Renaissance A new age that began in the 1300s and reached its peak around 1500. Marked a transition from medieval times to the early modern world. Literally meaning “rebirth,” it was a time of creativity and great change in many areas – political, social, economic, and cultural. Marked a slow shift from an agricultural to an urban society in which trade assumed greater importance. Humanism (2) An intellectual movement at the heart of the Renaissance that focused on education and the classics. Studied the classical culture of Greece and Rome but used that study to increase their understanding of their own times. Emphasized subjects such as grammar, rhetoric, poetry, and history. Medici Family Wealthy family of Florence and ranked among the richest merchants and bankers in Europe. Family members were generous patrons, or financial supports, of the arts. Their wealth and influence transformed Florence. Perspective (2) This artistic technique of making distant objects smaller allowed Renaissance artists to create realistic art that appeared theedimensional.

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Renaissance A  new  age  that  began  in  the  1300s  and  reached  its  peak  around  1500.  Marked  a  transition  from  medieval  times  to  the  early  modern  world.  Literally  meaning  “rebirth,”  it  was  a  time  of  creativity  and  great  change  in  many  areas  –  political,  social,  economic,  and  cultural.  Marked  a  slow  shift  from  an  agricultural  to  an  urban  society  in  which  trade  assumed  greater  importance.    

Humanism (2)

An  intellectual  movement  at  the  heart  of  the  Renaissance  that  focused  on  education  and  the  classics.    

Studied  the  classical  culture  of  Greece  and  Rome  but  used  that  study  to  increase  their  understanding  of  their  own  times.  Emphasized  subjects  such  as  grammar,  rhetoric,  poetry,  and  history.  

Medici Family Wealthy  family  of  Florence  and  ranked  among  the  richest  merchants  and  bankers  in  Europe.  Family  members  were  generous  patrons,  or  financial  supports,  of  the  arts.  Their  wealth  and  influence  transformed  Florence.    

Perspective (2)

 This  artistic  technique  of  making  distant  objects  smaller  allowed  Renaissance  artists  to  create  realistic  art  that  

appeared  thee-­‐dimensional.  

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Renaissance Art (2)

     This  art  reflected  the  ideas  of  humanism.  Artists  portrayed  religious  themes,  however,  they  were  portrayed  as  more  realistic  and  more  human.  Studied  Greek  and  Roman  works  and  revived  many  classical  forms.  

Medieval Art (2)

                       Lacks  humanistic  qualities.  Religious  figures  over-­‐emphasized,  larger  than  life,  holy.  Perspective  drawn  inaccurately.  Lesser  quality.  

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Printing Press Impact on Europe


Books  were  faster  and  easier  to  make,  which  led  to  an  increase  in  literacy  and  education  in  Europe.  Europeans  were  exposed  to  new  ideas  such  as  the  Protestant  Reformation  and  discoveries  of  the  Scientific  Revolution.  

Indulgences In  the  Roman  Catholic  Church,  these  were  pardons  for  sins  committed  during  a  person’s  lifetime.  These  lessened  the  time  a  soul  would  have  to  spend  in  purgatory.  By  the  late  1400’s,  these  could  be  bought  with  money.      

Martin Luther and 95 Theses


 German  monk  and  professor  of  theology.  Created  ______________________,  arguments  against  indulgences.  Argued  that  indulgences  had  no  basis  in  the  Bible,  that  the  pope  had  no  authority  to  release  souls  from  purgatory,  and  that  Christians  could  be  saved  only  through  faith.  Was  excommunicated  by  Pope  Leo  X  

Secular Having  to  do  with  worldly,  rather  than  religious  matters;  nonreligious.    

King Henry VIII: Reasons for breaking away from

Catholic Church.

Originally  stood  against  the  Protestant  revolt.  However,  after  the  Catholic  Church  refused  to  annul  his  marriage  he  was  furious  and  decided  took  over  the  English  church.  Took  the  English  church  away  from  the  pope’s  control  and  placed  it  under  his  rule.    

Catholic Counter Reformation

(Primary Goal)

Across  Northern  Europe,  this  movement  was  lead  by  Pope  Paul  III.  Set  out  to  revive  moral  authority  of  the  Catholic  Church  and  fight  back  against  Protestant  influence.  Wanted  to  end  corruption  within  the  papacy  itself.    

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Roman Inquisition Forbidden Book Lists

Fight  against  Protestantism.  Church  court  set  up  during  the  middle  ages,  used  secret  testimony,  torture,  and  execution  to  root  heresy.  Banned  works  that  were  considered  too  immoral  or  irreligious  for  Catholics  to  read.  Included  works  by  Luther  and  Calvin.    

Geocentric Model

 This  view  was  accepted  by  the  Catholic  Church  to  be  absolute  truth.  The  idea  that  the  solar  system  revolves  

around  Earth.  Heliocentric Model

 Galileo’s  discoveries  caused  an  uproar  because  his  

observation  of  this  model  contradicted  ancient  views  about  the  world.  Church  condemned  him  because  his  ideas  

challenged  the  Christian  teaching  that  the  heavens  were  fixed  in  position  to  Earth,  and  perfect.  


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Jesuits New  religious  order.  Included  spiritual  and  moral  discipline,  rigorous  religious  training,  and  absolute  obedience  to  the  church.  Became  advisors  to  Church.  Furthered  the  Catholic  Cause  by  becoming  advisors  to  Catholic  rulers,  helping  them  combat  heresy  in  their  lands.  Set  up  schools  that  taught  humanist  and  Catholic  beliefs.    

Council of Trent Established  the  direction  that  the  Catholic  Counter-­‐Reformation  should  take.  Met  off  and  on  for  20  years.  Took  steps  to  end  abuses  in  the  church.  Provided  penalties  for  corruption  among  clergy  and  established  schools  to  create  better-­‐educated  clergy  who  would  challenge  Protestant  teachings.    

Niccólo Machiavelli Wrote  The  Prince,  a  book  of  advise  for  rulers  on  how  to  stay  in  power.  His  work  differed  from  earlier  political  philosophy  because  he  dealt  with  harsh  reality  rather  than  idealized  scenarios.    

Reasons why the Renaissance began in


Historically  it  was  the  center  of  what  was  once  Ancient  Rome.  Also,  Mediterranean  trade  had  greatly  increased  wealth  as  well  as  cultural  diffusion  from  the  Middle  East.