The implementation of national exam in Indonesia has face so many problem, it’s been happened since our nation committed to implement the national exam, national exam usually have their problem on the budget which is always improve every year because the number of student that join the national exam are always increasing then the issue on the leak of answer key which has been our common knowledge and also the problem related to distributing and printing just like the quote which is stated above. The quote above is talking about the lack by our government which can’t distribute the question packages on time to all over Indonesia, this problem force the Abdul Jamal, head of education department in Pekanbaru, to copy the question packages and distribute it to the student on him district, this problem actually happened in the national exam on 2013. The government decision to continue their project of changing national examination into an online exam is great decision because this project able to reduce the negative things from the written national examination for example on the printing and distributing the package also on the act of cheating by the particular person that very well known by our public but it is not only able to reduce the negative from written national examination but also able to lift up the education system in Indonesia become more modern and technological savvy.

Repair Chapter 1

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Page 1: Repair Chapter 1

The implementation of national exam in Indonesia has face so many problem, it’s been happened since our nation committed to implement the national exam, national exam usually have their problem on the budget which is always improve every year because the number of student that join the national exam are always increasing then the issue on the leak of answer key which has been our common knowledge and also the problem related to distributing and printing just like the quote which is stated above. The quote above is talking about the lack by our government which can’t distribute the question packages on time to all over Indonesia, this problem force the Abdul Jamal, head of education department in Pekanbaru, to copy the question packages and distribute it to the student on him district, this problem actually happened in the national exam on 2013.

The government decision to continue their project of changing national examination into an online exam is great decision because this project able to reduce the negative things from the written national examination for example on the printing and distributing the package also on the act of cheating by the particular person that very well known by our public but it is not only able to reduce the negative from written national examination but also able to lift up the education system in Indonesia become more modern and technological savvy.