Renewing Our Center 2nov2014

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  • 8/10/2019 Renewing Our Center 2nov2014



    Every now and then we need to take some time and ask how our

    lives are centered. What is it that we live for Who are we most

    !assionate a"out What takes #reatest !riority in our life $ow

    does what I do% re&ect my love and devotion for what means most

    to me 'nd most of us who come to worshi!% would like to "elieve

    that God himself is whom we live for. There are those times in life

    when we sim!ly need to !ause and (renew our center%( )) "ein#

    focused on the *ord.

    This morning were going to compare Self Centered People to

    Christ Centered People so that we can learn the difference and

    hopefully walk away from this message with a desire to be a

    Christ Centered Person!

    Today Well look at the comparisons of being SELF


    These two battle each other in the life of the Christian every day! And

    yes Christians can be a self centered as anyone else! n fact" sometimes

    they are! #e can claim to ge a Christian" which most of do" and still live a

    life that is self centered!

    $eing C%&ST C'(T'&') is the antithesis of the path the world is on" itis diametrically opposed to the way the world lives %ere is the word that

    describes the world * S'+, C'(T'&') S'+, C'(T'&') is the

    essential bias of the unregenerate heart and it is the potential weakness of

    the regenerate heart ,or the unsaved" life is lived rather selfishly (o matter

    what garments of humanistic philanthropy or benevolence they may cloak it

    in" it is" never the less" S'+, C'(T'&') S'+, C'(T'&') living is self

    damaging in the short term" and ultimately self destroying in the long term

    Salvation is -ods way of turning you from a S'+, C'(T'&')" self

  • 8/10/2019 Renewing Our Center 2nov2014


    damaging and self destroying life to a C%&ST C'(T'&') way of life

    +iving a Christ centered life is neither form nor method" it is source

  • 8/10/2019 Renewing Our Center 2nov2014


    +. IN E'C$ O, U- I- ' (-EE O, RE*IGION.( There are many di/erent

    reli#ions around this world today. There are also many di/erent thin#s

    that !eo!le will !lace their faith in. One way to 0nd out who you

    worshi! is "y askin# how do you s!end your time. What is it that you

    are !assionate a"out 1any !eo!le live for their 2o"s. -ome !eo!le are

    !assionate a"out makin# money% or "ein# noticed. Others worshi!

    their family. There isn3t anythin# they would not do for their children.

    The a!ostle 4aul makes the claim that inside every human "ein# is a

    knowled#e of God and that we had "etter "e careful with that

    knowled#e% "ecause we have "een created to worshi! him5 (The wrath

    of God is "ein# revealed from heaven a#ainst all the #odlessness and

    wickedness of men who su!!ress the truth "y their wickedness% since

    what may "e known a"out God is !lain to them% "ecause God has

    made it !lain to them. ,or since the creation of the world God3s

    invisi"le 6ualities )) his eternal !ower and divine nature )) have "een

    clearly seen% "ein# understood from what has "een made% so that men

    are without e7cuse( Rom. +8+9%:;. The $eidel"er# Catechism% a

    reformed confession s!eaks to the heart% with its "e#innin# 6uestion5

    (What is your only comfort in life and in death There is another

    reformed confession from the 4res"yterian Church% called the

    Westminster Confession and it "e#ins with this 6uestion5 (What is the

    chief end of man( 'nd the answer is5 (That I may #lorify God and

    en2oy him forever( The soul !ur!ose of every man% women and child

    is to #lorify God and en2oy hm forever. We have "een created to

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    worshi! God and have him in the center of our lives.

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    God attem!tin# to restore himself as man3s center. ,irst8 (@ou shall

    have no other #ods "efore me.( I often marveled at the thunderstorms

    descri"ed in 4salm :9. $ave you ever "een cam!in# in a tent% when

    the weather was hot and haAy and humid% creatin# a !retty #oodatmos!here for thunderstorms 1ost !eo!le welcome storms then

    "ecause they are often followed "y cooler air that cleans out the

    humidity. Ima#ine "ein# in a tent where the thunder clouds decide to

    !ark ri#ht over to!. The sounds of clashin# thunder are deafenin#. 'nd

    there is always the threat of li#htenin# strikin# down "ranches and

    trees and landin# who knows where. That could "e a very fri#htenin#


  • 8/10/2019 Renewing Our Center 2nov2014


    1oses was receivin# this second commandment $e made Israel a

    #olden calf. What could some of our #olden calves "e today( I have a

    hunch that our televisions could serve as #olden calves today% "ecause

    we s!end an awful lot of time "owin# in front of our televisions. In thethird commandment God says5 (@ou shall not misuse my nameB( God

    wants to "e taken seriously% and that includes anyone who uses his

    name% and anyone who calls themselves a (Christian.( 'nd fourth8

    (O"serve the -a""ath ayB( '#ain% this has everythin# to do with

    kee!in# God at our center. 'nd God #ave many instructions

    surroundin# -a""ath rest. In hearin# these four commandments%

    instead of restorin# our center% what we 6uickly come to realiAe is how

    far we3ve "een !ushed o/ from center.

    >. GO3- *'W REE'*- $OW ,'R O,, WE 'RE. In our day to day

    routine% we seem to have limited worshi! to what ha!!ens in the

    church on -undays. It3s no wonder that the church has allowed worshi!

    wars to distract their attention from almi#hty God. 1any #rew u! with

    a rhythm of #oin# to church twice on -undays "ut today many more

    "elieve that it3s enou#h to #o to church even once a month.

    enominational !u"lishin# houses are "ein# careful how they structure

    their church school materials% realiAin# that teachers no lon#er commit

    themselves to "ein# in church every -unday for an entire season. D

    satellite tv) Indonesia a lot of !ro#rammes% re#ardin# "i"le% they

    !refer to watch it rather than #o watch tv.

    Go to a s!orts "ar on any #iven ,riday evenin# and listen to the

    conversations that are takin# !lace with the !eo!le around the ta"le

  • 8/10/2019 Renewing Our Center 2nov2014


    ne7t to you. What kind of lan#ua#e is "ein# used These are ordinary

    !eo!le in an ordinary !lace% more often than not% youn#er !eo!le and

    sin#le youn# adults lookin# for a !lace to han# out. The lan#ua#e that

    they use or don3t use will tell you very 6uickly whether God is even intheir lives let alone how much he is centered in their "ein#. There are

    an overwhelmin# ma2ority of !eo!le who sim!ly do not see the need to

    worshi! God% let alone !lace him in the center of our lives. (The fool

    says in his heart% There is no God3 They are corru!t% their deeds are

    vile5 there is no one who does #ood.( F4salm +>8+ Today3s academic

    culture has !laced self in the center. We are a self)centered culture that

    has !ushed God outside of our circles% and !laced him on the sidelines

    of life. Universities and schools have no !lace for God. Courts and

    2udicial systems have no !lace for God. The "usiness world is very

    tou#h to work and com!ete in and has an entire "usiness ethic of its

    own. Television news s!ecialiAes in "roadcastin# chan#e and unrest

    and fear. Commercials "reed dissatisfaction with what you have. 'nd

    when we read God3s law a#ainst our !resent day to day life% it has a

    way of revealin# 2ust how far o/ center our culture has "ecome. 'nd

    that3s the very reason =esus came into this world% to renovate our


    H. =E-U- C'1E TO RENO'TE OUR $E'RT-. $e came to reali#n our

    or"it. $e came to reintroduce us to our ,ather in heaven and reconcile

    with him. When asked what was the #reatest commandment to man%

    this was the *ord3s res!onse. (The most im!ortant one%( answered=esus is this8 ($ear% ; Israel% the *ord our God% the *ord is one. (*ove

    the *ord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all

    your mind and with all your stren#th.( F1ark +:8?; What3s interestin#

    is that =esus did not talk a"out somethin# that we needed to do

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    e7ternally. Nor did he talk a"out thin#s that we had to make sure that

    we did not do. Instead% he focused on our insides% on our most "asic

    structures and characteristics of humanity. $e talked a"out the need to

    transform our insides. =esus "rou#ht a messa#e to our minds% and amirror to our "odies% and a ma#nifyin# #lass to our hearts% and a

    makeover to our souls.

    There is a transformation that takes !lace when we invite =esus into

    our hearts% and for#iveness is 2ust the "e#innin# of that 2ourney. When

    we invite =esus into our center% our hearts and souls and minds and

    stren#th "e#in to chan#e. Worshi! s!reads this makeover into all of

    life% as we "ecome a new creation. 4aul says5 (God made him who had

    no sin to "e sin for us% so that in him we mi#ht "ecome the

    ri#hteousness of God( : Corinthians H8:. 'nd this is where we need to

    follow =esus. ,ollowin# =esus hel!s restore our center in two ways.

    . ,O**OWING =E-U- 1'JE- WOR 'N EE RENEWE. That3s what

    many churches with furniture in front attem!t to !roclaim. 1any

    churches have three !ieces of furniture in front% which include a"a!tismal fount% markin# our "e#innin# in Christ3s ri#hteousness. 'nd

    it is only the "e#innin#. It includes a !ul!it which re!resents God3s


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    Emmaus% where he came u! alon#side two disci!les. They were still

    #rievin# his death% "ut had heard rumors of his resurrection. They

    invited =esus into their home to eat with them% and when =esus took

    "read% #ave thanks and "roke it% their eyes were o!ened. They saw=esus as havin# risen from the dead and he e7!lained all of scri!ture to

    them with such incredi"le insi#ht.

    There are times when we should cele"rate communion to serve as

    reminders of the facts that we worshi! a risen *ord and that everythin#

    we do durin# each day of the week should "e done in his name.

    Communion hel!s us have our centers restored% #ivin# God the #lory in

    everythin# we do. The '!ostle 4aul says5 ('nd whatever you do%

    whether in word or deed% do it all in the name of the *ord =esus #ivin#

    thanks to God the ,ather throu#h him( Colossians ?8+K. The focus of

    communion must also invite us to follow our risen *ord.

    In "oth word and deed% God has invited us to#ether to "ecome

    reali#ned in our center% "y followin# his -on% =esus Christ. The

    invitation is there% as =esus says5 (,ollow 1e.(