World Religions 7th Grade Geography

Religions WorldReligions of the God of Abraham Judaism Christianity Islam . Christianity North America, South America, Australia, Europe, Russia, Mid/Southern Africa World Facts

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World Religions7th Grade Geography

Page 2: Religions WorldReligions of the God of Abraham Judaism Christianity Islam . Christianity North America, South America, Australia, Europe, Russia, Mid/Southern Africa World Facts

Think of some conflicts in the world today based on religion.

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5 Major World Religions

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Abrahamic Religions

Religions of the God of Abraham




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● North America, South America,

Australia, Europe, Russia, Mid/Southern Africa

World Facts

● Christians● 2.4 Billion Followers ● 32% of world population● Largest World Religion


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Place of Origin

● Turkey, c. 30 CE


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● Jesus Christ - He is the primary figure in the Christian faith.

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Sacred Text

Bible (Old & New Testament) - The most printed book in human in


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Over 2 billion people in the world believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah and that he bore everyone's sins on the cross. They believe that he died and was resurrected on the third day just as he prophesied.

Christianity is based on the life and teachings of

Jesus. The Holy Trinity.

Christians focus on Jesus Christ as a present reality

-- someone whom we should all connect with and live like.

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Beliefs: Redemption and SalvationThe agent of redemption is through Jesus Christ, who partook in numerous miracles as the Son of God.

According to Christians, individuals that

believe in Him and perform good works will be saved, or have “everlasting life” (reach Heaven).

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Primary PracticesBaptism - symbolizes purification and admission to the Christian Church

Communion - when bread and wine are consecrated and shared.

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Christians Around the World

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● Israel, Europe, Asia, Australia, Southern

Africa, US, Canada

World Facts

● Jews● 14 Million Followers ● .2% of World Population


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JudaismFounder - Abraham

Abrahamic Religion - a religion based on the family tree of Abraham, a historical figure in religious texts.

Abraham is the first figure in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

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JudaismFounded in Israel, c. 2000 BC

Primary figure is Moses

Torah (Old Testament)

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Important Beliefs


Jews believe that Yahweh (God) appointed them to be “the chosen people” to set an example of holiness and ethical behavior to the world.

Jewish prayers include WE and OUR instead of I and


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Important PracticesThe Ten Commandments

6. Harm no one. 7. Stay faithful to your spouse. 8. Stealing is forbidden. 9. Always tell the truth.10. Be happy with what you have.

1. Put God first.

2. Worship only Him.

3. Keep God’s name sacred.

4. Rest on the seventh day (Sabbath).

5. Obey your parents.

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Judaism is a Family FaithJewish religious customs revolve around the home and a general

connection between Jews around the world - meals and worship on the Sabbath.

Good deeds done by a person of Jewish descent are seen as an act of worship.

Because Judaism is a faith of action, they do not focus on an afterlife.

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The Mashiach

Believe that the Messiah would be a great political and military leader, observe the commandments, be righteous, bring peace to the world, and be a human being.

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● Northern Africa, Middle East, Saudi

Arabia, SW Asia

World Facts

● Muslims● 1.8 Billion Followers● 24% of World Population● Second Largest World Religion● Fastest Growing Religion


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Founder● Abraham

● Believed by Muslims to be a direct ancestor of the Prophet


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Primary Figure

The Prophet Muhammad (b. 570 CE in Mecca)

Muhammad is considered the prophet of Islam and the last of the prophets (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Solomon, and Jesus).

A prophet is someone who speaks directly to God.

Muhammad is said to confirm and complete the

revelations of previous prophets.

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Place of Origin

● Founded in Saudi Arabia, c. 610 CE

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Sacred Text

● Qu’ran or Koran (Old & New Testament, including complimentary


● For Muslims the Qur'an is the most important source of authority

as it is believed to be the revealed word of God.

● Muslims believe that an Angel revealed the word of Allah (God) to

the Prophet Muhammad, who then passed it on to his followers.

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Important Islamic BeliefsIslam means to “surrender” or “submit” to the will of Allah (God).

The hajj is a pillar of Islam, required of all Muslims once in a lifetime. It is a physically demanding journey that Muslims believe offers a chance to wipe clean past sins and start anew before God.

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Pilgrimage: Ka’bah

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Pilgrimage: Ka’bah

● Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca.● The Ka'bah is a building at the center of Islam's most important mosque, the

Great Mosque of Mecca.● Located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.● Wherever they are in the world, Muslims are expected to face the Kaaba

when performing Salah, the Islamic prayer.

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Important PracticesFive Pillars of Islam

1. Declaration of faith: “There is no deity but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God.”

2. Obligatory prayer: 5 prayers a day (before sunrise, noon, late afternoon, after sunset, and before bed).

3. Zakat: compulsory giving based on percentages (collected by the state and used on the poor).

4. Fasting during the month of Ramadan.

5. Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca (if one can afford it).

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● India, Southwest Asia, Saudi Arabia, US,

Canada, Australia, South Africa, Guyana (South America)

World Facts

● Hindus● 1 Billion Followers ● 15% of world population● Third Largest Religion


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No single founder

Place of origin is India, c. 2000 BC

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Sacred Text● The Vedas - a collection of religious texts that form the

foundation of Hindu theology.

● They are meant to give Hindu followers knowledge they use in life.

● These texts are separated into 4 groups.

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Primary Figures● Trimurti (Three Gods)

○ Brahma - Creator of the Universe○ Shiva - Destroyer of Creation○ Vishnu - Preserver & Protector of Creation

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Brahma Shiva Vishnu

Preserver & Protector of Creation

Destroyer of Creation


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“Guru”Those that have the highest spiritual authority teach about the Vedas.

Hinduism is not just a religion, but a way of

life (law, religion, and duty).

Dharma: the moral order of the universe -

tolerance is key to order

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Prayer: “May good thoughts come to us from all sides.”

Truths must be sought

through multiple sources.

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Important Beliefs

Karma: view of causality in which good deeds, words, thoughts, and

commands lead to beneficial effects for a person, and bad deeds, words, thoughts, and commands lead to harmful effects. These effects are not necessarily immediate but can be visited upon a soul in future lives through reincarnation.

Caste System: divides Hindus into four main categories based on


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Dalits: “Untouchables”

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Reincarnation: rebirth of a soul into a new body

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● India, West/Southwest Asia, Australia,

United States

World Facts

● Buddhists● 376 Million Followers● 7% of world population


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BuddhismFounded by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), c. 525 BC

Originated in India


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Sacred Text● Tripitaka - The Tripiṭaka was composed between about 550 BCE

and about the start of the common era, likely written down for the first time in the 1st century BCE.

● Consists of 3 Categories of Texts.● Vinaya - Rules and regulations of monastic life that range from

dress code and dietary rules to prohibitions of certain personal conducts.

● Sutra - The Buddha delivered sermons, which were rehearsed orally until they were written down in the first century BCE.

● Abhidhamma - Philosophical and psychological analysis and interpretation of Buddhist doctrine.

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Primary Figure Siddhartha Gautama

Father sheltered him in a palace so he would not face human hardships or misery.

Traveled outside

palace and saw old man - became determined to experience suffering which is a defining trait of life.

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Important Practices Meditation

Siddhartha reached

enlightenment through


Meditation: transforming oneself to

go beyond the

distractions of the world

and see the true nature

of things.

He then became the

Buddha - “he who is


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1. There is suffering.

2. Suffering has an origin.

3. Suffering can cease.

4. There is a path out of suffering.

Important Beliefs

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Belief: The Middle Way Siddhartha refused water, endured pain, and nearly starved himself to death until a young girl offered him water.

Event led him to believe people should

embark on a path of balance instead of extremism.

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Death results in either Reincarnation or Nirvana - goal of the Buddhist path.

Nirvana is a state of

complete freedom, radiance, and joy where one is no longer subject to rebirth.

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The Dalai Lama

Most enlightened Buddhist - the 14th Dalai Lama

Believed to be a reincarnation of one of the Buddha’s followers.

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List three things you learned from the lecture.