;; s ;; ' \:Z/. ' ,/ Maiufe>to for /'-JliTOiil Citizeiu to , . T liil vlw RjgfgL COLUMN |^« y 9*wou ^ 7 0 lU —Oartansa j^|] paret fcr^yigoTOtu Drive on nrr ^ x-‘ ; ; ■ Boyoiutloaista j""J itH X lW <.'iTy, .\K-X., vill Ilul- == ^esWn, ,Tck„ Muy J!-^(.Vi}{lit)— <w ' .. AbsoUitc roriiiml to u|> tl"' ^ govcn^n'ieiit of Mi-xiro to IiIh otic- m}c« wiw amiouiu'cd loiiislit li.v r^AtJcciC C’*tTtnir«.' In n }uanir?flto aiM n'm 'd (u lli>' poopio 1)0 rolled tiputi alt luyal cil- u o tu U> Kup'port liU Rovc.-riiiiiciit HffBitiat li)(i wiJcHpm ii rcliclhoiis wniclt liftVo turuod Atcxu'r> onw nioce (uto a ti6ctliiiii; iiioui of d ;| tnahfUs. ,Bocamo of the rcvoIuiioiiH i • 'UiTOURhout lho country, rwnideiit C«m nzA uU l he wuk rinnly <1(>- ddod to postpone the nniiotml cloctton At which lits succcssor wpold l»c cnosi'ii nest -Inly •>. ' .‘IThp’rovolta bf Oonml OI>re- ffon-.Bmi .Geupriil OdiiuIoH iir« WM DSlhtDK'bUt'inltlun'y ‘phitH (u uvur' throw. the ^o^iuirKilvcrnmpiit by ueto {^hntir it b iiou' •ItAost in )^ ib lo .tu. bold -prai* dchtlal ejeotloD^ ucxt July 4, u -H by Uio Mexk'an counUtu- iTho .pr9clu(nition ruviuwcd ot length triic McxiciuisUiiolion Hineo | H 1017, Icodlnjf up toanil iidnirtting tha p i^ iit re«'oJt« {« Oucrrcro, .Sbuor*,.Mjclioauan, Uuebla, Zata« ccst^ Tabasco and .variouit other a j a t ^ ''' . ' ' , , • Before Generals Obngim uni] QotttaliSr .revolted, tho country ... .■«fi«'‘ .nparly pacified," «nld' the do^iiie^.- .and tbo preildcnt's 'ey ‘fbe#t’<iJiB$,woro tif toni over t)io reln> o f gov^mincrtt to a man j«un df^t*^ by4 ln> people.” hk-. V ibytrsineDt'WBii m llr botlev- didn lu -A « t U)«'«poch of cnuo cl'euti uiil Kiiff *n Me»lM had Hop .' TU# priaWant h*j flrtnlr decldwl. II fcboSantd, ,Ulat tta« coTemment wlU >ot^.iariib(l over'to alihor Obregon heat .nr OoaiiiUtirbnt. tliat be «ni lean uu,:i tbt, pnkUMwy onlr In Ui« hand* ot a^aa^M w ^ Ol, peopla to .u c g ; *'T6»»orin»n»bnt u'r«M r iit» com- »‘i, « •» < » -a ^M duouh camiuilRn BRalnxt nn.n ■M>a»Ml«U.^nSi|aUok;»«lpu^ . Ib Uie:r«nbllii.attd.ln liop«tul or mic> ii ’ : dQiiB. .tUo pretttot " ‘^1’ O^Tb* i W ^ l o ^V«od with u ailrrinic od ii app^«5lf^|leM w lc K i. to lorally fiSsSfeS”-' ' ‘r’”! ,f^ O te * « S ^ i* o o MB/tola. ho*4lW P.™' rA «. pO*«rftilj'MlHniB ot ftdenl troop*. (^Iiui tor .lMebU Uu> ^ y '^ % ntfvw & da (o cnn > , 6fcflw*MVWblo.Op(«ale*, ^ .’ItfeUatl-'wuKdiia of Ui« newt torero . Mow* to the C am nu r«|tme. nicn , ' , : ' (Ul 1 BL PABO. Toa.. Mar Bp—Plana aro hi . . . mord I^''« m th w |h l on 'UtxIeo o ir . ..trM ,Jpk^wU b.tbi.obJ*ft otoTor- niii ^ «»■! ' Wtfojrsd-oMOQO iMB.- - - ~ - >*0 ‘ ' Itlarnkeqaoed br the rebal !<ad«r« Wui K ' .that tb»:U W e«''% ni'rt»tt>tl1>-MOO plo .. , M a’^m'CADiDakiiB'asd'Uiat 4006 * ' w H I'jj^tbta'iM ltf eolomn a* « p r* -rt« . - SUia 'j?mthward. Wbsr* tha Villa M®’ . .tBMita jklinAliD-U.haa BOt bM a'dlt- > .' . ' cJbaad.. . \ • hoi . . WAfltUWION.. .Way t-Torraon. i,,, ra'oit. InporUnt cl^aa dt _i; Uaxleb- a!^ ¥ atrai«alo poim haa r«- la in the hands of the Mex- <>>( leaiL liM ia. aceordinf (o adrlce* (o a»^ ■ tlitfvfc«M ''pr we Sonera-rtnitotlon •' .. kete tM ar' Qenaral Cmm Ho Ciitro, . , . tad^l'M nm sder lD ,tb^^. ta re- Sl pAfLY Tfflfg3 "/s T W IN jjici TwcIto liiindritl inonjUtn ot Hio }'?))lali>Anicr^n» Uglon muriwl troiii KiirotMt tl>o n lh r r day o:i (ho RloamiOilii Anilunnc. Wlih tlifin wen Mlaaca R»«'c(ta,ot HwHon. akor- nt I’aMalc mill iCarcmliiiUa of Ilcnifixtcnil, T.. <J H'carlnc mc<lBlii prcMfmlPil' liy J I'Rdctcwnkl fortW lr Hmlcc* wtili tJio jl Polldh W'llli*. Crou,.' All tiiwp vtifrnnx' a wrre clven n warm ivclcnnie Iionu- a'nil ‘9 inntij- nC lho iiiett «(fCn«J}'nro riiX-iitQS JM 111.(lie tJnlliM atilM nnil}-. IH Willie Hoppe 1 Opponent—H, The Playiil Milliard Champion Dereati Matfhes Here Ycstefdaj pert Gives LectJre a I (Kn»Hi th li’ii a (ancli to plnjSll iiecd'dir w icitmnrjTil ilrifteil tivor In M olinit imrtnef^ (Miarlei lat(> wc fonnd tlie lu w^h hillliird cntlinait noMHrtity lo see the y ih R J'OIIUlt W lo w WHtr (lie tatik* i)iid H'c ’(ub{i of tlic hoy« went .wiini th p bii; niiilt'h to HfArt. ;... hfuii'd ih liored Vntiter ujt't lookint; yoimc fctlow u( tia- tali uG((j-‘ Duvnll warn "t up in court iiv lUii JitKt UK we-were looUinif nround to dronhijj v«icL> nbovc our hcudtremor! It wiiH Frank Mutliwin wnarinR a 1 Ice mild iiitere«t. TliiR wan atartlinif t oy bf fhe erowil nnd u'e uot«l tbnt, i Ihw of tho mnn M'utcil neur thn luht?,' ■un whn wuh iiiiloli'nlly ulii?)ciiitr .the I le. Atiuut tblll tinm he Htoppcd, Hhi idn’l eonie and %viintcd frOm 'the,till liffieicnt, then, lo iilcutirylt with I [oppe, peer of hllliiird jdnyi-rH. ,| rnnicd ahovo tlic table on which he w ^hu clinmpiiiu is h medhuii aix“d' eariaj; brrutliia inmlirtl.v. Tliia uiinw mile miide il liurd fur'ihe Kroiip nf wii Jok.iiiif on tho iirido o[ New York, t CKpitn thu iinfavorulile eoiiditioini, he '.j, w hii'h, whiiv im t i-iinxi(li'rn1»lf fu r s.n <-liliui|iiiitisliip jii'rloi-iimnee. He :ihk« till) nill hut tin- riKiiiX's w itc Hi 5<'PI^’- • . . .SfcunwJulc'lhL’ bori'd, sud I'yi'dnin alertly, to liiu tiihic and becnn unu-h nni'Iced eontniKt to lIoppc’H (tenllenexj; rudjzu Unvall il.Jd l; HiiirluH f . 'l ’Oti >rovidin)( tiiu I'bniiipion’fi ojijinfiition.' lianipioii, mukiji^ one run of >l>(. hii loppe. ilin Kjicciitlty WOH to cnmo Iul W heu lIo|i|ic’8 Hiring wan riin -ou pr>i»tM, wilJinTiavirrajfc of UJ iicjilluiiciiU I'ctembii hnd Kuthorod U l-' ul by i'lwy *'mirKln|{” of the biillH, h n mukloK diffieiill hIio' ih biit itf'iiv Ie hjMl wliirted off )»ith n nm of CO fo lercd three in Ihc accoud. Ilin high ni 'IUI of uue in liie ucxt iiiuiii^. An uiii- itring. .';A l»i>fh nJM o f 15f> diirinif tJji) cvej > bnliibtU inii^ti^r |iilUfthl uniialH.'fvI yV25U (0 oCyi^j^oiVcv^uiug uwns •,^., ,4»ct^r80ii'ii RC^oii With. tKc' Jimcl aSiC fil^vo tb ftvg'uushion cardnm, Ui nrurtt w,ov&n Into tlic uioat intricpte \oi plotoli^HabjuKitcO by-hia mieauuy' mu fxtjlbllidjji that '.tlie crowd tlisedvi^rixi Bp^right.hum or in,th« ctjuallyjMid i; I'h iH 'n ^ .n o ii^ ’a ve^i li'iiumn uu't home;' Slightly aved iit'firiit iit>^hi>.'p laxc^ tuc! hef^ P<(tio(; tbo pei’fo m d applauding (lie .-yrroug ahota cheerful ct^auiplon 'a ni'ctbodi and'tcelmiqtte wit the crowd gavelloppe an^* poiutCnroi ati.nvay it hai] h ({rawd lim f. ' .■Seofo forlliotwo miiteliwit .' Aftcrnoun— '._VU /S- THB ONLY NSW F A U TWIK PALLS, n>AH ''-'iji |M |g n r<iii ;(nl< Inul opirr MHHHHVBHK hBBB' - , .UUI f I " liaUi .Is Easy *! fie Does-All iiig In Match "S Th ' “ ' " »mp •ulld ats Peterson tn Pair of ' ipect lay—Fancy Sh6t Ex- 'iX„ $ and Exhibitions i>r<« Sll. Allot 1 the IVvM Hox .fuK) ijSljilliantH with Jlonpi-. All ybi tlce* 'jTitfr^Tnnrriii-pTln: ------------------ :-------trict; 1 Mniv«'nl‘;y''N ytW erdny to se e 'th r •“‘’lli etwwji-tbp>«diiuiii>iQiwviKl.hiH trnv- irfeji.lA'l*clcn<im.. Arriving u hit 5 lunkcaWft ’ I'lcnehepi woll fiHed „nu naiaslM, Katberil for the big op ori 1C iM'rfeoted tcunic. A (jiiiet look- ncni ,vH» Idly'clieldng lhe.hnilu nroiiin' J>w look n wut, i-iini'itn(ing that Roim. {,,,^| 'nnniiig up 11 hit wliile wiutiug foi ,«en *iir(.' • niuneliiK »l a sad eyed muu ttsr. lltempluttnii of lhr fhtor imder lln . Th fnhio, wo Wdtnlfrcd brwfly wh« m Ib usutii.,. =*‘*1' I to HCf if n«|>ii; luul arrived 'yet -iq,, , iiarkeij "itl.*'- ho f ' A looK that iippeared ver^v inui'l. tig cnbuii'h to eall for a ipuek sur- -jigf lit, iill oycH, exccpt the bon-d, oni f ai iff^ w tre glued oil tbe t|iuet ywuip ^liow he ballH along one rail of lhe tn- 10"'P liHtened brieflv for a cliek that .tilhlc., A glance at hin faee wu> ® h tlx! photograph of 'NViliiam F. H. p08l uud iircseiit, which liunp FC e w u| playing. IIL s"(1'youth, .wbiiKi- iippcarnuee nud,';- inKHiimiiig iitlllndc aud a fciendly ;. ' wiiSrcVn fniw lo reoliw they-wcriJ ' k, tlii.‘ "world'« cucinurvK l. Iiut. , he. Inid iH-st iKiiiiplotod B run of ; fur Ilojipe, rould nilt hi- tIiKpuiei’ Hae lie Itinl Inirilly exerlwl hiliiHelf. Iw .. a lliiTiMieviirtheleKH. "Vw, iJ wan . nnill, Hiidilenly Cnnie to lifo, wnlk- nchinc guiiuiiig the ballH in'ruthpr neHi^. Then wti wiw thn'fit waan't I»0tflrii6fi.‘ rmiey j h o t u .^ e r t. wna >11.' ],lViorHOu-liimKolf, iicted liko o uie hlit he didn't pretinid to m iw d iliat t iatei\ .' . ' , Aihn I but,'iHking eigllt uiuiiiKH for Ihl 14 niul.^he high run of nln-ndy i}l-' lloppu'fl'ganie had hi-eii mark- H, hiK grcutneiih heing evident, not |i«q •avoiding tliu-uecCKsity of llfdil. Adm 1) for the finil iiuiiug but ouly gur- "to - I ru u of «3 watt followed by liU low *|J’ U uiieoinplctcd ruu of 32 ftuiHhwl Jiis eVfjiiHg.inaleh, WiiU'i he elininplpuV t.')vhenhi> (\rf^iii‘d Ifctehiou'handi' t ub jrnge waH’4l/4i:M ii .iliij;iniiiug.' ' dolu lucliglU' cimie'^»itlr--lim i"i»teroatiug S drawn. fQU’ii>yjtm j)h 8t.'d r \oikM for tli? LYQf>:''kli>l)Hlc«,-coiu- CUO. It waS'dii^iug tho'funcy shiil irati n. twinkle'lii ih« a^d.O’M flpi) Id'vtrtw- . ; " 6fa’ j«?tiorw helped tho crowil to feel ot nJ.^prcHc.nec Of gK‘atnCii#,.itaiK>u 3^* W (|Jc buck llkV^ia j>Jtl W uHd. gain i^lly, aud<«Utiiig iliivYid^'un the t>r wttKpalPoni||n'g fwodom. Whi^hcr be woc>ol-can oMy ho g^uswcil at hut ' :i U y-46- ar> 1 12 22—260 S l I, ;a 12 ,.i 21) III •'— g; I , - . ' jn M S ABO, T H S S ^ A ¥ ; 8, M S l M fc iii IB I Plii 's . 4 ^, , . n B usinw ^M Jral^m vfll _ J? T)roufi(k State, on Special T rain fCVfll ... veiill ."<1111 Liike t.it y ’x lnuii\i-ed Imni. ewi itieii, truverm ir »nr n.,H|u-i;iii1 ,cJiOi piin. willl nn itinei'ury tbat'In- lude»;. ;il idnho I’iHca, iiiviu\fii Svnj I-'nllM lldn nffm rttn;! on llrd r •'W'ti el-aeiiMiiiiiteil e.x»'Ui-«iiiii-inlti this (ale Ni'i-kiiig 'ilie. phiiiiolloii -ut* U)<Ui: nille riibitiotiH mid liitei-slal,- '.'u- , tTlll.l pernliun. • • .................. .nury l-'iirly thia iiioniiiig the 'KnR .1 en laUi'ni piiw d ihrougli tbin eily ^ i"| II llu-ir wuy to b'iUr uiu\ Huhl •here tbey spent the foreiifHiii. he.iipei-iiii wtui ilui* in T w in l''n1lH giiin at 2:10 'iliiit iiriernoou. A .hn 1 mimtlor ot h'»-aJ l)U«i».^.K meu iet lhe truin nud ael.-d im'eseorl J'*"” >tiio party’s lour of the eity nml H Hurromidinga. jeica Th# whoJc^le «li»trJcl,lM ig >nipriilriK sixteen tuilld blocks. Us 1.ion illdinf prognaa ami liU!.lnflM crnwih a. III 1)0 prciented for tlio tlillors' ln- -nann leciloQ dur^OK Utelr stay bore. VIr* ,xpe< rox nhnn'laff SS nan- -bu«lR«i'* Mtali- '0 se ^hiiicm* uoder conntructlon nlnce ;uU 1 10 flrat at the yrur, ni.-vonil of them ^,1 ir reaily oparaUDK. will aino bo offer- ,oa p I. AmoQK the llKl arc auveral (u« IROS ROif T«i>air •^opll, (hrcd n(c». a d,u I .Ilor shop, two ■rocerlcn, musle Hiore. ^,,,1 ' ruR store, aboo repair shop, plumb- >C iliop. stallDgiirT atoro ami iwu of- niaBc ce.bulldlni^ In thn wholoaale din- .hlUhoi«V.''Iranafer IftitlillnR and ^ ^ 1 mtractWc plant »rk -lemons the lm* oj, rovemeiili. TVfO.;ttbure1iea.‘a labor untile, hith 'sebool addltlon-aiul. Elks’ illdloc are amoor the publlo balld- iRs under «matrucUon; Two apirt* ® / . cm bulldlne* and njanr now dwell* ^ , ie» will' demonstrate the ununual ro«Mh of lhe. Twin Falla reildenco ,, lilrlcL - KiRhty-flvi! liouicti have ten lUrtcd nlnco ihu first of this Tho TlnlllnR Uuslurss nmn will rc Bla lof tbiM cu v uain ioi<)orroir andi,. .j,, clenilvo plana tor lb«lr ontprlaln* on and iniolier In Parish liaU will b* 5®^ 10 fcaturn attraction. Shoshone Palli , id other sciolc oUractlona «)m . . ,, 9 ahown (o the Utah gueiU. Thaf " tor are prepared to taHa ad»aniaf« , r an* eoiorujnmenl opportunily Is lown fiy lho facl that they aro ac- , inipunleil hy .ihe Orlol orcheiira ot nil t-ako Citr, which baa boen otter- 1 for aervlco whorqvei* <Ioalrod bere. IBBilpS 1 .'.iiliiii sis s - . . . - . .................... non , ' , • _____ , Uioni fa^ .H&To Told lA'tter to W atch '^M* th*BritUh,Heiw^btrt>etir. ed fflma Indlsoretloiu , ■ • • • ' . ouar WASHINGTON. May C.-AdiHlr»l William‘a . Henson. Joniior clilot ot aral'oparallooB. imld today betoro lie aenate naval .attain conutiltlee i„.„ .mt "H 'll pOMlble'* th a t ho '•ftri.'Xl Xr 1 dmlral' William s;.sitna <m,Al«'<W- arture'. tor .Curooo at th« etUl.mnh f the' war that •^e would 'aa ioob ,u \ Iffht lAe UrllM aa tJie-Uenuaa:;.-' ’ . He oxplalbod, howerer; ' Ibat War aQ not been actnallr declared wlion ' tn idmlrarsima lott and that ha Ijopod »ui: to trevent any lireacb ot ueuinllir ani) y IndlicreUooa" on (be pan of Hfma. v«fii "Why did you say:' •Dob’i' Jet tlio flio )nUih pall' (be wool orar yuur Woe year " aataidUonaior Hale. - exjlt "« wa*only* r5«Bro.W»poocJ» Uat ',■ used to exftrcas-iny.vlawa of a'very loUtM*-alluatlon,'! M pjlral, Benson W,,i M i.: . ^ . • ' W ‘^ d 70U repeat U laterr aaked tbe fV. iaTrriiih;----r—rr--"— -WJiei rw eal .io Unilo® ,‘n 1»tV L*^ lra’«err^lMBC'H*ad'lo'pMMt-6Ht- ^ at.iuth:ateellBK h^.;Mpla)alnKthkt ^ by Uld BrlUabi aad J »«f!U« .(Ul be be nore caVetuJ fof .)da aake."-, ■■■ " I ----------- Reign ~".^^^uj^cans 1 TiTp^^'^ Stan intei^ft Now Shifts to|-<^ Gonventibh With Pen-| rose Aiming: tor Con*| troi of Sl^e; | ^ WAsyj.VOTOK. VWuy .C .-A ll lu ll i^- cvflu klutfifl luvo.now U'old’iftclr rcii-' T eiiiluaii or ’prlmuvica tor lho hcIci:- ! -I' lou uf S31 ot lho unal ut SIS ileli!- ' lucji lo llio liljj ciiui-us Ul clilL'URd clioilulud lu lioRla tour.wouks (n>ui ' .0X1 Mouduy. Yet ulraoHi uupxPiHcl- d lonluilon HI lu who’s' who nmoni; lie 0 , 0. R candlitRRi (or lliu primi-: A ciitlul ilio). tlv:!i)iui)! fl rnturc of ilio hIiuuiIuu. fl Coluntilo lioliU lu Hlnlu coiivuiUlou I ixliiy, Mniuliiy WyumlUR will lollnw fl ull. Un M»y 18 t’onn»ylvnnlii win Ki’.f u [irvki’ifcnr/af prorercn(<i Vri- fl utry und next'duy Alulianm wIlMiavu fl euiivpiKiun. OrvRun . InlluwH wlili fl pilinury .Muy -Jl. ilieii Tolas iMuy , I M. Wrnt VlrRliila (Mny -jr.). and Vur- fl K'lil (Muy '^(j) ivlll tvlnd.up ihu ncH- ^ ;iti, lliu iicvcn Klulcn HcleclUiR lhe .'muliiliii; 153 UcloRiUcii tu luaUo up 10 liiliil. tviii Hul nothhiR can hiippcn lu nny <if tn (rl lein niaici uiiiiorlully l<> cliance ilui Ik-Iioii .alUK f|uo, y'rom now on llio airiiB- — ^— lo will nol l)« 10 much to'capturo sIcRaieii beforo Uio convention metin Tt]^ « lo oliiain a nirong nlralcelc pwJ- on la Ihu rouviiitlon lUelt. */*// A. tlRhi (or Ihc tutnporivry chair- * *" lannhip Ih In proiipccl. Anolher In J ii tpectod lo .orliic uui of the toniciu I Beat ionic of cho tlelogntloni, iwot 111 nell Already havUm been salecl*| I In h'orlda; Soudi ('Arolinn, OMr> la and Mlinlmlppl. whllo oilur JUk- uiCH are In Uiu utring. miliihle uver IC lA^uliilana. OklaliTima. TenncxHuu Ild VirRlnlit rtuir<f{B(0H. Anil perhaim of ' lero i\'lll Ijovilirrs. but i1ic»e icrliii- unili laRW. ll lo bollCTCd, will he nurc ..j. uipont BtfBlm compared to lho fieixo ttvertitg for itoslilon. ^ pid-Ruard leaden huvo laUiuakd . " lull Maior. Obitomt L«hanl".^Yoi»d - ^J!J BOI do. Tbey aay bt> Jiau Hel layed lhe [pme. Ho' rotund to auy Jt of lUloi clulnted by tavorlieiunk nd lhe "reRulars" Inslsl that tho con- enilon nhall ho •‘resulnr" If any. a' dnt rd j iienaior Uols rcnrose, republlciiu . 1^ ° ludtr, HlUluR In I'lilladoliihla, ha« irtnnlly Rl>en the thnnilui down hIrq . of « u Senator Hiram Johnson. oppuHlnj; I the fsKor Benator .riillandir Knox. ?•«« lao uf Penniylvanlu. Like Iho Hina- vt I >r irum California Kuor oppoird Uii 8< :a^UB uf uiillQnH. ho U a^“rcsular,'' . of ( lilcIi Juliniion has nol been ' alnce lu»i c' itoliod lho pany with Tlieodore ulil .ooa«vo:t In 1B12. Johnion. they oqui lalm Is a "radical" Instead ot a ) rcRU'jtr," and Iho “regulan" are «■/« Korberi Hoover, llkowlii, accord- IR lo SenaUtr Penrose, “could never e nomliMied by uny rtfiubllcan con- eRllon.” Senalor Wsrron Q. Hardinc o t OblQ I laid to havo ellmlnatod hlmielt by '. rlnnlQR a bare plurality- in hli native - tale ot Ohio aod by ninnlnr lam lo MIhh be/IiiaKnu prIinaHei of Tuesday. thlle ao*arnor U)wdan 'of flllholi (s (A ot ao much talked ot ho«r as be wbi, \ liouch lUtl conildcred la ,Uie ruonlni \ M<)anllme Oonenl Wood leada tho Ield M> far as InatrucUd dileRnteii m fonccrncd. .oilonoiiw jlllui 0. , 'ro^uir of Cincinnati. Wood'* .rud- , ' Ror. loday wired ‘>V«di|iirton haad- . lUBTfon clatmiojr 3B1, ddaKataia al- rady cpm'roiuea tO .tbe f*h»f4l.'wot W " Ounilof. IndUaa, :whlcb. aUW Jiolda I, convention' nosv iWeUBAidiyi ffilobld hll cbhTetiUon teal ffloritlri bodM th Ib- pilrtiBl IU Mei»a<m Ur Ou vUnsr ^ •'w- •.“ •!#«» maid profit , - ' Wood’a backen «flalni ro .,1^' Ulo lhe canronUoB,iriai: Sol leaa than fM"" iflflrolBi.. Oiio:'mar Cheretera b)* cer- *2^^ »IB he win noi7miU wjUioiit a Ililit ; lUretn JoliBiop’a frienOa clllm the , rountrya popular \-pte.|rb«ilB'l him md tbat recent prinarte*'-. and con- i'enlloiii »iho» 11; bat Ihoy muit tlRhi me-regular-, ropnbl&ma' and the Wood crowd a( ih« aaaio'tlme. it ihoy BXjlect lo.,fe[Wfc\Chlo<«o Mlmpairod. OeitAl M Wood-* - o p V o i w i W ^ t l w ; (gj TWO leased I IM E S P ^ r ^ t f/zs Among !d( l^PJc/cing~^f nddrdBsarer^l SK>. JiyiS. PKMIOHK \V tVlifi may luive his baudx full IrjIuRK i„„ I Irll Johiuiili, Wuod, rl nl, huit _____________________ ^ 1.1 lli 'V a r C o st T h ir ty ^ '^ive M illio n s O fy»< liv es is th e R e p o rt' iku lujiio I"'' LONDON. Muy C.—Tho louil H pu ci.Hi uf Ihc worlil war lu llvo- luiuii hnif .readied lh« aiijJsIlInK Hijiirr , Mu.v of 30,aSO,OUO. n.u'o;dluR to Until ;tlic < oRilitiaieii mudc hy lho Coiwnha* 1, 'iRon Boclfliy fdr the aiiidj- of tlio I**!'!!.” <’niu«tj«nr#» ' ot ,• 'Var and | otllc ', Th«# illRureo ,were5.re«hed at- "h'* tcr au cxlwuMlvo'slud>''of lho dc- “ «V- ereaia .in lhe .blriU ,r«e Pt, the countrlea'lnvolTcd,- aa wp(|-#« In- cPDdio In dasthfJtronivcatiaea dl- W . ro'cily ■aiirlbulo^ lo lU> wa*-.,' .\ciilttl nillliorV d e a l^ lo ilti- cd juialod J.&SB.wOO, Bccbr^lni: lo j ^ , tho report. Kbc* ifnropenn ua- ' _ Ilou tiiVolved loiV tlib'equinileitt " of «,8 ^ r cent of lm .populatloii ...^ troiu all (lauBua. Eodt oallitn's _ killed Muaitei) i.i per wai J.S, vt III populalluii. . ■ . Serbia was lho hoavleii lulfaf- Of uf ull ih'tf-hilllRcrohui." Slip offlct luol Jicr cent ot her tota) pop- |„«nr ulillun. while her actuikl killed tb oqualletl:. 14.S';per cooL> ; . u,,i , l'-- ' J ' Bt+I llOlllilSW M l 'GaTttpp Utoikter, .to_8??^den^I^l<M j^ t\ Oomuia C M IW -M 07 " yAm^canAyiju^adiir ° \lly I'UANK K^ BiUSON (l.V;-H. J»«K (^.rfiapondeaO. ',2 UKltlV.V, May « . ^ l k .Velsuo Mor- |uo,| Ui.AmViciui.mlnlitarlio Bwo)Iod thar •een ordorcil ( a - ^ r ttn .rriini. Scook- ik^ i ioliD. Il II. uado^«^:^d< wl» Uke ]h. iver A tu3rleA n;M i!rt\^ Zi, nieoduro Vircnadt, w ho Aa^bwn acu BR os AVierlpaa‘;ooqmifailBB6r(tor 2** lome njotiihi. Mri 'O j^ e l fi*Wlndnjf Tbo lniDns:t^n ,0 4 ^ here .that (tvii leoB ai'oeambotwaeB’-tbo two'eouu- »|««i Tien la itttjeU W l'-'*'': ^1? Jn dlplOBxaUB'cli^dea ll 1* rawrted '' Ihat- BacUBd', Aitd’ Jia)r.wl11 wnt| ifiio .ambufattorf - Oerlin. ip an Itliin. -Piily Ona «( Ottio’tiaif^aflallo- 'A^'i 1 tSf IW5 ; II OLD vbL.'xni.'Bo'vM tL iiir E iS S l__ MNSNBiiHS-- . I.r' '. .'J'.-l;A ',C S). »RGE|tFiE lISPilTEBDlD rimothy Healy Makes Bold Assertions of Knavery :ORPORATIONS ' BEHIND-SCHEME Jnju3l Cbnrgca Agoinit Loyal Wcritera Force RadlcalUm .1 Union Chief Sftya W A S II I .\ IJT (» N , .May .(i.— hurgi's llm l .\ltiirpey Uonerul . ’{iJmer in i»n'oJvi'iJ jit a i.-tmHpiriiey II ilist i-i'dil union luhor were modt^ efore tbe ruilroml lalmr honrd to- luy by Timothy llculy, ptTsidcut f ‘lhe Inlerjijitionul Brotherhood f Slaliouut-y Kiremeu.uiid Oilortf.- •Tertaiii high govcrnmfiut of* ieiiils ure being niicd to discredit jiio)) labijf.” Huuly »uid. “ They re being used by corporntiona as part Ilf 11 rtiuHpirm-y .Bgaiiuit .aum labor. Thin biuilc-about lu.v liuy outiire'aka in n jm rfipt lie eouupiriicy.'’"','' (.ninirnmn liurtuu pl-oteH^cd ;;uiuHt nny nttai-ky On govcrbiAQlit fliuinla. .:-Ma'..juen y>nt you, to , know .tUtii. nil (niiructed R>e~m lejl, nu.v :w<t loaly. "I niUijt.'Jilltitiel'Aralr,':,', “.Na srealer lie ' over'ytlUtfM ‘ Ifn il^t «>o men', wlio qultV .w it rin on ilio raJ2rea<2« tur ero laelUui to oTo^row.i^sV ivr- rnraenL" ■. t .' . ■'v . J * '”'* H ulr doclircd lt«^a(l orfdeiii^;il(«t ter* WB» a-i}bnap^yy.M |aaat4ii^ iiotiof jrar.uay^ptiaiatijapajlltf. ' : • .• •V 'r- - h w ^ - A V p b i 'i ’g i a i l w S ^ ittSt fa' hav^Vtl^ y ^ gT ili^ ^ C T if >ni. W ^Utg.'TOlcid alfitov aWtl i ^

Reign Among ~.^^^uj^cans 1 I Plii Stan nddrdBsarer^lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ’ Uaxleb- a!^ ¥ atrai«alo poim haa r«-la in the hands of the Mex- >(

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Page 1: Reign Among ~.^^^uj^cans 1 I Plii Stan nddrdBsarer^lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ’ Uaxleb- a!^ ¥ atrai«alo poim haa r«-la in the hands of the Mex- >(

;; s ;; ' \:Z/.

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■ liilvlw RjgfgL COLUMN | «

y 9* w o u ^ 7 0 l U —O arta n sa j^ |]

p a r e t fc r^y ig o T O tu D rive o n n r r

x - ‘ ; ; ■ B oyo iu tlo a is ta j""J

■ i t H X l W < .'iT y , .\K-X., vill Ilu l- = = ^esW n, ,T c k „ Muy J!-^(.Vi}{lit)— < w

' . . A bsoU itc roriiim l to u|> t l" ' ^ govcn^n'ieiit o f Mi-xiro to IiIh otic- m}c« w iw am iou iu 'cd lo iiis lit li.v r^A tJcciC C’* tT tn ir« .'

In n }uanir?flto a iM n 'm 'd (u lli>' p oopio 1)0 r o lle d tiputi a lt luyal cil-

‘ u o t u U> Kup'port liU Rovc.-riiiiiciit HffBitiat li)(i w iJc H p m ii rcliclhoiis w n ic lt liftVo tu ru o d Atcxu'r> o n w n ioce (u to a ti6ctliiiii; iiioui o f d ; | tnahfUs.

,B o c am o o f th e rcvoIuiioiiH i• 'UiTOURhout lh o c o u n try , rw n id e ii t

C « m n z A u U l he wuk rinn ly <1(>- d d o d to postp o n e th e nniiotm l c lo ctto n At w h ic h lits succcssor w p o ld l»c cnosi'ii n e s t -Inly •>.' . ‘I T h p ’ro v o lta b f O o n m l OI>re- ffon -.B m i .G eupriil OdiiuIoH iir« W M D SlhtD K 'bU t'inltlun 'y ‘phitH (u u v u r ' th ro w . th e ^o^iu irK ilvcrnm piit b y

u e t o { ^ h n tir i t b iio u '•I tA ost i n ) ^ i b l o .tu. bold - p ra i* d c h tla l ejeotloD^ u c x t J u ly 4, u - H

b y Uio M exk 'an counUtu-

iT ho .p r 9c lu (n i tio n ruviuwcd o t le n g th triic M cx iciu isU iio lion Hineo | H 1017, I co d ln jf u p to a n i l iidn irtting t h a p i ^ i i t re«'oJt« {« O ucrrcro ,

.S b u o r* ,.M jc lio a u an , Uuebla, Zata« c c s t ^ T ab a sc o a n d .variouit o th e r a j a t ^ ' ' ' . ' ' , ,• B e fo re G en e ra ls Obngim uni] “ Q ottta liS r .revo lted , tho c o u n try ... .■«fi«'‘ .n p a r ly p a c if ie d ," «nld' th e d o ^ i i i e ^ . - .and tb o p r e i ld c n t 's 'e y ‘ fb e # t’<iJiB$,woro tif to n i o v e r t)io re ln> o f g o v ^ m in c rtt to a m a n j«un d f ^ t* ^ b y 4 ln> p eop le .” hk-.V ibytrsineDt'W Bii m l l r botlev- didnlu - A « t U)«'«poch of cnuo c l'euti u iil Kiiff

*n Me»lM had H op

. ' TU# priaW ant h* j flrtnlr decldwl. II fcboSantd, ,Ulat tta« coTemment wlU > o t ^ . i a r i i b ( l over'to alihor Obregon h eat .n r O oaiiiU tirbn t. tliat be « n i le a n uu,:i t b t , pnkU M w y o n lr In Ui« hand* ot a ^ a a ^ M w ^ Ol, peopla to . u c g

■ ; * 'T6»»orin»n»bnt u 'r « M r iit» com- » ‘i,« •» < » -a M duouh camiuilRn BRalnxt nn.n ■M >a»M l«U .^nSi|aU ok;»«lpu^

. Ib U ie :r«nbllii.a ttd .ln liop«tul or mic> i i ’: dQiiB. .tUo pretttot " ‘ 1’

O^Tb* i W ^ l o ^V«od with u ailrrinic od ii a p p ^ « 5 l f ^ | l e M w l c K i . to lorally

f i S s S f e S ”- ' ' ‘r’”!, f ^ O te * « S ^ i * o o MB/tola. ho*4lW P.™'

rA «. pO*«rftilj'MlHniB ot f td en l troop*. ( Iiui tor .lM ebU Uu>

y ' ^ % n t f v w & d a (o c n n > , 6fcflw*M VW blo.Op(«ale*, ^

. ’ItfeUatl-'wuKdiia of Ui« newt to rero

. Mow* to th e C a m n u r«|tme. nicn, ' , : ■ ' (Ul 1

BL PABO. Toa.. Mar Bp—Plana aro hi

.. . mord I ^ ' '« m t h w |h l on 'U txIeo o i r

. . . t r M ,J p k ^ w U b .tb i .o b J * f t o toT or- n iii

• «»■!

' Wtfojrsd-oMOQO iMB.- • - - ~ - >*0 ■ ‘ ' I t la rn k e q a o e d b r the rebal !<ad«r« Wui

K ' .that tb » :U W e « ''% n i 'r t» t t> t l1>-MOO plo . . , M a ’ ^m 'C A D iD ak iiB 'asd 'U ia t 4006

* ' w H I 'j j^ tb ta 'iM l tf eolomn a* « p r * - r t « . - S U ia 'j?m thw ard . Wbsr* tha Villa M®’

. .tBMita jklinAliD -U .haa BOt b M a 'd lt- > .' • . ' cJbaad.. . \ • ho i

. . W AfltU W IO N .. .Way t - T o r r a o n . i , , , ’ ra'oit. InporU nt cl^aa dt _ i ;

’ Uaxleb- a !^ ¥ atrai«alo poim haa r«-la in the hands of the Mex- <>>(

leaiL liM ia . aceordinf (o adrlce* (o a»^ ■ tli tfv fc « M ''p r w e Sonera-rtn ito tlon • '. . k e te tM a r ' Qenaral Cm m Ho C iitro , . , . t a d ^ l 'M n m s d e r l D , t b ^ ^ . ta re-

Sl p A fL Y Tfflfg3 " / s


j j i c i

T w cIto liiindritl inonjUtn o t Hio }'?))lali>Anicr^n» U glon m u r iw l troiii KiirotMt tl>o n lh r r day o:i (ho RloamiOilii Anilunnc. W lih tlifin w e n Mlaaca R»«'c(ta,ot HwHon. akor- n t I’aMalc mill iCarcmliiiUa of Ilcnifixtcnil, T.. <J H'carlnc mc<lBlii prcMfmlPil' liy JI'Rdctcwnkl fo rtW lr Hmlcc* wtili tJio j l Polldh W'llli*. Crou,.' A ll tiiwp vtifrnnx ' a w rre clven n warm ivclcnnie Iionu- a'nil ‘9 inntij- nC lho iiiett «(fCn«J}'nro riiX-iitQS JM 111.(lie tJnlliM atilM nnil}-. I H

Willie Hoppe 1 Opponent—H,

The Playiil

Milliard Champion Dereati Matfhes Here Ycstefdaj

pert Gives LectJre a

I(Kn»Hi th l i ’ii a (ancli to p lnjS ll i ie c d 'd ir w ic i tm n r jT il ilrifte il tiv o r In M

o lin it im rtnef^ (Miarlei lat(> wc fo n n d tlie lu w ^h h illliird c n tlin a it noM Hrtity lo see th e y ih R J'OIIUlt W lo w WHtr ( lie tatik* i)iid H'c ’(ub{i o f tlic hoy« w e n t .w iini t h p bii; n iiilt'h to HfArt.

;... h fu ii'd ih lio red Vntiter u jt't lo o k in t ; y o im c fctlow u( tia - tali uG((j-‘ D u v n ll warn "t up in c o u r t iiv lUii

J itK t UK w e-w ere looUinif n r o u n d to d ro n h ijj v«icL> nbovc o u r hcu d trem o r!

I t wiiH F ra n k M utliw in w narinR a 1 Ice m ild iiitere«t. TliiR wan a ta r t l in if t oy b f fhe erowil n n d u 'e u o t« l tb n t, i Ihw o f th o m nn M'utcil n e u r th n lu h t ? , ' ■un w hn w uh iiiiloli'n lly ulii?)ciiitr .the I le . A tiu u t tblll tinm h e H toppcd, Hhi i d n ’l eon ie and %viintcd frOm 'th e , t i l l lif f ie ic n t, th en , l o i i l c u t i r y l t w ith I [o p p e , p e e r of h llliiird jdnyi-rH. , | rn n icd a h o v o tlic ta b le on w h ic h h e w

^ h u c linm piiiu is h m ed h u ii aix“d ' e a r ia j ; b r ru t liia inmlirtl.v. T liia u iin w m ile m iide i l liurd fu r 'ih e K roiip n f wii Jok.iiiif o n th o iir id o o [ N ew Y o rk , t CKpitn th u iin favoru lile eo iid itio in i, he '.j, w h ii'h , whiiv im t i-iinxi(li'rn1»lf f u r s .n <-liliui|iiiitisliip jii'rloi-iim nee. H e :ihk« till) n i l l hut tin- riKiiiX's w i tc Hi 5<'PI^’- • • . •

. .SfcunwJulc'lhL’ bori'd , sud I 'y i 'd n in a le r tly , to liiu tiih ic a n d b e cn n unu-h

nni'Iced eontniK t t o lIo p p c ’H (tenllenexj; rudjzu U n v a ll i l . J d l ; HiiirluH f . ' l ’Oti >rovidin)( tiiu I'bniiipion’fi ojijinfiition.' l ia n ip io i i , m u k iji^ one ru n o f >l>(. h ii lo p p e . i l i n Kjicciitlty WOH t o cnm o Iul

W h e u lI o |i |ic ’8 Hiring w an riin -ou pr>i»tM, w ilJinT iav irrajfc o f UJ

iicjilluiiciiU I 'c tem bii hnd K uthorod U l- ' ul b y i'lw y *'m irKln|{” o f th e biillH, h n m uk loK d if f ie iill hIio'ih b i i t i t f ' i iv Ie hjMl w liirted o f f )»ith n n m o f CO fo le rc d th r e e in Ihc accoud. I l in h ig h n i 'IUI o f u u e in liie ucx t iiiu iii^ . A n uiii- i tr in g .

. ' ; A l»i>fh nJM o f 15f> d iir in if tJji) cvej > b n l i i b t U i n i i ^ t i ^ r |iilUfthl uniialH.'fvI yV25U (0 o C y i^ j^ o iV c v ^ u iu g u w n s •, ., ,4»ct^r80ii'ii R C ^o ii W ith. tKc' Jim cl

a S i C fil^ v o tb f tv g 'u u sh io n c ardnm , Ui nrurtt w,ov&n Into tlic uioat in t r ic p te \oi p lo to li^H abjuK itcO by-hia m ie au u y ' m u f x t j lb l l id j j i th a t '.tlie c ro w d tlisedvi^rixi B p ^ r ig h t .h u m o r in ,th « c tjually jM id i;

I 'h i H 'n ^ . n o i i ^ ’a v e ^ i li'iium n uu't hom e;' Slightly av ed iit'firiit iit>^hi>.'p l a x c ^ tu c ! h e f ^ P< (tio(; tb o pei’f o m d applaud ing (lie .-yrroug ahota cheerful ct^auiplon 'a ni'ctbodi and'tcelmiqtte wit the crowd gavelloppe an^* poiutCnroi a ti.n v a y i t hai] h ({rawd l im f . '

.■Seofo fo rllio tw o miiteliwit .' A ftcrnoun— •H o p p e ................................. .........W) :«P e te n io n ...... ............. x ...............B v o id b g — ■ • ' j.-f-i'?.,.



F A UT W IK P A L L S , n> A H


| M | g n



MHHHHVBHKhBBB'- , .UUI f I ■ " liaUi

.Is Easy *! fie Does-All iiig In Match "S

Th' “ ' " »mp•ulld

ats Peterson tn Pair of 'ipect

lay—Fancy Sh6t Ex- 'iX„ $ and Exhibitions i>r<«


Allot1 th e IVvM Hox .fuK)ijS ljillian tH w ith J lonpi-. A ll y b i tlce*'jT itfr^T nnrriii-pT ln:------------------ :-------trict;1 Mniv«'nl‘;y''N y tW erd n y to s e e ' t h r •“‘’lli etwwji-tbp>«diiuiii>iQiwviKl.hiH trnv- irfeji.lA 'l*clcn<im .. A rr iv in g u h it5 lunkcaW ft ’ I'lcnehepi w oll fiH ed „ n unaiaslM, K a tb e r il fo r th e b ig op ori1C iM 'rfeoted tcunic. A ( jiiie t look- ncni,vH» Id ly 'c lie ld n g lh e .h n ilu n ro iiin ' J>wlook n w u t, i-iini'itn(ing th a t Roim. {,,,^|'n n n i i ig up 11 h it w liile w iu tiu g foi ,«en*iir(.' • niuneliiK » l a sa d eyed m uu ttsr.lltem p lu ttn ii of lh r fh to r im d e r lln . Thfnhio , wo W dtnlfrcd b r w f ly wh« m Ibusu tii.,. =*‘*1'

I to HCf if n«|>ii; luul a r r iv e d 'y e t -iq,, ,iia rk e ij " i t l .* ' - ho f ' A looK th a t iippeared ver^v inui'l.tig cnbuii'h to eall fo r a ip u e k sur- -jigflit, iill oycH, exccp t th e bon -d , oni f aiiff w t r e g lued oil tb e t |iu e t yw u ip liowhe ballH a lo n g one ra i l o f lh e tn - 10"'P liH tened b r ie f lv f o r a c liek th a t

.tilh lc ., A g lance a t hin f ae e wu> ® h tlx! pho to g rap h o f 'NViliiam F .H. p 08l u u d iirc se iit, w h ich liu n p FCe w u | p lay ing . I I L s"(1 'youth , .wbiiKi- iip p c arn u e e n u d , '; -inKHiimiiig iit l l ln d c a u d a f c ie n d ly ;.' wiiSrcVn fn iw lo r e o liw they-w criJ ■ ' k , tlii.‘ "world'« c u c in u rv K l. I iu t., he. In id iH-st iKiiiiplotod B ru n of ;f u r I lo jip e , rou ld nilt hi- tIiK puiei’ H aelie Itinl Inirilly e x e r lw l hiliiHelf. Iw .. a lliiTiMieviirtheleKH. "Vw, iJ wan

. nn ill , H iidilenly Cnnie to lifo , w nlk- n c h in c gu iiu iiig th e ballH in 'ru th p r neHi . T hen wti wiw t h n 'f i t w a a n 't I»0tflrii6fi.‘ rm iey j h o t u . ^ e r t . wna >11.' ],lViorHOu-liimKolf, iic ted liko o uie

h l i t h e d id n 't p re tin id to m iw d iliat t ia te i \ . ' . ' , Aihn I b u t , 'iH k in g e ig llt uiuiiiKH f o r Ih l 1 4 n iu l.^he high ru n o f n ln -ndy i} l- ' l lo p p u 'f l'g a n ie h a d hi-eii m ark -H, hiK grcutneiih h e in g ev iden t, n o t |i«q •a v o id in g tliu-uecC Ksity o f l lfd il . Adm 1) f o r th e f in il i iu i iu g b u t o u ly gu r- "to - I r u u o f «3 watt fo llow ed by liU low *|J’ U u iieo in p lc tcd ru u o f 32 ftuiHhwl Jiis

eV fjiiH g.inaleh , WiiU'i he e lin inp lpuV t.')vhenhi> ( \r f^ iii‘d I f c te h io u 'h a n d i ' t ub j rn g e waH’4 l/4 i :M ii .ili ij;in iiiug .' ' dolu luc lig lU ' c im ie '^»itlr--lim i"i»teroatiug

S d raw n . fQU’i i> y j tm j ) h 8t.'d r \oikM fo r tli? LYQf>:''kli>l)Hlc«,-coiu- CUO. I t w aS 'd ii^ iug th o 'fu n c y sh iil

irati n. tw in k le 'l ii ih « a ^ d .O ’M flpi)Id 'v trtw - . ■ ; " 6 fa ’j«?tiorw he lped th o c ro w il to fee l o t

nJ.^prcHc.nec Of gK‘atnCii#,.itaiK >u 3^* W ( |Jc b u c k llkV ^ia j>Jtl W uH d. gain

i ^ l l y , aud< «U tiiig i l i iv Y id ^ 'u n th e t>r w ttK p a lP o n i||n 'g fw o d o m . W h i^ h c r be

w o c > o l -c a n oM y ho g^uswcil a t h u t '

:i U y-46- ar> 1 12 22 — 260 S l I , ; a 12 , . i 21) III • '— g ;

I, - •.' jn

M SA BO , T H S S ^ A ¥ ; ■ 8,

M S lM f c i i i

IB I Plii 's.4 ^ , , . nB u s i n w ^ M J r a l ^ m v f l l _ J?

T ) r o u f i ( k S t a t e , o n S p e c i a l T r a i n fCVfll

... veiill

."<1111 Liike t . i t y ’x lnuii\i-ed Imni. ewi itieii, tru v e rm ir »nr n.,H|u-i;iii1 ,cJiOi p iin . w illl nn itin e i'u ry t b a t 'I n - lude»;. ; i l id n h o I’iH ca, iiiviu\fii Svnj I-'nllM lldn n ffm rttn ;! on l l r d r •'W'tiel-aeiiMiiiiiteil e.x»'Ui-«iiiii-inlti th is (a le Ni'i-kiiig 'i lie . p h iiiio llo ii -ut* U)<Ui: nille riibitiotiH m id liitei-slal,- '.'u-, tTlll.lp e rn liun . • • .................. .nury

l-'iirly th ia iiio n iiiig th e 'K nR .1 en laUi'ni p i iw d ih ro u g li tb in e ily ^ i" |II llu-ir wuy to b'iUr uiu\ H uhl •here tbey s p e n t th e foreiifHiii. he.iipei-iiii wtui ilui* in T w in l''n1lH giiin a t 2 :10 'iliiit iir ie rn o o u . A .hn 1 m im tlo r o t h'»-aJ l)U«i».^.K m eu H« iet lh e tru in n u d ae l.-d im 'eseo rl J '* "” > tiio p a r ty ’s l o u r o f th e e ity nmlH H urrom idinga. jeicaTh# w hoJc^le «li»trJcl,lM ig

>nipriilriK sixteen tuilld blocks. Us 1. ion illdinf p rognaa ami liU!.lnflM crnwih a .III 1)0 prciented for tlio tl i l lo r s ' ln- -nann leciloQ dur^OK Utelr stay bore. VIr* ,xpe< rox nhnn'laff SS nan- -bu«lR«i'* Mtali- '0 se ^hiiicm* uoder conntructlon nlnce ;uU 1 10 flrat a t the yrur, ni.-vonil of them ,1 ir reaily oparaUDK. will aino bo offer- ,oa p I. AmoQK the llKl a rc auveral (u«IROS ROif T«i>air •^opll, (hrcd n (c» . a d,u I .Ilor shop, tw o ■rocerlcn, musle Hiore. ^,,,1 ' ruR store, aboo repair shop, plumb- >C iliop. stallDgiirT atoro ami iwu of- niaBc c e.bu lld ln i^ In thn wholoaale din-

.hlU hoi«V .''Iranafer IftitlillnR and ^ ^ 1 mtractW c p lan t » rk -lemons the lm* o j, rovemeiili. TVfO.;ttbure1ie a .‘a labor untile, h ith 'sebool addltlon-aiul. Elks’ illdloc are am o o r th e publlo balld- iRs under «matrucUon; Two ap irt* ® / . cm bulldlne* and n ja n r now dwell* ^ , ie» w ill' demonstrate the ununual ro«Mh of lhe. Twin Falla reildenco , , lilrlcL - KiRhty-flvi! liouicti have ten lU rtcd nlnco ihu firs t of this

Tho TlnlllnR Uuslurss nmn will r c Bla lof tbiM cuv u a in ioi<)orroir a n d i , . .j,, clenilvo plana tor lb« lr ontprlaln*

on and iniolier In Parish liaU will b* 5®10 fcaturn attraction. Shoshone P a lli , id other sc io lc oUractlona «)m . . ,, 9 ahown (o the Utah gueiU . Thaf " tor are prepared to taHa ad»aniaf« , r an* eo ioru jnm enl opportunily Is lown f iy lho facl th a t they aro ac- , inipunleil hy .ihe Orlol o rch e iira ot nil t-ako Citr, which baa boen otter- 1 for aervlco whorqvei* <Ioalrod bere.

I B B i l p S 1. ' . i i l i i i i s i s s

- . . . - . .................... n o n, ' , • _____ , Uioni

f a ^ .H&To T o ld lA 't te r to W a tc h '^M* t h * B r i t U h , H e i w ^ b t r t > e t i r .

ed fflma In d ls o re t lo iu

• , ■ • • • • ' . ouar

WASHINGTON. May C.-AdiHlr»l William‘a. Henson. Jon iio r clilot ot a ra l'oparallooB . imld today betoro lie aenate naval .a t ta in conutiltlee i„ .„ .mt " H 'l l pOMlble'* th a t ho '•ftri.'Xl Xr 1 dm lral' William s ; .s i tn a <m,Al«'<W- arture '. to r .Curooo a t th« etUl.mnh f the ' w ar th a t • ^ e would 'aa ioob , u \ Iffht lAe U rllM aa tJie-Uenuaa:;.-' ’ . He oxplalbod, how erer; ' Ib a t W ar

aQ not been ac tna llr declared wlion ' tn idm lrarsim a lott and th a t ha Ijopod »u i: to trev e n t any lireacb o t u e u in l l i r ani) y IndlicreUooa" on (be p a n of Hfma. v«fii "Why did you say:' •Dob’i ' Jet tlio flio

)nUih p a ll ' (be wool o ra r yuur Woe y e a r " aata idU onaior Hale. - exjlt

" « w a* o n ly * r5«Bro.W»poocJ» U a t ',■ used to exftrcas-iny.vlawa of a 'very

loUtM*-alluatlon,'! M p jlra l, Benson W,,i Mi.: . . • ' W‘ d 70U repeat U l a t e r r aaked tbe fV .

iaTrriiih;----r —rr--"—-W Jiei r w e a l .io U nilo® ,‘n 1» tV L*^

lr a ’« e rr^ lM B C 'H * ad 'lo 'p M M t-6 Ht- ^

a t.iu th :a tee llB K h ^ .;M p la )a ln K th k t ^by Uld BrlUabi a ad J »« f!U « .(U l be be no re caVetuJ fof .)da aake."-,

■■■ ■ "


~". ^^uj cans 1 TiTp^^' Stan

intei^ft Now Shifts to|-<^ Gonventibh With Pen-| rose Aiming: tor Con*| troi of S l^e ; | ^WAsyj.VOTOK. VWuy .C .-A ll lu l l i -

cvflu klutfifl luvo.now U'old’iftclr rc ii- ' Teiiiluaii or ’prlmuvica to r lho hcIci:- ! -I'lou uf S31 o t lho unal ut SIS ileli!- ' lucji lo llio liljj ciiui-us Ul clilL'URdclioilulud lu lioRla tour.w ouks (n>ui ' .0X1 Mouduy. Yet ulraoHi uupxPiHcl- d lonluilon HI lu who’s' who nmoni;lie 0 , 0 . R candlitRRi (o r lliu primi-: Ac i i t l u l i l i o ) . tlv:!i)iui)! f lrnturc of ilio hIiuuiIuu. f l

Coluntilo lioliU lu Hlnlu coiivuiUlou Iixliiy, Mniuliiy WyumlUR will lollnw f lull. Un M»y 18 t’onn»ylvnnlii win ■Ki’.f u [irvki’ifcnr/af prorercn(<i Vri- f lutry und next'duy Alulianm wIlMiavu f l

euiivpiKiun. OrvRun . InlluwH wlili f lpilinury .Muy -Jl. ilieii T o la s iMuy , I

M. Wrnt VlrRliila (Mny -jr.). and Vur- f lK'lil (Muy ' (j) ivlll tvlnd.up ihu ncH- ^ ;iti, lliu iicvcn Klulcn HcleclUiR lhe .'muliiliii; 153 UcloRiUcii tu luaUo up10 liiliil. tviiiHul nothhiR can hiippcn lu nny <if tn (rl

lein niaici uiiiiorlully l<> cliance ilui Ik-Iioii .alUK f|uo, y'rom now on llio airiiB- — — lo will nol l)« 10 much to 'cap turo sIcRaieii beforo Uio convention metin T t ] ^ « lo oliiain a nirong nlralcelc pwJ- on la Ihu rouviiitlon lU elt. * / * / /A. tlRhi (or Ihc tutnporivry chair- * *"

lannhip Ih In proiipccl. Anolher In J i i tpectod lo .orliic uu i of the toniciu I Beat ionic o f cho tlelogntloni, iwot 111 nell Already havUm been salecl*|I In h'orlda; Soudi ('Arolinn, OMr> la and Mlinlmlppl. whllo o ilu r JUk- uiCH are In Uiu utring. miliihle uver IC lA^uliilana. OklaliTima. TenncxHuu Ild VirRlnlit rtuir<f{B(0H. Anil perhaim of ' lero i\'lll I jov ilirrs. but i1ic»e icrliii- unili laRW. ll lo bollCTCd, will he nu rc . . j . uipont BtfBlm compared to lho fieixo

ttvertitg for itoslilon. ^pid-R uard lead en huvo laUiuakd . "

lull M aior. Obitomt L«hanl".^Yoi»d - J!J BOI do. Tbey aay bt> Jiau Hel

layed lhe [pme. Ho' ro tu n d to auy J t of lU lo i clulnted by tavorlieiunk nd lhe "reRulars" Inslsl tha t tho con- enilon nhall ho •‘resu ln r" If any. a 'd n t rd jiienaior Uols rcnro se , republlciiu . 1 °

ludtr, HlUluR In I'lilladoliihla, ha«irtnnlly Rl>en the thnnilui down hIrq . of « u Senator Hiram Johnson. oppuHlnj;I the fsKor Benator .r iillan d ir Knox. ?•««lao uf Penniylvanlu. Like Iho Hina- v t I>r irum California K uor oppoird Uii 8<:a^UB uf uiillQnH. ho U a^“rcsular,'' . of (lilcIi Juliniion has no l been ' alnce lu»ic' itoliod lho pan y w ith Tlieodore u lil.ooa«vo:t In 1B12. Johnion. they oquilalm Is a "radical" Instead o t a )rcRU'jtr," and Iho “ reg u la n " are « ■ /«

Korberi Hoover, llkow lii, accord- IR lo SenaUtr Penrose, “could never e nomliMied by uny rtfiubllcan con- eRllon.”Senalor Wsrron Q. H ardinc o t OblQ

I la id to havo ellmlnatod hlm ielt by '. rlnnlQR a bare plurality- in h li native - tale o t Ohio aod by n in n ln r lam lo MIhh be/IiiaK nu prIinaHei o f Tuesday. thlle ao*arnor U)wdan 'o f flllholi (s (A o t ao much talked o t ho«r a s be wbi, \ liouch lUtl conildcred la ,Uie ruon ln i \

M<)anllme O onenl Wood leada tho ’Ield M> far a s InatrucUd dileRnteii m fonccrncd. .o i lo n o i iw j l l l u i 0 . , 'ro^uir o f Cincinnati. Wood'* .r u d - , ' Ror. loday wired ‘>V«di|iirton haad- . lUBTfon clatmiojr 3B1, ddaKataia al- rady cpm'roiuea tO .tbe f*h»f4l.'w ot W " Ounilof. IndU aa, :whlcb. aUW Jio lda I, convention' nosv iWeUBAidiyi ffilobld h ll cbhTetiUon teal ffloritlri bodM th Ib- pilrtiBl IU M ei»a< m U r O u v U n sr ^

•'w- •.“ • !#«»m aid p ro fit , - 'Wood’a backen «flalni ro . ,1 ^ '

Ulo lhe canronUoB,iriai: Sol leaa than fM"" iflflrolBi.. Oiio:'mar Cheretera b)* cer- *2^^ »IB he w in noi7miU wjUioiit a I lil i t ; lUretn JoliBiop’a frienOa c lllm the , rountrya popular \-p te .|rb « ilB 'l him md tba t recent prinarte*'-. and con- i'enlloiii »iho» 11; b a t Ihoy m uit tlRhi m e - r e g u la r - , ropnbl& m a' and the Wood crowd a ( ih« aaaio 'tlm e. it ihoy BXjlect lo.,fe[Wfc\Chlo<«o Mlmpairod.

O e itA l MWood-* - o p V o iw iW ^ t lw ; ( g j

TW O l e a s e d I


P ^ r ^ tf/zs Among !d( l^PJc/cing~^f nddrdBsarer^l

SK>. Jiy iS . PKMIOHK \VtVlifi may luive h is baudx full IrjIuRK i„„

I Irll Johiuiili, Wuod, r l nl, huit_____________________ ^ 1.1 lli

' V a r C o s t T h i r t y ^

' ^ i v e M i l l i o n s O f y » <

l i v e s i s t h e R e p o r t ' i k ulujiioI " ' '

LONDON. Muy C.—Tho louil H puci.Hi uf Ihc worlil war lu llvo- luiuii hnif .readied lh« aiijJsIlInK Hijiirr , Mu.vof 30,aSO,OUO. n.u'o;dluR to Until ;t l ic < oRilitiaieii mudc hy lho Coiwnha* 1,'iRon Boclfliy fdr the aiiidj- of tlio I**!'!!.” <’n iu«tj«nr#» ' o t ,• 'Var and | otllc

', T h « # illRureo ,w ere5.re«hed at- "h'* tc r au cxlwuMlvo'slud>''of lho dc- “ «V- ereaia .in lhe .blriU ,r« e P t , the countrlea'lnvolTcd,- aa wp(|-#« In- cPDdio In dasthfJtronivcatiaea dl- W . ro'cily ■aiirlbulo^ lo lU> wa*-.,'

.\ciilttl nillliorV d e a l ^ lo ilt i- cd juialod J.&SB.wOO, Bccbr^lni: lo j ^ , tho report. Kbc* ifnropenn ua- ' _ Ilou tiiVolved loiV tlib 'equ in ile itt " of «,8 ^ r cent of lm .populatloii . . .^ troiu a ll (lauBua. E odt oallitn's _

killed M uaitei) i . i p e r w a i J . S , v t III populalluii. . ■ .

Serbia was lho hoavleii lu lfaf- Of uf u ll ih'tf-hilllRcrohui." Slip offlct luol Jicr cent o t her tota) pop- |„«nr ulillun. while her actuikl killed tb oqualletl:. 14.S';per cooL> ; . u , , i ,

l '- - ' J ' B t+ I

llOlllilSW Ml'G a T ttp p

U toikter, . t o _ 8 ? ? ^ d e n ^ I ^ l < M j ^

t \ O om u ia C M I W - M 0 7 "y A m ^ c a n A y i j u ^ a d i i r °

\ lly I'UANK K BiUSON (l.V ;-H . J»«K (^.rfiapondeaO. ' , 2

UKltlV.V, May « . ^ l k .Velsuo Mor- |uo,| U i.A m V iciui.m lnlitarlio Bwo)Iod th a r •een ordorcil ( a - ^ r t t n .rriini. Scook- ik ^ i ioliD. I l II. u a d o ^ « ^ :^ d < wl» Uke ]h . iver A tu 3 r l e A n ;M i ! r t \ ^ Z i ,nieoduro Vircnadt, w h o A a^ b w n acu BR os AVierlpaa‘;ooqmifailBB6r(tor 2 * * lome njotiihi. Mri 'O j ^ e l fi*Wlndnjf

Tbo lniD ns:t^n , 0 4 ^ here .that (tvii

leoB a i 'o eam bo tw aeB ’-tbo two'eouu- »|««i Tien la i t t t j e U W l '- '* ' ' : • ^ 1?

Jn dlplOBxaUB'cli^dea l l 1* raw rted ' ' Ihat- BacUBd', Aitd’ Jia)r.wl11wnt| ifiio .am b u fa tto rf - O erlin . ip a n Itliin. -Piily Ona «( Ottio’tiaif^aflallo- 'A^'i

1 tSf

IW5 ; II

O L D v b L . 'x n i . 'B o 'v M

t L i i i rE i S S l _ _M N SN BiiH S--. I . r ' '. . ' J ' . - l ; A ' , C S ) .

» R G E |tF iElISPilTEBDlDrimothy Healy Makes

Bold Assertions of Knavery


J n ju 3l C bn rgca A g o in it L o y a l

W crite ra F o rc e R ad lcalU m .1

U n io n C h ief Sftya

W A S II I . \ I J T ( » N , .May .(i.— h u rg i's llm l . \ l t i i rp e y U onerul .’{iJmer in i»n'oJvi'iJ jit a i.-tmHpiriiey II ilist i-i'dil un io n lu h o r w ere modt^ e fo re tb e ru ilro m l la lm r h o n rd to- luy by T im o th y llc u ly , p tT sidcu t f ‘lh e In le r jij it io n u l B ro th e rh o o d f S laliouu t-y K irem eu .u iid Oilortf.-

• T e r ta i i i h ig h govcrnm fiu t of* ieiiils u re b e in g niicd to d isc red it jiio)) l a b i jf .” H uuly »uid. “ T hey re b e in g u se d by co rp o rn tio n a a s

p a rt Ilf 11 rtiuHpirm-y .Bgaiiuit .aum la b o r. T h in b iu i lc -a b o u t ’ lu.v liuy o u tiire 'aka in n jm r f ip t lie e o u u p iri ic y . '’" ',''

( .n inirnm n liu r tu u pl-oteH^cd ;;uiuHt n n y n tta i-ky On govcrbiAQlit fliuinla. • ‘.:-Ma'..juen y > n t you, t o , know .tUtii. nil (niiructed R>e~m le jl, n u .v :w <t loaly. " I n iU ijt .'J il ltit ie l 'A ra lr ,':,',

“.Na s re a le r lie ' over'ytlU tfM ‘Ifn i l ^ t «>o men', wlio qultV . w i t rin on ilio raJ2rea<2« tur ero laelU ui to oT o ^ro w .i^ sV i v r - rnraenL" ■. t .' . ■ 'v . J * '”'*H u lr doclircd lt«^a (l orfdeiii^;il(«t

ter* WB» a - i} b n a p ^ y y .M |a a a t4 i i^

iio tio f j r a r .u a y ^ p t i a i a t i j a p a j l l t f .

' : • .• • V' r - •- h w ^ - A V p b i 'i ’g i a i l w S ^ittS t fa' hav^Vtl^ y ^ g T il i ^ ^ C T if

>ni. W Utg.'TOlcid alfitov aWt l i ^

Page 2: Reign Among ~.^^^uj^cans 1 I Plii Stan nddrdBsarer^lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ’ Uaxleb- a!^ ¥ atrai«alo poim haa r«-la in the hands of the Mex- >(

p i d g T f f o


INTERNATIONALF ro n c lj P r o f e i io r W o u ld M ako

H ew K in d of L e a g u e of t io n i f o r B e p o p u la tio n

B r NEWTON r . nA H K aRUy 0.—Th«-jiiarillMRpro-

— v p o » l-U m t-an Jn lo rn a ilo n n l iiiurrlBK- _ pool bo {ormwl to pro»|<lo fnr tln ' n - IKtpuUtlDe o t fiuropo n nJ t/io M i l ­lion o t lh« T»hllo races uf ilio carlli WM mailo uxtfty by J>rolPB»or 1‘imi Cbraol, {ftmoui m(mb«r o t lho fnc- u i t r o t nodlc loe o t tbo U alrc ra iir of

E uropt. b« d tc lare i),'hM n nurplun Ol* mlDJoDs o t woincn (or vhom thorp np rer wlU b« bukbiiaili. unloiiH boihc . im n je m w t can bo mado ,lo 'liov.' ihottt m orry outildo th«lr own rmm- V (rir*.- Thfl wlml* fa U tn 'o f !)ir ^ ta r o: ho a a y n e il. I t lo u u il up lu Hn ___

iM t MU»U».“ aald Dr. (’urm.l, "!*ho'v»«l a *r««i aurplu* 0{ moI<-*«<Tr I.-triolei In thft Unitod Bwh-h, Wo will "" havo mlJ»OD» or aurplu* w om on.'nini »"c why not a. m nco-A tnorlen ii In irfiu to (ocUltAto the mnrrlnKo ot Aiuprlcan *ra

• niRti with tho Klrla of P«ncp , whcr» I>lo th* m ir lo ti auch tt aUortaRu of ini'ii'* fni

■ Why no l ft Pr»nco-Arsontlnft burwii iim ll rr«D co-A iiitnilian bureau. In «»mrt. „„ why lioi a r c f t t InternutloniU hiiroan -|, w hrro each cotintry.may maVo knownJt« huts]«R BwJ* and prorWo fatjil- ilo5 for M uttahlp nad, eventual tnar- riagoT ’ •

■•W,-. on the allied aldf. poole.1 our ' ' ^avl1t.e*'4 f ninnltfona fo win l/ia trpf.-

■ Wo poolod o u r ahlpDlnn. wo po<ilrd o u r tlnanceii aod .anally vtc p<K»1eii .

: o u r mon. In thoro. Uien. any rcaiiuii _ why w« while racea of tho worlil rhould not.pool thojr crcatM t of lUl »•«' p roducttro reaourcon no thul ilvlli- r*ijw) Ju e lt m uy nol porlnh?

“Supremo council* un<l umlmvxA- dor* roune1l» a n d prttiie mlnUiorn ntul >1" '

' tor»l<n mlnlntera aro altUnx up ulKhii• dlKiwalBir torrJJOTJal boii»>ljirJt» on«l ' ' ' ' '

lh* Mtoa of czchaDfo, b u f they ntV acttulUy dolns nothlnit to tiolvo the rreatbat aocial problom Ihal han ton: troated tho w orld aliicB «-ar b o ro ^ th o quMtlon of what to do wlib „ th<t'w ilU oni o t matrlngeahlo younit

'v o n ic n who « n dontlned to repair ili<r ‘Wat'a human w utaRfti but who finil Ai t» r httabaiidi awalUnR thoin.. tl a aoclnl problrm. bul tlx'

wholfl tu tura of f^uropn nnd thu whnl<' (iitu re 'o l tho whllo m ce li bouml ui>

To I t to aurh an •xt^nt lha t territorial and nminelal quetUonn are Inflnltml. niaJJr '

**ln the. (ar. la .China and Jn-1>an..horrtw of >6lIow'pcoplo ar^rtTti. ,

---------■*^ntJy-nMWplyliig*om»-w<>HS«r-4h» —ta lk o f N 'yellow poriI’ ,i«ac In-

' unilat* whltn olvilUAiInn, ^, “ iB tho Ualte<l filalen nud olhcr

birth m to la ta lim B 'o ff and ap|uir> enlly nothtoc li.b e lne -dnnn about ii. i / 'E n r ty w , .» u « M lB S .to h r r f .r t A o m Ihe woai^Oiiot wnr, m nfronfi u ^ b h le m of repopuJatlon wiUi an j>x- ^ ■w»» of between 15,000,ono and so,- T

women o rer m«n. I• ’1 havo lURceKted thu r-'cnililnc i.f t • ' volunteer an n y or niaiernliy. uu or-

'fr^Tilxatlon or woman who would ncrp' | W .raar baWea to ropopuljle ilpvanlnt-j rd Ruropo. to help Pranrp Imik to hcri te^t. I h a re even iirffed that Kovern- r"!

■menu rt*co«ti1te lho rleht nr wrnnnii 'm a tv n l ty outside nialrlninny nnd fnr <e! theao siutoiilona I have been ultncV- •d und called a 'f rw lovor.’ 1 »m not.

• 1 jnn 'in*r»)y eoffnliani of ih r s r rs i Ll problem confrontlnR the whitp raren o t tha -woHd. Rl

"When I matle Ihoon nuKRPMioni. I had no., hopo t h u tbay uaald b<r ^adopted,’ The wnrM Is nut (nr piimiKh

.*dr»ncfld yoi to r tliai. •Cut i mio nu . Toakon why thero ehnulil nm 1h< nr- .

________»t nnw an IntiTnatlniiul iiinr-

'\h»l t/a llcd Siaien. wllh n larr.o' -‘ur.. .plnn or W0il1<l-b<- hu’ilniinlK, . ,.imi.i ni - c a rry on nailntnrlnry nr»;"'l>it1niin

;^w llh another country. IIWp l-Ymirp, in< . '.w ith » turpliJB uf vs'ould-bv liritKM." Ni

A?<TniUX K PIJIK Jlir NT,\KTS i« CHICAOO. May B .-A n ih r.u , i> r,ir.- e ’l

r^.«trulonl dlarnao rnUM'd l>y nnv nf ilm ' In * l.la rie« -.io rm a Snown lo im-dinil ki'I- •iienee, baa cauned thn <l<ruth n( flv.- p rr- fl »->Mna n l the counly hnxpltal hnrp, It ( | i'W M 'dlaclonrd lo tta/. Th« dIX'RMi I.

* ,'% ell^ed to have orlRlnalnl In a local ,,, l l j i * l r tactory. which hns brrn iinli'rvil •

•.Cl0«»d, and the h ralih authuriiim nrr "n iJ ik ta r every oJ/orl Ju jircvm l Ji.-.

- •M rth e r, apreail.I-,. Tho hoaplu l am horlilr* « frn nur.- - s la d 'b y tho nympioin.. or Mu- .iiHvimr cN

Slcroncoplc l.iki-ll uflrr the-d aa th of ths fIr'sL vlotlui, <Il IolH'<l ii» rl<

T l^am ro. Boveral nhyKlPlniix auil iiur«r!i .were exposed to It. nnd riKlil nir%Mirrn nr

—to prevent the fr Infooligii with It Imvi- • ;;W o taken.' . A nthrax In a M'l<lr»i>rrna iIIki-;,..,' .M B o n c animals, und H i. w ioii.liiry In- ' .. jec tJon am ons bumun Ix-lnnr-, IIiimuIc;, " ■ ^ a tbo aklt> aro the JlrM Kj-iniHonin.. _______________ nn

K Ew.si'in.NT J 'i{ » n i i : i : iw rV.' WAaHlXOTON. May t -An «ll. in|)l ■^%y m eaas o t tin- taxing I'om lt lo i>r<i* • iv e n l ■•proflleerlnK In iiru>i>rlnt pa- ‘‘U ^ y e r “ 1* roaJe by »ri>n-»i-n(u(lvo Steen- • 7 . eraon. Mlnoenota, rhulrniaii of thc a v’^onto postofflce rnmmliU'.-. in a hill - Introduced In the hnu*'- loilny. vi-i Tho bill luiponns » lax of fi».' < 'nl». ,1 pound on nrw i'print pmwr Involvttl , 'l n any aalo o r con tract or nulo for *■"

« lthe r Immodlnio or fuiuro .Idlvrry by ' Bny oa n u fa ctu rc r o r Importrr, pli

8 C F m c i S T « ry > fn iK .\T "" VoMblaei/in M iy C.-Hurtragi' lca<»- I’r

. e r s hero todny itMlurnd they aro on ili. e re of r in a r victory. wi

. .'m e iowor du iinbcr of Hik Dulawaro tb loCtaUlure fa expocietf to tako a vote .n

.bn mUta^lIOD of the sufiraRe anl^ud• i„i , m enl l i l e today, and with tho U da- « ,

vaire M nate hav lne voted foi* ratlfl- • Oallon yeaterday. leader* here iloclaro

tbey a re cerU In or victory, lUiJtlClUoti by Delaware will cnm-

plota nU tltM Son by ofalrs.

.... .......'■ ^ X JiO r 'U W Ttm w , i m - «'ii

______ __

Jerusalem Bur

■|inv'« nnt liw i ••oiiOnod to AnuTlru' ■lurliii; thn ^rlolor,-HinC i<i imMlui:. li nhinvn by Hm nl>»vi> jiti<ilijcra|ib*. Just. rwplvoJ' from I’alcstlne. Thry fo r- ' tm y Ji'ruHiIrm »}lnc jw der « jH'niy. blnnki-t of 'snon-, tli<> llrst ihut hn<l ' fiiilcii nn Ihl- Holy Tlry for n Rrcut mnny Jiur*. Uauc» m( workini’n u iri- out Hio tifx i innrnlntf' slii'vellnK lh- ••licnuilfur’ orr'H io hlm-m und hidr. unlliM. Jusl J1K In nil' A inrrlnin .'ily. The HiiiKTjihofORrnph sHoivk thi’ n » iw \ Ilf tlip.llocU. nnd the ln « r r i;lv."» n vlrw of Diivid M rrrl, llir hunl.-'t j-hofjilnff siri'flt lu old Jrnivilriii. tho liny nflcr lho aurprWutf Mio'tfull.

n tK K OF T m n'K iiO K u r . n. s . ] « i(;(»Y1N«T(I>' FOIt.M ASS’N. U

Bt5ST(I.V. .May *!.—Tin- nii’ tiilicrs frf lhi- orrw of tlu! r , ‘ S, S. CovlnRli.n, which wus lorpi'ijonl iiujI r.uuk :.un mllcM oft Ihl’ Krrni'li rouAi July. UUS, auv’rt (iirmi'd th c 'l '. B. S, t'ovinRfyn ini- mr|ut.ia. Of t: p crr.v of KOn iiii|>r>iil- lualrly *0(1 <';iiii(< (luui Ili<nl»u uml vl> i'Tmlly. R Mnlilfn of l.vuii, l:a;i ipi'U chunuii pronlilcnt uimI Sluarl I'. C rnm brr of l.<'^lnRUin. In fi'i-rrlnry.

A l S S E R V I C E N E E D S H E I .P ,

>lnj. (Jon. r;. IV. Ik Kenly, rellci-.l. foniiiT Iii-nd of the Unllwl HiniPs nlr sorvliT. ri-uirni‘(t n^pntly fnun n l:u- roi»-HU Ininlni".* trip, l ie Mnlcn tlmt p>vfrnnu'nt liPlp U iiredi'd to r the dc- w •eloptncnl o t o v la tlo t _ ' (t

---------------IllLIGHTS OF IMMENSE POWERRays From Point* on United Statea

Coasl Are Visible Seventy Hllr>Out a t a e i.

Tlio hIchMt lionn.n llsht malnlnlnr]1 u hy Ihp Unlli'd Smti-i f<>r «iiriiln« h

-nAiI(;at4Mr»-U_aI.CnouJJuailodllC'. 1"fre t nbori. hP<» Icvrl. It lun » «v

Riusn of 2H nillP<-T lir lirlKhto.t IlKht nnd nnr o f Ihr

mnst lirilUnnt In ib r « i.r1d l-i m Nn\r*liik. N. J.. r.i, (Up lilshlaMli nl - Ih r rn irnn fr o t .Nrw i'ork bny. It l« C,'.n«xvx¥) cnndli* poivrr nnd lin chir- hns l>p>-n n rn i from 70 inlirr nut

Till' larcM t llchlhou.HP '•I.-nn~ U n t ’ " ^f^k^|•ull point, »n llix Inlnnit'of (liiliu (llnwnllnil Rroiii'). l i t ln'nni n t nlclil I'tUiw f>r>l 'iJi’W* 10 vnyaj.Trs frnui lli» rn lli 'd K tntrs ihut ibry nro iirnr- liiS tlir tuld’l’nrlllc nrrhliH'tnsn, I t I 1» vnili'il n ■■hy|>prmd1rnt." tlm hnldn ■ illnmriiT »f tio- U'Mt Ix-ln;; iilxiul liln>> I frr i nud lhat nf llir c ln « Innlcrn In- * clii.Uiz It 10 f r r l . , .

irll* h t Jlir NnvMlnW IlBht In- rlov-H n t•o''^erfnl r lm r lc nri\ Hut. kinirrally .spriiUluj. l;rrr.^pno l« Uir pri'frrrn l Hlumlunnf fur many Hulit- hi.iis,-s,

A lrn>« fn-nurull.v In l.ullf up of cln ii |irl»niH nrrniiRrd In iiiiim-N, lUi- nhjret I'flDe >’> ri>ni-‘-nlr:ilr Dir Jljlit Into a brnni of innxliiunn lirlliinnry nnd rnnx'-- S'luup llshllinii»< trii^o-n

poundn, b';lni* tlnntni upin; tiirr- rUfy nnil ihcrcb j inrnrd'So rn«l1y tb a t ' a i^ n lJ i;l: o f.d»rii’»<.rk nooaii-d by a lOO'ixiiiua \v«ilRht will oiHTuKi IL '

A Place (or Evarybedy.I'rondly aunotincrd lh« rx-

rnptnln who Is now manncrr of the nrw jm.oirfl.ooy holrl. ‘'nil our nm- ptciyri-i urn form rr sprv|ri> niru—r\i- rr onp of Hirm. ThP drnW H rrk U nn old top kickrr. tho floor cirrks hrrn* ull •I'

lioncosnx Jn rbarfio nf <junrl.Tt,Ihr clirr w nt n tnr^s SPrRpnnl. th r w alirrn Wrn- nil pcrmnni-nt K. IV". i; the Ikiux- ibx'tor n’n« n bn'ft hn<i|<llnl b nurseon. the hniine ilp|pr1|»o wnn on «i lnlelll;;pnoo pollrenmii. the bcll-hop.i hwpriLdns-robbcrn," v.

•Mri} ha rovw J tormtT M. P . 'sT rihp wa* aslinl. ri

"Ves." ho rppllpd. "Wlien tlipri‘'a a elRood stiff wind hlowlnR vrr uso th n n dn* oulsldi- window washers on the vi•iuhlefbUt flu o r." ............... . . . cn

______________ T W m ? A U B. TDAH

u r ie d U n d e r a ^ l ^ k e t

I j l


; TO HAVE BOOZE It'lNnNN'ATI, M,i>- ll. Tll" |im-

'hlhlllon^ Uw nuy |,,>;.- 1,.- ' ,

'uli’nholli- II Him h - I i- | *“mony o( ll.-rl.g i ;iii,\ l),ivid )I’l.MnC tv.i. ................ nmyIh- uilKii :,l li-< la rr -.iiltK'.

'I'hl' txv> MM' I,.'l.l in ll>.' r.'d-Jnry

wllll li.nliik' man'il.ivhir'-'l :> iitrunitn n>nv lh|imr. lu" m,ilu in-

Wllllni. III il 111:,- l!i.'*/o(i:!i'i>{ 1. I

" -‘A lr iT'' m:i.\"'li fiM- v.’a'i toni.' nirk r in iiH a n im u l , to imt ni-w llfo and .ouT,u:r lutn '.•m," .X-l.lain-d l-|,irl.. "W, ;mm- ili- - I .- I,,l,«j,t ;.-»]• H;,vr ;i .l I

- T h r l..d.T;.l ilullmrlil-!. w.-ro 1I i.U.'pl-a1 r.iMr.llui: Vll.- |.;iil.y- ■1 (Irrm UiKli la ll „i,il 11... i 't:" r I3 o.H-ttjj;i. Iin«<i-'r. -in.t a[<-tt-<yl j Ih.'.in.'il «.r ••.•Illoi; u,.' • rn,. . Ii;.r- i

1_ lt■^u i;'■ In lill'id.i UI t:::. a i|u:irl.

JA l’.VN I'ACIM: I M li:s T - t 1.0Nl)(IN, M.iy r,. ,l;,|,;,|i Ih f i.'t.l ’ *. w llh u |..T|(UH uui-n.i,|nyi,„.,il n iu ,,. 'o«

(tnu und -I rit.finr(;,( . riilic ;,x a rr-<uJ( M llf wlili-ipr.-iirl nlni.i,ai:i' .i: ..piTatlnu-- Un In III.- wravini! Iiul.ii.irl'-.., .ii.-i-rdlm:

{ lo n NVWR A r"iuy .lli<p,.|rl. trom T.iklo tnduv. WIinlnal.T.t of ('.il'nn ntid rtlk G<

I iir.- ritlui'liii; ili.-ir | . r lc ;> r,n [..t i .'Ut----------------- _ i n ,

c i f i i . KIT « v ;lU irST 'lN .,T .'x., .Mav «. .MI'.h Krnnl

' n.'U f-r, ..r I'u t.in:., i'„., i,. m : h.M)>Ual h.-r" in iiv i.ulf'Tlui: (rniuj . iirnlinlily f..ial In jn rlr. ..u 'la .ii .-d , I". , wli. n ,.cI.. i r - t i l , - r .r r T l’rpl:iT ir-11

tiroi..'i:iT. Slu- liiid Jii-I Iil"|ii.r.l fr<iiu] tli , !»!•. l„ ,.})!. I. a !.,i '-y.u-, C'T, lull...Mil,; Ill,;|il ,iv ,r IlnU^toll. |


' . A b

1 1„

'' G rind Duehesa Olo<, aU te r 'o f the „■- late C zir Nicholas ef R uula. and long't'< believed ts have been killed v.ith oth-1 ,,,II e r members of the royal (amlly, has! i" -I been found 'by "Amerlean Red Cresa ;

workers living tn a bes car near Neve- I ^ " /■OMi/*Jf,''ieulff 'n u i t la . ■ e)othe«> In ! i„

raga a n d 'g ra te fu p 'fo r - Bhy (Ooil o r)) clothing she could (ind. T he 'C rand ^ 3 duchosk II kyd-lo-Uk«tf6')>f th 'rte s u r . | ^ s vlvlng'iiit'fiiberi’of tjis houae" of _ (lo. I

tnanaff.. 'v n .^ .',1 ’ I -

A H O. T in n iS D A Y . M A Y fl. 1020

et of Sriow


W l

H w i | | -

n ^ T l j l . I whi c H i i r i ' '^ U I B I l.-n

t A

•fnfpJcl^EflUfi' | l M | | ( U y f l | du


i ul'

- r r m r M . - T 3 » » . m .\ X ^ " -J'


f - i ! i : . \ i i i 'iA \ i)m i» ii.\T K n k«»u - INVK.STHO IIK I:m)..>U1.K til 'X

i . 'i s 'in is . ■ I.<i!i<l<iii 1/4 frtk- ■ ‘,nr. u i:rlnily liimmniU'.' vl.-,. .if Um; "" f.n I llial .M. IJrlamari' M;u«', liivi'ntdr

oi-.iu-ii u llh lln.' Criii!\ llf l.i'cltiu <if {«•Ilnti'.r, ou -‘r>'<'.)uiiiiuililaunu n( tin: V"Mini.... I' nf lic,iltl>." Till' KUU »'<IU1<| lhlink.' II i,-i-.ll.h- Inr I.<milon t.i be lii|:| i;i v,:iKt,. iriiui l-arlr, om.' i.;ini.:rui.lii'r

________ ______ hr


Senor O enllhi ii an aetlva candidate ll.lor pretidcnt ol r.’eilco. At ; 'e e e n t in he Is th r Mexican ambaasador U th e mUnited St.-.tr.i , lh

GOT FACTS SLIGHTLy MIXEDI nepresentatW e Otbornc Evidently Had .1 ' Moi Taken Keen Notice e f P cil. d> [ • l e n c( Sherman Statue.

On.- ..r ll..- I,I'.l i<i»'(-.hr* In the , ii."i«i- In cam.- from U.-iir.">ruiu-

] til.' I'.'.sl.l.i;; i„innh-. nnyn tlir l.n-.' An- „1 I ll.n Ins I,r. n onr I't Hi-: i.'Ml.T-. wl... nu.rvl.rd up IVun.vlvn- O , ii'J. :u.'-iu.- |.I llli- i'lo~.i of 111.! <’lvll *1 , >^;.r f'.r n m.iil r.-vi.-w hy O n.-.u l |M ., rimin, l„. ua -o .l.l .-to d ru n 'u lii 'u ii-

tlfiil .md Mri;,li.s cniitrnM « llli Ib r “' r.'i.in . nr ttin v.-r.Tan. of HUH,

.tt ..n.‘ [K.'fif In fl..-ml'tf'-rii thr frp-■•'•''•nlallv.' ....... (rullI.Rlv of liOW j..Hli.niiint. Ill 111.- Iii-itd nf tt.r r..IUmn, liIII I'K ....Ulll Mi.'.'t un.l r.'nii«tlv(iiila muvr.ii..- lia.l l.irn.'.l ou IiIh linr.sP nnd I.M.U.-.I 1.I..1; in 111.' u.lviiialuB vcter- f

•■Tllll'-." !i.l.l .Mr. Onl'ornr. ••(fir Ar- H un- of Sli--riuau, .-a-.i in hrim»p. nils lo­dny at III.' Ii--:i.i or lVnn»)|vnnln nvo- a mu-, an 1..- ..at iliiu iluy umre Umn llf­ly y.-ni-.'. ii;;n.-

Tin- r.'f.-i.'i.'v l'> Hip Slirrnmn »1ntu.*nf.U'.-'I Itil.-rr-i un.l tin.t.y wrrp

......... . f"'v <hi>H 10 nro h-.ir ",Sl.i'riiian lnul,.-d cnilnR d..»n th r uvr- irDili-. ]l.it lii.rrnr ..f Imrrornl l l ili- lc v.'lni»-'l Uu.l Sli.-nuan wuk imikln;: nntl..»ar.l ll....... .. cni.iu.n. l-ii( tn- ■"wnr.l 111.- Wl.lin ll..m-o. wlilcli ntuu.lK ' 'III Kll o|.l.nsll,' dlfrctlim. I”

Nnu ti»l,..ni.' ll inuklns to r Hic mnn tthi> pliiccil n tlu u • I • rl

Turtle Eogt In Chew. I'i,Ill'll.<1 lurll*’ nro n nnvcUy p<

uM.-li ha.i hrrn n-Jilcj' lo Ih r m.'iui of f tIhl- I'nili-il yint.-v nii^liirs on diUy nt bl llll- nnval sinii.m ut Uuaiuunnmii Uay.

.I 'w o -l iw tmiin-l lu rllr* wrrn rnp- .IJ tnr.-.l rr.-.-nllv hy umrUirt while mill-

I In : n rnisll lmnl ou Ihl- hny. W hrn ui I Ihry iwT<- klilcd mrro ihmi 100 rxk"» }>l , « .-rr fouuil In .-a.-li, ''II Tlip <•« .'f Uir lurilo w hrn re- ! II1..V.-.1 fr..in 111.' I'.*ly hn i n n.'ft ulirll.I T hs r;:i: IlM'lf I-, nl.mil Ihu ^li-t o f a ; 1i- ii'k Tim Ini-I.ln r.-n'nililns In fi In-.;!! ni-.<l uiii'.-arjnre Ihv yolk uf a L ' hi-n's I'lIC

I Thn Ok-;:-, nrc holird hard, and (he •hrll I* iH-.'lod uR lik.f Hll) outer akla j i i au unl^ii, _____ __________

V A r.-\ ..}mIV:






Mere Than HaK the Total Invastitlenl B Ifl Hlaher Education In This Coun- f f l

try Is In Colleoes Founded b y y I jP ----- - Rellelcu*-0«neminallona-- .

Moro Ihan half nf th r totnl Invest- P in.-nl In blRhrr mlu<'»ll..n In lh».IUille<l v Kiufi"< l< Ifl rolJpRPS. nml twli'<'r>dil<-i fnimdrd hy rrllRlmin drnnudnnlhmK It «-hi, fmimi In Aini'rim Ihiit lUif'My ifr Uirol.igl.'iil p rrfrrrn rrn nnd ncncl.'inlr ^ l.-nniluR whh'h lind hrrn O.-nlnl ii>Unyn In HiPlr nu llrr Inncl" ovpmpun. TAWy hi^f nf Uip -tr«.«)0 *lii.h'lil». *>f

■^tlR(ffTTr«'»'''' In !>>'• Ir'iilU'il «ri- ^In n t....... s l Uu--,- drunmlmillonal

•«ttli-iir»-«iiil.uiilvi.niltli(»___ ___ ™Vprni Hint trrmrndoii* nrmy rn«n11y

tr .... . tlPiimmln nrp lo hr. umd',-during tb.- nrxt flvr ypurn. drmuinW thnt irn i.l In rrntoro In Ainrrlriiii i-<d- •' ti-Ri'H nfifl iml('i'r.*l»ffi Hint nliiii>’'l>hr}-r J " und imriHino whl.h murk.'d lhi-lr In- ''Klnnliicn. A worl.l nurvry of ihr ..........o( i.r ..p tr i who- uri' nlruEcUnR n1..ns wlHi.ml liUnwlrdRr of ihp trnrhliiK'. nf rhrl-.lhiiiliy nnd wiihout iralnUiR In V ' rv rn lh.- moil rudlmrntnry rnuri>.-n n( nn nra'triiilr riliiriillnn hnn rrvriili'd to Amprli-ii hi-r rr»iion»Hillliy nnd priv- LA lloRr. nirmifih Ihl' IntrrH iiirih Wnri.l M.ivrmnnl Hip-IW rollrR.'K nml unlvi-r- r , Mjil.-n l.r (tir -K) rrllRlniis firnomlimll'in.a wlil.'li hilvp hnli'nl im n progmin o( ri>- ojirrniivr i-ff.irl nro li> hP ri'a>i1rr.I l.> fiirnlfU Ihl' Jurijorily of Ibr tlS1,iHlil l.'n.Irn; nn.l wnrllrr* nr.-il.-d. Th.-y ,nr.......... W.'Ht l’..ln1. nnd ih r Nnv.,1A.-n.l.'ml.-n nf Hir crrnll■^l■ rellKl.nu*

„ ..r „,1 llm ,. “It Is I'«llmnt.'.l Ihi'.l Ihrno fj.'nnminn- „

tl.'uul lu-illiill.m . hsvp fnrnlHhrd li* , {WT rr-iit of Utr r.'Ilrl.oj* trjidrrn of Ihr.'■■1. Il.-.v ..............in.' .»Ih.- new nn.l lurgrr dcimiiitlsl Nn!............... ..........................................................;;

l.’nlP?H Ihr rh'irrhps rrin rn whnlr- , , ............ ly lo llm -r iH’.ll.-lon whirh .-rr- ^1”

whirh m.xlmi Ainrrlrni. i-dm-nlloii 1,« ^l.^.•d H..-'Kfort will fnll. S.. «r-rl..nn Il ll.r ^Ituntlou Umt ill I!'-,n hnlf of llj.' *.<KKi phM-ro lhat iiiii't hr flllril In

I.i'iiM 'h- fll|.'.l hy im lrnrnrd ''or on'lypurily irnhii'd men.

S.diillnn nf Ihr prohlrm rr«nlvr"i li.. . I f I,, , 1.; b . i ................... ; ; ;

imr.-.l' in .-i|i..n.l i.mrr Ihnn ? l for " " rv.-ry $10 nppr.iprlstril fn r'rd tirn llnn

■ Uj-.Alm sin'i- HohiH'm o(. ih»-prol.Im i " 'I I . ln/Wln»Pl.r I f ./.-M ins.lr ,iinii..-.iUlr, Thin nr..i.orllnn tn rnnir.l h.r III.- fn. l Uml Uir I'hiin-hrM rniirrn- ‘ l,rnl.- nliim-l .'Xi-lii»lvrly iijmih ih r r.i|. I"‘ IrsoH nnd uulv.-rnlllrn. upon Hlc .IR ximl.-iiln uho rntPP c illrBr frmn thr l.Ofli, «'h.. nr.' rrc 'lv r.l Inlo th r rl... f*"

•.-hix.ln. And of Ih r IW 01)1/Hip 11 whi> nhiuin th r lr ih'Rrers ro- ri'Ivp nny i.rolcmsnl iniliiliiR. fm

It hn* brrn .h-nionnirnl.-d Ilml n p.-i.plo Woul.l n.'romplUli in Ihrlr mi- Ufiimi llfi- Ihry niu.t flnrt pm In Um* "" uilnd'< un.l hi'nrl* or th r lr vruth In Uu- M-ho.it«. . Thni lh.- (IrM .'xponrnt ..f lbUli'. Il.... ry wm n l-run-ilnn miiilnirr Iliinf i-iluoullnii <liH-* mit n llrr-tlu ' fiii-t. iih Th.' .-..Inulal (-.ill.-|;.-H w.T.- qn llr n- Hii.'1-i'..fnl 111 pr.Mhii'lnjr ni.-n tru r typp n« wrn- th r llrnunii nluralloiinl InMilnllnii* i.rlo r\in UUI. Will Uii- I'hiir.'h .'oUr"r« niii^iiilvrrKlIlrs of |i>- da .vp r..v ru -nu i-.xn^ ll?

'H ir r.0 drnnni^iSfcu* w hirh hnvp .T.';i1.-.| 111.- Iulrr.litir.-h Worl.l M..v.-- iin-ul u rr Koliis In mnkr u d.'lrniiiur.I .■cfnrt in r—lorr lln- hnlaiw-. Aiiirrl- i-aii i-il.i''nllnu l« rr|irr«i'iitrd h r $T«.- 'b F n T n 'in n 'ii i.TimufFrTirilri-Tri.ii.ls'iM "Tir .'f x;i-U1,-:T..-7i: whirh l« to h r Knl,. II

ihlrjHf Ihr „ r rk u t 'April n Only fori'ku liiN.hin* nn.l homr ml'- •I.m-* u rr .'.iii-l.lrr<'.l iiion- Imporinnt T"'b.v Hip .l.-l....... ks.I.-rn, An.lIfl h«!Ji •Iri.j/rlJiiPUM Uriu* tnr niura- •" lloi.nl imriw,-... hulk inrcr. m

,\Mirr.'V.T Ihr rhnrrh of Amrrlrn rX' t«'nd'« l l ' I'.lui-alinusl ui'llvllirn It I« I" l'o«,{Mr lo rrrnfp n rMllr./.ilim Hml rH l« I'liiM lun Jum a« hy lirr srhi.nl. i; Upriminy mud.- h rr rivlllKniion mlli- tliry.


I ' slAmong the Chief Alma of lho Inter. «

churth Orcanlaallon l< the AvoJrf. _ance e( Oupllcatlen e( E lfort —

< >n.- hf llir rrnx.ii-i (nr Ihr rnniblnlns ■>f rrn(.'«lnnt .'htiri-hr« In llir Ih iit-

h a . f..ur .-hurl'h(• In n row )ijh1'..'k, Thr..... . lli.-ni hnv.. pr.'... h in t•in,-r n iimutli. nml nn<- hnx pr.-n.-hinR iwl.-r II uinnih, T lirr.' I. u..' r r . |, |r n tm ln l.lrr In ll....... nn, Ilnih.'r jio im-l.it.-lMcrnt .ynirni, Isu'l It) -

Am.me Ihr .h lr f nim* nf fh r (ntrr- • rhnrrh nrsnnlrntlr>n l« ih r itrnlilnnm - nf »iirh .luj'lli-ntl'in of rffnrl. itn r Kumll .-hurrh could offrr thp samr nuinhor n( »c-rv|rr. nn.l mon* to th r pw.plp In th r vlllnee whh'h hns ih r

' four hnii*r* o( wornlilp. no,) ,lir rnm- hliir,! rfW i* nf ihp four dmomlna- llonvf rould luiiirr n rrnhi.'nt m ln ls t^

In IhP «iimr r.iunly frnm whirh Ihln * riu itip ir of rhnrrh nliorMljfhir.Jnp/u l« .Imwn. th.T0 sr.- 1T!I Hiiirrhr*, nil tmt onr of Ihrm rroipninnt. Of th rse IM urp whilr and -t-'. nrp fnr rolorPtl peo- }>lr. Thi" mmn* tbnt Ihprp Js a white i-hiirrh for rvrry 22* whltP p^^oplp m th r i-onniy nnd a colored churrh for cvi-ry •.’b; ciiliirrd propir.

Let Vs Print TonrSale Bills

. Dally and Sunday Time»_. R 5 0 .__

(V: , ' l W

f- I- ■ ■■

A. T. Wntsnn of Moiinlnlt I.nkc, N, . 1 J.. Kays .Unit In nil Ids i-xi> i-l.-iirr u- :ir> n Kliimliki) prunpircloi^ho nc 'Pr slru ik nl

'"■|m y~dlrl"'nn'7h'trnrin''tl1rt 'w hllrT tr Iuj: a haclinwnMia " j .ro ir . . »,7iri'liir' • | frnm Mnuiitnln I.nkt' to llnh. kon, N, .1,An n.rVnnlt nCn tlroli-nl t .'.'line ni Moiinlnlli l.n l;r Wuln.m v.ilii iln -r.il to Hr.- nil I'liRliii'. mill olhrrn nur.i'il in mukr u p ^ i r r.'nl of th.; I 'rw, Th.' '] cruii'ful rummuirrn mi r.'n. hliiR Iloh.^. k.-n IOH.J0 lip I) }>»rsi; of SH'O fnr jo. Watson. ' . .

w m S S S S m S S m S S S ^ ^ ^ ^


Romance In DUappearance of Red Dots From the Map of We*t-

- ern Canada.

A (nnp of K-o<f<T(i C<innfM l;<T* Ui llio olllcc* of Ihe Hudnon Kny «'om. pnny\ln W lunlin's' lH-sprinkled with f,;ii tiny ri-d dots. Two eruiurlpn and u i>r hnlf of mnian(» uml hlolory focus In UiC’D lIlilD i-i-il dots. , 1

Whrri the Uudsnti llay ronipiiuy in | _lKrO M/rrrniIrriil «i CauniJn tlu- va»( <(i. ’ icrrlior} umnu-d lo It by Cimrl.-n ll Uu of KoRlnn.l. II ruluini'd oiU--t«.'nili.'ili l>n of ull th r Innd In the •Trrillo I'oli" of '- i Mnnltohn. .Saskuirbownu nml Allu-rlu tii-l«'i-rii lhu Norlll Hn«kulchcu-ui, riv.'r .md Uif InlrriiallnnnI l.miudary. ,

This ..oe-lwi'Ull.-Ui wns ilM rlhuii'il IhrmiRlinuI rvrry t.>vvm<lilp und rn .h i",. of lhc.«o r.-.l dots ou lhu map ropr.- yi-ntn mi n iiii of (iom llW ii> liU) „ jUCTl'H. Sh

Thrse InmiVnrr todny Ju;il us th.-y nii WITL- wlirn flip coinpiiliy'n Hrsl fnil-i uu w.-re I'rk'KM nn lliidvm bny. Tlu-y y.-. nro Junt nn ihry wi-ro wh.'n th r hnf- b' fnlo pnnlnrpil lipnii thrm und Indhms I-" «fnj j.iiii»"-il Of *Jinr"fiir-firar="Ini: nulmnls In Ihl* dumnin bulf a ci'niiiry usu. -

Tli-ush miw Kurrnumlcl by tnrnin . Hiuj huvo nov.-r Ik-i-u lourhi'd hy u , |iir.»'. 'i'h.-y a r r 's till Ubind* of prluipvnl ni'll lu the nildat uf rich tiirinlns 'llmrlri^.

ThP lllllo red clots aro dlsnpprnrliis on.' l.y .mr (r..in tho innp. Kurli onr .j. Unit dhn|iii.-nm inonnn ll.ut the Innd ,r ll rrpr.-«.-iil* hns htcumi.' n M'ltlt'r’n i,i fnrm. All. the doirl rrpt^ncnl j i

Thc coKif.dii.v Is niphJJy iJ>;w>'c)»f o f .. ull lln rruuilnliiR Innd to M;IIIrm, ^ . W hrn Ihr -|n..t dol' lilHapiu-nm frnm• Ibl- mni>, lho Init fniEim-nl of lludwin p

Ibry cmiipiiiiy'i <d.l rinpln- will hnvo jtdlH«pi.iiit-rt| from lUr .N'.>rih An.L-rl- Icult i-ouilnriit. fl

Fine Home for Youno Clnger*. j iAp|'r.-.:lallvr of lho ronlrihiill.m to I

tuu-.tr mn.l.. I.y flu- I'nuflnt vhorlnfi'rs. H ' nml .lr.lr.iii-. of ulvlnc Ihrm tlui op- I i“.riimlty in .Irv.-lnp Ih.-lr nrl. John U

l>. 1l.H:krf.'llrr' -lr.. Ims jilnn-il ut Ibrlr dl>po.(il nn th.-lr luum- ii. llnr ohl H

■nnn«.''T!im—crnnn[j>r-on—vJnshlnston- B - ll>ilKhl>. Nr»- Tork <-lly. knowu ns H■ f.llihy onsti.'. 'I'hn hnii'^r wn* bnllt fl

•J.' y-'iir-. .ii:n mill Is now onr of the ViI Iniidinnrkn nf Uu' city. Ils (in-iilli-c-

tu rr u n rnmhliinll.in nf inpdlflvnl Nor* mnn nnd Sp.mlnh. T h rrr nre M boys Hi.-r.- nnw. runshiR from Irn ypnm np

, to sMi-nloi-n. Thry Imvc brcn rrcrult- rd frnm ulmnnt ovrry s(n(o In (lie

' i;.ilnu nu.l i-vpry l.-vrl of s.Ki.-iy. To-■ ccihrr wllh lho cn.irno In tnuslc Hipy

r.'rrlv r n Ilur ucndnnlc rducnllnn Ibnl prepsri's- them for rn tran to Inlo the hlRhvr nrhiHiln uml collcce.*, snys lho Ni-w York Time*. Thn Rrnundt . ur.iiin.l I.llihy casllo ulso nmko l( (ma* slhlo for ihi-m to cot the proper pbysl- 1

. cm trnlnlnt:. ^

GOODING CZafonB S tlon

Charlea W esle y T c n n ^ , PreBidonI nm in te re s te d in jU o c o u r

tikft lo receive JnfotW A tinn i-ofie< jlU -g iiln r CnUctfu W orit- - 11

Ctitnmcrt^iftl H rnnchca H ___ M usic_______ ;___________ H

, I! . .tS iu n n w rS s W i 'm . II[B n rfli L ifo S c h o o l )|

N am o --------------------------------------


Walby Batt<Ford Magnetos Charg


263 2nd Aye. N ,,


MOIiUISON, Col.. Mny r..—U re- lulrud th ltiy cnnn of hlucV; powder ua/J iw 't pounds <.( dynmntt^. to raio .It bnhy iiiouulnln thnt bliulcrvd thu luii.trufuuii-ur'tt airvtctf 'o f roadway lonr tb r luuith I.f Honr Crock Canon.

Jiint Tif>nh of hen-.- ■Tho name iiiiuntlty- <jf oxploslve.

jiidfi-iounb' pln«:i-a, would wrt-ck ony .110-0^ Nov/ Vork’ri nuniowjw i*ky-

Kirnpi-rn. atrordlnK to (ho ikiKJ/ict-r l« tliiirRc of lho work. -i

Tll.. yuiini: innuntalu tlml wnH Jar- rod Into poliblrs »loo.l on Hio survey line <i( u new road vvhlcb l,i beluK bulll by the monninin parkii depart- ment. lil |iiak.t uL-vi-snlblv Hj.ii^w ar- tiridul lakr )n lho cniion.

Till) liluKior \\li.i net off-tho nxplo- «iv« p:ni-.'.r hill charKoii of powder nn.l dyuuiiilK. uo cariduUy (hut hulld- ucRs w/iJi}(i'fh« Hhon .TnilJus. of fifty - ynrdn were not dumuKi'il. . When lho ohurKo ••Id RO." n .ircm undoua- ox- ,ptonhin rpverhrntril. tlirouftli Ihn can- *on. Ihn nm uniafivof rock nwr/Jrd iip F 'un.l cruckr.1 Inlo ui.'iaUcr pleci;s un a Rroiii rliiud o f b littk wnoUo weul uky wurd.

• T H K (’K :ts r 8 'WASlIfNOTOS, .Ma.v rt,—Prelim in­

ary pi>|iulul(on flRUn*! w rro.nnnotjnc. . ?il linlajf hy lho ccnsuu bureau un lol- f ,

, lli;miiioiiil. Ind.. ISH) pfipuiitlon ^8;- V •DU4; lncrr.mi' iilncc IfllO; ISiffJH or T?.M

Juilisclnvlllt'. n a - 19:0 ptKPulallon . lil.r,i:i; lui.ronne ninro iMO,-Kl.SU or iS,T pgr c n t .ihiinn Ilcui:.-. I j . . 1920 papuliulon "I-Th:;-in<T('u*i. Iilnco 1910. GSSt or lO.J iwr ri;il.

Anu Arhor. .Mich.. 1926 po^iulaUon la.niij; Inrn-.-iHP slnco 1910; ^G99 or 31.7-pi-r crnt.

Mdiiror. Mlrh.. JWO i.dpuJiitlDVl 11,- -.T-l; lnrr.';inc nlnco lyiO, <CSO. o r 67,9 lu-r rrnl.

r.'lonk.'y. 'Mloh., 10:0 ' populatlnr'■(Wt Incr.Msn nlncu IVIO. SSS or «

.Mi'Xk'o, .M(V, population COW;Ini'r.-nn.' rlnco lI'lo. 7< or I,-.! per

^■aJ•.•ll.-vllIo. Ark.. 19211 populalloi, lm-rra;-r nine.' 1910. S91 or 199

per conl.

m '( ‘! i i :s s i m u :i i i t s ' k o u t i’XkI.OXI)fiN. M-iy r,,—Tho D.ic-hcKn of

tfl.ori.i him Intu-rKcfl tromllu- .':nau' of li.-r InlP liiritMiul, th- Diilir II wua l.-;.rii^.l lo.lny, Thn Du. li .'Ml hi Ihl- foriui'r Mck, I’hlllii' Van Vnl- ki-nluirK of Now York, The iliike cUo.l lunl V obninry, " "

Till- |)ii.-h'.-H:i o( O p.irlo hnl. hn.I n i.ii inrrKiui- •-itr<-.;r. hiith In (ho Unlt.-d S’a i r i uu.l uhnm.l, CouiIuk nrlKlnnlly from Illinr.l.-I, i.h.- nmrriod I - 'r Akupw ‘ ll! I'lilriign.. ir)iiiiii i:lir luwWl jllvnn'i'i).Sh.' camo lo N..w York lu ivns where* rvho murrli'd William Mav:i ('hspmnn. un r.,;o.l m ultl-m llll.'n .ilro ,'then 70 y.-arii nlil, (Jo <llrc( noon nffrrirnnl. b-avlni; hor u (nrlini'' of f 20,(UJ),nno,I.nirr ^ho iiuirriril I 'h lllp Van Vnlk.-n-

.,.,,1 ■.■||, ]||,„ |„l-uinuTn c-oniiiy. Conn.. In Fohruary,IUH. MiP rh iirrod drritrUoil,--Tlrloit-«f 4hhi: on iin try 'nho went

abroad und mul Uii' imkP of Oporlo. whom nlro - imirrled -In- lia ty -ln -S ep - lomtirr. i:*17.

,W,VKJ;V > r f( f.V .ITYf-KI.<:NI)n.V. Muy r..-Moiil!oy fnr has

JoliKd {I'liihrrn UK 11 foutnrr In lho IrlinuilliR of .•(.;.lu nu.l oloukn hbnwu In Itio SiirlnK I'y lo hbow^. In Umdun.^h o uvcnlnR Rownn rcmiilu biicklc-ns.

' . DnlJy uud Sunday Tlmen. J7-C0.

I I ^

; p y H E . W O R L D 'S *• j] i b e s t m u s ic 'is s u n g

|-o r p la y e d fo r y o u b y ___________> I t h c w o rld ’s g r e a t e s t : I a r t is U if y o u h a v e a

Victrola■ in y o u r h o tn e . ' C o m e in 'i

a n d i ic a r y o u r f a v o r i tc s . ^

' Logan Music Co. ;\ > 110 Main Ar e . , *>j■ 1 ' ' . . 1 - .

; COLLEGE ';lon B la n k 'lont, Qoodiag, N oho: ciimoa tnarkvil (X ) auii iihpiild tficortiitttf the w»?io. ' - . M ; '_ll___1 .\<^;i(li;mlc SiihjcclH______ . ' >■J __[Art_____________ '

II I N itfh t I'limscHII [I'liTvrnrlh Lepttue ItiBtiUito .il - illnm c Prnlilcms' ::........

™ T f6 1 iiN fE R

tery Servicerged While You Wait : al Repairs

Healy Buildui£.',

Page 3: Reign Among ~.^^^uj^cans 1 I Plii Stan nddrdBsarer^lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ’ Uaxleb- a!^ ¥ atrai«alo poim haa r«-la in the hands of the Mex- >(


T w in F a lla O h o u ^ r . o f O om inorco ^

B e c r o U ^ N ew P r o d d c n t o£ lu B ig O raniaoU on

■ '■■" ',■ ; »i 9 « r « la r r Nowull S. V/lRht o t tho

• 'T w in riilH 'CBllTnljtr'of Cotamorce >rmi-----oloitMl )>rti>1d«nl o( SUsU - O rc a n iu . tloa c t aee^ la rlta t t u moethii: .hell} r r rec iinU /a l PocnteUu; '' cn

VarlBuH »ii'b}Mtn porlalnltiK. to tUo m ansctm ent tniT buiiinu* nfllhot]* u( tli chamber o( coirimerco anU <lerinlle m; pollelfs vrrro nuUlne<l lliat will tend lo iDBkon tho cmDiharcUl orRaniutlotui more «rrielent anO tbv mnihoiln oC do- InE I’unirtiHx morn uniform. PtatiH w rro , ouillni)4j ;»hlc^ wJIJ m vc U.u varlpu* cotninorcIM clulm .and comnmnlllpn. »hl»U-g»>i..rapftiiont, •ft..«-jiuiilil8»alittt .H<:

V amnon^rot money anil iroiililc. ,A porm anont'orxunlullnn.w uD p«r- ,

feeieJ |wiib:iti«< foliowtnif o fftc a n T a r tho enfulBK y«ar:

N. s ;w ig h l . Twin FalU . prOBi.lmil.. . J . W. Irwin. CulUwcll. vicn preiildcni.

W. R .’.rrooni. Poculo'llo. iiccrclnry • an|] ireanuriT.

•Thfl .RoftrJ of dlrflclom compnncil nt:W. H, P. TIIU. I)ol<iu,I’. J t Bvan».'SJ. AJilhmiy, j ; W. TVnncr. Ilnlil.J. 'J. LovelioRR. W citfon,TbB naxt meotinK of tho Hocruiarlci

ronvrntlon wdl bo tc lil 'lu C'uUlwell In No»cml)cr thU 'yfnr.■rThfl-pr««1(tentii of tliu viirlnuii rmn- n o rc la i 'ors&nltatlonn of iliu m ate nt rdaho tii«l. with (Ke ncc'roturloii ni ihJs u] conrcniloa, «i

' IM»Pl!i.AH AT KTATK f . ‘ 1NOSCOIV, ita j- t .—OiiiRlmmii and ,

»olIc» prutlomlnxied tn u rocont iliu- play or Rown^ inuilu by inonibvrH of "

. iH< rresUmaii d u M 'ln thn Uiilvornliy or.Idaho'N department .of homo «win- omtcii. Jlouiawtvrs muy bo Jn irrrx t- <■ oU In lieurln* iha t Uio maximum to .n "i p t r (jarment wus *3,37 and Him ono "II

. drernt won nifido on nn outlay or only i-' 93,00.• ^ tle p all lf\o Rownj bail beon rnm- k; pielcd, nacb nirl ilonnuit Imr crnatlim and appciirail boforo ilie o ihe r niwn- Z. bom of tlie clBiiH 10 h o v e 'liu r cffun o/ncJfllJy JuiJsrd. Tho.ilr™ «p« wenj >‘I Koprcd QU (ho bsxl« of tliutr >iiyl,i. |)rp1)»b|o uilllly. color nml coxt mul

ritik^nr’lyiHB Ada Mo?W. unlvprNlty Inn tn ir. ^ ’1"o'i.o tha t or

could” be purtJSSod for Iohh ihmi , fa s d Jliaj majir o l ({icra (rauld brfnit »«W o r i t p „ p „ , r prico-iaBsed o?i|X^a..eotiifii«iii(ou»’’m erchaR t:'. oi:

p ii ^ f r c i n g d

: ' ■::

■Ai'EW D A Y SA G O £ 1 I 'IIA T -T H E I



h a v e A e e o M P u s

r* ^

: ............I■ '

* ' f f y j / - :

T H E .- i 4 i n i E S ' ,

ON& nioriilnu whPD Rlxlft imt up . uhu fonnd It w un ' KilnlnR i t r y lu rd and thn t of rouni« im t ^t) end tu

ull ttiUt.Klile Imd iihiiincd for lbi> (lay.Sliultvu* to tuko’:Iie r.la iic li w|ib

stiwif <iclier jrtrhi nnd ' the tr miUlicrK and so (0 llio imrk for n .t^ro lc. ')' ._Elile'.jlIil_niJt..want-j»iiyl!.''rpnl;fn»f.!<hn dht nnc w ant to nny koTkI nniriiiiis'

at i'vvr}biH}y In.-cnu*p It m lnK l.,; ': .

’’Z JUKC think It Ih too mcun fnr uny- tlihii;. .ibix'flld rsVo'to comc nnd xDaii unr tun," ih'o uatdl "

"tlui. my dcnr. tbu imrk will b.- " ■nuch itvcvtcr und clouurr afu-r ib<- pnln." Kulil b<T im iiluir.. " Itr ii Kim.K Clivcrfiil miltr dnUKhtiT und Kinlii'."

B ut i:ifilu would not.iimih-. xii.-

- ................. .......... riibroii^faiit >vBji over nbe u v n i wilklly ii; ujiilnlrn to tlir iiliiyrotun iitui Umlii-tl tii/l h t itic n-UiJiiw.

“Ilqrrld Illd rnlndroiMl" KIhIi' kiiIiI, hi “I JUNt liutu riiliidriiiia." m

"Oil, 1 um Kurry." xnli) a vi.lc- I,.- bi-r; "Afr ««> jj;y n lnrn i uui j '

tlii’ru iin Ihv window imnr." [,On tlu; nnn’ 'if llu- blc rhu lr In wlilrh

Kho Win Kllilnif. Klxji' j^uw n pri'liy 111- t, llo rriiiltiro nil ‘ in silver, wlilrli -larkli-d IIL.' n iimmirnd. nnd kIw knuu „

"Ibul hur vlKltiir Wll* u fnlry, Irw-itiw; i, ^!lo farrk 'il a unnd. (]. "I iini cnrry ynu hnic lh r nilm lnipV’ n :iUl Ibo fnlry ni;nln. *‘l nm ^iin* ynn

niAXCK IirAllV TO TAI.K >VITjI |tb ; UAII. U 0 U K i;ijs i‘"‘

-------- ' ' . illlPAUIS. Mny i;,—Tbc f;i7?..Tiiinrhl

K’lUIili: ttl euiiT Ittta ncKtitUiliDiiHloi witli lbo rullm ad iilrlkurn un ihi- hnnlnj hi or th r lr domamlii tnr nniloimllxaiion j„t_tlM .-^^|u,:.>=._h,.,_ln.l„.. Ihn.•triko nrdor flrnt bo rucnlled iK 'forol''’ unv confurcnoi cun I»'kIti, Thln.Ji the l'“< offlclB raltitude on .Ibe Kreuch Ktrlkoj" BiiuBlloa au oiitjliiud ty ihn lnlcrim i| "I


mlown the pi


Kim't wlirn you know "Thuy linvc Kimllpd tu ;

, luirk," wild KUIr, ‘'nnd 1 |, <)uill iwYrr llilo niltidrurw a f a l o ^ ^ v :, "Uut wnll unlll 1 toll y m L „ )H ( '

Ihrtiil" wild tlm fn lo’.' •Tbiiiu.f'ftrJ|Py.J KlKirr fiiini'H. nnfl'IliV only t l i / io ^ r ' ‘, w or. bn>r u boJt.lay l» wbon w u '^aiii. ‘

dlxKiiIm- ourvriyrH Uli' mlmlrups | |t i i | , I’lnv'c u dny ofT." • 'I—- ^ v •it;i3r--ofr:“—fifiwilitnwl —IvW tv- -

; ••Wb.it lUi you inrun by t li i i tr - .... .. i \ "Oil. d r a n Dlilli l Jim Unmv (but-a «

. fiilry Is Jiiitt UH bu«y uk nm bv. tun- »? , iiliiK ulmnl Ulld wlilmn'rliii: tiood ibUlCH ^

lllin Hip r iir i of rh lld itn wbii lliltil;. - . urciiiu :liln ',«r-

•'.V'l; I dldti't.'*' Mid Kl«lr. "I nuver!, liriiro ynn v.hlviuTlUk' to Uir!" j

•'"I;, y r . JMU h ^ '-—•iiiiiny iliiicOM “ ,. rri.»iMl tin- {•'niry. •viuly.-nf ^I V'liyllil linl bii.iw It Vi!i-i u fiilry wli» : _

■tUv.i why uri! jn n uul bnvlu; n hn ll'I .•. llur. Iw ii" ■iii'htl i:iHlr. I

"I wnu (llllli ymi suid >nicU thlnt:^ ^ uIkiui UK. nnd ibvn I liud to rbuiik'r , ‘ my Orri.x umI come tn ir ll ymi wim i Ibr niliiilnijii ur<'. Wo u-nrk nn Imrd ! ;; Illl tlu- lliuu tliul I UIU Murr ruixv ynu ! wlll IUU liL-' c>|).-.K wllh U-. tnr linvlni:>1 .hulliluy. .ulld wbrn yuu »r<- Iiow brlitht ncd f;ri-on cvpi-ytbluK 1" t'>- inrirrtiw In lh r purl.- I um «ur>- you will tnrjjlvo UM fnr pliiylnj; Indnv."

W hrn Klulu ».|ictird bi-r ryr*. for. ^. 01 cuur.M', nllll lllld liri-n'uiili-r|i, ili<>

Kiiiry bnil-jpinr. Jiut uiii-l.lo w rrr ull B rii.' rulnclnip.' oudi «»irriliiwii the wlnd<i»^iinlir. mul ux

‘ »n li'l|rd tiu'in wllb kTcnt Intrrr^l nn»I.lie ilrup. (iirfrr flmn fho oifirrr*.

I' .unlll It wuu iiUHliril on by tbi-niborn. ■ ’ . At

'■'riiat dniji Innst lni\« l«rn m.v ' i'lilry." you cuu-.

.llllli lltllo ruliiilriipHl I dim't Inilo ynu I' i:l ull—I.lovo you, nud I um (,'lu>l y<.ii !• bnvr u piiid tlnio." «bi'nnld. "und fll

J.Ol-lT I— ITD-OI UJllJ’ l'fy HWl'l ’'■ ll iM'nii. fo r I Hlinll kunw H li u fulry lei ’■ hnllday; nnd l.ib i Ii0|ic 1 did not upoil r .,1

llu- iluy flir Ilir mill- Kulry wbo mlil ,,t,; luo Ulmiit i t by lirlnx rhK.i."

" (Coiiyrieiit.)

{tlonnl Nuwu (^vrvlco todar hy the snv* -jd rn iu rn t otflclain. loi

Thu mlnlHior nf public w orlu ta lil g lllm i rtnrRanlxuiIon of mllroaaii wm ,

n ibo Hdon ncct-flhury for financial roun* ' kJoiiu bfcuunc lbo rond* aro In the hy

huuda nf thu ir nsttmiillJlo ownvru only «il 1,1 for n ourluln period anyway. It In -jd „l go^^raIly admltlod tba t the govorn- .Ui y im u n fd policy ii uveniuaiiy ■lo~n«injl“ OT f btit'-tfin imrerflmmC" n.>o |u dectdftU tu onorsBtlcally eotnbei an} tU. : j ‘1dca o t *oir1ut'cni»ittil‘; h r the work-- rd

R A U S l


i J$35 - $4

— n il I

I f^ M T O S D A Y . M AY 0. 1020

Ho.u> tl

Best May Testifyin Trial for the J '

Slaying of Girl ‘.'i

A tlo r n e y C laim s 0onfc55\ona V /:rc '

W n iT i- P ro n i Y ou th by T h ird •'

D cBTCc M e thods • i

Td.NTlAC. MU'h.. M.iy i;.- Mu.-h i ii - i l '” leiiiat w;iri nunir*^i (iviT lho prol.ulili'• r.illllli; l<>' Illl' .wi'll-"!! hlUUll nt Au-i]!;. l.llll llr .t; un tr in l lu rr for tbc lUi-r-; | <:.T a t V'-rr. MiyUU<r. t’rd ’r I’luvio r l r l nlK);;ij body w;i:i louuci | i i . ' - '‘

a ilo r ;dti:‘huil boon »l rr.iiulnl lo .Irath.', n r I .u .hiyu nno. I

Ilr» f« ;it(iirnoy lu- ivnuUl urovn :.t hy llln ollvnt Ibnt th.i . nufrnili.n iiiiulii by tbo yoimi: ntun «'as lulnn uml fn rr - : j.j ml triiin’ Ulm hy "iliiril iiORrro" iiirtb- i.;.,

omitloyvd by Hi., uiilborlllr'i nii.nK :bu irigltl fftHuwIui: hin urrent <in KU;i-|v.t

Ii.> i f v 5 « r^ « n ra iu fu l. 'n rtUon natonie M lltd jK ir'm -aa a liom p t-' tb rd u :.:m iir^ & ' (Itlitty^p im iB tcd bdllt; 11>

F | b

NNOn s Clothing m in tln$ COCE- BY IOF WA-!E A 'm a iAS- NOV'ER • SAVWE •• ONS

' BR1(

10 - $ 1

the W orld Do Che

'ee£ PESKV ___ _p a h p e u q h \

f j i P 'o f T i t /

• V,, I'Koiiov/!


a - « » E s ibf o g n v o w N W E ’ :

■ul hiw .. .............ll. -mid rlaimi'il lur p .

\ T ll.- ir /a l 1:1 rxin rlvd l(i inil.iyj

• ■'iliniilt.d I'iriolinr;;ir;i n'.iilruirul'; i :iii::.'u by II- t Cl t i f f inrite .;.’c-tl. .' .

, iv ii .i. n n n iK n i i i t . \ ’r i; p .v i i u i i r sinbi: iiiisTuN *• '

■ lIOSTO?;. Muy n -"T lo - nilclul»;lil , i ;d r uf Willbiiii DiiwiM." mil hd w rll, 'l.iii;v.-i, Vrrr n^ llii.l of i'jnil ll.-v.-r.-.! ^‘ >.;ir ll.' rtimm, ir...r;i;.'d f.rr ' I - f lir t . ....Ir.ll.- tbi;. yr(ir In llio nbi.i'f vau. r o f ' ilV trln l^ iMy.1 l).,-.v,-i v;«;i mill bv J...,.;,.i W i.rr .r i.l" ‘'

il,r );n,;i,n ( 'o iiim -i.c .■! .’al.'lv t . i i '. r r [ I.i‘xiiii;!nn hy way u! Il'ixanry. ii l.iiiK-

...'•■Miiilrl A'lliOi-i "f tliJ’’ ;tli|i.-i'^ir'l u t ' •llrlllHh ininiii:. ; '

I'liil-i; b .r tbr rul - v. . r,- f..r;uill.'*rn'!:.t i; ........ n ' lbr.C lt;.^ir-i I'lll.-I.-' 11:1 .Crli.t.llillnll rnmmUI:'.' In I'ilv H u ll.- ;,

• Tll.' I'lil.'i ' will br M'liTlril iriim Ibr .- i l ' l r i f Troni, 11' Cavalry, SiVr C.u.r.t. ■' i:.u h wjll havr nil t-i..:urt 'it . av ilvy -, "!r

IIU.'U. The n .l r r Impi'riiriuullni; n .iw rir 'lu - 'w tll lr:.vi- Nurih Hqunni lirnlr;ibiv|>«n.

I.'., a.. iii.-aml_llm-im r r -I 'l. '. i I 'n 'iiriifintc IJcvoro hour Jaf-r.. imj l»al ;Pi> 'tbo Iwu tnay reach I.esluRlciii nl-Mi-:'lui' jtli.i Kuniu lime. Ki<'

i o H r ^

lUNCg has met w


I ' I

h a tig e

Prevost Goes on | 'Trial Today for i

j the Brown Murder|;V,',

' Co'.isin o f D cnd M im 'tt W ife I.-. Ac-’j cu sed of K il l i i ig - B o d y M

F o u n d in C ur on H oad i;,- . «

; M oi'N T i '1.i :.m i:nh, :,;i. ii.. .'.i.iv r..I'iuTK'-.l v.rll'lb ..' iiiiir.l.T ul J. ;; Ml-

.li y llru Ml. \v.l;;llhy yniini-. oluliiii;;!; uf |lh i'. il l* nil I'lir :;lnl nt laM II.... -in- >

; i ! l ; ! .\ .a ''.m \h a ? b it" .iL > - 'lir t ,...: n r - l .m l Jiiili’.' Uimh.; Iirowu v.-n Mu:i>l ilr.id ill U.. .uU'i- ' Jli/ol.jl-- -MJ 1, nw.l f.-vr niilr-. out nl 'll:i t I lly I.ll Itic: mnruliic ul Di-.-i-mb.ir '•;i vU b irv.-ral iiiillrti. In lil. li'tly. i K .ivon.l'ar: i-.lii w m m adr. liu lii-IliiK f Mr.. llnih I'frvn-.i 1/rnivii. »!{>■ " I - 11)1' <l.ail mun and a. .'uii.'dll uf Uk-

ly.nitli wbn 111 .>11 Iflal loday. Mr:., v ll 'ru w n -.viiii luib-'ij.iu.'utly roIi-ii;ir.l ulul ■•PiV-vrini“WiiK tTrlri-im.lrr-t*-i<ri-iil|lm ll.'im i III tu r munb r lu i'u- t ln l d r. j


;e m eivifth the apj



I MI-- , . . ■' _



r i n ; t Dn,5rc(; M urU cr C liu rijo W ill I'; ';';: .'inih.IVIiirdorcr— P lc a of

r_^o:i;cylor A w aited

v.n-<;KI.K:'.. C.,1.. May ‘u.-lii-t'..'.,: .,:,;:iir't Vi,„rli-> Andr.'v.-

. ;. , I . .■ il i..iui-.vi!:r. k >..

! ' i,‘, ! ^ ; - Wnn-!l'rnuJw!l^rni'u-».''

Kf DOWNTiiat wc 'do the very

)est line oi Commcrdw . Printing and ct rcasonabjei priccs. Give us your next •,rdcr and let us prove oui assertion.

Bear in mind, we wanl /our businesi and Vfc pro- oose malting oursely^dfr serving. Are you vridi ils? ..

B i ^ a d i i n i « i i i

E N I■ ■ . ■ '-Hi,V

.. .v:. - ; SJ.vV| .

SS 'WB- H A V p 3 ^ THE P R E V A I|,ttI® iME OP iS ^ S lN E ^IN T H E . # S M ^

ETTM':VK6 ’i t £ ® ® ' JP T d ?50—0«TJ,B«

: A ..

Page 4: Reign Among ~.^^^uj^cans 1 I Plii Stan nddrdBsarer^lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ’ Uaxleb- a!^ ¥ atrai«alo poim haa r«-la in the hands of the Mex- >(

f ] i I > r o g r .....................

THE TWIN FAUSP u o lu h e d E r e r 7 E T e n in g K x ee p t Sudi

T ho T im M P r i a t i a g & P u b lia h la g Cc

O K L Y ID A H O P A P E B W IT H T \ ^r»* K«WI ServlM Ui*

U< lU BMi0 . H n g fjro M --------- -------------------------------U lO lfl a HILt. I --------------------1. M. r v f u t J - ------------- ;--------

UIDOROB a 'i U R T ______________ iTM 01U 8 W ..B T lU B T Iin-------------------------

, B n te red j r t . t h t 'T w i o 'F i U i po ilo ffi >«U7 R U t^ e ^ tio ^ A p rU 11. 181B.

g U B B O R ira O HD aily a n d B u o d a y v ^ y c a r ---------------------D a ilj^ ^ c o p l S u n d u y , y e a r --------

' iA L O IT ! '

^ iO id W A l l e g l a n c e to M: / f « r W b ie b JtfStau<J«. On Q h e r ty '. a n d J u i t ic o fo r .

T a i j t n u a p l a t f o b m f o b a a x l AHD COI

(—m m ocrao j aC bom*.»~M utaal ilffbU b t a t aad p o v ir ta d v •.Iff ldcacy .tB .pab llo ■ctaooK.

t ^ S S S y t e b ^ i ^ w l t h ifoatoeni P < i C t o w t wal«p l a s p l r >7 pmapla*

. . . . i b n cuiU B w h i n m r p o tiib lt dtT>-t*tmtDtaK pool iB n m m « r and i lu 8—JoproTMl ■tr««i lltliUnR nr»l(m. ft—Oood n u d i U kroscbosi t l l ir lb a u n

l ^ B K t r l f r iM lro td i o t td»&o.

M A K D f a T H E P A T '

T hn r i t y o f C lncaR o is un iifrtiil:) h e a lth w ork . I t w ill lu-lp its fn t i-iiir.<-ii.s .o rgan ized f o r f a t i^icn m u l fn t woiiu-n. o n J iveifflimjf pnc?j m o n iin c . n w « n l» J ii n n d o f iL c limt* roiikiuiu 'i I. N » tm-ciii r»l<»y<‘<J.

fionR lionra o f ^xf•rl’^Hp out o f ifoors w ith p rM eril)fld hourH fo r Hlcciiini;, mnl ilcpartm C nt. - U iH nniil th a t fu t fo llow thcxe rulc.1 :- r P o i^ iV u u nl«lt(■l^Vl\lft^^\■^5rlt.' • •

K nt }itffc ifHicJi.D o fin y e r tilH o m l \k’o rk o n ‘Hnrt'i« m I ’rob'ftbly •som o 1io.hni>wJvi>«-wim r-

fo rgo ltc i^ w ill s it lf f n t ' t l i i ! plnn tiH tyii {leal. U lll i f Iho o n ly Ih in g s to h.- fnrtc (.-m-ntiflls, m i i r t h c I 's sc u tia ts nri- to Iji- j fii'it'iioy, w h ile tlto <iiiii> Knvi-d l<y thin w o rk oitt-of-do'orti, t l i i 'j th iiij : h.-Piiis moi is (ho bcitt knaM'^f»('0<Kmt]iii<-r.

I t nm y HCcin-'Htniiip^ fu r niunit-ii'n tim p to nuch im n iidc-rtiik in i;. H ut nl'toi •hn-lion h siiiijiiy ihi- n-vi'i-xo »if (lie pi Btftli i-nmlilionn n rc tin? r<'«iill of Im iik i i-ither m oans ji i-iiri'fiil k IiuIv o f tlii^ n il cxvrciKC. K vory ]H-r«on w ho l.-nnis tlu-s f lfriv i’ii fro m kci-puiK tli r i ii , lii'i-iitni-H tli »uti>rAi)y, ^)K>■nlorI^ Niich »r{)i)s')li-.H w i' Jj Koud ht-nltli w ill Ix 'f in iif tlx- luw of n i l '


T lin o lh i ' r ‘dn.v 'iliu U iiili-il SUiti-s Irish -ind rp i'tid cm -.- <-aini’ u p fo r ilisi-iis-> T h o w ny .till' m u tli-r w n s liiiii<lli-il tli.-: Atuprli-nu Tnw-nuikiTM.

O lll' mi;ml)i-;" iihUi'iI t in ' t'i>vi>riinii'iii iiifo rm n liu ii n-Kai’d ititJ a niiuiifi--i<i i orKAiiiza'iinii k n o w n ax (li<- r iiili|i|> iiu 's ' in w b k h i l w as inuiii1iiiiic,il ih n l Aini-r

U'(;)il(l )/<’ di'DiiJiisirn f i-d rng tlio r(*jic'ati-d (lon iam ls iniuli- fo iiiliab itan lH o f tin* l'liilipiiin>"< llm n hy i lltc lixpn-vHiiiB H yiiiiialhy wifli V(u* i-aiiN f u r th e r im p iircd w Iu - iIk t, ‘ 'n s a iiuitl; S c n a t t , " t h f 1Io\ih»‘ o f <'iiimnoii» o u tli ii('t'l>y th e R i'iinti', am ! iul<i|it :i r.-i<>hitic doniftpd f o rw lf -d c lo r in iiu u in ii,

IIH «i»<‘Ji*»H»»lril 'T h5"FiH pia '>x l>’" ' ' ' i " ’ '" i ' h a n 'u m u ln t U u ijvd s t a t e s llfi tlio lri->h hiiv>- nmiiiisi ly in p p r in c ip l i ! i'« llu- •.niiic.

t 'A iid whllt tlid riirliunx 'T il ilo ahoiil fo r th e Kovi-rnin

({Ih' hI ion . nml 't lin t w h ic h tlio B r itis li K ovi-riuiii'nl w as r iiiat^t'f'w iB-cTrupiK 'd.

•ConRri's* iniKlil. w fl l liiUc n li-ssnn is ot.RroH t inti-rc>il..to m illions nf Aun-i li-nirt;llic Utiili-il S t a l l 's ni»vi-nitni-nt h n i

A m an wIio pciioy h-i-JkIIwie'c BH m uch iiitrr<-Mti'il in llu'li- wi-ilr' rcuBon 80 im ujy nu-n d o n ’t Uitow th<-y m

T h e Q ern iiin i-hnn i'cllo r Inis lioi-ii tn “ wjJjlnriHiH.” . \\V r( '> iii 'i- tf iil ly n -fiT li

A ll o f tlio p r c s id - i i t ja l I'liiicliilnli-s Bm noth (onKiK'f, (oo.

CnABtiE AKSIOCIt MAN UunIS I’ltO nT K E R f.V ttpV i

" ' ' ' collrBOSTON. M.iy t>.—Arm our * dun-

Bcfay M il '.fotni B. WUhoii. u local <11-1 . v ia o a VuM rniiiiiilKnt. wirv-RiiiiuimB'l— a

n A I L Y l l i s ru n d ty , a u d S u n d a y M orn ing (>) Coinpouy , T w in F a llt , Idulio.

— Rlro LXABED W IR E MEUTIOtS Ul* Vn,» T l»tMAert. Ku„_________ _________________________MU)________ __________________ Prvildabt Mr.

____ Vl/-. Pr*>ld«D(------------------------------ , nncl— I------ ; ■ -------------- .-B tc rt iT T f . f_

I:13 lI^B i5U oriira“ aeM r» l~ M lO irtr 7"^, _________________A iM iunt U a n tia r M

_______ ___ __________________ _ nf Kfcrc-Ih.

- HI’Clif f ic t a t tc e o n d i l a t t m tt lf lr t t a • .Mi

lor 1__________________________ . MO K RATJS ■’‘si'i_____________________________ IT.SO „n,i

____ ____ «n 50 .Mi'j

_ . . . . — ---------------------

T H K n .A O ((7 ’’”

My n a g . a o d to th n R rp u h lie ,O ne N a tio n , ln d iv in jb l« , W ith j ,,

i r AIL . . ’ aiiiii1 nrcli

------------- ---------------------------- Jt

A O nZATES TWUI FALLB |,nr'COUHTT J'i«__ ilii-ii

Mdo Ui «.«». , . ™|,. «vi'na P te tn e to tba aoaih. ■ ■ , ,^\ I ss Wfttt* w »t«r back loto trrlia*1 dorlns tb o r t tc t . .,,,1 ilu t lD i r la k IB wtBtar.

tary U rrlto ry to eity,T«'li

........— ■— iu-r■ Ini;


iikiiiK •'sfinii'lhini: in'W in imlilii- to r i ■n.sloj-i't Ih in . .(.'hisHi-s linvc-hrrn-II. Tlii-y r e p o r t fo r insti-ni-lifnih s ^ u » jiri‘ 'i<i b r l[i-j)l ol' lci>is o f wi-ichl,■ciic-ini-s o r K iiruirry; will iio i-ni- ,ypf,


nrs v;iH In- p a r i o f th o lrf*ntm<’« l. p /j<Itnl licit ri'c-iiiiinirinli‘il l>y In-alth 'on.in-n iiiidi-rtakiiiK tin- ooiifs.'. w ill q ” ,;

Th_______ ________ _ Ihr


« u tul Uiifc'.H iiflT fd in iM < ^ : 'I r« 'n< l'lha t liuusKw ork i s ' t o h» Tuii typ ii 'ii lly laasc iiliiii ' a tu i im prac-nrtco ttcn an* llii- ox 'trns au il ti»n- f.*aiti II' p r rfo r iiii 'il w ith 11 v iu o n m s cf-h is iiM’llioil is In III! tic'votcil to Iv'in iiori' f riis ili li'. DxyKi'ii, iiiiyw ay,

, ' Alwi. . ton

-ipiil a n th i’r it i i 's to ilovulc th r i r mi I’liT n il, Ihl- p rolil''tii’ o f flosli ro-

pruM i'iii o f t(ficl«T-nminihm<-Jit.iikitii: initnri-'M law s. T o runii'ily iiuririili-:i trov i'rn iiii: h n i l th , d i r t m ul jIic'so r iili 's . nn<l tin- In-iii’f its to lu ' ^nii;till- liiiostli- o f Kiioil lii'iillh. A nil ^‘“a

1' Jjjivi'. lh c sciom-r tin- jjosjn-l » f jifi., ill 'ih r in 'op li'.

B P H I L IP P r N E S j J

ti-s S o n a tv s r i'so ln lio n riivorinjj ns-«'.iii ill th>- M rilish p a rlia tn rn i. ili.Tc' o ii«lii to l'l* in s tn ii 'l iv o In

lu I

U'lll w h c 'tli .r i t h;iil " a n y offii-'nil I iHsiii'.l in \V asliiiiu 'l"ii by mi Tnv I's roniiiiivAiiiji fo r lnil«'|ic'ncli-in'i-, ' j ' iii-rican in'lic-f in tlu* jiHiic-iplo .c>r m i irn tc 'd nioj'.* impi-i-ssivrly l>y t-n«-

fo r iiiiii-p,'nili-iic'c- liy l»,rilK),l»HI th i ' IV im s'.ini; rc-solntions in tin- Si-n- liiM. <.t' ir is ii Ill-iirl; (if rc'Kpc-i'l fo r tin- A nn 'ricaii Hi t t l l l no l to fo llow lh c |i r - i ’i-tl'-iil llion ill ^ n |l)lo rl n f 'ih i- 1‘hilippitic- in ’

l-ll')s w jll a d m it, w as a fn ir th n is l. o>''i ilnticni o f t:ri--vatic-('s a k 'a in st-tin ' nsi C n-iil l l r r tn i i i ; Im l tin- iiinliT- ,mu';


Olll il ? N o lliin i: lit a ll. Andrc-w niiip iil, n-inarU i'il tlm l In- ha .i no in 1 m t it tlid n o t si’cm to In* one in » i-onc-crtK-il, a n d iln-ronpon tin- A


nri from Ih a l. T he Irish prnhK'iii icIn ui'-rii-nn i-ilii-ii'ns Im t jiiv.'i nnw al nis no tliiiii ; to do w ith if. (-ar

y-JKluiijr HiJii liinos MiVB wfiiiii'n a rc frie c-ilrlit a s nic-n. Mayln- I h iit 'is lln- —■ a n - liKht-wciijhlK. ' A

I n in k in " liit’i r r a llin -k s nn l-'roiii'h T r Ilim to L ul;.' V I .- I I . p j

ti-K ih is vi-ai' luivc- sinoolh fai-t’s.

Gun vxtracleil t> pHro (or lambs or SVi contR p r r poiinti which rn;.t tJio ' o iirprn ».(•&< ccniii iiiir iioiiml. plus y * .ni'j? t'rnlH for (rrlt;]it ratpn. k,>

J il II tA .W II t lU U £ a .* i^ \- l !Q lM U .: l iw

____________ rwijir — — ■ - ■ ■ ■ - ......... - - . l . - t Mr

Eden Neivs j ' j------- ' y.

• (Spc'clnl Corrcinnnnili-ncc.i RDBS. Mny 6.—Tlion: from V:«lon a'.- ^Vfili

tonillng tbn ojiera. ■■IllKoU'llo" ot Timi c, rnlla Monilay ovuninE were: Mr-'im^ for<l, Mm. Max Khan, Mr. nml Mra. tico'ii rcrcjv KUon. i l r . onil Mr*. Ilrymi Avorlii..MU» "AyiMj AvcrIH, Mr. Muc Qulvr;. ti, Mr. uiKl Mrs. L. W. Ilecbiiul ami Mo- in ||i ilumnii lilakcly, Gordon und I^ v ln : Mr. nncl Mm. Mnx Kalm. Mr. nncl Mrn, (’. Jir <-. a ik M . ftJr. aad .Urfl. 1). IV, T c m nt«r<l and M m . W. p. .ScroKgii olti-nOiid 11 vli«l)rTrovalciro'-oil-TUfiRnay-ovwiIilR— ;---------- MF

Mtm. Jiino U ICparnoy. county Supi. ,.iirni nf Kulionfri, cumn up frum ik^ Hr.forc'pnri nf tbn v/ci*k nml nioi'i wlih <iti 1) th*- <Kivnrnt bnunln i>f inii;lotn In th)« [ l.y Ki’clliin. tciricl• .Mr. r . r . Onki’ii y,’mi n bunlni nii v(<(- Mr lo r In Ji-ronii'. Tui-mlnv. ruUii

MIkh Ihirotliy AiluniH nf Twin PjIIk «iu'nt Krlilav with Mrn, V. J . Hi-lly. lic-

MIir lllnnc-bo SI.-v.th niicnl the' wirk :ii ili iTil hctrci w ith h r r moihrr. Mrn, Mity .--iinct MrycTK. ,„v,c

Mr. mul Mm. Kurl Rjnnn Kjicnt Run. iimi: llay wltll llu-lr iiarenlii. Mr. nml JI,-.< yf;.ri .-In,it Klinn. J,.,,.,

Th.' I. a . 0 . F. nml H.ilirkuli Imir'/ .imi.--i|i»»'rT>-i)-)b«-lfU-i,nniVfr«ii»7'-«J-»lt-l------ itn0. 0 . K Sanilny aflc-rnouii, Tli.- itnri. li'TH »:;ilburc'il ul llu 'lr hull mul msr.V- „ Jll to llll- l'rc>iliy|i;rliin ilm rrli, wl.cic' •|||,„| .» ’ifcori iiriisraiii h’oh rcnil'-mJ. iiii'iiii aililrrns i;lvrn l>y I’iDii Uruiul I'uiil nrcli. I.lri-Iy.

M r und .Mrn. I’ iirl VniniK rriiirnKl frcmf.Vsniiia .Kiimlnr. Slr«. Vuiififf ftir VK nprnl Ihil |<nnt rnrtnlRlii th rro vlnlllnK iiiuili tirr t>ari'nl« uml Mr.-Voimc nicitwrcl ilu- i J-iwn III utiriul tlu: ijiii-l wrrU «llli ivil;,t tlicm. iiiu'ii

Mr, nml Mrn. V. Kvrrltl nml Mr Mt,ui •inil .Miv, iJolirrf (Mlriim i.'u-tilrliirr show a l lla irllon , .Wtdnc-:u|jv m « "vrnlnR. , 1,,

Mr, nnil Mr.i. J, U, lllrhi-y nfn* , buolnrr!! vlfillr.rn from Ilii|n-fl. Krliliy- .uN.r

Mlus Hi'trn Jli'ttiTinfm iilicl -Mnc j.,,,,., A rrlirr. Jurnini' IIIkU Soliool I ra rlfrn ......i,sncnl till' wiTk-rnd with Mrs. .Vir.v , .Mrvrrs iincl Misii lllunrtic. •

Mlus Wiloinlnc' NVulirv w.-ni ir- " "" T « ln Kalis Tnc-wloy. \vhi:r<> kIici hjcl Iut tniihllM n-movrd. Shr In r rro ttr - InK frcini thr'tjim ratlon nlowly.

T. f), nl'Ui HiiiKfay i>llrr~nonn «.n n liiinlnrM trip .m I'oc-nt. llo.

It. i:. Kliri'ihrrct unn a 1innlnr;iH visi­tor frum Jerninc', ti.iiiirilay.

A '(nrK<- cif f.irorrrs i l -Irndi'il the: w atrr nit-'tlnc lit Jrrnm r Suiurclay.

Tlrcrir nlti:ndillK tllr Ornrci’ Ktnw r'ook ipciurc' ni T«v(n P.illn Snnljj.' w err: Mr. nml Mm, r , Cnorlco. Jir. m il Mm. Tony Cc.IIicm, Mr. unit >lm.W. II, Sunimrr". .Mr. anil Mr*, JjT tK n, Kncitt. Mr. nnd Mrn. lln rry Tlmrn- lon. Ml«» Uni„- Ttiornimi. Mr. I'lO Mr». A, 11. I.urnn auil I'rnf. J. II. CilUhlnn.

Thi- l.icll«H Civic ClnU will in r t l i i l Ihr (*, P . Siiiltli hcinio W i'ilnoJiy ^vVnliiK.; M.'«aami--i' Sn llllr 'an .nT ion r ' '

Mr. ami Mrs. W. R ., Ynnnj; «prr: tiUNlnM* vl«llor» from Twin F ill" Tui'Kilay. Mr. nnil Mrn. Youni; t r c form rr o f Jhr S o r ih Shio.liut now llv r III n tnvriv bniiic in T«ln h*alln,. Mr. rinil Mr*. C, J. Krlly cnliTlalnrcl P10HH’ of tlif/r '•nimc frlrmlrf Sciml.iy Iivrnlnr. Tliot« prrMc-m Wi:rr; MI’tc n (-lakr onil Hallry from Iluzrltun. Mrrl«- Alwrdvrn of IJdun, unil Iialph ,\ilipr- ton of ifnzohnn.

Momlumi'ii K rllv unil Meyers, a c - cnnipanliMl.liy Mlin lllnnrhr nnd lic-r Kcuk'vncl KUMtB. Mini lIulTiirmnn i in l Mm. A rrbcr of Jeronir. tuotorcd t o Ilurli'y, Sulurday.

Mlna Oran- MrKarlan nnd M r. l.loyd I’rlc-i' w rro marrlc'd n t T»«« f'alls Kuturdiiy nflrrncton. T lir ir many frlc'iiils ulnli thrm hapiilnc-itan<| proni>i'fity on thi'lr Jinirnry tlirujjrb )«!•.

j H ollister News j

iS p rflu i ri>rri'.'i|inni!i'npc.l IIOI.M.STKU. Miiy il.-M m , Y. V.

l.iiwrmcf' nnd sen, W fiidrll n'tum«:il 10 HoIUiiHt . Tupnday from italni', wbc'rw ihc'V «t>i'nC alwiul four «cfkiu

A riliiir WcHiovrr <-ame tu IlalllfTvr Tiic'Hilay lo tiihr J. K. I’cihlmun'n li'uni r.f horn fi I'l Tivln

J. U. Dlebcilr of Twin K;.1Ik tr.ir.t.ict.M budni'in In llnlllhier. Toi'icdjr.

n . .R. Moruhonnr'mill (iro. K o lllh (rnn'arfc'cj I(hsIih':hc /h ihe cauji!/Tni'niluy.

MIm Ilrliliimnri W»1fr. rn iinir n n p . c-rlnlcndriit nf pchiiob wah Iii llolllx.;r r , WcUn«iufny.

Hr. I .r r xtO|iiii'd in Hi>lllnli'r W nlnci- liny Otr Ills wn« u> Ibr fnrm i lin tnuvcd inothpr Inai! of roocU lo bin new how*!n Twin Kntli..

Mr«. Slmullu nml ron. Krllp r tla rn - l-ll 111 HoIllKirr Wc'Jne.iliiy. U v lnc 0 >rnt nrvi rat dnyn In Twin I-'alli nnd Kimherly.

J . H. Knlnior ri'tnrnfil trom Satanah .MUnnurl. Wpdnmilay,

T).i> manv /rli'mN of .Mrs, V. H.U oyd nnd h r r ilnurhtc-r. w in irK rci (o Ifarti tln a Mm. llnlh l.ynn a i d In D o Molnm. lowa. luat-.Avfck.

W. C. Ovftonln tmn>uri«d bmlni'M 'n rtoscriuin, Wcdnr»ilay,

Amone ih r Ilolllutpr pi'oplo ni> leaded lhu iilay .lo Twin l''aIU t b u r c t e r cronfnf! w rra Mr. nml .Urt. IV'.-P. ICUMmoyrr. Mr. ami Mr*. A, f, C!ra- vrn. Mr, nml Mm. C. l;, HiiJJIn:>on.Mrs. L. A. l!-vlnitnn. Lylu ll«»lojtton.Carry Hull. Si-'wari Ifull. i . I t i a r e i - i r r and II. O. McMaileni.

K rnl ami Jrnnlo DuilU-x tlAit«tl frietuls in K ollltli'r. Snnday.

Allen Transter & T ru c k Service; Phone 1256. 1

G r o w Y o u r H a i r. FREE RECIPE •

Ullvr Woc ilBMI iMillr^bkld t

3 f l i » i « . 3 e c < j f t

llati'h 't ln u R b te r .^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l to IlnUlictrr

ha> lirvn und rr Ifis dti- ln~*l'wln KulU fu r i n i n a - t l l ^ ^ ^ ^ l y. r . ii.itr« . w . K. i-:i»imiur$r

'dcr K orjk iran u c tu d liuilneia I'ountv ni'at, Satunliiy,

Mm. ,1-alilxvvIl ucnl (u T w i n 'f a l j ^ ^ H >'rdnr«clay. m urtiln r Hainrilny. r. K. C-rklnK nml fumlly of

ir<l, Cormi'tl" nf llcilllnivr haro JO td ]^^ H rroviTi.'il from no a l tu r t o t i n l t l C ^ H

TJi'Ti' v/j'c iJresfiljitt ul itir phurcB 1 llnlllnii'r U m .Sur.ihty. It won wullIti'iulrd. *' , , VMr.. nncl Mr;i. Ailulnli Kiinhvl of AlU- Anl*

itrihin Mi-rr umonr. I’nu*''li-i)Tim Iiv IlomMur, Soiiclliy. . , y '»r»'Mr n. w . il.~ Cll ruoii iiiiil iHiltilFctf of~hliMil the U'<:i'k-eiid In llolllHlnr. thn iUr. anil ,'{r«. vM inl CrIctniK "fy

tl III" Kiiliniin .Htin'liiy nin'rnnnn. liyisi'l.ylr IJ- vim;tc)n und c^irry Hull mn* npcci:

nncl 111 Tm.Iii |.-aih 5<uni1ay i"Viinlnr„ lloUi:Mr. ancl .Mrs. !••, .Va< l)uia(cl o f Twin xli.

■uiln i.ii..nl Xtimliii- iil tlic W. J. Me-l:ni:ilil homi! Ill Hcimiucr, ‘ j 'lli-v. I-:, W. Hallciw-ell will proarli ,

1 lhc |-rc:iliyli'fi,in c-lnmli -m Ibln J " .imctav .ivcnln,; S ..-.loc:!;. lie will * ‘ 7iVic U-. hll, r-Dr lnl Ui-liir lbi< .........llli: ■• lie, ll.r c Yinls i>t llll' Inint fivepan; i^.lui , t» tl,......... . rcliirn ofrun; Ici It......... I'vrrymiL- wil*

i ' ik Ii cm ...... Iny iiii>riiliii(Hal i-lcvrn p vVlMili. Ci.ai.. ,in,| Ii,..,r bl-f Mi>rrlal I

ii is iiD P rofiK jin i iiK .s S u

VI:h .i^y ,lra-will- fiiTtir. tiei' lupii,lll ll loday a t ^‘ |j u- i:,'ii|-ral 1 <>n(i'i<in< t' uC Iht* Mi-tli- ll;.t J':|.lr.ili|.iil .lilir. li l irrr . (inlny. Wa' Ill'll in ilyiii It.,'If. ‘ 'luit:. of llelrim.Inul.. ori'^c cuul ir<l:.,l iliai h r l)i- •r/iilff.'il I'l rKilr: fn m ':n h \- .laiyI II re-cnli of rallliiK hc.illli.Ills aciliin WU.I tvhciiiy nn.-xiiocl.nl.It till- tu:.l!i for il \\,n cIlM'luiiv.l In ' ler aclilrcJ iiin i iiI.»k1i;)iii: him. In —. , liJrIi Jl »ii'i lUxhn-.] Oku hi, tiii't l-rlflc«-il hl:i lirallli 111 llll- rcnnll of ,


' ' H ‘W v .\ m ' M'w:


POSe r y

You w i l l b e n e e d i n g s h i

h o m e . G e t ! t h e m ! h e r e £



Corb(U.O Ml ..C

^^^K taCK H | -

c.—tioncinn nocfny ^ ^ ^ ^ H M t.; lo d a y by u nnildmi uml

^lor oillto rlal uiiack un Amor. M. p., by llorotlu

editor or the notorlumi ^ ^ ■ r i c a n piibllcailon. ''John

^ ^ H i l e y mnde Jjiily Aittor'n re> ^ ^ H e e c h uicalnHi caslur <)lrorc<i

'th e lionno of coinmnnii tb r ^ ^ B r liltlu iiack Which tilled fout<

'IHTreproiliieQd the nrrouni 0! I.j>dy n W ‘n OlvorcQ'from her firm liu:i- nm l._nobcrt (lould-Bbaw. In VlrRlnln cant UKO and mlilncl iioni« comimmu

in illvorco wan "by urnniRrini'ni.""fyiflj- Anlor han I'himii Ijcrit-lf a

yisic-rlto of thu flrnl water by, her :>cccli nRnln:il raiiirr illvuruv,'- nuld oUomli-y.TllO luniso of comtnnns showed lhl:>

[UTnoon whut It llioiiKhl of tbo at- K'l( by tilvlnit loidy A-itur nn ovation ■Jjcn nho m tri'oil ihe cbamhcr. Chvuni ero rn llrd for uml ’kIvi'o whllu Uor- llci l^itinm lry was-hiwcs| and lilHiiril.

W ATCH T H E BIG 4S fe m n e /i-T C ic fn c j 'a -H a a re .-L iv er ICecp lh o v ita l orRcna hco lihy by rcK ularly laUina Ifio w orld 'a ntond- u rd , 'r e m e d y for kidney, liv e r, '' liJadili.T und u ric t d d tro u b le s—


T!i» N.tlonsl RtmMly cf HolUnd f.-r r f t l:i':iitii(«iiBoJ«ncloiudb]rQu««n\V<Ih(r> I t | t .':i3. A t oil dnifndx*. th its i!io4. • “ lI wI L r M M C*U M«J>I M avrrr U lUki •<«•«( M luautlM , I



! h a d e . s f o r y o u r n e w

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^*^Vhen Grc a n d Will]

I r r i rE Y m a y n o i 'b e eWeA.tub}ccta; they may ha

wHttitearmaCKifU* U• Iba l*it (>»t »M, O-U-T, tiK

S u m m it•nl A’cry‘tait«.^'%ul UcauM natlmall^ v o m ^ * ^ 1*

'. loUw Mmc >>l4ti ilaoJa'ia tu.., ait n tilt t f; ' . ' GU lTERM A It DRC

• , UAINT t

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^ .N C IA L S T A N D IN G ) 90, DAYS. ' ^

i r r a t a r e (SINESS SALE

Sl ' ^ kII

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ran d p a llie a ^ re eble to ect toaelhcr on fome. ,

have ailTmot Idea* a i to ’ ^U J«ar» i/Mral ItmUt, to • ' - . f.tlxydO vraU ^C . 1

i t S h ir ts • " - 'nalulalt and *t ■UH^^^InaLin 1 OUI

3R0TirERS. Maker* , •JT PAUC ' € y

aie Bills l ^ t i y

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nderfttfla t u e ^ l

lE S S la n t a g e o p ' H 'RE—RUGS— * rORE TAKES ■■■ '■AY-17th.. EV- .M ., ,, \.CRtFICE.’> - y » l iii

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' T I -G MAY sec u r e"

Co. , I -

Page 5: Reign Among ~.^^^uj^cans 1 I Plii Stan nddrdBsarer^lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ’ Uaxleb- a!^ ¥ atrai«alo poim haa r«-la in the hands of the Mex- >(

E H B T "TOCONTRAaiSc la im o fo Wens

D ls W o tC o ti r tD e io g e d T O ^ M iM ; |

o f S u its T o ia y ~ 6 w e a » % < lp ts ' ] ^ O v e r$ 3 « » v ;. 7 -v

---------- •TJiflm«8-Oiwa*:lw»JHca.«ujt.’;tt.dfflt Jt r l n rou rt aKttttmt tho :«in)io Fnrm D«- ' vcti)i)im:oi- compnny uoa,; iH# lilabci • '

»3,0HItor ullcgeil fftiiiiro lu llvo up lo llio

■ loniui o t a conlract wJiltji plalniltC Iti « »al<l 10 Imvo inu(l>ttiirnny'ii iccn onil a ll cohIh of Hit- nn- c, lloll ftro nluo u»k«l. J iuiu' h II. Wim- , , Ih u tio rncy 'fo r the iiliilm ltr. '

Hull WBH flleil yoRlcrtlwj? utlcrnoon , In illiiirlci court liy T . 0 . Ihiyil, Jr.. '* anuinm C. H. Joui-n. nll.'KliiR iiii|ialil " Jiiitif In fho num of *«w. I'lulniiff u(-

• UKltM .BlloriH-y'ii iL-i-ti. liitcroHi ■mul ~ lUMA of the untoii,-.

(J. O. IVrlrfit han riM huU Iii din---- lritl,.coutl.asuliiH l.J.^U U illvy.:ni;i:l(iloK to rrcovgr K&a imlil to Uv clm- on iinpulil Molc. KcfN uni) I'luiiw ;»rv

. ufihoU.' • John 11. Curran Huekn iwv'cniticii of S'

llio bontlK or nuilrlinony from Marllia . C urran In OlRtrict courl. Compluliii '

■lati-fi [liBl they woro m arrltil on Jun- ho tiary 31, 1917, u t Sail UiUu CItj-. Utah, cv Adullory 1» |tlv«ii nn iho Kroiiniln, Ol­llr Etuliliion bvliiR iiuiiiiiil ni-n.-n|iiinil-


P A ip jH A N S a “ S i iO N E D BY E


T e le g ra p b O p e ra to r Snccum ba a t P o c a W J o r -B w M a n y T r ic n d j oi

PftlU -•' . su

N'owii b t ’lho ;«OAtU ot Parlter D. Ilan<tl, (ln£ ‘ TImiia Icancil wiro op- tei flrator, haa :*rfoclj«it'hero from porn- no tullA wlKtre^ba w iploy«d:nn <ho no

. Thi' |<^Ul<o’ ‘a t (lealh, which ir< tiMk placo Qa'Aprll ::0. wa» not learn* fni Cll.' The bttA was Hcin to IniliBna for hurlal. t ' ■ . ’ ' • V

f{i/i*«{ c tm o '(o .T he Time* Jn M r. i o n . and ei^U(ci)'in 'th'o nnvy In July. )ti I918.(«orklfK hiiM b year'.-Provioiii gr;

________Ifl hU Comtek- to Twin Fhltn )io j,j

■Tfia: n « « i^ o rr Mr. I&iniirra. ilcalU

U o a A c ffD « ^ ’o f S h o o t in g K en . .

n e d y W f f l » ’* W ed o n M a y 12

jjMere«« Davall ju> j - - ; . * ■ ' irJ

■ ^ - ................. hiJohn I l a r t t i chargAJ wlUi 'lho ^

ahooiinjf S y r - 8 . Kennedy r»c»ntly. ha w u relcMB&M (3SOO bond lamU hed t>}- lloj’ SjHoifitr, D ert Colwell nnd J o h a H W W li yM loniny tn probalo Mi coutt:>eCt>agta t o 0 , I*, puvall.,T rial Ik

K «i'ii0dr9K t& «enl Ik r e s t ln i oailly n< 4n th*. cotlsM ihM plial . Bt]il u'nIeM ati -bloodi/poU S^nk no lerloiix «|


- N . ' : ® i


. ' an

t4lle. Luelll* O aU lllt,.i«la<Vd by • committee of. prominent polltlelani, s r tltls and I h ta t r li j j : manager* «• Franefa meet l)eautlful olfl, durino re. {’ cent contMta a l Hotel d* Vlll*. 8h* ,, wa» swarded tha p r iw a lte r careful •*■ iKtlen fronr almoat 1,000 contestant*, .i, and crowned ae the queen ot quiena. u

----------------- ---------------J tl,

Local Netvs | ;;------— , • i|(

Fnnn nml Clly lonns. A rthur I. 'HSwim. • r*'

■ >’tMctllnit—Tnu It. S . A. fluh will

hold li« rrKulur in.-ut'lni! ou Kriduy cvcnlUK. Mnj- 7. Ill 1. f). 0, K hall,

HUIU|U('1—11,0 luujiry oliili ot Twin’ l-'nilH HlaK<-il n l>uui]ui-l l:i»t i-vunlur. tf nl Ihu lloi'.crnon lloti-l whUli \vii|> wi-ll ailcmlpil, , ' In

. . “ Vl'IlnlldlnK I’crnill—UuuUKo lo build tm

wnn iKxui-il Ktilay lo K. S. I’c-ll-rH lor _ ih.i crtHilon of a itiiniK.r on lot 11,hlcick J. nl*u K’xlH to co«t {fioo. P

T. .S. & Clut.—Mrs. Kriietil Whlk- «aH homc-HH to (h<- T. K t ti. ciuti ut her homo Wnclnculiiy ufinrniMin. A niOHl i iijiiyublo tjnin wnK hiol li>- ull tircHi-nt.

Mnlh .U fnnc C luh-T hc tucmbcr* ol ;iho .VJuiJ) Avi-iiUB rlub wi-ro ou- tertulni'U ycn itfiby by .Mn». t;. H. ' j ' iThrlKt. A tllncuHHioii uf inuihodu ut iSurilcnliiK fcttturi-il tho netmlon.

KiiicrliilfiN—M n. Morno c’n-teruiluod' lho tiionibeni o f tho Wed- JJ," nueday Uridgo ^lul> yuuiurduy uiter- J ‘ itoon.ut ber hnmo. Thu pnro JoMtlKh acore wan captured liy .MrH, A. 1’. Kcn- |b

' , _ I'l',M#rrIfl|fr IJc^ikch—l.luimno lo-vk-inl

\YUK innui-il yffitontuy itfivrnoan (o E Mi'liry N. Adamn. a i. nn«l Minn ironi R. KItithum, Ull hoih of Jerom o uud l» Jiame l.yon atu] UIki Mary Urit-niri-iiiH i c j i f a i | t ^ : : r ----------^ =

.J iW q tii to u U ia L a y rv Jo m i to r - J J ^ « •ato'W - tv T aylor .who iileir ni itic coiintx. h'ospltul wore hulu.Ui'In uflcr- j , iioOn bt 1 o'clock, with Uev, C. VWlr- -t- ney. otriLlaUnR. Hurlal wun tuadvln tho Twin b'allu .ccmrierVs Mr. Tuylor ‘ , waa .70 yours of bRo.

pRU^c—One of tho pleasant onlcr* ' ' UlnmBitl functions of luxt evening V van Ute dance nlvcn In I'orfitfi hati - |)y tho Senior cIbam, a sonil aiicnd- anco wa« rcportud. Tliln danco end­ed (flo Senior Var. which wax alfre with varlouh klnda of feailvltlea. ai

■ .>VssJ» lo n^plM il—Dr. K. n . Van “ Com, who wua a n ra lo d nomi Unto oro I charted wllh brcaklnic. a . iliy ordl- -*■ nsnce, has'enteroO a niollon In dln- trJct court aaklDi; leavo to withdraw hht pl«» o t Kullty and nnka .-lravo lo rcplcail. A tlorneyv I’o rlcr and Wit- ham nro octlnR to r l^m.

On >Vf<l4lnir T rip—Ro»*crt Tleed and oi, MUm Uiclllo Itanimond were married ^

ho rt yeaterday and le tl a t onco tor oiSalt t^k o d i r on n w cild l^ jo u m cy . anoih of th o younK p M p lr a n well ii

, and tavnrahly knnwn In tbiH illsirlcl.I where Ihry hnvo realdod for aomo p

ilme. ■ tc

. Plcnlc--Ono of lhe very flrnt p'c- hotcs ot .tho year wax }in)d lam oro- j,nine a t Shoibone fnllx by lho Rnni- wn e u Womon'n. nnnoclatlon, A larRC ndelocallon wnn prcncnl to enjoy lbo odinner and social ilnio. Tlie ladlen Vwenl In cam about 4 o'clock, rottini- l< InK tate In the .evenlns. IC

..Phone your o:

W a s h i n g t oi o r . ' F r i e r t ; i M l e i l :

, Prom pt delivery, P ; ■ ; ; : p i p ! ^ ; ^ n i n g s . v O » e ^ ^ - . W a s h i n g t o

_ ~ - n


Multitude of Dwellings t Erected With Mai

for the Comif [ i 10 May 1st of tbl*TOBr 23 now aro

' llu/rcuHtllo <;on<-crn« ltaiM;renc>i Jh«Jr «■«}. , dnorv In Twin l-'alln or ^ »l iirooni hul I hnvlOK linxUicim nuartflrn conairucieil for I or rmniU-U'd to bouxn th r lr ):i)od\, bulI' ~Th(rff)Hnn-lnK-«r«-tUu-.vanoUa.ltilubI and numlicTii (»f nrw conroniu enter- ^

IllK tho Twin l-'nlln hu»lnrf» tield; , ' I Throo Karnci'ti; ihri-i> .ntiio rcimlr , i hopfi, im r num hath ontal.llnhml-nC;.^ ' i Iwo nr>n-oiT iiioroM.’ ont- munlr onm-

pany. il;ri'(r c-.-ifi'it uiol ri'niauruniu, out' |>. ' ' Inilnr i>hoi>. one- !ilmi< n-|inlr ■■Hiulilli>h- ’ nioiil. imi- iilumbim; nml im-inl , 'J'• om' ImiMiiii; <-«ni(»3«j-. ««<• ,,r*• 'Iruis -iinro. »m.- iiiiiiliinrry nmn-. iiml ,,, u Wll ntrir,- liu;i,iin-*.iho isriltmd Hour..

of wIilDi wil) furiil-b .U.<ri- »j.;in- t.i/I iliri'o-ollior liiiiiini-i>in-<. '

! Tvm.'Ivi< of lli>- iil>iivi- Ilsl lit now i>»-lultllnUmi-itT-i urv nl ihlii dale havlnK rholr nr.w nunr1.-n> or.-c-to<l whli h wilt

i 'w -Ol.... i.l.-.l-lnnii.»llm-ly-m>_*ium|iloJi’l 'Hon. ThvM'' -III'W nmi-iirnii nwnliliiK '

, nuiiflorn an- iho throo caraci’ii. o;iv rojialr hlmii. on>‘ iinU) Imih. thn nnmlo ’J''’ .'ciniianv nml two ri-iitauninin. iWo of-

, rice huil<llii/:K :iml on ih<t ™j' nronml floorit nf ihonti oltioi; tnilldlnn^. '■ WImlcwilp nU frlel Cxnanitlnn .

Throij/iJ-oul Ibc wln>lr)>iilp d lstrlrt of Twin l-'alln .whli-li I'onntlluivH i>lili-on

‘ lilofkH lUirnnindlnK iho <1i'|>oi nnil "I I* tri-lKht ynrtln. iiunny . >i(-w i>ior:ii;i' nili > houncn. oularKoniwii-« nnd buildlm:

liniirovi-nii-nu Jiuxu licen mndo tbi* T vonr lo jiccuminoiliito iho Im'reaslni; tloi

I huninvmi. The principal nmon,-: tlioso /'ii/

People Charged . Bi Being Drunk to Be

[ Tried This Afternoon1 ______

Mrn. IL n . John:i|ou. Mm, K'alo 7 . Went aud W, J. lluiOie:* won-' lmmi;hi ' ' ‘ri . bctu'ro VolU'o MaRlntrulo NV, A. Mln- "V

lick loduy charKRd with <lninl(d(i and "'Ji f illnorderly conducl und wrr>i >-nrh

roli:U»o«| on )lon lioml wlih Ihu triul net fo r (JiIk artnni(xiii. ‘-m

Tlio urri-nl wuu mudo by th" uIkIiI 1 liulU-eiimn hul Chlvf tif l’olluo Wlllliini

' TayJ«r flJw) thv ri)tnj)lji)»l. Tho ilo- “ ni , fondnnl:i plKiid not p illiy , OwIuk to t>ln . thu refusal of Mr. Tnylor lo jtlvo ib - thn

laJln or tho lnold"ni-lho i-omiilctc nlory wnn nol Icariii'd .’ '

II ‘ nlaI Eighth Grade Exams f-n ;) . . Cover 3-bay Period g

~- •':>irte*^tAI*r«<shOi gnul»>«samtnav - v * •f»nr-Wfth(w-lwM*o«TM»y l f t - « unrf- - S

H . accoriitns- lo t?ouniy snperlnten- '■ Jen t'M U n Ilrltlom art Wolfo, lo^ay.'• Tho puplJ-1 wJH bD.'ccnic-red'Ih Uio " April nxatnn. ihln iduu havlni: proven ?" ’’ vcry olflcluiii' In lho jin-ii. ..

TJ}fl rcijieru will -bo- ' Wlcr, HubL . rn.nlleford, Itolllntor. MnrukURb, Han- , ' «cn and Twin l-'ullii, I’uplln nearcnl |j , >1 '.livxo jii'boolM wlll tuke the cxanilna- u ,

ilonii Ihoro. ‘ ||v1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _e ' California r la Oooio I.Aki} sliorlcsl Ul'

and m ost sconlo routo. _ ur

" Little Gue»U Are T I- Entertained By I MA. Robert McClain

At her home nnrlh of Twin rail* d on W aatlnBion street Mrs. Uobert Mc- _ "I Claln cniBrlBlned a party of little folks

on April £9-In honor ol her lllllo daOBhier's blrlbday. An enjoyable af-

'■ lornoon fn wblcli Ramc# and -May day t* «xurclscR Wfltc played, fesiured iho « party. Dolniy rrtrcshmoniii consist- ,

iojr of Ice crtfani. r th e and w ndw lrbc* : wero. served.. Tbo beniorplece was a

- boaulltul. b lrlbday cake wUh six can- >• dJuA MMiy boaullful and v*«|ul Rifta l- were recoWed; Tiacb lltllo tot recolvcd " :e 0 Msy basket lo lake home. Tho out* Kci lO of-town Ruesls were M r.'ond Mrs. T . wa in W. McClBln and duu»hler. June of A r- i«t 1- lenlan City. Wr. and Mr*. W. .0 . Me- •

Claln and sod, Halph Walter, of Bilctt. j , .■* II I — — ,al

.................... .. SCI




[ P i K D ~ ■ 1 SINCE JANUARY- and Office. Buildingsl lany Scheduledning Yeararc tho expansion o t n prodiirc hotiiu', cnlar/rt^nU’Ht o t n i»’Iiol»- .-il« nH yanl. hullillnr of a lurso ntor.-iKi’ nml trniin- for ljultdlni; nml rcconinrunloii o ' n bullilln^ ron lrac to rn iilnni.

___ I'uh llc »nlldlm.-i ^rom iuprclnl r.mwlTi nml i-x'ii.'inf-lnu " '

Jl» TiWli Knfli* W bi-iw: Iio;)t fujjy uimro Wllh by lho imhlli- Iniltdlni; i-<ni- . iitructlon iiroKmm, .Vi i>ri-i.oiit ihi-rr

ihl- Klk:> Ti'iiiidi-, thn hli-.li ii’lisnl iic|- l< illllon nud Inlmr lonu-li-. Th>-M- Imilil- lli^n whon i-nm|ili-lo'l v.-lll rm i u mini of J7r,r..i|ii(l. A lio!.-l .-oiilianv niuT lhi-;;trc- .-DrinirnM.il.. r.-.-i-m ly - iitKiin- Cl 17.1-d, wlll .-nth ' bi'i'lii nm m ruitiim ui '0*011- . , Al

' lloolilonroH nnd .Vpurlriiont-i Two now nitnrlnii'iit Iiouh'-k nnw r*

HOiIrr (■ootrfrcti'iloll fJlliI.IIOII.Oiio iiM hoiu ' lA oi'Urly

nf>w Iwnic.-* on-ylriJ ii> all ijiiiir-l o n of Ihl- c-liv. nn- ninplo i-vlilom-i- Ihul Twill l-'ullii 111 i-nbri;liii; Jui.t m> ruplilly In ronUtouce ilintrlrl-i., KiRhiy-.flvc hulldlnj; pc-roilm hnvi- ny

booii.ImiHoll by iho rlty th h yi-ar Mr Ui,Iho on-i'tlnn of ronldi’ucni uioiii'. n,.

Itulldlnir Itoeoril i v■Tho m ial numhor or'lm ltillnj; ||<-r- Hji

mliii iHourd in Twin l-'.<ll-i rrnm Jan- Kuiiry Ini tii Muy i«i, mi'it |n r u , -i-),

T hm o ropri'iionl li tolnl ('onnlTin--|[). tion flcviri- of S7nj".<',ri wi^rth ot nowli-.iliiilldltiKK. ■’ n',^ ■■■■■=____ i - . ________ .-|oBickford Divorce '

Case Being Aire<^ n'' in Court T o ^ y

TIk' ill«-or<-c nu ll-in f,. Mirk- f’lril on tho. i;r»iiniLl of lm omimllhll- ily wnn tioKiin ihls m-irolhr; In illn- trji-l c oiirl hrforo Ju.lso W. A, Ihih- ' • tock wlill Wcilfo unit MnrlUi iim mol fc.r lho idnlnllff nnd 'T um or K, llii.-k. •> imin to r ilio dcfoniJJiii. •J.*''

Tho I'oniplnlnl xliiU-n ihni iho ilo- ‘bi fondnnt iiHHoi-latod V llh o lh-r womi-ii •’*>' uml Ihul bo Ih ulwuyii nuKRini: nl tho Plnlmlir. A cro^i-i coiniilnliit illcd by tho .ilotcniiuni iilR'iTci ihat philntirr docH nui Like prnpar o a n nf hi-r chll- illoii and ifiiit nli3 fs il fn'iini-iii ilnni-o hull vh llo r. Iloth Vio ih'ti-inlalil uml nlulnilfT urn wull-l'il»vvn in Tvvlii (•■•.l»:i. »ir

--------------U------- .Ni;

Baby H ^ .^eV qn d,

" ^ c n c n ib ilio 'TTtFeu-weekn old iion 'o t Mr. and Mra. l-'loyd Tolhy of Klniborly ifslied Twin l-'alln Sunday. Whllo - hern ho at{vlidn<l u. lo.nl c hu rrh , njid ulepl peuia-lully ,j,' ivbllu bln Rrriit iirundntuihcr Icd tho , c.'infr o f whk-li Jll>i -jrrBJidHjnihur »ii-i A ihvinbor and h h Rfoai “»nl orcnn- '■* llil, tbo mlnlHt.ur holne JtlAjsroal undo. U ttlo Konpidh Is with elevenllvlnK u n v n d p a rit ia r ''b in ■ nmierilal itreai frrnndniolbar belnR Mr. and Mrn. W n ichard ICelly of Wullu Walla, Wlnb- uRton, a


^ - 1)1 F i n t s e e t h a t th e ta b le t i .y o u ta fie _

a r o m o rk e i t w ith tb s " B a y e r O r o w . ' ' , . .

TJio.B ayer Cofli]M yi,Vlto,Jnlr6diic* ed A nplrln loll In <he|^ cartfnlnilroc- lloiiH In each’ pa<.-lM{e, ..Of, .Keoulne - lia y c r Tolflota toRcl bcnt resiilui.bfTo'or t w ’i0 d»»pt of w ater nhould lw drunk>«n«r-UikInR i..bioin, .■

••Ilaycr T nblo t*yW ^»pW a"V ip .'bo Renuino m w t ‘be:bibrfceii wUh'- lho safety "Utgrar.CfbM ." Thon yoVfare soltlnB tb a " «orI4-tam oui Aaplrln, p re*c r)J)o^ i^ .jiI ij :H dM ui;. for, .over e lR hlw n years,,.- - -

.E a c h : nnbrjilcerf i n n * W ‘.'_r pBctafo conlAlim p roper dlneU en* ,to r Cold*. H udaelsv , .TbotCftttJso; & r u t ie , Neu- piOtlii, Luml)«go. Ithaum tU tia; Neu-

- * • ' &iiH>ati'i*«lvi> tablnm c o lt b u t a -faw .cea tt: ' S ru fs ia ts a(«o M » AajiWn U lbo trade m ark o t Bayer Manubic- in ro o t MonoacoUcftcIdosier o f Call-

T . P R O D U e T Ii iT 'V

)AY. MAY 0.1020________ ’


Mils Helan Ocod Hay e( Uavanoa,(»., form erly eftlef nurce o f t|i« fted j". Cross comnilislon to the Ualkans, ha«beon nppolot«a chief nurao of Ih* ,,t,AmerleaM Red Croc* In £ciropa, i,.

................................'l l

l -H O ttU R R im S -l-T. A. T.iyhir, Si- Joi-. Mi>.;‘ |l. A

llyrn.-, .S;ili Ij.Iio; ('. M. M.tDimiil.-. 111.1I1I-; A. J . n-l<(oti-, llllllill;-.; It. M, ll.-;s, S.lll Ullio; i;. K, ||(,J,1. CUI-;!!;!!, ri-niili lli-rry. S;,li l-.Ko; I-;, A. flill,|„. H jiU .U iko; tJnm llvi.wn, f^ali ' l.;ilii-; 1 K. Armtilroiii;. Itnlm-: W. II, I’aidi-ll, m r

[Th'roi! froi-I;; II. II. I'nKri-K, «h :*n ; iiU- In . I., lliu-al. I’l.iali-llii, M. .Milinmul, wll Ir.H-iil.-II..; A. 1. Mc-mlnr. l- iu I'itiln-. _

/,. C'W««r, riilr:ii:o; Mr». U', __ lo llrnwii. l-;dou: II, C. Ui.r.-rii, Slin- f hni.i-i Kli-amir I U.li-.uli-, S .;........ ll. *

lit.: II. Holly. ll.-iivor; .C.^i,-i:io ll.lli-KJwi-ll, Jl.,;»o; C. II. .'^Hlllll, X;,li Uil.o; |,N|. 11>I10. l!i|[|o; l-'rniili llow;.rd, Al- Ihl.m; Ilnrh'V J. Ilnoln-r, ll-i|i>.-; II. I . JKiilllfilor, fh lr.m o: T. W. Illi-ni-. Sail 1l.’iWi-: A. imniii-ii.-y. Iioh-i-: ll, i-. ihiw- i-lln.J)aUloy; J, T . Yniiu-.T, I'oial.-llo; ; 1*. K, Sr;uiliwi-^ii, hi-nvi-r; J, ll. l-a;il- mun. I liil j; l'. I.. Ilaniov. New Yorkr I J A. Il.iw.ird. Iliil.li-; 1). Campl.rll. Joinm o; W. C. llaU , I!ol:u.; (5. II. tinill'n-y. U';L'(l(tii:lii1i. ' It. <•.; I.i-nlo ) J<>hni.im. Ni-rtiiii, Kan,; M. J, Klkln, Juinm o; M. I., llrlio , l-ocah-llii,

T iiii.W 's ii,\K i:ii.u ,i. I

nl 11ml li'iiL'ni-• II, 11, K. 1

KriNilJ.Vfi . . Juil Ouo MIO ) 1 1 .New Vork -:U0 Uoll nn*,. j :,- Ilntlrrli-:i| M aiiijii;;- nml Mllli-r: IhioKlnn -nml .Smllli.

p S C lU ih W '''. . '.r l^ i. ''! ; ... '._ . '. ' . .^ ^ ‘ ,11,Itutlorlos; Sl n il nnd (Jo»-dy; Hinlth

-ind TriiKrctinor.

I'hliaKH ............... ............. nnil Old nl’llt!iliurj;h . ............ lun 001 0

llaltitrien; lli-ndrlx. nnil O'l-'nrrell: Cmipcr und i>chmldi.

.\tni-rlrun l.racnn >.\-ow York ......... ... flW'uhhlOKUm ............................... .......... ■; •

llnitorloii: Shitwki-y am f Hm.-1: a iiu i-b t, aud ahnrrliy ,

I’hiiailolphiu ....... ............... nnn oon onIW loll .................................. 0-JU Olft 00

»:it<-rlrn: Keofi-. Ki-kcrl nnd I’l-r- ItluK. .Myutt; Jonon uml WitltorH.

I Sl. 1.0UU ......................... ........... 1)00 01‘ Detroit .......................................... unu 00

liatUTlox: Vnti (llldcr und Hvrervid; Oldhnni und HiimaRp.

I —


-.'■St■ .. A Pe


T h e 4 D e lo n g sNovelty; Comcily, Afrobntlcd .

M atinee and Evening A lways a good yariei

’ j f , ' ! ’,,L jst5

I f f

g F - T j t e ir i o ^ t i f l i t i .

lAUXILIARY I ' WILL MEET II omriday:I A m cricau L egion M om ben Aix-

j InvJU 'tl to SoeinJ Scs.sioii j A l pQ tiah HiOi

Li'X .rri;'!':

ii'-j.ilii i'iiil;.-^nii-iii ■rii.-^iii.i,! . . »iii I

Ml-' "<■ M "l.'rniH.-, n ik .i '1

r\i:ii-nr-Tirrrtf<--------^. V.V .w„li m llMii;, i'lll irl.'n.;- .>!,-!

■>.-vrri- IcIIi':.', ,:f*ni,r M.: Mt.!-. ;>-1.0 I', iniii-h lmiir>'»i-il ;ii (hi:- »;irlui-. | MK- -.wn Mi:::, w. i- ims.- ' ?

Uotiirn Hr, W._\..:ai,4h‘| ' ' ' ' ~ ' r - ' ' *

li(i-;i:inn- irfp to iUd fii>. (( .. <will- a><'nuiii:inl<'il llim, • !


o A AL t.BARKES' 550,000 O U UONS IN ON

:,1 fiaVu>i>^iAJjUi.tiikn

d/ H«»a»jw«u9 w L l

JA A K ICtKDlUH A I ‘iyD UK tVi l(Q*S£S-I


m r n' ma>>e>oi I ^ I r H r tv o iM K at.


P eata-e Six-Part Producti

rURES OF s t ; a ¥ 0 - - - 2

2yaudeyil|eO I Acts «

ing • ' ’riety-^Always your -monej

R l D A Y a i \ d i f i


■ PA G E P I v iB ' ,

Be Rid of

Painful Corns

"O o u -It" Mnl:c» Tbem Lomoo On S oT h ey L iaO frP a in lcsslj,

Jr. n Ilny n r tivn /oi, h l i I h , oW nii..ir»-nu.Urr rlehl o ff w ithuut

^lu.. TUfci'* lb* ^laai-.of

I . -^c;.-i -..ii,’' ii"-^in-Y»r-fsillnir. cuar-' '

Mi ll I-y I-. l.i'Mi h.-i ,i c-.i!'. i;nii^i«ii. ^

S, IDAHO O Y M A Y , 0

M OCHAUtHCfdtOUf» N E ^ K ^ C r O t l j^ ismm surW«

5 5 t S 2 0 - /

in ACT a J P t O E f ^ts-OAjtancctM S'W »

C tll SAMSON I ! .:

i . . I

£ DEVIL : *ction'. ■

-2 Part'Sntiject',..,' ('I.f* !* I^arcille

. '. .E xcIUhK-o

' " O r c h ^ a l ' M ^ ^ * " ley’s worth,--,;i

m s i ■ «

i t r ’ *

Page 6: Reign Among ~.^^^uj^cans 1 I Plii Stan nddrdBsarer^lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ’ Uaxleb- a!^ ¥ atrai«alo poim haa r«-la in the hands of the Mex- >(


o th e r B o x e n f r o m E o g lo o d H o w ­ever, F in d tb e .n o a n o la l G oing

. . I iE o u g h

NB\V PORK.(Nay C.-K nsll.U nnd Aunlrnllati boxart wliu' havo cumo lu

. ou r 'f lio rv s lo 'aM k tBSU) and numn t u y mon«y liav« r«cslved ra lhe r ruiln ftwftkttbtnipi ^vlih lh« «z«epi1un o( Jimmy WHd». tb e (lyweUht kliiR.

Thp llttlo Drlton lH clMnlnR up lM*''6 ('mOM y ovor horu, Atui mIucu h e *b«eAin»'-MCl(mia»tl lia alnu

. • cloanliiR jip All oiHHinoniB of hln own w «lsl)l.«iul «. KOOd.iDony who outr

lilnl Uy nutiy poiiiulH. - I'he earning al. \VW<Jo ta Ainarlru )ini> ttOeii o« ft tonic on thn luntutiivr<.-lRnt illvl* rIoii. Ttio buiilUx ura In botlor do> j

---------aranit- bjiiJ -n fB -)Hlthig-ni>or4>-ouiiiay- _from thi' promnicm lor "l*. olishi uinl •

, t«n«rbund >l>«nu. than (hay ' over Kot b«fore. Ill

W lldo /ihould bftM Uttlo or no troublo .cluanlnB, UB u., tolal ot |i:T.,- , 000 boforo ho tutya laruwell to Aiiu r- ;* lea- to H jl bock 10 ICuKtaiiii nnd rc.'.p auQliinr tboro.' '

IIUvIrc W lo n K m nk. Mamin. i!ic In iMufltiK Am«rletid' baxcr In ili'- r)/- ri volKtit (llvlMon.- W llde 'hn t llitlu ur itoUilbK {o >rorry obout. for hi* title 1« obousli' Ho may tak.i oi> . I>atiir WoJlaM. iho tousli llttlo I'hiln- d o l^ U flr>t«l|Ut. in n ^on.nmnil liuni Id DetroU In' ih« n tw futiiro, Wul-

CAva the B rltiih ’D hnhl riRbt In tljt h J in d t Bl. Pblladolphla nnd Jimmy wa&la to a ittlo tho quMilon nf nti- pirlorlLy bolwoon tbom (o tho rntirc ( itla tie tlo n oC any Amortcan (anu who may bo.nunlnB th* opinion tbo t Wlldo >'• fflot-hti ffiAWh wbea ho faced Wui* >i> Uee. A D etroit promotor h a i orivrnd llttlo Jimmy JIO.OOD for a ten rouinS 4« •ct-lo wlUj4V*IJ»cct “ ‘

Tho A uitn illan ■ coDtlnsonl han bi fared oa pborly.. Jimmy IIIII. who bi olalUK the A uiir tllan fcallio r«clsh t n tltlo. had bio' droam bubble burmod by •' 1 lloBBy Valcor, who knocked him out. 'u Lvrr BdWardi. tbo llBbtwolRht cbnni- Ji plon o f-th e ^ntipoilet. £i>mo hore t>< w lt i a • woudertnt reputAtlon aa n T knookerout anti- floppeil boturu thv hi pun'choo o f tltchlo m c h a i i In Ml)' waukee lo b li ( Ir tt A m vlcan uppeur-

lAGGINfi-AU IHf BASfs 'i |....................... - . , . 1 . ?r

Hero of s D ay-U abu Adams. luThe-»#tB»an! rinne;pU ehor *hui out w

tbe Cuba witb tour' b iti,, di

‘ if tavy h tlU of.o tf Doak by itounb. S’sale asil W ln n uiaUo Tlctory eun> IH for ibe Reilo wblte noutbcr held H(. ct Uouls U I ls m u . in

T^o lioblnt p«tfott«h( (ho OfanlK lt< tholr llrat (am e ut tho irM on nt tbO ta Poto O foundi. Qrlmc» being tbo win- nine pjlebor.

Stonloy COTfleiklu won bin iilxth » ■tralsht Ramo whou be trlmni^d thi' ai Wbllo S o * . _____ ,1,

Rutb. PocklnptUKh, I'Ipp ami P ra ti tr made ,‘W altor ^Jdhnion pull In hl:> ru born».. n u th 'collected a pair ot doublon am] PIpp m ade.a tr ip lt . »

' .lrBill Iliirwoll outpltebed four Df- ii<

tro lt harlora and Ihe Brown* wiin, i-f—----- 'I);

Paulottc'o wild heave to thn p ln tr.In the U th Innlnx enabled lluxton u>| aco re 'Ib o w lnnlnr run uealnm tlu -ju PhUUett. .I s .

-••Eddie Fo»tor’« nlnch .a rr lllfh fl: .n.In the 13ib tramu rmied p.o Hed Sm - TA thlotlc’ paatlme wllb o victory for uiBoKou. . An e rror by W altur unableil «

Sox (o tie (bo orare (n (bo ninth.

"Piro '-xf tbp Day—Ty Cobb.•• TJj* OM>rcia P e a rt »Jnsl«J In ib» oi n llttb ■corinK two ru m lha t vnntiled D etroit to win I ti ncconi] Rnmr nf th<- WfMon..

p itcher Mycm of the Imlloni navi' up .o n ly th rr f hlta in netro lt. w hlb' il Qeori« Dautu alloweil bat four.

' Walio lloyt wun ui> hov wonacr tn m tba .ya iiku K-ho h sttn l him hflrt nml deftatvd tbo lied ijnx ranlly. nl

Oeorxe SlKl«r iiiailo a bnmi. run nml v.- th ree tlD«lo» In fivp nt linl tu nicalDO th* *Wblto So:^ con iributlnc ” |laritaly to a 9 i . ’Ix>u1i vlrtory. . ci

w a x APPEALMA>HLAr(i1!Ti:u VKRIIICT - i

NEWARK. N. J,. liny l l ie rnnc Sl Of-Andrew W alker of liloomncld.roii- Tlctcd ot'm analauch ter.by a Jury IsId ot reoU rdaf as .(ho rrituK uf (liv iIp.-icIi ^ Of h it daufh(«r. Dorothy, nerd 9. will hi be carried tO thi* mjprcnip court of . lho Unlled aialea. It UArvr.inrr Jo »l>- .

- - U ln a rovtninl ot thi- v.-raui. U.1k at- (opiry aniiounwd iixl;iy. W ulker wao rbnrvcd w ith jfrti** ncullconro in nl- lowlnit hln dnushter to 01.. fnnn dliih- thoHa. Ho and bin « l ^ iiri' Chrln- Uan Hclentlntx. Tho <biiKhter wiin treated by Chrlsilpn Sclctitl»i jinic- tltlonor*. Nu phyiilcinn wit« ralli'il.

In n tum inR n vi'rdtci of cniliy <>( ntanalauRhCcr thi> jury ri'i'oniiMuii«li-it m ercy for Walkor. llo will bi> urn- teocMl Mondny. Ik< Ik ut Iliiurty un- d tr $ S .m bon<U. .Mr», W alk tT .'ihe r lr l 's mother. aUo wan p lared on trlnl irilh her huaband. but thc <uiirt din- inlMNl lho charee ucainHt hvr >011- I r ^ y .

B id 8 CM VOK IV JrilC l)S W lT (n .M .l\

CHICAOO. May C-—One of the lam - « il vordlrta ever Blven a rallro jil •np loye Injured whllo nn duty wnn

_____J) |^d e rt j^own today, whon a fury Inft local < »a ri'inn irJe it‘Jo«cpti K. Du«li. k AvCiebman Ib r the IlorDnsylvanla

tl .n l l r o i4 SHXW .to r t p trm anoat In-


AitboUfib .Jack Ucmimey haH loxt to theao dcfi'ttta liapiii'ia-a wbi'U tin* youiiR cl

® kn th( re<

8 aPean



” «wlto


__ yi'JK k D«>np»ey. ' '

the anrlcnt Orenian took tho count In the Dempm? Iiun bern tlffeateil unly oni.->

He tnel Wlillu Median, tbe Ciillfiirnla he four niundn, nnd tbi- refcrco t^ a rd e d Mi-

In lOltl Deniimi-y woa nbadcd In ten InileAd of belue n aci^nck the ronili wun ruu ITAR an v-xjii-rl 'iicvil fitfhtliii: mun, wh

TAD'STID-BITS 1Mu-rluoklntc Hnme R*-!!!'

, KM MrPflMluml iJiInk» tbut IxiXlnR I fans a ll over Uio itum try tivorlucik I .me ul tbo l>e>t llRbtvrn whon they Ii . mnko nu mcntlun uf KUI i^ irw r, of n ; llrooklyn. In Vumnilni? up Oic Htuiit- •- I i l l buxora In blutory.

•’Thcni’i* a boy," nuya tho Kid. •'who I broUu mor« hi-nrin than lundlurifn <•’ I liuve broken iiruinlnen. 1 novcr imw o: 1 11 Kumor w muro wllllnii flKbter. . > f ,Maity'« (tio tfnif fiu an (liuiiRh | “. he wvro ilunu fur. only tu aiep riKht . JUt nsnln. iivvn thIiiKH up and thon " I [Hill «ijt a wljim-r. A luush Buy!I They didn’t cumo nny tuuB hi-r-and !, huw ho lojod lo Illir! Yen. they (or- , . su i tbnl Imy." . j.'

Je fl ns a Spcnker mHiiiTj' t'ratoe (ui)« fh«: ho ha;i »cen t '

• i> lol of Krwt Kp.'ukvrii. him mul uilltun numhiT. hut tbi. "durli" uf ull U «

' JlHi JeJ/rli'^, l- 'm ii'i', wlio dlrecieil ® . U etfrlca' lunr prlur to thn Johnson

tfRlir~wur'Viiry~aTiTlimji"fur- J cft—tg J*iimku a K<H>d Inipreimlon. Tho hiR fel- "low hnxiil well, aklppml ti rupo and f

I wn'KlIeil. I'Ul u tte r thU-.Thium boH “ died uwny the nnly. (hliiK ho did wan ?to mnkP 11 bow. ' “

Fmxcf thuiiKbl th a t If Jolf did a ",' lltllo Cliauneo)- Depuw ntuff nfter tho . chMf* It wouW hMfj (bo »ho»' Im*

inanaoly, Hu duR up Jim Corbeit In onil of tlio fliinw towna and bnd “ tbo

1 rJiHd n t lliu coach J r ff In u ,„■ talk. o

iluiir Rti<-r hour Corliott aut <>n thc .rfiDKo nn. bo put Jeff iJiruujih hla » ntnnt. Jeff wua wulk out from th>>

I wUiK". >‘t<'p tn Ihl) ri-nlur ol tho titnK>' A' and UH ho IhiwihI wn.n tn chirp, "I i‘i

thank yon frum lti« Uotium ut niybi'iirt.'* Aflur Ihnt ho wu» to tuke n

1 two- Biepii Imrkwsrd. niiDUicr "mllo. h' Mill o tt IU tlic rinlit. a K»r ilin.'ii ilayu ('.orlieil and Jeff a

w orli'd itiirrtlipr. Tben cnnin ihcMnn-.la>- nli;l,( <in «-hlffi M t lo <■

■ li‘'i ».'i. Ho .llll Mh nlunl wllb Her- " (t:-r. ^ ,lll|>■•.l the ropi-, wr.'«tli-<l. un.l ■llir/i i!n»j) III.- i-urtnln.

■ WIUI iiiii.luu»i'. I'h-J lli-rci'r i.lM>uk J if f ui> li.'hllid tbe •)irrn .t.. -Nown- Ib.' thne. Jim ," anld |S:ini. “Hivp Ulll w llh n Hidul.’’ ' -I

Julf. hliiikliiK Ilk,, n leaf and aurt r cif rvbeiimUiR to hlmablf. Kli'Ptied oul.- Till) rlievni »loiip.'»l iiiulilcnly. Jeff o r uponert bln nunilb. utulU-rcd n hll and li 1 nnld. ■•Thafi. Hwcll."

2(1 (rarklite ii[j h<j (rljipcd nmt al- « mnnt (ooh -t Kr-llrrnuiii. I:

l l w:ii. bU fln .l und unly npc-ech <'

.......... ...........t'anadn <'at'« ( heerlul Chirp*

••M'liui nialini Jou limp aot'" . ,, < "Ho (l-ll nml lirjiiri'd bln lell hip nn |i ' IliK hurd liuvi-nieni yi-nterduy." N'

"That'B tiN) bud, but ll ni/shl huvi- ci been wuriie. llu uiIkIU huvo fullcii

1 nn hf* riKbl und .broke tbp conicala. ec I Vf«. (lr«r ynu 'riin he really plouH n

mill fliivcir mlni-c. plo <v»h u kick. ' V Thci „„iy 1,1 ttiu h l.iu ry of tho

I v.nri.l whrn WIC 11,W ll hi»V.i wUbnl U I fur lhc hinci we Itveil In to h«um .i U ; "iHini' Hry" hna paaspd uml ^ lll never a'

cume nicaln. Il wns wbun Nuiib lived tl nnd Ibo doluRp wun uppronchlnK.

A drpiirtmi'nt aloru ndverilnen: lii ’ "1111110 llurWp D f , f o r .the Hlrcvt." <5 . Sho'd be arroHip,! (f ohv ,lldn'i. ' m

Tho old-fnnhlone<l rarp,<ntiT who t onco bad u Joh tha t pnld wares ot iZ h;

1 <l«r now iK'lilx n iKHldon (Jia( j W.U ff him an Inrumo ol J l on bour, i!


- •


to fuur d l i r m n l oppooeuta, tliree of is cbulIcTiecr fo r tbo.U tlo waa tbo mw-

«-al lilnd of D novice. A one-muui) knockout by tbo vm cran Jlni Klynn la tho ouly rcAl bluck m ark on Uutnpni-y'n record.

Tbo boat w ith Fljron took Mnro nt 8a11 Lake Ctty lu 1017. At lliAt llmi, Deniptey >vnn nnh<>nrd of Id the Knirt, and tba ruault of tb o bout uiiructi-d no nltention. nllbouRh It wuh cnnald- orcU ru tber ntroiiRu thot the' on,-10111 nn>inAn could flml anyoBo wbo could bo ifiopiHHl M quickly.

Denijii«y iiow denim tbnt he wna knocked cold. D o Aaya thot hu i-uuhl , huve fiot on h la fee t beforo ten ban nui boon counted, bu t thn t bla brolhor bi> Uii- ram o exclte<l and threw In thu tnwel. ami Dempaey doclarva thu t never nualn T will he flilow a member of bla fumlly hln lo a rl na »ccnnd for blm. ">e

Thcro la another cxpluantlon of tbla nffulr ttolOK lho rounda tbut la di.-

-fldi-dly laiw credltnbli;, to Dciupwy. WlmU-ver IJio tru tb cf thi! m atter Ih prubnbly novor will bo known. One

_>'i-ar la ter Dcinpaey focod Vlynn aifnln.l'"l>nh »vna■l^u^clnaaSri!<^-T)naly^h^^th^-inntrh WOH little abort o t n crime, and

tbe nn«i roupd. JuIjoni.-« alnco ho bccnrnt* n-irtnr performer. 1A bcuTyirelliht. In un cxhlblllun bout of VoI MMhun lho iloclalon. * . im ten ruutidB by Jobn L erter Johnaon. Imt uf wua A isroAt'buoat fo r Dciupai'y. aa John- >i«| . while DL-mpaoy vtbb b mere novice,

PHENOMSOFi920H_ . — . Ill,

HAKNKV VlllKHKR(; 1Uy UlLMAN PAllKKlt ' :>«

B (1. N. S. S taff Correapomlonll I'u k CHICAOO. Miiy 6. — IniroduclnK r«' y Ik-rnard A. KrlebcrR. Cub ‘cublcf and Th ,f rimktn liifleldor oud uultloldor uf tho ' I. Clan .MItcftelf. '

nciipllD 'the tn rt thnt bo has lived 0 bui tit yonra tbla ) 0»nK (ollow plvea

overj- priMulMi' i>I ha-ukliiK Into print 1 HT on thu apurtlni; puKcn nultu frcuuent- c . ly thin nraaiiii, nnd for mooid aoaaona ,I, ( tbiircnfior. fur hu hua been ufflclully ,, Bdupiud ua a member ot tbo Cub lam.n .

Juat bow cloae KrlehcrR. cnmo to j aturtlnK b(a m ajor ieaKua carcor In . ,

. Iluatun he will porhopa' never know,’ llul lliu fac t romolna th a t ho wna

BBhhlcil up hy Jl KCOut tor the <;ub* whllo PlnylnB A«lth a l.ynn (Moaa.l aeml-pro aRftrcRUllon—copped rleht ,

n trom under the note of OcorKo Blnll- u InRa, na li wore, ond thnt a l a Umo Ih whnn SlallluRa wan neltlnK reiidy to ,,1 makn. him nn. offur.„ Hernnnt Inn't purttcuiur whoro bc o- nlaya-OiLJi-balLcluh. llo hna formed J. no attnchm cnl for nny ono poalllon J .ind CAN pflrfonn e/iimlly well no I- " t ,1 biflnld«nd .In ,tbo Harden. Thia niAkea

him a ru thor vuluable youni; Cub aiu- - dent to bnvu nn lhu bcnch. nnd Man-

liner Mlipbell jiivnn* lo iluvolo a lut J'" „ cf Umo thia aummer pr,'ppln'R him for

n rcRuIar Jub w llh the Cubt In the <'li '* rii'ure, an" In nddlllon to bolnR n ROo,I Inlluld-

er nud ft hnrd blltor. PrlolKiri:'la a l‘-‘‘ “ 1‘lirlntor, kartller anil looiholi iilayar

ot nolo, llu baa Rruwn to a height ic .if rU focl nnd ho Is brawny to match, la and aoniowhal raw-boned-

Iln wna horn in .Munchcater, N. }I..:o -\uKuat 18. 18«U. Ilo la a rlKbt-hand- •I ed hnlsihan nnd throw a.tho aanio way. ® y In condltlun be wel(ba 178 pouniU..e nnd when be puta ibni 178 pounda be-0. hind a bnl anil the bat connccU with

a hnneliall—walJ. thut haaobalJ take*(( a ride. Wo-ll Hay It doea. -1. >*rlebvrR. tlioURh youthful, la mar- r( ried. and Ihls J» Juat ono moro Inccn-l r. llvo for blm to mnko Rood w llh n vini. 1 ,,l Mnnasnr Mitchell hellevca ho will. I

r.VST N K .lirS FKJIITS j .Id At I 'h lladclphla-M cH cu Itumcl nfl

-loracy City l>ox<-il u draw with Toiiiiiiy i n Murray of Phllaaplphlu In alx rounda.II. At da rden City. lo’.-S p ld e r Ilochc.' ff of (railfornla. kniickod ou t younK Kyun |III In tbli th ird rouud. '

Al Unllna. Tex.—In unc of the ta«l-|]. eal lumtu ai-eii In Ihh c tly In aume

time. JInnny llnnliin of Ocnvor anili :1, Otto Wnlluco of Milwaukee went in '

ruunda lo u draw. I

TWHNTV ARK K ll,l.i;i> " WASllI.S'OTO.N. Muy 1.—Tueniy

prraona woro hlllud u r acrinualy In­in lured In Opel, upper .SI1i-h|u. on Innl

Muuiluy. when Ucriunu Irimpn und •p civilians u(lni'fcp,I' I'ulea who wurtII eolebniilnR* u tiullounl holiday, a v a. eordlnK to reports fnnn ITei.tio, cablc Irt JidvJj.-i'M r«rrlv<-<} lifrv loilay trom

Wurauw ilc la re d .IP Tho Wnranw dli-piitch docluren Ihul 'll UormuiiK, urini-d wlih revolvom. ut-III lucked tho I’ullah connulntu a t Opol :r and toi-c u tt tho PoIIhIi InalRnln and •d throw It Inlo lhu rtvor Oilra,

I.,u(«r ontaulzulluiiii In npprr Sllea- i: In nrc tbrentenlnK to ntriko unlcna

tJorninti trt>upii aro removed, tho War- naw cubic declurod.

o A adlilnnal artille ry nnd prlnnnom have Iwon rap tu red ’ln tho I’ollah of-

)■ feiialvo on tho }lunuluna In L'JfralnIa,Ibu dlapntcir atnted.

IP F k T H E a , . ' ' , T .■■'Ot-(?v.^MAT ] M ^ < ;c i£ • Ni'E WILL M -l R:>>■3 HL'C} IF ' CO CH





Olt 1920 CROP ^

Y oung C a tc h e r o f th o & ed S o x Is M a k in g G ood A f t e r B o ck y i;nr

' R ood to th o M a jo rs u_____ lire

lly lIR IinE llT I 'A ltY I .. .............Inlernailonul Nown Sorvl,-,. Wu^f^^lr•

rt'ajNiniJi'til. SacllOSTON. Mny C.-"MlckeyV • llo- Ball

yliiu. uUlliy L-ati'hor o( lhu Iti-d Sox. la H on top a t laaL .. Cod

Kofwopnrly a duii>i , yonra thc Byl ,:iiur»Kuniia "Ulckoy" haa huen trylnc tn cllmh Ibn buaelmll ladder tn Inme. llul encb time bu ROl a Htart toward I.on llll- lup Old Man K'alo camo alons San anil puahud "Mlckoy" bal:k. , !

Thta neuuon ".Mlrkoy" comea Into .Sea hln ow n.' W4th Si’hnnR 'ahaeni from the Ui-d Sox rnnka und wllh Wnltera amhli- 1(1 buwllo (ill (ho w ort behJud Oal the lllll. "Mk'Uey" \k-alka un lho pluyr Vei Iur Illllll n/> a roKul'nr. I

.11 bu« bi’i'n u tru ly iishlll fliiht tur MU "Mlekpy." rerabiteiicy. ability, thc ill rvi- 10 "wolt U nut." comblnoil with — 1I1P couruRo and tbu Iui:k nt tbe Iriahlm\'6-t)ronRtir-*MlrUey’'-t,.-ib*-|ioa l-u l • - hln luiibliliin—a 'rcK»>ar mnjur Ioaruu Jul). •

Diivinn comoa from upatnto tn S e v Vork. Karly In IiIh llfo bo came ovrr llllo New I::nRlahd. Ho wa?) a pURllIlt uf nonie fmno In weKtera .MaaMchu- | neilH. Then ho Jumped to buaeball. ,

"Mickey" played with Now llnven. , J’lib flc ld uud Olbur BAAlern 1.«uruo ' icamn. Ho bunlod lli'io tbo aport paru lieAdllnca bock In IDIC .when be threw out tbe wonderful Ty Cobh n t aocoijd ' □n two occAHlnm In ouo Kamo. Cobb waa playlUR on exhlOKIoR ranio with , tho Cilonlala u t New Huyen tha t dAy. „ '

Kur twii yoara ~.\Hckey~ hAii hoon ;in lho utility iiaund of t|ie Red Sox.Ilut every llino llu Kul A chani-ealonR rami, tbo rociilurn—t'jd y . Agnow aud TtlomaK, plnyorn of exporlenco.

Thin yenr "Mlchry” roi Ma oppor- (iJiiliy. •

(JIUIX CAK{« iiHORT - 31! W W SinSGTO S, MoV J.—The A#r- W.

Ipua iihnrtaRO of sraln cam by tho i-itrrleni aerv ln t tbu mldUlo w oit ami So thu loss tha t will tollow the Rrowors Io; It thu condition la not remedied be- :ore lb» nexl crop la banrealed. w is hruuKhl III the atipntlon ot Ui» house ci InHjraiaie ond torelRii commerce com- c t uilllcu toilay by u larRO dologatlon reproaentlhR the (;niln Rrowera and (Tb ifcivloni.

Tho coinmlitoo wun urged to enact ^ lefilslnilon plAclng u t tho dUposAl of j (ho Kovornment I300.000.001) 10 b* j luanod lo^g ra ln carrylog roada for < uao In tho purchaao of now equip- ' ment eapocbUly jrraln cara. lo move lho oncomlnR crop.


POllTBMOtlTII, England. May r,—K ' younK ninrino found dund.on Porta. dnwn llill, toft a raoaango wrillon In hla own blood, llo bad cut bis wrlat am] ualnir a teatiier vroU> a noto w hkh be placed In h ll cap before t-.auKlnR hiniaolf. '


ton Uallorica niyle ahow of Fronch 2* foahiunn-llko thu story which W/U Itoxora ' threatcna to te ll—had been "cloancd.- . O’.

Rayii Om u taM y'T ltneit:"Sono of the froAk faahiona which

aru ufion aeen In P«rls Is allowed to Br luirudc aud s ir lk t. n wrong note." Nc

I Free Yomrself F roi I The Pangi; n .* Rlglik T r M lB w t WHI B rM k bl j Y e w SU tU **-

You wbo a re afllicted with R h t3 - \ li m iiiim know front experience jn s t l(iI how cxeru tla ting tlie pAD^s o t the ^I iJheajc are. Y o a Jtaow a b o , U ^I you have had rh iu o A tt ik fo r AH> |t, le n s ih o t lim e th « t the re im o re i l til

relief to be expected from the t»s« •<o{. lin im ents '>nd loU oiii. ■ ’ cl

R heum atism It • ttu b b o m dtt* ttease, and iis pAOfi and p tiD t «cannot be w ipeo .og t » i if b r ma- iV

-B‘0- A dlicA ie th A t'li 10 M l o f olto rtu re and renders so su n jr peo< pipie Abtolutcljr faelpJcM, I t • <Uep- miseated o n e ; it I t no t on the tur* inface, hence It carinot bo r n c h e d £1l y external, su rface re m e iw . ' j |

L otions, Uaimctits and obitm eats fiapplied to ,the tu rlace jaajr i s fttome eases deaden tb e pain for the pitime being, Uut tmtH you Attack thc •discaie a t I t t fouodatlon, yoa a re eitnskinK no p n g r t t t tow ard » ticure. I f a n v i€nok o f E f ie a su tb ta hia re caused by a l l l lo n t o f tin y Ygerms th a t in fes t tb e blood, u d ow)i.l Ibe Wood J# 'Ab»oJti»?J/ f rc td Uo f ihc te ge rm i, th c rs it ju> rea l inrelief In tigh t. ni

In (act the longer yon d tla y Utreattnff th s d iseaie tbrongh tb e tc

- • W i L L i r —I F Al?e >0O

< r ^ HERE~ y ------------- A<;Airi-

- ^

! - L . . _ a U . : ■

:.B. IDAHO. THUB8DAY. MA7 6 ,1«


Ycaltrday'H KeanilaR. H. IS. ■

Porilttiid .................................... 7 8 a QScattlu ........................................ ■« It 3 M

Uatteriea: I’olann und Koehler; H | Ilreutoii, U olnhart aiid Ruhror, Tob-

9IL II. B. H

Sacrnmenlo .............................. B 18 0 I’f lHall U k o ........... . ................. O U I U H

Hatturlen: I’rougb. Uvviinlos and qH Cady: c:ouk. Cullup,. Malieaon aod liylor.

' n . U ..E. B(.on AnRUivii ....... ..................... 7 9 4San rmnrtHCo ........ ............... 1 4 1

KattorleH: ' Pcrilca and D u ale rr ■ .Sm«ir. Joriinn o«<l Agnetr.

R- II. B. •Oalllnnd ....................... ............ G U 2Voinon ...................................... 3 7 0 T

rjiU«crluH'. Kmuno nnd Mltxo; W. IhoMllchoil, I-'rommo and Dovormor. i,o


— -AMM4HGUE— -Oti-I. . • of

- - ............ — t l i o

XoilAjV SfUfUule anil Korfcast Now York u t WAshlngton, clear. 8:15 Pbllsdelphia a t Doeion. eleer,Ht. l^ouia a t Dolrolt. cloar. 3 p. m. iler, ,Clovelnnd n t Cbluugo. dear,’3 p, in.

Yeslerduj’a Reaulta Score: l l . l I . R j y i ,

PWIadcJphU .......................... n 9 . :: ,,Uoaton ....................................... 4 11 2

Rauorlea: Klnnof nud Perklna; □uab. Ponnoi^ uud Wallora. HchanR. ^

Scoroi It.U .K .Now York ................................ 7 n 0 —Waahlngton .................. ............I C C g

Untterloa: Moya nnd lluol; Johnaon Jnnd Plclnch. ^

Score: l t . l l . n . 4St. U u la ................................ 12 IC 0W aahlngton ...................... ...... 1 0 0

lUttorioa; Saundera. Durwoll and 1 Soverold; Khiiiko. Ayera. AUon, Ulalx- effi lor und Alnnmtth, .Manlon. . chi

-------- th racoro; n .H .E . gn

C leveland ................................. . 3 fl 1 « •Chicago S »

Dattorloa; Cpvolcaklo and O-Noll; Knber and BchAlk.

;-------------- — -----------:----------------— s“

! MH0NA1 muti . ------------------ ------------------------------

T odaj’i Seh td iJe nod Forecast" U iuoklyii Ql l u i ^ .Ui u i. a .aor -Pg

}toMUm a t PhUaV«lpbU. clear. 3:50. " ChlcARO At I>llUburgh. cloudy. 3;S0. ~

. Cltieinnatr a t Sk' lUmlt. d e a r. 3:00.

Ycaterday’s U tia lUR. II. E. ,

CInclnnall ___________ ___ J 12 2 *St. Ixu in ;............................. 1 0 0

J tu ie r le a ; Kcuthor aud Wingo; D<xtW and C lem ons.'

IL II. 1C.lOoAton .................................... - 4 2 3rhHadolpliJa ........................... 3 0 1

Q atterlea; .McQullInn and Qowdy. O'Neill: lllxey and Wheat. Wlihcrow.

R. H. K.Brooklyn .......................... ........ i 13 2Now Vork ................................. 3 C 3

omof Rhepmatiftin

blood, th e fu rther you Are n t t l n g from ridd ing yourself from the di»- eate . A nd because 10 many people trea t th e pain. And n o t the J i i m e a te lf . I t one resson why RheuniA- liitn Incr«Atei In teverity >«Ar by'veAf.

The tiw it la tlsfactory reinedy for Rheum atlim I» S. 5. S , because It Is one of 'th e iqost thorough blood p tsrlfiert known to tncdical tcienec.’ T his fine old r ra e d y c le a n su the blood o f all imporf- tlts , a n d U a sure shtldote to the m rato (K h e n m A tltm .'B e in g pure*Iy vegetab le,-w ithout a pan icle o f m ine ral o r ehCQlcal In III com­position, it w ork l by clininatinR and fo rc ing o u t of (he blood a li im puriUes, actlflg a i a toillc to the en tire system a t the same time.I t b as been used for more than

> tiliy years, and.scores of lufFerers .> from Rheum atJim give it un ttin ted ! praise.

' S. S S; Is to ld by drtugU ts'ev*! erjT*here, and^nny of them will. 1 k te ll you th a t U fs a thoroughly ' I h o n e it and reUable oW T en ed r.' You * r« Inyltcd to w rite oor tte d l-

csl departm ent for full Informa- Uon a n d advice about the, |r e a f-

t m ent o f you r own case, for which no charge Is roade. Address Chief

f U edlcaT Adviser 12 SwlK U h o r t - r> i tory, A tlan ta . Ga. V

■ ( ^

1920____________ ^


■ B v




' nm tea

T lic b W r coat ;^of’llv rtjt itivlxfon of ®o*r , «ho dcparimi-iVt o f TuirtfrA'T* aparliiB fra ■10 im lua. to tench tho boiit«-wlve» of caI Woabliistuu bow tu buy. nml ubu all tbi (.ula uf inenl. pnrtlcubirly the cbcnp<T lhi onoa. I'lio iJoiuoniUruiliin abown boro Oit-batiia-JUumm-d-llT Ibi fh o ft if one* of Wiinhlnstoii'n prUu-liiiil hulela. ntid . tho acttlnu I* In tho cliy liiarkeL ' '

■ ■ “ • ' upliatlorica: Mllcboll,' Urltnoa ani| su

K rueger: Unnien, Wintuni nml Any- H" .l.r , ' Smlcl,. . •

--------- ••' tbin. H. E. nil

Chlcnso .................■.................... 0 « 0 optVttaburKh .... 4 0 th

UoHortca: Jfnrt(/i «ncl Aduma nnd Scbmidl. V ' ------ •Jj

California W« Oaone Lahc ohon ta t P.ll and moai «conlo route.

Sore Throat, OqM$ IoWuy R*ii«v5~iy Han^ ah

W ln n » OM ' *||

HAmlin't V /Uard Oil U ft ilm ple and dl effective trtA tm ent fo r to re throat and u

. t '.w .W S 'c j SSi' 'o ison the chest ifv rtll often loosen up ai ot ha rd , deep a ea te i cold In one n ig h t

H ow often sprains, bruises, cuta and b u m i occur Jn .evew family, m well AS little troublea Jlke earache, toothache, cold sorei, eanker lo res .

m y s bring < |u ^ relier.’G et }t trom d rogg jsu fo r 30 cent*. W

I f n o t ta titfied retu rn th e bottle ood he

h . . . . i d . i:;

5 0 ^For fifty years this firn make the best shoes (p bought. For a good n i i

Shoes have been fulfill theirmakers. “ Extra comfort every minute HECHT Shoes. •


B u c k h e c h t S h o es fo r y o u — f o r a c t i v c m e n in a ll w a lk s o f life— a re t o ld in a varieQr o f sty les a n d l e a th e rs fro m -^S to $ 1 2 b y p r i f ic ip a l s h o e '~ dea le r* i n th e

k'or SjJ« br ■i im B c n a u S B

l l S B . y a i n ^ ' a ocKiNOM AM t l n s c n r ; m a n u i

Come to San Francisco Mi

S y G«


I— m i l

i a ,B n b b c r O am e W iU D e d d o B oa t

■ • T ea m — O n T b is 'A fto rao o n

A t L ln c o b ^ P lo ld

tn y Oh Henry)ThlA nfternoon tho "ruhhor" game

o t tl .0 aorloti ol ihreo will bo played At Lincoln nold botwoon tho RuperthlSJiicbool-and-lhe.nlil Uwa«re«.£loa-_.nod Jn the Uluu ahd Wblte o t tboMagic Cliy. ..................

ThlA concoft ta too moat im portnnt iplayed by tho. locals to daio bccauae. A ,wbllu- lluport 'toent Ibe Twin Fnlln »U r» h»ro by a mnrgln of ono run nnrly tn tho aeaaon. . thoy woro de- toatoO by tbo Donhianiioa n t lho promising Minidoka county city not long ARO and yosiordny'r ono sMwl frnpa* with 'Wondoll la whlcb tbo lo- caIa were thu wolvca and Iho viallorn tbo ' lAHiba fuKhor p r o re i th e ' fact f ,th a t the liienl boya are of.oharoplM - V. . ahlp cullhro. Tho Hupurtiliiom lA .lhii/ i>nly onv* 10 elvo ibo locain a battle . ’—W «h-vletory-ftl—boaa—hojrondwA------------------ahndow of doubt tho only Question ia . how blR A 'ncdro the 'locala can r u n ­up. 4 t ' l a not expected tbnt tbo ro- ault will ho 22-1 na,w ss tho Wendoll Rnmo but the Hluo nnd While nluggom nro In (bo ptnk of condition and Kielr Ability to loao thc teamed abbero In tbu oujor.gardonu haa hoen proven In numoroua gamon tbJi» season. Tbo opposing teams have bad n tAst« of thc wofK of the horiohldo picklora.

T w U T 'ra lh boa a nlno o t ’doreful « lugR ers»Jlu i tho alrtng th does no t ,i-nd thora. ' Hrllllnnt nolUIng, superb pitching hy Jamison, Fix. Kronglo and PuU lor complotea a well rounded ag- grugatlon. In short the TwJn outfit la nlmply Immonto, the ho tl ih yoori In fact. Jfor* powor.to 'om.

Tho mound dnty will e ither'be por> formed by Fix or Jamison, According to Conch Oeorgo Denmnn.' Roth bavo ^ahewn up flplondldly . i-bilo Bob Put- zior can alao slip n lew over tbo h eart of lho pJnlo to tbo, bataman'a dlumny. Whoovur Ihe-plich)ng choice la tJio reault will bo prAcUcally the f

■ anme. According lo tho knowing onea. wbo un<Ieni(ancl (bo ^eiI'pocl(1'e 'morlc ot thu contostlng .uiainfc • ;


HARVEY-, ,111.. May C .-Pr«ppod ’ agulnal a trvu oud wiih a bullot holo : tlirouKh ono o t tho oyea, tbo body of *

Robert J. llopklna. An agod ptncll , ^leddlor uf Chicago, vrua found nenr I horo ioday. Ho la bbllvvcd to have

boon alalu In Chicago and hla body ' brought hurt) later., Chicago police Joined with local au- . thoriUoa In an attem pt to aolve the - mystery:------- —----- ;-r--------- ____________________

V . • \

y ^ a r s

irm'has been ^ i h g to jfpr men thdt cojuld h/: inany years Buckhbcht Riling this ambitioj} of ra scrvice every step— : te*’—always in^BucK-

HECHTP E ;sg |:

(MI)NUFACTU3l£)l3y 8 A N .» A N C J S C 0

Martel ffeek,jtfay 17-22 ''

ieorge McManus'

VOO r ^ ^ E n 'T .,. A M ^> V /E R E b. '

i - l [ c i o e ^ i O M ;

— ■

Page 7: Reign Among ~.^^^uj^cans 1 I Plii Stan nddrdBsarer^lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ’ Uaxleb- a!^ ¥ atrai«alo poim haa r«-la in the hands of the Mex- >(

B u s i n e « 8 O p p o r t u n i t i e s ^

"^(inaillivp P t tiilc il^u ijT T r^lR nU ' IJ.11Q* Small pBrutKuiii. eau / tornih Bold 6xcltu lt« l7 b r Uruwo Drcis J ‘

........... •-...................l-cl yo\ir boun* bulldlnr uml ]ol 'j . ,

w ork ou t to McCfcarr <6 l.yoat. J*l;in- rumtslied. Rouie No. 3, Twin Full,

I will IcniT 11000 lo J.ROUi) (HI flr/J 'af.!!ctuMS reftl »Hlntr MPciirliy. Tlio r a n jj l i tMKonnOle, H cury J . Wall. ^' •'■' ~ ~ "V - -------------------

S i t u a t i o n W a n t e d S l '

Iniltinirluun St. I^ouIk wnmuii wnulx vrili Jo come \r<iKt. WouW illff po.'ilMoj) ,( ,

‘housitkcitr*!’ f 'lr rcHiiinnalilu umn.K o r’parUcnlllirn v r lli ' Mrn. U Joiii'i. Ki

■ ac(i7 Palm at.. St. U m ». M.>,_______ K<..ri

WANTKI)—Surrlm t. Mrn. Manila Wrltnmnn. m iOno TiiZ-It. . ^ _ K

WANTED-^To rl.Kin your turnn.;*" i',.,’,iitnl dilninoyn. I)., Snt(iilmr». plmn.- i,.i rr23-J;‘ n<"“ lociiilon. FMII ••nulpmonl. —i i tn l liriJMJJ"* • 116 Muln A'j% Rnni 'T'Work «u«rivntpiia or 00 tm) ''uu

J i iF S s is i ) l':'a..'Carp.'li'. PUP' SiHii'i ■■•I' ■;

.OM r^Kt..rr.l, r,>T .iuu..-.*• KIrV. J, --------^ ^

Help^Vantoff.............................. 11'

llli.- ll„ ,l Im 111 i<()- n iu c r .to r rr.l. :.i-,;M> ;".l.- '• • .. .

r.,,,l;u l a ;> Snr . r>- «V.. „li.ll.'Ul. ............. 1 .

lu 's i .M ^ S n n N r i ' . s ,' r a r ly !■> kd In uul<i lni'lnrs«. fHl.iiii;i

i c H ilin l. l ln.x .-.U, T l m . . . ___

W ANTED-A roolt ul noy.l ll.l^- _Illlili. j-.ooil t i a 1 ; i r y . ____________ ,

WANTBIl—Woiimii roi.k. ilay. m<iii W /llc iio r 403. J<TOini'. Ma, ^ ' i,;.r

\VANTKI>-AVo17!i.'Ii 1.1 do limi.ic-work a>tur.l:iys- 135 Main Ato, H. ----I'liodo »•

WASTK^d” Qlrl for Ri-noml lioui.i- ‘jili;!work, aood hcnnc. «n»il »hki'3. :M |.‘

• Ctll Ave. Nortli. I'hnnc 072. Adv

Olrl warned Jil U i t I )«1 ' j i J W/VNTKD— Woo)uu for • ri-m.rul | '

lio(i«u «-oplc. riiwijo .lOlsJJ. Uulll 1‘lu. ) ----

!tL\Il) v i^ N T E iT -A l lilf CmilllJMniipltaf. rh one ,.-„f

CIlAMUKllilAIU %yANTKU n l Uio ' JoKnsoa Hoomii.

W ANTBl>-t’-i<l'.i’>lo wotmiti by Muy " i"ICtfi. I'hono !HO-W. I

WASTED—llooVliocpcr a t IUn^cu — -Au«p Cowpaay. ilunwon. Itlll. <’

W a n ted ^ isc e lT an e^ ^' W ANTED-Oood l io n io ^ 'o tT ^ n r i i ^ n ear Twin h'aUn for tlrvi-u ynar oM « 1. lioy dtirlug vacalloii. Aililrcuu Uux i.io6«4v C»y. _______________—

W ANTEtf-TUouiatidn of mon ore hoi nredod In Uio AUTOMOUIl.li: A | | ) U l F a c t o r This l* y(?ur op- “ Jportunliy. tbe Ucmnud wan nov«r no S tea l aa U now for iralnc'd o*porltt, W o'lcacU la a ahort Uam OToryililnK pertalnlnit to this budnosi, Includliii; {. IQf^mO.V. C/JiUVUBTORS. £.mHT- to*> INO AND STAUTISO SYSTEMS, a l.o I'll. OXY-ACETYLESK WT'tl.niNO A.VD —: T in B nE PA m iN Q a n d nCTRKAD- IN9 . .gp^clat raw # for a nliort Uiou .j.,, only.-lW t<(a ini^nT ftir onr catntpf(u«>. — U E S tI* H Ili‘ 6 tt0 3 . AUTO & TRAC* I T o n c e c i ld o u f . JCO En»i 2Bd qoaiU. Uk' Salt i:»k# XIW7 Uiali. ~

n*A.vrifI>—Sail Luk» lnml>r,'ot «U with nltje ^ r a o and KaraR« woiild Hke

Rum tn«r';m w |^(i.W (({i T trin ^^lln } pnrty IlcfcrcncniftXCha^ j U f f lS f ^ lg , Tlmen._________ j

' w iii,t iK t x .K f"" jQDlc Honsoi

Houib and 8«c- j

' j W 'S f f^ B B e B 8 ry /« > n io r (It u»d and

__________;;;.W ANTED-H milk fiowa lo ps.nurS —

for ui.n o f mlllc S- I’. U«st«r. C'aroj-, iIda. • • -:-.V5=-,- • Hn

■ , ■ ..........................—. rtiWANTED—Your order for P U N d —

rONIWQ. V ogio UoilQ 00. Pbou,.Mt. ...

f' mow* «U'

^ m i l caU fo r,a n d dol(rer..Ca<( I ’’’

J rA I^ £ Q -rB ln « . CW « pw tB w h r

^ » e M e ^ ' l t i r » i / c u e ' a V w H *.

I WANTED—Two-whcet aotomohU* dl( traU er. lU -W obllalb. Pbooo 3103. 3. f lie r . I I ~

For R e a T S ta tT ~

♦ ■ ♦ ^‘, 4 FOR SA LB-W cII located ZO * JT,

♦ acro o il cW m In R a ti R lto r ♦♦ fleld ne ap OaAla-well. Oood an ♦♦ clalm a r te e h i lr ottered to r ♦ . . .♦ .IlCOO a a d 12000. W in sell for ♦ w , 4 ISOO cath of: trsdo for l lfb t 4 _ 4 c ar. D o M S , Tlmea. . 4 ■

t 4 4 4 t 3 ^ ^ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 {1

. M , t a o r a n g p i H B |M .W Tw *4tr9t |«

U n E ® y

J i i n O T i M

..................... ......... ................. ................KtPor Sale—Real E sta^

TAK1:n ri>—SdrrVl 3 year old flUy.■•fl Hlllll. Oram Aiificll. 1 lullo

.. - _ 4^Ft)lt SAl,I->-4 n»im uioilcru lu*ii»t. .Hlii

: 3t Vftii f f u r t n . . tsoo .d iiirt i .i >. n:\1iiiict) y ia rly puyniutilii. Will ial;n Kord car In o ir j l t i l l liayiiicnt. A d - |_ ’ ilri'Si* 1’. Wnlton. ll.-ju-linn. I’Uyin , l l , MiiitniiKU. . ■ •

T-(W }r.uTv:-^U »f im? tcirTlio pri.p- >rl1i'n. larKo nn.l nmall. Wo lii.vu immc-1 • "I .jilunlld iiiocK |irojioiUli)!i.i. uml i.lwi ‘liiiio niiiiill IrnclH. Monl of llltM' lirojr-. .'rilifi Itn,- loialoil wlllilii ihrco mllen ... i( K>i«n. j:.Jii'lH !\imumn. I'fly. ,

KOR i:Atl'V -Nlio ll;ri-(> room hou«''.<(..»{ CilJI i« H 6 .'ilJj Avc. einm.— _____

KOU y.IM '^-N r'ii' tnur room r. Mocliii Iroiii r . O. Illiy frnui i>whit:Ili.ivlll;; l-<*:'f. lluiti ronl. I'**'*’ j (iliriiliniii. fu(iiitr(^ i'crrim , lfarl.,ir i.Jiop. I,."

- r o l l nimii mo.loriin.nv;luii:.--. fuml,.Ill.l l.r ur.iiiriili.tir.I, Mum In- i:oM 111 iiiri'o w.'i'tiii. ; i i :;nil A M '.|,-r

r . . ' : ^.V!.^ :-.:o:-.. imU.liiin tTii.l 1<*I'.ii 1 h : , : t : : - , ! , i . , .>,,..1. lu .u .r . ' ;.i „n

I’. I'Uoi,.- VJIT-J.________i |j , .

i :.''!‘nl’ vi'r|KM“'" . '' \ ' l : . i i J ''^ ;v : - W ■' ■[ ' o j ^ S a r c - M i s c c l l a ; K ’()Ur5 ' '

1/ Hi.' m .I.i, uml .. ............. 1I10 »'... ' i.Si,.p.. (■il.t„..r. v.ai m.t ,1. ...... I a s ; -

tl:i' Ir. sl u liil - i.iiior Ilinn tlio ' i.,.iil;( w c •'

.l;i(l< iri.i.i nil t . \ , r llio ->m' , | . •W rili- '* ', L.r ;.rlri' IM ti-l.i). . 1,.;,

*T ^7 i''7 r^ iT ~ 7 m i7 ~ iT ri7 ~ r,T iT mllullf. Iloh:,-, i.li- 1ni..lii.'>i l.u li ,Kill I .H-11 .11 I.f A ' • „lu.ri;iilii, l';ill iiii.l »■••• iUI>.. l'. .i.l;.r ‘

I. I). (), V. )ia:i,'llill.l, M'... ,•S rli ily iial.ui l;.''ii ..-. I

n im .i 'tir'.' jT.r '< " T •;;'i'i' " av." 'Cant, i’hom- 711K.M. ' ________ |

I'VJJ: ..^AUC ;<i‘ni!ul lia!i:1 i.l 11. IV U-t ,\rtv;>nio I't.Miii oiiniiio. II.IX i n, 'i'>\in —■ull-. Malio.________ •. r»!l; SAl.!;--l)aylim |.lc,M-ii'. (i;M —

MOU ii.nK ranKo. u;!l li-.t .11 J'J.r.tir----- -rv.r ntiJ.-ic ivfij tukc j i i ’ot). A d' r.'"- ilr>-HH Ijox ao. r.ire TIinon. '________1

ix j j i .SAI.fi’- f l f . ' l r / 1 <Vi'r-m ill polal.icH. Ml Knrlii. HIx Wi;.-k...K. Ily.li'. -J liill.:i cnM. iioulli :if ll;-,iiU I.f Klml).'r!y.

fal)l»'.|;u I'liiiUa- I'lllW. priHif k i t - .l.n pliinlii for 1U:0. I’lly T.iwor Ori'onlioiiiifjt. Twin I'aliit.

I'OR BAUE-10 ncro irnei liiiprov- c«l. clo«o lo lown. 11. O. Andomon. l.'iO Hill A»o. \V'ciit. (Cl

bX )u 'aA l.K -llaliy liiiBuy” nnd Iiuuku- irlioiil tu rnliure. nl u UirKiitn, zOi Uluo „pLnliflx Doulumnl. o ,

rO R SALE—Lot Id Olckcl Adtlitfunfor »37B. Half caali. Inquire 3Ci EiU ‘jgAV9. N otOi , II,

y o n SALI-:—NclH-il Ucm Hfctl iiatT- com; aJ«n rmv. r jS VIh A rc. H i«l. k" I'lioiK- CtS-.W. , J,.' J--t>K -SA U '>^l.lbriir/ aJ;'»amall oil lioalcr cUtnp. Uox tOO, lu rc Timeti.

FOR S A U r^ WlodMiMda. iicad- H' IIkIiI* and window'R]a«». E. A. Moon, lu

KOR SA L K -lfi aiTM well Imj.rov- I'd, wltl tako a uioil<;rn rliy rcnldoncu. A W. E. Wallace. Twin Kulln._________ -

For Sale Automobiles ^FOR SALE-Slu.lol.aker four, 191S

ffloilul, rppalnH'd, In kooJ runnlnn or- q llpr. ' Prlco ronrooalilo. Call 472-W. u

n ) l l SALI-;—Clurvriilct caV, flrat- y:ciaitv condlllon. Part lermn. Call n l nn il 4thVVve. Eon*. ■ _______________'(

KOU SALl-^-lliilck Knur, In kou-I n.m tlllnn. 1400 ranli ff «oW «t*onciJ.Iminlre Ilrownliij; Auto Co. .p

f-'i)R ffALK-LkvJKc Poa.Infer f lr :t oln... hlmpo: JSOO. R. It.. Spafford. rtinnft lOrt. 22'3 7lli Avo.- Eaal.

I-V)ll"8 ALE a t ' KAP.CAIN—lfll8 '1 r«.r.l Sr<t.-\n. A-1 condltliin; nlM> lX>.1it- 1. i i 'u rliir t a r in (■xnllcnt rnni-lnn .-i>i> dlttonj '. /J!arTn*..-»ii*Sio»tb'.:I4oB»r*JCo. J’hmm 707. A

LniTlns lown on Account o t fllrk> BMU. u Jleo 7.pnii*ejij{’or c a r In flm l dan e rondltlon (or uala a t u nacrl- flee. 'C aJl u t CaKl« M ayU 'Iiu lW ucn ’ 5 anrl,W .a. «i. Uo* 40S.

^ •O r 'a A L E ~ I 'o M car In Rood eyin- dltlon. fnanJre J. P . lla rrjaon . IL No. n 3. Pliene [iI7-U-3.____________p,

LivJstbck and JW R B A L ^ P t i n ^ n a D afA o b - i '

logton e t s i . t l M a eetUas. l i r ^ . a 81*er, 2 mllea e u t . 'A aoutli o t “ .foondrr. •. ,

iro n 8A U E-tloI«tcln Uclfer,' tii>w fre th . BlrlDE four saltons milk. W*. £ . FiW allace. T fcla-yaila . _________ ___t!

Tba Timoa }ob pnnU ac aopanm eot ■ .thA -^nrhly equipped to dp " f l n t _

e la t i work—A t.rM foaabta prteaa. '

'•.T ba-T taM Jo b^ pnouat departmeQt '



^ \ ' .1^

J \ y j ___

K uu SAI.IC-Klvo hM.1 yiinni; iinitoi.Ibroo (u five ycuro old. aUo one ox .| tru cholco rej;l#li-rcd Hurlmiu bull. 1— - dcoitlHh (ypc. Olli) pair j;«ldlni;ii. 3yoora old. r.ood ouoi. 1 lAJi-alcd on __ _Kimberly road Iwo nillc'n caul nlTw itt-t.'xHii-ttl-W .-H r^tuddaraiujjnc.h.___

♦piiono. 054-11-12. ;0fl1i

: L o s t a n d F o u n d |

w ill iiiT T w i7 '^u .“ T.-krii';7^'riT.i'I*Hiluir«. uu till- roail .MKl (.r liiiUl l.i .l | ‘ t^iitiinlay. cnnliiliiliti; i>

H’uiilln .Sllll i;.,al m.llfj- It.i.x Mo T \v liii_ ..„ ' Kalin ami ri-i-olve tl».np rew ard? , I

«TIUYl-:i>~Jor.uy i'.»v. f»uryo;.K,i, i ___Wail w.rarliif: halter. C, W. |lo.l|-o, ’ I t-'an: .Vli(l.-.iiu. I'doaii .'So.J. ;no.-<

U ).^T-ll.'tu-eeii imvr ~ i7d V u r r ^ . j )Yj<

Fi.i.i- Klmli'r plea...' li-.ivo u i •llm.-.i • .rilnii r.n.l ri.-ci-lvi- ri'war.l, ' '

1 TaTcKS t ' l ‘- s 7 .i i i~ o f Imv marv".,' jali-.m 111 HIM ;i i.l.l. Ai Altn-rl — 'jri;t :;le r ram-li. J liill.-n ti..nli of KU.t . • “

i KOL'.VD-lliiiuli of <m M I . .H ,luM.;; l.i-iun.ii r a r ry nm l-n io r. Owi,- ,o r .-;in, ha ..' tli. iii l.y ralllan al Tt,.' -------

l.(/ST-•\loi„ I'l lirvi l,..i«7oii PO..I-!, i.tfl.o and lliciirl,nrl;.H.I, Tlii.iU 1 lo : .l l - .a ‘ iJ.oiu at po.,i..rili.-e. •riiaai-« ic;.\o :.l '

i-il M ............. ami r.-.-el».' rowanl. ; '

W a n t e r l t o K e n t |

n V 7 r ^ - " C n " ' i .T ^ c . ’ '

j V.'A.VTKn TO UKNT-^-l iir i-mni ;

j F o r ' T i e h t '

Kim K1:NT- u ’aT rrraU .ilfr^ v lU i'u,l.;il.(;.i. 1 m:t" KoiiKl ami Hulo .oa»l I.f AuiM.-rilj:ii. IJultniiili Ko.i- J ;

' — ____________'‘l'il-'OU ItMM'l-:.'’. arri-.i. I-Mxvin Pam- i:

;<-.aii. .S

I'(1U_ l!i:N^-*Mi~i.-rii r.urni. iiiiiTr: ^

■ —VMl -11 l-?n :~ rW a iL a i i i a Z I u v i i j u r ^ ^rrlvlli'Ke I.t l,Mli. <!c-!il1.iiiiiii i.n-t<.r- ~

...-inUlC.ATlON WATKll TO R E N T - lm,

7n Bhurca lor thu itcaKnn. A rtlinr 1>. iloi; i^wlm. Twin I-'.illn. llio

KOI! U E S T -rr^ > m iioiiae. r.ir. 4lli ,^1!_________________________

MITH'K V«U I'nil.IC A T IlIN , DepiiMiiii'iit lit liic Intorlur

U. S. Jj»Hd 0«lcu a l-I lu llcy , Jdalio, April m'. 19U0.

Nulli-a In hrreliy Klven lliat I’orry . ICol..-r{«. of r^iKTmm. Wafio. oti J n n u 'ia . 19ir., ma.lr lliminiiteiid En-

• iry, .\o. 01X2G2, lor W li NWU Hoc, nn,I and wlu. on Dci;, 13; I1/I& mad^- addl- ,

tloitul lIoinuKiPa.l Eniry Nn. Ots'JOt '' for t-:i4 NWVi. i: \ i sww.-W M i -

Hecllon an. TownMiip IC Suiilli. UanRc “ ‘ 18 l-:Bai. llolso Mcrldiun. Iiu>i fllc-d no-

lire o t Uilctillua |» tiiaku flnul tl]r>-< 'year Proof. 10 ciiiuljllgli claim in ilic ®

■ lnml nbovo .iMcrlheil. Iiefiiro It. E "• Powor).. U. S. Commfnsfonur. oC Twin * . K.1IH. Idnlio. on llio aoili doy o t June. ^ , ■'

Clolmnni nnnictt nn wlltjemoii: j'Ilryunt WHUn. nt ItflRenion. Malio. ‘

ta r J D. DleuiJiijr, of Uo,;cr;«in. Iduho; *- Hoy U)WA o t Twin l-'nils. Idabo. Wai- ‘ . lor Lowo, o t Twin K.iliit, Idaho. . J

Uen It. o.-jy . ’, -RosU ter. ’

r. April 27 ~ itay .26. J

• NOTICE POR rn iL U M T IO S FIleimrtraent of tho In lr r iu r * . i

i!.' 8 . U n d ’ .ar«c* lit UaKer. tilntio fA pril 84, lOJU I

3 Notice la Iicreby Rlron th a t Ocrnrd <’n• Qinnk, ot Iliilil. Iiluho, wlio. on Do- wli

L-embor 14, 1015, nia.to Homontoud L n- H"- iry. So. 01HH77, for SW »4 flue. 14; 'a l• Hi:*/., auction 15. Townsblp 1C Soulh. "f*' I lliin«« IK l in t . Dnlno Meridian, lia« N"

riled noflie of fntrnf/nn 10 ninke fjna/ ''''• ilir.'o .v,-.-tr .................. . rlalm tn

Ihl' i.ind nbovo .icscrll-’d. boforo II.K, PowotTi. U. S. Comtnlaiiloner. al “ “

, Twin RjUii, Idolio, on tlio 2aih day , ; ■t Jn ti-. 19: 0. '>aiI i ‘l,Umoni natncit nn wlincnnp#:

. l<ii cruner. o t'B nlil. Idi.bo, w»l- "fc » Ificn ('m nrr. o t Idalin; Jnmc* ■* ‘8 'Ircon. of noKemon. Idaho. Charles i \•• l.lndjrren. of Ror.ornon, Idabo.

Don It. Oray. '■'®»• . R tsU lor.'

April 27-M ay ! 6. , ^

■ ^ Sorlal No.-:0I««i9 T r h ;l JiO TicE POIf I'L'BLIOATIOX ‘‘‘ . . Dopurtiuoi}t.rftUb4>.-lfll«rlor. ." a 8 . La&d Uttlco n t H ailey, . Idabo. —- . Idaho, AprU 6. J9J0.' Notlfft ia boreby c lre a tb a t Jaipor '• cntermarbc of Roireriroa. Idatio, wbo '

cn January 1. ;»IS. made n'>metl<)ad , E ntr7 N'o, 018)^2 for B \ i 8 W ^ Sec q M ; BBVl Soc. 29; NW NW% SecUoa 3 'm

■" 33. TowMblp 15 Soulh. lU n«o 18 try ’’ E att. Doles Meridian, b as ffIo<I no- xe<

tlco o t Intention lo mako final throe ‘‘o “ rear proof, to oftabjlah claim lo tb» *5“

' land aboro d^crlbod, bofore II. E.« row ora, C. i CommliaJonor a t Twla 1 F a llt Jilabo. OQ tbe Ttb Oay o t June, (j . t#20. Jd:~ CZoJmast asmea aa w itaeaaaa; 1' K rneat U Oreen, Oan U Tbompton. i *' Dwisbt a Preatlco. W allac* Craner,

o il o t Buhl. Idaho. ■ , S ;j - - DEN K. GRAY, ,'



am** ll C«f‘,W(ill o r r Chtvn 't- UO M IW ELL'a C11AI’MA.N

l)flU-o; IJaURli llUlK. 1 _

iioMi-;i: cT m u -i .s • d iellyyrt ilhlK. j

AHHEU O. WIUIO.S ;Olttfn f l m h a t'l llaak IIICk. [ ^

ACCOUNTANT ■;;;;;;j '^^W O L W D S N I

U l Mum A<renue lU at ; 'Phono Kll 1

o s 5 i o ? A T 5 s I. U Jt ;,^IL McMILLBN J

jfoce phooTilSJ. -noi. "pboae. . - ilr<-



' " t a x id e r m is t !I lim reftdr to -Jlko caro of y o u tl, . , , ,

lo.-ds In all |clncJ« v t u z u ir r iu r ^ o r k I Wrlln or HOC mo iii Ktlor. Id t ih o .- 1 , '1A i< I-; tiC lU JS ’T’rT uS r.u .n iiinc ------


:::■ Main Av.., So. • J'lioli.i 353-J ; ">

.\;is s CKLIA A. QAT7. 1 ur.‘.11 411. Are. [•:. Work »;unr(\nto(id and ; 1

Prompl Horrlce. I ‘Ir.----------------------------------------------------- w l .....

J-lAM) STCIUO ; -.1.•,:•! Vllll Canr I’hnno (isn-W. lloi

, a . - ----- — "Ul•M lTH'i; IDU I T l ’.l^ .V T K lN

liei.arlnii-nl of I h e m io r lo r . ' ' r . .s. 7.«.-ii( i// ik c lil r i i iv '/ :

April 17. i;i:i'., "I'l 1-; liiTcl.y i;lv<>i tliat iiuKo i'v.

^..•r n ' HuliI. I.lalu.. whn. nt, Il.-i:.-m- »'.■■ •I '■ ril.-,. iii.iil.- llnn..;.l.-:vl Ko.ilry 'I

... X., ..| .-.rjl tor S l-J SKl-4 r-.-I-.. s . : i 1 NWi i. i;i--; M -;i-t. Nwi-4 „ ,•vKI I, aiul M -" Kl-;i-l,-K.-.llun U,, 'I ,."...Illj. I,’, f^iiiilli. It.'ini-,.- Ill i:aM. l;„. , M. rl.liaii, hau Ill.-l iiolli-o nf In- -111 ..:i lo m;iU.- fli.'al Iliv.-.- >oar iirin.f

rlulm l„ I),.. ).,uil .................I. •.(■rCi.-,!. t..'..r.- II. K. I '..u - ri ' S. "1’ r ..mini,,I.m.-1. ;.l T»'l:i i'-.iH.i, M.lh.>. ,1 m 111.- Tll. < .v r.r J.tm-. I'.'M m..

<-lalmai.r m.iii.-i n« wltn.-M r-i; ,|r,.n. I,. Tli.jaii.-..a.-l-;. L. (ir.-'-li, '-•• K |„i

Creon, V1..U Cro.-i., a ll o f Hubl. tdal;--.11I;N U. CllAV.

Ui-i;l»tiT.April :n. May 1 .-

------------------------- ------------------------ -— I'.viTiii.ir MiTici; IIV sfiuxii, ni»st> i.n i:i.i;(“iitiN IN ■ i.M)1'1’i;mh;nt "i' .scmilll, DISTItK'T Ml. i. TWIN1'Ai.i.s i(ir.>'i’V, iiiAHo. '"Ir r i iL in .m )ti'i;k i s n ’r.uKii'Y " "

i;1Vi;n. ai-...r.l!m; -ti. l.iw amt lho t” TT^irnTv—rtrriMi irf j i hn— bnnH — «(—'•«

r.f l>l>-- "nirli-l No, Tw|ii-r:s>la O nii.iy , l.la- « l Im, Ihal a niiooial m hool lioml eloi;- ,.|; lion o t t.ald iliv rlct wlli l.o (lolil «{ m, llio crad .' llullilliiit.'In Ibe vl1la;;o ut Klu.V.-rly, In r.al.l .llnlrli-l. on Ji iinr- <lay. III.- Mh <lay ol Muy. A. H. lli:«. _ lii.livr. a Ihl- iK.iiM I.l Li«.'.-I..< k A. M. * ;,H.} i; o'.-;.»k 1'. M. a l whl.-h olorllmi l.iro will I... iiiibmliii-.l to Ibl' iinnll- q Ik-.l «le.ii.rs nf Ihl. i^liiIo nf IdabO I K l.o 'fitu rr-«l<lcti£ fr.wJ»»)d.T# or W huiiKelioli!i.ni of l ln <llnlrli-l Ihc Coi- InwIni; i]iirM|(iii ii,r Ihc lr vutu ond -lourniliiallim Ihon-ul: —

QiK'stiim Sulim llted:SI,all Iho IJa-inl of Trunlec.-i of

InU<:pi'iiOoiil i^.huol Dlntrli-t No. jc 2, Twin l.'nilii C.rnnly. Idaho, iiu iiid inrlieil to l.ti.iiu tho ti'-Roilal'Ja .. ruiipon l.omU o t thu illsirlci In , thu iimouiit nf Tlilrty-elKbt Tboli- nniiil IJollara (jnS.UOO.OO), bear* ‘ ‘ IOR Iniori-nl ni Uiu rulo of nix iC) jK-r cenliiin por niiiium; raid bouiiB lo bear ihitn tbo lenth dny f ' (it Mny. A. I). 1»:0. lo bo due und jNiyabJi- Iwi'niy JSO) yoarw frorji Ai Ihclr daio. .und redoomnblo un l.< follows; *4.000.01) May tenth, la i l . und I4.W .00 on 9fay loiifh ai ot each year tliornalior up to und y,

' Incluniro of lho ycnr l'J39 an.l »2.00i).00 redcemablu May lenth. ,. 1940, for tbu purponij of providinc ' aild liiiprovlns hcIuhiI hoinipn un.l rrmindn. nnd fiirnlm ro, appuMi- I 'l luH nnd flxinCi'H. w-llhlii und tor «inl.l (HulrJrt? . 11.Enm i)Uiill(ind vo lcr nliall voln up- Ti

on nald <iuii«tlou l.y imcrel la ilo l | | whereon iihatl- ho w ritten o r t>r.'nl««l TI lho rtn'-^.llon uhovo onbinliwd. und ai raid linllutH nhall c<>ntntn tbo wordn, i | "Hond*. Ycm." und tho w ords. •'Bondn. No." nud Khnll Indlculo IiIh npprovul nr dlHBpprnral of lho (juemion nnb- milled by plnclnR a croas (X) oppo- ' ' nllo Ihu |?ronp of wordn on hlu ballot *" nljlrti cxi>rcfiic3 hin tJiolcr.

Thfl polln fur lho rpcrpllon o t lho T< luilloit c n « npon nald auoslion v(Ui. Ai on nufd duy amt dato.anif n t the placo Tl ntorciciM. Ue opened a t lbo hour of \\- 9 o'elook A. M. nnd will remain open \ \ unlil tiio Im ur-of li o'l-lorV P. M. of lill' nanio dny. when tbey nhall bc ••loiMl, - ^

Daifd t il l* - :2nd d a y -o f April, A. J D 1921). V

R. O. WIUS/J.V.- AlChairman.' Ilourd of School Truulecn. (SrH O ni. DISTRICT SKAI.).ATTEST: K|• 11E:N K rO TTER. Clerk.

MITJCe" m U 'W R W C A T K W A D fparlm phl o t Ihd In terior ,

V . S. Laod Omro a t Itnllcy. Idaho. ‘ A pril 17 ,'l a i l i . . „

Nnlleo <a hereby Riven tha t Oodtroy " tt IIoflDiao, o f RhW. Idaho, whn, nn A January 7. 1910. tnado Homentead E n- A try Brrliil No. 0111092. fo r Sl-2 BEI-4 li nec. IS, NKl-4, and N 'H 'M SKI-4, floe- ^\ lion 22. Township IS Kouth. RiURO IC »] (fait. noUo Morldlan, ha^ med notice of Inlentlon lo mako fina l three year g, pmot, to eilabllnU c laim to the land above described, botoro H . E. Powera.U B. Cotoimlwlonor. a t Tw in f& ili. Idaho, on the 7 lb day of June . H20. «

Clalniant e«i»e* a a W’ltnnttM : ■ AJ Iy>o Craner. n f D ubl. Idaho: O a rla t q .

Lindiren. of RofernoD, Idabo; Ja m r t Coe. of Twin Idaho; y^fanJi ^pBMy. o t T w la Fall* . Idabo. »

AprU ro. May Ifl. . .I . n t w IL ORAT.

fl. 1020 ______________

laslNight’sDreams— W h a t T h e y M e a n


W TAT 1.1 n il1.-.l on.- r.f lh.> •'••tami- i'l'',;;' «fcr' M.'ll I-- m-. l

nmn.jrln:: nml mio « li|ib «-n-r,vl..> ly i.i . .i in.iM. liiiH eXr..'M.-ln-.-.1 ii1 l.-a .l i-l..-.- IIllK life. M.mo ..... ........ mny Ilmon. Ih "iiii.llie iln-ain of Ilmlln-.; ......... If In(I.R.riC'-'l "lr-->‘l »r l» .i r....m ))H. wllh pi'..|.1.' nn.l m.Mi-nly r.-iitlrli Hint on.' Ir. only l.urtlallv .•li.il.,-.l . nnl .-lollio.! nl all. In llie-i- .Ir.-nm-:,- ... lho pooi.l.- « llh »b..iii wo llll.l ..iir .ir»l'i JJ"! «w>’;:ir Jl. ij.li." I.ny uoin-...... . , ,i.uin_i!m-.uiivi i.llf'iinl o-.ii.lit 1,111. blit ll..- ........iIr<-i.mor Ii imn li ili>tiirl..-.i nn.l I-i.-■, il.'a\..r< to i-a-api'. TIiH iln-aiii In

'l „ ............ vl... for ni..r.' th.half II rriiinr.v loive lir.-n Invo-.ilnaili111.. .......................... . .Ir.-riuis r<v;:ar.I.-.I m> piin-lv m.-ntiil (.ir nmr.- ft .-iiralolv p..y.-!il,1, ..r as l.I.y«l.-al mnt f..M„i|.mH. T h- .lr.-,im in .im-MI-.iiKal.l II. ll.- Ilio linvU I.f Iliiii-i ClirN. i',-- .llllil An.|i-r..ii'a Hi'.ry. "•nn- I^n.ii...i‘K r.-.-w ft,-Ili.-«" nn.l l.r.K il'.i

'I’-m.lii. ~l‘iT“ ti.~ l';n ivm aii'.''------ IT-.-all.-.l l.y llio n ••'liim l.ir.i' . II,

«lit. ti l< .--iliorl.-N.-.-.l l^y Illl " , 1In nn lilmil.-i.l ..r nlii...'.| l.I.-nil.-iii. miinn.T; vli.-i-eas movi ..f .mr-.ln-ai nro ,.v<-nlhr*l.. loirriolv.--., f ,

Till' on.i'lrl.-«. ili..«.' wim Ini.-rrr iln-aniH (n tlio oM. n.(tr<-n.ilfl..ii«. _ V11..11111 mv-itl<- niul .m«.-Ii-Jillll.' imiim -.l.-.-liiro tlio iln-.:iii nii.I.T <-<'n»!iIorti.; lli.n In ll.; n ha.l i.moll, tli.'«i:b lbo;.- iln I m.t nil ai:ri-.> Jn>l In.w l.ml. Tli«( i -ri-.' If Ihnt I’l’opl'.’ h)-(-.iou-i ni.lrinc tii:nliiv| v>iii:.l!inl .voii i.r.-'i...'.n . . ;1.... ..... . i.n Instill: you will b.. .1ni.]w.liii<-'l In junr frI.-n.U nnd r.-In-i lU-.-i itn.1 II 1« n Wariiln;: tn yon in: ; - III,-ml X"'ir Kli^".

■IImv-o ,.,-!.-i,i |.M u h o Iitrivo |n no-., r-.ont Tor <lf.-an.s i.y r<-f.-i-.-li.ir Ib.-m n i.)ivl.i.l iii.iihu ^t.v Ihat ll.l>< ilr.-am' .In ..Imi.ly lln- romli i.f ...-n-all.i

-vf J.y Jl),. l.>-.|i-J,jl)|.-j. j-llj.JHo;; ciTr. - . . Ilnl Hull .lo.-.< nnl h-M for w.- fro- , .|t|.-nii>- I,ll'l- 111.- dr.-ain.;\lii-n i-nvor.-.i .-r. 111. 'uirm.

l'r..f.-~s..r rr.-u.I. III.- iHl.-il nml tli.-', ' ' m...( r-l.-hn>lr,l u f J.)-..-...lI;;j.lor^.li-.-iim >..m-i.-H, f.a.\-i In lil:< I...0I:. "T li.l.-ilir>.liiil..i. ..f Uroaiim." llml I ilr.-ntii U lui-irl np'm 11 r.'.--.|l-,-.-il.1n of i.iir . •:ill.-..l .-Iilt.lli.>->.I. Wlii-n \v.' w-i-ri- l-.'.M--.. 11.- wllli l,..|llTer.-m-o y,..^I.y r.-u.,i..-.. .tn.m;.-r-. i-.ml M-rvnnis 'II.nnllly iln-i-.-.l nml w.-r.' I.ol W i.t.l.aro.'.t. TI..-1.- r.‘r.,ll.'.-|l.,iis nf l.al.y-

.viJlJ.M" l>. r-ir ual.lii;; , In.n.--.. an- ^ llln-riil...! |.> 11- In Ih" .Ir.-ntn i'<at.-.Mur f.-.-liii;; of nm.,mlm•^, nn.l il- lro ]1., ." .n |.. ' 1li..iij;li no <in<- m>ll..-.

.^air . 'niiiUly-_L-i_ 11 r.-IIoT fr-.rn lln- -.................... nf o.te-lBl-r-llv.«i .I.n Inuw l.l.b ll..* I.111.It <.f I.olnu i.ri.ji.-rly .•I.'.l'I..-;! ll. pnl.lb- i.nn Iioi-iiili.' |b r l 'dT onr imrmal oilHfonr.'-.

ii iy y M iB ii— g ^ — a r o '

J u ^ F o lk sBy EDGAHTa. guest


liV nil ivorili ivhll.-, ho lined to cay Wh-n <lllI1.-iillle4 llii.'.I his wny. rv e in-x.'T known 11 tronl,le yot y *I wasn'I Klu-I thal 1 Inul inol —Tb.- iiilniii.' I Im.l n.-.-u li ll.roiiub, -vs ll.-.-aiivo II pr(.v.-.I wlml I i-.-uI.l iln. •I've f.-iii-.-.l II, li...Wlli« ..irilluMi nl.oiid,I'M- ha.l lny nluiru o t ihmtit nn.l

I'lr.'a.lAmi >oi. xNlioii It was nver. I l.<iol.e.I ba.kwariW w llh u Intiehln;:

Ami (.1 niyK.-ff IM ji!n-fl,»-« pay;You'll houni about Uiul iiixk some dny,

I've iiovrr Inown ri nmn >0 prent Tlial dliliri bnm:.-r t.i rolnle Tlm fiari;*liliiR anil tho cnrtm

lii.oivnllefore nni-.-.-n wnn bl.i tn own.Tho hnncnr liml bud inmlo ,hlin wiiln.- Ilml niK.. h.-ih'il t.. ninU.. blin>flne.Tho ffllfiircK fiMt Imd tr in l iiln noul And ti.-<MiiiH| n bnrrler lo liN conl Iind chanji-d lliclr l .l t l i irn w for

And now ury ineinnrlcs In rcpenl.JJnn'x cm ifM t Ji>y hviii'iilli the nun In lo rt.H.iiil whnt ho Iiaa dune.

T .iiay I IfliiKh n l yenlvninyAnd nil tho cnri-tj Hint cnmo my wny;Tin- («i«f In only nrlin In llinnif Who li-fl tlielr coumEi? wllii it* worji.Will. pln.ln nloKR new Joyn t.i win 'I,»okii hnck n t irnuhio wllb n Rrln.And l.nnMfnlly at llniP!. reh-uia riK ' itihrry o f l»l» ijAf.-jiiM,U e lella hin l.ar.W.liia w llh a m llo And hollln that they w cro aU worlb

while.Knr nil thi? se rr r i Joya ihn t ln «Kpr/nff frojii Jho }I^Irli llJl^1 of lho pan t

So .into e rrry rm n d -n f m ro And every bnllln^Jlili cleni.alr I plnnRc, rcnetulierlui; ihn fun That Jf will jnonn wh.-n I am d«oa What hurin mo now wUI aomo duy bo A very pleanaiit in.'iuory.And lausliindy I may renill In fiiturn yenra llm prrncnt fnll.W m i aeema.ltxlay a fea rfu l ieat May l.e tomorrow'a nuurce nf JeaL And a il Ihnt ta ils fo r coumEO nlbot.8omc dnr r i l proudly boant ahout.

. tcam tfk t h r Btoar a. aau t.)

W h e n . iTcom eslo neai a n d r e f i b c t l v o p r i n t i n g - . o f eiiy H t n d “w e w t O ^ u a i w t e e t o g i v e y o u s ^ B & c t l o n .

D allr • a 4 StlD<bir .-Ttmoii, I7 .U.' M

•T”*'" ’ Syr|TODAY'b MARKETSj

m i I I l.'i:<Mr.v;-.\. .\:.iy ... w>.-. . i|,: .|'j'l; •

........ . 1. I iiii.-i.-nf> Ii,',.ly j li„u-

... .Mill- r . 1 . U 1 I 1 . . - I . ; h... i . l '. i I.i-Ji.r-

....... ..... ■ i ' .................. ...... . - ' ' ' ' --- ----- ..... ' ifI'liU.'-. 11. «. I . . . ........ ., <>

.I'l ' '.',rr',Mi'-'i' ' m''-''-..'-'. I-'"

N i'T U i; 'T 0 i ; i ; \ i . v;>;i \ ri: i i i ; i im

, .s.Niil ^Il. iii-nii;• .M in i 1: K'lU I 'n iM i'.tT lD N

-■ ...... .

■ ... j;

l.o I 1. : '.1 V 'l ‘''o ; ■;

M.-:}- , )5 -

R E A L E!Wliy rent? Buy he

LOANS; .Farm and City.

INSURANCE:Pi-ompt sen-ico. F

BONDS:National Surety. ‘

M ILLS CORPi H. 0. alexahd::57-ir

Notice to Prop- Im p ro v c m c a t D is tr ic ts N u

Your attention is'ca the asse.ssment roll fc these Districts has been ownere have the right t April 29th, 1920, and Ju

You can save 7 per ( assessment, which on frontage would be as fo' ment running 7 year; bonds), a t 7 per cent pl Treasurer Office of IA for collection would eqii^oS.ooA 400.00 ■■ ............... ....A COO.DO- ” .....................A 000.00 ’■ ............. :.......A 700.00A 800.00 ” ......................A 000.00 ” ................... ..A 1000.00 • ' ......................A 2000.00 ......................

I f p a ftl i a t« n a a n u o l ia a ta ll5 281.12 ”

421.CS ”6C2.24 ”702;80- - ”843.36 ”063.02 ”

1124.48 ” '■ ............ ...............12C6.04 ” ■' ---------- ----------1405.M '• ....................2 0 1 1 .1 2 ” • ' .............. .............

V ou tlo » o ( h a v o to p »7 n o w b

By Paying Cash Prior You Will Save ’

. W arren ConsI• . i - „ , ,:; B y A .

. - I 'h e r e b y c e r t i f y .above Cignri

'W .A .M

~ ' PAflgflBray . ■ 'Syrdlcfta buy tisvammaat Hemtt.

A l‘lill:i.!.li>hh. hyn.llrnlo lin* pur- i-b:i--"'l nil 111.- h..use-i biillt l.y thn - I'llli..! fJini.H hiilppint- l...nril'neor Iho ll.'i: l-i.ni'l iiih,.^.ird .Inrliij: the «v«r.•j'lr- 1.1.1 .i.vi Sur 3,'->71li.nr---(.

H“dru|5t.obi» au llff«r Shot Dead,llm.uli.-.; Mild In 1. In.Hi.llnl nl Ulr-

M;. . .l.-.-Dii-1 •)'iOllv.-r, JilltTer- l-./.lr.,„i l . ' . l , .,1.1,. I,ii. nnr-.-- nnd ..u- .-.i I 1,. t.iliii fr..ni fear lir-fun- li.- u :.. r4,..t .I -.-.l I.J an iill.-inliinL - -

F O R S A L Ellu.in.- in I..-.1 t.iihlm-i.s. .l! >rn. :. ;.l ,. ..-inl.iio.O. rn S-

.'■'.ru K-... I.f,; lo.-.iiUm in,'l:iu.l 'I . i;.nil. N... 1 Cunl Apt.

P . I c c t R a s m u s s e n

A n d W e a r D i a m o n d s

V D.H. PECKCO. I.? __ -%ufM--rT SI..1-V of All Kind* ' t♦ Tiviv ruj y, ur.ilji)-----1----------X -.in: l;ii:liib .\ie . i;. J* . .Ti-ii'i.linne l a t i q ?

'I 'H i; IDAHO . H:oIGAL ' ciiMi'A.N V of rw , Wnho,:.|.o.-i.ilii-..-.- ill 111- Irciitmont

; ..r [;iii nn.f v.-ii.-rcal di«- i-a'-.-'- ..1 lu.-ii HII.I womvn,- i i . . . - a - ; 111.- I(i.im-yH u n d - • • ^

i 'il'--. fistiilao. nnd •> .ilipui-i. a f « f t|jc -• ..•.-hili.iii'iiiarT oruiiiiK. A ' r: \Va-;;.-fii.at. l.li,it.i real ia >. n.nilj’ in all t.limil ami n\m --J -i-ivi .i-s. , -

I •..T i-.',;i..Ti.loii,-.' - ir i.-ilv .'Oil-> li.li-iilia] W.' <|.1 llnl trea t < ,.T- |.|-.-..-ii-l.,- H .r iinvime

v.iilnuit ,1 ;..-rM.ii;il .■\niiiiiin- , { ii.ui ;i'i I.ur i(l l i.-i‘. roiisiillU-

:> Idaho Medical Co.> C, 7 . 8 , D. O dd Fe llow s I ?' BMHtline:

j< B O ISE . ID A H O

ESTATE r _.honies on easy terma

Firo prevention.

“Tlie Largest".IPORATIONHD£E, Ujuumtot

U rer Go!(t«a B & l^S ton

. p e r t y O w n e r s

Humber, 31, 36 Md 37.called to. the; fact that for Improvements, in in spread and property, t to pay cash between June 2nd. 1920. r cent interest on your >n different propferiy follows; On an assess^ ars (average' life . of plus chai-ge qf Cotuity l i per cent per annum jqualon; . ■_______ _____________ ___$ a i o a_________________________ met- ............... ..............'_______ - i m « "

.............................m s o ................m S 6 '.........- .................... . . . m M , , ,S24J48-------------- --------------------- 4 0 5 JW ' ,........- .......................---------9UJa:ta llm c a t j, j o b


.. . . --------------400.00'-,:________________ ►--WO.OOI'


— ;— _____ :-------------------------•9 b u t ftf ft b n ^ o M la g p y tU iw i ^ .

>r to June ^

n s tru c tia n l& o 'n ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ i &. .Ti

Page 8: Reign Among ~.^^^uj^cans 1 I Plii Stan nddrdBsarer^lnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ’ Uaxleb- a!^ ¥ atrai«alo poim haa r«-la in the hands of the Mex- >(

^O T gIC ?H T ' • _____________________


_____ ' ' { ■■Eleven Q uffraglL '.s lo A U cnd N a- H

t io n a l O onvonU ona F ro m Mao- H

ta c h u B tlu H

■ n y j iE n u K a r c a u y i., %iDtorn&Uonal Nawii ScrvUe H m ltC cr. .

■ ■ rMpomlfiii / ‘ ^

t b w t u . wotnsn W« i'nm uf ok'Cllnn tt« allernat« llolcfia^<•^ ii’ H’v iil.prMldentlBl coiivciiili>;i". Tun will RO- io San Franctnco imJ ku n t i l e Ptulflor. llio ulll la-i t a ( 10 Ch<C«RO b r rcU<lbUi-:m fi- V M era 'o f the KiKhth roii-rc./I.Mi;.! J i dUlrtcL , —

The prlmartcu toilay v.m imirU nu' o u l / the nrnl pjrUel:<iiM'ni n{ wrinn-ii In pulUlcal cuiivi.'ntlc.ii l UiiiDti, 'li.m nro i KOmen w in bo clouir::! to n ldiv It] II -J— liate-wtOe cftnvftim iur Ui« llr..i llinr p —

-------la -Ib e .h tb to t? tli>i <'Oiniiiniiv>rulili. ,M b. SURSn w . .rU F lT illd n t Ho*-

ton: MIm Mary U. Car»nn nJ 1‘liin- • fle ia :'M m . M a r/K ii-ju ii Sliunian <if L—

Boaton and Mnu ilvUii 0 . Tliuyi-r ut W orcester, will ho eiecini uUt m i v i - k t- Ia r ta 10' the (|«iiiui:riillu iiutli>li:il ^ con»*niint>. rp :

The election llhi.i fr.nn Ili<- Brrn-- - • U ry a t »ioi»'n »tHre -Im-.v uinu tliui ■the»o'woni«n will I io ‘.-l-inra nlii-ritiiti' . . - j Ulitrtct <ltlepilcii wKli-.iil II ri>nl'-.M:

. P1RU Qimrlct. Katherlm.- I'. Miv g , Carthjr or Lowell, smi Anuii t.'>rt':ic McQawai) of W obiini: «n»iniili, ylevo E. 'M cOlun crt l.ynti; . .'n.Swrt Olodyit U. Hriicrtiiu i[ i;:ulC erlniilo I'. Df.Ir of lOinUA « e» K Otoo'l tit ' There ta a ixwHlMlliy uf ,i i« .'iii:i

woman hntnR elecieil. tn Un- . lUalHct M arguijrllc ' M. O'llrl'-ii •<(

Bosloa 1« o»e of lho th r i'u-ii!lil:ii>-' for atternales. Asulntani IHmrlii At lorney Daniel J . OalliKlior mi l i:<-prr. a e n u tlre V>'imam J. MannliiF; uri' X g roup candldarea In tli" tv.nili liu«iui. ” d lit rlc l and 'William J. tlnlliiml nn.i H erbert A.' Kenney ure Um ri'mulnlni; ^ men wbo conteat tho cloctlon wlili ti» ^ flol4 woman.

An IntereitlOB ’’wtfa la certain to be olocifil. «liilv in i' huaband. rnnntog <ui a ciindliUto >i<f delefate In Ibe aatiie illBltlct, nmy I"- • s a ttM e d . h tn . WtOJu* lit IJif wily ;il- \ > tem ate candtdate 'ln ths Hovpnili l>:n trlc t. Cbarlea U. MraUir. ron-iii tlum ocntlo r-anilldale for-Kccn-iury nf ntnle. la one of lho four ninilliluicK i for the two delciKairK' I'lnrvn. Mr. ^ McOluo la Ihe only one of lho f<mf ^

baa lalled to Xinto hln n lllliidr t w oh r re s id en t Wllnon'n I.'^aKim uf Nu- (I0q«. ^

_______^L r? . McQJjio wll|_l» rcmcnihored hy ISfciiSe rally audiencfn n« ih r inlriic-llvr

I • TPUttj; lady who arcompunli-il licr Imr,.jfemi Oiroueimut W« malff-wjijo rnm- — palKna In the laat two n iiie r1r<ilnni>

. .. <n'x im V iiA T s ivinM X t h a in • ■'>

' 810VX P A LIS . May S-Mii,.K rala »o undermtiieil ihf rlnhi of wiij Of Ihe Mlnneapolln t .H i . UiuIh nill- '-•'m- road a t a polal tiA r llnnU-y I-'nllii. »ni| D.. th a t a paanenirer iriiln wj,i ilrm il- uilr- cd there today. CjillaiiKii of u [Hirilun [iniv ol the roadbed dun In llir un<1crniln' Ki iDK cauicd tlio wrcrh. Tin- lin:iiino- tire and four f(iretuo»i rcn* l td ilnr ralfa nnd dropped Inlo (lic’ mud. . i Tbcre were uo caeualllcn. ,

■ 'I-.;!!Another Slap a t ’‘Mer« Min.** rnl

“Itnrrlage H a rip«i><-Mii« tlilns."■aid John 8«lden way harU In tlio Vis- tr rn lh ccntnry. and now It hmk'f n» if we o t (he iwenllelh eentnry wrn- .lu- Inc our bU io mako It iiiIII ninr<* i1<-«- perate. A btfowped iHcnlinry nvrr in ,vni. Newark haa decided (and iniforiunnii-- ,|,p ty hla deelatona bave IrgnI wcishi) ..j th a t the leaier portion of thc toarrlaci- contract liax so r tfh t to miiin''n><nilun fo r worlc performed In «lil John annmil „.|,f the hmiae on hla wifo'a prnp<“ny . «iirli j ^ •a earpentcrfns nml imlnilne ih<- -r fen ft. o r wnihinx llnr tllPtxra, or BM- ttn» up tn w ann tho linhy'K mllU uht-n n h*.«la. to aauall.nt S ji. m.. TIiee« llilntn tiiuat he ilmie trt^. I tr b o ib t to .be glad to do lb<Mii. Ami If th e vrlfe Isn't able in |«-r>iua<h-him llf Wi th ia tlie coitfl will iindi'rinkc- tn n>ni-« «d" bee.—lJtTOiti1yn t^e'crr. —

The B eit of Reaienx.Tbo rnrtoonUt who. iljr oiJirr iJny.

picturfcl “ W ondrr Wlint n rrln<r Ttilnkl AlinutV pn'hahly wnsn't fnr Wfons when lut nlinivMl hln t<iiliji-ri rarbpr Iwrr.t wllh what hr lind ir. c" Ihroiliih. Apmpnx. ilir Mory H (o|i| .>r a youne prince nf the Orlrm mnMui: many frlutid* <in ilio .niraui.-r boro him to ICiiclniid. ro th;ii nt tin- cnnclualon of lhc vnjase thmo fflf-n-li arransed a dinner In hl« honor in t.<p'u <lon. I t wna a ainari nffnir nud n fii--1i' Inoalile company, hut tlis tir1n<T iiio not put Jn on ai.ivonrnnrr.’ The fpllowlns mnmllu: ihr cluilrmiin o t the commltlre nukt-'l him v. hy in-

• hadn’t ahown op. "I unnn'l liunary," thojirlDce anawored mlmtily and mini- ly.—Boaton Transcript.

. New Fleer Maehlne.• Inlcrchanscnhir brn 'hr* nnd t'H'l'' i •applied wllh a Uchl-nrlElit M-rohliln.; ] jnacblbe for bounchnld use, um’.;.- It t>OMl(il« tn convert iho d<>rlc-i' inm :i liartlwood-llnnr ixillilirr wiihln n frw tecond^ A" df^i-rlbr<l and flc tiim l lit m p o la r Merhnnlca Macaihip. th>- jXtirbnxmia nrr rm atril -liy n uiou.r, * which ia loounli-J ou two riiblirMlrcil wheel*. plo;

-------------------------- • • olriT » .K W . K

’ *1 whi-ro inuilc hna brcn of irew tn iiiend^ aa nicdltal Ircnliuciit !.< IjIq

■ tbe doctom." I'^'i" B u t' auppoie <me w fre cuJlr»i <a I s - '

m re a b m io a to r ta r •’ '. “He mleht try a J a « baud."

Vary Ac«4pUble J u it Now. |-P a . wiiat la elaatle c u rrm c y v I .

’ “The kind tha t would come in y.-ry , *., h a n ^ l ^ a t now t s fU etcb orer ilie r.iv


Clnniirn lii-ixvi-rii llir Irlxli uiiliohli'rn of ro Burjous. Tho jiholonrni'h i»Iio« h ii limly


' - 3 H


<^n':lenl Ur,iiti« Oo Nol Oermlii.itv. 1 Thi- I'lill.-d S llll.- d m ii lio n .t AG

lorli-i nlioui llu- Ki'iinliiallun of j Navvl..... lliul iillK-r c-re:il.i foiui-l IVni|i]ii'd » ltli niirli-nt K;;y|ilhin iiiiiui';

in>vi"< nil xiK'h ri-por(« |» l>r (\<-:|iIi>iik. j FKri-nrli H>»ir Khoiv Hint r>''i’" m o rr ' o^ I

Iiiiii n fi'W vriir> old will iml "c-riiil- . clin uiic-. Tr-IH liiiUr-ito tlmt wh'-n w"vli ! lho n-f' imil< r Id'-al rni;diiMii«. wlii-.1t. ( neanrl-i liud .1111, mny s.Tuilnitlo ni- to i I tn l-lit .'I- I'-ii r.-;im. hni frw If nny • tbe rnln'. ari- nllvi- n firr 'Jl) ji-nrn. , woi

__________ ' Xnem arkiblsl , inni

■litniU-ii} ii;.il>) jit llll' i'lirl>ni>:)i ilnli-'i-. ' itr L...-n on l l l n . l i . i u / iis Oir ;\n» ull i>rii1ilt'm«. nnd lu- ii'.l.C'I brr. hihr c.oiM-nnlurv. M Irll ............ . ni;-.

••limr .J.J nni J)“ r.-l>ll.-il th r ;:lr;. •WVll. «l..-u ! OIU us cl.l a-i my n l'ir r ' liaa »h<-i> Khl- will a» .dd n'l 1 will b r . ' > ivhrn fho In l«li'c i.h oM n- I tb.-n « ii. ' ’r'' I TTlIJ N- livJrc OH uhl a* 1 now nui," ; '" ‘=

Thi- yniilii: lunn, eni;.-r lo pli'iip.r. ■ looked a t h rr tu pollle aslualaboii'n t' and rif la lin e J i ■

— I----------- IbliW an t » job? T ry a '-Sltnatlon Want* . Ix id" ad In our w aat colnmna. :

Daily Fashion Hint | “

I ^ ■ ’ ■

<?7r5' ;11 !

tL E O A O T AM® raA O TIO A l* [Morocco brown br,i;idclnlh h nm- I

ployed lu lho drrclopm ent ot tlils olfRnnt one.piece trod .. Tho deep . ' open front is nulvhuil w llh a vest of •' brown nnd Rold hrocailo nnd rollar of oelf-tnatcrhl. Tbo front of lh'. r.-'1j1qu»o nild oklri (vra ru t In on-, tho ' “ '•-ilicri: jjorn uf «io tk lr l L-^Inr r .s 1 An

lo {Jjc i!n<Js^nj.'v a , u«■’ ihi? w alrltlir . 1!.iV,c-.-m t.-l:: , *ni111!- T. r,.: c:o.-i; titling M-i'.'.'C! an;l | |•*I1- J ;i;'0 lii.v.'lcd po tiiiir. 1 ....•«» m ;br;.'d.:V,;h with : ' : » v r r . ’ .

n-d TA.*,! -.jnitiff, *•.'Ic'.r.rUI J l f v k r T.rci.:

ravfi. 21 to CO Incliea bust. ? ri:c ,. . . . - —

~ __________________ T w m p a l :

f Troops on Duty in ir

•I of lh.' "t>-|ni!dlr” iiiid lli.' I;c„,|i" iiimI i.cli..- miy of Ihl.- liiiiiinird iiiill.'ii.il>l \ui;i;i|.'. i .. l;i

. D A Y S

ft IHI

£ ■ fia.f.----- . . . . I — ----- I ...J

Timit.) ---------------— —’ C<irli ; K-ny

a g e d ’ m a n c l a i m s r e c o r d !

Naw Hampthfra Nonegenarian GlUl jfiOIS Able to Swing Ax Doth Lueilly I h b "

and Expertly. | W

Friend* of Tranic Slorrnll. ii1ni-iv. ( ■ o ; FYankllu. N. H., Claim tlml li.- I- llu- { ■ clininplou woodchopin-r »f ht^ n;;i' in lho Now-UniilBml >i|:ili"i. I>.-|ili.' hln i B near upproarh lo Hit- cn iin ry mail: l;i' | H It ublo 10 awlns ail ax wiifi iIk- Iu-m of |ZH

Wooil*. thOaA nbo know him hril viy. IMMr.' Moirali wna fonnrrly ii Imt- I .CT

Innu, Since bla rollrcuiriit n fiiYnilii- J m|>n->lliUL> of his Iibk b.-.-ii lo uiilk a .IN- 'jOlaiir.-.of Qvu mllcii fnmi ib<- boaii' >i: :mIII', nli-c- to n WU0.1 llll nud tlo'f*- 'm |Wood. I t ta clulmi-.l llial Ii<- . ni lllnl" '^ HUv.- oiinla of ]voo.l 111 a wrck. wlih li Ih ,fjH

Whrro noiir Mr. Muirnll'« nso. ’’ ®, Mr. Moiraii brlpc.l lu Imll.l ihi- ili-.t ( K hridio |>nih fr«ui ibn 1'r.dlli- i<{ ibt- f f l kiiiiiiull of Munnt I.nfiiyi-in-. nnd wn-i @ onr i if . tb r hi-tl'kiinwii culdcn in lh.- E S liioiiululnH ]i4rii ui:ii. Il>- Ini'. ;;u!d-d 'f f l ■nine of Ibr bt-«t-knowu |n-o|i|r i>C lh" IB

U'hlio niiiunlnlnn.' I t U niiIj iv.riii;.'' ; |H

. iionnliy i;ood fnr n mnu of hl« nd- S [ vuiiciil yciiri*.—’Itosinu i*o^l. M

j Syalhotlo Vinegar and Aeetle Aeld. f iI A r.'ll? iHil Ix now iii.ri| hi c rra t MI n'U'illltiM 111 mnklnir n ri'ln lr of rrl . Rfl, liilom for nlrMilp^. llrf.ir.' ih r u a r 0

Ibl* wns oliinlnnl by illHiiiiin;: -..cr-.i, Mbill It no loiicrr j.uinr.-«, A r>Mili"ilc H

Till- pl'nlfus 1» J.|ui|dr; II o:ilI~ f.ir Ibn jM

; ncl't. 8Tbr.-r rr.-iiib fMiiiliauli'H a ir now JH

. u»lug ihlx prorr«K nnd l.n N'alun- H■ thry bid fnlr in drlvi- ih r .IMllIeri* .>f 195, wood out of th r ni-lil. ■■V.'I! iiliintiliiu I | f l j Iirodurr » ^ynlb.'ll,- vlnrn.ir llmi simll i W

■ tii'ic. '** ’ ’ ; H

Sti-cng picB. I jm' T h r /'»(•«) Kcnill r jr p i ilh r hnil vJv

ilwi Itll- i-clionl f.ir Ib r pnrii.i'i- ..f or. I H ! ganlahig n tr>ioi>. Il<- Inlkr.i i<i H io :M 1 hoy.l for a tlliiR nml Ibi'il Iniiiihl llirm i B I » f irn il j-cJI*. uoino to r thrir frhitol iW : nnd unnii- f.ir tb r {irlnrl]>:il. nil « r '|jH

W'hlrh mnilr n .l.'r|<Ji-<l hll .rlth llu-in. ! m A fon- daya Intrr Ih.-y ii>lii-.l tb ' l r | H tm clirr Id Jui'Jtr h)ln hnck, hut flfC 'M rrfus.nl. tdradluK tbnt Uii-lr tlm r wn« I M

j uci'ilcil for Ul.-lr. n-S'i.lar nrlin.il « iir1 ;.! |H

I lo fjivW hJjJi i lu - lM

I anhji-rt wnH n;;iilii tncullnnvd. nnd ;M tiicfi IJ((' <>t th r rlnn^ iM II. U

''.‘-ay. Mi.li \V— bo Iiroaii. , H •■ilrn'i >oii f.-cl lllcp you wuuld like to [ ■ be yollrd for a(5alnj’*

............ - i "

U .L B , ID A H O . T m m f l 'p A Y , MAY~ 6.


■ n I!

...V roihi: • I. ■ 'i J iiniio

------- ’ ilipy11..- ,.1.^.1 .biily ..r.'.;u.'i».-. mill nfU'O will■ i;ii- l .u 'kii .'iiK-ii;i'ucy in ‘i-r». tnfj __________________________________ Of


:iilerly In Alrplana Wca JlJy’

Hla Gsod Msnsy. .-u;n

I.a«t xnmmrr Kokomo, 1ml., bnd the <1onli^niil aln'lnni- t.Hot nbo lonk pna- I’one I'liKcra up for $1 a mluuiu. Tbuilhii ivns approiii'lini (ii’lo dny by n Tlnau who waa ciiHlly wllhlu t'arnbm la tif olfilily yeara. 'J'lie idlni t.xik him clua ib.iaril QDiI aonn-d uround in ‘'ulRiisbtlylui.'' In ’onlcr iioi m giro ilio .-Idrr- Dny iias'oniirr any ihrllln' llmt noiihl '

.hiiRrrnil'i to bln b.-nrl nclhiu.Iftor Die riJi.ion)flry titirrn mJiiDiia ^ 9I.’ xlbl Erarcrully in liio uroiind ami Itmili.neil Ida pnn.ruKcr in ailchl.' . I riio ohi mnn c .n u iillr i^ nnd thenia lk.ll np lo Iho nvlnlor. ■ ^

"S.iy," bo (.xclaiini'il. "nrii you a n-a< ol}-.-r7 Wbnt iilmui Iniinolnmn tnni'n. Utci mrrrl roll*. looii-ihr-liMipm, ticim*llv.-. mil uilln. fiillint: leaf, pnnruko. ' ^ml no on t Cnp JOU dn any of ilioxo JhloE»7" ^

••.•<iirr.’- rrpll.-d ili.i' nvlnior. "hut 1 m, lul uol think 'ynn rnrod about nny ofho'.i- iIilngH. TIu-r nr<- n irlilo rinky. |i on kiiotv, nnd inlciit upnvl ynur thn

•■IVrll. 1 |,nlit fnr n coo.l rld r nnd l x iirrtrd nomo of (limio thinK V ffio i!is-u'ni;rr cnitntrrrd. "nnd I wunlcl il'iri lUi- lo c»‘i ilicni. R ho me all yuu :ut. Tniiible arniiml In Ibu air llko (u > ; ii.ir|Mili.ii In th r i.c-r.in." •

TIil- iivlali.r laid 'h im to dlinl> ijioarii and he would aceoinmodnl.* wl- llm. lie snvo tbn immtiiEor "nil be, fi*' in.f.” fcVi

"Tlinl's f ln rl" rxdnlinei) Ihr pnn- J,,, Jiiiscr., ua_lii:_.c!lnihc>l_<iiii of ihp jxn •<irk|ilt lho second lime. •TIiM 'nlhi-' '«ny I Ilka to fUle!"-~lndlatitiiiolli> Pv '‘■'•'VS. -

HoaI W ise bI The WiI vertise

H How cari tnents.

I Not toda

I B ut ever

I Y ou’ll ss8 tunity toI advertis

- r—

r 6. IMP - •


— i la s r c l t r y of L ab o r Rulo% T h a t I”C o i tm u n h t M e m b e r ^ p N o . V

C ause fo r A c tio n

V/.\gntNUTON, May C,~Tbe depart- le a t of ial'o r v,'n« Inilny cancclllni; lo ie Ihnn 110 dtparla'.lon -warranta C ■ir inrmhrrn nf tbo communlat la bor \j ir.riy, followlnc a nociiunn ny s 5(T7^

of U’il»oti JJiat menibornhlp n Ihnl nrRniilzailch Ih nut auffirl<-n. rounda for deporiallon. Tbo nilinB

i.iado hy Ibo nocrriary In tho tc tt ano nf Cnri Mliirr. Jlrmlicni of the ■iihmuuUi la lm r'pany uow held for liiIiortntTon nn ihe aoln erauiida th a t lipy aru tnomUerK of tho ornaulxaUon vlll he rvlvnncd and Ibu canon [Mnd-nff njtalnal them wltl drupiicil, ___

Ufficlaln of. ttin departm ent ol Jua- lr r wore arouBCit over tho doclnloii J * * if the nrcrelary. whioh rclcarrn i>er- I nma nrremciJ In Iho IJnrrmbcr ruJila 2 ly iho.doparUiirni. AMlninnt Altor- ♦ p . icy Ueiirrai Uravan doclarc.l lliut th r Z•oiiim S-nirnaTiTjrpirrl'yniirw -w nrT)^ I 'P f •o;no ”a hav«n" wht-ro nxiromlnth J 'rail rouilnuo nj;iiallnu wllhoul uhau- * lonInK nno of hln thoork-a o r pur- loncs.” ------

Ths Times ioh prinffuK dnpariinent a tborouKbly. eq u lp^i) \o do first- |

Daily unU Sunday .Tlmen. }7.Cfl. j


llTCf bccnnes Mucclnb. tbe fat accum- •. m\ ry F effort end tlm branty o(^ UiP Hfure f« ifrMroyM.

u N ^ ^ l a p a e and other aerloiK

^'onnT^ltow Toiir braltb fo be rulnr.1 thmiicU n hiicifrn o f iintifnllhy tat.

Hi-riiij ».ir« III,.* iU:ir In U'« «P« airs '

r H S J L S a 'H r g W ff i . i . .S f ts s t .r s rS i . 's r iKtu fW.n «. a"I..Mlil« rrUiKtUin. '

Kon-in »r«trm ba* niirrr».t«d WhanniliM-rrmr.Ur., , 10.. bare faUed. K la rtll" iK'IUbt ot IbiHO wlic • ■»wl-h 1.: iwi.iovo thrlf i O i w r fi*>irr au't 1i> aniolrt B

y f . ,j'li.i r.'^lurt' It) to I lxiun->. (wlial* .-cr y o u ^ . " tir»d-tn) -m -mM -you-iiolUogl—B u y — . -1nil f,I lioraln. itl a b.;ir. a l any boar I Vbarmiey 5 or wrfla far free bcw iura to.t4 e tln C o ..£ l* ^ n F ,K e irS « W i» .X ^

'V Can I Sabuying means ec<vay to buy wisel; ;ements.

—^because advc ucts.

—becausc mer< through adv<

—because aim offered thro?

—because prac vertised.

—because you.i ing what you the advertise over town.

an 1 s:ave money? B;

Say only,

ery day.

save money by keepin to get full value in I tisements regularly.

r a w THC s

i m o a u m t a n t i m i i i m “*

[ N O T I C E i SI P n ln tlns a fh Kalsowluln* done 1 ”|-prom i#ly .-B *tlm au*-iilM i)----------_t W oua 124-W. T, ,W. Dvrry. f

Hanseii AH A N S E N , I i

' . ' ' J b p . n e N l

T H E B E S T E Q U I P P :


All work under the dir

I w . wEmploying only the best

O ur Acetylene W elding pare'd to talce care o f an Tiie largest ou tfit in Soul us to tui-n out m ore wort tic e thanun-e.quipp^d sh

ive Money^iconomy.ely is to read the

iverliscd products are goo<

erchants tell.you of their 1) ivertisements;Imost every new opportu rough an advertisement'.'actically every unn&ual bu;

>u save time and trouble by ^ou want aiid where to get i isements instead of hunt!

By rea4j|ig the adv«

'■r' : i

>ing up "with every to buying— reading

y-" ■

Sco th e lK'Aiiti(|ul Gooko V/iJJpyj Jiwny* i)ii1iu;hI advn iiln^ cH ' n iiil tlib t i i i f , •iVttpM Kt'owina; ih e re . R o iin il' l r i |i iiii-liiilinjj F i iirp u r t , Cui.!fio(J.(W.G fi). II. IJniTow , plioni!

Jn u ia i J 'itrco rJ iJ tl, ijlioiid))!• ‘ ■' M2-W ' •

I — .

, HOBSES ANttlDpi ^F O R S A L E ■;?

. S ix ty head Boorf work . slnek.. a ll wclglita. tn t and ready to r iho^ collar, r o r aole a t ,'rJ th l prlosa.* 'R rerylhlnc KDaraateod ae rcpra- /sonted. At roncb. f lte , mHe« V nuulb ot K im herly .'


'! ; 1 ; I , , ■

i u t o C o 4, ib A H p iNo. 9


lircct sujpervision of .,

lANCE»t mechanics in Id&ho

ig dopartm cnt is pre- any work in this lino. ' juthern Idaho enables 1 irk and a t shorter n o -!

_______ ,

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le ad" /- r 1 1 \ :

)odprod- I. i •

ii^gains _ ■ I \

•tunity is /, -Vi’. ' •

3uy is ad- ' “ '

bychoos- I » \\at it frora ■ ' nting all

b p p o r* ^ ng the
