WWW.RELEASETECHNIQUE.COM / SEPTEMBER 2014 NON-GRAD SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $12.95 To Be or Not To Be Is That the Question? See page 2 to save BIG on The Release Technique Digital Online Course SPECIAL SPECIAL


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www.releasetechnique.com/september 2014 NON-GRAD subscription price $12.95

To Be or Not To Be

Is That the Question?

See page 2 to save BIG on

The Release Technique Digital Online Course


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What Would You Like to ChangeIn Your Business and Finances Right Now?

Do you often feel “tense” about finances?Is stress coursing through your veins and affecting your decisions?.

Is stress causing you to suffer from illness, ailments…or health challenges?

Would you like more energy?

Does the thought that you can have effortless abundance, at all times, excite you?

Click here for all the details.

I’m on a mission to show you how to have financial freedom and live the lifestyle you deserve!

Announcing the:

21-Day Financial Freedom & Lifestyle Coaching Program

Here’s How to Finally Get the Financial Freedom

You’ve Always Wanted…

Harvard, Columbia, UCLA, and Pennsylvania University studies validate effectiveness of 21-Day Financial Freedom & Lifestyle Coaching Program.

Larry Crane is a best-selling author, self-

made millionaire, and coach to the coaches


(A total value of $4,206.00)

Get the

for the incredible price of


JUST $197Includes the entire

21-Day Financial Freedom & Lifestyle Program Digital Online Audio Set (22 sessions

in all) and a 198-page workbook (Original price $279)

*PLEASE NOTE* The Digital Online Course is a Digital Streaming product

and DOES NOT currently support mobile devices.


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Money Pours in & Health Gets Better“I have increased my present income by a little more than $3,000/month—consistently since mid March. I have improved my immunity, and while others around me are sneezing and congested with terrible allergies, I am unaffected. I have increased my productivity and use of time, able to spend quality time with baby while supporting us and our survival needs with less and less feeling of “overwhelm.” Lesli Takasugi

Learns to Love Everyone & Everything“Shoulder pain is gone after 1 year and couple months of continuous pain. Stopped compulsively eating out at restaurants which made a huge difference in our spend-ing habits. The gains are so profound it always seems trite to write the physical gains down. All of the releasing exercises take you to a place of such peace and well being that the other things pale in comparison. Learning to love everything and everyone…to see all of our limita-tions as a story we’re telling ourselves…learning to live without giving importance to the constant chatter in our minds. These are the true gains.” Molli Rathstone

Net Worth Increases Over 5 Figures“I wake up feeling so light and relaxed and wonderful and I keep the feeling through the day. Things that used to bother me don’t matter any longer. Since April, my worth has increased well into five figures.” Carolyn Hudson

Wins Court Cases with Love“Currently in the 30 day with Larry and wanted to pass this along. Went before the judge on Monday regarding a debt my wife and I were challenging.

Released on giving plenty of love towards everyone and everything and moved into being imperturbable and being all loving.

Long story short, the judge dismissed the case with prejudice which means we can never be pursued again regarding the debt. It’s dead, gone and buried. Love truly is the answer.” Michael Manjin

Stops Blood Pressure Medication & Smoking“I’ve completely stopped taking the blood pressure medication that I was taking for 14 years. I completely stop smoking cigarettes which I’ve been smoking for about 35 years about a pack per day. I’m a musician and since participating in the Lake Tahoe retreat jazz gigs have basically been falling in my lap. Since starting the financial freedom and lifestyle course I’ve basically come to see my entire life in a new light. My attitude is shifted from wanting abundance to actually seeing that I have abundance in my life.

My attitude of work, my attitude about how I feel about myself, my attitude about relationships, my attitude about how I feel about my family has 100% changed.

I have greater insight and clarity on the stories that I have kept in my head for over 40 years. Each day it’s like a new mystery is unlocked inside of me leading to an intense feeling of lightness and unbelievable happiness.

I sleep less, exercise more and enjoy my daily life one thousand percent more than I ever have. There have been times when I’ve thought about something as a goal and the next day it literally popped up right in front of me. I can clearly say that this is a benefit of doing the release work.

My main goal is to do absolutely nothing but release and have an abundant lifestyle with ease and believe it or not my daily life is basically filled with hours of releasing. I can only ascribe the benefits that I’ve been getting to this.” Andrew Schoenfeld

Money Pours In“$3000 is on the way of manifesting .... I am blessed and very much fortunate by coming across the RELEASE TECHNIQUE - Larry sir... overall $ 10,000 gain ... infinite thanks to you.” Rashmi, India

Graduates who have recently participated in the new Teleconferences and Retreats have been treated to a way of Releasing that is much FASTER AND EASIER using Lester’s method.

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Finds Bliss & Imperturbability“I was releasing last night on the AGFLAP chart with my husband and I found that feeling of bliss ‘ imperturbabil-ity’ in me. It was a Wow! We kept doing it this morning and did our goals right after. Now I sense what you’ve been talking about. I do want to stay here. A HUGE gain. Feels wonderful!” Mary-Margaret

Becomes Desireless“I am releasing so much each and everyday that is unbelievable.

At times, it is a bit overwhelming as I allow so much to come out, things that I have not allowed myself to face and look in the eye for years.

I am so high at times that is unbelievable. As a mat-ter of fact, I woke up today laughing! This was the first thing that happened to me when I woke up and was still in bed, with the knowing that I, my mind, the view from my window, my bed, it is all Guy, Guy, Guy or it is all I, I, I and I, just I. Wonderful!” Guy Mitrani Shafran

Experiencing Financial Freedom Effortlessly“This is the greatest month of my entire life; thru financial freedom, and an all loving connection with my beingness, I am achieving all my goals. Allow the demonstration to unfold.

I truly am experiencing this influx of financial freedom effortlessly , I am in having, it is all mine, what a peaceful and tranquil ride.

The opportunity for me to use Lester’s method in a focused, introspective, and honest way, develops spec-tacular results. In a savory oneness and effortless flow I live in the now. I am eternally grateful for the loving gift Lester left us and what Larry and all the teachers have done in support of the spread of this priceless recipe for mastery of this material world. There is too much momentum, the tide has turned forever , imperturb-ability is the winner, the eventuality is now reality , what a flow of oneness and eternal love that supersedes the stories and pictures. Bring on more, i will have it all.” Shaun Duregon

Taxes Wiped Out“Just reporting a great gain, We had our land sold from us because we never paid the rates on it and because we had moved house and never forwarded our address the the council they sold our land with out us knowing. The bank manager rang us and said we owe them $80,0000 dollars and for us to come to a arrangement as we have nothing as security we have to pay the loan off. So I did some releasing on it and then they told us they will take$20,000 off for us and we don’t have to pay any interest.

Also my we hadn’t done our taxes in a couple of years, cause we owed $10,000, my husband went in to sort all the tax business out and they said that the $10,000 had been wiped.

So it is able to free us up and have a fresh start and our new accountant said it looks like we will be able to get quite a good amount back from the tax when we lodge our latest tax returns.

So thank you Releasing, Loving the course.” Deborah Tera

Has Gain of $96,302“I had a financial gain from the last quarter ending 6/30 of $96,302. It was during that quarter that I was in the Love Yourself and Health and Fitness courses.

I’m grateful for the Financial Freedom course since I saw quite clearly things that I was resisting and not liking that were brought into my life quite suddenly. When I worked through that and got myself to a point where the outcome of the situations did not matter, I felt a weight lift from me. I gave it all to Beingness and actually was grateful for the things that came up, so that I could release them. It was a welcome return to peace.” Judith Belile

Long Time Releaser Gets Mind Quieter“The gains I have had from this course are unmatchable and I have been releasing for a long time. Time doesn’t present any limitation to me. Awareness, discrimination are constant. One is either realized or not and stopping before realization/ imperturbability is not an option. Loving all equally is truth. Fortunate to be able to find these words. Mind quieter and quieter. Beingness.” Raf Mauro

Experiences Real Joy & Peace“When the first couple of people were sharing their gains I was overcome with gratitude. The realization that, for me, the search was over and the war was over, landed with a lot of loving force. Yes I know it’s just the begin-ning. But to a lot of the “stuff” it has been the end. The first thing I bought was the online releasing package. I got started but I was a bit clumsy. Having an every day methodical look at this program for a month has been remarkable. For the first time in my life I experience real joy/peace. I wake up releasing and go to sleep releasing and releasing in between. The biggest gain is having no question as to who I AM really And what I am not. And it is no longer just an intellectual exercise. Being convinced of the fact and living the reality is just a bit different.” Dennis Ray

More Gains

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They took away my rattle. Can you believe it? They took away that darn rattle. It all began right then.

Where’s my rattle? I need my rattle. I don’t have a rattle.

What was it for you going way back? All the way back. What caused you to decide there’s some stuff in this world you can’t have.

Or maybe it was, “I can have a little, but I can’t have all I want. I can only get a limited amount. I’m a limited person. I have to know my limits.”

You probably didn’t put it all together like that way back then. But at a very young age you inserted a program into your computer—the one your neck holds up—a program that translates as a nagging—nearly always there— lacking feeling. Many of us apply that lack-ing feeling to money, relationships or health. Ring any bells?

I’m going to give you the perfect antidote for lack. It works all the time. Guaranteed. It will not cost you a dime. But first...

Please allow me a quick aside.

In the last paragraph I said, “You put in a program.” Be careful out there. Stay awake. The world tries to program us constantly about so many things.

You’re this kind of person. You’re that kind of person. Women can’t do this. Men can’t do that. People from your part of town hardly ever make it. If they find out I’m successful, they’ll kick me out of the group. And on and on.

Your neighbors and friends might program you. Some folks just have to tell you about the bad news of the day, and the political strife, or their latest ache or pain. Maybe you program those close to you. “These are the cards you’ve been dealt and you can’t do anything about it.” Notice that word “can’t” keeps coming up. “Can’t” always is a tip-off to a program you’ve installed.

The medical and pharmaceutical people constantly run TV commercials. They program people that they will get this or that serious condition. They’re selling it to us. And we think we are this body so a lot of us buy into it hook, line and sinker. And we’re sunk.

You see it all the time. A parent tells a child she’s dumb. A teacher or coach says you’ll never make it. When people or advertising tells you that you are this or that way, catch it. They’re programming you. It isn’t true for you unless you buy into it. Watch what comes out of other people’s mouths. Watch what comes out of your mouth. Some people enjoy expressing their “I cant’s.”

We hear this one a lot. “It’s not easy.” Who said it’s not easy? Why not say, “It is easy?”

The Perfect Antidote for LACK

by Dennis Sullivan

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“It will take you a long time,” they tell you. Why not allow it to happen right now? Even something as simple as saying or thinking the following three words: “I don’t know.” How many thousands of times do people say, I don’t know? That’s a program. You are an unlim-ited being. Allow yourself to know and know how.

So when someone says as I did in the previous paragraph, that you put in a program, it’s good to say, wait a minute, let me take a look at that. Maybe I did and then again maybe I didn’t put in that program.

Sorry. That was not a quick aside was it?

Back to the lacking feeling.

A lot of us practice it all the time. We look at what we don’t have rather than what we have. We look at what’s wrong rather than what’s right. We look at what’s bad rather than what’s good. We look at what’s missing in our lives. I could be happy if only…. What is it for you? I could be happy if only I had— Fill in the blank.

All of it is a lacking feeling. We put the program in. Then we unconsciously strengthen it. We affirm it. We re-affirm it. We fertilize and water it like a plant. We strengthen our lack muscle.

Do you do that? Most of us do. We strengthen the program to the point that it’s a hard-ened conviction.

Isn’t it amazing how people hold so tight to their convictions? Have you noticed? They argue with you to the point of rage if you try to wrest their beloved conviction from them. People will argue for my bad back, my arthritis, my ABCD diagnosis. Tell them it’s just a thought. And watch out. The lion might roar.

Don’t mess with my convictions.

What if your convictions aren’t getting you the life you want? Realize, you put those programs in the computer you can delete them.

It begins with tracking back, way back to the very first thought that turned into a belief then became a hardened conviction. Someone said something. You saw something. You

heard something. And you made a decision. This is how I am. This is how it is. As Popeye said, I yam what I yam. The program embedded in your

computer and it’s still in there, running your life.

We can toss out all those old computer programs that con-tinue to run our lives, twenty, thirty, fifty, seventy years later. We can toss out those computer programs that say I can’t do this. I can’t do that. It’s just the kind of person I am. It’s just

the way I was brought up. I yam what I yam.

If your life is not working, as you want it to, be it finances, or relationships, health, or whatever else, it’s because you have installed programs in your computer

that say, I can’t.

Learn how to Release with the Release Technique course, see page 2. It’s popular these days to say life doesn’t come with do-overs. That’s

continued from page 5

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a program for you. The Release Technique is all about do-overs. It’s all about changing your picture from whatever your life looks like right now to the picture you prefer.

You definitely can have a do-over. But you have to do something. You have to take action.

Hopefully, you’re busy logging on to releasetechnique.com and snapping up that course at this very moment. That’s smart.

It’s funny in a very weird way. Some people think it costs too much. How about that next retreat? That lacking feeling raises its ugly head. It frightens you when it yells, “it costs too much.” That’s our wonderful ego in action. The very thing that could make us whole, that could bring about health, happy relationships, and solid finances, and our ego swoops in and throws a lacking feeling all over our mind like a wet blanket.

Let me ask you. Would it cost too much to actually fix whatever has been bugging you maybe all your life? Silly question isn’t it? “I’d do anything if I could resolve XYZ.” Then sign up. And don’t let that ego talk you out of it with another of its lies. A lie that says, you, who are an infinite, unlimited being, lack the money, or the time or whatever excuses that ego cooks up.

Oh yes, I haven’t forgotten I promised at the very beginning I would give you the perfect antidote to a lacking feeling. Let’s say your bills come in the mail and you’re swept away by a particular type of fear called lack. You get real nervous. Maybe a panic attack.

There’s an antidote that works instantly, perfectly. “So tell us already,” you’re saying. OK. Here goes: The perfect antidote is gratitude. Yes. When lack takes over, banish it immediately with gratitude. Be grateful. It works! Try it. You’ll like it.

Look around. Begin proclaiming gratitude for everything you have, for everything that’s good in your life, for everything that’s right in your life. Expressing gratitude opens you up to even more gifts. (By the way, you are keeping your gains in a special little book, aren’t you? Keeping gains is a way of expressing gratitude and opens you up for even more gains.)

Take a step. Step onward and upward. Do the Release Technique Course. Dig out those miserable old programs that are holding you back. Step onward and upward. Make that call and sign up for the next retreat.

Don’t be stuck like Popeye. Get yourself a new life. Do it now before the ego talks you out of doing the very best thing that can happen to you and your life.

Now is the time to act. Decide. Be all you can be.Take action in favor of yourself right now and you’ll have more and more to be grateful


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How to Have ALL the Release Technique Teachers Work

With You to “Dissolve” All the Blocks Standing in the Way of You

Living The Life You Really Want . . .. . . and You Don’t Even Need To Leave Your Home . . .

see details…

For releasing graduates and non-graduates…

Sign up for a CYL Tele-course and have a full FREE credit on any other tele-course we offer during 2014*!

*this credit cannot be combined with other discounts, offers, or promotions. The credit is for 1 use only, not to be used for another CYL.

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For releasing graduates and non-graduates…

Also available in the European time zone too! Friday evening for 3 hours starting at 9:30am PT which is 5:30pm UK time.

All the other times are the same as above.

Do you have a telephone… or… Skype account?

If so, you can now take full advantage of the NEW “Change Your Life” course right from the comfort of your own home. Or, if you’re travelling or away on vacation you can still take advantage of it wherever you happen to be.

Hundreds of people have attended one of the live Abundance Course classes when they’ve been held somewhere around the world—attendees often made their way from across the country (and very often from another country) just to experience the life-altering events. In fact, it’s reached the stage where so many people want to attend (or re-attend) a live Abundance Course we were having trouble putting on enough live events in enough areas of the world to keep up with the ever-growing demand. So instead of you having to travel to attend an “on-location” Abundance Course class…make plans to attend the NEW Change Your Life course!

The Stay-at-Home, Convenient Teleconference

for Graduates and Non-Graduates

ANNOUNCINGthe NEW & Improved Abundance Course called the

The NEW “Change Your Life” Course delivered to you via teleconference—will be conducted during “3-hour shots”

over two weekends—the dates are as follows: October 17–19 and October 25–26

Friday evening for 3 hours starting at 5:30 pm Pacific time (6:30 pm Mountain; 7:30 pm Central;

8:30 pm Eastern), each Saturday and Sunday for 3 hours starting at 8:30 am Pacific Time (9:30 am Mountain; 10:30 am Central; 11:30 am Eastern).


October 17th through October 26th, 2014

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• Larry, teaching the total LIVE Release Technique course directly to you in the comfort of your own home.

• A powerful workbook custom designed to help you practice and learn the Release Technique so that you can live the lifestyle that you deserve.

• Archived recordings of the teleconferences so you can play them back at your convenience.

• If you do not have the Release Technique 17 CD set we will send you a link to download the MP3 FREE of charge so you can practice Re-leasing whenever you want. (a $279 value).

• We will also give you the complete FULL MP3 RE-CORDINGS of Larry and teachers doing clean ups never released before, yours to keep and use again and again. (a $165 value)

• You get full access to all of the Release Technique teachers throughout an entire weekend.

• A releasing partner to help you focus.

• You will be able to participate in breakout groups that allow you to talk in independent, private groups. You will be able to work with other releas-ers one-on-one. And with a press of your phone keypad, you have the ability to raise your hand to ask questions and express opinions, as well as request to work directly with your favorite teacher.

• This course will incorporate a powerful technology that gives you the experience of being right there in the room with all of the other participants and teachers.

• Access to our support line for Releasing assis-tance during the week (a $3,000 value).

• Lean how to move from “I Can’t” to “I Can” and eliminate all your limitations once and for all!

• Learn the Lesterizing Goals System

Here’s What You Get When You Register for The NEW “Change Your Life” Teleconference Course:

Have you been trying to have financial freedom and the perfect lifestyle, but it just isn’t happening for you? Stop right now!

The new “Change Your Life” Teleconference will actually show you how to make it

work for you in only 2 weekends.In this course you will discover:

• How to have 93% more time and 362% more money doing what you love• What really causes successful people to win, time after time• How you can master the real principles of success and systematically recreate your life• A system you can use to guarantee your best life in as little as two weekends

You May Be Wondering…Do you miss out on any of the value of the seminar-type Abundance Course class if you don’t attend a live event and meet with other people? Actually, no. Not according to all the releasing graduates that have taken advantage of the “full support,” stay-at-home programs like the 30-Day Teleconfer-ence, the 90-Day Teleconference and the Health and Weight Loss Teleconferences. The overwhelm-ing response (from the people that have participated in one, or more, of the teleconference programs we offer) has been that they love the fact that they can build up so much focused momentum in their releasing—and knock out so much resistance—without ever having to leave the comfort of their home or take time away from family/work. And the gains they’ve experienced? They’ve been phe-nomenal. I could literally send you pages and pages worth of exceptional gains. In fact, the gains seem to be better than those we receive from participants of the 3-day on location Abundance Course events.

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You can sign up for this new teleconference by calling (818) 279-2438 or sign up under “live classes” on our website


Here’s Why I Think The Gains That You Will Accomplish Will Be So Fabulous:

When people can stay at home and participate in a “full support” telephonic releasing program they tend to be very relaxed and ready to take their releasing to a much DEEPER level compared to when they have had to travel miles and find themselves in unfamiliar location with a lot of unfamiliar people. Anyway, whatever the reason is—the gains we’ve received from people who participate in the “full support” stay-at-home teleconference programs seem to be off the charts. Want to be the next person to have a life-changing gain? If so…

• Learn to Love Yourself totally

• Have Perfect Health the natural way

• Understand and put in practice the principles of the Law of Attraction—fast

• Learn much faster with the Accelerated Learning System

• Realize greater gains from Releasing faster than ever before

• Apply the Release Technique to maximum advantage in all areas of your life

• Find your Purpose in Life!!!

• Learn how to use the “BUTT” System

• We will feature the Lesterizing Goals Mastery System during this event.

• Move from “I Can’t” to “I Can”

The Change Your Life course tuition is only $545. You can even have a payment plan—just pay $295 upon registering and then pay the additional $250 the next month. If you wish to pay in full, in one payment, the price is $495 (a $50 savings). The course is open to all people who want to attend, graduates and non-graduates. If you have already taken a live Abundance Course class, teleconference or Retreat, you can take the Change Your Life teleconference course for just $350.

Enroll now for the “Live” Life-Changing teleconference. Bring a friend who has not at-tended a live class you get to go for free. Space is at a premium and the course will be filled on a first-come basis.

Register for the Upcoming Change Your Life course & Get Ready for a NEW Life

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Gains from the Change Your Life Course

$17,000 in Gains“After you helped me to Release on one of the Change Your Life calls, I received over $17,000 in gains.” Maria

Gains Come Fast & Furious“I started on the Wed. calls this week and had a MAJOR breakthrough. I had ‘forgotten’ to be in Release 24/7, give myself approval/love (although I was doing that with everyone else), etc. I realized that pride was keeping me away from the calls! I had 8 family deaths and multiple other major life crises in the last few years and had been in grief, then slipped to a bottom to apathy. I’ve restarted listening to my Release Techniques CDs, reading Lester’s books, got on the Wednesday call and WOW! What a change! Since Wed. I’ve been so much happier and could tell my ego to get lost as I don’t want to disapprove or withhold love of myself any more. It was as if I was really hearing Larry for the first time! I don’t have to stay with the program that tells me that I have to do everything by myself, and must withhold love of self until I’m ‘fixed’ and in CAP. I ‘got’ that I’d never be in CAP without loving and approving of myself! Ego had been running wild and needed to have the doors opened so it could go. On Wednesday eve during the call, I felt profound peace and joy. I was so high after the call as I had released so much during the call. I’ve been feeling such hope and happiness since then! Gains are coming fast and furious, too! So many family relationships have been healed in the last couple of years since I took the Abundance Course in Boston with you and have listened to Larry on the CDs. I am so grateful. Now I get to heal this relationship with myself. I’m grateful for the willing-ness to show up for this class, and do the work.” CC, MA

Lets Go of Procrastinating“Just to say thank you for your wonderful ‘Change Your Life’ teleclass. And thank you for the work you did with me Sunday evening on procrastination. I have had a great week. A lot of resistance has come up and, under that, so much disapproving of myself but I’m able to handle it in a way I couldn’t before. I feel light and happy and capable.

So, thank you, Larry and my thanks to all the teachers and support staff who made this class pos-sible.” Joanna Byrne

Gets Herself Back“I’d been in apathy/grief for so long after losing many family members in a very short time frame, that getting up to pride felt like a jump up the scale of emotions.

Since being on the Wed. calls, being in the current Change Your Life Program, releasing with my Release partner (a lovely woman who’s been raving about her experiences @ Camp Allen), and trying to remember to be in Release 24/7, I’ve been feeling like I’ve ‘got Cindi back.’ In the past two days, I’ve had people tell me that I’m glowing or have an aura. One, a friend who knows what I’ve been through in the past few years, can see that I’m again becoming filled with peace and joy, and has told me it is showing on my face.

I feel that The Method, coupled with the CDs, class, Wednesday calls, etc. is the reason that I’m feeling so much better. I’m remembering to give myself love and approval, and often hear Larry’s voice in my head talking about the method. I’m grateful that being positive is becoming internalized.” Cindi Clark

Gets 3 Million Dollar Home“My family was relocating to the Miami area recently and I released on finding the perfect housing situa-tion, a specific car type that I liked and the perfect schooling situation for my 4 year old son. My intention was to have him in the Montessori system. I released until I got totally hootless and then turned it over to beingness.

Things started to fall into place in a very short order and with minimal or no effort on my part: A friend of a friend of my wife was planning to leave after her lease expired, and the house she is renting became available. A couple of days ago I signed a lease on a beautiful 3 million dollar home surrounded by heavily forested, neatly groomed 4 acres situated half way between the only two local family members of my wife. The rent and utilities is what I expected to pay for a two bedroom apartment. I could not have asked for a better landlord and that friend who had known him for 3 years had only good things to say about him.I budgeted somewhere between $650 and $850 for schooling for my son. After visiting some, I found a beautiful Montessori school, a 7 minute drive from my home. The entire tuition is paid by the state of Florida so I have to pay absolutely nothing.After going to several car agencies I entered one, found the car that I initially wanted and got a great deal.” Rephael, FL

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Sessions with a Master of Personal Transformationby Lester Levenson, narrated by Larry Crane

#1066-BNDLester’s Enlightenment

Bundle $435

Digital online set and Workbook/CD set

Shipping included for domestic and international orders.

#1066-CD Lester’s Enlightenment CD set

$335 Includes 30 CDs plus workbook (plus $12.95 shipping & handling)

#1066-HUB Lester’s Enlightenment Digital Online set $225 includes workbook PDF

and digital streaming audios(download only, no shipping)

To order, go to: www.releasetechnique.com


Activate your beingness and ignite your unlimited potentialLester Levenson, a recognized American Master, and Larry Crane, a Master teacher, will guide you step-by-step to becoming enlightened. In addition, each section contains rare Lester Levenson audios that expand on the content.

If you already own The Release Technique audio set – you will find this audio set much more advanced and chock full of over 30 Lester sessions, which will further enhance your ability to maximize enlightenment and oneness.

With Lester’s Enlightenment Course you’ll be experientially guided (by Lester and Larry Crane) through the effortless process of disengaging from the limited thinking that keeps you from knowing what it’s like to feel at Oneness with everything.

The Enlightenment Course will help you:• Knock out subconscious negativity that stops you

from living a clear and fulfilling life• Feel free and more alive than you ever felt in life• Be consistently positive, happy, and loving in all

things• Achieve your goals easily and consistently • Let go of negative and self-destructive addictions • Enjoy being naturally relaxed in normally “high stress” situations: Greg Worsley reports:

“My former ‘high tension days’ are now enjoyable.”• Easily “let go” of any “charged” feelings “on the spot” – including fears, phobias, anxiety,

stress and panic attacks• Naturally enter into the “flow-state” and finally MASTER your life—all resistance and self-

doubt will melt away…and all your goals will be “pulled” into your life.Get in touch with your unlimited side more consistently.

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Sometimes money seems to be a problem.

It can seem like you don’t have enough.

Or there are too many bills to pay.

Or that your financial situation is going in the wrong direction.

In each case it often causes stress. And worry. And anxiety.

And all those other thoughts of “Oh, no, what am I going to do?”, “How will I cope?”, I can’t see how I’m going to get through this one this time!”.

And so on.

But let’s look closer:

Is money—or more specifically lack of money—REALLY the problem?

What if lack of money (and the uncomfortable feelings it brings up) is REALLY a great opportunity for you to release and become more imperturbable?

That’s what Sarah found out—here’s her insightful story:

“Prior to learning how to release, I took a monthly business coaching course. No matter how hard I worked, I did not get results! The “coach” was focused on the mind and the program was completely intellectual. Every month it was a struggle to pay for the “coaching”. Then my hours at work got cut and I had to stop paying, just so I could cover my necessities.

Then, I discovered releasing!!! I released on the whole situation. Instead of the coach turning my debt of thousands into a collection agency, she let me out of my contract and let me settle everything for just $330.

Now that I am releasing, life is so much better:) It is the only thing I want to use for my goals. I will never again waste my time on other stuff that just doesn’t work! Best investment I have ever made. Life keeps getting better. Thank you!!!” Enthusiastically, Sarah Sheppard

What to do if You Lack Moneyby Michael Silk

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As you can see, Sarah used her lack of money situation and the fears and concerns that it brought up to Release and allow Beingness to create circumstances where everything worked itself out A-okay.

You can do the same.

Whenever you feel lacking in money (or in any other area of your life) you can see it as a great opportunity to release and allow it to work itself out BETTER than you could have imagined.

Releasing “opens the door” to allow Beingness to take care of you in the best way pos-sible.

So—to experience the compassionate power of Beingness taking care of your life in all the best ways possible—just keep releasing on all thoughts and feelings of lack.

And the best way to stay on course with your releasing is through a live program like the Change Your Life course.

If you participate in the Change Your Life course, you too will get to experience how Beingness “steps in” and take care of your life in the most perfect ways possible.

But for Beingness to “step in” to your life—you do have to “step up” and commit to periods of regular and consistent releasing.

Fortunately, regular and consistent releasing can be a lot of FUN (not to mention life changing!)—especially if you have the support and assistance of the Releasing experts on the upcoming Change Your Life course.

continued from page 14

If you have any

questions, or would like

a demonstration of the

Release Technique,

call us at


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Kris Dillard

Richard Eichenholz

Donna FedorDaniel Schultz

Dr. Ken Smythe Anna Sobiechart

For a Releasing demonstration, call us at 818-279-2438

Monday–Friday, 9 am to 5:30 pm (Pacific time)

There is no charge. We are here to help you.

If you have any

questions, or would like

a demonstration of the

Release Technique,

call us at


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When you are in an emotional or psychological low, you are like a car that has an engine problem and (like with a faulty car) you have three options or paths at your


OPTION 1: You can merely wait and hope the the errant thoughts, feelings and performance issues

eventually subside.This solution is akin to driving around with your car’s engine warning light on and

not understanding what the light actually means. The warning light (your uncomfortable feeling) isn’t resourceful and it’s draining you of energy, but you tell yourself that it’s no big deal and try to ignore it. For some reason, however, as you try to not focus on it, your thoughts are drawn more and more to the dashboard and the incessant flashing warning light (your non-resourceful feelings). And in fact, the more you try to ignore what your uncomfortable feeling—the more you are drawn toward it and try to resist it!

OPTION 2: The same warning light appears, but this time you know it means that something is

wrong with the engine.Since you don’t know exactly what the apparent problem is or how to fix it, you take

your car to the mechanic. The mechanic has all sorts of tools and techniques and seems to fix the problem. You drive away and the car runs fine—for a few days! Then the warning light returns, and the same or another issue crops up again. Because you decide the previ-ous mechanic must not have the right technique, you search for another mechanic (self-improvement guru!) who has a different bag of techniques and external answers, and then another, and another.

This example sadly represents all those people who go from one self improvement tech-nique to the next but never quite finding anything that can give them permanent and satis-fying change.

How to GET the BEST out of your

by Michael Silk


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Here is an entirely new approach.You find a mechanic who can teach you the

inner workings of the engine. Once you uncover the innate principles that power the engine (your mind/body mechanism!), you realize that this knowledge and experimental understanding will always be at your disposal, allowing you to always self-adjust and maintain optimal engine (mind/body!) performance.

This option is a very good analogy and representation of what the Release Technique allows you to do.

The Release Technique is NOT an “outside-in” technique (like other self-improvement techniques) it is, instead, an “inside-out” technique that is always available to you, and once it is mastered it ceases to be a practice, it becomes a way of living.

But it does take practice for it to become a way of living.And the best way to generate purposeful practice with your Releasing is by participating

in structured programs where you get assistance, facilitation, direction and the combined releasing energy of all the other releasing partners and participants.

Hence the people that get the best gains from releasing are those that invariably attend and participate in our structured releasing programs.

With that said, the best program you can participate in the get structured releasing sup-port so your releasing becomes a natural way of being for you is our Change Your LIfe Program.

If you have any

questions, or would like

a demonstration of the

Release Technique,

call us at


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Those programs are sabotaging the amount of money you are able to earn (and hold onto).

Those programs are “ruling” the way other people treat you (or overlook you).

Those programs are determining your level of (or lack of) happiness.

And, those programs are the underlying reason your life always seems to get stuck in a certain pattern that you cannot break free of (no matter what you do or what you try).

In fact, see how many of these 7 common programs you think might be running your life (then I’ll show you how to clear them from your unconscious):

LIMITING PROGRAM 1: I’m not good enough / smart enough.

WHEN YOU CLEAR THIS PROGRAM: You walk tall, you feel at ease among all kinds of people (including those more experienced, wealthier and in higher positions than you). Other people sense your grace and presence and find it a very attractive quality. Other people gravitate toward you and defer to your opinions. You feel respected, empowered and important.

LIMITING PROGRAM 2: There’s only so much money someone in my position / age can earn.

WHEN YOU CLEAR THIS PROGRAM: You see options that had previously been “hid-den” from you. Your income goes up, without any seeming extra effort on your part. Lu-crative opportunities find their way to you. People come out of the woodwork to support you and / or give you a leg up in the world. And you realize that the only “cap” on your income is the figure you’re comfortable with in your mind.

LIMITING PROGRAM 3: I hate the way I look (or I hate the way that part of my body looks).

WHEN YOU CLEAR THIS PROGRAM: It’s like a great weight has been lifted from your shoulders. You feel comfortable in your own skin, perhaps for the first time since early childhood. You experience more energy and vitality. You feel like a flower that has finally blossomed and you want to share your aliveness with everyone around you.

Do You Have “Interlaced”

Limiting Programs That Are Currently Sabotaging

Your Whole Life?

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LIMITING PROGRAM 4: No matter what I do it’s never good enough.

WHEN YOU CLEAR THIS PROGRAM: You go for what you want. You involve yourself in things that previously you would have shied away from. You have a greater zest for life. Everything becomes FUN. You love new challenges. You never feel like you failed or let yourself down. Instead you become so engaged in whatever activity you throw yourself into you never have time to think about judging yourself. You automatically find yourself achiev-ing more than you ever had before and your confidence skyrockets.

LIMITING PROGRAM 5: I will never find the right person to be in a relationship with.

WHEN YOU CLEAR THIS PROGRAM: You stop obsessing over finding that “special someone.” Instead you’re comfortable with who you are and your life just the way it is. Ironi-cally, it’s then that your life will unfold in such a way that you’ll naturally find that “special someone” for you. Maybe you’ll be introduced through a mutual acquaintance. Or perhaps you’ll meet at an activity or class you both attend. It doesn’t matter. You just need to clear away the limiting program and let the rest take care of itself.

LIMITING PROGRAM 6: There’s only so much I can get done in a day.

WHEN YOU CLEAR THIS PROGRAM: Time seems to “expand.” You never seem to be squeezed for time. You focus in completely on what you’re doing in the moment—and your mind ceases to run away with thoughts of “I should really be getting on with so-and-so.” You find yourself getting more done and having more time to spare to relax and enjoy yourself. And you realize how much “time” you have is all in your mind.

LIMITING PROGRAM 7: I can’t do that.

WHEN YOU CLEAR THIS PROGRAM: You are not limited by what you have (or have not) been able to do in the past. You take everything as it comes and you put yourself into everything with the expec-tation you’ll succeed. When you com-pletely clear this program you become unstoppable. Nothing fazes you. No opin-ion or negative remark pulls you down. In short, you become a winner in life, no matter what the outward “results” are.

Of course, there are many more programs (than those 7 listed above) that are running your life.

And it’s not even necessary to identify in-dividual programs to know you’ve got them restricting your success, abundance and hap-piness.

All you have to do to know you have limiting programs clogging-up your unconscious is to see how you feel.

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What I mean is this:

Think of a time when you felt TRULY ALIVE in your life.

Maybe you haven’t felt that way in ages. Or perhaps you get to experience it regularly through a certain activity (like playing music, going to the gym, or sharing time with a loved one). Either way—now turn your attention to the “rest” of your life—the other areas where you DON’T feel totally alive.

Take a look at how you feel about your finances—like maybe when you get a bill or a tax notice. Take a look at how you feel about your job, or the colleagues you work with. Take a look at how you feel about where you live. Take a look at how you feel about your body—your appearance. Take a look at the times you feel anxious, lonely, depressed, stressed-out or just bored.

All those times when you feel even 1% less than TOTALLY ALIVE are “tell-tale signs” that you have limiting programs preventing you from feeling TOTALLY ALIVE no matter what.

So, the question then becomes:

What Is The FASTEST & Most EFFECTIVE Way To Release (Clear Away) ALL The Unconscious Programs Preventing You From ALWAYS Feeling TOTALLY ALIVE & TOTALLY ABUNDANT?

Well, you could go out and buy lots of different courses or pay to see a number of different “mind experts” and after a few months to a few years (and a massive dent in your bank balance) you’ll probably find out that your life hasn’t changed significantly. And in all probability it will have probably have gotten worse. That’s what happens to most people who try and change their life by changing their mindset.

Which is a crying shame since they could be getting results like thousands of Grads or like any one of the people listed on page 43, who are sharing their testimo-nials there.

How come they have got such fabulous results in their life?

Simple: They have released their limiting unconscious programs with the most effective tool in the world: The Release Technique.

If you want to clear away (release) all your limiting un-conscious programs in “one sitting” (saving yourself a ton of time and money in the long run) then you’ll find all your own reasons for attending:

The NEW 7 Day MIND FREEDOM RETREATVail Cascade Resort in Colorado

November 7 thru November 13, 2014

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The Mind Freedom Retreat is a Retreat about Cleaning up the Past, Beliefs and Programs that hold one away from the freedom to live life to the fullest and experience infinite beingness.

• By cleaning up past beliefs and behaviors you will create positive changes in your life with grace and ease!

• You will learn powerful tools to overcome any obstacles that stand in your way; have empowerment and liberation, and receive major results.

• You will learn how to Release hidden blocks in your subconscious that have been secretly sabotaging you.

• We will teach you exclusive systems and techniques that shift old thoughts and programs to achieve new or/and more effective results in all aspects of your life!

• You will improve your relationships, your finances, and your physical well-being easily.

• Once you learn how to use this unbelievably powerful force there is nothing you will not be able to accomplish.

This entirely new breakthrough program is radically charged to awaken you to what you really are. You will experience infinite beingness and go deeper than you have ever experienced before.

I urge you to let nothing stop you from attending this life-changing Retreat. By attending, I feel absolutely convinced that you will gain a miracle-working power that will lift you up from confusion, misery, melancholy and failure. You will be guided to your true place of beingness to resolve difficulties, and have IMPERTURBABILITY, happiness and peace of mind.

November 7 thru November 13, 2014

The MIND FREEDOM A Totally New Course

at The Vail Cascade ResortAAA Four Diamond Resort

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Not only will this Retreat help you clean up the past—but it will help you to clean all those subconscious programs that have been sabotaging you all your life. We will clean up programs like these:

• I’m not good enough.• I lack self confidence.• I lack self respect.• No matter what I do it’s never

good enough.• Fear, self hatred, jealously,

shame, grief, anger and hatred.• I hate myself.• I hate my life.• Self doubt.• I’m so stupid.• No matter what I do I can’t win.• Humiliation and shame.• Feeling like a victim.• The “why me” syndrome.• Why am I such a loser?• Feeling ridiculed.• Feeling like I don’t belong or

feel like an outsider.• My life will always be filled with

pain and struggle.

A Message from Lester About the Mind

The greatest thing, and the most difficult thing, we have

to do, is to drop the mind. It’s a junkyard full of refuse from ages past; refuse of thoughts of

limitations: I am a limited body; I have troubles. All thoughts contain limitation. We pile them up in the thing we call mind. Mind is nothing but the total accumulation of all these thoughts. So mind is nothing but a junkyard of limitation.

All right, so how do we get rid of the mind? By quieting it. When we quiet the mind we discover our infinity. The more we see our limitlessness, the more we recognize that junkyard called mind, and the more we let go of it, until we go so far that we drop the whole remaining mind at one time.

Quiet the mind. The moment the mind is quiet enough, this infinite Being that we are becomes self-obvious. So the method is very simple, release until you quiet that mind enough so that you see this infinite Being that you are. Now the moment you see it, the moment you see this infinite Being that you are, you’ll immediately go to work to undo the remaining thoughts that you are not it. And when there are no more thoughts, there’s only the infinite Being left.

MASSIVE SAVINGS DEAL register NOW and you pay only $2,095 for this entire Retreat package which includes room and board and three fabulous meals per day, double occupancy. Single room package is only $2,395.

RETREAT in Colorado

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We’ll start Friday, November 7 at 7:30pm and continue through Thursday, November 13 at noon. Massive savings deal—register NOW and you pay only $2,095 for this entire Retreat package which includes room and board and three fabulous meals per day, double occupancy. Single occupancy package is only $2,395. To see what the Vail Cascade Resort looks like, visit: www. vailcascade.com.

I urge you to call me at 818-279-2438 to reserve your place, or go to www.releasetechnique.com. When you call, I’ll talk to you personally. I’d be happy to give you any additional information you require.

Please contact us as soon as possible as these retreats are always sold out. We will fill spaces on a first-come basis.

I’m looking forward to being with you in Vail Cascade.


Life is a DecisionNow, ask yourself, “Am I prepared to invest a few

dollars in myself—and live the life I’ve always wanted?”Remember, you can decide to be a “slave” to the mental

viruses or decide to dump them once and for all!!

YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE FOR THE BETTER…so FAST…you’ll wonder what happened!

And when you do, you’ll discover how, by simply dropping your mental viruses and “getting out of your own way”… ALL YOUR GOALS WILL COME TO YOU for the mere effortless thought of it.

So... Are you in? This advanced course is for graduates only. It will be held

at the fabulous Vail Cascade Resort in Colorado, a AAA Four Diamond “Destination” Resort. The resort features an outdoor, heated infinity pool, and hot tub, all winter sports and the exclusive Aria Spa and Fitness facility. The ultimate winter resort (just 100 miles west of Denver) near the Bavarian-style village of Vail with its winding cobblestone streets. Its enchanting mountains create the perfect place to practice the new and exciting Mind Freedom course.

You must have completed the Goals & Resistance course to qualify for this retreat.

*The Vail Cascade Resort is where the Rich and Famous stay. Normally you would pay as much as $400 per day—and you will stay at this fabulous retreat center and take the course for the entire 7 days—a savings of over $3,000. You will feel from the moment you arrive just like a millionaire feels and we will show you just how to do it.

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Quietness is Becoming Deeper and Deeper“Coming to the Vail ‘Mind Freedom Retreat’ was truly an experiential experience. This being the first retreat I have attended I wasn’t sure what I would encounter. I knew that I was benefiting greatly from the introduc-tory courses and was experiencing many fantastic gains. As Lester said ‘If a piece of the pie tastes this good, I want it all. I wanted it all!’ My main goal was to discover, if it was possible, to really quiet the mind. Not only did I find it was possible, I now have a quiet mind and this quietness is becoming deeper and deeper. This method goes way beyond just the quieting of the mind…it is the beginning of a life time adventure and beyond. The simplicity of this method is astounding. It is practical and makes complete sense. Larry Crane along with his staff are phenomenal. The results I have received so far are incredible and I know that this is only just the beginning. There are NO limitations to what you can achieve with this method. Here is something that Really works and it will work for you!” Rick Kozen

Blood Pressure Now Perfect Range“Not only have I been more loving, but my health has been awesome since the Vail Retreat and my blood pressure has dropped to the desired target range of my goal, and my knee is fully functioning. Yahoo.” Suzanne McNitt

Calmer, Quieter, Happier“Wow! Did this retreat deliver! I’ve made many more gains that these words express. I had control despite great mind resistance to come to this retreat. When I have control, I am pleasantly surprised at how situa-tions resolve. I am calmer, quieter, and happier inside. I feel deep sadness (that has been with me forever) now leaving. I have been sleeping less and sleeping without body movement. I am more talkative and less talkative at the same time. I know that your love supports my movement higher.” Marie Erickson, WA

Let’s Go of Limitations“My first gain was deciding that I could go to a retreat even if I had to go by myself. I decided I was going to get the most out of the retreat and I let go of as many limitations as I could. I was able to become freer and lighter. I can see that I am not this body/mind/ego. And I am not going to die by stepping out. I realized that the ringing in my ears is gone. And I have had so many more gains.” Sheryl Garrison, CO

Relationships Improve“I was able to look at my body with love and total acceptance when I was doing the mirror exercise. I was able to release old programs that were preventing me from having a healthy relationship, and at the same time I was able to forgive men from the past. I now know I can create a healthy relationship. I was able to let go of all programs that have gotten me stuck when it comes to money and I know now that abundance is already manifested.” Linda Frank, MD

Finds True Love“I got clearer, lighter, and lighter. I got to the place of starting giving love to all. I know that love is the answer now. I know that love is the strongest weapon ever. This is the most simple, powerful method I’ve ever done. And nothing can stop me from getting better and better and better. Thank you so much. Lester, Larry, Me, You, Everybody—I love you.” Jin Hong Kim, Korea

The Best Experience of My Life“The retreat was the best experience of my life! I am in touch with old programs that have stifled me and crippled me emotionally. This loving supportive safe place has allowed me to let them go and given me the tools to release residual emotional garbage that may remain. My life just gets better and better each day and I have the tools to allow that to expand. The Six Steps will always be right in front of me. I released on back pain I had for 30 years, quit drinking and smok-ing, and have a bank account with a positive balance. These are all gains since I started releasing and it keeps getting better.” James Stanton, MN

Nothing Stops Her from Attending the Retreat“Two days before the retreat, my 95 year old father passed away. I knew that the retreat would be very powerful in helping me drop my programs. I felt incredible love for my husband who seemed to know what I needed and didn’t stop me from going to the retreat. I knew that my Dad wanted me to go and I knew Beingness wanted me to go. I continued to release and send love to my family while I was at the retreat. I felt wonderfully peaceful and free. I have dropped lifetimes of my wanting approval program and have been loving and accepting myself like never before. I have also removed the blocks to having an abundant cash flow and I truly know that I have it.” Catherine Clift, IN

Gains from the Mind Freedom Retreats

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Join us in experiencing the new way to get informed information, see the very latest Release Technique news before anyone else does, share and post your gains on this exciting website, go to—

releasetechnique.com/facebookThis will help you be in touch with the Releasing community in

a fast, efficient way and allow millions of people to hear about The Release Technique and end suffering in the world.

Join us on facebook!Have your friends join us on facebook!

Many of the teachers and other releasers who are using the method as a daily practice are sharing

their first-hand experiences. You’re invited to join in and share your own.

Also, when you join in, you can download previews of the never before heard

Lester audios.

We’ve just launched a new online Releasing community.

Go to: UltimateHappinessSecret.com




An income tax deduction is

allowed for education expenses

undertaken to maintain and

improve professional skills–including

registration fees, travel, meals, and


That all Live Classes, as well as CDs, books, and DVDs are Tax Deductible!

Did You Know?

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Are you struggling with any kind of problem?• Need help with a physical healing?• Emotional healing?• Financial problems?• Relationship problems?• Does the problem seem impossible to overcome or resolve?• Does it seem like no solutions or people exist to help you and you need a mira-

cle in your life?

You can have the solution.You can even have a miracle if you need one. And they both exist right inside of you.

Think of it this way: In the art world—when they use X-ray and infrared tech-niques to verify a painting’s authority—sometimes something unusual is discov-ered.

Sometimes they discover there is a masterpiece BENEATH the existing painting.

Examples:The portrait of a woman was dis-

covered beneath Van Gogh’s “Patch of Grass.”

A Leonardo da Vinci sketch was hiding underneath his veneered “Vir-gin on the Rocks.”

And an earlier Picasso painting lies hidden under his famous “Rue de Montmarte.”

In each case, a masterpiece lay hid-den beneath the “outer” painting.

This serves as a great analogy for us as human beings.Our “outer” circumstances (the problem) often conceals an “inner masterpiece”

of a solution within you.Doesn’t matter what the particular problem is. And it doesn’t matter how impos-

sible the problems seems to be. In every case, there lies hidden within us, a master-piece of a solution.

How to Free Yourself of “Impossible”

Problemsby Michael Silk

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Unfortunately this masterpiece within us will not show up on an X-ray or an MRI scan.

It only shows up when we RELEASE all the mental and emotional turmoil that blinds us to it.

When you RELEASE all the anguish, fear, shame, and worry, an infinite number of possibilities open up for you.

Just as an infinite number of stars seem to appear in a clear night sky—possibilities that were hidden by the clouds of fear and apprehension present themselves.

So, if you want to resolve any kind of problem in your life—just know RELEASING can resolve it for you—no matter how “impossible” the situation looks.

That’s why reservations and rooms for 7-Day Power of Surrender Retreat at the Ran-cho Bernardo Inn in San Diego, CA, Dec. 26, 2014–Jan. 1, 2015, are going fast.

Lots of people will discover how to free themselves from lots of problems at that retreat.

And in the process they’ll discover their “inner masterpiece!”Why not join them?

SPECIAL! Sign-up by November 1st and pay only $2,095 for this ENTIRE RETREAT PACKAGE which includes room and board and three fabulous meals per day for double occupancy (single occupancy - $2,400). See pages 52–53 for full details.


continued from page 27

If you have any

questions, or would like

a demonstration of the

Release Technique,

call us at


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By listening to your heart and attending the upcoming retreatYou Will Resolve All Your Challenging & Difficult Life Situations

and “Return Home” Living Fully From Your True Beingness...available to graduates & non-graduates

You have probably taken one or more releasing courses and/or attended one or more releasing retreats.

From those courses/retreats you’ve probably experienced some profound moments of inner silence. You may have experienced what it’s like to “dissolve” a particularly annoying problem or situation that had previously been insurmountable to you.

And you may have also experienced moments where things just seemed to work out perfectly with ease for you—almost as if there were a hidden force carrying you through life.

If you have not experienced what I am talking about, then why not find out for yourself by attending this life changing Retreat!

In short, you may have also experienced what it’s like to live life from your true Beingness. You know when you’re living from your true Beingness when:• You experience wholeness...• You experience inner peace...• You experience well-being...• You experience love, and...• You experience aliveness...

Sign up NOW and you pay only $2,095 for this entire Retreat package which includes room and board and three fabulous meals per day, double occupancy. Single occupancy package is only $2,400.


Retreatat the Rancho Bernardo Inn

San Diego, CA

Dec. 26, 2014 thru Jan. 1st, 2015


among the world’s finest resorts

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Whatever words you use to describe it—that part of you knows exactly what I’m talking about. It recognizes itself in the vibrational felt resonance behind those words.

That part of you is “calling you home” as you read these words. You can hear it. Listen. Listen closely.You can hear the “call home” through the vibrational felt-resonance of your emotional discomfort. Your emotional

discomfort is pointing out to you where you need to release the blocks that stand in your way to living full-time from that place of your true Beingness. Your “life story” is also reflecting back to you situations and circumstances that trigger emotional discomfort.

All this is happening (is caused) from your true Beingness in its attempt to “bring you home.” So look at your life. Look at the places where things are not going so well. Look at the areas where you feel “out-of-sync.” Look at the people who are less than easy for you to be around. All of those “external manifestations of inner Beingness” are there to show you your emotional discomfort. And your emotional discomfort is pointing out to you where you need to release the blocks that stand in your way to living full-time from that place of your true Beingness.

So The Smart Thing To Do Is Return To QuietGain true effervescent Beingness. The unpleasant life experiences and connected underlying emotional

discomfort already know that when you “return home” to living from your true Beingness all your emotional discomfort dissolves and all your unpleasant (unsatisfactory) life experiences resolve themselves in the most natural and perfect way for you. In other words, when you live fully and completely from true Beingness:

• Your money challenges begin to resolve

• Your emotional health challenges also begin to resolve

• Your relationship problems become less challenging

• Your work problems transform into less stress, more productivity and improved communicationsAnd your whole life “carries you forward” in the perfect way for the nourishment and fulfilment of your soul. You

stop having to try to make a living and simply internally rest in the place where a perfect life is showered upon you.

• In just 7 days you build massive momentum in your releasing and release most all your emotional discomfort before the end of the retreat.

• In just 7 days you lay the foundation to resolve all your major life issues that have been causing your emotional discomfort.

• In just 7 days you get to “feed off” the releasing energy of the entire group dynamic so your releasing is more powerful (and DEEPER) than it could ever be by releasing on your own or with an individual partner.

• In just 7 days you’ll get to devote yourself 100% to the releasing process - free of the ordinary, every-day, day-to-day distractions and commitments.

• In just 7 days you will meet and make lasting “releasing-friendships” with people all over the world who will also be attending the retreat.

• In just 7 days you can make more gains from your releasing (gains that will continue to overflow into your life—well after the retreat) than you ever would by staying at home releasing on your own.

And, taking into account the unstoppable releasing momentum you’ll have built up... the deep-seated emotional discomfort you will have let go of... and... the HUGE gains you will receive as a result of the retreat...

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This Retreat Is Actually The Most Cost Effective Option You Have Available To You

What do I mean by cost effective?By cost effective I mean there’s no way you’d get all the “compound releasing results” you’ll get from the 7-Day

Power of Surrender Retreat by continuing to release on your own (or with an individual partner) from home.

Where is this held?Staying at the retreat center itself is like staying at a heavenly resort and a holiday of a lifetime all rolled into

one. Located in San Diego, Rancho Bernardo Inn is offering guests an experience that is both peaceful and rejuvenating. With great style and genuine warmth unique among the world’s finest resorts. Rancho Bernardo Inn is a destination resort known for its exquisite facilities, exceptional cuisine, and peacefulness.

To see what Rancho Bernardo Inn looks like please visit www.ranchobernardoinn.com. The resort is only 35 minutes from the San Diego International Airport by taxi.

We’ll start on Friday, Dec. 26th, 2014 at 7:30pm and continue through Thurs., Jan. 1st, 2015 at noon. Sign up NOW and the tuition is only $2,095 which includes room and board, double occupancy, and $2,400 for single-occupancy. The price includes three fabulous meals per day.

I urge you to call me at 818-279-2438 to reserve your place, or go to www.releasetechnique.com. When you call, I’ll talk to you personally. I’d be happy to give you any additional information you require.

Please contact us as soon as possible as these retreats are always sold out. We will fill spaces on a first-come basis. I’m looking forward to being with you in San Diego.


We will show you how to perfect the Six Steps so you can accomplish anything and eliminate any limitations you might have in your life.

So, if you want to resolve any kind of problem in your life—just know Releasing, using the Six Steps, can do it for you—no matter how ‘impossible’ the situation seems.