Earth Planets Space, 53, 373–384, 2001 Remagnetization of igneous rocks in Gupis area of Kohistan arc, northern Pakistan Mirza Naseer Ahmad , Yoshiki Fujiwara, and Lalu Prasad Paudel Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan (Received August 28, 2000; Revised February 2, 2001; Accepted February 6, 2001) The Kohistan arc was formed due to subduction of neo-Tethyan oceanic crust beneath Asia. The arc is comprised of volcanic, plutonic and sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic to Tertiary age, formed prior and after the suturing of the Indian and Asian continents. Paleomagnetic investigations have been carried out on Paleocene volcanic and plutonic rocks exposed in the northern part of the arc. A total of 110 samples from 16 sites were drilled. According to rock-magnetic studies the main magnetic carrier is magnetite. Optical microscopy study reveals that low-grade metamorphism have effected all rocks. Magnetite is found as both a primary magmatic mineral and secondary alteration product in all samples. Samples of volcanics yield post tilting characteristic remanent magnetizations (ChRM). The in situ mean direction of the ChRMs of the intrusives is similar to the in situ mean direction of volcanics. The presence of secondary magnetite in plutons, the similarity of in situ mean ChRM of plutons with that of post-tilting ChRMs of similar age volcanics and dissimilarity of the mean ChRM of plutons from expected directions at the time of formation of plutons support a secondary origin for the ChRM of plutons. As the ChRM directions of the volcanics and intrusives are the same, it implies that both ChRMs were acquired during the same remagnetization event. Comparing the mean paleolatitude (25 ± 6 N) from Gupis area with those from Indian APWP and considering the fact that there was prevailing heating event in Lower Tertiary in the area, the acquisition age of this secondary remanent magnetization can be bracketed between 50 and 35 Ma. 1. Introduction It is well known that the Himalayan mountain belt was formed by the collision of Indian continent with the Asia (or Eurasia). The northwestern part of the Himalayan col- lision belt consists of an island arc sequence, termed as the Kohistan island arc, captured between the two colliding con- tinents (Tahirkheli et al., 1979). Only a few paleomagnetic data are available from the Kohistan arc (Zaman and Torii, 1999; Ahmad et al., 2000), mainly due to poor accessibility of the area. Therefore most of the Kohistan arc remained sparsely studied and little is known about the paleoposition and rock-magnetic properties of the rocks of the arc. This is the first paleomagnetic and rock-magnetic study of vol- canic and plutonic rocks of northern part of the arc. In this paper, we describe results of rock-magnetic and paleomag- netic analyses of the Paleocene volcanic and plutonic rocks exposed in the northern part of the arc. The main emphasis of this study is to investigate magnetic mineralogy, origin of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) and age of NRM of the volcanic and plutonic rocks of the area. 2. Geology Kohistan is considered to be the crust of island arc which developed as a result of northward subduction of neo-Tethyan oceanic crust beneath Asia during the Jurassic and the Early Present address: Geoscience Laboratory, Geological Survey of Pak- istan, Shahzad Town, Islamabad, Pakistan. Copy right c The Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS); The Seismological Society of Japan; The Volcanological Society of Japan; The Geodetic Society of Japan; The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences. Cretaceous times (Tahirkheli et al., 1979). It has been in- ferred that the Kohistan arc originated as an intra-oceanic arc because of its mafic bulk composition, presence of ma- rine sediments and pillow lavas (Khan et al., 1997; Searle et al., 1999). Isotopic data demonstrate the involvement of an enriched DUPAL-type mantle, suggesting that the Ko- histan arc formed at or south of the present equator (Khan et al., 1997). This intra-oceanic phase of the arc (102–85 Ma) ended when the arc collided with Asia along the North- ern Suture (Fig. 1) (Petterson and Windley, 1985; Treloar et al., 1996). After this collision the arc remained as Andean type margin until its collision with the Indian continent in the Eocene along the Main Mantle Thrust (age of collision from Coward et al., 1987). The arc was upturned along Main Mantle Thrust (MMT) exposing deeper crustal levels in the southern part, whereas higher level seafloor sediments and volcanics are exposed in the northern part. The arc can be broadly divided into six components on the basis of structure and lithology (Treloar et al., 1989; Searle, 1991). They are: 1) high pressure garnet granulites and ultramafics of the Ji- jal Complex, 2) highly deformed amphibolite facies rocks of the Kamila Amphibolite belt, 3) mafic ultramafic stratiform plutonic complex termed as Chilas Complex, 4) the Chalt Volcanic Group consisting of metasediments and volcanics of greenschist and epidote-amphibolite facies, 5) the Yasin Group comprising of turbiditic slates, limestones and volcan- oclastics and 6) the Kohistan batholith and related volcanic rocks forming the roof zone of the arc (Fig. 1). In the northern part of the arc, which is the main focus of the present study, various types of volcanic and plutonic rocks are exposed. Treloar et al. (1996) described two ma- 373

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Page 1: Remagnetization of igneous rocks in Gupis area of Kohistan ...mirzanaseerahmad.yolasite.com/resources/Rockmag_Hazara_Olites.pdf · Earth Planets Space, 53, 373–384, 2001 Remagnetization

Earth Planets Space, 53, 373–384, 2001

Remagnetization of igneous rocks in Gupis area of Kohistan arc, northern Pakistan

Mirza Naseer Ahmad∗, Yoshiki Fujiwara, and Lalu Prasad Paudel

Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan

(Received August 28, 2000; Revised February 2, 2001; Accepted February 6, 2001)

The Kohistan arc was formed due to subduction of neo-Tethyan oceanic crust beneath Asia. The arc is comprisedof volcanic, plutonic and sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic to Tertiary age, formed prior and after the suturing ofthe Indian and Asian continents. Paleomagnetic investigations have been carried out on Paleocene volcanic andplutonic rocks exposed in the northern part of the arc. A total of 110 samples from 16 sites were drilled. Accordingto rock-magnetic studies the main magnetic carrier is magnetite. Optical microscopy study reveals that low-grademetamorphism have effected all rocks. Magnetite is found as both a primary magmatic mineral and secondaryalteration product in all samples. Samples of volcanics yield post tilting characteristic remanent magnetizations(ChRM). The in situ mean direction of the ChRMs of the intrusives is similar to the in situ mean direction ofvolcanics. The presence of secondary magnetite in plutons, the similarity of in situ mean ChRM of plutons withthat of post-tilting ChRMs of similar age volcanics and dissimilarity of the mean ChRM of plutons from expecteddirections at the time of formation of plutons support a secondary origin for the ChRM of plutons. As the ChRMdirections of the volcanics and intrusives are the same, it implies that both ChRMs were acquired during the sameremagnetization event. Comparing the mean paleolatitude (25 ± 6◦N) from Gupis area with those from IndianAPWP and considering the fact that there was prevailing heating event in Lower Tertiary in the area, the acquisitionage of this secondary remanent magnetization can be bracketed between 50 and 35 Ma.

1. IntroductionIt is well known that the Himalayan mountain belt was

formed by the collision of Indian continent with the Asia(or Eurasia). The northwestern part of the Himalayan col-lision belt consists of an island arc sequence, termed as theKohistan island arc, captured between the two colliding con-tinents (Tahirkheli et al., 1979). Only a few paleomagneticdata are available from the Kohistan arc (Zaman and Torii,1999; Ahmad et al., 2000), mainly due to poor accessibilityof the area. Therefore most of the Kohistan arc remainedsparsely studied and little is known about the paleopositionand rock-magnetic properties of the rocks of the arc. Thisis the first paleomagnetic and rock-magnetic study of vol-canic and plutonic rocks of northern part of the arc. In thispaper, we describe results of rock-magnetic and paleomag-netic analyses of the Paleocene volcanic and plutonic rocksexposed in the northern part of the arc. The main emphasisof this study is to investigate magnetic mineralogy, origin ofnatural remanent magnetization (NRM) and age of NRM ofthe volcanic and plutonic rocks of the area.

2. GeologyKohistan is considered to be the crust of island arc which

developed as a result of northward subduction of neo-Tethyanoceanic crust beneath Asia during the Jurassic and the Early

∗Present address: Geoscience Laboratory, Geological Survey of Pak-istan, Shahzad Town, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Copy right c© The Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences(SGEPSS); The Seismological Society of Japan; The Volcanological Society of Japan;The Geodetic Society of Japan; The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences.

Cretaceous times (Tahirkheli et al., 1979). It has been in-ferred that the Kohistan arc originated as an intra-oceanicarc because of its mafic bulk composition, presence of ma-rine sediments and pillow lavas (Khan et al., 1997; Searleet al., 1999). Isotopic data demonstrate the involvement ofan enriched DUPAL-type mantle, suggesting that the Ko-histan arc formed at or south of the present equator (Khanet al., 1997). This intra-oceanic phase of the arc (102–85Ma) ended when the arc collided with Asia along the North-ern Suture (Fig. 1) (Petterson and Windley, 1985; Treloar etal., 1996). After this collision the arc remained as Andeantype margin until its collision with the Indian continent inthe Eocene along the Main Mantle Thrust (age of collisionfrom Coward et al., 1987). The arc was upturned along MainMantle Thrust (MMT) exposing deeper crustal levels in thesouthern part, whereas higher level seafloor sediments andvolcanics are exposed in the northern part. The arc can bebroadly divided into six components on the basis of structureand lithology (Treloar et al., 1989; Searle, 1991). They are:1) high pressure garnet granulites and ultramafics of the Ji-jal Complex, 2) highly deformed amphibolite facies rocks ofthe Kamila Amphibolite belt, 3) mafic ultramafic stratiformplutonic complex termed as Chilas Complex, 4) the ChaltVolcanic Group consisting of metasediments and volcanicsof greenschist and epidote-amphibolite facies, 5) the YasinGroup comprising of turbiditic slates, limestones and volcan-oclastics and 6) the Kohistan batholith and related volcanicrocks forming the roof zone of the arc (Fig. 1).

In the northern part of the arc, which is the main focusof the present study, various types of volcanic and plutonicrocks are exposed. Treloar et al. (1996) described two ma-


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Fig. 1. Geological map of Kohistan island arc (after Treloar et al., 1996). ? is marked on the boundary where demarcation of geological units is not knownexactly. The area east of NPS is termed as Ladakh arc.

jor types of volcanics exposed in the northern part of thearc: 1) the Cretaceous Chalt Volcanic Group comprised ofdeformed pillow lavas of island arc basement which are ex-posed in Hunza and nearby valleys (Fig. 1) and 2) the Sham-ran Volcanic Group and Western volcanics exposed west ofGilgit (Figs. 1, 2). According to Sullivan et al. (1993) theWestern volcanic rocks display petrographic and geochemi-cal characterstics similar to the Shamran volcanics. Further,they interpreted that the Shamran volcanics and the West-ern volcanics are continental marginal cover of the Kohistanarc rather than part of the island arc basement. The 40Ar-39Ar hornblende radiometric age of the Shamran volcanics is58±1 Ma (Treloar et al., 1989; Sullivan et al., 1993). Pudsey(1986) mentioned a third type of volcanics, which are partof Aptian/Albian Yasin Group, overlying a one-meter thicksedimentary sequence. The thickness of these volcanics isabout 2 km.

Three main stages of magmatism can be distinguished inthe Kohistan batholith. The first stage of plutonism is repre-sented by a bimodal series of high-K and low-K high-SiO2plutons (Searle, 1991), yielding a Rb-Sr whole rock age of102 ± 2 Ma (Petterson and Windley, 1985). These plutonshave been deformed, probably during the collision of theKohistan arc with Asian continental margin along NorthernSuture (NS). The second stage plutons are undeformed andcut the deformed features of the first stage plutons and show

a progressive increase in acidity from early gabbros throughlate granites. A number of these second stage granitoid plu-tons intruded west of Gilgit, in the Gupis, Yasin and Pingalareas. These are main target of our study. K-Ar hornblendeages of these plutons range from 61 to 53 Ma and biotiteages from 62 to 40 Ma (Treloar et al., 1989). On the basis of40Ar/39Ar hornblende ages of 61 Ma from Gupis pluton andRb-Sr age of 59 Ma from nearby Gindai pluton, it has beeninferred that these ages (K-Ar hornblende ages of 61–53 Ma)may be regarded as possible intrusion ages of plutons westof Gilgit without the effect of any resetting (Searle, 1991).The first and second stage of plutons were intruded by laterstage apilitic pegmatic sheets, which are only exposed nearGilgit, east of the study area.

3. Field and Laboratory ProceduresSampling was carried out by using a portable drill and ori-

entations of cores were measured with a magnetic compass.At least seven samples were collected from each site. Intotal 110 samples were taken from 16 sites of Shamran vol-canics (7 sites), Western volcanics (1 site), upper volcanics ofYasin Group (1 site) and second stage plutons of the Kohistanbatholith (7 sites).

The volcanic sequence is comprised of amygdaloidal por-phyritic andesitic lavas. There are also intermediate to acidiclavas and finely bedded tuffs with intercalated shaly sedi-

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Fig. 2. Location of sampling sites. Lithologies are marked after (Pudsey et al., 1985). Site SH4 is comprised of granitic samples from small granitic bodynot shown on the map. Site SH9G is also not shown on the map it is close to site SH9 and consists of granitic samples from small granitic body near siteSH9.

ments. Locally pillow structure is also preserved. As thecavities filled from the bottom up, partially filled amygdulesprovide an indicator of stratigraphic up direction (Twiss andMoores, 1992). Strike and dip orientations of the intercalatedsediments are also used for structure correction of paleomag-netic data of volcanics. Locally preserved pillow lava struc-ture is also useful to know stratigraphic up direction. In thecase of plutons, bedding-tilt correction is applied to ChRMsby using bedding-tilt data of nearby volcanic exposures. Theage of the volcanics and plutons is almost the same. The tilt-ing of volcanics and plutons may have been occurred at thesame time, during some tectonic event.

Paleomagnetic measurements were made at HokkaidoUniversity, Sapporo, Japan, using a SSM-1A spinner magne-tometer. Samples were thermally demagnetized in 13 stepsup to 580◦C. NRM components were analysed using princi-ple component analysis (Kirschvink, 1980). k and α-95 formean directions were calculated by using Fisher statistics(Fisher, 1953).

The magnetic mineralogy was studied with various con-ventional techniques such as isothermal remanent magneti-zation (IRM) acquisition up to the maximum available fieldof 400 mT, and backfield and stepwise thermal demagneti-zation of IRMs. Low-temperature magnetometry was alsostudied for selected samples at low temperature laboratory of

Division of Physics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.For this purpose saturation IRM (SIRM) was imparted at 5 K,using a field of 5 T and the sample was continuously heatedup to 300 K, using a Quantum Design Magnetic PropertyMeasurements System (MPMS). To investigate mineralogyof the rocks, microscopic observations were made both intransmitted and reflected lights for at least one representativesample per site.

4. Results4.1 IRM and low temperature analyses

According to stepwise IRM acquisition and backfield de-magnetization experiments, there is not much variation in therock-magnetic characteristics of the volcanics and the intru-sives. Most of the samples of the volcanics show a sharpincrease in IRM up to the application of 50 mT followedby gradual increase till they attain saturation up to 150 mT.This SIRM has low coercivity and reduced to zero by theapplication of 25 to 35 mT backfield (Fig. 3(a)). Samplesof three sites indicate comparatively harder magnetic behav-ior as saturation is attained at about 300 mT (Fig. 3(b)) andhigher back field (50 mT) is required to remove the SIRM.IRMs of intrusive rocks saturate at about 150 mT and theSIRMs have low coercivity ranging from 20 mT to 30 mT(Fig. 3(c)). Stepwise thermal demagnetization of the SIRMs

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Fig. 3. Normalized curve for IRM experiment along with back field demag-netization a) samples of volcanics showing low coercivity b) volcanicshaving comparatively high coercivity c) intrusive rocks.

of both volcanic and plutonic rocks shows linear decrease upto 580◦C (Fig. 4). SIRM warming curve (from 5 K to 300 K)shows sharp drop in the intensity at about 110 K (Fig. 4(c)).4.2 Petrography

About 20 rock samples were studied under the microscopeboth in transmitted and reflected lights. The observed rocksdisplay wide mineralogical and textural variation. They canbe classified into six main igneous rock types: diorite, an-desite, granodiorite, granite, hornblendite and tuff. Slightdeformation and low-grade metamorphism have affected allthe rocks. The mafic minerals like pyroxene, hornblende andbiotite have been partially or completely altered to chlorite,epidote, calcite and opaques. Plagioclase has been alteredto kaolin and chlorite. Some mafic rocks have been changed

Fig. 4. Normalized curves of thermal demagnetization of isothermal mag-netization of a) volcanics b) Intrusives. c) Normalized SIRM curve ofsample of site SH11 during warming from 5 K to 300 K.

to greenschists (SH1, SH3, SH9 and IS1). The presence ofepidote in some samples indicates that the rocks have beenheated at least up to 300◦C (Muffler and White, 1969).

Opaque minerals occur as both primary magmatic prod-ucts and secondary alteration products of mafic minerals inall of the samples (Fig. 5). They include mainly magnetite,ilmenite and pyrite. The primary magnetite and ilmenite isfound as large (up to 0.5 mm) irregular grains in the intersticesof other minerals. Sometimes they occur as inclusions inhornblende and biotite. The primary magnetite grains showcorroded boundaries and are sometimes altered to sphene(CaTiO5). The sphene can be produced from early Ti-richmagnetites and this sphene replacement requires a minimummetamorphic temperature of about 250◦C (Ade-Hall et al.,1971). Secondary magnetite, ilmenite and pyrite are the al-teration products of pyroxene, hornblende and biotite. Theyare found only as inclusions in pseudomorphs of these min-erals.

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Fig. 5. Photomicrograph of a) Highly altered hornblende grain to magnetite and sphene in sample SH9. b) Sample IS1 has been changed to greenschistby alteration of clinopyroxene and hornblende to chlorite. c) Magnetite is distinguished under the reflected light in tuff (YS2). The primary magnetiteare coarse grained and show corroded boundary while secondary magnetite are fine-grained. Note: Magmatic minerals are labeled with upright lettersand the secondary minerals are labeled with italic letters.

4.3 Paleomagnetic measurements4.3.1 Volcanics Thermal demagnetization of samples

of volcanics shows two types of magnetic behavior: (a) sam-ples from sites IS1, SH1, SH3 and SH9 show only minorreduction of NRM intensity up to 530◦C, and rapid decreasefrom 530 to 580◦C (Fig. 6(a)), (b) Samples from sites YS2,SH5, SH6, SH11 and SH14 show gradual intensity decay

up to 580◦C and in most cases less than 30% of the ini-tial intensity remained after 300◦C (Fig. 6(b)). These twogroups also show distinctive behaviour in terms of vectorcomponent plots (Zijderveld, 1967). Magnetization of sam-ples of category (a) indicate the presence of predominantlysingle-component, having 570–580◦C unblocking tempera-tures (Fig. 7(a)), whereas those of category (b) show charac-

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Fig. 6. Normalized intensity decay curves for a) volcanics showing minorreduction of NRM intensity up to unblocking temperature b) showinggradual intensity decay up to unblocking temperature c) for intrusivesduring thermal demagnetization.

teristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) components afterremoval of a rather soft component with intermediate un-blocking temperatures of 400–500◦C (Fig. 7(b)). This com-ponent gives magnetization direction parallel to the presentEarth’s magnetic field; thus it is interpreted to be of recentorigin. The origin of this unusual high unblocking tempera-ture of this component is unclear. This may not be TVRM,because there is no geological evidence of elevated temper-atures in recent geological period. One possible explanationis high NRM intensities of low temperature viscous compo-nent as compared to high temperature component. This sit-uation can arise due to the small amount of SD/PSD grainsas compared to MD grains. In this case junction betweenlow temperature and high temperature components will bepushed toward higher temperatures (Dunlop and Ozdemir,

1997; Zwing and Bachtadse, 2000). The ChRM compo-nent is represented by a linear segment directed towards theorigin of the vector component plot. In geographic coordi-nates, samples of six sites reveal normal and those of onesite show an antipodal reversed direction (Fig. 8(a)). Statis-tical parameters show that directions become scattered afterthe application of the bedding-tilt correction (Fig. 8(b); Ta-ble 1). The mean direction before structural correction isDec = 341.6◦, Inc = 45.6◦ (Table 1), which is calculatedafter converting the reversed direction to normal polarity.The mean direction of samples of site SH6 is discarded be-cause its respective direction of magnetization is far awayfrom the rest of data (Table 1). After tilt correction, siteSH6 yield shallow inclination (4.9), which is consistent withthe expected Paleocene (age of volcanics) direction of thearea. The ChRM of samples of this site may represent pri-mary magnetizations. Anyhow on the basis of data of onesite, it is premature to conclude about the origin of ChRM.Additional data is needed from the west of the survey areain order to explore the possibility of primary ChRM. NRMintensities from samples of one site (YS2) were too low toyield significant results.

4.3.2 Intrusives Most of the intrusive rocks showgradual intensity decay up to 580◦C (Fig. 6(c)) and two dif-ferent remanent components are observed on the vector plot.First component, removed up to 400◦C or in some cases upto 500◦C, is parallel to the present local geomagnetic field.Whereas the second one, which is ChRM component, is ob-served between 530 and 580◦C (Fig. 7(d)). The mean direc-tion of the ChRM (Dec = 340◦, Inc = 39.8◦) in geographiccoordinates is similar to that of the volcanics (Table 1). Sam-ples from two sites (SH16 and SH7) of intrusive rocks, showlow intensity of NRM after heating over 300◦C and give er-ratic directions. Hence no reliable ChRM component couldbe isolated for these two sites.

5. Discussion5.1 Magnetic mineralogy

The low coercivity shown by complete saturation of theIRM at low fields (150–300 mT) and unblocking of NRMand SIRM at about 580◦C is indicative of magnetite in thesesamples (Fig. 3; Fig. 4). In low temperature analysis curve(Fig. 4(c)), the IRM intensity drop is at about 110 K. TheVerwey transition (Verwey, 1939) in pure stoichiometric nat-ural magnetite crystal is observed at 119 K (Ozdemir andDunlop, 1999). Slight deviations from stoichiometry and thepresence of impurities can suppress the transition (Ozdemiret al., 1993). The transition observed at 110 K may be be-cause of above mentioned two reasons. Optical microscopicobservations also suggest that the dominant magnetic mineralin the volcanics and the intrusives is magnetite.5.2 Origin and age of ChRM

The ChRM directions of volcanics fail the fold test and theyare clearly post tilting remanent magnetizations (Table 1).The ChRMs of intrusives have similar mean direction to thatof volcanics (Table 1). There are two possibilities: either thevolcanics were remagnetized at the time of intrusive activityor both have suffered some later remagnetization. For theformer case ChRM of intrusives will be primary and for thelatter case ChRM will be secondary.

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Fig. 7. Zijderveld diagram for a) volcanics showing only one component b) volcanics showing two components c) volcanics having ChRM with reversepolarity and d) intrusive rock. All projections are in Geographic coordinates.

The statistical parameters of the mean ChRM of intrusivesbefore and after structure correction, however suggest that theChRMs post tilting (Table 1). Only on the basis of structurecorrection this conclusion is somewhat premature because wedid not note the exact paleohorizontal plane for intrusives.They have been corrected for structure correction by usingstrike and dip data of nearby volcanic exposures and questionarises could the intrusives remained un-tilted and ChRMs areprimary? This possibility can be disregarded on the basis offollowing points.

1) The mean ChRMs for intrusives yield paleolatitudes

(22.4◦N) that are different from the expected paleolatitudesat the time of (Paleocene) intrusive activity (0–10◦N;Klootwijk, 1984).

2) The possibility that intrusives remained un-tilted is tooremote because contemporary age volcanics in the area havesuffered moderate to high angle tilting.

Moreover the presence of secondary magnetite also sup-ports the secondary nature of the ChRMs of the intrusives.The metamorphic mineral assemblages suggest that the areawas heated up to 300◦C. This secondary ChRM is carried bysecondary magnetite, which was produced during this event.

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Table 1. Paleomagnetic data of volcanic and intrusive rocks. N/n: total measured samples/number of samples used for statistics. Dg and Ig are declinationand inclination in geographic coordinates, while Ds and I s are in stratigraphic coordinates. k = estimate of precision parameter, α-95 = semi angle ofthe circle of 95% confidence about the mean direction in the case of geographic coordinates.

Site N/n Dg◦ Ig◦ Ds◦ I s◦ k α-95 Strike/Dip∗ Sampling position

(degrees) Lat./Long.

Shamran Volcanics (ChRM)

SH1 6/6 335.2 47.9 200.7 37.5 243.8 4.3 90/90 36◦14.863′N/ 73◦21.518′E

SH3 6/6 356.3 53.4 348.4 62.1 264.2 4.1 112/10 36◦11.918′N/ 73◦14.543′E

SH5 6/6 135.6 −32.4 90.5 −18.5 18.5 25.3 121/78 36◦11.127′N/ 73◦11.803′E

SH9 6/6 339.1 39.3 203.5 46.3 427.2 3.2 90/90 36◦14.851′N/73◦21.543′E

SH11 6/6 341.8 42.2 345.0 −25.0 231.1 4.4 270/70 36◦11.857′N/ 73◦14.419′E

SH14 6/6 340.9 51.5 207.0 36.9 142.9 5.7 97/87 36◦11.801′N/73◦14.674′E

SH6∗∗ 6/5 21.5 13.6 7.3 4.9 18.5 18.3 200/75 36◦10.590′N/73◦10.941′E

Western Volcanics (ChRM)

IS1 6/6 8.2 44.6 8.6 −37.3 134.0 5.8 282/82 36◦14.458′N/ 73◦44.307′E

Yasin Gp. Upper Volcanics

YS2 6/6 ChRM could not be isolated 36◦23.852′N/73◦16.869′E

Mean∗∗ 7 sites Geographic Coordinates Stratigraphic Coordinates

Dec = 341.6◦ Inc = 45.6◦ Dec = 273.1◦ Inc = 50.0◦

k = 33.5 α-95 = 10.6 k = 1.6 α-95 = 72.9

Intrusives (ChRM)

SH13 6/6 162.1 −26.7 49.7 −56.4 207.4 5.0 97/87 36◦11.762′N/73◦14.677′E

SH4 6/6 338.0 42.2 330.4 48.9 228.9 4.4 112/10 36◦14.480′N/73◦19.956′E

SH9G 6/6 5.6 42.8 174.0 46.9 44.0 10.6 90/90 36◦14.851′N/73◦21.543′E

SH10 5/5 120.6 −39.2 119.0 35.0 45.6 11.5 200/75 36◦09.820′N/73◦09.723′E

YS1 4/4 175.0 −37.5 176.7 −7.6 39.4 14.8 270/30 36◦14.540′N/73◦25.201′E

SH7 6/6 ChRM could not be isolated 36◦09.801′N/73◦09.501′E

SH16 6/6 ChRM could not be isolated 36◦14.836′N/73◦41.361′E

Mean∗∗∗ 5 sites Geographic Coordinates Stratigraphic Coordinates

Dec = 340.5◦ Inc = 39.8◦ Dec = 305◦ Inc = 39.5◦

k = 16.0 α-95 = 19.7 k = 2.2 α-95 = 69.7

Total Mean (Volcanics + Intrusives)

Geographic Coordinates

12 sites Dec = 341.0◦ Inc = 43.2◦

(k = 24.8 α-95 = 8.9)

South Pole Position Plat. 70.4◦S Plong. 134.6◦E dp = 6.9 dm = 11.1∗Strike and dip are according to right hand rule. Strike and dip for intrusives means strike and dip of nearby volcanic exposure.∗∗Mean direction of SH6 is not included in the mean.∗∗∗Means are calculated after converting reverse directions to normal.

Knowledge of the timing of acquisition of secondary rema-nent magnetizations is important for interpretations of pale-omagnetic data. In the absence of any direct radiometric agecontrol for these secondary remanent magnetizations, theycan be dated only indirectly through comparison of their pa-leolatitudes with the paleolatitudinal control on India’s north-ward movement. Klootwijk et al. (1991) investigated thepaleolatitude history of India’s northward motion during last80 My. The calculated paleomagnetic pole for combined

mean of the post-tilt ChRM directions of volcanics and in-trusives (70.4◦S, 134.6◦E; dp = 6.9, dm = 11.1) lies within swath defined by secondary poles of Early to Late Ter-tiary age in northwestern Himalaya (Table 3; Fig. 9). Thesimple comparison of paleolatitudes calculated from IndianAPWP for the studied area to that of the post-tilt ChRMsof the present study would be inappropriate, if north-southcrustal shortening of 470 km (about 4◦) within Indian con-tinent is ignored (Coward et al., 1987). Assuming that all

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Fig. 8. Equal area projection of mean directions of ChRMs in case of a) volcanics in geographic coordinates b) volcanics in stratigraphic coordinates c)Intrusives in geographic coordinates d) intrusives in stratigraphic coordinates. The mark of star represents the present geomagnetic field direction for thearea.

Table 2. South pole position for Indian plate from DSDP/ODP data in theinterval 65–20 Ma (Klootwijk et al., 1991).

Age Longitude ◦E Latitude ◦S

20 Ma 119.87 78.51

25 Ma 122.63 75.67

30 Ma 125.80 72.52

35 Ma 129.19 68.97

40 Ma 127.38 66.82

45 Ma 124.53 65.07

50 Ma 122.04 63.23

55 Ma 119.79 61.39

60 Ma 112.03 53.97

65 Ma 110.44 44.85

shortening is occurred after the acquisition of ChRMs, thenerror will be of the order of 4 degrees. The present latitudeof the area is 36◦N, if there would have been no crustal short-ening (of 4◦); the position of the present study area must be39◦N. Therefore in order to accommodate this shortening,paleolatitudes from APWP were calculated for 39◦N insteadof 36◦N (Table 4). The mean paleolatitude of 25◦N with an

α-95 of 8.9◦ results in latitudinal range from 19◦N to 33◦N.This error leads to large age uncertainties (50 to close tothe present), when compared with Indian APWP (Table 4).However, there are some arguments that the acquisition ofthese ChRMs is not younger than 35 Ma.

1) ChRMs cannot be recent viscous magnetizations be-cause the magnetizations have both polarity directions (Ta-ble 1; Fig. 8).

2) We interpret that secondary magnetite grains carry thesesecondary magnetizations. These secondary magnetitegrains were formed during a metamorphic event, which meta-morphosed some rocks of the area up to 300◦C (lower green-schist facies). 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar ages of hornblendes andbiotites of the rocks of the area can be used to place someconstraints on the thermal history. Hornblende and biotiteages of a rock record the cooling ages through closure tem-peratures of 500◦C and 300◦C respectively (Zeitler, 1985).The plutonic rocks around Gilgit have biotite cooling agesthrough 300◦C at about 45–35 Ma and the plutons to the westof Gilgit (in our study area) have slightly older regional cool-ing ages (Treloar et al., 1989). The youngest biotite ages inthe study area are 40 ± 2 Ma of Gupis pluton, 44 ± 2 Ma ofPingal pluton, 43 ± 2 Ma of Gakuch pluton (immediate eastof the study area) and 38 ± 2 Ma of basic volcanics (west-ern volcanics) (Treloar et al., 1989). Hence all these biotiteages indicate that the area was cooled down below 300◦C

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Table 3. South pole positions of Early to Late Tertiary secondary magnetization components in NW Himalaya.

Area/Rock unit Pole Longitude ◦E Pole Latitude ◦S dp dm Reference

Krol belt 19.5 59.5 5.6 10.6 Klootwijk (1984)

Krol belt 14.0 73 4.9 8.9 Klootwijk (1984)

Sulaiman Range/Mughal Kot Fm. 29.0 57.5 2 4 Klootwijk (1984)

Sulaiman Range/Fort Munro Fm. 11.0 60.5 3 6 Klootwijk (1984)

Centeral and Eastern Kashmir (34.5N, 74.3E) 31 72.8 4.9 8.3 Klootwijk (1984)

Central and Eastern Kashmir (34.5N, 74.3E) 13.3 64.0 5.0 8.1 Klootwijk (1984)

Central and Eastern Kashmir (34.5N, 74.3E) 17.4 58.3 5.3 9.8 Klootwijk (1984)

Ladakh/Intrusives 69.5 62.5 2 4 Klootwijk et al. (1979)

Ladakh/Dras Flyschoids 52.0 53.5 2.5 5 Klootwijk (1984)

Ladakh/Dras Flyschoids 91.5 55.5 2 4.5 Klootwijk (1984)

Ladakh/Dras Flyschoids 38 48.5 3.5 6.5 Klootwijk (1984)

Ladakh/Dras Flyschoids 81.5 57 2.5 5.5 Klootwijk (1984)

Ladakh/Indus Molasse 139.5 40.5 8.5 16.5 Klootwijk (1984)

Ladakh/Indus Molasse 145.5 30.5 12 24 Klootwijk (1984)

Ladakh/Indus Molasse 76.5 58 5 10 Klootwijk (1984)

Ladakh/Indus Molasse 94 58 4.5 9 Klootwijk (1984)

Baluchistan/Brewery Lst. 141 54 2 3.5 Klootwijk (1984)

Baluchistan/Goru Fm. 147.5 52.5 5 9 Klootwijk (1984)

Baluchistan/Alozai Fm. 135.0 55.0 4.5 8.5 Klootwijk (1984)

Zanskar Range/Tethyan sediments 144.3 66.0 4.2 7.1 Appel et al. (1995)

Kohistan arc/Shamran Volcanics and intrusives 134.6 70.4 6.9 11.1 This study

Table 4. Paleolatitudes obtained from pole positions of Indian APWP(Klootwijk et al., 1991) at site 39◦N, 73◦E.

Age (Ma) Paleolatitude (◦N)

20 30.7

25 29.0

30 27.3

35 25.6

40 23.6

45 21.5

50 19.4

55 17.3

60 8.8

before 35 Ma. Therefore the greenschist related secondarymagnetite couldn’t be formed after 35 Ma.

On the basis of the thermal history and comparison ofthe mean paleolatitude (within error limits) with the IndianAPWP, a range of ages from 50 to 35 Ma can be assigned tothe secondary remanent magnetizations.5.3 Mechanism of remagnetization

Secondary precipitation and growth of magnetite can pro-duce thermochemical remanent magnetization (TCRM) dur-ing alteration of primary igneous phases. Optical study alsoindicates the presence of primary magnetite in the volcanicsand intrusives. The possibility of thermally acquired sec-

ondary remanent magnetization by the primary magnetite isruled out, because no high temperature metamorphic min-eral assemblages (of the range of magnetite Curie tempera-ture) have been observed. The other type of remagnetizationis thermoviscous remanent magnetization (TVRM), whichis acquired at prolonged, elevated temperatures. The ele-vated temperature conditions did not last long in the area,because area was cool below 300◦C before 35 Ma. Accord-ing to Pullaiah et al. (1975) curves there is no possibilityof complete remagnetization of magnetite grains (labora-tory unblocking temperature = 570–580◦C) in the form ofTVRM, even if low grade greenschist temperatures (300–350◦C) last since the time (about 60 Ma) of formation ofvolcanics and intrusives to 35 Ma. The insignificant con-tribution of the primary magnetite grains to ChRM, may bebecause of large (MD) primary magnetite grains, which donot carry a stable remanence. Only secondary magnetiza-tions were also encountered in Aruba granites, which haveboth primary and secondary magnetite grains (Van der Voo,1993, p. 62). There it has been interpreted that primary grainsposses unstable remanence because of large size.

No younger intrusive activity has been reported in the area,which may be responsible for the remagnetization event.Now question arises, what is the cause of this widespreadremagnetization in the area? It should be remembered thatplutons could retain chemically active magmatic residual flu-ids long after the original plutonic activity. These fluids havewater and other incompatible elements, which are unable tocrystallize at prevailing temperature and exsolves from the

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Fig. 9. Comparison of pole obtained from mean direction of ChRM of volcanics and intrusives with Indian APWP and other Early to Late Tertiarysecondary remanences of NW Himalaya. Black triangle represents the pole position obtained from present study. Black dots connected by line representIndian APWP from 65 Ma to 20 Ma at the interval of 5 Ma. Black dots encircled by 95% confidence limit are the other secondary poles from Early toLate Tertiary age.

crystallizing rock (Middlemost, 1997, p. 204).The remag-netization may be due to release of hydrothermal fluids ofplutons, during the uplift of the area. The K-Ar biotite agesof about 40 Ma from these rocks suggest that the part of thearea was still at 300◦C at that time. Hence the possibilityof circulation of hot hydrothermal fluids related with plu-tons at about 50–35 Ma cannot be ignored. The circulationof these hydrothermal fluids produced secondary magnetiteand greenschist mineral assemblages.

6. ConclusionsThe dominant magnetic carrier is magnetite in the stud-

ied rocks. Both in volcanics as well as plutons secondarymagnetite is observed and all rocks have been effected bylow-grade metamorphism. The ChRMs of both volcanics aswell as plutons are of secondary nature, and are interpretedto have been acquired during low-grade metamorphism andis thermo chemical remanent magnetization (TCRM). TheChRMs were acquired at 25 ± 6◦N. Comparison of themean paleolatitude with the present latitude suggests about10◦ northward movement of the area after the acquisition

of ChRMs. According to the thermal history of the areaand comparison of the calculated paleolatitude, within theconfidence ranges, with the Indian APWP, the age of remag-netization can be bracketed between 50 and 35 Ma.

Acknowledgments. We are grateful to Dr. Mitsuo Yoshida for re-viewing an early draft of the manuscript. Drs. Hiroshi Amitsukaand Keitaro Kuwahara of the Division of Physics, Hokkaido Uni-versity are acknowledged for their help in low temperature measure-ments. We wish to thank Mr. Toshiaki Kuwajima and Mr. HidehikoNomura for helping in preparation of thin sections. Authors areindebted to Mr. M. Sakawat, Director, Geoscience Laboratory, Ge-ological Survey of Pakistan, for providing us field equipment duringthe fieldwork in northern Pakistan. Comments and suggestions oftwo anonymous reviewers and editor Hidefumi Tanaka helped a lotto improve the manuscript.

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