Brimbank City Council Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda Officer Reports 13 Meeting No. 389 28 July 2015 Report 12.6 - Sunshine Rising Annual Update 2014/2015 Directorate: City Development Director: Stuart Menzies Policy: Sunshine Rising Strategic Business Plan and Implementation Program 2012–2017, Council Plan 2013–2017 Attachment(s): 1. Sunshine Rising Strategic Business Plan and Implementation Program 2012-2017 Purpose To provide an update on implementation of the Sunshine Rising Strategic Business Plan and Implementation Program 2012-2017 for the 12 month period ending June 2015. Report 1. Background In 2010, Council established Sunshine Rising, a town centre management and revitalisation program. Sunshine Rising coordinates and integrates the planning and delivery of a range of physical, social and economic initiatives to establish the Sunshine Town Centre (the Centre). Council adopted the Sunshine Rising Strategic Business Plan and Implementation Program 2012–2017 (the Strategic Business Plan) in August 2012, which captures, integrates and coordinates the programs and initiatives to realise Council’s vision for the Centre. 2. Analysis The Strategic Business Plan includes 101 initiatives to be delivered over a five (5) year timeline, subject to funding. Ninety-one (91) per cent of the initiatives have been completed or are in progress. The status of all the initiatives is shown at Attachment 1 to this report. Summary of Key Initiatives 2014/2015 Governance and Community Engagement A review of the Sunshine Partnership Group (Partnership Group) was undertaken as part of the process to renew its membership, role, operation and activities A business plan was developed to guide the activities of the Partnership Group and is linked to the Strategic Business Plan The meeting frequency of the Partnership Group was increased to six (6) per year, and the meeting agenda linked to the priorities identified in the Partnership Group Business Plan The Sunshine Town Centre Place Manager (Place Manager) continued to attend the monthly meetings of the Sunshine Business Association (SBA) Four (4) editions of the Sunshine Rising newsletter were circulated to landowners and occupiers. Public Realm Completion of the Hampshire Road Master Plan and commencement of the first stage between Devonshire Road and Dickson Street Completion of the Way Finding and Directional Signage Plan, and commencement of the first stage of implementation across the Centre Completion and opening of the Regional Rail Link Project and associated projects Two (2) targeted maintenance and cleansing inspections of the Centre

Report 12.6 - Sunshine Rising Annual Update 2014/2015 Directorate · 2016-05-18 · Brimbank City Council Ordinary Council MeetingAgenda Officer Reports 14 Meeting No. 389 28 July

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Page 1: Report 12.6 - Sunshine Rising Annual Update 2014/2015 Directorate · 2016-05-18 · Brimbank City Council Ordinary Council MeetingAgenda Officer Reports 14 Meeting No. 389 28 July

Brimbank City Council Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda Officer Reports 13

Meeting No. 389 28 July 2015

Report 12.6 - Sunshine Rising Annual Update 2014/2015 Directorate: City Development Director: Stuart Menzies Policy: Sunshine Rising Strategic Business Plan and Implementation

Program 2012–2017, Council Plan 2013–2017 Attachment(s): 1. Sunshine Rising Strategic Business Plan and Implementation Program 2012-2017 Purpose To provide an update on implementation of the Sunshine Rising Strategic Business Plan and Implementation Program 2012-2017 for the 12 month period ending June 2015. Report 1. Background In 2010, Council established Sunshine Rising, a town centre management and revitalisation program. Sunshine Rising coordinates and integrates the planning and delivery of a range of physical, social and economic initiatives to establish the Sunshine Town Centre (the Centre). Council adopted the Sunshine Rising Strategic Business Plan and Implementation Program 2012–2017 (the Strategic Business Plan) in August 2012, which captures, integrates and coordinates the programs and initiatives to realise Council’s vision for the Centre. 2. Analysis The Strategic Business Plan includes 101 initiatives to be delivered over a five (5) year timeline, subject to funding. Ninety-one (91) per cent of the initiatives have been completed or are in progress. The status of all the initiatives is shown at Attachment 1 to this report. Summary of Key Initiatives 2014/2015 Governance and Community Engagement • A review of the Sunshine Partnership Group (Partnership Group) was undertaken as

part of the process to renew its membership, role, operation and activities • A business plan was developed to guide the activities of the Partnership Group and is

linked to the Strategic Business Plan • The meeting frequency of the Partnership Group was increased to six (6) per year,

and the meeting agenda linked to the priorities identified in the Partnership Group Business Plan

• The Sunshine Town Centre Place Manager (Place Manager) continued to attend the monthly meetings of the Sunshine Business Association (SBA)

• Four (4) editions of the Sunshine Rising newsletter were circulated to landowners and occupiers.

Public Realm • Completion of the Hampshire Road Master Plan and commencement of the first stage

between Devonshire Road and Dickson Street • Completion of the Way Finding and Directional Signage Plan, and commencement of

the first stage of implementation across the Centre • Completion and opening of the Regional Rail Link Project and associated projects • Two (2) targeted maintenance and cleansing inspections of the Centre

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Brimbank City Council Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda Officer Reports 14

Meeting No. 389 28 July 2015

Report 12.6 - Sunshine Rising Annual Update 2014/2015 (continued) • Daily monitoring and cleaning of the Centre, including graffiti and waste removal and

issuing of infringements • Three (3) pieces of public art (named Reflexio Qualis) were produced by artist Colin

Henry and installed. Marketing • Assistance was provided to the SBA to deliver its marketing and events program,

including the Sunshine Short Film Festival (October 2014), Sunshine Lantern Festival (September 2014), and Sunshine Pho Fever (March 2015)

• Council and the SBA held fortnightly moonlight cinemas in R T Pollard Gardens from late October 2014 to March 2015, as part of Light Up Sunshine, and organised other events including live music and pop-up food carts at the Sunshine Station forecourts

• Council continued to administer the Sunshine Marketing and Business Development Special Rate Scheme and provided assistance to update the SBA’s Marketing Plan.

Investment Attraction and Development Facilitation • Delivery of the Sunshine Investment Forum (October 2014) at the Visy Youth Hub

featuring keynote speakers James Kirby - Eureka Report Director, and Peter Seamer - Chief Executive Officer of the Metropolitan Planning Authority

• Presentation and tours undertaken for the Centre at the Planning Institute of Australia National Congress and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

• Council became a member of the Australian Property Council to, among other things, support further investment attraction in Sunshine

• Council approved Brimbank Planning Scheme Amendment C105 and submitted it to the Minister of Planning for approval

• The Place Manager and other Council officers continued to work with developers and businesses to facilitate development

• Council commenced construction of the new seven (7) storey Brimbank Civic and Community Centre, and planning for a multilevel car park

• Seven (7) shop facades were improved as part of the shop front improvement program.

Community Safety • As part of the Light Up Sunshine program, Council prepared a preliminary lighting

assessment of key pedestrian connections and car parks to inform future lighting improvements, and has worked with Powercor to upgrade residential street lighting

• Council and the SBA each secured a $20,000 grant from the Department of Justice and installed 19 sensor lights and three public street lights to improve safety.

4. Resource Implications The projects and initiatives in this report were resourced from the Annual Budget 2014/2015. 5. Compliance Statement This report has been prepared in accordance with the Council Plan 2013–2017 and the Strategic Business Plan.

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Brimbank City Council Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda Officer Reports 15

Meeting No. 389 28 July 2015

Report 12.6 - Sunshine Rising Annual Update 2014/2015 (continued) 6. Officer Recommendation That Council: a. Notes the annual update on the Sunshine Rising Strategic Business Plan

and Implementation Program 2012–2017, for the 12 month period ending June 2015, as shown at Attachment 1.

b. Supports the continued implementation of the Sunshine Rising Strategic Business Plan and Implementation Program 2012–2017, in accordance with approved Council budget.

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Attachment 1

Sunshine Rising Strategic Business Plan and Implementation Program 2012 - 2017 Implementation Program

The vision will be achieved through a range of actions, initiatives and improvements incorporated within the core areas below that provide framework for the implementation program:

Marketing Business development Physical environment Community development Program management and communications

The implementation program is subject to the annual capital works and operational budget process undertaken by Brimbank Council

Implementation Plan Legend

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Implementation generally relies on a cross functional involvement requiring more than one unit / department.

Ongoing normal work program or opportunistic

Short 1 – 3 years

Medium 3 – 5 years

Long 5 years plus

Low Less than $100,000

Medium $100,000 to $500,000

High $500,000 plus

Implementation Plan Status

Completed Not started In progress

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Sunshine Rising Strategic Business Plan and Implementation Program 2012-2017 Implementation Program Page | 2

1. Marketing

Objectives Increase awareness of the Sunshine Town Centre by the private and public sector Develop a positive image and identity for the Sunshine Town Centre Increase the number of visitors and customers in the centre Extend the stay of visitors and customers in the centre Encourage increased loyalty and expenditure by existing visitors and customers including employees, students and commuters Improve the sense of belonging through cultural expression and celebration

Ref Action Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

1.1 Undertake a centre image and identity assessment to inform branding, marketing, communications and streetscape design work.

Town Centre Management

Short Low


1.2 Establish a centre brand that can be used on a range of mediums including communications, promotional and advertising material, street banners and signage

Town Centre Management

Short Low


1.3 Develop and implement an initial calendar of marketing and community events and initiatives that:

Targets in centre customers and the local community

Ensure that these represent and are appropriate to the culturally diverse business and residential community.

Promote the centre’s strengths including the culturally diverse and value fresh food offer

Provides a range of events and initiatives of local and regional significance potentially including a Business Directory, Lantern Festival, Film Festival, Christmas activities, Brimbank Festival including the Pho race, participation in Melbourne’s Food and Wine Festival and Saturday’s in Sunshine.

Town Centre Management

Short Low

2012 (revised annually)

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Ref Action Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

1.4 Utilise the street banner program to promote the centre brand and significant community and culture events

Town Centre Management

Ongoing Low

Banners changed quarterly per year

1.5 Pursue the establishment of a sustainable funding mechanism, i.e. a special rate or charge scheme, in partnership with the SBA to support ongoing marketing and development initiatives including a marketing coordinator role

Economic Development/Town Centre Management

Short Low


1.6 Develop a marketing plan that identifies the marketing objectives for the centre, centre positioning, identification of target markets and the marketing mix and expenditure.

The marketing strategy should initially be focused on increasing expenditure from existing visitors, employees, students, commuters and customers and attracting increased patronage from the local catchment. Over time as the centre business mix develops and major infrastructure projects are completed the strategy should target increased patronage and expenditure from the western region of Melbourne and Victoria

The marketing plan should consider the key categories including fresh food, dining out, recreation, professional services and community service and provide strategies to develop or strengthen relationships with key stakeholders to support joint marketing initiatives.

Town Centre Management

Short Low

The Marketing Plan has been revised in 2014 and informs expenditure of the Marketing and Business Development Special Rate proceeds.

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Sunshine Rising Strategic Business Plan and Implementation Program 2012-2017 Implementation Program Page | 4

Ref Action Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

1.7 Undertake a feasibility to prepare a costing for the installation of Wi-Fi in significant public realm and community spaces to encourage extended visits including the Sunshine Station forecourts, Hampshire Square, the Sunshine Library and Sunshine Community Youth Hub.

Town Centre Management

Short Low

Work has commenced about the feasibility to install WiFi into the public realm areas associated with the Brimbank Civic and Community Centre.

1.8 Encourage increased networking amongst existing businesses and services to facilitate cross promotion, collaboration and skills and knowledge development including SBA and the Sunshine District Services Network.

Planning and Engagement

Ongoing Low

Ongoing as part of Marketing Plan and includes Brimbank Business and White Ribbon event, and ongoing work with Victoria University for Sunshine Short Film Festival.

1.9 Develop a program of initiatives and events that will develop and promote the evening economy e.g. a twilight market, fairy lighting and the programming of evening activities

Multiple / Town Centre Management

Ongoing Low

Council developed and implemented Light Up Sunshine in 204/15 to promote evening activation.

1.10 Pursue opportunities to promote the Sunshine Town Centre through regional, metropolitan and state wide networks, conferences and agencies

Multiple Ongoing Low

Included presentation at Mainstreet Conference and the Sunshine Investment Forum, and ongoing work with Government agencies and the Metropolitan Planning Authority.

1.11 Examine opportunities to promote the centre through social media i.e. Facebook, twitter, mobile phone applications and webpage development as resources increase

Communications and Media

Ongoing Low

Ongoing use of webpage and social media by Council and the SBA to promote the Centre.

* Subject to the annual capital works and operational budget process undertaken by Brimbank Council

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2. Business development Objectives Improve the standard, skills and presentation of businesses Strengthen the business mix in key category areas Develop the evening economy Attract more head offices and regional businesses and services Attract increased investment mixed use and commercial development

Ref Action

Business improvement

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

2.1 Implement a shop front improvement program to facilitate the improvement of business properties targeting: The removal or replacement of non-transparent roller

shutter security doors with transparent styles, Reduced and appropriate signage, and Restoration and or painting of the façade and verandahs

Town Centre Management

Ongoing Low

Three rounds of programs resulting in the upgrade of ten facades.

2.2 Develop and or promote a business development training program particularly focusing on visual merchandising, customer service, shop security and business management.

Economic Development

Ongoing Low

Council promotes its business development and training calendar of events to all businesses.

2.3 Assess and identify the preferred centre trading hours during week days, weekends and evenings and encourage and promote coordinated and consistent trading hours among core businesses and services.

Town Centre Management

Medium Low

Trading hours has been identified to be included in future survey work.

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Ref Action

Business improvement

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

2.4 Develop a business attraction and retention program that:

Identifies preferred industry sectors and clusters to develop in the centre

Identifies existing businesses and services that could grow and expand within the centre

Identifies appropriate nearby business and services that could be located within the centre

Identifies gaps or deficiencies in existing business and service activities

Identifies specific activities, businesses and services that should be pursued

Provides strategies and initiatives to facilitate the attraction of businesses and services including examination of possible incentives

Economic Development

Ongoing Low

Preliminary work has commenced through Positioning Brimbank and tailored responses to business inquiries.

2.5 Undertake a range of initiatives that facilitate business attraction until the business attraction and retention program is prepared including:

Regular contact with real estate agents, property managers, developers and property owners

Prepare and distribute information about the centre including a business and development prospectus including activity mix, catchment demographics, major projects and investment and planning approvals etc.

Upkeep of a database of building vacancies, undeveloped and underutilised land

Town Centre Management

Short Low

Work has commenced on a program to aggregate Brimbank property sales and leasing information.

2.6 Support the continuation and growth of the Sunshine Street Market as an attraction that complements and adds to the existing centre offer and provides opportunities for local artisans and crafts people and social enterprises.

Town Centre Management

Ongoing Low

Operates bi weekly (weekly approaching Christmas). Operations reviewed in 2015.

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Ref Action

Business improvement

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

2.7 Review the feasibility to establish a fresh food market to further build on the fresh food offer in the centre.

Town Centre Management

Long Low

Not currently considered viable and will be considered over the longer term.

2.8 Undertake a feasibility study to examine the establishment of a business incubator or similar ‘start up’ enterprise model in the Centre. The study should consider the type, business and community synergies, location, business model, and building and location requirements of a potential facility

Economic Development

Medium Low

To be pursued over the medium to long term and subject to funding.

2.9 Work with major organisations in and near the Centre to encourage expansion of facilities in the centre or the location of supporting businesses and services in the centre i.e. Victoria University and Sunshine Hospital

Town Centre Management

Medium Low

Meetings have occurred with larger businesses through Positioning Brimbank, and a survey being prepared to assess employee needs in larger organisations in the centre. Ongoing discussions with major organisations include Victoria University.

2.10 Convene regular meetings with specialist design and commercial advisors to identify opportunities, strategies and initiatives that can facilitate development within the centre.

Town Centre Management

Ongoing Low

Specialist design and commercial expertise incorporated in the membership of the Sunshine Partnership Group, and ongoing work through Positioning Brimbank.

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Ref Action

Business improvement

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

2.11 Prepare a range of marketing brochures that promote Sunshine’s attributes and development opportunities targeting Government, agencies, developers and investors.

Town Centre Management

Ongoing Low

The Sunshine Investment Prospectus and other brochures were updated and prepared as part of the Sunshine Investment Forum 2015.

2.12 Promote the revitalisation and development potential of the Centre through Government, metropolitan and regional networks and attendance and presentations at conferences including Mainstreet Australia, Regional Development Australia, Lead West, LG Pro, Planning Institute, ITCT etc.

Multiple Ongoing Low

Sponsorship of the Planning Institute of Australia State Conference including hosting a tour to the Centre, a presentation at the Mainstreet Australia conference, and ongoing attendance and representation at LG Pro Place Managers meetings and regional Economic Development meetings including LeadWest.

2.13 Pursue opportunities to promote the Sunshine Town Centre in metropolitan media.

Communications and Media

Ongoing Low

The Sunshine Pho Fever event which reached a national audience 1.5 million through promotion on Channel 9, ABC radio and national social media networks.

2.14 Target major sites / property owners to promote and facilitate development and investment in the centre.

Town Centre Management

Ongoing Low

Ongoing communications with major owners including consultation about Amendment C105, and through real estate agents.

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Ref Action

Business improvement

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

2.15 Maintain high level public sector advocacy to ensure Government planning and policy attracts the public sector support and investment.

Work with Places Victoria to identify opportunities for development in the Centre.

Senior Executive

Ongoing Low

Council works proactively with the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.

2.16 Pursue the appropriate development of publically owned land including Withers Street car park, Sunshine Bus interchange and VicTrack land including land assembly

Senior Executive

Medium to Long


Council continues to pursue opportunities to facilitate appropriate development on an ongoing basis.

2.17 Undertake a feasibility study to assess development options of Council owned land on the east side a Talmage Street.

Strategic Planning

Long Low

Some land has been developed as part of the Regional Rail Project with remaining land to be considered over the longer term.

2.18 Continue to provide architectural advice to property owners on significant development to deliver quality design outcomes consistent with the structure plan

Urban Design Ongoing Low

Council will facilitate provision of additional design advice to achieve preferred outcomes on significant developments.

2.19 Provide a coordinated and integrated response to major development and investment proposals to deliver outcomes consistent with vision.

Town Centre Management

Ongoing Low

Council provides a pre-amendment / planning permit application service for significant developments.

* Subject to the annual capital works and operational budget process undertaken by Brimbank Council

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3. Physical Environment Objectives

• Provide an attractive and quality public environment

• Ensure that the centre is safe and well lit during the evening

• Provide the necessary community and transport infrastructure to support future growth and development in the centre

• Ensure appropriate pedestrian connections in and through the centre to enhance walkability, accessibility, permeability and connectivity to key services and amenities

• Maintain high levels of cleaning and maintenance

• Encourage high standards of building design and development

• Ensure the planning provisions enable development of the centre inline with the vision

Ref Action

Planning and Development

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

3.1 Conduct pre application meetings with property owners and proponents to assist and facilitate land use and development outcomes

Statutory Planning

Ongoing Low

Council provides a pre-amendment / planning permit application service for significant developments.

3.2 Seek specialist advice for the assessment and development of major sites and centre wide development.

Town Centre Management

Ongoing Low

The Sunshine Partnership Group provides professional advice and strategic direction on significant policy and development sites

3.3 Finalise built form guidelines for the centre to improve the design quality of development

Strategic Planning

Short Existing

Incorporated in Brimbank Planning Scheme Amendment C105 (Amendment C105) which was approved by Council in 2014/15 and submitted to the Minister of Planning for approval.

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Ref Action

Planning and Development

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

3.4 Finalise the update of the Sunshine Town Centre Structure Plan and implement a Planning Scheme Amendment including an Activity Centre Zone, in accordance with the adopted Structure Plan.

Strategic Planning

Short Low

Structure Plan was updated and adopted by Council 2014/15 including approval of Amendment C105 and submitted to the Minister of Planning for approval.

3.5 Prepare development contributions provisions that considers open space, car parking, urban design, drainage and road infrastructure and community and affordable housing

Strategic Planning

Short Low

Incorporated in Amendment C105.

3.6 Finalise Strategic Development Plans for major sites including:

AV Distributors Sunshine Marketplace Shopping Centre Former Police Station Sunshine Interchange VicTrack land (Southern Village Precinct south

of Station)

Town Centre Management

Short to Medium


Incorporated in Amendment C105.

3.7 Prepare a car parking strategy to establish preferred car parking requirements for future development and support increased use of sustainable transport options.

Strategic Planning

Short Low

Preliminary work has been undertaken to inform a future strategy.

3.8 Examine opportunities to integrate the Albion Station Precinct and Energy Park and work with key agencies to identify mechanisms to develop integrated development e.g. Places Victoria

Strategic Planning

Short Low

Preliminary work commenced through Sunshine NEC Framework Plan being prepared by MPA

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Ref Action

Centre Design

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

3.9 Prepare a Streetscape Masterplan for Hampshire Road to establish the overall design, connections, treatments of the Sunshine Town Centre

Urban Design Short Medium

Stage one works in progress 2014/15

3.10 Prepare palette of street furniture, treatments and planting to inform streetscape design

Urban Design Short Low

Completed 2011/12

3.11 Complete the Southern Precinct Urban Design Framework Urban Design Short Low

Completed 2014/15 as part of Amendment C105.

3.12 Complete the Northern Sunshine Urban Design Framework which will identify development opportunities and public realm upgrades, provide a feasibility to construct the St Albans Road extension and provide a development plan for Albion Triangle.

Urban Design Short Low

Completed 2014/15 as part of Amendment C105.

3.13 Prepare a rolling 10 year capital works program that incorporates the North, Central, and South Urban Design Frameworks / Development Frameworks and other design reports and prioritises projects and capital investment.

Program priorities are considered to be the design of:

Hampshire Road – the front door to the centre Sunshine Station and the bus interchange – a

significant arrival point (RRL delivery) Gateway statement / improvements a major entrances Access connections including Clarke Street, Bennett’s

Lane connecting the planned Community Youth Hub to Hampshire Road, an east west connection to link the Sunshine Leisure Centre and associated car parking to Hampshire Road

Completion of Hampshire Square (stage 2) Southern Village ‘arts’ precinct upgrade

Urban Design Short High

Clarke Street and Southern Village initiatives completed in 2014 and commencement of Hampshire Road redesign Stage 1 May 2015 with further stages to follow.

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Ref Action

Centre Design

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

3.14 Continue to influence the design of the Regional Rail Link to ensure optimal outcomes for the Town Centre including the bus interchange; station forecourts and entries; the HV McKay pedestrian bridge; the new Sunshine Station; and the Station car parks

Urban Design Short High

Completed 2014/15

3.15 Maintain high quality cleansing and maintenance program which includes:

Daily street sweeping (during the evening) Daily street litter bin collection (public bins) and

debris pickup (Mon – Sat) Rapid response graffiti removal Six monthly high pressure clean services of

footpaths and Council assets including litter bins

Operations Ongoing Medium


3.16 Conduct 6-monthly cleaning and maintenance audits to identify issues not ordinarily identified by regular cleaning and maintenance routines

Operations / Town Centre Manager

Ongoing Existing

Two inspections, February and September

3.17 Conduct an annual audit of the centre to identify future priorities for minor upgrade works including pavement remedial works, safety and lighting, car park improvements, furniture installation and landscape improvements.

Immediate remedial works are required in the Dawson Street car park

Operations / Urban Design / Town Centre Manager

Ongoing Low

Preliminary lighting audit completed for the Sunshine Town Centre. Part of Dawson Street carpark is the location for a multilevel carpark.

3.18 Work with major property owners to ensure adequate maintenance and cleaning of private car parks and sites

Town Centre Manager

Ongoing Existing Litter Prevention officer appointed in March 2015

3.19 Develop a program to address rubbish disposal at the rear of businesses and in laneways.

Town Centre Manager / Compliance

Short Medium

Program targeting Mann Place, rear of City Place, and 304-320 Hampshire Road.

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Ref Action

Centre Design

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

3.20 Examine options to facilitate improved, sustainable and efficient waste management practices by businesses in the centre

Operations / Town Centre Manager

Medium Low

Work with businesses in targeted location underway to achieve a coordinated waste management outcome.

3.21 Complete the upgrade and installation of new street furniture including litter bins, public recycling bins and new seating across the centre.

Operations / Urban Design

Medium Medium Completed 2011/12

3.22 Complete the upgrade street banner brackets across the centre particularly in high pedestrian locations including Hampshire Square and the Sunshine Transport Hub

Town Centre Manager

Medium Low Completed 2011/12

3.23 Advocate for station, access, landscape and other improvements at the Albion Station to improve the address, connectivity and integration of this area with the surrounding area.

Urban Design Medium High Will form part of work to prepare Sunshine National Employment Cluster Framework Plan and future Melbourne Airport rail connection.

3.24 Work with DOT to finalise the Access and Mobility Plan

Consider the role and function of roads throughout the centre, road space allocation and modal priorities

Ensure pedestrian connections that facilitate access to the centre are considered i.e. across and along Ballarat Road, across Withers Street near Station Place, through car parks and across the rail corridor and Anderson Road.

Urban Design Short Low Funding provided was withdrawn by State Government in 2011, and may form part of the Sunshine NEC Framework Plan work.

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Ref Action

Centre Design

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

3.25 Finalise and implement the Clarke Street streetscape design to improve connectivity with the transport hub, streetscape appearance, lighting and activation

Urban Design Short Short

Completed 2014

3.26 Prepare and implement a way finding strategy for the Sunshine Town Centre

Urban Design Medium Medium

The Wayfinding Strategy was commenced in 2014/15 and the first stage of implementation underway.

3.29 Review car parking limits throughout the centre to ensure they achieve optimal turnover of short and medium customer car parking consistent with the needs of the centre and address longer term car parking needs for employers and employees.

Compliance / Town Centre Management

Short Low

Review planned for 2015/16.

3.30 Design and implement cycling infrastructure including:

Footscray to Sydenham Regional bicycle connections through the Town Centre

On road / pathways (Devonshire Road) Bicycle racks throughout the centre particularly

at significant community and commercial destinations

Urban Design / Traffic and Transport

Short Low

Bicycle paths to Deer Park and Footscray completed 2014/15 as part of RRL.

3.31 Advocate for appropriate bicycle infrastructure and secure parking at the Sunshine and Albion Train Stations

Urban Design / Traffic and Transport

Short Low Secure bike parking delivered at Sunshine Railway Station redevelopment in 2014/15 as part of RRL.

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Ref Action

Planning and Development

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

3.32 Advocate for Ballarat Road to be a public transport corridor including examination of a potential light rail and bus lane

Urban Design / Traffic and Transport

Long High

Highlighted in Plan Melbourne submission, and will be considered as part of bus review being undertaken by MPA, but considered a long term objective.

3.33 Work with VicRoads to improve traffic movement at the Anderson Road / McIntyre intersection with Ballarat Road.

• Pursue the St Albans Road extension to alleviate traffic congestion which will increase as rail / road separations are constructed on Anderson Road

Urban Design / Strategic Planning

Short High

Incorporated in Amendment C105.

3.36 Undertake lighting upgrade improvements across the centre in line with the lighting audit

Engineering Short/



Preliminary lighting audit completed in 2014/15 and lighting upgrades in progress across Sunshine as part of Light Up Sunshine.

3.37 Commence programmed construction of 10 year capital works program

2012/13 priorities include Clarke Street and Visy Cares Hub streetscape

Multiple Ongoing High

In progress

* Subject to the annual capital works and operational budget process undertaken by Brimbank Council

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4. Community Development Objectives

Provide quality community amenities and services to cater for the growing population

Encourage a diverse range of housing options

Improve the sense of place through cultural and artistic expression

Encourage expanded and increased education services

Encourage improved social and educational outcomes and services

Ref Action

Community Services

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

4.1 Construct the Community and Youth Services Hub including associated road and path connections

Leisure Services

Short High Completed 2014

4.2 Finalise designs and funding options to construct an expanded and upgraded Sunshine Library and Learning Centre ensuring optimal outcomes relative to its address to Hampshire Road, integration with the surrounding area and activation.

Libraries and Learning

Short High

New Brimbank Civic and Community centre under construction.

4.3 Conduct a Community Services Analysis to audit, identify gaps and deficiencies and priorities in the provision of community services within the Centre to meet the existing and future population needs.

Community Planning and Engagement

Short Medium

This work has commenced as part of the Framework Plan being prepared for the Sunshine Emerging National Employment Cluster by the Metropolitan Planning Authority.

4.4 Advocate to Government for increased community services in line with the Community Services Analysis.

Community Planning and Engagement

Ongoing Low

Ongoing as part of work undertaken by Community Planning and Engagement.

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Ref Action

Affordable Housing

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

4.5 Encourage Victoria University and other educational facilities to have a stronger presence and connection in the centre.

Opportunities include expansion of facilities into the centre, co-location of services with other community services, promotion and exhibition of student work, involvement of students in community projects and joint coordination of specific events and initiatives

Multiple Long Low

Council continues to discuss opportunities with Victoria University and other organisations.

4.6 Promote opportunities to develop or incorporate affordable housing in the centre.

This could include the examination of other successful affordable housing models, stakeholder development and production of material that assists Council and developers to achieve these outcomes.

Community Planning and Engagement / Town Centre Management

Medium Low An Affordable Housing Association presented at a Partnership Group meeting in June 2015 and Council continues to encourage affordable housing in new development.

4.7 Explore opportunities to promote the historical importance of Sunshine including:

Historical markers and interpretative signage of heritage and culturally significant sites in the centre

Community events and initiatives that raise awareness, celebrate and commemorate significant occurrences e.g. the Sunshine Harvester and the H.V. McKay legacy, establishment of the first Village Cinema in Sunshine

Undertake a feasibility study for a working history museum

Libraries and Learning

Long Medium to High To be undertaken over

the long term.

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Art and Culture

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope Status Comments

Art and Culture

4.8 Develop an art strategy to examine the establishment of an arts precincts and how art and culture can be reflected and incorporated within the centre.

Art and Culture

Medium Low

Council is developing a Cultural Strategy and Action Plan (2015-2020) to support arts and culture in the municipality.

4.9 Implement the Sunshine ArtSpaces project focusing the provision of affordable art spaces in the southern village precinct

Art and Culture

Short Low

Completed 2013 and Gallery opened 2014.

4.10 Advocate for public art installations within the Sunshine Town Centre and in the southern village precinct to support the ArtSpaces project.

Art and Culture

Short Medium

Colin Henry work completed in the Sunshine Town Centre

4.11 Encourage ephemeral art displays and or exhibitions throughout the centre including private art in vacant shop windows, hoarding around development sites and public urban and open spaces

Art and Culture

Medium Low

Council installed designed hoarding around the Brimbank Community and Civic building site.

4.12 Review Council’s on street busking local law to encourage increased street performances

Compliance Medium Low

Local law review to commence in 2016.

4.13 Examine opportunities for a dedicated performance space in the centre including the longer term the potential to restore former heritage places or underutilised buildings

Town Centre Management

Medium to Long


Will be considered over the longer term.

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4.14 Work in partnership with key stakeholders and police to improve safety and security throughout the centre particularly at key areas including the Sunshine Railway.

Advocate for a continued strong presence of police within the centre through regular foot patrols and drive throughs.

Community Safety / Sunshine Town Centre Management

Ongoing Low

Victoria Police are a member of the Partnership Group, and involved in Sunshine Safety committees.

4.15 Undertake annual community safety audits in Sunshine Town Centre and pursue implementation of recommendations

Community Planning and Engagement

Ongoing Low

Council didn’t undertake a community safety audit in 2014 / 15 however continue to undertake other safety improvements through Light Up Sunshine initiative.

4.16 Continue to advocate for improvements to lighting throughout the centre as in line with the recommendations made in the Public Lighting Audit.

Community Planning and Engagement

Ongoing Medium

The Light Up Sunshine program included preparation of a preliminary lighting audit to inform immediate improvements in 2014 / 15.

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Ref Action

Access and Inclusion

Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

4.17 Conduct an access and mobility audit in the Sunshine Town Centre to identify necessary public improvements to ensure that the centre is accessible to people of all abilities.

Community Safety

Medium Low

Council incorporates accessible design within public realm upgrades and continues to implement the ‘Recharge Scheme’. An audit is forecast for 2016.

4.18 Implement the program Good Access, Good Business to promote the value of customers with disabilities to local businesses

Community Planning and Engagement

Medium Low

Will be considered over the longer term.

4.19 Support or promote opportunities for the establishment of social enterprises within the centre that can provide skills development, training and or employment to people in the community that are young, disabled or disadvantaged.

Community Planning and Engagement

Long Medium

Council has commenced work to examine opportunities for Asylum seeker social enterprise initiatives to establish in the Town Centre.

4.20 Ensure that all communications about the centre are accessible to major cultural groups in and include translated information and assistance.

Multiple Ongoing Low

Translation phone numbers and some translated information included in Sunshine Rising newsletter and significant communications with more work progressing through update of Council website.

* Subject to the annual capital works and operational budget process undertaken by Brimbank Council

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5. Program Management and Communications Objectives Provide a framework for managing the program

Provide transparent processes for program review and improvement Ensure that all program activities and initiatives are planned and delivered in coordinated, collaborative and integrated fashion Engender a broad understanding, support and engagement with the Sunshine Rising program amongst the private and public stakeholders Pursue engagement and partnerships with key stakeholders to deliver the program

Ref Action Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

5.1 Finalise the strategic business plan and implementation program for the Sunshine Town Centre.

Develop a promotional brochure that summarises and promotes the key directions of the business plan and distribute it to key stakeholders, government, agencies and investors and developers

Town Centre Management

Short Low

Completed 2012.

5.2 Ensure that key strategies and actions are budgeted accordingly and included in relevant Council Department work plans.

Involves a series of reports, meetings and liaison with Council, the groups identified in the Governance Framework, Executive Management Team and individual departments.

Town Centre Management

Short Low

The Place Manager works across Council to ensure that key projects form part of the ongoing budget process.

5.3 Annually review and report on the Sunshine Rising Business Plan and prepare an annual work program

Town Centre Management

Ongoing Low

An annual report is provided to Council.

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Ref Action Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

5.4 Engage with place management networks e.g. Mainstreet Australia and LG Pro Place Managers network and similar centres to share place management strategies and knowledge

Town Centre Management

Ongoing Low

Presentations at Mainstreet and PIA Conferences, and regular attendance at LG Pro Place Managers meetings.

5.5 Maintain and support governance arrangements that engage internal, private and public stakeholders in the realisation of the vision including the: Partnership Group Interagency Government Group Internal Cross Functional Officer Group

Senior Executive / Town Centre Management

Ongoing Low

Partnership Group was reviewed and renewed in 2014/15, and interagency and cross functional groups meeting on as needs basis, or as part of dedicated project delivery.

5.6 Establish a system of performance monitoring and regularly report on centre performance

Indicators can be developed over time as additional resources become available. Initial indicators might include: Range and number of business and service

activities Range and number of employees Occupancy and vacancy rates Planning and Building approvals Business satisfaction and confidence levels Customer satisfaction levels Customer transport modal share Number and type of residential accommodation

Town Centre Management

Short Low

Council updates the Performance Monitoring report on an annual basis.

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Ref Action Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

5.7 Develop a communications strategy to ensure effective, timely and appropriate communications with internal and external stakeholders.

In the interim continue existing communications including production of the Sunshine Rising newsletter (quarterly) providing updates to the business and property owners about projects, developments, businesses, events and works in the Centre; updated webpage information and attendance and distribution of material at the Sunshine Listening Posts and Brimbank Festival

Professionally review and update the webpage providing a range of information including that below and examine interactive capacity with social media:

- Sunshine Rising Program - Events and Activities - Major Projects and Initiatives - Maintenance Projects - Business Attraction Information - Newsletters - Links to other key sites

Town Centre Management / Communications and Media

Short Low

A series of communications continues to be delivered including webpage information, quarterly Sunshine Rising newsletters and flyers, social media, and work to support the SBA’s communication. Council’s webpage will be further improved as part a review and update that commenced in 2014/15.

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Ref Action Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

5.8 Continue to engage and consult the community in the preparation of major plans, projects strategies and initiatives that impact the centre.

Consultation project briefs should be prepared for major projects and strategies that significantly impact the community.

Multiple / Community Planning and Engagement

Ongoing Low

Key major projects that occurred in 2014/15 included Amendment C105 which also included the Northern Sunshine Development Framework Plan, the Southern Sunshine Urban Design Framework. Consultation has also been undertaken for the Hampshire Road Masterplan.

5.9 Continue to establish and develop relationships with property owners, business and service operators, community facilities and services and other agencies that have a presence in the centre including attendance at the Sunshine District Community Service Network meetings

Town Centre Management

Ongoing Low

Council facilitates quarterly meetings with key service and network providers across the Sunshine District.

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Ref Action Lead Timeframe Budget Scope

Status Comments

5.10 Continue to support the growth and development of the Sunshine Business Association in line with Council’s Business Association Support Policy.

Town Centre Management

Ongoing Low

Council officers attend monthly Business Association meetings.

5.11 Work with the Sunshine Business Association to development appropriate governance and administration processes to enable expenditure of the marketing and promotional special rate or charge funds by the Sunshine Business Association.

Town Centre Management / Economic Development

Short Low

Council will work with the SBA throughout the term of the special rate in the administration of the scheme as defined in the payment agreement.

5.12 Support the Sunshine Business Association in the engagement of a marketing coordinator including the establishment of a position description that clearly defines the role, responsibilities and key performance indicators (pending the successful introduction of the scheme).

Town Centre Management

Medium Low

The SBA engaged a Marketing Coordinator in 2013/14.

5.13 Ensure a communication plan is implemented for all major initiatives / projects occurring in the centre identifying both internal and external stakeholders.

Multiple Ongoing Low

Occurs as part of all major projects.

* Subject to the annual capital works and operational budget process undertaken by Brimbank Council