1 REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE 2012 INVOCATION I greet you this this Remembrance Sunday with all the generosity of God our Father and the Master Jesus our Messiah; Grace and peace to you in abundance. WELCOME Good AM. Welcome to TWURC. I extend that greeting to all visitors, especially our friends from Christ Church and The Good Shepherd who are worshipping with us, as today we salute the brave who have risked everything for the greater good. Armistice Day commemorates the ceasefire of hostilities on the Western front, which took effect at the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” in 1918. Remembrance Sunday is held to remember the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women in the two World Wars and later conflicts. We can all recognise the sacrifices involved, and of course today we think of Afghanistan where 437 British troops have died since conflict began in 2001. So rightly so we continue to pay respect to those who have died in wars in the service of their country and we remember those who are giving their lives for our freedom today. In unison we pray these words… Service of Remembrance Armistice Day 11 th November, 2012

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INVOCATION I greet you this this Remembrance Sunday with all the generosity of God our Father and the Master Jesus our Messiah; Grace and peace to you in abundance. WELCOME Good AM. Welcome to TWURC. I extend that greeting to all visitors, especially our friends from Christ Church and The Good Shepherd who are worshipping with us, as today we salute the brave who have risked everything for the greater good. Armistice Day commemorates the ceasefire of hostilities on the Western front, which took effect at the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” in 1918. Remembrance Sunday is held to remember the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women in the two World Wars and later conflicts. We can all recognise the sacrifices involved, and of course today we think of Afghanistan where 437 British troops have died since conflict began in 2001. So rightly so we continue to pay respect to those who have died in wars in the service of their country and we remember those who are giving their lives for our freedom today. In unison we pray these words…

Service of Remembrance

Armistice Day 11th November, 2012

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The Bible is the story of God’s grace reaching out to rescue a lost humanity to the glorious redemption brought to us by Jesus Christ. Please stand as we welcome God’s Holy Word…


Prayer of Approach

We arise today with the power of God to guide us,

the might of God to uphold us, the wisdom of God to teach us,

and the eye of God to watch over us.

We arise today with the ear of God to hear us,

the hand of God to protect us, the way of God to direct us, the shield of God to shelter us, and the host of God to

defend us.

No wars will stop us singing; our voices will stay strong. Even through the darkest

night We will sing this song.


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By a monument of marble, or by a simple wooden cross, here we gather to remember sacrifice and tragic loss. Blood-red poppy petals flutter, each a symbol for a life, drifting in a crimson curtain, shadow of our constant strife.

Solemn silence now surrounds us as we stand in memory. Why should evil lead to conflict? This eternal mystery troubles hearts and stirs the conscience, urges us to think again; face the curse of confrontation, yet reduce this searing pain.

For the sound of war still thunders through our planet, on this day. Every hour new victims suffer, ever as we meet to pray. God, beyond our understanding, peace seems far beyond our reach; move us on to new solutions through that active love you teach.

By a monument of marble, or by a simple wooden cross, here we gather to remember sacrifice and tragic loss. Blood-red poppy petals flutter, each a symbol for a life, drifting in a crimson curtain, shadow of our constant strife.

Marjorie Dobson (born 1940) Used By Permission. CCL Licence No. C703897

Copied from HymnQuest ID: 42346

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PRAYER FOR REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Almighty and eternal God, from whose love in Christ we cannot be parted, either by death or by life: We thank you for your infinite love for the world’s salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ. If we have fallen into despair, if we have lost our hope in you, Lord, forgive us. If we have been anxious in the present and fearful for the future, Lord forgive us. If we have forgotten the victory of Christ, Lord, forgive us. In a world of darkness, give us your light. In lands of war and prejudice, grant us peace. In a world of despair, give us hope. In a world of sadness and tears, show us your joy. In a world of hatred, show us your love. In a world of arrogance, give us humility. In a world of disbelief, give us faith. Hear our prayers and thanksgivings for all whom we remember this day. Those who fought for the freedom of others, those whose lives have been cut short by violence, armed conflict, terrorism and oppressive regimes. Give us the courage to a make a difference in your world and to protect your creation. Amen. REFLECTION – “The Day War Broke Out”

September 3rd, 1939

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Gracious God, receive and bless these gifts we pray for the work and mission of your church in the world. Amen. THE LORD’S PRAYER

Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him, all creatures here below, Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Weep for the dead

Weep for the dead, let tears and silence tell of blood and battle, horror and renown. The years diminish, but do not dispel the pain of lives destroyed, and life laid down.

Weep for the dead

Silent the dead, remembering, we stand silent as they, for words cannot esteem causes of war, the love of native land, all that they were, and all they might have been.

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Responsively we share these verses from…Ps.144:1-4

Weep for the dead

Summoned by love that leaves no room for pride, we pray that every continent and isle, wounded by war, war's hate may lay aside, and find a way to heal and reconcile.

Weep for the dead

Weep for the dead, from all the ills of earth. Stand by the cross that bids all hatred cease. March to the drums of dignity and worth. Salute the King of Love, the Prince of Peace.

Brian Wren (born 1936) © 1989 Stainer & Bell Ltd

Praise the LORD, my protector! He trains me for battle and prepares me for


He is my protector and defender, my shelter and saviour,

in whom I trust for safety. He subdues the nations under me.

LORD, what are mortals, that you notice them; mere mortals, that you pay attention

to us?

We are like a puff of wind; our days are like a passing shadow.

(Psalm 144, vs.1-4)

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REFLECTION Peace is the dream of everyone, through all ages. However much we long for it though, as our days are like a passing shadow, war seems to be an inevitable part of the human condition.

In ancient Greece the king of Sparta once boasted to a visiting monarch about the mighty walls of his city. But the guest looked around and didn’t see any walls. The Spartan king pointed with great satisfaction to some disciplined and well-trained troops, part of his mighty army, and exclaimed, “There they are! Those are the walls of Sparta!” Of course we’re not here to remember the 300 Spartans.

We’re not here to remember the 150 British troops who defended the mission station of Rourke’s Drift against 4,000 Zulus. Eleven Victoria Crosses (still the highest number in any campaign) were awarded then. It all happened before The Great War.

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We are here to remember the beautifully kept cemeteries looked after by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, men and women who tend the graves with love and care. Unfeeling is the person who can walk amongst the long rows of white headstones and not feel a tightening in the throat or a tear come to the eye.

We are here to remember “today’s Spartans” - the current “Thin Red Line” of British troops acting as a defensive wall against the Taliban in Afghanistan. I’m sure that amongst us here today there are very mixed views about what we’re doing there. But when 14 year old girls are shot in the head for desiring an education – is that not reason enough!

Today’s “Thin Red Line”

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Today is not about debating the moral and political justification for the conflict. It’s thinking of the sacrifice and the horror of war in every land and generation. We wear the poppy with pride, because it is nothing to do with politics or religion. It's the national symbol of Remembrance. The red petals remind us of the lives lost, of blood shed, of human greed, and lives marked by grief and pain. The green leaf reminds us of the possibility of new life. Peace has to be worked at, but we build on our imperfect present, by always remembering the sacrifices of the past. That's why Remembrance Sunday is so important.

Behold a broken world, we pray, where want and war increase, and grant us, Lord, in this our day, the ancient dream of peace:

Behold a broken world, we pray

A dream of swords to sickles bent, of spears to scythe and spade, the weapons of our warfare spent, a world of peace remade;

Behold a broken world, we pray

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SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE [Litany / Wreath / Ode / Last Post / Silence / Reveille / Epitaph]

READING – John 12:23-28

Where every battle-flag is furled and every trumpet stilled, where wars shall cease in all the world, a waking dream fulfilled.

Behold a broken world, we pray

Bring, Lord, your better world to birth, your kingdom, love's domain; where peace with God, and peace on earth, and peace eternal reign.

CCL Licence No. C703897

Behold a broken world, we pray

When you go home tell them of

us and say, for your tomorrow we

gave our today.

Beyond what mind can measure or human heart disclose, in Christ there lies the treasure that only wisdom knows. His word of life discerning, we stand on holy ground; where, written for our learning, eternal truth is found.

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A world of warring nations denies what God has willed: for Christless generations their dreams are unfulfilled. In learning, Lord, and teaching, may we our powers assign to meet the minds outreaching in quest of life divine.

To hearts whose hope is sinking, to spirits bleak and bare, to thought itself, where thinking is meaningless despair, reveal again your glory, O God of grace and power, and help us tell your story in ways to match the hour.

May He who died to save us renew the love we claim, to spend the gifts He gave us in service of His Name; till truth at last prevailing, in Christ the nations find the Light and Life unfailing of every heart and mind.

Used By Permission. CCL Licence No. C703897 Copied from HymnQuest ID: 40118

May God give peace

God give peace

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INTERCESSIONS For all those who have died in the violence of war, each one remembered and known to God; may God give peace: God give peace. For all members of the armed forces who are in danger this day, remembering family, friends and all who pray for their safe return; may God give peace: God give peace. For civilian women, children and men whose lives are disfigured by war or terror; may God give peace: God give peace. For peace-makers and peace-keepers, who seek to keep this world secure and free; may God give peace: God give peace. For all who bear the burden and privilege of leadership, political, military and religious: may God give peace: God give peace. O God of truth and justice, help us to lift our eyes above the torment of this broken world. As we honour the past, may we put our faith in your future; for you are the source of life and hope, now and forever. Amen.

God save our gracious Queen, long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen. Send her victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us: God save the Queen.

O Lord our God, arise, scatter our enemies, and make them fall; confound their politics, frustrate their knavish tricks; on thee our hopes we fix: God save us all.

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We share these closing words together... BLESSING

One realm of races four, blest more and ever more, God save our land! Home of the brave and free, set in the silver sea, true nurse of chivalry, God save our land!

Nor on this land alone, but be God's mercies known from shore to shore; Lord, make the nations see that all should brothers be and form one family the wide world o'er.

Of many a race and birth from utmost ends of earth, God save us all! Bid strife and hatred cease, bid hope and joy increase, spread universal peace, God save us all!

Official Peace Version (1919) Copied from HymnQuest ID: 53523

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May the Lord bless us. May we bless God.

May He keep us from all evil and lead us to life everlasting.


May God hold our world and all its nations in the palm of

His hand.

May we accept the hope God has put in the hearts of all people.

And may we live lives of justice,

courage and mercy.