SpringCM Mobile for iOS Version 1.9 Release Notes November 2014

Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

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Page 1: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS Version 1.9 Release Notes

November 2014

Page 2: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM

Table of Contents About  the  Release  Notes   4  

Version  1.9   5  Release  Date:  November  14,  2014   5  Release  Client  Version:  1.9    (10819M)   5  Release  Overview   5  Fixes   5  

Version  1.8   6  Release  Date:  October  8,  2014   6  Release  Client  Version:  1.8  (10819M)   6  Release  Overview   6  Fixes   6  

Version  1.6   7  Release  Date:  May  2,  2014   7  Release  Client  Version:  1.6  (10502M)   7  Release  Overview   7  Fixes   7  

Version  1.5   8  Release  Date:  October  8,  2013   8  Release  Client  Version:  1.5   8  Release  Overview   8  Release  Detailed   8  Enhancements   8  iOS  7  Support   8  

Fixes   8  Known  Issues   8  

Version  1.4   9  Release  Date:  March  1,  2013   9  

Page 3: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM

Release  Client  Version:  1.4   9  Release  Overview   9  Release  Detailed   9  Enhancements   9  Round  Trip  of  Documents   9  Larger  Image  Support   10  iOS  6.1   10  

Fixes   11  Known  Issues   11  

Version  1.3   11  Release  Date:  January  4,  2013   11  Release  Client  Version:  1.3   11  Release  Overview   11  Release  Detailed   11  Enhancements   11  Authorization  Improvements   11  Standard  Authorization   11  Single  Sign  On  Authorization  (SSO)   12  

Fixes   12  

Version  1.2   13  Release  Date:    September  20,  2012   13  Release  Client  Version:  1.2   13  Release  Overview   13  Enhancements   13  iOS  6  Support   13  Assignment  of  attribute  groups  to  a  document   13  

Fixes   14  

Version  1.1   15  Release  Date:    August  9,  2012   15  Release  Client  Version:  1.1.2   15  Release  Overview   15  

Page 4: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM

Release  Detailed   15  Enhancements   15  Email  Links   15  Delete  a  document   16  Delete  a  Folder   16  Move  or  Copy  a  Folder   17  Navigate  to  a  Parent  Folder  after  Searching   17  Breezy  Print  Integration   17  

Fixes   18  Known  Issues   18  

About the Release Notes What’s Included in the Release Notes SpringCM Release Notes address new enhancements and fixes to SpringCM software, including SpringCM Business Sync and SpringCM Mobile. For detailed information regarding features or capabilities introduced in this particular release, refer to the Release Detailed section of this document. Feedback Information We’re constantly looking for ways to grow and innovate at SpringCM. Your feedback is essential to improve our product as well as its documentation and online support. We want to know what you like and what you don’t. Give us your feedback at [email protected].


Page 5: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM

Version 1.9

Release Date: November 14, 2014

Release Client Version: 1.9 (10819M)

Release Overview

This release focuses on resolving issues found after the iOS 8 release.


ID Resolved Issue

IPN-799 The attributes panel could not be reopened if the application was minimized when the panel was opened.

IPN-801 The navigation panel and preview panel were misaligned when in full screen mode and the application was minimized.

IPN-803 The last item in a list could not be selected when checking in a document IPN-804 The proper document was not detected when checking in a document iPN-810 Video was not played back properly IPN-812 The wrong error message displayed when an invalid PIN was set

IPN-813 A user could change accounts in offline mode, which would cause unexpected errors.

Page 6: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM

Version 1.8

Release Date: October 8, 2014

Release Client Version: 1.8 (10819M)

Release Overview

iOS 8, announced on June 2, 2014 and widely anticipated to be released during the week of September 8, 2014, is the latest version of the operating system for iPads, iPhones and iPods. Billed as the biggest IOS release ever, it contains a number of features and enhancements designed to deliver a better, more efficient experience. This release focuses on ensuring that current devices function as expected after upgrading an iOS device (iPad, iPhone, iPod) to iOS 8. This release supports the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. As of this release, we are no longer supporting iOS6.


ID Resolved Issue

IPN-721 Users would need to reauthorize the application periodically after not using it for several hours.

IPN-739 Where logging in as a new user would return on an unauthorized response IPN-741 A crash when switching documents in a list quickly

IPN-744 Crash when user returns to the application while pin is enabled and the document is opened.

IPN-745 Improved messaging when authorizing the application without an internet connection

Page 7: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM

Version 1.6

Release Date: May 2, 2014

Release Client Version: 1.6 (10502M)

Release Overview

This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with iOS 7.1.1 and improves messaging to make it clear that Favorites are still accessible when not connected to the Internet.


ID Resolved Issue

IPN-672 Improved messaging when accessing SpringCM Mobile when not online

Page 8: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM

Version 1.5

Release Date: October 8, 2013

Release Client Version: 1.5

Release Overview

This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7.

Release Detailed The following enhancements have been incorporated into this version of the client:

• iOS7 Support This release has also addressed a few bugs. These are located under the Fixes section.


iOS 7 Support

SpringCM Mobile has been updated to work with iOS 7 and take advantage of new capabilities and form factors supported by the release of iOS. This release supports iOS 6 and iOS 7.


ID Resolved Issue

IPN-572 Fixes an issue in which favorites could not be viewed when offline. IPN-644 Fixed an issue in which on some networks the app would not authorize

Known Issues

Known Issue

Cascading drop down support is not currently supported If a document is checked in with a different extension than how it was checked out, a preview will not be generated

Page 9: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM

Version 1.4

Release Date: March 1, 2013

Release Client Version: 1.4

Release Overview

This release focuses on providing users the ability to check out a document, make changes, and then check the document back into SpringCM from an iOS device.

• Round Trip documents • iOS 6.1 Support

Release Detailed The following enhancements have been incorporated into this version of the client:

• Round trip of documents • Support for larger images (greater than 1024 x 1024) • iOS 6.1 Support

This release has also addressed a few bugs. These are located under the Fixes section.


Round Trip of Documents

With this release of SpringCM Mobile, users can truly complete a round trip enabling them to update documents without the need of a laptop. To complete a round trip of the document, follow these steps:

• Navigate to the document in SpringCM Mobile • Load the document and select Check Out. iOS will identify the list of apps that support

opening the document. • Select the app to open the document in. You must have an app on the device to

open the document in (Open In) • The app will in turn import the document into its local file store. If a document of the

same name already exists it will create a new document with a unique name. • When you have completed making any edits, save the document. • Open the document in SpringCM and select Check In.

To utilize this feature, the native iOS application must support

• Opening the document in that application • Once in the application, opening a document in another application • If these capabilities are not supported, you will be unable to check the document

back in.

Page 10: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM

In a cross platform (iOS and Windows) collaborative environment, there is a strong possibility that the same set of fonts will not be installed on both devices. This may result in a loss of formatting. iOS applications can also allow the user to save a document with a different file type ( a .doc to a pdf) and when this occurs, SpringCM may not generate a preview of the document. Review links below for more information about using specific applications with SpringCM Mobile for iOS. These are recommended applications to use with SpringCM Mobile. Pages






PDF Expert


Documents To Go


Larger Image Support

Users can see image previews for larger images directly from SpringCM Mobile. A larger image is one that is greater than 1024 x 1024. This allows the user to take advantage of SpringCM for hosting these images and see them on the go. iOS 6.1

The release has been tested and updated to properly support iOS 6.1.

Page 11: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM


ID Resolved Issue

IPN-509 A warning message is triggered for every field that cleared that is required

Known Issues

Known Issue

Cascading drop down support is not currently supported If a document is checked in with a different extension than how it was checked out, a preview will not be generated

Version 1.3

Release Date: January 4, 2013

Release Client Version: 1.3

Release Overview

In this release we added support for SSO and resolved a set of issues.

Release Detailed The following enhancements have been incorporated into this version of the client:

• Improved authorization process that now supports SpringCM accounts configured for Single Sign On (SSO)

This release has also addressed a few bugs. These are located under the Fixes section.


Authorization Improvements

Authorizing SpringCM Mobile to access SpringCM, the first step that you perform when setting up the app, has been simplified and now supports Single Sign On (SSO). Standard Authorization

Standard Authorization is used when the user accesses SpringCM by navigating to the SpringCM Login page and entering their email address and password. The new authorization process only requires you to enter your email address once and then allows SpringCM Sync to access SpringCM. When the authorization process has been completed, the user’s email address is passed back to SpringCM Sync, simplifying the process.

Page 12: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM

Single Sign On Authorization (SSO)

SSO Authorization is used when the user accesses SpringCM via Single Sign On (SSO). SpringCM supports SAML 2.0 and requires the account administrator to configure SSO to work in the SpringCM account. For users who will be using Sync, the account must be setup for SSO by the Administrator and the account must be the default account for the user. As the user sets up SSO Authorization, the user must enter the SpringCM Account Id. This is a numeric value that should be provided to the user by the Account Administrator. As part of the authorization process, the user will be redirected to their corporate login page and upon successful login will be to complete the authorization process by approving Sync to access SpringCM. When the authorization process has been completed, the user’s email address is passed back to the application.


ID Resolved Issue

IPN-463 Changing a document in SpringCM should show an updated preview when

Page 13: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM

refreshing the document in SpringCM Mobile

IPN-464 Validation messages are passed back to the client when editing a document attributes

Version 1.2

Release Date: September 20, 2012

Release Client Version: 1.2

Release Overview

This release include the following key changes • iOS 6 Support • Assignment of attribute group to a document


iOS 6 Support

SpringCM Mobile has been updated to work with iOS 6 and take advantage of new capabilities and form factors supported by the release. This release supports both iOS 5 and iOS 6. Assignment of attribute groups to a document

Attribute Groups can now be added to documents directly from within SpringCM Mobile. This will enable you to fully index a document from end to end. Prior to this release, attribute groups had to be assigned externally to the document from outside SpringCM Mobile. The app allows you to assign attribute groups created within the account to any document in the account. To assign an attribute group to a document, perform the following steps;

• Select the document • Load Attributes from page preview • Select Attributes • A list of assignable attribute groups is displayed • Select the attribute group(s) to assign • Select Accept

Page 14: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM


ID Resolved Issue

IPN-434 Attributes become un-editable after modifying a document and then adding to a favorite.

Page 15: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM

Version 1.1

Release Date: August 9, 2012

Release Client Version: 1.1.2

Release Overview

This release include the following key changes • Rebranding the application with new images and artwork • Email Links that open natively in the iOS app • Incorporating an In App Purchase capability for SpringCM Mobile • Integrating with Breezy Print for easy printing of documents while on the go • Extending capabilities within the app to give you more control over the content that

exists within the repository. We have introduced enhancements to existing features and further improved overall usability of SpringCM. Administrators are encouraged to share the information in this document with their users.

Release Detailed

There are five main enhancements in this release: • Email Links • Delete a document • Delete a folder • Move or copy a folder and its contents • Navigate to the parent folder after searching • Breezy Print Integration

This release has also addressed a few known issues. These are located under the Fixes section.


Email Links

You can now send and receive email for links to folders and documents in SpringCM and open them in the native iOS Application through your native iOS Email Client. The application will send and receive emails with these links. Selecting the iPhone or iPad Link below will open the SpringCM Mobile app and take you to the document described.

Page 16: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM

Note: Gmail does not currently support custom links. If you use Gmail as your email client, these links will not open the document or folder in SpringCM.

Delete a document

We have now added the ability to delete a document from within the application. Deleting a document works just like the SpringCM web client. When the document is deleted, it is moved to the Trash and purged within seven days. If you accidently deleted a document, you can, within the seven day timespan, move out of the Trash. A document that is deleted and is a favorite will be removed from Favorites. There are currently three ways to delete a document:

• From the folder tree, tap and slide on the document providing the option to delete the object

• Click and hold on the document opening up the actions Menu providing the option to delete the object

• While looking at the preview, selecting the Open in Action will provide the ability to delete the document.

From Recents, you cannot currently delete a document. Delete a Folder

We have now added the ability to delete a folder from within the application. Deleting a Folder works just like the SpringCM web client. When the folder is deleted, it is moved to the Trash

Page 17: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM

and purged within seven days. If you accidently delete a Folder, you can, within the seven day timespan, move the Folder out of the Trash. There are currently three ways to delete a document:

• From the folder tree, tap and slide on the folder providing the option to delete the object • Click and hold on the folder opening up the actions Menu providing the option to delete

the object • While looking at the preview, selecting the Open in Action will provide the ability to

delete a document. Move or Copy a Folder

In previous versions of the application, the user could move or copy a document from one folder to another. This capability has been extended to support folders in this release. To move a folder, perform the following steps: 1. Tap and hold the object 2. Select Cut to Move the Folder 3. Navigate to the location in the Folder Tree where you want to move the Folder 4. Select and hold the Folder where you want to Move the Folder into 5. Select Paste, moving the Folder.

To copy a folder, perform the following steps: 1. Tap and hold the object 2. Select Copy to Copy the Folder 3. Navigate to the location in the Folder Tree where you want to copy the Folder 4. Select and hold the Folder where you want to Copy the Folder into 5. Select Paste, copying the Folder. Navigate to a Parent Folder after Searching

You can now navigate to the parent folder of a document after searching. This enables you to, once a document is found, to see other documents in the folder of the found document. To get to this folder, click and hold on a document returned via search results and select Go To Parent Folder. Breezy Print Integration

Breezy Print allows you to print or fax any document from your iOS device. With Breezy Print, you can:

• Search for nearby printers while on the go. You may find a Breezy enabled printer at the hotel you are staying at, a nearby Fedex, or other facilities that have signed up to enable the Breezy Print service.

• Print to your own personal printer while at home • Print to any of your company printers • Fax a document

In order to take advantage of this new capability, you will need an account with Breezy Print. While in SpringCM, you can print a document to Breezy Print by:

Page 18: Release 1.9 iOS Mobile - SpringCM€¦ · This release focuses on ensuring that the SpringCM Mobile works with the most current versions of iOS, including iOS6 and iOS7. Release Detailed

SpringCM Mobile for iOS 1.9 Release Notes © 2014 SpringCMSM

• Click and hold on the folder opening up the actions Menu providing the option to delete the object

• While looking at the preview, selecting the Open in Action will provide the ability to delete a document.


ID Resolved Issue

IPN-239 The maximum cache size has been set at 4GB. The system returns the usage of the cache in an improved manner

IPN-247 Validation messages are passed back to the client when editing a document attributes

IPN-259 If the app was idle for 10 minutes and the user had navigated to another account, then it would switch back to the default account

IPN-260 A Folder could be created without a name IPN-261 The name of a document can not be removed IPN-263 Security Attributes are described consistently with the Web Client IPN-271 Fast swiping of a document causes the application to crash IPN-293 Office documents are not generating a Preview if Cloud On was installed

Known Issues

ID Known Issue

IPN-272 Opening a favorite from another account may cause the app to crash IPN-283 It is not always possible to swipe between documents in Uploads

IPN-291 If the app is closed while uploading a document, the user may not be able to retry the upload to finish the upload

IPN-314 If the user is trying to open multiple large documents at the same time, the application may crash