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Page 1: Report belchfire.com   2-2-2012

SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

SEO, LLC Search Engine RankingReport

500 N. Michigan Ave. Suite 300Chicago, IL 60611920-285-7570

Date: 2/2/2012

Recipient: Mike Purnell

Belchfire Corp.4916 North 125th StreetBUTLER WI 53007

Phone: 262-783-1500

This analysis has been created by SEO, LLC. Visit us on the Web at http://SplinternetMarketing.com/default.asp or call 920-285-7570 for an appointment for yourpersonalized plan to dominate in the search results on Google and Bing.

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Page 2: Report belchfire.com   2-2-2012

SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Report Overview

Dates of the Ranking Checks

Date: Thursday, February 02, 2012

Comparison date: Sunday, January 29, 2012

Scope of this Ranking Report

43 keywords and 2 URLs have been checked on 6 search engines. The first 3 result pages of each search engine havebeen checked.

Visibility Statistics

This table lists the found rankings for all analyzed search terms, URLs and search engines. The chart shows the rankingchanges.

Listings in the first position 107Listings Summary

29 listings new or moved up

170 listings did not change

16 listings dropped or moved down

Listings in the top 5 positions 167

Listings in the top 10 positions 189

Listings in the top 20 positions 211

Listings in the top 30 positions 215

Listings which are new 6

Listings which moved up 23

Listings which did not change 170

Listings which moved down 16

Listings which are dropped 0

Total listings 215

Listings Distribution

This chart shows the number of rankings in the different positions.

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SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Listings Distribution

Thursday, February 02, 2012 Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pos. 1 Pos. 2-5 Pos. 6-10 Pos. 11-15 Pos. 16-20 Pos. 21-25 Pos. 26-30












Top 30 Listings

The left chart shows the number of top 30 rankings for your search terms, and the right chart shows the number of top 30rankings in the search engines.

Top 30 listings for keywords

6 top 30 listings for "fuel only torch"

6 top 30 listings for "Fuel Only Torches"

6 top 30 listings for "Foundry Torches"

6 top 30 listings for "Foundry Heating Torches"

6 top 30 listings for "foundry torch"








Top 30 listings in the search engines

39 top 30 listings in Bing.com

39 top 30 listings in Google.com

39 top 30 listings in Yahoo.com

39 top 30 listings in AltaVista.com (U.S.)

39 top 30 listings in AOL.com









Checked URLs

This table lists all URLs that have been considered for this report.

URL Listings OnPage 1

Listings OnPage 2

Listings OnPage 3

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SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Checked URLs

This table lists all URLs that have been considered for this report.

http://www.belchfire.com 137 19 4

http://www.usalocalsearch.com 52 3 0

Total 189 22 4

Checked Keywords

This table lists all search terms for which rankings have been found in the top 30 results.

Keyword Listings OnPage 1

Listings OnPage 2

Listings OnPage 3

air torch 3 0 2

belchfire torch 6 0 0

Cast Iron Crack Repair 3 3 0

cast iron crack repair torch 6 0 0

cast iron heating torch 6 0 0

Cast Iron Preheating Torch 6 0 0

Cast Iron Repair 0 0 1

crucible heating 6 0 0

crucible heating torch 6 0 0

Crucible Preheating 6 0 0

crucible pre-heating 6 0 0

Foundry Heating Torches 6 0 0

foundry torch 6 0 0

Foundry Torches 6 0 0

fuel only torch 6 0 0

Fuel Only Torches 6 0 0

furnace foundry Torch 3 3 0

gas only torch 6 0 0

heat torch 0 3 0

heating torch 3 3 0

Heating Torches 6 0 0

high combustion torch 6 0 0

high heat torch 1 3 0

high temperature torch 5 0 0

iron repair torch 5 0 0

Ladle Heating 5 0 0

ladle post heating 5 0 0

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SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Checked Keywords

This table lists all search terms for which rankings have been found in the top 30 results.

ladle post-heating torch 5 0 0

Ladle Preheating 2 0 0

ladle pre-heating 0 0 1

ladle pre-heating torch 5 0 0

ladle torch 5 0 0

natural gas torch 3 2 0

natural gas torches 2 3 0

Nickel Welding 0 2 0

nickel welding torch 5 0 0

postheating torch 5 0 0

Preheating Cast Iron 3 0 0

Preheating Metal 5 0 0

preheating torch 5 0 0

Preheating Torches 5 0 0

Propane Heating Torches 5 0 0

tube burner 5 0 0

Total 189 22 4

Checked Search Engines

This table lists all search engines for which rankings have been found in the top 30 results.

Search Engine Listings OnPage 1

Listings OnPage 2

Listings OnPage 3

AltaVista.com (U.S.) 33 6 0

AOL.com 35 2 2

Ask.com 18 1 1

Bing.com 34 5 0

Google.com 36 2 1

Yahoo.com 33 6 0

Total 189 22 4

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SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Ranking Results

AltaVista.com (U.S.)

Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change

air torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasandAirTorch.aspx

7 1 8 +1

belchfire torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

Cast Iron Crack Repair http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CastIronCrackRepair.aspx

11 2 11 same

cast iron crack repair torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CastIronCrackRepair.aspx

2 1 2 same

cast iron heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

1 1 1 same

Cast Iron Preheating Torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=cast+iron+preheating+torch

1 1 1 same

crucible heating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=crucible+heating

5 1 5 same

crucible heating torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/News/Pages/CrucibleHeating.aspx

1 1 1 same

Crucible Preheating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=crucible+preheating

1 1 1 same

crucible pre-heating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=crucible+preheating

1 1 1 same

Foundry Heating Torches http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=foundry+heating+torch

1 1 1 same

foundry torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

2 1 2 same

Foundry Torches http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/Foundry%20Torch.aspx

1 1 1 same

fuel only torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasOnlyTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

Fuel Only Torches http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasOnlyTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

furnace foundry Torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

4 1 3 -1

gas only torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasOnlyTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

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SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change

heat torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

15 2 18 +3

heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

14 2 14 same

Heating Torches http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

7 1 6 -1

high combustion torch http://usalocalsearch.com/partners/belchfire.aspx?k=high+combustion+torches

1 1 1 same

high heat torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

11 2 11 same

high temperature torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=high+temperature+torch

9 1 7 -2

iron repair torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=cast+iron+repair

3 1 3 same

Ladle Heating http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/LadleHeating.aspx

6 1 6 same

ladle post heating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=ladle+heating

1 1 1 same

ladle post-heating torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=post+heating+torch

1 1 1 same

ladle pre-heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

1 1 1 same

ladle torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/LadleHeating.aspx

1 1 1 same

natural gas torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/NaturalGasHeatingTorch.aspx

12 2 12 same

natural gas torches http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/NaturalGasHeatingTorch.aspx

17 2 17 same

nickel welding torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/WeldingTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

postheating torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=postheating+torches

1 1 1 same

Preheating Cast Iron http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=cast+iron+preheating+torch

5 1 5 same

Preheating Metal http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/PreheatingMetal.aspx

1 1 1 same

preheating torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

1 1 1 same

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SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change

Preheating Torches http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

1 1 1 same

Propane Heating Torches http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/PropaneHeatingTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

tube burner http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/TubeBurner.aspx

5 1 5 same


Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change

air torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasandAirTorch.aspx

28 3 26 -2

belchfire torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

Cast Iron Crack Repair http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/castironcrackrepair.aspx

6 1 6 same

cast iron crack repair torch http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/castironcrackrepair.aspx

1 1 1 same

cast iron heating torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

Cast Iron Preheating Torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

crucible heating http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CrucibleHeating.aspx

7 1 7 same

crucible heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CrucibleHeating.aspx

1 1 1 same

Crucible Preheating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=crucible+preheating

1 1 1 same

crucible pre-heating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=crucible+preheating

2 1 2 same

Foundry Heating Torches http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

foundry torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/Foundry%20Torch.aspx

2 1 2 same

Foundry Torches http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/Foundry%20Torch.aspx

2 1 2 same

fuel only torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasOnlyTorch.aspx

4 1 3 -1

Fuel Only Torches http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasOnlyTorch.aspx

3 1 3 same

furnace foundry Torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/web/about.aspx

12 2 14 +2

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SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change

gas only torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasOnlyTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CrucibleHeating.aspx

5 1 6 +1

Heating Torches http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=foundry+heating+torch

2 1 2 same

high combustion torch http://www.belchfire.com 4 1 4 same

high temperature torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

iron repair torch http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/castironcrackrepair.aspx

1 1 1 same

Ladle Heating http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/LadleHeating.aspx

2 1 2 same

ladle post heating http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

ladle post-heating torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

Ladle Preheating http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/Ladle%20Pre-Heater%20Torch%20Kit.aspx

29 3 29 same

ladle pre-heating http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/Ladle%20Pre-Heater%20Torch%20Kit.aspx

5 1 5 same

ladle pre-heating torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

ladle torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/LadleHeating.aspx

1 1 1 same

natural gas torch http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/naturalgasheatingtorch.aspx

3 1 3 same

natural gas torches http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/naturalgasheatingtorch.aspx

4 1 4 same

Nickel Welding http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/weldingtorch.aspx

11 2 12 +1

nickel welding torch http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/weldingtorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

postheating torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

Preheating Metal http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/PreheatingMetal.aspx

4 1 4 same

preheating torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=preheating+torches

1 1 1 same

Preheating Torches http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=preheating+torches

1 1 1 same

Propane Heating Torches http://www.belchfire.com/News/Page 2 1 2 same

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SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change


tube burner http://www.belchfire.com/web/tubeburner.aspx

5 1 4 -1


Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change

belchfire torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

Cast Iron Crack Repair http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/castironcrackrepair.aspx

6 1 6 same

cast iron crack repair torch http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/castironcrackrepair.aspx

1 1 1 same

cast iron heating torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

Cast Iron Preheating Torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

Cast Iron Repair http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/castironcrackrepair.aspx

28 3 27 -1

crucible heating http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CrucibleHeating.aspx

8 1 8 same

crucible heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CrucibleHeating.aspx

1 1 1 same

Crucible Preheating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=crucible+preheating

1 1 1 same

crucible pre-heating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=crucible+preheating

1 1 1 same

Foundry Heating Torches http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

foundry torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/Foundry%20Torch.aspx

4 1 2 -2

Foundry Torches http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/Foundry%20Torch.aspx

3 1 3 same

fuel only torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasOnlyTorch.aspx

3 1 3 same

Fuel Only Torches http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasOnlyTorch.aspx

2 1 2 same

furnace foundry Torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/web/about.aspx

12 2 16 +4

gas only torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasOnlyTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CrucibleHeating.aspx

5 1 6 +1

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SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change

Heating Torches http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=foundry+heating+torch

2 1 2 same

high combustion torch http://www.belchfire.com 6 1 6 same


Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change

air torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasandAirTorch.aspx

7 1 8 +1

belchfire torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

Cast Iron Crack Repair http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CastIronCrackRepair.aspx

11 2 11 same

cast iron crack repair torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CastIronCrackRepair.aspx

2 1 2 same

cast iron heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

1 1 1 same

Cast Iron Preheating Torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=cast+iron+preheating+torch

1 1 1 same

crucible heating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=crucible+heating

5 1 5 same

crucible heating torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/News/Pages/CrucibleHeating.aspx

1 1 1 same

Crucible Preheating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=crucible+heating

7 1 - new

crucible pre-heating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=crucible+heating

4 1 - new

Foundry Heating Torches http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=foundry+heating+torch

1 1 1 same

foundry torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

2 1 2 same

Foundry Torches http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/News/Pages/Foundry%20Torch.aspx

2 1 - new

fuel only torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasOnlyTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

Fuel Only Torches http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasOnlyTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

furnace foundry Torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

3 1 4 +1

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SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change

gas only torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasOnlyTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

heat torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

14 2 18 +4

heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

13 2 16 +3

Heating Torches http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

6 1 7 +1

high combustion torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=high+combustion+torches

1 1 - new

high heat torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

11 2 11 same

high temperature torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=high+temperature+torch

9 1 7 -2

iron repair torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CastIronCrackRepair.aspx

3 1 4 +1

Ladle Heating http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/LadleHeating.aspx

6 1 6 same

ladle post heating http://www.belchfire.com 2 1 - new

ladle post-heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

1 1 2 +1

ladle pre-heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

1 1 1 same

ladle torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/LadleHeating.aspx

1 1 1 same

natural gas torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/NaturalGasHeatingTorch.aspx

10 1 12 +2

natural gas torches http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/NaturalGasHeatingTorch.aspx

15 2 17 +2

nickel welding torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/WeldingTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

postheating torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

1 1 3 +2

Preheating Cast Iron http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=cast+iron+preheating+torch

4 1 5 +1

Preheating Metal http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/PreheatingMetal.aspx

1 1 1 same

preheating torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

1 1 1 same

Created by SEO, LLC dba www.SplinternetMarketing.com

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SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change

Preheating Torches http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

1 1 1 same

Propane Heating Torches http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/PropaneHeatingTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

tube burner http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/TubeBurner.aspx

5 1 5 same


Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change

air torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasandAirTorch.aspx

27 3 27 same

belchfire torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

Cast Iron Crack Repair http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/castironcrackrepair.aspx

6 1 6 same

cast iron crack repair torch http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/castironcrackrepair.aspx

1 1 1 same

cast iron heating torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

Cast Iron Preheating Torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

crucible heating http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CrucibleHeating.aspx

8 1 8 same

crucible heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CrucibleHeating.aspx

1 1 1 same

Crucible Preheating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=crucible+preheating

1 1 1 same

crucible pre-heating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=crucible+preheating

2 1 2 same

Foundry Heating Torches http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

foundry torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/Foundry%20Torch.aspx

2 1 2 same

Foundry Torches http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/Foundry%20Torch.aspx

3 1 3 same

fuel only torch http://www.belchfire.com/searchcenter/Pages/Results.aspx?k=fuel%20only%20torches&v1=date&start1=41

4 1 4 same

Fuel Only Torches http://www.belchfire.com/searchcenter/Pages/Results.aspx?k=fuel%20only%20torches&v1=date&start1=41

4 1 4 same

furnace foundry Torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/web/ 13 2 14 +1

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SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change


gas only torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasOnlyTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CrucibleHeating.aspx

5 1 6 +1

Heating Torches http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=foundry+heating+torch

2 1 2 same

high combustion torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=high+combustion+torch

5 1 4 -1

high heat torch http://www.belchfire.com 10 1 9 -1

high temperature torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

iron repair torch http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/castironcrackrepair.aspx

1 1 1 same

Ladle Heating http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/LadleHeating.aspx

3 1 3 same

ladle post heating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/pages/default.aspx?k=post+heating+torch

1 1 - new

ladle post-heating torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

ladle pre-heating http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/Ladle%20Pre-Heater%20Torch%20Kit.aspx

5 1 5 same

ladle pre-heating torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

ladle torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/LadleHeating.aspx

1 1 1 same

natural gas torch http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/naturalgasheatingtorch.aspx

4 1 3 -1

natural gas torches http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/naturalgasheatingtorch.aspx

5 1 5 same

Nickel Welding http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/weldingtorch.aspx

11 2 12 +1

nickel welding torch http://www.belchfire.com/news/pages/weldingtorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

postheating torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/pages/default.aspx?k=post+heating+torch

1 1 1 same

Preheating Metal http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/PreheatingMetal.aspx

4 1 4 same

preheating torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=preheating+torches

1 1 1 same

Created by SEO, LLC dba www.SplinternetMarketing.com

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Page 15: Report belchfire.com   2-2-2012

SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change

Preheating Torches http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=preheating+torches

1 1 1 same

Propane Heating Torches http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/PropaneHeatingTorch.aspx

2 1 2 same

tube burner http://www.belchfire.com/web/tubeburner.aspx

5 1 4 -1


Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change

air torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasandAirTorch.aspx

7 1 8 +1

belchfire torch http://www.belchfire.com 1 1 1 same

Cast Iron Crack Repair http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CastIronCrackRepair.aspx

11 2 11 same

cast iron crack repair torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/CastIronCrackRepair.aspx

2 1 2 same

cast iron heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

1 1 1 same

Cast Iron Preheating Torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=cast+iron+preheating+torch

1 1 1 same

crucible heating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=crucible+heating

5 1 5 same

crucible heating torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/News/Pages/CrucibleHeating.aspx

1 1 1 same

Crucible Preheating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=crucible+preheating

1 1 1 same

crucible pre-heating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=crucible+preheating

1 1 1 same

Foundry Heating Torches http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=foundry+heating+torch

1 1 1 same

foundry torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

2 1 2 same

Foundry Torches http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/Foundry%20Torch.aspx

1 1 1 same

fuel only torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasOnlyTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

Fuel Only Torches http://www.belchfire.com/torch-produ 1 1 1 same

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SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change


furnace foundry Torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

4 1 3 -1

gas only torch http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/GasOnlyTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

heat torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

15 2 14 -1

heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

14 2 16 +2

Heating Torches http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

7 1 7 same

high combustion torch http://usalocalsearch.com/partners/belchfire.aspx?k=high+combustion+torches

1 1 1 same

high heat torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

11 2 11 same

high temperature torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=high+temperature+torch

9 1 7 -2

iron repair torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=cast+iron+repair

3 1 3 same

Ladle Heating http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/LadleHeating.aspx

6 1 6 same

ladle post heating http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=ladle+heating

1 1 1 same

ladle post-heating torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=post+heating+torch

1 1 1 same

ladle pre-heating torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

1 1 1 same

ladle torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/LadleHeating.aspx

1 1 1 same

natural gas torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/NaturalGasHeatingTorch.aspx

12 2 12 same

natural gas torches http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/NaturalGasHeatingTorch.aspx

17 2 17 same

nickel welding torch http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/WeldingTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

postheating torch http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=postheating+torches

1 1 1 same

Preheating Cast Iron http://torch.usalocalsearch.com/Pages/Default.aspx?k=cast+iron+preheati

5 1 5 same

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SEO, LLC Internet Competitive Analysis Report 2/2/2012

Keyword URL Pos. Page Old Pos. Change


Preheating Metal http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/PreheatingMetal.aspx

1 1 1 same

preheating torch http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

1 1 1 same

Preheating Torches http://www.belchfire.com/web/about.aspx

1 1 1 same

Propane Heating Torches http://www.belchfire.com/News/Pages/PropaneHeatingTorch.aspx

1 1 1 same

tube burner http://www.belchfire.com/torch-products/Pages/TubeBurner.aspx

5 1 5 same

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