3/1/2012 1 Renaissance 1300-1600 Renaissance Rebirth of classical ideas. The Renaissance was a time of creativity and change in many areas political, social, economic and cultural. Emphasis placed on the achievements of individual human beings. Warm Up Use the map on page 415 to complete the following. 1. Describe how Italy was divided at the time. 2. Geographically speaking, describe what is different about the Italian cities compared to the rest of Europe. 3. Explain how this difference may have affected Italian culture. Guiding Questions 1. What were the causes and effects of the Renaissance? 2. What was the relationship between Christianity, individualism, and the growing secularism?

Renaissance and ReformationCAUSES EFFECTS Renaissance •Printing press more people read and interpret writings for themselves (Bible) •Scholars revive the study of Greco-Roman culture

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Page 1: Renaissance and ReformationCAUSES EFFECTS Renaissance •Printing press more people read and interpret writings for themselves (Bible) •Scholars revive the study of Greco-Roman culture




Renaissance – Rebirth of classical ideas.

The Renaissance was a time of creativity

and change in many areas – political, social,

economic and cultural. Emphasis placed on

the achievements of individual human


Warm Up

Use the map on page 415 to complete the following.

1. Describe how Italy was divided at the time.

2. Geographically speaking, describe what is different about the Italian cities compared to the rest of Europe.

3. Explain how this difference may have affected Italian culture.

Guiding Questions

1. What were the causes and effects of the Renaissance?

2. What was the relationship between Christianity, individualism, and the growing secularism?

Page 2: Renaissance and ReformationCAUSES EFFECTS Renaissance •Printing press more people read and interpret writings for themselves (Bible) •Scholars revive the study of Greco-Roman culture



The Renaissance Began in Italy

• Renewed interest in Roman literature and life.

• Ruins of Roman empire dotted the Italian countryside.

• Crusades and trade with the Middle East Brought Italians into contact with Byzantine civilization.

The Renaissance Began in Italy

• Increased trade brought wealth that brought the leisure time to pursue other interests.

• Byzantine scholars had preserved learning from classical Greece and Rome.

• The Pope made Rome the capitol of the Catholic Church in the West.


• Define “humanism”

• Humanism – intellectual movement at the heart of the Italian Renaissance that focused on worldly subjects rather than on religious issues.

• Humanists were usually Christians who believed that the individual in the here and now had an important role to play.

• Education was important.

• Emphasis on individual achievement.

• Emphasis on classical Greek and Roman texts.

Page 3: Renaissance and ReformationCAUSES EFFECTS Renaissance •Printing press more people read and interpret writings for themselves (Bible) •Scholars revive the study of Greco-Roman culture




• Worldly and concerned with the here and now

• Humanists believed that people could enjoy life without offending God

• How did this affect art?

• Renaissance popes beautify Rome with expensive art

• Patron – someone who financially supports artists

Italian Geniuses of Renaissance Art – Leonardo

Leonardo da Vinci (1452)

• Artist (Mona Lisa, The Last Supper),

• Inventor (helicopter, weapons, music box, many more),

• Architect, botanist, musician, anatomy, optics, engineering

Mona Lisa

• 1503-1519

• Lisa del Giacondo, wife of Francesco del Giacondo

• Bought by king Francis I of France

• http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-17114645

Page 4: Renaissance and ReformationCAUSES EFFECTS Renaissance •Printing press more people read and interpret writings for themselves (Bible) •Scholars revive the study of Greco-Roman culture



Leonardo’s Helicopter

Leonardo’s Trebuchet


• Michelangelo – Italian painter and sculptor.

• Total realism in art.

• What the eye can see

• Pieta and David.

• Murals on the ceilings of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.

Page 6: Renaissance and ReformationCAUSES EFFECTS Renaissance •Printing press more people read and interpret writings for themselves (Bible) •Scholars revive the study of Greco-Roman culture



Italian Genius of Renaissance Writing - Machiavelli

• Machiavelli published a book in 1513,

The Prince. Theorized about how a

perfect ruler would govern. (422)

• Stressed that the end justifies the


• Urged rulers to use whatever means

necessary to achieve their goals.

The Northern Renaissance

• Renaissance moved to France, Belgium,

Germany and the Netherlands.

• Erasmus – Dutch priest and Humanist.

Called for a translation of the Bible from

Latin into the vernacular of each nation,

so that common people could read it.

He was disturbed by the corruption in

the Catholic Church and called for


Genius Writers of the Northern


• William Shakespeare

– England.

Playwright between

1590-1613. Wrote

about the actual

human condition of

his time. (426)

• Cervates – Spain.

Novelist. Wrote Don


Page 7: Renaissance and ReformationCAUSES EFFECTS Renaissance •Printing press more people read and interpret writings for themselves (Bible) •Scholars revive the study of Greco-Roman culture



The Printing


• Printing Press – allowed new ideas to spread more easily. Spread from China to Middle East to Europe.

• Gutenberg: invented a new type of printing press. Used movable type.

• Books suddenly within reach of ordinary person. (427)

Draw a Multiple Flow Map



• Printing press more people read and interpret

writings for themselves (Bible)

• Scholars revive the study of Greco-Roman culture

• Northern European artists, writers, and philosophers are influenced

• Patrons support the arts

• Renaissance artists develop new techniques

• Increased trade brings wealth and more leisure time

• Writers produce influential work

• Crusades bring interaction with Byzantine scholars

Page 8: Renaissance and ReformationCAUSES EFFECTS Renaissance •Printing press more people read and interpret writings for themselves (Bible) •Scholars revive the study of Greco-Roman culture



Let’s Review the Causes


• Crusades bring interaction with Byzantine scholars

• Scholars revive the study of Greco-Roman culture

• Increased trade brings wealth and more leisure time

• Patrons support the arts

Effects of the Renaissance


• Renaissance artists develop new techniques

• Writers produce influential work

• Northern European artists, writers, and philosophers are influenced

• Printing press more people read and

interpret writings for themselves (Bible)