1 REPORT OF THE SADC GENDER PROTOCOL SUMMIT AND AWARDS KADOMA DISTRICT LEVEL SUMMIT ZIMBABWE VENUE: KADOMA HOTEL AND CONFERENCE CENTRE DATE: 19 - 20 MARCH 2014 Judges and GL staff members handing over certificates to summit participants: Photo by Tapiwa Zvaraya

REPORT OF THE SADC GENDER PROTOCOL SUMMIT AND …genderlinks.org.za/wp-content/...final...27052014.pdf · 2 Executive summary Quick facts 3 0 participants: 18 females and 12 males

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Judges and GL staff members handing over certificates to summit participants: Photo by Tapiwa Zvaraya

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Executive summary

Quick facts

30 participants: 18 females and 12 males in Local Government COE category

11 councils entered the COE category

This is a report on the first Zimbabwe district level summit held at the Kadoma Hotel and Conference Centre from 19 - 20 March 2014. The summit was attended by mainly officials

from the Centres of Excellence Councils (COE) i.e. the Gender Focal Persons (GFPs) and Gender Champions (GCs) from 11 councils, i.e. eight urban and three rural councils as well as partners from Urban Councils Association of Zimbabwe (UCAZ) and donors like the

Swedish Embassy. In total there were 30 participants: 18 female and 12 males. The participants list is attached

as Annex A. 11 presentations were made in total from which four councils emerged as winners and runner-ups and one most improved council. The summit was solely meant for the COE category as it was an event that doubled up as a monitoring and evaluation

exercise through which councils would assess their progress in the COE programme. The programme of events is attached as Annex B and the evaluation is attached as Annex C.

Analysis of participants

Male Female Total % Male % Female

Entrants 4 7 11 36.4% 63.6%

Officials 4 8 12 33.3% 66.7%

Judges 1 1 2 50% 50%

Partners 1 0 1 100% 0%

Donors 1 0 1 100% 0%

Staff 1 2 3 33.3 66.7

Total 12 18 30 40% 60%

Programme Welcome and introductions The Director of ceremonies, Mr Alex Mandigo officially welcomed participants and officials to the summit. He reiterated that this was a momentous opportunity as councils were presented with the opportunity to showcase their best practices in the inaugural Gender

Links district summit. GL Zimbabwe Country Manager, Priscilla Maposa gave an overview of the summit process.

She highlighted that this year’s summit had taken on a new process with the district summits which would be preceded by the national summit. The purpose of the district summit was not only to showcase best practices, but also provided a platform by which

councils’ work would be verified to monitor the progress of the Centres of Excellence (COE) process within each council. She went on to further explain the COE process for the benefit of some individuals particularly councillors who were attending the summit and GL activities

for the first time. In addition she took the opportunity to thank the Swedish Embassy for their support of the COE process and the GL office at large.

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Opening remarks The mayor of Kadoma City Council, Councillor Chinyan’anya officially opened the summit. In

his remarks he stated his pleasure at Kadoma City hosting this event.

He reiterated that “We as Kadoma are very excited to be part of

this summit which has a befitting theme 50/50 by demanding a strong

post 2015 agenda’”. He further thanked GL for coming up with the

programme, particularly that the partnership he has seen councils developed as they are

developing gender action plans that are meant to help councils

improve their service delivery. The mayor encouraged all participants to learn from the experiences they were going to be sharing at the summit. He summed up by quoting Vince Lombard “Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man or woman, but sooner

or later the man or woman who wins, is the man or woman who thinks he or she can”. Plenary sessions

Briefing on other summit entries Two plenary sessions were undertaken over the two day summit. Participants were guided through sessions on the other entries they could make for the national summit i.e. 50/50

and the post 2015; Gender, Climate Change and the Post 2015; GBV and the post 2015 and Women’s rights and the post 2015. It was highlighted that, councillors could take the opportunity to apply in the leadership category. Explanations were given that councils could

pick some areas of their case studies and apply for the various categories due for presentation at the National Summit.

It was also explained that they could use the online application forms to make submissions. Emphasis was put on the need to ensure that there was enough evidence to go with the application some, of which they would have to submit in hard copy files to the Gender Links

office. Participants highlighted that they would take up the challenge to ensure that there would be as many entries for the national summit as it would present a platform on which councils would showcase the work they are doing.

Analysis of presentations Participants (presenters and observers) had the chance to give input on the quality of

presentations and their observations during the course of the summit. Participants commended the presenters for their presentations. Among the strengths shown in the presentations, it was highlighted that there was a great improvement in the quality of presentations and personal development of the presenters, most of who had been

presenting for the second or third time. In addition it was observed that during the course of the COE process some councils were not doing well but had markedly improved the quality of work in their councils as exhibited by their presentations.

Councillor Chinyan'anya (left) giving remarks while Director of Ceremonies Alex Mandigo (Right) listens in. Photo: Tapiwa Zvaraya

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On the weaknesses it was noted that there

was need for presenters to ensure that their presentations were aligned to what they were reporting in the scorecard. Presenters

also needed to be time conscious and not dwell too much on unnecessary facts on the slides. It was imperative that presenters be

confident and present only what they had, rather than what they did not have. Overall the exercise was a great opportunity where

councils helped each other identify areas of weaknesses. This was especially necessary for the councils that were going to be

proceeding to the national summit.

Judges’ comments

The judges’ were afforded the opportunity to share their observations on the presentations. Their presentation was a three

pronged approach with judges focusing on the presentation, answering of questions and presentation of slides and evidence.

Below are some of the comments they gave to participants on the different aspects mentioned:

Presentation The presentation of your report is a very important stage in the judge’s final decision. Do

not spoil a good project through poor presentation skills. The following guidelines will help improve your presentation:

Be steady, calm and confident. Maintain eye contact with your audience and the Judges.

Talk to your presentation, do not read. Do not be emotional maintain your composure.

Highlight the best points about your best practice not the worst points. Avoid excessive gesturing.

Dress formally. Remember to raise your voice to ensure you are audible.

Make your presentation in your preferred language. Do not mix languages by switching from English to Shona or Ndebele.

Explain your points do not take anything for granted e.g. DAAC. Explain the role of Council.

Face the audience; never give them your back. Anticipate questions and explain issues.

There is no substitute for rehearsal, make sure you rehearse thoroughly in front of a colleague or in front of a mirror.

Answering questions Questions are not an attack on you but are intended to make you clarify certain issues,

elaborate on points raised or provide further information.

Josephine Ncube presenting the judges' observations of the presentations Photo: Tapiwa Zvaraya

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Do not be defensive.

Use it as an opportunity to highlight your good points. Confine yourself to answering the question and not provide unnecessary information.

Read the Judges faces to see if you have answered the question adequately. If there is no need to explain you can simply indicate that the point has been noted.

Do not argue. Give examples from your evidence File rather than thinking of new things.

Be familiar with information in your file for ease of answering questions. Be polite to the judges.

Remain composed; do not be unruffled regardless of the intensity of the questioning.

Quality of slides and evidence file Present points not sentences.

Observe the 6 by 6 rule. Each point maximum 6 words.

Each slides maximum 6 points. Choice of background colour.

Pictures speak for themselves. Brand evidence file

Include relevant items only

Evidence should speak to scorecard. Electronic evidence on CDs.

Include drafts policies. Include contents page.

Gather evidence continuously.


The mayor of Kadoma, Councillor Chinyanganya once again graced the occasion. He stated his pleasure at the closure of the summit. It was his hope that people had learnt a great deal. He wished well those councils that were proceeding to the national summit.

The summit saw councils show case their best practices. Though typically similar in many ways, the best practices ranged from eradication of GBV, improvement in service delivery

particularly in water and sanitation. Councils have shown an impact of the work of the COE process by institutionalizing the process. As such this has given rise to policy documents (some draft others full) being adopted by the

councils. The competition was tough and judges decided the winners as follows:

Winner Runner up

Urban Harare City Council Chegutu Municipality

Rural Makoni Rural District Council Hurungwe Rural District Council

Most improved council Victoria Falls Municipality

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Summit outcomes

There are major shifts in the Zimbabwean local government arena, with the Ministry of

Local Government making it mandatory for town clerks to have gender issues inculcated into their contracts as a key result area as has been done for the permanent secretary. This is a great step towards ensuring the institutionalization of gender issues and will make the cascading of COEs much simpler.

Strengthened relationships with partner organisations especially UCAZ. COE cascading models.

Lessons learned

District level summit and the local government COEs

The GFPs in the local government COEs have taken it upon

themselves to pass on the knowledge in their institutions. As

such most of them are being succeeded by other individuals

who will carry the

work forward e.g. Chegutu, Ruwa, etc.

Some councils do not have specific budget lines for gender issues but all the same are

working towards mainstreaming these with the little resources they can get through partnerships and other initiatives.

Gender champions have been at the fore of gender activities through their ward committees and have tried to seek buy-in from their peers in council. Most of them have

been given leadership responsibilities as Mayors (Kariba) and chairs of committees. Plenary sessions The plenary sessions highlighted to the participants the need to be always prepared. Participants also noted that there was need for continuous collection of data to ensure

the monitoring and evaluation process of council’s work on gender is smooth. Quality of presentations There is need for councils to continuously engage the media so that outreach of their

work is documented. Some councils have established public relations departments solely for that purpose e.g. Harare, Bulawayo and Victoria Falls.

The use of visuals was the greatest tool, though improvements in making presentations to the point where necessary and visibly lacking.

Next steps

Zimbabwe is seeking to finalize a Memorandum of Agreement with the Ministry of local government.

Councillor Chinyanganya presenting Hurungwe RDC with their prize Photo: Tapiwa Zvaraya

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The cascading of COEs will need another approach so that all 92 councils are part of the

process. Since the last election has seen a reduction in the number of women in local government

there is need for WLGF and other players to engage government so that a legislative

quota for representation of women in local government can be introduced. This is especially looking at the 2018 elections.

Need to evaluate the 2015 SADC protocol targets at both local and national level.

The DLS summit will be preceded by the National Summit to be held from 14 -1 7 April and then the Regional Summit in May 2014.

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Annex A: Participants list

Zimbabwe District SADC Gender Protocol

Summit and Awards Venue: Kadoma Hotel and Conference Centre

Date: 19 – 21 March 2014


1. Tendayi Beneniah Deputy


Manyame Rdc COE F 0775 261 316

2. Mavolwane

Dorothy Principal customer

relations officer

City Of Harare COE F [email protected]

0773 393 937

3. Chekecheke Grace Councillor Ruwa COE F 0778 410 190

4. Jekemu Wonder Programmes manager

Embassy Of Sweden

COE M [email protected]

0772 278 801

5. Ncube Josephine Chamber


City Of Harare COE F [email protected]


0712 860 739

6. Matsangura

Shailet Deputy chairperson


Makoni Rural District Council

COE F [email protected]

0773 002 012

7. Machingauta Naison Chamber secretary

Bindura Municipality

COE M [email protected]

0773 560 188

8. Mandigo Alex Town clerk Chegutu Municipality

COE M [email protected]

0712 432 634

9. Ndoro Tracey Mayor Kariba Municipality

COE F 0773 010 719

10. Musekiwa Chris Communications Ucaz COE M [email protected] 0773 572 208

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11. Chirundu Danny Director health Kadoma City Council

COE M [email protected]

0773 235 595

12. Chimbindi Stephen Admin & social

service manager

Manyame Rdc COE M stephenchimbindi@

gmail.com, [email protected]

0772 723 305

13. Tsvuura Oscar Admin officer Ruwa Tc COE M [email protected]

0772 723 305

14. Mujuruki Sibongile Director of


Karoi Tc COE F [email protected]


0773 539 590

15. Paraziwa Alice Gender focal person

Hurungwe Rdc COE F [email protected]

0773 539 360

16. Macharangwanda Paula Councillor City Of Harare COE F [email protected], paulawadylan@gm


0772 554 87/ 0773 373 830

17. Mavi Rosetta Gender focal




COE F mavir@karibamun.


0772 722 626

18. Gozho Fabiola mary Gender focal person

Bindura Municipality

COE F [email protected]

0772 883 340

19. Murigwa Annah Committees officer

Makoni Rdc COE F [email protected]

0772 9800 897

20. Mangwiro



Chief human

capital officer

City Of Harare COE F [email protected]


0712 422 464

21. Parayiwa Tonderai Environmental health technician

Chegutu Municiplity

COE M [email protected]

0773 538 852

22. Madovi Wellington Social services intern

Hurungwe Rdc COE M [email protected]

0771 893 209

23. Usai Abigale Councillor Karoi Town COE F [email protected] 0777 064 530

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24. Gore Michael Councillor Kadoma City Council

COE M 0773 013 420

25. Dhliwayo Mattie Assistant director


Kadoma City COE F [email protected], [email protected]

0772 739 335

26. Mandeya

Melavia Gender focal person

Chegutu Municipality

COE F [email protected]

0772 624 296

27. Maposa Priscilla Country manager GL F [email protected]

28. Karikoga Abigail Finance officer GL F [email protected]

29. Zvaraya Tapiwa Prog officer GL M [email protected]

30. Chinyanganya Muchineripi Mayor Kadoma M

31. Mangwengwende Chamber sec Kadoma M

Analysis by gender

No. %

Female 18 58.1%

Male 13 41.9%

Total 31 100%

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Annex B: Programme

Zimbabwe District SADC Gender Protocol Summit and Awards:


‘50/50 by 2015: Demanding a strong post 2015 agenda!’ DAY ONE: 19 MARCH 2014

District summit – Day One


8.00-8.30 Registration Gender Links

8.30-8.45 Welcome and introductions Director of Ceremonies

8.45-9.00 Official Welcome Mayor- Kadoma City Council

9.00-9.30 Overview of Process Gender Links

9.30-9.40 Remarks- Swedish Embassy Mr. Jekemu

9.40-10.10 Key note address Ministry of Local Government

10.10-10.30 TEA


10.30-11.15 Ruwa Town Council Oscar Tsvuura Case study and score card

11.15-12.00 Manyame RDC Stephen Chimbindi Case study and score card

12.00-12.45 Harare City Council Joyce Mangwiro Case study and score card

12.45-13.30 Chegutu Municipality Melania Mandeya Case study and score card

13.30-14.30 LUNCH

14.30-15.15 Makoni RDC Annah Murigwa Case study and score card

15.15-16.00 Bindura Municipality Fabiola Gozho Case study and score card


District summit – Day Two

8.30 Welcome Director of Ceremonies

9.00-9.45 Victoria Falls Municipality Brian Nyamande Case study and score card

9.45-10.30 Hurungwe RDC Alice Paraziwa Case study and score card

10.30-11.00 TEA

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11.00-11.45 Kadoma City Council M. Dhliwayo Case study and score card

11.45-12.30 Kariba Municipality Rosetta Mavi Case study and score card

12.30-13.15 Karoi Town Council Sibongile Mujuruki Case study and score card

13.15-14.15 LUNCH

14.15-16.00 Briefing on other entries that Councils can Make/Online forms.

GL Local government Gender Summit Pack

Gender Champion

Fifty Fifty and the post 2015 agenda

Gender, Climate Change and the Post 2015 Agenda

GBV and the post 2015 Agenda

Women’s rights and the post 2015 Agenda

14.15-16.00 (Judges finalise scores, GL computes scores)


18.00 Welcome Director of Ceremonies


Remarks from Kadoma & Chegutu Town Clerks Mr Dondo and Mr Mandigo

Runner up – urban

Runner up – rural

Winner – urban

Winner – Rural

Best improved performance

19.30 Dinner and Refreshments

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Annex C: Evaluation

Date: 19 - 20 March 2014

Venue: Kadoma Ranch Hotel

1 2 3 4 5 6






Programme Design 1 1 1 3 3 6 3 18

Programme Content 2 2 3 8 3 18

Documentation 2 3 5 6 2 18

Facilitation 2 1 2 5 7 17

Group Work 1 1 2 5 2 11

Outputs 2 1 2 1 7 2 15

Outcomes & Follow Up plans 2 1

2 3 8 2 18


Opportunity 1 2

2 3 5 7 20

Network Opportunity 1 1 6 1 5 5 19

Administrative Arrangements 1

3 4 3 7 18


Evaluation area Rating

1 Programme design 79%

2 Programme content 84%

3 Documentation 82%

4 Facilitation 88%

5 Group work 71%

6 Outputs 81%

7 Outcomes and follow up plans 81%

8 Learning opportunity 85%

9 Networking opportunity 81%

10 Administrative arrangements 87%

11 Overall 82%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%



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1. Which session did you find most useful? Why? Presentations were so good.

I learnt how to operate a PowerPoint. Thank you Gender Links we have learnt.

All sessions were useful. Post presentation discussions. Lessons were learned from corrections being made.

Presentations. A lot of learning experiences. My skills on presentations were improved.

Session on presentations. Discussions after presentations.

All sessions were informative. The question and answer session. This was very educative.

2. Which session did you find least useful? Why?

They must bring judges from other places to avoid prejudice. Some people were scared to present in front of people.

PowerPoint presentations were not useful because everything was already on file Networking.


3. How will you apply what you have gained from this engagement? I am going to do the same in my ward and council.

I will tell others. More workshops to be held.

I will use the knowledge gained to improve our COE programs. Keep on practicing presentations to perfect my skills.

Eye contact and time management during presentations. I have gained confidence in presenting.

Report back meeting and exchange visits. I will disseminate the information back to my council.

I will conduct trainings and network with others.

4. Any other comments? Improve on voice projection.

I have learnt a lot. It was good workshop. I learnt a lot from other local authorities.

Rehearsals are important prior to the presentations. This need to be done quarterly.

Judges to remain the same throughout provinces. A very fruitful workshop but more time was required.

I learnt a lot because it was my first encounter with Gender Links. Improve communication skills.