Religious Freedom Coalition Presents The Bethlehem Project Scholarships for the Suffering Church

Religious Freedom Coalition Presents The Bethlehem Project Scholarships for the Suffering Church

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Religious Freedom Coalition


The Bethlehem ProjectScholarships for the Suffering Church

Bethlehem Project Supporters

Senator Sam Brownback and Congressman Trent Franks were among the supporters recently at a reception in Washington, DC, to raise scholarship funds for the Bethlehem Project.

What is the Bethlehem Project?

The Bethlehem Project was established to help sustain the dwindling Christian population in the Palestinian Territories, particularly greater Bethlehem. Its central purpose is to raise funds for educational scholarships, but we also hope to encourage businessmen to create industry in the area for job creation.

Who does it help?The Bethlehem Project provides scholarships to Palestinian Christian children in the Bethlehem area to attend Christian schools. If we can help their families afford the small tuition fee, we can provide them with a learning environment free of religious discrimination, anti-Israeli textbooks, and Islamist indoctrination. A pluralistic society and a vibrant Christian community are the best hope for the future of Bethlehem and the Palestinian Territories.

How is it different?We are different from other organizations operating in this area in that our specific focus is to help Palestinian Christians without allying ourselves directly to the specific agendas of the Palestinian Authority or the Israeli government. By providing funds directly to Christian families, the Bethlehem Project bypasses the rampant corruption of the Palestinian Authority and the intimidation of Islamist militants.

Why is it important?A Bethlehem without any Christians is simply a tourist theme park run by Muslims. Providing a brighter future for Christians in Bethlehem gives them a reason to stay and continues the area’s pluralistic heritage. No suicide bombers have been Christian and the vast majority are non-violent. A greater Christian presence can have a moderating influence on Muslim Palestinians. The alternative is increased Islamic fundamentalism.

Area of Christian Concentration

Christian Demographics in East Jerusalem and the Palestinian

Territories (1994)

The Palestinian Christian population has drastically changed since 1994, when these statistics were compiled. Most importantly, the total Christian population in the Palestinian Territories is now only about 30,000. This is the minimal level for self-sustaining as a community. Although dated, this chart does present a valuable denominational layout. (Source: Dr. Bernard Sabella of Bethlehem University)

Arab Population Growth in the Palestinian Territories


Emigration is a major reason why the Christian population is shrinking, but the Muslim birth

rate is among the largest in the world. Christians, being better educated, tend to begin families later in life and have fewer children.

(Source: www.israelipalestinianprocon.org)

Jerusalem Demographics 1910-2000

Percentages mean little when comparing the Christian population next to Jewish and Muslim demographics. Jews from all over the world claim the “right of return,” while Muslims have very large families (and sometimes multiple wives). Christians are caught in the middle.

(Source: www.israelipalestinianprocon.org)

Christian Demographics in Israel (including East Jerusalem)

The 1931 Census lists 80,500 Christian Arabs out of 850,000 (10%). 2003 Israeli statistics list 116,000 Christians out of 1.3 million total Arabs. Note that an increasing number of Jewish immigrants (especially Russian and Ethiopian) are also Christians.

Facts about Bethlehem Christians:

Only 30,000 Christians still live within the Palestinian Territories, compared to roughly 120,000 in Israel proper. While the Christian population has drastically shrunk in Palestinian Authority administered areas, it has more than quadrupled in Israel since 1948. Christian communities in the Territories are primarily located in the Bethlehem area, Ramallah, and East Jerusalem. Bethlehem was 85% Christian in 1948, but today is only 20% - and shrinking. There are more Palestinian Christians today in Chile than in all of the Palestinian Territories.

FactMost Christian areas are on the frontlines in the conflict between Israeli Defense Forces and Palestinian militants. The terrorists often strategically take over Christian homes, businesses, holy sites from which to attack Israelis, knowing that a response is imminent and sympathetic television cameras are nearby to promote their cause.

FactIsraeli policies have indeed caused strife, but American Christian liberation theology groups unfairly call them unilateral and unprovoked. Palestinian terrorist attacks are excused as the sole responsibility of the Israelis. Billions of dollars have been donated through official channels, but most of this is siphoned off through corruption and militant intimidation. There is no rule of law in the corrupt P.A., and Christians are often persecuted by members of P.A. security forces (not to mention Islamist militant groups such as Hamas). They have been complicit in property theft, harassment and intimidation, and even rape and blatant murder.

FactThe Religious Freedom Coalition has supported private Christian schools in Bethlehem and nearby Beit Jala for years. The Bethlehem Project seeks to take our support one step further. We have found that – despite our best efforts – Christians are emigrating from the Palestinian Territories in numbers beyond the ability of their community to sustain themselves. Christian families who remain have become too poor to afford even the subsidized tuition required to send their children to private Christian schools. At the Lutheran school, for example, 85% of tuition is funded by the German government. The remaining $500 fee, however, is too much for families living in poverty.

FactP.A. and even United Nations-run schools are often blatantly anti-Israeli, anti-American, and even anti-Christian. Islamic curriculum is mandatory. Children are often taught to glorify suicide bombers and Islamist militants. As Christian children drop out of Christian schools due to tuition costs, the P.A. forces these schools to increase their percentage of Muslim students – with a requisite Quranic education for everyone.

FactBy providing scholarships directly to these Christian children, we support a brighter future for them and a Christian presence in the birthplace of Christ for at least another generation. Liberation theology and anti-Israeli indoctrination will not solve the problems of the Holy Land. Palestinian Christians can bridge the gap between Jews and Muslims and promote peace – but only if they survive. If the Christians completely abandons their homeland, then it will become naught but a Christian theme park run by Muslims.

FactRFC Chairman William J. Murray has led numerous fact-finding missions to Israel and the Palestinian Territories to discover the existing condition of the ancient Christian community. Emigration has featured in the Palestinian Christian community since the 19th century, but the reality today is that the native Christian population is threatened with extinction.

FactThose brave Palestinian Muslims whom the Holy Spirit has called to Christ face terrible discrimination at the hands of P.A. security forces, Islamist groups, and even their friends and neighbors. Many are threatened with death and flee to Israel. Ostracized and with no jobs, these converts and their families must rely on what they can make with their own hands and on the help of friends. With this in mind, the RFC has agreed to support them by selling their handmade natural olive oil soap. If you would like to assist the needs of these suffering brothers and sisters, please contact us.

Persecution Interview Available

Mr. Murray conducted an interview with Dr. Justus Weiner of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs in April. His revealing testimony on religious persecution is available for free on DVD.

RFC Chairman William J. Murray is available for interviews. For more

information, please contact:Scott Parker

Religious Freedom Coalition717 Second St., NE

Washington, DC 20002(202) 543-0300

[email protected]://www.rfcnet.org

I have heard that there were two old men who dwelt together for many years, and who never quarreled, and that one said to the other, “let us also pick a quarrel with each other, even as other men do.” Then his companion answered and said unto him, “I know not how a quarrel cometh,” and the other old man answered and said unto him, “Behold, I will set a brick in the midst, and will say, ‘This is mine,’ and do thou say, ‘It is not thine, but mine’; and from this quarrelling will ensue.” And they placed a brick in the midst, and one of then said, “This is mine,” and his companion answered and said after him, “This is not so, for it is mine”; and straightaway the other replied and said unto him, “If this be so, and the brick be thine, take it and go.” Thus they were not able to make a quarrel.

– Sayings of the Desert Fathers

A Lesson on Peace