REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 11 November 2018 marks 100 years since the end of World War I. As people of faith in the Resurrection of the Faithful and as Catholics in England we should remember those who gave their lives for country and freedom, just as everyone else does on Remembrance Day. Doing so at Mass is a particular way for Catholics to celebrate the day. It’s not a sin to be patriotic and to remember the sacrifice that has been made for our freedoms. Gratitude for that sacrifice WEEKDAY READINGS: YEAR II ; DIVINE OFFICE: PSALTER WEEK 4 In this Sunday’s Gospel, in the unremarkable action of a nobody - a poor widow without even a name, Jesus sees a great mystery: the mystery of God. Maybe you could take a moment today to look back over the last month or so, to call to mind some small, unspectacular act of self-giving which you may have seen without fully registering it… in your family life, at work, in the street, or something you heard about on the news. Let that person be present to you in your memory. Allow the reality they represent into your heart – to touch you deep down, to move you, perhaps to invite you and inspire you… What is true religion and devotion to God? Jesus warns his disciples against the wrong kind of religion. He warns against three things: the desire for prominence and first place of honour rather than lowly service for the benefit of others; the desire for deference and recognition (and seeking esteem from others) rather than seeking to promote the good of others through humble service and selfless care for others; and thirdly, attempting to use one's position (even a religious position) for self -gain and self-advancement. True religion is relating rightly to God and to is our response on Remembrance Sunday. At the same time, we can also pray for peace and work for solutions that will not require war and bloodshed. Lastly, we should unite with the poor who are often victimised by war, sometimes intentionally. Think about what you can do to help those how are victims and refugees of war. Volunteer to work with refugees or make a donation to an organisation that promotes peace and provides humanitarian relief in places ravaged by war. one's neighbour with love, honour, and respect. The Lord puts his Holy Spirit within us that we may be filled with the joy of his presence, the joy of true worship, and the joy of selfless giving and love for others. True reverence for God frees the heart to give liberally, both to God and to neighbour. Love is more precious than gold. Jesus taught his disciples a dramatic lesson in generous giving with love and devotion. Love doesn't calculate - it spends lavishly! Jesus praised a poor widow who gave the smallest of coins in contrast with the rich who gave greater sums. How can someone in poverty give more than someone who has ample means? Jesus' answer is very simple - love is more precious than gold! Jesus taught that real giving must come from the heart. A gift that is given with a grudge or for display loses most of its value. But a gift given out of love, with a spirit of generosity and sacrifice, is invaluable. What we have to offer may look very small and not worth much, but if we put all we have at the Lord's disposal, no matter how insignificant it may seem, then God can do with it and with us what is beyond our reckoning.

REMEMBRANCE WEEKDAY READINGS: YEAR II; DIVINE …Nov 11, 2018  · True reverence for God frees the heart to give liberally, both to God and to neighbour. ... Kathleen Wood, Helen

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Page 1: REMEMBRANCE WEEKDAY READINGS: YEAR II; DIVINE …Nov 11, 2018  · True reverence for God frees the heart to give liberally, both to God and to neighbour. ... Kathleen Wood, Helen

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 11 November 2018 marks 100 years since the end of World War I. As people of faith in the Resurrection of the Faithful and as Catholics in England we should remember those who gave their lives for country and freedom, just as everyone else does on Remembrance Day. Doing so at Mass is a particular way for Catholics to celebrate the day. It’s not a sin to be patriotic and to remember the sacrifice that has been made for our freedoms. Gratitude for that sacrifice


In this Sunday’s Gospel, in the unremarkable action of a nobody - a poor widow without even a name, Jesus sees a great mystery: the mystery of God. Maybe you could take a moment today to look back over the last month or so, to call to mind some small, unspectacular act of self-giving which you may have seen without fully registering it… in your family life, at work, in the street, or something you heard about on the news. Let that person be present to you in your memory. Allow the reality they represent into your heart – to touch you deep down, to move you, perhaps to invite you and inspire you… What is true religion and devotion to God? Jesus warns his disciples against the wrong kind of religion. He warns against three things: the desire for prominence and first place of honour rather than lowly service for the benefit of others; the desire for deference and recognition (and seeking esteem from others) rather than seeking to promote the good of others through humble service and selfless care for others; and thirdly, attempting to use one's position (even a religious position) for self-gain and self-advancement. True religion is relating rightly to God and to

is our response on Remembrance Sunday. At the same time, we can also pray for peace and work for solutions that will not require war and bloodshed. Lastly, we should unite with the poor who are

often victimised by war, sometimes intentionally. Think about what you can

do to help those how are victims and refugees of war. Volunteer to work with refugees or make a donation to an organisation that promotes peace and provides humanitarian relief in places ravaged by war.

one's neighbour with love, honour, and respect. The Lord puts his Holy Spirit within us that we may be filled with the joy of his presence, the joy of true worship, and the joy of selfless giving and love for others. True reverence for God frees the heart to give liberally, both to God and to neighbour.

Love is more precious than gold. Jesus taught his disciples a dramatic lesson in generous giving with love and devotion. Love doesn't calculate - it spends lavishly! Jesus praised a poor widow who gave the smallest of coins in contrast with the rich who gave greater sums. How can someone in poverty give more than someone who has ample means? Jesus' answer is very simple - love is more precious than gold! Jesus taught that real giving must come from the heart. A gift that is given with a grudge or for display loses most of its value. But a gift given out of love, with a spirit of generosity and sacrifice, is invaluable. What we have to offer may look very small and not worth much, but if we put all we have at the Lord's disposal, no matter how insignificant it may seem, then God can do with it and with us what is beyond our reckoning.

Page 2: REMEMBRANCE WEEKDAY READINGS: YEAR II; DIVINE …Nov 11, 2018  · True reverence for God frees the heart to give liberally, both to God and to neighbour. ... Kathleen Wood, Helen

WELCOME to Fr Lukasz who is now back with us. Thank you for all your prayers and support and please continue to pray for his quick recovery. 11TH NOVEMBER - REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY A Solemn Requiem Mass for those who died in the two world wars at 10.30am Mass. B L E S S IN G O F G R A V E S will take place at Bybrook Cemetery on Sunday 11th November at 3.00pm.

MISSION APPEAL. Sr Rose Mary Harbinson RNDM will visit us next Weekend (17/18th November) on behalf of Missionary Sisters of England and Wales to talk about their work and mission. The second collection for the sisters will be on the first Sunday of Advent (2nd December)

* * * RED BOXES MISSIO Please bring your red boxes in for counting. Calendars for 2019 available in the porch. We have a number of spare boxes so please take one and contribute to MISSIO. Thank you. STATUE RESTORATION. St Joseph’s Statue from St Teresa’s Church and Our Lady’s Statue from Wye are now being restored. Thank you for all the generous donations. If anyone would like to contribute towards it, please contact Louise or Fr Peter in the Parish Office.

* * * KNIGHTS OF ST COLUMBA postponed monthly meeting on Monday 12th November at 7.00pm. If you want to know more about KSC and possibly join us, speak to Fr Peter. PLEASE NOTE, that we are not allowed to park at St John’s Ambulance Car Park and there will be a penalty for the cars parked there illegally.

REFLECTION & PRAYER with St Jude at Faversham on Saturday 17th November. Fr Ged Walsh, O.Carm. will talk about praying with hope for the dead (St Jude: Witness to the Resurrection) - Shrine of St Jude, ME13 7JN.

Thank you for all those who joined J&P group at the QUIZ NIGHT on Saturday 10th November, to support the Medaille Trust which helps trafficked victims.  The Medaille Trust, founded by Religious in 2006, works to fight human trafficking. It is a significant provider of safe house provision for victims in the UK. Its services consist of seven safe houses including a family centre. These houses deal with adult victims of both genders and their dependents.


Baptismal Course – Thursday 6th December in the Church.

First Holy Communion – The first catechesis on 17th November 2018 at 10.45am in the Parish Hall.

Confirmation Group – next meeting for Candidates Thursday 15th November at 8.00pm in the Parish Hall.

RCIA – next meeting is on Wednesday, 14th November at 7.00pm in the Priest’s House.


HOLY MASS BOOKING If you would like to book a Mass on a specific date please call into the Parish Office Monday-Friday (excluding Thursday) from 9.00am to 2.00pm. Masses handed in with a date that has already been booked will be booked for another date. If possible please leave a telephone number on the envelope so we can contact you and arrange a date of your choice. HOLY SOULS Traditionally the month of November is for us a time of prayer for those who died, and now are in the merciful hands of our loving Father. If you wish our community to pray for your deceased loved ones, please put their names in the Holy Souls envelope (find it in the church porch), and return it to the Parish Office. The envelopes will be presented in a special box at the Altar and a series of Holy Souls Masses will be said. All donations attached to the envelopes will be used for Holy Souls Masses during the year. There will be also a special prayer said at the end of each Mass for Holy Souls, as well as a litany to Sacred Heart of Jesus after the Mass on Fridays. ADVENT is a time of renewal and silent preparation to the Christmas festivities and the coming of Christ at the end of time. To begin this extraordinary liturgical season as a Parish Community we will have an evening of Prayer and guided Meditation with Taizé chants on Friday 30th November at 7.30pm to 9pm. We will also have an Advent Candle Mass every Friday in Advent (7th, 14th and 21st December) at 7.30pm. More details to follow.

CYMFED FLAME 2019 The biggest Catholic Youth Event in England is back. Young people from across our Diocese are invited to go to Flame in Wembley arena on Saturday 2nd March 2019. Please contact Fr Peter or Louise 610025 if you would like to go.

Page 3: REMEMBRANCE WEEKDAY READINGS: YEAR II; DIVINE …Nov 11, 2018  · True reverence for God frees the heart to give liberally, both to God and to neighbour. ... Kathleen Wood, Helen

SATURDAY 10TH NOVEMBER SAINT LEO THE GREAT 10.00am Maud Salton RIP 12.00noon Baptism: Reon Gilbert - Addo

5.30pm The Vigil Mass: Souls of Dorotea & Leocadio SUNDAY 11TH NOVEMBER 32ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 8.00am People of the Parish 9.15am Mass at Wye: Elizabeth & Douglas Dray 10.30am REMEMBRANCE MASS with Children’s Liturgy 3.00pm BLESSING OF GRAVES at Bybrook Cemetery 4.00pm Mass in Syro-Malankara Rite

MONDAY 12TH NOVEMBER ST JOSAPHAT, BISHOP & MARTYT 10.00am Ben Bastianelli RIP TUESDAY 13TH NOVEMBER 10.00am Silvia Labandibar WEDNESDAY 14TH NOVEMBER ST ALBERT THE GREAT, BISHOP & DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH 10.00am In Thanksgiving for Myriam on her Birthday THURSDAY 15TH NOVEMBER 10.00am James Nicholl RIP 11.00am Mass at Wye: Holy Souls FRIDAY 16TH NOVEMBER 10.00am Bernadine Price RIP SATURDAY 17TH NOVEMBER ST ELIZABETH OF HUNGARY, RELIGIOUS 10.00am Holy Souls 5.30pm The Vigil Mass: Memorial Mass for the deceased members of the Knights of St Columba, Ashford Council SUNDAY 18TH NOVEMBER 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 8.00am David Caira 9.15am Mass at Wye: People of the Parish 10.30am Sally Masterson


CONFESSIONS: SATURDAYS 10.30-11.30AM & 5.00-5.15pm

Page 4: REMEMBRANCE WEEKDAY READINGS: YEAR II; DIVINE …Nov 11, 2018  · True reverence for God frees the heart to give liberally, both to God and to neighbour. ... Kathleen Wood, Helen


WEB: http://www.st-teresas-ashford.org.uk EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: 01233 624771




PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL WHO ARE SICK: Fr Lukasz, Kathleen Wood, Helen Smith, Philip Croft, Julie Cook, Rosemary Sloan, Margaret Lane, William Dias, Mary Hone, Deidrie Callaghan, Marina Shelton, Silvia Arones, Thomas Kirby, Joan Bright, Baby Sebastian, Nancy Finnerty, Doreen Gavin, Fr Wilf McGreal, Marta Thompson, Fr John O’Callaghan, Kathy Collar, Bernard Claw, Ann Carter, Sue Wall, Pauline Runciman, Doreen Gabin, Mary Wells, Felicity Gliddon, Liam O’Connor, Kay Kilby, David Lavelle, Debbie, Sarah Weston, Mark Haberland, Jane Rutter, Myrna Coleman, Teresa Ashby, David Robbins, Catherine Keane, Licia Johnston, John Lydon, Peter Laker, Fr David Peck, Sharon Mooney, Corrine Clark, Peter Thornton, Edmund Wall, Boyce Yeung , John Melsom, Chris Rundle, Mary McAnally.

PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THE FOLLOWING: Michael Haugh, Jan Banach, Stanislaw Witkowski, William & Joseph Walsh, Albino Martins, Fr J B McCartan, Vezio Cardin, Peter Barco, David Caira, Fanny Claw, Fr John Butler, Rosario a Zaldua Cacho, Ada Gore, Emily Doyle, Patrick Breman, Margaret Williams, George Pemberton, Charles Skinner, Sister Aloysius, Evelyn Morley, John Saunders, Ambrose Farthing and all whose anniversaries occur at this time. PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE RECENTLY DIED: JOAN MURRELL (Funeral Service at Charing Crematorium on Wednesday 21st November)



SUNDAY READINGS 11th November 2018: 1 Kings 17:10-16; Psalm 145(146):7-10; Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44.

18th November 2018: Daniel 12:1-3; Psalm 15(16):5,8-11; Hebrews 10:11-14,18; Mark 13:24-32.

ST TERESA’S PRIMARY SCHOOL, QUANTOCK DRIVE (01233) 622797 WEB: www.st-teresas.kent.sch.uk ST ANSELM’S SCHOOL,CANTERBURY (01227) 826200 WEB: www.stanselmscanterbury.org.uk

LAST SUNDAY’S OFFERTORY: £1,652.96 including £375 in Standing Orders

2ND COLLECTION THIS WEEK: ARCHBISHOP’S FUND FOR DIOCESAN ADMINISTRATION 2ND COLLECTION NEXT WEEK: NONE COUNTERS: 11th November: Angela & Denis 18th November: Maureen & Monica GIFT AID: Joanna Irwin (tel. 077 71 59 2714) AT HOME: a priest available for a chat or office enquiry on Mondays from 5.00pm to 7.00pm