THE MS2DISCOVERY INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH INSTITUTE WATERLOO | CANADA Representation Theory of Finite Groups and the Factorization of Stability Polynomials of Relative Equilibria in Celestial Mechanics PhD from University of Minnesota (2001), Post-doctorate at the Bureau des Longitudes, Observatoire de Paris (2002) and Visiting professorships at Wilfrid Laurier University (2010, 2011). Professor at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil, since 2002. Main research interests: Celestial Mechanics, especially central configurations and relative equilibria, and Mathematical Physics. The representation theory of finite groups provides tools for factorizing the characteristic polyonomials of the matrices which appear when one studies the linear stability of symmetrical relative equilibria of the N-body problem. Such factorizations go back to the work of J. C. Maxwell on the nature and stability of Saturn rings, and it is interesting to notice that Maxwell's work appeared decades before the pioneering works of Frobenius and Burnside on group representation theory. In the talk we will present the basic concepts which permit to understand and systematize Maxwell's factorization, and provide a view on how to proceed for general symmetric relative equilibria. Contact at the MS2Discovery Research Institute: Manuele Santoprete (Host of the speaker, Multidisciplinary Talk, Tectons 3, and others) Refreshments will be provided January 25, 2017 4pm | Location: LH3058 The MS2Discovery Seminar Series: www.ms2discovery.wlu.ca/seminar Wilfrid Laurier University, 75 University Avenue West, Waterloo This event is hosted by the MS2Discovery Interdisciplinary Research Institute http://www.ms2discovery.wlu.ca | Waterloo Eduardo Leandro

Representation Theory of Finite Groups and the

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Representation Theory of Finite Groups and theFactorization of Stability Polynomials of RelativeEquilibria in Celestial Mechanics

PhD from University of Minnesota (2001), Post-doctorate at the Bureau desLongitudes, Observatoire de Paris (2002) and Visiting professorships atWilfrid Laurier University (2010, 2011). Professor at Universidade Federal dePernambuco, Brazil, since 2002. Main research interests: Celestial Mechanics,especially central configurations and relative equilibria, and MathematicalPhysics.

The representation theory of finite groups provides tools for factorizing the characteristicpolyonomials of the matrices which appear when one studies the linear stability ofsymmetrical relative equilibria of the N-body problem. Such factorizations go back to thework of J. C. Maxwell on the nature and stability of Saturn rings, and it is interesting tonotice that Maxwell's work appeared decades before the pioneering works of Frobeniusand Burnside on group representation theory. In the talk we will present the basicconcepts which permit to understand and systematize Maxwell's factorization, andprovide a view on how to proceed for general symmetric relative equilibria.

Contact at the MS2Discovery ResearchInstitute: Manuele Santoprete (Host ofthe speaker, Multidisciplinary Talk,Tectons 3, and others)

Refreshments will be provided

January 25, 20174pm | Location: LH3058

The MS2Discovery Seminar Series: www.ms2discovery.wlu.ca/seminarWilfrid Laurier University, 75 University Avenue West, Waterloo

This event is hosted by the MS2Discovery Interdisciplinary Research Institutehttp://www.ms2discovery.wlu.ca | Waterloo

Eduardo Leandro