Remote Data Acquisition for Wireless Sensor Networks Changfei Chen Steve Distasi Sarah Greenberg

Remote Data Acquisition for Wireless Sensor Networks

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Page 1: Remote Data Acquisition for Wireless Sensor Networks

Remote Data

Acquisition for Wireless

Sensor Networks

Changfei Chen

Steve Distasi

Sarah Greenberg

Page 2: Remote Data Acquisition for Wireless Sensor Networks


Methods of RDA

Possible WSN RDA Configurations

Physical Concerns of RDA

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Methods of Remote Data


Wired System

Radio Modem (point-to-point)

Cellular Modem

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Wired System

Gateway node connected directly to

established Internet connection

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Wired System Example

City Sniff

In-home pollution sensing kit

Sends environmental data to public database

Connects to existing wired internet connection

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City Sniff cont.

Connects Tmote Sky to

embedded linux gateway

BaseStation Tmote

connected via USB to


Gateway is then connected

to home’s router

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Radio Modem

Transmit data over long distance (point-to-point)

Useful for…

Remote Locations

No wired access

No cell access

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Radio Modem Example

Volcanic Monitoring

Uses FreeWave Radio Modem

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Cellular Modem

Send/receive data via cellular communication

SMS—text message


Direct internet connection

GSM/GPRS most commonly used standard, CDMA also used

Useful for…

Remote location with cell access

Mobile sources—cars and boats

Immediate updates or alerts sent to specific person/location

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Cell Modem Example


monitoring on fish

boats in Ireland

Users can access the

data via web server or

SMS server

SMS warning system

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Cell Modem Example Klimat

Monitoring effects of global warming on the Baltic


RDA using GPRS satellite modem

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Transmission Distance

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Usually inside, just plug it in!

Radio/Cell/Satellite modems

Large batteries

Energy harvesting

Energy saving techniques

Cyclic sleep modes

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XTend-PKG 900 MHz USB RF


•Receive current: 110mA

•Transmit current (1mW-1W transmit power):


•Three Modes:

•Pin sleep: 17mA

•Serial port sleep: 45mA

•Cyclic sleep (Various intervals): 19-39mA

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MultiModem GPRS

•Three Modes:


•Wake-up on ring

•Dial-on demand

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Dependant on gateway device

Tmotes have little onboard memory, so

they have limited gateway capabilities.

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Operating Frequencies of


Radio Modem – 900 MHz

Cellular Modem


900MHz, 1800MHz;

850MHz, 1900MHz. (US., Canada)

Uses 1900MHz

Uplink: 1850-1910MHz

Downlink: 1930-1990MHz

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Transmission Distance

XTend RF Modem & MultiModem GPRS

Transmission Power can be up to 1 Watt

Indoor/Urban range (2.1 dB dipole

antenna): Up to 3000 feet (900m)

Outdoor RF line-of-sight range (High gain

antenna): Up to 40 miles (64 km)

Outdoor RF line-of-sight range (2.1 dB

dipole antenna): Up to 14 miles (22 km)

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Possible WSN RDA


Gateway Concept


Possible Orientations

Current Solutions

Cell Modems!<3

lwIP & µIP

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Provide the connection to the

communication medium

Can be a node, or any device with access

to the WSN.

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Gateway Challenges

Is it just a router?

Do we want the ability to address individual


Goes against the idea that and individual

node is irrelevant

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Gateway Challenges

Application-level gateway

Requester sends properly formatted

message to the gateway node

Masks the data-centric exchange in the

WSN behind an identity-centric exchange

of the internet

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Possible Orientations

WSN to Internet

Internet to WSN




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Possible Configurations

WSN to Internet

A sensor node in your house wants to send an

alert that your house is on fire.

Gateway must convert intra-WSN event

notification message to an Internet application


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Possible Configurations

Internet to WSN

You wish to access the Votey WSN from

your home terminal

Gateway must translate this request into

proper intra-sensor network protocols

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Possible Configurations

WSN to WSN Tunneling

Gateways act as simple extensions from

one WSN to another

Such tunnels need not be made of fixed


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Cell Modems!<3


Some Definitions


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Global System for Mobile

communications (GSM)

Implements 2 Circuit-Switching data


Circuit Switched Data (CSD)

High Speed Circuit Switched


Reserves a certain amount of bandwidth

between two points for the life of a


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General Packet Radio Service


Packet-Switching data protocol

Sends data in packets along channels not

being used for circuit-switching

Multiple GPRS users share a single

unused channel - using it only in short


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Current Solutions

lwIP & µIP


Designed for 16-bit microcontrollers

Uses only tens of kbs of RAM

Code size of around 40 kbs

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Current Solutions

lwIP & µIP


Designed for 8-bit and 16-bit


Ram usage on the order of a few hundred


Code size on the order of a few kbs

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Serial Communication



Synchronous and Asynchronous

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Serial Communication


UART (Universal Asynchronous

Receiver Transmitter) -- Translates data

between parallel and serial forms

Included in Tmote microcontroller

RX, TX, and FIFO buffers

Line driver -- Converts circuit level

voltages to line voltages and vice versa

USB controller

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Serial Communication


Baud Rate

Start Bit

Data Bits – 5 to 8

Parity – Error check (Even, Odd, none)

Stop Bit(s)

Flow Control (DTR/DSR, RTS/CTS, Xon/Xoff, none)

Start and Stop bits not necessary for synchronous communication

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Serial Communication

Example Parameters

Baud rate = 115200 bps

8 Data Bits

No parity

1 Stop Bit

No Flow Control

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Serial Communication


Transmitted Data (TxD)

Received Data (RxD)

Ground (GND)

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Serial Communication


Request To Send (RTS)

Asserted (set to 0) by sender to prepare receiver to receive data.

Clear To Send (CTS)

Asserted by receiver to acknowledge RTS and allow transmission.

Data Terminal Ready (DTR)

Asserted by device to indicate that it is ready to be connected. If the device is a modem, this may "wake up" the modem, bringing it out of a power saving mode.

Data Set Ready (DSR)

Asserted by host to indicate an active connection.

Data Carrier Detect (DCD)

Asserted by host when a connection has been established with remote equipment.

Ring Indicator (RI)

Asserted by host when it detects ring signal from the telephone line

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Flow Control

Flow control avoids overflow

Can Eliminate the need for flow control


Regulating speeds

Packet size smaller than buffers

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Configure parameters

Transmit data through modem

Polling vs. event driven

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