Report on TSRP

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  • 8/11/2019 Report on TSRP


    Question 1: Provide a tafseer of surat Al-Ra'ad, verses 1-5 in the light of following parts of thecomplete methodology of !RP" #rite down the !RP$awhidi methodology as scientific researchprogram%"

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful2.


    %&'()*+!,-.)#/Alif Lam Mim Ra. These are the verses of the Book; and

    that which is revealed to you from your Lord is the truth,

    ut most !eo!le do not elieve.

    ". 01$





  • 8/11/2019 Report on TSRP


    . F+(!ZYBCYC"-

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    And if you would wonder, then wondrous is their sayin'-

    $hat when we are dust, shall we then certainly e in a new

    creation/ These are they who diselieve in their Lord, and

    these have chains on their necks, and they are the inmates

    of the fire; in it they shall aide.

    a% he functional nature of primal functional ontology of the Quran and !unnah"True knowledges are based on conformity of unity and interrelationship of the seen and unseeninterweaving upon equilibrium paradigm. Segregation of the relationship is the violation ofunity of knowledge and thus leads to the incomplete partisan view model. Rationalist viewmodel does the so and far from any comprehend and completeness. Bridging between the seenand unseen is the requirement of completeness.

    A rigorous and exhaustive organiation of knowledge domain that is usually hierarchical andcontains all the relevant entities and their relations are based on the revelation. So the Allahsubhanu ta!ala says"

    #These are the verses of the Book; and that which isrevealed to you from your Lord is the truth$%&'(&).

    &% he role of the (lul umri min)um* in formulation of ma)asid as-shari'ah"

    Building knowledge block is a continuous process. Believing in the final day is significant as

    the unity of truth manifests. *beying Allah and the messenger refers to the obeying +uran and Sunnah.Thus addressing epistemology to uphold the consciousness based on tawhidic principle is an ongoingprocess of parametric and nonparametric function. Absence of ,lul amri minkumwill fail to uphold the consciousness in the contemporary context followed by evolutionary processesof learning and lead to the unsuccessful implementation of obedience. Successful shariahimplementation requires an active role of realiation upon formulation based on tawhidi unity of

    knowledge(flow. The relations starting from the epistemological origin %" S) are well(defined %implied

    by the f(functions). -n hase / the same experience of hase & is repeated but now with evolutionary

    learning according to unity of knowledge" i.e. 0%" S)1 2 Such learning processes combining

    Seen 3orld Allah+uran



  • 8/11/2019 Report on TSRP


    hase & and hase / continue on in perpetuity.

    5ig &.b.&6 7lementary circular causality between embedded prosperity concepts induced by the 8oral 9aw andits evolution

    #,llil amri minkum$ together with obeying +uran and sunnah play key roles in bringing about complementaries

    between the variables of various learning relations to in formulation of makasid as(shariah.

    c% he methodological construction of derived )nowledges + flows representation unity of)nowledge"

    Recalling %"S) in continuum

    :0S1 %T); Z%) hase / " 5ig &.b.& and many more learning processes %&)

    Moral Law (, S)

    3ealth6 -ndividual %