The Department Of Philosophy. Religion, Theology & The Bible.

Religion, Theology & The Bible. - University of Sheffield/file/RTB_UG... · How you can use your degree. ... and choose your modules. ... had on the study of religion, theology and

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Religion, Theology & The Bible.

‘Everyone on the staff is so down to earth and approachable, considering their high reputation’. Amy Corden


Why Religion, Theology and the Bible?

Religion, theology and the Bible have influenced both the religious and secular spheres of many world cultures. They have served as a source of inspiration, dispute and debate for over two millennia, informing beliefs, practice, ethics, history, literature, music, the media, and politics.

Our degree in Religion, theology and the Bible will equip you with a range of interdisciplinary skills in the humanities and social sciences crucial for understanding the phenomenon of religion and theological interpretations and the tools for the analysis of biblical texts, including analysis in their original languages.

You will gain skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, research, writing, organization, and presentation valued by employers.

How you can use your degreeThe skills that you acquire—clear analytical thinking, precise and persuasive presentation, project creation, group work, time management, computer literacy and information gathering, clearly structured writing—will be vital in getting a job and in keeping you employable.

Our graduates enter a variety of professions such as teaching, management, health, librarianship, government, church-related work, public relations, journalism, social work, internet design, retail management, banking, and other professions, as well as teaching, or further research.

A unique programme

2 The University of Sheffield

The degree in Religion, Theology and the Bible offers a unique scholarly and non-dogmatic environment.

For over sixty years the University has provided an internationally recognised facility for interdisciplinary teaching and research that has welcomed participation from members of faith and non-faith communities.

Our programme is recognised throughout the world as one of the leading centres for teaching and research on the Bible and we have recently been developing cutting edge research in the wider study of religion and social sciences.

We are committed to top quality, innovative teaching, focusing on student-centred learning and the development of student skills in a personal and friendly atmosphere.

Each member of staff is a leading expert in their field, ensuring that our teaching is informed by the latest research and making this an exciting place to study religion, theology and the Bible.

We employ a wide-range of teaching methods, including interactive lectures, seminars, tutorials, individual study, group project work, and computer-aided learning. You will also complete a self-assessment at the end of each year reflecting on your learning and experiences throughout the year.

We have a strong personal tutorial system and pride ourselves on a good relationship with our students. You will be allocated to an academic member of staff and meet regularly to discuss your academic progress and support you in getting the most out of your university experience.

Our degree courses

Religion, Theology and the Bible 3

Programme UCAS Code

Religion, Theology and the Bible V641 BA/RThB

Biblical Literature and English QV36 BA/BibLEng

German and Religion RV26 BA/GerRel

Religion, Theology and the Bible and Linguistics

Theology and Music VW63 BA/ThMus

Philosophy and Religion VV56 BA/PhilRel

French and Religion VR61 BA/FrRel

Archaeology and Religion, Theology and the Bible

The academic year at Sheffield is divided into two semesters, each fifteen weeks long. Your first year begins with an Intro Week during which you register, settle into your accommodation, are welcomed by your Department, and choose your modules.

Undergraduate degrees at Sheffield are modular. You take enough modules each semester to earn 60 credits, or a total of 120 credits over the year. Most modules in Religion, Theology and the Bible are worth 20 credits so, typically, you will take three modules in the first semester and three modules in the second semester.

The first semester runs from the end of September up to the Christmas break, after which you return in January to take exams for the first semester modules. The second semester starts immediately after the first semester exams (usually early February) and runs for twelve weeks to May, with a break for Easter, with exams in June.

“I was convinced after attending an Open Day and seeing all the module choices that covered all my areas of interest; I did English and history at A-level and saw how they are regular parts of the field”.

Tom Nixey

“The international reputation attracted me but the friendly atmosphere and staff made me want to stay”.

Andrew Carter

The shape of the year


VV46 BA/ArchRThB

“We get to look at history, archaeology, literature, languages, film studies – asking questions of the Bible in its ancient context and considering its modern day implications”.

Matthew Broughton

Second and third years

4 The University of Sheffield

First yearIn the first year you will be introduced to major issues and approaches within Religion, Theology and the Bible. The courses provide an overview of the biblical text that is foundational for further study and will enable you to develop critical, analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as skills in oral and written presentation.

Over the first year, you will take modules introducing the interdisciplinary study of religion, as well as an introduction to the biblical texts in their literary, cultural and historical contexts.

You will also be able to choose from a variety of optional modules covering areas such as ancient and modern religions, major themes (e.g. afterlife, myth, magic, sacrifice, problem of evil, canon, deviance and chance), early Judaism, Islam, and the Bible in the media, as well as having the opportunity of studying biblical Hebrew or New Testament Greek.

Flexibility is built into the programme. Students are encouraged to be flexible in their approach to the subject by exploring different approaches and to exercise personal responsibility and initiative.

The first year is designed both as a foundation for the second and third year in Religion, Theology and the Bible and as a set of stand-alone courses for students majoring in other subjects in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

By the end of level 1, you should understand major methods (e.g. sociological, anthropological, literary, historical, media analysis) and themes (e.g. history, myth, picturing God and gods) in the study of religion and how the central religious texts in the western tradition were formed and became authoritative for three world religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) and the types of literature and themes found in them.

If you choose to study biblical Hebrew or Greek, you will master the grammar and vocabulary and be able to begin to read biblical texts.

In the second and third years, you take two core modules and then select remaining modules based on personal interest and future goals.

At levels 2 and 3, teaching is increasingly informed by research activities of staff, particularly at Levels 2 and 3. Our research is ranked among the very best in the UK. For instance, in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) the research output of our members of staff was all ranked in the international categories and was one of only two UK departments to do so.

The core modules will focus on a discrete collection of texts (e.g. Prophets, Gospels) from the Bible and their use and influence, as well as what they tell us about wider phenomena in the study of religion (e.g. prophecy, apocalyptic movements).

In other optional modules, you will be able to focus on topics selected from a range of areas in the study of Religion, Theology and the Bible, such as Christian theology and religion, violence and the media, whilst covering interdisciplinary areas such as postcolonialism, politics, archaeology, sociology, gender, history, and literature.

You will be given the opportunity to develop Hebrew and Greek skills in more detail in modules where you will do close readings of specific Hebrew or Greek texts and will have the opportunity to begin study of a second biblical language as well, if you enjoy language work.

You will also have the opportunity to carry out work placement should you wish and undertake learning in the area of education, vital for many careers in the field, as well as seeing how Religion, Theology and the Bible provides you with a range of skills for life.

In addition, all Year Three students will write a 20 or 40-credit dissertation in an area of interest, working closely with a supervisor.

By the end of level 2, you will understand detailed application of specific interdisciplinary approaches to the study of religion, develop exegetical skills, and appreciate the impact the Bible and religion continue to have on various aspects of cultures around the world.

You will engage with other academic disciplines, particularly history, English, archaeology, sociology, critical theory, and gender studies and learn to evaluate the impact they have had on the study of religion, theology and the Bible.

If you continue studying a biblical language, you will read selected texts in the original Hebrew or Greek, strengthen your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, and learn to use the critical apparatuses that give textual variants.

You will have learned how to evaluate different approaches, gained greater confidence in working in teams and had the opportunity to undertake work placement.

Religion, Theology and the Bible 5

By the end of level 3, you will have a detailed knowledge of key issues and thinkers in Religion, Theology and the Bible, the ability to do a sustained exegetical analysis and close reading of a biblical or texts, and understand the ways in which religion has influenced the western tradition, contemporary politics and culture through specific case studies.

You will have refined key transferable skills, working in teams, making presentations and will also display the ability to frame and execute independent research in your dissertation.

During this year research and communication skills are strongly emphasised. You will have successfully completed an original research project in the form of a dissertation and presented the results to your peers.

Students will have learned to be flexible and adaptable, how to handle complex information, how to evaluate evidence, arguments, and assumptions, to reach sound judgments, and to communicate effectively. Such skills will be utilized and applied in many different forms of employment as well as providing the foundation for further research in the subject.

“The student-teacher ratio is unusually low so you get more time with your lecturers and in lectures you interact more and discuss”.

Peter Lennox


6 The University of Sheffield

Most first-year students choose University accommodation. There are 5,000 places available, 95 per cent of them reserved for first-years. All our halls and self-catering facilities have programmes of social events, and you will make friends fast.

You will usually live in a study bedroom in a hall or residence or self-catering flat or house. Most of our accommodation is in the leafy suburbs about 1.2 miles from campus. Each hall

has resident staff and services including computer rooms and parking. There are also self-catering complexes close to the city centre. For more details:


Our accommodation has just been voted joint first in the UK in the Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey.

Students’ UnionRanked joint first in the UK by the Virgin guide and winner of countless awards, our Union has live music, club nights, a 400-seat cinema, shops, an advice centre, travel agent, banks and there are 165 different clubs and societies to get involved with.

The University’s sports facilities include a 33m swimming pool with sauna and steam room, bouldering wall, synthetic pitches, squash and tennis. You won’t have to look off-campus for a high-tech gym either – we’ve got one of our own.

“Sheffield is a vibrant city with a lot going on and a fantastic night life”.

Michelle Farmer

Religion, Theology and the Bible 7

Safest Among the safest major cities in the UK (Home Office statistics)

Greenest City in England (150 woodlands & 50 public parks)

Lowest Cost of living for students in 24 surveyed UK University towns and cities (The Royal Bank of Scotland)

Why Sheffield?

Sheffield is England’s fourth-largest city. It’s located roughly in the centre of the country, on the edge of the Peak District National Park, about 2.5 hours by train from London. Those are the facts. Then there’s the way we feel about the place. We’re just as proud of our city as we are of our campus. We love the fact that although Sheffield is a major city it has kept its sense of community. This is friendly city, a place where you can make yourself at home.

8 The University of Sheffield

Every effort is made to ensure the information in our publications is accurate. However, modules and courses are subject to continual review. There may be changes made between the date of publication and the start of your course. For the latest information, see the department web pages, or contact the department direct.

Contact informationIf you would like more information on the Religion, Theology and the Bible undergraduate programme, please contact:

The Department of Philosophy,University of Sheffield,45 Victoria Street,Sheffield S3 7QB

Telephone: 0114 222 0508E-mail: [email protected]/biblicalstudies

Applicants with disabilities

Mature applicants

We are committed to providing any additional support required by applicants with disabilities. If you would like further information about our facilities then please contact the Disability and Dyslexia Service: telephone 0114 222 1303.

We welcome applications from mature students of any age. These applications are treated individually on merit.

“I find it amazing that we can learn from such well known scholars here at Sheffield”.

Georgina Ryan

“The course is so fascinating that continuing to a masters or a PhD has become a real option for me”.

Peter Atkins

“You don’t have to do biblical languages if you are not interested, but reading biblical texts in their original languages allows you make your own decisions about how to translate words and not just accept what translators have said”.Hannah Welch

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