Rendalir Remembered Setting Guide Edition 1.1 Written by Danielle Collins, Emily Gittelman, Trevor Hough, and Andrew Rowe

Rendalir Remembered Setting Guide, Edition 1.1

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Setting guids for the Rendalir LARP Campaign Setting.

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Page 1: Rendalir Remembered Setting Guide, Edition 1.1

Rendalir Remembered

Setting Guide

Edition 1.1

Written by Danielle Collins, Emily Gittelman, Trevor Hough, and Andrew Rowe

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Table of Contents

Introduction ......................................................................................................... 5

Character Design ................................................................................................... 6

Races ................................................................................................................... 7

Human .............................................................................................................................. 7

Taylan ............................................................................................................................... 7

Cultures ................................................................................................................ 8

The Continent of Irune .................................................................................................... 9

The Sovereign Empire of Davorin ............................................................................................... 12

The Marshes of Amyntas ............................................................................................................... 14

The Port of Myrrine ........................................................................................................................ 16

The Barbarian Nation of Vanaar .................................................................................................. 18

The Kingdom of Fenir .................................................................................................................... 20

The Laisen Chiefdoms .................................................................................................................... 22

The Continent of Danane ............................................................................................... 24

The Empire of Eygenia................................................................................................................... 27

The Vassal State of Varetta .......................................................................................................... 29

The Vassal State of Vaynta ........................................................................................................... 31

Alkino, Worshippers of the Volcano ........................................................................................... 34

The Continent of Toriq .................................................................................................. 36

The Nation of Isokratia .................................................................................................................. 38

The Cyrine Confederacy ............................................................................................................... 40

The Puritan Nation of Monteaqe ................................................................................................. 42

The Empire of Qin .......................................................................................................................... 44

The Republic of Kennis .................................................................................................................. 46

Chariton, Davorinian Silver Colony ............................................................................................ 48

The Continent of XXX (Machafuko) ......................................................................... 50

Extorria, or ‘XXX’............................................................................................................................ 53

The Sanquo of the Savannah ........................................................................................................ 57

The Unbound ...................................................................................................... 59

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The Floating Nation of Tinzan ..................................................................................................... 59

The Wandering Toulka ................................................................................................................... 61

International Organizations ................................................................................. 63

Caduceus ........................................................................................................................................... 63

The Bureau of Intellectual Property .......................................................................................... 63

Mish’al ............................................................................................................................................... 63

The Noblesse Oblige ....................................................................................................................... 64

League of the Night Lilies ............................................................................................................. 64

The Black Hellebores ..................................................................................................................... 64

The Expatriates ............................................................................................................................... 64

Masters of the Web ......................................................................................................................... 65

Sir Podvin Kent’s Legionnaires .................................................................................................... 65

The Inexplicables ............................................................................................................................ 65

The Kunmar Legion ........................................................................................................................ 65

Zenais’ Marauders ........................................................................................................................... 66

Sorcery ............................................................................................................... 67

Religion ............................................................................................................. 69

Miruna, The Kingmaker ................................................................................................................. 69

Ionel, The Everlast ......................................................................................................................... 69

Kephas, The Warrior ...................................................................................................................... 70

Vendria, The Maiden ...................................................................................................................... 70

Zenais, The Tempest ...................................................................................................................... 71

Fiachna, The Darkwood ................................................................................................................ 71

Madron, The Forsaken ................................................................................................................... 72

Kishor, The Artisan ......................................................................................................................... 72

Vasilia, The Veiled .......................................................................................................................... 72

Astrella, The Radiant ..................................................................................................................... 73

Vazoura, The Scourge .................................................................................................................... 73

Atmora, The Shapeless .................................................................................................................. 74

Sychros, The Volcano ..................................................................................................................... 74

Bitoku................................................................................................................................................. 74

Torquin, The Purifier ..................................................................................................................... 75

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Rovisia, The Enlightened .............................................................................................................. 75

Danik, The Mountain ...................................................................................................................... 75

Ceriane, The Alchemist ................................................................................................................. 76

Chorazan, The Jester .................................................................................................................... 76

The Apparition ................................................................................................................................. 77

Tumatuenga ..................................................................................................................................... 77

Lyrielle, The Beacon ...................................................................................................................... 77

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Rendalir Remembered is a dark fantasy live action roleplaying game that will begin

running in Southern California in the year 2015. It takes place on the planet Rendalir, a

world drenched in sorcery, war, and intrigue, and populated by multiple nations of humanity

forced to cohabitate with hundreds of divine and semi-divine beings. It is an exploration of

the struggle of mankind to maintain order and find their own way in the face of constant

interference by the gods, both welcome and unwelcome, and will focus on themes related to

human nature, morality, and the meaning of life.

The purpose of this guide is to provide our potential players with an impression of

the many character options that are available to them. You will notice that there are no rules

or game mechanics contained within this document: that is intentional. We would like you to

take this opportunity to read through the races, cultures, and deities of this setting in order

to begin forming an idea of the type of character you would like to play, their origin, and how

they will fit into the world. Once you have that concept clear in your mind you should then

use our accompanying ruleset to choose the skills that are appropriate for the persona that

you have created. We have included some questions below that you may use to assist in

the character design process.

Once you have formed a character concept you should send an email with details to

the following address:

[email protected]

You are also strongly encouraged to send in any questions or concerns that may

arise during this process. For questions regarding specific cultures you should address your

email to a specific Game Designer using the below breakdown as a guide:

Danielle Collins: Fenir, Davorin, Myrrine, Amyntas, Laise, Cyrine Confederacy, Chariton

Emily Gittelman: Eygenia, Vaynta, Varetta, Alkino, Toulka, Isokratia, Kennis, Extorria

Trevor Hough: Vanarmenn, Monteaqe, Qin, Yano, Sanquo, Tinzan

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Character Design

The questions below are guidelines - you can send us more or less information if you

choose. What is your character's full name? How old is your character? What is your character's race and nationality? (human, taylan, Davorinian, Eygenian, etc.) What professions has your character worked during life, if any? (blacksmith, innkeeper, etc.) Where did your character grow up? In the forest? A small town? One of the big cities? What lore skills does your character have? (This is important - we send you information based on which lores you purchase.) What major cities have you spent a lot of time in, if any? What deity or deities does your character worship, if any? How serious is your character about their faith? How much combat experience does your character have, if any? Who did your character grow up around? Friends? Parents? Siblings? Are any of your characters friends or family members still alive? Are they significant in his or her life? What is your character's most prized possession? Does your character have any secrets? What are your character's short term goals? What are your character's long term goals? Does your character have any biases or preconceived notions about certain people, religions, or anything else? Does your character have any enemies? What is your character's greatest fear? What comforts your when he or she is upset, scared, etc?

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The world of Rendalir is comprised of three types of beings, or races: humans, gods, and their mutual offspring, taylan. The two playable races are humans and taylan.


The vast majority of people living on Rendalir are human. They have differing cultural and religious practices depending on which culture they identify with, but they are all human. Humans have ready access to sorcery, though whether or not they choose to use this power, and how, is dependent upon their cultural origins.

Humans are generally 5 ft to 6.5 ft in height. The color of their skin ranges from pale white to tan to dark brown or black. Their hair is usually brown, blonde, red, black, or grey. Their eyes are brown, blue, green, grey, or some sort of mixture of these colors.

Certain cultures have bred in such a way to either emphasize or eliminate gender disparity. While male humans are typically larger than female humans, this is not always the case. In Alkino, female humans can be just as large and muscular as male humans whereas in Eygenia, female humans tend to be smaller than usual. In Monteaqe, male and female humans are physically indistinguishable while clothed.


Gods on Rendalir are very active in human affairs. Some are more active than others, but all take some part. How a god interacts with humanity differs depending on that god’s personality or goals. Occasionally, a god will see fit to mate with a human, creating half god, half human offspring. As this offspring reproduces, the portion of its blood which is divine diminishes, but is always present in some way.

Taylans look, for all purposes, human. Some gods have trademarks to identify their offspring, such as a specific hair color, eye color, or birthmark. But some Taylan cannot be physically identified in any way.

The main difference between a Taylan and a human is in their ability to draw on certain areas of magic. Humans tend to generalize in magic, having access to whichever dominions they choose (though usually associated with a god they worship). Taylans find they are much more adept at the dominions of the god from which they are descended and sometimes struggle with dominions outside of that, particularly if that dominion is opposite to one of their strengths.

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Rendalir is divided into four continents: Irune, Danane, Toriq, and XXX. Irune and

Danane share the same landmass but are separated from one another by the Sharoh Cliffs,

while Toriq and XXX are separate landmasses entirely. Toriq is geographically closest to

Irune’s southwestern edge and XXX can most quickly be reached by sailing southeast from

Danane. Instantaneous travel between Irune, Danane, and Toriq has also been made

possible through the use of powerful sorcerous artifacts known as Waygates, objects that

are maintained and taxed by the Cyrine Confederacy on Toriq. There is no Waygate on

XXX, as the Confederacy cannot conceive of a reason why anyone would want to travel


Each continent contains multiple established nations and smaller settlements. The

larger cultures and their governments are featured in this guide; however other groups and

peoples certainly exist in the world.

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The Continent of Irune

The conquest of Myrrine by the city-state of Davorin 75 years ago marked the first step in Davorin’s expansion into an empire. Though Davorin has since professed that they conquered the smaller nation in order to save them from absolute destruction at the hands of the Cyrine Confederacy, the Myrrine certainly did not throw open their doors in welcome, and tensions have remained high between the tributary and their new parent empire.

Not a quarter of a century after Davorin began its expansion, Vanarmenn raids gradually started to decrease, though their actions continued to estrange them from the other nations. With their reputation in tatters and their economy crumbling, Vanar approached Davorin 30 years ago with the hope of striking an alliance. Davorin agreed to offer Vanar aid, on the condition that they cease all raiding and stop taking slaves, which was scheduled to occur gradually over the following 25 years.

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Within the same year as the Davorinian-Vanarmenn alliance, Queen Caliphae of Fenir died giving birth to her first and only child. Not five years later, Caliphae’s widower, King Demyan, remarried, claiming a young and healthy noblewoman as his second wife. Barely three years into their marriage King Demyan died, leaving the throne to his young, pregnant bride. Shortly thereafter, she gave birth to what appeared to be a demigod, and whispers began to circulate about the Apparition’s influence upon the royal family.

20 years ago Davorinian explorers discovered a silver mine on the continent of Toriq. Seeking to claim the valuable resource before Monteaqe or the Cyrine Confederacy caught wind of it, Davorin sent a large contingent of soldiers to secure it. Needing skilled workers to mine the silver, the city-state of Chariton developed over the coming years as Davorin struck labor agreements with first Isokratia and later the Monteaqe; however, the mismatched union of cultures has only bred instability. Recently, Davorin has started to pay their own citizens considerable incentives to relocate to Chariton in order to work the mine, an arrangement that has led to the firing of several of the Isokratian and Monteaqe workers and a continuing succession of strikes and labor disputes.

In the wake of increasing aggression from the Laisen chiefdoms, Amyntans emerged from the Fiachna Forest for the first time in known history 12 years ago, offering an alliance to Davorin in exchange for martial protection. Davorin agreed, claiming Amyntas as their third tributary and using Amyntan intelligence to establish a significant military outpost in Fiachna. Several battles occurred between the Laisens and the Davorinian military over the following six months, until the Laisens finally ceased their attacks and retreated deeper into the forest after taking heavy losses.

While Davorin was distracted with Amyntas, a major uprising occurred in Myrrine. It was swiftly quelled; however, not before a significant portion of the city was destroyed by sorcery and fire. After further investigation Gurian Polani, the Myrrine senator at the time, was fingered as one of the leaders of the rebellion. Following a swift trial he was convicted of high treason and executed for his crimes. A new Myrrine senator was selected by the King, and the tributary slowly began to rebuild, now with a greatly increased military presence.

Five years ago sightings of Madron, The Forsaken began to pour in from Amyntas. Shortly thereafter all Laisen attacks ceased, and the Laisens have not been seen outside of Fiachna Forest since that time. Rumors that the Laisen chiefdoms have been united under a single ruler quickly followed, but the forest continues to remain silent, bathing Irune in a sense of uneasy peace.

Scarcely a year ago, King Marius of Davorin died of old age. A royal election was held for the first time in nearly 50 years, and Senator Dragomir Dumitru was selected as the new king. After claiming the crown, he appointed his younger brother as the new Turati Senator. A few months later High Priestess Iulia shocked the empire by resigning from her position. Senator Mircea Funar was elected to take her place, and she appointed Emilian Dalca as the new Vasile Senator.

Contributing to Irune’s political turmoil, Prince Arkadi seized the throne of Fenir three

months ago, directly following his mother’s death. He quickly forced his mortal half-sister,

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and the rightful heir to the throne, into exile. Fenir itself remains in a state of unrest; however, no one is willing to speak out against their new demigod ruler. Rumors continue to trickle out of the nation, and it would seem that King Arkadi is assembling an army of strange spectres, but no one seems to know to what end.

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The Sovereign Empire of Davorin

“I remember the first time that I walked through the city gate. I was at once

overwhelmed by the sheer number of people crowding the streets, the sense-shocking

abundance of sound, aroma, and color. Merchants cried out from their stalls, men and

women bantered and haggled, and children ran laughing through the masses, all under the

watchful eye of silver-clad guards. No face or dress was exactly alike, and I could not even

begin to identify the many places that had birthed the scene before me. For a moment I

simply stood there, jostled by passing shoulders and feet, and inhaled deeply. Hidden

amongst the odors of incense, seawater, and perspiring bodies was a sweeter scent than I

had ever experienced. It was the scent of freedom. The scent of choice. The scent of hope. At

last I had found home.”

-from the acceptance speech of Basima Nagi, Senator of the Jinan District

Davorin at a Glance

Patron Deity: Miruna, The Kingmaker Commonly Worshipped Deities: All

Type of Government: Ecclesiocratic republic ruled by elected Senate Population: 2,000,000 (not including tributaries)

Ideals: Sorcery, Law, Freedom, Diversity

Sample Male names: Acteon, Balius, Cephas, Erastus, Iacomus Sample Female names: Calliste, Dominia, Galena, Hecate, Rina

Davorin (DAV-oh-rin) is the chosen nation of Miruna, The Kingmaker. The height of civilization, Davorin is the largest nation on the continent of Irune, and features a variety of peoples and cultures, as well as sorcerous wonders. Magic is commonplace, to the point that nearly every citizen displays at least a minor talent in one Dominion or another, and the city-state is famous for its schools of sorcery, which are free to all citizens who wish to learn. Foreigners from all over Rendalir also travel to Davorin to study, though at a cost, and their sizeable tuitions allow the various colleges to keep their doors open and maintain the quality of their curriculums.

Davorin is ruled by an elected Senate, which in turn is overseen by a King and High Priestess. Freedom of choice is an important aspect of Davorinian society, and thousands of people have immigrated to the nation over the past several hundred years in order to have their voices heard. As a result, the streets of Davorin’s 10 districts are always crowded and loud, but never lacking in variety. Many who wish to avoid the crowds of the main city but still want to enjoy the benefits of the nation’s protection have moved to the surrounding countryside, which is dotted with a plethora of towns and hamlets. Others have sought refuge in one of Davorin’s three tributary states: Myrrine, Chariton, and Amyntas.

Opinions from Other Nations

Vanarmenn: “Davorin is our sister nation, whether they deign to remember this or not. We were born from the same place, a fact which we Vanarmenn do not forget. Still, even the

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closest siblings fight from time to time, and like any good brother we occasionally like to show our sibling a weak point where they could toughen up.”

Fenir: “With so many people crowding their streets, Davorin has completely lost their identity amidst a sea of mismatched voices. Vision and freedom are all well and good, but when you are constantly looking forward you forget the lessons of the past and those who have fought and bled to get you where you are now. A mistake that will one day come back to haunt them.”

Laise: “Careless, loud, and greedy elitists. They think that they can hide behind their high walls and pretty armor, but we see the cracks in their defenses. One day they will fall, and we will reclaim what was taken from us.”

The Cyrine Confederacy: “There is always good trade to be found in Davorin and they always pay their guild taxes on time. What more could you ask for?”

Eygenia: “Our great nations have more in common than the Davorinians may care to admit. They do not seem to understand our customs, but are always willing to listen without a word of judgment, at least to our faces. However, the large number of our people who have immigrated to Davorin recently implies something else altogether. I’ve even heard that Eygenian women have started to put aside their veils entirely there and roam the streets practically naked. A shocking rumor that has thrown Congress into a bit of an uproar. As it should. Why would any woman want to give away her power?”

Toulka: “Of the places we travel, Davorin is by far the friendliest. I have spent many harvest seasons in Teague making fair coin and charming pretty Davorinian girls with a song or two. Every welcome has its limit though, and even here we dare not linger for too long.”

The Tinzan: “I have a cousin who lives in Davorin. From what I hear he and his family make

a good living in the fish markets. But for all their fancy clothes and fine things I don’t know

how they can stand to remain on land for so long. Something about it just makes me sad.

Hey, that reminds me of a tale I heard once about a young Tinzan lad who strayed too far

from the sea…”

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The Marshes of Amyntas

“Fiachna grant me your protection. And in protection, stillness.

And in stillness, understanding. And in understanding, wisdom.

And in wisdom, empathy. And in empathy, forgiveness.

And in forgiveness, love. And through love, the love of all.

And through the love of all, peace."

-The prayer of the Aronde

Amyntas at a Glance

Patron Deities: Fiachna, The Darkwood Commonly Worshipped Deities: The Deepstrider, The Earthshaper, Atmora, Valie’e

Type of Government: Theocracy Population: 150,000

Ideals: Reflection, Solitude, Symbiosis, Peace

Sample Male names: Aedh, Caolan, Duane, Gruthrie, Hywel Sample Female names: Aelwen, Brangaine, Caera, Maiwen, Seirial

Sheltered deep within the heart of Fiachna Forest rests ancient Amyntas (uh-MEEN-

tus), a city-state raised and built upon miles of marshland, preserved by powerful water and earth sorcery. Now thought to be one of the first settlements on Irune, little was known about this reclusive nation until its representatives emerged to treat with Davorin a decade ago, seeking protection from their aggressive Laisen neighbors. During these peace talks Amyntas agreed to become a tributary of the much larger state, opening up previously unknown paths to the Davorinian military, providing them with a foothold in Fiachna, and establishing a trade of goods and wisdom that continues to benefit both nations.

The Amyntans are a subdued people, devoting their lives to reflection and prayer. Known as marshborn and treespeakers to the outside world, they acted as the sole companions and caretakers of Fiachna for centuries until the arrival of the displaced Laisens cast a shadow over their forest-god. Gradually their magic and connection to Fiachna has begun to fade, their city sinking and crumbling around them; however they continue to persevere. Guided by the knowledge of the Aronde, the collective of priests at the head of their government, they continue to search for the true source of the darkness that has left Fiachna disoriented and ill satisfied.

Peacemakers by nature, the Amyntans have attempted to treat with the Laisen chiefdoms on multiple occasions to no avail. They now rely upon the martial skill of the Davorinian military and their own powerful defensive sorcery to preserve their way of life. In the face of these challenges they have developed a strong friendship with their parent nation, sending some of their most promising acolytes to study at Davorin’s schools of

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magic and to assist in the maintenance and prosperity of the city. Several Davorinian citizens have also been welcomed into the fellowship of Amyntas’s own priesthood, further fostering the exchange of knowledge and respect.

Opinions from other Nations

Davorin: “Our brothers and sisters in Amyntas are the descendants of an ancient line, perhaps birthed by Fiachna itself. But whatever their origins the forest has clearly turned on them and their insistence on clinging to the past nearly destroyed their chance for a future. I pray that they will open their hearts to Miruna’s truth and leave the decay and corruption of Fiachna behind, before it is too late.”

Laise: “The Amyntans have grown weak and complacent in their solitude. They sealed their fate when they allied with the Davorinians. Fiachna no longer wants them here, and we do not want them either. One day soon their magic will fail them and we will claim what they have squandered.”

Fenir: “The marshborn refuse to abandon their history. I respect that, but their pacifism will likely spell their end. There is a time to stay your hand and a time to fight. If they do not break the Laisens soon then they will lose all. Some things are worth killing for.”

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The Port of Myrrine

“Life is too fleeting to chase illusions such as “morality” and “propriety”. Embrace its delicious pleasure and you’ll discover that those words are nothing more than cunningly disguised lies,

designed to keep you, ignorant and unquestioning, in your place. Give me music, sweet wine, and even sweeter women, and I will show you the only truth in life.”

-A toast delivered by Prince Kalidasa Naveed

Myrrine at a Glance

Patron Deity: Zenais, The Tempest Commonly Worshipped Deities: Kishor, Wavemaker, Windplayer, Lyrielle, The Whisperers

Type of Government: Oligarchic Republic Population: 500,000

Ideals: Industry, Ambition, Decadence, Quality

Male Sample Names: Aimui, Ibliso, Jumano, Nagibi, Rahimi Female Sample Names: Adiyda, Amirtia, Basmta, Duhta, Faridhda,

Far to the north of Davorin is the city-state of Myrrine (my-REEN), a small nation built around the Bay of Damodara. While they now function as a tributary of Davorin, they were not always under their control. Years ago they were the primary naval power on Irune, ruled by ambitious merchant-princes who maintained their decadent lifestyles through the goods they pirated from neighboring trade ships. Eventually the Cyrine Confederacy took exception to their thievery, offering a profitable trade agreement to Davorin if they solved their nations’ mutual problem. Davorin agreed to this arrangement and marched their army up the coast. Though several of the princes escaped on their ships to XXX, the city was cowed by the overwhelming numbers of Davorin’s military and quickly surrendered.

Since being conquered by Davorin, Myrrine has focused on developing their legal trades. They are particularly famous for their glasswrights, who produce breathtaking stained glass, as well as their turquoise dye, created from a rare plant that only grows in the Bay of Damodara. It is common for the dye workers to have blue-stained fingers, and blue hands have come to be associated with the Myrrine in general, both by citizens and outsiders. Embracing this as a symbol of their separate identity from Davorin several members of the gentry have begun intentionally dying their hands blue, a trend that has started to catch on amongst the lower classes.

. Myrrine ships are unrivaled by any other nation, and they have shared their

innovative designs with the Davorin navy, the majority of which is now based out of the

tributary. Davorin makes a significant profit off of Myrrine’s exports, a fact which the

remaining merchant-princes are acutely aware of. Every few years Davorin has to quell

another would-be rebellion, leading to the significant rise in the presence of their military in

the port city. Though the city-state continues to function, it does so in a constant state of

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tension as the Myrrine silently dream of one day reclaiming their independence and


Opinions from other Nations

Davorin: “I tire of the ingratitude of the Myrrine. If it weren’t for our interference the Cyrine Confederacy would have crippled them, or worse. We have given them a future where before none would have existed. They owe us far more than they could ever repay.”

Vanarrmen: “Missing something of value? Look for the man with the blue hands and you’ll have your culprit”

Cyrine Confederacy: “If I see a blue hand I immediately cut it off. The Consortium does not tolerate thieves.”

Monteaqe: “They are being punished for their debauchery and sin. I pray that the Davorinians may guide them to a better path.”

Eygenia: “They make the most beautiful turquoise veils. I have never seen a lovelier shade. I’ve heard that the men are also very pleasing to the eye, and know how to turn a pretty phase. It is a shame that my parents will never let me visit.”

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The Barbarian Nation of Vanaar

And soon after

In the outer realm,

We twain fore-knowing

Strode to the fighting;

Bears we hunted,

And shields we broke;

We strode through

The gray-mailed spear-host

We cast down a king,

To crown another;

To Vanarmenn good

We gave assistance;

No quiet was there

Ere Knudson fell.

This course we held

Those years continuous,

That we were known

For warriors mighty;

There with sharp spears

Wounds we scored,

Let blood from wounds,

And reddened the brand

-Saga of Knudsons Fall

Vanaar at a Glance

Patron Deities: Ionel, The Everlast and Kephas, The Warrior Type of Government: Feudal Chiefdom

Population: 1,200,000 Values: History, Strength, Community, Music, Survival

Sample Male Names: Olvir, Throgil, Horsven, Ivar, Gamli Sample Female Names: Beate, Geror, Eir, Hildir, Velaug

The Vanarmenn are a nation of warrior historians who protect history’s lessons with a spiritual fervor augmented by amazing physical strength, speed, resilience, and endurance. Living in the southwestern portion of Irune, the Vanarmenn are trained to fight from birth: even their farmers and homemakers can hold their own in battle. With the blessing of both The Everlast and The Warrior, the Vanarmenn have developed quite a fearsome reputation amongst the other nations. This reputation includes their penchant for raiding. Though there has been a drop in the number of recent attacks, relations with

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surrounding powers are strained at best and the Vanarmenn are often greeted with bitterness and mistrust by their immediate neighbors.

Beyond their antagonistic past, the Vanarmenn are best known for the Skalds, an order of warrior-poets who preserve the history of humanity through epics and song. In perhaps their most famous tale it is revealed that Ionel himself started this tradition, tasking the original clansmen with chronicling human deeds, big and small, valorous and corrupt, and passing these accounts onto their descendants. Though many Skalds remain in Vanarmenn, it is customary for them to travel for at least a portion of their life, singing, reciting, and composing all across Rendalir, as ordained by Ionel. As the road can be dangerous and their knowledge is a precious commodity, they are typically found in groups of at least three or more, and the force of their combined performances is considered quite the unforgettable experience.

At home the Vanarmenn live in a well-ordered society based on strict laws. Society is divided into three classes: the elite who hold great economic and militaristic power, the free-holding farmers with the right to bear arms and participate in public life, and slaves who have no rights. While some are hopeful in the way the nation is going and the relations it is trying to form, others are much more hesitant.

Opinions from Other Nations

Fenir: “When I was a little girl, a Vanarmenn raider desecrated my grandmother’s grave. They can make all the empty promises they want about reform, but I’ll never believe them. They’re barbarians through and through.”

Davorin: “We’ve had our troubles in the past, but we hope that the citizens of our sister nation have put their barbaric practices aside so that we can move together into a common future.”

Eygenia: “I don’t remember hearing about a raid in my lifetime, but I still don’t think I’d ever trust one of them. My mother told me the story of when her village was raided as a child. Bastards took people’s children; their daughters. I can’t even imagine the horrible desecration of their bodies that followed. I just pray to Vasilia the Vanarmenn keep their promises to stop the raids.”

Monteaqe: “They put much too much emphasis on masculinity, its quite disconcerting. And while their piety is commendable, it is also misguided.”

Toulka: “The Vanarmenn like to travel, so it’s not uncommon for us to see them on the road. It strikes me as odd that those who experience our lifestyle for a time don’t have more sympathy for us.”

Extorria: “These feckin’ shitheads are responsible fer our great nation. The best thing they

ever did fer us was leave us the feck alone.”

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The Kingdom of Fenir

“I remember how it felt to hold my daughter in my arms for the first and last time. She was so small. A pale, fragile thing, like a porcelain doll. She did not cry and wail like I had seen other children do. She was so serious, even from the beginning, as if she already knew what path lay before her. My little girl. In that moment I found peace in the knowledge that my death could

have no greater value. I had brought new life into the world. My name would not be forgotten.”

-Reflections attributed to the spirit of Queen Caliphae, sighted on her daughter’s 15th Eyvalday

Fenir at a Glance

Patron Deity: None. Deity worship is typically dictated by House tradition. Commonly Worshipped Deities: Lyrielle, The Beacon

Type of Government: Hereditary monarchy Population: 1,000,000

Values: Family, Tradition, Honor, Life, Death

Male Sample Names: Alexi, Feodot, Gugal, Isai, Mikhail Female Sample Names: Sashura, Zoya, Borbala, Galya, Katerinka

Fenir (feh-NEER) is an ancient kingdom carved from the base of the Sharoh cliffside, a mountain range that marks the natural border separating Irune from the continent of Danane. Ancestor veneration is a key aspect of Fenir culture and they are able to trace their family lines back to the first appearance of humans upon Rendalir. This history is detailed through the intricate murals and inscriptions decorating the walls of the massive tombs that make up the core architecture of the capital city, Aglaya. These burial tombs can also be found in several of Fenir’s smaller settlements, though they are not quite as grand in scale.

Marriage is a sacred rite in Fenir, and it is the key responsibility of every citizen to continue and honor their bloodline. Those who do not marry are typically shunned and there are special death houses where families send their unwed members to die. The Fenir are also infamous for their spirit marriages, a practice that they employ to remove the dishonor from deceased, unmarried children by marrying them to a living person and providing them with a lineage. This practice is somewhat controversial amongst the other nations but is a very important and respected facet of Fenir society.

Fenir has a particularly large population of spirits and is well known for its Spirit and Death casters. They are incredibly nationalistic to the point that they border on xenophobia. Outsiders are typically viewed with suspicion and restricted from involvement in many of their more sacred rites. They are also not permitted to enter certain portions of Aglaya, especially the ancestral tombs. For that reason much of what is known about the kingdom is formed from rumor and conjecture.

Opinions from Other Nations

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Davorin: “The concept that a person’s only value is determined by who they marry and their ability to produce children is troubling at best. They are so obsessed with preserving the memory of the past that they stunt their future. A nation that never grows, never changes, and cannot see the true value of their citizens is doomed to stagnation and decay.”

Toulka: “What they do to their ancestors is not veneration, it’s desecration. Their worship of death and resurrection has surely destroyed their souls and minds, and they will destroy the world as we know it.”

Vanarmenn: “Those that have finally passed on, whose song has been finished, should be allowed to be at peace. One should not be afraid of death, but neither should it be worshiped. They struggle to hold so tightly on to the past, that they are irreverent to its value.”

Tinzan: “They do not understand the powers they are messing with. Don’t they know what can happen when a spirit is trapped in this plane? I mean I heard about this Buccha years ago who tried to use a person’s spirit as a...”

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The Laisen Chiefdoms

“No one can escape their shadow.”

-A common Laisen saying

Laise at a Glance

Patron Deity: Madron, The Forsaken Type of Government: Multiple chiefdoms, recently united under a High King

Population: Unknown Values: Dominance, Legacy, Nature, Vengeance

Male Sample Names: Akil, Edrigu, Garai, Patxi, Urtzi Female Sample Names: Amalure, Catalin, Ikurne, Mirari, Sabine

Proud and fierce warriors, the Laise (LA-shuh) dominated the continent of Irune nearly a millennia ago, holding it in an iron grip of bloodshed and fear. After centuries of conflict with Davorin and the Vanarmenn their control was finally broken, and the Laisens were pushed back into the Fiachna Forest, where the nation still exists, but as a mere shadow of its former self. Since that time they have devolved into a collective of chiefdoms, each seeking to reclaim the prestige of their ancient forbearers while placing the blame for the nation’s fall on the weakness of their fellow clansmen. These blood feuds have trapped the Laise in a vicious cycle of internal strife, severely hindering their efforts to rebuild and making unity all but impossible, at least until recently.

Surrounded by enemies and weakened by their bloodlust and constant infighting, the Laise would have likely been wiped out years ago if it were not for the protection of the forest itself. Stories and legends abound about Fiachna, telling of shifting pathways, sudden mists, strange lights, and an almost intelligent awareness. For decades the marsh-dwellers of Amyntas were thought to be its primary denizens and custodians; however, when the Laisens retreated beneath the canopy of trees Fiachna granted them refuge, welcoming the defeated people and sharing its secrets. Since that time the Laise have learned to harness that gift, melding with tree, leaf, and root, haunting the shade of the forest and descending upon unsuspecting travelers.

Hearts filled with vengeance and Ill content to remain unrecognized in the darkness, the Laisens have consistently pushed to seize border settlements from Davorin and the Vanarmenn throughout known history. That began to change nearly five years ago with reports from Amyntas about followers of an unknown entity called Madron, The Forsaken. These reports were soon followed by rumors of the Laisen chiefdoms being united under a single ruler. Since that time all Laisen aggression has ceased and Fiachna has grown quiet, as if waiting with bated breath.

Opinions from Other Nations

Davorin: “For all their talk of pride and superiority, they hide in the forest like the cowards they are, afraid to face the consequences of their actions. I heard that they have finally managed to find themselves a leader, but I can hardly give credit to that rumor. It is their

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nature to betray and spoil. Surely any illusion of unity will crumble quickly. But, it is no matter. If they dare challenge us we will simply beat them back again. Even ‘united’ they could not best the might of our army.”

Vanarmenn: “It has been many years since I crossed blades with a Laisen. I wonder if they are still the devastating warriors of legend. Even a single Laisen is not a threat to take lightly and I fear that our Davorinian neighbors may underestimate their capabilities and their lust for vengeance. We remember the stories. If they have truly united under a single ruler then we may all very well be in danger.”

Amyntas: “The Laisens do not understand our Fiachna and I fear what the forest has become under their influence. In a way, I pity them. In their obsession for revenge and power they have never known peace, only loss and carnage. And now I hear whispers of Madron walking among them. He will ever be their curse, not their savior. If only they would listen.”

Fenir: “The Laisens are a plague upon Irune. They destroy everything they touch, including

one another. They are more akin to rabid dogs than people, and should be put down. It is

no wonder that their empire failed all those years ago.”

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The Continent of Danane

The recent history of Danane consists mostly of the expansion of the Empire of Eygenia. For many centuries, the Empire consisted of the six kingdoms of Eygenia, but recently, they’ve been looking outward for new territories and resources. The past two hundred years or so have seen a rapid expansion to the point where the Empire of Eygenia now spans the entire continent of Danane. The only nation not under their domain is Alkino.

The first addition to the empire was the resort town of Ypervasi. The symbiotic relationship between the two led to a formal agreement of absorption. Both the Eygenians and the Ypervasi were very pleased about this arrangement.

That was how things stood for decades until one hundred and eighteen years ago when the Kingdom of Varetta became a vassal state. This was a very contentious event from which the reverberations and consequences can still be felt. The Varettans initiated the exchange but now regret their decision and do not feel the conditions of their arrangement to be fair. Since this time, their nation has been in a steep decline. The formation of the Amdhara, or black markets, started roughly fifteen years after their absorption into the Empire. While small at first, the vast network of markets has grown to be quite comprehensive. The Eygenians constantly try to contain it and shut it down, but it’s so pervasive that doing so is a monumental task.

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Even more difficult recently is policing the sale and distribution of a highly addictive hallucinogen named kwam. Since first being synthesized thirteen years ago, use of the drug has spread widely and quickly. It didn’t take very long for the terrible effects of the drug to become clear and for it to be banned across Eygenia. Of course, this only made it more popular among Varettans. Many Eygenians complain about the resources spent trying to eradicate the substance, saying it’s a waste and the Varettans should be allowed to waste away and commit suicide if they’re so determined. Other Eygenians see the sense in containing the issue so it doesn’t infiltrate their own cities.

The most recent expansion to the Eygenian Empire was the conquering of the Republic of Vaynta. Publicly, the justification was a response to increased turmoil among the Kiravany slave class which was upsetting the continental economy. Privately, many speculate that the Eygenians did this to gain access to a valuable resource called lumenite. Twenty-two years ago, the Eygenians marched their army into Vaynta. The Republic was far outmatched. The city walls fell in six days. Guerilla warfare continued for several years, but since then has been mostly contained other than the occasional outbreak.

Four years ago, the Eygenians freed the Kiravany from their slavery. There was a large propaganda campaign where the Eygenians, with the help of the Kiravany, painted themselves as the moral compass of the land, freeing the Kiravany in the name of justice. Many speculated the Eygenians were more interested in finding out information about lumenite from the Kiravany. It is unclear if the freedom movement achieved that particular result.

Tensions between the Kiravany and the Mochan (the Vayntan upper class) are very high. Riots are not uncommon. Instead of creating peace in the land, as the Eygenians claimed, freeing the Kiravany may have had the opposite effect.

Alkino has yet to fall under control of the Eygenian Empire. The Eygenians say they have no interest in conquering Alkino. They see little benefit in doing so and know it would only mean taking over the burden of Sychros’ bargain. However, tensions between Alkino and Eygenia have grown less polite over the last seven years.

A decade ago, relations between the Empire and the small nation had relaxed. For the first time in more than a century, an Eygenian ambassador was invited to enter Alkino. The ambassador enjoyed a lengthy stay and was able to observe much of Alkino life. He wrote a letter to the Eygenian government recording much of the information he’d learned. His attitude towards Alkino life was very disapproving. The condemning letter was intercepted by Alkino spies and sent to the Alkino government who widely circulated it as evidence that their neighbors could not be trusted or expected to understand Alkino life. Since then the Alkino have become very reclusive, skeptical of any foreigners.

Throughout the continent, tensions with the Toulka persist. There is a rising movement among the Toulka that promotes the use of violence in order to obtain a homeland. It is unclear whether this is an organized movement or merely one of sentiment, but acts of violence have dramatically increased in the last several decades.

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Six months ago, tensions culminated in the largest riot in recorded history. The origin of the riot is unclear, but the rumor is that it started when a Toulka man tried to take an Eygenian woman as his bride. The woman’s parents refused to approve the match and so the young lovers ran away together in the night. The woman was Adelaide Pomony, the youngest daughter of Colin Pomony, current head of the Pomony house. Colin used the vast resources of his army and sent his hounds after the young lovers. They were found several days later hiding in the forest outside the capital city of Tovastya. The Toulka boy was killed by soldiers and Adelaide was recovered. Upon her return to her family’s house, she stabbed herself in the heart.

The Toulka boy’s family was outraged. They spread the story throughout the land, calling for retribution. His eldest brother led thousands of Toulka into Tovastya. They torched local businesses and raided local homes. An entire section of the city burned before the fire was contained; but the protesters were expertly squashed by Pomony forces. After three days of riots, the brother, along with the other leaders of the riot, were found and hung in the city square. In fear, and without the support of their leaders, the rioters dispersed.

Though tensions persist, things have been mostly quiet other than a small, contained

disturbance here and there. Some Eygenians worry it has been too quiet and fear another large uprising.

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The Empire of Eygenia

“When I was a little girl, I was fascinated by my mother’s veil. I would trace the pattern of the lace with my fingers, imagining what my own veil would one day look like. I thought hers was the

most beautiful in the world, making her the most beautiful. But it wasn’t until my own veiling that I understood the true power of the veil: to see without being seen.”

-Felisia Agnot to her daughter on the day of her veiling

Eygenia at a Glance

Patron Deity: Vasilia, The Veiled Type of Government: Aristocratic Bureaucracy

Population: 6 million (not including vassals) Values: Chivalry, Nobility, Prestige, Mystery

Sample Male Names: Hadi, Alain, Bakrille, Denim, Fazier Sample Female Names: Aaliyah, Dima, Yasmine, Shanette, Ranelle

The Empire of Eygenia (ay-JEN-ya) is a highly stratified patriarchal bureaucracy characterized by a deep appreciation for the feminine mystique. The two sexes are considered to have specialized areas of expertise: men are considered more fit to judge temporal issues, while women better understand spiritual matters

All political and economic power is held by the sons of noble families. Brave warriors, epic poets, and, rumor has it, passionate lovers, an Eygenian man is groomed to earn the power and prestige that comes with his title. However, men are required to marry before they are considered adults and can participate in government. It is the Eygenian man’s duty to protect his woman and her honor, even with his very life if necessary.

Eygenian women spend much of their time in spiritual pursuits. It is their duty to raise children in Vasilia’s image, instructing the next generation in their moral duties. They are commonly considered the most beautiful and clever women in all of Rendalir. Cloaked from head to foot in intricate shrouds, their mystery is kept alive from generation to generation. They are women for which wars are fought and fortunes are won, and lost.

Eygenia is actually a unification of six different kingdoms. The descendants of those

kings are now the six noble houses who run the government and dominate the economy. Each noble house has a knightly order that runs its military force. The only way to become a noble if you’re not born one is to marry a noble’s daughter. In a way, this ensures a certain amount of merit in the upper class, for Eygenians always marry for love; as long as they can afford to, that is. The Empire spans the continent of Danane. Neighboring states pay tribute to them in exchange for the protection of their massive, highly trained army. There are many who fear a continued expansion, and many who resent the power that the Eygenian’s yield, but there are also those who are grateful for the many perks of being a subsidiary of the Eygenian empire.

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Opinions from Other Nations

Vaynta, the Mochan Perspective: “The Eygenian plague has ravished our nation: their armies slaughtered our youth, their taxes pillaged our wealth, and their insidious influence has tainted our culture. After more than a century of occupation, it seems we’ll never be rid of this curse.

Vaynta, the Kiravany Perspective: “Eygenia saved us. We were slaves, indebted to our masters, less than human. Now, though we are still poor, we at least have what we fought for centures to gain: our freedom. We could never have done this without Eygenia conquering our Mochan masters. We owe them our very lives.”

Varetta: “While they sit in their mansions, getting fat, we work all day in the fields. I can tell they look down upon our simple ways. They’re not cruel, but there’s a certain look in their eyes. They claim otherwise, but you know what they say: you can’t trust an Eygenian. Especially their women. I’ve never met anyone so manipulative.”

Ypervasi: “Eygenians are great benefactors of our talents. We are fortunate to have their protection so that we can pursue our dreams. Our small nation has flourished since we made our alliance with them. I really think it was the best thing that could have happened for us.”

Alkino: “Why should we fear them? They’re not adequately using their best resource. Women were not meant to be dressed up like dolls and kept in their homes. Besides, we have the Volcano to protect us.”

Toulka: “I’ve been all over, and I’ve never met someone as cruel as an Eygenian. They look at us like we’re beneath the dirt they tread upon. They chase us from their cities. The only reason we return is because the common people love our performances. The :Eygenian nobility treats their own people almost as badly as they treat us. If they weren’t such a needed source of income, I’d never step foot on their lands.”

Extorria: “Bunch of feckheads, if ya ask me. I have never met one I liked. They’re the reason we’re on this godfersaken shithole. At least they had the decency to leave us with some feckin sheep.”

Davorin: “Eygenia is a great nation. Their empire is vast and impressive. These are facts that cannot be argued. We have our differences and I find many of their traditions quite odd, but we must respect a nation which has accomplished so much.”

Isokratia: “Eygenia may be a great empire, but one built upon the sweat, blood and tears of its people. I cannot condone a culture that takes advantage of its weakest members.”

Cyrine Confederacy: “Eygenia has a very bustling economy. We have a lot of business

there and enjoy our good relations with them. They have never been anything but

hospitable to us. Their capital Tovastya has been an excellent location for the way gate.”

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The Vassal State of Varetta

“There is an unspoken contract between master and servant. The master provides land, resources, protection. In return, the servant gives his loyalty and his labor. Our ancestors gave this trust willingly. And what did the masters do? At the first sign of trouble, they abandoned

us. Now they hole up in their castles, too ashamed to show their faces. And they should be ashamed. The downfall of our kingdom is on their heads.”

-Anonymous Pamphlet circulating the Amdhara Market

Varetta at a Glance

Patron Deity: Vendria, the Maiden Other Commonly Worshipped Deities: Atmora, Earthshaper, Wavemaker

Type of Government: Feudalism Population: 750,000

Values: Loyalty, Duty, Humility, Nature Sample Male Names: Thorn, Darkwood, Ash, Rain, Granite Sample Female Names: Lily, Thunder, Storm, Willow, Vine

Varetta (vuh-REH-tah) was once a kingdom of peaceful farmers who prided themselves on hard work, humility, loyalty and duty to one’s lord. They were a modest but dignified people who believed their diligence and perseverance would be rewarded in the next life. They found peace and satisfaction in their work, enjoying the time spent interacting with nature to create sustenance. That is, until there was a terrible drought which lasted many years. Desperate, they asked the wealthier, more technologically advanced nation of Eygenia for assistance. They were grateful for Eygenia’s help, until they realized the price. Now a subsidiary of Eygenia, they feel bitter about having been duped by the powerful empire.

In the decades since, their entire system has collapsed. The peasants who prided themselves on their loyalty now feel betrayed by the lords they awarded their loyalty to. Lords who they see as too quick to give up their power to a foreign nation. Lords who continue to take advantage of those who can least afford it. They see the trust of the past as woeful naivety. The ties between landlord and peasant are now strained and resentful. The nobles, many of whom feel ashamed for the decisions of their ancestors and frustrated by their powerlessness, are now pathetic puppets to Eygenian wishes.

Masters of manipulating the earth, the Varettans’ expertise in earth and elemental

magic feeds the entire empire of Eygenia. But as the distributors, the Eygenians keep much

of the profits, leaving Varettans with barely enough to live off of. On top of that, they face

outrageous taxes to support the massive Eygenian army for their protection, but many

Varettans feel they are paying their conquerors to suppress them. As they grow more and

more disgruntled, there is talk of protest, or even outright rebellion.

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Varettans are now shadows of what they once were. Unable to make profit through honest work, many Varettans have turned to underground trade on a vast network of black markets called Amdhara (ahm-DAR-uh). On these markets, one can find anything from various weaponry to ancient texts with forgotten knowledge or workers for various unsavory tasks. They are also channels for disseminating pamphlets that encourage rebellion against Eygenia. But the vast majority of these markets deal with the use and sale of kwam, a recently discovered, highly addictive, and incredibly dangerous hallucinogenic opiate which has been outlawed by the Eygenians. Many Varettans fall victim to this substance every year; there are few whose lives have not been touched by it in some way. Unfortunately, it remains the most popular form of escapism.

Opinions from Other Nations

Eygenia: “Cripple them? It’s because of us that they’re still alive! They would have all starved to death if we hadn’t saved them. Do you know how much of our limited water supply we gave them during that drought? Some Eygenians went thirsty so that a Varettan wouldn’t. And they continue to benefit from our vast resources, military strength, and bustling economy. I’d like to see them survive without us now. Their ingratitude makes my blood boil!”

Vaynta - the Mochan Perspective: “The Varetta should be our brothers in arms. We should join together to fight the Eygenian dogs. I do not understand why they would not want this. We are stronger together than we are alone.”

Vaynta - the Kiravany Perspective: “Another example of the Eygenians’ charity: sacrificing their own comfort to help others. The rescuing of the Varettan people is just more evidence of their righteousness.”

Alkino: “Drought can drive people to desperation. Watching your children wither away… it’s a horrible thing. They did what they could to keep their people alive. I sympathize with that. But everything has its price. The Varettans are paying theirs.”

Toulka: “What a sad people. Once proud, they now cower before the might of Eygenia. Their wills have been broken; their trust and loyalty turned into a weapon against them. I do not wander there very often, as they have very little coin to spare. And the sight of their drug addled bodies disturbs me.”

Davorin: “The trust between a vassal state and their parent nation is a sacred thing. Varetta’s relationship with Eygenia has not always served them well, but they will never understand or embrace their true destiny hiding in shadow and false realities. I am glad that many of these poor souls have managed to find a place amongst our own citizens.”

Qin: “After I escaped from Qin, I found the outside world very disorienting. In a strange way,

Varetta reminded me of home. I felt comforted by their humility and loyalty. Something

about them seemed familiar to me. But their nation has lost its strength. Their weakness

saddens me.”

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The Vassal State of Vaynta

“Last night, I had a dream. From above, the weight of an unimaginable force pushed on my shoulders. It sought to cow me, until I bent at the knees. Then, from below, the ground

began to shake, seeking to unbalance my rooted stance. From all sides, hands reached out, pulling me one way or another. The peace that was once in my heart gave way to fear. With pleading eyes, I looked up at the stars, begging Astrella for guidance. The stars smiled upon

me, telling me it was only a matter of time.”

-The Great Astrologer Porsidius Olivader

Vaynta at a Glance

Mochan Patron Deity: Astrella, the Radiant Kiravany Patron Deities: Vazoura, the Scourge and Vasilia, the Veiled

Type of Government: Republic Population: 1,200,000

Mochan Values: Utilitarianism, Stability, Order, Tranquility Kiravany Values: Entropy, Chaos, Symbiosis

Sample Mochan Male Names: Albin, Edvin, Fulk, Gostav, Klas, Melker, Rolf, Stellan Sample Mochan Female Names: Ulla, Tuva, Sylvi, Meta, Kjerstin, Gittan

Sample Kiravany Male Names: Izel, Necalli, Tenoch, Tupac, Coyotl Sample Kiravany Female Names: Zuma, Patli, Zyana, Kwetzl, Yaretzi

Vaynta (VEIN-tah) is a nation of two truths. Once a great nation in their own right, the Vaynta have been cowed by the might of the Eygenian army. They now pay tribute to Eygenia and are treated as a subsidiary. But Vayntans are split as to how they feel about this reality. The upper class, known as the Mochan (MOH-chan) are bitter and resentful. They yearn for an opportunity to take back their land and reclaim their property. They look for any chance to cut down the Eygenians, though they have to be subtle so as not to attract any negative attention from the empire. On the other hand, the lower class, known as the Kiravany (keer-uh-VAH-nee), are deeply grateful to the Eygenians. Before the empire rescued them, they were slaves to the Mochan.

The Kiravany are the descendants of a once powerful nation that the Mochan conquered many centuries ago. Their enslavement started as a spoil of war, but over time, it became ingrained in the economic and political structure of Vaynta. Remnants of their ancient culture still persist. They were a violent nation, believing in the eventual ruin of all things. They still believe today that the world will eventually reach the point of true decay, and at this time, chaos will erupt. But they find beauty in this notion. They believe the destruction of all things makes life meaningful. At one time, they used human sacrifice in their worship of Vazoura; now they sacrifice livestock instead.

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In the decades since Eygenia conquered them, the Kiravany have adopted many of the customs of Eygenia. They now also worship Vasilia and have taken on the veil. Their cultural practices are a mix of traditional methods and Eygenian preferences. They view the Eygenians as their saviors and fear that if the Mochan ever successfully overthrow Eygenia, the Kiravany will again be enslaved.

The Mochan are a utilitarian people that believe strongly in the sanctity of life. There is no better way to express this than by making one’s personal life easier.They view prosperity as a sign of Astrella’s favor, for wealth is the simplest path to an orderly existence. Their main export is a powerful but volatile metal called lumenite which can only be found in Vayntan mines. It’s believed Eygenia conquered Vaynta to gain access to this material, but the Mochan aren’t very forthcoming about how to harness this valuable resource. Perhaps because they spend so much time underground, the Mochan have a keen appreciation for the stars and use them as guides for their future.

They initially enslaved the Kiravany because their people were being captured and used as human sacrifices. Conquering the Kiravany was a protective measure. They believe the Kiravany are violent and destructive by nature. Their continued enslavement was viewed as a necessary evil. Now, they feel surrounded on both sides. Not only has their nation been subdued by the might of Eygenia, but they fear rebellion from the Kiravany as well.

While the two groups attempt to live together, there is a deep hatred between them. The Kiravany are still poor. Even though the Eygenians granted them their freedom, they still have little or no material wealth. The Mochan still own everything and keep all the power. The two classes never mix, neither through marriage or business. For the Kiravany, this is a matter of pride. For the Mochan, they don’t want to mix their bloodlines with ones so violent.

Opinions from Other Nations

Eygenia: “Vaynta has been an excellent addition to our empire. They offer us valuable resources and manpower. The Kiravany are, rightly, thrilled to have access to all that Eygenia can offer them. We’re pleased to hear they’ve adopted some of our customs, especially the Veil. The Mochan have yet to come around to us, but they will. They’ll soon see that our arrangement can be mutually beneficial to us both.

Varetta: “We have much in common with Vaynta. We share similar woes. But I couldn’t conceive of an alliance with them. While we understand the perspective of the Kiravany, their lack of empathy for our plight creates a great divide between us. As for the Mochan, I wouldn’t want to muddy the noble cause of independence by aligning with the morally corrupt. We saw how our masters treated us. How could we trust masters from a different nation?”

Alkino: “I remember when Vaynta fell to the Eygenians. They were the last to stand strong to them. Now I suppose we’re next. As for their society, I have mixed feelings. But I’ll reserve my judgment. It’s not my place to criticize what other nations do. Though I find it

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hard to rationalize slavery, I’m sure they have their reasons. After all, there are many things people do not understand about us.”

Toulka: “Slavery is a disgusting, dehumanizing practice. I don’t care what their justification is. They split up families. They destroyed people’s lives. There’s no excuse for such cruelty.”

Davorin: “I’m glad that Eygenia ended the horrid practice of slavery. The subjugation of any person’s rights in such a brutal way is an egregious offense. I sympathize with their yearning for self-determination, but fear what such freedom would bring to the former slaves.”

Monteaqe: “Their skill of creating new metals has given us the opportunity to push the bounds of our smithing skills, and for that we are thankful.”

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Alkino, Worshippers of the Volcano








-Druiken Alfidian on his last day of life

Alkino at a Glance

Patron deity: Sychros, the Volcano Type of Government: Meritocratic Republic

Population: 800,000 Values: Sacrifice, Strength, Wisdom, Vivacity

Sample Male Names: Houri, Darya, Laleh, Mehry, Zoya Sample Female Names: Azar, Banu, Akhtar, Nour, Ravan, Shaliz

The Alkino (all-KEEN-oh) are a fierce, war-like nation bound together by strength and sacrifice. They live in the shadow of the great volcano, named after the wrathful god Sychros (SIGH-kros). The Alkino have made some sort of arrangement with Sychros, a promise that keeps the volcano from erupting. Since Sychros is involved, some sort of sacrifice is obviously required. The rumor is that Alkino sacrifices their best and brightest men to satiate the God’s wrath, an honor that the men fiercely compete for.

Though for some reason unknown to outsiders there seems to be more female Alkinos than male Alkinos, each sex plays a crucial role in their society. Much remains a mystery about this odd nation, but it is clear that the women dominate public life. It is they who run the government, engage in trade, and fight in wars. This makes many of their patriarchal neighbors uncomfortable, but Alkinos seem to enjoy their squirms. The function of male Alkinos remains less clear, for they are rarely seen by foreigners. Alkino women are fiercely protective of their male counterparts. In addition to their important religious role, it’s evident the men are well taken care of, surrounded by women and luxury.

Living in the shadow of the volcano has led to a certain appreciation of life. They have a penchant for feasting and libations, gorging themselves on wine from grapes that grow in the fertile volcanic soil. They seem to have an acute appreciation for the small joys in life. Perhaps it is because they are so often faced with death.

Outsiders tell their children stories of the Alkino: a nation that sacrifices men to their blood-thirsty god; an army of women warriors, more fierce than lava. Outsiders do not understand this mysterious nation, but Alkinos do not mind. They may even like it.

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Opinions from Other Nations

Eygenia: “I am never more uncomfortable than when I have to negotiate a deal with Alkino traders. I never know where to look. I can’t look AT them for fear of seeing their practically naked bodies. And do they feel shame? No! They stand there, shoulders back, practically asking to be oogled. It’s disgraceful. And to hear them be so brazen… I would never let my daughters speak like that. But what can you do? My brother-in-law felt so degraded he challenged one to a duel. It did not go well for him. He’s now missing two fingers on his right hand.”

Toulka: “They don’t really like foreigners in their cities, so we try to stay away from there. It sort of gives me the creeps anyway, seeing so few men walking about. Though, I will say, their red wine is the best I’ve ever tasted. And they’re very generous with their coin.”

Fenir: “Though the Alkinos are very different from us, we share a certain understanding of the power of death. They have unified around it, creating a culture in the face of it. Though their reaction to death is in many ways the opposite of ours, there is still that unifying awe at its core.”

Kennis: “For an entire nation to be given over to such superstition, to allow the Gods to take away their very lives… It’s simply barbaric. I pity their ignorance.”

Qin: “It’s not anyone’s concern what they do. They run their nation the way they see fit. That’s the end of it. What makes anyone else think they know better? People should mind their own business.”

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The Continent of Toriq

75 years ago tensions between the Myrrine pirates and the Cyrine Confederacy came to a head. The Cyrine approached Davorin, offering them exclusive trade rates in exchange for putting an end to Myrrine’s thievery. Davorin agreed to this arrangement and marched on Myrrine, conquering and absorbing the city-state into their empire. Yet even after this resolution, the Myrrine remain unwelcome in the Cyrine Confederacy, under threat of death, and despite Davorin’s intervention the Myrrine are still a thorn in the Confederacy's side.

That same year also marked the first year that the Cyrine began and hosted what was to become a yearly competition between Davorin and Kennis. Each nation sends their greatest and smartest inventors, researchers, and sorcerers to compete in various challenges in order to show off their skills, abilities, knowledge, and inventions. The winner of each competition receives exclusive yearly trade agreements, while those who attract the

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Confederacy’s attention often receive private funding to continue on with their research and inventions.

The city-state of Chariton was built approximately 50 years ago, with Davorin sending a large force of their military to hold it; however, there was little reason for Davorinian citizens to relocate, so they were forced to find other ways to mine the silver there. The nearest nation was Isokratia and so the two nations made a treaty to work together. As very few outsiders are allowed on Danik and Isokratians as a whole hold little value in money, the treaty included the creation of an Isokratian section of Chariton, held only to Isokratian law. This is the one and only trade center for Isokratia outside of Danik and is an important outpost for their economy.

Unfortunately for Davorin, Isokratians are not the most efficient workers, let alone miners. This led Davorin to search for a way to augment their workforce, and they soon approached the neighboring Monteaqe with an offer of a second treaty. The Monteaqe asked for the same terms as the Isokratians, but with the additional addendums of actual payment and the construction of a church to Torquin within the Davorinian portion of the city. Almost immediately, silver began to flow out of Chariton like a river.

Just as quickly as the pace of exports increased, it once again slowed to a crawl. Due to the the mixture of cultures in Chariton from its inception and the sovereign divide in neighborhoods, conflict became commonplace. Though it has never come to blows, the city-state remains very unstable because of these conflicting views. This is yet another reason why there are so many soldiers there, and Davorin has recently started enticing actual Davorinian citizens to come work the mines due to the instability and constant delays in shipments. This has caused them to fire many of the Monteaqe and Isokratian workers, which has only increased the tensions within the city.

These tensions may be part of the reason why the Monteaqe smiths have raised the cost of their metalworking, though the blame for this increase could just as easily lie elsewhere. Perhaps it is as simple as a decrease in metals from their mines, or maybe it is a strategy to create funding for the increase in missionaries throughout Toriq and their future spread to the other continents. Additionally, Torquins’ Purifiers have been witnessed entering the common sectors of Chariton, and “Purifying” those Monteaqe who have strayed from the path of Torquin. Such purges have also increased elsewhere on Toriq and even within Monteaqe itself, causing some rifts with the neighboring religions.

The Qin Empire has stayed within its walls for hundreds of years, and signs indicate

that it will continue to do so in the years to come. A marked exception to this is the recent exodus of Qin immigrants over the past 15 years, who have spread across all the civilized continents. No one is quite sure why or how this is happening, and the immigrants themselves seem to just want to live their lives peacefully.

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The Nation of Isokratia

“I understand what you’re saying, filo, but I must declare that I fundamentally disagree. If you really think about it, I’m sure you’ll see that this is not what Rovisa would want for her


“I’m not going to make a rash decision. A matter of such importance needs to be

thoroughly examined before it is carried out. I was thinking of doing it this way, but I welcome

your countering view.”

“I really feel very strongly that the door should be green to reflect the glorious spring. Yellow is too garish on the eyes."

-Conversation overheard between two Isokratians

Isokratia at a Glance

Patron deities: Rovisia, the Enlightened and Danik, the Mountain Type of Government: Socialist Democracy

Population: 150,000 Values: Equality, Fraternity, Democracy, Intelligence

Sample Male Names: Alekos, Loukas, Nikos, Symeon, Yanni, Zenon Sample Female Names: Arete, Isaura, Nyssa, Rhode, Zoe

Isokratia (ee-soh-KRAH-tee-ah) is a completely egalitarian, socialist democracy where no decision, big or small, can be made without a majority vote by the entire population. Isokratians love to argue, saying that debate is the best method of getting at the truth. They will gleefully debate the smallest issue for hours, making sure everyone has a fair chance to share their opinion, and Isokratians are all very opinionated. As a result, not much gets done in Isokratia.

Isokratians think of their nation as a grand experiment in the pursuit of truth and equality. They believe society works like a clock: everyone has a different part to play but all are necessary for the clock to function. They do not believe in property or possession. As such, there is no marriage and children are raised communally. Though there's not much to go around, everything they possess is shared equally among them all. They're a very neighborly society, eager to lend a helping hand. They value wisdom and intelligence and love to tell parables and stories.

The temperate climate and fertile soil high atop the mountain Danik (dah-NEEK) lends itself to year round farming. Due to their geographic location, Isokratians are rarely, if ever, involved in warfare. They believe the mountain protects them from invaders. And besides, going to war would require a majority vote, which is very unlikely anyway.

Opinions from Other Nations

Qin: “I cannot tolerate them. They do not understand the concept of following orders. I tell them to move aside, and they’ll stand there for twenty minutes telling me every reason why I

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shouldn’t. Then I give up and say they can stay where they are and they’ll tell me every reason why they should move. They’re insufferable.”

Monteaqe: “I do not mind having them nearby. They keep to themselves and mostly don’t leave their mountain. However, I find their cultural practices most distasteful. They’re terribly vulgar and indecent. Their wantonness is quite distressful. I wouldn’t be surprised if a plague hit them soon, with how they behave. If they’d just stop arguing, they could learn a thing or two from our experience.”

Kennis: “We scholars sometimes like to joke that if your hypothesis can stand up to an Isokratian, then it’s solid. Their aptitude for picking away at an argument and seeing it from every angle is very useful. I find they make excellent students, since critical and analytical thinking is very much a part of their way of life. Though I must admit, I struggle to keep my Isokratian students from derailing the entire lesson with their arguments.”

Eygenia: “I find them most irritating. Their political philosophy is quaint, but impractical. I could tolerate that if it weren’t for their lasciviousness. Ripping children from their parents to be raised without family identity? Forswearing the marriage bed in order to fornicate with the entire population? I will never allow my daughters to travel there, nor will I ever leave them alone in a room with an Isokratian.”

Davorin: “The Isokratian commitment to equality is sweet but not at all practical. It would never work for a larger nation like ours. With a larger population, more structure is needed. But we understand and appreciate their zeal, even if it is a bit tiresome at times.”

Toulka: “They’re very welcoming. They seem to want everyone to join them in their ‘experiment’. But when I found out how they raise their children, I couldn’t stomach it. And the way they interact with each other… intimately… I don’t know. The whole thing just makes me uncomfortable.”

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The Cyrine Confederacy

“Our prices are non-negotiable. If you have an issue with that we will gladly take our trade elsewhere.”

-Grandmaster Gervas Mathis of the Travel Consortium

Cyrine at a Glance

Patron Deity: Ceriane, The Alchemist Commonly Worshipped Deities: All

Type of Government: Oligarchic confederacy Population: 1,500,000

Ideals: Mastery, Economy, Artistry, Power

Male Sample Names: Dieter, Claus, Emil, Friederic, Gotthard Female Sample Names: Isold, Klara, Otthild, Verena, Adalwolfa

Dominating the northern portion of Toriq is the Cyrine (Sy-REEN) Confederacy, an alliance of multiple craft-guild districts, each an independent state in their own right, overseen by the great Travel Consortium. In addition to serving as the ruling council of the Confederacy, populated by the Grandmasters of each guild, the Travel Consortium also oversees the construction, maintenance, and use of Rendalir’s three Waygates, powerful sorcerous artifacts that make instantaneous transport between the continents possible. The methods for creating and operating the Waygates is a carefully kept secret; however, the Consortium generously allows the other nations to take advantage of the convenience of their creations, for a moderately priced fee, of course.

In Cyrine commerce reigns supreme, and their guilds produce some of the finest craftsmen in the world. Citizens begin their guild apprenticeships at a young age, leaving family and friends behind to seek true mastery and their prospective fortune. Mediocrity is not encouraged or accepted, and all of the Cyrine take an aptitude test shortly after turning six years of age that is designed to reveal which guild path they are most suited for. This test is nothing more than a suggestion, however. In the end it is up to the individual to decide which craft to devote their life to. While it is common for individuals to enter the same guild as their parents it is by no means required and prospective members are encouraged to seek admission into the guild that would most benefit from their temperament, talent, and passion.

The Cyrine Confederacy has their hands in nearly every economy that exists on Rendalir, dictating market prices and taxing transport by Waygate, ship, and land. As a result the other nations both respect and resent Cyrine’s influence, however, few dare to raise any objection. Those who have challenged Cyrine’s authority or tried to work around them in the past swiftly found themselves under trade embargo and on the brink of economic collapse. The Consortium does not negotiate, but is more than willing to welcome back a wayward ally with an appropriately repentant tithe.

Opinions from other Nations

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Davorin: “Put bluntly, the Consortium has been ceded too much control. Their resources and wealth, coupled with their absolute authority over the Waygates, has afforded them with more power and influence than any other nation. That sort of power corrupts. You can see the evidence of this every year when their taxes rise. If only we could replicate their research into Travel sorcery we would not be so reliant upon them.”

Kennis: “The quality of Cyrine’s goods and the scope of their accomplishments speaks for itself. Unlike other nations, the wealth that they amass is not wasted on idle pleasures, and they have funded a significant portion of our research. They have been and always will be our respected peers.”

Myrrine: “Even I know better than to so much as glance at a Cyrine ship. Life is much more enjoyable with my hands connected to my body.”

Tinzan: “If we need something Cyrine is the place to go. Their ships often come across our Flota and they are always willing to trade with us. For a price that is, which reminds of this story about a Cyrinian attempting to bargain with Zenais which led……”

Monteaqe: “The Waygates they have created are a great boon to us. However their reliance and focus on trade has led them down a dangerous path of greed and avarice. If only they would follow our lead, their redemption would be assured.”

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The Puritan Nation of Monteaqe

“That custom in particular, of young people reclining together — however little is made of it, and however ready

people may be to laugh at its being condemned — appears, past all contradiction, to be one of those that leads and exposes to sin; and I believe experience and fact abundantly bear witness to it. It is but one more thing that has led to

the growth of uncleanliness in the land, and there are other customs and liberties, customarily used among young people in company, which they who use them know that they lead to sin. They know that they stir up their lusts; and this is the very end for which they do it: to gratify their lusts in some measure. Little do such persons consider what a

holy being they are soon to be judged by, one who despises the impurities of their hearts. If, therefore, they do actually stir up and feed lust, they certainly tend to further degrees and more gross acts. That which stirs up lust makes it more violent, and does, therefore, certainly the more expose persons to being overcome by it. How evident and undeniable

are these things, and how strange that any should make a derision of them!”

-Excerpt from a sermon by Maestor Quin

Monteaqe at a Glance

Patron Deity: Torquin, The Purifier Type of Government: Divine Monarchy

Population: 1,000,000 Ideals: Androgyny, Modesty, Law, Piety

Sample Names: Charity, Abstinence, Diligence, Kill-sin, Hate-ill, Humility, Chastity, Sin-

Deny, Temperance, Verity,

The Monteaqe are a people who have no social concept of gender, having a strong aversion to any remarks about sex or gender. Seeing androgyny as the highest form of beauty they are known for blending traditionally male and female styles together, blurring the lines between genders to the point that it is difficult to determine whether any given Monteaqe is either a man or a woman,. They love elaborate, brightly colored designs, employing them to attract the attention of potential partners, before wooing them with their personality. They are also well known for their ornate metal belts, the first and last line in the defense of their innocence, which they hold in great esteem.

Led by Torquin the Purifier, their entire lives revolve around his tenants: protect

purity, defend innocence, stand resolute against sin, and purify the world of its evils. They are strong, diligent, law abiding people, with a penchant towards spreading the word of Torquin. They are well trained in dealing with diseases, and while some stay within their borders, many travel the world curing sickness wherever they find it. This travel also gives them the chance to spread Torquin’s wisdom, which they do at every opportunity. There is one other thing that Monteaqe are known for: they are especially well versed in the art of metal work. Anything from a Monteaqe smith will be of the highest quality, particularly armor, and they are even able to make protective garb that looks no different from cloth. It is a secret they hold close to their hearts.

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Living in the foothills of the Rorta Mountains, with their capital city Torman built over a huge pit mine, they have built many walls to shield them against outside forces. Adamant about protecting their home and their church from outside dangers, they have taken no chances on its defenses. While it is uncommon for them to be embroiled in any sort of conflict, when those rare occasions arise they are able to hold out against the strongest of foes. This is not to say they defeat them, as Torquin condemns violence, but their stalwart defense cannot be breached.

Opinions from Other Nations

Isokratia: “I’m glad that they have moved past the idea of love having to be between a man and a woman, that there is no difference between the two, but their clothing is much too flashy. It would be better if they thought for themselves a bit more and followed what Torquin said less.”

Vanarmenn: “It boggles my mind that such a people, with no understanding of masculinity and strength were able to stand against us time and time again, without striking back at us once. And that whole “purifying the world” thing they preach, it’s just weird.”

Eygenia: “Everytime I see one of them I am disturbed down to my core. How can they not understand the necessary organization of the world into woman and man. Though I must say some of them look better in a corset than I do.”

Kennis: “If I ever need an unusual part made, or a particular mineral, I go and find a Monteaqe. They do wondrous things with metal, but it grates on me that they always say its due to Torquins guidance. Can’t they see that it’s their skill and not some Gods?”

Qin: “My mother used to scare me with stories of how the Heshes would come and take me away to be burned if I ever said a word against the Lingdao. Now I occasionally see them with the other wraiths while on guard duty at the Wall, but I’ve never said a thing against the Emperor and so have no reason to fear those ghosts now. They still give me the willies though.”

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The Empire of Qin

“There does not exist Life without the shaping of Order, and no Order without Life. Every being has the same amount and character of Life, but every being is

characterized by a different amount and character of Order, thus making different elements, different beings, appearances and distinguishable people

with different character, good or bad: One basis, different shapes. When taking water out of a river with a bowl or a bucket, you obtain different measures of

water, but it is still water, only in different amounts and in a different environment. Human nature is determined by the environment, like a pearl

lying either in water or in mud. But while human nature is good in every man, passions can be good or bad. Human nature is the universal order in the heart

of man that can be influenced by the environment.”

-Excerpt from the teachings of Gyuan Zhi

Qin at a Glance

Patron Deity: Bitoku Type of Government: Feudalism

Population: 9,000,000 Values: Loyalty, Duty, Honor

Sample Male Names: Arata, Goro, Hideo, Katsu, Jiro Sample Female Names: Aki, Chiasu, Eiko, Kayo, Miki

The Qin are extremely xenophobic, convinced that the world outside their empire is nothing but a wasteland full of ghosts, wraiths, and spirits, a belief that has led them to stay behind their walls. Extremely stratified the Qin are organized into five classes but in reality there are only two: warriors and everyone else. Warriors live under a code of honor that stress frugality, loyalty, mastery of martial arts, honor to the death, and enforces the requirement to conducting oneself with calmness, fairness, justice, and propriety. It emphasizes social order, proper rituals, the way of good political leader, and respect for elderly and superior. This code extended to non-warriors in all respects but mastery of martial arts and how to be a political leader as only warriors are allowed weapons, and only nobles participate in politics.

Locked behind the giant Soo-Won Wall, all within Qin is dependent upon inherited position rather than personal merits. It is all but impossible to rise above your station in life, but if you follow the tenets of the honor code, when the wheel of time comes around you will be reborn into a better class. At the top is the Lingdao, the Holy of Holies and avatar of Bitaku. Below the Emperor are the Tonata (court nobles), together with the Dimata (governors), and below them the population is divided into four more classes: the warrior servants under control of the nobles on top, then the peasants, followed by the craftsmen, with the lowest of the low being the merchants.

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The Emperor has absolute political power over the fate of local governments, though he gives the Dimata the land to rule. The Dimata in return pledge their loyalty. Any sign of disobedience is met with sternest punishment. While each Dimata decides its tax rates and other economic regulations, or encourages certain industries the Emperor imposes various expenses upon them: A bi-annual commuting between their region and the capital, public works such as building castles, moats, roads, irrigation ponds and canals, etc, and other ad hoc and arbitrary taxes.

Opinions from Other Nations

Davorin: “The Empire has five armies with five hundred thousand men under arms. Happily it suits its rulers to pretend that everything outside the Empire is a valueless howling waste populated only with ghosts and wraiths. They usually have no interest at all in our affairs, which is fortunate for us. After all they have cunning, wealth, and power behind them. Frankly we hope they have forgotten about us entirely.”

Tinzan: “That place? Screw that for a lark! You get past that wall and you don’t come back. You hear things from the few Qin that get out, I mean this one gal told me how we’re just ghosts and…”

Cyrine Confederacy: “We would love to get ourselves in there. A region populated by millions of customers that haven’t traded outside for decades? It’s a gold mine just waiting to be tapped.”

Vanarmenn: “That wall is pretty big. They say it’s supposed to keep people out. Something is going on in there and it’s not being recorded properly. But I guess we better sail back home without taking a look at the ladder possibilities inherent in that pine wood right over there. And hey, it’s not like there could be all sorts of valuable stuff in there, just waiting to be stol….liberated.”

Kennis: “I don’t know what goes on in there, but I have to say that the Qin that make it here are dedicated to success. They may not understand everything when they start but they work like monsters and figure it all out quickly.”

Toulka: “Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.”

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The Republic of Kennis

“When I was a young boy, I dreamed of going to the university. But my father did not have the money for tuition. One day, he took me to the Great Hall of Achievement and I saw all the amazing inventions. I wanted to build something that would be in that hall. I wanted to use my mind and my hands to create something real that would change lives. At the age of sixteen, I built the

Wozimater and won a scholarship to the University of Kennis. I stand before you now a proud graduate and an accomplished inventor. And with a lot of hard work and perseverance, maybe one

day you can say the same.”

-Elrion Toganus in his speech to commemorate the unveiling of the Wozimater exhibit in the Great Hall of Achievement

Kennis at a Glance

Patron Deity: None. Commonly Worshipped Deities: Ionel, Ceriane, Miruna, Valie’e

Type of Government: Meritocratic Aristocracy Population: 700,000

Values: Knowledge, Technology, Curiosity

Sample Male Names: Albrecht, Berthold, Dietmar, Gunther, Heinrich, Moritz, Reimund, Wenzel

Sample Female Names: Annegret, Elsa, Grete, Ivonne, Kora, Liesel, Mareike, Sybille

Kennis is a meritocratic aristocracy dedicated to invention, creativity, and the advancement of scientific knowledge. At the heart of the republic is the great University of Kennis, the most renowned learning institution in all of Rendalir. The greatest minds of academia were trained and honed here. Though not every Kennisian attends the University, all residents are affected by the scholarly culture. The advancement of knowledge is the primary focus of every citizen. Innovations in technology or improvements in scientific or medical learning are greatly rewarded through a seemingly never-ending stream of grants and research funds. All Kennisians, university students and staff as well as common folk, can always be found tinkering or researching. They besiege every individual they come across with a pitch for their most recent idea, always striving for that grant or fellowship which will allow them to pursue their obsessions.

Many come to Kennis in search of making it big; there is a constant stream of immigrants flowing into the nation. Those who are lucky enough to succeed and benefit from the generous grants are able to happily pursue their areas of expertise. However, those who have yet to catch the eye of a benefactor live in squalor, unable to afford the high rents of the city. Tuition for the university is astronomical. Some look up to and revere the great minds at the university, but others see the students as spoiled, wealthy plutocrats. Many of Kennis’ own citizens cannot afford the tuition. Though scholarships can be obtained, many criticize the University for catering only to the wealthy and point to the

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example of their friendly rival Davorin, whose tuition for citizens is free. For most Kennisians, a degree from the university is a goal never to be reached, but that doesn’t stop them from trying.

Kennisians stick to what they can see and feel for themselves. They focus on a person’s ability to improve themselves through scientific knowledge and advancement, rather than the arcane. They focus on the physical: biology, chemistry, and physics. They tend not to be very religious or spiritual, and some even find it bothersome how often the gods meddle in mortal affairs.

Opinions from Other Nations

Davorin: “We have great respect for our friendly rivals. We admire their devotion to the advancement of knowledge, despite their misguided reliance on mundane methods. Their trinkets are highly impressive, but imagine what they could accomplish if they were to harness the power of the gods through magic. We look forward to next year’s competition.”

Cyrine Confederacy: “Some of our brightest and best workers have been culled from the University of Kennis. The vast amounts of time and money we have invested in Kennis have repaid us ten-fold. We look forward every year to the Erudentium. We are always pleasantly surprised by the things Kennisians come up with.”

Toulka: “The Kennisians are usually too busy with their noses in their books to enjoy a song or dance, but they always appreciate my more technical wares. If I’ve got a thingamajig or a whatchamadoodle, they’ll gape at it for hours. And if I’m having trouble figuring out how to make something work, they always have good advice.”

Isokratia: “A Kennisian education is no doubt one of the best out there. Many of our citizens have continued their quest for truth at Kennis and have returned home with greater understanding. An educated populace is the key to any democracy. It saddens me that Kennis does not seem to take full advantage of their educated citizens. So much potential, yet so many are left behind in the dust.”

Monteaqe: “If only they would accept the truth of the Gods we feel the world would be better off. Yet despite their steadfast refusal of our Gods, their apothecary arts have helped our own work in fighting the diseases running rampant through Rendalir. We wish they would turn the full focus of their intellect to the advancement of this field and so help us eradicate sickness from the world.”

Eygenia: “We find many of their inventions useful and have an established trade with them through our partners at the Cyrine Confederacy, but we keep actual contact to a minimum. It’s hard to trust those who would brazenly defy the power of the Gods.”

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Chariton, Davorinian Silver Colony

“Davorin recognizes the concerns of the Senator from Chariton as valid; however we have been

debating these issues for days. If we do not reach a conclusion by nightfall we will have to turn the

vote over to the citizenry, which will cause a further delay in achieving a satisfactory resolution.”

“An open dialogue amongst our citizens sounds like a very satisfying resolution to me.” “The citizens have entrusted us to speak for them, Senator. That is exactly the point of this assembly,

as we have been over many times.”

“Still, I am curious as to what they might have to say on our labor dispute.” “You move to take the vote to the public forum, then?”

“I do, Senator.” “Again?”

“Unless you have some compelling reason as to why we should do otherwise. If so, I am eager to hear your opinion.”

“Motion passes. Vote deferred to the public forum.”

-A session of the Davorinian Senate regarding labor laws in Chariton.

Chariton at a Glance

Patron Deity: Miruna, The Kingmaker Commonly Worshipped Deities: Torquin, The Purifier and Rovisia, The Enlightened

Type of Government: Ecclesiocratic republic ruled by elected Senate Population: 100,000

Values: Integrity, Perseverance, Fair Representation, Equality

Names are mix of Davorinian, Isokratian, and Monteaqe

The city-state of Chariton (Chair-I-tun) was built around a silver mine on Toriq discovered by Davorinian explorers some years ago. Its culture is a strange mixture of Davorinian, Isokratian, and Monteaqe traditions, due to its peculiar history, formation, and organization. Quick to exploit this resource before the Cyrine Confederacy could, Davorin sent a large force of their military to hold it; however, there was little reason for Davorinian citizens to relocate, so they were forced to find other ways to mine their newly found silver. The nearest nation was Isokratia and so the two nations made a treaty to work together. As very few outsiders are allowed on Danik and Isokratians as a whole hold little value in money, the treaty included the creation of an Isokratian section of Chariton, held only to Isokratian law. This is the one and only trade center for Isokratia outside of Danik and is an important outpost for their economy.

Unfortunately, Isokratians are not the most efficient workers, let alone miners. They often stop work to argue about the best way to accomplish a task, or go on strike for one

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insignificant reason or another. This led Davorin to search for a way to augment their workforce, and they soon approached the neighboring Monteaqe with an offer of a second treaty. They asked for the same terms as the Isokratians, but with the additional addendums of actual payment and the construction of a church to Torquin within the Davorinian portion of the city. Almost immediately, silver began to flow out of Chariton like a river.

Just as quickly as the pace of exports increased, it slowed to a crawl again. Due to the the mixture of cultures in Chariton from its inception and the sovereign divide in neighborhoods, conflict became commonplace. Though it has never come to blows, the city-state remains very unstable because of these conflicting views. This is yet another reason why there are so many soldiers there, and Davorin has recently started enticing actual Davorinian citizens to come work the mines due to the instability and constant delays in shipments. This has caused them to fire some of the Monteaqe and Isokratian workers, only increasing the tensions within the city.

While each district is clearly defined by one culture or another, now that the the city has grown, outside the districts the three cultures have started to mix together. Clothing is generally Isokratian in form, though with more flamboyant flairs of color from the Monteaqe and the use of clasps to hold together their clothing contributed by Davorin. Perhaps more intriguing are the cross-culture trysts and marriages which have started to become more commonplace. Chariton is frequently abuzz with the latest bit of gossip or scandal caused by one of these unusual unions and the mixed-blood children that they occasionally produce.

Opinions from Other Nations

Davorin: “Between the Isokratians’ well-meaning yet misguided political posturing and Monteaqe’s constant preaching it’s a wonder that Chariton has produced any silver at all. Combined with the strain upon our resources and military, I wonder sometimes if Davorin’s attention wouldn’t be better served if directed back towards home.”

Isokratia: “Chariton has become very important to our nation. We are now able to trade the things that we do not need and get more of what we do not have. While we are now and have always been very self-sufficient, I must admit it’s nice to try new things and not feel wasteful when we have something extra.”

Monteaqe: “We are thrilled to have our brothers and sisters in Chariton spreading the word of the Purifier. We would love to have other nations follow Davorin’s lead in establishing missions in their cities.”

Cyrine Confederacy: “As always the Davorinian’s make excellent business partners, and we are more than content to assist them in the export of all that silver back to Irune. For a reasonable fee, of course.”

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The Continent of XXX (Machafuko)

The recent history of XXX maps the creation of Exorria by exiles from the main continents, and their interactions with the indigenous people already living there. Nearly 300 years ago the continent was discovered by a group of Vanarmenn sailors who saw only two things: mountains and desert. When this information got back to the civilized world, Vanaar and Eygenia decided to send their unwanted citizens and criminals there. This trend caught on, and it quickly became a common practice among many of the other nations as well. Soon enough a flood of exiles and convicts found themselves dumped on the desolate continent. Two realities awaited these banished individuals: first that they were going to have create a way to work together if they wanted to survive, and second that they were not alone.

The coastal desert was not hospitable in the slightest and so the earlier exiles attempted to make their way further inland. They immediately came into conflict with the indigenous population and were forced back to the coast. This led to decades of warfare between them, and the creation of a confederacy between the Yano and the Sanquo, who set aside their own disputes to deal with these invaders. Over time a tenuous peace between the original inhabitants of XXX (or Machafuko as the locals call it) and the newly formed nation of Extorria was shaped, and has held through the past 250 years. Conflicts still occur, but all sides agree that full blown war is not beneficial to anyone.

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The peace has allowed Exorria to “flourish” as best it can, relegated to the coastal desert of the region as it is. A rough faction-based government slowly developed, beginning with the Lords. This faction was founded through brute force, as they took anything of value from the new arrivals and horded it. At first they kept their numbers small in order to maximize their wealth, but as the exiles continued to pour in they, like everyone else, had to change their tactics.

Stripped of their valuables and facing scarce resources, many of these new arrivals turned to cultivating the land. Some exiles had skills in farming and were able to invent ways to develop the desolate landscape, while others used their knowledge of animal husbandry to herd and raise livestock. Of course, the Lords would take their cut, often all of it, leading to the formation of the Agros and the Sheps, farmers and shepherds respectively. In order to survive they had to defend themselves, and the only advantage that they had were numbers, so they combined forces to rebuff outside attacks. Though the Sheps and the Agros are now often competitive with each other, each trying to maintain a stranglehold on Exorria’s food distribution, when it comes to anyone trying to steal from them they put everything else aside.

The next faction to form was the Ladies. These were the tough women who determined that if they did not wish to be used by the men surrounding them, that they would have to band together and protect one another, and maybe use their natural talents to barter with the Agros and Sheps. Many a Lord, Agro, Shep, and Lady were found dead early on in Exorria’s history, though time and the formation of more factions decreased such conflict. Faced with the realization that they could no longer take what they wanted the Lords were forced to change their ways, and now the Ladies often hire them as bodyguards.

Caught between the monopoly on food maintained by the Agros and Sheps, the Ladies’ exclusivity, and the Lords’ swaggering arrogance, exiles unable to find their way into one of these established factions had to come up with something with which they could barter. This need led to the creation of the Sorcerers and the Jesters, who carved out a niche for themselves through clever words and sleight of hand, offering the other Extorrians a distraction from the harsh realities of their everyday life. They have an outstanding agreement with each other, otherwise they might both fail and die.

At various times conflicts arose between the factions, even between those that have supposedly allied with one another. The bloodiest conflicts occurred early on in Exorria’s history when the Lords still stole whatever they desired, placing them at odds with the Agros and Sheps. Even amidst these feuds the threat of the Yano and the Sanquo continues to hang over the Factions, and every Exorrian knows that if it comes down to it, every able-bodied Exorrian will be needed to fight for their survival.

Recently the Sorcerers seem to have come under attack, as a larger number of them than normal have been found dead, and it would appear that the Agros and Sheps are working closer together, which is a bit worrying for everyone else. Additionally, the remains of members of all factions have been discovered ripped apart and burned, and some Exorrians have reported hearing an inhuman wailing on the nights before these bodies are

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found. Stranger still, sightings of “white ghosts” have started to flood in, setting even the most seasoned Exorrians on edge.

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Extorria, or ‘XXX’

“Say somethin’ about Extorria? What the feck am I supposed to say? This godfersaken shithole has caused us nothin’ but trouble since the day we feckin’ got

here. We live in the feckin’ desert with hostile natives just itchin’ fer our necks. And if that don’t sound intriguin’ enough fer ya, the only thing stoppin’ somebody from spillin’ yer guts is whatever faction ye’ve associated yerself with. Sound like a nice feckin’ get

away? Yer all feckin’ assholes.”

-Allegedly said by Tovalis the Younger, member of the Sheps.

Extorria at a Glance

Patron deity: No organized religion. Certain deities preferred by various factions. Commonly Worshipped Deities: Chorazan, Ionel, Kephas, Vendria, Ceriane, Atmoura,

Vasilia Type of Government: None.

Population: Around 300,000, perhaps Values: Vivacity, Chaos, Pride

Sample Male Names: Alfirio, Cletonar, Sindrillo, Volun, Loique Sample Female Names: Brynora, Helacion, Svanalla, Verdia, Friggita

A lively and charismatic bunch, Extorrians are tired of living by the rules others have set for them. They thrive on new experiences, especially since trade with other continents is uncommon and the resources the desert has to offer are minimal. Rumor has it there are no laws there. That the people just do whatever they want and face the consequences of stepping on someone else’s toes. Couple all that with copious abuse of an “enlightening’” substance called vita, and the whole place is a recipe for disaster.

The only vague form of government is a tenuous peace among the six factions. Each faction has a monopoly on a certain staple of life: muscle, textiles (publicly anyway), livestock, farming, entertainment, and the coveted but secret formula for vita. These factions co-exist by trading their strengths for the things they lack. But not all Extorrians are part of a faction. Those who don’t know how to play well with others just have to be sure they’ve got something to trade no one else has.

Many miles off the Southern coast of Danane, Extorria (ex-TOR-ee-ah) is a place many have tried to forget. It is on the only continent without a Waygate, as it was thought no one lived there. And now that the Extorrians are there, there’s still no reason to build one. Originally founded as a criminal colony, Extorria has become the recipient of undesirables from Eygenia, Vanarmenn, and other nations. A collection of misfits and outcasts, mainlanders are surprised they haven’t all killed each other already.

Opinions from Other Nations

Vanarmenn: “Extorria? Is that what they’re calling it? Whatever they want to name it, the inhabitants of XXX are a disgrace. But, perhaps, that is not surprising. They are founded by

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honorless miscreants who do not know the meaning of loyalty. We banished them from our lands because of their crimes. I’m only glad we now have somewhere to send such deviants.”

Eygenia: “The idea of a place where all the world’s criminals live strikes fear into my heart. A place where Toulka and murderers have found a home… such a place is not safe for decent people. The only thing that calms my fear is that there is an ocean between us and them.

Yano: “I absolutely loathe the okunrin. They do not understand or respect our ways. One of their kind stole a pig from my father. We rode into their village, demanding justice, but the thief hid like a coward. If I knew who it was, I would challenge him to a fight. But these Extorrians are not men. They are worse than dogs.”

Sanquo: “We may not always get along with the Extorrians, but what can we do? They are here, and it seems they are here to stay. As long as they do not bother us, we can co-exist. They live off the desert near the shore, a part of the land we were not making use of. We will continue to help them, though they don’t understand Hxaro. We can’t really trust them, but they have interesting things to trade with us. We’re especially fond of the birds they call chickens.”

Tinzan: “Those guys are a riot. We love stopping there. First off, they always give us great prices on goods. Second, they show us a good time. If I’m looking for a new experience, I know an Extorrian will be along for the ride. And that vita? That’s some good stuff! This one time, I rented a room from one of The Ladies…”

Toulka: “A part of me is jealous of my Extorrian brothers and sisters. They have found a home. But a part of me also pities them. From what I hear, the home they have found, a barren desert, does not give them much to live off of. I’ve never met an Extorrian, but from what I hear, it seems they have lost touch with our ways. They no longer value family, which is the only thing that keeps us going.”

Qin: “Does that haggard bunch of honorless rats still survive?”

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The Warrior Yano

“I pin my belt here, until you are defeated! You, the pathetic worm that has tricked your way

into leading us, will do so no longer! I am the one with the power and strength to lead us to

glory and it will be proven here, today, when I triumph over you under the watching eyes of

Tumatuenga. Your parents will cry tears of joy at your fall at my hands, and your children

will call my name in pride at my rise!”

-Challenge called by Ciqneq moments before his death at the hands of Sixusus

Yano at a Glance

Patron Deity: Tumatuenga (Two-ma-two-enga) Type of Government: Chiefdom

Population: 300,000 Ideals: Strength, Power, Family

Sample Male Names: Davi, Gari, Perio, Omama, Chaca, Sample Female Names: Reahu, Nawa, Liri, Tari, Rueri

As fierce as a raging bear, the Yano (Ya-no) are a nation of fearless fighters, determined to prove themselves through strength. They resolve everything from rank to marriage via combat, and anyone can become an opponent. Some look at them as untameable beasts, dangerous to themselves and everyone around them, but since their joining of the Shirikisho (Shear-e-key-show), they have kept from striking out against the other members, though the fighting amongst themselves and against the Extorrians has increased as of late.

The only thing more important to a Yano than martial skill is filial and spousal piety, and their progeny. Threaten or disrespect their immediate family and you will quickly find out what real anger is. Women are respected just as much as men, as long as they are able to prove their worth, and children are a valuable and protected resource. No Yano would ever threaten a child for any reason, and doing so would be grounds for a trial of extreme prejudice.

Split into many different fortified settlements, the Yano seem to be in a constant state of flux and war. With an organized system of trial by combat, justice is done, status and rank is determined, and leadership is claimed. While the leader’s word is taken as all but law, anyone can challenge it or them, though doing so is dangerous. After all they fought their way to their position. Even so, the power structure can be easily disrupted, and the leader must choose his path wisely; to tread carefully and guide his people, or to announce his strength and force his will upon them. Word has spread that the time they will reclaim their independence and remove all who stand in their way nears, but no one has been able to unite them all and it does not look like anyone ever will.

Opinions from Other Nations

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Sanquo: “I am glad they have joined together with us in the Shirikisho as they are a force to be reckoned with. If only they spent their time connecting with others rather than fighting all the time, I feel everyone would be better off, even them.”

Extorria: “Man, feck these guys. Seriously. Feck all of ‘em.”

Tinzan: “Over on XXX there are these people who never stop fighting. I mean NEVER! I make sure to stay out of their way. They fight about everything! Who’s in charge. Who to marry. Grooms have to defeat their brides in combat in order to marry them! What, you don’t believe me? I’m telling you, it’s the truth. I heard of this one guy, decided to challenge this gal to one of their trial things. Oh man was that a mistake. Before he knew it...”

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The Sanquo of the Savannah

“Huxaro is when I take a thing of value and give it to you. Later, much later, when you

find some good thing, you give it back to me. When I find something good I’ll give it to you

and we can pass our lives together.”

“How close should my return thing be to yers? What if ya gave me a big thing and I gave

ya a small thing?”

“Yes that would be alright.”

“And if ya gave me a small thing and I gave ya a big one?”

“That would be very good if it is in your heart.”

“Let’s say ya gave me a spear and I gave ya three chickens, would that be alright?”

“Of course.”

“What if I gave ya two chickens?”

“Yes that would be fine.”

“What if I gave ya one?”


“Well feck, what if I gave ya five!”

“I see what your problem is Okunrin, you don’t understand our ways. It matters not what

you return, for you see we do not trade with things.”

-Conversation between Tontah and Trodo of Extorria

Sanquo at a Glance

Patron Deities: None. They worship all of the gods. Type of Government: Chiefdom

Population: 250,000 Values: Kinship, Modesty, Generosity, Communication

Sample Male Names: Tontah, Sesana, Basaraw, Khomani, Nusaniaw Sample Female Names: Xoroxlo, Khoikhoi, Gllana, Tsoaoi, Amasilli

In the desert savannah of Machafuko live the wandering Sanquo, a tightly knit and peaceful people, who are in touch with the spirits of the world. Extremely humble and modest they desire peace and equality over all else and search for it through interactions with each other. They extend this search even to the natural world, communicating with the spirits that abound, forging a bond with them, connecting Sanquo and spirits as one. This bond, along with their supreme understanding of various ailments and the human body, has made them amazing healers. Their connection with the beings of the natural world is said to have even given them the ability to peer into the future.

Common throughout the Sanquo people is good natured ribbing and insulting of

anyone and everyone, for anything and everything, especially braggarts. They are an

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extremely talkative people, most of it bordering on argumentative, often for its own sake and almost always jokingly. This is contrasted by the strong bond each Sanquo has with another, a bond obvious to the naked eye by their large amount of adornments. Each one is a symbol of a connection forged and spanning from jewelry to clothing to charms. You can recognize a member of the Sanquo on the horizon just through the sheer number adornments they wear.

As there are many groups of them traveling the savannah, there is no overarching government to be seen and no obvious leader within each band. This is not to say they don’t exist. While the Sanquo believe that every individual is their own master, each band has one person who makes suggestions that are usually followed. This position is determined by the bonds you have made with the community, with the person that has the most connections becoming the group’s leader in all but name.

Opinions from Other Nations

Yano: “Weak by themselves, always going on about equality and peace. We should have conquered them centuries ago. They always seem to know what’s going to happen though, and never seem to be alone.”

Extorria: “Well, they’re more decent than the feckin’ Yano, I’ll say that for ‘em. They trade with us and are always polite, but we know where we stand. If it came down to it, it would be us vs. them.”

Tinzan: “Of course people lived there before the Extorrians. There’s lots of things out there you’ve never heard of. Doesn’t mean they’re not lurking in the shadows, waiting for you. The Sanquo aren’t lurkers though. They’re the nicest folks you’ll ever meet, and always a kick to listen to. They’re always wary around outsiders, but who can blame them? One of them told me this story once about how…”

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The Unbound

Those who call no land home, either by choice or by force, and instead constantly travel

from place to place.

The Floating Nation of Tinzan

“I looked into Zenais’s Wrath, through the storm blown spray, and could not repress my disgust. Before my eyes was a horrible monster worthy to figure in the legends that haunt us throughout our lives. It was an immense creature, at least twenty yards long, covered in tentacles. The monster's mouth, a horned beak like a parrot's, opened and shut vertically.

Its tongue, a bony substance, furnished with several rows of pointed teeth, came out quivering from this veritable pair of shears. What a freak of nature! And there, mounted upon it was the Apparition, mating with this creature most foul. The sounds they were

making...still sends shivers down my spine. What you don’t believe me? Just you wait, one day I am sure you will see it too.”

-Story told by the Buccha Vern

The Tinzan at a Glance

Patron Deities: Zenais, The Tempest Commonly Worshiped Deities: Chorazan, Loa (emissaries)

Type of Government: Meritocratic chiefdom Population: 150,000

Values: Freedom, Experience, Flow

Sample Male Names: Azacca, Javal, Keniel, Tajo, Zidani Sample Female Names: Charo, Atabei, Nyoka, Xemania, Tanice

Subsisting entirely off the ocean, the Tinzan are a motley group of wayfarers who are always searching for the next adventure. Extremely easygoing, they live like the currents they float upon: always going with the flow. Many stories abound about them, which they adore, and those who are lucky enough to meet one loves them; they are accepted everywhere. Great storytellers, though most of their stories are probably exaggerated, they are always looking for the next good fish tale.

The Tinzan live as a roving nation of city states, consisting of many different Flota (raft cities) floating around the continents. It is usual for their entire life to be spent on the ocean. Few of them ever see land, let alone step upon it, preferring to live harmoniously with the ocean. This has led to some interesting skills, styles of magic and combat techniques, though they rarely have need to use them.

They are a very stratified meritocratic people, with the many tattoos across their entire bodies denoting this. Though in a way only they really understand, every tattoo is symbolic of an experience had. Each Flota is led by a Buccha, the most experienced individual on the Flota, whose word is law. However it is a power rarely used as each Tinzan is well aware of their place in the Flota, and to work against another is to work

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against themselves. Every Tinzan knows that the wrath of the ocean, and Zenais, can rise at any moment. If the bonds between people are broken so will be the bonds between rafts. One person alone will die; one raft drifting alone will not survive.

Opinions from Other Nations

Davorin: “The Tinzan always have excellent fish fare, though buying from them can sometimes be a hassle. They never stop talking! When I head down there, I have to be ready to spend an hour just trying to buy dinner.”

Vanarmenn: “It’s interesting to see such a focus on personal history and to see it inscribed on skin. Though the Tinzan don’t seem to appreciate their collective history, which strikes me as a shame.”

Extorria: “We feckin’ love these guys! They bring us all the best shit. And they don’t look down on us like some of the others do. Most traders come actin’ like they’re doin’ us a favor. Like we should be feckin’ grateful fer their trash. Not the Tinzan. They often give us the prime selection before they even head to the mainland. Fair prices too. And always down fer a story over some vita.”

Toulka: “Part of me is jealous. Even though I can’t imagine living on the ocean like they do, at least they have a home. If I weren’t so dedicated to the fight of my people. I’d consider running away and becoming a Tinzan myself.”

Eygenia: “They don’t seem like a particularly respectable group. My son went out drinking with one the other night. When he came back, I barely recognized him. I’d never seen him so disheveled and unkempt, and he had this horrible mark marring his skin. I suppose boys will be boys, but I would never let them near my daughter.”

The Cyrine Confederacy: “We don’t often encounter Tinzan at our waygates as they tend to travel by ocean. Occasionally, they will need to trade for something they lack, at which point we will give them the market price. They always try to haggle, but our prices are firm. I must admit, I’m grateful these interactions are few and far between. I grow tired of their constant prattling.”

Qin: “If we ever see one of those wraiths in our backwaters, we execute them on sight.”

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The Wandering Toulka

“For too long we have hid in the shadows. Too long have we suffered disgrace. It is often said that The Toulka are a collective of outcasts. A nation of those who wander.

Those who do not belong. I say we we have wandered enough. I say it’s time for us to find a place for us to belong. And if it does not yet exist, we will fight to create it.”


Toulka at a Glance

Patron Deity: Chorazan, the Jester Commonly Worshipped Deities: Lyrielle, Valis

Type of Government: None Population: Unknown. Estimated at 1 million.

Values: Family, Belonging, Fraternity, Art

Sample Male Names: Anxo, Fabricio, Leon, Marco, Nikolau Sample Female Names: Camila, Esperanza, Liliana, Luz, Pilar

The Toulka (TOOL-kah) are a collective of outcasts. They are feared because they have no home, nothing to lose, and therefore cannot be trusted. They are shunned by civilized peoples; despised for religious beliefs adamantly against resurrection. Though no one is quite sure where such a large group of rootless wanderers came from, they have a long history of being persecuted. There have even been those who have sought to eradicate them from the world.

While many Toulka are resigned to their fate, there are those who wish to fight back; to gain a corner of Rendalir where they can reside in peace. These few sometimes lash out with violence, only hurting the majority’s plea for tolerance.

The Toulka have to rely on their wits and skills to survive. They are great tinkerers and artists. They are fixers and healers; whether they’re reconstructing a shattered device or mending a broken heart with their songs. They love to tell stories and express their feelings with lively, yet often sorrowful music. They use these talents to scrape by; performing in village squares for coin. Children and adults alike love to watch these brightly costumed performers tell stories using several well-known stock characters or bawdy puppets.

At their heart, lies a deep sorrow. Though much of whatever initial culture they had has been lost, one thing that defines them is the love for their families. However, without a home, and in the face of constant harassment, they must stay in smaller, inconspicuous groups. Therefore, once they reach a certain age, Toulka must leave their families. A Toulka may wander for many years alone, with only dolls to represent various family members to keep them company.

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Opinions from Other Nations

Eygenia: “Those Toulka bastards burned down my cousin’s bakery. He wouldn’t sell them bread, so they burned down the whole thing. They’re always talking about how they’re treated, well how about how they treat us? We’re only defending ourselves! I’m afraid to let my daughters walk home alone at night for fear they’ll be snatched up and stolen away!”

Vaynta: “Haven’t we got enough problems without having to worry about them too?”

Varetta: “There always seems to be more of them during the harvest seasosn. They migrate, looking for work, and they know they can usually get some here then. Always gives me the creeps when I see a bunch of them working the fields. I try to keep my distance.”

Fenir: “I haven’t seen a Toulka around here in years. They don’t seem to agree with our ways. In fact, the bunch I saw seemed disgusted. That’s fine with me. I’d rather not have them around. I once heard about Toulka interrupting a resurrection ceremony. Said it was offensive. Well I think they’re offensive. No wonder no one wants them around.”

Vanarmenn: “The Toulka? They’re not really people. I mean, they have no history. Which is sad, I guess. But it’s really not our problem. We don’t need them around here, begging for coin, bothering us with their meaningless songs. They should follow the rest of their kind to XXX and leave us alone.”

Extorria: “Poor saps. Always travelin’ around with nowhere to go. Damn shame. I met some once. Tried to get them to relax. But they were so uptight. Maybe if they learned to let loose a little, people wouldn’t give them so much feckin trouble.”

Tinzan: “I pity them, you know? Whenever I meet them, I try to get them to sail away with us. Life on the ocean is much calmer than it is here on the Wastes. But man can they tell a good story. Listen to this one…”

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International Organizations

Dozens, if not hundreds, of factions exist within Rendalir; however, there are only a

handful that can claim influence in multiple nations. The following entries highlight the most

prominent international organizations in which one might seek membership, however this is

not a comprehensive list. Organizations unique to a respective culture or deity are included

in their respective lore, and it may be possible to uncover other existing groups through

research and roleplay.


Caduceus is the officially recognized organization of healers. It is an international

body that is responsible for training healers, running hospitals, and sending healers to

towns and villages. The organization sets standard rates and practices. Members pay

tuition for their training and yearly dues thereafter for the privilege of membership and the

official recognition it gives them. Membership in the organization is a mark of prestige,

respect, and skill. Though active throughout Rendalir, Caduceus has branches in

Monteaque, Davorin, Eygenia, and Kennis that all specialize in different types of healing.

The Bureau of Intellectual Property

The Bureau of Intellectual Property keeps meticulous records of all inventions, innovations, and ideas that have been created by man. They function as a patent office, ensuring that any profit or notoriety is delivered to the rightful owner of a thought or contraption. They have a special division, known as the Intellectual Enforcers, who act as enforcers of this right when necessary. The Bureau also pursues the lofty goal of documenting the entirety of intellectual life on Rendalir.


Mish’al is a guild of adventurers and treasure-seekers created and maintained by

Casa Ridwan, one of the ruling houses of Myrrine. Though the guild found its origins as a Myrrine institution, their reach has expanded significantly over the last several decades, and individuals from a variety of nations have been granted membership. Prince Ridawn is the leader of the guild, as is the established tradition, and he spends much of his time traveling abroad visiting other collectors. The guild’s own collection of art, history, and rare magical items is said to be unrivaled, and continues to expand through the efforts of its members. While these items have a clear monetary value, the Mish’al insist that their purpose is not the accumulation of wealth. It is the act of obtaining these treasures, the unveiling of their history, the discovery of ancient secrets, and the timeless stories created in so doing that is their true reward.

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The Noblesse Oblige

The Noblesse Oblige is an organization focused around one goal: stealing wealth

from the rich and powerful. They work for no one but themselves, refusing all jobs, no matter the offered price. Hunted by all nations as they are, they are still well-loved by those not of the noble and wealthy echelon. No one is quite certain about who they are led by, where they came from, or even if they actually exist, but every poor man, woman, and child can recite the tale of the group’s latest heist, a glimmer of defiance and delight in their eye. Each member of the Noblesse Oblige is rumored to carry an amulet or pendant depicting a silver hand grasping a golden feather, and it is said that if you give refuge to one of their members you will be well compensated for it.

League of the Night Lilies

This highly organized band of bandits operates in Varetta’s famous black market, known as Amdhara (ahm-DAR-uh). Though primarily located in Varetta, any talented thief can join the Night Lilies, assuming they can prove their skill. Some Night Lilies are sympathetic to the plight of the Varettan people and will use their skills to support the rebellion. Others feel this degrades the league and they shouldn’t perform jobs for anyone without proper payment.

The Black Hellebores

The Black Hellebores are an assassins’ guild that operates out of the Amdhara (ahm-DAR-uh) market in Varetta. Though based in Varetta, Hellebores can be of any nationality, as long as they prove their worth. They’re a very powerful, but very secretive organization with a highly structured hierarchy that even most members aren’t aware of. The oldest underground organization in Varetta, their history is mostly myth. Some claim they were originally formed as part of the rebellion against Eygenia with the goal of assassinating key Eygenian figures. Though many critics consider them to be nothing more than murderers, the Hellebores see themselves as a class above other assassins’ guilds. They will often stick to their principles and only perform jobs they deem to be of moral rectitude. Many of their jobs are of a political nature, but they’ve been known to slum it too, just like everyone else. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and in Varettta, things have been desperate for some time.

The Expatriates

The Expatriates are a relatively public organization of assassins spread throughout Rendalir whose members are composed of peoples from all nations. It is considered absolutely unforgivable for an Expatriate to kill for any reason other than being paid to do so. Their strict code of conduct demands that an Expatriate must never reveal the source of the contract. They must also give the target a sporting chance, and thus are forbidden from accepting contracts on those who are unable to defend themselves. Not to be mistaken for common hitmen, they also frown upon performing jobs on the street. An Expatriate must always act with style, for without style, they are nothing more than an expensive thug.

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Masters of the Web

Rumours tell of an organization so shrouded in mystery that most shrug off their existence as a mere myth, a vague hope for some and a nebulous fear for others. What they hold in their hands is the ability to get whatever information that you wish, regardless of what that is. It is said that if you send a particular letter to a particular address by means of the Messengers, a cloaked individual will show up at your house in the dead of night asking what knowledge you seek. The Messengers deny this and trash such letters, though if you can send it via other means the response is said to be the same. But be sure that you have an actual request and the means to purchase what you are asking for or beware: the stories warn that those who have sent such a letter simply to determine the validity of these rumors or who ask for too much with nothing to pay in return, have ended up dead.

Sir Podvin Kent’s Legionnaires

Sir Podvin Kent is an eccentric older gentleman who retains a large standing army of

variable talents. “Sir” is an honorary title he gave to himself upon receiving his first (of three)

lifetime achievement awards. After earning his first fortune, he built a large fortress forty

miles from Kennis, complete with a draw-bridge, moat, and advanced fortifications. It’s

assumed to be impenetrable, even though no one has ever bothered to attack it. He hired

an extremely skilled army to man it and has been known to lend them out from time to time.

He will accept coin or other exchanges, but most importantly, he will only send his army if

you can convince him of the worthiness of your cause. Supplicants are advised to be

cautious in approaching him for help. Occasionally, he has become convinced of the noble

intentions of a petitioner’s opponent and chosen to send his army to support their enemy.

The Inexplicables

The Inexplicables are exactly that. Recently formed under the banner of one Lord

Zeke, they have never lost a single battle. Their tactics seem simple enough, though

unusual in their single mindedness, consisting solely of ranged weapons, protected by a

strong wall of spears and shields. They use bows, crossbows, firearms, magic, catapults,

javelins, whatever can kill a man from a hundred or more yards away. Stories abound of

how a battle has turned within minutes of them taking the field, of sure victories becoming

devastating defeats, or how they have stood strong against overwhelming numbers to come

out on top. Even more surprising is every soldier’s implicit trust in Lord Zeke, a man who

seems to have convinced nobles from across the continents to follow him, while constantly

arguing he is no lord and no leader. How they choose their clients is unknown, but if you

have the Inexplicables on your side, you know that is where they will stay until their contract

is complete.

The Kunmar Legion

A mercenary group specializing in soldiers on horseback. In order to join, soldiers

must provide their own steed and prove their skills with it. They tend to be a higher end

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mercenary group as their payment must cover the cost of maintaining their horses. It’s

recommended that clients pay extra in order to ensure their loyalty.

Zenais’ Marauders

A ragged collection of sailors, raiders, and mariners, Zenais’s Marauders are the ones you want on your side during any battle dealing with water. This is the only mercenary group specializing in marine warfare. Should your attack involve ports, ships, sub-aquatic action, or any kind of coastal approach, then look no further. Though many members are from Myrrine, anyone is accepted as long as they can prove their worth. Seen by some from Myrrine as traitors, as they are often hired by various governments to deal with pirates, they deny such accusations. The Marauders simply point out that money leads to wealth, wealth leads to pleasure, and so they do the jobs that get them to that pleasure as quickly as possible. They are in no way traitor to anyone. And after all, even pirates have hired them when facing a particularly hard bounty.

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Sorcery is very common on Rendalir, and nearly everyone knows at least a spell or two that they employ to make everyday life more convenient. There are three primary types of sorcery that are publicly known about. Your average civilian wouldn’t necessarily know about the distinctions between these things, but a member of one of the major organizations most likely would, as would most nobles or educated merchants.

Dominion Sorcery draws upon the Dominions, sources of power tied to concepts like Earth, Life, and Time. A fragment of the power of a spell comes from the caster, taking a toll on their body when the spell is cast, whereas the remainder comes from an external source – commonly called a “Plane”.

For example, casting a spell from the Dominion of Water draws from the water in the caster’s body – but the majority of the power would come from the Plane of Water, a distant Energy source. At least, that’s what publicly-recognized theory tells you.

Dominion Sorcery is the broadest of all the types of sorcery, and its capabilities are nearly endless. That said, studying Dominion Sorcery takes extreme dedication, and its use can be dangerous. Cast too many water spells and you risk dehydrating your body; perhaps worse, drawing on the Dominion of Time could cause you to rapidly age…

Dominion Sorcery is publicly taught by schools and priesthoods in most of the civilized nations, though learning any specialized spells or techniques generally requires advanced studies, such as at one of the universities in Davorin.

Essence Sorcery draws upon an innate, non-specific power in the body to create supernatural effects. Unlike Dominion Sorcery, Essence Sorcery is powered entirely by the caster – making it even more taxing on the body, but more flexible for a novice and easier to learn. Experienced Essence Sorcerers can also generate effects almost instantly, or learn to aid allies at a distance without any chance of missing with their spells.

Essence Sorcery is extremely difficult to teach; however multiple classes are taught on the subject in Davorin. Even so, most Essence Sorcerers are born with some talent at it, and they are taught how to use the skill more effectively through private tutoring or direct experience.

Core Sorcery draws upon the world of Rendalir to power spells. There are two types of Core Sorcery. The first type of Core Sorcery is a supplement to Dominion Sorcery, where the casters use the land to assist in powering their spells. The second type of Core Sorcery is nowhere near as widely practiced, and involves creating supernatural effects directly through the power of the world itself.

A much greater amount of information is available by purchasing Lore documents on

each of the different types of sorcery. This is highly encouraged for any character that wants

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to study sorcery, as these lore documents not only will help your character understand how

sorcery works better and assist in role-playing, but also provide additional skill trees.

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Hundreds of gods and demi-gods exist on Rendalir, many of whom are worshipped

by multiple cultures. Everyone acknowledges that deities exist, as the evidence of this is

clear from daily sightings and the abundance of semi-divine offspring; however, there is

some to debate as to the true nature of their existence and whether or not they should be

revered or reviled. Despite this disagreement, it is common for a nation to have a patron

deity to whom the majority of their attention is directed, though most individuals offer prayer

to a plethora of other gods and demi-gods as specific needs arise throughout the day.

Below are details about some of the more commonly worshipped deities; however,

this is by no means an exhaustive list.

The Gods

Miruna, The Kingmaker

Dominions: Destiny, Knowledge, Clarity, Radiance

Centers of Worship: Davorin, Chariton, Kennis, Cyrine Confederacy

Common Symbols: A silver crown held aloft by two hands.

Associated Colors: Silver, White, Turquoise

Miruna embodies the concepts of wisdom, innovation, and change. Her love for the

world is the stuff of legends, and she is known for walking amongst the mortal realms and

elevating the worthy to greatness. It is even said that it was she who first taught the people

of Rendalir how to utilize Dominion sorcery. Her followers are typically mages, inventors,

and leaders, though, the common people also hold her in high regard as she represents the

hope of a better tomorrow. There is also a significant branch of her priesthood in Davorin

composed of diviners, those capable of parting the veils of the future and viewing that which

might come to be. Miruna is typically pictured as an elegant woman dressed in jeweled

robes of white and silver; however descriptions vary as she has assumed multiple guises in

the past, often living as a mortal woman for decades at a time. All of her forms have pure

white hair, and anyone with this distinct feature, especially women, is treated with great

respect in most nations as they are likely a descendant of Miruna, or could even be the

Kingmaker herself in disguise.

Ionel, The Everlast

Dominions: Ice, Memory, Stability, Protection Centers of Worship: Vanarmenn, Kennis, Cyrine Confederacy, Extorria (The Lords)

Common Symbols: Book and Key

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Associated Colors: Grey, Blue

The Everlast embodies the legacy of the past, and is singularly devoted to its preservation. He is a traditionalist, unchanging and steadfast. His followers are typically historians and lore-keepers, though he also has a strong following amongst the old-fashioned noble families of the civilized nations. His faithful preach the importance of preservation and memorializing the lessons of history, though they are not directly opposed to change. In fact, they often work side by side with servants of The Kingmaker, Ionel’s sister, the goddess of sorcery and innovation. The Everlast is typically depicted as an average looking middle-aged man with brown hair and fathomless, grey eyes. In fact, he is one of the only deities not known for taking multiple forms.

Kephas, The Warrior

Dominions: War, Metal, Strength, Courage Centers of Worship: Vanarmenn, Davorin, Eygenia, Extorria

Common Symbols: A red rose held in a gauntleted hand. A longspear. Associated Colors: Red, Gold

Kephas presides over the realms of honorable combat, competitions, and physical perfection. His faithful are often soldiers and athletes, and he is also a favorite amongst the young, arrogant scions of many noble houses. The elite of his clergy are divine warriors, capable of combining magic and physical prowess to perform impressive feats on the field of battle. Tournaments, races, mock-battles, and even wrestling matches are frequently staged in The Warrior's honor, and it is said that he bestowes his blessing upon the winners of such events. Though he is the consort of Miruna, The Kingmaker, Kephas is well known for his trysts with other deities and mortals alike, and has sired hundreds of demi-gods over the years, many of whom have gone on to become famous heroes in their own right. Kephas is typically pictured as a tall, well-built man with golden hair, either in elaborate armor or bare-chested, depending on the depiction. Several images also exist displaying scenes of Kephas alongside his consort or one of his many children.

Vendria, The Maiden

Dominions: Earth, Air, Fire, Light, Water, Shadow Centers of Worship: Varetta, Kennis, Extorria, Davorin, Amyntas, Toulka

Common Symbols: Sapling or Flower & Shield, Sun & Book, Snow & White Tree Associated Colors: Green & Silver, Red & White, Blue & Black

Vendria is associated with youth, life in its prime, and the balance of nature. She is the literal embodiment of the seasons, transitioning between three forms and distinct personalities throughout the progression of the year.

Vendria’s first aspect is Valia, the Heart of Spring. Her Dominions are Earth and Light. She represents the stability between seasons, and frequently takes on the persona of a traveling warrior with her golden hair bound into a tight bun. In this role, she travels from city to city, integrating herself into human society. In spite of being a “warrior”, she rarely

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participates in human conflicts; rather, she often serves as a bodyguard for a leader she considers worthy. Her armor is said to be wrought of silver and gold, and she bears a round shield and a sword with no crossguard.

Vendria’s second aspect is Valis, the Fire of Summer. Her Dominions are Fire and Air. Her role is that of a powerful sorceress with a fierce personality; she is a force of devastation against her enemies, but equally fiery in her passions for art, literature, and poetry. She wears garments of red, white, and orange, and her golden hair is tinted with red. Of the three aspects, she is the most likely to intervene in mortal affairs and she is known for having a quick temper, though her rages are always fueled by a sense of justice.

Vendria’s third aspect is Valie’e, (Valley-ey) the Deep of Winter. Her Dominions are

Water and Shadow. She is depicted as wearing blue and white robes, with blue hair

streaked with white. Where Valis is fiery and quick to anger, Valie’e is cold and

dispassionate, often living alone to contemplate the world around her. She takes turns

studying tomes and simply exploring the physical aspects of nature and constantly works to

strengthen her body and mind.

Zenais, The Tempest

Dominions: Lightning, Motion, Air, Water Centers of Worship: Tinzan, Myrrine

Common Symbols: Lightning Bolt, Clouds, Waves Associated Colors: Green, Blue, Black, Yellow

Like the weather taken as her namesake, Zenais is a spirited, passionate, and driven being that cannot be predicted. Traveling the world, she searches for whatever she happens to desire at the moment and when she finds it, nothing will stop her until she gets it. She is quick to anger, and will take out her wrath upon whoever and whatever is nearest, sometimes even the very thing she wanted in the first place. Her followers worship her more out of trepidation than reverence and as a way to appease her. They make sure to help her get what she wants no matter what it is. Once her anger is gone she usually retreats back to her home under the ocean to regain the energy expended. When she shows herself she always appears in the guise of a beautiful woman, of indeterminable age and nationality, wearing whatever fashion currently suits her fancy.

Fiachna, The Darkwood

Dominions: Peace, Water, Darkness, Nature Centers of Worship: Amyntas, Laise

Common Symbols: A black tree and white tree side by side with branches intertwined. Associated Colors: Black, White, Grey, Green

There is much speculation as to whether Fiachna, the large forest located in central Irune, is a deity in its own right. The Amyntans, who have acted as the forest’s sacred

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custodians for centuries, possibly even millennia, will tell you that Fiachna is very much alive. The overwhelming reports of strange occurrences--sudden mists, beckoning lights, laughter in the darkness--indicate that power rests within the trees, but whether that power is wielded by the forest itself or some entity or entities therein has yet to be proven.

Madron, The Forsaken

Dominions: Adaptation, Supremacy, Vengeance Center of Worship: Laise

Common Symbols: A bloodied hand, eyes dripping tears of blood Associated Colors: Red, Black, Green

Madron is a cautionary figure, cursed by Miruna thousands of years ago to walk Rendalir alone for his betrayal of one of her daughters. It is said that he still flees the goddess’s wrath to this day. Constantly in hiding from the other deities, little is known about the wasted creature that he has become, though he is said to be a terror in battle, driven half-mad by his hatred. No one has dared worship him directly since his fall; however, those who have been wronged in some way often whisper a prayer in his name. He is both pitied and reviled by mortals and the divine alike, and had not been sighted for many centuries until rumors of his presence in the Fiachna forest began to circulate a few years ago. The Laise, sworn enemies of Davorin and the Kingmaker, now purportedly serve as his companions, feeding his desire for the relief that only vengeance and blood can bring.

Kishor, The Artisan

Dominions: Matter, Knowledge, Heat Centers of Worship: Myrrine

Common Symbols: White Sand falling from a Blue Hand Associated Colors: Blue, White, Red

Kishor is occasionally sighted in Myrrine, and it is believed that he may be half-Myrrine himself, though this rumor remains unconfirmed as he always wears an ornate mask and shrouds his form in the finest silks. Applauded for his beautiful creations, ranging from dainty wind instruments to delicately engraved pottery, Kishor’s presence is highly sought after by Myrrine’s merchant princes. Lavish parties are frequently thrown in his honor with the hope that he might deign to attend, or better yet honor the host with one of his exquisite gifts.

Vasilia, The Veiled

Dominions: Virtue, Secrets, Protection Centers of Worship: Eygenia, Extorria (The Ladies)

Common Symbols: The Veil Associated Color: Purple

The Veil is a symbol of the things we hide and the things we protect. It is used as a defense against a world that seeks to look inside one’s soul and perceive a truth it may not

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be ready for. It gives the wearer the ability to choose what is seen and known. Vasilia is always depicted as a woman fully covered from head to foot. She wears an intricate lacy gown and head covering in different shades of purple. Her true face is not known, though it is thought she may be the most beautiful of all the gods. This may be why she took on the veil in the first place: to protect her against peering eyes and lustful thoughts. The only part of her that can actually be seen are her piercing amethyst eyes. Though she has a wide variety of followers throughout Eygenia, they commonly appreciate the importance of tact and discernment. There is a right time for information to be revealed, but not all secrets are meant to be known.

Astrella, The Radiant

Dominions: Constellations, Transcendence, Tranquility Centers of Worship: Vaynta (Mochan)

Common Symbols: Star Associated Colors: Gold, Silver

Astrella draws her power from the stars, and like them, chooses to watch over humanity from afar. She is one of the less active gods on Rendalir; she’ll check in with her followers and then disappear for months, years, or even decades. Her worshippers believe she is still watching them and aware of all that happens, but that she will not interfere as long as she approves of their actions. They believe her greatest gift to humanity is lumenite, a precious metal the Mochan mine to create some of the most powerful weaponry and armor on Rendalir. But whenever possible, her disciples choose to follow Astrella’s way of peace and tranquility, rising above petty squabbles to try to see the full picture. She is often depicted as a woman in her thirties with shining, golden hair and eyes that sparkle of silver. Her skin often has a glow to it. She wears long flowing silver or golden robes that catch the starlight. Her voice is said to sound like the chiming of bells.

Vazoura, The Scourge

Dominions: Corruption, Ruin, Chaos Centers of Worship: Vaynta (Kiravany)

Common Symbols: A Vulture often with a Phoenix in its Beak or Talons Associated Colors: Grey, White

Vazoura represents the eventual decay and destruction of all things and the beauty that can be found in death. Her followers believe that the world will eventually be destroyed and actively seek this day’s arrival. They’re fascinated by death, both physical and metaphorical, believing it is what gives life meaning. They believe in natural death, and do not seek to force this fate; they merely support Vazoura in her quest. Their worship often includes a living sacrifice (mostly livestock) placed on an altar and slayed by Vazoura herself or one of her vested priests. In her true form, it is said her skin is marred with scars and rotting flesh. Her long hair covers her putrid body and the loose fitting tattered dress she wears. She is often represented or depicted as a vulture with a vast wing span carrying a phoenix in her beak or talons.

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Atmora, The Shapeless

Dominions: Rain, Vapor Centers of Worship: Varetta, Extorria (the Sheps), Amyntas

Common Symbols: Rainfall Associated Colors: Blue, Silver

Atmora is a careful, timid god partial to introspection and meditation. Her followers are often quiet and patient. They watch and listen, not speaking until they feel they have something of value to say. Vapor allows her worshippers to observe unseen. Her devotees are afforded great powers of healing, for the rain is just as vital to cleansing the body as it is to watering crops. Atmora is too shy to appear in her human form, preferring to appear only as mist. Her voice is soft and sweet and has been likened to the plaintive alto of a viola.

Sychros, The Volcano

Dominions: Blood, Nature, Heat, Ruin Centers of Worship: Alkino

Common Symbols: Fire, Chains Associated Colors: Red, Orange, Brown

Sychros is a jealous and vengeful god who believes in the sanctity of a promise and will do everything in his power to punish those who break one. He can be called upon by any who feel they have been wronged and seek revenge, but there’s always a price for his services. He considers himself to be very gracious is his gifts, but requires ample praise and recompense. He can mostly be found inhabiting the Volcano that overshadows Alkino, where he is worshipped as their protector and savior. Though he is widely revered, he also inspires fear in those who know him. He has many forms, but is most often depicted as a man with fiery orange hair and burning red eyes. It is said that his hair actually is fire and when he grows angry, it turns from orange to shades of dark blue. When he is furious, it becomes an absolute white, but few can verify the truth of this as anyone unfortunate enough to observe this event is unlikely to live to tell the tale.


Dominions: Thought, Virtue, Supremecy Centers of Worship: Qin

Common Symbols: Spoked Wheel Associated Colors: Gold, Silver

Bitoku believes in one thing and one thing only: Order. Rendalir was created perfect, with everything in the correct place. In the beginning, Bitoku enjoyed watching how everything worked and moved together in harmony, how everything and everyone was rewarded; however, over time, his heart sank as people began to squander the many gifts the gods had given them. Refusing to watch them fall into chaos, he bequeathed his knowledge to the first Emperor of the Qin, Soon Woo, giving them the structure he knew they needed. Self-righteous and confident, he can be condescending to others as he tries to

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guide them. Depicted as a bearded man, hunched over his staff with age, he shows himself to individuals that have stepped out of line and puts them back into the correct place where they belong. His followers appreciate his guidance and feel that he is the most benevolent of deities for spending his time among them helping them live fulfilled and peaceful lives.

Torquin, The Purifier

Dominions: Purity Centers of Worship: Monteaqe Common Symbols: Fire, Cages Associated Colors: White, Red

The son of Lyrielle, Torquin is a chaste and judgmental god, driven in his pursuit to cleanse the world of its impurity. Very dour in demeanor, he is prudish to a fault and extremely self-righteous. Assured that his virtue is unquestionable, he is convinced that he is the one to lead the Rendalir’s people and denude them of their sins. He views sickness and disease as the physical representation of sin; only after cleaning the body of such taint can a person begin their journey to purity, through restraint and personal sacrifice. But do not disappoint him, for he is an unforgiving god and will punish any and all that fail in his eyes. His followers are often doctors and preachers, feeling that his aspiration is a noble one, and that his punitive actions is the only way he can express how deeply his disappointment hurts. Leading the Monteaqe from his house of worship, he sends his followers out into the world to help him in his cleansing and spread his teachings. He also travels the world, always alone, in the guise of various young men. The one thing that he never changes though are his eyes, which are always white.

Rovisia, The Enlightened

Dominions: Knowledge, Clarity, Destiny Centers of Worship: Isokratia, Chariton

Common Symbols: Owl, Two Overlapping Diamonds Associated Colors: White, Grey

Rovisia is the goddess of intellectual enlightenment, embodying the wisdom, determination, and mental dexterity necessary to achieve such a lofty goal. Her ideals are manifested in the Isokratian way. Their society is a grand experiment in her honor, trying to reach the height of civilization, creating a future where all are equal. Her wisdom guides this journey, showing them the path toward righteousness. Isokratians attempt to get at the truth through their many debates. Rovisia does not participate in these debates for she already knows everything and therefore does not need conversation to arrive at the truth, but Isokratians like to think she’s listening nearby, smiling at their efforts. She is often depicted as an older woman with long white hair. She wears long grey robes and is without jewelry or adornment. She can also take the form of an owl and enjoys watching over her worshippers, cooing at their conversations.

Danik, The Mountain

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Dominions: Earth, Stability Centers of Worship: Isokratia

Common Symbols: Green and brown Half Shaded Triangle Associated Colors: Green, Brown

Danik is a nurturing, compassionate being who is very protective of her worshippers. Many millenia ago, she was lively and spirited, full of hopes and dreams. She gave her heart to a fellow god, only to have it savagely broken. Devastated, she crumpled to her knees and never again moved from that spot, allowing the mountain to form around her. Many centuries later, she offered her protection to the nation of Isokratia. She keeps them safe at the top of the mountain by keeping the pathways to the mountain’s peak secret so no one who does not know the way can find them. Their constant arguing makes her smile, distracting her from the pains in her heart. She thinks of them as her children, and is very protective of them. It has been so long since she walked among mankind in human form that no one remembers what she once looked like. She is known only as the Mountain.

Ceriane, The Alchemist

Dominions: Poison, Acid, Pestilence, Matter Centers of Worship: Cyrine Confederacy, Kennis

Common Symbols: Cracked Mask Associated Colors: Green, Yellow

Ceriane is a reclusive deity, choosing to spend the majority of her time developing one concoction or another. It is common knowledge that she lives somewhere in the Cyrine Confederacy, and that the Consortium furnishes her with all of the materials and funding that her experiments demand. Occasionally she will take on a human apprentice, and the Alchemy District is overflowing with would-be Alchemy Guild members seeking a touch of divine guidance, much to the goddess’s great discomfort. She does not appear to appreciate crowds or recognition, and is always covered by a mask and gloves, a fashion trend that has been adopted by many of the higher ranking guild members. No one knows for certain why Ceriane hides her true appearance, and those who attempt to uncover this secret tend to end up the unfortunate victims of what is often a fatal “accident”.

Chorazan, The Jester

Dominions: Communication, Shape, Secrets Centers of Worship: Toulka, Tinzan, Extorria (The Jesters)

Common Symbols: Mask, Lantern, Staff Associated Colors: Yellow, Red, Black

Chorazan delights in breaking rules, boasting, and playing tricks on both humans and the other gods. A chaotic and disorderly character, he acts out all his urges and desires. Able to take any form, he spends his days traveling the world ignoring the framework of right and wrong, and refusing to recognize the rules of society. Often childish, greedy, lustful, and even nasty, he can also be friendly, helpful, clever, and wise, or even appear to be clownish, clumsy, or foolish. He enjoys teaching people lessons, some good

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and some bad, but always important. While people rarely realize that they have met him, they always learn something valuable in his presence.

The Apparition

Dominions: Darkness, Deception, Fear Centers of Worship: Nowhere and Everywhere

Common Symbols: None Associated Colors: None

The Apparition has no true name, or if he does none dare utter it aloud. Like Chorazan, The Apparition acts out all his desires, but there is never a lesson to be learned from him. He is the monster that parents warn their children about; the creature that haunts their nightmares. Vindictive and cruel, he delights in inspiring terror and despair as he punishes those who need to be punished. Of course, to him, those who need to be punished span all of humanity, though he attempts to limit his attention to those who most deserve it. Unfortunately he doesn’t particularly care about following his own code, let alone anyone else’s, and will gladly terrorize whoever he happens to come across. The insane are often said to have been visited by him; he is the reason for their spiral into chaos. His worshipers follow him out of the desire to emulate him in some small way, and to placate him if ever he decides to take his urges out on them. He comes in many guises, each suited to the particular task at hand, but he is often depicted as a figure in a tattered and ragged black cloak, red eyes glaring out from beneath its hood.


Dominions: War, Strength, Courage Centers of Worship: Yano

Common Symbols: Crossed Staves, Bear Associated Colors: Red, Brown, Gold

Tumatuenga is the great lord of combat, strength, and skill. Worshiped by the Yano, they have trained themselves to perform impressive feats in battle, combining strong feats of magic with their fierce combative prowess. They worship him devotedly, expressing their commitment to him with the the three tiers of combat they use to determine everything in their society. It is said that he looks well upon the winners of such fights. Tumatuenga is dearly loved by the Yano, and he clearly loves them too, as many of his children have appeared throughout their history, becoming famous warriors and leader through their own abilities. He is either pictured as a tall, well-built, bare-chested man with golden hair standing over his foe’s defeated bodies, or as a giant bear tearing through his enemies.

Lyrielle, The Beacon

Dominions: Dreams, Life, Spirit Centers of Worship: Davorin, Eygenia, Myrrine, Fenir, Toulka

Common Symbols: Torch, Crescent Moon, Watchtower

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Associated Colors: Silver, Yellow, White, Magenta

Lyrielle is the daughter of Miruna and Kephas, and is considered the darling of the pantheon. She is the most strongly associated with healing, dreams, and prophecy, and the touch of her followers is said to soothe the mind, body, and spirit. Her faith is strongly tied to her mother’s, in large part due to her connection to prophecy. For this reason she has a strong following in Davorin; however, her greatest influence can be found among the Ypversai, a vassal state of the Empire of Eygenia and the center of her worship. Lyrielle is rumored to be incredibly beautiful, with flowing silver hair and magenta eyes. Her impending arrival is often heralded by a sudden warmth and a soft, white light. Though she has not been sighted in the last decade or so, Lyrielle was once famous for walking through Rendalir’s cities, healing the maladies of commoner and noble alike. Her continued absence from the public is of increasing concern to her faithful, as it is unlike her to withdraw for such a significant period of time.