Surgery ward Genitourinary Name__________________________ Group______ Block______ Date____________ Score__________ 1. When a female client with an indwelling urinary (Foley) catheter insists on walking to the hospital lobby to visit with family members, nurse Rose teaches how to do this without compromising the catheter. Which client action indicates an accurate understanding of this information? a. The client sets the drainage bag on the floor while sitting down. b. The client keeps the drainage bag below the bladder at all times. c. The client clamps the catheter drainage tubing while visiting with the family. d. The client loops the drainage tubing below its point of entry into the drainage bag. 2. A male client with bladder cancer has had the bladder removed and an ileal conduit created for urine diversion. While changing this client’s pouch, the nurse observes that the area around the stoma is red, weeping, and painful. What should nurse conclude? a. The skin wasn’t lubricated before the pouch was applied. b. The pouch faceplate doesn’t fit the stoma. c. A skin barrier was applied properly. d. Stoma dilation wasn’t performed. 3. A female client with chronic renal failure (CRF) is receiving a hemodialysis treatment. After hemodialysis, nurse Sarah knows that the client is most likely to experience: a. hematuria. b. weight loss. c. increased urine output. d. increased blood pressure. 4. Nurse Agnes is reviewing the report of a client’s routine urinalysis. Which value should the nurse consider abnormal? a. Specific gravity of 1.03 b. Urine pH of 3.0 c. Absence of protein d. Absence of glucose 5. A female client is admitted for treatment of chronic renal failure (CRF). Nurse Juliet knows that this disorder increases the client’s risk of: a. water and sodium retention secondary to a severe decrease in the glomerular filtration rate. b. a decreased serum phosphate level secondary to kidney failure. c. an increased serum calcium level secondary to kidney failure. d. metabolic alkalosis secondary to retention of hydrogen ions.


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Surgery ward Genitourinary Name__________________________ Group______ 1. When a female client with an indwelling urinary (Foley) catheter insists on walking to the hospital lobby to visit with family members, nurse Rose teaches how to do this without compromising the catheter. Which client action indicates an accurate understanding of this information? a. The client sets the drainage bag on the floor while sitting down. b. The client keeps the drainage bag below the bladder at all times. c. The client clamps the catheter drainage tubing while visiting with the family. d. The client loops the drainage tubing below its point of entry into the drainage bag. 2. A male client with bladder cancer has had the bladder removed and an ileal conduit created for urine diversion. While changing this clients pouch, the nurse observes that the area around the stoma is red, weeping, and painful. What should nurse conclude? a. The skin wasnt lubricated before the pouch was applied. b. The pouch faceplate doesnt fit the stoma. c. A skin barrier was applied properly. d. Stoma dilation wasnt performed. 3. A female client with chronic renal failure (CRF) is receiving a hemodialysis treatment. After hemodialysis, nurse Sarah knows that the client is most likely to experience: a. hematuria. b. weight loss. c. increased urine output. d. increased blood pressure. 4. Nurse Agnes is reviewing the report of a clients routine urinalysis. Which value should the nurse consider abnormal? a. Specific gravity of 1.03 b. Urine pH of 3.0 c. Absence of protein d. Absence of glucose Block______ Date____________ Score__________

5. A female client is admitted for treatment of chronic renal failure (CRF). Nurse Juliet knows that this disorder increases the clients risk of: a. water and sodium retention secondary to a severe decrease in the glomerular filtration rate. b. a decreased serum phosphate level secondary to kidney failure. c. an increased serum calcium level secondary to kidney failure. d. metabolic alkalosis secondary to retention of hydrogen ions. 6. For a male client in the oliguric phase of acute renal failure (ARF), which nursing intervention is most important? a. Encouraging coughing and deep breathing b. Promoting carbohydrate intake c. Limiting fluid intake d. Providing pain-relief measures 7. A male client with acute pyelonephritis receives a prescription for co-trimoxazole (Septra) P.O. twice daily for 10 days. Which finding best demonstrates that the client has followed the prescribed regimen? a. Urine output increases to 2,000 ml/day. b. Flank and abdominal discomfort decrease. c. Bacteria are absent on urine culture. d. The red blood cell (RBC) count is normal. 8. Nurse Claudine is reviewing a clients fluid intake and output record. Fluid intake and urine output should relate in which way? a. Fluid intake should be double the urine output. b. Fluid intake should be approximately equal to the urine output. c. Fluid intake should be half the urine output. d. Fluid intake should be inversely proportional to the urine output.

9. After trying to conceive for a year, a couple consults an infertility specialist. When obtaining a history from the husband, nurse Jenny inquires about childhood infectious diseases. Which childhood infectious disease most significantly affects male fertility? a. Chickenpox b. Measles c. Mumps d. Scarlet fever 10. A male client comes to the emergency department complaining of sudden onset of sharp, severe pain in the lumbar region, which radiates around the side and toward the bladder. The client also reports nausea and vomiting and appears pale, diaphoretic, and anxious. The physician tentatively diagnoses renal calculi and orders flat-plate abdominal X-rays. Renal calculi can form anywhere in the urinary tract. What is their most common formation site? a. Kidney b. Ureter c. Bladder d. Urethra 11. After having transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), a Mr. Locke returns to the unit with a three-way indwelling urinary catheter and continuous closed bladder irrigation. Which finding suggests that the clients catheter is occluded? a. The urine in the drainage bag appears red to pink. b. The client reports bladder spasms and the urge to void. c. The normal saline irrigant is infusing at a rate of 50 drops/minute. d. About 1,000 ml of irrigant have been instilled; 1,200 ml of drainage have been returned. 12. Nurse Myrna is inserting a urinary catheter into a client who is extremely anxious about the procedure. The nurse can facilitate the insertion by asking the client to: a. initiate a stream of urine. b. breathe deeply. c. turn to the side. d. hold the labia or shaft of penis.

13. Nurse Kim is caring for a client who had a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Which nursing intervention promotes urinary continence? a. Encouraging intake of at least 2 L of fluid daily b. Giving the client a glass of soda before bedtime c. Taking the client to the bathroom twice per day d. Consulting with a dietitian 14. When examining a female clients genitourinary system, nurse Sally assesses for tenderness at the costovertebral angle by placing the left hand over this area and striking it with the right fist. Normally, this percussion technique produces which sound? a. A flat sound b. A dull sound c. Hyperresonance d. Tympany 15. A male client who has been treated for chronic renal failure (CRF) is ready for discharge. Nurse Bea should reinforce which dietary instruction? a. Be sure to eat meat at every meal. b. Monitor your fruit intake, and eat plenty of bananas. c. Increase your carbohydrate intake. d. Drink plenty of fluids, and use a salt substitute. 16. Nurse Wayne is aware that the following statements describing urinary incontinence in the elderly is true? a. Urinary incontinence is a normal part of aging. b. Urinary incontinence isnt a disease. c. Urinary incontinence in the elderly cant be treated. d. Urinary incontinence is a disease. 17. A female client with a urinary tract infection is prescribed co-trimoxazole (trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole). Nurse Don should provide which medication instruction? a. Take the medication with food. b. Drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of fluid daily. c. Avoid taking antacids during co-trimoxazole therapy. d. Dont be afraid to go out in the sun.

18. Nurse Vic is monitoring the fluid intake and output of a female client recovering from an exploratory laparotomy. Which nursing intervention would help the client avoid a urinary tract infection (UTI)? a. Maintaining a closed indwelling urinary catheter system and securing the catheter to the leg b. Limiting fluid intake to 1 L/day c. Encouraging the client to use a feminine deodorant after bathing d. Encouraging the client to douche once a day after removal of the indwelling urinary catheter 19. A female client with an indwelling urinary catheter is suspected of having a urinary tract infection. Nurse Angel should collect a urine specimen for culture and sensitivity by: a. disconnecting the tubing from the urinary catheter and letting the urine flow into a sterile container. b. wiping the self-sealing aspiration port with antiseptic solution and aspirating urine with a sterile needle. c. draining urine from the drainage bag into a sterile container. d. clamping the tubing for 60 minutes and inserting a sterile needle into the tubing above the clamp to aspirate urine. 20. When caring for a male client with acute renal failure (ARF), Nurse Fatima expects to adjust the dosage or dosing schedule of certain drugs. Which of the following drugs would not require such adjustment? a. acetaminophen (Tylenol) b. gentamicin sulfate (Garamycin) c. cyclosporine (Sandimmune) d. ticarcillin disodium (Ticar)