Copyright © Jedox AG Release Notes 2020.1 Jedox 2020.1: the best Jedox version ever! This document gives an overview of the new features, enhancements, and fixes in Jedox 2020.1, which is currently available at https://www.jedox.com/en/epm-software/free-trial/. We are committed to keeping newer versions compatible with previous versions, especially solutions built with previous versions. Any changes in the software that would require a change in a solution built with the software will be announced during the ramp-up phase before the change goes into effect. Some Jedox features are released IN PREVIEW. These features have undergone testing and passed quality thresholds, but they should not be used in production until they have reached “generally available” (GA) status. For features in preview, we are targeting a maximum of two releases for maturation, i.e., it will take a maximum of two releases until they become GA. Our intention is to get your feedback on these features before making them GA and production-ready. These in- preview features may undergo minor design changes while going through the maturation process. Most in-preview features can be enabled in Jedox Web Administration. Jedox features with the heading ATTN include changes that may impact settings in your current installation. Always back up your

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Copyright © Jedox AG

Release Notes 2020.1Jedox 2020.1: the best Jedoxversion ever!This document gives an overview of the new features, enhancements,

and fixes in Jedox 2020.1, which is currently available at

https://www.jedox.com/en/epm-software/free-trial/. We are committed

to keeping newer versions compatible with previous versions,

especially solutions built with previous versions. Any changes in the

software that would require a change in a solution built with the

software will be announced during the ramp-up phase before the

change goes into effect.

Some Jedox features are released IN PREVIEW. These features have

undergone testing and passed quality thresholds, but they should not

be used in production until they have reached “generally available”

(GA) status. For features in preview, we are targeting a maximum of

two releases for maturation, i.e., it will take a maximum of two releases

until they become GA. Our intention is to get your feedback on these

features before making them GA and production-ready. These in-

preview features may undergo minor design changes while going

through the maturation process. Most in-preview features can be

enabled in Jedox Web Administration.

Jedox features with the heading ATTN include changes that may

impact settings in your current installation. Always back up your

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databases and other customized content before upgrading.


Jedox Web UI/UX

Jedox Web General


Excel Add-in

In-Memory DB (OLAP)

Setup & Configuration

Technical Health

Jedox Web UI/UX

Jedox Web 2020.1 features many changes to the user experience.

End-user and power-user modes

Jedox now recognizes two different user modes: end user and power

user. These modes are based on the roles (and associated rights) to

which users have been assigned by the administrator, and each user

mode has a different user interface (UI).

The end-user UI is a complete departure from the traditional look of

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Jedox. The screen has been simplified to include only relevant content

delivered by the Jedox power user. Features include the ability to pin

favorite items and quickly view Models and recent reports with an icon

set in the header.

End-user mode showing pinned items

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End-user mode with recent items

The power-user mode has the traditional Jedox UI, with access to

other Jedox components, such as Modeler and Integrator.

New sidebar navigation

Jedox Web now features a sidebar with icons for each component.

Clicking on an icon opens a Start page for that component in the right-

side window. Within each Start page, you can expand a navigation tree

by clicking the icon in the navigation bar. (#40420)

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Reports Start page without navigation tree

Reports Start page with navigation tree expanded

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Create objects more quickly from Jedox Start page

There is now a customizable group of buttons on the Jedox Start page

that allows direct creation of Jedox objects such as Reports, Databases,

Users, etc. Users can choose which buttons to display by clicking the

cog wheel. Clicking on a button creates a new object or opens the

chosen component in one step. (#42857)

Start page buttons are customizable by clicking the cog icon

Layout changes to spreadsheet views

Jedox 2020.1 introduces a brand-new layout for Views in both Excel

and Web. Views now have title and subtitle areas, which make Views

look more like spreadsheet-based reports. Users can toggle the report

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title, subtitle, and the header selectors on and off, which provides a

large amount of flexibility for making Views-as-reports. (#43090)

Views can now include

Title (cube name or stored view name)

Subtitle (concatenation string of selected POV elements)

Spacer rows


Enhanced View themes for Web spreadsheets

New themes are available for Views in Jedox Web. The themes are

designed for specific use cases and offer more flexibility to format

specific parts of views. (#42894)

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Themes can be selected in the View ribbon

More types of recently used objects stored at Start page.

Recently used items shown at the Start page now include recently used

databases, Integrator projects, and Scheduler tasks. (#43180)

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Recent items at Start page

Pinned items at Start page

Objects such as reports, spreadsheets, and databases can be pinned to

the Start page for quick access. You can pin items via a context menu

in the components Reports, Designer, and Modeler, as well as in the

recent items list at the Start Page. (#43923)

Redesigned options dialog

The former Options dialog is now called User Settings and has been

redesigned for improved usability. (#43068)

New Start screen for My Models

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The My Models Start screen shows installed Models as “cards” that

indicate the installed version and time of last update. Quick actions

(such as Open and Update) are shown when hovering over the card.


New design for Model Properties

Model properties now appear on a single page, rather than across

multiple tabs. Note that a Model Developer License is required to edit

Model properties. (#42902)

New Start screen for Administration

The Administration Start screen shows objects as “cards”. Hovering

over a card displays task options, such as adding users, opening

connections, etc. (#43918)

Simplified Settings UI

The Settings area in Administration has been completely redesigned to

be more intuitive. The former “registry” style UI will still be available

and will remain the only way to perform certain tasks, such as deleting

or changing custom keys. (43126)

Report Designer name change

The Report Designer has been renamed “Designer”.

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New dynamic tab for Views in Jedox ribbons

The Jedox ribbons now feature a View menu for working with Jedox

Views, which appears dynamically when you open a worksheet that

contains a View. (#43116)

View menu

Changes to Query menu

The Query menu has been streamlined to include the most-used

features in a more compact form. (#42890)

Query menu

“Toolbar” option deprecated

As announced in the 2019.2 Release Notes, the “Toolbar” option in

Jedox Web has been deprecated. The toolbar style formerly known as

“Simple Ribbon” is now the standard toolbar in Jedox Designer.

New Start screen for Modeler

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The Modeler Start screen shows databases as “cards” that indicate the

size (in MB), numbers of dimensions and cubes, and loading speed of

the database. Hovering over a card displays buttons to open

dimensions or cubes, with further actions available through the dots

icon in the upper-right corner.

Hover over a database card for quick options

New UI for assigning users, groups, and roles

Users, groups, and roles are now selected from a drop-down list. Once

selected, they appear as “tags”, which have an x for quick removal.

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User “tags” in Group

Changes to Audit Manager UI

The Audit Manager now consists of a single page rather than two tabs,

with all functionality on the toolbar. The Settings (formerly a tab) now

appear as a dialog. Audit can be started/stopped for the selected cube

with the click of a button in the toolbar. Unless otherwise changed, the

default time period is 7 days. (#42523)

Cell Tracing dialog redesigned

The Cell Tracing dialog has been rewritten and improved. The layout is

clearer, and all run-time information about the cell that has been

traced can be selected and copied to the clipboard. (#42648)

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New Start screen for Scheduler

The Scheduler Start screen shows databases as “cards” that indicate

the type of job, start/end times, and trigger type. Hover over the card

to quickly open, run, or deactivate a task. The ellipsis icon in the upper-

right corner also allows deleting tasks. (#42722)

Hovering over a card displays further actions, as shown on the right

New color picker design and palette

The color picker now displays two color sets: standard colors and

design system colors. The latter includes colors that are part of the

Models design system. The customized color picker has also been

redesigned for improved usability. (#43067)

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Color picker with new color sets

More colors with the custom color picker

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Recent colors persisted after logout

The last ten colors chosen by individual users are now retained by the

color picker, even after logout/login. This feature speeds up report

development, especially when reports containing custom colors are

developed over multiple sessions. (#12161)

Improved UI for cell unlocking in Web Spreadsheets

In previous versions, unlocking a cell created a black line around the

spreadsheet cell. Now, unlocking a cell results in a small, angled mark

in the bottom left corner of the cell. The look is cleaner and less


New keyboard shortcuts for top-level navigation in JedoxWeb

Jedox Web now has a host of new keyboard shortcuts to ease

navigation. (#43355) Here is the full list of shortcuts:

F1 Help – opens Jedox Knowledge Base

Ctrl +

H – Home

R – Reports

D – Designer

P – Modeler

E – Integrator

K – Scheduler

M – Administration

O– User settings dialog

L– Logout

G – My Models

U – Marketplace

Q – Jedox Support

I – About

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Shortcuts are also shown in the tooltips for each component.

Design changes to form elements in Jedox WebSpreadsheets

The design of form elements (checkboxes, buttons, and comboboxes)

in Web spreadsheets has been enhanced. Button objects now appear

exactly as defined in the Button Properties dialog. In previous versions,

the actual size was 2px too wide and 2px too high. (#44659)

Paging no longer used in Lists and ComboBoxes

Lists and ComboBoxes no longer show paging controls for longer sets

of elements. Elements are now loaded in a single page. (#44108)

Jedox Web GeneralImproved ordering of OLAP objects across Jedox Web

Jedox 2020.1 now orders most components in Jedox Web. Databases,

cubes, dimensions, and subsets can be ordered A-Z, Z-A, and in order

of creation. In Scheduler, users, groups, roles, and models can also be

ordered. The default order is A-Z. (#40328, 44172)

Ordering can be set within the dialog, as shown below:

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Ordering option in Paste View dialog

Databases in Jedox can be ordered in the following locations:


Paste View DB dropdown

Select Elements DB dropdown

Paste Data Function DB dropdown

Integrator comboboxes

Audit Manager combobox

Rule Editor comboboxes

Cubes can be ordered in the following locations:

cube list in Modeler

cube list in Paste View dropdown

cube list in Paste Data function dialog

Rule Editor comboboxes

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Integrator comboboxes

Audit Manager combobox

Jedox functions are set by default in Insert Function dialog

When the Insert Function dialog is opened, Jedox is selected as the

default category, saving extra clicks for the user. (#42407)

PhantomJS PDF engine no longer supported

The PhantomJS engine, used during generation of PDF documents, is no

longer supported. During an update, Jedox Setup will automatically

change the engine in configuration to use the default Chromium

engine. (#43385)

Banner message after user login

Administrators can now define a message that is shown to users after

they log in. Users can then dismiss the message, and it will not be

shown again until the message changes. This feature requires a new

settings key (studio.banner). (#42857, 43928)

Dimension descriptions shown as tooltips in Paste Viewdialog

Descriptions of dimensions now appear as a tooltip when hovering over

“Select Elements” in the Paste View dialog, as they do in the Excel

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Add-in (#39721)

Optional “static window mode” setting to disable reportswindow title bar

A new, optional system key “spreadsheet.static_window_mode” allows

the user to optionally hide the title bar (indicated in red below) in

reports, allowing more screen space to be used for the actual reports.

Title bar in a report

The image below shows the correct settings for the key:

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Note that when static window mode is enabled, windows cannot be

“arranged” in Reports. Non-maximized reports (popups) still work and

show a title bar, allowing user to move the report around, but the

report window only shows the “close” button, not minimize and

maximize buttons. (#44136)

Improved performance for text metrics in spreadsheets

Caching has been implemented in Spreadsheet Server to improve text-

metrics performance, i.e., autosizing columns/rows with a lot of data in

the context of a Dynarange or view.

Element formatting now GA

Element formatting, which was release in preview in Jedox 2019.3, is

now generally available (GA). Users can define style and number

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formats for specific elements in Modeler. These formats can be

retrieved and automatically applied in Views and in custom reports. For

example, a certain measure can be formatted with percentage number

formatting. (#41875)

Format element dialog in Modeler

“Analyzer” reports to be deprecated

“Analyzer” reports will be deprecated in a future version. Creation of

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new Analyzer reports will not be possible any more in Jedox 2020.2.

Usage of Analyzer reports will not be possible anymore in version

2020.3. Instead of Jedox Analyzer reports, Jedox Views can be used

with similar functionality. (#44202)

IntegratorNew Home screen for Integrator

The Integrator Home screen now shows Integrator components as

“cards” that show information about the component as well as quick

actions that can be performed with the component. (#44076)

Hover over a card for quick actions

Integrator flow chart has been redesigned

The Integrator flow chart has been redesigned with an attractive new

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color scheme and icons to identify the type of Integrator component.

Integrator components with variables display an [x] icon and hovering

over this icon displays the variable description.(42497)

Integrator flow chart with variable description

Improved Tableau connectivity

The Integrator Tableau Connector now supports Tableau Server

versions 10.5 and up. Functional changes include:

Support for .hyper files (.tde files are no longer supported)

Connection type TdeFile has been replaced with new

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TableauHyperFile and supports all file locations

Load type “Tableau TDE file” has been renamed simply


Creation of the .hyper file is now optional in Tableau loads

Tableau connection now allows changing to Tableau REST

API version.

Note: existing TDE file connections will be automatically migrated to

TableauHyperFile connections, but the file extension must be manually

changed from *.tde to *.hyper. (#93850, 43558)

Improved Postgres connectivity

Relational drillthrough and data extraction from a Postgres connection

is now much faster than in previous Jedox versions. (#42477)

New Scope parameter in External Job

The Scope parameter allows you to specify the target scope of an

External Job and no longer requires the full technical name of a project.

As scope you can use the model of the project itself, a specific model,

or the global scope. (#43979)

JedoxXMLA Connection deprecated

Connections of type JedoxXMLA have been deprecated, as announced

in the Jedox 2019.1 Release Notes. The option has been removed from

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the Connections menu. (#44369)

New transform type: AI Transform

The new AI Transform allows licensed users to use Jedox’s predictive

forecast capabilities within Jedox Integrator. This transform exposes, in

a simple way, the algorithms and functionality of AIssisted Planning.


AI Transform setup screen

Subsets generated with Data-Driven Modeling

Integrator now creates pre-defined subsets for all dimensions. Until

now, only version and time dimensions were created. (41906)

New settings in Dimension Extract

There are several new settings in Dimension Extracts to accommodate

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the new element formatting functionality in Jedox Spreadsheets. These

settings are chosen in the Read attributes dropdown list. (#44085)

Excel Add-inNew license types: Jedox Full Planner and Jedox ExcelPlanner

Jedox 2020.1 introduces two new licenses, each with its own ribbon.

Jedox Full Planner includes the report-authoring components of Jedox

Web and Excel Add-in, but does not include the Modeler, Data-Driven

Modeling, web publishing, or importing.

Jedox Excel Planner offers the same focus on report authoring and

planning as Jedox Full Planner, but without access to Jedox Web.


Layout changes to spreadsheet views in Excel Add-in

Like Jedox Web, Excel Add-in spreadsheet views have also been

overhauled. See Layout changes to spreadsheet views in the Jedox

Web General section.

Native Subset Editor in Excel Add-in to be deprecated

The native Subset Editor in Excel Add-in is being deprecated and will be

removed from Jedox in version 2020.2. The full functionality of the

Subset Editor is available through the Web dialog. (#44414)

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Native dialogs in Excel Add-in deprecated

As announced in the 2019.2 Release Notes, native dialogs have now

been replaced by Jedox Web dialogs. These dialogs include Import

Wizard, Data-Driven Modeling, and SVS Editor. (#43339)

Changes to View themes in Excel Add-in

The list of available themes for Views in Excel Add-in has been

reduced. Also, only the “White” theme is currently compatible with

Jedox Web. The themes added to Jedox Web will be added to Jedox

Excel Add-In in a future version. (#43659)

Views can be grouped in Excel

Views can now be grouped by instance or cube, which makes it easier

to find a specific View when a large number of views have been

created. The grouping feature can be turned on and off in the Options

dialog. (#44206)

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Grouped Views in Excel Add-in

Options setting

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Gridlines disabled by default

Gridlines in Jedox Views are now disabled by default. They can be

enabled in the Options dialog:

Option to display gridlines in Excel

The selected option will apply to all views and will remain even after

updates. Only a clean install will revert to the default (no gridlines)

setting. (#43661)

New Option to disable Select Views feature

There is now an option to disable the Select Views dropdown list in the

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Jedox ribbon. Select Views is a drop-down list that shows stored views.


Disable Select View option

In-Memory DB (OLAP)New splashing command “as” for incremental distribution

With the new “as” command, users can incrementally add to an

existing cell value while preserving the proportions of the source value.

For example, the command

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##20k as Qtr.1

will add 20,000 to the existing cell value, with the distribution ratio

from “Qtr.1” being used only for the 20,000 and not the overall new

sum. (#42816)

Jedox Views more tolerant of database changes

Jedox Views now use both the name of the dimension and the internal

dimension ID when defining a view. Thus, if the cube layout is changed,

or the dimension is renamed, Views continue to work. Previous

versions had a different schema for defining Views that could result in

broken Views if cube layout changed. (#42423)

Multiple dimension restrictions in rule target and cellreferences

The Rules Editor no longer allows users to restrict a dimension multiple

times in one rule. (#42952)

For example:

[‘Year’:’2019′, ‘Year’:’2020′] = [‘Year’:’2018′]


[‘Year’:’2019′, ‘Year’:{‘2020′,’2021’}] = [‘Year’:’2018′]

are no longer allowed in the Rules Editor, because of double restriction

in the Year dimension. The rule target can be restricted to more than

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one element, but only once, e.g.:

[‘Year’:{‘2019′,’2020′,’2021’}] = [‘Year’:’2018′]

New palo.ini keys for Supervision Server (SVS)

There are two new palo.ini keys, worker-pool-init-size and worker-pool-

max-size. These keys relate to performance enhancements in SVS.


Improvements to subset implementation

Subset implementation has been optimized to improve use of multiple

hierarchies in data/alias/text filtering and subset-over-subset

functionality (as used in Jedox Views). (#43472)

ATTN: #_GROUP_CELL_DATA cubes for “user info” cubesto be deleted

#_GROUP_CELL_DATA_cubes are no longer created automatically when

“user info” type cubes are created. Any existing #_GROUP_CELL_DATA

cubes for such user info cubes will be deleted during startup. (#43401)

Time zone identified in olap.log and requests.txt

The time zone in which the server is located is now specified in a

message in the olap.log file as well as in the header of requests.txt.

This information will help Jedox Support solve issues more efficiently.

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IN PREVIEW: OLAP rules can use global subset results inrule target definitions

OLAP rules can use global subset results in rule target definitions.

Results of evaluated global subsets can be used in rule target

definitions. Syntax is:


If the subset uses variables, the variables should be named “_1”, “_2″…

and in rules these variables can be set using parameters, e.g.


For example:


Note: this functionality is in preview and is not available through the

Rules Editor.

Setup & ConfigurationIN PREVIEW: new Setup for Excel Add-in

Jedox Excel Add-in has a new and greatly improved setup file. The new

file is ten times smaller than the previous setup, making it easily

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transportable by IT departments for deployment to end users. Each

time it’s used the installer fetches the latest build of that release,

ensuring that customers always have the latest hotfixes in their Excel

Add-in version.

The Excel Setup now also includes Office Add-in.

The new setup is currently in preview and is not recommended or

supported for production systems. (#43154)

ODBO (3rd party access) component deprecated

As announced in the 2018.4 Release Notes, ODBO is now deprecated. It

has been completely removed from Jedox Setup. (#38737)

SSO-related files now stored during Linux upgrade

During Linux upgrades, some SSO configuration files are now copied to

the backup directory, preventing inadvertent deletion of modified files.

Note that these files must be manually replaced once the update is

complete. (#43414)

Command-line parameter to specify client certificate forExcel Setup

You can now specify a client certificate to be installed with Excel Add-in

via command-line parameter. The file will be copied to excel-

addin/cert/client.pem. Both certificate and connections are updated if

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they already exist. (#43253)

Setup now copies client.pem.sample

To prevent certificate errors, Setup now copies client.pem.sample to

client.pem if it does not exist and the certificate is not specified.


Change to “Overwrite Demo Data” during setup

Setup now checks whether demo databases have been installed. If not,

then the option to “Overwrite Demo Data” is disabled. This change

prevents inadvertent overwriting of content. It prevents installation of

demo data during updates.

If demo databases have been installed, then the option to overwrite

demo data is available. (#38390)

Technical Health

In Jedox Version 2020.1, the following components were updated:

Component Version

Apache 2.4.41

PHP (Apache) 7.3.14

PHP (SVS/SSS) 5.6.39

Tomcat 9.0.27

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OpenJDK 11.0.62020-01-14LTS

Tasks implemented since release 2019.4

The following issues (features, tweaks, and bugs) reported in Jedox

2019.4 have been fixed/implemented in Jedox 2020.1. The

development team thanks those customers and partners who have

reported issues.

Component Tickets

OLAP Server 109


Excel Add-in 77

Office Add-in 0

Client Libs 14

Integrator Server 94

Jedox Web 438

Demo content 7

Documentation 76

Setup/CI/CD 96

Jedox Mobile 23

Jedox Cloud 9

Models 61

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TOTAL 1009