REJOICE REFLECTIONS AUGUST 2015 Rejoice Lutheran Church 1155 County Rd 75 PO Box 307 Clearwater, MN 55320 Worship Schedule: 9:30 am Worship 10:30 Fellowship Holy Communion is served the second & fourth Sundays Inside this Issue: Council Minutes Financial Recap Celebrations Fall Festival Music Update Summer Picnic Notices Grow & Go! August Calendar August Servants Directory Update from Pastor Laurie Weis Dear Friends, Doesnt it seem, once the Fourth of July passes, that summer takes a turn? We move from the joy of school ending and vacations, toward school starting up again, and even if no one has children at home, some of us still seem to operate under this summer rhythm or pattern. As we enter more deeply into summer, the days shorten, the sound of locusts begin, summer sports shift into tournaments or come to a close, and the Belladonna lilies, or naked ladiesas my grandmother used to call them, begin to bloom with quiet surprise. All this signals to me the rhythm of the winding down of summer and the gearing up for fall. The rhythm of the church is not much different. Day Camps and VBS take place, summer Bible camps and reading programs end, youth trips are completed, and we make a turn in anticipation and preparation for fall. Sunday School staff recruitment begins, the Confirmation schedule is set, and regular worship schedules return. Announcements for fall festivals (including Rejoices) and church bazaars pop up everywhere! August seems to be the natural bridge where we say good bye to summer and hello to fall. It might serve as a spiritual bridge for us, too; where we have opportunity to pray and ponder how we might bear witness to our faith with our time and talents in the months ahead. We might give the gift of time by serving as a Sunday School teacher or a Confirmation group guide with our 7 th & 8 th graders. We might pray about blessing our worship services with time spent singing in our choirs, as a musician, usher, writer and reader of prayers, communion preparer or server. continued next page

Rejoice Lutheran REJOICE REFLECTIONS AUGUSTChurch 2015storage.cloversites.com/rejoicelutheranchurch... · 5 Mike & Julie Kunz 19 Jim & Marlys Johnson 25 Rachel & Tyler Murphy 7 Tom

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Rejoice Lutheran

Church 1155 County Rd 75

PO Box 307

Clearwater, MN


Worship Schedule:

9:30 am Worship

10:30 Fellowship

Holy Communion

is served the second

& fourth Sundays

Inside this Issue:

Council Minutes

Financial Recap


Fall Festival

Music Update

Summer Picnic


Grow & Go!

August Calendar

August Servants

Directory Update

from Pastor Laurie Weis

Dear Friends,

Doesn’t it seem, once the Fourth of July passes, that summer takes a turn? We

move from the joy of school ending and vacations, toward school starting up

again, and even if no one has children at home, some of us still seem to operate

under this summer rhythm or pattern.

As we enter more deeply into summer, the days shorten, the sound of locusts

begin, summer sports shift into tournaments or come to a close, and the

Belladonna lilies, or “naked ladies” as my grandmother used to call them, begin

to bloom with quiet surprise. All this signals to me the rhythm of the winding

down of summer and the gearing up for fall.

The rhythm of the church is not much different. Day Camps and VBS take

place, summer Bible camps and reading programs end, youth trips are

completed, and we make a turn in anticipation and preparation for fall. Sunday

School staff recruitment begins, the Confirmation schedule is set, and regular

worship schedules return. Announcements for fall festivals (including

Rejoice’s) and church bazaars pop up everywhere!

August seems to be the natural bridge where we say good bye to summer and

hello to fall. It might serve as a spiritual bridge for us, too; where we have

opportunity to pray and ponder how we might bear witness to our faith with our

time and talents in the months ahead.

We might give the gift of time by serving as a Sunday School teacher or a

Confirmation group guide with our 7th

& 8th

graders. We might pray about

blessing our worship services with time spent singing in our choirs, as a

musician, usher, writer and reader of prayers, communion preparer or server.

continued next page

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Pastor Laurie Weis continued

The word liturgy means “work of the people,” and all these opportunities to lend our gifts become a witness

to our faith and our faith grows; our love and praise of God collectively grows, too!

We might choose August to pray about tithing, increasing our estimate of giving, or giving regularly for the

first time. We might pray to discern more clearly ways to share our gifts on a church ministry team or out in

the community in service to others; becoming Christ’s hands and feet outside the walls of our church. One

might simply pray more; that in itself is a grace!

Don’t get me wrong; this article is not one of those “back to church” ads which could easily find its way into

the Sunday edition of a newspaper, where one is enticed by “specials” or “bonus buys” to spend more; in this

case our time and talents. Our Christian reward has been paid for in full; by the death and resurrection of

Jesus Christ; it’s a done deal out of God’s unchanging and unconditional love for us. The bonus, if you will,

is how we respond in kind with gifts of gratitude and joy given “back to God’s church” however we seek to

share it.

It’s all good and maybe August is the time for us to discern how we live out God’s goodness each and every

day in the months and years ahead, too. See you in church!

Pastor Laurie

September Dates Coming Up

Rally Sunday, September 13, Regular Worship Schedule resumes

8:30 & 10:30 Worship

9:30 Fellowship, Sunday School, Jr. & SR. High Cappuccino Bible Study

September 16

Parent and Confirmand Orientation

September 26

Fall Festival

*Sign-up now for Sunday School and Confirmation either online or at the Interest table Yellow sign-up sheets – Sunday School Green sign-up sheets - Confirmation

Council Meeting Condensed Minutes July 14, 2015

Members Present: Carolyn Bissell, Becky Brzinski, Jim Eich, Denise Kantor, Kay Krogstad, Janelle

Rudningen, Ruthie Seidenkranz

Members Absent: Chari Ahrenholz, Paul Amundson, David Lindberg

Advisory Member: Pastor Laurie Weis (present)

Ex-Officio Members: Rhoda Senkler (present) continued next page

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Council Minutes continued

• Council approved Music Coordinator job description.

• Council approved hiring Nicole Heberling as Music Coordinator for period of August 1, 2015

through July 31, 2016.

• Council approved Social Concerns team to host a “55 and Over” yoga class at Rejoice. Instructor

will be Rejoice member Shalynn Benson.

• Rhoda informed Council that three checks were received on July 13, totally nearly $13,000. The

monies were a result of the Affordable Care Act small business healthcare rebate for the years 2012-

2014. Rhoda deposited the monies into Designated Funds so that the purpose can be determined by

Council at a later time.

• Council working toward formation of Staff Support Ministry.

• Jim informed Council of change in Rejoice security, where each member who has a church key has

been assigned an individual security code. Beginning this fall, existing code will no longer be

effective. Rejoice members with a church key will stop by the church office and see Office

Administrator Carol Eich to get their code. Announcement in newsletter will be forthcoming.

• Council discussed June and July Coffee with Council feedback.

June 2015 Financial Recap

Our giving in June slowed down a bit and I hope we can improve for the rest of the summer. Our church has

been busy with youth activities this summer, and with KidStop children here every day, it has been busier

than usual. It is wonderful to be such an active part of our community. We count on all of us to keep our

giving current during these busy summer months.

Please remember also that our next Mortgage Fund campaign will coincide with our annual Stewardship

Drive this fall. Until then we need all of you to continue giving to our Mortgage Fund on a regular basis.

Enjoy the rest of summer and thanks for being faithful givers of your time and talents!

Rhoda Senkler, Treasurer

General Fund Income Expenses Gain/Loss (-)

June $19,256.32 $23,266.13 -$4,009.81

YTD $131,166.91 $153,524.36 -$22,357.45

Mortgage Fund Income Expenses Gain/Loss (-)

June $6,699.50 $7,845.00 -$1,145.50

YTD $45,550.00 $47,070.00 -$1,520.00

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August Celebrations


1 Trent Peper 9 Lindsey Sand 17 Patricia Bechtold 23 D J Phaneuf

2 Bjorn Commers 10 Rachel Brust 18 Laura Seidenkranz 24 Austin Aune

2 Stan Luhman 11 Katie Leuty 18 Ray Wilson 24 Dennis Jussila

3 Randy Lilga 11 Bryan Dunderi 18 Cindy Paul 25 Jim Eich

3 Bette Monk 12 Lisa Klein 19 Lauren Rassier 26 Amanda Benner

3 Kaleb Woodman 13 Rhyan Eckerman 19 Jim Johnson 26 Camryn Reid

4 Hailey Peterson 13 Joni Hagstrom 19 Amelia Moening 27 Tess Clarkson

4 Grace Miller 13 Maya Benson 20 Mickaela Maehren 27 Brandon Hagstrom

5 Justin Maehren 14 Anthony McRae 20 Ginny Peterson 28 Elijah Mulqueen

6 Jonathon Bissell 15 Stan Berg 21 Payton Anderson 29 Craig Brettingen

7 Wendy Groth 15 Makayla Rauer 21 Andy Henkemeyer 29 Ailie Murphy

7 Ethan VanNurden 16 Aliana Halverson 21 Jonica Imdieke 30 Barbara Potter

7 Kay Krogstad 16 Conner Pippert 23 Linda Koren 31 George Barkosky

8 Joann Swensen 17 Heather Stringer 23 Julie Steinkraus 31 Karen Brettingen

8 Rylie Bunting 17 Nick Luberda 23 Alli Jacobson 31 Bev Hugo

17 Haiden Plath 23 Presten Maile 31 Emelia Westerberg


4 Craig & Karen Brettingen 8 Mike & Ruth Johnson 24 Dan & Joni Hagstrom

4 Theresa & Philip Moran 9 Dayle & Jean Meyer 24 Mike & Sue Michalski

5 Roland & Mary Lange 15 Jeff & Barb Nelson 24 Randy & JoHonna Brunson

5 Mike & Julie Kunz 19 Jim & Marlys Johnson 25 Rachel & Tyler Murphy

7 Tom & Marilyn Koontz 20 Jerry & Jenine Severson 26 Paul & Stacie Michalski

7 Gail & Bill Bradford 21 Jim & Julie Steinkraus 30 John & Joan Rausch

7 Alex Hard & Danna Gohman-Hard 21 Mike & Amy Miller 30 Travis & Sara Miller

23 Robert & Jan Nairn 31 John & Erin Woodman

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AUGUST 2, 2015, after church

Our annual Fall Festival planning is underway. A volunteer form that we would like you to complete

and return to the office is available. We will be organizing our teams and we want to know how you would

like to help too! In a few days we will have raffle tickets to sell. We ask that each family be responsible for at

least 10 raffle tickets – more if you can – one super seller last year sold more than 300! We are always

looking for individuals who are willing to sell raffle tickets at Coborns. This can be done on your schedule.

Soon, flyers will also be available for your friends, family or businesses.

In the time between now and September 26th

, I encourage you to check around your home and

businesses for possible Silent Auction donations or for treasures for Granny’s Attic**. Please consider

making something for our Craft and Gifts sale. Closer to the date, we will need goodies for our Bake Sale


There will be community baking and meatball making on September 23rd

& 24th

, and the more help we

have, the faster it goes. It would be wonderful if some of our younger members were able to help out with

this kitchen stuff. There’s lots of wisdom to learn from our “kitchen pros” - traditional Scandinavian goodies

that your ancestors may have made and good old fashioned bread baking, as well as tips and shortcuts for

making meatballs for a crowd! New this year, we need a crew for kitchen cleanup after the meatball rollers

are finished and before any bakers get started.

Please take time to review and fill out the volunteer form. Become a part of this day.

Hope to see you at the meeting on August 2nd


Rhoda Senkler, Fall Festival Chair, [email protected].




**We will attempt to keep Granny’s Attic items in good condition, complete, less cluttered, clean and

presentable for sale to our guests. We don’t want to discourage donations, however please limit what you

give to items that you think will sell. Granny’s Attic includes kitchen items, household décor, holiday stuff,

jewelry, sports items, man stuff, linens, small furniture, garden things, etc. Thank you!

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August Music Update

As we enter the month of August, we will continue to explore new and familiar songs from the ELW

hymnal. Throughout the month of July a new liturgical setting was introduced. We will continue to learn and

use setting 2 during the month of August. Please continue to offer your hymn and song suggestions via the

survey on the webpage or through the suggestion box near the sanctuary. It has been great to receive input

from the congregation regarding hymn and song ideas. Also if you are interested in helping lead worship or

know someone who may be interested please feel free to visit with me. We are always willing to welcome

new people in sharing their musical talents. Music rehearsals will continue to be at 7:00 throughout the month

of August. Check the calendar at the end of the newsletter for specifics. Finally, look for news in the near

future to come out regarding choir information.

Nicole Heberling

Music Coordinator--Rejoice Lutheran Church

[email protected]


Adult Christian Education

Do you have an idea for an Adult Sunday School class that we

might offer this year? We are looking for ideas and or teachers

for our 2015-16 school year. Please talk with Janelle Rudningen

320-237-4896 or Pastor Laurie.

Thank You, Rejoice

Dear Rejoice,

Thank you so much for supporting me not only on my

mission trip, but also on my faith journey.

Thank you so much,

Eric Nickolauson

The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. Psalm 33:5

From Nickolausons,

Thank you, Rejoice, for the support, prayers, and financial

donations that you have given to Eric for his mission trip

to Nepal – Greatly appreciated – more than words can

express -

Thank you,

God Bless

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1155. County Road 75 REGISTRATION 3yrs – 6th grade

Clearwater, MN 55320

(320) 558-6851

Student’s Name: ______________________________________________

Parent’s Name: ______________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________

Phone Number: ___________________________ Email: _________________

Student’s Birth date: __________________Grade in School: __________Student’s Age: ________

Has student been baptized: YES _________ NO________

If so: When: _______________ Where: ______________________________________

Has student received First Communion Instruction? YES_______ NO________

If so: When: _____________ Where: _______________________________________

Does student own a Bible? YES________ NO___________

Please list any health issues that may prevent your child from participating fully in this class – hearing, speech,

mobility, allergies, etc.



Parent involvement is strongly encouraged. Please choose from the following areas where you would like to


__ Pre-School Teacher __ K-1st grade Teacher __ 2nd -6th grade Teacher __ Song leader

__ 2nd-6th grade Rotation teacher (6week section) __ Substitute Teacher

__ Snack helper __ Hallway Angel __ Christmas Program

__ Organization/Curriculum

A $10 donation per child, not to exceed $30 per family is requested to help cover the cost of

materials. Please submit this in the envelope provided. This is only meant to be a donation. No child will

be turned away due to inability to pay.

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1155 County Rd 75 GRADES 7-8

Clearwater, MN 55320

320.558.6851 Student’s Name (first) ___________ (middle) _____________ (last) ___________________

Grade______ School _________________________________

Parent’s Name ____________________________________________

If you are not a current member of Rejoice Lutheran and/or have an address change in the last 6 months,

please list address here:


Student’s email: _____________________________________________

Parent’s email ______________________________________________

Phone Numbers (Home/work/cell): _____________________________



Emergency Contact and Phone Number _________________________


Has the student been baptized? YES NO

Has the student received First Communion Instruction? YES NO

Does the student own a Bible? YES NO

Previous Church Involvement ______________________________________________


A $15 donation/child or $20/family is requested to help cover cost of curriculum and materials.

8h Grade Only: A fee of $30 is charged for gown rental and the confirmation banquet.

Culturing Compassion: $55 with a non-refundable deposit of $10.

No student will be turned away due to inability to pay.

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‘Like’ the Rejoice Youth Team face book page

to keep up-to-date with youth events!

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Clearwater Clear Lake Food Shelf

Thank you! We are so grateful for your support! Together, we are caring for neighbors in need. In the month of June, Rejoice contributed $172.00 and 50 lbs of food.

Also, the Clearwater Clear Lake Food Shelf is completing a July 2015 fund raising campaign sponsored by Hunger Solutions. The more money we raise, the more we will receive up to $5,000. Summer is a challenging time for the Clearwater Clear Lake Food Shelf. During the academic year children in need receive breakfast and lunch at school. This is not the case during the summer. Families that are living at or below the poverty line or paycheck-to-paycheck may not be able to provide two additional meals for their children.

All donations received by July 31 will be counted for this proportional match. What can you do to help?


Security Change

About September 1st, Rejoice will change the entry code on our security system. Codes will now be

individualized. Each keyholder will be assigned a personal code for their use only. If you are a keyholder,

please contact Carol Eich at the church, for your new personal code. Thanks for your cooperation!

Come and join Tom and Marilyn Koontz and family

on Sunday, Aug 9th,

as they celebrate their 50th

Wedding Anniversary at the 10:30 coffee fellowship.

Employ Local People

Eagle Trace Golf & Event Center is looking to hire! Position duties could include working the ProShop, turf

maintenance, mechanic- there is something for everyone. Please stop by the clubhouse to complete an

application and talk to John. Questions? Call 558-GOLF

Opportunities for 55+ Members and Friends

Several in our congregation have expressed an interest in creating some structured programs and activities for

a 55+ group. We may offer a meal on occasion, some programs geared specifically for seniors–Medicare

information, health screenings, senior yoga, and lots of other things have been suggested.

We are looking at a start up date after September 1 and also looking for people to help get this off the ground.

Watch for more information in bulletins, on the web, Friday update and in the next newsletter.

We haven’t chosen a name, but under consideration are “The Methuselah Mob,” “Holy Wrinkles,” “Crotchety Old Christians,” “The Seasoned Circle,” plus some other very colorful ones.

If you want to be in on the development call Kay Krogstad at 558-6576, or Karolyn Boucher, 320-293-2242

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Clear Water Heritage Days

Friday, July 31

Paddle Academy 2-4 p.m.; Kiddie Parade 4:30-5 p.m.; Heritage Dinner 5-7p.m.; Sq. Dancing 5:30-6:30 p.m.;

Parade 7-8 p.m.; Clearwater Ambassador Presentation following parade; Family Fun Night 4:30-10 p.m.–

Inflatables, Games, Face Painting, Air Max Trampoline & more. Fireworks at Dusk, Live Music.

Saturday, August 1

5 K Run 8:30 a.m.; Kids Run after 5 K; Rendevous Reenactments all day; Car Show 8 a.m.-noon; Flea

Market/Craft Show 9 a.m.-?; Softball Tourney starts @ 9 a.m.; Disc Golf Tourney 9 a.m. start; Clearwater

History Tours 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (2 different tours); Beanbag Tournament 1 p.m. start; Bingo 4-6 p.m.

Visit Facebook/ClearwaterHeritageDays

Vacation Bible School 2015 Join us as we embark on an icy expedition where we overcome obstacles with God’s awesome power!

At Everest VBS, kids will experience God’s Word in surprising & unforgettable ways! Each day, kids trek

through activity stations with their Climbing Crews designed to reinforce the daily Bible Point in a hands-on,

interactive way which anchors kids in Bible truths that will guide them through life’s challenges.

Sign-up sheets and volunteer forms can be found at the table in the Narthex,

or sign up online [email protected]

August 2nd through August 6th

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Rejoice Lutheran Church

If you are willing to volunteer or have questions, please contact Pam Moening (612) 597-9143 [email protected]

or Becky Canon (320) 420-2231 [email protected]

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August 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

HC – Holy


MR- Music


CVBC – Clear

Valley Business



2 9:30 Worship

10:30 Fellowship,

Fall Festival Mtg.

6:00p VBS

3 9:30a Library

6:00p VBS

4 9:30a Women’s

Bible Study

11:00a Staff Mtg.

6:00p VBS

5 7:00a Men’s Bible


6:00p VBS

6 6:00p VBS

7 5p Wedding


Camp House

8 4:00p


& Neumann

Camp House

9 9:30 Worship/HC

10:30 Fellowship

50th Anniversary


Camp House

10 9:30a Library

11 11:00a Staff Mtg

6:00p Kid’s


6:30p Council


12 7:00a Men’s Bible


13 McDonald’s Brat


14 McDonald’s Brat


15 McDonald’s Brat


16 9:30 Worship

10:30 Fellowship

17 9:30a Library

18 11:00a Staff Mtg.

6:00p Kid’s


19 7:00a Men’s Bible


7:00p MR

20 21 22

23 9:30 Worship/HC

10:30 Picnic – Warner Lake

24 9:30a Library

25 11:00a Staff Mtg.

6:00p Kid’s


26 7:00a Men’s Bible


7:00p MR

27 28 29 Wedding/

Kirchenbauer &


30 9:30 Worship

10:30 Fellowship

31 9:30a Library

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August Servants

Directory Update

New Address:

Kameron & Maryanne Kantor

205 1st St SE

PO Box 815

Mohall, ND 58761-0815

9:30 am August 2 August 9 August 16 August 23 August 30

Readers Deborah Biorn Joe Fisher Doris Scharmer Marilyn Koontz Jonette Tschida

Ushers Randy & Jodi

Pawlicki, Gene &

Kay Krogstad

Ramona Nielsen,

Gladys Steiger, Curt

& Julie Alveshere

Jim & Carol Eich,

Dianne Stute, Betty


Lee & Rosemary

Monk, Janelle

Hennen, Mary


Nick & Hope

Luberda family

Greeters Deborah Biorn Steve & Julie

Binczik Mary Wilson,

Janelle Hennen Jon & Kristy Bigalk George & Bonnie


Communion Setup Julie Binczik Greg & Mickey


Communion Ken & Kris

Maehren, Donald

Clarkson, Denise

Kantor, Liz Smith

Fred & Marge

Varner, Curt &

Julie Alveshere,

Janelle Rudningen

Power Point Vera Lindhorst Paul Mueller

Sound John Clarkson Lyle Rudningen Doug Kantor

Fellowship Gladys Steiger,

John & Becky


Tom& Marilyn

Koontz & family,

Ramona Nielsen,

John & Becky


Mike & Julie Kunz, Gene & Kay


Summer Picnic at Warner Lake

Jerry Lemke &

Sharon Sauer, Jorn & Barbara


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Non-Profit Org



Permit No. 17

Clearwater, MN


Rejoice Lutheran Church (ELCA)

1155 County Road 75

(Near the water tower)

PO Box 307 (mailing)

Clearwater, MN 55320

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday

7:30 am – 4:00 pm


7:30 am – 12:00 pm


(320) 558-6851


(320) 558-6654




Interim Lead Pastor

Laurie Weis

Assistant Pastor

Tim Lindhorst

Office Administrator

Carol Eich

Youth and Family Minister

Danielle Lundquist

Music Coordinator

Nicole Heberling


To Grow

in Faith, Love and

Service in Response

to the Gospel

of Jesus Christ,

and to Extend

God’s Welcome

to All.


Vacation Bible School begins August 2.

Please register very soon.