THIS ISSUE HAS NO PART Ill (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The Saskatchewan Gazette PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY AUTHORITY OF THE QUEEN'S PRINTER PART I Volume 88 REGINA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1992 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I SPECIAL DAYS ................................................ 1082 APPOINTMENT ................................................ 1082 ACTS PROCLAIMED ........................................... 1082 ORDERS IN COUNCIL ......................................... 1082 The Election Act . . . . .. ..... . ..... . .. . .. . . .. . . .. ... ... . . .. . . . . . . 1082 The Union Hospital Act ..... .. .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. ... . ...... .. . .. .. 1084 BOARD ORDERS .............................................. 1087 The Assessment Management Agency Act . . . . . .. . .. . ..... . ......... . 1087 MINISTER'S ORDERS .......................................... 1087 The Oil and Gas Conservation Act . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. 1087 MINISTER'S APPROVALS...................................... 1088 The Planning and Development Act, 1983 . .. . .. . . . .... .. . . . .. . . . ... 1088 CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES ........................... 1089 The Business Corporations Act. .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . 1089 The Business Names Registration Act . .. . .. . . .. . . ... .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . 1092 PUBLIC NOTICES ............................................. 1092 The Change of Name Act . . . . . . . .... .. . .. . . . .. .. . ... .. . . . . .. . ... . 1092 The Garage Keepers Act . . .. . . .. ..... . .. . . . . . .... . ..... . . . . ...... 1093 Highway Traffic Board ......................................... . 1093 The Oil and Gas Conservation Act . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . ... . 1096 The Tax Enforcement Act . . . . . . . . . . ..... .. . .. . .. .. .. ... . .. . . . . .. . 1096 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN ............................................ 1096 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS .................................... 1096 PART II The Corporation Capital Tax Amendment Act, 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 The Northern Municipalities Revenue Sharing Program Amendment Regulations, 1992 .................................... 208 No. 35

(REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The Saskatchewan Gazette · 2019-01-16 · Quill Lakes Debra Tokarski 876/91 Box 622, Watson, SOK 4VO Redberry Eileen Agnes Dobson 163/91 Box 29, Leask,

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Page 1: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The Saskatchewan Gazette · 2019-01-16 · Quill Lakes Debra Tokarski 876/91 Box 622, Watson, SOK 4VO Redberry Eileen Agnes Dobson 163/91 Box 29, Leask,




Volume 88 REGINA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1992



SPECIAL DAYS ................................................ 1082

APPOINTMENT ................................................ 1082

ACTS PROCLAIMED ........................................... 1082

ORDERS IN COUNCIL ......................................... 1082

The Election Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1082

The Union Hospital Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1084

BOARD ORDERS .............................................. 1087

The Assessment Management Agency Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1087

MINISTER'S ORDERS .......................................... 1087

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1087

MINISTER'S APPROVALS ...................................... 1088

The Planning and Development Act, 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1088

CORPORATIONS BRANCH NOTICES ........................... 1089

The Business Corporations Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1089

The Business Names Registration Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1092

PUBLIC NOTICES ............................................. 1092

The Change of Name Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1092

The Garage Keepers Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093

Highway Traffic Board ......................................... . 1093

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1096

The Tax Enforcement Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1096


SASKATCHEWAN ............................................ 1096

NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS .................................... 1096


The Corporation Capital Tax Amendment Act, 1992 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

The Northern Municipalities Revenue Sharing Program Amendment Regulations, 1992 .................................... 208

No. 35

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The following month has been designated by the Minister of Social Services as:

"Big Brother/Big Sister Month" in Sask. - September, 1992.



(Breath Samples)

I, W. Brent Cotter, Deputy Attorney General, pursuant to subsection 254(1) of the Criminal Code (Canada), as amended from time to time, hereby designate as being qualified to operate an approved instrument and therefore "qualified technician" in respect of breath samples, the following person:

R.C.M Police-

Sheilah Margaret Roy.

Dated August 20, 1992.

W. Brent Cotter,Deputy Attorney General and

Deputy Minister of Justice.


The following proclamations have been issued that are effective on or after January 1, 1992:

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, S.S. 1990-91, c.F-22.01. Proclaimed in force effective April 1, 1992.

The Labour-sponsored Venture Capital Corpora­tions Amendment Act, 1990, S.S. 1990-91, c.20. Proclaimed in force effective February 17, 1992.

The Leafcutting Beekeepers Registration Act, S.S. 1990-91, c.L-9.001. Proclaimed in force effective June 1, 1992.

The Medical Profession Amendment Act, 1991, S.S. 1991, c.6. Proclaimed in force effective May 15, 1992.

The Police Act, 1990, S.S. 1990-91, c.P-15.01. Proclaimed in force effective January 1, 1992.

The Residential Tenancies Amendment Act, 1992, S.S. 1992, c.37. Section 18 proclaimed in force effective August 14, 1992.

The Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiolo­gists Act, S.S. 1990-91, c.S-56.2. Proclaimed in force effective May 31, 1992.

* A proclamation appearing in this list for the first time is indicated in bold print.


The Election Act

(O.C. 681/92) 21 July 1992

Section 6 of The Election Act provides that:

6(1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may at any time appoint an elector residing within the province, who is willing to act as a returning officer, to be the returning officer for the consti­tuency in which he resides.

Pursuant to section 6 of The Election Act, on the recommendation of the President of the Executive Council, the Lieutenant Governor in Council can­cels the appointments of returning officers for the following constituencies, listed in the attached Schedule I:



Arm River Ronald Gordon Bessey 408/90 Box 100, Bladworth, SOG OJO

Assiniboia-Gravelbourg Elsie Irene Lethbridge 408/90 Box 12, Limerick, SOH 2PO

Athabasca Marie Antoinette Desjarlais 1023/90 Box 235, Ile-a-la-Crosse, SOM lCO

Bengough-Milestone Donna Lorraine Stang 408/90 Box 32, Avonlea, SOH OCO

Biggar Kenneth Leslie Johnson 408/90 Grandora, SOK 1 VO

Canora Kathleen M. Minhinnick 408/90 Box 296, Invermay, SOA lMO

Cumberland Anne Laura Hryniuk 408/90 Box 9, LaRonge, SOJ lLO

Cut Knife-Lloydminster William Rekrutiak 408/90 2309-46 A Ave., Lloydminster,


Estevan Erwin Krueger 20/91 1438 2nd Street, Estevan, S4A OM6

Humboldt Lois Annette Martell 408/90 Box 1201, Watrous, SOK 4TO

Indian Head-Wolseley Marie Dale Taylor 408/90 General Delivery, Glenavon,


Kelsey-Tisdale Marie June Dagg 408/90 Box 1897, Tisdale, SOE 1 TO







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AUGUST 28, 1992 1083


Ke! vington-W adena Elmer Frederick Kelln 408/90 Box 113, Wadena, SOA 4JO

Kindersley Patricia Ann Layton 408/90 Box 576, Kindersley, SOL 180

Kinistino David Martin Leuschen 527/91 Box 206, Bruno, SOK 080

Last Mountain-Touchwood Elaine M. Yung 408/90 Box 238, Strasbourg, SOG 4VO

Maple Creek Sandra Lynne Loudon 408/90 Box 41, Prelate, SON 2BO

Meadow Lake John Oliver Melling 408/90 Box 64, Makwa, SOM lNO

Melfort Eunice Doreen Tay !or 408/90 Box 606, Melfort, SOE lAO

Melville Kathryn Watson Hegan 408/90 Box 58, Melville, SOA 2PO

Moose Jaw Palliser Kenneth P. Hills 408/90 #1-58 Caribou Street East, Moose Jaw, S6H ORS

Moose Jaw Wakamow David Allan Elder 408/90 1327 Spadina St., Moose Jaw,

S6H 7G6

Moosomin Sherry Sue Olson 408/90 Box 1009, Moosomin, SOG 3NO

Morse Valerie Toews 408/90 Box 67, Morse, SOH 3CO

Ni pa win Nola McKee 827/91 Box 158, Aylsham, SOE OCO

Pelly Arthur James Severson 408/90 Box 37, Pelly, SOA 2ZO

Prince Albert Carlton Linda Joyce Glasser 570/90 149 22nd St. W., Prince Albert,

S6V 4J9

Prince Albert Northcote Margaret Anne Morgan 408/90 Box 854, Prince Albert, S6V 584

Qu' Appelle-Lumsden Noel Margaret Klock 408/90 350 Fairchild Ave., Regina

Beach, SOG 4CO

Quill Lakes Debra Tokarski 876/91 Box 622, Watson, SOK 4VO

Redberry Eileen Agnes Dobson 163/91 Box 29, Leask, SOJ lMO

Regina Albert North Agnes Gertrude Salter 408/90 319 Dalgleish Dr., Regina,

S4R 7M6

Regina Albert South Charles Harvey Dryden 408/90 1909 Dufferin Road, Regina, 848 5A9

Regina Churchill Downs Diane Yvonne

Christoffel 1023/90 125 McMurchy Ave., Regina, S4R 3G7

Regina Dewdney Leslie Lynne Bechdoldt 408/90 34 Hooper Bay, Regina, S4N 4V9 Regina Elphinstone Susan Margaret Brooks 408/90 1130 Argyle Street, Regina,

S4T 3R5

Regina Hillsdale Menno Elmer Dirks 408/90 #210-3520 Hillsdale St., Regina, 848 5Z5

Regina Lake Centre Fred Lorne Dunbar 408/90 2325 Elphinstone St., Regina, S4T 3P2

Regina North West Dianne Irene Penner 578/91 7535 Hearne Bay, Regina, S4Y 1B7

Regina Rosemont Elizabeth Jean Fay 408/90 7328 7th Ave., Regina, S4T OTl

Regina Victoria Lenore Borgares 408/90 235 College Ave., Regina, S4N OW7

Regina W ascana Plains Barbara Ann Hodgson 408/90 2735 Kliman Cresc., Regina,


Rosetown-Elrose Margaret J. Watkins 408/90 Box 395, Elrose, SOL OZO Rosthern Elizabeth Friesen 408/90 Box 112, R.R. #4, Saskatoon,

S7K 3J7

Saltcoats Phyllis Sylvia Mintram 408/90 Box 63, Langenburg, SOA 2AO

Saskatoon Broadway Lorraine K. !singer 408/90 103 Poplar Cresc., Saskatoon,


Saskatoon Eastview-Haultain Michael D. Whiting 408/90 11 Bell Cresc., Saskatoon,

S7J 2W2

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Saskatoon Fairview Mary-Ann Thelma Ardell 408/90 947 Steeves Ave., Saskatoon,

S7L 5N6

Saskatoon Greys tone Henrietta Goplen 408/90 17 Kirk Cresc., Saskatoon,

S7H 3Bl

Saskatoon Idylwyld Joan Marie Ritchie 1023/90 18 Rupert Dr., Saskatoon, S7K 1B2

Saskatoon Nutana Leslie Arthur Fox 408/90 2426 York Ave., Saskatoon, S7J 1J5

Saskatoon River Heights Valerie Diane

Summach 1023/90 707 Tobin Terrace, Saskatoon, S7K 4P4

Saskatoon Riversdale Amelia Hnatuk 408/90 1209 Lancaster Blvd., Saskatoon,

S7M 3V6

Saskatoon Sutherland-University Muriel Isabel Carlson 163/91 406 Spruce Dr., Saskatoon,

S7N 2N4

Saskatoon Westmount Joyce Brown 408/90 822 8th Ave., Saskatoon,

S7K 2X2

Saskatoon Wildwood Sandra Joan Lane 408/90 127 Coldspring Cresc., Saskatoon, S7J 3M3

Shaunavon Suzanne Alexandra Dumontel 408/90 Box 26, Claydon, SON OMO

Shellbrook-Torch River Wyett Wade Meyers 408/90 Box 2464, Prince Albert,

S6V 7G3

Souris-Cannington Audrey Irene Young 408/90 Box 67, Carlyle, SOC ORO

Swift Current d' Arey Harry Morrice 408/90 Box 1676, Swift Current, S9H 4G6

The Battlefords Walter Kostyna 408/90 592 lOOth St., North Battleford, S9A OT4

Thunder Creek Eva Marguerite Smith 408/90 Box 52, Drinkwater, SOH lGO

Turtleford Louise J. M. Tipton 408/90 Box 878, Spiritwood, SOJ 2MO

Wey burn Marie Jean Grohn 20/91 845 Brimacombe Dr., Weyburn, S4H 3K6

Wilkie Patricia Pool 408/90 229 3rd Ave. E., Unity, SOK 4LO

Yorkton Elsie Mary Malinowski 408/90 86 Canwood Cresc., Yorkton, S3N 2T7

Note: Original Order in Council 681/92 on file with Cabinet Secretariat.

The Union Hospital Act

(0.C. 436/92) 30 April 1992



The undersigned has the honour to report that:

1 Section 72 of The Union Hospital Act provides that:

72 When a hospital is ordered to be closed under subsection 71(2), or a hospital has ceased to pro­vide services to in-patients, the minister may, with the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Coun­cil, grant leave to the board to sell the hospital buildings and grounds and equipment for such sums and upon such terms and conditions as may be approved by the Saskatchewan Municipal Board.

2 On February 4, 1991 the Board of the Bien­fait Coalfields Union Hospital Board passed a reso­lution stating that they could no longer operate with advantage and requested that the Minister of Health approve their request to close and trans­fer their residents to St. Joseph's Hospital, Estevan, upon completion of the Level 4 wing.

3 On January 21, 1992 the residents of the Bien­fait Coalfields Union Hospital were transferred to St. Joseph's Hospital, Estevan, and the Board ceased to provide inpatient services.

4 On February 13, 1992 the Board of the Bien­fait Coalfields Union Hospital passed a resolution requesting approval to close the hospital and sell the building and grounds.

4 On March 12, 1992 the Board of The Bienfait Coalfields Union Hospital passed a resolution requesting approval to sell the hospital to Anthony Charles Blondeau and DeeAnn Kay Blondeau for $7,500.






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AUGUST 28, 1992 1085

6 It is desirable and in the public interest for Your Honour to approve that the Minister of Health grant leave to the Bienfait Coalfields Union Hospital Board to sell the building and grounds to Anthony Charles Blondeau and DeeAnn Kay Blondeau for $7,500, upon such terms and conditions as are approved by the Saskathe­wan Municipal Board.

The undersigned has the honour, therefore, to recommend that Your Honour's Order do issue, pursuant to section 72 of The Union Hospital Act, approving that the Minister of Health grant leave to the Bienfait Coalfields Union Hospital Board to sell the hospital buildings and grounds to Antho­ny Charles Blondeau and DeeAnn Kay Blondeau of 1433-3rd Street, Estevan, Saskatchewan, S4A 083, for seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500.00), upon such terms and conditions as are approved by the Saskatchewan Municipal Board:

Lot 5, in Block 17, in the Town of Bienfait, in the Province of Saskatchewan, Plan AL 9638, MINES AND MINERALS EXCEPTED BY AC 310.

RECOMMENDED BY: L. Simard,Minister of Health.

APPROVED BY: E. Tchorzewski,A/President of the Executive Council.

ORDERED BY: E. Bayda, Administrator.

Regina, Sask.

(O.C. 567/92) 16 June 1992



The undersigned has the honour to report that:

1 Subsection 7(1) of The Union Hospital Act pro­vides that:

7(1) Where a portion of a union hospital district becomes organized as a municipality or becomes a part of a newly organized municipality or of any other municipality after the issue of the order defining the hospital district, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may amend the order by redefining the district and providing for such other matters as are deemed to be necessary or expedient to take cognizance of such change.

2 By Your Honour's Order 526/70, dated April 15, 1970, the Carrot River Union Hospital District was defined.

3 By Order of the Minister of Rural Develop­ment, dated March 25, 1992, lands were with­drawn from the Rural Municipality of Hudson Bay No. 394 and incorporated into the Rural Munici­pality of Moose Range No. 486.

4 A portion of the Rural Municipality of Moose Range No. 486 is now located in the Hudson Bay Union Hospital District and the remaining portion of the Rural Municipality of Moose Range No. 486 is located in the Carrot River Union Hospital District.

5 With the Rural Municipality of Moose Range No. 486 being divided between two union hospi­tal districts, the area located in the Carrot River Union Hospital District must be described in detail.

6 It is desirable and in the public interest to redefine the Carrot River Union Hospital District to recognize this change.

The undersigned has the honour, therefore, to recommend that Your Honour's Order do issue, pursuant to subsection 7(1) of The Union Hospi­tal Act, amending Your Honour's Order 526/70, dated April 15, 1970, to redefine the Carrot River Union Hospital District to recognize the reorgani­zation of the Rural Municipality of Moose Range No. 486.

In the Rural Municipality of Moose Range No. 486

In Township 49, in Range 7, Sections 19 and 30, that portion of Sections 20, 21, 29, 31 and 32 lying to the left of the left bank of the Crackling River;

in Township 50, in Range 7, that portion of Sec-tion 6 and the south half of Section 7 lying to the left of the left bank of the Crackling River;

in Townships 49, 50 and 51, in Ranges 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12;

in Townships 52 and 53, in Ranges 8, 9, 10 and 11;

in Township 54, in Range 8;

in Township 54, in Ranges 9 and 10, that por­tion lying to the right of the left bank of the Saskatchewan River and Tobin Lake;

in Township 55, in Ranges 8 and 9, that portion lying to the right of the left bank of the Saskatch­ewan River;

in Townships 52 and 53, in Ranges 11 and 12, that portion lying to the right of the left bank of the Saskatchewan River and Tobin Lake;

in Township 54, in Range 11, that portion lying to the right of the left bank of Tobin Lake;

all West of the Second Meridian.

Town of Carrot River

RECOMMENDED BY: L. Simard,Minister of Health.

APPROVED BY: E. Tchorzewski,A/President of the Executive Council.

ORDERED BY: E. Bayda,Administrator.

Regina, Sask.

(O.C. 568/92) 16 June 1992



The undersigned has the honour to report that:

1 Subsection 7(1) of The Union Hospital Act pro­vides that:

7(1) Where a portion of a union hospital district becomes organized as a municipality or becomes a part of a newly organized municipality or of any other municipality after the issue of the order defining the hospital district, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may amend the order by redefining the district and providing for such other matters as are deemed to be necessary or expedient to take cognizance of such change.

2 By Your Honour's Order 38/76, dated Janu­ary 13, 1976, the Hudson Bay Union Hospital Dis­trict was defined; Order 716/77, dated May 10,

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1977, officially recognized the organization of the Rural Municipality of Hudson Bay No. 394; and Order 103/83, dated January 20, 1983, incorporat­ed specific areas into the hospital district.

3 By Order of the Minister of Rural Develop­ment, dated March 25, 1992, the following lands were withdrawn from the Rural Municipality of Hudson Bay No. 394 and incorporated into the Rural Municipality of Moose Range No. 486:

• That portion of Township forty-nine (49), inRange seven (7), lying easterly of the left bank of the Crackling River.

• in Township Fifty (50), in Range Seven (7) excepting thereout and therefrom those portions of Section Six (6) and the south half of Section Seven (7) lying west of the left bank of the Crack­ling River.

• in Townships Fifty-one (51) to Fifty-four (54)inclusive, in Range Seven (7).

All lands being situated West of the Second Meridian.

4 With the reorganization of the Rural Munici­pality of Moose Range No. 486 and the Rural Municipality of Hudson Bay No. 394, a portion of the Rural Municipality of Moose Range No. 486 will be contained in the Hudson Bay Union Hospi­tal District.

5 It is desirable and in the public interest to redefine the Hudson Bay Union Hospital District to recognize this change.

The undersigned has the honour, therefore, to recommend that Your Honour's Order do issue, pursuant to subsection 7(1) of The Union Hospi­tal Act, amending Your Honour's Orders 38/76, dated January 13, 1976, 716/77, dated May 10, 1977, and 103/83 dated January 20, 1983, to rede­fine the Hudson Bay Union Hospital District to recognize the reorganization of the Rural Munici­pality of Moose Range No. 486 and the Rural Municipality of Hudson Bay No. 394:

In the Rural Municipality of Moose Range No. 486:

In Township 49, in Range 7, that portion lying easterly of the left bank of the Crackling River;

in Township 50, in Range 7, excepting thereout and therefrom those portions of Section 6 and the south half of Section 7 lying west of the left bank of the Crackling River;

in Townships 51 to 54 inclusive, in Range 7;

all West of the Second Meridian.

In the Rural Municipality of Hudson Bay No. 394

That portion lying within the municipal boundary.

Town of Hudson Bay

RECOMMENDED BY: L. Simard,Minister of Health.

APPROVED BY: E. Tchorzewski,A/President of the Executive Council.

ORDERED BY: E. Bayda, Administrator.

Regina, Sask.

(O.C. 569/92) 16 June 1992



The undersigned has the honour to report that:

1 Subsection 7(1) of The Union Hospital Act pro­vides that:

7(1) Where a portion of union hospital district becomes organized as a municipality or becomes a part of a newly organized municipality or of any other municipality after the issue of the order defining the hospital district, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may amend the order by redefining the district and providing for such other matters as are deemed to be necessary or expedient to take cognizance of such change.

2 By Your Honour's Order 272/81, dated Febm­ary 17, 1981, the Melfort Union Hospital District was defined.

3 Order 272/81 did not exclude the lands con­tained in Indian Reserve No. 91, which is situat­ed in the Rural Municipality of Pleasantdale No. 398.

4 It is desirable and in the public interest to redefine the Melfort Union Hospital District to exclude the lands contained in Indian Reserve No. 91.

The undersigned has the honour, therefore, to recommend that Your Honour's Order do issue, pursuant to subsection7(1) of The Union Hospital Act, amending Your Honour's Order 272/81, dat­ed Febmary 17, 1981, to redefine the Melfort Union Hospital District to recognize the exclusion of lands contained in Indian Reserve No. 91:

In the Rural Municipality of Pleasantdale No. 398:

In Township 42, in Ranges 16, 17 and 18; except that portion included in Indian Reserve No. 91;

All West of the Second Meridian.

In the Rural Municipality of Lake Lenore No. 399:

In Township 42, in Range 19;

in Township 42, in Range 20, Sections 25 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 42, in Range 21, Sections 25 to 36 inclusive;

in Township 41, in Range 19, Sections 25 to 36 inclusive;

All West of the Second Meridian.

In the Rural Municipality of Star City No. 428:

In Township 43, in Ranges 17 and 18;

in Township 44, in Ranges 17 and 18;

in Township 45, in Ranges 17 and 18, that por­tion lying within the municipal boundary;

All West of the Second Meridian.

In the Rural Municipality of Flett's Springs No. 429:

In Township 43, in Ranges 19, 20 and 21;

in Township 44, in Ranges 19, 20 and 21A;

in Township 45, in Range 19, that portion lying within the municipal boundary;

in Township 45, in Range 20;

All West of the Second Meridian.

In the Rural Municipality of Kinistino No. 459:

In Township 46, in Range 19;



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-, I I

AUGUST 28, 1992 1087

in Township 47, in Range 19; except that por­tion included in Indian Reserve No. lOOA;

in Township 48, in Range 19, except that por­tion included in Indian Reserve No. lOOA;

in Township 48, in Range 20, except that por­tion included in Indian Reserve lOOA;

in Township 49, in Range 19, that portion lying south of the Saskatchewan River;

All West of the Second Meridian. Rural Municipality of Willow Creek No. 458 Village of Beatty Village of St. Brieux City of Melfort

RECOMMENDED BY: L. Simard,Minister of Health.

APPROVED BY: E. Tchorzewski,A/President of the Executive Council.

ORDERED BY: E. Bayda,Administrator.

Regina, Sask.


The Assessment Management Agency Act


Pursuant to section 12 of The AssessmentManagement Agency Act and section 273 of TheUrban Municipality Act, 1984, the assessments of the following urban municipalities were confirmed on August 18, 1992:

Town of Warman, Village of Abbey, Village of Aylsham, Village of Beechy, Village of Climax, Village of Hubbard, Village of Keeler, Village of Penzance, Village of Primate, Village of Sheho, Resort Village of South Lake, Village ofTuxford, Village ofWestbend, Village of Wilcox, Village of Wishart.


Management Agency Act and section 224 of TheNorthern Municipalities Act, the assessments of the following northern municipalities were con­firmed on August 18, 1992:

Northern Village of Beauval, Northern Saskatchewan Administration District.


Pursuant to section 12 of The AssessmentManagement Agency Act and section 327 of TheRural Municipality Act, 1989, the assessments of the following rural municipalities were confirmed on August 18, 1992:

R.M. of Argyle No. 1, R.M. of Enniskillen No.3, R.M. of Cambria No. 6, R.M. of Souris Valley No. 7, R.M. of Poplar Valley No. 12, R.M. of Val

Marie No. 17, R.M. of Lone Tree No. 18, R.M. of Moose Creek No. 33, R.M. of Browning No. 34, R.M. of Benson No. 35, R.M. ofCymri No. 36, R.M. ofBengough No. 40, R.M. ofMankota No. 45, R.M. of Glen McPherson No. 46, R.M. of Reno No. 51,R.M. of Antler No. 61, R.M. of Moose MountainNo. 63, R.M. of Brock No. 64, R.M. ofWeyburn No.67, R.M. of Auvergne No. 76, R.M. of ArlingtonNo. 79, R.M. of Fillmore No. 96, R.M. of TerrellNo. 101, R.M. of Carmichael No. 109, R.M. of Maple Creek No. 111, R.M. ofLajord No. 128, R.M. ofBaildon No. 131, R.M. of Hillsborough No. 132, R.M. of Swift Current No. 137, R.M. of Gull Lake No. 139, R.M. of Excelsior No. 166, R.M. of Fox Valley No. 171, R.M. of Fertile Belt No. 183, R.M.of North Qu'Appelle No. 187, R.M. ofDufferin No. 190, R.M. of Saltcoats No. 213, R.M. of Longlaketon No. 219, R.M. ofCraik No. 222, R.M. of Maple Bush No. 224, R.M. of Miry Creek No. 229, R.M. ofLoreburn No. 254, R.M. of Chesterfield No. 261, R.M. of Foam Lake No. 276, R.M. of Emerald No. 277, R.M. of Kutawa No. 278, R.M.ofMcCraney No. 282, R.M. of St. Andrews No. 287,R.M. of Keys No. 303, R.M. of Usborne No. 310,R.M. of Winslow No. 319, R.M. of Oakdale No. 320,R.M. of Lakeside No. 338, R.M. of Viscount No.341, R.M. ofColonsay No. 342, R.M. of Perdue No.346, R.M. of Heart's Hill No. 352, R.M. of EagleCreek No. 376, R.M. of Grass Lake No. 381, R.M.of Senlac No. 411, R.M. of Tisdale No. 427, R.M.ofRedberry No.435, R.M. ofConnaught No. 457,R.M. of Eldon No. 471, R.M. of Garden River No.490, R.M. of Paddockwood No. 520, R.M. of BeaverRiver No. 622.

Kenneth G. Love, Chairman. Bryan Hebb, Board Secretary.

Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency.


The Oil and Gas Conservation Act


MRO 252/92. The application submitted by Chevron Canada Resoures to conduct a waterflood project in the Macoun Winnipegosis Pool is approved pursuant to section 17.1 of The Oil andGas Conservation Act. Permission is granted to construct the facilities and to drill and complete a pressure maintenance water injection well at 3-24-4-9 W2M, in accordance with plans andspecifications filed with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as Document No. P.M. 836 and subject to the following conditions:

1 Installations shall be subject to the approval of a field representative of Saskatchewan Energy and Mines prior to commencement of water injec­tion and subsequent to any modification to such installations.

2 The wellhead injection pressure shall be limit­ed to a maximum of 21 000 kPa.

3 Annual progress reports shall be submitted to the Engineering Services Branch of Saskatchewan Energy and Mines.

4 The injection of water shall not commence until the project area has been unitized.

Dated at Regina, Sask., August 14, 1992.

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MRO 253/92 PB 21. Pmsuant to section 17 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, the following area is designated and identified as an oil and gas pool named the "Macoun Winnipegosis Pool", effective September 1, 1992.

Lands West of the Second Meridian:

In Township 4, in Range 8: the south-east and south-west quarters of Section 19.

In Township 4, in Range 9: the north-east quart­er of Section 12, the south-east, north-west and north-east quarters of Section 13, the north-east quarter of Section 14, the south-east and north-east quarters of Section 23, Section 24, and the south­west quarter of Section 25.

Dated at Regina, Sask., August 14, 1992.

MRO 254/92 PO 26. Pursuant to section 17 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, the following provisions shall apply to the drilling of and the production of oil and gas from vertical oil wells in the Macoun Winnipegosis Pool effective Septem­ber 1, 1992.

1 The drainage unit shall be comprised of four legal subdivisions in a Section grouped as follows:

Legal subdivisions 1, 2, 7 and 8; 3, 4, 5 and 6; 9, 10, 15 and 16; 11, 12, 13 and 14.

2 Within a drainage unit, the sides of the tar­get area shall be 100 m from and parallel to the corresponding sides of the drainage unit.

3 If a well is not completed within the target area, the minister may reduce the area used as a factor in determining the maximum allowable rate of production.

Dated at Regina, Sask., August 14, 1992.


MRO 255/92. Pursuant to section 17 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, MRO 199/92, dated July 2, 1992, is rescinded and the following provisions shall apply to the drilling of and production of oil and gas from vertical oil wells drilled into and com­pleted in the Winnipegosis Formation underlying the following lands, effective September 1, 1992:

Lands West of the Second Meridian:

In Township 4, in Range 8: Section 18, the north­west and north-east quarters of Section 19, Sec­tions 20, 21, 29, the south-east, north-west and north-east quarters of Section 30, Sections 31 and 32.

In Township 4, in Range 9: Sections 2, 10, 11, the south-east, south-west and north-west quart­ers of Section 12, the south-west quarter of Sec­tion 13, the south-east, south-west and north-west quarters of Section 14, Sections 15, 16, 21, 22, the south-west and north-west quarters of Section 23, the south-east, north-west and north-east quart­ers of Section 25, Sections 26 and 27.

1 The drainage unit shall be comprised of four legal subdivisions in a Section grouped as follows:

Legal subdivisions 1, 2, 7 and 8; 3, 4, 5 and 6; 9, 10, 15 and 16; 11, 12, 13 and 14.

2 Within a drainage unit the sides of the tar­get area shall be lOOm from and parallel to the corresponding sides of the drainage unit.

3 If a well is not completed within the target area, the minister may reduce the area used as a

factor in determining the maximum allowable rate of production.

Dated at Regina, Sask., August 14, 1992.



MRO 257/92. The application submitted by Wil­liston Wildcatter Corporation to modify the horizontal well project approved for the Hastings Frobisher Beds Pool is approved pursuant to sec­tion 17.1 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act. Per­mission is granted to drill the horizontal section to a maximum length of 540 m rather than 300 m in accordance with plans and specifications filed with Saskatchewan Energy and Mines as Docu­ment No. H.W. 117 and subject to the provision under which the initial project was approved, as specified in Minister's Order MRO 13/92 dated January 21, 1992.

Dated at Regina, Sask., August 18, 1992.

Bruce W. Wilson, Executive Director, Petroleum and Natural Gas Division,

Saskatchewan Energy and Mines


The Planning and Development Act, 1983



Pursuant to the authority vested in me by The Planning and Development Act, 1983, notice is hereby given of Ministerial Approval of the afore­mentioned bylaw.

The amendment concerns a change to the future land use map redesignating a portion of land from Recreation and Parks use to Residential use.

Dated at Regina, Sask., July 28, 1992.

R. Styles,for F. Bogdasavich, Deputy Minister Saskatchewan Community Services.

Pursuant to subsection 48(2) f The Planning and Development Act, 1983, public notice is hereby given that the Minister of Rural Development has approved the following Basic Planning Statement bylaw:

R.M. of Moose Creek No. 33

Basic Planning Statement Bylaw No. 54-91; Zon­ing Bylaw No. 55-91.

The purpose of the Basic Planning Statement is to enable Council of the R.M. of Moose Creek No. 33 to establish development planning objectives and policies to better manage development within the municipality.

Dated at Regina, Sask., August 14, 1992.

L. Talbot,for Bill Reader,

Deputy Minister, Saskatchewan Rural Development.




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AUGUST 28, 1992 1089


The Business Corporations Act

CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION Name: CRC-Evans Rehabilitation Systems, Inc.

Date of Registration: August 4, 1992

Incorporating Jurisdiction: DE

Head or Registered Office: 13502 Almeda School Rd., Houstin, TX

Main Type of Business: hydrocleaning rental equipment - line travel plural component coating system for pipelines

Name: Grengs Trucking, Inc.

Date of Registration: July 30, 1992

Incorporating Jurisdiction: ND

Head or Registered Office: R.R. 2, Box 54, Mohall, ND

Main Type of Business: trucking

Name: Mohawk Transportation, Inc.

Date of Registration: July 29, 1992

Incorporating Jurisdiction: OR

Head or Registered Office: 7315 NE 37th Ave., Vancouver, WA

Main Type of Business: truck transportation

Name: Nicholls-Radtke Ltd.

Date of Registration: August 4, 1992

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ont.

Head or Registered Office: 150 Sheldon Dr., Box 2246, Cambridge, Ont.

Main Type of Business: industrial contractors

Name: Summit Securities Limited

Date of Registration: July 19, 1992

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Man.

Head or Registered Office: 600-330 St. Mary Ave., Winnipeg, Man.

Main Type of Business: investment

Name: Wood Gundy Financial Services Inc.

Date of Registration: July 29, 1992

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Ont.

Head or Registered Office: 700-161 Bay St., Toronto, Ont.

Main Type of Business: life insurance agent


Name: Henry Graham Pharmacy Ltd.

Date of Amendment: July 28, 1992

Nature of Amendment: changed name to H & M Graham Holdings Ltd.

Name: Tag Consulting Inc.

Date of Amendment: July 27, 1992

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Tag Consulting Ltd.

Name: Tourama Tours Ltd.

Date of Amendment: August 11, 1992

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Tourquest Tourama Ltd.

Name: Triple P and P Carpet Care Ltd.

Date of Amendment: July 28, 1992

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Triple P and P Janitorial and Carpet Care Ltd.

Name: 589483 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: August 7, 1992

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Printwest Communications Ltd.

Name: 599501 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: July 17, 2992

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Bone Creek Cattle Company Ltd.

Name: 599785 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: July 24, 1992

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Pharmac Holdings Ltd.

Name: 600011 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: July 13, 1992

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Dent-Pro Ltd.

Name: 600636 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: July 27, 1992

Nature of Amendment: changed name to P.A. Submarine & Cafe Ltd.

Name: 600422 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: July 27, 1992

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Transnational Business Development Corp.

Name: 600423 Saskatchewan Ltd.

Date of Amendment: July 27, 1992

Nature of Amendment: changed name to Cedar Creek Cattle Co. Inc.


Name: 9641 Yukon Ltd.

Incorporating Jurisdiction: Yukon

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Date of Amendment in Incorporating Name: Jurisdiction: Jurisdiction: May 28, 1992 A V S Audio Video Systems

Nature of Amendment: amalgamated into Regina Ltd. Sask. Garman Routing Systems, Inc. A. J. Grocery & Confectionary

Ltd. Sask.

CERTIFICATES OF DISCONTINUANCE Academy Drywall Ltd. Sask. Accent Florist Ltd. Sask.

Name: Janzen Estate Planning Ltd. Ace Backhoe Ltd. Sask. Date of Continuance in New Jurisdiction: Ace Roofing Ltd. Sask.

July 17, 1992 New Jurisdiction: Man.

Acme Transfer and Storage Limited N.S.

Adam & Bob Holdings Ltd. Sask.

Name: Nutcracker Holdings Ltd. Al-M Marketing Ltd. Sask.

Date of Continuance in New Jurisdiction: All-Ren Construction Ltd. Sask. July 8, 1992 Allstar Clgs & Walls Ltd. Sask.

New Jurisdiction: Alta. Amatola Restorations Ltd. Alta. AMCD and Associates Inc. Sask.


Name: Neoteric Systems Inc. Associated Funeral Homes Ltd. Sask. Attack Oil Corporation Alta.

Date of Dissolution: July 27, 1992 Badger Hill Farms Ltd. Sask. Benz Equities Ltd. B.C.

CORPORATIONS RESTORED Berkeley Holdings Ltd. Sask.TO THE REGISTER (1992) Bevan Investments Ltd. Sask.

Incorp. Date of Big R Trucking Ltd. Sask.

JName: Juris.: Restoral Birch Portage Forest Products Abacus Accounting Ltd. Sask.

& Income Tax Blue Line Arenas Inc. Sask. Services Inc. Sask. July 23 Blue Stack Trucking Ltd. Sask.

IB & Y Holdings Ltd. Sask. July 24 Bovee Farm Centre Inc. Sask. Distributions Boyles Bros. Drilling Company Utah

Multi-Pro Inc. Canada July 24 Edwards Trucking

Briton Financial Group Ltd. Sask.

and Welding Ltd. Alta. July 23 Buffet Emporium Inc. Sask.

JMunchinsky & C.B.S. Building Products Ltd. Sask. Associates Inc. Sask. July 23 Calana Resources Ltd. Alta.

Smith International Callow Holdings Ltd. Sask. Canada, Ltd. Alta. July 23 Canada Caisson Company, Ltd. Sask.

Summit Sales Ltd. Sask. July 23 Canadian Geological DrillingLtd. Alta.

CORPORATIONS STRUCK OFF THE Car Source Leasing Systems Inc. Canada

REGISTER PURSUANT TO CLAUSE 290(1Xa) Carlton Trail Motors Ltd. Sask.

(July 30, 1992) Cencor Electrical Systems Ltd. Alta.

Name: Jurisdiction: City & Country Holdings Ltd. Sask.

176665 Canada Limited Canada Commonwealth Investment Fund

1st Provincial Development Fund Inc. Sask.

Ltd. Sask. Community Discount Boards

573373 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. (Saskatoon) Inc. Sask.

581767 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Consolidated Transactions Inc. Canada Creativeworks The Desk Top

589688 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Specialists Inc. Sask. 589768 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Cushman Cartage & Float Inc. Ont. 589788 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. D & E Developments Ltd. Sask. 593225 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. D. G. Haircutters Inc. Sask. 593309 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. D. M. Munro Real Estate593339 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Associates Ltd. Sask. 593407 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. D.C. Heat Exchangers Ltd. Sask. 596473 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. D.R.B. McDonald Holding596476 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Corporation Sask.

j596493 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Dalyn Enterprises Ltd. Sask.

596626 Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask. Dar-Ken Holdings Ltd. Sask.

7 Plus Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Deertrail Farms Inc. Sask.


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AUGUST 28, 1992 1091

Name: Jurisdiction: Name: Jurisdiction:

Dependable Yard Care Ltd. Sask. Koehler Holdings (1977) Ltd. Sask.

Diamond Holdings Ltd. Sask. L & M Gazdewich Trucking Ltd. Man.

Discovery Plaza Ltd. Sask. L & V Bulk Services Ltd. Sask.

Double C Trucking Inc. Alta. L.D.R. Data Group Business

DSN Motor Inn Ltd. Sask. Consulting Ltd. Sask.

Eiswerth Enterprises Limited Sask. L.P. Holdings Inc. Sask.

Elmer's Service Limited Sask. Ledonda Enterprises Inc. Sask.

Emmaus Road Holdings Ltd. Sask. Les Demenagements Trans-Quebec Inc./Trans-Quebec

Exchange Holdings Ltd. Sask. Mouing Inc. Que. Expedited Light Freight Services

Alta. Little Big Horn Cattle

Inc. Corporation Sask. Extracare Corporation Canada LKF Enterprises Inc. Sask. Fairway Rentals Ltd. B.C. LTK Holdings Ltd. Sask. Famous Kitchens Ltd. Sask. Luck Key Plan Inc. Sask. FC Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Lynchuk Aviation Inc. Sask. Fettis Transport Limited Sask. M & D Grocery Ltd. Sask. Fire & Safety Wholesale House M & L Thompson Ente,prises

Ltd. Alta. Inc. Sask. First Footing Inc. Sask. M & N Management Inc. Sask. Fort Pitt Trucking Ltd. Sask. M. H. Transport Ltd. Alta. Forte Hotels International, Inc. CA M. L. Rollack Holdings Ltd. Sask.

Freedom Holdings Ltd. Sask. M.H. Gold Ent. Inc. Sask.

Future Resources Inc. Sask. MacKinnon Transport Ltd. Ont.

G & C Holdings Co. Ltd. Sask. Magoo's Sales & Lease Inc. Sask.

G. & J. Ventures Ltd. Sask. Marathon Construction (Alberta)

GCR Development Company Ltd. Sask. Ltd. Alta.

1Geneco Manufacturing Ltd. Sask. Maritime Warehousing &

Geodata Systems Ltd. Sask. Transfer Co. Limited N.S.

Gisele Enterprises Ltd. Sask. May We Investments Ltd. Sask.

Good Time Investments Ltd. Sask. McAuley Sawmill Lumber

Sask. Company Ltd. Group Shareholders of Oxbow

Sask. McLean Holdings Inc. Sask.

Inc. Megao Pedigree Products Ltd. Sask.

H. A. F. Holdings Ltd. Alta. Mesa Computer Data

H. Osowsky Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Management Ltd. Sask. H.R. Pederson Consulting Ltd. Alta. Midwest Yogurt Gardens Ltd. Sask. Hale Optical (Regina) Ltd. B.C. MM Muffier Ltd. Sask. Harbor Holdings Ltd. Sask. Mobile Tech Co,p. Alta. Harbor Resort Rentals Inc. Sask. Marco Sales International Inc. Sask. Hawkwood Developments Corp. Sask. Mo,pheus International Heartwood Industries Ltd. Sask. Investments Ltd. Sask.

Henschel Holdings Incorporated Sask. Mowery Metal Services Ltd. Sask.

Hess Transport Ltd. Sask. Multinational Resources Inc. B.C.

High Arctic MarketingAlta.

Nancy McLean's Corporate Corporation Ltd. Strategy Group Ltd. Sask.

Hollywood Flare Jewelry Inc. Sask. Neudorf Ente,prises Ltd. Sask.

Imperial Aviation Ltd. Sask. New Century Air Canada Inc. Canada

Intercon Small Business New Venture Marketing Co. Ltd. Sask. Ventures Ltd. Sask. Nodwell Sports & Farm

!TA Holdings Inc. Sask. Equipment Ld. Sask.

J. B. Homes Construction Co. Noel Holdings Ltd. Sask. Ltd. Sask. Northwind Enterprises Ltd. Sask.

J.E.J. Investments Ltd. Sask. O.E.M. Ente,prises Ltd. Alta. J.S. T. Holdings Ltd. Sask. Oberkirsch Holdings Ltd. Sask. Jade Investment Corp. Sask. Omega Security Services Inc. Sask. Jaylynne Fabrics & Crafts Inc. Sask. Overhead Door Company of JRT Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Saskatchewan Ltd. Sask.

Ju-Lene Enterprises Inc. Sask. P. Schatz & Associates Inc. Sask.

Kada Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Palisade Restaurant Ltd. Sask.

Kenray General Contractors Ltd. Sask. Pellerin Trucking Ltd. Sask.

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Name: Jurisdiction: Name: Jurisdiction:

Perley Holdings Ltd. Sask. The Winnipeg Western Land

Pigott Construction Limited Ont. Corporation Limited Canada

Pilot Butte Trenching Ltd. Sask. Tiger Calcium Inc. Alta.

Pioneer Cabs Inc. Alta. Tirado Enterprises Ltd. Sask.

Playland Holdings Ltd. Sask. Tom Clelland Investments Ltd. Sask.

Prairie Dynamics Inc. Sask. Tony Chow Pharmacy Ltd. Sask.

Premay Sales and Rentals Ltd. Alta. Trend Contract Marketing Ltd. Sask.

Prestige Autobody Ltd. Sask. Triangle Homes Ld. B.C.

Prime Concepts Groups Inc. Sask. Triple "H" Trailer Parts Ltd. Canada

Pro Trucking, Inc. MN Triple R Enterprises Inc. Sask.

Prospero International Fund Turnbull Trucking Inc. Sask.

Management Co. Tyco Enterprises Ltd. Sask.

(Saskatchewan) Ltd. Canada United Office Systems Ltd. Sask.

Quinn Investments Inc. Sask. V.l.P. Stage & Lighting Ltd. Sask.

R. P. Holdings Ltd. Sask. Vale Amusements Incorporated Sask.

R. Slater Excavating Ltd. Sask. Waterbury Springs Inc. Sask.

R.J.M. Holdings Ltd. Sask. Wayne Temple Building

Rainguard Eavestroughing Materials Ltd. Canada

(Southern) Ltd. Sask. West Central Press Ltd. Sask.

Rainmaker Productions Ltd. Sask. Westnofa of Canada (1979)

Randar Holdings Ltd. Sask. Limited Canada

Red Deer Silica Inc. Canada Yorga Auto Inc. Sask.

Regina Sports Card and Supply Zephyr Trucking Ltd. Sask.

Shop Ltd. Sask.

J Rendek Holding Corp. Sask. P. J. Flory, Riccar Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Director. Riverside Cheese and Butter Inc. Ont.

Roughrider Drilling Ltd. Sask.

]Rural Satellite Television The Business Names Registration Act Corporation Sask.

Rutherford & Rutherford CANCELLATION

Investigations Ltd. Sask.

Samas Family Restaurant Ltd. Sask. Name: Diamond G Pest Control

JSapphire Resources Ltd. Alta. Date of Cancellation: August 11, 1992

SEW Enterprises Ltd. Sask. Place of Business: Regina

Seaside Enterprises Ltd. Sask.

Smoore Enterprises Ltd. Alta. P. J. Flory, South West Sound Ltd. Sask. Registrar.

Southwest Venture Capital Corporation Sask.

Stampede Hotel Ltd. Sask. PUBLIC NOTICES Star-Lite Electric & Contracting

Ltd. Sask.

Starlite Realty Co. Ltd. Sask. The Change of Name Act

Steamatic of Saskatoon Ltd. Sask.

Sun West Holdings Ltd. Sask. REGISTRATIONS OF CHANGE OF NAME Sunset Building Maintenance The following changes of name are hereby

(1989) Ltd. Alta. registered under the provisions of The Change of Superior Auto and Transmission Name Act.

uLtd. Sask. Former Name: Josephina BUCHACKI

T-Bar-T Holdings Ltd. Sask. Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan TCC Farm Services Ltd. Sask. Name Changed To: Joyce Elizabeth BUCHASKI The Armwood Corporation, Dated: August 18, 1992.

Distributors of Windows &Doors Canada

The Indian Management Services l.M.S. Corporation Sask.

The Travelling Gourmet Foods Former Name: Janette Rita GOERTZ

Inc. Sask. Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

JThe Watt Shop Cellular (Regina) Name Changed To: Janet Rita GORDON

Ltd. Sask. Dated: August 18, 1992.

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AUGUST 28, 1992 1093

Former Name: Kim Colleen JAKES

Address: Nipawin, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Kim Colleen GRIFFITH

Dated: August 17, 1992.

Former Name: Lana Paulette KOSOK

Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Lana Paulette WILSON

Name of Child:

Former Name: Monika Amalia KOSOK

Name Changed To: Amanda Rose WILSON

Dated: August 20, 1992.

Former Name: Stylianos MOUNGOS

Address: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Stelios VENOS

Dated: August 17, 1992.

Age 15 yrs.

Former Name: Shirley Kathleen NAGY

Address: Regina, Saskatchewan

Name Changed To: Shirley Kathleen SHINSKE

Name of Child:

Former Name: Megan Dawn NAGY

Name Changed To: Megan Dawn SHINSKE

Dated: August 18, 1992.

Given under my hand at Regina.

Age 15 yrs.

Wilmer Berg, Director of Vital Statistics.

The Gara.qe Keepers Act

[ section 14]

Notice is hereby given that J & S Motors Ltd., carrying on business in Saskatoon, Sask., will sell by public auction, pursuant to The Garage Keep­ers Act, the following described vehicle:

One 1981 Jaguar-XJ12, serial no. SAJBL1844BC324245, owned by Don Daschuk, Box 1146, Prince Albert, Sask.

The auction will occur September 19, 1992, 10:30 a.m., at Yellowhead Auctions, Saskatoon. Auc­tioneer: Ed Loopkey, Provincial Licence No. 499.

J & S Motors Ltd., 710 Circle Dr.,

Saskatoon, Sask.

Highway Traffic Board


1 The Highway Traffic Board gives notice of receipt of the following applications.

2 Any party wishing to oppose an application must complete and file a Statement of Objection on or before September 21, 1992. Please reference the file number when filing opposition.

3 Where opposition is filed, a public hearing will be scheduled within 28 days of the due date. All parties will be expected to be available. Any requests for adjournments will need to be filed with the Board.

4 Where a hearing is scheduled, applicants will be required to demonstrate that there is a demand or a need for the service by users or the public. Objectors will be required to demonstrate public detriment and why the service is not needed or would not benefit the public interest.

Any interested party may contact the Board at (306) 787-4040 to obtain information respectinghearing dates and locations.

Barry B. Weafer, Board Secretary.


Address: 2 Murray Pl., Saskatoon, Sask. S7L 6R3

File: B/92/310

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - Hospital equipment and hospital supplies

Origin - Saskatoon

Destination - Saskatoon

Conditions - Nil

Commodity - Cadavers

Origin - Saskatoon

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - Nil

Commodity Description - Courier Commodities

Origin - Saskatoon

Destination - Saskatoon

Conditions - Nil

"Courier Services" means the transportation of:

(i) audit media, accounting records, insurance policies, sales media, magnetic tapes, used punch-cards, data processing documents and business records;

(ii) exposed and processed films, prints, com­plimentary replacement films and related supplies;

(iii) advertising materials and samples,proofs, dies, plates, cuts, engravings, stamps, mats, copies and film and related supplies;

(iv) engineering tracings, prints, specifica­tions, calculations, designs, electronic parts and components, engineering samples and related documents;

(v) biopsy tissue and specimens and laborato­ry, medical, veterinarian, dental and hospital samples and supplies and related documents;

(vi) optical supplies and ophthalmic goods,including eye-glass frames and lenses;

(vii) critical replacement parts and criticalmaterials in movement that are needed for immediate use and are not for storage or ware­housing;

(viii) radio pharmaceuticals, nuclear medi­cines, radioactive tracers and measuring equipment;

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(ix) video tape, motion picture film and equip­ment related to the showing of such tape and film; or

(x) dry goods samples and fabric samples;

The following conditions apply to Item (i) to (x)inclusive:

(a) goods are transported only in two-axlevehicles;

(b) goods are delivered on the first business dayfollowing the day they were collected;

(c) goods are collected at the address of the ship­per and delivered to the address of the consignee;

(d) no more than one shipment of those goods isaccepted per consignee address from a shipper on each trip;

(e) no shipment of those goods accepted exceeds 25 kg;

(f) all shipments are labelled in a manner which describes the contents;

(g) all vehicles report to weigh scales whenweigh scales are open;

(h) the vehicles operated under this item of oper­ating authority display identification on each side of the vehicles showing:

(i) in clear and easily read letters that are notless than 5 cm in height, the name and address of the holder of the certificate of registration for that vehicle; or,

(ii) in a clear manner not less than 15 cm inheight, the registered trade mark of the holder of the certificate of registration for that vehicle; or,

(iii) any lettering or logo that is approved bythe Board.


Address: 706 Toronto St., Regina, Sask. S4P 8Ll

File: B/92/315

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - Goods

Origin - North Portal, Sask.

Destination - Points in Sask.

Conditions - Goods originating at or destined to the facilities of Unicity Customs Brokers Ltd.


Address: 706 Toronto St., Regina, Sask. S4P 8Ll

File: B/92/363

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - Goods

Origin - Points in Sask.

Destination - Points in Sask.

Conditions - Goods owned by or originating at or destined to the facilities of Majestic Paper Ltd.


Address: 706 Toronto St., Regina, Sask. S4P 8Ll

File: B/92/375

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - Goods

Origin - Points in Sask.

Destination - Points in Sask.

Conditions - Goods originating at or destined to the facilities of Percy H. Davis Ltd.


The Highway Traffic Board hereby gives notice of its intent to grant the following applications.

Any party wishing to oppose the application must complete and file a Statement of Objection on or before September 21, 1992. Please reference the file number when filing opposition.

Objectors must file a valid written objection providing evidence on one or more of the follow­ing criteria that grating an application will adversely impact on the users of transportation services, hinder economic or social development or impede national or international commerce:

(a) adverse impact on the stability of the trucking industry as demonstrated by a reduc­tion in service availability, in transport choices/options or in dependability of service;

(b) the applicant is unfit, unwilling or unableto provide the intended service;

(c) undue reduction in competition;

(d) market concentration or dominance;

(e) discrimination in the areas of price, serv-ice, capacity;

(f) detriment to the consumer;

(g) net employment impacts;

(h) adverse effect on the respondent;

(i) any public policy considerations declaredby government.

A decision whether to hold a public hearing will be based on a review of written Statements of Objection. As this decision will be made on the strength of the material received, please ensure all relevant information is included in the submis­sion. Where necessary, attach exhibits and sup­porting documents.

Where the Board decides a valid objection has been made by the Objector(s), a public hearing will be scheduled.

If a public hearing is scheduled, all hearing par­ticipants will be advised of the hearing date.

Any interested party may telephone the Board at 787-4040 for further information.

Barry B. Weafer, Board Secretary.


Address: Box 1552, Brooks, Alta. TlR 1C4

File: B/92/260

Application: For an Operating Authority Certifi­cate as follows:


Commodity Description - General merchandise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa



Page 15: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The Saskatchewan Gazette · 2019-01-16 · Quill Lakes Debra Tokarski 876/91 Box 622, Watson, SOK 4VO Redberry Eileen Agnes Dobson 163/91 Box 29, Leask,


AUGUST 28, 1992 1095

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time


Address: Box 1626, El Cajon, CA 92020

File: B/92/277

Application: For an Operating Authority Certifi­cate as follows:


Commodity Description - General merchandise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - International traffic only


Address: 2241 34th Ave. N., Cranbrook, B.C. VlC 3Zl

File: B/92/287

Application: For an Operating Authority Certifi­cate as follows:


Commodity Description - General merchandise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time

Commodity Description - Recreational trailers and mobile home

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - Nil

"Recreational Trailers and Mobile Homes" -utility recreational trailers; utility recreational trailers for boats; utility recreational trailers for snowmobiles; mobile home parts, accessories and assemblies; mobile homes; holiday travel trailers; camping trailers, campers (pull-type); tent trail­ers; truck campers, pick-up campers; canopy tops for campers; recreational trailer parts, accessories and assemblies.

Applicant: MAILER, DAVIE JR.

Address: Box 1268, Didsbury, Alta. TOM OWO

File: B/92/295

Application: For an Operating Authority Certifi­cate as follows:


Commodity Description - General merchandise

Origin - Points in Sask.

Destination - All boundaries and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time


Address: 3108 Central Dr., Plant City, FL 33567

File: B/92/294

Application: For an Operating Authority Certifi­cate as follows:


Commodity Description - Bulk Commodities

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - International traffic only

"Bulk Commodities" are defined as commodities, while being transported in, by or on a vehicle, are not packaged, encased, bagged or containerized in any other fashion during transportation except by the exterior walls of the transporting vehicle.

Applicant: Trinity Western Holdings Inc.

Address: 212 Stanley Ave., Okotoks, Alta. TOL 1T3

File: B/92/298

Application: For an Operating Authority Certifi­cate as follows:


Commodity Description - General merchandise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time


Address: R.R. 2, Breslau, Ont. NOB lMO

File: B/92/302

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - General merchandise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignors' goods at any one time


Address: R.R. 1, Ayr, Ont. NOB lEO

File: B/92/304

Application: For an Operating Authority Certifi­cate as follows:


Commodity Description - General merchandise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than three shippers' and three consignees' goods at any one time


Address: Box 263, Oak Bluff, Man. ROG lNO

File: B/92/325

Application: For an amendment to its Operat­ing Authority Certificate to include the following:


Commodity Description - General merchandise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time

Page 16: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The Saskatchewan Gazette · 2019-01-16 · Quill Lakes Debra Tokarski 876/91 Box 622, Watson, SOK 4VO Redberry Eileen Agnes Dobson 163/91 Box 29, Leask,



Address: Box 118, Avonlea, Sask. SOH OCO

File: B/92/328

Application: For an Operating Authority Certifi­cate as follows:


Commodity Description - General merchandise

Origin - All boundaries

Destination - Points in Sask. and vice versa

Conditions - No more than four shippers' and four consignees' goods at any one time

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act


All persons intending to purchase Saskatchewan crude oil during the month of October, 1992 will be required to file a nomination with Saskatche­wan Energy and Mines on or before September 14, 1992.

Copies of the information form may be obtained from Saskatchewan Energy and Mines.

Dated at Regina, Sask., August 21, 1992.


The Department of Energy and Mines has received an application from Allheart Resources Inc., requesting 8 hectare (20 acre) well spacing and allowables for the following area:

Section 36, in Township 32, in Range 23, West of the Third Meridian and Section 2, in Township 33, in Range 23, West of the Third Meridian.

Any objections to this application, complete with supporting technical data, received in writing by the Department on or before September 18, 1992 will be considered. A copy of the objection must be sent to the applicant.

Copies of the application may be obtained from Mr. Bill Dickson, Allheart Resources Inc., 301-600 6th Ave. S.W., Calgary, Alta. T2P 085, by persons directly affected.

Dated at Regina, Sask., August 24, 1992.

Bruce W. Wilson, Executive Diretor, Petroleum and Natural Gas Division,

Saskatchewan Energy and Mines.

The Tax Enforcement Act


Village of Leask:

Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforce­ment Act that unless the arrears and costs appear­ing opposite the land described in the following list are fully paid before October 28, 1992, a tax lien will be registered against the land.

Note: A sum of $4 for costs is included in the amount shown against each parcel except in those cases where the description of the parcel is by metes and bounds and in such cases a sum of $4 per parcel for costs is included.

Description of Lot

Plan 83969 Most northerly 18 ft. of

Arrears & Costs Blk. $ ¢

lot 20 .................................. 1 ..................... 66.55 Plan BD 1297

E Y, of lot 1 ............................ 8 ................... 211.10 Plan 83969

8 ............................................. 1 ................... 731.26 21 ........................................... 1 ................ 1,051.17 22 ........................................... 1 ................... 176.93 23 ........................................... 1 ................ 1,755.30 6 ............................................. 2 ................ 2,288.81 16 ........................................... 3 ................... 210.04 21 ........................................... 3 ..................... 38.52 10 ........................................... 4 ................... 691.63

Plan 61PA07046 7 ............................................. 8 ................ 1,225.49 8 ............................................. 8 ..................... 39.57

Plan CS1025 13 ........................................... 20 ................. 244.10

Dated at Leask, August 28, 1992.

Rick Poole, Administrator.




The Rules of the Legislature with regard to the time for filing Petitions and Private Bills with the Clerk and other matters relating thereto can be obtained at any time by those interested, on application to:

Gwenn Ronyk, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.

Room 239, Legislative Building, Regina, Sask. 848 OB3


All material for publication in The Saskatche­wan Gazette must be in the Office of the Queen's Printer, Saskatchewan Justice, 8th Floor, 1874 Scarth Street, Regina, Sask. 84P 3V7 Tel. (306) 787-6896, by noon on the Friday previous to theweek of publication. If a holiday occurs within the week of publication, the deadline is set back to noon of the previous Thursday. At least one full week should be allowed for mail delivery.

Each document must be complete in the form required for publication and must be separate from the covering letter. Signatures on all documents must be typewritten or clearly printed immediately below the wl'it­ten signature. Publication of any material will be delayed if received late.

Prepayment is required for ALL advertising placed in The Saskatchewan Gazette by non­government advertisers. Cheques or money 01·ders must be made payable to the Minister of Finance. Please include the GST in addition to regular charges at the rate of 7% each for those items listed below under "GST Pay­able". Any order not including the GST will not be filed.




Page 17: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The Saskatchewan Gazette · 2019-01-16 · Quill Lakes Debra Tokarski 876/91 Box 622, Watson, SOK 4VO Redberry Eileen Agnes Dobson 163/91 Box 29, Leask,


AUGUST 28, 1992 1097

The minimum charge for publication of notices not specified below shall be $16.00 for each notice, which sum shall accompany the material when for­warded for publication.

The following are minimum rates for advertis­ing in The Saskatchewan Gazette:

GST Payable:

Notices in accordance with The Saskatchewan Insurance Act:

Two issues................................................. 35.00

Notices to Creditors in accordance with The Bulk Sales Act:

One issue .. .. . . ...... .. . ....... .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. .... . ... . . 17 .50

Notice of Intention to Apply for a Private Bill:

Two issues.............................................. 40.00

Notice of Sale of Unclaimed Shipments: One issue ............................................... 17.50

Notices in accordance with The Tax Enforcement Act:

Five parcels or less, for a minimum charge of................................................... 20.00

Additional parcels are 75¢ each, $3.50 for each metes and bounds description.

GST Exempt:

Notices in accordance with The Garage Keepers Act:

One issue ............................................... 20.00

Notices re Assessment Rolls (Municipal):

One issue ............................................... 20.00

One copy of your submission as it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette is mailed to govern­ment advertisers who are invoiced. With prepay­ment, a copy of your submission is available on request from Office of the Queen's Printer.

Per annum subscription rate to The Saskatche­wan Gazette:

Payable in advance ............................... $123.05 includes 7% ($8.05) GST

Single issues.......................................... 4.28 includes 7% ($0.28) GST

Page 18: (REGULATIONS OF SASKATCHEWAN) The Saskatchewan Gazette · 2019-01-16 · Quill Lakes Debra Tokarski 876/91 Box 622, Watson, SOK 4VO Redberry Eileen Agnes Dobson 163/91 Box 29, Leask,




