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Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke - Official PageHeaven is and remains open!Both David and Isaiah prayed Lord, rend the heavens and come down (Psalm 144:5; Isaiah 64:1). It happened when Jesus came. New Testament believers need never pray it again. Christ tore the heavens, and came down to us. He then returned through the heavens ensuring that they remain open. The rent heavens have been rent for ever, and have never been sewn up again, neither by a needle-wielding Satan or any other hand. Through that open heaven the Holy Spirit then began to descend the latter rain (Acts 2). The heavens are no more like brass, THEY ARE OPEN. Hell cannot impose sanctions, and blockade the kingdom of God, nor deprive its citizens. The new and living way is established beyond enemy control. Jesus Christ is Lord. REINHARD BONNKE.(Psalms 144:5) Bow thy heavens, O LORD, and come down: touch the mountains, and they shall smoke.(Isaiah 64:1) Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence,Mighty Arrows from Gods Mighty BowWhen Noah saw the earth desolated by the deluge, he must have been traumatised. Whenever afterwards the skies grew dark overhead, he would need assurance. God said I do set my bow in the cloud and it shall be a token of a covenant. The rainbow is the flag of God, the seven-coloured royal standard. No icon, no regimental colours, no empire symbol could match that!The word bow in Genesis 9:13 is the same Hebrew word as a bow for arrows a war bow. What a war- bow, spanning the whole horizon! What mighty arrows it must shoot when God goes into battle. The Lord will march out like a mighty man, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies. Isaiah 42:12. (Genesis 9:13) I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.(Isaiah 42:12) Let them give glory unto the LORD, and declare his praise in the islands.The rainbow is not a mere phenomenon of beauty but a Divine reminder of Gods archery. There was a rainbow round about the throne and out of the throne proceeded lightnings, Gods mighty arrows. (Rev. 4:3,5). No wind can blow a rainbow away. No devil can switch it off. The battle belongs to the Lord. We all suffer lifes storms when ominous blackness fills our skies, but that arching splendour of prismatic colour in the rain cloud, seen with our mortal eyes, is the objective standard of God to reassure us. Gods rainbow is His love bent to the world - and you and me.Not checked and weighedWe know much more about the Holy Spirit today than in the past. Jesus promised power to make us witnesses to the ends of the earth. That is Gods kind of power, enough to carry us through to the very end. The power of God is the person of the Holy Spirit and no person can appear in percentages. God does not deal in dribs and drabs. He is not mean or careful, but generous. He does not dish out the Spirit by measure, checked and weighed as if on heavenly scales. He does not turn the faucet off so that it does no more than dribble. He lets it run. God has no water meter in heaven and Pentecost is not a touch of blessing or an anointing just for a sermon. It continues until the Great Commission has been completed, until we no longer need to evangelize a continuing and extended movement of Gods Spirit till the end of the age. Can you say AMEN?REINHARD BONNKE(Greetings from Singapore)Like Comment Share 207100June 23, 2011 The Cross affected the ThroneRevelation describes the whole universe being swept with the praise of Jesus. Every creature in heaven and earth know that none of them is worthy, only Jesus. (Rev. 5) They multiply accolades and exhaust language to match His unparalleled work. The cause of such worthiness was observable only in a measure even by those who watched Him in His dying hours. But the total costit was , because the Cross affected the Throne! Christ was one with the Father. Infinity shared with the sin-bearer. The black hurricanes surging around the Cross swept also around the Throne above. Christ accepted our judgement but . (2Cor 5,19) The vastness of the heart of God found a place for the sorrows of mankind. The music of heaven developed a minor key. REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 90582June 11, 2011 The entire earth will become like the Upper Room on the day of PentecostChrist's coming is given a special name in the New Testament Parousia. It is called the Coming of Christ in our English Bibles in 1 Corinthians 15:23 and Matthew 24:3. But actually, parousia the biblical Greek word means presence. He will become present. The presence of God will fill the whole earth at His coming. That will be a notable thing not a flash, being all over and done with, but the entire earth will become like the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost. Nobody can escape or forget or ignore Him then. "Very, very soon, we are going to see the King." REINHARD BONNKE(Please tell your friends about my FB Page, they will be blessed also.)Like Comment Share 1,1421163June 10, 2011 Foolproof Recipe for VictoryThis is how my parable begins. Let me call him John. John had a double story house, five plus five rooms. One day there was a gentle knock on the front door. When John opened it was the Lord Jesus. Please come in, John pleaded, I will give you the best room in my house it is upstairs. Well, Jesus is a gentleman and said thank you.The next morning someone hammered against the front door. When John opened it who was there? The devil. No shouted John, I dont want you here But the devil said Im already in and a big fight started. Satan poured filthy temptation on him, it was horrible. By the evening John somehow got the victory and threw the devil out. Then he said wait a minute. I gave Jesus the best room in the house, why didnt he come to my rescue? Jesus said to John Look, you gave me one of the ten rooms John was on his knees and said I can see my mistake. Sorry, Lord. Lets make 50/50. Jesus is a gentleman and accepted. The next day was a repeat of the day before. Somehow the devil got in and out and John was totally exhausted. Why didnt Jesus come to my rescue today? I need to go and ask. The Lord said My son, why dont you give me all 10 rooms and then, instead of me staying with you, you stay with me? John broke down. He pulled the key of the front-door from his pocket and handed it to Jesus. Now, he had given it all.The next morning, it was still dark, when someone was knocking at the front door so hard that the whole building shook. John jumped frightened and shaken out of bed crying O, its the devil again, when suddenly he heard footsteps but this time inside the house. Jesus was marching in majesty and power towards the front door. He had the key. It now was His duty to answer the door. John was wondering what would happen and stood right behind Jesus when the Lord opened the door wide. Who was it? The devil of course. But when the devil saw Jesus standing in the door he bowed low, very low indeed, and said Sorry Sir, I knocked on the wrong door!Some have given 9 rooms to Jesus and on the door of room number 10 they have written Strictly Private. It is there where they have their secret sins and live their double life. But Jesus cannot be cheated. Cmon. Lets sing it together from the bottom of our hearts Unto Jesus I surrender, unto Him I freely give.I surrender ALL, unto thee my God and Savior, I surrender all. This is my foolproof recipe for victory! Does it speak to you? Please let me know. With all my love, REINHARD BONNKE.Bethel Temple, Surabaya, IndonesiaBethel Temple, Surabaya, IndonesiaLike Comment Share 1,0073183June 3, 2011 Jesus in your eyes...During the years of our tent-crusades in Africa my music-minister Adam Mtsweni and I were looking for a new platform-organ and went from shop to shop in the city of Johannesburg. It was noon, and there was one more shop we were heading for. On arrival I saw a salesman hanging around during the lunch-break, and I thought he had hardly noticed it. My colleague and I went from instrument to instrument, but suddenly that lone salesman stood in front of me. His eyes were wide open and his face as white as a sheet. Sir, he stammered, I can see Jesus in your eyes. I was dumbfounded. How can this be? I thought, a total stranger says he can see Jesus in my eyes? We had something like a revival in the music-shop, and when I left walking to the car I said, Lord, I will never understand how something like this is possible. Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me No problem! Jesus lives in your heart, and sometimes he likes to look out of the windows! What a wonderful truth. In John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. REINHARD BONNKEReinhard and Anni BonnkeReinhard and Anni BonnkeLike Comment Share 1,1422271May 23, 2011 The steep road flattens as we travelI remember first travelling from Germany into Switzerland and came to the soaring barrier of a mountain. My little car seemed to tremble. I stood overwhelmed. Then I noticed a constant sparkle across the face of that imposing mass. Through binoculars I caught the twinkle of hundreds of vehicles tracking back and forth on the zigzag roads, slowly climbing up and up, conquering the steep heights till task accomplished. God declared Every valley shall be raised up, and every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level. Isaiah 40:4. The road that looks steep ahead flattens as we travel. That is how life is as we depend on God. REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 9011021May 10, 2011 God emptying the treasure chest of His love for usJesus told us a parable. A merchant found one fine pearl that was worth a phenomenal amount and sold everything else he had to raise enough money to buy it (Matthew 13:45-46). This is a picture of God emptying the treasure chest of his love for us. We were no bargain. We did not look very much like a valuable jewel. Yet he took us with all our worthless baggage, rottenness, debts, nastiness and wickedness. He drew us to himself ignoring everything in us that was foul and corrupt. Then like a heavenly valet, he cleaned us up, gave us a complete makeover, clothed us in righteousness, girdled us with immaculate grace and made us fit to enter the presence of the King in his beauty. That effort left him soaked in his own sweat and blood on the trodden grass of Gethsemane. Then finally that awful hour of devilish agony, hanging like a rag nailed to a tree. He was nailed to the Cross for me and you. Praise God!REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 1,2211221April 29, 2011 Come Lord JesusA Farmers son went to war. Years passed, but the son kept writing regularly long letters to his parents. The problem was that they could hardly read and just managed a few lines per day. Suddenly a knock on the door: the son was home. We didnt know that you were coming home the parents exclaimed. But didnt you read the P.S. in my last letter? he asked. No, they hadnt come that far. There is also a Post Script, as PS, in the Bible. Its in the handwriting of Jesus. Read the last words in the book of Revelation SURELY I AM COMING QUICKLY. (22,20) Even so, come Lord Jesus! Blessed? REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 1,2702221April 27, 2011 UNDER AUTHORITY A Roman centurion asked Jesus to restore his paralyzed servant: Just say the word, and my servant will be healed (Mt 8:8). Jesus was astonished at his faith but the centurion explained, I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, Go, and he goes. The centurion had authority because he was under authority. He could command because he obeyed commands. That Roman soldier had more than faith; he had perception and saw that Jesus also acted under authority to God. That meant that he had authority to command sickness to go and it would go.Whatever Jesus did was under authority. He had to do the will of his Father. Our salvation depended on it. His saving work was no casual operation or sideshow. For that matter neither was Creation, although God brought it into being simply by saying: Let there be light (Gen 1:3). Salvation is, however, a far different matter. When Jesus told Mary and Joseph, I must be about my Fathers business (Lk 2:49 NKJV), he was talking about the business of salvation. It was the Fathers business for the Son to be born and for salvation to be his immediate and direct business. He came to earth to be our Savior. He was the Word that spoke at Creation, but for salvation the Word came. His coming was life-long, a sustained sacrifice climaxing in the most horrible death. That was love in its most ultimate form.REINHARD BONNKE"I am the Lord your healer"."I am the Lord your healer".Like Comment Share 776742April 25, 2011 The preaching formula is thus says the Lord, not Im telling you!People filled with the Holy Spirit should be marked with the true features of witnesses. They neither dither nor dogmatize. They are sure of their aim but are not arrogant. They have the cool assurance of knowing that two plus two equals four with no need to prove it - no polemics. They are passionate but not pushy (with few exceptions). They let the truth speak for itself, not knocking people into submission. They do not wear boxing gloves. The preaching formula is always thus says the Lord, not Im telling you! Witnesses just pass on what they had heard and saw. It is not their business to defend it or even to invite questions. It is the Lords responsibility to confirm the righteousness of His own Word. REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 1,8121692April 22, 2011 Sharing Christ's sufferingsIf we share Christs work, we share in His suffering. But if we endure we shall also reign with Him (2 Timothy 2:12). If we are derided for our faith in God, we shall reign by our faith in God. When people say the same things about you as they said about Gods people in the past, rejoice that you are identified with them! Whoever treats you in the way that New Testament people were treated proves that you belong to that glorious New Testament company. When you carry out the same Commission that they did, with the same authority, you also will have the same enemies. Whenever the devil treats you as his foe, rejoice! He is paying you the greatest respect and best compliment possible. He is ranking you with those he hated in the past, the beloved servants of the Most High God. Be encouraged.REINHARD BONNKESetting up of the sound-towers.Setting up of the sound-towers.Like Comment Share 96490April 19, 2011 GOD WANTS US TO HAVE A POSITIVE IDENTITY WITH HIMChristians are children of God. We should bear a strong family resemblance. 2 Cor. 6:17 means that when we are like Him He will own us, but otherwise, if we are not like Him He wants nothing to do with us. If we go along with people who love this present world order, follow the course of this world and are men of earth, worldly types thats not being a child of our Father in heaven. GOD WANTS US TO HAVE A POSITIVE IDENTITY WITH HIM. But that is exactly what we shall be if we are saved. When we are born again we are NEW CREATURES, the old disappears, the ordinary, the common, the thing, which is neither one thing nor another. He is our Savior, Lord and God.REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 1,2851111April 15, 2011 Christ was a ransom and a price was paidSalvation is of God. Saving us is a Divine experience. We know it profoundly affected Jesus. It demanded so much of Him that earthly career from the cradle to the cross, so much sacrifice, humiliation, suffering, pain, and weakness. But He bore our sins in His own body on the tree. Before even those ghastly hours a storm had broken upon His soul. When He was still with the disciples He began to be sore amazed and very heavy. (Mark 14:33). Christ was a ransom and a price was paid thats Bible. But salvation was not simple cash down transaction, or a commercial agreement. And it certainly was not a Divine con trick! There was a cost to salvation. The Good Friday scenes at Calvary make that obvious enough. All we can say is thank you Lord Jesus. REINHARD BONNKE Sound TowersSound TowersLike Comment Share 1,226146April 15, 2011 Christ was a ransom and a price was paidSalvation is of God. Saving us is a Divine experience. We know it profoundly affected Jesus. It demanded so much of Him that earthly career from the cradle to the cross, so much sacrifice, humiliation, suffering, pain, and weakness. But He bore our sins in His own body on the tree. Before even those ghastly hours a storm had broken upon His soul. When He was still with the disciples He began to be sore amazed and very heavy. (Mark 14:33). Christ was a ransom and a price was paid thats Bible. But salvation was not simple cash down transaction, or a commercial agreement. And it certainly was not a Divine con trick! There was a cost to salvation. The Good Friday scenes at Calvary make that obvious enough. All we can say is thank you Lord Jesus. REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 282March 31, 2011 The Lamb of GodWhen God said Let there be ..., He knew things would go badly wrong, but He left a door open to come in and put things right. It involved the Lamb of God being slain in some mysterious sense. The Creator was the Savior. He made a world in which He was to be crucified, by Gods set purpose and foreknowledge. (Acts 2:23) God made trees, for He would hang on a tree, a death tree which would become the Tree of Life. He made iron for nails would fasten Him there - but they would secure our salvation. This planet was to be the scene of everlasting redemption. It was founded for salvation, bearing the mark of the Cross. Amen! REINHARD BONNKECfaN Gospel Crusade in Lagos/NigeriaCfaN Gospel Crusade in Lagos/NigeriaLike Comment Share 1,0141241March 23, 2011 Power Girdles The GlobeMost of us know that in the atom there are two opposing forces, negative and positive, protons and neutrons. They are held in tension by the nucleus of the atom. When they are split, the power of the atom is released, perhaps in the heart of a nuclear power station, or maybe the atom bomb. It is a picture of Christ, who "upholds all things by the word of his power". He was the centre where the forces of good and evil focused. They were held in tension in Him, until finally He overcame the negative forces of evil, and the power of life and good were let loose. The power of it was first realised when the rock tomb burst open and Christ rose. An explosion took place, the power of righteousness in wave after wave of goodness crossing the earth, wherever the Gospel was preached. The generating forces within the tomb of Christ shattered death and brought Him forth, the Resurrection and the Life. Spiritual explosions are taking place as that mighty power girdles the globe in a gathering storm of glory, revolutionising lives, breaking the bonds of wickedness, blasting down the walls of captivity. Jesus saves! God bless you. REINHARD BONNKE Port Harcourt Great Gospel Crusade Panorama. 1999Port Harcourt Great Gospel Crusade Panorama. 1999Like Comment Share 42446March 12, 2011 The Cross affected the ThroneThe Book of Revelation describes the whole universe being swept with the praise of Jesus. Every creature in heaven and earth know that none of them is worthy, only Jesus. (Rev. 5) They multiply accolades and exhaust language to match His unparalleled work. The cause of such worthiness was observable only in a measure even by those who watched Him in His dying hours. But it was not the total cost, because the Cross affected the Throne! Christ was one with the Father. Infinity shared with the sin-bearer. The black hurricanes surging around the Cross swept also around the Throne above. Christ accepted our judgement but God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself. (2Cor 5,19) The vastness of the heart of God found a place for the sorrows of mankind. The music of heaven developed a minor key. I trust you are blessed. REINHARD BONNKE NigeriaNigeriaLike Comment Share 69552March 8, 2011 Wrestling Match with the Almighty? It is a sad fact of our nature - a psychological fact - that our own desires can be so loud they sound like Divine commands. Shout long enough about what we already want to do and the echo will come back sooner or later, but it is our own voice, not the voice of God. People talk of how they wrestled with God over a decision. Is God like that? Hardly! In fact, they are wrestling with their own will, not Gods will. They want Him to agree. Do we really imagine we must wrestle with God to pry a secret out of Him about what He wants us to do? Surely He would just tell us without an all-out wrestling match with the Almighty. After Jerusalem fell, many of the people wanted Jeremiah to inquire if they should leave the land. In their heart they wanted to go to Egypt and meant to do so. They only wanted Jeremiah to persuade God to approve their plans. Jeremiah inquired, and God did not approve at all. They went anyway saying Jeremiah had lied about what God said. They ran into great trouble as a result. God had not said anything about them leaving in the first place. It is folly to make decisions in haste and to put words in the mouth of the Almighty. However, there is a safeguard for all "voices" and impulses and that is the Word of God. For example, Isaiah Chapter 8 warns, "If they speak not according to this Word there is no light in them" (Vs. 20). The Bible claims for itself the unique privilege of being the means through which God speaks. REINHARD BONNKE CfaN Gospel Crusade in Akure/NigeriaCfaN Gospel Crusade in Akure/NigeriaLike Comment Share 76497March 4, 2011 The Supreme Wonder of the Gospel...Jesus did not come to give us religious feelings or to suggest to us a system of mind power. He came to save us, not to explain how our "inner resources" can be tapped to save ourselves. Jesus was not a teacher of TM, or Quietism, or Stoicism. He was and is, first and foremost, a Savior.As for other religions, which of them offers eternal life now? Some only promise the end of existence. The teachings of "Karma" see life as such a misery that obliteration is the only way out! Then there is the Paradise promise, which consists of endless sensual pleasure. Unending gluttony and everlasting lust sound more like hell than heaven to me. The supreme wonder of the Gospel is its present realization of Lifelife of such quality that it cannot fade for eternity. Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26) REINHARD BONNKEIn the middle of an insect-swarm!Preaching in Africa.In the middle of an insect-swarm! Preaching in Africa.CfaN-Gospel Crusade in Enugu/NigeriaCfaN-Gospel Crusade in Enugu/NigeriaLike Comment Share 860142February 20, 2011 You shall be witnesses to me (Acts 1,8)Normally a witness only speaks and describes what he has seen. Sometimes however a witness is a piece of evidence. Perhaps a man has been cruelly attacked and injured. He appears in court to display himself, the damage and injury. His injuries speak for themselves. He himself is a piece of evidence. We believers are not lawyers, attorneys or barristers in court pleading in defense of Jesus. We are WITNESSES. Witnesses don't argue, don't plead, and dont make speeches. They simply speak the truth, declare what they know. We are living pieces of evidence that there is power in the blood of Jesus. Blessed? REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 7251072February 7, 2011 JESUS -- The Kinsman-Redeemer who Died instead of KillingThat is JESUS! Wicked men had bound him, lashed and crucified Him -- the innocent One, unlawfully and unjustly. Should His death not be avenged? But Jesus did not cry out for vengeance. Instead He prayed: Father, forgive them (Luke 23:34). Paul expressed it: God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:19). God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross (Colossians 1:19-20). Whoever was guilty of Jesus death, they were forgiven by His prayer, whether they were Greek, Roman or Jewish. The blood of Jesus, which they shed, was their Redemption. Their pardon was handed to them at the very cross they erected. It was written by the pen of God dipped in the fountain of the precious blood of Jesus. Instead of coming to avenge our sins, He allowed all the vengeance due to us to fall on Him. He became the great and ultimate victim, blocking the course of the blood feud forever! Jesus offered his own blood to put an end to all vengeance. He himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near (Ephesians 2:14, 17). Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 887811February 3, 2011 Fishers of MenThe apostles were sentTo fish in the raging nations The tumultuous waters of mankindIn foreign fishing groundsAmidst enormous dangers in uncharted watersThey had fished fish from the angry Sea of GalileeThey would be fishers of men from the angry seas of the nations It would be dangerous There would be storms The winds would always be contrary They would launch out against the currents of the world The waves would lash them, sometimes mountainous and threatening to swallow them. They could get off course and be driven up and down All that, but they would be fishers of men. Let's follow their example. Jesus is with us.REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 67066February 2, 2011 Spiritual SafetyNobody keeps an open mind about his or her safety. They want to be sure what they eat is not deadly, for example, or that their car has good brakes. Spiritual safety is far more important. Christians do NOT keep an open mind about their salvation, nor about Christs wonderful promises. They choose to trust. Christs word is positive. True faith is positive. It is not pro-tem, just for the time being. Passengers dont mind an aircraft pilot being dogmatic. They hope he is, especially about their destination. If he isnt dead sure, passengers fear they will end up dead, for sure! In life we want our destination equally guaranteed. Who really thinks it is a virtue to be doubtful whether they will land in hell or heaven? REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 76367January 28, 2011 Has God a Visiting-List?Events in Africa have been called a Divine visitation. Is that New Testament language? Divine interest just occasional and selective? Has God a visiting list for Him to drop in here or there occasionally, when He has time away from His usual business? We are Gods business, His priority, to save, heal and bless, no matter which continent we inhabit. He never leaves us. Divine visitation does not fit John 3:16 the text about the God who so loved the world, not a God who loves some people in some places sometimes with a revival. Africa wasnt a special stage to put on a virtuosi performance. Some talk of God entering the field. What! Entering it? He tells us to pray for harvesters and calls Himself the Lord of the harvest. Would He ever leave the field and be missing? We should just get on with it, and not wait for Him to do it all. Agreed?REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 54786January 26, 2011 Alpha and OmegaGod says I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending. We can rattle off that text, but it is a complex and fathomless revelation. It assures us straightaway that nothing begins without Him. The Psalmist said of Zion All my springs are in you. He did not mean Zion City itself was a spring, but that in Zion was the unfailing flow of Gods presence. Today He is as present as greatly in any city as He was for the Psalmist in Zion. He is as near to us in Orlando as in Jerusalem. Whatever the Bible says relates to us in some way. God doesnt tell us anything at all merely to feed our curiosity and to provide technical information. What he reveals about Himself is for us to apply and work with. He tells us He is The Alpha, the beginning, so we can benefit and make the most of it. In the beginning God... - in all beginnings! We dont begin at all until we come to Him but otherwise are going nowhere and doing nothing, as people on a treadmill. The Greeks thought that time went in circles, the same things happening again and again. But this astonishing book the Bible cuts right across heathen guesses. Gods ways are eternal, not repetitive. When our lives are tied in with His, we are carried along in His purposes as He sweeps from the eternal past to the eternal future.Be blessed, REINHARD BONNKE.Like Comment Share 84683January 23, 2011 RUNTo make sure the Prodigal Son was welcomed home properly, theFather ran! Ran! I have wanted to run, too, since the Holy Spiritcharged my soul with this realization "It is the last hour."The world's airlines have found me to be a good customer. One ofPaul's favorite Greek words was spoude, meaning, "to stretchout the neck as a man running to get to the winning post". It istranslated "be diligent, study, be earnest, hasten, be zealous,be forward". Many churches are very active, but active doing what? To fiddleabout with secular issues is one way to look impressively busyand "relevant". But to bring the gospel to a dying world is themark of true relevance. The world must be made relevant to thegospel, or perish. Lets preach the Gospel. REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 80686January 19, 2011 The True Son...In Luke 15, 19 the Prodigal Son pleaded with his father make me one of your hired servants That is the only request the father rejected. He had many servants, but only two sons. The father wanted his son back. The difference between a Servant and Son is this: both work hard and for long hours, from morning till night. Only at night the dissimilarity becomes apparent. The servant goes and asks for his pay the son not. Why not the son? Because the son knows something the servant doesnt. He knows that the day will come, when all that belongs to his father will belong to him. Do we serve Jesus Christ just as a servant - for instant reward, recognition and a constant pat on the shoulder? Or are we sons who know that an incorruptible and undefiled inheritance that does not fade away is reserved in heaven for us? (1Peter 1, 3-5). Let us not be man-pleasers but God-pleasers. Blessed? REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 955129January 17, 2011 THE CROWD WITH A FUTUREA big crowd is following Jesus as he approaches the town of Nain (Luke 7:11-17). Then he met another big crowd going in the opposite direction. The Nain crowd had death at its head, the corpse of a young man, and the whole town had turned out distressed for the mother, a widow, weeping and demonstrating as only easterners can. But the crowd with Jesus had him, the Resurrection and the Life, at its head and it was jubilant. This was a group of excited folk. Hundreds of them had been at deaths door, sick, deaf, blind or crippled, and now they were healthy, the deaf hearing, the blind seeing and the cripples dancing all gladly following for miles to Nain. The two crowds stand for two streams of humanity, which are still moving along today in opposite directions! One has no future but the grave, and the other is led by Christ who said, Whoever believes in me will never die (John 11:26). And Jesus beckons us to join His train today, rejoicing in Him just Him! God bless you. REINHARD BONNKE CfaN Gospel Crusade in Aba/NigeriaCfaN Gospel Crusade in Aba/NigeriaLike Comment Share 691113January 7, 2011 The power of God is the person of the Holy SpiritThe power of God is the person of the Holy Spirit and you cannot split a person. No person can appear in percentages, you and I included. God does not deal in dribs and drabs. He is not mean or careful, but generous. He does not dish out the Spirit by measure, checked and weighed as if on heavenly scales. He does not turn the faucet off so that it does no more than dribble. He fully lets it run. God has no water meter in heaven and Pentecost is not a touch of blessing or an anointing just for a sermon. It continues until the Great Commission has been completed, until we no longer need to evangelize a continuing and extended movement of Gods Spirit till the end of the age. Blessed? REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 93291January 5, 2011 JESUS IN YOUR EYESYears ago my music-minister (Adam Mtsweni) and I were shopping for a new keyboard. It was at noon that we entered a big music-shop in Johannesburg/South Africa. There was a salesman, but he took no notice of us and Adam and I tried out all the keyboards. Suddenly the salesman appeared. He seemed to be in a different mood, something like in a state of shock and said to me Sir, I can see Jesus in your eyes! What? The Holy Spirit had entered that shop. We forgot all about the keyboard and had a revival instead. But when I was walking back to my car I kept saying Lord, I will never understand it. How can a total stranger walk up to me and say Sir, I can see Jesus in your eyes?. Suddenly the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said No problem! Jesus lives in your heart and sometimes HE LIKES TO LOOK OUT OF THE WINDOWS. I laughed and cried. What glorious truth. I got the point! Years later I met the wife of the salesman who told me, that her husband had followed Jesus for the rest of his life and went to be with the Lord. I trust that this little testimony blesses you. REINHARD BONNKE. Like Comment Share 1,190270January 4, 2011 The "Atom" Split!In every atom, positive and negative forces are held together in balance. But when the atom is split, positive splits from negative and power is released, either for destruction or for benefit. Something like this happened on the Cross. Hanging there, Jesus experienced in Himself two opposing forces the negative of our sins and the positive of Gods love. Evil split away, setting free new powers of righteousness and resurrection. Within 3 days this new power swung into action, when Christ gloriously and triumphantly rose from the dead. LETS REJOICE! REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 71590January 3, 2011 At this faith-pointWe can switch direction from unbelief to certainty. Faith is a decision. It has happened to many people, like a miracle. It reminds me of the healing of the cripple at the Beautiful Gate. Their spiritual feet and ankle bones receive strength and they enter the temple, walking, leaping and praising God dancing on faith legs! What a victorious pathway. The Apostle Paul said The life I now live, I live by the faith in the Son of God. At this faith-point life swings round, personality is re-molded, outlook revolutionized. Nothing, simply nothing can re-shape life like faith in God. Have a blessed day. REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 74778January 1, 2011 Flame PeopleI was thinking of Peter and John at the tomb examining the grave-clothes of the risen Christ. It never even crossed their minds that they might display the blood- marked wrappings as evidence of his death, like holy relics to be kissed and touched. They had better things to do! In fact, they spent their time waiting in the upper room until the fire fell. Pentecost is not a token of death but a trophy of life and victory. We need scholarship, but how much better it is when it comes from flame people, the Holy Spirit kindling their thoughts. REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 74056December 31, 2010 God's PurposesIn the beginning God... - in all beginnings! We dont begin at all until we come to Him but otherwise are going nowhere and doing nothing, as people on a treadmill. The Greeks thought that time went in circles, the same things happening again and again. But this astonishing book the Bible cuts right across heathen guesses. Gods ways are eternal, not repetitive. When our lives are tied in with His, we are carried along in His purposes as He sweeps from the eternal past to the eternal future. In this sense: Have a blessed New Year 2011. FROM ANNI AND REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 70085December 30, 2010 Joseph didnt want to be a mummy in Egypt with a private pyramid.Before Joseph died in Egypt he took an oath from his children that they take his bones in a coffin on the day of departure for the Promised Land. (Gen 50:22-26). Joseph didnt want to be a mummy in Egypt with a private pyramid. He wanted to be present when God opened the Red Sea. They took his bones when they left Egypt (Heb 11,22). The bones didnt rattle in the coffin, they must have laughed and rejoiced There was more life in those bones then in those who carried them. The bones arrived, but not the original bearers. Joseph blew the first trumpet of faith for the return of Israel! He blew it with those not yet born, but who would blow the trumpets to bring down the walls of Jericho. Joseph died at age 110. A man of faith at 110 is younger than a critical teenager! Want to join Josephs battalion? Onward Christian soldiers. REINHARD BONNKE Gospel Crusade in Calabar/NigeriaGospel Crusade in Calabar/NigeriaLike Comment Share 71581December 29, 2010 2011 is at the doorIt is tragic when believers have no vision, and fill in their years without shape or direction, following their own fancy, wandering this way or that according to circumstances, leaving no more mark upon the world than a falling leaf. Let the Word speak to their heart! Let the winds of the Spirit fill their sails! They leave their cozy anchorage in the bay, cast off the moorings that bind them to earthly interests, and sail off into the great waters. The Psalm says, There go the ships (Psalm 104:26 KJV), vessels of divine destiny. 2011 is at the door. Happy New Year. God bless you. REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 1,0581271December 28, 2010 Loo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Mat 28:20.What a promise! The Christians certainty! Ahead of us are 365 days of lifes journey through virgin territory. It might be tangled forests or sun-drenched fields, but we are equipped by this knowledge, that the Lord will travel with us. God said He walked with Israel in the wilderness in a tent and in a tabernacle (2 Sam. 7:6). Similarly Mark 16:20 describes the first disciples of Jesus They went forth ... everywhere ...the Lord working with them. Gods presence is unconditional. Whatever distracts us, we have His undivided attention. This great truth is not put together from isolated texts, but is woven into the texture of the whole revelation of God. Be blessed by Him in 2011. REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 916953December 26, 2010 Jesus Christ is LordAt Calvary the seed of the woman had bruised the old serpent's head. Hades had opened its black jaws to devour another victim, then, too late, discovered He was the Prince of Life. His lightning flashed into the gloom of the infernal caverns. His glory shattered the reign of the King of Terrors. Then Jesus stormed out again in Resurrection power, leading captivity captive. The wreckage of Death's domain marked His invasion. The doors of hell were smashed. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD. REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 1,00690December 23, 2010 No Person Can Appear In PercentagesJesus promised power to make us witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). That is Gods kind of power. The power of God is the person of the Holy Spirit and you cannot split a person. No person can appear in percentages. God does not deal in dribs and drabs. He is not mean or cautious, but generous. He does not dish out the Holy Spirit by measure, checked and weighed as if on heavenly scales. He does not turn the tap off so that it does no more than dribble. He fully lets it run. God has no water meter in heaven and Pentecost is not a touch of blessing or an anointing just for a sermon. It continues until the Great Commission has been completed, until we no longer need to evangelize a continuing and extended movement of Gods Spirit till the end of the age. Blessed? REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 70375December 23, 2010 The Love Passion of GodGods love is real, not a mere emotion. His love is not a rumour, an investigators research, or book information, nor a logical deduction for possible consideration. It did not come to us as visionarys trauma. All we know about God comes from what He did. It was demonstrated. Salvation is awesome. Its origin is the love passion of God. We are aware of it, but it is the inspiring mystery of Gods own heart. He was moved to save us, and His Word was embodied in physical shape. Salvation became personified in Christ and in all His work from the womb to the tomb. Merry Christmas. REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 928107December 23, 2010 We are Agents of OmnipotenceJesus said As the Father hath sent me, even so send I you. The will of the Father hasnt changed. His compassion and mercy upon the sick and afflicted were signs of what God is like, forever. If Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, then the Jesus in glory is not a different Jesus from the Jesus of Galilee. Today the same Jesus has the same compassion, and the same power, but He no longer has the hands to touch the sick, no longer the voice to speak healing, no longer do the feet of Christ bring Him into streets and homes. So He sends men and women, you and me. THEY are His those hands and voice and feet. The body of Jesus is His church. He is the HEAD. Hands, voice and feet obey the head. The Church is the living extension of that mighty arm though imperfect in an imperfect world. But we are still the agents of omnipotence and of Divine love, to demonstrate that God cares. If we are His disciples, filled with the same Spirit that anointed Jesus, we are to do the same work. They are greater works because God is not limited to one pair of hands, to one voice, but people moving everywhere carry the same blessings and love. SIGNS AND WONDERS FLOWED FROM CHRIST AND SHOULD FLOW FROM THE BODY OF CHRIST TODAY. Blessed? REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 858December 22, 2010 God's Greatest ActChrists death was His greatest achievement and Gods greatest act. The power of love conquered the love of power. It was no mistake, no misfortune, and no accident. Christ was not a martyred victim, but a mighty victor, our champion and Gods hero. The Father in heaven sent Him to hunt out and destroy the devil and evil. A greater David faced a greater Goliath. The Son of God overthrew our greatest enemy, sin, and our final foe, death. Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE Anni and Reinhard in their home. Merry Christmas 2010.Anni and Reinhard in their home. Merry Christmas 2010.Like Comment Share 1,4012122October 13, 2010 Abraham had picked up a golden key marked faith.Abraham had picked up a golden key marked faith. By it he opened heaven. Men of genius are as rare as icicles in summer. Abraham was not one of them. God is not the chairman of an exclusive club for intellectuals, but keeps His front door open for anyone. Please, step in. REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 8225September 13, 2010 Salvation is not a side effectA Christian is a positive piece of Divine workmanship. We are not just re-named or re-christened. The work of Christ is not cosmetic. It is not a touch-up job, a new coat of paint. He does not merely paper over the cracks. Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision but a new man Gal. 6:17. God does a glorious work; each convert is a masterpiece of Divine grace, each one a product of infinite love, each one created by the awful clash of Christ with evil at the Cross. We are shaped by events that will be spoken of throughout eternity, and that not incidentally, but of purpose. Our salvation is not a side effect, but the central objective of the supreme act of Omnipotent and all-compassionate Deity. Blessed? REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 858102September 9, 2010 Receiving the Divine NatureOne of the wonderful things about God is His willingness to be represented. It seems impossible for a mere human to represent Him in any way at all. It certainly wouldnt be possible by mere human effort or aspiration. It is not only by the condescension and will of God, but by the glorious fact that we receive the divine nature, we are born again of God, He is more than our recognized father, for the Spirit bears witness that we are the children of God and His children bear His image.Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE (Please tell your friends about my FB Page. They will be blessed also.) Like Comment Share 70460September 4, 2010 Faith is ordinary everyday trustfulnessFaith is not what you have or what you know. A theological doctorate is not usually any help. Faith has no mystique, nothing esoteric or rare. It is just a common human faculty, ordinary everyday trustfulness. It is as good among humble people as among spiritual geniuses, religious giants or mighty Samsons of the church. The assorted crowd only believed and the woman with an issue of blood only believed, and their faith put their feet into the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom which is where Christ is. Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 785911September 3, 2010 NOT ASHAMEDPaul had shaved his head to show he had made a vow (Acts 21,24). People would notice that a skinhead-apostle. But HE WAS NOT ASHAMED! He had sworn an oath to do something fort God! Why not we fire-baptized believers? They emerged from the Upper Room different! What do people look like who emerge from our churches on a Sunday morning? Suppose Gods fire fell in the Cowboy Stadium and everybody came out drunk with the Holy Spirit. IT IS NOT A PRIVATE MATTER! It is a PUBLIC EVENT! The Holy Spirit is not given to make you comfortable, but to drive you of your cozy corner and into the raw weather of the world. Lets go. REINHARD BONNKE Montreux, SwitzerlandMontreux, SwitzerlandLike Comment Share 618953September 1, 2010 The God who seeks man Adam has had only one idea to hide. God had one idea too, they hide, He seeks! The gods and religions invented by people all reverses the Divine process. The gods hide and the people seek. In the Garden of Eden Adam heard the voice of the Lord calling "Where are you? Adam huddled close to Eve, each trying to get help from the other, like humankind does today. The Lord God clothed them, reassured them, and made them look up and put their feet on the path towards salvation through His Son. Blessed? REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 698122September 1, 2010 The blood of Jesus cleanses us totally and renders us fit to serve God immediatelyHoliness has two objectives. First, we are holy for the sake of being holy because God is holy. It has its own built-in reward. Without holiness no man shall see God. The pure in heart will see God (Matthew 5:8), the Christians greatest hope. The second objective of holiness is to make people fit for Gods service, but it is often thought of as near perfection. The glorious truth is that the blood of Jesus cleanses us totally and renders us fit to serve God immediately. God bless you. REINHARD BONNKE SwedenSwedenLike Comment Share 86284August 31, 2010 God's protection surrounding us is impenetrableThe howling winds of death had been heard across Egypt. Yet, no Israeli home knew its cold breath. When the Lord passed through Egypt smiting all the firstborn in the land, He passed over all the houses on which He saw the blood of the lamb. Every child of God today is covered and marked by the blood of Jesus (Exodus 12:12-13). Each one of us is beyond the reach of the powers of hell, witches, spells, curses, demons, or all the devils minions. The principalities and powers in heavenly places cannot touch us while we rest beneath the banner of the precious blood of Jesus our Savior, our Passover Lamb. His protection surrounding us is impenetrable and invulnerable. Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE Picture: RBPicture: RBLike Comment Share 7991153August 29, 2010 Faith in the name of Jesus releases powerHoliness does not produce power. Are we to become like Jesus so that we may preach like Spurgeon? This is truth standing on its head. Shouldnt we be holy even if we never preached a sermon? Holiness is for the sake of holiness. To be like Jesus has its own reward! Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God not revival. I believe in sanctification and holiness with all of my heart, but if holiness produced power then we could say: Look what my holiness has done! That would be shocking. Look at Peter in Acts 3,12: The miracle did not happen because of his own godliness. Weeks before he had denied the Lord. I sometimes think I can hear sobbing between the lines of Peters writings. Here is the answer: Acts 3,16 Faith in His name. releases power! Faith is the power-switch. And now the summary: Holiness for holiness faith for power. Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE Picture: Jeannette BonnkePicture: Jeannette BonnkeLike Comment Share 9581391August 28, 2010 as the waters cover the sea.God says: For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. (Hab 2:14) How do the waters cover the sea? So thoroughly that there is not a single dry patch of land at the bottom of the sea! This clearly illustrates Gods incredible plan. The knowledge of His glory, power, and salvation will be spread across the world like a flash flood. There will not be a single dry area, no ignorant country, city, town, village, family or individual. The whole earth is full of His glory, cried the seraphim (Isaiah 6:3). Take heart and be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE (Please spread the news about my FB Page. Let others be blessed as well.) Like Comment Share 73270August 27, 2010 Our Salvation cost God everything Talking of Creation. God enjoyed it, the Big Bang, spinning glittering galaxies into existence and stretching space to give room for their dance. He picked out one planet, Earth, tried His hand as a gardener and planted Eden. There He introduced Eve to Adam, newly-weds in their first home. All this and heaven too! He laughed for joy, the pleasure of it, and it all cost Him nothing.... absolutely nothing. Yet Jesus saves - that's different. Our Salvation cost God everything. It is God's greatest WORK AND COST Him the ultimate sacrifice His only son dying for our sin on the Cross. It left a wound in the heart of Deity that can never heal, and was pierced for our sin. He was nailed to the Cross for me. REINHARD BONNKE (Please tell your friends about this FB Page.) Like Comment Share 40646August 26, 2010 It is not what we are but what Christ makes us to beWhen we believe in Christ we can believe in ourselves. Confidence in Christ gives us self-confidence. Our self-image is good because we are the workmanship of Christ. Like Paul also said I can do all things through Christ which strengthens us. He also knew and said In my flesh dwells no good thing, but had confidence in what God had made him to be. His good self-image was a reflection of the image of Jesus Christ which was being formed in him. That is an attitude all Christians should have. Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE President of Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan, Reinhard Bonnke, Daniel Kolenda in Abuja, Aug 22, 2010.Picture: Oleksandr VolykPresident of Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan, Reinhard Bonnke, Daniel Kolenda in Abuja, Aug 22, 2010. Picture: Oleksandr VolykLike Comment Share 59374August 22, 2010 Soon every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LordSatan had schemed that every knee would bow to him and confess him as lord. It seemed so easy on this planet, employing weapons of crushing might and war. Instead, came this Man, Jesus, so easily mutilated, and taken to death in the flesh. Yet, He proved all conquering in spirit; let hell do its worst. Not at the name of Satan, but at the name of Jesus today a thousand million bow. Soon every knee and every tongue shall confess Him Lord. Satan is doomed. Meanwhile, the vast ambition of Satan has flooded the world with a multitude of evils. The evil spirit let loose in the world works out in human lives until Christ delivers them. Ephesians 2:1-2 says, "And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience." REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 1,143189August 19, 2010 A picture of God emptying the treasure chest of his love for us!Jesus told us a powerful truth in a parable. A merchant found one fine pearl that was worth a phenomenal amount and sold everything else he had to raise enough money to buy it (Mat 13:45-46). This is a picture of God emptying the treasure chest of his love for us. We were no bargain. We did not look very much like a valuable jewel. Yet he took us with all our worthless baggage, rottenness, debts, nastiness and wickedness. He drew us to himself ignoring everything in us that was foul and corrupt. Then like a heavenly valet, he cleaned us up, gave us a complete makeover, clothed us in righteousness, girdled us with immaculate grace and made us fit to enter the presence of the King in his beauty. That effort left him soaked in his own sweat and blood on the trodden grass of Gethsemane. Then finally that awful hour of devilish agony, hanging like a rag nailed to a tree. O, what a wonderful Saviour! Agreed? REINHARD BONNKE (Please spread the news about this my FB Page.) Like Comment Share 933156August 18, 2010 Clear the Garbage out of the WayA friend of mine was cleaning out his garage, and tossed a piece of metal aside into a corner where there was what seemed to be a pile of garbage. It caused vivid and audible sparking. Investigation revealed an old car battery. The steel bar had shorted across its terminals. The cells still held some charge so he brought it out for possible future use. For some that might be a parable: you've given up, and think the power of God has gone. It never goes. Clear the garbage out of the way and you will find that God is not so easily switched off. He isn't finished with you. Got it? REINHARD BONNKEAyangba/NigeriaAyangba/NigeriaLike Comment Share 646108August 18, 2010 Loving Embrace Between Man and his MakerFaith in Christ is different to any other kind of faith. It is not found in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, the word used means believing 'into' Christ, suggesting movement. Faith IN Christ means moving close to Him in trustful love. It is an embrace. This kind of loving embrace between man and his Maker comes only through Christ. Nobody in the Old Testament days could think of such a thing. God was spirit, another kind of Being, too awesome to be approached except with fear and trembling. Yet one inspired book in the Old Testament Scriptures touches the heart of a new experience the Song of Songs, a lyric of love that gathers up all its words of supreme love in one phrase, I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine. (Song of Songs 6:3). This was an attitude towards God that nobody understood, until Christ came, of which we have the full benefit. Happy? REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 71690August 17, 2010 Millions of failures now live live as they should live, in Christ!Jesus did not come to found a new religion with a collection of mumbo-jumbo ceremonies and duties. Millions of people are tied up trying to keep up their religious observances. There are no captives like religious captives. Many are bound with taboos, do's and don'ts, and legalistic spiritual obligations in their effort to keep well in with God. Luke 4:18 tells Jesus had come to 'proclaim deliverance to the captives'. He pin-pointed some of the bound-up people; the poor, the broken-hearted, the blind, the bruised... Jesus is the spirit of freedom. 'He whom the Son sets free is free indeed.' Christ came so that people can rise to their full potential and even expand into higher attainments. Fisher men become Apostles. So many are dabbling in the shallows and miseries, shackled by bonds of their own making, fear of failure, unbelief, without aim or vision, led by the nose by self-indulgences and personal weaknesses. But Jesus saves. It is more than what He does it is what His presence means. 'Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.' Millions of 'failures' now live live as they should live, in Christ. Can you say Hallelujah? REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 880175August 16, 2010 THE ANOINTING BREAKS THE YOKE Nobody prayed for revival in the New Testament. The famous prayer, 'O Lord revive thy work!' was an Old Testament prayer. (Hab 3:2) God answered. He did revive His work. That answer was JESUS and PENTECOST. When Peter preached in the first Pentecostal meeting there ever was (Acts 2), he saw what had never been seen on earth before or in all the history of Israel, or in all the prophesying of the great prophets. Something happened that Elijah, or Isaiah, or Jeremiah never saw - 3000 people repenting and being saved. This age is the age of the Holy Spirit. It is "the anointing that breaks the yoke". Agreed? REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 1,223196August 14, 2010 We need more than a cheap solution or a quick fix In today's religious supermarket, many people are hypnotized by the bright, shiny brands of do-it-yourself salvation. The shelves are crowded with New Age products: pyramid power, hypnotherapy, transcendental meditation, white magic ... All of them are a sham, and some of them are lethally dangerous. They offer nothing that can reach the heart of the human problem. We need more than a cheap solution or a quick fix. We need peace with God. We need him to forgive us, bring us home, restore us to the relationship he has always wanted to have with us. We will only find God if we truly want him. As God says in the Bible: "I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me." Jesus says "he who comes to me, I will not refuse..." How wonderful! Jesus saves - there is no other Savior. Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKELike Comment Share 58596August 13, 2010 SPIRITUAL POWER IS RENEWED AS WE NEED ITPaul prays for the Ephesians that "the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know ... his incomparable great power FOR US who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead" (Ephesians 1:18-20). The Greek used is to describe the greatness of the available resources is megethos. When scientists created the nuclear bomb they created a word by which to measure the greatest explosive force known. The force of that weapon is measured in megatons of power. But Paul goes one better and talks about "hyper" megethos - super greatness. "Mega galactic," a teenager might say today. That is how we should measure our effectiveness in Christian service. That is the resource available to every one of God's servants. Yes, that's it! Receive it. REINHARD BONNKE (Please spread the news about this FB Page.)CfaN Gospel-Crusade, Okene/NigeriaCfaN Gospel-Crusade, Okene/NigeriaLike Comment Share 80564August 13, 2010 Judge nothing before the appointed timeThe failure of believers under the attacks of Satan is common. Some people sin openly and conceal their goodness. Others sin secretly while maintaining an appearing of goodness. Paul wrote, "Judge nothing before the appointed time" (1 Cor. 4:5). We are not qualified to preempt the judgment of the all-wise, all-knowing God. Some sins are the wounds of awful battles in which victories were won. Some men fight more temptation in a day than others do in a month. And big men can sin in a big way, a small fault becoming magnified through the lens of fame. Be determined to live a holy life, no matter what happens around you. "Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord..." (Hebrews 12:14). Greetings from Florida. REINHARD BONNKE (Please tell your friends about my FB Page.)Like Comment Share 8641331August 7, 2010 Witness Identifies ChristiansOnly one man in the New Testament, Philip, is called an evangelist. The word evangelist is used only three times. Peter won 3000 souls in one day, but was never called an evangelist, nor was Paul. Why is that? Because everybody evangelised! Evangelists were not that different. Calling anybody an evangelist was no distinction. Witness identified Christians. It was dangerous, but obligatory. The word martyr originally meant witness, but so many died for witnessing that the word became synonymous with giving ones life for Christ. Christians were called confessors they admitted to it as if guilty. Join the church and you joined the ranks destined for persecution. It wasnt just to enjoy the meetings, but for a single purpose witness. That is how it is still today in a wide band of countries across the globe. No matter what. We are witnesses for Christ. REINHARD BONNKE Just arrived at Atlanta Airport. While waiting for my connection I had some inspiration for you. I trust you are blessed.Picture: Andrew ColbyJust arrived at Atlanta Airport. While waiting for my connection I had some inspiration for you. I trust you are blessed. Picture: Andrew ColbyLike Comment Share 692125August 6, 2010 We are each made for God and in His imageSome churchmen say that man is a social animal, as if the herd instinct was all that could be mentioned about that marvelous creation called man. We are more than a herd we are each made for God and in His image and nothing else but a relationship with Him will ever satisfy us. Sometimes, when inspired music touches us, we get a sense of the infinite. Music only points to it, though. The music echoes a faraway greatness that it cannot fulfill. That infinity is God Himself, and what music only suggests is given to us when we receive salvation through Jesus Christ, and begin to worship Him. Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE (Please spread the news of my FB Page.) DubaiDubaiLike Comment Share 53961August 6, 2010 STRONG BUT LAZY?Does receiving the power of God compel Christians to work with great energy gusto? Not at all! People can be strong but lazy. Perhaps they never do anything else with their gift than use it to build their own muscles and to feel nice. The kind of power some people ask God for is really compulsion - overcoming their lethargy, overwhelming their fears and reluctance. They want God to give them such a push that they can't help but go propelled into service. That's just pie in the sky. God never compels you to serve him in spite of yourself. No unseen force will lever us out of our arm chair into the street. To get up and go is our part of the bargain. Arise! REINHARD BONNKEOur cat "Schnucki"Our cat "Schnucki"Like Comment Share 57699August 2, 2010 Christ can make us - we who otherwise would never make itChristianity has an unconditional welcome above its doors for the storm tossed, the broken in spirit, and the inadequate. It is the arm of Gods love thrown around those who have given up on themselves, or been given up by the world, and have not got what it takes. If you would believe you would see the glory of God (John 11:40). Christ can make us we who otherwise would never make it. In the Gospels, we see Him coming open-faced and openarmed. To Him, there were no nobodies, nor riffraff, no social rejects. He came for lost sheep. To women, who were treated as subspecies in some eastern countries, even as they are now, Christ gave honor. This is the Christ we serve. This IS Christianity. Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE (Please spread the news of my FB Page.) Like Comment Share 60873August 1, 2010 Here am I, send meIsaiah heard God calling Who will go for us but knew he was unfit and had unclean lips(Isaiah 6). Whether Isaiah had been a swearer, or liar or drinker we are not told, but when he said Here am I, send me, the state of his lips was no problem! His lips were exactly the lips God used. His uncleanness was taken away and he was commissioned. God cant wait until we are all sanctified, till all churches are very spiritual, united, holy and resplendent in character. Isaiahs once unclean lips have thundered through the ages mighty words like he was wounded for our transgression, he was bruised for our iniquityand by His stripes we are healed. (Read Isaiah 53). You are not waiting for God, God is waiting for you. Can you say Amen? REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 757190July 31, 2010 Gods Voice in the Garden was a sobWhen Adam sinned Gods voice heard in Eden Adam, where are you? is a sob. Cain slew Abel and his blood cried to the ever-sensitive God. God is close to His family, rebellious or not. Jesus said what we did to other people was done to Him He identified with them. (Matt. 25). God also declared of Israel In all their affliction I was afflicted. Following that most notable of crimes, King David murdering a man for his wife after committing adultery with her, David himself said Against you, you only have I sinned and done that which is evil in your sight! The real offence was more against God than murdered Uriah. The Lord is touched with the feelings of our infirmities (Heb 4:15). We are all His offspring, said Paul. We are linked to Him with the bonds of His creative life. It renders God sensitive to all we do thats why Jesus came. He came to rescue us. Only Jesus saves. Blessed? REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 51348July 31, 2010 The heartbeat of God should be louder than the drum beat of the bandThe appeal of the Gospel is not to provide the same popular programs in church as in the world. No, I mean we should not be behind the times, and Fanny Crosby is not the last word in sacred music. But the heartbeat of God should be louder than the drum beat of the band, and His voice not lost in the wordless pandemonium of amplification. If they cut off the electricity from your church, and the modern instrument were useless, would your congregation wilt like daisies in the sun? But if they are crashing forth on the cymbals for the sheer jubilation and exuberance and delight in God as those who wrote the Psalms, if congregations sing praise to God in their very hearts and express their inner soul of gladness, that is crucial! Gods command is Rejoice IN THE LORD. Greetings from REINHARD BONNKE. (Please tell your friends in church about my FB Page.) Like Comment Share 51058July 31, 2010 The great purpose of God is salvationThe gospel is a message of miracles but the real priority, the great purpose of God, is salvation. The glory and joy of God is salvation. Jesus works in material fashion but his real commission is as the Saviour of the world. Jesus said that it is better to enter life maimed than to die unsaved (Mark 9:43). To deliver all who were oppressed by the devil, Jesus went around doing good (Acts 10:38), but to save us he went to the Cross and to hell and back. Only Jesus could have done it. And He did it. REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 50455July 30, 2010 News is not logic or reason. It is what happened.Gospel means Good News! News are facts! The Gospel is not a story, it consists of solid facts! If the President of America came to your town, it doesnt need discussion, philosophy or logic. It is news, simply news. A Presidential visit is not a conception or article of faith. It is an event. You cant reason about it. Whether you are a simple person or a brilliant scholar, you just have to accept it as news The Gospel is the samenews, good news. Christ has come and sets people free from their sins, heal their bodies, and baptize them in the Holy Spirit. News is not logic or reason. It is what happened. Nobody thinks it up, so nobody can reason about it. Here is how Paul put it in 1 Corinthians 15: 2-5. By this gospel you are saved if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. That Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. Agreed? REINHARD BONNKE (Please spread my FB Page.) Like Comment Share 42254July 29, 2010 THE CONQUEROR WITH THE BLEEDING FEETThe crowds had more than once wanted Jesus to be king, and to conquer the much-hated Roman army of occupation. But He refused. His servants did not fight to make Him an earthly lord. He had a new way. Jesus conquered this Roman who was in charge of the squad of soldiers that carried out executions. Nailed and helpless, yet Christ conquered this military commander. Within 300 years, Rome itself had been conquered, not by the jackbooted feet of military forces, but by the bleeding feet of this Man hanging there. O praise the Lord! The last pagan emperor, named Julian, tried to restore the old worship of the gods, but the tides released by Christ's death were too powerful. Julian cried out in agony, "O Galilean, you have conquered!" Thank you Jesus! REINHARD BONNKE (Please tell your friends about my FB Page. They will be blessed also.) Like Comment Share 51858July 28, 2010 The Gospel is God in action, in the mire of the battlefieldThe God who created the world also created the Gospel. But it was at far greater cost. The Gospel isn't just an idea, any more than dynamite. It is God in action, in the mire of the battlefield. He has put His very Self, His Son and His blood into this Gospel. Some act squeamish about the Gospel of the precious blood of Jesus as if the whole world were not blood-soaked. In this harsh world nothing less than a Calvary Gospel is credible. Christ's blood was needed to cover the blood of a thousand million murdered Abels crying to God from the ground. The Gospel is not a vague lovingness, or sentiment. The pen of truth is dipped in the blood of Christ. We are not redeemed by a casual and understanding nod from an easy-going Heavenly Father. The mouth of Christ's gaping wounds speaks forgiveness. The Gospel rings with the cry in Eden "Adam where are you? and of the "strong crying and weeping" of the Son of God in Gethsemane. O, what a wonderful Savior. REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 62771July 28, 2010 The Gospel is like breathing - there's no future in the alternativeEvangelism brings the only remedy for sin known to man. The Gospel is like breathing - there's no future in the alternative. Everybody has a right to chose, but the options are pretty limited - live or die. People think they have found alternatives; mind-power, meditation, Buddhism, New Age, healing cults, but they are no more alternatives than a game of chess. They are no answer to the crippling power of sin and do not deliver us from guilt. People need saving and ONLY JESUS SAVES. Christ said that he had come to destroy the works of the devil. Blessed? REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 69874July 27, 2010 The Holy Spirit writes no doubtsWhen you are saved, you should know it. Otherwise, how can you be a witness for Christ? The Bible speaks clearly and positively; it does not stammer. When you read it, you become certain. The Holy Spirit writes no doubts. The promises of God are Yes and Amen (2 Corinthians 1:20) and not No or Maybe. The Gospel trumpet sounds no faltering note. Some people argue that it is presumptuous to declare you are saved, but that is false modesty in the light of so much Scriptural evidence. When Christ confronts you with the question of your need, you should not respond, "I want to have my questions answered and to give my view of salvation." Instead, you must repent and believe!Being saved is not a casual experience, something you would hardly notice. When you repent and believe and come to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, He receives you, and you are cleansed in His precious blood! Take these two statements made by Christ Jesus Himself: All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out (John 6:37) and for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost Luke 19:10. Good Morning from Florida. REINHARD BONNKE (Please pass this message on.) CfaN Fire Conference, Abeocuta/NigeriaCfaN Fire Conference, Abeocuta/NigeriaLike Comment Share 66788July 26, 2010 The Gospel includes the supernaturalThe Gospel is not a doctrine with wonders attached, as a sort of bonus. It is itself comprehensive of wonders. That is what the FULL GOSPEL means. In the New Testament the Gospel made fantastic progress because it was 'in power and demonstration'. Miracles were mostly healings, and there is simply no difference between then and now and them and us. We have at our disposal apostolic power and gifts if we go with apostolic motives. Note "motives" - the purpose of gifts is not to get a name for being a man of power, but to get Jesus a name as a God of love and power. If it goes to your head when the sick are healed, the sick will not be healed. Agreed? REINHARD BONNKE Please tell your church about my FB Page.) CfaN Gospel Crusade, Akure/NigeriaCfaN Gospel Crusade, Akure/NigeriaLike Comment Share 586100July 24, 2010 The black hurricanes surging around the Cross swept also around the Throne aboveAn indication of Christs glorious sacrifice is given us in the Book of Revelation. It describes the whole universe being swept with His praise. Every creature in heaven and earth know that none of them is worthy, only Jesus. (Rev. 5) They multiply accolades and exhaust language to match His unparalleled work. The cause of such worthiness was observable only in a measure even by those who watched Him in His dying hours. But it was not the total cost, because the Cross affected the Throne! Another tremendous fact is: Christ was one with the Father. Infinity shared with the sin-bearer. The black hurricanes surging around the Cross swept also around the Throne above. Christ accepted our judgment but God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself. (2Cor 5,19) The vastness of the heart of God found a place for the sorrows of mankind. The music of heaven developed a minor key. We can sympathize and empathize with other human beings, but not with God, especially in the passion of His redeeming work. We can relate to God, but never in that dimension. God is the indescribable, and in this work we can only stand aside in ignorance and awe. It cant be explained. It is unutterable, and if uttered it would be incomprehensible. Only God can appreciate what God experiences. We are like the disciples Jesus took into Gethsemane. They went with Him so far only. Then He went a little further. A few yards away from where Peter, James and John sat waiting, drowsing under the old olive trees, the worlds Redeemer was fighting a cosmic battle totally outside their conception- and ours. Our theology of salvation is the scaffolding only to the temple of our wonderful and glorious God. Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 43267July 24, 2010 The preaching of the Gospel is an announcement of factPlease read 2 Kings Chapter 7. Gods Spokesman said: TOMORROW would be abundant food at the Gate of Samaria. (Vs 1) The Government spokesman said: IMPOSSIBLE! Gods Spokesman: IN FACT you shall SEE it but NOT EAT. Facts like that don't change. That is the reality. WHEN GOD SPEAKS IT IS AN EVENT WHICH SETS HISTORY IN MOTION. It is no use ignoring it, or we do so at our cost, like jumping from the Empire State Building ignoring the Force of Gravity. This would be a jump to a quick conclusion. The preaching of the Gospel is an ANNOUCEMENT OF A FACT. Repent and believe The Word of the Lord is a creative act. God said "Let there be light" and there was light... The same voice also said: Your sins are forgiven The Gov. spokesman in his chariot mocked Elisha, but no unbelief can change the facts. God speaks and it is done; it stands fast like the very earth. We can only do one thing - come to terms with the Word of God or blindly ignore it to our own destruction. The Syrian army heard sounds of a great host coming to rescue Samaria. They fled in panic and left all their supplies behind. The Word of the Lord, Almighty God, had performed this. It was no coincidence. Then something most remarkable happened: The Gov. spokesman was knocked down and trampled to death by people who rushed to get what he didn't believe in. Here is a powerful fact: The man who does not believe the Gospel will be crushed by its reality. Not believing it makes no difference to what IS. If we don't go along with it, it will crush us by its very weight. The tragedy of all tragedies is that the man died because of GOOD NEWS and totally unnecessary. He put himself outside the possibility of enjoying it. Elisha's word was not a word of calamity or judgment, but of deliverance. If it was not believed it could not be altered. Not to accept it proved tragic. REINHARD BONNKE (Please pass it on.) Like Comment Share 51659July 23, 2010 Mind in the beginning what matters in the endWe were in a pastors prayer-meeting on our knees. Next to me knelt an old servant of God and I couldnt but overhear what he said: Lord, forgive me where I have allowed unclean things in my life. This moved me deeply. I was still a young man and followed it up with me own prayer: Lord, help my to mind in the beginning what matters in the end. Lets live a sanctified life in the name of Jesus. REINHARD BONNKEHillsong, Sydney, AustralliaHillsong, Sydney, AustralliaLike Comment Share 607104July 23, 2010 A great God can manage with almost anybodyGod said to Joshua, "Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people (Joshua 1:2). Because Moses was dead, everybody would think, THEREFORE, they had better give up. But instead God said, THEREFORE, go into the land. It was human logic standing on its head. What a way to startwith a funeral! The funeral of the leader! But a great God can manage with almost anybody. You, meor your grandmother, if necessary. We need not look for great men, great leaders, and outstanding and capable men. God has chosen the weak things to bring to nothing things which are mighty. Are you blessed? Greetings from California. REINHARD BONNKE Ondo-Town/NigeriaOndo-Town/NigeriaLike Comment Share 724123July 23, 2010 Salvation touches all weaknesses, reaches into the past and futureEither the Cross was the most colossal blunder, a tragic demonstration of the uselessness of being a good man, or else it was the world's most colossal triumph. It was in fact the decisive victory for world redemption. A Roman spear opened Christ's side and exposed the very heart of God - all love. That price! For what? Add it up, and it spells JESUS SAVES. The words, "Jesus saves", embrace everything that defeats us. Every life has a thousand needs. Salvation touches all weaknesses, reaches into the past and future, and is for body, soul and mind, for earth and for heaven. Jesus saves us from our sins, from folly, failure and fear, pride and illusion, the devils deceit and every threatening circumstance. Christ is the Master of it all. Jesus saves! Christ's hell-shattering work has opened heaven's fountain of resources for all struggling souls. "He that believes in Me, has life." Being saved means being "born again". "To as many as received Him, to them gave He power to be the sons of God." As I write these words, my heart rejoices and affirms every word. Yes! Yes! Yes! Jesus is wonderful. REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 52170July 22, 2010 The Holy Spirit fills the Gospel with fire, life and powerPeople have a message about theology, but the Holy Spirit is not theology. He is a PERSON. It wasnt reasoning which the disciples gave us, but their experience. People preach about the Holy Spirit and analyze doctrines about Him as if He were a specimen on the laboratory table. We have a lot of dead Holy Spirit analysis. The Spirit of God is alive and active. He puts the power into the Gospel. He fills it with fire, life, and strength. It is a full Gospel. Without the Holy Spirit, it is an empty Gospel. Our preaching on its own is no better than rattling a collection of empty Coca-Cola cans. Power and life stream through the New Testament because of who the Holy Spirit is. Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE (Please tell you friends about the FB Page.) Like Comment Share 749112July 21, 2010 The sign of a living Christ is the empty tomb, not an empty churchThe Bible is a success story. It does not inspire us to fail. It inspires us to succeed. God has commanded us to advance on all fronts. The sign of a living Christ is the empty tomb, not an empty church. What is your vision? a god with His back to the wall? a god with a charitable cause? a god with servants living on next to nothing and calling it faith? a god with make-do churches, threadbare and struggling? What about Psalm 1, Whatever he does shall prosper? The first principle is to go for success. From Genesis to Revelation, God has to be reckoned with by the kings of the earth. My God is the God who humbled mighty Pharaoh and caused Belshazzars knees to knock and Felix to tremble. That disgusting emperor Nero had to hear the Word of God from the anointed and mighty apostle Paul. Our God is omnipotent and not impotent. For He alone is worthy! Have a blessed day. REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 749103July 20, 2010 The Holy Spirit takes the work of Jesus and translates it into our experience.By the Holy Spirit the work of Jesus on earth becomes His work in me. He diedand I am forgiven. He bore judgment; therefore, There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, according to Romans 8:1. Jesus was crucified, and Galatians 2:19 says, I am crucified with Christ. Jesus was buried, and in baptism we are buried with Christ (Romans 6:3), who rose from the dead. Ephesians 2:5-6 says we are risen with Christ and that when He ascended we have ascended with Him. The Holy Spirit takes the work of Jesus, identifies us with it, and translates it into our experience. This is saving truth. Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 65972July 20, 2010 We cant cleanse our soul by washing our faceChristianity is a sinners religion. It has nothing for the perfect. They would have to start a new religion. The human heart is desperately wicked. We cant cure heart disease by wearing our best clothes. We cant cleanse our soul by washing our face. Respectability is only outward. To be a Christian starts with forgiveness. That is what we must preach. That is evangelism to stress it, to hammer away at the need of it. This day is the day of salvation. Agreed? REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 677119July 19, 2010 Elijah did not go back for another display of fireWhen Elijah prayed on Mount Carmel, the fire did not fall on an empty altar. The Lord sends the fire when we lay out our offering, our time, money, effort. It is to get up steam and make us GO. Elijah did not go back for another display of fire. Experiences of power are wonderful, but that is all some may seekthe experience. But Elijah did not say, Lord, that was wonderful. I enjoyed that. Do it again! More Lord! It was enough! He had work to do. It was not the phenomena he wanted, but the victory over the devils forces. The fire of God is not for a firework display. It is for us to be burning witnesses for Jesus. Blessed? REINHARD BONNKE (Please, spread the news.) Like Comment Share 53478July 19, 2010 The fullness that fills all things, is availableConverting sinners needs full Gospel voltage. When you preach the Gospel, you are actually plugging into the power lines of God. Gods power comes from the dynamo of Calvary, the Resurrection, and the Ascension. Those are the power stations, and Gods power grid crosses the world from those great generating centers. Plug in! The weakest can know that power. The Gospel is too important to be left to our own resources and energy. The fullness that fills all things, is available. REINHARD BONNKE (Already told your friend about this FB Page?) Andrew ColbyAndrew ColbyLike Comment Share 51961July 19, 2010 The Gospel raises the dead. Logic wont.Our job is not proving things, proving that the Bible is true, or proving there is a God, proving Adam and Eve, proving the Flood, proving the tomb was empty, and so on. Offer arguments and you breed argumentsthat is all. What you sow you reap! Dont argue against darkness. Switch the light on! Just shine! Jesus said, Let your light shine before men. Matthew 5:16 indicates that you cant light even a little candle by logic. The Gospel raises the dead. Logic wont. Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE CHC, SingaporeCHC, SingaporeLike Comment Share 800128July 18, 2010 Get Gods love into your heart and true emotions flowPower does not come by working up emotions. We may shout, sweat, get excited, and whack the pulpit when we have the anointing of God. But without that anointing, we are actors, and the platform is a mere stage. God does not want theatricals. Get Gods love into your heart and true emotions flow. Anything else is emotionalism, imitation feeling. It reminds me of a man trying to speak from one city to another by shouting when the telephone line was dead. If the line is live, and there is power in it, his voice will reach the other city easily. If the Gospel is live, it will reach the hearts of hearers. Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 819129July 18, 2010 Calvary is a volcano of loveThe fire of religious zeal can be dangerous. For example, Paul, before his conversion, burned with the false fire of religious zeal, and breathed out threatening and slaughter. He put men and women into prison, broke up homes, brought misery and fear in his religious zeal. Pauls violent passion, however, turned to gentle compassion when he met Jesus. Fury became fellow feeling. Paul found the God of Calvary love. Calvary is a volcano of love, which is not extinct even today. Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 59376July 17, 2010 Time does not turn a lie into truthThe Gospel of God is not tradition. Jesus said in Mark 7:8, You have let go the commands of God and are holding onto the traditions of men. If you ask, you will probably be told that people believe this or that because people always havethey are centuries old traditions. But they may be ancient deceptions. A very old religion isnt right because it is old. Age doesnt prove it is right. Time does not turn a lie into truth. Forgers made fakes a 1000 years ago, but they are still fakes. Wrong stays wrong - forever. Yet old lies are easy to believe. The Gospel is also old, but because it was true in the beginning it remains true today! Do you agree? REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 569117July 17, 2010 FOR USChrist was born FOR US. He lived FOR US. He died FOR US. He rose FOR US. He ascended to God FOR US. He is coming back FOR US. Christ Jesus came into the world to identify with us. Through the Gospel, we come into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ the Son of God. Can you say Amen to that? The Gospel is power. REINHARD BONNKEPlease tell your friends in church about my FB Page. They will be thrilled.Freetown, Sierra LeoneFreetown, Sierra LeoneLike Comment Share 628230July 16, 2010 Good Christian CargoPreach Christ! Some preach healing or power or the Holy Spirit or just God. This is all good Christian cargo to be taken on board, but the vessel is Jesus Christ. There is nothing without Him, no healing, no power, no Holy Spirit, and not even God for, No man comes to the Father but through Me (John 14:6), Jesus said. Good Morning from Florida. REINHARD BONNKE (Please make sure your friends also receive my FB Page. It will strengthen their faith in Christ.) Like Comment Share 52186July 16, 2010 God is turning the tidesThe Lord has not called us to support a hopeless cause. We are not fighting a losing battle. We are not using a broom to sweep back the tides of evil. God is turning the tides and we are working with Him. In Him it will be done. It once looked hopeless. Jesus Himself said that the broad road to destruction was crowded with passengers but few people found the narrow road to life. Jesus came to change all that. Today millions are passing through the narrow gate into the narrow road, by means of the Gospel, and the speed will increase. God bless you. REINHARD BONNKE Fire Conference in Boeblingen/GermanyFire Conference in Boeblingen/GermanyLike Comment Share 54179July 15, 2010 Are our interests interesting to God?Let me tell you what His real interests areit is saving souls. Like a doctor is a doctor and a carpenter is a carpenter, JESUS IS A SAVIOR. If you want real fellowship, you will want to be involved in seeing souls saved. Jesus DIED for this cause. If you are not interested in what He died for, you wont have much fellowship with Him. That is His joy and His work. Fellowship with God means sharing Gods own joy, doing what God does. He is reaching out to lost people to bring them into the Kingdom of God. And so must we. REINHARD BONNKE Like Comment Share 59585July 14, 2010 Transferred to usPeople are always asking what God is saying to the church. Surely there is no doubt whatsoever! If the Holy Spirit has anything to say, it is in Scripture. If it is not in Scripture we dont accept it. But if it is in Scripture why should He repeat it? There