1 President’s Message: Reiki – a state of being First of all I wish you a wonderful year 2017, full of new discoveries and learnings! May health and happiness be the cornerstones of your life for the year ahead. With all the unrest going on in the world I find that providing Jikiden Reiki treatments is very helpful. 20 years ago as a beginner I struggled with finding the right mental place to practice when I offered Reiki. My intent was definitely to help other people to get better. I thought that I had to actually do something in order to make it happen. Now I am at the point where I enjoy immensely the state of being I enter when offering to be a channel for this divine healing energy. I had to learn that the more I can let go of my ego the better the healing takes place, no matter on which level. Our great teacher, Mr. Tadao Yamaguchi always points out: “Put your hands on the client and let the energy flow. Then relax (body and mind).” Sometimes he points out that Westerners tend to think too much. From my point of view right now I try to stay out of the process while being a channel. Of course I am still aware of the feedback from the client’s body, checking in once in a while. Other than that it’s the most relaxing and blissful state of being I experience for myself. I feel that this helps the healing process of the client as well, who picks up on this easily. I am very grateful to be part of this wonderful healing system. And I love what I do from the bottom of my heart. Aren’t we lucky to have such a wonderful ‘job’? With love from Nova Scotia Gabrielle Gietzen, Dai Shihan Chair JRAC Halifax, NS Newsletter #10 of the Jikiden Reiki Association of Canada Spring 2017

Reiki a state of being

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Page 1: Reiki a state of being


President’s Message:

Reiki – a state of being

First of all I wish you a wonderful year 2017, full of

new discoveries and learnings! May health and

happiness be the cornerstones of your life for the

year ahead.

With all the unrest

going on in the

world I find that

providing Jikiden

Reiki treatments is

very helpful. 20

years ago as a

beginner I struggled

with finding the

right mental place to

practice when I

offered Reiki. My intent was definitely to help other

people to get better. I thought that I had to actually

do something in order to make it happen. Now I am

at the point where I enjoy immensely the state of

being I enter when offering to be a channel for this

divine healing energy. I had to learn that the more I

can let go of my ego the better the healing takes

place, no matter on which level.

Our great teacher, Mr. Tadao Yamaguchi always points

out: “Put your hands on the client and let the energy

flow. Then relax (body and mind).” Sometimes he

points out that Westerners tend to think too much.

From my point of view right now I try to stay out of

the process while being a channel. Of course I am still

aware of the

feedback from the

client’s body,

checking in once in a

while. Other than

that it’s the most

relaxing and blissful

state of being I

experience for

myself. I feel that

this helps the

healing process of the client as well, who picks up on

this easily.

I am very grateful to be part of this wonderful healing

system. And I love what I do from the bottom of my

heart. Aren’t we lucky to have such a wonderful ‘job’?

With love from Nova Scotia

Gabrielle Gietzen, Dai Shihan Chair JRAC

Halifax, NS

Newsletter #10 of the Jikiden Reiki Association of Canada

Spring 2017

Page 2: Reiki a state of being


The Second Jikiden Reiki World Congress was completed with success!!

More than 220 people from 25 countries attended this grand Reiki event.

We were able to meet old friends, we also made new friends.

The Jikiden Reiki family is growing steadily worldwide.

See you at the next Congress!!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Posted on the website of the Jikiden Reiki kenkyukai (Kyoto) http://www.jikiden-reiki.com

Page 3: Reiki a state of being


Financial Assistance Grants from JRAC

Part of the mandate of the Jikiden Reiki Association of

Canada (JRAC) is the promotion and development of

Jikiden Reiki in Canada. To support this mandate, the

Association has established two grant programs.

In 2015 a grant was established in the amount of

$1,200 to assist in the promotion of Jikiden Reiki.

The amount is allocated at $100 per person for 12

people on a first-come, first-served basis. It is

expected that this money will be used for rental fees

and other costs at Trade Shows, Health Fairs, etc. at

which the grant recipient promotes awareness of

Jikiden Reiki. Persons receiving the grant submit

receipts to the Association and are reimbursed.

In 2015 three people received $100 each for Trade

Shows/Health Fairs in Nova Scotia, British Columbia

and Quebec.

The program was renewed in 2016 and in that year

four members received $100 each for Trade

Shows/Health Fairs in Nova Scotia, British Columbia

and Quebec.

The program is being renewed again for 2017 and all

members are encouraged to take advantage of this


A second grant program was

proposed and approved at the

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

on January 28, 2017:

The purpose of the JRAC

Seminar Grant is to provide

financial support to Jikiden Reiki

students wishing to attend

scheduled seminars with Tadao

Yamaguchi in either Vancouver,

BC or Halifax, NS during 2017.

To be eligible for the grant,

applicants must be members in

good standing of the Jikiden

Reiki Association of Canada and must not have

attended a seminar with Tadao Yamaguchi on any

previous occasion.

Two grants of up to $500 each have been established

to cover seminar fees. The grant monies will be paid

directly to the organizers of the events with Mr.

Yamaguchi. If no applications are received for the first

of the seminars, both grants will be awarded for the

remaining seminar.

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Only one application is accepted per person,

submitted via email to [email protected] under

the subject “JRAC Seminar Grant 2017” and stating

which seminar the applicant wishes to attend.

Applications are drawn at random in the presence of

3 JRAC members, 1 month before the seminar dates.

Note: Since the Vancouver seminar was held in

February, shortly after our AGM at which the grant

was created, an exception was made and applications

were drawn on February 8. As the successful

applicant (out of three) was repeating Shoden and

Okuden at the Vancouver seminar only $300 was

needed to cover the fees.

The application deadline for the remaining seminar in

Halifax is September 1, 2017. All applicants will be

informed by email of the results.

For further information please email:

[email protected]

Cathy Oliver

JRAC Secretary

Hawaii Hochi Update: Many of you will remember an article written by our

Jikiden Reiki friend from Pennsylvania, Paula Michal-

Johnson. In it she expressed her excitement in

meeting with Justin Stein and his research into the

history of Reiki, particularly some of the Hawaii Hochi

articles reporting on Hayashi-sensei’s 1937-38 visit to

Hawaii. Sadly, Paula passed away in October 2016 and

is surely missed by everyone.

I feel that her dedication to understanding the history

of Reiki deserves to continue. Now, I am pleased to

offer information on the entire series of articles

covering Hayashi-sensei’s visit to Hawaii as featured in

Hawaii Hochi, a newspaper for Japanese residents in


Masaki Nishina (Dai Shihan of Jikiden Reiki, Western

Reiki Master and author of several books on Reiki) is

grateful for Mr. Stein’s discoveries and he continues to

deepen the research into the Hawaii Hochi articles.

What sets his research apart from Justin’s work is that

his findings are written from the Japanese point of

view, relying on his knowledge of Japanese history

and culture, while also understanding the Western

perspective, as he has also lived in the USA.

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Some parts of the Hawaii Hochi articles have been

taught in Jikiden Reiki seminars since late 2014 but it

has been difficult to understand the whole picture

without access to all the written material. However,

Masaki has been spending an enormous amount of

time in order to share his research, which he

released on his website (Japanese only) in January

2017. I was amazed with his thorough research and

wished my English speaking Jikiden Reiki friends

could read his work, too. I pondered for a while if I

should ask Masaki if I could translate his research

into English. I felt I would need someone to edit for

proper grammar after my translation; that’s a lot of

work… however, I thought, “This is important to

share with my friends”, and I started to translate.

During the time that I was translating I thought of

Mike McCarty (JR Shihankaku and JRAC board

member) as someone who might edit my English,

especially since he was at the meeting with Justin

Stein along with Gabrielle, Francine and Paula. He

generously donated his time to offer editing advice

for the entire article. Thank you so much, Mike!

I can’t imagine how long it took for Masaki to put

together his document with all the actual articles

attached. It was tricky for me to translate the older

material from the 1930s and also to explain Masaki’s

comments without losing the subtle nuances within

his expressions. Also it must have been painful for

Mike to go through the broken English! However, this

team work has now made it accessible for everyone

to read!

I believe that team work is part of the beauty found

within the Jikiden Reiki community. Out of all Reiki

schools in the world that continue to evolve,

transform and make adjustments, I think it is nice to

have one school that doesn’t. Let’s remember that

Jikiden Reiki is not

about being better

than other Reiki

schools. Rather, we

are simply trying to

preserve the way

that Chiyoko-sensei

was taught by

Hayashi-sensei. We

need teamwork to

preserve the old


We might not need

detailed knowledge

of history, however that knowledge helps us to have

confidence that Jikiden Reiki is a well-grounded

teaching. So, the teaching doesn’t need to evolve,

rather what’s important is that each of us evolve by

practicing Reiki and working together.

With gratitude,

Mari Okazaki Dai Shihan; JRAC Vice-Chair

Chilliwack, BC

I was very pleased to assist Mari with this important work.

The English language version of Masaki Nishina’s research

can be found at:


Enjoy! - Mike McCarty

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This Japanese prayer and English

translation were brought to us

from the main temple on Mt.

Kurama by Danièle Bernier


Many thanks, Danièle!

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As a nurse and as a long time Reiki practitioner, I have often witnessed events that taught me about the needs of others that were both surprising and worth knowing.

While I firmly believe that the Reiki energy is self-regulating, I was always curious about sensations I would experience while giving a treatment. Many times it would seem as if tremendous amounts of Reiki energy was pulled through me and rapidly absorbed by the receiver. On rare occasions, there appeared to be a block or shield of some kind preventing the energy from being absorbed. In treatments to terminal patients, the energy seemed to be redirected from the physical body to regions surrounding the receiver.

Here are some stories that helped me understand to just trust the Reiki and to let go of my need to know and understand what lays beneath the sensations I sometimes experience. I would like to add that one of the most immediately effective Reiki treatments I ever had was from a new Jikiden student who felt absolutely no sensations. She trusted the Reiki energy and is proof of the simplicity of Reiki.

MRS. B Mrs. B. had malignant Multiple Sclerosis, was bedridden and had difficulty swallowing. Her very large family was boisterous and quarrelsome. I never looked forward to going into that environment, but Mrs. B. insisted that the Reiki treatments made swallowing much easier. As she became weaker over a few months, she still drew tremendous amounts of the Reiki energy. As a newer practitioner, I thought this would make her stronger and better able to cope with her decline. I could see

that she was struggling and feeling miserable. Her best friend asked me to let Mrs. B. know that it was alright to let go, rather than to continue to suffer. Foolishly, I followed this advice and Mrs. B. was furious. She let me know that

her illness was the only thing that had ever brought all of her family together; that this was her last chance to help them overcome their many issues with one another and to be a real family. A few weeks later, her family were all holding hands at her funeral, hugging and promising to visit one another. It seems as though this final gift that Mrs. B. wanted to give was finally realized. She needed the extra energy to hold on for as long as possible.

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MISS H Miss H. was a relatively young woman, undergoing treatments for a blood cancer to prepare her for a bone marrow transplant. Her sister, J., wanted her to have Reiki treatments. J. asked a friend to find someone and I was that someone. Miss H. was terribly nauseated from the chemo and begrudgingly agreed to the Reiki treatments that her sister had organized. I felt the energy was blocked and this was a very uncomfortable sensation. I kept the sessions very short and the third time I arrived, J. was visiting. Miss H., while agreeing to a Reiki treatment, began to berate her sister about anything that came to mind and seemed more aggravated than usual.

She complained that my hands made her hot, although I felt the energy was blocked. I quickly ended the session and called the woman who had asked me to provide treatments to tell her I couldn't be effective. She offered this explanation: Miss H. resented her sister and partially used her illness to punish J. for perceived lack of support throughout her life. In this light, it might make sense that Miss H. would unconsciously block a reception of helpful energy from a treatment instigated from her sister. Family dynamics are complicated. Now, whenever I sense the Reiki is blocked, I just engage the person in a conversation and LISTEN. A very valuable lesson in being there for a person in the way that is most comfortable for them.

MRS V Mrs. V. was a 93 year old woman, in care for general decline. Her room was beautifully furnished with items from her own home and I loved going there. She was in a Catholic 'rest home' and some of the very catholic staff were opposed to the idea of energy treatments; however, the head nurse always

welcomed me. The Reiki energy received by Mrs. V. seemed thin somehow and over time I sensed that the Reiki was surrounding her, rather than dispersing throughout her physical body. She had two pictures hanging on the wall next to her bed. I asked Mrs. V. who these women were. She said one was of her beloved sister and the other was Our Lady of Lourdes and that they were waiting for her. The last time I saw Mrs. V. she said that she had no pain because she could no longer feel her body. She appeared to be completely peaceful and this made me so very happy. She died a few days later and I was able to tell the head nurse what Mrs. V. had said about the faces in the pictures. The nurse said that this information was a great comfort to her as she was so fond of Mrs. V. She told me who the 'Lady of Lourdes' was when she realized I didn't know. Despite not being a Christian, this is still one of my most precious and sacred memories.

I had wanted to explore what the energy sensations might mean so that I could be a more effective practitioner. Experience has taught me that this was, and is, unnecessary. What is needed in that moment, just happens. I no longer strive so much to understand, I relax and enjoy.

I envy the newer Jikiden Reiki practitioners who already know what it took me many years to find out; just be present, be kind, be humble and trust the Reiki totally. Chiyoko and Tadao Yamaguchi have brought forth a legacy within Reiki that benefits me beyond what my tiny mind can understand. I will always be grateful.

In Appreciation, Sheila Porter

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Blogging it up!

I have started a blog for the Jikiden Reiki Association

of Canada. You can access it at:


There is also a direct link on our JRAC website.

I thought this would be a great place for us to share

with each other as well as a resource for people who

are interested in learning more about Jikiden

Reiki. Please contact me at:

[email protected] with any suggestions, news,

content or events you would like to see on the blog.

- Stefanie Dempster

Seminars with Tadao Yamaguchi President of Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai (Kyoto)

Vancouver, Canada: Feb 16-19, 2017 (Shoden & Okuden)

Feb 20, 2017 (Shihankaku)

Shihan course : upon request

Location : Vancouver, BC, Canada

Contact Mari Okazaki at [email protected]

Halifax, Canada: Oct 12-15, 2017 (Shoden & Okuden)

Oct 16, 2017 (Shihankaku)

Shihan course: upon request

Location : Halifax, NS, Canada

Contact Gabrielle Gietzen at gabrielle@jikiden-


JRAC Board of Directors 2017

Gabrielle Gietzen, President

Mari Okazaki, Vice President

Chris Binns, Past President

Cathy Oliver, Secretary

Candace Gietzen, Treasurer/Membership

Mike McCarty, Newsletter

Francine Mineault, French translation

Joyce Thomson

Natasha Palikuca

JR at the Lodge That Gives

We are pleased to welcome Stefanie Dempster into

our all-Jikiden Reiki volunteer group offering 30

minute JR treatments to cancer patients and their

caregivers at the Canadian Cancer Society center in

Halifax, NS. Other members of the team are Gabrielle

Gietzen, Mike McCarty, Sheila Porter and Winnie




Webpage for the JR Institute Kyoto


Webpage for the Jikiden Reiki Association of Canada If you have any Jikiden Reiki events, news or an article you would like to contribute to our 2018 newsletter, please send to: [email protected] We welcome your comments and suggestions on any aspect of our newsletter.