Android remoting 101 Fino architecture Exploring and reversing DTMF Fuzzing Fun & profit Conclusion Remoting Android applications for fun & profit Damien Cauquil, Pierre Jaury Hack In Paris June 20, 2013 Damien Cauquil, Pierre Jaury Remoting Android applications for fun & profit 1 / 30

Remoting Android applications for fun & profit - ZenK … in Paris 2013...Remoting Android applications for fun & pro t Damien Cauquil, ... Any other APK source is valid! ... get a

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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

Remoting Android applicationsfor fun & profit

Damien Cauquil, Pierre Jaury

Hack In ParisJune 20, 2013

Damien Cauquil, Pierre Jaury Remoting Android applications for fun & profit 1 / 30

Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion


Damien Cauquil

Company Sysdream (head of research)

Twitter @virtualabs

Blog http://virtualabs.fr

Pierre Jaury

Company Sysdream

Twitter @kaiyou

Blog http://kaiyou.fr

Sysdream, IT security services

Location Paris, France

Website http://sysdream.com

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Table Of Contents

1 Android remoting 101

2 Fino architecture

3 Exploring and reversing

4 DTMF Fuzzing

5 Fun & profit

Android remoting 101

1 Android remoting 101To debug or not to debugRemoting vs. DebuggingRoot?

2 Fino architecture

3 Exploring and reversing

4 DTMF Fuzzing

5 Fun & profit

Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

To debug or not to debugRemoting vs. DebuggingRoot?

To debug or not to debug

Some ways to debug applications

Dalvik Debugging Monitor Server combined with JDWPAndroid logcat

Many drawbacks:

Very difficult to alter and monitor the target application stateRequires Android Debug Bridge (ADB)Bytecode level

Why debugging?

Debugging android apps is very useful for developers . . .But not convenient for reverse engineers (sic) !

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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

To debug or not to debugRemoting vs. DebuggingRoot?

Remoting vs. DebuggingApp phone home

Debugging is so low-level and hardcore, why not getting a higherlevel view of an application and its components?

Many benefits:

Abstraction of Android Dalvik VM bytecodeBetter idea of how the application worksJava-like access to core components or the application itselfBypass OOP restrictions


Interact with the target applicationAutomate complex processes through scripting

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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

To debug or not to debugRemoting vs. DebuggingRoot?

Remoting vs. DebuggingFirst infection


Through the injection of a service running inside theapplication contextCompatible with Android > 2.0Remotely controlled over the service API


Cannot send your private information to the NSACan only interact with known and launched activities orservicesCannot interact with native applications

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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

To debug or not to debugRemoting vs. DebuggingRoot?

Root?Where we go, we don’t need root.

Rooting your Android phone . . .

May void its warrantyMay alter the behavior of your phoneMay be detected by an application

Remoting applications does not require:

Root access to the phoneUSB debuggingAny special option set

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Fino architecture

1 Android remoting 101

2 Fino architectureApplication componentsGeneral overview

3 Exploring and reversing

4 DTMF Fuzzing

5 Fun & profit

Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

Application componentsGeneral overview

Application componentsComponents. . . so many components

Fino Hundreds of bytes of dalvik bytecodeProvides a minimal inspection APIListens for service connectionsDynamic macro loading

Gadget Listens for network connectionsForwards calls to the Fino service

Client Python-driven gadget clientHandles modules and uploads macros

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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

Application componentsGeneral overview

General overview

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Exploring and reversing

1 Android remoting 101

2 Fino architecture

3 Exploring and reversingGetting the original APKInjectingInstalling

4 DTMF Fuzzing

5 Fun & profit

Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

Getting the original APKInjectingInstalling

Getting the original APK

Some usual adb magic

Must have USB debug and root access enabled

adb shell su -c ’ls /data/app’

Some more adb pull

Any other APK source is valid!

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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

Getting the original APKInjectingInstalling


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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

Getting the original APKInjectingInstalling

InstallingThen have fun!

Some more adb magic!

adb install package.apk

Be careful with certificate inconsistency

Run the Gadget server

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DTMF Fuzzing

1 Android remoting 101

2 Fino architecture

3 Exploring and reversing

4 DTMF FuzzingIVR testingAndroid as an IVR testing platformCreating the system applicationDial, send DTMF and record conversationSign and installLet’s fuzz !

5 Fun & profit

Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

IVR testingAndroid as an IVR testing platformCreating the system applicationDial, send DTMF and record conversationSign and installLet’s fuzz !

IVR testingWhat is DTMF fuzzing about?

Interactive Voice Response Service

Provides a voice service to customers (i.e. answering service)Interaction is DTMF-based

Fuzzing DTMF tones

DTMF: Dual-Tone Multi-FrequencySupported by a large number of phonesFuzzing consists in sending a large amount of randomlygenerated DTMF sequences

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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

IVR testingAndroid as an IVR testing platformCreating the system applicationDial, send DTMF and record conversationSign and installLet’s fuzz !

Android as an IVR testing platformReveal the power of the Droid

Usual IVR testing systems

Not affordable (Call Master, NuBot, . . . )Requires specific hardware

Android phones

Open-sourceCheapMay be tweaked to allow IVR testing

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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

IVR testingAndroid as an IVR testing platformCreating the system applicationDial, send DTMF and record conversationSign and installLet’s fuzz !

Android as an IVR testing platformSimon says, make a phone call!

App Custom system applicationProvides an interface with the phoneFino service already injected

DTMFuzz Python controller based on GadgetDrives the DTMF fuzzing application

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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

IVR testingAndroid as an IVR testing platformCreating the system applicationDial, send DTMF and record conversationSign and installLet’s fuzz !

Creating the system application

1 Root your Android phone

2 Patch ADT to allow access to com.android.internal.*1

3 Build an android.jar with Android internal classes

4 Hack into the Phone application throughAndroidManifest.xml and reflection

5 Compile, sign and install


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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

IVR testingAndroid as an IVR testing platformCreating the system applicationDial, send DTMF and record conversationSign and installLet’s fuzz !

Creating the system applicationKnock knock, Neo.

Import some internals

import com.android.internal.telephony.*;

Get a Phone instance with a line of Java

Phone phone = PhoneFactory.getDefaultPhone();

Modify the AndroidManifest.xml to start the applicationinside the Phone application process

<activity android:process=‘‘com.android.phone’’/>

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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

IVR testingAndroid as an IVR testing platformCreating the system applicationDial, send DTMF and record conversationSign and installLet’s fuzz !

Dial, send DTMF and record conversationPRISM ?

Use Phone.dial() method

To send DTMF, get a Call object and use sendDtmf()

Call call = phone.getForegroundCall();


Damien Cauquil, Pierre Jaury Remoting Android applications for fun & profit 22 / 30

Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

IVR testingAndroid as an IVR testing platformCreating the system applicationDial, send DTMF and record conversationSign and installLet’s fuzz !

Dial, send DTMF and record conversationPRISM ?

To record, Android provides android.media.MediaRecorder

1 Set audio source (VOICE DOWNLINK)2 Set output format (THREE GPP)3 Set audio encoder and output file4 Start recording (call start())

Damien Cauquil, Pierre Jaury Remoting Android applications for fun & profit 23 / 30

Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

IVR testingAndroid as an IVR testing platformCreating the system applicationDial, send DTMF and record conversationSign and installLet’s fuzz !

Sign and installLike a boss.

Signing requires your custom ROM certificates, public andprivate keys

Remount root and drop into /system/app/

# adb remount

# adb push DTMFuzz.apk /system/app/

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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

IVR testingAndroid as an IVR testing platformCreating the system applicationDial, send DTMF and record conversationSign and installLet’s fuzz !

Let’s fuzz !1*#098675#**0875#*747654765

Connect to the fuzzing system appRemote control the system appRetrieve the conversation record

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Fun & profit

1 Android remoting 101

2 Fino architecture

3 Exploring and reversing

4 DTMF Fuzzing

5 Fun & profitUploading macrosLet’s cheat!

Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

Uploading macrosLet’s cheat!

Uploading macros

Compiled to dex, packed as apk

Shipped over the networkClass loaded or replaced dynamically

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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion

Uploading macrosLet’s cheat!

Let’s cheat!Sounds like good old times

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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion


Fino github.com/sysdream/fino

Gadget github.com/sysdream/gadget

Client github.com/sysdream/gadget-client

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Android remoting 101Fino architecture

Exploring and reversingDTMF Fuzzing

Fun & profitConclusion


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