Reported Speech 4- Change of Pronoun - Con Soluciones

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  • 8/10/2019 Reported Speech 4- Change of Pronoun - Con Soluciones


    Reported Speech 4 Change of Pronouns con soluciones

    Helen is in front of the class holding a presentation on London. As Helen is rather shy, she speaks with a ery low oice. !our

    class"ate #areth does not understand her, so you hae to repeat eery sentence to hi".

    Helen$ % want to tell you so"ething a&out "y

    holiday in London.

    #areth$ 'hat does she say(

    !ou$ She says that )))))))))))

    Helen$ % went to London in *uly.

    #areth$ 'hat does she say(

    !ou$ She says that )))))))))))

    Helen$ +y parents went with "e.

    #areth$ 'hat does she say(

    !ou$ She says that )))))))))))

    Helen$ 'e spent three days in London.

    #areth$ 'hat does she say(

    !ou$ She says that )))))))))))

    Helen$ London is a "ulticultural place.

    #areth$ 'hat does she say(

    !ou$ She says that )))))))))))

    Helen$ % saw people of all colours.

    #areth$ 'hat does she say(

    !ou$ She says that )))))))))))

    Helen$ +e and "y parents isited the ower.

    #areth$ 'hat does she say(

    !ou$ She says that )))))))))))

    Helen$ -ne eening we went to see a "usical.

    #areth$ 'hat does she say(

    !ou$ She says that )))))))))))

    Helen$ % loe London.

    #areth$ 'hat does she say(

    !ou$ She says that )))))))))))

    Helen$ he people are so nice there.

    #areth$ 'hat does she say(

    !ou$ She says that ))))))))))

    %"agine you want to repeat sentences that you heard two weeks ago in another place. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

    Change pronouns and epressions of ti"e and place where necessary.

    /. hey said, 0his is our &ook.0

    1 hey saidthat was their book.

    2. She said, 0% went to the cine"a yesterday.0

    1 She said )))))))))))))

    3. He said, 0% a" writing a test to"orrow.0

    1 He said ))))))))))))

    4. !ou said, 0% will do this for hi".0

    1 !ou said ))))))))))))

    . She said, 0% a" not hungry now.0

    1 She said ))))))))))))

    5. hey said, 0'e hae neer &een here &efore.0

    1 hey said ))))))))))))

    6. hey said, 0'e were in London last week.0

    1 hey said ))))))))))))

    7. He said, 0% will hae finished this paper &y


    1 He said ))))))))))))

    8. He said, 0hey won9t sleep.0

    1 He said ))))))))))))

    /:. She said, 0%t is ery ;uiet here.0

    1 She said ))))))))))))

    !our friend is an echange student in the