shift of 13½ hours for officers in the Specialised Nursing Officer


Night Attendance Bonus

Recommendation 13

86.47 We recommend the payment of a monthly Night Attendance Bonus, up to the

publication of the next Report, to incumbents in the grades listed below

provided they attend duty on all scheduled night shifts during the month.

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Grade Night Attendance Bonus/month


Trainee Specialised Nursing Officer 585

Specialised Nursing Officer

Up to 10 years’ service

Over 10 years’ service



Specialised Head Nurse

Up to 5 years’ service

Over 5 years’ service



Retention Allowance

86.48 Presently, a monthly Retention Allowance is paid to some officers at the Cardiac

Centre. The payment of this Retention allowance has helped in curbing the

emigration of these officers.

86.49 We have observed that the market situation/condition has improved and there are

many qualified people who are available to work in this sector. We are, however,

maintaining the payment of the SPRA to eligible officers in post as at 31 December

2015 up to 31 December 2016.

Recommendation 14

86.50 We recommend that officers in the grades of Trainee Specialised Nursing

Officer, Specialised Nursing Officer (Male and Female), Specialised Head

Nurse, Deputy Specialised Nursing Superintendent, Specialised Nursing

Superintendent and Chief Specialised Nursing Superintendent should

continue to draw, up to 31 December 2016, a monthly retention allowance

equivalent to two increments at the point reached in their respective salary

scale, subject to satisfactory performance and upon recommendation of the

Responsible/Supervising Officer.

86.51 We further recommend that an officer who leaves the service prior to the age

at which he may retire without the approval of the Board (Table II at Chapter

15 of Volume 1) should be required to refund the totality of the retention

allowance paid to him. However, an officer who retires from the service on

reaching the age at which he may retire without the approval of the Board or

thereafter should refund only that part of the retention allowance which he

would have earned under this scheme after reaching the age at which he may

retire without the approval of the Board.

86.52 However, the above provision should not apply to officers retiring as per their

new compulsory retirement age or on medical ground.

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86.53 All officers who are eligible for the payment of the Retention Allowance as

from 01 January 2016 and have been granted same prior to the publication of

this Report should continue to draw the Retention Allowance up to

31 December 2016.

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

Recommendation 15

86.54 We recommend that incumbents in the grade of Human Resource Officer/

Senior Human Resource Officer possessing a Diploma in Human Resource

Management or a Diploma with Human Resource Management as a major

component or an equivalent qualification should be allowed to move

incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point Rs 42325 provided

that they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Allowance to the Medical Profession

86.55 The annual allowance for expenditure incurred for the purchase of medical books,

e-materials, journals and other publications needed for keeping abreast of latest

development and efficient approaches for treatment payable to members of the

medical profession is being revised.

Recommendation 16

86.56 We recommend that the allowance payable to members of the medical

profession, appointed in a substantive capacity, for the purchase of medical

books, e-materials, journals and other publications be revised to Rs 13500


Special Medical Service Allowance

Recommendation 17

86.57 We recommend that provision made at paragraph 23.71 under the Ministry of

Health and Quality of Life in respect of the Special Medical Service Allowance

be extended to members of the medical profession at the Cardiac Centre.

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Special Provision for Officers of the Medical Profession

Recommendation 18

86.58 We recommend that the provision made at paragraphs 23.80 and 23.81 at

chapter 23 of this Report (Volume 2 Part I) should equally apply to members

of the medical profession at the Trust Fund for Specialised Medical Care

(Cardiac Centre).

Medical Specialists

Recommendation 19

86.59 We recommend that the Cardiac Surgeon, Cardiac Anaesthetist, Cardiologist

and Vascular Surgeon should be known as Consultant on reaching salary

point of Rs 89000.

Diploma in General Nursing

86.60 In the 2013 PRB Report, we made provision for a Qualification Bar (QB) in the

salary scale of the respective Specialised Nursing Officer grades so that

progression beyond the QB would be subject to them possessing the National

Diploma Level 6 in Nursing. The EOAC removed the QB in the salary scale of the

grade of Specialised Nursing Officer (Male and Female), thus, allowing unqualified

officers to progress beyond the QB salary. Those officers who are qualified felt that

the efforts and sacrifices have not been compensated. On the other hand, allowing

both qualified and non-qualified to draw the same salary scale is technically

incorrect and might give rise to justified claims for redress before the tribunal. For

all these reasons, the Bureau is reinserting the QB in the salary scale of Specialised

Nursing Officer (Male and Female)

Recommendation 20

86.61 We recommend that, in future, progression beyond the QB in the salary

scales of Trainee Specialised Nursing Officer and Specialised Nursing Officer

(Male and Female) should be subject to obtention of the National Diploma

Level 6 in Nursing.

86.62 We further recommend that officers in post as at 01.01.16 in the grade of

Specialised Nursing Officer (Male and Female) who have already crossed the

QB in their salary scale though not possessing the Diploma be allowed to

continue to move incrementally in their respective salary scale, on a personal


Diploma in Cardiac Nursing

86.63 In the last Report, we recommended that the MOH & QL should consider the

advisability of running and awarding a Diploma in Cardiac Nursing to Trainee

Specialised Nursing Officers on completion of their three-year training. This

provision is being maintained.

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Refund of Vacation Leave and Casual Leave

86.64 Presently, officers of the Specialised Nursing Officer cadre are allowed to

accumulate their vacation leave over and above their authorised ceiling as well as

their casual leave not taken. The officers are refunded the accumulated vacation

and casual leaves at the rate of 1/30 of their monthly salary per day at the time of

retirement, if they opt to work during the excess accumulated leave.

86.65 We have examined the issue and we are of the view that refund of the accumulated

vacation leaves should be at the time of retirement whereas that of unutilised casual

leave would be on a yearly basis. We are, thus, recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 21

86.66 We recommend that, until the publication of the next Report, officers of the

Specialised Nursing Officer cadre should continue to be allowed to

accumulate their vacation leave over and above their authorised ceiling.

Such leave may be taken as leave prior to retirement. If the officers opt to

work during the excess accumulated leave period, they should be refunded

the accumulated vacation leave at the rate of 1/30 of their last monthly salary

per day at the time of retirement.

86.67 We further recommend that, with effect from 01 January 2016 and up to the

next Overall Review of Pay and Grading Structures and Conditions of Service

in the Public Sector, officers of the Specialised Nursing Officer cadre be

allowed to accumulate their casual leave not taken and such leave should be

refunded annually at the rate of 1/66 of their last monthly salary per day in the

corresponding year.

86.68 We, however, recommend that officers of the Specialised Nursing Officer

cadre should continue to be refunded all unutilised accumulated casual

leaves as at 31.12.15 at the rate of 1/30 of the last monthly salary per day at

the time of retirement.

Compensation for work on Public Holidays falling on Night Shift

Recommendation 22

86.69 We recommend that the handing over period of time up to a maximum of 30

minutes should continue to be considered as effective working hours for the

purpose of determining any compensation or grant of day’s off.

Allowance to Theatre Attendant (Shift) when posted in the Operation Theatre for a

whole month

86.70 The monthly allowance of Rs 440 payable to Theatre Attendants who are posted in

the Operation Theatre for a whole month is being revised as this arrangement has

proved to be effective.

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~ 521 ~ Pay Review 2016

Recommendation 23

86.71 We recommend the continued payment of a monthly allowance of

Rs 465 to Theatre Attendant (Shift) who are required to be posted in the

Operation Theatre for a whole month.



TFSMC 1 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

TFSMC 2 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Handy Worker (Shift)

TFSMC 3 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant (Future Holder)

TFSMC 4 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant (Personal)

TFSMC 5 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Nursing Aid/General Worker Theatre Attendant (Shift)

TFSMC 6 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Handy Worker Supervisor

TFSMC 7 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525


TFSMC 8 : Rs 13530 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Driver (Shift) (New Grade)

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Pay Review 2016 ~ 522 ~


TFSMC 9 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 26300

Ambulance Driver (Shift)

TFSMC 10 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Linen Health Officer formerly Linen Officer

TFSMC 11 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Receptionist/Telephonist (Roster)

TFSMC 12 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator

TFSMC 13 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer

TFSMC 14 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Bio-Medical Technician

TFSMC 15 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Health Records Clerk formerly Health Records Clerk/Higher Health Records Clerk

TFSMC 16 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

TFSMC 17 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Officer (Personal) Purchasing and Supply Officer (Personal)

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TFSMC 18 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350

Higher Health Records Clerk formerly Health Records Clerk/Higher Health Records Clerk

TFSMC 19 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 –32500 x 925 – 36200 QB 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Pharmacy Technician (New Grade)

TFSMC 20 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Internal Control Officer

TFSMC 21 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200 QB 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Trainee Specialised Nursing Officer

TFSMC 22 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

TFSMC 23 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer (Personal) Procurement and Supply Officer (New Grade)

TFSMC 24 : Rs 18825 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225– 38350 QB 39575 x 1225 – 40800

Medical Imaging Technologist (New Grade)

TFSMC 25 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Human Resource Officer/Senior Human Resource Officer

TFSMC 26 : Rs 23975 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 QB 42325 x 1525 – 43850

Specialised Nursing Officer (Male and Female)

TFSMC 27 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200 QB 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician (New Grade)

TFSMC 28 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Specialised Head Nurse

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TFSMC 29 : Rs 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 53200

Deputy Specialised Nursing Superintendent

TFSMC 30 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Systems Administrator

TFSMC 31 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Accountant (New Grade)

TFSMC 32 : Rs 36200 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 59700

Specialised Perfusionist/Senior Specialised Perfusionist formerly Senior Specialised Perfusionist Specialised Perfusionist

TFSMC 33 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Secretary Pharmacist/Senior Pharmacist (New Grade)

TFSMC 34 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Specialised Nursing Superintendent Specialised Physiotherapist

TFSMC 35 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Chief Specialised Perfusionist

TFSMC 36 : Rs 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Trainee Specialised Registered Medical Officer

TFSMC 37 : Rs 43850 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Chief Specialised Nursing Superintendent

TFSMC 38 : Rs 45375 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 83000

Specialised Registered Medical Officer

TFSMC 39 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 95000

Medical Registrar

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TFSMC 40 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 101000

Cardiac Anaesthetist Cardiac Surgeon Cardiologist Vascular Surgeon

TFSMC 41 : Rs110000

Director Cardiac Services (Future Holder)

TFSMC 42 : Rs113000

Director Cardiac Services (Personal) Executive Director

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Education and Scientific Research

~ 527 ~ Pay Review 2016


87.1 Established under the Université des Mascareignes Act 2012, the Université des

Mascareignes(UDM) envisions to classify itself among the first interdisciplinary

universities in the region and to become the first choice university for students,

academics and researchers of Mauritius and neighbouring countries. It aims at

encouraging innovation and excellence in teaching and research.

87.2 The objects of the UDM are, among others, to provide tertiary education, and

develop and promote excellence in life, natural, applied and social sciences and

humanities; foster and encourage the advancement of knowledge and skills; provide

research, development, consultancy and other services; promote entrepreneurship

among its students; serve as a centre for fostering co-operation, partnership and

exchange of ideas; and develop into an institution of excellence in teaching,

training, scholarship, research, consultancy and other services, with emphasis on its

areas of operation.

87.3 The institution is mandated to, inter-alia, conduct programmes and courses of study

for degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions; hold

examinations and confer degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic

distinctions whether on its own or jointly with any other tertiary education institution;

institute and award scholarships, prizes and medals and confer such other awards

for recognition; determine standards and specify conditions for the admission of

students to courses of study; and establish exchange programmes and courses with

any other institution.

87.4 At present, the University is staffed with employees of the two defunct organisations

namely Institut Superieur de Technologie and Swami Dayanand Institute of

Management. Prior to the proclamation of the UDM Act in September 2012, these

two institutions were operating under the aegis of the University of Technology,

Mauritius. The employees have been absorbed in the UDM as per provisions of the


87.5 The UDM comprises two campuses, situated at Rose Hill and Pamplemouses

respectively and consists of three faculties, seven departments, two schools and

one research institute. The principal executive and academic officer of the UDM is

the Director-General.

87.6 In the context of this Report, the Bureau has received strong and persistent

representations from both Staff Associations and Management for the UDM to be

provided the right structure to enable it to function as any other full-fledged

university. It has also vehemently been pointed out that staff of the ex-IST and ex-

SDIM have been deprived of promotion prospect for nearly 20 years owing to a lack

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Pay Review 2016 ~ 528 ~

of a reorganisation exercise, which took place with the setting up of the UDM in


87.7 The Bureau perfectly understands the legitimate feeling of demotivation and

frustration among the employees of ex-IST and ex-SDIM. However, we also wish to

highlight that grades are created with respect to their functional needs in the

organisation, and in the present case, a university context is concerned. In this

perspective, the main representation from both Management and Unions, were

geared towards the creation of several grades, both academic and non-academic.

It is worth highlighting that most of these grades have been created after the

meeting held with the different stakeholders. Management has informed that the

Board’s approval would be sought for the creation of other grades in view of

enabling the UDM to function with the appropriate structure.

87.8 Against this background, we are not creating additional grades in this Report, save

for that of Management Support Officer. We have also provided the salaries for

grades created on an ad hoc basis on the establishment of the University. We are,

in addition, making specific provisions for academics and introducing the payment

of a few allowances, in line with what obtains in the other tertiary education


Management Support Officer (New Grade)

87.9 Management has submitted that with an expansion in activities at the University,

there is strong need to strengthen the structure of the General Services cadre which

currently comprises the level of Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer only. In this

context, request has been made for the creation of the grades of Management

Support Officer and Office Management Assistant which will also serve as a

promotional route for officers in the grade of Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer.

87.10 After carefully examining the request, we are agreeable to the creation of the grade

of Management Support Officer.

Recommendation 1

87.11 We recommend the creation of the grade of Management Support Officer, in

line with provision made at paragraphs 24 (i) of this Report.

Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer

87.12 Prior to this Report, the MCSAR submitted to the Bureau a proposed scheme of

service of the grade of Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer

created on the establishment of the UDM, for salary grading. We have provided the

salary of the grade in the salary schedule. However we are providing for the

appropriate qualification requirements that should be set in line with what obtains in

the Civil Service for the grade of Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health


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~ 529 ~ Pay Review 2016

Recommendation 2

87.13 We recommend that the qualification requirements of the grade of Safety and

Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer should be a Diploma in

Occupational Health and Safety of the University of Mauritius or an equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Board.

Private Work for Registered Professionals

Recommendation 3

87.14 We recommend that academic staff who are registered professionals should

be allowed to exercise their profession, provided it is done outside their

working hours and is not in conflict with their work at the University.

Sabbatical Leave Scheme

Recommendation 4

87.15 We recommend that the Université des Mascareignes considers the

advisability of setting up a Sabbatical Leave Scheme for its academic staff.

Consultancy Services

87.16 The Bureau has been apprised that the UDM also provides consultancy services to

various stakeholders and engage in research projects on a contractual basis

against payment. The net income is then shared between the University, given that

the consultancy team uses its space, equipment and laboratories and relevant staff.

We are making provisions for a distribution ratio which should be applicable in such

cases as well as for short courses, seminars and workshops.

Recommendation 5

87.17 We recommend that the distribution ratio of the net income between

academics and supporting staff and the University should be:

(i) 2:1 for Research and Consultancy; and

(ii) 4:1 for short courses, seminars and workshops.

Allowance to Head of Department and Dean of Faculty

87.18 Academics are assigned additional duties as Head of Department and Dean of

Faculty, where they are responsible for a department or faculty. We consider that

these academics should be paid an allowance for shouldering the extra duties.

Recommendation 6

87.19 We recommend that academics who have been assigned the duties of Head of

Department or Dean of Faculty should be paid a monthly allowance of

Rs 1525 and Rs 1830 respectively.

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Academic Attainment

87.20 The Bureau considers that academics should be compensated additionally for

improving their qualifications and achievement within their academic field. We are

recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 7

87.21 We recommend that Lecturers, Senior Lecturers and Associate Professors

holding a PhD and/or Master’s Degree and reckoning academic achievement

through published research, teaching, administrative contributions and

publications and having stayed on top of their revised salary scale for one

year should be allowed to move incrementally up to a maximum of two

increments to be read from the Master Salary Scale.

87.22 We also recommend that for implementation of paragraph 87.21, the new

salary point reached by virtue of the provisions made at paragraph 10.40 of

Volume I of this Report shall be deemed to be the new top salary.

Political Activities

87.23 In general, full-time employees of public universities are not allowed to participate in

active politics with a view to ensuring a smooth running in the operations of the

University. We consider that this provision should also apply to staff of the UDM.

Recommendation 8

87.24 We recommend that full time employees of the UDM should not be allowed to

participate in active politics.

Movement for Administrative Officers

Recommendation 9

87.25 We recommend that officers in the grade of Administrative Officer who have

stayed on top of their revised salary scale for one year should be allowed to

move incrementally up to salary point Rs 62950 provided they have been

consistently efficient and effective in their performance as evidenced by their

Performance Appraisal Report during the preceding two years and have not

been adversely reported upon on ground of conduct.

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Education and Scientific Research

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UDM 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

UDM 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450


UDM 3 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Stores Attendant

UDM 4 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Gardener Library Attendant Office Attendant Workshop Assistant (Personal)

UDM 5 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


UDM 6 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Binder Handyworker (Skilled)

UDM 7 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

UDM 8 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Computer Laboratory Attendant

UDM 9 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator

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Education and Scientific Research

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UDM 10 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer Library Clerk

UDM 11 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Technical Assistant

UDM 12 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

UDM 13 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Financial Officer (Personal) Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer (Personal)

UDM 14 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Usher (Personal)

UDM 15 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

UDM 16 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Computer Technician Library Officer Maintenance Officer Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer

UDM 17 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375 QB 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Trainer (Personal)

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UDM 18 : Rs 25125 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Officer Examinations Officer Human Resource Management Officer Public Relations Officer Quality Assurance Officer Sports Officer

UDM 19 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

IT Officer/Systems Administrator Systems Engineer

UDM 20 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Accountant Internal Auditor

UDM 21 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950


UDM 22 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Assistant Manager (Personal)

UDM 23 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Assistant Registrar

UDM 24 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Head of Finance Head of Information Services Head of International Affairs, Student Welfare and Support Head of Projects, Estates and Endowment Head of Quality Assurance Head of Research, Consultancy and Innovation Senior Lecturer

UDM 25 : Rs 51575 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Manager (Personal)

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UDM 26 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000


UDM 27 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 89000

Associate Professor

UDM 28 : Rs 102500

Deputy Director-General

UDM 29 : Rs 110000




IST 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker (Personal)

IST 2 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Library Attendant (Personal) Office Attendant (Personal)

IST 3 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/ Higher Clerical Officer (Personal) Library Clerk (Personal)

IST 4 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Technical Assistant (Personal)

IST 5 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer (Personal) Assistant Financial Operations Officer (Personal)

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IST 6 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Usher (Personal)

IST 7 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary (Personal)

IST 8 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Operations Officer (Personal)

IST 9 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Computer Technician (Personal)

IST 10 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer (Personal)

IST 11 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Assistant Manager (Personal)

IST 12 : Rs 51575 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Manager (Personal)



SDIM 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker (Personal)

SDIM 2 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Library Attendant (Personal) Workshop Assistant (Personal)

SDIM 3 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Word Processing Operator/Receptionist (Personal)

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SDIM 4 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical Officer (Personal)

SDIM 5 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Financial Operations Officer (Personal) Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer (Personal)

SDIM 6 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Usher (Personal)

SDIM 7 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary (Personal)

SDIM 8 : Rs 22175 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Operations Officer (Personal)

SDIM 9 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Computer Technician (Personal)

SDIM 10 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375 QB 46900 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Trainer (Personal)

SDIM 11 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Assistant Lecturer/Lecturer (Personal)

SDIM 12 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Assistant Manager (Personal)

SDIM 13 : Rs 51575 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Manager (Personal)

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88.1 The University of Mauritius (UoM) was established in 1965 and became operational

in July 1968. It envisions to be one of the leading international tertiary education

providers and a research-led university. Its mission consists in providing quality

education to students and promoting knowledge creation and dissemination through

research and innovative teaching while responding to the developmental needs of

the country and global community.

88.2 The University has developed a strategic plan 2015-2020, where six Strategic

Directions have been identified to enable the UOM to achieve its vision for 2020:

Excellence in Teaching and Learning; Excellence in Research and Innovation;

Strategic Partnership for internationalisation; Enriching Student Experience;

Sustainable Community Engagement; and Long Lasting Financial Sustainability.

88.3 The UOM as an awarding body offers moduralised programmes in all principal fields

of studies, up to PhD level. Its programmes are designed in line with educational

developments to meet the needs of the country in close collaboration with

stakeholders. The activities are organised under several Divisions, Departments

and Faculties. A new Faculty of Ocean Studies as well as a Doctoral School have

been set up. The University further intends to establish a Faculty of Information

Technology and a Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

88.4 The Vice-Chancellor is the principal academic and administrative officer of the

University. The latter is assisted by two Pro-Vice Chancellors as well as by

academic and non-academic staff in a ratio of 1:1.5.

88.5 In the light of the proposals made by both Management and Staff Associations, we

are bringing changes in the structure of certain cadres, creating levels where they

are warranted whilst revising existing allowances.

Director, Centre for Innovative Lifelong Learning (New Grade)

88.6 The Bureau has been apprised that the Centre for Professional Development and

Lifelong Learning (CPDL) and the Virtual Centre for Innovative Learning

Technologies (VCILT) have been merged into a new centre, namely the Centre for

Innovative Lifelong Learning (CILL). The CILL is a specialised centre in the

promotion of lifelong learning through e-learning and educational technology.

88.7 In the above context, Management has submitted that there is need for a new

grade of Director to head the CILL. In the same breath, the grades of Director,

CPDL and Director, VCILT are no longer required and may be abolished as they

are vacant. We are agreeable to the proposal and recommending accordingly.

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Recommendation 1

88.8 We recommend the creation of a grade of Director, Centre for Innovative

Lifelong Learning. Appointment thereto should be made by selection from

among candidates possessing a Master’s Degree in Information Technology

or Educational Technologies or Distance Education or an equivalent

qualification; and reckoning at least 10 years’ post qualification experience in

teaching, research and management in the field of e-Learning and Lifelong


88.9 Incumbent would be required to, among others, maintain and promote the efficiency

and good order of the Centre in accordance with policies and procedures of the

University; develop the CILL in accordance with set objectives; advise on the

organisational framework, functions, human resources and technology required for

the CILL, and coordinate the development of on-line learning resources.

Recommendation 2

88.10 We further recommend that the grades of Director, Centre for Professional

Development and Lifelong Learning; and Director, Virtual Centre for

Innovative Lifelong Learning be abolished.

Director of Doctoral School

88.11 Management has informed that the University is in the process of setting up a

Doctoral School, which would regroup all research postgraduate and postdoctoral

programmes. The School is expected, among others, to bring researchers together

and provide a stimulating research environment and opportunities to pursue high

quality doctoral programmes. In this context, it has been submitted that there is

need for a designate position of Director of Doctoral School, where incumbent

would be responsible for the overall management and streamlining of procedures in

respect of research postgraduate and postdoctoral programmes. We are

recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 3

88.12 We recommend the creation of a designate position of Director of Doctoral

School, to be filled from among officers holding a substantive appointment in

the grade of Associate Professor or Professor and possessing a PhD

qualification and at least 10 years’ quality experience at University level

teaching and/or research at university/national level institutions.

88.13 We also recommend that the Director of Doctoral School should be paid a

monthly allowance of Rs 2600.

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Associate Dean

88.14 Management has apprised that further to a significant rise over the past few years

in the number of academic and support Staff, undergraduate and postgraduate

students and number of programmes, the administrative workload of Deans has

increased considerably. In such a context, the Dean is left with limited time to

ensure excellence in teaching and lead the strategic direction of research in the

Faculty. Management has subsequently proposed for the creation of a designate

position of Associate Dean and incumbent would provide assistance to the Dean.

The Bureau has examined the issue carefully and considers that such a position

would enhance service delivery, given the size and span of activities at the

University of Mauritius.

88.15 However, we have been informed that creation of this position would involve an

amendment to the UOM statutes, which is not envisaged at this stage. Against this

backdrop, the Bureau considers that it would be more appropriate if the issue be

thrashed out at the level of Senior Management, Staff Committee and University

Council in a first instance.

Public Relations and Communication Officer (New Grade)

88.16 The Bureau was informed that with the fast evolution of information and

communication technologies, digital technologies and the growing importance of

social media platforms, the need is felt for a dedicated grade of Communication

Officer. Incumbent would be responsible to provide timely and useful information to

all stakeholders and be the key spokesperson and media contact for the institution.

88.17 The Bureau views that as there is already a grade of Public Relations Officer on the

establishment of the UOM, a new grade of Public Relations and Communication

Officer may be created against that of Public Relations Officer being made

evanescent. We are recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 4

88.18 We recommend that:

(i) a grade of Public Relations and Communication Officer be created.

Appointment thereto should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a degree in Communication or Media or

Journalism or Public Relations or International Affairs from a recognised

institution and at least four years’ experience in the relevant field; and

(ii) the grade of Public Relations Officer be made evanescent. A personal

salary has been provided to incumbent.

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88.19 Incumbent in the new grade of Public Relations and Communication Officer would

be required, among others, to perform the duties of the evanescent grade of Public

Relations Officer as well as act as the University’s spokesperson and direct contact

for inquiries from the media and supervise responses to requests from the media;

develop and implement internal communication strategies, programmes and

activities to ensure accurate and timely communication of news and information

within departments; and produce digital content for website, e-news letter and social

media platforms.

Quality Assurance Officer (New Grade)

88.20 At present, the Quality Assurance Office comprises the grade of Director, Quality

Assurance only. The latter is supported by administrative staff. In line with the

university’s new vision, mission and goals, there is need to reinforce the structure

at the Quality Assurance Office. We are therefore providing for a new level of

Quality Assurance Officer.

Recommendation 5

88.21 We recommend the creation of the grade of Quality Assurance Officer.

Appointment thereto should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing a Degree in the field of Management, Engineering, Sciences,

Social Sciences or Technology and a Master’s Degree in the relevant field as

well as at least three years’ post qualification proven experience in the field of

Quality Assurance.

88.22 Incumbent would be required to, among others, assist the Director, Quality

Assurance in the setting up of appropriate mechanisms for the successful

implementation of quality assurance procedures and practices at the UOM; conduct

audit exercises in quality assurance processes within Faculties/Centres; and

provide training, advice and guidance to staff members.

Driver/Office Attendant (New Grade)

88.23 Management has proposed the creation of a grade of Driver/Messenger so as to

make optimum use of resources. The Bureau is agreeable to the proposal save for

the appellation, as it is in line with the Bureau’s policy for polyvalence and efficiency

in the delivery of services. Incumbents would therefore be required to perform both

driving and messengerial duties.

88.24 The Bureau further considers that employees in the grade of Driver should be given

the option to join the new grade, along with some incentive. We are making

recommendations to that end.

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Recommendation 6

88.25 We recommend the creation of the grade of Driver/Office Attendant.

Appointment thereto should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing a Certificate of Primary Education, a valid driving licence (manual

gear) to drive cars or vans or minibuses or lorries of up to five tons, along

with a clean driving record.

88.26 Incumbents would be required to, among others, drive vehicles of the UOM, clean,

wash and maintain vehicles, effect minor repairs to vehicles; perform despatch

duties and run errands; deliver documents within and outside the university; receive

visitors and directing them to offices.

88.27 We also recommend that Drivers in post as at 31 December 2015 be given the

option to join the new grade of Driver/Office Attendant and on joining, be

granted one additional increment to be read from the master salary scale.

Technician’s Cadre

88.28 At present, the Technician’s cadre comprises the grades of Technician/Senior

Technician, Principal Technician and Laboratory Coordinator. Officers are posted in

science and IT laboratories and the entry requirement to the base grade of the

cadre is a diploma in the relevant field.

88.29 For this Report, both Management and the Union have made strong representations

for a review of the structure and qualification requirements of the relevant grades

as they no longer fit in the present context, the moreso the duties have much

evolved over the years. The Union also requested for a site visit in view of enabling

the Bureau to better understand the change in the nature of their work and the

environment in which they operate.

88.30 In this respect, a site visit was conducted in the various laboratories of the UOM.

The Bureau took note of the multitude of highly sophisticated equipment with which

the technicians work on a daily basis to conduct practical classes and run tests. It

was also observed that the degree of complexity of the work performed by the

technicians has increased owing to the nature and level of research conducted

by students. Moreover incumbents also assist academic staff in the laboratories

in the running of practical classes and provide support to students in their research

and analyses for undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degrees.

88.31 As regards the working environment, the Bureau acknowledges the fact that the risk

of an accident happening is present owing to the use of chemical

products/substances and a few state of the art equipment and apparatuses.

However this element has already been taken into consideration at arriving to the

salary recommended for the grades.

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88.32 Further to the findings of the site visit and an in-depth analysis carried out by the

Bureau on the evolution of the duties of the Technician’s cadre, we consider that the

existing qualification requirements no longer match the duties being presently

performed. We view that it is imperative for the officers to possess a good

technical and scientific background in order to perform more effectively and cope

with the more and more innovating and challenging research projects and

equipment of cutting edge technology.

88.33 Against this background, we are restyling the grades of the Technician’s cadre to

distinct appellations for incumbents posted in the science laboratories and those

posted in the IT laboratories as the nature of duties performed are different. In so

doing, the officers posted in the science and IT laboratories would evolve in

separate structures and be provided with better career prospects. In the same

breath, we are upgrading the qualification requirements at entry level with a view to

professionalising the cadre.

Technician’s Cadre – Officers posted in Science Laboratories

Laboratory Officer

formerly Technician/Senior Technician

Recommendation 7

88.34 We recommend that:

(i) the grade of Technician/Senior Technician should be restyled Laboratory


(ii) officers in the former grade of Technician/Senior Technician, who are

posted in the science laboratories should be known as Laboratory


(iii) in future, appointment to the grade of Laboratory Officer formerly

Technician/Senior Technician, should be made by selection from

among candidates possessing a degree in the relevant science field;


(iv) officers in the grade of Laboratory Officer formerly Technician/Senior

Technician, possessing a degree in the relevant field should join the

recommended salary scale, at salary point Rs 26300 and be allowed to

proceed beyond the QB inserted in the salary scale of the grade.

Officers in post not possessing a degree in the relevant field would be

allowed to cross the QB upon obtention of same.

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88.35 Incumbent would be required, among others, to: assist academic staff in the running

of practical classes and in laboratory and field research; calibrate and run/operate

equipment including sophisticated ones for research and practical; provide technical

assistance to students including postgraduate students; supervise subordinates;

and implement maintenance plans and perform minor repairs on equipment.

Senior Laboratory Officer

formerly Principal Technician

Recommendation 8

88.36 We recommend that:

(i) the grade of Principal Technician should be restyled Senior Laboratory


(ii) officers in the former grade of Principal Technician who are posted in

the science laboratories should be known as Senior Laboratory Officer;

(iii) in future, appointment to the grade of Senior Laboratory Officer formerly

Principal Technician, should be made by promotion, on the basis of

experience and merit, of Laboratory Officers, formerly Technician/Senior

Technicians, possessing at least 10 years’ service in the grade; and

(iv) officers in the grade of Senior Laboratory Officer, formerly Principal

Technician, possessing a degree in the relevant field should join the

recommended salary scale at salary point Rs 38350 and be allowed to

proceed beyond the QB inserted in the scale of the grade. Officers in

post not possessing a degree in the relevant field would be allowed to

cross the QB upon obtention of same.

88.37 Incumbents would be required, among others, to supervise the day-to-day

organisation and running of the laboratories in their department; manage the

inventory system; formulate maintenance plans for equipment; be responsible for all

health and safety matters pertaining to laboratories; train junior technical staff; and

keep updates on recent development relating to equipment and testing procedures.

Laboratory Co-ordinator

Recommendation 9

88.38 We recommend that:

(i) in future, appointment to the grade of Laboratory Co-ordinator should be

made by promotion on the basis of experience and merit, of Senior

Laboratory Officers, formerly Principal Technicians, reckoning at least

five years’ service in the grade;

(ii) officers in the grade of Laboratory Coordinator possessing a degree in

the relevant field should join the recommended salary scale at salary

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point Rs 46900 and be allowed to proceed beyond the QB inserted in

the salary scale of the grade. Officers in post not possessing a degree

in the relevant field would be allowed to proceed beyond the QB upon

obtention of same.

88.39 We also recommend that Management should review the schemes of service

of the grades of Laboratory Officer, formerly Technician/Senior Technician,

Senior Laboratory Officer, formerly Principal Technician and Laboratory

Coordinator with a view to reflecting the actual higher duties being performed

by incumbents.

Technician’s Cadre – Officers posted at the Centre for Information Technology and

Systems (CITS) (IT Laboratories)

IT Laboratory Officer

formerly Technician/Senior Technician

Recommendation 10

88.40 We recommend that:

(i) the grade of Technician/Senior Technician should be restyled IT

Laboratory Officer;

(ii) officers in the former grade of Technician/Senior Technician who are

posted in the IT laboratories of the CITS should be known as IT

Laboratory Officers;

(iii) in future, appointment to the grade of IT Laboratory Officer formerly

Technician/Senior Technician should be made by selection from among

candidates possessing a degree in IT or Computer Science or an

equivalent qualification; and

(iv) officers in the grade of IT Laboratory Officer formerly Technician/Senior

Technician, possessing the prescribed qualifications as well as new

entrants, should join the recommended salary scale at point Rs 26300

and be allowed to proceed beyond the QB inserted in the salary

scale. Officers in post not possessing the prescribed qualifications

would be allowed to cross the QB upon obtention of same.

88.41 Incumbents would be required, among others, to maintain, modify, repair and

upgrade computer hardware and software; assist in the implementation of

enterprise and other IT based systems across the University; assist in the

maintenance, development, upgrade and extension of the IT network and WIFI

infrastructure; connect appropriate servers, workstations and other equipment to the

LAN, Internet and WIFI; and assist in the preparation and delivery of professional IT

training courses.

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Senior IT Laboratory Officer

formerly Principal Technician

Recommendation 11

88.42 We recommend that:

(i) the grade of Principal Technician should be restyled Senior IT

Laboratory Officer;

(ii) officers in the former grade of Principal Technician and who are posted

in the IT laboratories of the CITS should be known as Senior IT

Laboratory Officer;

(iii) in future, appointment to the grade of Senior IT Laboratory Officer

formerly Principal Technician, should be made by promotion, on the

basis of experience and merit, of IT Laboratory Officers formerly

Technician/Senior Technicians, possessing at least 10 years’ service in

the grade; and

(iv) officers in the grade of Senior IT Laboratory Officer formerly Principal

Technician, possessing a degree in IT or Computer Science or an

equivalent relevant qualification should join the recommended salary

scale at point Rs 38350 and be allowed to proceed beyond the QB

inserted in their salary scale. Officers in post not possessing the

relevant degree should be allowed to cross the QB upon obtention of


88.43 Incumbents would be required, among others, to supervise the day to day activities

and running of units/laboratories in the department concerned; plan and supervise

the implementation, maintenance and upgrade of the University’s IT and network

infrastructure; train junior technical support staff and end users; monitor end-users’

requests and fault reporting through the help desk system and task allocations to

subordinates; and ensure the general safety and health in the computer laboratories

and maintenance section.

IT Laboratory Co-ordinator (New Grade)

Recommendation 12

88.44 We recommend:

(i) the creation of the grade of IT Laboratory Coordinator. Appointment

thereto should be made by promotion, on the basis of experience and

merit, of officers in the grade of Senior IT Laboratory Officer formerly

Principal Technician, possessing at least five years’ service in the grade;


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(ii) that an officer appointed as IT Laboratory Coordinator and

possessing a degree in IT or Computer Science or an equivalent

relevant qualification should join the recommended salary scale of

the grade at point Rs 46900 and be allowed to proceed beyond the

QB. In the event the officer does not possess a degree in the relevant

field, progression beyond the QB would be allowed upon obtention of


88.45 Incumbent would be required, among others, to supervise technical staff; ensure the

overall co-ordination of work at the CITS, Maintenance Workshop, IT laboratories

and oversee the IT Technical Support Services across the University; design

maintenance contract plans for IT equipment; maintain a safe environment in the

computer laboratories at all times; identify appropriate IT training needs for

technical support staff and end users; perform technical work whenever his/her

expertise is required; and design, plan and organise IT related training programmes

as requested by academic staff and other relevant bodies.

Security Officer Cadre

88.46 The Security Officer cadre is a two level structure comprising the grades of Security

Officer and Senior Security Officer. Both Management and Union have submitted

that the current structure no longer suits the operational needs of the University,

thereby impeding effective service delivery.

88.47 Management further apprised that there has been a significant increase in student

and staff population over the years, coupled with major building and infrastructural

developments. Furthermore, the UOM is also running classes at Ebene. In this

context, there is need for a supervisory level which will oversee activities and day to

day operations of the cadre and assume overall responsibility for the security-

related issues at Reduit and Ebene.

88.48 In addition, the Bureau has been informed that Security Officers are being

continuously required to meet new challenges and exigencies from

Management, staff and students. In this context, both Management and Union

have represented that there is need to review the qualification requirements of the

grades of Security Officer and Senior Security Officer in line with the level of duties

being performed by incumbents.

88.49 At present, the post of Security Officer is filled by selection from officers holding a

substantive post at the UOM and possessing a Certificate of Primary Education

along with five years’ service at the University. Following an in-depth analysis of

the Security Officer cadre, the Bureau deems it essential to reinforce the structure

and review the qualification requirements of the grades in view of the duties

performed. We are recommending along these lines.

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Chief Security Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 13

88.50 We recommend the creation of the grade of Chief Security Officer.

Appointment thereto should be made by selection from among officers in the

grade of Senior Security Officer reckoning at least five years’ service in a

substantive capacity in the grade, having followed security training course

and possessing a School Certificate.

88.51 Incumbent would be required, among others, to oversee all matters relating to

security and assume overall responsibility for security aspects at the University;

advise Management on all security related matters; oversee the planning of work of

subordinates; lead and train subordinates; and review, on a regular basis, security

policies, systems and emergency procedures.

88.52 We also recommend that:

(i) the qualification requirements of the grade of Security Officer be

reviewed so that, in future, appointment thereto should be made by

selection from among officers holding a substantive post at the

University of Mauritius, and possessing a School Certificate along with

five years of service; and

(ii) Management should revisit the duties of the grade of Security Officer

and Senior Security Officer so that the actual duties, and

responsibilities devolving upon incumbents are also reflected.

Security Guard

88.53 Management has informed that the University’s premises are watched over at night

by Security Guards, as Security Officers do not perform night duty. In this context, it

has been proposed to create a grade of Senior Security Guard to supervise

subordinates and take overall responsibility of a watch.

88.54 The Bureau considers that instead of creating a new level it would be more

appropriate in this particular context, to grant an ad hoc allowance to the

seniormost Security Guard for assuming this supervisory role. Management may

therefore initiate action in that direction.

Instructional Designer restyled Educational Technologist

88.55 Management has submitted that there is need for a new grade of Educational

Technologist to serve the Centre for Innovative Lifelong Learning. However, it is

noted that the duties proposed overlap to a large extent with those of the grade of

Instructional Designer. In this context, the Bureau considers that it would be more

appropriate to restyle the grade of Instructional Designer to Educational

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Technologist and to review the qualification requirements and duties of the restyled


Recommendation 14

88.56 We recommend that:

(i) the grade of Instructional Designer be restyled Educational


(ii) in future, appointment to the grade of Educational Technologist formerly

Instructional Designer, be made by selection from among candidates

possessing a degree in Instructional and Educational Technology or

Instructional Design or Information Technology or an equivalent

qualification in the relevant field and at least two years post qualification

experience; and

(iii) the grade of Trainee Instructional Designer be abolished.

Technical Assistant

Senior Technical Assistant

88.57 The Bureau has been requested to merge the grades of Technical Assistant and

Senior Technical Assistant as the supervisory element is quasi inexistent as the

duties of both grades overlap to a large extent. Given that the request is in

consonance with our policy of delayering, we are recommending for a merging of

the two grades.

Recommendation 15

88.58 We recommend that the grades of Technical Assistant and Senior Technical

Assistant be merged and restyled Technical Assistant/Senior Technical


Printing Department

88.59 Further to submissions made by both Management and Union, the Bureau

conducted an in-depth analysis of the structure of the Printing Department. We

have observed that there is much overlapping of duties among the various grades

and in a few cases, duties performed by incumbents are not in consonance with

those prescribed in their schemes of service. It has further been noted that

qualifications required are more or less outdated, the moreso printing duties have

evolved owing to technological advancements.

88.60 Against this background, the Bureau strongly views that Management should

consider the revamping of the whole structure at the Printing Department

and review the schemes of service accordingly.

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Recommendation 16

88.61 We recommend that officers in the grade of Analyst/Programmer who

possess a degree in Computer Science or an equivalent relevant qualification

and who have reached the top of their salary scale, should be allowed to

move incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary point Rs 53200,

provided they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Administrative Officer

Review of the duties of the grade of Administrative Officer

88.62 During consultations, Management apprised that with an increase in student

population and expansion in the UOM’s activities, the University has witnessed an

increase in the number of events organised such as visits of international delegates,

signature of MOUs, conferences, seminars, graduation ceremonies, etc. In this

context, request has been made for the creation of a grade of Events Manager

where incumbent would be responsible for the planning, organising and supporting

of all university events.

88.63 After duly examining the proposal, the Bureau views that there may not be the need

for a distinct grade to carry out these functions on the ground that in the Civil

Service, these tasks are core administrative duties. We therefore strongly consider

that the same arrangement should prevail at the UOM. We are making a provision

in that direction.

Recommendation 17

88.64 We recommend that the schedule of duties of the grade of Administrative

Officer be reviewed so that incumbents are also required to be responsible for

planning, organising and supporting of all university events.

88.65 We also recommend that Administrative Officers who have stayed on top of

their revised salary scale for one year should be allowed to move

incrementally up to salary point Rs 62950 provided they have been

consistently efficient and effective in their performance as evidenced by their

Performance Appraisal Report during the preceding two years and have not

been adversely reported upon on ground of conduct.

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Nursing Officer and Specialised Nursing Officer (Male and Female)

88.66 At present, candidates are required to possess, among others, a General Nursing

Certificate or an alternative qualification for eligibility to apply for the posts of

Nursing Officer and Specialised Nursing Officer (Male and Female). In this

Report, we are providing a mechanism to compensate officers who possess the

National Diploma Level 6 in Nursing.

Recommendation 18

88.67 We recommend that officers in the grade of Nursing Officer and Specialised

Nursing Officer (Male and Female) who possess the National Diploma Level 6

in Nursing should be allowed to proceed incrementally in the master salary

scale up to salary point Rs 38350 and Rs 43850 respectively, provided they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Diving Allowance

88.68 At present, a few technical staff posted at the Faculty of Ocean Studies and

Department of Bio Sciences are required to perform diving/snorkelling duties in the

sea on a regular basis, in connection with field work.

88.69 Management and Union have submitted that these officers should be paid an

allowance as they are performing an additional duty which necessitates a specific

competency. We are making a recommendation in this respect, in line with what

obtains in other organisations where officers are required to perform diving duties

over and above their normal duties.

Recommendation 19

88.70 We recommend that officers in the grade of Technician/Senior Technician,

now restyled Laboratory Officer, who are posted in the Faculty of Ocean

Studies and Department of Bio Sciences and performing diving duties,

should be paid a diving allowance at the rate of Rs 660 per dive, subject to a

maximum of four dives per month. This maximum may be reviewed by the

Council, based on operational requirements.

Recruitment of Lecturers in scarcity areas

88.71 At present, the qualification requirements of the grade of Lecturer are a Degree and

a Master’s Degree in the relevant field. Management has apprised that it

encounters certain difficulties to recruit Lecturers in scarcity areas. In this context,

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we are revisiting the provision made in 2008 PRB Report to address this particular


Recommendation 20

88.72 We recommend that in scarcity areas or in cases where the university faces

difficulties to recruit Lecturers, Management may consider the recruitment of

candidates possessing a Honours Degree in the specified field along with at

least five years post qualification work experience.

88.73 We further recommend that for recruitment of Lecturers in the field of

Medicine, candidates may be required to hold a MBBS or MBChB, be a

registered medical practitioner and reckon at least four years relevant post

qualification work experience.

Research Publication Allowance

88.74 One of the Strategic Direction of the UOM is to reach Excellence in Research and

Innovation by raising the overall quality of research, promoting impact-driven

multidisciplinary research and implementing measures that will increase the

research visibility of the University, among others.

88.75 The Bureau has already recommended under the incentive scheme, that

Management in consultation with Tertiary Education Commission may evolve and

implement incentive schemes for academic staff engaged in multi-disciplinary

research. We, however, consider that publishing research is not an end it itself.

The UOM should also aim at publishing quality research in high-impact factor

journals. The Bureau nevertheless recognises that for research productivity and

output through publication in such journals to increase, academics and researchers

at the University should be provided the right incentive/reward through a financial

reward-based system. We are recommending in that direction.

Recommendation 21

88.76 We recommend that academics and researchers at the University of Mauritius

should be granted a financial bonus upon publication of their research in a

high impact factor journal or in a non-impact factor journal listed in

international accredited journals. However, the quantum of the bonus to be

paid per research paper published in both categories of journals should be

determined by the Council in consultation with the Tertiary Education


Recruitment and Retention of Academic Staff

Recommendation 22

88.77 We recommend that full-time academic staff who are registered professionals,

should continue to be allowed to exercise their profession, subject it is

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carried out outside their normal working hours and is not in conflict with their

work at the University.

Sabbatical Leave

88.78 Sabbatical Leave is granted to academics to enable them to devote time on

scholarly research and keep abreast of new developments in their field as well

as for staff development. It may be spent abroad and/or locally.

88.79 The leave is earned at the rate of one month for every year of effective

residential service and is granted once after every eight years of effective

service. It is computed on a cumulative basis. However, the counter for

eligibility to sabbatical leave is reset to zero for academics who have already

benefitted from approved study leave for a period exceeding three months.

88.80 The Bureau considers that the existing provisions regarding the grant of

sabbatical are appropriate and should be maintained.

Consultancy Services

Recommendation 23

88.81 We recommend that the distribution of the net income between the staff and

University in respect of Research and Consultancy Services should be

maintained as hereunder:

(i) 2:1 between staff and the University for Research and Consultancy;


(ii) 4:1 between staff and the University for short courses, seminars and


Allowance to Head of Department and Dean of Faculty

Recommendation 24

88.82 We recommend that in future, academics designated as Head of Department

and Dean of Faculty should be paid a monthly allowance of Rs 1960 and

Rs 2600 respectively

88.83 We further recommend that academics designated as Head of Department

and Dean of Faculty as at 31 December 2015 should continue to be paid a

monthly allowance of Rs 5000 and Rs 7000 respectively on a personal basis

provided they are still performing in these positions.

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Incentive Scheme

88.84 The existing provisions under the Incentive Scheme for Academics are as follows:

(a) The University of Mauritius in consultation with the Tertiary Education

Commission, may subject to availability of funds:

(i) evolve and implement incentive schemes for academic staff engaged

in multi-disciplinary research and research likely to contribute to wealth

creation, policy formulation and transfer of technology or for the

environmental, social and cultural development of Mauritius;

(ii) consider the advisability of granting an allowance to Academics for

supervising Mphil/PhD students; and

(iii) consider the advisability or otherwise of granting an allowance to

Academics regularly lecturing at Master’s level;

(b) the University of Mauritius may further consider the grant of a higher entry

point in the salary scale to academics who, on recruitment, possess

qualifications higher than those minimum prescribed and for wide proven

experience in their field;

(c) academics holding a PhD degree recognised by the Council should be

granted four pensionable months of service for every three years of post-

doctoral effective service subject to a maximum of forty months; and

(d) the University of Mauritius in consultation with the State Insurance Company

of Mauritius Ltd evolves an appropriate scheme to allow those academics

who join the University after a long period of study and who consequently

would not complete the years of service required to earn full pension, to

purchase additional years of service at the start of their career.

Recommendation 25

88.85 We recommend that the above provisions governing the Incentive Scheme

should be maintained.

Academic Attainment

Recommendation 26

88.86 We recommend that Lecturers, Senior Lecturers and Associate Professors

holding a PhD and/or holding a Master’s degree and reckoning academic

attainment through published research, teaching, administrative contributions

and publications and having stayed on top of their revised salary scales for

one year should be allowed to move incrementally up to a maximum of two

increments to be read from the master salary scale.

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88.87 We further recommend that for the implementation of paragraph 88.86 the

new salary point reached by virtue of the provision made at paragraph 10.40

of Volume 1 of this Report shall be deemed to be the new top salary.

Political Activities

88.88 We are maintaining the provision to the effect that full-time employees of the

University of Mauritius should not be allowed to participate in active politics so as

not to disrupt the smooth running of activities.



UOM 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375 General Worker

UOM 2 : Rs 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18825 Stockman

UOM 3 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Security Guard

UOM 4 : Rs 9050 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

General Worker/Nursery Attendant/Gardener (Personal)

UOM 5 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Nursery Attendant/Gardener Office Attendant

UOM 6 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 22575

Security Officer

UOM 7 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver (Personal) Driver/Office Attendant (New Grade) Field Supervisor

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UOM 8 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Binder Handy Worker/Tradesman Carpenter/Cabinet Maker Electrician Mason Mechanic Painter

UOM 9 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

UOM 10 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

UOM 11 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Driver (Heavy Vehicle) Tractor Driver

UOM 12 : Rs 15450 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Senior Security Officer

UOM 13 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 QB 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Handy Worker/Tradesman/Senior Tradesman (Personal) Printing Operator/Plate Engraver

UOM 14 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Prepress Operator

UOM 15 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27850

Chief Security Officer (New Grade)

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UOM 16 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27850

Senior Receptionist/Telephone Operator

UOM 17 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 28625

Assistant Stores Officer (Personal)

UOM 18 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 QB 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Binder/Senior Binder (Personal)

UOM 19 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk Clerk/Word Processing Operator

UOM 20 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Library Clerk (Roster)

UOM 21 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Foreman Foreman (Binder)

UOM 22 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Technical Assistant/Senior Technical Assistant (Personal) formerly Technical Assistant

UOM 23 : Rs 16725 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Senior Word Processing Operator

UOM 24 : Rs 18450 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27850 QB 28625 x 775 – 31725

Assistant Printing Supervisor (Personal)

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UOM 25 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Financial Officer Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Assistant Stores Officer (Personal)

UOM 26 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 33425

Senior Library Clerk (Roster)

UOM 27 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Technical Assistant/Senior Technical Assistant formerly Technical Assistant Senior Technical Assistant

UOM 28 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Technical Assistant/Senior Technical Assistant (Personal) formerly Senior Technical Assistant

UOM 29 : Rs 17050 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200

Nursing Officer (Future Holder)

UOM 30 : Rs 17050 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Nursing Officer (Personal to officer in post as at 31.12.15)

UOM 31 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

UOM 32 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Officer Procurement and Supply Officer Senior Executive Assistant

UOM 33 : Rs 23975 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800

Specialised Nursing Officer (Male and Female) (Future Holder)

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UOM 34 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer

UOM 35 : Rs 20525 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Computer Programmer

UOM 36 : Rs 23975 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Supervisor, University of Mauritius Press

UOM 37 : Rs 20050 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Library Officer (Roster)

UOM 38 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Finance Officer/Senior Finance Officer (Personal)

UOM 39 : Rs 23975 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Specialised Nursing Officer (Male and Female) (Personal to officer in post as at 31.12.15)

UOM 40 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Procurement and Supply Officer

UOM 41 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 34350 QB 35275 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Accounting Technician

UOM 42 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Analyst/Programmer Sports Officer/Senior Sports Officer

UOM 43 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Senior Library Officer

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UOM 44 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Head, University of Mauritius Press Principal Executive Assistant

UOM 45 : Rs 33425 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 51575

Senior Accounting Technician

UOM 46 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425 QB 49950 x 1625 – 56450

IT Laboratory Officer formerly Technician/Senior Technician Laboratory Officer formerly Technician/Senior Technician

UOM 47 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Officer Public Relations and Communication Officer (New Grade)

UOM 48 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Librarian Observer/Expert Observer Quality Assurance Officer (New Grade)

UOM 49 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


UOM 50 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Estate Engineer

UOM 51 : Rs 30175 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Farm Manager Principal Library Officer

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UOM 52 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Educational Technologist formerly Instructional Designer

UOM 53 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Officer (Personal) Sports Organiser

UOM 54 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Internal Auditor/Senior Internal Auditor formerly Internal Auditor

UOM 55 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Computer Systems Engineer Research Officer Systems Administrator Systems Analyst Systems Engineer Visual Communication Designer Web Multimedia Developer

UOM 56 : Rs 30175 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450 QB 58075 x 1625 – 62950

Senior IT Laboratory Officer formerly Principal Technician Senior Laboratory Officer formerly Principal Technician

UOM 57 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950


UOM 58 : Rs 34350 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Legal Affairs Officer Services Superintendent (Personal)

UOM 59 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Senior Accountant Senior Librarian

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UOM 60 : Rs 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Assistant Research Fellow

UOM 61 : Rs 34350 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 QB 64800 x 1850 – 70450

IT Laboratory Coordinator (New Grade) Laboratory Coordinator

UOM 62 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Assistant Registrar

UOM 63 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 72400

Administrative Manager

UOM 64 : Rs 31725 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Public Relations Officer (Personal)

UOM 65 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Manager, Health and Safety Manager (Information Technology Services) Manager, Innovative Learning Technologies Manager (Management Information Systems) Manager, Procurement and Supply Research Fellow Senior Lecturer (Future Holder) Senior Research Officer

UOM 66 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Deputy Registrar Senior Lecturer (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15)

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UOM 67 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 89000

Associate Professor Chief Librarian Director, Centre for Information Technology and Systems Director, Centre for Innovative Lifelong Learning (New Grade) Director of Human Resources Director of Marketing and Externally Funded Activities Director, Quality Assurance Finance Director Senior Administrative Manager

UOM 68 : Rs 101000

Chief of Facilities and Services Professor Registrar

UOM 69 : Rs 110000

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academia) Pro Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources)

UOM 70 : Rs 164000


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89.1 Set up under the University of Technology, Mauritius (UTM) Act of 2000, the main

functions of UTM are, among others, to serve as a centre for fostering cooperation,

partnership and exchange of ideas between the academic community and the

public as well as the private sectors; and foster and encourage the advancement

and development of knowledge and skills, and their application to research and

other means through industry, the services sector, commerce and the public sector.

89.2 It envisions to become a University of national, regional and international renown

through the provision of multi-level quality tertiary education and training including

continuing professional education geared towards sustained capacity building for

increasingly technology-driven and enterprise-based developments.

89.3 UTM provides quality education and offers a wide range of courses, programmes

and activities in full-time, part-time as well as in mixed modes under four schools,

namely: School of Business, Management and Law; School of Sustainable

Development and Tourism; School of Innovative Technologies and Engineering;

and School of Accounting, Finance and Economics. So far, it has contributed in the

formation of over 5000 graduates.

89.4 As Head, the Director-General has the overall responsibility for the day-to-day

management of the University and for its efficiency. She is supported in her duties

by the Registrar and academics as well as staff of the administrative, technical,

library, finance, general services and workmen’s cadres.

89.5 Both Management and staff side have made several representations for this

Review. Management has requested for the creation of additional positions,

restyling of some grades and enhanced conditions of service. On the other hand,

the staff side has proposed the following: creation of additional levels; filling of

vacant posts; ensuring career path for officers on the establishment; alignment of

salaries; additional remuneration/benefit to academic staff; duty free facilities for

technical staff and provision of training.

89.6 Proposals made were lengthily discussed during meetings with both parties who

were apprised, among others, that filling of vacant posts and creation of new grades

depend on the functional and operational needs of the organisation and the onus

rests with the Board. However, it was also highlighted that grades which are

urgently required, could be graded by the Bureau on an adhoc basis well before and

even after the publication of the 2016 PRB Report, once the parent Ministry

conveys its approval and the proposed schemes of service are in order. Attention

of both Management and the staff side was drawn on the existing recommendations

in PRB Reports that provide for training to be dispensed to all staff. As regards

alignment of salaries, parties were informed that this would be examined by the

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Bureau on the basis of its job evaluation exercise. They were equally made aware

that eligibility or otherwise for duty free facilities for technical staff would depend on

the findings of the Survey on Travelling.

89.7 For this review exercise, we are, among others, consolidating the structure with the

creation of the grades of Electrician, Computer Laboratory Attendant, Overseer and

Maintenance Officer respectively, and maintaining the existing benefits for

academics. To address the concern of the staff side about existing HR problems, it

is recommended that Management should carry out a Human Resource

Planning exercise.

89.8 In framing its recommendations, the Bureau also took into account written

submissions of the new Management of the UTM.

Electrician (New Grade)

89.9 At present, all repairs pertaining to electrical installations are being performed by an

employee in the grade of Handy Worker (Skilled). With the expansion of the

University’s infrastructure, Management and staff side have made proposals for the

creation of the grade of Electrician to look after all the electrical installations and

repairs of the building.

Recommendation 1

89.10 We recommend the creation of a grade of Electrician. Appointment thereto

should be made from candidates possessing a Certificate of Primary

Education and the National Trade Certificate Level 3 in Electrical Installation

Works issued jointly by the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate and the

Mauritius Institute of Training and Development or an equivalent qualification.

89.11 Incumbent would be required, among others, to: carry out complete power and

lighting installations of all types in buildings according to regulations including

outdoor power and lighting installations; perform maintenance work on all types of

electrical power and lighting installations; and prepare estimates for electrical works

including maintenance works.

Computer Laboratory Attendant (New Grade)

89.12 At present, employees in the grade of Handy Worker are being called upon to

perform the duties of the grade of Computer Laboratory Attendant.

89.13 In the context of this review, both Management and staff side have represented that

there is an increase in the number of computer terminals in the computer

laboratories to cope with volume of work. These computer terminals have to be

maintained regularly and there is need for a dedicated grade to cater for the general

care of the Computer Laboratories.

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Recommendation 2

89.14 We recommend the creation of a grade of Computer Laboratory Attendant.

Appointment thereto should be made by selection from among serving

employees on the permanent and pensionable establishment possessing a

Cambridge School Certificate with at least a pass in Mathematics or any

Science subject or equivalent qualification. On appointment, incumbent will

be required to undergo, on-the-job training for a period of at least six months.

On satisfactory completion of the training and on being favourably reported

upon, they will be considered for appointment to the grade of Computer

Laboratory Attendant in a substantive capacity.

89.15 Incumbents would be responsible for: the general cleanliness of the computer

laboratory and the general care of equipment and furniture; scheduling hardware

and software for use in different lecture rooms and the computer laboratory; and the

detection and elimination of viruses using appropriate tools. Additionally,

incumbents would be required, among others, to set up equipment and load

relevant software; provide assistance to Lecturers for the running of hands-on

sessions; assist in the routine maintenance of hardware and software; and keeping

record of equipment.

Overseer (New Grade)

89.16 Representations have been received for the creation of a level to supervise the

work of Handyworkers and Handyworkers (Skilled) as well as to exert control and

discipline among them. To enable the organisation to make effective use of

resources and to monitor and supervise the activities of the Handyworkers and

Handyworkers (Skilled), we are recommending accordingly.

Recommendation 3

89.17 We recommend the creation of a grade of Overseer. Appointment thereto

should be made by selection from employees of the University possessing a

Certificate in Primary Education and showing proof of having attended

secondary education. Candidates should also reckon at least ten years’

service in a substantive capacity and should have the ability to supervise

workers and maintain discipline among them.

89.18 Incumbent would, inter alia, be required to: distribute work among Handyworkers

and Handyworkers (Skilled) and maintain discipline among them at the different

sites of work; control the works undertaken under his supervision, and to ensure

that they are carried out according to norms and standards; keep an inventory of all

the tools and materials issued to the workers under his supervision; and prepare

daily progress of work of his team of workers.

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Maintenance Officer (New Grade)

89.19 The UTM is constantly expanding its infrastructure and other activities. Union

members, supported by Management, have represented that there is need for a

new level to better assist in the maintenance of the building and infrastructure and

improvement of the university equipment and compound.

Recommendation 4

89.20 We recommend the creation of a grade of Maintenance Officer. Appointment

thereto should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

Diploma in Civil Engineering or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the


89.21 Incumbent would, inter alia, be required to: plan, design, execute, supervise and

monitor civil engineering works; guide, supervise and control maintenance staff;

assist in the feasibility studies and preparation of bids documents; make regular

inspections of existing infrastructure and submit reports thereon; and ensure that

safety and precautionary measures relating to water and electricity infrastructure

are observed.

Allowance to Head of School

89.22 Presently, a monthly allowance of Rs 7000 is paid to each Academic who has been

assigned the duties of Head of School which is on a rotational basis for a period of

three years. We are maintaining the present arrangement and making appropriate


Recommendation 5

89.23 We recommend that:

(i) the duties of Head of School should continue to be assigned on a

rotational basis for a period of three years to Associate Professors who

have served for at least once as Head of Department and reckoning at

least four years’ service at the University;

(ii) in future, Associate Professors assigned the duties of Head of School

should be paid a monthly allowance of Rs 2600;

(iii) Associate Professors assigned the duties of Head of School as at

31 December 2015 should continue to be paid a monthly allowance of Rs

7000 on a personal basis provided they are still performing in this


(iv) in the absence of candidates in the grade of Associate Professor, the

seniormost Senior Lecturer who has served for at least once as Head of

Department and reckons at least four years’ service at the University

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~ 567 ~ Pay Review 2016

should be assigned the duties of Head of School and be paid the

allowance; and

(v) eligibility for a new appointment to the position of Head of School would

not be before a period of four years, except with the special permission

of the Staff Committee/Board of Governors.

Allowance to School Coordinator

89.24 At present, Academic staff who have been assigned the duties of School

Coordinator to support the Head of School in his administrative responsibilities are

being paid a monthly allowance of Rs 2500. We are maintaining the present

arrangement and making appropriate recommendation .

Recommendation 6

89.25 We recommend that, in future, academic staff members assigned the duties of

School Coordinator should be paid a monthly allowance of Rs 1525.

89.26 We further recommend that academic staff members assigned the duties of

School Coordinator as at 31 December 2015 should continue to be paid a

monthly allowance of Rs 2500 on a personal basis provided they are still

performing in this position.

Academic Achievement

89.27 Academics below the level of Professor, who have improved their qualifications and

achieved within their academic field are granted additional increments. This

provision is being maintained.

Recommendation 7

89.28 We recommend that Lecturers, Senior Lecturers and Associate Professors

holding a PhD and/or holding a Master’s degree and reckoning academic

attainment through published research, teaching, administrative contributions

and publications and having stayed on top of their salary scales for one year

should be allowed to move incrementally up to a maximum of two increments

to be read from the master salary scale.

89.29 For the purpose of implementation of the above paragraph, the new salary point

reached by virtue of the provision made at paragraph 10.40 of Volume 1 of this

Report shall be deemed to be the new top salary.

Sabbatical Leave

89.30 In its previous Reports, the Bureau recommended that the UTM should consider the

advisability of setting up a Sabbatical Leave Scheme for its academic staff. During

consultation we were informed that this recommendation has yet to be

implemented. We are therefore reiterating this recommendation.

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Recommendation 8

89.31 We recommend that the Management of the UTM should set up a Sabbatical

Leave Scheme for the academic staff on permanent and pensionable


Incentive Scheme

89.32 The present provisions of incentive scheme, hereunder replicated, are being


1. The University of Technology, Mauritius in consultation with the Tertiary

Education Commission, may, subject to availability of funds:

(i) evolve and implement incentive schemes for academic staff

engaged in multi-disciplinary research and research likely to

contribute to wealth creation, policy formulation and transfer of

technology or for the environmental, social and cultural

development of Mauritius;

(ii) consider the advisability of granting an allowance to Academics for

supervising MPhil/PhD students; and

(iii) consider the advisability or otherwise of granting an allowance to

Academics regularly lecturing at Master’s level;

2. the University of Technology, Mauritius may consider the grant of a

higher entry point in the salary scale to academics who, on recruitment,

possess qualifications higher than those minimum prescribed for the

respective grades and for wide proven experience in their field;

3. academics holding a PhD Degree recognised by the Council should be

granted four pensionable months of service for every three years of

post-doctoral effective service, subject to a maximum of forty months;


4. the University of Technology, Mauritius in consultation with the State

Insurance Company of Mauritius Ltd should evolve an appropriate

scheme to allow those academics who join the University after a long

period of study and who consequently would not complete the years of

service required to earn full pension, to purchase additional years of

service at the start of their career.

Administrative Officer

89.33 At present, Administrative Officers who have remained on top of their salary scale

for one year are allowed to proceed incrementally in the master salary scale up to

salary point Rs 58775 subject to performance criteria. This recommendation is

being maintained.

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Recommendation 9

89.34 We recommend that Administrative Officers who have remained on top of

their revised salary scale for one year should be allowed to move

incrementally up to salary point Rs 62950 provided they:

(i) have drawn the top salary for a year;

(ii) have been efficient and effective in their performance during the

preceding year; and

(iii) are not under report.

Political Activities

89.35 At present, full-time academic and non-academic staff of the University are not

allowed to participate in active politics as involvement therein disrupts the proper

functioning of the organisation. This provision, being a main clause in the

contract of employment of the staff, is being maintained.



UTM 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

UTM 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18075

Printing Assistant

UTM 3 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Handy Worker

UTM 4 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Library Attendant Office Attendant

UTM 5 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

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UTM 6 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Electrician (New Grade) Handy Worker (Skilled)

UTM 7 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

UTM 8 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

UTM 9 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Computer Laboratory Attendant (New Grade)

UTM 10 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 29400

Overseer (New Grade)

UTM 11 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk Clerk/Word Processing Operator Library Clerk (Personal)

UTM 12 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30950

Library Clerk (Roster)

UTM 13 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Technical Assistant (Maintenance)

UTM 14 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Computer Support Officer

UTM 15 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer (New Grade)

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UTM 16 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer Executive Officer (Personal) Stores Officer (Personal)

UTM 17 : Rs 17050 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Nursing Officer Sports Officer/Senior Sports Officer

UTM 18 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

UTM 19 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer Accounts Officer (Ex-SPI) (Personal) Higher Executive Officer

UTM 20 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Library Officer (Personal) Maintenance Officer (New Grade) Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer

UTM 21 : Rs 20525 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Computer Programmer

UTM 22 : Rs 20050 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Library Officer (Roster)

UTM 23 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Accounts Officer

UTM 24 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Office Superintendent

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UTM 25 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Technician/Senior Technician

UTM 26 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Officer

UTM 27 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


UTM 28 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Accountant Internal Auditor

UTM 29 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Systems Analyst Systems Engineer

UTM 30 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Officer (Personal)

UTM 31 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Admissions Officer Examinations Officer Human Resource Management Officer Public Affairs Officer Student Affairs Officer

UTM 32 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950


UTM 33 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Head of Resource Centre

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UTM 34 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Assistant Registrar

UTM 35 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350

Head of Finance Head of Information Services Planning and Development Officer Quality Assurance Officer Senior Lecturer (Future Holder)

UTM 36 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Senior Lecturer (Personal to officers in post as at 31.12.15)

UTM 37 : Rs 43850 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 89000

Manager of Consultancy and Technology Transfer Centre

UTM 38 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 89000

Associate Professor

UTM 39 : Rs 66650 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 101000

Head of School

UTM 40 : Rs 101000

Professor Registrar

UTM 41 : Rs 110000

Deputy Director-General

UTM 42 : Rs 164000


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Ministry of Arts and Culture Urdu Speaking Union

~ 575 ~ Pay Review 2016


90.1 The Urdu Speaking Union has been established in 2002 under the Urdu Speaking

Union Act. Its main objects, among others, consist in promoting the urdu language

in its spoken and written forms; providing facilities for the exchange of views

affecting the interests, well being, development, relationships and common

problems of the urdu-speaking peoples of the world; and promoting and

encouraging the publication, exhibition, distribution and sale of urdu books,

magazines, newspapers ad calligraphic works.

90.2 The Union is managed by an Executive Council and the administrative duties fall

under the responsibility of the Administrative Secretary.

90.3 In the context of this Report, the Bureau has not received any representation. We

are, therefore, maintaining the present structure whilst revising the respective salary




USU 1 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

USU 2 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Secretary

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Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security Vallee d’Osterlog Endemic Garden Foundation

~ 577 ~ Pay Review 2016


91.1 The Vallée D’Osterlog Endemic Garden Foundation (VOEGF) was established as a

body corporate under the Vallée D’Osterlog Endemic Garden Foundation Act No.

19 of 2007 further to a Government decision to convert the Vallee D’Osterlog into

an endemic garden. It operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Agro-Industry and

Food Security.

91.2 The Foundation aims to become a major eco-tourism site and envisions to be the

reference endemic garden of Mauritius. Its mission is to contribute to biodiversity

conservation at global level and knowledge dissemination and research of the

endemic flora and fauna of Mauritius.

91.3 During consultations, management highlighted the main and specific functions of

the Vallée D’Osterlog Endemic Garden Foundation: conservation and preservation

of the flora and fauna of the garden; dissemination of knowledge relating to endemic

flora and fauna and engagement in scientific research on these species while

making it a tourist attraction.

91.4 The Foundation would further be called upon to play a vital role in the protection of

catchment areas, soil and water conservation through the restoration and

conservation of the endemic/native forest at the garden which in the long term,

would contribute to carbon sequestration as they will act as a carbon sink thus

mitigating climate change effect.

91.5 The VOEGF is managed and administered by a Board. A Director is responsible for

the day-to-day management of the Foundation. The latter is assisted in his

functions by an Administrative Manager, a Technical Manager as well as officers of

the administrative/technical section and staff of the General Services.

91.6 To support the VOEGF’s objectives to engage in scientific research on endemic

flora and fauna, the Bureau is agreeable to the proposal of Management to create

the grade of Scientific Officer on its establishment.

Scientific Officer (New Grade)

Recommendation 1

91.7 We recommend the creation of the grade of Scientific Officer. Appointment

thereto should be made by selection from among candidates possessing a

degree in either Agriculture or Biology or Zoology or Botany or Ecology or

Conservation or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Board.

91.8 Incumbent would be required to, inter alia, conduct and monitor research activities

and experimental work on fauna and/or flora and their conservation; prepare and

implement program for nursery activities in field and for maintenance of the garden;

monitor the status of wild populations of fauna and/or flora; carry out restoration

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works, germ-plasm collection and multiplication of fauna and/or flora; conduct

interpretation activities; prepare scientific reports, disseminate conservation

information, and create conservation awareness among students and the public at

large; and supervise and train junior staff.

Park Assistant (Roster) (New Grade)

91.9 The Bureau is also agreeable to create the grade of Park Assistant (Roster) to

assist the Scientific Officer in carrying out the field operations in the garden.

Recommendation 2

91.10 We recommend the creation of the grade of Park Assistant (Roster).

Appointment thereto should be made by selection from among candidates

possessing a Cambridge Higher School Certificate with passes at principal

level in at least two subjects, including one science subject, or an equivalent

qualification acceptable to the Board.

91.11 Incumbent would be responsible, inter alia, for the day-to-day maintenance activities

such as picnic areas, tracks and trails and other structures to ensure that they are

maintained to proper standards; sale of plants and other items and collect ticket

fees from visitors; allocation of task to manual workers and supervision of staff in

carrying out cleaning, building repairs, welding and other related duties; provision of

assistance and support to senior officers in such areas as public awareness and

conservation, education, habitat conservation, rehabilitation and protection, fauna

and flora survey works, among others; guide visitors within the garden and provide

information in order to increase visitors understanding, appreciation and enjoyment

of the garden; and look after animals/birds and perform animal husbandry practices.

Walking Allowance

91.12 At present, workers in the manual grades who do not have any means of transport

and have to cover a distance of more than six kilometers daily to reach their site of

work, are paid a monthly walking allowance of Rs 600. Management has informed

that other officers of the VOEGF equally have to cover a walking distance of more

than four kilometres on a daily basis to reach site of work as no transport facilities

are available in that area. Request has thus been made to extend the walking

allowance to this category of officers.

91.13 We have examined the issue and consider that there is merit in the case. We are,

therefore, making appropriate recommendations to this effect.

Recommendation 3

91.14 We recommend that a monthly walking allowance of Rs 600 be granted to

those workers of the manual grades who do not have any means of transport

and have to cover a distance of more than six kilometres daily to reach their

site of work.

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91.15 We further recommend that Management should consider the advisability of

extending the above recommendation to concerned officers of the VOEGF on

the same set conditions provided they satisfy the same criteria.



VOGF 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

VOGF 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18075

Warehouse Operative (Ex-Tobacco Board) (Personal)

VOGF 3 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18450

Warehouse Worker (Ex-Tobacco Board) (Personal)

VOGF 4 : Rs 9050 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18825

General/Handy Worker (Roster) General/Handy Worker (Roster) (ex-Tobacco Board) (Personal)

VOGF 5 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Gardener/Nursery Attendant

VOGF 6 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21000

Senior Gardener/Nursery Attendant

VOGF 7 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Driver/Office Attendant

VOGF 8 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Field Supervisor

VOGF 9 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23975

Driver/Messenger (Roster)

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VOGF 10 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator

VOGF 11 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Park Assistant (Roster)(New Grade)

VOGF 12 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Accounts Clerk (Ex-Tobacco Board) (Personal) Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer

VOGF 13 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Accounts Officer Accounts Officer (ex-Tobacco Board) (Personal) Human Resource Officer

VOGF 14 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Technical Officer/Senior Technical Officer

VOGF 15 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Publications and Liaison Officer

VOGF 16 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Scientific Officer (New Grade)

VOGF 17 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Administrative Manager Technical Manager

VOGF 18 : Rs 77175 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 83000


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VPM, Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities Wastewater Management Authority

~ 581 ~ Pay Review 2016


92.1 The Wastewater Management Authority (WMA), a body corporate established

under the Wastewater Management Authority Act No. 39 of 2000, operates as an

autonomous organisation under the aegis of the Ministry of Energy and Public

Utilities. The WMA has been entrusted with the overall responsibility for the

collection, treatment, disposal of wastewater throughout Mauritius, as well as the

provision of appropriate water pollution standards and wastewater control system.

92.2 Government has in its programme 2015-2019 (Achieving Meaningful Change)

apprised that it will undertake a review of the wastewater master plan to ensure the

most competitive wastewater disposal technology for environmental protection

which will address the sanitation problems in the former CHA housing estates and

the regions which are vulnerable to environmental hazards related to wastewater

disposal. The WMA aims at fulfilling Government objectives to connect 80% of the

population to the public sewer by 2033 as per the Wastewater Master Plan of 2012;

strengthen the organisation with adequate legal status, human resources and tariff

structure; link cost recovery to affordability of service; and improve the

environmental and customer services standards.

92.3 The Authority is headed by a General Manager who is assisted by two Deputy

General Managers: one responsible for the Administration and Finance Department

and the other for the Technical Department. The General Manager is responsible,

amongst others, for the execution of the policies and strategies of the Board along

with the control, management and administration of the day to day business of the


92.4 In the context of this Report, the Management of the WMA has requested for further

improvement in the conditions of service along with the restyling of certain grades

similar to their counterparts in the Civil Service with a view to encouraging

employees and the key staff to remain in the sector. The staff side have amongst

others requested for the reinforcement of the Technical cadre, restyling of grades in

the Engineering cadre, extension of risk allowance to employees in certain grades

and aligning certain structures with what is obtained across the Public Service.

92.5 In line with Government objectives for the wastewater sector, we are in this Report

reviewing the existing organisation structure and the various allowances, wherever

relevant, to enable the Authority to meet its current and future operational

requirements as well as making provisions for ensuring the protection and well

being of its employees.

92.6 The Engineering cadre at the Wastewater Management Authority has a multiplicity

of fields with different hierarchical structures/levels. The staff side has represented

that for greater efficiency in work organisation, accountability and reporting, as well

as the dire need to motivate staff to remain at the Authority and to attract new

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entrants to join the organisation, there is need to restructure the cadre and bring

uniformity. In line with the Bureau’s philosophy for lean structures leading to

increased efficiency and customer responsiveness, and to bring parity among the

different fields of engineering we are, where appropriate, merging and restyling the

grades in the cadre.

Recommendation 1

92.7 We recommend that the grades in the Engineering cadre be restyled as


(i) the grades of Engineer (Civil) and Senior Engineer (Civil); Engineer

(Electrical) and Senior Engineer (Mechanical/Electrical), Engineer

(Mechanical) and Senior Engineer (Mechanical/Electrical) be merged and

restyled Engineer/Senior Engineer (Civil); Engineer/Senior Engineer

(Mechanical) and Engineer/Senior Engineer (Electrical) respectively; and

(ii) the grades of Engineer (Mechatronics) and Process Engineer

(Wastewater Treatment) be restyled Engineer/Senior Engineer

(Mechatronics) and Process Engineer/Senior Process Engineer

(Wastewater Treatment) respectively.

Risk and Hazard Allowance to Officers in the Procurement and Supply Cadre

92.8 Representations have been made by the Staff Side that officers in the Procurement

and Supply Cadre posted in warehouses located in treatment plants of the WMA

are exposed to risk and hazard. The Bureau has also been apprised that there has

been cases of chlorine poisoning resulting in hospitalisation of employees and

incumbents in the cadre are also regularly exposed to foul odour of raw sewage

unlike their counterparts in other organisations or at the Head Office. We have

analysed the issue and consider that appropriate compensation is warranted due to

the specific environmental conditions in which incumbents are called upon to

operate. However, as there are other grades that may be posted in these

warehouses the Bureau recommends that a Risk Assessment Exercise should

be conducted by the WMA. The mechanism set to conduct this exercise is

reported at paragraph 18.15.23 of Volume 1 of this Report.

Driving Allowance

92.9 Incumbents in the grade of Technical Assistant are, with a view to attaining optimum

resource uitilisation, called upon everyday to drive the organisation vehicles to

attend to different work sites. They are not being provided with the services of a

Driver due to restricted budget allocation. Both Management and the staff side

have represented that driving does not form part of the duties of incumbents in the

grades of Technical Assistant and that there is need for some compensation. We

have analysed the issue and are making appropriate recommendation.

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Recommendation 2

92.10 We recommend that Technical Assistants who are required to drive the

organisation’s vehicle in the performance of their duties, to attend different

sites of work, be paid a monthly allowance equivalent to one increment at the

initial of their respective salary scale.

Information Technology Unit

92.11 The IT Unit acts as the backbone of the Authority and is responsible for the overall

design, implementation and Management of the IT and network infrastructure. The

Unit aims at positioning itself as a driving force with the use of Technology to help

the Authority manage effectively the information and handle issues through the

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System based on a Customer/Care

Management System (CMS). The ERP system would combine all the major

business requirements of the Authority together into a single, integrated software

programme, which would run off a single database so that the various departments

could easily process and share information, as well as communicate with each


92.12 The Unit is currently manned by two IT Officers and two IT Technicians whilst the

post of IT Manager is vacant since 2009. Management has submitted that taking

into consideration the growing IT needs of the WMA and the increasing complexity

of the IT infrastructure, the grades of IT Officer and IT Technician be restyled to IT

Analyst or System Analyst and IT Support Officer respectively along with the

alignment of salaries of the grades with what obtains for similar grades across

Parastatal Bodies. We have examined the request and are making appropriate


IT Support Officer

formerly Information Technology Technician

IT Analyst

formerly Information Technology Officer

Recommendation 3

92.13 We recommend that the grade of Information Technology Officer be restyled

IT Analyst and that of Information Technology Technician be restyled IT

Support Officer.

Retention Allowance

92.14 The employees of the WMA are, by the nature of their duties, required to operate in

a very specific environment whereby they are regularly exposed to insalubrious

conditions and risky elements. In its 2008 Report, the Bureau introduced and

recommended the payment of a Retention Allowance to a certain category of

officers to retain them in the organisation. The Retention Allowance was maintained

in the 2013 PRB Report. For this review exercises we have received

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representations from Management and the staff side to maintain and extend the

payment of Retention Allowance to other categories of officers. We have examined

the Job Description Questionnaires of these grades and taken note of the specific

environment in which the employees are working. We are fully convinced that the

Retention Allowance is an effective device/tool to encourage and retain these

people in the organisation. We are, therefore, maintaining the allowance and

extending it to other categories of workers.

Recommendation 4

92.15 We recommend that incumbents in the grades listed below who are regularly

exposed to foul odour and raw sewage be paid a Retention Allowance

equivalent to two increments at the salary point reached in their respective

salary scale subject to satisfactory performance and approval of the

Responsible/ Supervising Officer:-

Mechanical Engineer/Senior Mechanical Engineer (Personal)

Engineer/Senior Engineer (Civil)

formerly Engineer (Civil)

Senior Engineer (Civil)

Engineer/Senior Engineer (Electrical)

formerly Engineer (Electrical)

Senior Engineer (Mechanical and Electrical)

Engineer/Senior Engineer (Mechanical)

formerly Engineer (Mechanical)

Senior Engineer (Mechanical and Electrical)

Engineer/Senior Engineer (Mechatronics)

formerly Engineer (Mechatronics)

Process Engineer/Senior Process Engineer (Wastewater Treatment)

formerly Process Engineer (Wastewater Treatment)

Scientific Officer

Senior Scientific Officer

Land Surveyor

Senior Land Surveyor

Principal Technical Design Officer

Senior Technical Officer (Civil)

formerly Senior Technical Officer

Chief Works Inspector

Senior Works Inspector

Senior Technical Design Officer

Technical Officer (Civil)

formerly Technical Officer (Civil Engineering)

Technical Officer (Mechanical and Electrical)

Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer

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Senior Laboratory Technician

Works Inspector

Laboratory Technician

Laboratory Assistant

Technical Design Officer

Assistant Works Inspector

Head Operative

Head Survey and Field Worker

Technical Assistant (Electrical) (Shift)

Technical Assistant (Electronic/Instrumentation) (Shift)

Technical Assistant (Mechanical) (shift)

Laboratory Attendant

Driver (Wastewater Jetting Unit/Tanker)


Field Supervisor


Pipe Cleaner

Tradesman’s Assistant (Personal)

Survey Field Worker/Senior Survey Field Worker

Treatment Plant Worker (Shift)

General Worker

Divisional Manager

Works Manager (Civil)

Works Manager (Mechanical and Electrical)

Laboratory Manager

Senior Technical Officer (Mechanical and Electrical)

Senior Technical Assistant

92.16 We further recommend that officers and employees in the manual grades who

leave the service prior to the age at which they may retire without the

approval of the Board (Table II at Chapter 15 of Volume 1) should refund the

totality of the Retention Allowance paid to them. Beneficiaries of this

allowance retiring from the service on reaching the age at which they may

retire without the approval of the Board or thereafter, should refund only that

part of the Retention Allowance which they would have earned under this

scheme after reaching the age at which they may retire with the approval of

the Board. No refund would have to be effected by an officer who retires as

per his compulsory retirement age or on medical ground.

Risk and Hazard Allowance

92.17 A Risk and Hazard Allowance equivalent to two increments at the salary point

reached in the salary scale is also being paid, over and above the Retention

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Allowance, to certain employees who are regularly exposed to insalubrious and

risky conditions which may adversely affect their health.

92.18 Representations have been received to extend the Risk and Hazard allowance to

incumbents in the grade Driver, posted at sub offices/stations and who are regularly

exposed to the hazards in conveying tools and equipment that have contact with

raw sewage in the performance of their duties. We have examined the request and

we are making recommendation for the payment of an appropriate Risk and Hazard

Allowance to incumbents in the grade of Driver while maintaining the payment of

the allowance to all those already eligible for same.

Recommendation 5

92.19 We recommend that incumbents in the grade of Driver who are posted in sub

offices and who regularly convey tools and equipment that have contact with

raw sewage be paid a Risk and Hazard Allowance equivalent to one and a half

increments at the initial salary point reached in their salary scale.

92.20 We further recommend that employees in grades listed hereunder, who are

regularly exposed to insalubrious and risky conditions which may adversely

affect their health should continue to be paid over and above the Retention

Allowance, a Risk and Hazard Allowance equivalent to two increments at the

salary point reached in their respective salary scale:

Technical Assistant (Electrical) (Shift)

Technical Assistant (Electronic/Instrumentation) (Shift)

Technical Assistant (Mechanical) (Shift)

Driver (Wastewater Jetting Unit/Tanker)

Field Supervisor

Operative (incumbent in the grade of Plant and Equipment Operator as

at 30.12.12)

Pipe Cleaner

Treatment Plant Worker (Shift)

General Worker

Special Professional Retention Allowance

92.21 The Special Professional Retention Allowance (SPRA) was introduced in the 2008

overall review, more specifically in the EOC Report 2009, to curb recruitment and

retention problems in the field of Engineering which was considered as scarcity


92.22 We have observed that the market situation/condition has improved and there are

many qualified people who are available to work in this sector. We are, however,

maintaining the payment of the SPRA to eligible officers in post as at 31 December

2015 up to 31 December 2016.

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Recommendation 6

92.23 We recommend that officers in the Engineering cadre of the WMA eligible for

the payment of Special Professional Retention Allowance (SPRA) as at

31 December 2015 should continue to be paid same up to 31 December 2016

as specified in the following table:

Salary SPRA% of Monthly Salary

Rs 29400 up to Rs 62950 and reckoning at least 10 years’ service in their respective grade


Above Rs 62950 and up to Rs 70450 7

Above Rs 70450 and up to Rs 86000 10

Above Rs 86000 and up to Rs 95000 12.5

92.24 We further recommend that those officers who:

(i) leave the service prior to the age at which they may retire without the

approval of the Board (Table II at Chapter 15 of Volume 1) should refund

the totality of the Special Professional Retention Allowance paid to

them; and

(ii) retire from the service on reaching the age at which they may retire

without the approval of the Board or thereafter, should refund only that

part of the Special Professional Retention Allowance which they would

have earned under this scheme after reaching the age at which they may

retire without the approval of the Board.

92.25 However, provision made at (i) and (ii) above, should not apply to officers

retiring as per their new compulsory retirement age or on medical ground.

92.26 All officers in the Engineering field who are eligible for the payment of the

Special Professional Retention Allowance as from 01 January 2016 and have

been granted same prior to the publication of this Report should continue to

draw the Special Professional Retention Allowance up to 31 December 2016.

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Night Duty Allowance

92.27 At present Technical Assistants and Treatment Plant Workers working on shift are

paid a night duty allowance. We are maintaining the payment of this allowance.

Recommendation 7

92.28 We recommend the payment of a monthly Night Duty Allowance equivalent to

25% of the normal rate per hour for hours between 2300 hours and 0500 hours

including a maximum of two hours lying-in period to Technical Assistants and

Treatment Plant Workers who effectively perform night shift.



WMA 1 : Rs 7800 x 200 – 8000 x 205 – 8820 x 230 – 10200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker

WMA 2 : Rs 14325 x 275 – 14875

Trainee Technical Design Officer

WMA 3 : Rs 10450 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700

Treatment Plant Worker (Shift)

WMA 4 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18825

Tradesman’s Assistant (personal to incumbent in post as at 30.06.08)

WMA 5 : Rs 11200 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Stores Attendant

WMA 6 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050

Office Attendant

WMA 7 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950

Pipe Cleaner

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WMA 8 : Rs 11710 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Survey Field Worker/Senior Survey Field Worker

WMA 9 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200


WMA 10 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200

Field Supervisor

WMA 11 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

Senior/Head Office Attendant

WMA 12 : Rs 12490 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Receptionist/Telephone Operator

WMA 13 : Rs 13530 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525


WMA 14 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 25525

Driver (Wastewater Jetting Unit/Tanker)

WMA 15 : Rs 24750 x 775 – 26300

Trainee Engineer

WMA 16 : Rs 13010 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 27075

Laboratory Attendant

WMA 17 : Rs 17050 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 28625

Head Survey and Field Worker

WMA 18 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerical Officer

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WMA 19 : Rs 14875 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk (Revenue Collection) (Personal to officers in post as at 30.06.08)

WMA 20 : Rs 18825 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Head Operative

WMA 21 : Rs 13790 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Technical Assistant (Electrical) (Shift) Technical Assistant (Electronic/Instrumentation) (Shift)

Technical Assistant (Mechanical) (Shift)

WMA 22: Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Land Survey Technician

WMA 23 : Rs 14600 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Assistant Works Inspector Laboratory Assistant

WMA 24 : Rs 16400 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Management Support Officer

WMA 25 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

Assistant Financial Officer Assistant Procurement and Supply Officer

WMA 26 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Technical Design Officer Laboratory Technician

WMA 27 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 35275

Senior Technical Assistant

WMA 28 : Rs 21475 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 36200

Works Inspector

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WMA 29 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Internal Control Officer

WMA 30 : Rs 19200 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Confidential Secretary

WMA 31 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Customer Care Officer

WMA 32 : Rs 22575 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Financial Officer Procurement and Supply Officer

WMA 33 : Rs 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Office Management Assistant

WMA 34 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575

Senior Laboratory Technician

WMA 35 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Human Resource Officer IT Support Officer formerly Information Technology Technician Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officer Technical Officer (Civil) formerly Technical Officer (Civil Engineering)

Technical Officer (Mechanical and Electrical)

WMA 36 : Rs 27075 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Senior Technical Design Officer Senior Works Inspector

WMA 37 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Principal Laboratory Technician

WMA 38 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 43850

Senior Financial Officer Senior Internal Control Officer

Senior Procurement and Supply Officer

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WMA 39 : Rs 27850 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 46900

Office Superintendent

WMA 40 : Rs 20525 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Planning and Transport Coordinator

WMA 41 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 48425

Chief Works Inspector Senior Technical Officer (Civil) formerly Senior Technical Officer Senior Technical Officer (Mechanical and Electrical)

WMA 42 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950

Superintendent, Procurement and Supply

WMA 43 : Rs 30950 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950

Principal Technical Design Officer

WMA 44 : Rs 25525 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Administrative Officer Public Relations Coordinator Public Relations and Customer Care Officer

WMA 45 : Rs 26300 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

IT Analyst formerly Information Technology Officer Land Surveyor Scientific Officer

Systems Administrator

WMA 46 : Rs 28625 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450


Internal Auditor Human Resource Management Officer

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WMA 47 : Rs 29400 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Mechanical Engineer/Senior Mechanical Engineer (Personal to officers in post as at 30.06.08)

Engineer/Senior Engineer (Civil)

formerly Engineer (Civil)

Senior Engineer (Civil)

Engineer/Senior Engineer (Electrical)

formerly Engineer (Electrical)

Senior Engineer (Mechanical/Electrical)

Engineer/Senior Engineer (Mechanical)

formerly Engineer (Mechanical)

Senior Engineer (Mechanical/Electrical)

Engineer/Senior Engineer (Mechatronics)

formerly Engineer (Mechatronics)

Process Engineer/Senior Process Engineer (Wastewater Treatment)

formerly Process Engineer (Wastewater Treatment)

WMA 48 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Secretary to the Board Senior Land Surveyor Senior Accountant Senior Scientific Officer

WMA 49 : Rs 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 70450

Administrative and Human Resource Manager Financial Manager

Information Technology Manager) Laboratory Manager

Works Manager (Civil) Works Manager (Mechanical and Electrical)

WMA 50 : Rs 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350 x 2825 – 80000 x 3000 – 86000

Divisional Manager

WMA 51 : Rs 89000 x 3000 – 95000

Deputy General Manager (Administration) Deputy General Manager (Technical)

WMA 52 : Rs 110000

General Manager

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Private Secondary Schools

~ 595 ~ Pay Review 2016


99.1 Private Secondary Schools (PSS) play an important role in the education sector in

Mauritius, Rodrigues and Agalega by providing education to some 64040 students.

Their overall administration of pedagogical activities and disbursement of grants to

some of the institutions rest upon the Private Secondary Schools Authority (PSSA),

a corporate body operating under the aegis of the Ministry of Education and Human

Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research.

99.2 The Managers of the respective private secondary schools are responsible for the

recruitment of personnel and, therefore, they are employers of the secondary

institutions. The establishment size of the teaching and non-teaching staff as at

31 December 2015 stood around 5043 and 2235 respectively.

99.3 At present there is a total of 107 registered private schools, of which about six are

found in Rodrigues and one in Agalega. Out of the 107 schools, 87 operate on a full

grant in aid system, one on a partly grant in aid system and 19 are non-grant aided.

Classes up to Cambridge Higher School Certificate are run in 69 of the grant aided

schools while 20 of them provide education up to Cambridge School Certificate. 73

Secondary schools also offer prevocational education.

99.4 In the context of the present review exercise, representations have been made for

parity of esteem in term of allowances and grades; the creation of grades at

different levels of operations; change in appellation to better reflect the duties,

upgrading of salary at various levels and restyling of grades. We have examined all

the proposals, apprised both Management and Staff Associations on issues that

could not be retained as well as other representations that need to be analysed

further. On the basis of our analysis, we are making appropriate recommendations.

Educator (Private Secondary Schools)

99.5 In the 2008 PRB Report, the Bureau has recommended that as from 01 July 2012

an Educator’s Licence should be a requirement for the post of Educator

(Secondary) and subsequently as from a date after 2010 a Postgraduate Certificate

in Education (PGCE) or its equivalent would also be a requirement. However, in the

2013 PRB Report due to dearth of candidates holding those qualifications, the

requirements was differed to a future date to be decided by the then Ministry of

Education and Human Resources.

99.6 The Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific

Research (MOE & HE, TE and SR) has, in the context of this Report, submitted that

there is still a shortage of graduates holding these qualifications particularly in

disciplines which are scarce given that relevant courses are not being run by the

Mauritius Institute of Education in all subjects and as such up to now it has not been

possible to implement the recommendation made by the Bureau. On this account

and to ensure the availability of qualified candidate for the delivery of quality

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Private Secondary Schools

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education in secondary institutions the Ministry has now proposed that Educators

(Private Secondary School) should in future be recruited in a temporary capacity.

They will be required to follow a comprehensive one year course leading to an

Educators Licence and appointed as Educator (Private Secondary School) in a

substantive capacity upon successful completion of this course. We have analysed

the issue and concurred with the views and proposal of the Ministry.

Recommendation 1

99.7 We recommend that the PSSA in collaboration with the MOE & HR, TE and SR

ensure that in future Educator (Private Secondary School) should be recruited

in a temporary capacity and should be appointed in a substantive capacity

only upon successful completion of a comprehensive one year training

leading to an Educators’ license. The module taken in the one year training

course shall be bank towards a PGCE to be completed within five years.

99.8 Presently there are certain specific recommendations for the grade of Educator in

the Civil Service that are equally applicable for Educators (Private Secondary

Schools). We are maintaining these provisions.

Recommendation 2

99.9 We recommend that:

(i) Candidates possessing a post ‘A’ Level Degree and appointed

Educator (Private Secondary Schools) should join the recommended

salary scale at salary point Rs 25525;

(ii) Educator (Private Secondary Schools) possessing a post ‘A’ Level

Diploma or post ‘O’ Level Degree should be allowed to proceed beyond

the QB inserted in the salary scale upon obtention of the Degree or a

Masters’ Degree as appropriate;

(iii) Educator (Private Secondary Schools) drawing a monthly salary of less

than Rs 25525 should, on obtention of qualifications to cross the QB in

the salary scale, be allowed to join the recommended salary scale at

salary point of Rs 25525;

(iv) Educator (Private Secondary Schools) satisfying the requirement to

cross the QB, would, on reaching the top salary point of Rs 56450, be

allowed to move incrementally in the master salary scale up to salary

point of Rs 61325 provided that they have:

(a) drawn their top salary for a year; and

(b) been consistently efficient and effective in their performance, as

evidenced by the Performance Appraisal Report of the officer

during the preceding two years and have not been adversely

reported upon on ground of conduct.

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99.10 We also recommend that:

(i) Educator (Private Secondary Schools) should teach approximately

1190 minutes in a week, one or more subjects relating to his academic

qualifications; and

(ii) the monthly allowance payable to Educator (Private Secondary

Schools) not possessing the qualifications to cross the QB and who

are called upon to teach sixth form subjects in scarcity areas for at

least eight periods weekly, should be revised to Rs 2360. On obtention

of the qualifications required to cross QB, incumbent would be eligible

to a salary point arrived at after adding the allowance to the basic

salary or to draw the higher salary point where the sum thus obtained

is between two salary points and would draw the new determined

salary or Rs 25525 whichever is the higher.

(iii) the above monthly allowance should be paid on a pro-rata basis to

Educators (Private Secondary Schools) not possessing the

qualifications to cross the QB and who are called upon to teach sixth

form subjects in scarcity areas for a minimum of four periods weekly.

Senior Educator (Private Secondary Schools)

99.11 The Errors, Omissions and Anomalies Committee Report recommended the

creation of the grade of Senior Educator (Private Secondary Schools) to be filled by

promotion of Educators (Private Secondary Schools) who possess the qualification

to cross the QB in the salary scale and reckon at least 15 years’ service in a

substantive capacity in the grade.

99.12 Following the publication of the Report and based on representations from various

quarters to review the qualification requirements, the High Powered Committee

approved that the entry requirement of the grade be amended such that

appointment thereto be by promotion of Educators (Private Secondary School) who

possess the qualification to cross the QB in the Salary scale and reckon at least 15

years’ cumulative service in a substantive capacity.

99.13 Further representations were made from Unions of PSS to clarify the terms

“Promotion” and “cumulative service” and after study the Ministry views that the

decision taken by the High Powered Committee as at paragraph 99.9 above should

be upheld. The Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education

and Scientific Research and the Private Secondary Schools Authority have also

highlighted that the staff community in the private secondary education sub-sector is

a diversified and heterogeneous one. For instance, some teachers have joined the

grade with School Certificate/Higher School Certificate and have crossed the QB

subsequently while others have shifted from one school to another on account of

closure/redundancy or transfer. The Ministry is, therefore, of the view that the

continuous teaching experience reckoned by Educators in the Private Secondary

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Schools in Mauritius irrespective of the level of entry in the teaching grade should

primarily be considered for promotion to the grade of Senior Educator.

99.14 We have analysed the issue and taking into consideration the mode of appointment

of Senior Educator in State Secondary Schools, the particularities of the Private

Secondary Schools as well as the decision of the High Powered Committee, we are

making appropriate recommendation.

Recommendation 3

99.15 We recommend that appointment to the grade of Senior Educator (Private

Secondary Schools) should be by promotion, on the basis of experience and

merit, of officers in the grade of Educator (Private Secondary Schools) who

possess the qualification to cross QB and reckoning 15 years’ experience in a

substantive capacity in the grade inclusive of their experience acquired in the

teaching grades at different private secondary schools.

99.16 We further recommend that all private secondary schools should make

necessary arrangement to appoint a Senior Educator with a view to

enhancing the quality of education and providing appropriate administrative

and pedagogical support to the Rector for the benefit of the students’



99.17 At present appointment to the grade of Rector is made by selection from among

Deputy Rectors possessing the Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma in Education

and reckoning at least three years’ experience in a substantive capacity. In the 2013

Report we had recommended that the requirement of the Diploma in Management

or Educational Management for appointment to the grade of Rector, should be

maintained. However, the implementation date of this requirement should have

been determined by the then Ministry of Education and Human Resources.

99.18 The issue was raised with both the Ministry of Education and Human Resources,

Tertiary Education and Scientific Research and the Private Secondary Schools

Authority . We have been apprised that due to the limited intake of students at the

tertiary level institutions for the Diploma in Management or Educational

Management course, many Deputy Rectors could not be enrolled. Request has,

therefore, been made for an extension of the transition period for a further five

years, in order to give a fair chance to a greater number of Deputy Rectors to

acquire the new qualification. We have studied the representations of all parties

concerned and in a spirit of fairness we agree with this proposal.

Recommendation 4

99.19 We recommend that the requirement of the Diploma in Management or

Educational Management for appointment to the grade of Rector, as

recommended in our last Report should be maintained. However, the

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implementation date for this recommendation should be determined by the

Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and

Scientific Research.

Head of Department

99.20 Heads of Department are selected on a seniority basis in their respective Private

Secondary Schools from among Educators (Private Secondary Schools)

possessing qualifications required to cross the QB. In the absence of fully qualified

candidates, Educators (Private Secondary Schools) who do not possess the

qualifications to cross the QB, but reckon at least five years’ post qualification

experience and having teached up to Form V/Form VI when posted respectively in

Form V/Form VI colleges are also considered for the designated position. The

Heads of Department are required to advise the Rector on matters relating to their

respective specialities. e.g., syllabus, choice of books, laboratory equipment, time-

table, internal examinations etc.

99.21 The list of subjects and subject combinations for which a headship allowance is paid

has been established by the Private Secondary School Authority and at present the

criteria for eligibility to the position of Head of Department, are as hereunder:

(i) there should be two or more Educators (Private Secondary Schools) with a full

time-table in the Department.

(ii) Educators (Private Secondary Schools) are teaching the subject for at least

1000 minutes weekly.

(iii) the total teaching time in the department should not be less than the full

workload of a full-time teacher or approximately 1190 minutes per week.

99.22 Currently, the monthly headship allowance is Rs 1000 for Head of Department of

Form V colleges and Rs 1500 for those of Form VI colleges whilst in scarcity areas

Head of Departments (though not possessing the qualification required to cross the

QB) are granted Rs 1800 monthly.

99.23 The Private Secondary School Authority has represented that in private secondary

schools the teaching period varies from one school to another. For instance in

some schools the teaching periods are of 35 minutes while in others they are 40

minutes thereby leading to some imbalance in the workload of Educators (Private

Secondary Schools) and Heads of Department.

99.24 The staff side has on their behalf represented that the number of periods for

Educators as well as Heads of Department be reduced with a view to enabling them

to better perform their duties. In addition both the PSSA and the staff side have

highlighted that the quantum of allowances for Heads of Department which have

always been at par with those payable to counterparts in state secondary school

have been reduced by the Errors, Omissions and Anomalies Committee Report and

have requested for same to be re-established. We have studied both representation

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and consider that the criteria set for assignment of duty of HOD to Educators (PSS)

should be maintained. We have reviewed the weekly teaching period for the

assigned HOD while harmonising the quantum of the monthly allowance payable to


Recommendation 5

99.25 We recommend that assignment of duties of Head of Department should

continue to be made from among Educators (Private Secondary Schools),

possessing qualifications required to cross the QB, on a seniority basis in the

respective Private Secondary Schools and in the grade. In the absence of

fully qualified candidates, Educators (Private Secondary Schools) who do not

possess the qualifications to cross the QB, but reckon at least five years’ post

qualification experience and teach up to Form V/Form VI and posted

respectively in Form V/Form VI colleges be also considered

99.26 We also recommend that incumbent assigned duties of Head of Department

should continue to teach their subject of specialisation for approximately 840

minutes weekly and be paid a monthly Headship Allowance as hereunder:

Head of Departments Monthly Allowance


In schools teaching up to SC 1330

In schools teaching up to HSC 2000

In scarcity areas (though not possessing the

qualifications required to cross the QB) 2000

Section Leader

99.27 The payment of an allowance for being assigned the task of section leader was

introduced in our previous report to enable Private Secondary Schools to have

additional resources, among others, to tackle the problems of indiscipline and

misconduct. Presently members of the teaching staff including Grade I Teachers,

Grade II Teachers, Grade II Teachers (Others) and Educators (Private Secondary

Schools) appointed as Section Leaders are paid an allowance equivalent to one

increment at the point reached in their respective salary scale. We are maintaining

the current arrangement.

Recommendation 6

99.28 We recommend that the current mode of assignment of duties of section

leader be maintained and Section Leader be paid a monthly allowance

equivalent to one increment at the point reached in the respective salary


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99.29 A lot representations have been received from the staff side, managers of Private

Secondary Schools and the Private Secondary School Authority for the creation of a

dedicated grade to look after discipline in schools. The Bureau has observed that

the profile of candidates to be appointed for performing the disciplinary duties differ


99.30 The Ministry of Education, Human Resource and Scientific Research which has

also been consulted by the Bureau for its views on this sensible issue has shown

certain apprehension on the creation of such a grade. After an in-depth analysis of

the issue and taking into consideration that additional mechanism in terms of the

appointment of section leaders exists in Private Secondary Schools, the Bureau has

come to the conclusion that Discipline within the school compound should be the

concern of each and every member of the staff (teaching and non-teaching) and

that the problem of indiscipline can be tackled through appropriate staffing

arrangements at all levels. The Bureau is therefore maintaining the present

arrangements together with a new recommendation to address the issue.

Recommendation 7

99.31 We recommend that Discipline within the school compound should be the

concern of each and every member of the staff both teaching and non-

teaching. Every staff member should participate actively to continuously

maintain the highest level of discipline at school. They should act proactively

and collectively to restore discipline immediately in situation of unruliness

and disorderliness.

99.32 We also recommend that following the publication of this Report the Private

Secondary School Authority in collaboration with the Ministry of Education,

Human Resource and Scientific Research and the Ministry of Civil Service

and Administrative Reforms should carry out a Human Resource

Planning/Audit Exercise and make appropriate recommendations to ensure

that all Private Secondary Schools are properly manned at all levels.

IT Technician

99.33 The grade of IT Technician which was created in the 2013 PRB Report, to

implement, support and maintain computerised systems, in private secondary

schools has not yet been filled. The Ministry of Education, Human Resource,

Tertiary Education and Scientific Research is of the view that in order to bring

uniformity as well as utilise the available resources in this sector, the grade should

be created on the establishment of the Private Secondary School Authority rather

than at school level. Upon in-depth analysis of the issue, the Bureau has

reconsidered its recommendation made for this grade and is addressing the issue

differently at the level of the PSSA.

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Recommendation 8

99.34 We recommend that the grade of IT Technician on the establishment of

Private Secondary Schools be abolished.

Casual Leave

99.35 At present, teaching personnel – namely Educators (Private Secondary Schools),

Educator (Private Secondary Schools) (Personal), Grade II Teachers (Personal),

Grade II Teachers (Others) (Personal) and Grade I Teacher (Personal) - are

refunded their unutilised casual leave up to a maximum of 10 days at the rate of

1/88 of their monthly salary in the corresponding year. Representations have been

received from the staff side to increase the rate of refund for the unutilised casual

leave while increasing their attendance time in schools for the benefits of students

to further motivate the teaching personnel.

Recommendation 9

99.36 We recommend that teaching personnel – namely Educators (Private

Secondary Schools), Educator (Private Secondary Schools) (Personal), Grade

II Teachers (Personal), Grade II Teachers (Others) (Personal) and Grade I

Teacher (Personal) – should be refunded their unutilised casual leave up to a

maximum of 10 days at the rate of 1/66 of their monthly salary in the

corresponding year.

Tour of Service of Educators who have elected domicile in Mauritius and are serving

in Rodrigues for several years

99.37 The conditions of service of employees domiciled in Mauritius and required to serve

on a tour of service to Rodrigues and Outer Islands have been dealt with under

Chapter 20 of Volume 1 and for ease of reference the relevant conditions of service

applicable to Educators (Private Secondary Schools) domiciled in Mauritius and

serving in Rodrigues are being reproduced hereunder:

Recommendation 10

99.38 We recommend that:

(i) the duration of a tour of service in Rodrigues should generally be of

12 months’ duration;

(ii) payment of the monthly disturbance allowance should be 25% of gross

salary for the duration of a tour of service;

(iii) payment of the disturbance allowance should, save in exceptional

circumstances and subject to the approval of the MCSAR, be limited to

three tours of service only; and

(iv) Mauritian officers posted in Rodrigues on a tour of service should

continue to benefit from rent-free accommodation/quarters.

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Vacation Leave

99.39 The general provisions regarding vacation leave have been made at Chapter 18 of

Volume 1. In the 2013 PRB Report, provision has been made for teaching staff who

have joined service on or after 30 June 2008 to enjoy similar leave privilege as their

counterparts who joined the service prior to 30 June 2008. Additionally, certain

provisions have also been made to enable some more flexibility for teaching staff to

avail of vacation leave in excess of 19 days during term time. We are maintaining

the current provision as hereunder:

Recommendation 11

99.40 (a) We recommend that the present vacation leave earning rate and ceiling

for teaching staff should be in accordance with the provisions at

Chapter 18 of Volume 1.

(b) We recommend that officers of the teaching personnel:

(i) may be allowed to take up to a maximum of 19 days vacation

leave, during term time subject to the exigencies of the service;

(ii) who have not taken the annual vacation leave during term time in

a calendar year may be allowed to accumulate up to 50% of the

annual vacation leave entitlement, over and above the leave

ceiling annually, subject to a maximum not exceeding half the

normal maximum accumulated vacation leave entitled to.

However, officers who have already exceeded half the normal

maximum accumulated vacation leave entitlement as at date of

implementation of the Report, should retain same on a personal

basis. Such leave may be taken as leave prior to retirement.

Should the services of the officers be required during their pre-

retirement leave, they will be refunded, at the time of retirement, at

the rate of 1/30 of the last monthly salary per day for accumulated

vacation leave not taken.

(c) We also recommend that notwithstanding the provision of

subparagraph (b) (i) above application for vacation leave in excess of

the normal of 19 days entitlement during term time, may, subject to the

exigencies of the service, be considered favourably in the following


(i) for medical treatment overseas for self or to accompany an

immediate member of the family for treatment abroad when such

treatment cannot be dispensed locally;

(ii) for convalescence purposes following depletion of officer’s sick

leave accumulated in “bank”;

(iii) immediately after maternity leave entitlement;

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(iv) attending to the graduation ceremony of an immediate member of

the family abroad;

(v) for the wedding of the officer or the officer’s children;

(vi) proceeding on pre-retirement leave;

(vii) for any other case,

(a) once for officers reckoning less than 20 years’ service and

(b) not more than twice for those reckoning over 20 years’ service

inclusive of (a).

(d) We further recommend that vacation leave may only be granted during

the third term for the reasons specified at (c) (i) to (vii).

99.41 The term “immediate member of the family”, for the purpose of the foregoing

paragraph is deemed to mean the officer’s father, mother, brother, sister,

spouse and children.

99.42 We also recommend that members of the teaching personnel should attend to

training courses/seminars, talks, workshops organised during school


Replacement Teacher

99.43 The staff side as well as other stakeholders have again represented that the PSSA

be requested to provide replacement teacher for absence of leave for a period of

less than 30 days as this causes much frustration among employees of the Private

Secondary Schools. We have examined the request and are making appropriate


Recommendation 12

99.44 We recommend that the PSSA should explore the possibility of providing

replacement teachers whenever Educators (Private Secondary Schools)

proceed on leave for a period of less than thirty days.

General Attendant

99.45 Certain provisions were made in the 2013 EOAC Report to compensate General

Attendants who possess additional qualifications and work exclusively in the

Laboratory. The Staff Side have represented that the present arrangement be

extended to incumbent posted in Computer Laboratory. We have examined the

request and we are bringing appropriate amendments.

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Recommendation 13

99.46 We recommend that General Attendants who:

(a) possess at least a pass in Biology or Chemistry or Physics or Maths or

any science subject obtained at the Cambridge School Certificate or at

the General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level);

(b) work exclusively in the laboratory and computer rooms; and

(c) have reached the top salary of the scale,

be allowed to proceed incrementally up to salary point Rs 27075 in the Master

Salary Scale.

Part-Time Teachers

99.47 The formula presently used for determining the salary of Part Time Teacher is:

1.25 x S x M

81 x 60

where S means Salary

M means Number of Minutes Taught

The present arrangement for the remuneration and other benefits accruing to

part-time teacher is being maintained.

Non-Teaching Staff

99.48 Several requests have been received by the Bureau from different stakeholders to

review the establishment size of non-teaching staff to enable Private Secondary

Schools to function properly. For instance Managers and Rectors of these schools

have requested for an increase in the number of General Attendants and School

Clerks in view of the increase in the number of new laboratories and increasing

administrative issues for the latter; and the provision of at least one Deputy Rector

in every school to assist Rectors in their tasks. We have examined the issue and

are making a new recommendation in this Report.

Recommendation 14

99.49 We recommend that following the publication of this Report the Private

Secondary School Authority in collaboration with the Ministry of Education,

Human Resource and Scientific Research and the Ministry of Civil Service

and Administrative Reforms should carry out a Human Resource

Planning/Audit Exercise and make appropriate recommendations to ensure

that Private Secondary Schools are properly staffed to deliver effectively its


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Roster System for Non-Teaching Staff

99.50 In our previous Report, we have made provision for Managers of Private Secondary

Schools to consider the advisability of setting up a roster system for the non-

teaching staff to be in attendance during school vacations. We consider the

implementation of a roster system is appropriate and fair.

Recommendation 15

99.51 We recommend that Managers of Private Secondary Schools, subject to the

exigencies of the service, make provision for setting up a roster system for

the non-teaching staff to attend school during school vacations.

Services of Educational Psychologist and Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and

Health Officer

99.52 In our last Report we recommended that the Private Secondary Schools Authority

should make necessary arrangements with the Ministry of Education and Human

Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research to avail of the services of

Educational Psychologists on a needs basis to Private Secondary Schools and

should also ensure that the services of Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and

Health Officer are provided to them to assess health and safety requirements and

recommend the implementation of health and safety measures in Private Secondary

Schools. In this Report, we have created the grade of Educational Psychologist on

the establishment of Private Secondary Schools Authority. However, pending the

recruitment of Educational Psychologists, the present arrangements are being


Recommendation 16

99.53 We recommend that pending the recruitment of Educational Psychologist, the

Private Secondary Schools Authority should continue to make necessary

arrangements with the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary

Education and Scientific Research to avail of the services of Educational

Psychologists on a needs basis.

99.54 We also recommend that the Private Secondary Schools Authority should

ensure that its Safety and Health Officer/Senior Safety and Health Officers

continue to carry out surveys and assess health and safety requirements and

recommend the implementation of health and safety measures in Private

Secondary Schools.

Protective Items

99.55 In the context of this review, representations have been made anew that protective

equipment are not issued to a number of employees of the Private Secondary

Schools though they are exposed to bodily injuries and/or bad weather. The Private

Secondary Schools Authority has informed that so far the Authority has not received

any representation from employees and that it proposes to issue a list of protective

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equipment, to be provided to employees concerned, to Managers of Private

Secondary Schools. We are reviewing our recommendation on this issue.

Recommendation 17

99.56 We recommend that Managers of Private Secondary Schools should provide

the necessary protective clothing/equipment as per the list of protective

clothing/equipment issued by the Private Secondary School Authority to

employees in approved grades whose nature of work warrants the use of


99.57 We also recommend that the PSSA should ensure compliance to the above

recommendation in all Private Secondary Schools and take appropriate action

on any representation received from employees concerned.

Conditions of Service

99.58 All relevant conditions of service recommended at Chapter 18 of Volume I of

this Report should be applicable to all approved teaching and non-teaching

staff, except where otherwise stated.


Retirement Age

Accrual Rate and Qualifying Period

99.59 At present:

(i) an employee of the private secondary schools contributes the difference

between 6% of his pensionable salary rounded to the nearest rupee or

redundancy allowance and the contributions payable by him to the National

Pension Scheme. The existing arrangement for service prior to respective

commencement date of this scheme is still maintained. The Private

Secondary Schools Authority (PSSA) contributes the balance of the cost of

the scheme;

(ii) for employees of the Private Secondary Schools joining on or after 01 July


(a) the normal retirement age of an employee is 65 years but employees

have the right to retire at the age of 60. Upon recommendation of the

employer and on approval of the Private Secondary Schools

Authority, an employee may retire at the age of 55;

(b) the quantum of pension is computed at the rate of 1/690th of

pensionable emoluments on retirement for every month of

pensionable service, subject to a maximum of 460/690th; and

(c) the normal qualifying period to benefit from full pension for such

employees is 38 ⅓ years (460 months).

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99.60 The provisions listed at paragraph 99.59 above remain valid.


Retirement Age

Accrual Rate

99.61 At present for employees of the Private Secondary Schools in post as at 30 June


(i) the normal retirement age is gradually raised from 60 to 65 years in

accordance with Table I.

(ii) the optional retirement age of (i.e. the age at which employees can leave the

service without seeking permission) is gradually raised from 55 to 60 years in

accordance with Table II;

(iii) the age at which an employee may retire with the approval of the Authority is

gradually raised from 50 to 55 years in accordance with Table III

99.62 The provisions listed at paragraph 99.61 above remain valid.

Recommendation 18

99.63 We recommend that the transitional provisions as elaborated in Table I to

Table III at the end of Chapter 15 Retirement and Retirement Benefits –

Pension Scheme for the Public Sector in Volume 1 of this Report should be

applicable to employees of the Private Secondary Schools.

Recommendation 19

99.64 We also recommend that the retirement benefits of employees in post as at 30

June 2008 should continue to be computed on the basis of the provisions in


Discounted Salaries for Employees not Opting for Pension Reforms

99.65 For employees who did not opt for the pension reforms on 01 July 2008 but instead

opted for the pension arrangements in force prior to the coming into effect of the

2008 PRB Report, the new salary structures recommended are implemented at a

discounted rate of 92% of the salary recommended. This arrangement remains


Recommendation 20

99.66 We recommend that the provision regarding discounted salaries at the rate of

92% of the recommended salary for employees who did not opt for pension

reforms be maintained.

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Pensions in Payment

99.67 At present, pensions in payment in respect of employees of Private Secondary

Schools who opted for the Modified Pension Scheme and who would retire after

01 July 2008, is computed in line with provisions for officers in the Public Service.

Recommendation 21

99.68 We recommend that employees of Private Secondary Schools who opted for

the Modified Pension Scheme and who would proceed on retirement after 01

July 2008, should be computed in line with provisions for officers in the

Public Service.

Refund of Contribution

Recommendation 22

99.69 We recommend that in the event an employee of the Private Secondary

Schools leaves or otherwise ceases to be in the employment of the Private

Secondary Schools and no portable benefit is transferable and no pension,

gratuity or other allowance is payable to him in respect of his past service in

the Private Secondary Schools, the employee should be refunded 100% of the

additional contribution made to the Modified Pension Scheme as from 01 July

2008 together with compound interest at the rate of 4% per annum, provided

he has effectively contributed to the scheme for at least a year.

Pension Reforms – Defined Contribution (DC) Pension Scheme

Recommendation 23

99.70 We recommend that a single Defined Contribution (DC) Pension Scheme be

made applicable to employees of the Private Secondary Schools in respect of

new entrants as from 01 January 2013, as recommended in Chapter 15 –

“Retirement and Retirement Benefits – Pension Scheme for the Public Sector”

in Volume 1 of this Report.

Funeral Grant

99.71 At present the heir of an officer of the Private Secondary Schools holding a

substantive appointment or having completed one year’s continuous service is paid

a funeral grant of Rs 10000 in the event that the officer passes away while still in

service. We are maintaining the current provision.

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PSS 1 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17375

General Worker/Caretaker Sanitary Attendant

PSS 2 : Rs 10950 x 250 – 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 18075


PSS 3 : Rs 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19200

Handy Worker (Special Class)

PSS 4 : Rs 11450 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575

Handy Worker/Groundsman/Gardener (Personal to holders in post at 30.06.98)

PSS 5 : Rs 11970 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 20050


PSS 6 : Rs 12750 x 260 – 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 23975

General Attendant

PSS 7 : Rs 14050 x 275 – 15150 x 300 – 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 30175

Clerk/Word Processing Operator Library Clerk

PSS 8 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725

Library Clerk (Personal to holders in post at 30.6.93)

PSS 9 : Rs 17375 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500

College Clerk

PSS 10 : Rs 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 31725 QB 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Grade II Teacher (Others) (Personal)

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Private Secondary Schools

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PSS 11 : Rs 15750 x 325 – 17700 x 375 – 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 38350

Grade II Teacher (Personal)

PSS 12 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 42325

Library Officer

PSS 13 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 45375

Grade I Teacher (Personal)

PSS 14 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 39575 QB 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Educator (Private Secondary Schools)

PSS 15 : Rs 19575 x 475 – 21950 x 625 – 23200 x 775 – 32500 x 925 – 37125 x 1225 – 45375 QB 46900 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 56450

Educator (Private Secondary Schools) (Personal to holders in post as at 30.06.03)

PSS 16 : Rs 38350 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950

Senior Educator (Private Secondary Schools)

PSS 17 : Rs 37125 x 1225 – 40800 x 1525 – 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 66650

Deputy Rector

PSS 18 : Rs 49950 x 1625 – 62950 x 1850 – 68500 x 1950 – 74350


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