Republic Act 8749 Salient Features

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  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    RA 8749


    Clean Air Act

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    What is the Clean Air

    Act? Republic Act No. 8749, otherwise

    known as the Philippine Clean Air

    Act, is a comprehensive air qualitmana!ement polic an" pro!ramwhich aims to achieve an"

    maintain health air #or all$ilipinos.

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    What are the guidingprinciples of the Clean AirAct?

      he CAA provides that the State shall:

    protect and advance the right of the people to abalanced and healthful ecology in accord with therhythm and harmony of nature;

    promote and protect the global environment whilerecognizing the primary responsibility of localgovernment units to deal with environmentalproblems;

    recognize that the responsibility of cleaning the

    habitat and environment is primarily area-based; recognize that “polluters must pay recognize that a clean and healthy environment is

    for the good of all and should therefore be theconcern of all!

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    "ow will air #uality in

    the country bemanaged?$esignation of airshedsThe Secretary of the DENR, upon recommendation of the

    Environmental Management ureau !EM", #ill divide thecountry into different airsheds$

    Airsheds are to %e designated %ased on climate, #eather,meteorology, and topology, #hich affects the mi&tureand diffusion of pollutants in the air, share commoninterests or face familiar development pro%lems$ DENRAdministrative 'rder No$ ())(*)+ and MemorandumCircular No$ ())(* dated -anuary (., ())( providedinitial designation of the Metro Manila air shed !NCR,Region /// and Region /0*A" and the creation of its interimgoverning %oard$

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    %anagement of airsheds

    Airsheds are to be managed bymulti- sectoral governing boardschaired by the &ecretary of the$'() with representatives from thelocal governments concerned

    *province+city+municipality, theprivate sector people.sorganizations (/0.s andconcerned government agencies 

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    1unction of /overning

    2oards 'ach governing board shall3 #ormulate policies an" stan"ar"s

    sub%ect to national laws& prepare a common action plan&

    coor"inate its members&

    'ubmit an" publish an annual Air(ualit 'tatus Report #or theirairshe".

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features


    &upport groups To carry out the day*to*day #or1 of

    the %oard, a nine * mem%er E&ecutiveCommittee is to %e elected at large%y the mem%ers of the 2overningoard$ Technical 3or1ing 2roups arealso to %e formed to ensure %oarder

    participation of all sta1eholders$ TheEM #ill serve as the technicalsecretariat of each 2overning oard$

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features


    Air (ualit )ana!ement $un" 

    An Air (ualit )ana!ement $un" *A()$+ to be a"ministere" b the -NR, throu!h the ureau, as a special account in the National

     /reasur shall be

    establishe" to treasur 0nance containment, removal an" clean upoperations o# the !overnment in air pollution cases, !uaranteerestoration o# ecosstems an" rehabilitate areas a1ecte" b violationsto the Act, support research, en#orcement an" monitorin! activities o#the relevant a!encies. 'uch #un" ma likewise be allocate" per airshe"#or the un"ertakin!s herein state".

    'ources #or the A()$ shall inclu"e2 air emission char!es #romin"ustries an" motor vehicles& 0nes an" penalties #or non3compliance

    with air pollution stan"ar"s& !rants #rom both private sector an" "onoror!aniations& an" limite" percenta!e *5 to 6+ o# the procee"s o#the Pro!ram oan #or the )etro )anila Air (ualit :mprovement 'ectorevelopment Pro!ram.

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features


    "ow will good air

    #uality be ensured? /he National Ambient Air (ualit


  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    What are covered by

    the Clean Air Act? All potential sources o# air pollution *mobile,

    point, an" area sources+ must compl with theprovisions o# the law. All emissions must be

    within the air qualit stan"ar"s )obile sources re#er to vehicles like cars,

    trucks, buses, motorccles, an" vans. Point sources re#er to stationar sources such

    as in"ustrial 0rms an" smokestacks o# power

    plants, hotels an" other establishments. Area sources re#er to sources o# emissions

    such as smokin!, burnin! o# !arba!e, "ust#rom construction, unpave" !roun"s, etc=

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    What are the compliance

    mandates for mobilesources of air pollution? E&haust emission standards for various mo%ile sources that areeither in use, ne#, re%uilt and imported second*hand have %een set$

    All ne# motor vehicles classified under the 4hilippine NationalStandards 56 of the ureau of 4roduct Standards of theDepartment of Trade and /ndustry, #hether locally

    assem%led7manufactured or imported are to %e covered %y aCertificate of Conformity !C'C"$ The C'C is to %e issued %y theDENR to the motor vehicle manufacturer, assem%ler or importer$

    /n*use motor vehicles #ill only %e allo#ed rene#al of theirregistration upon proof of compliance #ith emission standardsthrough actual testing %y the Motor 0ehicle /nspection System!M0/S" of the D'TC78T' and authori9ed private emission testingcenters$

    'n the other hand, re%uilt motor vehicles or imported second handcompletely %uilt*up or pre*regulated vehicles retrofitted #ithsecondhand engines #ill only %e allo#ed registration or rene#al ofregistration upon su%mission of a valid Certificate of Compliance toEmission Standards !CCES" issued %y the D'TC$ The CCES #ill only%e issued if the e&haust emission standard for that specific motorvehicle is met, as verified %y actual testing through the M0/S$

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    What will be done to

    smo4e belching vehicleson the road?  'moke belchin! vehicles on the roa"

    shall be sub%ecte" to emission testin! bproperl equippe" en#orcement teams#rom >/C?/> or its "ul "eputie"a!ents.

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    What about fuels?Clean #uels are nee"e" to achieve clean air. /he CAA thus

    provi"es#or2  /he complete phaseout o# lea"e" !asoline be#ore the

    en" o# the ear @.  /he lowerin! o# the sul#ur content o# in"ustrial an"

    automotive "iesel respectivel, #rom .5 to . an"#rom .@ to .5.

     /he lowerin! o# aromatics is unlea"e" !asoline #rom45 maBimum to 5 maBimum& an" the lowerin! o#benene in unlea"e" !asoline #rom 4 maBimum to @maBimum.

    $urther improvements on the #uel qualit, eBclu"in!cleaner alternative #uels will be spearhea"e" b theepartment o# -ner!.

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    What are the compliance

    mandates for industrialsources of air pollution? All stationar sources must compl with the

    National -mission 'tan"ar"s #or 'ource 'peci0c AirPollutants *N-''AP+ an" National Ambient Air(ualit 'tan"ar"s *NAA('+ an" must secure theirpermit to operate prior to operation.

    $or new or mo"i0e" sources, the permit to operateshall be converte" to Authorit to Construct.

     /he Act also provi"es #or the maintenance o#attainment an" non3attainment areas, in

    respective speci0cations. Attainment areas aresuch where the eBistin! ambient air qualitcomplies with the National Ambient Air (ualit;ui"eline

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    1or e5isting sources or those established prior tothe e6ective date *(ovember 78 7999, of the:mplementing )ules and )egulations *:)), inattainment areas the following must be


    must compl with the N-''AP an" the NAA(', orsubmission o# compliance pro!ram in case o# non3compliance.

    ma use emissions tra"in! an"?or avera!in! as part o#

    compliance plan& must compl within 68 months i# #oun" non3

    complainant& must pa mass emission #ees.

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    or ne# or modified sources of air pollution in

    attainment areas, the follo#ing must %e o%served:

    must have an ;Authority to Construct< #hich is converted

    to permit to operate$ must comply #ith the NESSA4 and NAA=S$ must apply ;est Availa%le Control Technology< or such

    approaches, techni>ues or e>uipment #hich #hen used,result in lo#er air emissions, %ut in a cost*effectivemanner?

    emissions averaging is not allo#ed, %ut may generateemission credits for selling?

    must pay mass emissions fees$ must install Continuous Emission Monitoring System

    !CEMS" for sources #ith potential to emit greater than ore>ual to )) tons per year$

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    1or e5isting stationary sources in non-attainment areas the following must beobserved3

    must compl with the N-''AP an" NAA('. in case o# non3compliance, compliance plan to

    meet the stan"ar"s within 6@ months is require". must pa a hi!her #ee #or the mass rate o#

    emissions *5 surchar!e+& must pa a 6 surchar!e *i.e. @ o# base+

    #or an penalties an" 0nes relatin! to a violationo# the non3attainment provisions.

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    1or new or modied sources in non-attainment areas thefollowing must be observed3

    must compl with the N-''AP an" NAA('& must install owest Achievable -mission Rate *A-R+ control

    technolo!, or such technolo! or combination o# technolo!iesan" process controls that result in the lowest possibleemissions o# a !iven air pollutant. /he technical #easibilit,rather than the cost, is the consi"eration in "eterminin! theapplicable A-R #or a !iven source&

    must not use emissions avera!in! an" tra"in! #or compliance& must install C-)' must pa 5 surchar!e on mass emission #ee& must pa a 6 surchar!e *i.e., @ o# base+ #or an

    penalties an" 0nes relatin! to a violation o# the non3attainment provisions.

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    What will be done to polluting industries?

    A 0ne o# not more than P 6, #orever"a o# violation shall be char!e" a!ainst theowner o# a stationar source, until such time thatstan"ar"s have been met.

    $or !ross violation, the penalt isimprisonment o# not less than siB ears but notmore than 6 ears upon the "iscretion o# thecourt. At the same time, the PollutionA"%u"ication oar" coul" close the 0rm throu!hthe issuance o# a Cease an" esist >r"er.

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  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    What about othersources of airpollution?Smoking is banned beginning May 25, 2001 in any of the following


    inside a public building; enclosed public places including public vehicles and othe means

    of tanspot; in any enclosed aea outside of one!s pivate esidence, pivate

    place of wok; o any duly designated aea which will be enclosed"

    #he local govenment units ae mandated to implement this povisionof the law"

    $enalty to violation of this povision is si% months and one day to oneyea of impisonment o a fine of ten thousand pesos &$10,000'"

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    Who should implementthe Clean Air Act? 

     /he implementation o# the Act is amulti3 sectoral un"ertakin! to be

    spearhea"e" b the -NR. /heinstitutions involve" in theimplementation o# the various

    components o# the Act are as#ollows2

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    A! %itigation of air pollution from mobilesources

    )otor vehicle inspection sstem2 /> >/C Private sector !roupsPrivate emission testin! centers2

    >/C3/> /: -NR Private sector !roups

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    2! )eduction of emissions from vehicularuse

    :ntro"uction of emission control technologies

    -NR >/C /: >'/ Automotive in"ustr

    Re!ulation in the importation o# secon"3han" vehicles2 ureau o# Customs 3 >$ ureau o# :mport 'ervices3/: >/C3/$R3/>

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    C! %itigation of air pollution from stationarysources

    'tack monitorin! an" relate" permittin!2 -) an" its re!ional oces Authorie"?reco!nie" private sector !roups

    A"%u"ication o# air pollution cases Pollution A"%u"ication oar" *PA+

    $un"s #or the installation o# air pollution control #acilit an" ank o# the Philippines evelopment ank o# the Philippines

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    $! &trengthening of ambient air #ualitymonitoring reporting and


      -) in cooperation with concerne" !overnment


    -) Re!ional >ces

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    '! :mprovement of fuel #uality Chan!e in composition o# #uel qualit2 epartment o# -ner! *>-+ -NR /:3ureau o# Pro"uct 'tan"ar"s epartment o# 'cience an" /echnolo! *>'/+ Chamber o# Automotive )anu#acturers o# the Philippines, :nc. >il Companies N;>Ds

    -Bamination o# potential #or alternative #uels2 >- >'/ Private sector !roups

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    1! )eduction in tra=c congestion and improvement intra=c >ow 

    Roa" Rehabilitation Pro!ram2 epartment o# Public Eorks an" Fi!hwas

     /rac -n!ineerin! an" )ana!ement 3 >/C 3 ))A 3 ;GDs 3 Concerne" !overnment a!encies

     /ransport Polic 'tu"ies2 3 ))A 3 >/C3i!ht Railwa /ransport Authorit 3 Philippine National Railwa 3 ;GDs

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    /! :ncreasing Public Awareness -NR Public A1airs >ce an" the -nvironmental

    -"ucation an" :n#ormation ivision3-), with the

    Partnership #or Clean Air relevant !overnment a!encies

    private sector

    civil societ

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    What can you do tohelp clean the air? 

    $or vehicle owners?motorists2 )aintain our vehicle b chan!in! oil re!ularl

    *ever 5, kilometers+& Heep the en!ine well3tune" #ollowin! the

    owners manual& Heep tires properl inIate"& Plan trips an" observe proper "rivin! habits& Remove unnecessar thin!s #orm the trunk.

    onDt overloa" an" travel onl at spee"require" b trac re!ulations an" roa"con"itions.

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    $or commuters2

    tr talkin! to the %eep? bus?triccle

    "river about hi!h health risks #orpoor vehicle maintenance an"improper "rivin! practices&

    patronie mass railwa transit *i.e.)R/, R/+

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    $or >ce workers2

    Re"uce use o# air con"itionin! an" ensure

    that rooms are seale"& )ake sure that li!hts are ener!3 ecient&

    Gse compan vehicles wisel an" makesure that the are well3maintaine"&

    Gse natural li!htin! b openin! win"owcurtains at "atime.

  • 8/19/2019 Republic Act 8749 Salient Features



    At home2

    Gse low watt bulbs or ener!3savin! li!hts&

    imit the use o# aircon"itionin! units an"keep the temperature a #ew "e!reeshi!her&

    onDt burn !arba!e&

    Avoi" usin! aerosols& Properl "ispose o1 re#ri!erant,

    re#ri!eration equipment, an" use" coolant.

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     /FANH J>G